;wy5M"iinH m 'mm"-'"" wWfffBwfwQSF EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1916. 16 nt ' -- - i iiii :. --- - .... - - " ' - - i , i i . . "' - .-.. t ... - Off course you can telephone your want ads to the Ledger : Call Walnut or Main 3000 : Six editions m imviumMwi nmt CLASSIFIED !; ADVERTISING RATES fc EVENING LEDGER Tnts BTTLB TTPB (or like this) One, lima niixiiMD.i 18c, per line Thrt time one week. ........ 12Hc per line Btxlllmes one eek,... loo per line Situations Wanted, three, time one week, 10 cent per agata line per Insertion. Place your order for three or ntoVo times and it will be in- Beijled in the daily Public Ledger at ho additional cost. Q&e or two time rate for ttviviso Lupous. andJPpru.to Lktkicr combined Is in cents per agate line, with the exception of Help Wanted nnd. Situation Wanted, which la 15 rents per .,, I for TUPE LIKE THIS (or like this) wh!4h Is permitted In all classifications ex cept! Help ftnd Situations Wanted. Lost and iouftd. Personals. Hoarding ami Itooms. add five cents pun aqatb ling TO ANT Or JVBOVE KATES. There la a drup store near your horAe thnt will accept Ledger want ndsint office rates. LOST AND FOUND FnrtOtlier Lost nn.l 1'nuiiil Ails Hco Page 1 WA1.LET thrown), lost, containing policies of Royal Insuranco Company and other com panies, between -4th and ftth on Walnut, about 4 p. m. Iteturn to Alex. Sokolode, 171 B N. Franklin at. , BTof.E 'Lost, at tho Regent Theatre Tuesday afternoon, a black fox fur stole. Liberal reward. Address 1 O. llox 103. Merlon Station. PERSONALS THIS CLASSIFICATION Is for such announce ments as are of a purely personal character such as children for adoption, appeals for those In distress, for location of tost rela tives, payment and nonpayment of debta. etc. Tour needs when listed here are not confused will advertisements of a commercial nature. Be "Business Personals" for Important trade announcements. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPACT, PENNSYLVANIA UUILD1NG J. J. Har vey. William A. Salmon, Charles Speldee. Miss Anna Bird. Mary Ball (colored). B. 3, Williams Compnny, Superior Chemical Com pany, Leroy Davis. J. W. McConaughey, Elisabeth Brown. Mrs. George It. Bower, Mr. Elizabeth Smith. Walter 8. Mandevllle. lieien m. xoung, jngepn nnussicr. POSTAL TJ'-.L,t;ilHAl'll OAnr.T5 COM Fink. PANT. 1420 H SQ. Jack Miss E. Friendly. HELP WANTED FEMALE Help Wanted Ails Received Too Late for Classlfleatlon Will be Found on Pago 2 BOOK" BUYER Lady who haa a thorough buylrur knowledge of books of fiction, stand ard works, etc.. prefer buyer with stationery experience: state references, age. experience and salary desired. Address The Regal, 30 W Market st.. York. Pa. HOUSEKEEPER, working-, capable of taking full charse: good cook, must hne good reference; 2 In family. Apply 1202 Master street. CHAMBERMAID and waitress, exp. .for smalt family: wages S7. Meet employer Room 203, 008 Chestnut St.. Friday, 3 p. m. CHILDNURSB Charge of two little girls, 4 and 0 years, and assist with 20-months-old rhlldt Protestant preferred. Meet employer Room 203. 008 Chestnut at- Thursday, 11 o'clftck. CHILDNURSE. colored, for 2 children, assist chamberwork and waiting; no washing. See Miss Reed Room 203. 008 Chestnut st. COOK and chambermaid and waitress; 2 Scotch Protestants; good wages, 30 miles from Pntl- adelphla: reference. H 100. Ledger Office. COOK, chambermaid and waitress, and assist with children; 2 comp., trustworthy Prot. girls; suburbs. H 207. Ledger Office. COOK, whtte. wanted, also chambermaid and waitress, one housework girl and nurse. Phone Bryn Mawr 343 J. COOK First-class, exp. Prot. for Main Line; good wagea; ref. required; full set of help. Tr204. Ledger Ofnce. COOK, experienced; Rood references. Broad st. 2309 N. COOK, colored: exp.: 6420 Overbrook ave. reference; wages 10. Phone Over. 4157 W. COOKINO and downstairs work: gas range. yood wages; reference required. Call 4012 Chester ave. DESIGNER for embroidery to work at home. Apply to C 212. Ledger Office. DRESSMAKER, competent, wanted at once. Phone for particulars WToodland 1114. t DRUSSMAKERH to learn operatlne on waists, SU to tin. Adelphl Waist Co., 107 N. 7tli street. FLOWER MAKERS, artificial, with experi ence. Thorn Co.. 214 8. 8th st. GENERAL HOUSEWORK OIRI.S. ALSO COOKS. CHAMBERMAIDS, WAITRESSES, CHILDNURSES. MOTHERS' HELPERS. ETC.. ARE IN CONSTANT DEMAND. PO SITIONS ARE OPEN IN CITY AND Sl'll URBS FOR BOTH WHITE AND COLORED HELP. YOU CAN REACH THESE EM PLOYERS THROUGH LEDOER WANT ADS. WRITE OR CALL ON THE HOl'SE HOLD REOISTKY BUREAU. MISS REED CAN HELP YOU TO A GOOD POSITION SUITE 203 WASHINGTON BU1LDINO. 008 CHESTNUT ST. GIRLS wanted. 10 years of age or over; va cancies In several departments; light, clean work; 48-hour schedule. Apply at once, 0 to 10 a, m.. Welsuach Co.. Gloucester City. N.J. CURLS WANTED to operate machines and pack cans. American Can Co., Beach and Palmer. HOSIERY Experienced menders and exam lnera; leamera taken. Wallace-Wilson Hosiery Co., 4335 Orchard at., Frankford. HOSIERY O Iris wanted to learn cutting: paid while learning. Wallace-Wilson Hosiery Co., , 4335 Orchard st.. Frankford. HOeUERY Exp. knitters and toppers; also learners; pa. while learn. 1310 N. Lawrence. HOSIERY Experienced loopera; steady work; , good pay. 1310 N. Lawrence. HOUSEWORK White girl to cook and do gen eral housework; no washing; family of 2; apartment: state wages expected. F 138, Ledger Central. HOUSEWORK Cap. set. woman, as't house work; good home; ref. H 203. Ledger Off, HOUSEWORK Toung, white Prot.; no laun- dry; small ram.; city. ii .u-t. imager un. IlOUBElVORK, central : small family, refer ence. 1 4 111 Powell St.. Norrlstawu, Pa. LEARNERS wanted on artificial Thorn Co.. 214 South Oth st. flowers. MAIDS (2) to do entire work of house In suburbs: three adulta In family; wages 17 each. F 140. Ledger Central. MAIDS Wanted, two white Protestant maids, one for ceoeral housework and one nurse; reference. Call, after 12. at 62 East Logan St.. Osrmantown. XURSE. experienced, white; 3 little girls; reference required. TOO N. 20th st. PAYROLL CLERK Camden factory: quick and. accurate at figures, especially frac tions: state experience and salary desired. P 721. Ledger Office. SALESWOMEN, experienced, for coatsult and uress department. Apply M. Silverman & Son, N, W. cor, 6th and South sts. STOCK GIRLS wanted. Apply M, Silverman A Son. N. W. cor. Oth and South. WOMAN, general housework, capable: small family 1 suburbs; shore In summer. Meet em ployer Room 203, 60S Chestnut, FrL. 10 a.m. MILLIE AND HER t . HELP WANTED FEMALE Continued from Preceding Column TOUNO WOMEN with high school education, or us equivalent, ror training- in nospitni or mental and nervous diseases. Apply Supt. or Nurses, 4101 Market at. General WOMEN WANTED AS OOVr.RNMENT CLERKS! 170 month: Philadelphia examina tions criming: sample questions free. Frank lln Institute. Dept. 715 N.. Rochester. N. T. HELP WANTED MALE ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER with practical and successful traveling sales experiences must be Rood correspondent, capable and competent to employ and direct salesmen by mall, and assume district re sponsibilities for large manufacturlnsc cor poration having nitlonal distribution! first class references from past employers will be required! state salary desired, whether married or single, also ago and all "stalls concerning your business experience, r TJU, Ledger Office. AlITOMQniLB mrhantrs wanted: must bo nrst class: . perlence ani first class: exp. on Cadillac cars: state, ex it wages, i" izr, linger mnce. ROT for office work: must be more than 10 years. Apply Mr. Raleigh, Room 407. 003 Chestnut. HOT wanted to learn electro-mechanical busi ness; (rood chance for advancement. P 720, ledger onice. BOrriil re. of aRe, to run errands; wage; to start $i. Address "D. L.," P, O, Box 8.-.00, HOT wanted, 10 years of age. to work lit drug store. Brand and Allegheny ave. BOTS. over 10 years: steady employment rrcodherger-Anron Mfg. Co.. 4no N. ISth st.. nenr Wono Junction. BOTS, over 10. for lllllnjr cans: If quick and capable, can make IS. 110 and J12 per week. Apply Paint Works. 4th and Venango sts. J BOYS wanted, over 10 ycaro old. for wallpaper J factory Apply Becker, Smith A Pago, water and snyuer ave. BOVS wanted to operate machines and other can factory work. American can Co.. Beach and Palmer ata. BRIOHT. energetlo boy, 10 years: tnneral of- flee work: cood opportunity for advance- ment 101. Ledger Branch, lioa Rldga ave DRUO Toungr man with 1 or 2 rears' expert- once; college privileges If desired. Apply Zulllnger. JOtli and Locust. DRUOS Toung man 0 or 4 years' experience I good ref. only; state as and salary ex pected: Atlantlo City. N. J. L 223. Led. Off. ERRAND DOT 10 yrs. or overt one living In S. or W. Phlla. pref.i salary to start IB per week. Address P 723, Ledger Office. ERRAND HOT wanted: rood opportunity for advancement. Apply M. Silverman & Son. N, w. corner etn ana rcoutn. EXAMINERS on men's pantalons. 8NEL LENBURO CLOTHINO COMPACT. Broad and Wallace sts., 4th floor, rear door. FARM HAND Strong. experienced! rood wages , ef. requtrcd.AppIy J810 Sprucej FARMER wanted, "thoroughly familiar with horses, cows and general farming; references required, and wages. Box 23, .TrentOjN. J. FIXER Wanted, Crompton loom fixer. Apply John & James Dobson. Inc.. Blankot Mills, Scott's lane, Falls of Schuuylkl IK GARDENER, married, young, no children pre ferred: experienced truck gardening, hot beds.lawns, shrubbery, care of country place, 30 miles nut of city: must hae best refer ence. S. W. cor. 13th and Hamilton sts. GENTLEMEN, experienced In selling securi ties and capable of interviewing professional nnd business men, may secure connection with responsible organlxatlon guaranteeing Immedlato results, leads furnished dally will net 00 per cent, sales to capable man of exceptional appearance and personality: wo wnnt only those accustomed to making from 120 to ISO dally. Address Protective, F 242, Ledger Central. HOUSEMAN, colored, exper'd: brlns reference. Anplv between 0 nnd 7 p m.. 788 Spruce st. INSTRUMENT MAKERS first-class only. J 4 per day of 8 hours; toolmakers, 13.24 to (4. 48; machinists. 13 to 14; assistant ma chinists. 12 to 82.24; based on experience nnd capacity; millwright. 13. nble to do all car renter work which la necessary In mlllwrlght Ing and familiar with the different makes of chain drives and their ndlustment: skilled laborers, 11.84. for outside construction work, building roads, etc.: Cleveland. Brown and Sharpe. and Grldloy automatlo turret lathe operators. 13.70; turret latho hands, 12.88 per day; citizens; higher compensation when on piecework; 13 days' leave after one year's service: 7 holidays and Saturday afternoons during the suromr months, all with full pay, Apply Kmnkford Arsenal, Tacony and Bridge ata., Brldesburg. Pa. JOB PRESSMAN First-class man. Apply 314 N. 3d st. LABORERS wnnted for unloading cars and general laboring work. Apply Paint Works, 4th and Venango sts. LABORERS WANTED Phlla. check office. T n m Atlantic Ref. Co.. 3144 Pasayunk. MACHINIST for engine repair work; must be first class; 03 hours per week at 41c. per hr. : steady work assured: no munition work: state age and experience. P 700. Ledcer Office MACHINISTS Wanted at one. first-class lathe, horlxontal boring mill and chucklns lathe hands. American Engineering Co.. Aramlngo ave. and Cumberland st.. Phlla. MAN AND WIFE 3Ian butler or chauffeur. wife cook. French or English preferred: must have refs.; place Bryn Mawr. Call 202 Drexel Bldg.. at 10:30 a. m. today. MAN AND WIFE Butler, houseman, care of automobile; cook and housemaid; no other servants; white preferred: best references; Swarthmora. P 728. Ledger Office. MEN and boys to work In woolen and worsted mill; steady work; cood wages. Thos. Kent Mfg. Co., Clifton Helshts. Pa. PRINTER WANTED All-around man on com position and Job press work; steady post tlon. Apply 814 N. 3d at. PUNCH PRESS and shear men for blacksmith shop, Apply, at once. America Engineering Co.. Aramlngo ave. and Cumberland at. PUNCH-PRESS HANDS, for night workt flvo niRhta a week. Apply 314 Arm at street, Germantown. RETAIL dry goods store wants young- man as representatUe collector of delinquent ac counts; qualifications essential; neat ap pearance; courteous, tactful manner. Wages 112 week. F 1S8 Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER wanted In lawyer's office: must be expert; state experience, reference and salary expected. C 217, Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER; Intel., open; state age, sal, exp. will, worker: good O 11. Led. Off. WANTED COMPETENT MACHINIST FOR SBWINO MACHINE REPAIR WORK. AP. I'l.V TO THE E. RICHARD MEINIQ CO., READING. PA. " WANTED Boy, 18. for retail store, errands and light work In attending store; hours I . ixJ J Xw " r. ljUg,Pf It ICO. WANTED 100 freight handlers; wages K2H cents per hour; overtime 2Vi cents per hour additional; plenty of work. Apply Stevedore Pier. 18 3. Delaware ave. WANTED Competent estimator and sales man for orna'tal Iron (hop; stata age., mar. or sine, exp. and sal, ex. C 208. Led. Off. WANTED Sawyers on vegetable Ivory nuts. Bird Button Co., 240 South st,, Newark. N J. TOUN MAN wanted to feed Gordon press: one with knowledge of make-rsadr preferred. M 801. Ledger Office. w MILLIONS HELP WANTED MALE Continued from Preceding Column TOUNO MAN about 18: some high school edu. ration. Apply J. E. Llmeburner Co.. 1720 Chestnut st. TOUNO MAN for atarch room, department. 131 N. 8th st. confectionery General SPECIAL.. AtjTOMoim.n, . Instruction Riven, day and night, by expert mechanics at tho oldest, and original Auto School. Repairing In all Its branches. Tim ing, wiring and 00 road lessons at a very small cost. ., nil north nnoAD 8TLr!"-j BECOME a traveling salesman, hundreds of positions open! home study; positions guar anteed; tuition fee pnttly payable from earn ings; money baek If not satisfied after trial. Call or write. School of Salesmanship, Hax ter Illdg., opposite C Ity Hall. POSITIONS open for high-grade men BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANt 13(11 LAND TITLE II U I LI) I NO SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, I) 15 dictaphone and tele phone operator, knowledge of stenography, n ienrs' exp.. sal. lift. 11 nnl. ledger Cent. BOOKKEEPER, first-class I). lc"J?i5r,v,c"fn meet public Intelligently HJ. J- CHILDNURSB or chambermaid 'nrl,cu"uT,i refined: young: ror. it am. !-" ..-. CLERK Four years- experience niing; grncrni ofneo; accurate, i. mi, urontr .,...... CLERK or designer. 0 months secretarial ex perience; J. !' in. l."UKrr "'""i' CI.EHK. exnerlonced. general oinco aeinns. i; 140. Ledger Central. . COMPANION to seml-lnvnlld: Cyictlrnl nurse; ranable. settled woman: refs H 111, Led.Off. COOK rolorcd wuman wants work; do good Plain conking of all kinds. Call or address Cook, 1433 Kltswatrst. turn wniiK. cleaning offlees, etc . or house- wotk. BjeepoutjjrfJMiOjlIjeerJinice. DIETITIAN assistant In hotel or hospital! H 121, LedRerOfOCfl. thoroughly exp.. rer DRESSMAKER, colored, Brat-rlnss work; home or hv day, l.'.ai rrenrn ei.. i ,,,,. DRESSMAKER wants more engsgementa; home or out. l-none nnci "" 'ii OOVERNESS or compnnlon Southern young u i.rt'J .Si ?.. .million, best of refs. furnished. Address I.. A. M., ljog474,lllrmlngham,Aia. HOUSEKEEPER (working), German wishes position; wun gin. n !"". ""1" !r: family. 20 Ledger Branch, nth and Master. HOUSEKEEPER worklngV-Exp. I'roiesiani Ledger Off. woman email crlv. fam. u i. HOUSEKEEPER, managing! or working for bus, people, cap.: ref. II 122. Ledger Off. HOUSEKEEPER .MANAOINO. C'W or prl- INFANT NURSE or older 'M: competent i lone oxi.i undergraduate. H 200. Led. OIL kiADT, 30. refined, capable, desires position, chaperon, companion to joune girl, it mu. meager uriice. NURSE or mother's helper desires daily workl sleep home; Protestant: references. Address N 40. Ledger Brnnoh, 2148 Green. NURSE, oompanlonfl hospital trained! ep.. adaptable, seamstress. 1320 Columblaave. PRIVATE SECRETAnr Educated young woman. B years with present employer, aes. pos ; Is a comp. stenographer, bkpr. nnu aceus. to gen. corrcs. and charRO of onice; rets c 120. Ledger umce SEAMSTRESS, long- experience, wishes posi- tion. privato nome or noie,. jt ". -". -"- SECRETARY comp. stenographer, high school rratl.. 4 veara- excellent ouBineoo .-Ay., vu tlve ability, lst-class correspondent. EPyMMUCIIW uvea 448, Led. Cent. pos. with responsibilities, is SECRETART. stenographer, office manager. capaDio young woman ot bwciukju., : excellent sales ability. E 242. LertgerCent. STENOGRAPHER "with executive nblllty and experience, capable of confidential secretarial or sales managing work. B 834. Led.Jent. STENOGRAPHER, flvo years' legal nnd com mercial exp.; capable prlv. sec.! full of Initiative: rapid. E C50. Lcdecr Central. STENOGRAPHER, "exp.. thoroughly, reliable, wishes position few evenings n week or Sun day; downtown preferred. Main 0088 A. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, capable, re liable; energetic. E 030, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, beginner: 2 years' clerical and bookkeeping experience. F40. Led.Cent. STENOGRAPHER Secretarial ability, thor oughly exp., salary JIB. B 40. Led Cent. STENOGRAPHER and clerk; beginner; will Ing; amb. to advance. F 40. Ledger Cent. STENOGRAPHER Beginner with "month's exp.; neat, willing worker. F 43. Led. Jnt. STENOGRAPHER Thor. exper. Jn" Iron and ateel: excellent ref. F 4.S, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER desires position. West Phlla delphla, 4 years' experience, E 335.Led.Cent. STENOGRAPHER, dictaphone operator, rapid and sec: 3 yrs exp.: 112 F 42. Led. Cent. TTPIST and stencil cutter, several years' ex perlence; expert. D 847, Ledger Central. WANTED ClennlnR by day or washing and lronlng;Boodreference. 2329 Montrose. WOMEN Two capable women of farm experi ence want care of boarding house on farm estate. C 130. Ledger Office. TOUNO BUSINESS WOMAN, exper.. desires position In dolor's off. E 832. Led. Cent. COUPLE, colored, experienced, desire places together, city or country. Phone Baring 223. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE ACCOUNTANT Youne man of settled habits. 12 years' office experience, university train ing, Pelrce School graduate, anxious to se cure position of responsibility. C 210, Ledcer Ofllce. ADVERTISINO man: val. bus., sec'tar'l & out slde exp . wants pos. B 042. ledger Cent. BOOKKEEPER Accountant, experienced, effi cient; Rood collection correspondent: your op portunlty. E 334, Ledcer Central. BOOKKEEPER. 7 years' experience billing, collections, credits, desires connection at once, r- nu. imager uentra BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, high school graduate, experienced: ref. C 207. Led. Off. BOOKKEEPER Young- man. thor. reliable, accurate: good refs. F 1 5. Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR and coachman, married, no children: wife assist In house when neces sary: reference. II 103. Ledger Offlce. CHAUFFEUR, single, wishes pos.; S years in last place: will. & obllg Fl44,Led. Cent. CHAUFFEUR, first class, colored. 23. atncle; all-around houseman; ref. 712 South 10th. CHAUFFEUR, single. 22, 3 years' exp.; comp. mechanic, refs O'Connell. 3237 Irving st. CHAUFFEUR and coachman; first-class refer ence. E C."i2. I.edger Central. CHEMICAL ASSISTANT, 25: college graduate: two years' special training in qualitative and quantitative chemistry; knowledge of labora tory; wishes pos. with chances of advance ment; will worker: best refs. B 037.Led.Cen. COACHMAN. 20 years' experience, steady driver; white, single, can run Ford car; best reference. C 213. Ledger Office. DRAUGHTSMEN Two expert structural draughtsmen desire work In evenings; eat! mates given. B 048. Ledger Central. OARDENER. married, wants position; under stands gTowtng vegetables, flowers, stock, milking-, care of centleman'a place; refer encea. 023 Qlenbrooke ave.. Bryn Mawr. OARDENER or coachman, single, white, ex perlenced. lst-class ref. Box 43. Ogontz. Pa. JACQUARD WEAVER wIsheB chance learning loom niing C 133. Ledger Office. MAN AND WIFE. Scotch, experienced cook and steward, want positions togetheri golf Clua ptp.Biimi I cicrcnvo. j na, ura, i-eni. MAN wants position with private family aa houseman or gardener; understands auto; vmuiS aim uuummi hi, i. n. i.eq. ml. MAN, colored, desires position aa porter la man ur muni rci. moi i renen sv. MAN as assistant packer or any Inside work. C 205. Ledger r mnco. OFFICE MAN. bookkeeper, age 23, S years experience! also experienced teacher: refined, well educated: oapable managing; small of flee: permanent connection. E -30. .Led. Cent. (SALESMAN, employed, deslrea change: local or travel! educated, good presence; age 83: 12 yrs.' axp.i refs. B Bfl3. Ledger Central. BTENOGRAPHER. 20 yrs. old, 4 yrs,' "ex! pTT desires pos. I advancement, 11 839, Led. Cent. : : : ccowttikw. ioits. PS!5SSSSSSSSSS9SSSS A Start in Business Coming to this country from Wales, with neither friends nor money, a young man secured a posi tion as salesman through a Ledger Want ad. After remaining with the firm one year, his salary en abled him to start in busi ness for himself. Today he conducts a profitable grocery business in this city. A Ledger ud gavo him a start in life. A Ledger ad will do tho same for you. Try one. Phone, write or call Ledger Office Walnut or Main 3000 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Continued from Preceding Column WINDOW TRIMMER AND DECOItATOn wants work day n week. Apply Schor, 730 Arch st. Phono Walnut lull), TOUNO MAN. 23, married. 0 years' experience In credits, collections nnd bookkeeping, wishes connection with good future; can furnish bond and references. F 141. Ledger Central. TOUNO MAN, 21, experienced, high school graduate wishes clerical position with ad vancomentl mod, salary. I: 441. Led. Cent, TOUNO MAN, 31. desires clerical position! high school education; 4 years' experience! moderate. salary to etnrtC 213, Led, Off. TOUNG MAN Experienced clerk and book Iteepr. oper. typowrltor and billing much., desires pos. with adv. P 143. Ledger Cent, ATTENTION! TOUNO MAN. 23. excellent business, me chanical and salesmanship training; strictly pooer ana can wnrK on ms onn initiative, wishes position with firm desiring respon sible salesman or mechanical representative. r pi. i,ea ger uentra i MR. SALES MANAGER Will you jgrant mo an Interview to determine my fitness to profitably serve you ns salesman; am 34 years old, best of references. Rood business quaiincatiops. ! op, ijeager i.-entrai, JAPANESE wants position as cook or general houseworker. Matsuo, 80S N. 18th. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED, at Mrs. Kane's office. 011 8. 10th St., first-class cooks, waitresses, chamber maids, white couples, laundresses, child nurses, several housework clrls: must have reference. Apply at once. Phono Spruce B10L HOUSEKEEPERS nnd housework girls, cooks, chambermaids, chlldnurses and clrls for In stitution work: German cook and govern ess wnnt positions. Miss Rose Dougherty. 1.113 W. Oirard, NICHOLLS. 1020 Ralnbrtdgo st. Comp. but lers, 2d men, housemen, cooks, waitresses, chnmbermalds, Swedish gtrls. nurses, house malds. etc , all nationalities. Ph. I.QC. 2130. MRS. MINZLAFF. 1030 Christian (Dickinson fllB) Cooks, butlers, chambermaids, kitchen maids. French, German covernesscs, laun dresses MISS MART T MrCARTHT, 2107 Christian (Loc. 1393). supplies & wanta lst-class Prot., Cath. male and female help: all nationalities. WANTED Prot. parlormaid, waitress, asst. chnrobermatd. also kltchenmald: city In win ter; good wages; ref. req. Raker, 1333 Cherry AUTOMOBILES For Sale CADILLAC, 1014. touring car. overhauled and repainted: full equipment: price J850I. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Ilroad at. CADILLAC touring car 1012: electric lights nnd stnrtef; excellent condition; will demon- strate. i4 .-m. nun si. COLE 1013 touring, electrically equipped: newly painted, submit offers. ... LOCOMOBILE. 2314 Market. Locust 430. H A. JBNKB, Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. COLE USED CARS REBUILT BOWERS COMPANS. 247 N. Broad st. COLE Distributers. L. S, HUDSONS Rebuilt and guaranteed; phaeton nnd roadsters: electric lights and starters. OOMEJlVSCHWARTZ!2S3N.I!roadBt. LOZIER 1015 light 0. repainted and generally overhauled: two extra tires nnd rims; will sell for 1030. L 338, Ledger Central. OAKLAND 1013. 0-paasencer touring car; :trst class condition; price 1300, Phone Oer mantown 3380. UNIVERSAL ".TON CHASSIS KIUT DELIVERY TRUCK. 1323 L. O'NEAL, 210 N. Broad st; 10 13 STUDBUAKER touring- car: In excellent condition; 135f) P 710. Ledger Office. FOR SALE 1014 Cadillac car. fi-paasenger car: In good running condition: slip covers, which cost S50 when new, price 1000. Come and look It over and ride In same. OEOROB W. EMDEN. Wllllamsport. Pa. SCHOBER 3341 MARKET. ALL PARTS SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS CORSON AUTO EXCHANOE. 238 N. BROAP Wanted HIGHEST PRICES paid for old worn-out and ttroicen autos. .'u.'a urmouox at. rxa. iua u. WANTED Old cars for Junk: best prices; call anywhere. Tioga 3454. 8018 N. Falrhlll at. AUTOS wanted for parts. Phlla. Auto Parts Co.. 823 N. 13th St. Park 1418. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO HIRE (open day and night), brand-new 6-pasa. touring car. with robes, 11.23 hr.; also brand-new 7-pass. limousine. $1,30 hr,; weddings, funerals. Poplar 1017. 1715 Oirard. TO HIRE three and five-ton truck by hour, day. week; reas. Telephone Tioga 2700. AUTO PAINTING FOREMAN PAINTER has a private shop on the aide; fully equipped: can paint or re arnlsh cars third less time and cost than any shop In Philadelphia: highest grade work guaranteed. P 710, Ledger Office. AUTO SUPPLIES SLIP COVERS TOPS RE-COVERED RE-UPIIOLSTERINO AND REPA-tINO 40TH 8T. AUTO TOP CO. 40TH AND CHANCELLOR STS. TIRES Slightly used! all prices. 823-23 N. 13th Open Sunday. sixes; your own at. Park 1418. -HHARINQ3- New Departure Service Sta, The Gwllllam Co. lax Arcn at. rnonts tvninuv oini, xvace ouea PARTS To build or repair any car, Phlla. Auto Farts Co.. 823 N. 18th at. Park 1418. Open Sunday. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare prices. GRIMM' B. 330 N, Broad, at. AUTO REPAIRING BPEEDOMETER TROUBLES See BILLY, at his new location. BISHUIITII HHUAU ". CYLINDERS REIIORED, new P1"0""., "5? 8n ings rurnisneq, weiaings iramn, AVn nderwood & Co., 101B Hamll'on st.i Phlla. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TOUR CAPITAL AT ALL TIMES IN TOUR OWN HANDS Smelting Is absolutely tho most rrofltahlo husiness In existence and the only one with out credit In practice. . . Tho ore Is delivered to smelter from operat ing mines; Is tested by expert assayers ana the exact valuo of ore la obtained before it Is run thru the srrfelter. . . , , No ore Is accepted unless It has sufficient valuo to warrant the smelting so as to bo Profitable to the smelter. . . .... melter charres are always deducted before mlno owner Is paid. If handled rlRht. It la as safe ns a bank. .... Conditions In Mexico will anon be back to a. normal stage and Kreat opportunities aro presented there,, for a smelter usinir no coko nor coai qutains Rreater neai. ana uuc-. quicker nnd cheaper work. Entlro value of metal Is recovered and n great deal more charges can bo smelted than In old-typo blast furnaces. , Patented In Mexico and other countries tested In eiery respect. Knowing tho real condition In Mexico In this lino and Its opportunities, Investor can control tho business entirely. , Advertiser at tends to tho practical end of It. Investor handles his own money and Is sum of his returns In profit. . ., Rich party and his sons cannot find n better opportunity than la orfered here. America Is covered with trust smelters. Not ro In Mexico an Independent smelter will bo a great success and mlno owners will Rladly patrdnlze It. There Is nn Immenso field open and returns on Investment Insured quickly. Returns on value and tholr charges for smelting now, and freight. Is enormous. A smelter guar anteeing to ore producer a fair return In vnlun and smelting clinrges, will hnn nn enormous business in a short time. A smel ter ennnot loso there It can bo started on a small scale and will quickly grow from proflt. A smelter han no expense tho ore producer pays the entire bill, lou can only find tho truth by Investigating this proposition nnd any oro producer will corroborate my statements. I offer half interest in patents in Mexico and other countries nt a reasonable figure, or entire control Please do not consider this n patent experiment; this Is a proposi tion of 20 years1 experience. Address or call C. A. KUENZEL, SR., Continental Hotel. FOR SALE Old-established pawn broking business; located In South Philadelphia: doing a (rood, steady busi ness; paying 10 per cent, to 25 per cent, on Investment: good reasons, for selling; business can be purchased with or without the property. If prop erty Is not purchased with tho busi ness the purchaser can aecuro a long lease on the property, with privilege of Improvement nnd option to buy. 1" 712, Ledcer Office. AN INTEREST preferably an ac tive Interest. Is offered In a a cor opratton to party who will Invest S20.000. This is a successful busi ness, which Is rapidly expandlnR. therefore necessitating additional capital. M 758, Ledger Central. . PATENTS Writs for "How to obtain a patent": list of pntent buyers nnd Inventions wnnted: 11,000.000 in prizes offered for Inventions. Send sketch for free opinion ns to patenta bility. Our four hooks aont free. Patents ndvertlsed free We nsslst inventors to sell their Inventions. Address Department A, v Ictor J. Evans & Co., patent nttorneys. Main offices, Washington, D, C. ; rhlla. office, 1420 Chestnut st. Bell phone. Spruce 0335. EXCELLENT opportunity Is offered a capahlo business man, with 13000 to 13000, In n meritorious proposition, where, with Increased facilities, can control entlro trade of Pennagrove. N. J.; investment fully secured. M 740, Ledger Central. A RARE OPPORTUNIT"" for one or two ener getic, enterprising business men to take an active part In n business estab. 40 years; capital not less than J15.000. For full par tlculars address P 033. Ledger Office. ACCOUNTANT-audltor-systematlzer, Initiative and executive ability, 15 yeara" experience. will make Investment with services in a good going business requiring aclentlfla ertl ciency. B 038. Ledger Central. eS FOR SALE A large and well-equipped steam laundry near Philadelphia at a bargain and on easy terms. Address M 003. Ledger Office. PATENTS FOSTER WEBSTER Wo have a plan that will help you pay tho fees. 1011 Chest nut. Phone Walnut 1304. 15 A MONTH secures Interest In growlnc or chard: will be producing before paid for. HARRY DARLINGTON, 1420 Chestnut st. PICTURE THEATRE. 11300: crowded nightly: modern; bus. loca,; worth J.10IIO; good selling reason: Investigate. L 552. Lcdcor Central. APARTS1ENT house for sale, central location: filled with permanent tcnanta. it. vv. yji.nuBi;r. inua Arcn at. WANTED 100OO to 18000 nt 0. to Invest In an old-established business; first-class se- curny. pjii ijPQuer unice, QUARRY ror sale, Adama Co.. Pa.. 00 acres, fully equipped: excellent atone for paving blocks. E 453. ledger Central. MULTIORAPHING business for sale; best equlp'nt; excel, clientele, M 058. Led. Cent. HOTEL. Pitman. N. J, Eestabllshed furn.. !ta rooms; sale or rent. Apply 1317 N. 00th. HOTEL. Ocean City, for sale; near beach: good following. P 228. Ledcer Office. CAN YOU INVEST 13 or S10 a month. In vestigate. C 132. Ledger Office. CA5.U 'nyest Jlfjlper montn7 Investigate. M 834. Ledcer Central. BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DRESS SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Suits To hire and made to order. NEUBAUEH. THE TAILOR. 1121 Walnut Ht Bell phone. Walnut 2018. BUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electroly sis, the only perm't way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theat s Bldg. Miss Hoppe. halrdres'r, facial as'ce. man leur'g. form. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. r DIAMONDS BOUOHT lank reference. Appraisement. 1 p. e. IARRY W. SMITH. 71T SANSOM STOKE-1 CARPET CLEANING CONTIN B NT A L CARPET CLEANINO HOUSE .. 10TH ST. AllOVB CHESTNUT Bell Phone. Locust 1010. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAOB CO. WEST PHILA. Jc. PER YARD. WEST PH I LA. H70-71 LANCASTER AVE. BOTER CO.. REAL CARPET BEATINO. 8S09 N, 12th. No tumblers used. Phone Tioga B2j)Q DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY IIIOIIEST PRICES paid for diamonds, jewelry and pawn tickets for diamonds. Apply 1:11 to i 4:10 p. m Wm. Flick. Room 111, Burd Bldr.. corner Oth and Chestnut ata. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING DAILY AND EVENINO 8ESSION8 1483 OIRARD AVE. POPLAR 6374. DRESSMAKER, French, desires engagements: terms reasonable: advanced style, hlsh-class wors.rcmoaei. hub walnut at. l-n. vvai.tnaa DRESSMAKINO taught from anv nat.: morn and afternoon sessions. Send for clr. Colum bian Dressmaking Bch.. 1730 Columbia ave. the Mcdowell dressmakino school Short, practical. Inexpensive courses. 807 Denckla Bldg., 11th and Market sts. ARTICLES OF CONTRABAND SHOULD BE CAREFULLY GUARDED FOR BALE BILLIARD. TOOL, combination, second-hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing: supplies. Lafe Keafer, American manufac- turer, aza oirard ave. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also now ns alleys: r9jr i'ii,c,,. .-"" WICK-nALKE-CULLBNUEll CO. 1012 Arch. BILLIARD, pocket. Id-hand tables repslrlng. supplies, risrlc-lietd Mfg. Co,.I4it N, Front, . l. r rmt. ,. .--.., CAHit Ki-.uiJT;in Douani joiu, in, ex changed, repaired, replateds supplies; new and factory rebuilt. . New total adders as low as 130. Call and see our 1018 models. Registers sold nnd lensed by tis on easy payments and fully guaranteed. The Na tional Cash Register Company, 780 Chest- nUl altt 1 PIIHUFUMII, w. DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone booths and offlce furniture and fixtures of erery de scription: used, but In fine condition, and very rhesp; tr delivery anywhere. HUGHES. 11TH AND BUTTONWOOD. DESKS, large assortment: also household fur niture. Dullng Central Second-hand Furnl ture Compnny. 004-000-014 Callowhlll st. HONET Delicious extracted honey, direct from beekeeper: 11.83 per Ration (12 lbs.); II per i gal. i delivered by parcels post! satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. L. K. Hosltetter. R. D. ff, Lancaster. Pa. OLD mahogany slant-ton .desk: price 100. Ad" ply 424 Welghtman Bldg,. bet. 0 and 12. REFRtOERATORS, sample: annual sale: solid oak.seamlees porcelain lined, cut cork Insula tlon. Market 000. Miller. fiOlNT. 2d. Main 1731. SAFES Fireproof: closing out slightly used: all sixes & makes: big bargains. 210 N. Fourth. VICTROLA records March list lust received. 1150 "chestnut. . 1000 Feet of Office Partitions AT VERT LOW PRICES. Painted Glazed Erected AT TOUn PLACD. Weiss Manufacturing Co. 450 N. 12th st Thones Pop. 1000: Race 1830. HEATING MAKIN-KBLSET HEALTH HEAT Is belter and cheaper than steam or hot-water. Pure fresh air with normal moisture. MAKIN KELSET N. 11th St., Phlla. INSTRUCTION AUTHORSHIP, JOURNALISM. ENOLISH. Lessons after 5 p. m. Writer. 010 Spruco st. LAUNDRIES IDBAL HAND LAUNDnT 482 W. Penn at., Germantown. Special prices for family wash; nil hand work: In spection Invited, Phone Germantown 43S0. MACHINERY AND TOOLS SHAFTING SAFETY BPLIT COLLARS AND YOCOM hangers and pillow blocks with fin ished ball and socket bearings nre the best for all shaftlnje purposes, 8HAFTINO AND MACHINE WORKS, 145 North Second. JAMES TOCOM A 3QN. MASTER ELECTRIC BELMONT 810. 282 0. 00TIL FANS BOUGHT,. BOLD AND REPAIRED KVERYTIIINO ELECTRIC REPAIRED POWER-rLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, nlr compressor. FRANK TOOMET. Inc.. 127 N. 8d at. COMPLETE POWER PLANT, designed and erected: new and used power plant ma chinery In stock. Power Equipment Co.. engineers. 121H Chestnut st. BUT YOUR LEATHER BELTINOj DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER CHARLES BOND COMPANY. 620 Arch at. CORLISS BNOINE 14x30-ln Allla Chalmers, eemlheavy duty typo; excellent condition. L. V. Beyfert'w Sons. 43T N. 3d at. DYNAMOS, motora and machinery bought, sold nnd rented; armatures repaired. Main 01. , Market 3008, Yearsiey Co.. 224 N. 3d st. TEN-FOOT Oh! power squaring shears; 80. 80. 54 power squaring shears. NUTTALL. 1748 N. BTH. . BOILER WANTED Upright about 20 IT. P.t must be In good condition. Call 2314 Wood at., or phone Locust 80S. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TIANOS AND PLAYER-PIANOS HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COR, OTH AND THOMPSON BTS. 185 CHICKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO. HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. OTH. PLAYER PIANO, 88 note, for sale: family must sell; very little used! lot finest musla rolls. 1041 N. Frankklln at. Call afternoons. OLD GOLD CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS fnlse teeth. stones, gold, sliver, platinum. Phlla. Smelting & Ref. Co.. 128 H. 11th st. OLD GOLD, sliver, platinum, plated ware, old- eiyio jewelry, teem piaiea oougni ror casn. Rat. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sanaom. CASH PAID FOR diamonds, old gold, silver. Platinum, raise teetn. JieiiaDia iienmnx Company, N, E. corner Oth and Walnut sts. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS LET US ESTIMATE to coat your roof and guarantee It 10 years AMERICAN ROOFING CO.. 1538 Ridge ave. STORAGE WM. RADFORD STORAGE- FOR HOUSEHOLD OOODS IN HEPARATE ROOM. PACKING. 8HIPPINO TO ALL PARTS. VAN. WAGON. AUTO FOR MOVINO. B310 N. WATER ST.. OLNET. NEVER CLOSED. Phone WYOMING 2895 J. CONTINENTAL BTORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKINO, MOVINO. SHIPPINO Ruga, Carpets, cleaned, scoured, stored. Belt. Locust 1080 Phonea Key.. Race 4160. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1311-1810 MARKET 6T. PENN BTORAOB AND VAN CO. 2186 MARKET BT, ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE! Btorage. moving, packing-, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Baring 732 for estimate. Market A 87th. McCANN'B STORAGE HOUSE. 1718 N. lltb at. Moving, packing, ,ahlpplng; auto vans. Both phones. Let us estimate. 0RAOE Moving by auto vans, packing, hipping. .Levin Bros., 2048 Ridge ave, 'hone Poplar 0024. Phone MILLER. NORTH BROAD STORAOB CO. BROAD, ABOVB LEHIGH AVE. FIREPROOF, Mothproof, Concrete Warehouse, N, Phlla. Stor. Co.. 2083 Lehigh. Tlo. 7230. WANTED ANTIQUE china, furniture, old glass, bronxss, pictures, embroidery. Oriental goods, old silver. Sheffield, pewter and Chinese curios. Try BUB8BL. Will call. 1120 Pine. Wal.2022 ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver, diamonds bought. 733 Walnut. Walnut 1028. Est. 1860. BROKEN JEWELRY.falss teeth, pistols, coins. Coin books, with prices I pay.malled.lBo.J.l). Boss (People's Store). 266 B. llth.Wal.4480. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO On account of the big demand we have had for cast-off clothing we ara compelled to pay the very best possible prices for these foods In order to replenish our stock. Bo or selling your clothes It will pay you to get our prices. We call anywhere at any time. Call, writs or phone Poplar 6342. COOPER, 1010 Oirard ay. ' WANTED f.-...STfPJT-.5lrNO WANrT we mu,t"?eplenf.h oPur . oc'wr.?".0"'' M . etc.; phono Ton. UROL ffla'&'S?' AVaV'-wt. A CAST-OFF CLofmw?dn:cM-2HjW,SrI -MKCi?'M FURNITtrnn r,Ti!MOm. , MODERN AND ANTIOttSIPfr Desks, off Ico furniture, all k? . natures partitions. atoeVi or"?J ' tt etc'"V.Ynut 1801? lie? Sl..Vl"V THE TATT"M nr ' '? RC R341 r? . FURNITURE!. .1.,,. .rffljt. ' PJ J houses bought for eashi'a?' .T ho-Jaree. Bernstein. 35 it jj, M & FURNITtrnn ho,..hr- .c .-. .. """. M tj shik!f -tir 1 win per,'1 ;' -"t? "5ii.inaJvnnis, 212 g, gfn Tv.i",,""Jit MOTCURTOUOHTDOh.t?ii - '-UH- BWSPAPCR8. raas. M.Tn-.T-rrJF' HHIW, paid! out of town shSments solwfV lujtao1JjLt2, WyannslnriT niMh. OLD GOLD-CneirSairfcT "ola .oHJUi gM)syrc ROOMS FOR RENT OXFORO BT 1401 Larra , 7? " bath; unfurnished. " room' Uolftlri eu'ituurc, 1B37 Prof, offices! t.. i elec'y: exc. ph. and -" ."! .,, WALNUT. 6003 Very desiraWS- floor, 0 large- wlndawgj all , nWwla 10TH. 802 8, Opp. Clinton 1 stfrTT52 Lnjjjnawly furT "S dee. Fl'lKS ffiEJ 12TH. N 2040 HousikpFTiTcTuSr?? furn. complete 1 prlv. both, gai 1 mSI ' water. Dla. 0801, ". run, 18T11, N.. 22noAttrnc. furn. rmi T jj!Jngwn!eNjr!yifam)iy, 'di,',' jJ,JJ, lOTIt. N., 1401 TwVTnlSsrfoTSrB .15! single room, fumjl.itn yp" .. 18TH A BERKS Private famThTwurrrM-s well furn. front roomsi running watS1.1.' . wen or business women niatneSsy.'r-Jo ItlTif T l5 inn si?'. , " V. sl'nglg 'nnd douhfe'hon;r Sn"rff.', 10TH. . S... 83 Small room, ienii...: rumishea: next to hath. twmiiJiV1 "u 22I. N.. 2022 Largo unfurnished roomi Ss floor: running water, hot-water heat? m". .? Phnnet '4.B0 per week; refined. "'.,"" 10TH, 8., HOeDeslrable, ran m .U" trlcltyi' private batn. WwaiSnaTif 40TH. 8., 708 Furnished or unfnml.h.a. s' nnd or third floor. Wnnai.n ,9 ,M 262.1 N. lflTH rrlvnta family will real a 51 otorr front mnm. rvle MnVeite wnl PRIVATE FAMILT has very attraetlwry tZZ ata.WB7'xTW'J5'Sr . . . ., m-uncr VJlllCT), uwpiku win rent bachelor apt.. 3 nomi bath, fireplace. 2022 Spruce, toe. 16SJJ? r saa a i 1 ROOMS WANTED WANTED One furnished room, with ortuti 'atj!i. Panent. and refined houieTM Ledger Branch. 8500 Oermantown ave. ' Bc,irVon .dMlres room and private Htai central pref. ; state terms. F 14 B. Lei.. Sat!- BOARDINO JEeFE?!.n,a0N-.B,T'. 2T-Oood board prlTtt. - " t-"s-. -nimoypq; rni. TOfJAM RO n iflin rex. . . .. u k. sv-v-o. j. nun- ourucfj ojao. SP,n7"FI,r'r AVI?" .'"O-Owner besutifnt E'iI? J!0m8: . "ln,t,8 or mniunlctln party- nh C" "''"""nodatlons right Sffir.R3J.ltt'"J.?P''Wrt Mx. With board: Bnrlno- itrafi SPnuCB. 1028-ao Third and fourth floor liiT annif n ' .' ' . . ' ., i J' 1--';r ti'rismonoe) Furn. rooms. J single, en aulte: prlvnte bath! table bears'. -A ilni a eft njt -. rrr-r : i,--V" ..,' -'oivry roams, wun oest taDie .21r?J. WB ""-n'oy, lata of Chestnut st nnd the Newport. Table Board NEW DEVON, 801 S. Broad. E. W. nollanl caterer Exqulsltelv prepared meals of filrt- .fuu,,fc luwisiuiiB. vveeaiy rates no niro ?.r, f"11? .ordinarily. Parties served. Phons -Walnut 1335 for rates and Information. Ardmore. Ta. ATTRACTrVB ROOMS: private bath IC dealred; flret-claas table; near, train and troll'r. 0 West Athens ave.. Ardmore. Pa. BOARD "WANTED TOUNO WOMAN wants room and betrd Is strictly private family in West PhllidelphU' Blve particulars. C 204. Ledger Olflc. COUNTRY BOARDERS WANTED BOARDERS WANTED Private famtlv nf tvrn ftV will rent suits ef two (2) communicating rooms and batlu " nouinwestern exposure; no otner tarari; best references reaulred and ctven: U mile outside Doylestown. Pa. ; easy access to truW tutu irouey; moaern nouse, steam neat; roam inciuqeq. Aaarcas llox 13.1. Doylestown. ra. CHILDREN convalescing from whooping court must be accompanied by parent or nnr: spectal diet! largo rooma: good air; prlvats lamuy. vveat (jneater. M 012. imager va. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location! apeclal aclentlfla cn;iI nervous, eiaeriy: every comiort; nr. -Booklet. Dr. Randal. City line. Chestnut Hill. 'FURNISHED APARTMENTS T TAXT TT A T"k lefa.lK TVrtfRT. 1W1( .U AptTof 3roomaandtitl!. APARTMENTS WANTED Furnished 8 GENTLEMEN desire 8 rooms, batht betweta 12th & 20th; neigh. Spruce, E 836, Led. Cent- APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL ceW! The best-rooms and suites, with the best table, in Phila. Day, Week, Month, Season, Year J HOTEL COLONIAL tvT ,! l imtJt a net vafiirf SPRUCE AT ELEVENTK -..t"" :i".SX'e""r'i':i.. Kedrooal and bath by the day. week or month. t Mj i sonable ratesiservleo and cuisine unexceueav 1 WM. k KENNBY. Manager. j THE COVINGTON CHESTNUT AND 87TII ST8. It. IT, riiUtJ. WAliflUW' ., - Also th Engleslde, Beach Haven. N. J. CHOICB TWO-nOOM SUITES FOR RgNT THE GLADSTONE tnbw" "PBRMANENT OR TRANSIENT OUESTfl 86TH AND CHESTNUT 1808-1810 rCbestnut street Room with bath, alnal and In suite. APABTMENT3 Ardmore. Pa. TIIH ATHENS 1 andS room suU. JJiJi kltch'ett.. fur, or unfur, Ph, Ardmoi ! MA n I i U Ugrougmtmy c- -je---i T ( Kmmug SlNCC THE WAR BtGrSN.V J0RAWIN6 ROOM? r (To Cftr at hy) MY KNITTING.!'! 1 I lp l cp yi ZT tf vf ft S rv 1 a V K " "' '"'" '" 1 ' " """ B-r 1 ji !-jn mm if I ,,,, I,,,. llt - jt - -. . , . e-v, k jiii um m ii ii 114