SpiiwiiiwSSiK rngFy-MfftWiiT '- J-Kg'T"'J--''""yegiyT" "V !--a-- - -V fs,-sSfTV ? "w'w ' T ' "fyipnitf r" " -V ! i iW WUU TPlWr fl 14 . -l EVENING LEDGJEB PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1916: f r - rft r FINANCIAL NEWS ; MARKET FAILED TO RESPOND TO EITHER GOOD OR BAD NEWS ? ('American Beet Sugar Declined Instead of Advancing on 'i,. News That Dividends Had Been Resumed Many 7" Statements That Diplomatic Rupture Is Pending a f - High Points in Today's Financial Nctos American licet Sugar i owned dividends on common iloek, declaring ' 6 per cent, for present fiscal year, payable quarterly. Firil declaration since October 4, 19 M. Atlantic Steel Company declared initial dividend .on common of 1 1-2 per cent. Ten per cent, exit a dividend declared by ' New Jersey Zinc Company. Reorganization plan underwiittcn for Stand ard Roller Bearing Company. Pi ice of pig lead advanced a half cent. ' More favorable February railroad earnings statements issued. froi. l' w- ft N't:V YORK. March 30. Market movement"! were t-oeiudcil with dissatisfaction today bscauso of tho ,fnlluro of prices to ropuml to tiny substantial ostein to cither favorable or tin "favorable, developments.- Tho loniru tilled replacing of Ameilcan licet Suunr on tho dividend list occurred nt noon, but with tho declaration of tho dUidcnds on that stock the price decllntd Horn "3 to 7C, Instead of nrivnuclng, follow in?? tho precedent set by Inspiration Cojipor, which failed to improve after bolnj? placed " 6n tho dlvldend-pailtiK list a shod time hko. Somo of the specialties held In pool control advanced at times, but quickly lost most of their gains AUIkuikIi the tintket for Kronen evchaiiK.- uns weak, ns n result of heavy offerings of bills against purchases of copper by tho 1'ioncli Government, there was no market rispotlo to tho noun of these purchases. Ilny VtVoan. Stone .1 Co , lien It k, Hcrg & Co. and A. C. Whitney & Co. were buvcrs of such stocks as Anaconda, ICennecott and Inspiration In largo volume, without causing ""nny Improvement In their prices. "" In tho afternoon tho room was flooded with statements that ft diplomatic v rupture with Germany Is pending, and tlio sprcul.rtlvo clement, both on tlio lloor and outside of the exchange, offered stocks, which boomed to be without support, ""fit sharp concession without, however unsettling tho general list. "3 There was considerable fnielgn selling ngaln today In t 'tilted States Steel common, Hrle. I'nlon I'aclllc. Southern Pacific and Anaconda, but this supply was nbsorbcd by the amo quiet cnsli buving which has been In evidence for m long J?,, a, time. . ' Tho net results of tho dav were modern to, considering tho piessuro exerted "Trom many sources against various stocks, and Indicated that there was an undor tone of far greater strength than was genet ally comprehended It became known .during tho day that the pool which hail been at work In Hrlo fot nearly a jcar --'had dissolved and that report accounted for the weakness In that stock. New York Stock Sales , Dividends on Common Ucsumid by American Heel Sugar Tho American Heet Sugar Company declared a dividend of fi per cent, on tho "common stock for present fiscal vcar, pavnldo quaiterli- Apill 29, July 31, Oc '."tbbcr 31 and .Tanuarv 31, 1917, to stock of leeord April 1G, July 15, October 14 and January 13, 1917 This Is tho flist dividend declaiatlon on this lsue since m. jbctobor 4, 1912, when a fouith quarteil dividend nf 1 per cent was declined, Tniftklng C per cent, for the vcar Duilng 1911 one dividend of l'i per cent, wus "'TSiid on November 1R. Theo nto onlj dividends vvlilch have been Iiald to Boot -, Sugar common stockholdeis since tho organization of tho company in 1S99. mo Initial Common Dividend for Atlantic Steel NEW YORK, Maich 30 The Atlantic Stcol Company declared an Initial ,,.'..'common dividend of Hi per cent., pavablo April 10 to stock of rccoid April 1. M Nt" , , Extra Dividend by New Jersey Zinc " - NEW YORK, March 30 The Now Jersey Zinc Company has declared an toxtra dividend of 10 per cent, pavablo April 10 to stock of rccoid Apt II 1. Tho "V"iegular quarterly dividend Is not duo until May. 'SHORT COVERING SENT WHEAT UP "Commission House Buying and - - Unfavorable Crop News Put Vim in Market A t chain iirxT lmvriiRit rnur.rsT ' CIIKMM), Miirrli :' Tlio wtuther forecast fur .1(1 lnmri follows: Illinois I'ulr una warmer tonlulit! I rl day partly rlmiil. . , Missouri I'nrllr clnnilj and unsettled tonltht anil 1'rliliiM wnniier In eMrrnie east! cooler northwest winds tnulKiiti cooler 1 rimy. . .,.,,. , i i.nn.iiipip Mr Mmidi tnnlclit anil Frldnji nrnhililj nn-elllrili west nlnilsi not mnrli rlinnge In temperature. .Mlnnrsfltil anil limn I ti-r tiled tnnlclit end irlcl.i): prnuilily rain; not niuin f clmnce In trmnrrnturr. . orth Unkota I n.rtlli-ili prohulil r iln or Knoi niKt mid xmitti lndHS 1 rlday partly clond anil inniier South Iaknl Kiln nr kiio tills nrtfr noon, iirolmhl Innluhl; I rlilio tmrtb cloudy) unwttlrd, rant wliaUs roofer to nlKhti rlslnc tfmiirratiirrs Irlcluj. , .NrbrusUu I iikrttlrd tnnlKliti iirnlulib mln and roolrr In LVtrrine cant; 1 rid ly partly cloudy, ultli rNlae trniper tturrt wrt, Kanimii I'artly clnmlj and pollil iin wtttrd tonlshli roolrr r ist anil miuIIii Friday probabty fair and narmrr. r. CHICAGO, March 30 Vim was put tlnto tho wheat market today by further unfavorable crop news, and the tono showed strength after some Irregularity In he early dealings Commission houses were good bujers and shorts were com pelled to cover. The volumo of bad crop 'Ladvlces disheartened many of tho bears. Stlnne.ipolla reported a good demand for Ythe cash article. B. W Snow said that tho los-j by vvln Ur killing In tho soft wheat territory was being generally recognized, but that there x anneared to be a disposition to regard the crop In Kansas as In a position to make up the losses suffered elsewhere. lie said "-that the fact was that tho promise In that State was not up to normal. John Inglls said that prospects In In diana were poor and that a considerable " area vvpuld be abandoned There was ap prehension over the unfavorable weather In the Northwest and In Canada While offerings were taken readily, best prices were not maintained, profit taking being sufficient to send tho list off Leadlnsc futures ranted as follows ... YeMy' Open, High. Low. Close, close Wheat STay ...,. 1.12V 1 11W 1 l'.'V, 1 Htl 12, July ..... l.lofj 1 13il 1 (j 1 l--'l in'! bfpterabsr. l.OSH 1 loS J.OSU 1.1UH 101 Corn (new dellvervl jjfay 7JJ4 T4H 7J September. Hit 75. Tf Qati . May .. 43J, -IT uiy ... ;- : 7V, J7V4 Tl'i 7t' t7li 714 ai tember, iO i-ara May ...11.30 July . ,11..' Dtemtwr.ll.I.' itius lir ..,,,1102 May .. 22 71 July . ...ii 85 Hid, lAikml 11,05 11. 8 J 4U. It 17 11 C5 12.10 22 01 2-'.TJ 4tU 40 41V, (M 4UK 10 K tit Tf til 17 ill UO ll ,',7 11. b.' tll.su 11.27 11 r.o 1170 11 00 11 01 tll.07 12 OS M2.1U tf.MO 2J 72 t22 02 22 85 2J.55 22 7U '2.07 COTTON PUICES STEADIED; OFFERINGS WELL TAKEN "Good Spot Demand and Foreign Buy ing Helped Market NEW YORK March 30 Operations ere again mixed on the Cotton Exchange at the ooeutns this morning Liverpool ,v.ai a sioatl sller of July and otbsr trans, actions vere lnlgnlfloant The early tone 3,a uteudy, prices befng 2 to 5 points lower The market was believed to have C-TTeen held In chvck In the face of dlmp lioIntlng cable), by the Watklna Uureau i Sport and the continued lack of rrfintall In the southweait Liverpool selling of new crop months and some local selling of near posit kmssejit th.u market about 6 or 7 points net lower later In tne uay cut the offerings) were Iwpn ia1c0u on a. scalp daw,, with t,i.i. J-itrrsuU buyers of old crop.deltverlea, and lrlitM Kte&dtadL Active nAtlvaHan uni.l jvfe to within 3 to points of last night a lns figures, and reports of a good t demand at Memthi. with IJverpuol Kjslau buying a toe market itutrc. tMt he)lea to iul total prlvs. vt v-. Vhi. vs-t;. LA n g& eis sii New York Bond Sales ii at ' it' U.U) High Low Close ;n00 Arccntlno Ks .... Uli l)tl 'U, Sinoo Anslo-rr Bs . .. 3 i i" VS 170UH Amor Smelt Sec lis .1111 llil lln liooo Amir Tel clt la . 01 !il ni 2IIKIU do nt IHlS . . lllSj 10S4 IDS', 2(HM) Armour Co i'4s . . (ip, jll' UIU 3-.000 Auliisun ton Is ... HI'S, m uia lf.00 do adj 4s .. . . b" Mi"i 17 r.OIII) Ariz lbs . ... U7ai U7 H7si lJViii Halt i Ohio IVjs .. t)JT li.'Vi HJTS loiio do Is . Ul'i lip, ima 3UIIII!) do cv lh IMI't 'hi unit limn Halt & O Swn t'iia lilj l)I ina LOUD lieth htccl 1st O.l llil lot nil Holm do St . lliu't liiu4 loo' .noil iirooit n t rs mis nu nu mi moo u c C sen Is 7S'i 7h' 7 lniHi C C C & bt r. I'js s-ihi s-.'j s-.Va iiiiO Cil Oas & Kite 5s lilt li'i iij -mill Cnnadi. houth Sm . lot', lot', nil', Jiiiiii Cent Ix-.ith 1st fia nil's lnl KU' limn IVnt Pit 1st Is liol 'm' lull, 70011 Cent lilt N I 5s . 117". U7' 117 13JII01I Can.idt Is 111 11 llilti III,, tlll4 10700U do lliJt ii i ft ii'ii, ii'iij 4-noil do lUJil .U7 Ii7', II7U 4IIII0 Ches . ulltu pv Pis -"i !-', 1'J's 1110(1 Chi Oreit VVtst 4s 7J 7Ji 7Ja 2001) Chi & Nun tfl 08 II" II", II". Jiioii CM 4 Nun ai,s hl. Si's M' 3MI00 Chi II & Q Joint 4s lis'i Iish lis, 1001) Chi II i. O gen 4s Hi's Dm UP, liooo Ch JU a l ev P4s loo'i lonS HuH Hinii Cun flis cv os UJl, l.'jij l.'."4 0000 Chi nj 3s . list! us us 1000 Cuban Vmir h Cm ill.'' lo.' 1(U,,4 lllliuil Den & Uto ( 5s Ml Ml M) mhhi His Setur Corp Ss 7a 7JN 7JH -000 Ilrtu conv 4s ser A . 704 .o'i 70Mi loon Krlij conv 4s scr II 7S 7S 7s 200(1 Urle iirlnr 4s . . S". h", -,?, 1810(1(1 doc; 1 w 1 . Ml' hV, (,.", 1(100 On Iflec doll 3 lni 101", liil loon Hud & M-in tn 5s . llov, J04 ail '-a mkiii 111 steel iltb 4'4s . IIP, ni'i up, loon Indiana hteel 5s . 10-'V4 HUH lnj rood ill Cent Is 1II3J . svJ h",si h"., 4(100 tnterli Met Pis . . 7.14 711, 7.1H loon lntcrli It T ref 3s ins li'is Hi's 5MI0H Int JU-r Vtar tt la US', U7l, lis 17000 fnternl IaiH.r Is . I'd no mi 4-'",oo Jup new n S 44s . 77'a 77 77'ti li.ooii do 4 4s Nil MI Ml r.noii Kan City TLr 1st 4s KS, kh hss. 10110 Latkl htenl 3s 10511 UP. U4i llj H 200(1 lu V'al 4 4s . mi'. l'H 4 HIP, limit Lorlllard Is . 101 'i 1014 nil1. Loon Louis S. Nash 4s HI 4 HiH HI 44 loon .Vtex I' Co Us her C 1134 1114 11 14 loiiil Minn . St I. 4s . ill"! IU in, lotion Vlo Kan S. T 1st 4s 7J 7J94 7J4 1 mm Mo Kan A. T 6s 4s 4s IS 100(1 Vlo Kan 4 T ext 5s ill 4 ."04 nil 4 40(111 N V C I, rt JV4s 704 7H4 7(lH lMioo N y c & II 34s . ..", SJ'i hj'J Jooil N Y C & Hud 4a luty U24 O.'S 1111011 N Y C &. Hud 14s . IlPi UP, IIPJ 70011 N Y Cent lis IIP, 11 p; jus 5000 N Y Chi & St 4s 0". U1 l". HOOil N Y C 44s Nov 57 1074 1U7 107 tllioi) N Y Hock Is . lllPl lop, IM, I (Hill N Y N II & II lis 111I ll-.i, 1114 II71101) N Y Itwy ref 4s 774 774 774 liooo V Y liny adj 5s lU'I ill 113V, loon ' Y Tl uen 44s . US'J iim' u, 711011 N Y W C & II 4 4s 7U 70 70 llion Norf & VV Toch 4s 004 004 U()' lmill Nort 4 West 4s 014 1134 014 10011 No & W c 4s '14 J3 1JII4 1-MI4 1UJ' miiiii Nor Pao prior 4s . lil'I UI'J 014 iliiiio Nor Pau ten 3s tin 4 oJ diiij 511011 Oro hhnrt I, rot 4s -u ill 111 loon Ore .Short I. 1st Us los4 1(W4 1USV4 701111 lire &. Cal 5s , loj 10J 10.' luiHiit l'uiina Ken tt 44s lil.'i, 10JV4 10JJ4 21101) lvniia.cn 4 4a 103?, lo"'. 1014 1001) I'enna 14" lOJl . 1DJ JftJ 10J -(lull Head Jer Cen 4s 11(14 ml 4 in 4 liiooi) Hep Ir & S Os on 4 On 4 ii'iis .'noil Hock Island Is MI Ml Ml SkOihi Knck Island rfd 4s I)s4 S4 S4 lilonii dil.i.SK rfd tt sta Is ml mi ml 111 1011 do irrn ct sta 4s 10 nu .111 41000 do Kl U 4s 1.14 524 5J4 jooil St !.ouls awn 1st -Is 7X4 7S4 7?; lllilll Mtuarfn 4m (Il' HIT i.ITZ 30000 Seaboard A I. adj Ss UdI flat 41 i;(li. luou uo ota ss n. njt, GlOoil South Tao iv 4s Mi 87K soon do cv ret f p 5s lop, lots JJll.lt Mnnth Pan rf.l J. OUlf lillli Ri.iiik n v t. T, . a t m. Ku liT ..T v u.ii... ,vwa . . c. , W4 ... ... i, lUOil Third Ave new 4 h.' sj 8j. llllul Toklo 3s .. 7hVs 7K'i 7.S4 SDOIMI II H Gov 3s C . 10.!', IOJ'1 lOJ't ISIIIUl 17 S Rubber Os . . 103 103 1UJ lbiHlll U a Stael 0. . 1044 1014 lopi son do r 5s .. lot lol lot 37000 Union I'ac 1st 4s . 074 07 H U74 looo Un Hwys 8 P 4s 4J4 4J'i 4." 4 anno V Car Ctwm Us lt)J nu ioj (km) V'a Itwy 3s .. . Qs4 n.s4 OS 4 3IMH) VV'Mt Md 1st 4s . .. 144 744 744 1000 Wtutl Union 5s .. .101 lot 101 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TOKOPAK STOCKS. Hid. Asked Jim Hutlor , i-! ,04 MAoKamara OS ,07 Midway 'JO .'12 Uhuwh Ktnaloa :o ,ti MooXaaa- IM 30 Nor tk Star 15 10 Tonopah IWlnwnt .-44 44 Totjopil tSxtuumn 4 5 Toneuab VlfclB.- ... u 04 lUscu Mul :il .27 Wet Bud 77 .78 GQLVFIHUD STOCKS AtUuUU , 13 14 BluiRull 0.1 04 BuUdea . , .01 .oa C 00 ... 1 .04 renbliuitkw Practtoi 07 os UlauuM&Md B B 02 03 Daisy . 01 05 FloreiMxi 40 .43 Cit2jU Com . ,'.77 .78 niSUmia Merawr It .U Jumbo Exteiurtoa ... 74 73 KtiWattaji 13 14 tiro ., 04 03 Saul Ktn 01 Oil Uvtr Plik . 07 09 illit UULNBOUU Falx- VJttec U 03 Mi!i i OJ uJ Ml k It 0 f. jtA I uloa 33 40 J4aiU t'&ist ,.. ...!, 64 X2& Lst close Hlnh Ixw. Close. Adams Eirrcsl H5 114 U2ii 142M Alasici J Gold M . . U OM mi 1H AiMk.1 OoM Mints . . 2()' 2( 10H 1H Allls.Clilmrs Mfs . 29 SO'i 29 2') Allls-Chvlmers Mfg pf. "WJ 78 77 77 Am An Chemical fiS 07 07 07 Am Ag Chemical pf .. !)0, 117 07 07 Am llect Sticir . 72!i 7.1 7H 72 Am Can . . Ol'f Ol'i )'i 00' Am Car . rdv . . O'J OSli 071. 07' Am Coil rrodticlj . ljs, lot) lfifl loOH Am Cotlon (III 6.". 5.1H MH C3'J Am HIJo & lather .. 10) WH lO'i lillf Am Hide & I, pf . fi-ji fiT ftl nl Am Iro "Serutltlcs . 2SM 2Sf 2S' 28'f Am I dwcil - . . 2.Ti 2t J.Vi 2H?s Am I.lnseiil pf ... . lO'll iOH 15 4fiV Am I.oromollis . .. 77( "s'j (H 7l)' Am Loeomotlvo pf . .101 laVj llU'S 10 Da Am Milt Corpn pf ... :r Jl)i :Hl4 .!'- Am Smelt .v. Hcf ... ,100'S 10- HKWj 100'J Am hmiff ... i.jo 110 110 140 Am Meet roundrles .. fai nVi fiVi 5U, Am Pimar Ilif ...lOOU 1034 10'Xt KMii Am Sugar Itef pf . tlo'S llo'j llfij. llo'S Am Tel .v. Tel' 130'i V.V)H V.WH 1304 Amlolnno . IOi'j lOOS lOj'i lOO1. Am lotnrco pf new ..l()0!a 1004 100 1004 fil oO'i 100 101 l'l MM n 10) l'i4 h7 00 KM r.o4 00' ', IS'I R7'i so a 00 101 IIXV 104 100, WM ,S7t H(ii .l'l 00 101 100'a WSi 704 24 Ifll 110 so 2.14 r,vi lliO', 534 OI?i 014 214 .".14 124 !I74 Hi 1274 1214 104 1S4 S2' 1314 20 914 SS4 is' 704 24 u; 110 804 214 514 1004 514 914 014 214 544 L'4 374 1114 1274 1244 104 1.54 S24 1314 204 014 SS, 13)4 1354 204 204 . 014 914 . S'l4 00 .1154 1114 1114 1114 .1504 1504 150 150 . II s'j S4 S4 17 17,' 174 174 13 1 1,114 1314 1314 174 104 41)4 14 214 21 Am Woolen Am Woolen pf. . Am Writing V pf Am 7lnt! I. . Sm Anaiondi Cop M Aivets Heall; itlon Aorhted Oil Ateh Top ,1 s V Atch Ton & H v nf ..ltlfii 1(V)4 Mild I.O(o Works . 1014 10"i4 HH4 10)4 mil .1 Ohio . . S74 874 IMIt i Ohio pf . . . 70 704 Hitoplhj Mlnln . 2i 24 Hethlihcm Steel . 451 Jfl'i Hush Itrmlnvl ..110 110 llulte A Stipi-rlor .. .. 1)04 004 Ctl Petroleum 2J4 214 Cil Petroleum pf 51 S,2 Canidlan Paeiric .... 107 1004 Centril lather 5J4 514 Clundlir Motor . ... fj 014 Ches .1 Ohio 024 0J4 Cnilo Copper . . . . 2J 2J Clilno Copper . .. 5.14 544 Clilfii,o Ot West . .. If 12 i Cliieaco (It Wtst pf .. 374 '174 Chi Mil ,t St P ... 01 ,' 014 Chi Mil ."i. St P pf 12S4 1274 CM & Northucsttrn .120 125 Chi It 1 A. Pic ... 17 17 Col Itul a iron . 4"4 114 Continents Can .. S14 414 CO'itolldatetl (,as Corn Products Itef Corn Prod ltef pf . Crutlble Steel Crucible Steel pf Dilinaro A llinlon Denvir A Illo Or . Den A Itlo (Ir pf Ut troll IMbon l)llll Ns- corpn 174 Dome Mines . 254 i:i-c Storage Hit 024 l.rle .. J7 Frio rlehts 4 I-rle 1st pf 524 Till Mln A 'm pf .. 474 Gen ClWnlcal 3 50 Gen Cliemicil pf . 110 Gcninl Klectrlc . .100 Goodrich II F 704 dranlu Conol . 90 SS4 Grcene-Cimnea .. . 1S4 19J Oreit Nortlurn pf 1214 1214 G V cfs for ore prop 4 !4 1.14 Guccenhelm Explnt. 204 204 Illinois Cent ..10! 1014 Int Aurlcultunl pf 504 .VUi Intllarv N I . ...1104 HOJj 1104 1104 Int Con Cor v t c sh . 17 17 Int Pater 114 114 Insp Con Cop 474 174 Int Mckel v t cfs. .. 154 10 Int M M c of dp . . . in, 17 Int M M pf c of dp.. CO 704 Jeel Tea 774' 81 Jewellca pf 1104 1104 1004 Kan City Southern. .. 254 254 Kellj Spring 'lire . .. 754 714 Kennerott Copper .. 50, 574 Kings Co K I, A I' ...1294 1204' Lack Stetl Co Lee Hubber Tiro. ... Lehlsh Vallev I Ucett A Mjers . . I.l.'sett A Mjers pf. Lorllhnl P Co . . . Mackav Cos Maxwell Motors ... Max Motors 1st pf , Mat Motors 2d pf . Mexican Petroleum Mo Kan A Texas ... 1 34 3', Mo Kan A Tex pf .... 104' 104 104' Missouri Pacific .... 14 14 14 Mo Pacific trtfs . 14' 14 4 Minn A st Louis ... 0 fi 54 Miami Copper 304 374 304 Montana Power "84 7S4 7s4 Nitional Itlscult 1224 1224 1224 Nat Cloak- A Suit . .. 70 Nat Knam A S Co .. 24 LONDON MARKET QUIET; JOBBERS GAIN STRENGTH Dealers in Americans Pleased at Drop in Treas ury Share Buying MANY PLANS FOR TARIFF (ii 37 4 51)5 154 01 304 4 514 10 01 30 51? 30 321,4 3214 3214 110 110 110 1004 100 04 75V SS' IS 121' II IMP, 10.1 59' 1111 754 S84 4S4 1214 13 204 1014 i4 r2 94 7J4 S54 H.V 10' 114 17 1-.4 104 dS4 s 54 714 504 120 704 514 r04 17 114 474 40 17 09 SO 1104 254 714 574 1204 704 515S 52!, . 774 774 .2)0 2404 2194 2194 .IIS'5 IIS 118 118 .100 100 70 73 854 554 100 70 704 M4 514 190 70 705i SI'i 534 1094' 1105, 1074 1074 Nat Lead Co 07 Nit Li ad Co pf Ncv Con Cop Nivt York Air Urake N N UAH... n r i ii ii . Norfolk A Western . North American . Northern Pacific . Ontario silver Mln . Penri'vlvanla It It . . Peoples Gas Chi Philadelphia Co Pitts Coil Co N J . Pressed Steel Car Co Pressed S Car Co pf. Pullman Co (Julrksllver ... . Hy Steel Sp Co Ity Steel Sp Co pf . . Itay Con Copper. . Iteadlne .... , . ltepubllc Iron A S Itepublic I A S pf St Louis ASK.. . St L & S F 1st pf St L A S K 2d pf St Louis Southwest . Seaboard Air Lino . . ghat Ariz Cop. . Southern Pacific . , Southern Pac t cfs , southtrn Ity . ., Southern Ity pf Studebaker Co . Stukebaker Co pf Tenn Copper 'Jexas Co lexas Co rights .113 174 14 54 044 34 104 14 14' 0 34 784' 1224 70 244 004 in 17 0 70 214' 214 07 004 113 113 174 174 11J4 1424 1124 054 044 05 10)4 1054 1014 1014 1214 1214 1204 1204 094 084 OS OS 1134 1114 111 11.1 84 84 S4 84 504' 504' 504 504 1014 1014 1014 1014 414 124 424 424 204 27 204 204 5.14 514 524 524 lO.'h 1024 1024 1024 .102 . 34' . 394 . 90 2.14 . 854 . 51 .10SJ, 2,4 . r . 14 . 104 . 154 . 30 974 1014 1014 1014 35i 394 00 2.14 854 M)4 34 394 90 Jl, 844 50 14 304 00 2.14 8-14 50 1084 10S4 1084 34 54 4 104 154 304 07 3 54 34 1G4 155, 354 07 3 54 34 104 154 30' 97 .1104 1154 1154 1154 21 204 .. 59 CO 141 111 fliim m .. 534 514 . JU4 174 2(14 20. fiS'f 584 1384 1394 111 111 Texas Pacific 7 t Third Avenue Union lias A Paper.. Union Ilai: A V pf . United Ctjar Stores . United Cigar Mfrs .. Unton Pacific Union Pacific pf. . . United Fruit U Bind Alcohol 153 02 74 31 95 am 132, 131 824' 8.1 1454 W U 8 C I P A F. U 8 C I I A F pf United, Hi s Inv Co . Un Kys Inv Co pf Ub llubber U S llubber 1st pf. . U b Steel Corpn.. . U S bteel Corpn pf Ub fcm It AM U S Express litah Copper Utah Securities 224 52 114 304 514 5254' 180 104' 74 01 74 304 04 ei4 1314 1314 824 82)i 1444 144! 1534 1514 1524 iiy-i 1S 214 114 29 604 lO'I 174 7Ji 62 7, 31 044 111!, W 100 104 74 01 74 304 94 l)i 514 144 294 505j 514 14i 294 50),' .110)4 1104 1104 1104 mn 844 S3),' 83 1104 1104 1104 110)3 . fiSU Ran f.rii tX'.i un. 49)5 814 18 &S4 C74 49),' 4S)i 814 81 loyj 44 074 484 81),' I7J 44 Va-Caro Chcm 454 Va-Caro Chem pf. ... mti 1114 1114 1114 waoasu ,o ja njr 141 Wabash pf A 404 40)f 454 4J Wabash pf H ....284 28 27 of Wells Fargo Exp 12S)f 1274 127, 1274 MWt H Vt tX)7, UO 0,1 Western Maryland .. . 32, 324 314 West Union lei (X)4 01 004 Wheel A Lake Erie 24 24 "M WooUorthFW 122)1 1224 122 65,4 32 004 24 10J 122 RATES FOR MONEY Call Nw York lrf3 Tin 9U , I'blUilslphU 31304 3i Iloston 3 4 ( Chicago . i'AOi 1 1 Commsrclal Piper. Ihre, to six mootljj. adslphla. 3H4 Pr cnt. ' ' BANK CLEARINGS Bask cUartngs today compared vrltb corrs siion"''s" day Ust two rs BtSSa M.612 14 3 180.040 .SitloS'Xlf bU iOi 15.JIL03 J8tBftI8 Ummi By FRANCIS W. HIRST lldllor The llronomlst, London Snrclnt Cotitr lo nucnlnp J.tdatr LONDON, Mnrch 30 Tho titoclc mar ket Ii quiet nnd Jobliera in Amerlcnnn nro pleieil ut tlio ressntlon of tho Treasury's slnro liiiyliirr, which nlso Indicates tho nmnclnl strcnRth of tho exchanso posl linn Storms have Interfered with tho coun trv s mnlli nml city hunlncs'? HutrRcitlons for nn Allied tnrlff nfter the war naturally nre crcntlne boiiio nerv ouineti not only among U1010 vvhoio Imslncs"! dtponded hofore the war on trade with tho enemy countries, hut nlso anions; merchants whoso Interests nro In neutrnl countries Tuesday in nnswcrlnir questions Walter Itunclm.m president of tho Hoard of Trade assured the IIouso of Commons Hint Urltlsh trade Interests In China have received cnreful recognition 111 tho eco nomic discussions between tho Allies Ho added that Jiipin probalilv will ho repre sented nt tho Paris economic conference Our Government has now arranged that tho economic conference shall he attended by protectionists as well as n free trade milliliter Tree traders, however, fear that despite the political truce their principles 11111 be compromised i'voii tlio Dally Chronicle Is printing ab surd predictions from I'arls that Oerman nunufacturers. despite the prolonged shortage of raw matcrl lis, will dump heavllv Immediately nfter wnr, hut If the prediction Is true wo would vvel cntno tho prospect of a great fall In prices after tho war, which at least would cheapen hubslstcnce for the vast army ot dlsbinded soldiers An how, n Lord llreo said tho other day. "Passion nntt levenge nro blind guides " rottunitely, the latent strength of free trade sentiment Is becoming manifest Tho latent Komomlc Journal contains a strik ingly powerful nrtlclo hy Sir Hugh Hell. tho great Iron master and Lord Lloutenmt of Yorkshire, arguing for economic peace aftei tho war He holds It Is Impossible to capture German trade. Ho holds that even If it were possible the effort would be unprofitable. PRICES MIXED ON CURB Cuba Cano Sugar Commanded At tention; Midvalc Nairow N'nV YORK. March .10 I'rlco move ments on the curl) were mixed all through the entire session today, although trading was decidedly less active and for a large pirt the speculation was of .1 professional chaiactoi Tiadcrs were less conspicuous In the denllngs, while interests for n time shifted to the lower-priced shares Cub 1 Cane Sugar continued to com 111 md attention, and after moving up nearl n point reacted l'i from the high est, but later rallied slightl Tho pre ferred stock was under support nt an im provement of 1, Tobacco Products nfter a show of firmness declined nearly n point. Mldvalo Steel moved within narrow limits on a small volume of dealings Kathodlon Uronzo developed pronounced strength nt an advance of 3 points. INDUSTRIALS Aetna nxplnilves Am llrltlsli VI re Atliin Otiir 4 W I S S . . ln 1 rcf Amer VI irconl . AJ.ix Hubb.T Inc w I Can nil in ( .ir & IM . C.inullun ("nr t IMy prcf .. e'hevrolit VIotnr Car Culnn Cane Suirir furtlis Anrnplano Drlus s.cnbury ninirson Phono Ilanl,ei A Iltrlccr Car .... Hrnle Mfg lntir Vfer Murine Inti r VUr M irliiM pre? . .. K itliwllnn lironzn pfd Manhattan Trinslt viiixlm Munition VIIil 1I11 bteel Litis 1 levator Uttn I.Uenlohr w 1 ilo i.M I'eerjess Motor Toole l.ng und Much st Jnetili Lend H H Krrsge v. I MunUinl Motors Sutimurfne Hunt t e ctfs Trl.incle rilm v t rtfs.... Cnlted Profit Sharlnir V H I.lBht . Heat tin pfil White Motors w I Voril I llm Hid Jti . .10 . 4T . IIH . 70 . " .1117 . US . 4T HU It'4 41 . Ill 4 . "o . 21 . : ? . II.! . r. 1 . UK ai : k : :U ml . 4K . i). STANDAIID OIL HiniSlWAKIUS. l'lpo Prurlii Illinois Ohio Oil , rstumlant OH nf California htanilunl Oil of New Jerse Mnmliril l nf Vrf.v Vnrk . Harnett Oil J", Coxilen Oil Hi 'i ..'In .17(1 .J.'7 .-l ..-.in U7 Ch-ilmrn Oil fi Huuiton Oil 111. , vildweMt lierlnlnir "44 Inter l'et 1- Kapulia l-' MINING STOCKS Atlanta Cerro Ilutte C 7. v t ctfs llutte ANY l'lrxt National Conner Coliltlelil Memcr 11 12 VS JT'i II 4 llecla Minim: iiowh ouna Jim Ilutler Jumbo Txtenslon VlaifmA Copier vleKlnley Dirrach . Mines of America . . Mplsslnu Mines Co Kan Toy West ilnd Con . . . Ken Kino ... . Chen & Ohio Ha Cerro de lascu Us Mldraltf Steel Ss I'S'i DOND.S 4'. . . 01 .. 71 .. 1H, .. 41 . I1H .. 07 .111! AnUeil. L'J JS 31 W 411 70 V 70 Ml 1"' ns'i r.o iij 14 4"i IIS 17 7 , "4 J ' IIS r.-. i"1.. uu. inv V$ 311 H i'- ns 4 IS "11 lno 'J ID Jill r.jn lHVi II 17 Oli 12'4 1S li'i 4 i?a n . nu mi 70 1KT1 4K :i 7H 1H 78 US OS 118. U8s Financial Briefs The American Smelting and Refining Company this morning advanced Its price for pig lead from 7 cents to 7 50 cents a pound, New York. George Q Thomas, of K W Clark S. Co , has been elected secretary and treas. urer of the Continental Company of Balti more The company has been organized recently to do an investment business Tlio oftlcea are In the Continental Building, that city. The New York Stock Kxchange has ad mitted to the list Dominion of Canada S per cent, gold bonds when issued, 125,000.. 000 due 1921, $25,000,000 due 1928 and JJ5.O0O.000 duo 193L The Canadian Westlnghouse Company, Limited, reports for the year ended De cember 31, net earnings of $860,628 com pared with 386,1H the previous year. Total surplus for the year was 1,973,775, against (1.562,490 In 1914, or an Increase of 111.S85. Profit and loss surplus was f 1,833,775, a gain of $261,285. The Board of Bepresentatrves of the New York Curb Market Association has listed and admitted to quotation 725.000 shares of the capital stock of the Utah Metal and Tunnel Company, par value $1. The Registrar and Transfer Company is the transfer agent and the Empire Trust Company the registrar. RAILROAD EARNINGS BALTIMORE AND OHIO. 1010. Increase Feb. ojxratlnj- revenue $ $l,BS8.0d8 Nst oixrat revenu. 1 U30.U38 83.3J1 lant months Oromloic rcvenus . 7'i.g00 768 12.718.013 Nit oSrat. rvnu. 2.8.1M.81T 4.778.59J PWLAPELFHLV AND READING RAILWAY imsjt tmm February croaa -Net . , From July ' Grots . .. het ......... f 1.540 037 4.088 zsa 6 150 ua 5:a.33i 87,847 Sales in Philadelphia 21 10 20(1 1,' ro 10 IV 410 inn 11 Kn 4 20 to .-, no.' 7 471 .'0 111 nn inn l.'V HIS ao.'-i si 1(111 .217 111 41) rr ... 11U X Am 81 J In Co. 14H 5f OHH in Cor 1 1 i Nav.. 7" IflRh, Am Oas ... 120., Am Hys pref liflji Am Ixwo .. 77, Hurt ft Htis t e 45. do rf . noji Cam siocl . . HON Con True N J 71 IIlcc .Hlor . OJ.. Int I'njwr ... 1 1 U ins Co X Am 2ij Kpy Telfl on pref Likp Sup Lnhtifh M: Irfh V Tr pr 41t Nrvndi Cons 17 Pennn P. ft ,f.7 l'a Halt Mrq. lnj.. Vn Htwl Pfil HSH l'hjla Co , 41 I'lilla I.locirlr J754 l" 11 T tr ctrs Itrnrilnrr . . Tonopnh llrlm Tonopah lln Onion Trnct. tf H Tliiblicr llnltdl O 1 U S Strol VV'nr Ir ft St VV t'ramn H M 1 i 7, Kill 83 Js II i 41 M Sl), O's 1(1. SI tstvr 77 41 110 H SO 71 (II 1 M 14 s4 71, r.n, liw ns n in I 4d n't 41i ni' WIS Sl(j 10. M)', Close 120 1)1) '4 774 no '4 R04 71 14 is4 7.1 41 17. r.os liu IIS 41 . 27 U lliH HI. Nt ehite - ! i L l s 14 r.iu sn. K14 101 81 - i f4 Tolnl snlfs 7178. roniniirrilwllli OJIB '" jctrr.hiM tlitK fur (Ills ffk, 1II.8IU uluircti name iirrlod lnt virrk, 43,081 slinrcs. IIONDS Illtth AtnUK p Bs 11 1 H Con T N I "is.tiU. V Is ltll'i r HUf. C'ltv In llMI.In.Mi l.ler , I1 Tr I SI. IMIion LI r,s lov. Ilnr i: n liU'i Lake H Inc 4s II. I, N rns IHs ln:li I.h VI Kit 4s 11 1 U Uo Coal r.s Kills l'a rnn, llq l'hllll Lice 4s tin fia llnii.lln.. . lu I.) 7t ......ii... ..it in .' . ,1 llil Tr Cent 4s IMI't itaml Ons lis lot VVNVftl' kii Is S1U York Hy 1st .Is ril rensi OccrcnRi1 lnon I (Mill niioii 111 ion niuin limn limn Mum 211110 Jlllll) r.iiiiii looo lnnoo 13(111 niuin 121K111 JIIOII jiiiiii JIIOII lnc Tolnl antes 871,100. rnmpirril llli 'Bt.non tcMrrdati tlint rnr this urrk, S?i8.00i Same prrlnil last ierk, h.'.IS.IMMI. ni'.l. Klll 101 . Lo .IH'4 tnj KIJS HUH SI i lol . KUt, .1.1 lojj. in J un mi's S4'(i nn IH'4 nn'i lni siu IM. Net Cloc. ChB. DIV4 .... ltu . . . ltlJ'i SI - 101. .. liU'i ,U ". 1,, 1()J U inj5 , mils H i!':-!4 . t. sp, lot 114 J nil '4 mi. U5. ', Local Bid and Asked Huff A Sua t c iln prrf . Ilrlll J 11 ... . ( am Hlccl . ... Lice Hlorugo . . . Ucn Asp On prcf ICej stone Tel . tin Ir Ufa . . do prcf I.iiku Sun Corp Lrlileh Nnv r.clllnll Vat . Lehigh VhI Trail do pref . . v TVuns)tanla l'hlla Llec 1'hlla Co do r per n nt do II per tent mm llllf llenrtltiB Tonopnh Iielmont Tonopah Mlnlnc Union Trnrtlon United Ous Improi IT S Hteel York II illway do prcf Win Crump t e Toil a v 111.1 Asked pref pref 11 no 14 11 SI) ill '4 .111 71 '4 11 . 14'. Il'l I'.'lf ' 27 'i u;5 .isW II II) si 14 lis 4 11 Ml J, SI, 1111. .1(1 i SO 411 III) '4 II ill-. t4ta 14 "a To 111 1 i 7.1 77 "? UH nu' 27 ft I I an 1 l'i in'. "Ik S'l, si 11 .17 si'. i stenlay Hid. Asked 111'', 17 iij 1 1 Ml. IIJ'. :i7 llil' 41 SO IIJ .JU l'T'4 i.m mi lllfn 4 1'. nn islii M til SI IH it'. 4 P. Ml S4 'J 10. ,111's bll II 14 il'4 my, rr.. 77'a 21 13',. r.i;'H 2751, 41(4 311 4IU 111'. SI'. 4'. I', II Sl, if 17 SJ Cunartl Company Declares Dividend SEW YOHK. March 30 A cablegram was received at tho otllce ot the Cunard Lino this morning stntlnc thit tho Cunard Steamship Company, Ltd, directors have dedclarcd a dividend of 10 per cent, less Income tax, on ordinary shires 1015, also 11 bonus of 10 per cent frco of Income tax. ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Land Title Building; Philadelphia Baldwin Locomotive Works 1st 5s, May, 1940 Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. 1st Ss, May, 1939 American Ice Co. Real Estate 1st 6s, Aug., 1942 Prices and Particulars on Application H Jamestown, Franklin 1 3 & Clearfield R. R. II 1st Mort. 1 Bonds Due June 1, 195D m lrlce on Appliratlon. p i fi ii 2096 DIVIDEND has been declared by the Barnett OH & Gas Co. to stockholders ot record April 10th. i'artlctifara on reaurst Dept. t. Block actlrtlr traded In an K, Y. Curb. E. H. CLARKE Investment Securities. tt Mllllum hi., .New lark Cltr Booklet "Past. I'resent aud Futurs ot Independent Clls," on request. A THREE YEAR NOTE Steam railroad obligation. Slortiaie on valuable iiropertr. (loed earnlnc record. PRICE TO YIELD 6.65 Circular furnished upon request. MELLOR & PETRY Members N. V, I'lilla, Stock Exchanges 8J8 COilMEltCIAl, TUVST I1UILUINQ INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 Recommended by BEN T. WELCH 1328 Chestnut St. DIVIDENDS Tba United Gas and Electric Corporation 01 UIIOADWAY. NBW YORK. Marci 33. 1910. Tb Board ot Director ha this day declared a dlrldcud ot IV on the Seven Per CnL First Preferred btock ot tbls CorporatloD. cay abla April 1.1918. to stockholders of record March -J, 1910. Dividend cuecka will U mal'eH II 2. IHITC1MBD. Treasurer. DiHKCroav ov accopxtasts CutULsd I'uilia Axcaaateala. '; orvnmr T'PAr.TTsra OTJ PTTTT.Ar.TnT-DTTTAT EXCHANGE ON VERY SMALL SCAffllf Movements of Prices Narrow, With Tendency Towaf pany Reorganization Plan Underwritten Buitneiq on tho Plillatlclplila Stock Ex chntiKO wai on o. smnll pcnla totlny. In fact, trndlnR wnn of tho smnllest propor tions of nny day during tho Drcsetit week or tho latter part of last week. Price movements were narrow, nnd for the most part were townrd lower locK While Tonopih Uelmont mi nbotlt tho most nctho local issue In tho mornlnR session, In torcjt turned to Tonopah Min Ins Intc In tho day, more than 2000 Blnrei of that stock chnnRlnn; liands The clianBO In price, houoer, was slight l.chlRh N'alBatlon Rnlncd '4, wlillo United tias lmpiocment lost nnffnlo nnd Busquelnnnn common, which roio to n new IiIrIi mark ot 47 dur ing the trading jestcrdaj, did not sell un til late In tho day, when It came out nt 45, off 2 points from tlio close of yester day This prlco wai on tho salo of IE shares Tho compiny's preferred stock fell n hnlf Tho .Street united for news from tho directors' meeting In New York this nftornon A plan of riinrirAhUnii.u . ?- nrd Holler Hearing p,,.,, T 8uaj derwritten The company h' hands of receivers since October i? im Tho syndicate, which Is comno,J (M ward U Smith & Co . of this h(v Vn.i A Head & Co . and Harrison Wm.Wl,H New York, underwrites $900.000 17 n acumulatlxo preferred stock ofKl'i111! company, which assures J8B5ooa il 5 Ml Holders ot securities of tho oid'" ?1 nre assessed $15 per share on the nm"1' forred Block nml 7 en ..." .lna "W ms second preferred and common "U tho new preferred to the nCuVo? ers of tho old nrst prefer'rSS'Snf cent, of tho old second preferred it'S? v..., ...... .. ik uiu common 20 nt 1 Ill new common stock Holders AriiV company's debentures ni. ..J0,"le14 payable get 20 per cent of th bZT11. amounts In cash nnd so per cent P, clp,. per cent preferred stock. cumuiMh. "I .' one year. "" "Ur DIVIDENDS DKCLAKED Illinois Ttrlrlt rnmiinnv, quarterly ot H4 per rent nHlili Aurll 1 to stnclt of rrrnril April 4 I)ll(l'nils prevlnusly were 1 rir rent, ocinlannunlly, but hcrenfler will lio dtclnri'ii iiunrtcru Nonila Wonder Mlnlntr Pompfiny, dlvlaend of 10 nrr rent pnjnblo Miy o to stock of reroril April L") NntliinRl Htnte llnnk of Cnmilpn, scmlnn. nu.il OlMiltnd nf (1 nor rent , pnynblo April 1 Ansnclntnl (Inn nnd Fllcctrlc Luinpiny, roiru. Inr nunrtnrly nf 1 '4 wr rent on prefprrnl lujulilo April in to holders of record Mnrch 111 Plttslmrffh Termlnn.1 Wnrchouso nnd Trans fer rompany. nsiml monthly of S'c. n share, pijablo April In to holders of record April 8 Mnnnjnnlt Trust Company, resular scml nnnunl of " tier rent , imt)1o Aprli 10 to stock of record Mnrrh 30 Hell Telephone I'nmpnny nf PennsjUnnln, regular quarterly of l'i per cent, pnjablo April 15 to Httx k of record April 5, HAK SILVER Par silver wns quoted In London today. as11,.!! , up 'lil Commerclil Inr silver wns quoted In Now York today nt ni), cents, up 'I cent. Public Utility Bonds Our offerings include a varied list of good Public Utility Securities, many of ivhich are Tax Free 'in Pennsylvania Circulars on application. BANKERS EsTAnusnEn 1S92 Uembtrs New York and PillaifclpMa Stock Vxchanocs nnolD AND CltnsT.NtT STS , FlIlLl. SO I"ib SxiiErr New Yobk LIVE STOCK OlJOTATtnvn CltirAOO Xlnrch 3d lions . 000 .Market 1 Be lower " ltxM.R,,TJ?u M. Ill U.-.WU II.-,, Rood heavy AbViii"""' henvv til IBlSull .I". Hunt In in.,3j roll 7 7.TitiRI)-.. bulk $l)3-.Wnr,3 08,eJ. '". t'ATTI.n-iiecelpts r.01 "" M,tk,, ., , lleejes $7 -'.-,511.1)11. rows nnd heifm fi'Mfc Uf'i "'J1,1"" "hl feeders tn wal S' is "O 7 i!-jff S 1)0, c-lUes tN f.0B 50 M' T". .-inr.iji iiircipis JIIOII M0.1,,, . nmi eBtcrn, J0fl)0 23 imb, t0 Natlo 11. U.i. Mji .Jic 1 NEW YORK DUTTER AND EGC.1 ' utuilj low nnd llrm for all Kra.l lti?'.' (...' nnckuces i:,xtrn ereiimery. 1J'ijf?li lh,eri''i'.ol;,.n,t' a7V4w ,Sc '.Mate dalrr sVi1 ,f.flimUni,iiV crJ,lm!V' -''tMlte. .' r n ' RJICI. Kiuucs nrmt low rr.. easier, limited to stnniKc ltece Dts 5W.1 rases Ultra, nrsts, Ji T(22ct flrits', solJU a ic.i white, ems -MwiSe Thrown m?&l best, Jl'iOJJ'ic V R A -r f.f o co. PUBLIC SERyiCE' SECURITIES' Public Service Securities , arc a lien on the succesa of $ communities. -J C, In making a purcKase of Bona tor investment there are several underly ing requisites which are more newly J ..!.. a. ' -.--J Tl.Alf. c U uuc4uaici uici in yuou ruDiic ijervice Securities than in any other dus'oi investments. G, "We specialize in $00 A Pullw Service securities. fll At InenrMenf timf vtrrrinv. a ti'cularly attractive list yicldind from 57o to 6!4. ,, Q Wc will consult -with you either personally or by mail regarding them. Land Title Bldg. Philadelphiea Are You in usiness . for Profit? Then why give it away to jobbers outside this city who are profiting by your high standards and the just fame of Philadelphia - manufactured products? Join hands with the Poor Richard Club and promote the Advertising Convention in June. Don't miss this head-of-the-firm opportunity to study advertising in all its aspects. You can be helped. Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia Chestnut at Second Street Pittsburgh Coal Company (of New Jersey) Plan of Readjustment To tho Holden of tho Preferred Stock and Common Stock of the Pittsburgh Coal Company (of New Jersey) t AssentB to the proposed Plan of Readjustment have already been! received from the holders of substantially more than a majority oi each class of stock. Stockholders are reminded that all assents snomo be received not later thanMarch 31, 1916. ( The benefits of the plan to both preferred stockholders and com-J-mon stockholders are so apparent that the Committee hopes for prac- ticaily unanimous consent. Assenting- stockholders asstima no personal liability for any expenses, aa , are free to tleul with llirlr stock in erry respect as If they hud not a,,,V7 After the Plan Is Ueclurrd effective and their stock Is deposited, all cash ""1 dends will be promptly paid to them a declured and they will be entirely ". to dispose of or otherwise deal with their certificate of deposit. j As the Committee) deems it of importance to be advised of tb views of the stockholders as soon as possible, the stockholders arJ.? quested to send in their assents promptly or to communicate tneir views to the Committee. The Committee is actuated solely by tn. jnn:.A 4a ,ln'l,it iuVtil, lii A v.a Viae.- Iniapnoia r.t lin Hfrnrknolucrs 1 and of the company, and invites the co-operation of all stockholder to that ena, j Pnntoa nf friA Pldn. infnrmnf inn na in inn nrivflntarf3 thereof, ftUO. forms for assents to be signed by stockholders may be obtained froro anv member of the Committee or from the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Committee. J c. iL.u... .j .l.. ..!. t. with tSWw aiocKuoiaer sre requeued 10 mo tneir wriuvu nu. .-. tjommittee not later man march Jlt, laiD. J. D. LVON X. W. MELLON GEORGE T. OLIVER J. B. FINLEY HENRY R. REA JOHN I. BISHOP 1 A. J. MILLER HARRY BRONNER Readjustment CdWt Address all communications to P. J ISIOYNB. Secretary of the Committee. Henry W Oliver Building. PUtifcurgb, Fa or to EDWARD O BAILIT AssliUot Secretary. 21 liraail btrwit. HtW Torle Ctl N T miiijji ii MMif . M I- a Nst , . I 48J,S4tf SSht BiaotW troa 7T.0l na ui lJ vwiOiNCi : is - B.