wiiwi iwmmmmiimi ipmi !U)Mj;i5MfH!i HiM, tvnH',Hnvi"y '?:;5wFS5iSSSS3B3pwS5B EVENING LEDGEE PniLADELPniA, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1016 6 JtMFUL CARNATIONS AWARDED CASH PRIZES AT BIG FLOWER SHOW Medals Also Distributed Among Grower of Fragrant Blooms for1 Remarkable Exhibits McFARLAND TO LECTURE Tlio flnal prise nwnrd nl the Fourth Nntlonnl Flower Show of the Society of American Florists and Ornnmentnl Itor tlculturlits will bo mn.lc nt Convention Hall today,, when $860 In caHh and a number of coveted medals will bo dis tributed anion private commercial and rclalt carnation srowers who are ntnginit special exhibits today. The exhibit which nrouws inoit In terest among the thousands of flower lovers who are vlsltlnc the exhibition today st a, carnation exhibit. rovrrlnfr 160 squaro feet of floor' space nnd rnntalnltiR 1B00 blooms. It Is Ringed by the Strafford Flower Farm, Strafford, l'a. Awards In this clusi will be based upon the quality of blooms, the' artistic ar rangement and the Renernl effect of each Clsplay. Tho first prlro Is $200, the sec ond $150 nnd tho third $100. CJrcat Interest Is manifested In the class calling for tho display of 300 carnations by each exhibitor Prizes aggregating $100 will bo awarded to the winners. Tho American Carnation Society's "silver jubilee" medal will bo awarded to each winner of one or moro premiums In tho Various competitions. Prlrea aggregating $180 will be awarded In two classes open to retail florists. Tho first calls for carnations to bo used with other flowers as table decorations, and In the other, awards will be made for imsket arrangements of flowers, with carnations as the predominant note In the displays. Thero will bo $130 In prizes awarded to private growers for various vaso displays of carnations. McFARTjAXD TO SPEAK. Two of tho best lectures to bo given In connection with tho (lower show are sched uled for today Tho first will bo nt 3 30 o'clock this afternoon when Miss Elizabeth Lelghton Lee, of Ambler, will deliver an address on "Tho School of Horticulture for Women and Its "Work." Tho second lecture will be given this evening, at S o'clock, when J. Horace McFarlatul, presi dent of the American Civic Association, will speak on "Civics for Home nnd Municipality." Both lectures will be Illustrated. Tho Society of Llttlo Gardens will be In charge of the tea gardon this after noon, with Jlrs. Charles Davis Clarl; sup ervising. This ovenlng tho Alumnae As sociation of tho Philadelphia High School for Girls will bo In charge of this attrac tive feature of the flower show. Mls Helen M. Nchcr wilt direct tho efforts of her associates this evening, SHOW OPEN SUNDAY. Tho officials of tho tlower show have definitely decided that n very large pro portion of the llower-lovlng public of this city may visit the exhibition at Conven tion Hall on Sunday If they desire to do so. In relation to this mattar tho oltlclnls of tho exhibition have issued- tho follow ing statement: "The Executive Commltteo of tho fourth National Flower Show Is pleased to an nounce to the public of Philadelphia an'd vicinity that tho Flower Show will bo open next Sunday to thoso who become as sociate members of tho Society of Amer ican Florists and Ornamental Horticul turists. The executive directors of tho Society of American Florists nnd Orna mental Horticulturists, in session In Con vention Hall this evening, authorized tho creation of 'associate members' who, upon payment of 25 cents, will hold membership as assoclato members and as such will be entitled to view tho Flower Show on Sun day, April 2." Tomorrow will bo "Anna Jnrvls Day" at Convention Hall. The oillclals In charge of the National Flower Show yesterday wired Miss Jarvls that In honor of tho work she did In establishing "Mother's Day" they intended to devoto tomorrow's exhibit to her. They will donate 3000 carnations to be sold at 10 cents each, the proceeds to go to the Anna Jarvls Fund. Today Miss Jarvls telegraphed In reply: "National Flower Show, Broad street and Allegheny avenue: "I greatly appreclato the honor Implied In your telegram and heartily thank the officers of the show for promoting 'Moth er's Day1 as Indicated. I hopo Satur day's flower salo will be a big success I am sorry I cannot be in Philadelphia. Friendly greeting to nil. "ANNA JAIIVIS." GLIAUSTRIAftBATTMl SUI COLLI Dl P0DG0RA ENELLAZONADISELZ ftustrlacl 11 presldento della Camera dovetto sospendcre spesso la sediita find ft ehe norf fu rlstablllta una calma relatlva. Intanto hello strndo nvvcnlvano dlmoatnn slonl e doveva Intcrvcnlre la cavallerla per dlsperdero ( dlmostrantl, La situa--lono e' cosl grave cho la censura hn sc questrato parecchl glornall. La sravlta' del conflltto tra gll alleatl o la Qreclft dlventa sempro nlir chlara. , , , , SI Intende clie II conflltto o' quasi esclusl- Un AttaCCO NemiCO in Forze Ual vnnmpnto tra gll alleatl o lo nutorlta' mllltarl cllenlche. Nell'lsola dl Corru' si e' avuto un Incident cho dlmostrn quanto grave sla questo conflltto. OH alleatl stnvano per arrestare I consoll todesco cd nustrlaco, nrresto cho m lmpcdlto dall'ar rlvo dl un rcgglmento greco. E' stato nppunto nell'lsola dl Corfu' cho gll alleatl lianno scoperto una vera o cotnpleta nrganizznzlono teutonics per II rlfornlmento del sottotnartnl nustrlacl c tedeschl nperantl nel Mcdltcrraneo, cd In quell'lsola hanno arrestato una quar antlna dl persono Implicate In questa or ganlzzazione I'no degll nrrrstatl gestlva tin albcrgo inolto nolo (111 nrrestatl sa rnnno trasportatl In Frnncla. Podgora al Sabotino Tor mina Con Una Vittoria Italiana NUMEROSI PRIGIONIERI Police Court Chronicles Whon Harney StcMahus, of Itoxborough, drifts downtown he Usually becomes so ciable. He'll tell any one his past life at tho first diink. And what's more, Barney has n good memory when It comes to being his turn, Barney met a pal with n sort of a seafaring locale nnd they stnrtcd to swap yarns. Tho talk became salty, which made It ncces.snry to moisten the con versation with considerable liquid. Way back In the old iiris Barney was a sailor. His new-found chum said It UO.MV. 31 Marzo Due vlolentl battnglic furono combattuto e Mnte dagll Italian! hella glnrnata dl lerl l'nltro, mercoledl', nonostanto cho gll aus triad avessero nttaccato rlpetutamente Ecco It testo del rnpporto pubbllcnto lerl sera dal Mlnlstero della querra: "Nella zona dl llocreto vl e' Btntn la sollta attlvlta' dl artlgllerla. Nol abblamo resplnto plccoll nttacchl dl fanti-rla ne- ...i . ll ! Uiirrnlin nil nVPfit dl ITO sobbo. Sulle pendlcl del Col dl Latin si ebbero pure combnttlmentl irn piccon n parti termlnlstl a vantngglo del nostrl. "Nella valle del Fella, nella zuna del Monte Nero e sulla front del medio Isonzo si sono nvute intense uilonl dl artlgllerla. 1 nostro battcrlo hanno can noncglato una colonna In marcla sulla strada dl Bngatln, nbblnmo (1annegglao opcre dl dltea del nemlco cd abblamo dl sperso repartl dl truppe nemichc rl nvanznvnno da Polublno. a sud-est dl Tnl nilno. "Sulle nlturo a nord-ovost dl Oorlzla II duello dclle artlglierle o' stato vlolento ed Intenslsslmo durante tutta la glornata dl mercoledl. Alia sera II nemlco, avendo rlcovuto rlnforzl. rlnnouV 11 silo vlolento attacco clie comlnclo' a pronunclnrsl aH'Pstrernlta' settentrlonale dr-lla colllnu dl Podgora e si cstese rnpidamento lunjro tutta la fronte lino al Sabotino Hlpetu- tnmentu resplnto, II nemlco onntlnuo a rltornare nl sangulnoso nttacco con truppe sempro frcschc Questl sfnrzl furono vanl ed 11 nemlco fu Fconlltto qiundo le nostro trti)po si lanclarnno ad un vlgoroso con trattacco e In costrlnsero a fugglrc lascl nndo nolle nostre manl come prlglonlerl 5 ulllclall c 160 unomlnl dl (ruppa. "ull.i fronto del t'nrsn contlnua II duel lo delle artlglierle Ad est dl Solz lo nostre truppe ehe da percechl glorni face ano lgoros:i prcsslone sullo trlncee nemiche del Coslch, uttncc.irono In forzo verso II mezzloglorno dl lerl e con un ns sullo nlla balonetta si lmpadronlrono dl un trlncernmento nustrlaco. II nemlco lanclo' ntimcrosl contrattacchl. la bat taglla contlnuo' per tutta la notte, ma gll attacchl austrlncl furono tuttl recplntl In questa brillnute azlonc nol facemmo prlglonerl sctte ufllclall e 200 soldntl aus trlaci e prendemnio a! nemlco due mltr.t gllatrlcl. una macchlna lancla-bombe ed nltro bottlno." Quostl success! Italian! lungo la fronto dell'Isonzo o del Cnrso sono confermatl nncho dal comunlcato ufllcinlo austrlaco i clie nmmctte ehe gll austrlucl hanno per- I duto alcunl element! dl trlncee nella zona ' dl Selz, ma Ulco cho la battaglla con- i tl uin. Da Berllno pol si ha cho la bat- j t-rlla di Oorlzla lnlzlnta domenica con grandl forze contlnua nncora. AGITAZIOXE IN GBCCIA. I Notlzle dalla Grecla dlcono cho con- , tlnua cola' l'agltazlone per una recento ln cursloncdlaeroplanl tedeschl su Salonlcco I grccl tetnono clie 1 tedeschl contlnuer anno a fare dl queste Incurslonl t n dls- ' truggero proprleta e vlto del grecl. Nel tempo niedeslnio lo squadre alleate con- ' tlnuano attlvlssimamcnte la rlccrca dello basl dl sottomarini gcrmanlcl, sbarcando marinnl sullo costo eileniehe e delle lsole, o quattro dl queste basl sono gla" stato scoperto e dlstrutte. Telegrdmml da Atcno dlcono cho alia Camera bl sono nvute scene dl violenza nelle quail 11 presldente del Conslgllo. Skuludts, e' stato Insultato e flschlato quando egll ha rlflUtato dl dare lnforma zlonl circa le ricerchc clie gll nlleatl con plono sullo cohte cllenlche per le basl dl rlfornlmento del sottomarini tedeschl cd 29 AEROPLANI NEMICI SULLE CITTA' VENETE gYHIHrilll !MB3tti-J&iita&fMi3i wouldn't bo a bail Idea to hae "a turn or two out In tho river " This conclu sion wns reached In a saloon near tho ilver ft out The two ex-sallors ambled down to the Delaware and found a row boat which was bobbing linpntlcuth nt the whaif near Snder h venue. They liberated the craft nnd soon both wero out In midstream. They sang as they rowed nnd wore perfectly happy. But House Sergeant McFnddcn, of tno 4 th street and Snyder avenue Btntlon, spied tho happy pair nnd felt sure some thing would happen. Ho rowed after them, but ns he drew near Barney ntm his chum, who had been reading a great deal about Germnn torpedoes, Jumped overboard, ,,, , , A pint bottle of whisky, with Just enough ballast lo keen It afloat, slipped from Harney's pocket nnu noaieu '"-" ns a parmaker. McFadilcn caught Mc Mnnus, but his partner escaped by reach ing tho wharf by a big lead. Barnev couldn't explain bow, whero or whv ho got tho boat. He was more con cerned nbout tho fate of his pat than he was over his own troubles when ho faced Maglstrato Baker. "I'm no good, Judge," he said : "1 get ,intiir v!minvrr l prtt (hn chance. I'm like tho other fools who think It's great to pour liquor of different colors Into their stomachs and think they're having a good lime. But I'm going to try to keep dry. Will you glo mo another shot to keep straight?" "Shoot," said the Judge, and Barney bowed ns ho walked to freedom. Thieves Close Wireless School Thieves forced an entrance to tho Phil adelphia School of Wireless Telegraphy, on tho top floor of Iho Parkway Building, and took such Important pieces of appa ratus that tho school cannot operate to day. They gained entranco through a trapdoor In the roof of the building. The thlONes then lowered themselves on a rope 25 feet long to the floor of the school room They took a dynamo, tuners, con densers and two ear telephones. J. C Van Horn, head of tho school, discovered the robbery and reported it to the int. Winter streets police station Uth niocklcy Called "HorribleAffni- Tho March nraA t .. "Wl sontment to tho Quartei-' aJl.J ""aI W reports that It found conditions in S? ley horrible, both as regards craiS.?' dltlons nnd sanitation, but does wl( the hospital staff. It recognize? 'thi' port says, that under tha condm, " improvement In handling theTmatM' bo made, and nr-na n.n- . "ml conditions arc Improved, Ooffl Mli thatf Diciotto Bombe su Verona Cinquanta su Pordenone. Quattro Velivoli Aus triaei Abbattuti I'll teleirrniuma d-i Bomn dice die Mlnlstero della Uuerru ha nnminclato flic 20 nercplatil nuMrlncI prescro parte nll'ln purnlona dl domenica su Venezln, Verona, Pordi-Mii o i-d nitre clttadlno dell'Altu Itall'i Questl velivoli erano dlvlsl In quattio siiundrlKllo, duo dl sel velivoli clnsciin.i. una dl dodlcl cd una dl cinque Dlelotto bombe furono fntte cadero su Vorons, doxo rlnquo persono rlmnsoro ucciso Cinquanta bombe furono fntte ' oadcre su dl un ponte sill I'lavc e su Pnrdi'iioiie. mentre si tcntava dl dl- struggere anche un ponte sill Tngllamento. , Alcunl degll neroplanl neiiilcl volnrono I sulla plana dl Mestre tcntnndo dl ill Ftruggero 1 pontl. Ma quattro velivoli ' austrlncl furono abbattuti dal rannonl r dnl fuell! Itallanl cd otto ulllclall cho II occupavano furono fattl piigionlcrl. mentre un maggloro conutndnntc dl una dello squadrlglle rlmase m-clso TIic New CACTUS DAHLIA, 111 "e' "" lm Stillman" St" & Vole tb W r-JiTchcV e , ii a vm , Jmlbr 4k i tho long is and Inni? The most won derful new Cac tus Dahlia. Col or, rich, deep cardinal or light maroon Flowers 0 to 11 In diam eter Veiy free bloome" Bulbs $S each. Stiong plants. $3 each. Bulbs on sale nt mv stand at tho Flower S h w Send for cata logue. Geo. L. Stillman DA 11 MA SriM'IAI.IST, Wi:.sTnill,Y, It, I. Ilnv 1.1, 0 Visit the Meehan Nurseries in Germantown Our Nurseries are easily reached by motor, trolley or train. We'll be glad to have you come out and sec the facilities and men that make Mcchan Plant ing Service so superior. Less than half an hour's ride from Convention Hall. If you arc unable to come, write or phone for literature, which will be sent free on request. Thomas Meehan & Sons J'ionccr Xitracrymcn of Amrrica. 6714 CHEW ST. Germantown, Phila., Pa. THIS IS FLOWER SHOW WEEK- See the Show, Then Take Home a Bunch of Flower From One of These Reliable Florittt i r!imnfrs Chtcrfullv Furnlaked Phones Keyloni, nnce llli. ueii. wainui m, 4f Tlie National Decorating Co. c. ji. ki:i:(ian Originators of unique and effective dec orations III Hunting, ring. Plant, Flora! anil Ulectrlral Effects, for Halts. Recep tions or (Vlebrntloiis or nny rliaracMr. All materials nnd fittings furnished, alona of all Charnc l8n ,f nn".nm. BL ttn at loturst price) l'lillnilrliililn Says Canal Will Open on April 15 PANAMA, March 31. Notwithstanding the Official prediction by tho War Depart ment at Washington that the Panama Canal would be open for trallic on April 15, many shipping concerns ara, Importun ing Lieutenant Colonel Harding, engineer of maintenance, with cables asking for u positive statement. Colonel Harding In variably informs the inquirers that condi tions In the Galllard cut justify the pre . diction. f-- , xp JPpBllpr vr AT THE NATIONAL FLOWER SHOW you will at many macnlfl cent examples o! tlm Winter Or chid and Gran dl nor a SWEET l'UAH, most o( which wero orls- lnaieU hy me Thuv vlIII hlnnm ut of doors In 03 dais If planted now Heed for il at Show ANT. C. ZVOLANEK hntrl I'm Itnnrh, I.OMI'DC, CAL. AuuriN In 1UI3I Sun FranLlsro Internutlonal Expoal- tfon. Hold Medal of Honor - n Pl.co 1' C Epoiltlon. Gold Medal FAJBM,GABDEN a.nd the HOME, -.-, uTKJLi -,' .-xSr-5df rK-fStSisSSferTrfJ sfS:;y;yiir: HIGHEST QUALITY Is Not Caustic Cannot Burn IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Tba bat and moat economic.! form of Llm to lua. Full Information aa to tha most econom ical fray to purchaae. E. J. LAVINO & CO. 471 Bullitt Bldg. Philadelphia i m Bl WM. H. BARRETT 4734 Doffield Street numcFORD Landscape Gardening eprsjtnr. trimming and prualac trtu ni B dty. BU 'PUom Fr.nkiord S041W K STONE p?hlV PHOPEK FOOD FOR BVBRY AOE from lby ,hlcu to Uyln. in or vlaoroun cockumU Clla pore, wholeaoma invrxlUnti m- oitc-eps thrive UOOK FREE AT ycfUR PEALBR-sri? --. t uri at., C-ifldeo, K. J, IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF A bottler handy with tools, can malta blm ttlt Uvlimwleul by handllBa- a provluot heavily bivtrlUtd. Not a luxury, but a oeccsclcy tq aft B-apertr owner, wbtnr fanner or town num. lrea proflu. hg lnvstmat nceary vtiJy aatiatactery refereacea For uu add. jfctBtrata Co.. 131 ErU at.. Camden. N J. irW'Sweet Potato 81 All kta or Small ftslt ft -. plant, C"aL Prlirst. Catalosaa LWBEPIUES M U 9 urpees !, tiya tT Sixf ,,a,, v sspuepect Feas VnvOKn we will mail ono regular r Or DC 10-cent packet (40 to 50 seeds) each of Elfrida Pearson, a lovely pink, of gigantic size; King White, tho best of all White Spencers; Mrs. Routzahn, rich buff, suffused delicate pink; Ver miuon Brilliant, the most bril liant scarletSpencer; Wedgwood, a beautiful light-blue shade. Also one large packet (90 to W) seeds) of the Burpee Blend c Superb Spencers for 1916, the fst mix. turo of Spencers everoffed, Pur chased separately, would cost 60c Tho Burpaa lflot on Swaat Pa caU tr u acioei with cacb calUctloo. Burpee's Annual for 1010 TU Frtit. Aaalnrua && at tie Uklwt Aocrkia mi tUilctlt kriVltr j4 bIUr Uu it er aeien. It taiSa free. Writ he tt teiil tea fltm Buatie Ilia palUctliea. W. ATLEE. BURPEE & CO. Buxpeo Buildi n.a P-Uadalp-la """"""' OABDENEU3 AND FABMKB8 Covr Manure, Horse Manure, Pulverized Sheep Manure Ground Limestone. CHARLES A. GREEN llli (jlrard Att.. FhUa., Va. BT MAO- 250 FUuts. a seed I Ml Bl WioiuNo, , SEND FOB lOLLJNM FBUIT GflDK Arthur J. CulUo. Kox 10. Itoamtawn, N. J, POTATOES Bllw. Carman. Cobbkr. Norther OUu Uebrojj. Ne-BlUbt, Boi. OUo. lx , Z Wa, V. H7l-rt.3'.if, v. I "The Public Ledger Prize For Best Floral Design at the 4th National Flower Show Won by Sign th ill J Vc Rose J f i i i 1420 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. Special Deiignt CHARLE3 HENRY FOX has won the Public Ledger prize "for the best floral design for the cover of the Pictorial Section of the Public Ledger." The Award Committee of the National Flower Show announced this decision last Saturday. You may see this design this week at the National Flower Show; you will see a far more tp ucauiuui 1CJJIUUU1.LIU11 of it in an early issue of the Sunday Public Ledger. And it may suggest to you that when you want to obtain some thing distinctive in the way of floral decora tions, you should consult VvW VfogV'',ai 'wM I W7'-iSP ? 7 . V - V - V?a ' ; Eli 41- y ! a 5-dt -&&&'? :l!wtw its ISMd site" Sigmtm &2 fr ' ! ' "M i'1 " " -' "' ' j ' XrtE-i G6o Sign of&e se 221 South Broad Street "A BIT OF OLD ROME" This is the de sign that won the Public Ledger Prize Bell, Walnut 11 Keystone, Race 3103 FOR CHOICE FLOWERS AR TISTICALLY ARRANGED, SEE Jf oTrEft0r lotuer IMjop 131 South Broad St. J. MAX NITZSCIIKE COME SEE THE "FINEST FLOWER SHOW EVER HELD' THE Nationa If You Love Floioera You Should Know The Century Flower Shop 13th licloiu Chestnut St. Convention Hall Broad St. & Allegheny Ave. Ncnrly fifty thousand people yes. tcrday saw this wonderful Fairy, land of flowers this coreeouj spectacle of nature's choicest blooms. No one can describe such a brilliant exhibit, the raro colors and the allurinpr aromn. Do not miss it. Today Is Car nation Day. Open From 8:30 A. M. to 10 P. M. Admission 50c Children under IS learn 2S rent, , Music Illustrate. Lectures L J?ii.iii rrWJn IMICHELL'S GARDEN will beautify the bare spaces in the borders and flower beds this summer. Get your supply now. Tuberoses, Dahlias, Gladiolus, Carinas, Oxalis, SummerHyacinths, Elephant Ears, Amaryllis, Etc. Our special catalog- on Carinas, Gladiolus and Dahlias gives explicit instructions how to g-et the best results from these bulbs. You can have a copy free for the asking. 4SnWmA ' i. ' y"!. Xk ,. ; sous ---. '?... ' --I EXHIBIT OF THE KING CONSTRUCTION CO, North Tonawanda, N. Y at the NATIONAL FLOWER SHOW We're designed and constructed the world's largest grtenhoauta ad conaervatorlea, A letter Irom you vtU bring oruj of our representatives without obllgatlua or aea on oX the mea at tha show for full Jufomiatlon. Complete illustrated catalog on Seeds, Plants, Bulbs and Garden Tools free. A cordial invitation is ex tended to visit our exhibit at the National Flower Show and our mammoth establishment at 518 Market street. icnen s Seed House 518 Market Street Philadelphia J-KBfir ; '""""tiH Everybody Should See Dreer's Rose Garden which was awarded Two Gold Medals At the National Flower Show! Convention Hall Broad St. and Allegheny Ave. i UPWARD OP 1000 Roses in Full Bloorr In addition, there is a wonqeriul display or ww Lilies, Hyacinths, Tulips, N.arcissus, etc., etc, Also see, our show windows for additional display or Roses and Flowering Bulbs Henry A. Dreer ;12T ? m