MII'BWyWPlilJW'IW4lW"WW'l'' Af1KV9i ,r....r.. ,iiinrp5,"-WWt"''' 5STK4 WEDNESDAY March 29, 1916 Uleiijer ,., . i i n mil y i ii iiiimi N' . - 9 TIMELY SIDELIGHTS ON THE DAY'S OUTPUT OF NEWS FROM A THOUSAND SOURCE It j REINVIGORATED RUSSIAN ARMY TAKES OFFENSIVE AGAINST LONG LINE HELD BY TEUTONIC ADVERSARIES This is the first war picture that has come out of Russia in manv months. It shows Slav soldiers guarding Austrian prisoners. The freshness and comfortable equipment of the Russians is in strong contrast to their haggard prisoners. The Czar's armies have been completely re-formed since the retreat from Galicia. Photo ls- Underwood A Undernood. GERMANS REAP HARVEST OF PRISONERS AT VERDUN French officers are waiting hero for a train which will take them to a prison camp. This' is the first picture received from the German side since the great battle began. !." . 't m!Aii.Ati!iiviii .... : .stHrv!5aw.e-.'''rA1 v.-53sSMSj53.ftl' $ ;;Bg5S8iSBB&8A!SBI vk r . sr" t j . i j r. kvv.viM umriBW4L'r.l4uk'. ; -. t. rttbTyMBHrrrrRihiH . u ,r--r ..-'. ' ;vL'"yT::;"s'"i'-''T5r:'-'" " ..':f..'w,.y- '.i tV'" .. .l-w-v.' -yMP y x ., "' HISTORIC AND PICTURESQUE OLD PENNSYLVANIA CASTLE AND GROUNDS IN DORSETSHIRE, ENGLAND, ARE NOW FOR SALE At tho left appears the property on Portland Island given to John Penn, grandson of William Penn by George III. On the right, in the foreground, is the donjon keep of the Bow and Arrow Castle, which is situated on the same grounds. Here was th residence of William II, called William Rufus, who died in 1100. .-, ; ' 1 --!. "' &. -4W - -HV '' &X ryv $'''"&$. ''" ' ' ; w; 5. ? . .' "j f-'Ad( - a. r ,. VMrJE2&3b , ' ' - ;): 'V-, .j ',.',,: sk, .('V ,. i'K- - : r j ' i ' ''V", -', 'r;'. "'" " ?.-. .-...-, &$mm: 'mzmw -?--l l ms,i,- mmlmkjifLj-ji :.-$''& u MRS. PAXSON D.EETE.R Philadelphia fenceri who will compete for the national women's, championship in New York today, VhD&xt toy Inuroilontl Film ervlcs. BIGGEST SUNFISH EVER SEEN IN AMERICA TAKEN OFF PALM BEACH This monster was harpooned by Ambrose Monnell, of ths Mid vale Steel Company. It is simply a colossal edition of the tiny fish often seen in ponds and aquariums. It weighs almost a ton and is believed to be more than 400 years old. It probably, wanaered over irom Airttan snore.. MISS IDA TOEPFER Another expert wielder of the folia, who jnlllP from this city to take part in the national fencwa toornamenti