EVENING tEBflER PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1916. 10 m "li i l 1 jUS-K-EMNO. APARTMENTS Tft COR ItTII A WALNUT 8T3. . end most dlstlnetli-e. RMttmsnt Th M'pMlsnelphlA, deslrnhle """" f"in.i, roues- wUh """ eastern AprLt ON PnEMISES. Dn rnB WALN0T MM' ,- -SifOPBARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING . AN APARTMENT lff?tXstmo't sttrsrllvo and bout equipped !hV!rSfl.l'phA, devoted exclusively to secur- "it &" tbcy wnnt for I"""0"1" People. .ii n ror requirements. Every deslr. . Jl iJf?tmJnt lrfphlldelr.hlii Hllilrf with Si.Tbi rented through in. Our nutomo z?arJ Tw In to take you to tho list of &ittlTou neslfi-nMe. and with the least ' .Jble effort J-ou w" eeuro the oneavrt- ' S 3 ,?.,,,?,.rth,.d,?" - .p. 'NORMAN S J.SJKWOOD I it'll WALNUT ST. i' w rn. nw r THB WAHWICK 1906-08-10 Sansom at. windrn J-story fireproof hulldlnir. rontaln 1J , of apartments hnvlnac 4 to t iSitni with nil convenience-! for housekeep ing "n tiro water supply In this build ' E? If filtered. There are 2 or J desirable J,iirncles: one suite, on tho Mh floor, eon , 'i.lnlni rooms, at IBS per month, and one , mi he Id floor, at $50 per month. There Is eiterer In the hulldlno; who will serve meals when wanted, either In thi pubtlo din. in ooni or in ine arnruneine. yinTESmi! A MrLANAHAN N IV, ror. 15th and rino sts. modern, furn or jinturn npartmenn :.ih,n Phiu. and 'ran. see us tint. CHOEPPV ro.. Ifil7 Mnntnomery nve. -iHofrSF.KnnPINO apta.. all porln of rlty; rents i"ia to 10 per months nil, phone or writ" for i tnfenrjatlon. Pnmuel atern. 1201 fbeatiuit. ir sirBUVyT Lfcht. nlry. well-furnlhcd. .1 rms., r Slj MthS;. rhone Iicust 2381 W. ' 1.. MlA.tlntit, IKJiHK RUTLAND APTS.. JI'HT rOMPLETUD '- T-nriisr h .. Hin u ii.iiii ci i . a-rooma-and-bnth npnrtmenta. with nit tho latest conveniences. MO. to $ 12. r" per month. . nonEItT PITTS. AC1ENT y rttll phone. Ilelmont M33 M43 Locust at. DRE-VEL APAHT.Mr.NT5 OVERRROOK STATION One hou'ckecplnR stilt, ft rooms and bath IMS per month; puhlle rilnlnt: room. Phono Oierhronlt ."2S. "THE LARCHMONT. 1100-01 S IfiTlI 8T. On of the bandiomest Sd floor opartmnts In PMI.i 1 larire rooms (nil outside): recep tiort lull nnl bath, with prlvit" porch. APPLT TO JANITOR ON PRPE.HSES ANOOIIA fi:HHACB. n.1.17 II Siiblet.-lmt plrefl leas', attractlie apt.: south and wont eiposure, deep yard Inqulrn on premlsea or Room T02, 1701 rhestnut. Tel. Spruce 2110. 0 8ANSOM AT tOTH ST.. n few lai-lllicles. 0 rooms and bath EDWARD Hl'TPIIINRON. Jit 132 S. inth.nr 117 S. IGth si. ' THE C'lflLTON" First and 3d.floor apnrtmenta. from ' Jin in n.i. MIS. R. McluUN. X!IR Rnrlntr at. THE ItEIOI.VN rooms and bath, half block from 46lh at "L" station. Jas. N Mitchell. 4i;th nncl Mirkt sts 1(0 ' ISO CHANCELLOR ajar. rhsn.ellor "it. AIRLIOIIT APART'S. (below Walnut), n laftcs nn.. bath: open ois. Janitor on premises, Jlelmoni I .- I ESSI. aith and I'licatnut; lontrrey. 4M and Chester Helmont. 34th and Spring Onr- dn Inquire Janitor or fresae. 30 Ifnlo Hid BUCKINGHAM .PTH J"0: 7' rooms i tnths" porch. Ph.Prca.3(10t. A.H. Held. I41S Walnut. ftEAL ESTATE FOR SALE cirv 1G0B LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-story hrownslone dwell lnc: especially fitted for professional offices; Iott price nnd easy terms for quick sale. i. BROAD' ST. corner property, lot 20x1 ns. eultabl for buslneHS. club ur iipnrtments: tn excellent condition Inside and out. Open fer ofTcr. 1301 Land Title Illds. rh.Spr.303L Tsm'n. 12TH ST II rooms, first-class con dition; man Improvements made by owner; excellent home WM. O, (II.ENN. IB 17 Columbia lle 1J0 N. RANDOLPH ST. (0th nnd Oxford) 3 stories, u rooms, bnt-w.iter heat: nnt ) offer. WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S SONS. MARCH SPECIALS flWN. 2lh $.-.0011 L'107 N Kltu $1200 Sian.v. 20th iroo iq.i Muster I20u SI9N. 20th. 1HI1I) yum Milliter .. . loon i ll'.'l Toplar 4.-IHI I.Mit Falrmount . loot : 1111 Falrmo.int 440" I7.-.2 N .".1st .. ni).ll u. a. an.Nxn-K. ihsu hidok avenue TWO HAROA1NS N. 13TII ST . 2000-2200 blocks 3-story divelllncs. In One order, modem hatha, .; low prliis for quick sale. J. A. PATTERSON, 130 South 1Mb at. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Bulldlns Assoi-lntlnli HPd Trust Funds. TAULANE. nno Walnut at. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OP. RENT DARBER. IIAIIT.MAN t- CO 120J Chestnur st. TRIDENT" "WATER METER Phlla. Meter Co ! Real Estnte HId. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sals YAHIIOIV A VAN PBI.T rant. . I.'. cor. 17th nnd Chestnut. ! GOOD Intestment small properties, 4 rooms ad bat"- a" convs. ; rented Sll n month; . prl-e tlllWI Cameron Estate. !!H11 Kens, nv ' 10TII. J3TH 14TH AND fSTII WARD I1ITY-SS?.-. SELLERS OR RENTERS SEE , FI1IBDRICII & CO. .Sill N. 12TH ST. IliillJIns Il. rntlory Sites, etc. . SALE Larue property. Broad at. and railroad . frontase. closbur out eBtnte. OEOROE EOOLK ESTATE Uriiod and Huntingdon. OIOICE RUILDINO LOTS and larpe tracts rround In all parin city; also oer 200 mfe. "' Melvln l.-il.Vlll Real Est-ite Trust Hide. . WEST PIIIIAUEI.PIIIA . ,iiliAxy1' "': lot SlxlO'i, tlfiSil: 3-story This Is one i ..Mr-,WI resuientc; jiiinff l Inn hall: nss'd $3000; tvven.Y: . ... i.-.'.Ii.. "l "lio'iriuilllltfa Olicreil. POTTS & TOWNSEND 4003 llaltlmiiro nvo. 1410 N oiiTH. must be Bold two-atorj. nlno rS2mi?, p2.rih fronl 'deal location: no rea sonablti off r refu3d. . T DOYLE. .-iSI.-l Master st. s-7Z?,AiTr,VK TWIN RESIDENCE TO SirTTLIJ AN ESTATE are sm-lllclni; a 3-stor 18-foot, mmiiclotiu tu-d hnuse: 12 ' rooms 2 bulbs electric lights; southern ' eiposuro. lot '.' Ixlln, Incited on ono of the ! best : stroeis In the 4th st. section. . WI II W QUICK & into . INC. .' 8 StltTTII I0TH STREET. J "AVE SOI r within Inst six mo:, T D-d Bt IHftlU)lLa Ihun itrafa as,' C s more t?-- i.."i'v,mB ,i,4ii tins alio. ,tiii,i V f Brevlims years Ills boom on Nortli a-U. st Is nn There la it scramble tn cut V in twrore hleh prices nn established Mee Ul'enniiJ ..l,, I. 310 North" r.2d at. Helmont 7:I0. ".' '"T.8 . rooms hot-water b-ilT itas and eleo' lii k"""'- P-'niueiry lloors shoner hath, sas li.'S"?..00 :ill other mmWii appointments. DAMEL CRAWlYiRD JR.. HUILDEH. .IRth Anil irti,lrtl,l ! HOUSES FOR INVESTMENT New housca t w n return "f luplvnnvr cent, on the li?i.u?S 'nrtfd. PEMHERTON ESTATES, ill- 111 rinn ftiilt.llnv I ,sl?-;b-"OOM TORCH modurn'house on 7ih -,.. mtiitiu i-nester nml Knrlmrlleld fLteH.! E- II. r m rati yi-oi.r;v. asm ami SDrlineId ate. WHEI.AN'S HOMES 8Tlf AND PASCHALL AVE. - Apply 1011 CHESTNUT ST. WEST PHILA. HOMES "" VSn;Tr.i0'lltlons: all prices: nil sizes. ARTHUR J. I.unpnr.fi l-'l s sa . f p ir3;8.Tuvs nlii t.: 20x100; cloBA tn mera' rir,,"." "il"""' u.iruirejr " lines. Ham- I .i ii -. w-.i 4neiiowne uve HIiNU VOR LIST SALE OH RENT , .fl03-. ?, .BAKKK ' - "d and Italtlmore ays. I "J'tTNKQUALBD HOMES. 5fh St. abov. i-y M.u.,wi, y,. ; every Known conventsnes. y ... J Mi:s CjENnUHO. Hulld.r. i - Stores mul linelllnits v ,3Jili!iCiA'rHA,,UNB ALDENj easy terms; f. I.iS? "Vf b's.'trlo iliht. parquetry floorlnit; -J5S2Kat fc CruwL 8215 Chestnut. i iiE1i?,Aii'rowL ,an.?'rfU?n,AiT- 3-story, porch-front. cor . moo. North PhlU, 'Itust Co. SEDGWICK tpiKW. ' lie,,fc-ici. lAe A1IU r,l.l. JiaSAf'kX :'NB. HOMRS VALUED KItOM lrf,i?0STP '35.000 OPPOSITE: IT WILL ?01RTIES ,N'QUI,K ABOUT THESE A. S. TOURISON T0U ItOYER ST OERMANTOWN. OVJejcti ON THR PHEMISES. 'OPi-RN tbre-story nine-room, brick and sione twin nous. In excellent ranillllou; all conieuleru'tf. Hide yard, couienlent lo train g"j I rolley. Southern exposure Apply to -i -r-. jiuiwioerrf su aumjRRATM mVTCT.T.TlVfiS t location, $10,000 to $33,000: unusual - PLMAb ;:? iwriicuiars py uin aiAuitAri. Q.. 239 Land Tit Is Building -., "lull AU liui A IIUUI.I v .o'ttracUva oiodsrn, 10-room house, 118 f WALNUT LANE. Just cnulstd, tnod S Pill, llttls iuid rcQulrsd. Pbon 0r- -,,- .WI --""I-MXII .U J UOBn HOUSE 5Wi Irom i main street. 11 room: 4 Vsvna Jutictlnn: aacrlAca to quick buyer 11000 iBsrlcatj. AddrtM U. 3 ManhsMi fe. i,f?'jPuit5f to Und lbt houat you r -jfux; tor Ocrauncovro 'frust to.. CLelten - !HSLiiiiroanion aves. "'ieJi,iV.I-0Ob:lNa rtJRa.tiom. in' U,T rrr vi Airy or -.uvsiaui xiiu. ooasuu A ft" Ut-u 747 Oerruxntown ave f !i Jll'i W.- -Uranii tn Jjffl S-cUf f J'?"" nud 1'l.ratnut llIU U. B. 1 it ft Klf SSl-i -. r.oant wo a Ke et east, of Osr i H4DWICK CO. HEAL ESTATE TOR SALE OEnMAXTtnvN JtonUnutt pom Prrccrtjnff CoUimn WHRnlrfc, Oermnntnitn SEnawrntr ia iMxniq 'P-?.1' "WW.lino (Ni:w. SKDOWlnfc3 2AT45?.V,ON,: SQHAHT3 FItO. BTOIIfV HmSJ&Wir. CONVKNIHNT TO this i imPiJ0.0I'3.AN0.A'''' mimcitr.s; F Oft "LVANNOJ. 1IB DVIM.JCATIJP E!1P THE MIlVun"'. I ..l vVlHFv J5s5JS.ls.. i:nij fok ',u AND FULL PART cm.AIts A. S, TOURISON ' Ft V J" ST.. lltmMANTOW.V --- LK l? on tiik piii:mihi;b. r,!fJf"!llUJIl . 9Ah0u;er,!f,riiTNt''T" ""''T-H'nndsnm. rolonlil Hulldlna- MLi:N. Oommerqlnl Trust lonsn oitJf?,W?.J"5AI-' ESTATF. M.JInUUroartjit.. oppo. Logan Station. HLAL KSTATH, rnortniKes and cnnicyancln.. TK. P- CHAJimiRS . . 403$ North llrond at. Tlo WE HAVE Tlin HOUSB TOtf WANT JCENNF.nV3lA1OOla,14,0A.ANTOWN ,. Oak t.ane N'ilXL22?"'P BropeMV. vry modem Im etc. u-."-"".'". '"'rmvmiu uoors. iirepisce. Price $ 7.100. . WM. IIAttn. Mh and Oitc lane. I'rnnkfnnl in2n-at fronl 1! HAttlttSON ST ' ln. hnfch rnmlern hnl water hen- rev: emill . eiiqh n,,lM.l make offer LI'KENR & 11.1."i Sh-ickamnton si. M'lvrnoMnnv uiirnnw SEDGWICK 'iiW. .OETArllEO STONE HESinENCE I!ET TILE llOl) Mlllilliilil-n - ivn A. S. TOURISON 7014 BUYER ST.. OER.MANTOWN. . Ennnwooo park III th" hcnr cf the famous , t'HELTI.N HILf.a 1llh. Healtliv. Plctiircs'itie .!-Ine 'lnijln Rnadwns - SPR1NOF1EI D WATER. (IAS. F.lc. ,, ll.eslrletofl. liiB 10()2i rind Lurirer. hlMns Pnik Station nr York Ro.id Trolley nl Ojontv H MILES TO cirV HALL tor liirticnliirn eonly In C. E lIAllKRIlt'HH. Kales ARent . .. ' hinn (ink Imii- 177 W. 1.10) Seicntj-Iirst Ave. Oak Lane. Phll.i. MINUTES from nnih st . hollow tile, while stucco house: slntn roof: electric Merit: bot watr heat: hardwood rtonrs, oi.cn tlreplaie: chicken sard: pardon nnd shrnhliery; old shade nnd fiult trees, lot T.'nin.'i feet, llarsaln Pl.nn l.liincrch mil M. inn PISEY AVENUE. COLI.INODALE. PA. Deelrable twin brick dnelllmt. llili'B room with noii fireplace 3 iinirnnms Imtli. all inmcnl-ncen. Iit L'.ino feet. Eony frms; poisesiion. Ymim&Powers Co.,jv. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE, ncr lookltiK Mill creek Vnllej, elcht mllei from Ilroad St. Stntlon. Brind new Huncnlow typo; 1fl rooms, 1 ImtM; tenement hnuso. bam and carnse; $17.1)00. VT. HARRIS, Narherlh. Pa. DREXEL HILL t iictv of ground; 8-rooni house- lurn: Rar.ic: abundant fruit: excel lent for poultry raisins, bargain. HARH W KOCH. Drexe) 1 1 111. , 8rt ACRES (lniil nll-purpose f.irm on liard road; stono hi, Iks.: mlh tn station: ISr.OO. A. II. TYSON lAnsil.ilo. Pa. CHOICE BUII.DlNtl SITES and acrenae. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. LanKliorne. Pn. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Am- urlee. All locations Salo or rent. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO.. .Morris IlldK. SU11UHBAN HOME'S FOR SALE OR HUNT WENDELL MASSEY Real Estate Trust BIiIk. DRENEL HILL, BYWOOD nnd other suburbs near OPth at., new detuch'd homes, $5300 up. I'llESTEnOSllORNE. 12l Chestnutst. I.AlaiE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES: snlo nr rent, on the M-iln Lino or Rcadlnit R. R. WSL II. WILSON d CO .lorrls HulMlns. SELECT PROPERTIES Cnuntv aents. farms. List ori now- Tirvrrn r-. nniMiKK ft SON. 1411 South Penn sq . FOUNDED 17(1. SUlfl'lirAN RESIDENCES for sale or rc'nt; iittrnctUo loc.itlons: prices rlcbt. Mnurlte J. IIoomt. Rc.il I. state Trust IlhllTj BUILDING SITES "lienr Denn. SS0I) nnd JI0UO i.-r aero. W. T. Harris, Narberlh. Pn. Ambler, Vn. WE HAVE n splendid offerlnit of largo nnd small farms of nil Kinds, suitable Tor nil purposes, extenslvo country places, suburban homes. h-jll'Uru: lota. etc. Advlsa us char acter of property nu desire, how much you want in Invest und let us submit you special list. 11. .1. Darter. Inc.. Ambler. Pa. Hnrb.T, Pn. 120 S RTII ST Ten moms lot $3300. Alhrecht's. 2411 West 20x170; pries Lehlch axo. r.lklns Park. Tn. null T-TO-ORDEP. UUNOALOWS HANDSOME OUHHNAI, DESIONS Lots r.t150 J5500 and hlBher. We will su" nilt plans tn follow our ideas of a home. RHOADS & PAUL 135 S f.th St.. and Elklns Park. filensliU'. Pa. HOUSES AND LOTS, every description. nENNINGER t RENNINOER Broad and Walnut stfl. iuh:v.iri.1rii. LAHOE HOUSE- In kooU condition: 2 paruft; near station Warnock & rnnmerrl.il Trust Hlhr Treiose, Pn. I'ROPt-lRTY pear Trovose. lontiilulni; nbout d ocres of rround, with an iibundanco nf fruit in' different hinds; upplea, pears, pcachi-s plums, raics, lots of thorn; straw berries, blackberries, with lota of shrub liery ind old shade; the Inprnienients nro a cooil 10 room house and u uood liarn and wuirnn house loniblned: would make a pa rage Inquire on the premises. J. W. Tomllnsoiu Crestwood Treinse Pa. Trooper. Pn. AN ESTABLISHED suburban community; five. csn fare tn Norrlstown: artesian watsri central school: postofflce. storei 100-foot lot. I30U upward, send for leaflet. BROWN & CLOUD NOHRISIOWN. PA. MAIN LINE. PA.. H- H. SURURllAN HOMES, country places nnd hulldliu: sites tn suit alt requirements; Main IJne. H C HUNTER Wayne. Pa. Narberlh HIO HAHOAIN Brand new detachoit houses; l3-acro lot. old shad-i. all conveniences; $4200: others I3300.$r.ti0l upwards. HAR RIS. raj estate. Nirbcrth, Ta. COH.VEIl LOT. WoiitgoinetJ-ave.. r.uu by lluv, wlih Id-room stone and name houee: cheap for QUltk turn. WALTF.H U. SMlTll. C093 Draxrl road. llnierfojril NEW HOUSE ACRE III l'st loiution uti north .le. 14 ninn-i n IsfNtroomn, r tvtth WARNOCK & EMLEN COilMKHCIAI, TH1WT ni.lHI NEW JERSEY Huddon llrlfbts, N. .1. I.IPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON IIEIUIITS. N. J. W1LLET LIPPINCOTT. Mapla Shade. N J. ONE-ACHE FARMS, nearest to Phlla. and trolley; writs for pamphlet. HARLOW - CO. Maple Shads. N. trtia J Moorestowu. N. J. IX1R SALE 13-rooni 3-story house and, 1st. 00x133 uanlen and fruit trees; on Iwst street In MOjMrcsiawn: one cotuimwii. uarwaiii "HirL. CHAS TIALLBTT, 411 N. Jin SI 8EAN1IORK corrAOll at Caps May or,Ocan City, srectej to.jour ?tlfa?Jon.'t tract ye an. iu , mlllsa rreo ur iuf vim ... w.w . TOWNSKND. Qen cuy. N. J. Sl-iJ Cape Mux. N. J. UUT a seashore Daws at caps v issieaa or low price- Vlt Vtss .- - i yssii -' - .-- AUaru OwMr. i U13. dfir iTOHWA m.-Mfl mos MONEY la taa conibiuatlan ou sat when you J000 BUn'ULK-pnTU LKOHORN J-VVO liKOOD SOW PIOS Uibranlo In the Moore listen Co lucratl.-r isauclailvu tVrlte i' m er .all lor our free booklsta, "n T)Ta ut. KKIi 413 omroonweaitft . i us idtr, J'lh oud I'lLStuut sis. ;,. j-. - ... "a 1 i. v. ae Wlaus -JIO mii .JW""" .-niji.-siis: this nv i,ii w'r.i'.'jV ,,:,,JUi,,,H.' "ATllrt. AND WILL mi'v tVA,.i'i7A,.T,.,,!. I'AMII.V ItEQUIRIN'n RlfS.J,KH 'i'.?!. WITHIN A FEW M V lirAnt.o01".. .T.UA,N- TIIOI.I.EV. (toon ?.T,',ViV,S' ,. H'.HOO'rf' AND i-llfltrilES DETAILED INFORMATION. REAli ESTATE FOR SALE ConHmifd' from Prrettlltto Column . PKNNSYI.VANIA TAHMS ntfl UAnOAtN A real farm In excellent con ditlon; north of Devon: 03 acres: S200 cor acre: will divide. W T. HARRIS. Owner. Narberth. Penna. Bl-ArRE FARM on the Old". York road all necessary buildings; price 110.000 for quick ala Cm T. A'a..I tl'.li- .,., sale 3aa W. Walton, Jenkln. town Pa. '"II inn ACRES, convenient to Main Lino P. n7n.": MS.oiio. - i-J'- THOMPSON. West Chesler. Pa. nnfi FAH.MM In I Stales, catalogue. .incWn Farm Aprencv, 21,1 Stephen (llrard Illdr., 21 S. 12th at . Philadelphia MONTGOMERY" CO farms for . Lownes, Hotel, Sklppach. Pa. sale. Set NEW .UnsEV FRMS SALEM COPNTY farm, on pood road bet. Swedesboro and Pennrove. Ins ncrea. tsono ALBERT W. DRESSER, llurllnRton. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT "U? il'OME A,onl' PIMnenl I7 to K0. N Phlla and (lermnntovvn tisnn tn iTimiii .Mrchnnta 1'nlon Trul Co . "IS Tin chestnut CITY AND SUHl'nnAN properties for s"als or rent. . Lower Merlon Realty Company. L?nTIM Jluimins. Philadelphia. Pa , CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES For sale and rent JAMES D WINCHELL. 17th t, SaMsom sts. ML Airy, Cermmlnnn NEW SAt.l" AND RENT LIST READY ..,.rC""""-iMl Alrv mid Chestmil Hill PELHA.M Ttll'ST i'O . 071" Oerniniilown nie 'V.'JOi".. H-ila-Cynwyd. Pn. , LAIUlE LIST HOUSES, silo or rent.- t .it rr'crs hajii r.i. c. wONER Jr.. coin.ner WMiNUii Jr.. ion..' Hth and Market sis mi i rue: iiuiuiinr, MAIN LINE. PA. R. R. 11EST LINE OF MAIN LtNE HOUSES Lllhi-' for site nr rent, at all prices. HIRST M.'MIM.LIN. West End Trust Hide. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHNOE WEST PHILA resilient e. 12 rooms side and rear carden. would 0x1 bnnpe for nenrhv sub urbsn bouse. Address F 1 U. Leilcer Cent. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To RENT amall alnitle house or half drtuMe bouse ui-ar outskirts of cltv or easy to rearll b electric exploit i hta. .--0 rooms, kim clei trie llaht, steam beat c.irden 222 Ledti r orrice. WANTTO RENT Hulldlna about 7Sxlnn ft '. tn h used as office and warehouse for ex-n-ens business In neighborhood of Mli nnd Vine sts.. one connected with stable If pos sie;Apilv Lixvrence nnd Vine sts CiRIIAT iletnn'nil for ilnellTlKsT Tent" J 25" to ."(l. J. EDWARD l.UTZ 210 N. 17th St. WANT i-ltv eiibiirhau and farm properties. II. II. MiCOtil.t'M. Broker. 1311 Walnut si. "Don't Fernet tho Number " RENTS AND INTFREII "COLLECTED, mori". unffes nnd fire Iraurance pHied quickly. See Enefor promptrrultn 2i2S Tasker st. OUICIC t:LE for nnv real estate at reason able price: rent collided: niortciKo loans ARTHUR ItOSWEI.L. 231 N 13lh St. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED Trompl monthly returns and efficient results Ruaranteod Frank J Miller. 3012 N 11 st. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY .1111 SOUTH l.-iTH ST. 11 rooms tu el 2 oaths mears a nnowN. 202 h tr.th st. J123"W DAUPHIN. S ROOMS. J2I I'lUlialltce Trout nnd Safe Deposit Co., :ilii-:;iH-:i2u chestnut st. 1700 spri-ce ST. Modern. Miltablofor Pbisl clan: 17 lootns and 2 bathrooms. EDUAR I'.. CROSS. I 111 Vnlnutst. 212.1 w."dauphin st..s" iioomsT $10 oi'arantfe trust x- safe, dep. co. :ilil-:;l8-320CUESTNUT ST. CAYUCA'rt.." S."K. cor. tr.th- S rooms and bath: excellent condition: nn nttrnctlve home; mod. rental. Norrls A. Scott. 12 Hi Filbert. 3.f'3 Ix'ENSINOTON AVE Fine storo" and dwelllnir 8 rooms, lnth and hciiter: 123. Annlv 3321 Kensington nve 1210 N "TlT II ST. !l ROOMS. "ALL CON VENIENCES MYERS ftJURTH. Rldltejiin nnd 10th sj T.-iE' N 2IITH ST . H moms ". . . ." J"; 1.-.2H stuimnn st . 7 rooms 11 C. I". Connnl Co.. 2mh nnd Jefferson sts. IF YOU ARE I.OOK1NO for no nttractlve" home, be It dwelling nr npirtment. call. Phone or write to this office. Eiery deslrahlo property Is listed with or may lie rented through us nnd our nutnmohlles are at your servhe to help ou to obtain lust what you itenlre with the least oorslhle trouble NORMAN S SHERWOOD. 1411 Wctnllt St. Spruce 3fi"l. Rnio 3025. Nn. 2330 COMtMHIAAVE : all convenlentes; No 2.-,3'i NichnhiK st.: nil conveniences. No 17"u N 25th st : all conveniences Vo. 2107 indite ue : storo and duetllnff. No. 2100 lllduo mo : atore and dwclllmr. hTORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. Ste our list In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. VOX (. CO. S. I J. cor. lhnnd Ciillonhlll. . SEND FOR OCR RENT LIST THE I.ND TITI.K AND TRUST CO. Hrond mid Chestnut sts. 1lulneHi lrotiertle jilttl Slores ARCH ST.. 707-00 Storo nnd basement: lanre window; cood sp-ico for manufacturer's acenL LEA ESTATES. 700 Sansom st. HEDUCEO RENT 1U0I RACE ST. Fine. new. nttnictivo front: well-llKhted store: !Sx72: uptier Ilpors siiltahlo for offices and 1uislneH rooms: Henin heat. MYERS c HAHTH. Ridge an. nnd loth. BASEMENT. 435 Market at.; Suit hnrber: all conveolncta; subway entrance: jicr Janitor. stores uin!J)ic1IIim FOR RENT Storo and Olrard nvo . rent $20. dwelling. 324 W. RENTAL I.IVTS 5 S. 43d st 721 S. Molo . 2M1S ldthenw 330 CatnhrU n Mvrtle . . . ,t2i)l!)J'l InKersoll st.. . 18 2221 orlann.i .... . Ill .120 Indiana .... . 1211035. N. I'nmao .. . 0 3211) Emerald a .$11 . Hi . 15 20111 Catharlno ALFRED H. 'WILLIAMS iviimut st. I'm tni-Ie-., Wiireliiiin.es, Mfa. Floors MANUFACTURINO FLOORS AND LATWR INSURANCE Tlis Ijirkln sanitary. dayllBhted. fire, proof floora uicans satisfactory heir, conditions. Reasonable rentals, larue clevatorB. cheap pouer. freo watch man servlco fcAUKIN IHTII.niNO 2.!. Arch nnd CiUhlmrt uti. Send for Vy r. pt lye CI rcu j j r r AASVlCTUlUti(f'tciur, 3 'fronts, superlnr llfilit. U.lrtOsri. ft., elevator, hrnt. R. H. ld inir low rate of Inn : mitxinstofflce tn bldar. ; rosy to KniuciiiT & Ti-.i.nauAric okh. I.ocatrd 11 blovkv outh of ilHrlift at. Apply r. J. JIUnn tz Sins. 1 1th tlWaahJiicton ate. Kl 1 1 irr " f - 0 II ." L.rKo slimy vvindnwa. noon q. ft : ill l U'M'r. iJiiimi mi ii , nn imiir, iuuii fcij. It.. fll llnl't'il rd Inn- rate. imnsius nuu.DiNa N V -'nr. ITth nnd VlntPts Metropolitan Building n?A? 'p .2?"srp 'ivKu''L!vWijLi u?Nf,.Jy:eeV: 73011 SQ FT. 3-Btv brick: lame yard Just renovated; HI alter .1. ALAN MIDDI.E TON. 00H-11 Wldener JlliU . Phlla. " 1TII ST. N., U3-:6 Manufscturlnt; floors steam heat and power. Apply Pcnna Co.. 511 Chestnut St. FACTORY FLOORS and warerooms. larst and small: centrally located. HARRY T. SAUNDERS. 31 8. 18th St. WILL sublease low rent, part or all, 1300 sti ft.: uassetiacr, freight, elevators, electrlo mid fine dayllsht Donovan, 1114 Saiisom. HAVE PAHTY who will erect bulldlnr. cen tral or other location, for satisfactory tenant, ira DIETEHICH. 737 Walnut st. OFIIOKh. HUhlNF.SS HOOHS. ETC. A FEW ni.-miiAnr.i-: oi'i'ic: ES KIN.-nl.l-: on EN BIT ITU RENT VERY REASONABLE SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS liuiiriiii Muiimn TRUST COMPANY HIHI.tllVII 037.1)20 CHESTNUT STREET ilRENEL HLIHJ OFFICES Annual rentals. ' Plii.le rooms $I2H,$I30.ISU0.32.1 $300.$450. 5E, 2 run .11 14,ir.ll.$l7S.$2On.$225.l250. Su tea 3 rms .$1K0.$275 t400.$430.llio.730. Corner suites. 4 to 8 rooms. 1030 to llfl.Vi. 131,1.18 D. WILLIAMS. BBO Draxel Ilulldln.. IIKcII) HUILlilNa " 1211-17 Filbert st. , Centrally located; ull com an lenses; rents atlrttctliely Jw' aarvloa ioii)tonoi CENTRAl7"OFFIClW. RTOD103 AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES J. C. FULLER. 108. IITH ST PLAZAffUiLDlNO. liOSOI-W ARCH sf OTleas at reasnbla rental. Ijifollou. light ciloonveuln unsurpsasL OFFICE $1' var month nd up. Sums bava .paeli ".Bnaot,, ,?n 1Btn. j OFHICBS for rwit; suite of room adapted to Insiraiic oo.- smaller ofllces. KORHE3T HUU-JQINO. 11? 8. 4th st Room 2S. TWO baautlful rooms to sublet for unexpired tarm vl ! lu Psona. Itldx. Apply Room 132. . "vSaiJ5Y ULDO . 17TH AND ARCH STS. Mod, ofnoss. Apply E. Ytakel. 1705 Arch at. Professional Offltea eunuce lSaT Prof offices: (team t; e'y.ax,u. ub and daar sarv. MS8&- hi PROKUxJSIONAL OFFICES, partly furnlshad Mcirvc "m&"?: . "; '.: .""v, . ruaura. Well 1UBII suttabla for uhvslcian. ifllfts so occupied far Biany yer. ava many years, available juua 1. oui t-auaer uiw PROFESSIONAL JJUILD1NQ 1131 $ Chestnut st A few aultss fur pbjraKUua or dantuta. J T JACKSON CO. Chtltnut and Uta. TBN 4. NT lu l.i nt Title Ilulldlag dealraa to abut u, Mil.1.1 i-jta. vf leusa Si till REAL ESTATE FOR RENT jCondaiifd from rrrerrflitff 5olnmn WEST PIIII.AHKI.VIIIA t. M12 CHESTER AVENtin 'arc store nnd dwelllns: residential nelith iwrhood: moderate rental. APP1?. WILLIAM C. HENKERT - 1.VM) Arch at. 231 N AT.Mt.-V ST a fnema end hath. $lft JTohF HasTord,Jri3JHaietfordjiyc IlKlt.MAN BROS , Coin MAlllvr-l ..Houses, opnrtments. storea. Near flOTIt-ST. "I." STATION For rent or sale. . RENT reasonable; lame 3-siory corner dwell lnc; 13 rooms. 2 baths: suitable for apart ments. -02 Mantua nve. Key. 3104 J. J. Turner. 1 :0J Chestnut st OERJI.iNTnWN $30 DWELLINGS. 1 1 ROOMS Contlnenlal-Eoultablo "I.ust"Cn., 21 S. 12th. send for List. lJo(tn FOR RENT. TIOGA Cray 5-stnrv n-rm. porch dwellinsr: all conienlences: clexntit nelj-hhor-hood; jut w. Pnrlflo St.. near !2d nnd Erie ave. John J. Turner, 1201 Chestnut st SUBURBAN DRENEL ttlt.t .-i,rl.he,l Imnse fnr 3 SUIT1 hier months 3.1 Fnlrxlew nve l,nnrloiine; a stories. 13 rooms, lurire porches; rent j.t. . IIAimYW.KOCK.!irectlllll. ,$17 TO $2nn MONTH SEE. 1.1 ST Stiburhan homes, nil stzes and locations. ". P PETERS SON. COS. CHESTNUT RT. Idklns Park. Pn. NEW OOI,ONIAL IIWELLINtlS. 12 rooms. 2 Mlhe; tlose to station McCortnlck ft Mc Cormjck. 1011 Chestnut st and Elklns Park IJanercli, Pn, DETACHED URtCK DWELLING 10 rooms ntid hath, hot-wnter heil. r:is, electrbltv: lot 100x200: old shade: $10 Ardmore J ELMER WATTS Ltsneroh MAIN LINE, PA., It. II. MODERN' Hoi'SES. $30 to $2nn per month various stations Send for speclil list Hnr bert I'laRhorii. 201 Bxllev JlulldlnB. MODERN HOMES Furnished nnd unfurnlsh ed. All prices. II. C. Hunter. Wayne, Pa. Nntbertli HRANDNEW HOUSES, all conveniences. $10, $22. $25. $30 unwnrds. HARRIS. Real Es tate. Nnrberth. Pa. Wjnnewood ron RENT 30 Manor road, It romt bntbs. hirRe lot. old shade, $53 WALTER B. SMITH. Wytlliowood. FOR RENT FURNISHED M.isn Southwest Harbor, Me. TO LET Two furnished cotlnRca. elcht rooms and bath; llreplaco. sleepinc ponh: hlxhest clciatlon; (rood xlew of liarbnr. ALICE M CLARK Auctlsta, Me. MORTGAGES THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING A MORTGAGE nil. Ihfrn In onlj tm Ifnt wrv, Tf ou d nlr' ft tlrst morrnnpo nr a bul'-riliiR nnd -n ncrnnd innrtpneo mul Iu ftHdont prlrc. Hilrk nnd a.itlflfwclory rcnutto ntid tr.otAefuto CticMKf.l cam.. rrni: nn wrtixn TO TMlS OKI-'U'P Wo nrr In n pnltlnn to rp.illy pur rf,5ll whlrh. nflr till. In mnrr Imiflrtniit to 5ou than nil tho priml tn tho yrcr'd. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruco 3071 ltaco 302 15,000 WANTED, secured by 2d inni tsraite Equity ninnuiitn 10 $lo.tinn. Only prlnclpalH Nil brokers need auawcr. M 032. Lciluer Central. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN. ARTHUR IIOSWKI.L, 23.1 N. 13T1I ST.. has funds for Orst nnd hulldbor iissnclntlon morlKiises. Prompt intention Modernto cost. J50 TO LOAN ON HEAL ESTATE sccur to Ity: Immedlato settlement, payable as $2000 desired. EDW M MOLL 133 S. 12TH ST MORTGAGE MONEY, Sums to Suit. Firsts nnd Seconds. O. C. SEIDEI, & CO.. INC. 4th nnd Callow hill sts. WEST PHILADA. "WVfiL '.. TAYLOR & SON 24 nnd 20 SOUTH lOTH 8T MORTGAGES SECURED EUILDEItS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMBAUGH PARKER. INC. 11.11 WALNUT ST. J.R. MASSEY & SON 13TII AND GREEN STS IMRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES HUILD'NG ASSOCIATION FUNDS FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS JOHN O. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNER 727 Walnut st. , MONEY FOR MORTGAGES LARGE AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS W. II. HOOD, 312 W. NORRIS ST WiiTfRRTJ, ru.NDB for first and VVUXVXVI-liJlJ HEfOND 5IORTOAGES ESS N. 17TII ST. HAVE 5000 TO INVEST IN EITHER 1 OR 2 FIRST .MORTGAGES APPLYM 13'. l.i:ui.i;u JUFFIOU MONEY for first nnd second mortsaKes. lint, 1.- nnswer. Low rates. William James Keonli. 305 Drexel Hulldlna. DEEDS DRAWN. l: MORTOAGES. 1.00 WAIiliAUU 1112 Lincoln Building. Both phones. ""FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES MORTGAGES FOR SALE THEO. E. NICKELS. 2513 Ocrmantown ave. EMEROENCV FUNDS plnccd at nnco: any num. Imnicilluto nnawer: lowest rates F. X DELANY. 111! Lincoln. Broad and Penn fiq MONEY FOR MORTOAOES $1001) TO 100.00l) JACOB A. FlllTZj. lion Land Title nids. MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D" .MORTOAOES T. A. REDDING & SON 700 WALNUT ST. 32113 SPRUCE ST. ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick answer. MAURICE H.MATSINIlKII.IILEst.Trlld. " FUNDH" FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES ANY AMOUNT POTTS . THOMPSON. 2521 Frankford ave. TRUST"l'UNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAaE IIERKNESS . STETSON IAND TITLE BUILDING " LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Ilenkonnhln Charees JOHN A. HAIIRY. 507 LAND TITLE EI.Dfl. ' "I HAVE FUNDS " FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES. W.M. IIARR. Mb nnilOak lane. Building" association and" private robert j. nash. 1001 chejitnut st. ADVANCES TO'ni'lLOERS A SPECIALTY 1IAZI.ETT & MOSS 51b . '.NUT ST. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable ChlVffes. LEWIS & i'O . 1227 West Glrard av; MONEY FOR WELL-SECURED " MORTOAOES JAMES O. FRANCIS. 703 WALNUT ST. MONEY for tlrst and- second mortitaffea any amount bolldlni; u.sociationa a specialty. OOODSTBIN. 115 aljTnounx ave REAPY FUNDS for eood first morliagea; brliue us your implication. CHAS. u iiuinv."i g t-o . -i nroaii st. OWNB" If your morttsee has ben called, I will taks It up. also 2d mort-saee money. CJIEJ'TBW 0-JtlTTNEIt. 1430 Cheslmit si. 5" PER CENT "MONEY for select loans, funds for firsts seconds or split city mortgages AI1ERNKTHY 133 8. UjthJJTjU N 8th MONEY for first second and snllt mortifaces bultdnu: association funds Howard U. Wil son A Co.. 2122 Oermantownjiie LOANS Larue or small sums pn real estate' iudtinent notes or mortB-i.es. loans on unset tllatutiaDenipsy LCo1:27 JlOth. MONEY for first and second mortgages, build Ine ass'n ami Instalment mortgages. Willis. Winchester Company. 1001 Chestnut st FUNDS for first and second mortgages, any r amount quick answers. CHAS V. MI LER, 401-407 Commonwealth Bid., MONEY TO LOAN A NEW COMPANY LICENSED AND BONDED Ready Money for Housekeepers Wa loan from 111) lo $201 on surprisingly easy terms Your monthly payment on 136 Is only $8 Your monthly payment on $72 Is only $1 -.- nn iniereai ui axa. Your monthly aaymont on $132 is only Your monthly paynieut on JG la only X-llf, Inl.hul al l-WL in See us. write or phoa Walnut 4SM. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 South Broad Street SECOND FI-OOR. Next to Forrest Theatre. Open 8 a. nj. to U p. tn. 8alurda)s to 8 pm- YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JKWISLHY, ETC fe ITS " " $Stw " "......... .....1 ti ic Li till a 12$ MARKET ST.- HIDOS AVR. AND OXFORD ST. igo and sooth art. jlOO.000 TO LOAN AT 1 per cent . tU teVr cent BUd 2 per cent ; liberal advances uitj on diamond, watches. Jw..lry and all gooda of xalue Walura' Loan Ofttca. 8 E. twr 11th and Arch sta. Boudad to tba city alt NEY LOANKD to heirs ot unsettled estates. 1 .1. r. 31 s luu.sbt V. P WAKTIN TV 1 25 iuctca 1 uai4 Uid2.. 2, S- ISlb. u h& SCRAPPLE I 1 1 1 . 1 Not Compulsory VIsitlUK l'l)n,ilniti I Hint! 'ti HIiiR for you my iinur inun Prisoner Nix nn lliilt stuff. It wnsn't liit'linlcil III tlio sptilrnc SpeitltiiiR of SpritiK Styles 'ZS H.'. IfcVMSVJ ' A.-nr. e.1'. i" .. .if a .iWa. . T T Vx."- - ...j-r jt'tL -s-a- .i1 L-unaJ tftAtr .fifx . -. 0f a-l .. - " 'f. -ST". y -! 3; .lfiCJK L !! I FW "Air ivnniiMi nro rivals ivlien It oiitttcK tu rlotlios." "Vcs; each 0110 tries to outstrip tho olhor!" llovenge 'UJIIh 9 1 Hurutlu I would do anything (or you, ilarlliiB Holen Would you? Horatio Yes. Helen. Helen All right. Go and make love In that Allison girl, nnd then let mo cut her out. AND THE WORST j-fr- V IS '-A t Va3 VOA UW rfiWr AmP rims v y---jgcS WlNTEinHETTOTH') : ,, jLOCE.mftQHLKIHI-c:; 3 B0Terr1ecra 1 nc -nci ah An I wnuukllnl r- uuiu'iii. ur intniitiii 1 ivvi 11 inuni 1 AKYTHINC. fJ.DHIPF RfifJlt. ' ,H0HBtffl-JWforegB G. l ' IftftfLOtK- lTSrTTeWJ ImmiImIMIIIIb IMlMi wKu 1 m a -0f TlJFTl ftVAW- V C V V3Tf7-!lin3To-. t-f I .i.s...isiP.lfi -.....- , .., ,, sell -s I" iiiis.iisi si sail II I sss I B I 1 1 1 PtMiss-xs-1, THE PADDED CELL " -"1" ""'''" ssXSssixU sBMsWfcs.-s.-a, J on Tua CronDE.O IsMxCB. FUOQP. v DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? 23 f 1 1 iloV iinNrPO iAliir I THW(fANBEf-23 0.UdfrY- i liOl't, I CANT PLACE IT OH. WELL G0ESS iTS30MEOn-Ttiw niii'u iuihi.t iu tic WHyALLTHE5ED0lft FORTMOUROWf--- 'SEEMS To MP IMF .SEEN THAT OFFICE!? SONE WHtKES BEFORE- HELODKEDrMt Wlt-Ul- L01 Lin THE. HtW JANiTQK! Wim ril4l FALSE MDUSTAtHEori I'M COMMENCIM TTH1NK50HEBODYJ TRYlK'TB-PooF NE T'wni'i'ow'' frYtlOLLV! lr-TMESEE-1 LET HE see! "It's nn III Wind, Etc." Hstauder. "Cut I heard It! The first thine I've heard for 20 years." IS YET TO COME K lining luintii 1 ti I'll 1 T j - vvmrvf f EXPRESS MAN BHpfW 'r-l MlVoY.YOV.VOV.' THEY5UCE DIP HAVE MFE:un; PnoRFISH C WrVT-R F0R( Pass to the Head of the Class Jester. "What was Black Friday?" "Why, er, Jloblnson's Cruaoe'a man I" And Summer I? Near! -Punch Bo "Where will your folks spend til tummer?" "Mother has an ocean to eo to thel mountain, but father says that exsl pensea are mountln so that wa I eo to ins ocean." ABE MAJIT1N v, W .iI!.I.mIi,.M 1 '",-i'l i'l" WlttlKW y (iit A Mitt can t b hatnjjercd by fitcty au l-sf -riuatlon u III 1 Jod ora tor, uy Mod. a 1 . h" iu frura a tiNi; ifttigii fcmtliio' u t iwtteu uj -i .uiiiL TC?r - inv'w I "-II atwi ispir lvl V"-c UlTPfJ IVIk.. L " NBITI ""' saTssVo 1 9Si v V7 4cl MA, d I n s I n fl : gflft.fntfjiftMt.