Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 29, 1916, Night Extra, Image 1
"ipTSmTfa-- i in.imiilimijjjiiiiyf FINANCIAL EDITION Cmmittj NIGHT EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA VOL. U.-K"Ok 169 PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAROII 21), 1010. CortmotiT, 1918 i tiik Pcbmo I.rme Compant PllIOB ONE CENT f" - IFilll5mi TH r 1111 r I srvYY-apgTJg &5Il2 i TWINING CLINGS TRANSIT PLAN; SECTIONS PAY I Says Realization of Forego Universal Five-Cent Fare Until 1960 ' Urges $35,000,000 Loan for Construction of Broad Street 4 A.aui T7 n A fM1 n 4 n C Hilling Di. . j. 1. . 1 OllDWay xruin xune avkuuc tu oyi lice otiuut anu Frankford "L" Would Postpone Building of Other Lines for Present Transit Director Twining laid before Mayor Smith and the Finance Committee of Councils this afternoon his long-expected report giving his - fnr 1rnstic modifications of the Taylor plan and settintr forth in wTTii 1 1 ir-iiu ,sv - - ' toward the construction of the bobtail l fipruce street, Frankford elevated, the I detail what lines he believes should be begun nt this time. Director Twining . ' ..wit the Finance Committee to includo $35,000,000 in the municipal loan Derby elevatea anu me cenn.u city uuivcij iuup. Director Twining declared that he was heartily in favor of the conduc tion of every one of the lines included in the original Taylor plan, in due time but he insisted that the comprehensive system as outlined by his predecessor cannot bo built at the present time unless the people arc -willing to postpone the universal five-cent fares to all parts of the city t until 196". J? . . , l 1-2- MntM4 lUn Ti-nnaif TfirOUgnOUt 1113 lUllULk mc ....-.- ..w... ...-. .. ,,...... i,,., ,.w lilt hewas acting only in an advisory capacity and, while he had shown in parallel lines what the Taylor plan in full would mean and what the recommendations would mean, he was prcpnred to leave the issue with Councils and the people. THE TWINING REPORT -The report offered the following sug rttd Improvements In tho Tnlor pro gram: First That tho terms on which a com prehensive system of rapid transit lines cm be leased to an operator bo nscei Ulned, and that no more construction than Is now authorized be undei taken until It la definitely ltnown by whom the entire system la to be operated and upon what terms Second Divide the comprehensive plan of.rputes Into two parts. (a) Tho sections forming the trunk lines In and through the 25-mlnuto itreet-car zone from City Hall These lines to be considered an terminals and trunk lines, and being for the general benefit pf the city as a whole, they should bo financed on city bonds. b) All extensions nnd brnnclii-H of mi ell linen into outlying r suburban territory arc lo lie ronxlilfred an for total benefit chleflv. and the cunt ( eonntrnctlon of hiiUi extenlons and branelien kIiouM be borne bj tli prop erty In the territory served by them. As lepal authority foi such method of Hnanclni? these extensions Is lack ing;, It Is HUBBested In this repoit that nroper laws be passed nt the next Legislature to empower the city to make use of this method nt Its op tion Extensloni to the trunk ajsteni will not become necessities Immedi ate! , nnd. as een the trunk system will not bo re.uly for use under threu jears from date, ample time is avail able for obtaining such legislation Third Construct nt this tlmo of abnor mally hlBh prices only such, poitlon or the trunk lines ;in may be considered the ntceesarj and terminal sections lz Part of the Bioad street milroai and the Trankford elevated the subwa to e terd from Spruce street to Krle uvenue or, Tike street with u lino on Walnut trcet from lfith stieet to 8th street on Ith street to Race street, and, by the open ing of UIcIko avenue between 8th and 3tlt rtreets. on Ridge aenue from Race street to Broad street, the lino from Ridge ave nue to Plko street to bo four-tiaclv and the remainder two-track The Frankford elevated to terminate for the present at Bridge street ll terminal to be ronnlil tred tempornry only, nnd Beqiienre nf cnii ttruetlan uf the remainder of the trunk route tn b tho nubjoct of later iluterinlnit tUn conditions warrant. It Is sugested that here ha two tracks only In Broad street, at Market street, and that he I'ltj Hall Station be located just north of City Hall. Instead of under it. thereby bringing- the platforms much near er the surface of tho street, and grently lesaenlnir the cost of construction, and sep- F aratlng- this station further from the Chest- K Continued on l'nge Fifteen, Column One 1 THE WEATHER It snowed last April, and the day be fore Eastar, April 3, the downfall looked like a blizzard for a tlmo So you see What im, mm Via .m nirnlnQl nil whll tt prematurely Betting out camphor balls tor ulsterH and ronslderlne straw hats. ' Not that this year Is certain to follow so closely In the footsteps of last ; It is junt xslble that It will not snow again this prlng BUt. au n ruie one year imitates another In a general way In weather con ditions. SpeuTlInB of April. It would be advisable for old dodoes who can't take Joke to prepare for April Fools' Day, hlch comes on Saturday. : Others, who enjoy having the children 'enjoy themselves In the usual way on .that day, will forget that It Is coming. FORECAST For Philadelahia and vicinitu In- ttttled weather tonight, followed by partly cloudy and slightly warmer : Thursday: moderate northerly winds. For details see page J5. LOST AND roUND PERPETLAL. POLICY. Ko. 1304. of the In- P SStnt' Co. of North America. Jul Ja" L SJ 1KIMJ. to Qeo U Hurrlnuu for J0OO ii uweiuoi; siiuatnil on norm " ," Sinuol lane, gbaut S mlla east ol Norriii; l"u it It anil on Hay 1. laT.' "U ..& "SSStu'SS. ESHstt j Ihtf rnmnuiii .. a,u l..iia .i.t u nam -TknllftV ue flutter will sleaaa return Ibe above uo l!J. ..'i .Policy to Piatt Youngman Co . faSACELET Lnt Sunday marnlmr. between lath ami CUrarii nnd lmh and Sprtoy Garden. irV-f Jet BoilbU bracelet net "" sreV Waned gI)1d Jflrji-d am Hexard If returned to 141b ffcUUUNCl Lo.t u P"rt and diamond ear WKlout and S3d eta. contains Marl mounted Jo euld tUw aettlna- with nuill dUm-uul at H? ?wrd it reiorned to J B ' 'deil VePpatT IIOOK Lo-i runiMlt Book No ejiit uook uat Depoalt Book No Mrl21lt their Benttrant rtapecuug; mter- issnut'i FU4 8o"aattou3l relation aad tua snH3ermn jJOtfuf t taj jrQa4 Ada sa ae 15 TO 'BOBTAIL' WOULD HAVE PART OF COST Taylor Program at M. IT Broad street subway, Erie avenue to Roxborough-Manayunk elevated, the T"lll'nrfni- mnrln if nlnfn (lmf tin -f.il- POLICE SEEK MAN WHO SENT 'WIRE' IN POISON PLOT Undertaker May Be "K. Adams" Who Revealed Double Murder MOLINEAUX CASE ECHO NEW VOR1C. .March 2 Whilo Dr Arthur Warren Walto nnd his alter ego, the Hlnlstcr "man from Egypt," helf-con-fcs3ed poisoner of Mr. and Mrs John E I'eck, tossed on a bed in Bellovue's psjchopathlc ward today, the police au thorities struck what they believe Is the right clue uh to tho Identity of the man Who revealed tho most monstrous poison ing plot In New York's criminal annals Delving Into the history of Eugene l) Kane the undertaker, to whom Wnite claims he paid $100A to swear. If oica hIoii demanded, that he used arsenic In embalming- Peik's body the District At torneys olllce found that lie was for merly lonnected with the undertaking establlhhment nhkli prepared for burial Mrs Kutheiino Adams, tho victim In the famous .Mollueauv poison cni-e Tho telegram which first uncovered the far that I'eck was poisoned was signed "K Adams " It was nent to Peck's rela tives in Grand Rapids and urged an au tops on I'eck s hod. None of Peek's iclatlves ever knew a "If Adams" Kane lias not yet, been loiated, but here Is tho way tho District Attorney's otllce links him up with tho case: If Kane received 19000, as Waite sas he did, to say arsenic was used In em balming, lie probably suspected some thing was vviong He remembered the fuss and notoriety of tho Mollneaux case where arsenic wns nlso the murderer's poisoning ngent He wanted to establish safe ground for himself, eo he wired the Peck family a warning The Mollneuv case was so much in his mind that he used the name of the victim as a signature Mis Margaret Hortou was scheduled for another session today with District Attorney Swann to testlfj whether or not she ever noticed dual personality In her admirer Discussing the question with re porters, Waite's companion at the Plaza denied ever noticing any double character In her "studio ' companion. That Insanity will be the defense plea of Doctor Walte was Btrongly Indicated today. Ki lends of the accused said today that Waite's mind had become distorted through tho uso of powerful violet rajs Dr. Walte bought a (1200 Apparatus for Continued on Vast Two, Column Two PEiNXYPACKER SHOWS SLIttHT IMPROVEMENT E-Governor May Resume Boardwalk Rides Tomorrow Former Gov ernor Pcnypacker, who has been struggling with a combination of general debility and rheumatic troubles at Atlantic City for three weeks while for mer close friends are fighting In Philadel phia for his dethronement as pres'dent of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, showed a slight Imprqvement todaj It win stated this morning that theac tion of his physicians yesterday In order ing the ex-Uov ernor to bed was a precau tionary rather than a necessary meas ure, and he may bo permitted to resume his rolling chair rides un the lloardwulk tomorrow if there is no further change for the worse It is no secret, however, that the ex Governor's phjalclans are at a loss to ac count ior his falluja to respond to scien tific baths and their best efforts to break the grip of the rJieumatio maiauy mat ina5.e " ! !", a crJI,uoU."fr only with the aid of a cane and then with tho greatest difficulty This morning Miss Peunypacker. daughter of the ex Gov ernor, asserted members of the finally hope for Ws full recovery "Rheumatism and the breaking of his arm some weeks ago. " he explained, "have served tu make it appear that he Is much more helpless than is the case Mr fennypacker does not believe mem bers of Uib Hikiurical Society of which ..rMiiiKitiiM) be ia esieodlBfly proud wttl " 9 . , ., fc ..,4. ... I view W diarvpt th wciety. IMIlLADBIilMIIANS DEMAND RETENTION OF POSTAL TIDES Ask Senate Committee Not to Abol ish Pneumatic System A rommiltee of Phllndelphlnnx put tn Washington lnd.iv nml appeared before the Senate ('oininlttce on PostofTlies tn argue for the relentlon nf tlip pnetimntti tube svslem Included among tlipm were John .! Covle Edward U Martin W P J Muitn.v, K i: Htewntl, .tohn P. Mlll linllatul Michael 1 lnjle nml lolm At MllSletl While the postnfflre appropriation hill ill II piiied tlip Iloii'c r.irrlpi im Item foi continuation of the pneumatic tulip hoi he It cannot lie continued without speclllc authorization hj Congress Those who appealed before the com nilttpc today argued th.it the Postmaster tlencrnl should he allowed to continue the present tube service pending n tepott liy tho special commission nppolnted In 1902 to Iniestlgnto the entire HUhJctt of trans portntlnn bv pneumatic tubes In Now Yoik Philadelphia and other cities It was pointed out that, nlthnugh tho com mission wan to hac reported In October of last ye.ir, no report ban been lecclved DASH CF D0DD FORCE FLANKS VILLA BANDITS Troops from Madera Close In on Chief, Reported in Canyon MOVE TO THE WESTWARD SAN ANTONIO, Tex., March 29. Brigadier Gcncrnl Pershinff reported loday to Major General Funaton that Francisco Villa was said on Monday to be heading for Santa Catnlina or some point farther east. The Santa Catnlina referred to is believed to be the one in the Guerrero district. There is a possibility that General Pcrshin? may establish his base at Chihuahua City. Authentic reports of operations by the American troops in Mexico, sent out to Ret Pancho Villa, indicate most important movements in that they show the United States forces have 1 trot to the rear of the outlaw bands, while nnothcr column is dashing: to the southwestward, flanking the foe in the Sierra Madres. Previous reports showed that the sue posed "iron ring" was made up Continued on I'lice I'Ue. Column One JtKVI'S DECLARED OUTLAW; FORCES ALREADY OX HUXT MONTEREY Mex March 21) A cam paign of extermination has been ordered against the VIIIIhIiih under (Jen Canuto Rcjes in tile Torreon district Tho ban dits have been nfflel.i! declared sub ject to execution upon capture Carranza Ceneial I.uis Elisondo, Ig nuclo Ramos and Matias Ramos were already In the field today against the Reylstns Reos and 1300 men weio last repoited to have captured Vlesca Coa hulla, nenr Torreon CARPENTER DIES; MYSTERY Byberry Employe's Body Found With Pockets Empty Robert Moore a carpenter emploed at the city fnrms at 11 berry, was found dead on the Mechnnlcsvillo road near his homo in Mechanicsvllle toda The Uncling of his pocketbook. empty, on Gravel pike, nbout a mile and a half away, led to the Mitpiciou that his death was not duo to natural causes and that he may havo met with foul phi The police were told that Moore who was about fir. ears old. was out with friends last night and started home alone late It was known that he had collected his pay. 3 J. and had been to the Red Lion Hotel At the city farms it was said Moore was a man of temperate habits Dr W II Woodsworth. Coroner's phj si clan, will perform an autopsy P0SIZI0NI AUSTRIACHE PRESE DAGL1 ITALIANI I Una Battaglia di 30 Ore al Pal Piccolo Tre Aeroplani Aus- triaci Abbattuti in Italia A Roma e' stato annunclato uniclal mente che gll itallanl hanno rlconqulstato aicune posiztonl perdute domenlca a nord ovest di GorUIa ed hanno fattt prlglonleri 30 J austrlacl, tra cut 11 ufflclall. tin comunlcato uttlclale Itallano dice che gll austrlacl avevano attaccato le posl zloni Itallano nella zona del Pal "Piccolo ed erano riuscitl a prendere una trlncea Un contrattacco Itallano, che si svlluppo' su tutta la fronte dal passo do Monte Croce Carnlco al Pal Grande, riguadagno non soltanto la perduta trlncea ma audio aicune trlncee austriache sul Freikofel ed al Passo Cavallo I.a battaglia al Pal Piccolo duro' ben trenta ore Vix communicate austrlaco annuncia che aeroplani austriaci hanno lanciato bombe su Venezla Jl Minlstero della Ouerra Itallano annuncia invece che parevchl aer oplani nemlci fecero una incurslone aulla planuia ad ovest dell'Isonzo. ma furono costietto a rimanere a grande altezza e tre macchlne furono abbattute dal can non!, a dal fucili Itallanl v Cinque avia- I tort austilacl furono fatti prlglonierl ed I il uomandante delU snuadriglia, un mag- glore. flmase ucclso. (Leggere In 15a paglna altre e plu et tagllate notlzie sulla guerra, in itallano.) Mother Drowns With Child GRB13NVIL.1-E, Pa March S9 With her daughter Maud 8 years old In her , amis Mrs. Murray English, 33 ear. of Krle Fa committed suicide at the home of ber fatber at Hadley near here by Jumping into a sinall lake The bodies wer recovered, Vox om tuna Mrs. hng- J Ua bad ben In til health and her mind. waa airecte Hr tHMoasd rwldiw in I Jirie. 30 DEAD, 40 HURT IN WRECK OF 3 CRACK TRAINS IN OHIO; DOZING TOWER MAN BLAMED Twentieth Centur Limited Crashes Into Section of Eastbound Flier. Employe, Unthinkingly, It Is Believed, Set Wrong Signal Pennsylvanians Among the Injured Most of Dead Were Foreigners in Rear Coaches Several In quiries Started to Ascertain Real Crvse of Disasterat Amherst CLEVELAND, March 29. At least thirty were killed the rxact total may not be known until nightfall nnd more than forty injured in the vvieck early today of three of the Now York Central's crnck passenger tialn", one ot them tho Twentieth Century Limited, a mile west of Amherst, O. Twenty-five bodies had been taken to do in tne aeons. A alip-up on the part of n dozing tower man is to blame for the wieck, A. S. Ingalls, general supctintendent of the New York Central, decided this afternoon after a hasty inquiry. Ingalls, with L. A. Robinson, general passenger agent, and Daniel Mc Bain, superintendent of motive power, held the mechanical equipment of tho signal system faultless. "My hasty inquiry shows plainly that the sleepy tower man is directly responsible for tho wreck," declared Ingalls. "The fact that the tower man's wife gave birth to a child Sunday night and that the tower man had since been without sleep, either on duty or sitting up with his wife, is an added factor. "Had tho first section been allowed to proceed on its way, the accident would not have occurred," Ingalls reasoned. "Chances are that the tower man was dozing; unthinkingly he set the signal, the first section stopped shoit the rest is known now." GERMANS SMASH WAY INTO TOWN OF MALANCOURT New Drive Northwest of Verdun Sweeps French From Long Line BREAK 2000-YARD FRONT nnitM.W Mnrch 29 (lei man tioops hue lnoltcn the t'renUi fiont for nunc linn 2000 aid8, capturing several lines of trenches tn the lighting north of Malanvourt. 10 miles northwest ot Verdun, the War Olllce nnnonnLcil this afternoon The (Jennans caiitured 4D8 pilsoners nnd live guns The new dilvo cnrrled the Cerm.ms Into the niirthwest portion of tho village ot M.ilnneourt Itself. The gain l the gie.itest innile 1. the Oormuns In the Verdun iirfeimlve In more than .i fortnight The German advance further Imperils the Trench positions In tho Hharn salient nt nethlncourt and Mnlancaurt. PARIS. Mnnll 29 Part of Avocourt forest, northwest of wiiinn. linn heeii lCLHPtured bs the Piench, It was niinouuced todny hy the' Krench Vr Ollke I The Germans made furious eounter-ut- tneUH In au effort to drive tho Kieneh fiom ( their now poaltloim, nut nil weie repuise with extremely heavy Insi-ea There waa a violent cannonade on the remainder ot tho Verdun front throughout the night. The tet of the official communlquo fol lows In th Argonne our battel les have bombarded the organizations of the enemy to the north of llauto L'hevau dice, south nf the fotebt of ("hepp A grenade nttacU. toupled with an at tack In the adjoining bettor, enabled nt to make, a, marked ndvance north o Avocourt, and to take some pris oners West of the Meuse the enemv made no fresh ntacks against our positions on the Haucourt-Malaniourt lino dur ing the course of the night On the front of Bethlncourt. I.e Mort Ifomnia (Dead Slan Hill) and Oumleres, the bombardment took on a certain In tensity. I During the morning, ttiier iniense preparation with artlllerv, our troops directed a strong attack In Avocourt Forest. We captured the section In the southeastern part of the wood with a depth of more than 300 jardt. as well aa an important work called tho Avocourt redoubt against which the enemy launched violent counter attacks A fresh German biigade which had arrived a few days before was com pletely repulsed The enemy suffered heavy lqsses and left 50 prisoners In our hands East of the Meuse there was great artillery activlt) on both sides in the region of Vaus and Douaumont and in the Woevra In the sector of Moul alivvtlle On the rest of the front the night waa calm. r.ONDON. March 29 The Blitlsh of. flcial statement Issued tonight on the campaign In Franca and Belgium reads In spite of a veri heavy hostile artillery lire last night and at Inter vals today, our Infantry successfully held the ground gained by them es terday at St. Elol ithree miles south of Tpres). Our artlllerv tire was very effeotlve in repljlng to that of the enemy. Held dn Impersonation Charge Jamw K Cameron, of Hazleton. wan held in $1500 bail for his appearance at the May session of the HarrUburg Court by Vnlted States Commissioner Edmunds today, charged with Impersonating a United States postal Inspector The al leged offense v. as committed at Hazletou, in April. 1911 license Loat, Files Bankrupt JMea Samuel 8. Yost today filed a petition la h.nt?ritrttiv aftv hlK dnntiriltmn fur a rn- iwwal of u. lUjuot-seUiBg; privilege fc hn hotel. la, tha -viUag ot Own Tree, Cheater County Juid bo. refued Yont fUe4 his ICebUtt 1,103.43 .natuasU at $T59, out nt noon and Ave mote weie known rCN'N'STnVANIANS IIL'UT Among the Injured are W C Bradley, Pittsburgh head cut : ir O Cros, Plttsliuigh. biulscd. Aaron Do Roy, Pittsburgh, slightly Injuiul. Charles Gregg. Imperial, Pa. leg hint. L. Kukhle Itcd Mon. Pa, Internally In jured; John Kosmoch. llnmeste.ul. I'a . leg broken, Robert Wright. Imperial. Pa, back and head hurt WORSE THAN 1904 WRKCK. When tho total of dead and titjmed Is final) ascertained the wrei.lv will surpass in Its horrible cost nf life and limb, even the wreck of the Twentieth Century lim ited at llentora In 1001. when the famous .train piled into a freight train on Its second tr,ip on the New YoiU. Chicago 18 hour run" While none of the Twentieth fentuiy pasdengora Is known to have been Hilled or even seriously Injured, and Its engineer nnd fireman escaped practically without huits. It w.m this train that was le sponsihle for most of the dead six PRoni:s rxmm wav. The New Yoik Central road In ltn divis ion hi eilliiiid with the latest nnd most proficient block system of Interlocking switches nnd signals and has been al most wholly freti from seilous accidents for n period of four nr llvu jenis Tho wieck was one of thote rarest of inihoad calamities not ono coIIIkIoii hut two involving three tialiis, on two tracks. A half dozen Investigations aio nlready undei wa A block hlgual. i-et suddenly and with- nut wanting, against a train speeding along eastward with another train fol lowing la tho next "block." lies at tho bottom of the doubt that ilsts today aw tn the real cause ot tho w reek. PI.IUR niVIPUl) IN'TO SECTION'S Train V SB was known ns tho Pltts-liurgli-Halthnoro-Huffnlo Limited, a tllei which niiulo tho trip fiom Chicago to Baltimore In 1J hour.s and of minutes The train cart led sleeping conches from Chicago to Pittsburgh nnd Buffalo and took on a sleeper nt Cleveland for Buf fulo It can led a dinar fiom Chicago tn llhluhiirnh tinrl unu lenmi'n ns lint nf tho j Mnest trains on the New Yoik Central lines The filer was split into two sections thb morning because of unubij.illy heavy tralllc. and this splitting of the tiain ln I directly caused tho wreck I All of tho dead went in the rear coaches of train. No sh Most or them weie for eigners Twenty toadies and baggage cars were overturned like children s pluj trains Two of the three great locomotives Cuiitlnuril oil I'UKe Two, ( nlutnn Three SLIPPERY STREETS CAUSE AUTO MISHAPS Rainstorm Responsible for Ac cidents in Which Several Persons Were Injured Slippery stieets due to last night's rain storm, caused four automohlle accidents last night and eurly todai At Broad and Berks streets, an uutpmobllo. containing Joseph Jijers. the driver, c- 2549 Corliss street, and Paul Merkle of 25JI Rouvier street, crashed Into the base of an electric light pole, when the brakes would not work because of the street's condition The car was overturned, but the men escaped serious Injury The oar Is owned by Julius Werner, of 923 Walnut street An automobile driven by Fred Anbol, Jr. of 2503 Germantown avenue, collided with a machine owned bj Alphorwo riuchasooes, of 25 U Harold street at I'anuc and Diamond streets, today loth sustained slight Injuries Miss Margaret Class empk)d in the home of Dr F Barrett I.lvezej, of 2807 North Broad street was crossing Broad street and Luhlsh avenue last night whn an autoinobilUt unable to steer his car properly, drove directly at her She waa thioun tu the giound her right log was broken and her left leg lacerattd The drlvej- of the car took Miss Claw to the Samaritan Hospital and, after placing lr in ($e care of the phlclana, drove hastily away His name and the number of the auto were not learned At 11 30 o'clock Mr and Mrs. I Mur ray ot 1743 North Park avenue, ware driving south on Broad scret Tu rala clouded lie windshield so that Mr Murray was urucble to see a. lamp which was re cently erected la the middle of the street at Broad and i umberUnd streets near Mas or bmitb, s residence Tne c.r j-jb into the Ple Jd the windshield waJi shattered Pieces of glass cut Mrs. Mur ray severely and she was taken to the eam&ritn tiospuai rne was "' cinrfed afur hex wounds tid bctn treiUi, QUICK NEWS BALTIMORE "FED" CLUB SUES BASEBALL CHIEFS FOR $300,000 Suit for $300,000 damages was bi ought by the Baltimore Ted rial League Baseball Club in the United States district Court here this iftrinoon against Oiganlzed Baseball, the National Commission and Timos A Gllmotp. Chatlps E. Wecghman nnd Hnny Sinclair, backers or r1r rlpfunrt IVtlprl League. The plaintiff claims $000,000 under tb" Clayton amendment of the Sheimnn anti-tutst law, which provides foi a vovtllet tieble the damage sued for. WORK STOPPED ON BUILDING WHEN MAN IS KILLED Coioner Knight this afternoon oideied all woik stopped on the tructmal part of the new rianklin National Bank Building, 'Bioad and Chestnut stieets, following the death of a steel woikcr, who fell fiom the 10th floor The building docs not comply with the laws Imespect to protecting workmen, nccoiding to tho Coioucr. CONESTOGA TRACTION COMPANY INCREASES WAGES LANCASTER, Pn.. .Mittolt 119. Thu CoiicsIorii Trnrtlon Company lins posted not Ires slntlnc; that nn Incrcnsn of vviikch will be mmlo May 1 of from 10 to IS pet rent for rur i'ipwm Tho scale of tmreasc will lie graduated according to tno loilBtli of iprvlpp with the cnmp.inv. tmrl 240 men tiro directed Xc.trly 100 of tha mon hnvj biHMi with 'no comp.inv r oio than 10 vents ( SHACKLETON'S SHIP DUE WIXUNGTO.V. .V '., Mat fli 23 The Premier of New Zealand todny ro cclvnl :i vvlielt"1? message fiom Sh.it Kleton s Antnrctlc exploration ship Aurora, stilting that slip would nirivc off N'ew Zealand on Kild.iv. TWO MORE U. OF P. STUDENTS HAVE SCARLET FEVER Medical uiilhoi Itlps nt the I'nlveisity of Penns.vlvanl.inip making every effort tn ohrck -L,ulPt fppp, which has attacked two mote students in the last 48 hours. I'outtupii other students who lived In the same hoitsps with those stricken will ho kept undei' olisci vulloii mid not allowed to attend clnbs for 10 days. Four students at the I'nlvpisitv aio sufTeilng with measles and ntp in the University Hospital The two latest victims of -pallet fever ate 1'ied Kelly, of the veterinary sclinol, nnd I.con Wninm in a dental student SCHUYLKILL RISES FOUR TO EIGHT FEET Rain has effected n four to nn eight foot Use in the Schuvlkill River. Measure ments taken over the dam at Klutiock showed the first llgiuo and at Manayunk It was twice as much. Vv'lss.thlckon Cieek Is moie than a foot above Its level. AUSTRIAN MUNITION PLANT BLOWS UP; 100 KILLED Ht'ClIAUn.ST, .Mnuh 29 One bundled persons weie killed when an am munition fuctorv. at Wellsdotf In Austila blew up todaj. GERMANY PROMISES TO PAY BRAZIL IllO JANEIRO, March 29. It Is announced that the Get man Government has declared Its Intention to assume responsibility for tho pajment of the money de posited In Heilin banks to the account of the State of Sao Taulo, amounting to nbout $30,000,000 The .newspapers pialse the nulclt action ot the Brazilian Chan cellery in this matter. A Epoetin, however, asks If the Germans will be able to keep their ptomlses U. S. SHIP PATROLS SULU MANILA. Maich 29 Tiaveleis fiom Mindanao say that the cruiser Brooklyn Is patrolling the Sulu Sen, as Germans are suspected of assembling U-boat parts theip The actlMtles ashoie and afloat aie legnided as suspicious The Allies warships swurm In these waters nnd it Is asserted arc violating neutrality. On ono occasion one aiuhored close to the shore of Bongo Island, the crew landing and (ommandeeting ptovisions KING ALFONSO TO AID MERCIER ROME, Mnich 29 Tho King of Spain lias offered to the Pope tho use of his infliienco with the Knlset In Catdinul Mcrcler's behalf in urging that the Kaiser personally 'guarantee tho Cardinal's .safetj. The Popo lias accepted tho offer, although ho is convinced that Cardinal Mot der'a safety is not endangered and tho ficcdom ot his ministry not threatened AUSTRALIAN GUNS AID IN VERDUN DEFENSE PARIS, Match 29. Tho company of Australian slcgo artillery which Is re potted to have taken part In the battle nf Veiilun Is the so-called gairison artillery nt Austialla, the only pinfesshmal noldlcrs In tho Commonwealth. There were GOO of then .stationed in Aiihtrali.i during peace time all men between G feet 1H inches and ti feet 2'i Inches. RUSSIA WANTS DARDANELLES AS PEACE PRICE PETROGRAD. March 29 tn the Duma debute Minority Leader Mlliukoft ex pressed the opinion that Russia could not make peate until she had secured for herself Constantinople nnd tho Dardanelles as essential to complete access to th. Mediterranean M. Markoff, Conservative, declured: 'Wo must before the war ends obtain h agieement vvitli the Allies absolute contiol of the Strait, with Constantinople Adilunople and the corresponding districts of Gallipoll and a bud slantlal area In Asia Minor adjoining the Strait, besides (ialicla. Bukovlna, Aimenla. with TrebUond and northern Persiu Russia must ulso arrange Joint control with the Allies over tho llolj Land" PERSIAN PRINCE REPORTED LOST ON SUSSEX PARIS. Match 29 Prince Bah mm, of tho reigning family of Persia, who waa a passenger on board the Sussex, is still uniu counted for. His father, Z1I1 ea Sultan, who is at present at Nice, has telegraphed to the Foreign Office In Lon don and to the railroad company's offices, and as neither is able to give him any Information, lie has declaied that he has virtually given up liope regarding his son. WORST STORM IN 35 YEARS SWEEPS BRITAIN LONDON, Ma-ch 29 The worst hurricane and snowstorm since 1881 Is visiting Great Hrltatn. In so'ine parts of the country the storm lias amounted to a blUzaril Many places are isolated and the main railway arteries between London and Scotland, the M hi la nils and Wales are blocked, while snow eigumbera the telegraph and telephone wires. Tales of devastation and disaster are coming Into London, which escaped the worst of ttie storm, although It Buffered much U. OF P. PHYSICIANS ARRIVE IN BERLIN BERLIN'. Match 29 Four American phjslelans who have baen designated us special attaches of the American embassj have arrived at Beilln They aie Dr. D. J. MtCarthj , tuberculosis expert, and Dr Alonzo E. Tayloi . food specialist both of the I'nlversltj of Pennsjlvantu, and Di S V Irvvfu and Dr J, V "Webstei of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimote. They will devote their attention to jirlson camp Inspection ZEPPELIN RAID ON ENGLAND AT LAST REVEALED LONDON, March 29 In the House of Commons yesterday soma particulars weie given of a hitherto unieported Zeppelin raid, which vvas said to have been vlthout lesult Francis Bennett-Goldney. Conservative member for Canterbury asked whether six Zeppelins had appeared on the east coast. jn the night of March 19 and were driven off by British aeioplanes. Harold $ Tennant, Parlla mentary Under Secietaiy for Waife, Jtted In reply that certain renoits uere made on the night in cjuestiow(Jpisrraei'oJlane had ascended There wr three casualties tu officejjPTeceiit raids, the Under Secretary stated, but they were not due to acts of the hostile aircraft , UETHMANN-HOLLWEG TO DEBATE U-BOAT WAR AMSTERDAM, March 39 The Vosslsche Zeltung say that Chancetkw you Bethinaim Hollweg will addiess one of the besslona of the Budget uomnilttvw twt cwuing the resolution proposed by the Conservative Natlciwl Ubul and Cintie partlaa of the Reichstag legardlnjr tlie- unrestricted use of niljaiarlnej. Ii; loard t the United States the Vossigche Zeitung sat a T?S AmerloiB da. i,s viewed Ux Ueiman political circlea U always exaggerated, but tne Inporta of 9, rupturt. of xelatlons with auch a pewerfuj; oatton should noi b v"""? OFF NEW ZEALAND FRIDAY r SEA AS NEUTRALITY GUARD M 'ill H n E- jTlTrm I-' -- '