tmMrmfmm v Jiuwp'i'swJSTTJSST "V ' 5"" "Bssr,w7 w ,jj-""- !i EVENING LEDGER-IHILABELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1916. fgSHOP AND PASTOR rjlAVE SECOND CLASH IN M. E. CONFERENCE i.n A . rVinlrn'a Pim. v. uwhj " wwv,.wx v.- ment on Rebuke uurtiy Received by the Pre siding Officer ailiBST BE T H E TIE" TILMINOTON. Del., March 31 Tho .-ton created In yesterday's session W the Wilmington Conference when IfhOP Josepll ucrry, ui iuiiucijiiiu, Ho Is presiding, publicly rebuked tho lav. George A. Cooke, of tills city, for ifcrruptlng ft spcnKor, Jinn ua sequel io when Mr Cooko nrose to a question fli privilege and commented on tho inci- Mt Si-... .... rn nroiisn mo of bclnc thln- .t tm nnlil. "I have a llttlo nerve. Sjt there Is n point beyond which T will iAit submit. Ureal llljusuco mm iieen uunu Wby what was said here and what was fiKhilntcd by tho press. I wns accused Sf k breach of courtesy or parliamentary ff&ctluro. Vou gentlemen know me. I 5iv i,.iii.t-n vou over heard or saw nny- Etfclns unchristian In my life. It was a fjtllcate situation. ( If I did nnythlng frong, i npoiuKiii.-. flFfetoi.n tidrrv In ronlv. said curtly. It would not be for the Rood of this ronference, yourself or myself to prolong this affair This Incident Is closed." The Itev itoocrt K. Htopiicnson. super- hntendent of the Dover district, next pre-;'.-..., i.i rnnnri It mils attention to 'deficiencies In Kpworth Lcnguo work and 'declares It to bo a question whether It would not bo wiser to Biibstltuto the Meth odic Brotherhood for tho league, tho ,i,r.' lrnlon nnd kindred organizations. He complains strongly of n lack of spirit uality nnd interest. Mr. Stephenson nlso speaks of the mat ter of salaries lor pasiura, immuk Muni tion to tho fact that great Inroads are tadc uin tho pastoral Income by travel, tnt,crtalnmcnt and other Incidentals. Bishop Berry's roputntlon as a wit was Sihanced by his comments upon Mr. KlDhenson'B report. "Brother Stephen- nrf." ho said. "I am sorry that In tho ffSonomy of the church your term will close at the end of tho conference. I do not feel so kindly toward you as I wouici lllce. You nro giving mo a great deal of trouble, which arises (dramatic pause) from the fact that many churches nro do mwidlng that I appoint you as tholr pas tor Some of these churches will bo dis appointed, as I can give you to but one. "When not a breach or episcopal tug utty, I refer to you as 'Bob' Stephenson; the whole conference has affection for you," BKBIshop Berry then presented "Bob" Wlin fiuv in goiu on ucimu ul wie ivover district with a "Cod bless you" as a beno- diction. IDoctor Stephenson made aproprlato ro- 5r and tho conferonco struck up "Blest lis tho Tlo That Binds." P"? A feature of tho conferenco wns tho en trance this-morning of Bishop Thomns B. Xeely. retired, of Philadelphia. He was roundly applauded ns he ascended to tho platform and welcomed by Bishop Berry Tho Rev T. A. H. O'Brien, superintend ent of the Salisbury District, presented his report GIRL BURNED TO DEATH AS SHE COOKS FOR DOG Invalid Brother Injured While Trying to Extinguish Flames at Ogden Street Home A girl Is dead today, burned to death while cooking supper for her pet dog. nnd her Invalid brother Is recovering from burns received In a vain effort to beat out tho flames. Tho dead girl was 16-year-old Emma Carter, of BOBS Ogden street. Her brother 1 noorgo Carter. 23 years old. In tho cellar of their homo Is an old gas stovo which tho girl used In her "play" house keeping. She went Into the cellar' last night to cook a pan of cornmcal and meat for her dog, n collie, nnd used an npron to hold tho hot handle. Tho apron caught nre, flaring up and Igniting her dress. Her screams aroused her brother, In bed upstairs. By tho time he had arrived In tho cellar his sister wns a mass of llamcs but ho mndo a bravo effort to saxo her, burning his hnnds Others, too, were nttrnctcd to tho house by the screams, the first being Policeman Montgomery, of the BIst nnd Thompson sttoot station. Ho helped beat out tho flames nnd sent the girl to the West Phil adelphia Homeopathic Hospltnl In nn automobile. She died a few hours later. The brother's Injuries were treated at tho hospital nnd he wns sent home. AbitiRton Fire Chief Hurt William H. Ferguson, chief of tho Ablngton Fire Company, Is receiving treat ment for two fractured ribs Whllo rak ing a cellar furnace tho llrobnr broke, hurling Ferguson against n projecting valve. : VACCINATION RULE UPHELD 5' ' Judge Shoemaker Refuses to Order Return of Fine Imposed on Obdurate Parent VThe compulsory vaccination rules of 3 school board wero upheld today by n Judge Shoemaker, of tho Quarter Sessions P-. Lourt, wno dismissed mo upiieiu tu vuj Blim anion, of 003 North 33d street, nnd Kwitalned a fine of $2 and costs imposed Xn the defendant for rofualng to have his children vaccinated. (The children, John. 9 years old, and Mary, 10 years old, were exciuneu irom U Agathas Parochial Hcliooi. because hey had not been successfully vaccinated for smallpox CJIllen refused to 'havo his iiiaren vnccinateu upon receiving nonce ovIUed by tho school code. He was ken before Magistrate Stevenson nnd lined, under tho compulsory education act. ' Three Important Factors in The Well-Dressed Man's Attire Collars ShlrtM Crnvntn We havo a rango hero of quite exceptional quality In styles to suit tho most particular. The widest choice of Arrow Collars, and Stunning Shirts S1.1S up. Stylish Cravats HOo up, Your Inspection Is invited. GEORGE W. JACOBY ; 620 Chestnut St. Phone Walnut 1065 jM$ jbraw:-? If fee Hi Your ROOFS Are They Leaking? TRY Crescent Compound It is reliable and economi cal. Our experienced men will Eivc you an estimate without charge. We do all kinds of roofing. Let us send you a booklet. Write or phone. Real Estate Roofing Co. 2343-2349 Wallace St. Dell Poplar 1007. KeytonmRace 3067 Money Loaned on Diamonds M. & S. FRIDENBERG Lowest Rate in the City Holmes Electric Protection Itank nml Trust Company Keferences 37 NORTH 11TH ST. Telrpliono I-'llhrrt 5131 9TH & BUTTON WOOD STS. Telephone l'ut'lur VAil Kstubllshetl 20 Years THE SEW "SQTJAKE" PATTEKX Chestnut Brown and Gunmetal A? V 203 N. 8th Our new Spring models show the most strikingly original and exclusive designs in the history of shoe mak ing. They have an irresistible appeal to the smai't-dressing man. Niederman 930 Chestnut 39 S. 8th f ! ' ii i ii - - ' ii.ii ' that C. J. Heppe & Son, of Philadelphia, is the only house in America that offers Upright Pianos containing 3 Sounding-boards: ' that all Pianos must have at least one sounding-board t to give them singing quality: that this invention of F. J. Heppe (patented) gives all Heppe Pianos 1300 square inches more sounding-board than the largest Uprights of other factories, nnwnnwn 1U7-U19 Chestnut Street Uotown: Cor 6th and ompson. Street $felKWW s STortn oruNS 8ino a. m. closes 5i3o r. m i MAIL, A PHONE OnOEItS FIM.ED : n Soft Hats & Derbies, $1.98 pnnitlKS nre perfect Jet hlnck. SOFT HATS of fur felt In latest colors. (G2l Men's Slftnon Unto, $3.50 & $4 Derbies nnd soft hats, Also tho "Supreme" soft lint, mndo exclu sively for Lit Brothers. TM Brothws SECOND FI.OOn, 7TH ST Mail Orders Filled HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Phone Orders FHlcd Market Eighth ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh Hats Trimmed Free Ready-to-Wear and Untrlmmed Millinery Cliarmlnir Knitter Collection That Offer Valued Truly Hupreme Every new shape, style and color la hera. 4 4 0 - "- 4 d 4' I Each Season the Event That Most Men SUITS 15 "Frankel Fifteen CLOTHING Wait for Is the Opening Sale of OVERCOATS $4 Rcady-to-Wcnr $2.79 Hats Pino nu.illty mllnn hemp. Latest Hprlne colors trimmed with quills, rib bons, ornaments, eto. $ 15 'Jul lfe Tomorrow Is the Official Day for the First Comprehensive Display of All the New Spring Models Bear In Mind, that, Although the Cost of Woolens, Dye Stuffs & Labor Have Increased Enormouslu "Frankel Fifteen'7 Cloth ing Retains Its Same High Standard of Stule & Quality $1 ;t lir'j.t j - t T ii r 11 r - 4? n nnd Inrge, medium and small Wlnon, Without a Cent Increase in the Sensationally Low Price) --J acw.h,t.!.n,:,!. 98 c ,o '2.98 The many years of absolute leadership that "Frankel Fifteen" Suits and Overcoats has enjoyed is a definite assurance that this season will find them right in the fore with the very newest and best of the spring modes. All "Frankel Fifteen" Clothing Is Uncon ditionally Guaranteed to Be Strictly Hand Tailored and Positively All-Wool. This sale inti'oduces many superb styles, one of which is an original adaptation of the popular plaited Balkan-back coat. Also much favored are tne swacrger one- or two-button coats. Among the materials are homespuns, worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres, shepherd plaids in many new and novel eflects. The tailoring is of the very finest, many being quarter lined with silk and "having silk sleeve linings. These "Frankel Fifteen" Suits and Overcoats Are Equal to the Finest $22.50 Garments 51 fi Made. Yet Our Price Is But lO pi3.50Serge$A '; Suits Very fine nil-wool serKe, lined with serviceable mohair. Well-tailored; with or without patch pockets. EXTRAORDINARY SPECIALS IN Young Men's Suits, $7.50, $10, $12 and $15 Smnrt one and two button models, made of nll-wool serges, fancy cassimeres, wor steds, cheviots, plaids, etc. Small men can be fitted also at savings of from $5 to $10. Liscre Braid Hats, Special $2.98 Variety of best shapes In black, brown, navy, sand, urny and purple. $1.98 $3 Milan Hemp Hats Havo 2-Inch llsereflnnges. V n r 1 o t y of shapes. Dlnck, pray, navy, brown and purple. One plrtiired I.ATKHT NOVIILTV FANCIES. flOTJBA and small WINDS, u nt Brathtrs FirtST FLOOn, NOP-TH ; J Lovely $5 $0 40 WAISTS, I Important Sale of Boys' Clothing for Easter and Spring iSfrffi1 $2.98, $3.98 - 4.98 , Include the favorite Norfolk stylo, with box or knife-plaited i coats, patch pockets, detachable belts, pep-top trousers, etc. ' Made of fine blue, scrffc, fancy cheviots, cassimeres, shepherd plaids, brown and gray mixtures, etc. - CCP 4 Many of the Suits at S3.98 and M. S Have Two Pairs of Pants lso novelty suits in Junior Norfolk styles, of fine all-wool Sprint: materials. Top coats in doublo breasted or Norfolk models made of scircs, shepherd plaids, homespun, fancy cheviots, mixtures, etc. Sizes 2V& to 18 years. llrolltcis SECOND FI.OOH, SKVCNTII STRECT - IS4i - Of Crepe itc Chine and BmHtitii WHfc In styles they follow the latest vogue for tailored effects have soft rolling collars, quaintly smocked shoulders, hemstltchinRS and dainty revers. Bright, beautiful shades of maize, peach, melon, Nile green, also delicate rose and white. $4 Crepe de Chine Waists $2.98 Flesh, white and maize. One sketch ed. Winsome stylo with tiny plaited frills on the deep round collar, large rovers and sleeves. $1.50 French Voile Waists, 98c Sheer, pretty blouses with plaited and em broidered organdie restees, dainty broad collars and lace Insertion. Lit Ilrolliero SECOND FLOOR IKootoi.'fl. Misses' and Children's Easter Millinery Expressive of Fashion's Prettiest Inclinations Hats with the enriching effect of ostrich predominate for dressy wear, while others of indescribable chic arc trimmed with smart bows, wings and fancies. The pictured hnt intro duces a new shape a becoming envelope ef fect, with a band of ostrich across tho edge. But Best of All Your Easter Hat Need Cost Only $1.98 For being the world's largest trimmed millinery house, wo are able to incor porate in our millinerjr at this price, style nnd quality equivalent to $10 hats elsewhere. mothers MII.M.VERY SALON, TlIIItD FLOOn ;53E3rn aszaxKT'StarssrsiSs !XE3fc5X3XI3E3X3X33eX3X3SSSX3 S iaZat!dtl- Sale of Juniors', Misses' & Women's Apparel S Charming Fashions, Too Numerous lo Count Qualities and Tailoring Immeasurably Superior to the Special Low Prices Thai f- ),.. j a ri c ,. n,. - ah u;. uriu n.. m. r,., c. . svswn'n'wn'wn'',i -ji t oitu. j-x vjjciu i-,uiiuiuy uuy jui .nu rr iiu rr in Ljuy unciv ujiui;ic jui iuhiki . M Y4 5 L filllMTV I if ( 'M V'' and Misses s10.98 For Juniors $15 Spring-Suits Several Attractive Models One Sketched Of t.erge In HKht blue, navy blue, frreen nnd ; black Jaunty semi-Norfolk effects, many ' trimmed with taffeta bands or pongee col- ( n ra; anu an nncu witn Ruarantceu natm. For Women Sketch Shoioa One of Many Pleasing Stales All-wool poplin checks and sorgo In navy, , lilaek rookie, new blue nnd black-and-white Show contrasting collnrs, fancy but tons and belt. 5 x A I ft Juniors' $14.50 Lingerie Dresses $9 .98 Winsome stylo In white organdie, made bolero effect; with square necK, lace, emnromered panels and silk girdle. Misses' $20 Suits $1C Turlir IVtrliliiK StjleMi Onf Skrtrlird. JL 9j All-wool poplin, Merce, novelty sultlnBH, shepherd plaids and fancy checks In Spring shades and black-and-white. Show short Norfolk nad flaring-skirted Jackets, with variously pretty collars Skirts also are extremely smart. N'nvcltv HiiltlniTH. illnconal materials, her ringbone nnd black-and-white checks, with tnffetn hands, patent leather belting or novelty collars. Women's & Misses' $C $7 Spring Coats,., J u Nnvy blue serge or novelty checks, with bUick-nml-whito collar or brnld. Women's & Misses' ?C Pretty Dresses..... ' Silk poplin In black. Wv' nnd light shades. Winsome styles. ;$4 & $5 Trimmed $9.98 Large sailor. Hare ' unit trlcorpeBiuiiieo, t ...ii. tAti ir iiniler Mrlm of batlu or, t r:nr(FPttB c r e 11 e. C T r I m m e tl with Lostricn, nuncio, ' fruits, oriiuments aud ribbon One sketched. Milnn TTpmn Tints. SI. .19 h rn i,inpk and colors. Larcre sailor and (other shapes. Children's Hats, $i.4, si.nR & S2.40 f Milan hemp, fancy braid or plain rnemp; wn w'. i, "" ) ribbon Men's & Young Men's )$G,98 c?io en Onito . -' Spring models, including Norfolk effects. overplalds and pin-stripe chevotscassl- meres ana wumivuo. b,o ju... . Boys? $3.50 Spring Suits, $2.25 weat mixiuro4 ij4" i' - iy "" nnd CilHblinerca. iiwuunv Women's $27.50 Coats $1 ft.RQ Klne golHno In light colored two-tone effects. Also all-wool poplins and awning stripo Jersey cloth in loose-hanging, belted styles. Women's Handsome $40 Suits, $OQ 7C quality gabardine, wool poplin nnd 4 JT J sergo In navy, black and Spring shades. Also black chiffon taffeta. Styles are reproductions of costumes that cost many dollars more. Some plain tailored, others very hand somely trimmed. Misses' $35 Fine Suits. Six Distinguished Styles Women's & Misses' I 57 50 m.u " T'"" 7 m" . "" $u spring suits... ' WfMisses' $20 Coats oSUQQ nAn Unusually Fine Collection . w w n? om: ll.Ll hTUATi:ii. Scotch mixtures, novelty checks, dod- KP" Men's Furnishings Sale ?25 In gabardine, poplin, French serge and checks In black-and-white, alho newest shades. Show Mandarin Jackets or other pretty fashion tendencies. Many are copies of costly model costumes. Lit Jlrolhcra- SECOND FLOOH "Ml Lgr2si2iEX3:E3:E3!:Ti:scs! Specials in Underwear and Hosiery 18 ! III a I I iv s Women's $1.25 SilkXQQc Stockings fZ?u Latest novelty In two-tone fancy stripes. Also black, white, pearl, silver, hory. bronze and navy. Silk Boot Stockings, 98c (Full'fashioned 16 exceptional value. S I Wanted shades Illack and white In S ' regular and extra sues Many Specials nown Makes Gloves s Brss For Men and Women $5 Tub Silk$0 QO Shirts .... ' Newest two and three color effects Intermingled with white rutin stripes Double turn-back cuffs Sizes 14 to 17 50c Silk Lisle Stockings, 35c "WXX" Brand Six-thread ir and heel "Stop run" tops. white, 3 pairs for 91, mproved toe .uiacit or $1 Union Suits, 59c Fine cotton ribbed Low neck and sleeveless. Crochet and lace yokes. Wide laco-trimmed knee. $2 Satih-StripedUl AQ Pongee Shirts.. ' Ly Sea Island pongee. White ground with self-iatln stripes and fancy, colored stripes French cuffs at tached. $1 Pure Silk Half I CO r Hose Heavy quality iJ'v Lisle soles; double high-spliced heels and toes. Black and colors. $1 Varsity Union 7C, Suits OC Chocked nainsook Athletic style Sleeveless and knee length. Patented "Correct Cut Closed Crotch." one-button Haps and reinforced seams. Women's $1.25 & $1.35 $1 Kid Gloves Two-clasp. Black, white and colors. All-Silk Hands. . Four-in- 25. Women's $1.50 Kid $1 OC Gloves ; X.OO One-clsp. Black, white and colors. Also black-wlth.whlte and whlte-wlth-black styles. I'lain colors, self-figures & stripes. Beautiful colorings. Also new summer foulards. Kxtra large flowing-end style. Lit Brother FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH Women's $2 Strap-$1 .65 Wrist Kid Gloves, . x Black, white, pearl, sand and tan. Men's $1.35 Cape $1 1C Gloves 1'XO P. X. M, sewn. Tan shades. One-clasp, Lit Brother. FinST FLOOR, 8TII ST. Lit Brother. FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH style coats. stlt irs. unit TlnlWntl with natch pockets ana r." i,i nn Hoitu k in 17 vears. SlllCUCU-VF M- - - - - Boys' $1.50 Conlirma- tinn CllltS Plain blue serge. Norfolk coats. Peg lop bloomers. 6 to 17 years. Women's S3 to ji v ?l .aa shnpa & Pumns... Gun-metal calf, latent coltskin, tan Rus sia calf and white Nu-Buck button and Ism shoes . also patent coiisiun puiuia with gray buckskin tops. All sizes In lot Men's $3.50 to $5 Clinpu cv...,.si 'iVfrffl-Ainri iirt(fj .nni alf otiH rtntnnt rnlrsVln. JU(i-tA vi - ' - mittnn nnd lace lasts, a'o lace BUoei r"T" n -.!-. All uivau It lnt Wllu )T"VO ! -f vfc- TomailQr phom orders on frootvar U,V UUOTHEn3 ;, , 52.45 S" Little Girls' Section Balloon Day in Our To each and every one of our youthful customers accompanied by an adult will be given free a pretty "Jtlldred Louise" balloon. a vvvwwwwwntvwvvwmwHWttmmmwwww d iiiiiiiiiiVniniiiim "Mildred Louise' Lingerie Dresses. $1.50 98c Of sheer lawn with lace edged neck and sleeves, embroidery Insertion and pin plaits. Sizes. 2 to 6 years. $2,50 Colored Wash) $1 .Q Frnrks at X J With detachable Jacket and skirt of white or colored figured Jap crepe, combined with white lawn gulmpe. Have color feather ttltchlng and tiny pearl buttons. Sizes J to 6 years. IrlW ran L .SEiSittWSi) Big Girls $7 QD $10.50 Coats Of shepherd check with double collar of silk poplin and satin, satin belt, slant pockets and nov elty buttons. Sizes 8 lo 14 years ana larger Little Tots' t $0 QO $5.50 Coats ' O'W One Sketched. Shepherd check with silk poplin collar, cuffs and girdle. Entirely lined. Sizes 2 to 8 years. lit Brothers-SECOND FLOOR A Special Easter Display and Sale of the Smartest New Spring Shoes and Pumps Featured in Our Famous, Exclusive Brands the Lenard, S3; Lit Brothers' Special, S3.50. Stratford, $4; & CustomAde, 4.50 to $7. The finest of the new models are shown at their very best in these Pumps and Colonials of patent coltskin, gun-metal calf, tan Russia naif, bronze, gray, champagne and white kid, white calf, white buck, -white Nu-Buck, white Sea Island; duck and patent calf with white kid tops. Their Equals, Elsewhere Cost at Least a Dollar More J IN OCS BIG MEST.iUIU.JiT BEST OJ? EVEBYT1UKQ AT Women's $3 & $3.50 X $ 1 Q C ! Shnps ew ' Patent coltskin, gun-metal calf and kid- skin, with dull calf, black, fawn or gray! f cloth tops. All sizes 2H to 7 In lot ' Men's Trade-Mark Shoes & Oxfords Lenards. J Lit Brothers Special, S.S0i Stratfords. Oustom-Madea. 4.5J to is. Patent coltskin, tan Russia calf, glazed kid skin, and Oordovau. Size EH to 10. Xl Brother FIRST FLOOR, NORTH LOWEiT VufCES. lflPXlS VLOOH Spring Shoes for Young Folk J bpqctal prices combine with ( sterling qualities Children's & Misses' $2 to $3 Shoes foTi8.n.29fo?8H.'1.55 Black and tan Russia calf and patent colt skin. Cloth and leather tops. Big & Little Girls' White Footwear White Buckskin JTV -1 Whit Nu-Buck . . . . ., .. X White Canvas XM fljaa OT SHOTHI W