PsW WHjffw Wwifir'i wn w EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, miG. 3 00M MEN WANT AGES INlKKASiai AND WORK TIME LESSENED international Association, Rep &'nn 7000 Skilled Mc- chanics, Demand 8-Hour h Day at Jtngner ray arge plants affected . .iim for litRhcr vraees nnd A,, hours lifts been lnnuRiirntcil liy the rt'.?r-.i Association of Machinists, 1 . IS No 1. of Philadelphia. The plans Wjtf1"',, ' i . n nccrct mcetlne of tho Potion held last Friday night In tho EjyVulldlnff, Broad and Cherry 'international Association of Ma TJi.i. District No 1 Is composed of . than 7000 skilled machinists A )Krt percentage aro employed nt the 1 tit of the Remington Anns Company. Ii'iivMrslone Otners iom m v-rumps 'Landing yards Baldwin Locomotlo (MpbulwinB . Station. Delaware Sunty. where a new munitions plant was HtofdeTmaldriR a campaign for n mln- m of B0 cents per hour, tho men will .v far an eight-hour day. General pros- 'according to the machinists, jus- ftLfai them n asiting ior ihuuimi m 'Jf, They say business In their trade i, nourishing tnrotignoui rcnii,..M. i committee composed ot 50 men has w,n appointed to take charge of the Increase campaign This committee Si hold weekly meetings nt the head- farters of the association 'rry man attending last Fridays , JrtlnK was requested to lote on n hallot u to whether ho aa In favor of tho r" .... .nmnnimi Tho oto ns unani mous In Its approMil Tho local unions t-nrMented at tho meeting were N'os. IRO. fn P 870 817 and 048 It Is said by the U.chlnl'sts that nt some of'tho munition rSintsin Pennsylvania and near Phlladel 'Jhlimen uere working 10 houis a day. Hundreds of circulars are being mailed ' UiY to members ot the association, nsU hr support and to rally towntd the moc- r:.t Tho circulars read: ll -M.,,.,1, 101C. Officers and Member. District Xo. 1, Fnlinaeipmn. i-h Dear Sirs and Brothers- j'jic rapm ufvt:iii'iiit " "wt r Ms brought about a condition which e hae been a little slow to take f iduntaee of Never before has there ' been so much business In tho coun try. yagcs have gone up and are ttlll going up We must get together ml hoost It along. Thcro Is still lots of room for improvement. Cery Shop in tho disirici is iookhik iur uci i ter conditions. Opportunity Is knocking at our door. It Is now or never. Tho ques tion Is. "What aro -wo going to do tbout It?" Money Is plentiful and work is plentiful. Our employers can no longer say that they cannot nfford It, or that they do not want to make 1 ny concessions Realizing these conditions and that ".Vow Is tho time." District Xo 1 haB decided to call nil our members to gether in Joint session for tho purpose of considering the following questions- First Shall wo make a demand for an eight-hour day , If so, Second What day shall we set for Its Introduction ; and Third What shall wo set ns our hourly rate? When these questions hao been considered and our demand arranged, then a committee will bo selected to carry on tho work With a good, live committee we will soon get our cam paign under way and by July 1 we will have realized a largo percentage ot success The Grand Lodge assures us of eury assistance In the establishment cf the eight-hour day, so let our iloran be. "All together, eight hours' work, eight hours' play, eight hours' 1 sleep and at least $4 per day." , Tours fraternally, I THOMAS U WILSON. Business Agent. i, f NOW FOR "CITY SIGHTLY" Billboards Attacked In Bulletin of r Bureau of Municipal ? RcsGnrch !, r The blllhoards of the city are the sub ;Jectof a sere attack In this week's bul Elrttnof the llmeau of Municipal Research, CWch simultaneously announces that an munition bearing directly on this mat ter will be held In tho School of Industrial Art from April 1 to April 10. The bul letin hears the title "The City UnsightU" ad the slogan "Restrict those things which dlsflinire vour cltv." The narmihlct 'points out that, whereas the city derives m Benefit from the billboard adertlse sents, "It suffers terribly from the un I'lhtllness of It" s "It may be a poor plan to barter the MlUty of a cltv" states the namnhtet. tint It la far wort.0 to give It away " F It Is suggested that If poster niUertls PI can not be altogether abolished. It fcjlroutd be well tn nlnn n tux nil It ThlH ijai, It is contended, would be a tax on luxuries W, "Will ou not help to waken up tho wwn on the subject of billboards?" queries .the bulletin &. Honewell in Dkaawn TliWlwlav 5 WILMINGTON Del , March 29. Rlch- ra tppes, Maurice A Fllnn and John Vaughan, Commissioners of Hopewell, US., the dll Pnnf nnwHr tnwn. have ar ptwd here to Invite officials of the powder apany to the celebration of the towns Irit blrthdav nn Anrll 13 T Is exnected ,tt celebration will be attended by the ,wvmor of Virginia and most of the fitata lkftlilala nVia .n..,M im,r lino n nnmi. Intlon of 35,000 This really is a "plu." laundry. Unusually fine work PLUS a tervtce that you will find really remark able. Why not investigate? Neptune Laundry iSOl COLUMBIA AVE nfTThiTuTAavetiet?' HEATING HOT WATER VAPOR STEAM M. J. MARGUUES & CO. 125 So. 5th k PHILADELPHIA Doth rhonu r 7MK UROCr UISTBIUUTOUS OF filANHA'lTAN SHIRTS lu 1'hUudelubLl AURSHALLSBUSH, j4 mhnn tn CZattilemmn 3 S, TJIIRTBENTH ST, m t- 'f lis? .-. " - ' ' -ii 100 ROSES, WORTH $5 TO THE NEW SAYRE President Wilson's Granddaughter Receives $500 "Flow- ergram," the Costliest Ever, Calling for Blooms That Won Blue Ribbon at Show JllbS niennor Axson Sarc, who will be 100 hourw old tonight, received today the most costly "flowerBram" ever sent to iv baby lu Philadelphia She Is the new est RranddauRhter of President Wilson It was woith $500. payable In BorRcoua Beauty roses which had won a blue rib bon at the riower Show The Flower Show men sent a "flower Bram" to the White House yesterday, and tho "flow ersram" sent to the Jefferson Hospital was tho result of an Imaginary comersatlon In Washington yesterday shortly after tho President received his American Beauty roses, tho gift of the show The Flower Show men Imagined tho President burying his face In the flowers, nnd saying, "I wish Jessie and baby Eleanor might havo had these" WOMEN FENCERS' CONTEST Miss Jessie Pyle, of This City's Team, Will Defend National Title She Holds Philadelphia women fencers will be In N'cw York today contesting for the na tional women's championship Tho Phil adelphia team will be made up of Miss Dorothy Samuel, who Is only 17 years old; Miss Jessie Pjle, Miss Mario A. Bradley, Miss Ida A. Toepfer. Mrs. Pax son Deeter nnd Miss Edith Evans. They nil belong to the Philadelphia Fencers' Club. Miss Samuel Is tho holder of the State championship She won tho honor a week ! ngo in a tournament held at William J. Herrmann's Institute, and two years ago, when sho was a mere child, she won tho Junior championship of America Miss Pyle. who belongs to tho Phila delphia team, Is tho holder of tho na tional championship nnd will havo to de fend her title Miss Bradley was runner-up to Miss Samuel In the State con tost, and Miss Toepfer won third place. Mrs. Deeter and Miss Evans were tied for fourth place Xcw York Is said to havo a very strong team this year and expects to wrest honors from tho Phlladelphlans The championship Is believed to lie between these two cities Hnrry Mackey Gets Henchman a Job Harry Mackey, Vare leader of the 46th Ward, today obtained a position for James C Keen. 522G Walnut street. In the Bureau of Wuter Tho place is that of pltometer operator at $1000 a Lyear, and the appointment was made by Director Dalesman, of the Depart ment of Publlo Works THE WORLD OF PLEASURE N oun lu vujo If OU hau lomrortuhli. feet HANNA H ' l'"r 13"' Hansom iiniinn (0up Lrun, a) nU I'JOI l'IIE.NTM7T ST. orna Itrinoiril. tie hu. Munliurlne, 3,Vr tfv jSk fL APPLIANCES Hm jra&.P-P p or Aicchanlcal Purposes IJB.VJI FOR CATALOOVB L. B. DERGER CO., 59 N. 2d Street Bell Market JJ1 Krvloneilaln 4000 AUTOCARS HAVE . v rx;: f'jtj ft ? W "We have run our Autocar steadily for an entire repairs. Its Results are such that we nave jusc oraerea anouier, says me auu urban Ice Company, 5408 I.ancaster avenue, Philadelphia. "We have found the car as cheap to operate as one team of horses, and with far more work aCCMore than 3000 other concerns in all lines of business use the Autocar. Write for catalog or call i n the Autocar Sales & Service Co., 23d and Market streets, Philadelphia, factory branch of he Autocar Company, Ardmore, Pa. EACH, 'ARE SENT BABY, 100 HOURS OLD - So they put this veiy probable senti ment Into tangible form, multiply lug the slzo of the gift ot flowers to his giand child many times The $500 woith of American Beauty roses for the Sayro baby consists of 100 radiance roses worth $5 apiece Thero Is ono for each hour of life the baby has lived. The flowers were grown ut Wjii coto In former Stnte Senator Joseph Ilea cock's greenhouses 1 his $37.50 (full size) Wardrobe Trunk $22.50 Black fibre, In nnd out, w It It maroon binding ; very smart appearanco ; patented cantilever extension bars carrying 12 hangers for 18 suits or gowns: 5 drawers; reversible hat box ; shoe pocket ; spring lock Other Special "Wardrobes" $25 $32 $45 $50 Steamer Wardrobes tlS up A Beefsteak Dinner in the "Maine Woods" FOR SELECT PARTIES, BANQUETS AND CLUB DINNERS Our new banqueting hall, which we have named tho "Maine Woods," is even more of a. novelty thnn our famous "Blacksmith Shop," known to thousands of epicures. Fitted up like a Maine hunting lodce it is an ideal place for a banquet where tho environment is different. Good maple floor for daneinp. Capacity 175. MltyWAWMf6fiA&&&tyW$$ Everything is cooked before WkMmSiS3m "" ' ''" old-fashioned illlVXA & "if fffJ'.'.itt'UC?RW5&-? BOOKBINDER'S STANDARDIZED DELIVERY SERVICE Chassis $1650 BOY OF 16 BOUGHT WHISKY BY QUART IN P0TTST0WN STORE Testifies in Montgomery County Court in Remonstrance Against Renewal of Li cense of Old Stand SIZK AMAZES SPECTATORS IIU i Staff Corrcsjioiiilnil MilUUSTOWN. l'n . Mntrli Si -All 1- oainld hn who tnrtllled Unit lie had Imucht nlilky In the old Tnjlor liquor limiw mi IHkIi otrool I'oURtnwn. n ji-nr rttitl linir fin-n linttyfn lid tllt 1? OIirH " ...-.. .- . old was tho onl oblai'lo In Hie O if I WilMain It fleluer tho pmiirlotor. when I ln niMillratlon for n roiettnl of lili wltole-t1- liquor HoiMio i-nino up befoie the l,ii .np Court here lo(hi I f..i.ili Sllock. nf St t'elrr'" t 'hotel j Count a ttalwnrt, bro.iil-shoilldered ouili stiiprlicil PU'i one I" the louil rnnm n veil 111 ho 'ml deteUed llelKCi and hi- ilerlt. when no inounled the wlt iipss stand The olltll -said be liccime 18 pr old onl.v l.iit inoiith St 1 01 1. ild thill he had tllrd tho li quor stole three times In the lat IK months Onoo. the llri'l time lie (sited thr- store, tthoii Just past I'l yenr-j of use, ho ns offered n ilrlnk lie acrepted the invitation, he slid Tuke .subseipiently. ho declared, ho bniiKht two uuarti of whlsl,y In liclKcr'M Hloir Whit did von do with these quarts?" nfkcil neorco Wanner, comifccl for the MmitKomcrv County Law and Order So clrtv Strode looked at the questioner with out the least sIrii of eiiili.-in.issnioiit. ' I drank It." he answered calmly "All of If" ' J'rnctlcallv all" ald Stiock Strock paid on one occasion, after Spring Suits $OA To Measure VV BRADBURN & NIGRO TaSlors to Parttncuillar Men Cor. 13th & Sansom Suits sr, tn s:) Foresight secured these beauti ful trunks before the rise in cost of mate rials. Foresight will bring you posthaste to se cure one before the lot is sold out.' 1028 Chestnut St. Philadelphia open fireplaces, on sweet-smell- mi hickory. MENU t Kouktrd I.ynn Ilium Iluys (Ml ion km rut i (rlllril Mrloln, Tenderloin and l.ngllxli C'lini lth Muxlirnoms (Serial on a t'oji Platr ) Srulllniitt, ItudWIirn, Olrry Hut llUtultn, on the Open Heurtli. Itoauf fort C hrese Crackers Coffe 125 WALNUT ST. "The Shore Dinner House" year with no expense for JJ Iiclng In Oolgcr's store, nnd later "knock ing nbout n lilt," ho went homo ''feeling pretty good " Oelger nnd hli clerk. Jlorrli Dotterer, said Strock had lold them ho una o( nge. Strode denied tlilp So liureillble did It Keem that thli Hlrni)lng fellow wan only 18 car old tint he was lecalled to the fdnnd nnd niked whether ho was quite poslthe as to Ills age The old Til' Ml' llrpior houc li ono ot the oldcit cslaljIlslimcntB nf Iho Kind In I'ottstuun, having Imd n 1lcene for the Inst 60 enlM The Icmoii'dratice ngalnit Rudolph Kel lei, another Pntlsluwtt wholesaler, was wlthdraun today by the Law anil Order S'o( lety t'liargct were made that Jacob sh.irtle, troirlelnr of the Central Hotel, I'olti towli, old liquor to two iiersoiii of known liitcnipcralo habit". Clark Howeti nnd Traill. Cos- It wa lostllled after being plated on the blacklist at the Con ttal Hotel nt the request of hli brother .Stephen. I'ranU l-'o was again -enrd ilrlnl, when hii lirntlicr taloed tho ban against him ntlhoiigh he waa still iu tcniliei.ltc In habit. The fiilluie of Slephen I-'ot tn nipe.i In answer In tubpoenn. de'lilte the receipt of wiltiess fee nnd mlhagc In ndwtme caused the Issuance of a beneli wairant Vo hail Rent word that he was III. but witnesses hiiIiI he was at wotk E. Caldwell & Co. Jewels, Goldwnre, Silverware qo2 Chestnut Street A Stationery Department equipped for the expres sion of individual taste Sketches submitted X The fundamental thing about ANY Player Piano is the Piano itself X )f That is what gives you the TONE, which is one of the main essentials in music. If the foundation is right, the tone will be right. The first thing to get right about a player-piano is the piano. That is why the PLAYER PIANO has been so enthusiastically adopted by prominent teachers and musicians as the player-piano standard. Its basis is the famous Lester Piano, which has for more than a quarter of a century been one of the great piano leaders. The world's foremost artists have testified to its superiority. All this excellence goes into every Lester Piano PLUS a player action which positively has no equal. All pqrts are made in one factory FOR LESTER PLAYERS ONLY. They are not found in any other player-piano. And yet it is as easy to own a Lester as any of the inferior players now flooding the market. Being sold direct, all jobbers' and agents' profits are eliminated. Let us show you how conveniently you can own a Lestex-. Cut out and send this coupon to us today. F. A. NORTH CO. 130G Chestnut Street Please send me illustrated booklet and full description of your LESTER PLAYER-PIANO Alko details of easy-payment plan without interest or oxtras. N-tat Address BRANCH STORES CAUDHX ISO lli-oadwy TBCSTON :o9 ut sutu strti WEST FHII.A. (Ot Boutb 5!d Stretl UEVSIVflTD.V 3311 ivcualncton Alt- WU.KE3-BABBK. V" ssss K ' "SICK AND TIRED" OF LIFE Young Man Given Thirty Days for Attompt to End Life "I am nick and tired of thing," was the reply nf Joseph Canning. 23 enra old, rear of 1.110 Crease street, vhen asked todav by Magistrate Costcllo, In the r,ast fllrard luemto Rtatlon. why he tried to end IiIr lifo by swallowing poison "I will glxo you 30 da) a In the County Prison, and see if Mill can't work up a little Intel est In life," snld the Magis trate. According to the police, Canning took the poison after his sister had up braided tilm for drinking lie wns le ino cd to St Mary's Hospital Physicians pumped the poison from his nnd lie was soon out of danger Distinctive Ideas Men's Furnishings 0 ONLY ONB STOHK 018 Chestnut St. Be Ltd. 3-30-19 HE.IDINQ IS North stb Btretl KOBBISTOWN StS WaitUiUSIml Soutt Mala 6UI m 3 -5f:rf" " m I l i ii aMMi 0MSk4&m' Raincoats a-plenty at Perry's! $10, ' $12, $15, $18 f The government report said the other day that the rain-fall quota to date since January first lacked about two and a half inches of normal. The weather man is likely wise to the shortage and will do his best to even matters up, and, maybe, run a little ahead of schedule, just to be in vogue on Preparedness. You know the old saying about the kind of man who carries an um brella in a downpour, but that it takes a wise man to tote one when the sun shines this time o' year at least. f Same thing of 'Rain coats. It's the man who has one in his closet or on his clothes tree round about April the first who de serves a place with the Sages. I Wc have them for you to get, and in a range of selections that will furnish to every man the coat of his choice. Rubberized Raincoats $10, $12, $15, $18 Gabardines in blue and tan, $12 Cf Cravenetted Coats of both domestic and foreign fabrics made for the double service of wet or chilly days. Brand new, and cut for comfort, fit and style. Perry&Co, "N. B. T." 16th & Chestnut Sts. - Mr" wrwy iTamtswwi vwmmmrm?