Mggpg5BBpSigw5w'wv''1 "w ' www KVltJiSMNG LKDGKTl riltLADBIPnTA, FRIDAY, HUAttOH 31 1916 4" 28 AUSTRIAN 'PLANES RAID ITALIAN CITIES I'our Squadrons in Attack on Verona, Venice and Other Cities HE GATHERS THEM IN KOMI:, Mnrcli 11 TuenU-rilne Austrian aeroplanes took part in the nlr raid over Venice Veron.i Porileiione ami other c'lllen In northern Italy It una announce loctny 1y the Wni Hft1c The aircraft ticre illtltlod Into fnir ffqUAdrnhs Ttvn of these rontnlneil sit Wanes each, another contained ii nml the fourth una composed of lice Eighteen bombs were dropped nt erona tyherc fltn person1' were hilled Klftv bombs were dropped upon t'lae bridge and Pordenone. An nltempt m made to tlestrov Tagllamonto bridge Some of the neroplnneA flew alone the Mestre Vnl ley trying to damage tho bridges Four of the raiding machine tmnt down and the occupants captured An official report sajs On the heights northwest of Ooerlt7 the artillery duel i Intense throughout jesterdny At nightfall the enemy hating been reinforced he renewed his tlolcnt nttaclc. which Commenced at the northern extremity ot tho 1'odgora height (Ji'st across tho rlter from t'oorltr) and extended rrtpldly along the whole front as far as Monte Sabotlno, five miles further north Itcpcatcdl) repulsed the enemy constantly renewed his sangnlnarc nt tack with fresh troops These ef forts were aln and the cnenn een tually was defeated by n counter-attack and. forced to ilea Ins lu our hahds fixe officers and ISO men as prisoners On the Carso (the plateau region on tho east bank of the lsnnzo south of Goerltsi) tho nitlUer.t actions con tinue Cast of Sell? fi mile north of Monfnlcone) our troops jesterdav at tacked In strong force nml seized mi Intrenchment At the point of the li onet, Tho cneinv launched numerous counter-attacks, and tho fighting con tinued In the night, but all Austrian attacks were icpulsed In this hrllllatit action we captured seven officers, 200 men and two ma chine guns, a bomb throw er and other bootj " 1 fflHSMliMWP'wsil i MALANCOURT LOST FRENCH QUIT TOWN t onllhuril from I'ntrr One ward In mass formation, watc upon wate of men Overhead the sky was lighted up with star bombs. The Germans lost heavily and the French, lather than Incur needless sac rifices oluntarlly etacuated the tillage. OFFICIAL IUJPOUT The text of the communique follows In the Argonne we upulsed two grenaclo attacks directed ngalnst our positions north of Atocourt West of the Meuso the bombard ment of Malancourt redoubled In tlu lence during the night The Germans launched a series of mass attacks, de bouching from three sides slmultnne iulj upon the tllhge, which formed an ndtaiued salient In our lines and which contained a battalion of our ndtanced posts After n saugulnarv battle which lasted all night and which cost the enemy considerable losses our troops evacuated the ruins of the tillage, of which we still hold the outskirts Kist of the Mcuse the night passed tiuletlt In the Woetrc region the Germans nnde three attempts to capture our woiks to the east of Ilaiidtomont All their attempts weie repulsed cm the rest of the front there was no special development Malancourt Is niiout si and a half miles northwest of Verdun on the west side of the Meuso It is about a tulle and a half ci of Hethlucouit The Malancourt Hethlncourt line represented the apex of (i sillent which the 1'reiicli mnlntnlncd In tin- German front despite the tlolent nt tacks of the Crown I'rlnce west of the Meuso The following description of the bloody fighting .tt omul Atocourt on Wodncs tlat night when the Germans tiled to te captuto Inst positions mound Atocoutt blockhouse l contained In a dispatch from the front The counli'i -attacks of ttir Germ ms Uroted as costly and as futile as those on the opposite side af the Meuse around Vnux Ten thousand men tvere sent against the blockhouse first This force was rolled back by the terrific Aft"'"' rtrej machine-gun fire and rifle fire of the French Twenty thousand were then hurled Into the fiay irA.imti-i MnfttitinuoA c a s hurriedly l built hj pioneers and company guards 10 I dajs ago after the Germans hnd cap tut ed the position Or. Wednesday It was 1 retaken bv Goneral Petaln's men The blockhouse commands Atocotirt Wood, nnd Is a strong defense for tho I'tench salient on the tlcthlncourt-Malait-coutt line tt rests upon a cement foun dation, with bomb-proof shelters 12 feet thick It Is a,rmed with retoltlng machine guns The carnage was rrlghtful fts the 10 000 Germans rushed forward In a hope less cfTott to cam the place by slotm I u the flickering blue light of the stnr shells tho Teutons battles desperately to get close enough to fire thtough the loop holes but as they did so the French machine guns piled lip heaps of corpses Tenlfled nnd discouraged the Germans flnallv fled back to the shelter of the shell drenched forest of Mntancourt" unfit. IV. Mnnli .11 German troops captured Malancourt In storm last night I It was announced todat by the war nr II ce Ftencli positions on both shies of the tillages were untiled bv the Germans Following Is the text of the olllclal re port Aitltltv on both sides conslderablt Increased iitirlwr the day owing to more fat orahle weather West of tho Meuse the village of Atatancourt and tho French defenses on both sides were captured by storm Six officers and .122 men were made prisoners. On the eastern bank of the Meuse the situation Is unchanged. The Ttusslans llmltid their nctltltt although portions of our front, which bad pretlously boon attacked, weie subjected to heavy bombardments DOCTOR SCOFIKIjII (JIVES NEW VEKSI0N OK II KM, "Pieachcr on Prize Fight Boat mid 'Sport on Sunday School Boat" the ltet Or (' t Scoflcld. the Hlble scholar and author. In an address, last night nt United Second t'rcsbj tcrlnn Church Hace street near 16th. told a story which Illustrated he "aid. his Idea of bell This is the storj "Two men left IJuffalo by boats on Lake Kile bound for pleasure excursions x tehewt One boat una rni . .. Picnic Tho otho'rwa. carryTn.' gallon to a prize WhT cflrrj"n U 'A sporting man bound for 1, Kv,S got separated from hMI "' the prize-fight boat u -0' on . "Itoth were on pleasure boit. .. J icir n good time, but both were mi . W nl. -lat Their mtfterlngsXt"' The lecturer said he did mil k-h a literal hell fire, hut lher Ui 'mW to be "lie dark and fearful Wkld upon which the grace of Go A h&?$ not Onposses Grade On)... The Mnrcus llnnli ito..,..i. ..." .41 filed a Milton ,lth"'th,,j?,S"KI i t mimiKHirin nt t in rrieinn ..... ' 'vo. older abolishing the thiee nm.i.lL'0': H maintained ht the Phlladehiht. B..lniK n.a crnDi.if.n tn , ' . ott'umor ...... .. lo..i.iluii ik.iuioao and at tivi cs mnnv serious nrclrtrtiio i.. l "tlttj is llnlllte.1 n,H nl !,.' .LUP0".'''' rtnlnvnrl tni Innw iin.l.,1. !.... . . 01tn 1 .: 'V ;";,'u;.,:-::m?"xn mii tions -" ,ni? a i Pfii . V.n..H H kioM til -St Trousers ASpecialty 1116WalnufStreet SPRING MODCS IN MEN'S SUITS Opening at Netteoin & Gicen's ShoVts Many Models The scarcity of wool and dtes due to the war is helled bv the array of more thnn 350 patterns In men's suits at the 20th annual spring opening of Netteoin S. Green, custom tailors which began to day nt 1032 Market street Urowns and gias, tho predominating shades this hcisoii are prominent In the display, which includes serges, chctiots homespuns cassimeies mid unfinished worsteds wotcn In the latest checks and plaid!) and pencil banjo and mandolin stripes, Th fabrics are all wool and fast ded although the niccnt condi tion of tho wool and dje markets Is tei poor The only change In stiles Is In the coats whlchTnie cut a trlflo longer and fuller Painters to Get -10 Cents an Hour ATLANTIC CLTV March 11 Painting contractors nnd journe.tmen hate decided unon a rate of 40 Lents an bout tilth full pay for n half d.i on ! iturdaj in I an amicable readjuhtment of the wage scale fdt painteis The new si ile take effect, jtpmonow nnd ttill affect seieial hundred worker: Isatlor Sobcl, of Erie, Pa , is coniluctinjr the cnnipaitrn for incictvmiK the mcmbetship of the B'nai H'rith in Philadelphm. Mi. Soltel s specialty it "organization" the collection of men monov and votes and in all these lines he has demonstrated distinguished abilitj. As Republican leader of Erie Countv fot main vonis as post master of Eric for four terms, as president of the Lenjrue of Re publican Club,s of Pennsylvania, as first picsidcnt of the Pennsyl vania Postmasters' ssociation and later head of the National Post masters' Association, as delctrate to the National Convention which nominated Melunley, and as a business man and lawyer he has made his mark. It is doubtful if any othei citizen of the Commonwealth has so vvuli an acquaintance in all parts of the State. ZEPPELINS ACTIVE FROM RIGA TO PINSK Raids Mark Campaign Drive on Dvinsk May Bo Abandoned llliidcnbiirg has abandoned hope of over 1 i.tptuiing Piiusk mid tint bis tmpalgn for the sptlng will be defensive rather tlntl ofTensite ilthnueh ilrmoiis iouiit-. nttaiks nn be expected In set tots whin thp Gernnns have been foicul from strong positions In the Pilpet district main miles of ground me under ttnter as a result of the tlnw of snow and Ice At some pliu e" lntig-rnnc;e artillery duels ate being fought ihiiiSs theso Inland sens i PirntOGIlAD Match II , Intent"" nctltlty Is being shown bt Ger- j man airmen oter the greatei liart of the front from Hlga to the Plus, mnrslics Zeppelins are being used as well as aero planes Numerous raids hate ben made against cltlesibehlnd the Hiisslnn Hues and allwnt s-tntlons. but little damage has been done 'I he Kiisluns are well able to defend tlieinselies from air attacks as Ceueral Polltattotf who leslgned this week nit Minister of War, gato mm .i of his iilteu- i tlon to tile building up f the nlr brnnch of the spnlie while he was in olncc. i Getman artlllcr ha been tei.t actite duiiiig the last Jl horns on the Dilnsk front and an enormous amount of ammuni tion has been Kunnderod i ft Is bclieted that Plcld Miirshnl ton TODAY'S .MARRIAGE LICENSES IMniird Pan. IT4J 'In - nl Man tt olsi r I, tJ Til tnv m lleoT I r n "VJT I i nt un.1 KlUnlxih lltrlliiKi-r Jsn ijitni n KroIirlikW ouik J I .1 'I i"l i nt ma i:iiuii.h ' in urn - i Miirri LnnilKlfl. I illl'l 'l i mhI m i nil l.ilMh. ItniHil. ooilo Mn kIii 1 lulm li tt p mi ,t" l ft inn. insrnii tne nyM :t7ill Vt irr. tvtllliiin It I- t- ti is amh -.1 nml Annn I X kijuir .'mOn ii f i I hi tt 1 1 1 In ii J! Illnlif mil. I." V i In i ii jiv. ml VtirimirUtf . VtilKIn io! I. tt ism hi t hrixlian Vt. Cfoltx t : r oltt rui.l Iiiun i K I tt itltnnli-r Hi t V .tM I Lnulii anttllltilli t.'ll . I nt nml 1 nnnl I ciripnniin lulu liuKxit si I Jnnotih it iImiiiI I' tin no i V I ami lnhv V rrumUill JiU" H '"Iklnit si t- r. .1 tthnrtiii Lie I'll i i .it tl I. n III.' S .1 "up i t Ikt ir liir i l'.-'l rixi I i ml in l.irv. rkjlst IIJO HlklilJ I (1 iirn -. Ilk I h r .I'll i .iinnlil i ii linni ixwr J U't tliiw r i Mi's k 1 I. VI III J II I i.l Men's Shoes for Spring representative of what the highly skilled American shoemaker is acknowledged to produce the finest styles; the best made, best fitting shoes in the world. -r ". 'I UXii " i Mahogany Tan Dull Calf Patent Leather No matter whether you are an extreme or conservative dresser, we are prepared to meet your every need a fit for every foot. Shoes and Hosiery 1204-06-08 Market St. .it lllli llllh. H lilt t ViV- 'fill " 1. Swis -fit oh MS h'jMl ?A,V hi y.v.)..".' u.'uBiJ mm i,x .i -a. . m mm I'ejwS i STETSON HATS Bring Spring When the windows bloom with new shapes and colors in soft hats and derbies, built to go with the new suits and top coats, men chirk up. It's Springtime; and Stetson Hats arc the first sartorial blossoms. This season there are some new ideas: One is a Comfort Derby in various shapes, which conforms to the head that wears it, no matter where the "bumps." Another soft hat is The Pacemaker, with a slight pitch to the brim that is new: self-.itripcd band and a crown about the usual height, with a tapering effect that should appeal particularly loyoung men. When It's hat time It's Stetson time, with men who think before they buy. V 35 IM ii timri ,-wra Stetson Hah ate sold et leading hatters and haberdashers everywhere John B. Stetson Co. Retail Stoic 1224 Chestnut St. I Ii 'lV'Jr H i'VtyQ m mi Sot m m Baffts'Jts mm iss J Ki wmm iT ? M tB jqH93b1HIZ3Z53SSESSB t I Jlr Newcorn says ! ui-iii'iinijiiiMwuiiwuiiiiwii'imii .mw rLusnt-vvinuwtuismgiKmaasjcnmmBrmiammrminrar A Statement of Naked About Clothes of I Vital Interest to E T ruth nstant, very Man "I'te been studylnB the styles for Hprlncj and I am ready to announce that the cut of coats will be a trifle longer this season, and will be built on contertatlve but fuller lines, allow Inir more freedom of action There Is no important chango lu trouiers; the medium cut of leer ttill still be ttoru V'sts are cut medium low. In design of fabrics the fine pencil rtripes. broad banjo stripes and combination broad-dud-n.irrntv mandolin striped will pre t. ill Broun tnd gray fabrics ttill predominate Gray serges ttill be popular Oterplaids will be much worn So will homnpuns. "And In etery piece of these fabrics I'm going to Kite jou those little t-iuches of style refinement for 16 and up that ou te got heretofore only f'om the high-priced tailors. Not a stitch goes Into u coat vest or pants that Isn't exactly right I m on the Job all the time, personally super lsing the measuring, cutting and finishing of each garment.' gUu4-& iyzfr'- Wool shortage dye famine and mills on short time or closed, have sent fabric prices "out of sight." In spite of these unusual and business-disturbing conditions we are showing today what is the finest collection of fast-dyed, all-wool fabrics for men's wear that can be found under one roof in the whole city. It has been "some hustle" and some shrewd buying, even with cash in hand, to get them over 350 separate, distinct styles. But they're here for your inspection and your order to turn them into correct, up-to-the-minute spring suits at prices no higher than we charged when the wool market was normal. This is an extraordinary, unprecedented result. When we started buying for this sale we didn't know whether we could do it or whether we'd have to boost prices like the other fellows. $30 and $35 Vakaes Made-to-Your-Measure Suits $20 Ml flieen sijs 'Tnenlj ears in Imslneis Hid netur licfui o the iol in u Let in a ttoite hIwji It's slnipl nttful It Ims put some tallori nut of buslu-ss 'llic- aau U of tft died ttooletib Is uiipiecedcnteU Sonu spline Koods In mil shop nim ere tan trncteel fut mora thin u tea ago Thst wit tte'te got "em unci tho other fellovt iuiBii't We kUiii) right in with the licit mills in the! LQimtry Sometimes I set tips, about i litems and prices before the goods are off tho loom I'urodjed fubilcs nte mlslity scaiLC but ttete got oter J0 diffeient palttiiiH And s more e inspect ttery piece of noth we get In nrder to be Mile It's up to the Nencorn S. Oreeti ttundurd We pnuctt uur tratlJ etery time, and e ate careful to a' that tie get for our customers exactly what we lead them to bellete they caw expect In quality of fabric as well as In workmanship You won"t !li4 uc su" lugs anywhere else In town at our prices W up" kJ Come in. See these latest stripes, plaids and checks fash ionable and serviceable material, every yard of it. See the serges, cheviots, homespuns, cassimeres and unfinished worsteds in all the popular plain and colorful effects. Get our samples test them prove to yourself they are fast dyed and all wool. Our Mr. Newcorn will personally take yoUr measure and supervise thj&uilding of a perfect-fitting, elegantly finished and fitted suit fo Spou. Newcorn & Green tailoring means careful, skilful work manship, needle moulding and our patented French canvas and haircloth interlining that hold the coat in permanent shape, open try-ons to show what's inside as well as out, and perfectly finished garments. AH fabrics cold water double shrunk. Newcorn & Green Guarantee You don't have to take any chances here, If after your suit is finished you are not satisfied in every respect, you don't have to pay a cent. A tailor that makes this guarantee must be abso lutely sure of the character of his work. Come in today or tomorrow while the stock is complete and pick out the fabric you want made up in an Easter suit. And, take our word for it, we'll positively not disappoint you on delivery. You men who want a specially big value in a blue serge, ask for No. 632 1 , Newest weave. Absolutely fast color, $20 for suit. t NEWC ORN & GREEN, Custom Tailors Open Monday and Saturday Evenings 1032 Market Street We Sell Woolens for Women's Tailored Suits 1 1 -. -? Sal