OIBMmi HifWPilillWpwuiiiiiiiinw'i u" imj!mSmSSSvSm IWJIWHWtKil pvmWV'" rrfMj.WrTrnw,f; "V pjw kwiu 'SJfV iNAL i tmtinn FlnAL vol-, n. NO. 173 PHILADELPHIA, iMOXDAV, APHIL J), 101(5. ("orrrmnT, 1010, pi Tin rcLio Lidokb Commni. FBIOB ONE OJ35NT TAYLOR TRANSIT PLA TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORES ATHLETICS YANSO 02033000-8 12 1 MARYVILL-E COL.O Q20000U0 2 R2 Kicl.rttdson and Murphy: Lame and C.trvtr. ATIIT.STICS-CHAIILESTON Postponed r.itn. COLUNGSWOOD OOOOOOOOO O OP. EPISCOPAL ..OQOO1OO0.X 1 4 Jt(Cnll ii ml Hamilton; MUicr nnd Campbell. CAMDEN It. JKS. 7 2 10 10 0 11 12 0 CAMDEN H. Eresh.O OOOOIO -1 20 PENNA ..2 03004 -9114 PENN B .200000 2 63 AMHERST 1 0 3 0 2 LAFAYETTE O 2 0 0 0 -' . f. '.n .i ,ti"l r ; I" in .in t ix.i'l UfiiluLilLr. JL. V JSLA. J' IN FINANCE COMMI r iv i K, " ! 11 i Ti'" r-TTTrri inniri uiii . . in i. .f . . i 1 1 1. 1 1 ii iiii.l i i ....i a i i . i ' ' " i tiii i . i i i i r - i - - - -- - - - i " " " ' ' '" "' "" '"in mih iWJIMWJIgMniMaWBWMMUIJWWMWBi " ... !.- .. -.. m wuMMWiiwiwiiiwiimi Bl- SELECT COUNCILMAN SEGER INTRODUCES AMENDMENT TO CARRY OUT TAYLOR TRANSIT RLAN Scene at the mcctinp: of Councils' Finnnco Committee this afternoon when Charles Soger, chairman of the subcommittee, proposed hi nmomlmcnt niwnis "i).ono,0(lO to cairy out Taylor r" plan in full Left to right in foreground are Councilmen Soger (standing), Crawford, Conn, Dr. W. Ii. Glcnson, and foinioi Dnei-tor Cooke. VILLA'S LOST, PE ADVISES CEDE Outlaw Leader Escapes Net of Combined Pursuers , , ISECOND CLASH RUMORED SAN ANTONIO. Tex., April 3. A dispatch this afternoon from General Pershing confirms the report that Villa had succeeded in escaping. Gen eral Pershing's dispatch to General Funston also stated that the where abouts or the bandit was unknown. SAN ANTONIO, Tex.. April 3. Unofficial dispatches received todny stated that Brigadier General Per shing's caalr had again been in contact with the fleeing Villista bandits in Mexico. The reports were not confirmed. The advices did not give the location of the fight. Fresh American tioops havo been rushed to the south in Mexico to aid in the hunt for Paucho Villa. In fantry icinfoicements have loft the base at Colonia Dubinin General Funston believes that the bandit leader lins slipped the noose and is fleeing among the hills of Guerrero. To facilitate the search, Ciintlniiril mi 1'une I'lir, Colli inn (Inn A THE WEATHER The KvKNiNfJ l.KPcinii printH, today, n8 part of Itu weather news, the forecast for the whole of the anient week based on jibw discoveries) In solar plijslcs, mudo by IVtllla Li. Jloorc. professor of meteorology nt the George Wusliingtuii University, and former chief of the United .States) Weather Bureau, who, work'nis In conjunction with f, V. CarotheiH, d rector of tlin-Cui others Observatory at Houston, Te , Unuea regulaily a bulletin BlUng the recutita of their observations with regaid to weather conditions, 1'iofessor Moure and Ills as sociate )iao accomplished some notable results, and hae been able to forecast the weather for two weeks in advance with reinaikablo accuracy in most In 1 stances, and the Evknimi r.fcUOEji, as a matter of ecjeiitlflo Interest, and without assuming responsibility for the accuracy of tiese forecasts, prints them for public Information. WEATHER FORECAST Pased oil a new dliioicru in Holar Physics by wii.lis i.. Moonn ind ' iv. v, vAitumtum Monday The week, will open fair, with fiwderatelu cool tcmpeiatures. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thuisday "Warmer tememluren Tueaday, with kiIii "Wednesday and Thursday in, advance of a cool, wave, which u due Thursday with cltarina weather, Friday and Satutday Thcie will be j central jrosts daily to the cud of the week, extending to the coasts for one or two days. GOVERNMENT FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicinity Cloudy and unsettled -with occasional rain tonight and Tuesday; continued fool; fresh easterly winds. I.OST AND FOUND J)OOJ Ilvri rl t"r UpuIoii bull 13lli ana AIntb ui rj I r ir i t i uhlie brruit. WDl m. :istou ' . r Jure toIUr. 114m l"at t I D1U5 P tlla Natiuuni -a . II rket with I llf I - rat ru "Hut Wc Should Worry," Song of the Villa Hunters WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN MEXICO, April !!. The "dough boys" have created their own "war" song. It 13 n parody on"Tippcrary," based on the long hikes between temporary camps, and goes like this: It i a lona hike to Irmpornru, It it a tuna ii nu to uo. It i a loua hlkt to Tnivaiurv. On the tvau to itttilt Vancho, tiooii hit fjrf fniiiiitniff, tarticclt Gibson's rciucJi. ( o oittf, tonp icfly to Temporary, tint (jmufpil w- aUnutfl worry! HIGH TAX RATE BUGABOO GETS DEATHBLOWS "Obstacle" to Financing of Taylor Plan Found Without Basis. MORE REVENUES CERTAIN City financiers of all the varying hhades of opinion 011 tiansit looked to another neck of discussion beginning today tt brim; forward nothing that woiikl ills lino tlie Inferences to bo made fiom Chairman fJaffney's stutcinent that ' the ta late has nothing to do with the loan bill" anil that an important Incicase In the tax late is Improbable. Tboso who aro for tho Talor plan ex pressed themselves today as confident that "the lucieafed ax rate bugaboo" would not only bo of no avail to Director Twin lug and the .Mayor In their fight against the comprehensive tiansit conitiuction piogiam, but that it would piovc moie of a boomerang to their arguments with every new revelation of ceitalu or virtu ally nssuicd iuci eases In city revenue that is made. In this connection they quoted as the most significant passage In ex-Director Taylor's statement the following: "l want to remind every one that no part of tho Intel est or sinking fund pay ments accruing on city bonds Issued for transit development will be payable out of current revenues by the city until one j ear after the facilities are actually In operation and earning rovenue. There fore, tho transit loan could have no effect whatever on the tax rate for four or five jeais in an) event, no matter what any one says." Study of tho Twining leport only made the more Impressive the criticism of Jlr. Ta)lor that "Mr. Twining has overlooked cutliuly In his report the fact that by es tablishing theso (transit) facilities aa pro vided the city should consider other off-' sets which It vvII get against the fixed charge" of getting these facilities It has become manifest that Twlnlmj's Idea of the Taylor plan only being possible on a basis of a higher tax rate almost entirely ignores the bources of income that the new lines themselves will provide. It was pointed out that the establish ment of the Market streetubvvay and ele vated produced higher property values in Continued an Tage l'iftern. Column Tour RAIN HALTS MACKS AT CHARLESTON, S.C. Today's Game Postponed An other Is Scheduled for To morrow Afternoon By CHANDLER D. IUCHTER CHARLESTON. 3. C, April 3. Rain prevented the first game of the series be tween the Athletics and Charleston, of the South Atlantic League, but Manager Mack refused to allow the weather to In terfere entirely with his training plans and oidered the pitchers and catchers to the ball park fur a work-out despite the driving rani The loss of a da)'s practice Is a great handuau to the Miukmen at this time as team was JUiv sinking us striae wneu acWfeouviilo Mack had been bop- brcau n weather eu route iJtwa SIX ZEPPELINS RAID SCOTLAND AND SLAY TEN 69 Killed, 177 Injured in Three Attacks on Brit ish Coasts CHJLL7REN lpy& DEAD LONDON, Api 11 - Tort persons were killed and It Injuied In last nlffht'H Zenpclln raid on the Scot tish coast, the AVnr Ofllec announced this aftcinnon. Though a Zeppelin tlnovv down 101 botnlit on the eastern counties of iJugland there were no casualties. Six airships took part In Hie raid Klf I) eight bimiln were dropped In Scotland Soveial lintels mid dwellings wcte dam aged, but no military damtigo was done. Three of the ten persons killed were ehlldreii Of the 11 injured, two were women anil foui children Tho total cas ualties in tho Friday, Saturday and Sun day night lalds on IJnglaud and Scotland, accoiding to official reports, aro 69 killed and ITT injured The Zeppelins nppioached tho coast In two Miua'Jroins. Tlnee airships dliectrd their course over Scotland. One raided the northeast pait of lmgland, dropping HT bombs Two others turned southward and Hew over eastern lountles. In point of territory visited, last night's laid was the most extensive ever made on Kugland In addition, nn official report from Paris slates that r. Zeppelin, said to bo one of those which executed the Satuiday night laid mi Kuglaud, has bombarded Dun kirk. The bombs hill lid by the nerlal raider upon the Ficnch channel port killed two civilians, but fiom a milltaiy stand point tne attack was a rallure, only In significant damage having been caused. Amsterdam dispatches, the Paris re port said, stated that Count Zeppelin was Continued on I'nse l'our. Column Two HEX OTIS LEADS FIELD IX riltST II ACE AT HOWIE Chemutif- Second and Rhymer Third in Two-Year-OId Event BOWIU Mil . April X Ren Otis led the J-year-oIds In the four furlongs this aft ernoon. The machines paid JT 30, ?3 80 and $3. Chemung followed in second and Rhymer thlid Summation. Ft rat ram. V'-ear-old. k.'lllne. I furlcnsn Hen Otis, II.'. Hdnmer. IT 30, 1.1 SO. 3. uon. v liviliuil U flllUtllllKfr. f I IIII .l .11, xtronil, rUitmer, lit! Ambrnse. JL 50 (hint Time. ID Hfcomls llul Cora, Ho ',u uml Chem llfllo ulso ran Heconci race niHlilen 3 ear olds .Va rur longi Qarnct lot). J MrTauKan. Ill tio J Ti '.'?',.'3- won. Trend 114 IvVoeli. jt uft ana 44 JO, urranii. Plnuetto. HH, KorehanJ V& ,10 iiuru iiuif. t uv i-u iiui inr al ml( lei land. Life, Rflauarn. Cat o' .Sine Tails, Tie 1hI ulid Ava Truvntit alan ran Third rare selilnEr. 3-ear-old and un. il furlones Vldel 1U8, Cruise. S1A.GO. ill Ml til 1)0 won. Gentlewoman, I no. Jtc-Ure, JIR'jii tit) no. second: Klnalee. Iti.i llaiea. 17 SO third Tlmy. 1.13 ,1-5 Little Kncland. Hold Cap Mr Mack, Hob ft. ClalnsborouGh. Chea tertoii, Ijaily Hplrltuelle, Ida Claire. Scottish KnUht alia r4n. Fourth ruie, Quen Anno purp. 3-ear oW and up, T furlongn, out of the rhul 1-Vn mouse. 10.1. Ambrose, 0 SO i! TO. J.l uon KIllS Worth. 10T. Iluxtoru. J,', Oil. J3. eiiid; Kalr Helen. JOJ, J reTaKart Ii 30 third Time. 1.-J8 1-3. Jude Wrleht.' Republican Illuminator also ran Klflh race, selling;, 4-jear-olds and up, T furlonns out of lha chute Louise 1 ravers I0J. Mountain JM SO. id SO. II won Kner cellc. JOJ Korejiand. IS bo M so aeVond. Ijutcl. 115, Ambrose, J7 40, third Time 1.30 1-5. Luther, tiordello. Counterport . llu da's Urother. Mgadoo and Castara also ran. Hot Springs Results First race. S- tar-olds, selllne, 4 furlonss Kelnt. 109, Obert, 11 to S. even. 1 to ".won Wall Street. 101). Warrington T to 0 to J 1 to '. second; Jeannette. 109, La pa i lie u to 1. 3 to 1, 3 to 2. third Time. .40 4-5 Colra War Hrlde. Kden 1'ark. Rushforth. Fair Mary and Doctor Swords also ran. Second race, iwlllns. maidens. 3-iear-olda and up. 5.urons Moz Irvine, 118, Keliey even. 2 to 6, 1 to 5. won; Bill Wiley. iOLMurl Iihy. 5 to 1. L' to even, second. Miss Phllbln iol Dodd. 12 19,1. ,5 to 1. 2 to 1. third Time 1.-03 3-3. Lena, Jackson. Lame Deer, Itamona and Increase also ran. ' Third race, selling". 3-) ear-olds and us 6 furlones York. Lad. llT.Carroll. 6 to 5. 2 to a. L to B won., Short Hallo t 03. Hopkins, 7 to 1. 5 to 2. even, second. Undaunted. 115. Mur tiny, i to 2 4 to .1 1 to 3. third Time I lu 2-5 Taper Tip. Wild Bear. Eva Fad wW Smoky Dau and Originator also ran. 18 Persons Hurt by Explosions BUFFALO. April 3 Eighteen men wcro injured. aX least tlireo of them per hapa fatally, today, when a Urge acety lene Ban tank exploded u the foundry tdipD of tb OUa Elevator Company Vares Beat $60,000,000 Amendment by Seger, McNichol Man, to Pro vide for Original Program; $57,1000,000 Vote. Passed SENSATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS INBIG TRANSIT MEETING Director of Transit TwinirtR "Jmits he and Mayor Smith held con- fetences with .Thbrnns I?. Mitten, prcs,idqnf of the Philadelphia. Rapid eTranfritCrJirrnany, rclatinK"to Transit yittmtioiu j ,. ' .-.y,. ., . aMayor Smith's private opico in Hit! City Hall was the scene ol-one of tti csc mcctincSe Another similar mcetinp was in Mr. Mitten's apartments in tho Bello-vuc-Stratford. Prcbent at one of these conferences was Mr. Drum, chief engineer of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company. The questions and answers: . , , Select Councilman Trainer I have information that the transit ques tions were taken up with folks hoyontl tho ofilcial life of tho city. Is t Ii i s t r u c ? ' Diicctor Twining Yes, one. I met with the Mayor, Mr. Mitten, presi dent of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, and Mr. Drum. (Mr. Drum is an engineer of the Philadelphia Ilapid Transit Company.) Select Councilman Trainer Mr. Director, where- was that meeting held? Director Tvvinine; I don't remember; it may havo been in the May or's oflieo. Select Councilman Trainer As a matter of fact, wasn't that meeting held in Mr. Mitten's room in the Ilollevue-Stratford? Director Twining Yes, I believe it was, but one of tho meetings was held in the Mayor's oflice. Select Councilman Trainer Oh, then thoro were two meetings, was it at those meetings that the question of changing tho stations under tho City Hall was discussed? Director Twining I believe we talked over whether or not the Mar ket street subway should run tinder City IIall. Admission made by Mayor Smith that bond for MeNichol's Keystone State Construction Company, which was awarded contract for City Hall work, was handled bv tho Thomas B. Smith Company, which would have been responsible if the contractor hatl failctl to do Ills work according to specifications. Piesident James E. I.onnon's amendment for nn appropriation of 57,100,000 for lines as outlined in tho Taylor Comprehensive Plan3 adopted. Seger amendment defeated by vote of 13 to 10. Director Twining denies baying it would bo dangoroua to build a sta tion under tho City Hall. Tratibit Director William S. Twining confessed to the Finance Committee of Councils at its special transit meeting this afternoon that he nnd Mayor Smith had two conferences with Thomas E. Mitten, president of the Phila delphia Rapid Traubit Company, and others before the enuibculatcd, bobtail transit plan was made public. At first Director Twining could uol remember where the meetings were held, bpt when it became evident that Select Councilman Harry J. Trainer, who was conducting the cross-examination, had full Information, he admitted that one was in the rooms of .Mr. Mitten in the Hellcvuc-Slratford Hotel and another in the office of Major Smith in City Hall. When pressed for explicit information as to why ho luul mom mended the change from a four-lrack subway and a station under City Hall, the Trail sit Director's only explanation was that under City Hall. "I guess I took orders," he added. Immediately after the confession turned his questions to the Major, who admitted that the bond for McN'icltul's Kej stone State Construction Company, to which company the contract was awarded for the work under City Hall, had been provided through the Thomas D. Smith Company. The Mayor agreed that his company would he responsible. jf ((e t.0, tractor should "fall down" on the job. Just bef re these startling climaxes in the meeting James E. ,eniion, president of Select Councils and Varc downtown leader, introduced ait amend ment, fixing the item for transit in the loan bill at $57,100,000, instead of $35,000,000. Although his action was a complete, surprise and was taken to forestall Select Councilman Charles Seger's amendment, Mr. Seger immedi ately offered his own amendment, fixing the amount at $60,000,000, however, instead of at $50,000,000 as planned original!).' SEGEIt RESOLUTION FAILS. The Seger resolution was oted upon flrt and was defeated, 13 to 10. The Lcnuon resolution was then put befoie the committee and adopted' unanimously, Mr, Seger toting for it. The Lennon amendment calls for the construction of ever) line proposed by Director Taylor, including the four-track subway from McFerran street to Spruce street and the subway delivery loop along the route named in the original Taj lor plan. No mention was made of the City Hall island station under City Hall. The unanimous adoption of this amendment was hailed as a complete victory for the Taylor program of reaj rapid train.it and the repudiation of the Twining emasculated plan. 'Hie amount fixed in the loan bill will permit the construction of every line at the figures estimated by Former Transit Director Taylor and will carry a substantial excess for interest and sinking fund charges on the loan to prevent an increase in the tax rate and for a (JUtf f1hi.t. . ..!... he would not thine putting the lube from Director Twining, .Mr. Trainer Uulluutd oa rate Seven, Csluaiu Oat ll , I . I ADDITIONAL RACING RESULTS Fourth race, Hot Spilngs, selling, 3-year-olds nnd up, & furlongs Billy Joe, 112, Stirling,- 11 to C, 7 to 0, out, won; Kootenny, 114, Cnrioll, 7 to Z. even, out, second; Stoutheart, 115, Warrington, 2 to 1, 3 to fi. out, third. Time, 1.14 1-5. Pontefrnct nlso ran. fifth rnce, Hot Springs, 3-yenr-olds and up, selling, mile nnd 70 ynuls Mabel Dulwebber, 109, Muiphy, 5 to 2, 3 to 5, 1 to 3, won; Tiiily. 100. Kelf.ey, 7 to 1, 5 to 2, G to 5. second. Scallywag, 110, Snrl urr. even. 2 to 0, 1 to 3, thlid. Time, 1.46 t-0. Harwood, Vlr ; c Dot. Transport. Pierre Uumns and Muriel's Pet nlso ran. fn :tli ir.tt-. Eiwic, srlllng, 3-yenr-olds and up, mile and 20 yards " .;v. Ill 3. Biov.-n. .74.IO, S2.G0. 2 50. won; Miss Wateis, 111,. ::-! vtr. $2.00 J.ViQ. second; Tsnoi. Ill, Mjunt.il", 3'J.30, third. ''.i.u. l.'G 2-5. Foul Hal, Wntci Lad. Ben Uncac also ir.n. Jcveuth irtce, J3ovic, soiling, 4-ycai-olds, handlcapnille and 70 yi Kit Charles Francis, 110, Butwell, $17.30, 36.00, $3.50, won; Yo f'i!e3. 110, Ambrose, 34.30, $2 50, second; Mcnlo Park, 105, J. Mc .dGErt, ?2.S0, thiul. Time, 1.47 1-5. Autumn, Dr. Kendall also ran. Sixth rnce, Hot Springs, 3-year-olds and up, mile and a six teenth, selling Budweiscr, 106, Murphy, 5 to 2, 4 to 5, 2 to 5, won; Duke of Shelby. 108. Hammer, 0 to 1, 2 to 1, even, second; Klnjj K - Kaclfr-pf , 105, Kelsny. 12 to 1. 5 to 1, 2 to 1. third. Tim", i."3 1-". tlViuv.', AtiVTi 3v?30s and SI J?nto al'so vn A -1. Vv .. -I".,. I '' J ' " 1 GERMANS ANNOUNCE BIG GAINS BEllLIN, April 3. All French positions on tho left bank of the Mouse, noith of Forges, between Haucourt and-Bethincourt, are in tho possession of German troops, the War Office officially announced this afternoon. NEUTRAL NATION PLANS BIG ARMY ORDER GLASGOW, April 3. Clothing manufacturers in this city havo been lequested to tender bids for 250,000 yards of khnkl army cloth for a neutral Government. It is required that delivery shall begin without delay. It Is assumed here that Holland may be the neutral Government which is seeking this cloth. NO HIT, NO RUN GAME McCall, pitching for Episcopal Academy, this afternoon, shut out Ccllingswood High without a hit or a run. The churchmen won from their Jcisey 1ivp.l1 by the scoie of 1 to 0. FREIGHTER PICKS UP WRECKED SCHOONER'S CREW NBW VOItK, April 3.. A wlulcss, message fiom tho BrMat freighter Pine More today stated tho ciew of the British schooner Annie E. Xaider, which was bound tiom Newfoundland to Gibraltar, but the nature of the accident to the ftolylttcr wan not disclosed. HOLLAND MOBILIZES; BRITAIN DENIES INVASION WASHINGTON', Apill 3. Secietary of State LaiiHhiE late today announced tlj.tt lie lutil obtained Infotmation through ofilcial channels that Holland Is mobilizing her army, and that uddltlonal tho colors. The Secretary fcaid that his nn Indication as to the cause of the culllns' out of the troops. LONDON, April 3. Tho Hiltlsh Kmelfiii Ofilce announced this afternoon that there was no foundation for the tumor lint Holland's warlike preparations are due tq any tin eat by the Allies to violate Dutch neutrality. SLAV TRANSPORT OF 12,000 TONS SUNK CONSTANTINOPLE, April 3. A Russian transport carrying tioops lma been sunk In the Black Sea by a Turkish submarine, It was announced by ths Admiialty. The transport, which uas sunk on March 30, was a vessel of about U.000 tons. FOE CRUISER SUNK, GERMANS SAY; BRITISH DENY UEKMN. Apill 3. A Uiltish armored cruiser of the County class, Buppowd to ha e been the Donegal, bti uck a mine and tank about the middle of Febrjwyi the Cologne Gaiette stated today, declaring It had Its Information from rsjuabUf Miurcew. " CLYDE MUNITIONS LONDON, April 3. Official announcement, was made this afternoon thatj Clyde munition workers' strike has been tomorrow. SERB LEGATION AT PAH1S. Apill X A dispatch from Huas News Agency says: "The populace legation at Sofia, utys Infotmation obtained from a reliable sourcij gurUu authoiitttw arrested the men left ku.11 Minister at S01U protested to Preinlei of the people on the ground tliat Berbil. legation building belonged to Bulgaria'! - - ' ' ''" that the Pine More had Picked up . classes of troops have been called to Information did not give In any way STRIKE ENDED settled and that the men will resume- SOFIA PILLAGED Athens, dated Saturdaj. recelvj has pillaged the building ofj In charge of the bultdln; Iladoslavoff, who justj having ceased to exist A fi 1