?gSSrr 'W t'miggBwiW EVENING LEBGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1016 12 h i f B II ts I II MAGNATES CHARLEY EBBETS WANTS TO FORM FLORIDA LEAGUE FOR SPRING TRAINING Brooklyn Owner Trying to Interest Connie Mack in Plan, but Athletics' Leader Doubts Its Efficacy CHARLES II. EBBETS, president of tlio Brooklyn N'atlonnl LenRUc club. Is trylnrjr to Interest Munnfter Mack In a sprlnp trnlnlnit league, consisting of four National and two American Leaguo clubs, which will meet each season nnd play a regular schedulo of games In Florida. At tho present time the Athletics, of the American League, and tho Phillies, Brooklyn, Boston and Chicago, of tho National League, novo permanent training camps In Florida, and many lnterleagtio and sectional contests aro played each spring, but the games havo not drawn as well as they should. Ebbets believes that -with an organization formed tho fans would havo greater confidence In the major leaguers and would turn out In greater numbers. It Is Ebbets' idea to Interest an American Leaguo club In Palm Beach and havo Its owners seek tho famous winter resort as a training camp. The won derful success of tho Braves in drawing largo crowds nnd getting beneficial training at Miami has convinced Ebbets thnt Palm Beach is now rlpo for tho venture. "Wants Yanks to Train at Palm Beach Ebbets would llko tho Yankees to adopt Palm Beach as their permanent training camp, and It would not bo surprising If Owners Ituppert and Huston HWitched thcro next year. On tho surface, tho Idea Is a good one, but Florida cities always havo proven disappointments from n, drawing standpoint after ono season, and for this reason Manager Mnck doubts very much It tho formation of a leaguo would help matters nny. Teams training In Florida nro under an enormous expense, nnd Mack, llko other magnates, would bo only too glad to Join tho nlllanco if ho could be convinced that it would bo a success nnd would not tend to take tho edge off the regular Henson. Mack says that hh experience with tinlnlng In Florida has taught him that no team can make money by staying In one city for more than a year. Ha cites tho great drawing power of the Cubs tho first season they trained nt Tampa and the great falling oT the following year. Great Falling Off in Attendance The same was true of tho Athletics at Jacksonville. In tho spring of 1914 tho Mackmcn woro champions of tho world and drow largo crowds. They were Btlll champions of tho American League when they went thero last year, but tho nttendanco fell oft woefully. At Daytona thoro Is virtually no chanco to draw crowds under any con dition. Tho ball park Is fives miles from tho city, and tho trolley eorvlco Is so poor that tho fans who cannot afford a bus must walk or tako a chanco at strap-hanging on small cars which run every 30 minutes. An attempt was mado to form a winter leaguo in Florida sovernl years ago, but tho plan fell flat when tho National Commission let It bo known that It did not take kindly to tho idea, and it is likely that Ebbets' present plan will also fail. Bancroft Due for a Great Season Dave Bancroft, shortstop of tho Phillies, Is destined to havo a great year with tho Phillies. Last season Dave was fresh from tho Pacific Coast Leaguo. Consequently, he did not know one-third tho baseball then that ho does now. Bancroft will begin this season with a far greater knowlodgo of tho game than ho had in 1915; ho will also havo tho confidence, because ho realizes that if ho had mado good his first year ho should do far better this season, and ho will havo tho confidence of his fellow-players, which will aid him as much as it does the general team-play. Slnco ho lias been In St. Petersburg this season, Pat Moran has been drilling Bancroft In tho gentle art of bunting until the young shorttlelder Is now ono of tho best Ho will bo second this year In the batting order, as ho was last year. With his additional experience, his added knowledgo of the opposing pitchers and his actual Improvement with tho stick, Bancroft Bhould be a deadly man as fol low to the lead-bft hitter. Ho Is hard to pitch to, which helped him last season and) will help him moro this year, becauso ho will bo able to uso this fact to better advantage. There's a Reason for Wilbur Good's Showing Reams of copy paper havo been consumed In describing how Wilbur Good Is progressing with tho Phillies In St. Petersburg. Although thero Is no doubt that ho Is playing better ball now than ho did last season with tho Cubs, It Is also true that every man makes a better showing against his old club than against any other team. This has proved truo almost Invariably In baseball from Class D to tho majors. Many fans havo no doubt noticed that when a pitcher Is released from one team to another, tho manager always starts that pitcher against the club from which his relenso has Just been obtained. Not only that, but the pitcher usually makes a great showing against his ex-team-mates. This samo thing is true of players In other positions as well as In the pitcher's box. That this should bo true Is not In tho least astounding when the facts aro analyzed. Barely does a playor go from ono club to another without developing a well-formed grudge against his old team. Consequently, when ho goes, in against that club ho puts forth every ounco of energy he has to mako a good showing. Then, too. ho Is familiar with their styles of attack and defense; possibly he can steal their signals and thereby greatly benefit. While Philadelphia fans hope that Good will do well with Moran, too much must not bo thought of his work against Tinker's Cubs In tho recent seven-gamo aeries which the Phils took without tho loss of a game. The difference In tho relative strength of tho Paterson and North Hudson basketball teams, now playing a series of games to dscido which ono will play Greystock. for the so-called professional basketball championship, Is very' slight. Faterson has a two-to one bulge In a series, tho best three in five. Not moro than three points have separated tho teams In any ono game, and In the threo games played tho teams have scored the same number of points 61. Paterson won tho first game, 24-23, and lost the second 13-10. The third game went to Paterson, 23-27. Tho third game was tho only one In which Paterson outscored North Hudson from tho field. In tho threo games North Hudson has scored 20 field goals to 14 for Paterson. This will be tho last season for Jolo Ray, tho Chicago distance runner, on tho path of cinders. And, In announcing his retirement, Jole says thero are two things ho wishes to accomplish before packing his spiked shoes away, and these aro not Incidents In passing, either. Ho wants to hotter' Abel Kivlat's 4-18 4-5 seconds record for running ono mile Indoors and Norman Taber's 4:12 3-5 seconds records for running tho mile on tho turf. Itay has assigned him self two mighty big tasks In trying for both of these records. He ran 4:16 2-5 seconds last year, and ho Is confident that by a courso of preparation ho can lower both records. His pluck Is admired, at any rate. Jimmy Walsh has been playing great ball for the Athletics and Is hitting better than ever. Before tho regulars reported, Mack said that he was about ready to count AValsh out of his plans, as he had been told that Jimmy was 25 pounds overweight. When Walsh reported lighter than lie was at any time last leason Connla was agreeably surprised. It will take some hustling on the part of Thompson and Stellbauer to keep Walsh out of the line-up. Larry Miller, the young Brooklyn outfielder, la a son of Sebastian Miller, ths famous professional strong man who has often appeared in Philadelphia! Larry Is a chip of the old block. He Is one of the most powerfully built men In the game. He was purchased from St. Boniface, of the Southern League, and looks to be a good hitter, but Is having a great deal of trouble with his throwing. A Philadelphia boxing man has called tho attention of the A. A. U. to the entry of Tony Mellchar, of Chicago, who recently won the Central A. A. U. heavy weight championship In Detroit, so that soma action can be taken in his case before the national amateur championships are staged In Boston early In April. A Western newspaperman found that the night before the championships fight In Chicago Mellchar was fighting professionally for a big purse in a club on the outskirts of Chicago. When questioned about the matter, Harry Forbes, the former bantamweight champion and manager of Mellchar, did not deny the fact but appeared to have the hope that Mellchar could get away with the amateur championship. Whether ho will bo withdrawn now Is not known. In speaking about the pessimist who can see nothing but sora arms among the, Jfack pitchers, Amos Strunk Is reported as saying; "I guess he must have aeon only those who stayed with the Tanlgans. One look In the clubhouse door when this squad was dressing would make one think of a hospital with several pf the boys wearing planters on their throwing arms. It may look different with the regular hurlew here now.'' EVENING MAY FORM LEDGER MOVIES-THAT'S THE REASON, IROBOSCISUS, HE DEVELOPED CHARLEY HORSE OF THE WALLET SPRING BASEBALL LEAGUE FOR TEAMS TRAINING UNIQUE TOURNEY IS PLANNED BY LOCAL GOLF MEN High-Grade Performers. Public Course Pro gresses LAKEWOOD OPENS SEASON Tho 1910 schedule Of the Golf Associa tion of Philadelphia, which will be an nounced within a few days, will contain several entirely new caphK Including a tournament for high-handicap golfers, something on the order of the tourney played at the Scaxlow Oolf flub last spring. At the annual meeting of the Golf Association It was suggested that that body Include, miotic Its penls for the 1010 season, n tournament open iinlv to golfers affiliated with local clubs who Imo an association rating of 12 strokes or more. The question Immediately arose, "What hnppens to the golfer with a handicap of 117 Ho Is not permitted to play in tho amateur championship, which Is confined to golfers with handicaps of 10 or less, and If this new tournament Is cchcdulcd ho will be barted from it." At tho last meeting of the Executive Commlttco It was decided to give this event a trial, but It was agreed to open It to nit golfers with handicaps above 10, or all thoso who are not permitted to enter the local champion ship No definite date has been agreed upon although the dates under considera tion arc July 11, II and 15 Aronlmluk will lie the rrene of the rent, provided ! toe Drexel I II 11 organization wants It There will be three slxtccns, tho first for placrs handicapped 11 to 14, Inclusive, the second 1G to 18, Inclusive, and tho third oer 18. The matches will he played at scratch. Tho qualifying round of the Suburban Team Cup competition, made necessary this year owing to tho fact that 17 teams ontdrcd for 10 places, will bo played at tho Philadelphia Cricket Club on May 3, In stead of April 27, as originally decided, tho Executive. Commlttco feeling that the St Martin's course would bo In better Bhapo at tho later date Each club will ontor a team of flvo players, and only the team with the highest aggregate score of tho flvo men will bo dropped out. The matches this year will he played on Thurs days Instead of Saturdays. Tho wet weather of tho last few weeks Is holding back the opening of tho Munici pal Links nt Cobb's Crock. Tho Park Commission hoped to announco tho date of the opening a week ago, but until the greens and fairways show Improvement over their present stato tho announcement will be withheld. In order to obtain a locker at tho Municipal Links golfers and thoto who Intend to tako up the gamo on tho public courso should apply to the Park Com mission. These requests will be filled In tho order of their receipt until all the lockers nro exhausted Tho first golf tournament north of the Mason-Dixon line will bo held at the Country Club of Lakewood, April 20, 21 and 22. Instead of following tho usual program and having Its tournament the next week, tho Country Club of Atlantic City has announced tho Northfleld tour nament for May 4, G and 6. There will bo tho usual five 16s, with tho usual prizes for tho winner and runner-up of each 10, for the winner of each defeated eight, for tho low scorer In tho qualifying round and for best net and gross scores In tho handicap. Northfleld Is ono of tho fow tournaments where prizes become tho absoluto property of the winner. They do not remind one of tho athletically In clined employer, who, upon presenting a cup to an employe who had just become the father of twins, was asked, "Must I win It three times before It becomes my permanent property?" Canuck Is Champion Bowler TOLEDO. O . Murch 3U. Canada won lta first bowllm; title when It cathered tho Indi vidual championship of the American Howl ing Concresi here last nlh'ht through the pruwesa om Sam Hchllman, of Toronto. Schll man shot SOI, aewlnif up tho title In the last eamo with two strikes und elttht spares. Hen Huesmon. of Cincinnati, ran second, with Glu, and Frank Shaw, of Chlcaeo. was third, with 470. Steelier Downs Doctor Roller KANSAS CITY, Mo.. March 30 Joo Steeli er, ot Dodge. Neb., defeated Dr II. V. Holler. ot gentle. Wash , In straluht falls In a wres tling match here last nleht Stecher'a time was 3 mln. 30 sec and ." mln. 3 'J sec. Frank Kramer's Mother Dead EVANSVIf.I.K. Ind . March 30 Mrs. Helen II Kramer, mother of Frank Kramer, the champion cyclist, Is dead at her home here. Shu was S3 years old. Guess Who's Adv.? 55c net Trade JUrk March 18. 1010 A Pair. of (Mother of Pearl) Cuff Links Free! Just to Bee if you know who sells exclusively the amous "55" Pulljroof Slidezy Scarf, we offer a pair of cuff links to the man or woman who presents this advertisement at any of our Btores on or before Satur day, April 1st 1 JTglL ' WHY DID MR. HEARST WAIT SO LONG TO DECRY BIG FIGHT?' Grant Rice Says Publisher Didn't Want to Stop Tilt While Willard Was Under $26,000 Contract for Famous "Diary" Hy GRANTLAND UICE Mr. Hearst paid Mr. Willard $26,000 for his stuff, running from April to April. Which Is why Mr. Hearst waited until the boxing match was over beforo trying to have It stopped. Ho snw a chanco to use the Celebrated Diary, for which ho had paid, a few weeks longer. It Isn't the principle, It's the money of the thing. What a Duffer Is Sir In reference to golf, I often see the word duffer used. Just what la a duffer In golf? I means by that, what Is tho dividing line or the average score sepa rating Duffcrdom from a regular player? A iluffcr is a golfer who Wni never beat a 91; Who rarely knows the blissful fate Of slipping under OS; What thinks hh game Is getting fine When ho can shoot a 99. "I have no Intention of retiring," says Jess Willard, who may riot llko to fight, but who can still use the money. If boxing, as now conducted In these 10- round, strictly business affairs, Is brutal, then dancing should be stopped on nccount of Its Innate cruelty and savagery. Thero are tlmco when even an expert can't tell which of the two sports Is under way. One Difference "The Hrowns of 1916." Rays Fielder Jones, "aro a better ball club than tho Whlto Sox of 1908, that only lost tho pen nane by a gamo." Probably so. In many ways. But hasn't Quclgefer uynuuc wm a j ajut zjuzm; aaLzlSmammK Qawdfo "m&tml a Z " Mr. Jones forgotten that the Drowns of 1916 havo no Cd Walsh to take part In 65 games, which Mr. Wnlsh did for tho Whlto Sox In 19087 And Mr. Walsh using the right arm of 1908 In as many as 6G games makes moro difference than one might think, though Jones Isn't the ono who should havo for gotten. Henry W. Haughty, Himself They say he's haughty and austere, The mighty Cear; He moves within a lofty sphere Alike a star Rut for true haughtiness, I say, There Is no man. Like htm who drives the padded dray, Or moving van. Exchange. He may be haughty and austere, The mighty Czar; He may move In a lofty sphere Without a bar; nut for true haughtiness, I shout, There's none to chafe lAko him who calls the runner out When he Is safe. Ah, dally In the stands I've irept. Forlorn and sore; And cursed him for a thieving klrpt. With maudlin roar; nut oh, there Is no autocrat, Or near tho likes Of Mm who stands behind the bat And calls ths strikes. Ij , acVrf rf tf- ' - - rriMwju . rH'n' .m apo i r.ferP"4 mmm MUWADl Sbsss&Z l0o ihe ORGANIZED BALL NOT LIABLE IN FEDERAL SUIT, SAYS TENER Claims All Negotiations Consistent With Anti-Trust Acts NHW TOItlC, March no. "We fall to see where wft aro liable In the suit In tho Baltimore. Federal League Club," Is part of a statement today, by President John K. Tcncr, of tho National League, In comment off the $900,000 damage suit brought by the Baltimore Federal Club against organized baseball forces. "Organized baseball," ran tho state ment, "conducted Its negotiations looking to an adjustment of bifseball conditions with tho Federal Leaguo as an organiza tion. It was our understanding that the Federal Leaguo was acting for all Its component clubs. We aro satisfied wo did nothing Inconsistent with tho Sherman anti-trust law or tho Clayton act." TEXTILE TO PLAY 12 GAMES Basebnll Season Opens April 1 With Villanovn Prep The Philadelphia Textllo School has fa vorable prospects for a good baseball sea son this year. A lot of promising mate rial has shown up for practlco and a fast team Is expected. Manager Brown has arranged tho following schedule: April 1. Villanovn Prep; April G. St Joseph's; April 8, Havcrford; April 1,1, Tcdagogy; April 1G, open! April 19; Wo nonah Military; April 29, Williamson Trade. May 2, Cheltenham; May C, open; May. 9, La Sallo College; May 13, Norrlstnwn High School; May 20, Bordcntown Mili tary Academy. HAVE YOU TRIED A L1! CIGAR EXCEEDINGLY DETTER" Henry's Cigar Co., I'litlmlelplitn IN FLORIDAfS HUHN WINS AT TENNIS ""'" ir"er m Rncouet n.M a j rii a m TnnrnftM Wt.i.. t . viuJ ' '""" victor W H. T. Huhn easily beat w n i ter In the semifinal round of thVhLJS"'! court tennis tournament at the ff1 Club by 2 goals to 0. The soi-iT6"! 8-1, 8-3. Trotter received I th h.letJ in 1,1s right ar,nXtBS,r"ratct?ln,l ho put up a plucky fight, and" wi. k '! out only by the brilliant play of m. "" nonent. ot ob.j In tho first round of tho single. ni T racquets championship L. c Wit.,u4h ; given a hard match by Pierce Aran' Tf won out In four games by thSS. i 15-9, 1G-17, 1G-4, 18-1G. COrei Sloan Defeats Newcomb i-arucipaunff in "Tn Prea drni'a i tl Shoot," Harry Sloan ana c"ir?M """ 1 had n battlft royal nt Camden iiiH.JV'mt 5 noon in n msicn hi lull tan went to Bloan, who splintered tanrets. Th. kMlw'i two more man iMewcomb. ALACn A. R. NnnntttTnnnu' n. 1.-.UI1S. TUESDAY, AFRII, 4TII15 Rns JACK McCAIUION VS. KDIJIK RXn'OuS' , 10-ROUND sroiiwiNrivp JOE HUNNINO vi. 801, d'DOKJrfax ' w SO SOON I'AI.Afr. A. H. NnnntttTnnnu' n. a, IK 9 W i 4 m HE HADA MOST IN FAKT HE RorjfWH FO-HORJY SHiLLMS lmnMwims' y:i.(. .. .,i&-wwM!iNriihW)wi. VHAT??L STARTED POWN SOUTH, ItlMIO lUCWCHItf Hi MfiCrHlFOUOUb A HANPKFRCHIErTFOR. FOR A HAHPKERTHEF? TO BLOW IN, .' krcuryiuc IV'TH PATWOR-AN WARP-RO0& wriu-n nc fcrNSED , fiHffiS. , jjmfm roKiT 5 HILLINGS. 7? tUUrtVrS 11 when Mr cousin leo A $ I w mmm i inn 1'&smamammSm