rSmmmmutnm mm " 'WEWr-'"1 w m UPjLj' " -T7"rrrrf . j- isz tr v a-riw ii'(jn 1ff i'ti?. v-atmrr)vmKt '"4lftfi EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA THURSDAY, MARCH 30 191C. 11 I ; NANCY WYNNE GHATS ABOUT THE m J 1'H'IUKSON HOSPITAL SALTS Women of the Jefferson Hospital Auxiliary Are Inter- " .-J ! 4-1-in "Piimmnfro Halo AXM,.'-!. ttrjn -r. . . esteu i" "'"" ""?, ""1V- " win $e new in the Widener Building toMEN w,, nr0 lnteres,c1 ln tho 'wlfaro of the, Jefferson Hospital " V . M 4 1 011 ! - fw: i!'. decided to Hold a mammoth rum- K"" . il.A AVIMDHPr It IIIllllIla I1UI- wiaio'" i,,D """-- ----"..:., romlnff week. Mrs. David tho Mil and Mrs. B. Dobson Altemus are d,n nrlmo movora ln tho work. jSnonir ' tnday and Tuesday tho fair sales !. trill oe at tho building ready to iemen win live the articles which wilt bo sold .. . i.. four ciavs of tho week. Many ff.h.inbutnntes of tho last year, somo III next and others of former years will M mong the aides. U iometlmes wonder at tho time, jtriy &na "le"v l"u "" . s w.ninl boards can clvo to working icn M .? 4t.A .ntlaft They aro .. the e&ou " "folnff ere' work now ror tho convates ffl patients and for tholr families at 'the Jefferson and tho results have been Virjr remarkable. rrh second performanco of tho Ballot Raise was enthusiastically attended last Int, and tho audlenco was charmed '.4th tho beauty of tho "Spectro do la Rom" and tho ropotltlon of "Carnaval," tjjcn was lllto a bit of Dresden China, 'fltopatre was moro on tho order of 'Ueheherazado. and Phlladolphlans as n pe'opla aro not lovers of sensuol dis play. A remark, en passant, mmlo on the first night by a man ln the audi wc, was rather apt I thought. It was daring tho ballot of Sohehorazado and woman of promlnenoo ln society, j distinguished for her wonderful flsuro v end toy waist, said to tho man bosldo 1 .'.! Hn.nM'11 wnf nn nmntv float in thlfl koine." "Woll, thoro would bo, if I could ret out of mlno," roplled her companion, with much empnasis. There were very tavr porsons ln tho Wee though tho orchestra waa woll filed with ovcry ono you know. Mr. and Mri. Harry Thayer and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rldgway and Mr. and Mrs. Italph gEdmonds wcro ln ono box and Mr. and ;jl. Marshall Scull nearby ln another. lire. Ecull was wearing a smart frock f of green opalcscents and looked remark- ID. HClie ." A-itij-Vie. iw wj w..- I. in nnlrt ISlim Rntfn n.nrl Inr.n. f Kvery one Is wondering which ono ho will chooso, for they aro both so differ--eat ln every way. To bo moro explicit; (there aro two girls who mado their do 'but during tho past season, ono a dainty Ivlolet, tho othor a blushing roso. How poetlcklo! However, It's true. True also 'fa It that thoy aro very, very "lnty" Sthtee two girlies. Tho violet Is rather fair jimJehy and quiet pretty as can bo In a fragile Bort of way. The roso Is quite 'dark, with brilliant coloring, vivacious, talkative and protty also, In a bright '& . . .... ,, i a certain young man oi una um Quaker town Is a great frlond of both girls, and seems very much takon with 'them. Tho violet listens flatteringly Htn tha ncrmnta ftf lilq vnrlnnn mmlnltl. fWhllo tho roso talks to him of hers. v ,- J. 1 .. .. .,.... .. l...... mh nilmtn- ! now, it la vury uiuu i.u iiuvu tin tiuum- Ing audlenco of ono; on tho other hand, It U very excellent to know that con versation will not lag If ono does not Wish to mako an effort But then It Is not always pleasant to convcrso with some ono who has very llttlo to say; tad again It Is ofton tiresome to listen 'to a chatterbox, so, you sco, thero aro fore and "aglns" for both; strangest of all Is that they aro such great chums. Eomehow I think tho young man leans illghtly moro toward tho violet, for, perhaps, ho is a wlso man and realizes that persons nro apt to becomo gar rulous as they advance ln years, and, perhaps, tho rose might talk too much. Ehl blon, nous verrons! NANCY WYNNE. Personals f Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Pepper Scott will ewe an Informal dance at tho New uen itunr Club. WilmlnEton. tonight for their "jon. Mr. Bldnev Scott, who Is homo from WHIll School, and who will havo several luuamates staying at L,exmgion lor inu ieeic-end. Mr. and Mrs. Chrlatopner i Ward will irivn n. illnner at their homo to- plht before the dance for their daughter, palas Esther Ward, who Is homo from Wwover School, Westover, Mass. Mrs. John Wnnamaker has cone to RWhlte Sulphur Springs, W. Va.. for a Ij&onth'a stnv. flivnmniinled bv Air. and KUra. Norman MacLeod. Mr. ITftrnM Knsnn. nf 222S Locust street, Me eent out Invitations for a concerto petlnee at the Acorn Club on Monday piiernoon. 'Miss Emmn. Wnhh. nf nell Buckle. Tenn.. fttho charmlnc anil nccomtillshed daughter Iff ex-Unlted States Senator W. It. Webb, rrlred yesterday, to be the guest of Mr. ewum Mrs. Wilbur Smith, or wyneva Apari Bnents, Germantown, for the next few KWeeks. Mm CImlfl. trnva n lllnfh0nn for er today. Miss Webb will be extensively jictiainea aunng ner visit in viiimuci Pala. esDeclallv hv thn various members ef tllA Dniirrhfara rf il.A Pnnf(4rBPV. .: Mrs. John Bancroft entertained lnfor- toalljr at luncheon today, at her home In Mliimington. In honor or airs, uoueri Bacon, of New York, chairman of the American Committee of the American Am- UUlanCfi Trnnnltnl at ?J.ul11v.at1r.RMne. ,rl, Fiance. The other guests were Mrs. William C. Speakman. Mrs. Joseph Dan tf?rt, Mrs. Guy Howard, Mrs. Wlllard gall Porter, Miss Anne Gray and Miss Sornella Draper. Mrs. Bacon will speak a. meeting to be hem at tne nome or r. uumot duPont this atternoon. EMr. and Mrs. Charles brands Bochman. Ifl 1018 locust street, will shortly Issue Invitations for a danca to be given at the IfSjiadelphla Country Club In Easter week Buonor or Miss Esther Jean Bochman. iMr. and KTr fivrlnv XTnrrln irava a Buiner-dance last evening at their home In tardmore. EMre. Ronald 1L Barlow, of Haverford, iS SDendlnfi- Rovapnl wulra at T3lnhtlrat. v .. ,.. ?Mr. and tin. fimra-t, TV Phllda Dnxel LWlll ralllrn n IVn-ittnn I.aI nlftPA In Sgrn Mawr, next Wednesday. 3Jfl4 njtrmn Pdtlapman nf PtiOfttnut ijLUI, went to Itlohmond thU week to at iJ th( wedding of Miss. Pauline Powers, yjhat city to Mr William ItagUnd Pwr ffJr, pr Baltimore, which took place yes tydty at x jo o'clock at the home of w brldfK brother and sister-in-law Mr . miii, Meorse J'owera, aa, r Lift frlBd la thia ity. U Uw daughter of IP I I'M Utu Robferi v Vonrs and a biaitr MMfpl!.?m nr0Wn Poltcr- Mr- nnd ilve,iirU13raU?mo?e!CWCddlnB trlp W,M Mr. George Malloy gave a dinner of 12 S at e Undine Barge "club lit T,VonF,Ln, T1 trf' T1'nms Steeso. of tho Irankford Arsenal, nnd Miss Mary North. ?hv."i?rVfav? n dnnce lnBt "'Bht fti tho Media Country Club. Among the Hr'nkr. Lieutenant P. W. Bowley. of the Ar- ., . and Mrs. Bowlcy, Mr. and Mrs. vJ t. ,Br' M,r; nntl Jtra' Po,ln'd Martin, Mr and Mm. Henry Hunt, Miss Estcllo nasslnger, Miss Mary Ynrnall, Mr. nnd Mrs. Campbell Carr, .Mr. Frederick Peters, Mr. Lecdotn Mooro nnd Mr. George Mill lngton. Mrs. John I. Itogers, accompanied by her dnughtor, Mlsa Catherine Rogers, of 2201 St. Jnmci place, will Icavo today for Atlantic City, where they will spend sev eral days at the Dennis. Mrs. Itobcrt Meigs, of Pittsburgh, will spend tho Raster holidays ns tho guost of her mother, Mrs. Samuel F. Houston, nt Drulm Molr, St. Martin's. Mrs. Meigs was Miss Margaret Houston beforo her marriage. The wedding of Miss Mary Paulino Daly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Malcolm Daly, of Dover. Del., nnd Mr. Charles Evans Fryer, also of Dover, will tnko placo Saturday. April 8, nt 1 o'clock In the First Baptist Church. A reception will follow at the homo of tho brldo. Friends of Mrs. C. Lincoln Furbush. of 3d nnd Locust streets, will bo glad to learn that nho Is rnpldly recovering from her recent attack of tho grip. Mrs. John J. Tlorney, of tho Belgravla, has returned from Bramwoll, W. Va,, whero sho has bcon the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. D. HowltL Mr. and Mrs. Tlerney will shortly open their homo, Sharon, nt New town, Pa. Mrs. Arthur n. Pew, of Sprlngbrook Farm, Bryn Mawr, who has been spend ing somo months ln Denvor, Col., will re turn home on Saturday. Master Arthur C. Pow, Jr., nnd Master Walter C. Pow, Btudonts at Mill School, aro spending their spring vacation nt hom- Mrs. Sabln W. Colton and Ml.-n Susanno Colton, of Longmeadow House, Bryn Mawr, aro spending a few weeks In Bermuda. Along the Main Line MEIHON A meeting to complete fur ther arrangements for the delightful gar den foto to he given by prominent Merlon women on Saturday. April IB. In tho Mer lon Country Day School will bo held Wed nesday morning, April D, nt the homo of Mrs. Edward Bok, who Is ono of tho mem bers of tho commltteo In chargo of tho nltalr, of which Mrs. Frederick W. nock well Is chairman. This fcto, which Is being looked forward to with much plcasuro by residents of tho Main Line, promises to bo a mn ' interesting affair, where every con l'i garden novelty from the newest gardfii tools to the latest designs In gar den smncks, garden bnskets and pottery and patted bulbs raised during tho win ter by the women members of tho Merlon Civic Association will bo on salo, together with nil kinds of beautiful flowers for tho Easter season, which will then be so near nt hand. Tho proceeds of tho nffalr will go toward tho planting of Individual (low er nnd vegetable gardens In tho back yard of the Merlon Country Day school where, under an experienced woman teacher, tho 32 llttlo pupils of this outdoor school will be taught how to plant seeds; how to hoe; how to weed. and. In fact, to understand all tho necessary details that help toward the successful cultivation of platan. And to interest the children In tho study of blids, a largo bird pond will bo arrnnged ln the centra of this garden to attract tho attention of tho Kentucky cardinals nnd other birds who havo lately moved to Merlon, owing to tho fact that numerous bird houses have recently been put up by tho suburb. Miss Marjory De Kraft has designed a most effective poster for tho garden fete, representing nn Ideal garden with bird pond, and among others who aro busy working for tho entertainment aro Mrs. Bok, Mrs. William II. Folwell. Mrs. S. Earlo Haines. Mrs. Martin P Mulkln, Mrs. Harold Pender, Mrs. Ernest Searing, members of tho commltteo In charge, nnd Mrs. Percy E. Matthes, Mrs. Georgo K. Erben, Mrs. Edward Burke "Wll ford, Mrs. Georgo D. B. Darby, Mrs. Gid eon Uoerlcke, Mrs. Edward C. Dearden. Mrs. Archibald II. Ehle, Mrs. Van Court Carwlthcn nnd Miss Helen Wilson. BBYN MAWIt Members of the Onr rett Hill Boys' Club will hold their min strel show this evening In Assembly Hall, Bryn Mawr. Mr. Samuel Scovllle, Jr., Is tho director. Tho performanco will be given by a company of 25 men. Mr. Joseph Gane will bo at tho piano, and the Interlocutor will bo Mr Andrew A. Illley. The end positions will bo tilled by Mr. Charles Baker. Mr. William Chappoll, Mr. Thomas Norton and Mr. John Magulre. Solos will bo sung by Mr. Joseph Smith, Mr. J. Ignatius Klrsch, Mr. John Powers, Mr. William Brown, Mr. George M. Hugh, Mr. William Devereaux nnd Mr. George Coano. Chestnut Hill Miss Elizabeth Henry, daughter of Mrs. Charles W. Henry, of Springfield ave nue, has Mls3 Dorothy AVoods, of Cincin nati, as her guest The dancing class chaperoned by Mrs. Ii BJttenhouse Miller, Mrs. Antolne Bournonville, Mrs. Alfred Orchard and Mrs. William It. Tucker, will give two ad dltlonal dances on the evenings of Tues day, April 26 and Wednesday, May 10. Germantown Miss Helen Fry, of 18 West Hortter street, gave a luncheon yesterday ln honor of Miss Olive Wilson. Spring flowers were used as decorations and the guests Included Mrs. Spencer Butterworth, Miss Emma Bradbury, Miss Louise Chase, Miss Marion Chapman, Miss Christine Swope, Miss Marlon Montgomery, Miss Helen Stephenson, Miss Helen Varwlg, Miss Gladys Edwards Evans. Miss Emily Pol lard, Miss Marguerite Burton, Mlsa Mar lon Irving, Miss Mabel Markle and Miss Isabel Miles. , Mr. and Mrs. Frederick English, of 2! School House lane, accompanied by their two daughters. Miss Beatrice English and Mlsa Elaine Taylor English, will leave today for Atlantic City to spend a week. w Along the Reading Mr. John Scheetx. of Hall road, Wyn cote, has left for Pittsburgh, with the en glneer corps of the senior class of the University of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Alexander Chambers, after spend ing six weeks In Bramwell, W. Va., has re turned to her home In Nowtown. Pa. Mr. John Eckels, of Wyncote road. Wyn cote, who, last week left for an extended business trip through the Middle West, expects to return home this week. Owing to the fact that their house la not completed, Mr and Mre. Frederto Marsh William will not be at home untU n.,nw Mm. Williams will be remem- twred as MIm EWxabeth P Flte. daugh.,1,: Ur S Mr n4 Mr. John & Fit, o Oak.1 DIAGHHEFF'S BALLET IN SECOND PROGRAM Fantasy, Humor and Tragedy In Dancing, Sets and Music at Metropolitan Again, after a brief Teutonic upheaval, the Russian ballet' Again tho over whelming of the senses with color, light and movement, In the fantastic, tho gro tcsauo and tho tragic moods of tho daneo and pantomime. For the "Scheherazade" of tho opening program thero was "Clco patro," for 'TOIscnu do Feu" thero was "Sololl de Nult," nnd to add to "Carna val," which was repeated, there was "Ln Spectro do la Roso." It was a program not more varied, not moro Immediately pleasing nnd not nit the scparato numbors of It wero ns effective as their counter parts of tho first night. This tlmo there was, howovcr, some thing added In the "Soldi do Nult" (The Midnight Sun), which was Intensely racial, could havo sprung from nowhere outside of Russia and It turned out to bo tho high-light of the ovonlng's program. Cer tainly tho edge was takon oft "Clcopatro" by tho moro daring, tho moro benutlful and tho moro dramatically effectlvo story of tho Arabian nights, In which also love and death aro mingled. Tho Btory of tho youth who Is dazled by tho fatnl enchant ment of the Queen of tho Sapphlro Nile, who deserts his lowly love for tho Queen's passing faor and, gratified, drinks tho cup of death. Is eminently fitted for tho miming of tho Ballet Russo; but tho Egyptian setting 13 hnrd nnd tho Ecnsu ousness, tho dreadful voluptuousness of Kobcldo and her paramour could not bo paralleled. So that It was only tragedy, without much of pnsslon Or of beauty, which lllled tho gloomy hnlls with their monstrous nnd misshapen pillars and hugo gods. Even the dancing hero was not perfect; the music, by many hands, was Interesting, and tho cottumlng superb. But it did not gol Tho lovely dream of tho "Spectro of the Rose," sot to Weber's familiar "Invitation to tho Dance," wns an Interludo whloh combined with tho final plcoe, tho "Car naval," set to Sohumann's muslo. JL Alex andre Qavrlloff was tho Incarnation of tho roso summoned In tho young girl's dream, and wns possessed of a fine, fan tastlo graoe. Yet It was Mile. Lydla Lopo kovo, tho adorable and adored, who wns tho Bptrit of tho dream. Her fragile and tondcr beauty, her Ineffable grnoo and lovollnoss of spirit, wore enough oven ln tho few fleeting moments of tho danco. Hers Is tho head upon which all tho be ginnings of earth havo begun to fall and tho oyellds will never grow weary. Wo do not wonder that Euripides exclaimed, "And shall not Lydla bo loved forever!" Thoro Is In tho program tomorrow eve ning another oxnmplo of tho Russian folk danco In "Pctrouchka." which opens with a street fair In Petrograd. It Is a tragic episode, but "Solell do Nult" Is all fun nnd rustle humors and tho mad celebra tion of Halloween. Beforo n sky of rich est, darkest bluo In tho wonderful set of Larlonoff thero stands a leering totem pole nnd around and nbout this wild sym bol tho games nnd dances of Russia tnko place. Overhead hang crazy pumpkin heads, wth strango triangular eyes, nil red and kindly nnd familiar. Tho sinister llttlo men of "Tho Firebird" nro hero transformed Into tho good spirits, tho Imps aro elves nnd the ugly llgures of a bad drenm aro hero tho puffy, honest-faced men nnd women of a hamlet, met for their ono night off. Thoy danco nnd play, In their absurd headdresses and largo skirts and queer blouses, and tho village Btupld, with hands tied out of mischief In long bag bleeCH, comes to danco and play with them. Then tho midnight sun himself, Hushing red garments nnd hugo cymbals on his hands, dances tho rout of his pagan religion, until In merriment and activity thoy aro too tired to do more. It Is alto gether Russian, simple, Joyous nnd free. Tho figures leap and gather In groups, scatter nnd join In romping rings, all with nn unaffected enjoyment, freshness and vigor which no sophisticated ago can re store. Except for this the evening served only as a reminder of what had gone before. It serves also as Interlude, for tomorrow "Scheherazade'' Is dnnced again, with "Petrouchkn" and "Lea Sylphlde," a far moro characteristic set of pieces. Friday evening has tho most notablo bill of all, and tho two Saturday performances are largely mado up of repetitions. There was sufuclent beauty In last night's work for an ordinary ballet; for tho Russians It was not enough. They live and prosper on moro violent things, on passions moro hot. Last night not oven Bnkst glowed. a. v. s. South Philadelphia NISS GAZELDA GOLDMAN Miss Oazelda. Goldman, a popular mem ber of South Philadelphia, was among the ardent workers for the recent Purlm Ball. , p Mr, and Mrs. Thomas A. Farrell, of 1919 South 13th street, are being congratulated on the birth of a eon. Mr. Edward Horan, of 182? South 19th street, and Mr, Edward Link have re turned from Florida, where they spent the winter. , Wilmington WIXMINQTON, Del., March 30. With so many of tho younger Bet home from tchool and college for the Easter Vaca tion, the week will bo enlivened. One of the attractive events of the week will bo the dance which Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lay field will give tomorrow night at tho New Century Club for their daughter, Miss Grace Layflald, who !s home from Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, for the spring vacation. The Rev. O. Henry Dole and Mr. Pole will entertatn at dinner for their son, Mr. Thomas Dole, before the dance. Mre. George H. McCall, of Chestnut Hill, was a week-end guest of Mlsa Conner. Miss Charlotte Mahaffy, who Is a senior at Welltsley, Is spending the spring vaca tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam G- Mahaffy, at Oak Grove Farm. She has two college friend with her, the MUeea Hagemeyer, cr Butler. Ky. Mlsa Barbara Bach Is home from WI- lealey, and MUs Alice Satlerthwatte. Mlsa smaoein jvtusb. mw " ijv) jrrance vfuyosy n ,uu lira in-war MISS ELIZABETH HOOD LATTA Miss Lattn is the charming daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomna Love Lntto, of 8819 Spruce street. Sho will sing at tho performanco to bo given on Snturdny evening nt tho Theatre Hclcnc, tho private plny houso belonging to Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick H. Shclton, of 228 South 21st street. West Philadelphia Miss Klslo Morris Brlnton, of Hnmpton Court, will havo Mrs, James M. Everhart Ghcen, of South Bethlehem, Pa., as her guest over tho week-end. Mrs. James H. Simpson, of 4C23 Chest nut street, cntcrtalnod nt luncheon, fol lowed by bridge, today. Covers wero laid for 12 guests. Tho guests included Mrs. Henry Boardman, Mrs. Mlnot Brewer. Mrs. Walter A. P. Davis, Mrs. Harry Kocherspergcr, Mrs. Frank Rice, Mrs. James Ackroyd, Miss Lillian Clark, Mrs. Oramel Groftcn. Miss Marlon Harris and Miss Llslo Clark. Mrs. Thcodoro rnlmer, of 4924 Hazel avenue, entertained nt luncheon nnd bridge on Monday In honor of Miss Mary Williams, of Northampton, Mass. North Philadelphia Mrs. Russell Wilson, of 1021 North Park avenue, will glvo n luncheon on Thursdny, April fi, at her home. Tho guests will Includo Mrs. J. Durbln Acker, Mrs. Hllyard Smith, Mrs. George Thomp son, Mrs. J. II. Fchllng, Miss Annio Wil son, Mrs. Alfred AVnlstenholme, Miss Agnes Curry, Miss Helen D'Ossone nnd Miss Graco D'Ossone. Mr. nnd Mru. Mertlco Shrlvcr. of 2005 North 12th street, havo opened their coun try homo at Willow Grovo, where they will remain until tho late autumn. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver M. Fegley nnd their daughter, Miss Irene Fegley. of 1850 North 22d street; Mrs. Elizabeth Savory, of Ham ilton Court, nnd her grnnddnughtor. Miss Elizabeth Chapman, of Springllold. Mass., will spend tho Easter season In Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Eckstein, who have boon spending several weeks In At lantic City, have returned to their homo, 1S09 North llth street. The Willing Workers of th'o Second Monnonlto Church, Indlnna nvonuo and Frankford street, will glvo a dinner In tho social hall of the church oii Saturday night. The pastor, tho Rev. S. M. Grubb will preside. Roxborough Miss Ella Roberts, of 501 East Leverlng ton avenue, Is spending several weeks ln Wilmington, Del., ns tho guest of her uncle and aunt, Captain and Mrs. Edwin Kershaw. Mrs. Frank S. Ward, of Rox borough. sister of Miss Roberts, will leave today for Wilmington. Tonight the Men's Guild of the Prot estant Episcopal Church of St. James the Less. Falls of Schuylkill, will entertain tho members of tho parish. Dr. William II Cavanaugh, of Germantown, will glvo a lecture on the "Passion Play," Illustrated with moving pictures. Doctor Cavanaugh speaks from experience, having witnessed tho play enacted by tho peasants In tho Black Forests of Bavaria. Tioga Mrs. C. II. Newcomb, of 2239 West On tario street, gavo a luacheon, followed by bridge, yesterday at her home. Spring flowers nnd ferns formed tho decorations. There wero 24 guests. Mrs. William Jennings, of 3523 North 19th street, who has recovered from her recent automobile accident while riding with her eon-ln-law, ex-Mayor John Weaver, was given a surprise reception last evening by her children and their families. Miss Marguerite Bradway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bradway, of 2012 West Ontario street, has returned from Montclalr, N. J., and Is entertaining Miss Helen Simmons, of Wilmington, Del. Frankford Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Moltz, of 6513 Frankford avenue; Mr. and Mrs. William Sloan and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fooder will give a dance on Wednesday evening, April 26. at Scheldjecht's Hall, on Frank ford avenue, for the benefit of the Frank, ford Day Nursery. Dr. and Mrs. Emll S. Schneider, of 3017 Frankford avenue, will give a dinner of 10 covers on Saturday evening at their home. The table will be decorated with roses and mignonette. A farewell party in honor of Mr. Will iam Kerr, who Is about to leave for the South for three months, will be given this evening by Mrs. Kerr at their home, 7827 Walker street. The guests will include Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Moltett, Mrs. Clara Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. a Llndlg, Mr. George Lute, Dr. and Mrs. Francis F. Borxell and Mr. H. J. Ackerman. Mre. William H. Hlggs, of Frankford, announces the engagement of her daugh ter. Miss Adeline Treadway Hlggs, to Mr. Walter Stlllwell Crowell, of Oak Lane. Kensington A linen ehowtr waa given Monday eve ning at the home at Mrs. Elliott, of 1833 East Cambria, street, for Mtu Martha MacPowelL ytss Helen Smith, of 935 Berks street, U yMUs reUtlvta and frlondi In Pittsburgh. Photo by William Slionell Kills Weddings SIMMINGTON -MILLER. An interesting wedding will take place this afternoon when Miss Graco L. Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwnrd Miller, becomes tho brldo of Mr. James II. Sim mlngton. Tho ceremony will be performed nt 4 o'clock at tho homo of tho bride's parents, 2431 North 30th Btrcot, by tho Rev, R. E. Johnson, pastor of tho 29th Street Methodist Episcopal Church, and will bo followed by a reception at the futuro homo of tho young couple, 2953 Bambrcy street. Miss Miller, who will bo unattended, will be given In marrlngo by her father, and will be attired In a beau tiful gown of silver gray thistledown taf feta nnd tulle Prominent among tho guests will bo Judge Raymond Mac.N'cllle, of tho Juvenile. Court, a cousin of tho bride; Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Holmes. Mr. Frank Voeckle, of New York; Mrs. Edna Gruber, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ilcnsll, of Hnddon Heights,' and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slmmlngton, of Boston, Mass. Mr. Klmmlngton and his bride will bo at home after May 1. REUTER GROFF. Miss Florence Groff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey D. Groff, of 2330 North 13th street, becamo tho brldo of Mr. Fred crick W. Renter, of 2910 North 12th street, Inst night In tho Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, Broad nnd Diamond streets. The ceremony was performed at 7 o'clock by the pastor, tho Rev. Dr. John R. Davlcs, nnd wns followed by a reception at tho homo of the bride's parents. Mr. Groff gave his daughter In mnrrlngo. Her gown was of whlto duchess satin nnd tullo with trimming of net hnnd embroidered with pearls. The bridal veil extended to the hem of tho court trnln and was caught with orange blossoms. Orchids and sweet peas nrranged In a shower wero carried. Miss Ethel Groff, tho brldo's sister, was maid of honor; Miss Vellah Belle Morgan and Miss Myrtle Kratz, of AUentown, were bridesmaids, and Miss Edith Zeyhr nnd Miss Merle Shubert wcro flower girls. Mr. Fletcher Schaum acted as Lest man, nnd the ushers included Mr. Walter Metlus, Mr. Russell Brown, Mr. Howard Patterson and Mr. William Hamilton. Mr. nnd Mrs. Router loft on nn extended Journoy, nnd upon their return will live In Towanda, Pa. ROSE SKLAR. A pretty homo wedding took placo on Sunday at 4 o'clock, when Miss Esther Sklar nnd Mr. Samuel Rose were mar ried at the home of the bride's parents, 231 Jefferson street, Wilmington. The ceremony was performed by the Rov. Mr. Grabosky. The bride, who was given ln marriage by her father, was unattended. A reception followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Rose loft on their honeymoon. On their return they will live at 233 Jefferson street, Wilmington. Lansdowne Mrs. William Suddards, of Falrvlew avenue, will entertain her luncheon and bridge club at her homo this afternoon. Tho members Includo Mrs. Greer Hansell. Mrs. Edward Hlnkson, Mrs. James Glf ford, Mrs. Herbert Lewis, Mrs. Charles Street, Mrs. II. O. Fleming, Mrs. Frank Relnhart and Mrs. William Davis. Under the leadership of Mr. William O. Easton, a very successful Bible class has been organized by the men of St. John's parish. The class meets every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock In the church. Among the members aro Mr. B. M New bold, Mr. Carl L. Altmaler, Mr. Edward Blckley, Mr. John Alrey, Mr. Edward Hen drlckson, Mr, J. Franklin Ross, Mr. Floyd Scott, Mr. Lindsay Tome, Mr. J. P. White horn. Mr. O. Whitney, Mr. Edward Shaef fer, Mr. O. Stader and Mr. George It Hooper. Delaware County Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Evans, who have been spending the winter In Phlhv. delphi. Irtive opened their summer home In Media. The Norwood Athletic Association will give an entertainment on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, of Ridley Park, have returned from a three weeks' trip to Florida. What's Doing Tonight National Flower Show, Comtntlon Hall. Freparedncta debata. tha Lurbthouaa, Front trot and Ltblsh atnu. Leotur. "Soma Probltma In Fhyali-al Metal. lursy." by George K. Uurstsa, Franklin Initl. tut. Laeture. "Lincoln, the Democratic Idsal." by Dr. C. Duncan Kpueth. under the auaplcea at tho University Exten.lon Society. Central If. M. C. A., 1421 Arch atrot: 8 o'clock. Lecture. "Ma Yan Wlnklo." by Llvlnsaton Barbour, under the auaplce of tha Unlveralty Kxtenalon Society, Y. U. C. A.. 6!9 Qcrman town aianuei 8 o'clock. Play. "Deacon Smith, from New York." by I, Trlanxle club et the Qermantewa Soya' Club; 8 o'clock. X NUht la Etkdem nlth Philadelphia Lodze. No. 2. In Lu Lu Temple, Broad and Bprws Oardea etreeta; 8 o'clock. Bimonthly maetlnr of Slrma XI honorary fraternity. Wlatar Inatltutat 7 US o'clock. Notice for the, SaeUtr pas will ,ba elxneu w itui. wnu ivi uiuw. hum hucm U05, Idle, telephone number muit be Elian. beni.uu aucb communication "So eUtyWrte.TKTnlia Ledser. 0S CU.U Bur;ele ihew requirement at eugjfjl th" nolle mwll pubCVSitJ. LITERARY SOCIETY WILI HOLD ANNUAL-BALL TONIGHT Affair Which Promises to Be Interesting Will Tal$e Place in Eagles' Temple Informal Musi cale at Philomusian Club THn 31st annual ball of the Hebrew Literature Society will take place to night nt Hngles' Temple, Mroad nnd Spring Garden streets. Tho ballroom will be at tractively decorated with palms, ferns nnd cut flowers nnd a double orchestra will supply music Miss Dorothy Shnrfer nnd Miss Hilda Sol will act as llower venders and Mr. George J. Harrison will bo floor manngcr Tho commltteo ln rharge of tho nffalr Includes Dr Richard Freldes, Dr Joseph Colttinc, Mr. J. M. Wclntrnub, Mr Jacob Wolnsteln, Mr. Henry Kam hoiz, Mr. Adolph Wnchs, Mr. David II. Cohon, Dr. S V. Ranlz, Dr. David Peld man and Mr. Ocorgo J. Rurrlson Thn proceeds of tho danco will be used for romodcllng tho clubhouso nt 310-313 Cath erine street. The musical division department of tho Philomusian Club ended Its activities for tho season this week with nn informal mu slcalo at tho clubrconn, 3044 . Wnlnut street Mrs Perlcy Dunn Atdrlrh bns had chargo of the arrangements for tho tnformnl muslcnles for tho club this sea son. Those who look part In the last ono held Monday nftcrnoon Included Miss Mnbrl Unrk, who gave piano solos : Mrs Roxford Pugwell and Miss Maude Spang' ler, vocal soloists, and Miss C. M. rs'leh olas, pianist Miss Mary Orlggs gavo a number of recitations. At a gathering held at tho homo of Miss Esther Mooro, 3005 Euclid avenue, n now club, called tho Kappa Sigma Delta, was organized Tho following officers wero elected: President, Mr. Maxwell M. l-'nr-ber, vice president. Miss Hlslo Stlrndorfer; corresponding secretary, Mr. Isndore Will iam C.ash : financial secretary, Mr. Ka wnrd J. Steinberg; treasurer, Miss I.ea Strauss. Tho first regular mooting of tho club wns held at tho homo of Miss Elsto Zlrn dorfer, 2013 North Vnn Polt Btreet, on Sunday evening, Tho membership In cludes Miss Klslo Zlrndorfcr, Miss Esthor Moore, Miss Lea Strauss, MIbs Eva Lo comovltz, Miss Clara Ludwlg, Miss Bea trice Stern, Miss Ucttlo Cohen, Mr. Mnx well M. Farber, Mr. Isadoro William Gash, Mr. Edward J. Steinberg, Mr. Jos eph E. Segal, Mr. Jesso Wendkos, Mr. Nathan Selbst and Mr. Samuel J. Abrams. A very amusing comedy sketch wns glvon by Mr. Edwnrd J. Steinberg nnd Mr. Isa doro Gash. Dancing followed the enter tainment. Tho next meeting will bo held nt tho homo of Miss Iiettlo Cohon, 1010 McKean street MISS M. SUSNER MISS FRANCES D. NARRENS THE Senior Auxiliary of tho Jewish Sheltering Homo will glvo a bazaar and danco this evening at Apollo Hall. Tho commltteo ln chargo of tho affair has mado every effort to have It a success, and n largo attendance Is anticipated. Beautifully decorated booths and tents will be ono of the novel features of the evening. Songs and solo dances will bo the principal entertainment during the con cert which will precede tho dance. A double orchestra will furnish the music. The committees ln chargo includo Miss Bessie Dlctch, Miss Pearl Cohen. Mlsi Reba Scherllss, Miss Elsie Susner, Miss Rae Moskowltz, Miss Lillian MUllss. The following members will assist Miss Roa lyno Coane, Miss Frances Coano, Miss Rose Coano, Miss Ida Hecfand, Miss Tillye Klolnnan, Mlsa Evelyn Kamlss, MIsh Roso Lunker. Dr. Herman Coano, Mr. John Felssman, Mr. Wclntraub and Mr. Klnsohn. Mrs. G. Bernstlne, of 1!3B0 West Cum berland street, entertained at her home labt evening In honor of Miss Beatrice Greenberg, of Waterbury, Conn. Those present were Mlas Hortenne Grcenwald, Miss Beatrice Greenberg. Miss May Sny der. Miss Lucille Schwartzkopf, Mlsa Viola Fleigelman, Mlas Harriet Jaffa and Mlsa Anita Rosenthal, Dr. William Hartz, Dr. S. S. Greenbaum, Dr. S. Coleman, Dr. II. Heymann, Dr. S. Wlnegrnde, Mr. Joseph Silverman, Mr. Robert Jalte, Mr. Sydney Silverman and Mr. Frederick Bonnem. Miss Edna M. Clark entertained the members of her chapter of tha Delta Gamma Sigma Sorority at dinner on Sat urday. The gueats were Miss Amey E. Bardens, Miss Edna M. Berroth, Miss Catharine F. Casnet.MIss Fanny D. Avery, Miss Reglna Brennen. Mlsa Alice Patter son, Miss Evelyn C. King, Miss Helen K. Clark, Miss Helen Smiley atid Mrs. Ernest D. Clanton. A reception was given ln honor of Miss Ida Cohen by her brother, Mr. AMUSEMENT METnOPOHTAN OPERA HOUSE SERGE de DIAGHILEFF'S BALLET RUSSE Tnnitrht 8 '15 "l"trouchka." "Le Syl- FBI.. "IOUeau da Feu." "Thamar." "L'Apr Mldt d'un Faune." "Pruioe Igor SAT. MAT.. 2 118. 'Cleopotre." "Lea SylphMea." "I PrlnJ ceua Enchantw," "Solell d Nult." SAT.. 'Thamar' "Petrouchka," "Le Spectre da la Ro"l'. ",'n.?, .Ie?f" ..?'." .,toa c"tnut at. Prtcta. 60a to (4. Walnut tiZt. IUc 67. Uardmaq piano uaed. T 71 ,-L 1 -. "AHKET ABOVE 8TII VlCtOria Bessie Barriscale Addd-Strane.C..inof'M,a0r?0Pa'f.'.1Jcol,; Tomor. Mabel TalUferro "Her Great Prtc'' Palace Warasivs. Tyrone Power in "John Needham's Double" Arcadia SXgWJi PriFTIi nomnjo LAST 8 DAI'S "The Moral Fabric" Stanley MARKET ABOVE 18X11 11 J3a m. tollitS j. m, Blanche Sweet 1- THE BOygBS" Amnwnnn 4Hf4tatSth. ltarktei AmSTlCail ArrBeJ TUDil MaU. XU4J-, XiiW.. SUA f &'LS .3 1 Maurice M Cohen, nt 413 Christian street, Saturday evening. Among the guests were Miss Minnie Fogel, Miss Anha Straus. Mlsi Reba Diamond, Miss Ethel Diamond, Miss Reba Magln, Miss Anna Roien, Miss Jennie Rosen,, Mlsi) Jennie Snyderman, Miss Roso Pcarlmwi. Mies Dorothy Wedupsky, Miss Ruth Niuslck, Miss Minnie Schwartz, Mlsi Lena Mnlfp sky, Miss May Miller, Miss Anna IClelh, Mrs. Gold, Mrs. I. Arlnsburg and Mr.'X. Arlnsburg, Mr. Young, Mr. Dugey, Mr, H. Jnspan, Mr. H. Kramer, Mr. William Samuels, Mr. Samuel Samuels, Mrs. Samuel Upschultz, Mr, Leon Stomlnsky, MV. Hnrry I,avncr, Mr Goldstein, Mr, Julius, Kntz, Mr. A I Rlchman, Mr. At. Nash, Mr. Maurice N. Peldsteln, Mr. Maurlco Rubonsteln, Mr. Harry Latchor, Mr. Schwartz and Mr. Johnson. Mr, Leon Slomlnsky nnd Mr. Goldstein furnhhed numerous piano selections and Mr, William Samuels furnished mandolin solos. Mr. Harry Jaspan gavo violin soloe whllo Mr. Young and Mr. Dugey sang. A SURPRISE linen shower was given by tho Crescent Sowing Clrclo !h honor of Miss Golden, nt tho home of MI1 Selfer, 412 Spruce street. Among tho guests wero Miss Lena Flno, Mips U Gnrtman, Miss d. Gnrtman, Miss Anna Golden, Miss Reba Selfcr, Miss Ida Jami son, Miss Sarah Valensky, Miss Clara Schwartz, Miss Florenco Hollander, Mlsa Ethel Selfer, Miss Sarah Weiss, Miss Sarah Altman, Miss Fny Hlrsch, Mr. Jo seph R. Herman, Mr. Morris Lyman, Mr. D. Miller, Dr. Llpschutz, Mr. Harry Ltn sky, Mr. Benjamin Segnl, Mr. George Bar iiett. Mr. s Schaffcr, Mr. Samuel Selfer, Sir. H Goldman, Mr. Samuel Gross, Dr. Benjamin Wilson and Mr. H. Sandy, of Baltimore. ,..'(Vn, oxhlb"'on danco was given by Miss Llhcl Selfer and Mr. Joseph Herman and n solo was given by Mls3 Lena Fine, ac companied at the piano by Mr. Moses Lyman. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wolfsohn, of 2B11 Rich mond street, entertained on Sunday ln honor of their niece, Mrs. Jack Goldman, of Now York. Tho guests wero Mr. mid Mrs. Abraham Stein, Miss Edith Stern, Miss Minnie Wolfsohn, Miss Anna Wolf sohn, Mr. Morris Kasycn, Mr. I. HornKy, Mr. Lowls J. Wolfsohn, Mr. Philip Wolf sohn nnd Mr. Elliott Goldman. The Brandels Zlon, Helpers of Zlqn. Shomrnl Zlon, Perez Zlon and Young Israel Literary Club, nil clubs of the Council of Jewish Clubs, gavo a Purlm entertainment last Sunday at the Metro politan Hall, 711 Fnlrmount avenue. About COO persons attended. Mr. Isaao Flcnstcln waB presented with a bouqtlet In appreciation of his good worlc The following constituted the program: Piano 'ui "ir. JacoD J'omerantz; vocal solo, Miss Besslo Ochrach; Purlm play, under titlo of "Purlm Players" ; address by Mr. Isaac Flensteln; vocal solo, Miss Susie Grossman ; musical quartet, Miss LlIHan Waltman, Miss Dora Davidson, Miss Ethel uuuuua. .uihs uermn Aaronberg; address, ..... uiiiimru luarKowitz; song, Mlsa Elizabeth Cohen; danco, members of the Louis Brandels Club, coached by Mlsa Tilda Hlrsch. "1 Tho spring dnnco of tho Mu GamrrfHa will be held at tho Phllomouslan Club on Saturday evening. Tho members of the club aro Miss Anno B, Bennett, Miss Mar garet Austin, Miss Mary Bates, Miss Lil lian Craig, Miss Helen Kielkopf, Mlsa Elizabeth J. Bennett, Mlsa Margajet Bates, Miss Ethel Austin, Miss Louise Rausch, Miss Marjorle Needs, Miss Resale Lauffcr and Mrs. Cornelia IC KreldUr-. Miss Anno Bennett will entertain at din ner prior to tho dance. Camden and Vicinity c Mr. Voorhees Anderson, who is now Irv Inff In southern California, Is visiting rel atives In Camden. Mrs. J. H. Llpplncott. of 227 North 7th Btreet. has returned from a visit to Bal timore, Md. i , Mrs. J. 13. Wright and son, of' 56 Pelfti street, have gone to California to visit relatives. Mr. John Cromlo, president of tjtto Beethoven Club, entertained the club at Its March meeting. fcn Mri. E. O. C. nieakley, Miss Helen nienkley and Dr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Street have returned from Asuury Part AMUSEMENT Forrest Last 3 Evgs. gLjgg ZIEGFELD FOLLIES ; NEXT WEEK SCATS TODAY THE OAYEST OF 11VSICAL COUBDIBS COME TO BOHEMIA! Garrick 1 SST COHAN & HARRIS Pre.ent THE FUNNIEST l'LAV IN THE WORLaV IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE - Original New York Cat and Production? ' Heat Seata II at I'opular Wednesday Matinee ACADEMt OF MUSIC ELMENDORF - Tosrortrtow fiuoav tmtta -- EVENINO. AT li IlNiJlA SATUItDAT (NEB AT 2:30 FAMOUS PAINTINGS 80e, 78o & 1 at Hyppe' Amp. 53c at Acaf. B, F. KEITH'S THEATRE CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS. MELVILLE ELLIS and IRENE BORDONI Franoea K'ordatroni; William Plnkham Cs,t Ball & WtS Norton & l; Daniel 4c Con rud; Umber's Animal and Other. J.l-iVa Theatre jumrEnsT VJlivJUC YAUDSVILI.B Continuouall A. M to n p. m. joc, ;sc :?& JAMES J. CORBETT- WOULD'S FORMEK CHAMPION k "THE FE-MAIL CLERKS' and Other. T VDTP TONIGHT AT 8 Ho AjXiVlU " Itcsular Matinee SaUrdar The New Yoric Winter Garden Million Dollar Mualcal Eztravuanx "A World of Pleasure" w p CLIFTON CRAWFORD. lONUuY & J.B WAIHB Collin ", r:a,rn warM, vesua Fiuhutn, Vrnnkltn liatle and llol Qulno HiJJliUX:ll TONIGHT AT 8.15 Tba eaxon'a Smartest Mualcal Ccwedjr ' "NOBODY HOME" - Full of Zip. Melody sod Fui SEB IT TONIOHT syBBt Tm. l5IVUXi.iJ MaUnee Wed. ft &v at S.Ii MAUDE ADAMS "SfrgSP Special Mat Tveday. April PBTWl 4M Walnut pp Mat Tody W Fiske O'Hara in "Kilkenny" HEXT WKJSK. OAUAOED tiQQU4" ENICKERBOCKEE VLAYEZH to A iVOi. VKHMI WAS- V $ Mr jfr ,c vvrcrf, wbw jn&r-ed a. sla- Lane,