Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 30, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    Mipiitoijwi-j55S!5w15w5w' nwi'rwnir
r v-tt m mmiwiui'wni ' " m:&fm&
tWR'lp.tSWTT" ".
IS. nrnwp.ll. Hav and
ftorrisette Are Showing
Good i orm
PTrtfROirVlLbtl, Flo., March 30. Tho
Patching start ot tho Athletic Is
ISSX raPldly. and tho Braves wilt
wrftYin ' ..i n innrl Rtronecr acero-
l4.Ull.t n.nv onen tho tlnnl series ot
Kf A to In season In this city tomorrow.
Efararic of Uusli, Crowoll, Hay nnd
CiStl acalnst Brooklyn was encourag
W'.Mh.tm hnd hcen litttlnp both
StSr probably would havo resulted In
(jghirtr Mack Is not worrying about
lii-lJiailne Stall, OXCCpilllK WJtimu iui
CSSTwt admits that tho rest of tho
PSm hot look as Rood to lilm na ho
fjhf It would at this tlmo. Connlo
- ,ji8 ce tno men uisiJiuy mum b'"b"
SSfJnks that his rebuilding will not
TJaU Untll there is moro nuiiiing; on
WOtihot every one In tho squad.
IftSShHstrfaro Inclined to find fault with
L RAltf drilling Ol 1110 piiuiiera imu in-
CdlAUo that they nro duo to overwork.
srr.',-. envnr.il Aaro arms nmonc tho
Aif them are luu imiii.y win ,i,i, .,
Sritatriltchers who wcro left nt homo,
Sat wen who wcro picked for tho first
Sag are and havo been In splendid shape.
fwts Strong Kids
Hm.i ftTnrk drove the pitchers hard for
Mtin ho wanted to brine; nbout tho con-
Hon, wnicn exism iuuuj. " ...
ST bo composed of stroriR youngsters
jT. ran stand tho gaff, nnd It was a caso
f the survival of tho fittest. Thoso who
MT1 lOllcu to mara mu u-jjumi icum, n-
fett, have failed becauso thoy did not havo
fc stamina to stand tho grind.
Trie pitching staff of tho regulars, as It
flow, consists of tho six pitchers who
km dono everything tho "boro arm
jras" did, and Just a trlflo moro. Thoy
ur loso a lot of games through Inex
Mricnce, but they will not toss away
pats, becauso they arc not strong enough
ts itind tho gaff.
IJfttlc says ho docs not consider Wyckoff,
MS of tho 1916 staff and n pitcher looked
tfon u a coming sensation, nnu ituoe
Irenler, as regulars, and will not until
ey have rounded Into form. When they
ftt lato snapo mey musi nnow jianager
Kick that they aro as good as thoy wero
Wore developing lamo shoulders or their
miliar turns will bo given to tho ro-
&n6 Falls Down
fine general work of tho team has Im
BTed greatly slnco tho return to Jackson
lOe, but It Is still below tho form Mack
upected and Insists upon having, It Is
hmrn that Crane's falluro to mako good
H fir has bcon a bitter disappointment,
teci had Intendod to play Crano regular
ly it shortstop and keep Witt on tho bench
Cir a full season.
fcWltt Is a wonderful natural hlttor, but
tab green and Is not yet n finished flcld
iv Following out tho policy ho adopted
ah Collins, Mclnnls, Barry, Strunk and
gtaers, Mack wanted to keep Witt out
((the regular Uno-up until ho had been
artfully tested In tho morning work-
itti at Shlba Park this summer.
If any weakness developed In his bat
ter or fielding, other than thosa duo to
tatiperlenco, they would bo corrected bo-
Ksrt he was sent into tho game ngalnst
iHrtrlcan League teams. By doing this
tth Witt ho would not bo likely to loso
Mfldcnce, as so many youngsters do who
f sent against major lcagua pitching bo
fcrt they aro rlpo.
WASHINGTON, Second Dneemnn Jtorcan Ih
Jjtx In GrlnithH' pood grace completely una
Jieuhlnr Clyds Milan
(or lead-off man in
m uainne oraer,
MUMI, Fla. Th Braves, nftei
24 con
lUJt aay or perfect baseball
:ed thflr pppnlln nnrl i1i.nnrff,l fnr Jark.
wvuie to tako another wallop at ths Atli-
iBoT SPRINag. Ark. Ilarpr Jtooper. play-Klan-ht
Held tor the world's champions and
Ijwuuc out a runner nt llrnt base on a hard
PJ to his territory, shared tlio honors '.Ilh
fit Ituth, who held tho Regulars to tuo
.rpHT WOUTn. Te-c. Tho noblest Itedman
n all, Jim Thorpo, Is starti-d ror the
"MM once moro. McQrnw has asked waivers
UUrPTTTn. T,nn Mnr nl. fn- ht Vanlf
li way Bill Donovan sees the game with
acnls this afternoon and with the Red
Ml tomorrovr.
ITAITPA. n. Jlmmv Lavender trlefl to
rJhs home (oiks hero something, but Jack
Mneki Indianapolis olub spilled the beans
Mrilloplnr; the Cub pitchers' slants (or 12
H. enoush to win.
-"A VX,i,l
ripple Joo Jookson
toe Whits Sox crlpi
t&iiy, una
fnr wrenched his back reachini; (or
W Vttl,
' ORLEANS. I.Catoher MUta. of tha
. a! betn released to Davenport. IVltz
I ! 1siftAr. n rlavtU tho Plnolnndfl Tim An
l bU aouthpaw hurllnv tomorrow. The In-
J JOB.VA flv mnro irnmpn Ytffnrtk hrJtltlnH
129 a week from tonight.
Ben Egan Sold to Ncwnrk
CA, N. y.. March 30. Den Egan, former
ir on tha Iltlfa. Maw Vork Htst. LeaKUS
and later with tha Athletics and Clew-
Vfhk has Ka.n nffarlv krtllL'ht tiV Mnnnsrir
'. fVxr.ili .!- r?.. . ,- a,s
f to Newark of the International League.
Jones to Play Kelckhefcr ToViight
;Tts Sl.k rmmm In h urUa nf thA Tnt.P.
, Three-Cushion Billiard Icarus wtll.be
n lonwut at tho lteaent Academy, wnen
Jones, the local representative In tho
will meet Aurust Kelckhe(er, o( Chi-
I Mrs. Barlow Defends Title
PrWFTTTTTT CT XT r tfnwh 9 0 Tri
J'H. Barlow, Merlon Cricket Club, la tho
H North and South women's champion.
defended tha title yesterday by de-
fsltl&i? Kfr T Tnrmnn TvIm riflVmnnr.
Wyka fjnal by 2 up.
' I PETEYIf He'd Hpve Good Sense He'd Have
e , mmm!mz007 s-
I vi tiAo.i n.w X wHU.XUv2&'
IMV IUie- -. . , . ..... u - fc- 1
w i-t !ris..3 urn rv .ur-r- v r s
'.iitbw To RffAaaw roe- J Tkr w- "rto F I YoO'LL fioen pgcrgt it Joe- jfScktfi, nn
I CUY A CAR AMD BU IU I "T Joe - our A -CAP.-! 'iufv A CAR AMD GIT A TXSTtr op 1 r... Vfl rWH.
. - ToToTorni ( CTOOD M.OMT.'. IOOOMV DUW I j ft- (Wasj 05EhIS TSTtZTN
oviWS W,,VJ:3'A Co N)0? J VrV'o'c Tm.M'SS amv mows C KJJ- (.ANleR.r
Gray's Ferry Boxer Tackles
Mickey Gallagher at
Broadway Club
Stanley Illncklo Is In good shapo for hl3
nintch with Mickey Gallagher at tho
Hroadway Club tonight. IIo provod this
when ho held Tommy O'Keefc, of South
ward to an even break In tho wind-up of
tho Bpeclal Philadelphia, Daltlmoro and
Washington Ilallroail A. A. boxing stag at
tho National Club last night. Ills match
with Oallaghcr will provo whether ho still
Is In shape.
Other winners on tho program last night
wcro Willie Hannon, ltltz Walters nnd
Bnly Illnes, also Jack McGulgan. Tho
latter proved his good ring generalship
when ho remained outside tho 24-foot
circle whllo half a Ecoro of ecm'men of
color hammered each other to tho delight
ful satisfaction of tho audience. Hannon
proved himself a corking good boy by
landing n nifty lacing to Joo O'.Vcll. Peto
Malono and Danny Buck, respectively,
wcro beaten by Walters nnd nines.
Tho featuro of tho Broadway show to
night ts supplied by a quintet of Smoky
Hollow boxers, each of whom will en
deavor to return to that district with
Hying colors. Gallagher has a tough
proposition on his hands with Illncklo,
who boxed and blocked almost perfectly
against O'Kecfo; and tho latter fought
a good battle, too.
Other boxers who will wear colors of
Smoky Hollow aro Danny Danforth, Jack
Dawson, Willlo Bcnckert nnd Sammy
ndre Anderson that was nattened In
N, mi tho mher nlKht was not tho blir
heavyweight. Tho former Is a llchtwelEht.
With tho adent o( tha Lincoln A. C. In the
local boxlnir Held, four puulllstta attractions
are chduled for l'rlday nlxhts Tho Non
pareil. Quaker City and Oajoty Theatre stago
shows on that evening.
Hilly Da F-oe. ot St. Taul. will make his
debut here at tho National Club Hnturdiy
nlsht, when ho tackles Uddlo llorean In the
wind-up to an all-star show. Another lad
who will show here for tho tlrst tlmo is Johnny
Tillman, of Minneapolis. Ho will meet llucfc
Flemlnir. Tommy llutk irets hack Into rlnir
harness acalnst Rddlo Wallaco. whllo two
southpaw mlddlowolshts K. O. Sullivan and
K. U. linker clush. and another bout will
opon tho show.
Two Philadelphia boxers who are billed
as Unconscious City flstlcufflans will prove
to New Yorkers how very much alive they
nro Monday nlcht. Tal Moore and Tommy
Houck will meet Willie Jonea and Carey Phe
Ian. respectively, at tho Olympla A. C of
Harlem. ,
Definite nrranrements for Willlo Meehan's
appearanco behind the footllehts at tho Troo
ndero have not been made yet. .but It Is by
lleved Hobby Morrow will, not lee any ob.
Made stand In his way In slenln.i up tho
Frisco "burlesnue boxer." , Meeban hus nev
er had any exper enco beforo the spotlight,
but ho thtnfes ho will enjoy It Immensely.
Kranklo nrown. ot Now York, made such
n curtHne Impression on Sammy Harris In his
mat.' with 1'elo Herman In Iialtimora last
week that ho Is endeaorln- to match tha
oStlwui jounister with Kid Williams some
time In May. ,,
Little Johnny Camp!, the touch and hard
l..V." t.nii. a,hewAtirht. ha. been train
8"dhlnlfy.' It s V pitir-a Kamo : battler
i 7. r.ni ,-nnnnt be tausni a lew pointers
oi I the defenslte end nt the name.
Followlne tha Jimmy Murphy-Eddie SfcAn
dr?s contest, a match ..between MeAndrews
!Hi iim ltMldtau Is tb talk of. the Illnir
?."..-... .AKKtA hl frav wl
Itialtb. It is prohanio mis iray wiu uo ueiu
vuuiuci-u . : ----- "...-. -. - . .
In about in
iree weeks.
Ula? Jack CDrlen a anxious to t-ct a new
reputation for Llttla nrother Jack, that o(
the "busiest boxer In the country ,! Youns
Jawn tackles Jo Vhalen. whose manager
an Tla boxln In better shapo than ever, in
?h2 wlnd-UD ft the Lincoln A. C, tomorrow
nlgbt, TberS a" several other matches O'Brien
his in view (or tha family.
This City and Vicinity Leads Entire Country
in List of Big Tournaments for
1916 Season
THIS will bo SOME tennis Benson around
Philadelphia If ono is to Judge from
tho Hat of tournaments, leagues and
matches scheduled. It Is safo to say
that thcro Is no city, not oven New York,
which has as many events In tho tennis
world a3 has Philadelphia this year.
Tho tournaments nro most numerous
and Interesting. Whllo several of tho
events listed, Buch as Wilmington, Norrls
town nnd Moorestown, otc, aro outsldo of
Philadelphia, they arc so cloro that they
must be recognized us local events from
tho tennis viewpoint.
Tho tournaments thI3 season, with tho
dates, aro as follows:
May 29 Women's rrnnnyivnnla and Eastern
.stales i hnmplonslilpi, slnslei,
doubles nnd mixed doubles. Morion
Cricket Club, Hnverford, ra.
May 80 Invitation doubles. Huntingdon Vol-
ley Country Club. Nob e. Pa.
junB s Women's national championships In
J Blnelen, doubles nnd mlted doubles;
men'a Invitation doubles ns an
added event. Philadelphia Crlckot
r,i..t. u, rnrt!n'fl. I'hllndelnhta.
June 12 Men's Pennsylvania Statu chumnlon
shlpB in singles nnd double ,M';r
lon Crl'Kct Club, llavcrford. 1'a.
June 12 Wonu-n'n Deluwaro Stato chnmplon
ships in alngles. doubleB und mixed
doubles. Wilmington Country
.i..t. ll-ltMilnt-tnn. Del.
June 19 Mcn'a Debiwaro Btnta championships
In eludes nnd doubles. llmlng1
ton Country Club, Wilmington.
June 20 Men'a championships of Philadelphia.
J and district, alngles and doubles.
Oormantown Crlrket Club, Man
helm. Philadelphia.
July i Championship ot I'olnt Pleasant.
T men's singles nnd Ootiblea nnd
omen'a singles. Point Pleasant
Lawn Tennis Association. Thu
Lelghton, Point Pleasant. N J.
July IB Championships of the Ucliuylkll Val
ley, men's singles nnd doubles,
rlymouth Country Club, Norrls-
July IB Junior clay court championship New
Jersey State, boys', singles and
doubles. Tho Unglesldo Tennis
Club, Ueach Haven. N. J.
July 22 Clay court championship of Jvew Jer-
juiy men's singles nnd doubles.
The Hnglesldo Tennis Club, Ueach
Aug. B Clay court 'championships ot Fenn
sylvanla State, men's singles and
doubles. Tho Cynwyd Club Cyn
wyd. Fa
Bent. 3 Point Pleasant open (all tournament
In men's singles, doubles and worn
wn's singles. Point Pleasant Lawn
Tennis Association. The Lelghton.
Beach Haven. N. J,
Sept. D. Western New Jersey championships.
Evening Ledger Decisions
of Ring Bouts Last Night
NATIONAL Stonier Illncklo drew with
Tommy O'lOefe. Hilllo Honnoii defeated
Joe o'Nell, Hltx Walter- won from l'eta
Malone. Illilr Illnes beat Danny lluck.
NK1V YOKK Cus liHtIe defeated New
Al McCoy. .Mike Mi!Tearuo outpointed
oung Carpentler, Peto McVer drew with
Hurry fllenn,
WINDSOR. CONN. Fhil Uloom defeated
Young tirudvicll.
hOUTH IlirrilLKIirJl Young Mahotwr
non from Jack lloldle. Clarrr Marshall
lonned Yonng Lew Tendler In the fiftb. Kid
Kespiler shaded John, etrpikle. Kddlo Mc
C'oniof ue drew with Able Attell.
LKI1ANON .blo Will atopped Herman
Darkts In the seroud. xoung I'ruier
Lnocked out llld Smith In Ibe third, rluniiy
Kramer was knocked out by. Young Sboner
In the flflb. Young Mengel shaded hid
OAYKTY Young O'Donnell defeated
Jlax MlllUmeon, J. J, f allaiher slopped
V. J. McOllly In the llrst, Kid Wilson
knocked out ltolnh Talmo. oung Illggins
.topped Vrank While In the flrst. ,oung
Dundee knocked out Jack U'Heefe In tha
Used the Other Cuff
- oh. orco oTrcTAue .
Me Back. , Fopewe me. sea
"SptTAK. To Me OTTo
Cricket Club.
men's singles nnd doubles. Moores
tnun l'lcld Club. .Mooreatown.
N. J.
12 InUrcnllectato championships In sin
gles an, uounies. .vicriun wncact
Club, Hnvorford, Pa.
Junior Philadelphia championships
(under 18). Singles, doubles and mixed
doubles for boys and girls. August E.
Junior singles and doubles for clay court
championship of Pennsylvania (17 and
under), nt Cynwyd Club. Also ono Junor
tournnment. held under tho auspices of tho
Philadelphia and District Lawn Tennis
Association, from Juno to September, In
clusive, Tho schedule, of these tourna
ments, tho exact dates nnd clubs nt which
they will bo hold will bo announced later.
Tho Individual championship of tho
Intcracadcmlo League, held tho second
week of June. Tho individual champion
ship of the Junior Intcracadcmlc League,
held tho last wrote In May, Both events
wilt bo hold on dirt.
School Title '
School dhamplonshlps at all tho leading
schools of tho city.
Tho leagues of Philadelphia. Tho Inter-
club League, tho Trlstato League, the
Suburban Lcngue, tho Interscholastlc
League, tho Interncademio League, tho
Junior Interncademio League (under IB),
all play individual schedules for team
Mr. Paul W. Gibbons, In his article last
Sunday, In tho Public Lnoai.ii, said:
"For tho llrst tlma In tho history of
Philadelphia tennis there, will bo at least
one sanctioned tournament In tho Phila
delphia section every month, and It will
not only not bo necessary for thoso ot
Philadelphia's star players who deserve
a placement In tho ranking list to travel
tho distances necessary to go on the big
circuit of tournaments, but tho Hanking
Commltteo will bo forced to consider
theso tournaments In arriving at their
sequenco of placoments. It Is, ot course,
desirable to tako In tho largo circuit In
cluding Nassau, Scabrlght, Southamp
ton, Newport, Longwood nnd, by all
means, tho national championships nt
Forest Hills, and thosa players who can
afford to do so could spend their sum
mer In no moro enjoyable manner."
Ranking System
This Is pertinent comment, and shows
how clearly Mr. Gibbons sees tha defect
In our present ranking system. Tho Hank
ing Committee has not, and, from pres
ent Indications, will not consider the rec
ords of players In our Philadelphia tour
naments. Thoy will bo forced to recog
nize thesa tournaments this year, owing
to ths number of them, provided men of
reputo nnd ability play In them. Let all
the men of ability around Philadelphia
not only play themselves, but use their
Influence to get visiting stars In our local
events. The entries of such men as Wal
lace J. Johnson, Joseph J, Armstrong, Dr.
IJ. B. Dewhurst, Willis U Davis, Alexan
der D. Thayer, Stanley W. Pearson. It.
C. Wlster, Joseph It. Carpenter and Craig
Blddlo would be enough tu mako any tour
nament. Then there is always the chanco
of William J. Clothier or Richard N. Wil
liams, 2d, being homo to play. With all
or most of these entries In most of these
events, the Hanking Committee would be
forced to give considerable thought to
the Philadelphia tournaments. Add a few
visiting players of repute, and these events
would rank with any tournament outside
the big circuit,
This Is the year to make tennis boom
In Philadelphia, Let us all do our part
both in playing In the tournaments our
selves and In getting others to enter.
- . ' yt
Moran Plans Spirited Prac
tice Until Departure
North on Monday
Bu a Staff Correspondent
ST. PnTnnSBima. Fin., March 30.
With but four moro days left before tho
Phillies start northward bound, Mnnagcr
Pat Moran said this morning beforo ho
took up tho lead to Coffeo Pot Park that
ho would glvo tho boys somo spirited
drilling until Monday, tho day of de
parture This morning tho outfielders
were kept on tho Jump getting down un
der fungo Hies batted by Mnran, Alex
ander and Chalmers. Tho infield also
was made busy stopping hot grounders
and covering up nt tho bases.
For this afternoon Manager Patrlclus
has announced a flve-lnnlng fracas be
tween his Regular and Yanigan players.
McQuillan, who Pat wanted to uso today,
will bo unablo to appear In tho box bo
cause of a slight sprain of his nnklo suf
fered yesterduy afternoon whllo fielding
The dally drill of tho Phillies at CofTea
Pot Park yesterday was divided Into two
sessions of tho lightest sort ot work.
Accounting team, loader of the Philadelphia
Hlectrto League, dropped ttto games to tho
Meter sauad last night on Terminal Alleys: tho
llrst by two pins nnd tho set und by n single pin.
Accounting won tho llrst gurno by totaling H20
to Meter's USII. In tho second gamo Meter
rolled 72(1, whllo Accounting ueored 724, and
In tho Ilnnl Meter registered 750. whllo Ac
counting got 755, ,
Supply beat Stntlon S two games, and In
stallation won tho odd match from Under
ground. Underground captured tho second
gamo by two pins, thu totnls being 003 to 090.
while tho third gamo resulted In u tlo score of
717, tho Installation department winning the
McFall, of Supply, and leodlng bowler In tho
organization, totaled l&u, 201) and 171 for tha
Station 8 quintet rolled consistently, with
scores o( 701. 702 nnd 781, ngalnst Supply.
Langtsh concluded with 202 for Accounting.
Underdown No. 1 team Is resting tn flrst
ptaco today through its double victory over
Adelphl. while Northwestern No. 1 with whom
it was tied dropped all threo games to Penn
sylvania. Roberts, of Pennsylvania team, began with
201-pin score and ended with tho same total,
getting IDS in bis second game.
Adolphl'g BB8 scor. which retted its only
victory over Underdown was the beat single
total of any of tbo Artisan's squads last
night. In rotting this total. Alexander led orf
with 182; Thels added 200. Myers, 1-H; Llpsey.
103, and lVy, 250, and the team's 17 plna
handicap allowance also helped.
Green, of Underdown. was a good lead-oR
man for tho Artisan's paco setters, as he reg
istered 232, 1S2 and -'HI.
Wllbar got a 215 score In the flrst game for
Underdown. "
C. W. Illggins totaled 2tl In his second game
for Dartram, and C. II Illggins concluded with
222 pins for tho samoteam.
Pennsylvania did not register exce
.nnvaa tn winning nil three frames frotn
wtstern No. 1 team, 017 in its last game belnu
the best effort.
Wlndle, of Progressive, got going In his sec
ond gamo against Spartan and toppled ths pins
tor a count of 239.
Penn Calls Off F, and M. Gamo
Tha iTnlvr1iv nf Ppnnsvlvania. baseball
BSJianffi iKf an?inoil,.ur!ln!i,lairanhKiinMa,Sd
Between mw i,-v mn. ,u . .... ;;
Marshall, scheduled to be played at Franklin I
Field on Saturday, has Leen called olf on
:: ; ;. l .... . .- .- a ... K.....t.iin
account ox tno condition oi ma iiuu".
S SPETAUA 0 f AVi ' WW WNt ( -
- Thats W Alb ME- 0 St I SPEA.K T HE ' 1 J-
-Youu cot: V J V SHC T Houou4C mv Ssr
Red and Blue, Virtually Forced Into Play for
Intercollegiate Crown, Outclasses i3
A3 ALL of lis f-rudlto know full well,
jnUhcrG nro threo ways of being great.
Well, tho University of Pennsylvania bas
ketball team five had It thrust, brutally
nnd with mnllco aforethought, thrust upon
them. Hcnco tho Bed and Blue sphere
tosscrs nro now tho undisputed nnd much
heralded champions of tho Intercollegiate
League by vlrtuo of their 10-11 victory
over Princeton last evening nt Welghlman
Conch Lon Jourdet, of Penn, to whom,
by tho way, belongs tho major portion ot
tho honor for winning thli title, did not
want to Indutgo in a play-off with tho
Tigers becauso his team had broken train
ing nt tho end of tho lcaguo season, whllo
tho Tigers had continued to keep on edge,
hoping that they would bo nhlo to Invclglo
Penn Into playing a post-sorles game.
When tho season closed Polin nnd Princo
ton had each won eight games nnd lost
two. They had lost ono gamo to each
other nnd the second to Ynlo, which made
It fairly close, you'll admit
But Princeton was not satisfied The
Tlgori have threo of their legulnrs de
parting after thli year by graduation
This niadd them rcallzo that there was a.
baskotball tltlo to bo had now or possibly
not for many years to come. Tho result
of this reasoning was that they decided
to cntlco Penn Into a gamo nnd dofeat
them Ingloriously nnd carry tho entire
crown back to tho President's former
haunts In Jersey.
Princeton Eager
Pcrndvcnturo you havo noticed that
when a man Is so eager to start a llttlo
gamo of chance, such ns poker or a
sennco with tho bones, ho In tho loser nlno
times out ot ten. So It was with Prince
ton. Tho Tlgort almost forced, ns it wore,
the team Into tho gamo tn dccldo tho has
ketball championship. After tho Red nnd
Bluo faculty commltteo had decided thnt
Penn should play regardless of what
Jourdet thought of tho mntter, Lon
promptly got his men together and began
putting through a strenuous scries of
drills. How well ho performed his task
was shown by tho notion last night. In
every department of piny Penn completely
outclassed Princeton. Tho Tigers scored
fhren field iroals acalnst flvo for Penn.
Hddlo McNIchol, the Red nnd Bluo leader,
tossed six fouls through tho rim out of
exar-tly six chance-, an nverage that Ty
Cobb has not yet been nblo to reach. Hn'ts
and Paulson together nnnexeu cignt one-
pointers out of 11 attempts. Tho latter
missed only one of his six chances.
Whllo tho figures given nbove demon
strate clearly that Penn wns superior to
tho rival from across tho Delaware, they
do not show that Ponn wns far and away
ahead of Princeton as they lined up nt
8:23 o'clock Wednesday evening. If tho
ofllclals, Messrs. Deerlng, referee, of Man
hattan, nnd OstcrdorfT, umplro, ot Spring
field, had not worn Palm Beach uniforms,
Penn might havo won by a deserving
score. As it was, this pair or omciai3
failed utterly to seo tho numerous glaring
Illegal plays committed by Princeton. In
fact, wo almost aro tempted In tho first
placo to say thnt Penn defeated the
Frlncoton varsity foul team, so defiant
wero tho wearers of tho Ornngo and Black
of tho Intercolleglato codo.
Foul Tactics
Among tho fow foul tactics which wo
wcro nhlo to enumerate on Princeton
were: Running with tho ball, holding,
pulling, hugging, butting, tripping,
straight-arming, kneeing, elbowing nnd
blocking. Theso may bo assets In somo
sports, but they nro not In basketball, If
tho refcreo Is "on tho Job." But neither
tho rcferco nor tho umpire nppoarcd to
caro how many fouls Princeton com
mitted and, aB tlmo went on and tho big
Tiger team saw that It could get away
with this "rough stuff," they Increased Its
Intensity. Possibly Penn would have tried
something of the kind, too, by way of re
taliation, If tho players had been able, but
they wero not. The Quakers were out
weighed nt least a dozen pounds to tho
man, henco Princeton had little trouble in
roughing tho Ponn men badly, nnd the
worst of It was that they got away with It.
On tho whole tho oiTlclatlng was quite as
bad as tho weather last night, and that is
about ns far as any ono could go in the
matter of comparisons.
As usual, there was a brilliant crowd
present nt Welghtman Hall. Extra seats
wero Installed, so that thero wcro possibly
more than 1500 persons nruund the court.
A largo percentage of tho spectators were
of the weaker but deadlier sex. Throughout
the gamo tho shrill squeals of femininity
could be heard abovo tho hoarso roar of
Fenn Varsity yell. It was not necessary
for Penn or Princeton to score to bring
forth npplauso. Everybody seemed to ap
plaud all tho time, whether It was needed
or not.
Penn began tho game by scoring about
10 seconds after play had started. Mo
Tlgue. tho Tiger centre, outjumped Jef
ford on the opening play, Just ns ho did
throughout the entire gamoj but Eddie
McNIchol managed to get tho ball after a
8 to 76 II. P. 1 TO 0 CYL3.
Naval Architects and Engineers
I Lafoyette Bld.. Chwtnut & 5th Sts.
I mill A ik'i laiil.t A
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Both Phones
Cable Homo
fumble. He shot It to Lou Martin, and tharr
llttlo guard Immediately shot a beautiful
goal from tho centre of the fioor and nt,r),
a sharp angle. After Princeton had made
a foul goal Marin scored again on a pasa"""
from Williamson. .
Tho Tigers scored twlco moro on foul
goals, then Martin scored his third field
gnat on a splendid pas! from Captain '
Kereo, Princeton forward, scored ft field
goat on nn nsslst from Haas. The pair , ,
swapped around and tho latter counted
from tho field on tho former's assist.
At tho end of tho first half Penn led, 9
to 7, Martin having scored threo field
goals, Williamson ono and McNIchol ono
foul goal. Princeton, Incidentally, only
had ono foul called on her during tho "
flrst period, and that was n double, which
McNIchol made good, but on which Haas
Fast Play t s
Play In tho second half, particularly tho
mlddlo part, was much more spirited than
tho llrst. Princeton attempted to run'"
down tbo Fenn men by bruto force ; but .
finally Deerlng began to call a fow fouls, 4
and they wero hatted In this phase of
play. Ponn scored three foul goals be-1" "
foro tho second half had been under way
flvo minutes. About this tlmo Paulson
went Into tho gamo for Princeton. He
played forward In placo of Haas, who
took Rahtll's placo at guard. Paulson
annexed ono field goal and flvo fouls out ol'
of six. Lato In tho fray Glick, tho Tlger)ltl
football star, replaced Fcrco at forward,
and Cunco went In at guard for Davles.
Penn scored only ono field goal In the
second period. That was a long Bhot by
Martin, which brought his total up to mu
four out of tho flvo Penn two-polntera IJW
Martin's play was tho big featuro of
tho gamo. He is very small, but ho
handled tho hall splendidly, Boldom, "'
fumbled nnd but for the fault of holdtng-rww
tho ball too long In his territory, played
a brilliant contest. In tho last few
minutes of play, when Princeton had
come within two points of tying Penn, jm
Martin and McNIchol played heady (orf
basketball by simply smothering the ball
on all occasions until tlmo was cauea.
The Aldan A A desires to nrrango Imet .
with such tentns as Drcxcl Hill Reserves. Had-
,i M,'" iint"! v .iiher lK-lP-year-oM team.
Aldan has a good grounds and la willing to h
iu ..an uxiK'i.e .i tin in men I-or games ad
iirens lMwln r (Ofwart, manager, Aldan, na"
Delawaro County, Pa. tf
A good battery would llko to Join a flrstir.J
class scmlprofesslonat homo team. Address
James K. Clark, 4253 Orlscom street.
Tho Subway A. C. Is anxious to hear from "
all llrst-class teams playing Sunday ball away o.u
from home Address U. A. Abrams, 503 ,-
Spring Mill avenue, Conshohocken. Fa.
Tho reorganized Druedlng Brothers' Club ha .
noeiirert n irrnnnils at Bth street and Wyoming r
avenua and would llko to schcdula strictly., ,
tlrst-cl.iss uniformed traellng teams. Write''
IMuanl Mcr. mro of Druedlng Ilrothers Com-tvl
niny rth nnd Master streets. Phone Kensing
ton 1022 or B210.
Tho West Philadelphia Professionals havo
secured a number of prominent players and
expect tn produce one of the strongest teams vi t..
scmlprofcBSlonul ranks. Teams wanting games.,.,,,
iiimmunlcato with J. Magulre. 0000 Ileno
street. -il-
Miss Samuels Beaten With Foil
NEW YOP.K, March 80. Mrs. C. 11. Voor
hees. of tho Fencers' Club ot New York, won.iil
tho women'B national fencing tournament hero. .
In tho final matches she defeated Miss Doro- "
then Samuels, of tho Fencers' Club of Phlla .-
delphla, S to 3; Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish, ot tha
Fencers' Club of New York. 5 2, and MIsjj.
Mario llradley, of tho Philadelphia club, 5-1.
arior location with an
unobstructed view of " beach
and boardwalk. Arecognized
I standard of excellence. I
Cpitv600. IWJERJ.nVZBn
ivas net a ivetf slanoaid.
m aervjcccoiniunjoDeauiy
AmericaiVPlsrv. tuTcpea.jHar.
tnWMlu.ftj . JlvvHOtrVifl'r
llltOW.VS--1UI,L.S-IN.TlIK.FlNEs. N. J.
TTTTT! INM Ideal Spring resort, beautiful
iniU 11X1X iak. Walks and drlvea In'
tho Fines Favor t. weeK-end and motorist
sort, cuisine superior. 1. L. M. a. 1UDD
st re-
June 3d. F. M. 8CHEIBLEY.
For health and pleasure. Classes at
hours to suit. Threo Oymnaalums. Hand
ball courts. Swlmmlnr pool stxa 23x75
feet, tiend for Booklet A.
1421 Arch St.
for beginners In Shorthand and iloflkksenlng
will be started April 4- Day students admitted
School In session the entire year.
nroml and llerk
teras m..
i ctdaykR'S ths umi uuarataa twasu.
I . . .
. oi-607 Chestnut Street,
&TSffi6fi5v5T "::
i r - " " in.
-v T-I
I WoWULBABue To NESUsa V "SPEAK. To Me OTTo- ,--' S&Z-