gSTTTSrwM.Miw m .M'llylppllJllwwpl)pw IPiPPMpff!IWlii)lWiWiPl'iwyil W'l' '' iWtr! sVypWBj .-- 9fWmf 14 It, in,!1! EVENING LEDUER PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1916. FINANCIAL NEWS MORE THAN 50,000 SHARES OF STOCK WERE SOLD FOR FOREIGN ACCOUNT European Liquidation Caused Declines in International Issues of One Point or More Sterling Ex change Became Strong New York Stock Salefr Last close Utah Aitann Etprwi lH'i 115 Alav J (!oI, M Mi fllMK. Hold Mines ... Wi Allli-rhalmcM Mfg.... Hit Allls-nialmm Mfu pf. 78J, tow. close. 145 ift Points in Today's Financial iVacs Talk of extra dividend on Kennecott Copper when directors meet in New York next week. Buffalo and Susquehanna common slock rose to another new high mark on rumors of dividend declaration. Such action regarded as doubtful at this time. Price of bar silver higher in New York and London. Prices of black sheets advanced $2 and S.l a ton in Pittsburgh. Many favorable railroad earnings reported for month of February. usually iiroiiilncnt In response to tho I Anarai?thVonSM ;Irii unit domestic buyom 'fliero was J Asels Itrallzatlon!!! NUV YOltK. Mrcli 29. Although the menace of trouble over the disasters In the Kngllsh Channel Unsettled the market on Saturday nnd lias been a cause of uiipuhIiiorm bIiu-o that time seems to havo conuilotely illsappoarod, u new disturbing factor took Its place today. For a tlmo during tho early trading tholo was a show of tnoilpr- ate strength, with the copper stocks iinusti statements of largo sales of metal to foreign some covering of shorts In tho few of the standard Issues nnd pool activities were noted In many specialties. All this buying nnd tho Influence of bullish efforts wore nullified by con tinued selling of international Issues for foreign account. At llrst tho supply of ftock by Europe was scattered, but during the day this selling increased in volume ! nnd became the most effective market Influence and caused declines In many of tho International Issues of one point or more. It was hard to estimate the aggregate of tho sales for foreign account dur ing the day, but they were easily In excess of BO.OOO shares. These sales of foreign-owned securities were collected in pronounced strength in the foreign exchange market. Demand sterling rose 'i to 1.70. Thu day's dealings in foreign exchange weic tho largest noted for many weeks). The advance in sterling exchnngo rate does not give tho full mensure of tho security sales, as tho demand from sellers of scurltles was for it time filled by the liberal supply of commodity bills, and It was not until this supply was exhausted that tho foreign selling exerted Its full Influence on the exchange market. Am Ac c:himii.ii. . Am Ar Clrmlral pf, Am Hpot Suzir Am t'.m Am fan pf Am Cut & Pity Am Coal Product.. Am III.I,. & , pf..., Am Ici Stvurltli's... Am Unseed Am UnsvJ pf Am Locomotive Am Locomotive pf-. iim Miioit a iter, 117 Ti'i fll! OS'J no's 7.1'S iW'i ll.- sms 211 78' i 72 r.iu M 21) 7R ns 721$ 01li !.'! . S!li m D'i'f S't 13(1 Am Smelt & Hef pf. . . tl2?S 113 .ini frn.'ir ii . Am Smelt pf 11 Am Snuff Am Snuff pf Am steel Foundries.. Am SuMf lief Am SiiMf lief pf.... Am Tel A Tel im Tobacco,. .112N lllf 111' ttli "O'f list! l.jS3. liiS', tssi r,t 2sU Sl'.j I7! 7S!f W( 1(11 .iom imn 70 ..l.'.S'j . 3 . 28' . ?m . IC.? 1 1 j tW- 2M ims 77' J 101 KVI'ii 113 JKt'f S(l l!W.'i U)7H f.2'1 nipt iinu mu imu llnH UtH IliVs ll'5 l:ui'i I30JS I3('i l.w :l 2S ir.5 Wi lain I)0' 113 IM1' Ml 1H.V( .lfWH 107' 107!f 5 .i2' i I'll . nm ma Am Tolueco pf new. ..Iiy.', lofljj A hi Woolen jyit ;,( Am Woolen pf tMi'a 100 -nn wtidnK r pf ... . L'()'' 20' i ss MI4 Ml'i S7'4 M :U i AMoeiateii oil ftS 07 Well fops s J.' HHij Itt'Pti 103 K't'i Atoh Top A S V pf. ..101 IO')' 100'a 10'" aid Loco Works 10.Vi !) :01M I') Pi Kit x. m.i . . - t"r l ir' m-j'j loiWi loo' i fit fil tin's lo: in in ss ss1 S('' sou :H n't li 0i Talk of Extra Dividend on Kcntiecott Copper NEW YortK. JIarch 2'J. The directors of tho Kennecott Copper Corporation re scheduled to meet next week and there Is some talk of an extra dividend being declared at thai time. It was impossible today, however, to obtain any definite Information In this respect. It wus pointed out that there Is .sulllclent casta in the treasury to permit such action, although some are Inclined to the belief that the matter should be allowed to rest until the June meeting nnd In crease the rate at that time rather than pay extras. PROFIT-TAKING WEAKENED WHEAT Longs and Foreigners Liqui dated Further Unfavorable Crop News Received New York Bond Sales HlEh. Low. . M, llSlj . ll.V.n Id', . lis ns .mm unu . lll'n nil. .i(is; ins' CHAIN IIK1.T WKATIIKIl roilKCWST. CHICAnO. March 20 Tin- cOirr fnre- cnKt fnr 30 lionrH folliiWH: llllnnls and 3Ilnourl. ruin tonlislit and tnmorrnw, wurnier tontcht, cotilpr Thursilay; U'Kron rIii, partly fluitdy hi nortli, uiiHettled In nutli tonUlit, roldrr Thurnilayi Mlnnc-ota, nnstttetl nnd rolder fanlKlit, proliatily rain or snow In south, partly cloudy and ruldfr Thursday: Inwn. rain toulRht. rotdrr In west, unnfttlfil and roMrr Thursday, iirob nhly ruin or snow In south; North Dakota, partly cloudy and much colder tonight, fair nnd continued cnld Thursdns i South Unkotn cluudy tind colder tonlclit, prnb nbtx snow In cast, partly cloudy Thursday. colder In rant: Nebraska. tinrttlcil and colder tonight, probably rain or snow In east nnd centre, partly lom!y In uet Thurmluy, unsettled and colder 'In east; Kansas, ruin or snow nnd much i older tonight, unsettled, probably snow or rain In southeast Thursday, colder. CHICAGO. March 29. Profit-taking by longs and selling by foreigners weakened the wheat market today after It lind dis played strength following moderate de clines In the Initial dealings. The firm ness was the result of purchasing by dis turbed shorts, by newly converted hulls and by outsiders who expressed tho opin ion that a crop-scare period was ap proaching. The selling that caused tile reacttou was due to predictions of rain in the winter wheat belt, light clearances from the seaboard and continued liberal re ceipts nt points in the Interior. There was further unfavorable crop news. The I'rlee Current said that the general condition of the plant was lower than for some years at this season, with prospects continuing to depreciate. It Is too early to forecast the area of spring wheat, but the season in the Northwest Is backward. Snow was re ported there. Final quotations, however, were above the bottom. The market at Liverpool turned easy, following a steady start. Stocks abroad are increasing and the indications point to heavier shipments from Argentina for the week. Sentiment in Great Britain was affected by the huge reserves In tho United States and Canada. Tho apprehension abroad over the latent activities of Ger man submarines has passed, and cable said that new tonnage wuh sufficient to off set the recent disasters to ships. Iadlns futurea ranseil as soon Amr Apr cl'li ... ll.lisoijii Analo-Fr Ss iiuo Arts His lunil Amf Smelt See (In -linn Amur Tel clt Is . -Hiiihi do cvt -H4S .limit Alitor Thrvuil I . . . list, tSt, ini'ii Amer Writ Paper .Is 7S ft .iliiiiil Atchlaon pen is ... nj'i pf lunil do mlj Aa Ml". M!J4 liiuii ilo ev 13 lliilii u3?4 lon .-illllll llu vv ."m lit IT llll't Kll'i lisili Ateh & IJ ukla 4.. pi) ml Halt A: Ohio :iH.. !:: J"s -ii lo r.s nun, inn', .nun do is PI a. nl 11 II & O Sivn a '.nt lilii pis, limn Hem Steel rfil .Is.. lull's liuiij nnui) C f C Ren la 7S"4 t'ent Vt la sJ M liutiil Cent I'ue lal la .. UU'., nni lunil Ches A; Ohio cv I4, sll Ml :tn,iu cht : ;:n a ha sj vj 8I0IHI Cht II .V: 6 Joint Is.. tls, pi,, iltnio Chi MM&Ht I' sen la liM, USS L'lnmi) do iv I'.an lini'4 lint'. aituit do Ken 4 lis . ...Itt'J'a mi'; Juiimii Chi Mil & p S 4a.. Ill !1 llii") Del Ai Hud ronv .-a..iii4 luil. tliiui do rfil -la 1174 P7'.n junii Uen A: ltlo tlr rM fta 7 ."U- Iihiii ins Seeur Corn ."m.. 7:t . .; limn tlrle iimv In Ser a.. 7ii Tii1. Pinion Uo la Her t w I.. Mla initial ilo prior Ja S.. lasiin Hud A: .Man rfd .'s... 7,-IU Illllll 111 Steel dlj I'sb... Hi' i Intcrl. .Met 14s 7:1 ilium Interb It T rut ,1a... link mini Inter Mer ilur I'sa. !is Iliiiiil do it 4!ia ii?"! .lutni interni raier .is... tin -unn no us Iiiiiiin Jap new (J 8 ma. .I..,,,, u- i-t ft & .11 IH . .PC -mi H" Kan City So 1st aa.. ll!l, lunil Luckn. Steel . ttrjn.lnii htli s.,i , 7.-I'. PI 7:1 ; no. !is 117 Vi till in-". Open. Illsh. lAYt. 1 KN l-U'i l.HH July. J. huh 1-US l.ouS Sept. I ns I.O'JH. M)7S l. orn tnew qeiiery May. 731 July.. U Bept.. 74 h Ooata .... May,. 43S July . W Bept . 40 Lard May. July. .11. 77 Sept. .11.1)3 May... IS. 00 July. ..l-'.'.'O Pork May. ..23.0T July...3-J.S3 74- 73 ; iff 434 4U4 11.32 11.77 ll.SJ 12.0S 12.24 "3.07 22.87 72 !i lit, 7IC-. 411 11.37 11.57 11. bO follows: Yea' day' a Close, close. 1.184 tl.13',4 l.tlll, tl.lOU l.OS l.OSU 734 7.1 'J t75. I3'i 42 4UU 73H t74 74 t4l 42i 4U II Hi pn IIS . '.Ml :it. , II- . Ill ll . r,.s . IH . MS . Illllll . P7 . 711 '4 114 " 1111 111.1 1, 7111. 113 1ISI "34 .'111 n:t, tut v. on. 11.02 12.07 22.82 22.63 Bid. tAaked, Nominal. til. 37 11.57 til. bit til. 97 12.10 22.85 22. OT 11.37 UI.S2 12.00 12.10 U2.30 23.12 22. U 3 RAILROAD EARNINGS KRIE. February croa . . . . Nat alter taxa Klsht months' sroa. Net alter tae CANADIAN February cro Nit after taxes Kldht ruuntba cross. Net after taxes 1D10. J3.7B0.035 1.38,sl 11.471.I14K 2.a24.oiK; PACIFIC. 18.793.630 2,284.313 h3.d54.MU 34.008.3t) Increase. Jl. 37.1.31)1 31N.U&0 2. 311. una 812.422 (2.060,152 31.1, aa lS.071.81a a. PEIAWARB AND HUDSON. February cross Net tUht months' srosa. Net 12.12B,'J63 l!4 4, 323 J7.2t7.UlB 0,404.882 J6S9.743 4-'ii.HK 2.27.1. blU 1.887.320 CENTIVt. OF QEOimiA. February gross Jl.00fl.901 112.736 Net 222.33U 22.020 KUfbt months' sroaa. . 8.31U.4U0 20U.b22 Ntt 2.201.201 431.873 MINNBArOLIS AND BT. I-OUIS. February irrosa . . . Net Tula) inooma .... Msht niuuths" cross tat Tola! iacam 1.884, CHBaAI'KAKE AND OHIO. Fasruarr srrosa . . JS.84S.J7T N'st . . Surplus . ?83.!0 1 87 1. Unit iso, 4 an T.27S.417 ZIW.IKI-t 4.MT Ss,76I 344.002 10,1,011 380.248 (081.301 320.378 273.3tMI lfl..f,t months' cross.. 31 3ITD47 a.03!i.Sl N,L I0.S37.33H 3.3.U82 fciurvlus 4.S47.413 3.080.120 IAJUI3VJIAB AND NASHVILLE. IJSIrd week March. (I.18T.700 (236.170 rVom July 12.7t.tll2 4.873.315 Railroad to Suspend Passenger Service JATBOB . Pa.. Wares. IS. It has tsao Autb.orlta.t(voly stattd hare that the Pittsburgh, Westmoreland and Somerset pUus to jsiupjnJ pasMnger cscrvltot) awlos to tha fallur of the eervlcc e.. siu.'dA nrailtble. It la auf fhnt 4rtfdiiv ttiia raav nli. h ritiuvi,4ip,,ia I 8 13 164. a train ?."" ,.V"' T 7T7 ' - fw 1 Comm-rcUt" har j.I WIWIWH UBpreB, t 1 a,, a, Mii W)Ui illllll I.m'IfiL Stppt nw ln.'.n lunil l.ueleile (las rM .". limn I.k Sh ilel) 4a 1P2H.. I in to Limit Island rM 4. r.uini l.outa li Naah la noun Mnnliuttiin la ltimin Minn A; St L la limn .Mo K & nkl r.a 2iintl Mti Kan & T .la lltnil Mo I'ai- 3a ltlL'll. . liiun Mo lar rona Ha. . . .".nun Mont I'mver 3s,.. . III1111 N V f" I. S flt-a. . 3211011 N V C & II 4s. . . lllllllll N Y C & II Iba.. :.IIIHI N Y C & St I. lat 4s lilt, l.lllllll N Y Cent Ha Ill's 1:111m N Y City P.a lunil. . 1U2' 7(1(111 N Y City lUa I!nU 1ll"U linn) .n j iity 4'is IPII3. Illllll N Y N II Ic II its. Iiiiiiiii , Y Uwy ref la.. laimil N Y Itwy mU Ss... liinn N y Tel Ben Ilia.. 211110 Norf A: West la liiun Nnt Itwya Mx 14s 22111111 Nor I'm- prior 4. .tiliin Nor lae kcii :is. . . liiun tint 1'ow .la ..nun i'iii-lllr Tel .',a... .Haiti I'ennn la WIS... Sifxiii IVnna m IVja. . .22.J renna lta 1021 Iiiiiiin 1'uli Sen- N J ,",.. Irliiii.i !.... ,11 . .. ... " ' ..ri.i.tiii. KCI1 IN.,,., Ill 'm .,11(10 Kenuh Cuba ,1a JOII till ! antiii Hep Ir A- s .ia..." ,. utii? , I'llild ltlo (!r A: V clt .la.. 73 23(1110 Itoi-k lal.imt rfj la.. (Is 48(1110 H I. & S F Tet 4a 32 2WIIJ Seaboard A 1. rM la 711 . 2111111 South Hell Sa .... ."unit, IMMS) South 1'ae cv 4a .. 88 4.,(l(l ltd rv ivl f , R. lull -,,, riuuiii i-ac rru 48.. . Utiiino South Itwy Ken Is. Illllll Texus Co it lis..: 2111111 Thlnl Ave new Is. IIM8I ,lo n.lj .la ...... 47(1110 Tokln Ca . IIIUII Tol I'eo & W a... -Illllll T s Steel 3s a i . . 2IMMI rnlon lias; A: P Sa. I30H Union IVo lat 4a. 211110 ilo rtil la " lunil Va IC4B 1st Ba. HMio Va Itwy 3s ; ,s, UlilO Wabdah lat it .,..ln . uuotl do 2d 3s ...... .pn 11 inou Weat Klec 5a In.'iJ tliiiio West JI.1 lat 4s ... 7ni 2000 West Cnlon 3s 101 inn :i I ' tm ti", Pi)'. t4 !:T'i 3S Is 8S4 111114 (17 7(lTi 112 4 (US !i IJ. 11. Vs 1112 1, 1112. 1D7 IIW4 711 321,. US'i D.Tj 30 1)3 4 0(14 111 .Km 4 inn 4 i ir ....,- ,- u.. ..H134 -.1112 4 . . (II 'i lit !)0 ". J . 82 4 . 84 4 . 784 . 5114 .1014 . 821, . 1174 . 111 1 4 111.14 in fill 4 114 4 11114 tm 4 73 (174 no 4 71) H inn 4 8S'. Ml ft tin 4 t 1 1 13 4 82 Ml 78 4 6114 lm 4 nr: pr in 1 i on 4 "n"' 101 Close. 1)8 4 li.-i 4 lis 110 4 t ins', PS "a 73 1114 8(14 1(i:i 4 HI14 llll 1124 Hints 1114 1114 luu'i 784 82 1111 4 811 S2 lis 4 li.'4 lull 4 lii24 PI inn 4 D 7 1 7iii. 8U4 ,s ,, 73 4 PI 73 4 11:14 Ps 117 4 ill! 'nil ,.i4 IKI4 Inn PI 4 1111 113 i 11114 Ii 1 4 112 1114 r.s 4S 8S4 111114 !I7 7114 1)24 PI 4 IU4 114 lltt'i 1112 , IH74 11134 ill l IIS II s P.-I4 .111 ti:t 4 1:114 til 4 lnnv, UP 4 1 ns 4 up; m 4 tm , pn , 75 t:,s 32 7114 inn 4 8Sl! Ill 1 4 1111 4 714 10.14 82'J 84 4 7StJ 311 'J 1114 4 82 4 U7 4 pn 4 mi Ps4 11114 opt, 1H2 4 74 lot .tlt A Ohio. 'lit A Ohio pf Hank of fommertw... ll.ilnpl!.n Mlnlns .. Hi'thlehNIt StrcJ ilroolclyn liap Tr. . . . Hroivn Sho" pf .... Hruns T & It It sec . Hint" & .stip,'tior t'al IViratciini Canadian I'.iclfie Central latrmr C'cntriil Saltier pf... Cent s s A Tel .... Cli.tmllfr Motor Chei Ohio Chil" Connor Chlno Copper Chlroiro (it West C'IiIimbo (it West pf.. Chi Mil &St 1' CC C A St t Chi A xnrtlwi'Strrn.. Chi II I A Par Col Kui-I A Iron Col A Soiithnrn. . . . Continental Can ConsolMatni (ias. ... Con (J K I, A i' Hal. Corn Products lief... Crtifllilo Stcl Cniclbli- Meet pf I).w A Co pf DWII Sec Corpn Krli- Krlc rlclits Krlp 1st pf I-'etl Mln & Sm Fill Mln A Sm nf.... Cen Chemical pf General Illectric General Motors pf. . . Goodrich II K Granby Con.ol Greene-C'amnea Great Northern pf G X rfs for ore prop GiisL'onholm Kiplnt.. IlllnoW Cent Int Agricultural pf. .. Int tlarv X .1 Int Con Cor v t c sh. Int Taper pf Insp Con Cop Int Nickel v t cfs..., Int M M cof dp Int M M pre of Up. Jewel Tea Jewel Tea pf Kan City !-outhern.. ,vs 70' 5 .170 L .170 . XV i 07' i . !)U 1x114 Si's 10H vm ,11(14' ,M0 Wi l!2'.' rJi's 1:1 :i74- HP, ii ss' 7n"a 170 inn xVi US' i h' !U SVi m :iu 11114 iv. 111! o:i.M JL". ran 1:1 :t74' IMMi II t7'( IT'a . -I.Vi . 1!74' . 8.1 .i:'s .ill .. Lll'i .. 11(1 ..H.V, .. ilIJi .. IS .. :i74 .. Ii .. fjrc ... 1!" .. ri ..lii'i ..107'-ij ..lir. .. 70 .. S'.l'i .. id . 122 ii 20JJ l().t filll! :m S.-.U l.Viii 111) I'OU !)t5 s' 7(1 l)s -."il K-,l( IIV( O'i Id's an 107 :,H 13,i !1 ran on 1:1 D7'r iKl'f II 120 Wi LV( U7 XV ( ixvi no SS' hi 704 10- Pi XV i llS'f ! (ill1 a SVi 1 io: . r.i, 1104 iv. (VJJa Hi :i7'i At 12(1 17 l.Vi 27 y.ii l.V.?i 111) 204 sn.1 i BANK OF FRANCE RAISES ITS NOTE ISSUINGPOWER Takes Advantage of Law and Increases to 18,000,- 000.000 Francs EXCEEDS ITS GOLD STOCK By YVES dUYOT Kill tor IAttenee tlronoinhiue et t'lnnnclore. flprc-lrti Cable tn frenliii 7.rduer PAltlS. Mnreh 2!). A Krent oVcnt--whlch linn heeit forcsectt for porno tint i tlio rtilnlnir of Hi" rlRht of note IsstP! by tho Untlk of Krahco, to IS.OOO.ODO.ODO frniirit. When tho prlvllcR-e of the bank was re newed by law December 2. 1911, It vn9 near the nmtnln of Its powers of emission, ni there then wns olilstiindlitK B. HO, 000, 000 frntics In notes, while the Inw nllov.vd fi.SOO.OOO.OOO. The rlnht of etnlssloii wns then Inrrenseil t.noo.OOn.OOO fnttic."', but It wits seen there would lutvo to he another Increase, reparoles of the question of war. When wnr was tleelared the rlRhl f emlHslnit was Increaretl to 12,000,000,000, with pirn-era nf further Increase cniifriietl on the rlovcrnntent by an Order In Coun cil. In virtue of this power n new In crease Is now mntle. Formerly It won the unwritten law that the note Issue must mil lie more thnn three times the Kriltl stuck. (In Mnri'll -!:t tho cold stock wns R, Oil, 300, 000 francs, so the rlRlit of tinti- li"iie Is now a little more tlintt three times the cold stock. Sales in Philadelphia .r Am tins 120 14 Am Ilhryn. ... 3lai 201 Ilul7 fi Su.1 t e 47 223 ilo pref .... ill .100 Chi It I & I. . 17 I ('urn Iron .... 43 . 7 Cum Hlrel ... 81 Int! f'rurl Steel ... Ilt'j ll.Y Mire Storaite.. H2S (I Ins C'n .V A.. 2(1 inn Kenne copper, 3il'l IW Uikn Sup Corp lof W LehlBh .VHV.. , 73 3 I-ehlBh Vnl... 774 Son lli Vnl Tr, . 22 r,n ,! t.r.t . j'lii. inn Ncvndn Coni. 17!S fxiw. Close 120. i- iiiiH 17 13 .(!. in H 02 211 3IIU 1H4 734 774 22 S !!'t ..... - .. : 1.1 ::: I. ins rennt it it., nils .ii'v. .m: 2 rn Snlt Jim. .111114 HUH mi's III 14 17 (It 17 13 SO, nm n2 211 3(1 4 104 73J4 77 Vi 224 434 171, 311; .1 IV-nnii Mlol . . .kn 12 On nref . . . imtl .III Plilln rn.. . . 1:14 ion rlo eum pref II 131 I'hllo niertrle 274 MS 1' ft T tr ttrn 1P4 3 I'hll.i Tractlnn 774 2311 Itemlln stiH lu:i:i Ton llnl 44 .123 Tnii .Mln ii.i :i!7 Hit True 14 212 tT (1 I ... MI'J 2SIIII C H Stiei .. . HSU I IVVstnu.r Coal tlJ 12 Urnmii k Sons SdVa IIONDS. Illsh. tiw. J Inoo Ant (1 A Kl 3a ti:t4 P.'l'i iiiniii I'lty IS 11141. .1H2N HI2N Ml phH i:i' .. S3 'i4 134 Ml 4 Kit HSji 14 4ji ..... 4:if 4 4 Ml 4 J H4 4 H 117 U KJt, '4 BUFFALO AND SUSQUEHANNA AT ANOTHER NEW TOP MARl Company Common Stock Sold at 47 Talk Aa"! xj.i-c.iu uj. aivxww.u ...viivan xvauvvaya uom. mon at Best Price of Year Net Cloe. clme. P.114 Illllll ilo lilts . .IH2S 11.14 ll.".Jii ll.'i'i 0 J'a I7'f :;oi ! no 47li 110 II IV ;i7'i ; .VI L'ft'j od 110 1004 100 110'f 115 77lj !l() 111 lir.'j. ii 21)4' IKi 0(1 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR 7.-.S 10'f nun l.'iU MU l(i:t .jfl'r in !7J3 I :i7 ii I 20 ; 17.4 I 110 Hi'l 11.. -r,u 0) IS'f 1214 i;i'ii 204' ki:; o4' Wit BAT lleeelpts, 37,(1113 hush. Tr.tilii wnt fair iiml the mnrlfrt ruld nrm nt the late nil vnnr.' c3uiitatlnnH: Cur lets, tn export ele vator No. 2 red, spot umI Mnreh. $1.1750 1.20, No. 2 Southern nil. 5' Ti I.IN. mounter Nn. 2 red, SI.IHil.17, Nn '1 red. Sl.lltM.17! r.-jeitp,! .. (1.1141111 114: rweeled II. SI in Hi 1.13. Clllt.N Iteeelpts. SRIIK hush. Tl tnnrliet ruleil tlrm iitul 4e, l.licher under lkht ofter Imrs nnd ii fulr ili'inaml. yuotutlons: t'ltr lots tor Iti-il trilil-, nn In locution. No. 2 yellow, !iik tl. site. : MP-ntner 'llo', 774 8i'7S4o. ; No. .1 ellow. 71 4 "i 134e. ; No. I yellow. 724 W 734'.. lob. ht "II ll.. 7ll7P,je. OATH Iterelptu. 13.302 hush. There Ivn.i n fulr deni.'inil nnd prlres mlvfinreil 4e. under llisltt i.rferlnus. iWoiutlons: No. 2 wnlte, 31 le .M'jr.: stiiiiiliinl white, in 4 tn sifir. ; No. 3 white, isfi IPe : No. I white. 1114 (d I74e. ; Miimpfn outs. 43ifflle. : purine,! outs, nraded. 4S'l ifi .".tie. l-'l.tlVlt Itci-elptM. 7SO libK nnd fll4.t13 llw. In s.iehs. 'I'rutle wiih elow. hut v:ilun were Htemllly niiiti.tolnril. OuoImHoiih per llltl llu. in wood: Vlnter. rleiir. S3M3.23: do.. i-tnilKht. tlS.2Sfo.3tll lli).. PUtfllt. S3,IHl(.t3.H3; rntton w.iehs. l.7ii(i l.tltis do., iralKhl. eotton saeh. "i.2(t(e 3. lo: do., t.nleiit, lottnn eneks. $3.4111" .".lid: eitrltur. llrst clear, S3. 13ii3. in: do., stralBht. 3. mm 3.03: do.. pnt"iit. .3.70('i III do., fahorlte lirunds. S(l.l3(f il.tlii: city mills, choice unit fancy imtcnt. JH.13 u.t,.: no.. reKUiar irriutei. winter, clear. s.k'J Illllll llnrwnml K ill lirl .Kinil Key Tel 1st "s !i4 . Unit l.nke y Inu 4s 32 tnoiiii l-li Vol iten 4 'is1 12IIIHI la ron.t HUM. ppt, 2inil(l l'a l'n u 4'is.1li24 lonil do ens 4s. 1P3 4 .13(111 1'hlhl Wee 3s llll 120(11) lteail wen 4 s PS tioiiii fn Ily lnv 3s 71 4 31)110 York It 1st 3s P34 lm tense. IJ.-crense in: in: lis 4 32 ti:t ,l!!!i 1(124 102 k 02 U pi 4 32 PS1. nun 11124 1112 II1314 11134 111:14 nn IIS PS. 714 714 1134 lift's p IS 3d: ilo.. do., steady under $3ct."..'0 per 3.23: do., do., rtruiuhl. S3.23(." Patent. XS.iln ('.". S3. ItVB Kltlfll was quiet, hut llltht offerlnirH. We nuote ut bill., ns tu nuullty. PROVISIONS The market ruleil firm, with n fair Intililnc demand. uuntiillous follow: City Peer, In sets, smoked it nil nlr-drted. 24'5,23e. : Western lieef. in sets, smoked, 2IW23e. : elty Pecf, KtmckleH nnd teialerH, suinUcI and titr-drled, 111121c; Western lieer, ktnicKles and tenners K C Ft S & M pf 024 Kelly Sprlns Tire, Kennecott Copixir f,"ijj Lark Steel Co 774' Laclede Gas 10,",!4- l.ii' iiubher Tire filJi Lehigh Vallev 771 i Llsu'ett & Myers 2,'it,4 Llst'ett & Myers pf.,.1214 Lorlllard V Va 1SS !-urlllanl I' Co pf 120 Mackay Cos pf C8 Maxwell Motor 7.'i Max Motois 1st pf.... S04 Mat Motors 2d pf. ... 0) Minn & St Louis 0 Minn & St Louis pf... 15.4 -Minn st i' & s s M..110 lKHit IlllJi 11(151 Ii(lj smoked. 2111 27c. : Peer hams. $2SSi:hi: pork, taiiiii.. j-;i, ,111 v l l ; nains. e. 1'. cunu, inose, Itl'aifi l"e.: do., shlnneii. loose. liiHfclic.; do., do., smoked, li(fris4e : other hamo, smoked, city cured, uh to liraml and nvernse, 174ft(1Se.: hams, smoked. Weslern cured. 174iMKe.: ilu,, hotted, honeless, :!ne.; plrnlc Httnulders. S. P. cuied. loose, ic: ilo.. smoked. 13"f134c.: hellles. In iilekle, tirenril I11K lo aveniKe, loose. 14 4 W Inc. : hrrnkfitst Paeon, lis to Prand and ineraKe. city cured, l"rlnc.: do. Western cured, l7(tPlsc.: lard, Western, rellneil. tierces. 124c. t do. do., tuhs. 12'sc; do. pure city, kettle rendered. In tierces. 124c: do., do. In tuhs. 124i 17'i oil 17 4.V. 17Ji ess,; 774 111)4 !0 n 11)!, 7H 104' 17 0114' 17 104 17Ji I.-.4 104' 07'i I41 114 110,'f 110 20 01 7.i' .50? 11'i r 1114 W l.")4 10.4 00 T,'i 1104' 2..4 01 '. 77 llHlj 774 2,".n 1104 101) 1174 OS 7l'i Jid'S 1(W4 Sl'X 774' 2.-.0 Wi US' j ISS4 10(1 504' 10,'l4 ,v 77i4- 2.V) 11 OS 0 IS 111) Mexican Petroleum.. ..100'f 111) IT as 724 XjU 554 0 IS 118 Mo Kan .t Texas Miami Copper Missouri Pacific. Montana Power.. National UKctilt. . at Lead Co-...., Nat Lead Co pf. Nev Con Cop New York Air llrako N Y N II & II , N Y C & II it N Y I' A- St I. N Y O & West Norfolk & Western Norfolk Southern. . Northern Pacific. . . Ontario silver Mln Pacific Mall , Pennsylvania It ft. . Peoples Gas Chi.... Pitts Coal Co XJ. i'ltts Coal X J pf. , i'ltls (J C 4. St L . Pressed Steel Car Co :i4 .. .'i04 .. !,' .. 7!) . . 12.". GOJi ..111 104 14.1 0.14 MONEY IN NEW YORK .VKW YORK, March 29 Money market conditions have shown hut little change In recent weeks, although tho impression ap pears to be gaining ground that tho ten. dency will soon be toward hardening of rates. Six months' money is being loaned on mixed collateral at 3 per cent while call loans are being made at 1 i 5 2 per cent. The usual heavy disbursements on April 1 are expected to stiffen money rates temporarily for call loans, although it is not believed that it will have much influence on long-term paper. There has been a somewhat less freer offering of money during the last few days, the banks holding off before a period of large dis bursements. At present there Is a call from the in terior for money for the regular spring movement, the planting period, eta This is expected to keep up for a month at least. Strange as it may seem, some of the large Chicago banks are very Hush with money, whereas it might be supposed at this time they would be using a great deal of money. Careful students of the money market situation state that the banks are finding a means for employing their money at profitable rates. Many institutions, it ia stated, have temporarily withdrawn from the market. They are atill loaning, but are not anxious to push the matter. Many are making special loans; that is, loans of a special character that ordinarily would not be demanded. France Buys Copper NEW YORK. March 39 The French Government has bought 10,040 tons of copper metal at 27 cents for May, June and July delivery. Thta same Government is also in the market for much larger amounts for the latter part of the year. 11V I Pf-- S7.4 . as 1214 21 .llli'i . 0 . 214 . fifl', .101'' . 274 .1024 . 704 M4 X'Ai .".r4 0 IS UK iuo-t urj't I I :ir4 304 44 14 "ST. 7K4 1224 122.4 1224 074 0114 07 11,1 ii;i 11:1 174 17 174 11:14 u:vt 11:14 034 H4 014 10 14 11)34 57H S-i 4 H04 14 ru4 1004 .'iS 274 1214 21 1214 1214 21 21 li:i.4 1134' 11,14 J 21 .'.04 1014 274 102 7!) fiH-i .r.!l4 1014 204 102 7!) M4 Pressed S Car Co pf.,1024 1024 102 Putt Seiv Corp X J.. Pullman Co Uuicksllver pf Ity Steel Sp Co.... Ity Steel Sp Co pf. . Kay Con Copper. .. Heading Itepublld Iron & S. US 102 r, 40 . 90 21)4 804 SI4 Mi 2.1 f.14 1014 20' 1 102 7!) M4 1024' 1104 1104 1104 102 1014 una .104 M 2.14 s;;4 51 a 304 03 -:i4 r.l :i04 iiti 2:14 r.54 .ii Itepublld S pf 10S4 IttSJJ 10S4 10S4 144 14 Rumely M cfs dp St Louis SSF ht L & S V 1st pf-.-- St I. &S F2d pf St Louis Southwest. .. Seaboard Air Line Seaboard Line pf . . . bhat ArU Cop Sloss-Shef S & I toulh Porto It Sug. .. Southern Pacific Southern Pac t cfs . . Southern Ity Southern Ity pf Standard Mlllini Standard Milllu: pf . . btudebaker Co Tenn Copper Texas Co Texas Co tights Texas Pacific Third Avenue Tain City 11 T Union lias & Paper. . Union Uaz & P pf. ... United Cigar Stores... 024 United C'ijar Stores pf!20 United Dry tioods pf . 02 Union Paciilc Union Pacific pf-. n u 44 24 0 H 14 44 104 104 154 154 354 354 37 ,'i.Vi 504 504 1054 1U14 11)44 .' var, ()i UU'i 1154 21 21 m 50 054 054 834 0.S4 111 111 544 534 1UJ 101 174 174 74 75 02 02 14 J4 74 74 31 3(1 Co 0,-, 11U4 HUH 1104 U.l lii 03 1:1-14 133), 1324 1324 o. KJ S24 S2,4 103J 104 354 . 30 . 50 107 0.S3, ."21 50 . 004 . SO .113 . 534 .195 - 174 . 74 . 132 91 74 314 14 24 0 44 104 154 354 30 604 1104 21 5'J 1154 A4 Ml 534 194 174 74 62 01 74 31 93 United Fruit 145 , 1454 il4 1454 r,: uV. tj" " '0- i" Uhitubber 52 52 51 Slli U S llubtwr 1st pf....H04 1104 1104 H04 U a Steel Corpn &jvj K5i SI &m U S MMl Corpn pf 1 17 1104 1104 1104 &S4 0j OS), C84 514 53 52 52 434 494 15 49)S 04 S1K 81 blH 40 454 454 -154 BAEt SILVEU Ht Uvr toUMM Wail ire ctustt iiivsr. ut,"ew York a. saia si i nx. was U S Sbi It & M U S Saj It & M pf. U S Espress Utah Copper Va-Caio Clwoi. ... Va-Caro Cbem pf. . Wabash Wabatapf A Wabajhpf B 2S?, Vet E & M CO West Union Tel iiOH Western Maryland 33j Yt'ett MiryUud pf 49 Wheel & Uk Krie. ... 2ii vt mm urvruoa 221 -110JI 1114 1114 1114 154 U4 15 15 40J 47H 20 C04 00?f 334 484 24 22!) 40)i 274 054 90)f 32 17 W :2.i 404 2SH OMi 904 324 484 a 5K3 Wiujie O pf r t p. . itwy l&tu iojw fuW WooHsortO K W ...1224 123 1224 1224 Ypoi.orth F W pf 1244 1244 1244 424J XoUl sales, 57.700 shsrts, eouprtd wlik 339,O0 shares resterilaxi thus (ar this week, i.CStJWO hsrti sattw pertoil test week, J 0W,3) stars. REFINED SUC.AKS The tnnrltet was uulet hut llrm. Wo quote: t:trn line uranuhile,!. "e. : pomlered, T.HJe. : ronfeetluners" -. tMiou.; soft BruUeH, (1.2jitP ,U,"C' DAIRY PRODUCTS 'lll-:i:si: -The nurhet ruled llrm under llsht offerlncs and 11 fnlr ilenuuiil. yuotiitlons: New York, full eream. funey. IKHWllic. : ilo., ilo.. fnlr to irood. held, ISKlSHe.: ilo,. do., part Bhims. lletliic. Itl'T'ri-ilt Tr.itle wns fair atnl the market ruled , rm i'iiiIit llsht nfferliiKH. Quotiitlons: Western, fresh. ..nlld-packed, ereatners. funey. speehils. 4Hc.! extra. :iSe.: extra tlrsts, :t7e.t llrsts. :it!e.: seconds. :nc;i.'c.: nearby prints, funey. He.: nveruse extra. :1!K''-HIl'. : tlrsts. :i(lw:i7e.: seconds. :iHi,1.'-.:: sueeliil fancy hruntls of prints jobhlns at 41(111. KtJtlS Tho ninri.i-t rul-'d htendy under mod erate offerings and 1 fHlrly aetlve deniand. Tol lowlnir ore the ien,".-itl'nis: In tw eases tinirpy 1 extra. 2ilc. ter dusu: nearby llrsts. 5.(1, 4. 1 per standard ease: ntarUv turrcnt reeetpts, $(l.:pt jkt ease: Western extra tlrsts. Sll. 4.'. per ense: do.. Hrsts. Sll.llii tr ease: Southern, per ease. .s.'i.K.'ii'i as to quality: faitev selected eves were Jobblns at 2Tirr2Pc. per don. POULTRY I.IVI3 The market was firm with dentRnd eitual to the offerings of deslrahle stock. Quotations: Kowls. ISt'.lDe.: roosters. 12CP l'2v.i Htirlnt; ehlekens, soft-tneateil, 1ll$2llc.; do.. sta?i?y. 14('iir,e,: ducks, as to size and quality. lM-o(; seese, iiv 1:11,; pitceons. 1110. tier pair, 2S(ft:njc.: do., yountr. per pair. 20t'f 22e, DHKSSKU Iterelpls of ileslralile hiih-U wrro Unlit and the market ruled tlrm. ulth demand ralr. tiuotntlnns: I-Vesh'tcllletl. dry laekeil fowls. 12 10 l.ox. ilry-pli keil. fancy selected. 2le.; do., lelithliu; lvi-.l IPs. apiece, 211 ic. : welshlllB I Ihx. apleee, 2i''ie.: uelnhlnir tlVt llw. Rilei-e. lPi.: wclshlnr :i lbs. anleie, lTif? tse. : fowls. In this., fancy, do -picked, weltrhlnw 4'-jiri lbs. apiece, 2iic ; wclshliu; 4 lbs. apleee. 2iie. ; small sizes. lUiniie ; old roosters. ilry-ik-k,d Lie. Chick ens Jersey fancy broilers, 21200.; other nearby fancy broilers. 22 W 21c. : Western broil ers, ivelghlnir 14 2 lbs nt'leee. 2224c. ; Northern Illinois chickens, fancy yellow, wchrh lus 4 lbs and over, In boxes. 2Hi22c ; North ern Illinois, fancy, welshing 24:tl lbs. In boxes, lS4t lle. : Northern Illinois, fancy, welKhlne 2'4fl,:iV4 lbs.. In bbls MfflUc: other Western, weiuhinu I lbs. and over. In holies, Ihlf IPe. ; other Western, welahlnir 24 llt lbs.. In Imixcs. lllOlie. , other Western, wctshlnt; 2'i31.j lbs.. In bbls.. 16010c; In ferior. 14c. Capons, per lb WelxnlllB hWlU lbs., apleee, 272Sc. i smaller sizes, 23&?2Uc. Turkejs, fancy, yountr hens and toms, 31e. ; ilu., fair tn choice. 2oftT3iie. , do., old toms, 23c. .Sprints ducks, nearby, 182(i, do., Western, fancy. I7i(lKe. : do., do., fair lo Kood. 12(' 15c. Geese, l.ltf 21'c. Hquabs. per dozen White, wels-htnjj 11 to 12 lbs. per dozen. JS.tlOOK.T5; white, weluhlni? It to 10 lbs. per dozen. t7to n.r.n: white, welghlns H lbs. per dozen. 34 (..Ml; do., do.. 7 lbs. per dozen,; do., do.. 8il'-i lbs. per dozen. I2.2.".iti'2.75; dark. $22.73: small and No. 2. Ht 1.35. FRESH FRUITS The market ruled steady under moderate offerings und a fulr demand. Quotations: Apples, per bbl.!. I:te4: llaldvvln. 2.r.l) 6 3.25: Oreenlm.-. I2.25r.l. York Imperial, S2ft3 2.'i. Hen Davis. S1.73&2.5U: other tdrlettrs. J1.50S2 Sll. No. 2. 11.2501.50. Apples. In bulk, Per 100 lbs , "(ic ti il.:,i). At Western, per bux. il 25x2. Orances, Klorlda. tr crate, 2 5u&4 Tantterlnes, Klorlda. tier strap. 126 3.50. tirapefrult. Klor '''j, ,twr rats. J28(S..'iil l-muns. per box, 429e.l I'lueanples, per crate lurto Itleo. 2 ..Ui3..-.i), Florida, 12.SOW3 iiM. Cranber rles. Jersey, per Lbl.. !3fJ7. do., Jersey, per irate. it.5&2.2-". Strawoi-rrles. Florida, per qt. Itefrlserutors. 3045u. . oj.n crates. 20tjJ 30a-. VEGETABLES Desirable stock sold fairly and rule,! firm with supplies well under cunlrol. Quotations: White potatoes, per bush.. I'ennsylrnnU. 11.30 .-: do., do.. New York, I1.151. 20; do., do.. Western, J1.15W1.2; da., Jersey, per basket. No. 1 Hose. (J5&75C : do., do.. No' 1 other varieties, uat273c; do., do.. No. 2. 30fA 40:.; do.. Florida, per bbl.. No. I. 17S; do., do., No. 2. U0T. Kwett iwtutoes. Jersey, per basket. No. 1. 43St50c. ; do., do., No. 2, 23 3Dc: da., Jersey, Delaviurv and MarUnd, per hamper. No. 1. 75c. 6)1. du.. Uo.. No. 2, 5U(8U0c. : do.. Vlmtnla. pt-r bbl.. II. .",11 1.75. Onions, per 10O-lh. ba, No. I, ll.7r.A2, do., do.. No. 2. Cabbage. Danish, per ton, J1U&20: do., Florida, per hamper. II H 25, do.. South Carolina, per crate. II 25tr 1.50. t'elery. Klorlda. per crute. 1 1.75 2.2.", Spinach. Norfolk, per bbl., II2.5H; do, Texas, per hampar, 11.506)2. Kale, Norfolk, per bbl.. 7.16V0C. lettuce, Florida, per bas ket, 12.5093. do., Houth Carolina, per basket. JlfS-2: do.. North Carolina, per basket. MU 2.50. lie-ins, Florida, per basket. 23.r,i), I'oas Florida, per basket. 13 W. i'eppers, Florida, per carrier. ,11. 50 3.25. EsepUnt, Florida, per crate. 12 2. 50. Touuitosa. Flori da, per carrier, fancy. 91. 2361.75; do., do.. choice. 75c. Oil. Asparavus. par crate. South Carolina. I2W4; do., do.. tSeoriila, 2.2i)3.5U. do., do.. California. J2W3.5U. Mushrooma. per 4-lb. basket. 75c. 8t 1. 40. New Oil Company Chartered POVBn. Pel., Slarch 29. -Tlte Robin son OH Corporation, of Baltimore. Aid., was chartered here today with a capital of I7.0Q9.000. to refine oil of ail kinds and engage In oil transportation. The Incor porators were W. H price. Jr. John K Serarnes. Jr.. and Jesse N Bowen. all of lialtitnore. Tho Ainaleamated Securities t'ompany of 'New York Increased lta capt tal from 100,O00 to e.0oo,ugn Ttuj com psjay wa chartweJ here on February SI List Local Bid and Asked Today Yesterday Hid. Asked. Hid, Asked. ltnlilwln 1III-S l'i.-,H ln.-i'a luil't Hurt f; Hos t c 1(14 17 4li 454 do pref Wi'i Htf Wits "1 llrlll .1 O II III II. 43,, t'lllll lUrel UU M. Ml'i HI J) Klee HtnniKt 2 H2'.i ltt- 112' J lien ARphltlt -Ill i'J.. 'Ill's do pref 72 72'.a "2. 73 Key Tel Ill's 1 1 134 114 In t e I.'l'i 14 13a 144 do pref tn im4 mi 70 Lake Hup Corp Itl?i l"4 H)?4 tuts Lehllth -Vnv 75 75. 7.1 70 l.ehlall Vnley 77 77 4 iiVi 77-14 LehlBh Vnl Tr 22, 23 22 23,, Ilo pref :IU 4.14 43 43'i 1'enna .Iil'i .Ill's r.' 57 I'hlln Klec 274 27N 274 274 l'hll.l Ci I2'i 4314 43 434 do B per cent prer.. :i14 ail 3S4 ."lit lo (I pep cent pref.. -I.'l ll'i II 114 I'hlln It T 111 tnji 1si IP lo tr etfs 111 IP', INI4 IP ItendlnB N5 MS', MIN .SH4 Tonopah llelmont 14 I P-IIJ 14 4i Tnnnpnh Mltilntr H'i ? '. il Union Traction I34 II 43i 44 tr tl I mi 4 mi; M) MiTS t? H Steel .. : M' N4'i NI4 HIH York Itwy 1114 11 111-1 11 do tifil IKIVa 117 :ill4 37 Wnt Crump t c Ml 82 Ml 2 Financial Briefs Another new IiIrIi price watt established by tho common stock of IhtfTnlo nntl Htisqitelmnna this afternoon when It sold up to 47 on the Philadelphia Stock Ex change. Tho preferred rose a half to CI, littt Inter lost It ngaln nnd n Itnlf more. Both yesterday and today tlto company's common stock wns ndvnnced on rumors of a dividend on the Junior Issue In the nenr future The action of tho stock would seem to Indicate that somethlnB favorable was In prospect, the stock having ndvnnced R points In two dayH, but persons In close touch with tho nffalrs of the company said thin nfteritoon that they did not be lieve that a dividend would be declared nt the present time, although action of this kind may ho taken later on, possibly the latter part of tho j-car. The company Is known to making a very good show ing with regard to earnings. Tho directors of the company meet In New York tomorrow and they will have before them tho company's earnings state ment. It Is understood that the present earnings on the common stock are con siderably more than last year, when 7!4 per cent, wns earned. Tho only other feature on the exchange todny wns American Hallways common, which rose to a new IiIbI, ,., . year, selling nt .14 H B" Wark 'or Wli. was shown XTe ai u yesterday's session, was nni ,.?, ?uHn nisnt and tho market dropped k. 7 0Tl dullness. There were E? I. J 111 menlfl In the financial situation nn,",0si absence of any tho Rir. . n.n1 " Unl follow the watchful Uun,V &1 movements were Irregular ll United States Hi,i .-. ,.. . irL1!"1'". " tZTlK "'Z"XZ '"?"" ". eenerally iT,l ...... ..e, me leuu or wall street 11. 'of,9 ........ .... ,,,ukiii out to a ."'- extent a few days aim 1,,dfol, t the price of bar silver, wag off . w In 1 fraction, as was Tonopah Sllnji. t,'?11' Clas also showed a tendenrx- ,' UnltW.! ness out It only lost a fraction .'of( ' certincat .s' cnm;"0,rt, aXT S shares of Cambria Steel SI.?'. M 4 at 81, oft H. Late In the Z S ftan vnnla Steel sold at 80, un in L P,enn the last nalo. United tateaPi?.U,r"' Its early gain and more 0c,!u '" ,Ml The only feature In the bond .,, . was tho sale of J4000 UnlW n. ,''lon Investment 6s. The price ,.llll, above the last previous close ' & hl ritangcs In prices of stocks nt auction today were mostly upward. rnlns rnnged from one to seven points. Union Passen ger Italltvay rose 7. West ICnd Trust 3U. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger Hall way 3?i, Philadelphia National Bank 5 and Bank of North America 1. Northern National Bank declined 5 and Keystone Watch Case lost 3',1. Tho Baldwin Locomotive Works has received orders for the following loco motives: Twenty-five Mikado typo for (Ircat Northern Hallway, and 25 Mikado typo for Pennsylvania. lines west of Pitts burgh. , New York banks lost to Subtrcasury yesterday 5704,000, and lost since Friday Inst $4,4-17,000. At the Pennsylvania Itallroad annual election, Samuel Ilea, Henry C. Krlck and Charles II. Ittgersoll were re-elected direct ors to serve for tho term of four years. Total earnings of tho Western Union Telegraph Company for the year ended December 31 were ul,171."!!5. an increaso of $4,007,010 over the previous year; net earnings were $10,190, 7.14, an Increaso of $1,513,728. Surplus for the year increased $4.706, IOC. equal to 10.10 per cent, on Block, against 5.4 per cent, in 1914. and 3.21 per cent. In 1913. The National Hank of Cuba has received from Havana $1,000,000 in French and Spanish gold and American silver. The report of tho Federal Mining and Smelting Company for tho year ended De cember 31, shows operating profits of $455,039, against $180,093 In 1014. Tota income decreased $89,954, with a de crease in profit and loss surplus of $160,077. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NF.W YOHK, March 29. Tho market for foreign exchnngo at tlio opening today was strong, with quotations for sterling and francs a slindo higher. Pesetas and guilders were tlrm. Hublcs were easier. Otherwise the market was without feature. Quotations were: Demand sterling, 1.7HxT'l.7G 7-16, cables, 4.77; franc checks, 5.96 ',i, cables, G.95'?l; marks checks, 717s. cables, 71 1-16; lira checks, 0.i!'.l, cables, 6.69 '(,; Swiss checks, 5.22, cables, 5.21Vi; Vienna checks, 12.33, cables, 12.35; Stockholm, 28.80, cables, 2S.90; pesetas, 19.20, cables, 19.25; guilders checks, 42, cables, 42 11-16; rubles checks, 31.5G, cables, .11.00. Sixty days' sterling bills were 4,73 and 90 days', 1,71. RATES FOR MONEY fall. New York 1 K It 2 Philadelphia 3 4 M lloston 3 I'hteuBO Commercial paper, three to six Philadelphia, 34 W4 per cent. Time. U'fcWaU :i!iiH fl44 4 4. 4 months, DANK CLEARINGS Hank clearings today compared with corre spondlns day last two years: mid. IU15. 1014. Philada. . .S3tl.S0ll.13K t2H.H73.I33 I3II.44H.NDS New York.42tl,llS21ll7 2hU.IHlS.3liH 4U7.337.72 lloston ... 32,J30.t1NK 2S.II3II.44II 37.K73.5tlS Chicaso .. 51.U7U.I17H 4H.123.0PS oS.0oll..'iO0 Ht. lautls. 14.125,141 I2.021.5S5 2.103.35U NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOIIK. Slarch 20. The coffee mar- aei upeneu sieaur mis inurmnv wiin prices iu -4 points uianer, wiin sales or auuu ijj tno upeiuni; call. Todav's opening". Pass on March April -May June July Auuust September ...... llflutier November December January February Hid tOffered. tS.2D s. 1588.23 S.2S S.30 8.3tt S.4S N..v'js.r,.i 8.55S..tO yesterday's close. 8 02 K.II7H,10 K.1UOS.17 K.2O0H.22 H. 23 OH. 2(1 K.2Sft'K.30 0.3200,31 H.3ll$H.3X S. lift h. 43 K.43S.4U N.4UQS.31 8. 530 8. 55 Democratic Caucus on Armor Dill WASHINGTON, March 29. A caucus of Democratic members of the House to consider the Tillman bill for the construc tion of a Government armor plate factory lias been called at the instance of Demo crats who favor not only the armor plate bill, but the Government manufacture of munitions of war The caucus will be held tonight. I 1st Cons. Mort. 5 Bonds COTTON (JAINS SLIGHTLY ON SCATTERED DEMAND Absence of Hedge Selling Southern Spot Situation Steady NEW YOHIC, March 29. Tho cotton market this morning was narrow, and, with the exception of persistent smnll of- ! fcrlngs by one operator, thero was no J featuro to the trading. Tho early tone wns steady, with prices unchnnged to four points lower, on tho cnll tnero wns lim ited switching by various Interests, nnd later prcssuro from spot Interests forced prices down about two points from tho start. Tho market was quiet, but steady later lit the day with tho active months ruling about .1 to 4 points net higher on a scat tering demand, which seemed to bo en couraged by the stiffness of the May po sition, the continued absonco of hedge selling nnd tho apparent stcndlncss of tho Southern spot situation. An early who from Wnco, Tex., said thero had been no demand for spot cotton there for several days, but reports from Now Orleans Indicated a continued good business and advices from Memphis said that spot business thero had been on an exceptional high basis as compared with futures. Tcs.Cloie. Open. Mny 11.07 July 12.07 12.07 October ....12.17 12.15 December . .P-'.jW 12.-'' January ...12.37 12.3.1 Spot 12.10 Liverpool Cotton IiIVKHPOOU March 29. Spot cotton today was quiet and unchanged; mldup land 7.82. Tho sales aggregated 6000 hales. Including 4000 bales American. Tho Imports were 3000, bales, none American. The market for futures closed Btcady, at a net decline of 2 T3 potnta lllch. T,ov. I.ast. 12.111 11.03 12.00 12.12 12.113 12.12 12.23 12.13 12.23 12.3S 12.2S 12.37 12: ":?? Mi DIVIDENDS DECLARED I'nlted States Industrial Alcohol Company. reitulnr minrterly nf 1 ai per cent, on pre ferred. panblo April 15 to stock of record April 7. Klntrer Manufncturlnc Company, remtlar quarterly of 2 per cent., payable Mnreh 31 to stnelt of record March 15. Itounoke Has I.lsht Company, resular quar terly of 114 per cent, on preferred stock, pay able April 1 to stock of record March 27. Indlnnnpnlls Water Works Securities Com. ptinv, n-Bular semiannual of 3'.5 per cent, on preferred, pnyublo April 1 to stock of record Maniffncturers' Muht and Heat Company. resulur quarterly of 2 per cent., payable April 15 to stock of reeonl Mnreh 31. Renfrew Manufactures Company, reffular dividend of 1 ?; per cent, on preferred, pay able Mnreh 2!l to stock of record Slarch 21. Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, resul.-ir quarterly of 1 per cent, on common and l',4 per cent, on preferred. Delaware. Lackawanna anil Western Coal Company, recular quarterls" of 2W per cent., payable April 1,1 to mock of record April 1. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS. Hid. Jim Butler MacNamara on Mldwny 20 Mlxpah Ext 20 Montana .20 Northern Star ron iienn . . Ton Kxt Ton Mln Iteaeue ICula . . West Hn(l .... .17 4'i OH ihO Atlanta Illue Hull llooth IltllldOR e. o. v niiininndllelil I) II Daisy Kloreneo ........ fioldneld Cons ... Ooldneld Mere . . , Jumbo Kxt Kewanas on Sand Ken . Silver rick GOI.DFIBI.D STOCKS. .13 .03 .33 .01 .07 .02 .01 .45 .7K .12 .75 .13 .01 .03 MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Artec Klmberly Nevada Hill Arizona Union . . Nevada Wonder .01 .1)1 .17 .38 I.8U Asked. .OS .ON ... .30 .IS -IH I 15-111 H .27 .82 .14 .04 .34 .03 ,0S .03 .011 ,4H .80 .1.1 .77 .14 .03 .011 ,07 .03 .02 .20 .42 1.90 CURB PRICES REACTED Not Much Outside Business Darin, Day's Session ' fairly good demand for stock? V.i opening of the New York Curb tJiP with tho general tone nrm. This Z I ever, was not long maintained.' Z' ' cessions set In before the first hour m ' In many Instances carried valu U. the previous close. There wns inn side business to speak XnZWt i tho dealings were by trndcrs f - c"ba Cano Sugar, after a 'gain of v reacted 214. rallying only slightly xhi lubber was firm on small purchases To , ofn? s :!C,oV"er "" 'mP" Lynn Phonograph on Inside purchuMi! rose to a now high. American Writ .' ",cr was ." ""Me off. notwlthstsrm.lal . --. : '"'(I the reported advance In the p cl7t ZA product. St. Joseph Lead was afrid -1 Deuer. $ In(tonBtCkS WCre wlthout foall",e but final INDUSTRIALS. Aetna 'Mi. Aufc.V r- ' 7 eina "iv Amerlcnn-llrltlsh MnnttfacturlnBi.' is Atlantic Oult ti W I s S.. ..... 30 U . do pfil ti Amerlcnn Marconi rtiax luinuer tne w 1 Canndlnn Car & Foundry.... do pfd Chevrolet Motorcar '. . Cuban Cnne Sugar Curtlss Aeroplnne DrlKRs-Seahury Hnskell .1 Ilnrker Car Ilendeo Manufncttirlng inter Mer Marine do pfd Kathodlon Ilronze pfd Lake Torpedo Iloat Manhattan Transit .Maxim Munition Mldvale Steel " '! Otis Klevatnr Otto Elsenlohr w I do pref Teerless Motor I'ooln Enir & Jfach St Joseph Lend S S Kressn w I Standard Motors Submarine lit v t c ctfs ... Trlnncle Film v t ctfs United Pront Sharing II S Llaht &- Heat White Motors w I World Film 3i .. 70 . . (1.1 .. l ..170 ::SI ..13a .. 4.1 ::iSH . . 20 m 11 iS? 43 "s HH" l 3 II). 02 B8 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS imery, wis NEW YORK. March 2U.IIUTTER Mar ket supply rather short. Market lusher and limit receipts, nn packages! extra creamer; iuitl!ldir.i niRner scorins;. ill -.5 vi.isc. ; dairy, 30 a 3(1 He; Imitation creamery, Etias Market tlrmers receipts, 33,709 cases. Extra flrsts, 2l"ifc22c.i firsts. 21 SSI. He.; Mhlte. 2l(25c.i brown ecKB, 23(.4 23Hc.; mixed, 2tQ22Mc. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, March 20. HOOS Rerelpts. 10.000. tarket 10c. lower. Mixed and butchers. Ill.4oeo.PO; rood heavy, JO. now p. S3; roush heavy. JP.1BO0.55: HitFil. Jll.300 U.Ul); plus. J7.UO&8.U0; hulk. ID.ilSi fLMl. CATTLE RecelptB. ltl.000. Market I0O 13c. lower, lleeves, I7W10; raws and heifers. S3.h5MK.75; stockers and feeders. IH.23M 8.30. Texans, 17. 15W8.PI); calves, ls.30(f 11.50. SHEEP Receipts, 15.000. Market 106 13c. lower. Native and Western. ltlffU.25; lambs. S'J11.03. ..115 .. tOTi .. 12 .. 8 :: 3n2 :: li STANDARD OIL SUnsiDIARIES. Illinois 178 Prlorlo Plpa 251 Ohio Oil 227 S O of California 2.13 S O of New Jersey ,510 S O of New York 208 OTHER OIL STOCKS. Harnett Oil 3M Cosden Oil 104 Chalmers Oil A Houston Oil 10H Midwest Reflnlne Mil International Petrol 12'i Hapulpa 12Vi MINING STOCKS. Atlanta 13 Cerro de Pasco 87H iiuttn r; & v. v t ctfs n't llutte & N Y 34 First National Copper 5H anldtleld Merirer 11 Hecln Mlnlnr: 4,1 Howe Sound 5t Jlnt-llutler P3 Jumbo Extension 74 Mnixma Copper IPS .MeKlnley-Diirrach 41 Alines of America 2'i NIplsslnB Mines Co San Toy West End Consolidated Ken Zinc. SK 63 M lIUv.I 2sN 120.. J .ft 13H Cerro do Pasco fls -Mlitvalc Steel pn Sulzberger 0s , . . BONDS. DIVIDENDS OFFICE OF THE C. II. HEIST COMPANY. LAND TITLE lIUir.IHNO. Philadelphia. I'a.. March 27. 101U. The Directors of Itoanoke lias Lliht 1'orr. uanr have this day declared a retrulsr quar terly dividend of one and one-half (lts) per cent, on the preferred stock of said Company, payable April 1. 1910. to holders of preferred stock of record at the close of business this day. Checks will be mailed. My C. It. WEAK. Secretary. OFFICE OK THE C. II. CIEIKT COMPANY, LAND TITLE lIUH.DIMi. ' Philadelphia, Pa.. March 28, 1I11U. The Directors of the Indianapolis Water Works Securities Company have this day de clared a reuular semi-annual dividend of three and une-hlf per cent. I3vi) on the preferred stock of said Company, payable April 1, 1916. to holders of preferred stock of record at the close of business this day. Checks will be mailed. C, 11. WEAK. Secretary, Public Utility Bonds Our offerings include a varied list of good Public Utility Securities, many of which are Tax Free in Pennsylvania Circulars on application. EBWARD & a MtTM &.CO BANKERS EsTiBLISHtO 1802 Ifembtrs .Veu) York and PhiladtlpMa Stock Kxchangtt Iinoin and Chestnut Sh., Fuiu. 30 PNB Stbiet Niw To rI 3 Tax Free in Pennsylvania x Penna. R. R. Gen. 4s Due June 1, 1965 Particulars on application. A. B. Leach & Co. IIS SOUTH FOURTH STBEBT Bell Pbona Lombard 251. Mew York Chlcaro llosten MiM niHECTOIty OF ACCOUNTANT Certified I'ubllo AccsuaUals . .-.... k... .. ,.m,,U L rVl iia iusaLi ESTA'ra tuuut buiu)B -sj Broiv Brothers & Co. Fourth and Ciresmnrr Stiieeti - MEMBERS OF STOCK EXCHANGES OF PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK and BOSTON Orders carefully executed.