BVEtNfTjSTtt LBDflElPftlLAPfiLPniA, flATtUtlUY. APttIL 1, 1016. LS' DAY JtHJNBER IONORBD AT FLOWER )WM ATTENDANCEj Garden Maidens Still 3000 the Choicest Carnations for Miss Anna Jarvis Fund ORROW LAST DAY Lnna .frvlu Ilnv" In lirlnc celebrated lonvcHtlQh'Hikll today ni the crownlnit lil- tt ti EVilirlh K'fttlnnnl PlftwCr it t)i SoeUly dt Ainoflcnn Florists I Ortinmental Hortlculturlstft Th Imlttee In chnrgft tit the exhibition I turned ocr 3000 Withe (Inert car- JGns ever Rrowli t6 those liVjtliiuge of Jo blooms are .being sold at ten cM i R. T1... ..5...t.. .. III In Ih. Afr.M fVl- A IJHI piUICIIII Will HU HJ IIIC lilin pa MoinertfJlMy fund 4 (ho founder of the nation-wide "Moth Day" movement la a Phlladelnhlan, Mf Janis is now at Orafton Va , has -wired that It would be. impossible her to be Jit this city today to w Itness i aemoruirauon in ner Honor rhe crowd Wlildh began to Dour Into Convention Hall ohortly after Ihe iloora wro opened today was of suctf tnngnt tude that thoso In charge of tHc exhibition are convinced that th day's attendance rlll be more than 26,000 Kach day this week the attendance at Convention Halt has been larger than the preceding- days, nnd at times the passage ways have become Impassible. Yester day's attendance was figured at 18,000 uporiithe most consoratle estimates BADGES NEEDED TOMOtlHOW The flower show will be open to mem bers and associate members of the Society Wf American Florists and Ornamental -Horticulturists tomorrow. Associate membership badges are being sold at 25 cents eaJh today nnd admission to Con tention .Hall tomorrow will be granted only to those eating the associate mem bership, badges or carrying mcmbeishlp cards. The badges are on sale at Con- -vemtlon Hnll. Strawbrldgc & Clothiers. Olmbel'a. miter & liegeman's. Acker's and at Uoom No. 1205 Wldener Building. ''The Tea Garden In nhlch the carna tions aro be.lng sold today Is uhder the lenient of the scnool or Horticulture en during the day. .Mrs. Thomas halrman, will supervise the man- kit this feature. In the evening In will be turned ocr to the 'Musical Club, of which Mrs j Ick, W. Abbotf Is chairman TVIIdc, of Stato. College, will lee Convention HaJI today on "Bulbs urner Bloom." Hts talk will be 11- bd by lantern slldcsvaiul Is sched- Ir 3.30 o'clock this afternoon. At bk this evening Arthur Cowc. ot IN Y, will give an lllustraud'nd- fn "Gladioli." v CHILDREN OF MOtfTESSORI SCHOOL VISIT FLOWER SHOW ! mmKxzxrr -rrr-rreaKawaai KKKisKmKlmBBKIimMSKmziKKSwSjKfm r UKCMKamXitmm IE trusts PlTTlJIfn rrr "mm r-i t i -Yn"'rwVT'ptg1 s? IT RBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBni-VBIBBBliailJl WI".?!- iAMUW ZvK-SSf.UiJSt.-6ejK & V . J-ii:yi ! v -t &S.l'l.V l". 5WfriVj.-W" yV5l ft SALOON KEKPElt'3 PISTOL , SfiNDS mat INTO COURT George Hcmmer Meld Under Bail for Further Hearing Charged with displaying a revolver during a struggle with customers In front of his saloon last night, George Hemmer, of 6th nnd Callowhlll streets, was held In $300 ball for n further hearing by Magistrate Pennock, In the night court. )R GUILDAY TO LECTURE Ir Philadelphjan to Speak Be fore Ladies of Charity I Rev Drt Oullday, jirofessor of hls k the Catholic University of Amei- I'ashlngton. D. C, will deliver an h before IJidlei or cnarity anu Hends In the ballroom of the Belle- atford tomorrow evening. The will bring to a close for this sea- Lenten course of lectures given Ihe aHisplcea of the Ladles of Cliar- Die proceeds will be devoted to the rTtennedy Summer Outing Fund for PQOr Children. Doctor Gullday Is; n former Phll.idel- phlan. After He completed his studies at the Catholic High School In Philadel phia, and at the Overhrook Seminary he followed special courses in history at Imu "Vain University His examination for the doctorate at Louvatn was the last held In that famous University before the occupation of the quaint Belgium town by the German sol . dltMLv. The pent) of the fall of Louvalu leu tho Juung doctor on his return ew York, after a sojourn of three in Europe Under the guidance of their teacher, "Mfi Anna W. Paist, pupils of the ' u -..M.irt r iitA nvUil,ia nf rntuwiitinn Hnll v'natarflnv Anrl lonrned mu tuuiiua ui wi: ...u.i.o ..v ..w..w.. .... j-, First Montcasori School mode what flowers nre and why. HKAISJMAV0LUT0 L'ATTACCO AUSTRIAC0 SUL FR0NTE ITALIAN0 In Ministro Sonnino OtTre Un Pranzo in Onore di Mr. Asquith nel Palazzo della Consulta RADIO CALL BRINGS AID TO SHACKLETON'S SHIP REAL ESTATE FOIl SALE . Stone llnrlior, N. .1. Aurora Reports Rudder Trou ble, But Later Sends Flash - " "All Well" LA BATTAGLIA DI VERDUN W5 RECEIVE DIPLOMAS st Smith Addresses Stevens In dustrial School Graduates v'CASTER, Pa. April 1, The th annual commencement exercises of Thaddeua Stevens Industrial School held yesterday afternoon and 15 men received diplomas. addresses to the class were made jrus E. "Woods, secretary of the C6m- ealtli; Dr. Udgar Kahs Smith, pro ne university ot I'ensylvuiila, and LB. Kershner. ot Franklin anil ollege. Arthur Webster dellv- Aledlctory and Judge Charles I. ! Lancat-tftr. presented the dlplo- RN'orwcsian Ship Sunk JON. Anrll t The Norwegian ship Memento, 1U76 tons, has been All members of the crew except Ian have been landed. It Is believed losing sailor perished jdonbled and twisted m;8- )teverlu unfolded.'' New York World. An OU Friend, A New Novel; footing and Mysterious" Th novelist's Vuth, flaming b r; i annals of iia entanmea ; nf "Hl I be rfttan MMi Stol imr soYut fcnterv 41,4 n in trg WY i then well Eecrefc 'eyen the eiXA iow-fsmous tonBi . . . rjmentj m. H UCjl jti elemeifts an affair is a love ifl trsgjc aUdd theCs . TheIwv!t , res, in which the Stsne is chief I It Ix Mitiiia and teivater "a tb sod,1 tJUk Wt ABMrietlBi NH t Att'Bwktlma noMA. i April" SI npprende clie I'umclo it I lnformarlonl dcllo Stato ilaBBlore Itatlano ha avulo Informnzlonl secqndo cul II kaiser Ouif llelmo dl Germanla ha voluto die Rll au triad prendeieio t'orfensiva sulla fronte Itatlatin, nonostnnte die II gcneralo Con" lade von lloetxcndoift vl si opponesse lion vedendo come rII austrlad nvrebbero potuto RUadaRiiare da una offenilva con tro forze nssolutamenle stiperlorl e per dl plu' oicupautl poslzloul slcure e foitli slme. almcno lc prliiclpall II kaiser avrebbe voluto l'olTcnslvn aus trlaca soltnnto per Impcdlre clie tiuppe Itallano fossero mandate, In seRulto alia tonferenza ed iirII accordl dl I'arlRl, In aluto del francesl n Verdun Pero' II Kaler era male informatn pcrcho' noil si penso' mal di mandnre truppe ltallune ne u Verdun no' ad altrl puntl delle llnee francesl prlnclpalmetitc perchc' gll allatl cola' Hon lianno blsoRiio ell altre forze Invece II rlsultato deU'offenilva austrl aca ' stato clie le truppe dl Francesco Giuseppe hanno sofferto pravl perdlte senza alcun utile c senza raRlone lerl sera alia Consulta ebbe Iuoro un pranzo In onore del prlmo ministro liielese Aiqulth, die como vl ho telesrafato, Klunse lerl a Roma Irtsime con Satandra e Sonnino, provenlente da I'arlRl OrbI II slndaco dara un Rrande rlcevlmento In suo onore nel CnmpidoRllo ObrI c stnto niiminciato die II prlmo ministro Asnulth sarti rlcevuto In udlenzu dal papa, prphabllmeute orrI TcleRramml da I'arlRl illcono die I tedes chl operuntl contre la fortczza dl Verdun hanno preso II vlllnRglo ill Malnncnurt. a nord-ovest della clttadclta SI tratta dl un vIllagRlo fortiHcato contro cul II prlilclpe eredltarlo lanclo' intermlna lilll masse dl uomtnl die soffcisero per dlte gravlsslme prima dl RluiiRere a prcn dere la poslzlone dlfesa dalle truppe delta Hepubbllca. I.a battaglla duro' per tutt'a la notte di lerl e fu prcceduta da un ter rlblle bombardamento Mcntre durava la batlaRlla n Malancourt I tedeschl tenta rono dl rlprendere le poslzlonl da loro perdutc nella reRlono dl Avorourt, ma fu ronocresplnti con Kravl perdlte Un dtspaccio da I.ondra dice che cinque Zeppelin hannu bombnrdato nuovo (e coste ItiRlesI lasclando cadere su cltta' non for tltlcate 90 bombo all'lnclrca Dlspaccl da I'etroRrad dlcono die uu sottoinariue tedesco ra slluruto ed affonil nto nel Mar Nero la nave ospedule russa I'ortueal, die afTondo' sublto In poco plu' dl un mlnuto dopo esseie stntn colplta. trasclmuido seco neRll abissl del maro numerosl soldntl feriti ed ammalntt Come al tollto"o come e" costume del tereschl. la nave che aveva sul tlanchl II sesnale della croce rossa e sventolavn una Rrande bandlera pure della Croce Itssa fu attaccata e sllurata senza alcun preav viso dal sottomarino che si era nvvlclnato Alio ad unu sessantln dl metrl da essa Delle persoue che si tiovavano a boido l IDS no no state salvnte $125,000 FJrc in Motor Plant CHICAGO, April I Klre preceded by several minor explosions In the plant of the SterlinR llotor Truck Compaii, on the South Side, last night caused a loss estimated at JPJO.OOS WELLINGTON. N 7. . April 1 A wireless dlspitch just received from Shackleton's ship Ihe Aurora. i "We are setting townril Snares Islands under the Influence of wind and sen We hie unable to maneuvei tho ship, owlnR to damiiRe to the Jury rudder' A furthei wireless from the Aurora ic celved last nlRht said- 'We ale now , salliR at the rate of three knots All well" The .authorities lire sending t"P I" the assistance of the Aurpln Snares Islands lie In the South l'a cltlc ocean south of New Zealand A wlielexs dispatch fiom the Aurora, the ship of the .Slmckleton Antarctic expedition dated March 30. reported Ihe vessel 2S0 miles southwest of Port Chai nlets, New Zealand A WORD TO THE PUBLIC About the Opening of the National Flower Show Tomorrow (SUNDAY) The executive committee of tho Fourth National riovvcr Show Is pleased to announce to tho public that the bIiow will be open tomor row (Sunday) to those who bo como associate members of the Society of American florists and Ornamental Horticulturists The executive directors of this society have authorized the creation of an associate membership for the en rolment of all applicants upon payment of a fee of 25 cents. This associate membership will entitle Its holder to admittance to Con vention Hall tomorrow (Sunday) April 2 to .view the flower show now In progress there "Show opens Sunday morning at 8 30 'This committee further author izes the sile of badges at Conven tion Hall today from 8 30 a m to 10 p m No badges will be sold on Sunday Admission tickets will not be sold or honored on Sunday Only members nnd associate mem bers of the Society nf American Florists nnd Ornamental Horticul turists and the exhibitors and cm plojes of the show will bo allowed to enter the hall on Sunday The principal downtow n. headquarters for the enrolment of associate members of the society will be at Straw bridge & Clothier's, Gim bels". Hiker's. Arker's, Uoom No 1205 Wldener Building, Chestnut and' lunlper streets, tho office of the FWwer Show Committee and all flower shops " NATIONAL rLOWint SHOW Open toduy from K30 n, m. til 10 p. in. AdmUslon 50e t'hlldren under IS , . ... . 51c BOARDWALK The greatest ntlmulsnt nf lncretue In the ffronlli of a seashore community BEING BUILT Suit Is the time before vntiirs Jump out of jour reach, stone llnrlior Is the fiilrt growing sennliore report on the Atlantic ( nat. Slonn Ilnrhnr rnnblncs lh atlrndlonn of uMinhorc nnd rounirr In lt Ynrlit Clnu. fine twmir timllni courr famous fl.hlnc crounild imitnllW-fnl Lent It wllh ftirf Imlh Inc. "nil In I onrlrr I'lnli culf ronre, tmnls lourn nn'I Irnn nluutliu crotmil. All cllj: outnIeiKT tiii: vvosiihii nt or tiik tosr I tifnUlird biincnlowfi ntul lotiafs Hill saii: on m.M perll gtirst car 8. IS A. M , Mnntlm, prll Dili. Ixntrs ( hMtniii strift I'rrn ItmillnK Rnllrciil for stuhi. Hnrtwr Wcf'k-.liiv" by niiln)lnlinnt I Irkrtu n 111 l rnrnWiM In IIiom Inlrrrittwl Call 'nlinne fr writ, for llltifttratitl hooMrt uiais ftr or inift fDrenpntnllTi wrnrhur batlsps at tbe Cliftnut street Ktrn. South Jersey Realty Co. rillltll HALMT SIS., I'llIM. Ilplt, Iirobanl II Oil Kejour Main IHG Henry Miller bf 9S0 xorth Bth slre6t who says ho Is 41 years old. but the police ' say looks to be about is, ana two com ptnlons entered the sntoon nnd brdered' drinks, When Hemmer questioned Miller's nRfl an argument followed While Item mer was Attempting to eject them he said they seized him and knocked him down Then It was, lie said, he took out his re volver At that moment Policeman Swltchkln, ot the 3d street nnd Kalr mount nicnue station, appeared and nr rcsted Hemmer Crows Blnya on Wrecked Ship HONGKONG April 1 -The crow of tho Japanese liner Chlyd Mnru remained aboard thelf ship today, all Ihe passen gers having been rescued Rffortu am being made to release tho steamer which stranded oft the Lomn Islands ycMcrdny Two holds are full of water, but tho others nre dry nnd If Rood weather continues the liner may be saved Among tho passengers on the Chlyo Maru wai Charles Itnuh, an American. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE StmURIMN BEAIi ESTATE UOB SALE HLllb'ltllAN BEAIi ESTATE FOB BALE sunurtnAN IftftsjftlrVllflWftfP SI III KUAN See Them Today The moat beautiful homes you ever saw awnit your choosing today. They're at Bnla-Cynwyd, only six miles from Broad Street Station. No two of them alike yet each having some one touch not found in the other. Span ish, Dutch, Colonial and English each built from Btone taken from our j own quarries, nnd by skilled labor en gaged and paid by us. Not a wished for detail lacking in their construction and unlooked-for touches of beauty on every floor. Scott's Beajttftyl Homes at Bala-Cynwyd The homes are sitXtd in the fcry prettiest part of jBala-CynwjJJon Latches Lane, Upland Terrace, Union Ave. and Edge Hill Koad. We have a beautfflk b'ooklct showing the sixteen hordes wich we woulcVgladly send on request Jput bolter yet, come out to day and sic tbfcm. Take Pennsylvania Railroad l Brala or Cynwyd, or Market Street ElcWitcd to 52nd Street then Bala car o city line a five cent fare. GEORGE C. SCOTT Morris Building, Phila., Pa. 1421 Chestnut St., Rooms 900-901. Telephone Spruce 930. We have n llcniillfill New llooklet vlinwlnir nil our Iious r In detail with I'rlrfH. flrnd for It or phonn Spruce 080. wijfraftqto)flatt 'f PE 3D MICHELL'S PLANTS Hardy perennials me4 becoming more popular each year. One planting frequently lasts a lifetime. No yearly worry or work. Our nurseries specialize in this class of stock, and our catalog (plant section) offers an up-to-date variety of all the old-time favor ites and the present-dav popular varieties, including the latest novelties. Our Book on Hardy Per ennials, and How to Grow Them is free. Ask for your copy today. Michell's Flower Seeds ai'e justly famous and in popular demand by the ama teur as well as private gar dener and florist. Our strains of Giant Asters, Sweet Peas, Zinnias, Ver benas and many other items will make you wish you had sown them always tub on -Jrnn coo trio vo suits. M i c h e 1 V s Cuf . tural Leaflets fare great lielp tthfe begin ner, ilhey icoyJer of, the popular fl and may be Tad for thD asking. Our catalo covers the list; this ajso free. MICHELL'S SEED HOUSE JiHT TaHHBj mmU 'i fffm Hia O El -K-l&lAllVUHiV, A TYPICAL SPRINGFIELD HOME BUILT AND SOLD IN 1915 TME LEAPING UBHJ riJiS) 12 minutes, 5c fare, from 69th Street Terminal on the Media Short Line n mosj gg; 1 A RE you satisfied to live in a block with the lightand aiiLcut off from one - or both sides of your home, with your front poch bounded on onor two JL jUL sides by your neighbors, and on another siae by y busy stDeet, your children's only playground? At Springfield each home, carefully planned with every convenience, differ ing in artistic design, stands in the center of an individual lawn, surrounded on all sides by beautiful landscape. Well constructed macadamized ave nues curve gracefully through the devel opment ; they are all bounded by cement walks, trees and sodded banks,' All improvements are made, "not "Promised." These substantial homes bantam everv modern convenience. Homes now ready forj$Irarfge in price f rom$5825 to$2$3flSeautif ul build ing sites rrtf'Irinimum frontage of 54 feet, from $675 up, with genorous terms: SpringfieldKVith itsidJtresqueVur roundings and at necespry facimies, offers more advantages anil conveniences at less cost thai any cfther select and substantial subui An early visit to Springfield will be well worth yoqr while, that you may see and thus KNOW of an unusual opportunity i The, SPRINGFIELD REAL , ESTATE .COMPANY A. MERRITT TAYLOR, President 610 COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING FIFTEENTH AND MARKET STREETS pun Anur.PHTA A.HXV-, t , ( Illustrated and descriptive booklet will be mailed upon request BELL PHONE. PJWCe 31-83 'i ) W i i 1 l .' i 518 MARKET STREET ) INCOTT MBfBPftfH&BiWtr IfSh