Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 31, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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    1555555?''''' 1i-illw,"''WfiMiBWPWPPpSWISW
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The Average Woman, If She Is Wise, Will Be
Content to Admire the Bakst Creations.
She Will Not Wear Them
ALTHOUGH the much-heralded Ballet Russo la being seen In Philadelphia for
Xitho first Jklmo this week, the creations of that hectic-minded artist, Leon Bakst,
have long slnoo ceased to be a sensation. Indeed, like vice of which Pope wrote,
from llrst enduring, and then pitying them, for something over three years, wo
have finally como to embrnco them with an ardor which In many Instances is
Ul-ndviscd, to say the least.
Only the other nlfiht as I sat admiring a barbarlcally garbed dancer In that
fantastic spectacle, "Soldi do Ntilt," the dominant colors of whose costume wero
royal purple In close proximity to a dazzling orange, It was borne In on me that
It would bo an unwise thing In truth for the average woman to succumb to
tho Influence of this daring Husslan without first giving duo consideration to
her typo and pocketbook.
Even n llttlo Bakst can be a dangerous thing If the time and the place and
the girl are left out of consideration. Crimson, sulphur, grass green and Prussian
blue, though seemingly a bewildering potpourri, rivaling tho rainbow In gorgeous
rlotottsnos9, can be combined to good effect In a stage setting, but put thoso same
colors on an average woman and march her down Chestnut street In tho gar I oh
light of day and you'll furnish a spectacle that would Justify a parade Jeering
u her wake. 8
ITor tho gorgeous boudoir robes nnd evening wraps that have como to tis
as a result of tho Bakst genius, wo have much to be grateful for. For the
utter lack of discretion that many womon have been guilty of in tnolr achievement
of blzarro and hideous costumes that are no moro suited to their type than
a parrot's plumage Is to tho lowly wren, wo havo much to regret.
One night last week I Baw a woman in tho theatro gowned In a flame-colored
and gold costume that was almost breath-taking in Its fascinating beauty. It
was ontlrely suited to tho wearer bccatiso she had an oriental pulchrltudo that
dominated hor apparel. In short, she did not violate tho first principle of good
dressing, which Is that clothes are merely a setting, a background, as It were,
for the woman and not tho woman a background for her raiment. Yesterday I
saw a woman on Market street wearing a purple hat trimmed In cheap pink
roses. Hor suit was or cinnamon brown. It was a painful sight.
Tho weird, tho blzarro rannot be duplicated with any dogreo of success In
cheap and tawdry materials. Designs and colors that are Inconceivably alluring in
the cxponsivo Oriontal silks and brocades, succeed in being only flagrant and
meretricious when produced with less care and artistry.
Admlro Bakst all you please. Feast your eyes on his brilliant color com
binations, but unless you are of tho exotic type, born for pendant earrings and
! unusual costumo effects, don't enrol yourself as a pupil in his school.
Unleashing the Bacilli
"Ploaso keep your germs to yourself!"
It was a rudo remark. Indisputably, and Judging from the flush that "pinked"
the face of tho young man to whom It was addressed, only tho fact that tho
addrcssco was a woman prevented him from committing assault and battery, on
the spot.
Tou see tho Insulted ono was obviously In the first and most disagreeable
stages of tho grippo. Three times ho had sneezed hugely and volcanlcally. Tho
woman who sat next to him was visibly annoyed nt tho first eruption, when tho
thoughtless young man mado no effort to keep the germs unto himself elthor by
tho uso of hand or handkerchief. Her spleen was further Irritated when scattor
' Ing his germs broadcast after tho second cataclysm, ho had tho "faco" to look
around the car for sympathy.
Tho third sneeze decided the woman and her rebuke administered In wrathy
tones penetrated tho uttermost cornors of tho car.
Yes, it was a rudo remark, but I doubt if there was a person in the car (except
ing, of course, tho afflicted Individual) who did not think it Justified.
It 1b deplorablo enough that peoplo with Infectious illnesses are permitted to
be at large. They should at least have the sense to "keep their germs to them
selves." M'LISS.
Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page
.Id of the paper onlr.
Addrm all commnnteutlon. to M'I.Im, cure of the Erenlnr JjeOgtr. Write an an
of tho men's Invitations write, "Do not
leave until called for." On the woman's
invitation write In the same place, "Call
for Mr. JoneB," pairing the womon and
men off ns you choose. It is then the
girl's duty to call for the man and tako
him to the party.
A Leap Tear dance fs fun. The girls
should arrange the programs, ask tho
pleasure of dancing with the men and go
after their partners. Announce peroral
dances as "cut in" dances and watch the
fun. It Is the woman's place to tako her
partner in to supper.
Another gamo which causes much mer
riment is the proposal game. Give each
man present hearts cut from crepe paper.
Let the men stand in a row, then tho girls
must propose. This Bhould bo done as
quickly and as cleverly as possible. Ac
ceptance is signified by the man giving tho
girl his heart A heart-shaped box of
chocolates may be given the girl who has
the most hearts and Is, therefore, the moot
successful proposer.
LIT ff.
Dear M'LIss Kindly tell mo If you
keep names out of the column : that Is, If
some one should wrlto to you asking for
Information, signing his full name and
asking to keep the name out of the paper,
will you do It?
Will you answer a letter by writing a
letter Instead of answering through tho
Evening Ledocu? M. B.
If you request that your name bo with
held I shall be glad to withhold It. I pre
fer to answer all my questions through
tho medium of the column, but In somo In
stances where an Immediate reply Is asked
for, or where the query Is moro or less In
timate and personal, I mako exceptions
and answer by letter, providing, of course,
that a stamped, self-addressed envelope Is
Dear M'LIss I would .like to give a
Leap Tear party soon arid I would like
to know what games to play and how to
have the Invitations printed.
Yon do not state the number of people
you expect at your party nor their ages.
K) It Is a bit difficult for me to know
what to suggest. Sinco It Is to ba a Leap
Year party, your invitations could bo
1 worded llko the ordinary party invita
tions, only In tho lower left-hand corner
Dear M'Liss Kindly inform me,
through your column, if you can, whether
the Government or State supplies a means
for locating lost relatives.
srna j. p. m.
I am told by the Detective Bureau at
City Hall that tho expense of tracing lost
relatives Is borne by the city.
Leather Novelties
The out-of-door girl, who likes a touch
of mannlshness about her costume, should
l see the new stocks. They are made of
I leather-suede. Jn colors, and other leathers.
1 Collar and cuffs to match are also shown.
A very chlo set Is made of gray suede, with
I stltchlngs In navy. The collar Is a sailor
model, and tho cuffa are a shade deeper
. than tho average cuff. Just tho thing for
I the sporty riding habit.
Vaseline Stains
Tfood alcohol will remove vaseline
Bt&lna from wash goods. Theso stains
A Sign of Good
Buy Franklin Granu
lated Sugar and you are
sure of quality and clean
liness. It is sold in convenient
cartons and cotton bags,
which keep it dry and
clean. See the name and
picture of Franklin. In
2 and 5 lb, cartons and
n 2, 5, 10, 25 and 50 lb.
cotton bags.
We tupply s packaged
sugar for every need
The Franklin Sugar
Refining Company
are often troublesome to tho average
woman because she has no means of
knowing the antidote for them. Just
soak your fabrlo In tho alcohol for a few
HEtlR Is a dainty evening frock, nnd reasonably enough priced to bo within
reach of the business girl. Tho dress comes In n combination of black tulle with
trimmings of Jet or nil white with opalescent beads.
A chiffon petticoat nnd camisole Is veiled with tho tulle ovcrdrapery on tho
bodice In basque style. The equaro corsage and butterfly sleeves have n border
of beads. The pouch pockets at either side of the skirt ore sharply defined by bends
also. Tulle forms the skirt. It Is mado In double tunic style, with wirings accentuat
ing the bouffant lines of both. Opalescent strips carry out the decorations. The
prlco Is a spcciul one $2S.
Tho name of the shop where these articles may bo purchased will bo supplied
by the Editor of tho Woman's Tngc, UvrcNlNO LEDann, 603 Chestnut street. The
request must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope and must
mention tho date on which the article appeared.
The Family Portrait
Grandmother's mother: Her nge, I guess.
Thirteen summers, or something less;
Girlish bust, but womanly air;
Smooth, squaro forehead with uprolled
Lips that lovor has never kissed;
Taper fingers and Blender wrist;
Hanging sleeves of stiff brocade;
So they painted the little maid.
On hor hand a parrot green
Sits unmovlng and brood3 serene.
Hold up tho canvas full In view
Look! there's a rent tho light shines
Dark with a century's fringe of dust.
That was a Red Coat's rapier thrustl
Such is the tale the lady old,
Dorothy's daughter's daughter, told.
Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Tasty Sweetmeats
French cream candy la nice for an oc
casional candy-making bee. Mix the
whites of two eggs and half as much
water, but do not heat Stir In powdered
or confectioners' sugar until stiff enough
to handle. Uso any preferred flavoring,
vanilla, rose, pistachio or lemon break off
Into pieces, roll into small balls and press
halt a walnut meat on either side. This
same cream foundation may be used In
many different ways. Uso half water
and half strong coffee If you want coffee
flavored balls. Halt chocolate and half
coffee is good, too. Vanilla may be used.
Hasty Salad
Oranges and bananas, cut quite fine,
covered with mayonnaise, French dress
ing, whipped cream or something of the
kind even the natural fruit Juices may
bo Berved on lettuce hearts with chopped
Combinations of pearl gray
buckskin and white kid, two
tone grays and ivory and
white are new artistic concep
tions now on display in these
two big shops.
Seven Dollars
O'he Jarper Shoe Co.
1022 Chestnut St. 1228 market St.
Credit & Cash Account!'.
"'Cash Account Only-
ww f
Exclusive Designs,
superior boning and exquhile male
rlah produce the ease and grace that
nave given these corsets world-fame.
In Smart Stores and Shops,
tO SmaHSifCoaU Cfc, Nut Vt
i N?S T .Tlfc IV Iff
" vasa Iy
Care for Fine Linens
Here Is a secret a. real secret about
tho way the Bohemian merchants put the
wonderful sheen on their flno linens. It Is
not practicable for any but tho best linens,
because the process takes at least an hour,
but the results nre worth It. When your
linen has been laundered and dried, put It
Into a pall of boiling water, wring out and
iron continuously until dry.
Telling Age of Game
The best way to tell old gamo from
young Is by holding the bird up by tho
under bill so that tho bird's weight falls
on It. If the bill breaks, the bird Is
young, If It doesn't, your bird Is old.
Oood form queries should be nd
dressed to Deborah Rush, written on
one side of the paper and signed with
full name and address, though initials
ONLY will bo published upon request.
Good form In conversation Is a thing
which Is often neglected, so perhaps a
llttlo word on this point may not bo amiss.
Thcio Is, of course, such thing as going
too far In these matters of etiquette, and
being too conventional to be natural ; but
on tho other hand, tho too outspoken per
son, man or woman, Is an undesirable
companion In many ways.
If peoplo would only remember that It is
tho part of good form to bo polite, but not
gushing, agreeable and glad to say a kind
word about others, there would bo manv
moro real gentlemen nnd gontlewomen
than there aro nt present In this busy old
Dear Deborah flush I want to enter
tain about in or 60 friends In the evening
frnm s until 11 o'clock How will I en
tertain them? I thought of a parlor musl
cale, or would that bo tho right thing to
call It? I would want to havo an elocu
tlonlst recite several pieces, and a friend
play tho piano. I also know a gentleman
who plays the violin. N'ow, I would have
to ask theso peoplo. Of course, I would
pay tho elocutionist, the others I could
not offer to pay, so I would havo to ask
them ns a favor. I would rather havo
something I could furnish myself Inde
pendently. What would you suggest?
Also Is It Injurious to tho head to uso
hair dye? How should the Invitations
bo worded? What should I wenr, and
would It bo proper to havo four ladles help
mo receive tho guests? I nm married.
M. O. S.
Pet entertainments, such ns muslcalea
or recltntlons, nie apt to be rather stiff
and formal. I find peoplo care most for
cards and dancing In the evening. Several
prettj prizes could bo provided for the
card players and for a contest dance.
If your party Is to last from 8 until 11,
Berve refreshments nt 10 o'clock. Sand
wiches, Ices and enko would bo enough,
but If wou wish a more elaborate supper,
Include salads, croquettes or sweetbread
2. Send an addressed envelopo to Dr.
William Brady of this paper.
3. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. S.
request tho honor of
Miss (or Mr.)
presence on (hero state dato and day and
4. The proper costume for an evening
party Is a frock of Bomo light or soft ma
terial. It would bo perfectly correct to
ask severnl women to receive with you.
Cigarette Smoking for Women
Dear Deborah Rush Whatever you
yourself may do, will you give me your
editorial opinion of young women who
smoke cigarettes In public restaurants
nnd denounco Billy Sunday as Insincere?
of nrranglng tho table. II. S. M.
Custom has made smoking on the part
of women no longer tho great offonso
against good tnsto It has formerly been
considered. Abroad no ono thinks any
thing about seeing n woman smoke,- but
hero thcro is still objection to it on tho
part of many who do not llko mannlsh
ness In women. There Is no wrong In It,
but It has always seemed to mo an un
pleasant habit, for It yellows tho teeth
and fingers, nnd there Is something revolt
ing In seeing n woman's hand or fingers
i, joweiry
On Credit at Cah Price.
No security itequirea.
William O'Donnell
tso. 13 S. 10th St.
TYntTi Phnn,. Call or WrttA.
COA Elsewhere (SO.
Fathers Daughter
"Father says that the Wal
ladoo Bird does nothing but
eat and drink and
that I'm a Walla
doo Bird. But I'm
not I just drink
milk. And I never
eat between break
fast and noon, be
cause for breakfast
I eat
Cream ot Barley
(At Your Grocer-)
Aaurc to ElMT Wemaa a Perfect Completion
Qot tight lo the point doe. what hand maaaaaUur. vi
bration, electricity or preparation can never da. Pock
It at once no cndleuwaltlnc or vain hoplnr.lt remove
wrinkle., rutort .hap. to the face, leave th ttla
clean and arm. give to th. chk a d.lcat., youthful
bloom that 1 CTeatly deatred. I there anrthlss mora
Important than your peraonal aptwarncel Take tha
year (T Immediately, and with it th. mark of worry.
dU.lpatlon. Ulnes and 111 nature, restore a beautiful,
clear complexion. (1. At all Flr.t-Cla.. Dealer..
Bcautl-tl-ton I a bom treatment I( your dealer can
not upply you end u 11.00 and wo wUl lend you
full packac contatnlns 23 treatment with compute
direction. All charae prepaid.
ImaiamUtd SsHifatttn r farthest Prkt RtfmUti
hj5 Onlr by E. J. HOWAHD CO., llf..'c HUU Oraojt Ueantr SpedaUUt
Tn BfLU UC lUW". -
I abwiu wr"j2z:
stained, and that from the uso ot nico
tine. When Junior May Be Used
J9ear Deborah Rush Will you tell me
If it Is correct to uso tho appellation Jr.
nnd 3d after the names of members of a
family If the surname nnd middle Initial
of each one Is the same, even though the
Initial stands for n different name? For
Instance, In order to make myself moro
clear, my grandfather was James George
D, and my father was called James Gor
don 13. nnd my brother Is James Garrlck
B. Is It correct to call my father James
Q. B Jr., and my brother James G. D.,
3d? I have often wondered, becauso my
father has been called Jurtlor all his life,
nnd some ono questioned It tho other day
on learning thnt his middle namo was
different from my grandfather's
Jt. r. c,
Tho appellations Junior and third,
fourth, etc , Bhould only bo used when
tho names aro Identical. I should think
If tho Inltlnli are the sumo It would be
well to use the fult namo nlways In a
signature or on a visiting card.
Party for Six or Eight
Dear Deborah Rush Kindly publish
somo way of entertaining bIx or eight
young folks fnges about 20) on Saturday
evening, April 1. Also something appro
priate to servo for that evening, and a way
of arranging the table. II. S. Jt.
Why not have a Icap Tear party? This
gives much enjoyment nnd can bo very
easily carried out. On your Invitation to
the girls assign a man for tho girl to call
for and bring to the party; and on tho
man's Invitation writo "You will bo
called for at (whatever hour you decide
upon)." Carry tho Idea out nil through
tho evening.
2. A current magazine suggests an
Idea for an attractive table which Is very
Ingenious. Tho present flower-float centre
pieces which nro so much In voguo may bo
copied In very stnrtllng fashion. Fill a low
glass dish with water tinted with n little
vinegar, cut n good-sized potato In half
nnd place the flat Bldo down In tho bowl.
Jlnke long Btems of wire nnd on tho end of
each place a maenroonj theso with leaves
of looks should bo stuck Into tho potato.
Then tiny birds mny bo mado of two
radishes, a largo ono for tho body nnd
CC SSj I -Diamond, i
wiksasV' T 1
say i
Anrtt ta tho diamond month, nnd
we hne prepared Doauurui ueaiRiia
In rlriKfl. brooches, pendants, curt
links nnd scarl pins for your In
C. R. Smith & Son
Market St. at 18th
?,Ti'i.p ?' used iorXm
vi u wore ror the eves. T. .V."
rnalsn is cut Into tall feather. '&
hese small blrrl i!?1 . to
These small b Z'd T"f ,W
""- i'
to adorn each tumbler ami Z ft
bv.Vl(cd o the beaT h P,a
servo Reveral April FoSl a h V1. .
magazine recommit. - J!"?.8, "Is
In long-stemmed glasses covered0
funny dunce figure with a nut tt '!
and a crepe paper hat and ZhV
Is tied about the -tern oM rt2iW
It would bo well to lmve chlfken9-.?,
rolls and perhaps another re'lih ? !"
ueraeri wnicn IS supposed to look u?"t,
frosted melon Is made of mint j.iii'i.
melon form. nn,i i,.. ... " ".l J"r Wl
ered with grated walnuts. Tot U&5t$$
uso crullers mnde of brown S1
stuffed Ith cotton and 52L2.
chalk. Chocolates filled with SI. &
black pepper aro also pleaslnir banhH ?i
an April Fool sunncr. S doom m
Making a Needle Book?!
won't usn flnnnAl In . 1.. . T
books. Chamois skin, flno linen or u;.i?l
Is much bettor. Th n.i ,. Pf.1"!
pared with a sulphur compound" S3
BUlnhur will rust vour n,iin ..,.,. sl
...o vumif.q
' Domestic Rug ;
Far Home Makers
nvcry rug wo sell Is the but
of Its class With that guarantee: H
nil vou have to do Is tn tn ...
what your color scheme Is or what-
vnll wnnt thn rill? for nn.1 .a win '
do tho rest.
We'll show you tho rug thatTrm;
harmonize perfectly with your"
draperies, furniture nnd wall paper."
You will not have to wnde through
piles upon piles or just rugs.
Our stocks nro expertly selected ;
lur iiiuii Hiunui; muni Hg you are
suro to get thq cry rug that will
nut tho finishing touch of hesutv
upon your room and bring out all.
us uccur.mvu viiiuu in ma nignesl
degree. No average store can do
this. All this is different nnd val
uable, and our prices arc tho same"
ns elsewhere Consult us about
your rug needs.
Its time to thtnli about your;
bummer Hugs tor interiors and
Fritz & La Rue, Inc.,;
1124 Chestnut Street
Distinctive styles made to order.
Children's Millinery,
Coats and Dresses
Examples of the best work of the
foremost creators of juvenile style. An
unusual variety from which to select.
LAYLOCK & 1528 ,
BLYNN.Inc. Chestnut St.
Furs Stored, Altered and Repaired.
They continue to be supreme in the art of
chocolate making.
See that you get "WlLBURBUDiJ"
not something that looks like them. It's
the chocolate, not the form, that
Sold by Leading Confectioner,
Druggists and Fancy Grocer.
H. O. WILBUR & SONS, Inc.,
bole Manufacturers ttm' V i
New Colonial Bedsteads
in Old Ivory and Fawn Gray
The smartest and daintiest beds yet pro
duced for use in summer bedrooms. The fine
square tube construction and beautiful coloring
are not only the most effective from a decora
tive standpoint, but coo, sweet, and inviting.
We had a great success with these beds. They
may be finished in any color you desire to
match your decorations.
Come see them and at the same time
give us instructions about your new Faultless
bedding it's time.
Dougherty's "Faultless" Bedding
Hair Mattresses, Box Springs. Brass Beds.
Wait for Our Opening Announcement
of Now York
Second Floor
Oppajitt WoJtanwktr