WWWIifPipifliWKIWtWp f"oiinfWnnH ii . .,!;. ,u .I'niiijwpiyJi iJjUpyiiJfcii EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. (TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 191G. Monte S- SYNOPSIS in o!olnn hud wrecked. lh West Mill. 1 '"JSnhKlKl V'S- nMiw." ilimt- f?!"IIn The night tMfore..Stonte. "hllfl M ft'SK in notif with hl l). Crnlic K iiinlnr.."1 JiJ'-..- miiwI bv the Countfss iflBs B7f TSit the mill vvns doomed. The K vd .tn(K.n, "". .t ...i, lh m XS&L?FsLfr " s SE& KoVhm"itVr from hootin tho Tit- wntu! L"iifr thnt dy n porlmnntnn coir M, ",:, cripllc croM had he-n stolen ft "aSc&Siir In the Mai act street rirrumatiinllal evidence points pretty JrilStJelyto the deed Koerner. who was k . engineer, j ?;""." u-" -..-- 1 ?n.etof nl ,.ecU.li; man- V ?' Ef.n VhS Knloilon. When Monte. TCSfi. anil Airant W. return to Phils V Affi" It? t ntant they rush to Hc-ch-, elF,'ap.i office In an etort to capture him 1 mditer s o "" "i " ...miv. the man t Wr "'" ..tt.mni.,1 in shnot. lto eon- HS? that he was unwlttlnnly uscl a n iw'ln uomb Plota and Is lelllnB his stor. CHAPTEit IX Conllnticil -(0 ON', what woke- you up?" naked &trt''c i "I bcfian to realize my position tviich 'Jtociimclster lost his black portmanteau In tho subway, in roou mini i reporteu (ho robbery lo tho police, ElvlrtB this atl 'ire". Ycfl' snia waB a Prlvato dc" 'fetectlve. How the grosscr-aeuot stormed. KThen I suspected tins -Rrcai commnnucr ftVu behind all tho recent bombing ot Anierlcan factories nnd mum nnu wo cnii- m log f strikes. Ono crlst of letters pro- pared to Influence the editorial opinion b . . miimirn ilnllv was In tho black tiort- 1H V..O....O- -- K nuntcau, as was a lot of tho gang's cor- f respondenco In cipher, L Lumley began to cough 'violently; he V iris In pain, physical as well as mental. He concluded: "Until today I never knew for a certainty what they were up to. Thty kept It all from me, curso them. I rented this ofTlco for them nnd I am tho It .-t..t fnnl --.I. , mi "Never mind that," broke In Agent Sf'vY. sharply. You navo spoiton tne Wy truth I You can bo of great service to 0 ..- An,,r,rv Thorn irrtntlnmpn nrn ilncr. K: UU1 wu.tvw -...- D ....... . - ird. I movo we adjourn." The four men took the waltlnc tal .h Ao the Government ofllclnl nnd i m: Burnley wcro dropped at a small hotel kin Bin sircci, iiiu luiii.c it-juui jiuu, wvl c list, wo have a man on tho Inside with B the plotters.", K "Meanlne me." said Lumley with n BE grimace. "Well, I owe tho boy there a good turn for the one ho dm mo last nlBht. i . . ..At, 4tt nnnnl. .lm,,n In F HI1UIOVC1 JUH " .. l'-v"u u... ... PWasblnston want done I am your man." CHAPTER X Explanations ami Mystifications TIIHEC crowded weeks In tho affairs of Monte Crlspcn had passed. The Kuro pean wnr still screeched from tho front pages ot tho newspapers. Early presiden tial candidates wero letting1 oft their pre liminary fireworks. Under piessuro of b" FARMER SMITH'S HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A GHOST? Dear Children Recently I nttended an art show and there I saw a very wonderful painting and I inquired if the painter of the picture were present. I met him and asked if I got a piece of canvas and the same color ft paints as he used and the same kind like his? k. lie saici, xno. 1 was amazed and 1 asked, "How like yourself?" E He answered, "If you wel-e, I should have heard of you." So, you see, that canvas, paint and brusnes cto inui maue a ucuumui picture. It is the GHOST the SOMETHING behind the picture. You have seen a marble statue somewhere. Could YOU take a cold piece of stone and carve such a wonderful vision of loveliness? I think not. What is there about the wonderful piece of marble which attracts you? Only yesterday it was in the cold ground by tho mountain side. As it lay there it hnd no SOUL. A sculptor found the piece of marble after it came from the quarry ft and put something into it and that something was a GHOST! W. -,, . ,..,. i Ai..i :- w k; we open a magazine ana gaze at ns? The GHOST. You read bv the hour a fascinating Cf keerjp you reading? The GHOST of the story.'' The very next time you write a composition for your teacher or a letter to me, try to PUT THE GHOST IN IT! "Ah!" you say. "You are talking about the SPIRIT OF THINGS, and not the GHOST." That may be, but suppose you look for the Ghosts in pictures, in statue3, Iii books, everywhere. ' It's lots of fun. Why, there's a GHOST in this talk to you or you would'nt have read this far. "BOO!" He's gone! Good-night. FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor, Evening Ledgeh. PARMER SMITH'S GOAT BOOK Billy Bumpus and Mrs. Spider Mra. Spider had come down from the '.top of the back porch In her home-made iVtor and was taking a snooze when Moiur came Billy Bumpus, the Goat. ;- "Cheer-chool" went Billy, not knowing wjr one was around. "Stop that I" said a squeaky voice Just v his head. r "Who's that?" asked Billy, so surprised U dropped a piece of tin can which hej J! been eating-. J'It la I, Mrs. Spider." "Sow on earth can a Billy Goat's sneeze k$tber you?" asked the fejlow with the hornq. "It male mv woh vnl, " rpnlfAd Mrs. LBPlder. ' ' ' "I thnilffht vnt Ills a1 n KvsVer1 " ald pUly "" "" ''I do. bv th rf win,! linl ( hu n (l-o. 0 : L-, at" ' " t Q0 at1 u1mt9" a.V.,1 Tltllv TtlltnOUS. tbo had never thought what a queer name a had before. PAHMER SMITH, ' Evening Lkdcjkr: I wlah to become a member of your hSt? ow Club- Please send me a beau tutul flalnbov Button free. I agree v A Lirrwa kindness bach tKE kvkuv day spread a wttlb sunshine all along tHB WAY -ame ' ... - ...(.(,,...ti Aadxess .............. Axe .. ,.; aoH attend , ,. - r CbUPEN WniTTEN ESPECIALLY ARNOLD Copyflsht, 1010. Tho sordid scrambling for profits, "war brides" and ''peace babies" wcro bobbing llko corks upon endlcb-i rlvcrn of stock tape. Industry hummed. As for public Interest In the outcome of the destruction o; tho west mill at Crls pcn, I'a In a few shott dnys It had gono llko a first snowllako upon tho window pane. Wo cannot see that renders should nlono have tho right to Interrupt at their pleasure. Some of tho prh lieges of break ing off for a. moment, and doing something elee, should be shared by the teller, who finds It riulte necessary occasionally to drag In matters that only Indirectly nro related to tho story. Hero Is our digres sion: Bomohow It has become an established rule that once you have Introduced "de tectives Into an account of events, they should remain upon the pages until tho Inst climax has popped Its thrill. An equally ridiculous tradition clsts with respect to tho heroine; that she should dnnco daintily boforo our eyes In the very first chapter. Tut' Tut! The Cryptic Cross solutions by readers of Ihu EVENING LEDGER must reach this office Nop Later Than Noon Saturday, April 1 In real life detectives nio only around for a few hours at the most. They aplt their iiucstlons. Then they go away; sometimes they romo back nnd make an arrest, but not often. As for tho hcrolno tradition, what heio of substanco does no: pass through n period of obsci vatlon before starting down tho tobog gan that has to end In the Inevitable "they wcro happj ever after"? Mnnto Crlspon l.new that some dav he would meet the tight girl, but he was in no hurry, and until sho comes along we must bo patient Thero wns still much; oh, so much, In the ordinary um of nf fahs In tho work-a-day wotld to absorb his attention. N'ow problems sprang bo foio him with each sunrise One of the first things he did after his Initial visit to tho Montgomery Iron Worlta was to assemble and study all available data bearing upo,l bettciments for wnsc earn ers; ho learned that the Philadelphia dis trict teemed with employers who had In stalled workable sick bencllt unions, sat isfactory mutual Insurance societies and solid building and loan associations. -In all there Inquiries Monte had n stanch supporter of Craig Andrews, tho lawyer. From his private Income account of brushes, could I paint a picture do you Know i am not. a great paimcr What fascinates a ocuuuiui jm:i.iui-. m story. "What grips you holds you k- " frai?r( .TE) i ( , M J "Why," went on Mrs. Spider, "when the animals, birds and flshea and the mean things were named, tome jone suw you and called you 'Butter.1 becauso you butt. That wouldn't do, so your name was changed to Go-at." "Oh!" exclaimed Billy. "Then they call you a spider because you spy?" "Yes, yes," answered Mrs. Spider. "And they call a bee a bee " "Here, here! I don't like bees." said Mrs. Spider. "I see," replied Billy Bumpus. "They are called 'bees'- because wo shou'd let them be," "My, but you are smart 1" exclaimed Mra. Spider, "Run along now, there Is a fly n piy web," "I see now why a fly la called a 'fly,' " answered Billy- M , ,. . "Why?" asked the lady In the web. Because, when you SPY It. you have to FLY to it or Jt will BE gone." "No wonder your head has horns!" ex claimed Mrs. Spider, as she disappeared. Kindness Is Best ny MARIE LOUISE TBEACY. Cbe.tnut St. There was once a cat who always scrapped with the dog whenever they met. Now both their mothers heard of this, so they taught them how to be good. Weir; the next lay the cat and dog met again. Pussy said. "I'm going to bo nice to Sa" and Vido said. "I'm going t.o be niea to Pussy" They were so surprised to find the other not fighting thaf they Enth stood stocH still Then they laughed SS beSme friends and bad a much better " They tad hMth Ired the lesson that "ItJ HwSE SSur to t agreeable.- A T A LE - OF PHILADELPHIA rt)It THE EVENING I.fiDCIEn I1T GARRY COLM Punnc Leixipn Compiny. he had Andrews arrange n distribution of cash nmong the families that hnd suffered from the west mill explosion; on cqulva'ent in amount to his own Im pulsive donation to the widow of Jim Koerner, tho misguided assistant chrI- I hcer. lie hnd the good sense to hold to his original dotcimlnallon to keep his per sonality out of direct contact with tho executives running th- nrtous properties ho wns to Inhetit, until be knew more about them himself. He never attended bonrd meetings, nnd lie Urpt away from his unrlo's old onVes In the Montgomery National Dank llullding. So fnp-ns the heads ot the Montgomery entcrpilses knew, J. Montgomery f!rls pen, heir of millions, inn to the form of the nveragc Noting mnu-ahout-lown, and hnd accepted life ns it playground. Instead nf following a policy of ".nines aire," Monte wns really thinking, "Whnt Is nil tills monev doing, nnd whnt nm I going to do with It'" As soon as events shaped, he pinposed icsiimlng Ills quest for fnrts as plain "Mr Tailor, cfllclcnc: expert " In tho pin suit of those lesponslbte for tho went mill ill.a.itcr, Monte occasionally heard of the activities ot tho secret serv ice men from Andrews. Summers, tho superintendent, nnd Agent K had estab lished that the plant had been double mined h two foimer employes, foreign bom laborers, who mil) the day before tho successful bombing had nnlled on a tramp steamer down the Hel.iw.iro for a Medltcrianenn port. Thc wcic beyond American Jurisdiction. As for Addison Luniley, the sclf-stvlcd "Volco of the People," and his efforts to assist In tho capture ot tho Sluvay gang, here nlno new developments lnggcd lamentabl). Agent V was barely hope ful, not at nil sanguine. Lumley had been socrctlv put befoic a. Kcileial Clrnnd Jury, and a prima fade case made nsaln 't the plotteis, with tho nsslstance ot ledgers and a few imreturncil canceled checks from several banks In New York and Woshliigtn.i, wlieio llochmcister wns found to have accounts under the aliases levelled by I.umlev Knowing Hoehmcister was the master mind of the Slgvay gang wns one tiling: proving It with evidence sufllclent to charge a ct Into in an Indictment was qulto another. His safety deposit box at tho Montgomery National ll.ink had been forced and found empty, his nbandoncd ofllco in the i:chango llullding disclosed no Incriminating proofs, not a single com promising wrap of I nper llesldes. lto had vanished completel) . and a score of nlcutlu had fevetlshly nm up blind alleys without even a peep at Ills august coattalH Smli U the plight of the (liuernment In n inunlry that prrniltH alien ftrnngerN to rnnm ut will, liiHtrnil of requiring (lint their prAriire In nny community lie ln ntiintly reported to the police by tlumo who hheltcr tliem. In European countries this iireriiiitlim lui been taken for jen, nnd no nllen could cluing Ills nililrens without the authorities knowing It. I Thus matters stood one rnlny evening late in Nnvcmbar. when Mnnto shortly he- I fore midnight was Interrupted In ills study b tl.o entrance of the butler. The young man had been Immersed in technical books t elating to tho mnnufactutc of fabtlca. CONTINUED TOMORROW RAINBOW CLUB Our I'ostoflicc Bo Adrlennc Reppller Wollens, ot Mount Airy, hcnds "loe to all the little Rain bows In town " From Frances M. Daugli crty, of Ilaxerford, com-M a thougtitful huggestlon She writes, "I think It would bo a good Idea for Ralnbowa who get the I Sunday Public Ledger to malto up tho I'unlty Dunk iioiikd for iimo uiuiv cnu dren " Francis McAdams, of Gloucester, wants to Itnow when to send in drawings You may send them In at nny time, but If I you follow tho subjects in "Things to I Know and Do," you are entitled to cont ! pete for the money prlzew awarded nt tho I end ot each week. From Morrlstown. N. J comes William .oiuon. who ceie lines his birthday by Joining tho Rainbow Club Many, many happy days Just llko that one! Dorothy Batten, Woodbuiy, N. J.. Is waiting for her llttlo chum to return from Florida so that she. too. may be a little Rainbow A branch club in Llndcnwold, N. J. ! That Is what Alfred Clough writes. The first meeting, hold last Friday, was voted by all a hugo hucccsh. lMna Cooper, Wlstcr street, Cermantown, announces that sho la finming a Rainbow circle and will send particulars later. Harry Cooper, her 2-year-old brother, is to be an honor ary member When Harry saw IMna'a Rainbow button he cried so for It that big sister had to glo It to him' Heglua Gallagher, of Havcrford avenue, writes: "Our Sunshine Club would like to be a brunch of your Rainbow Club. Ita members nro as follows. Harold Decker, DntiM Groe. Mary Wcnzol and Reglna Gallagher." Our Rainbow Club gives to your "Sunshine Club" a right royal wel. come! Ida Wagman and Reglna Mll bert, of South 2d and South 4th streets respectively, would like to become ac quainted with somo Rainbows In their neighborhood who would llko to Join them In forming a brnnch club. These young ladies attend tho Southern High School. Henry Sletina, Lancaster avenue, wishes to Know how to win prizes. You may win prizes by answering the ques tions of "Things to Know and Do." Bes sle Cohen, Brown Btreet, gives her share of sunshine by "taking care of tho baby." Bessie reads tho club news faithfully, so we rather suspect that "baby" will grow un to bo a Rainbow'! Sarah Starman, North' 7th street, hasn't a baby to play with, so she has the next best thing, a dear little white guess a bunny' Sarah plays the piano; I wonder It Bunny sings! Leandro Tori, South 15th street, and Albert D'Imperio, South 12th street, are making a "Drawing Camera." We knqw the Rainbows would like to hear all about -the mechanism of this Interesting "pic ture box." Will the boys please write and tell us? Hetb Rlordan. Webster street, Is very much Interested In wireless telegraphy and electricity, Have any brother electri cians Information to exchange with him? Will William Bmbray send his address? The following names were signed to In teresting letters: Caroline Casacclo, East Lansdowne; A. Savrin. North 6th street; Mary Hodson. Christian street; Mary Yates, John Ellis, South 5th street; Alice Henson. Carson street; Thelma Martzatl. South Markoe street; R. Kramer, Oxford streets, and II. J.achterman, Moyamenslng avenue. watch ran ouu FLOWKK WEEK NUMUEH, L Things to Know and Do 1. What Is the meanlng-vof the term "civil war"? 2. Name and describe four kinds of birds. 3. Spell CANDY with two letters. (Sent In by Irvine Woodward.) BOYS AND QIBL8. If yon want to earn money fU icbool and on Saturdays write I Farmer Smith. CARNATIONS OF BEAUTY AND RARE FRAGRANCE AT BIG FLOWER SHOW Commercial Growers' Entries Special Feature for Today. Privnte Exhibitors Dis play on Friday FINE TABLE FIXINGS Ladies' Socioty of American Florists Awards Prizes for Retail Dealers Thousands of cnrnntlotis, ranging In color from the purest white through every shado of pink, red and purple, arc be ing featured today nt tho Fourth Natlnnnl riowcr Show of the Society of American Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists In Convention Hall This lower hn proved such a popular entry thnt the exhibits have been divided nnd only the rommerelat growers are be ing leprcsentcd In today's special entries The many thotnunds of blooms listed by the privnte cthlhltotn Will be staged and Judged on Fridnv The prizes, which will be awarded to the commorrlal growern of cnrnntlons to day, will aggregate J3G0 In cash, and In addition to these n gold medal, valued nt $50, will he presented by Kroe-chell Brothers Company, of Chicago, to the ex hibitor staging the 12 largest carnation hloomx The American Carnation Society Will also award a silver medal to the best vao of blooms siiown and a bronze medal to tho second best. .Il'lllLi:i: IIXIIIBITION. The schedule covering the carnation ex hibits Is prepared bv the American Carna tion Knclcty. nnd tho entries nro staged under Its supervision This organization Is celebrating Its "Jubilee Inhibition" In conjunction with the Flower Show. Tho itcnlo of points to ho used In Judging the blooms will flguro color as being 25 per cent ot the value of each entry, nl7o 20 per cent, stem 20 per cent, substanco IS per cent., form 10 per cent nnd frngtauco and cnlyx E per cent each. The first seven classes In which prizes will be awarded today call for 100 blooms in each individual exhibit, which has re sulted in moio than 10.000 carnations be ing staged In these classes alone In tho remaining 17 classes 50 blooms comprise cacli exhibit, and tho thousands of beauties figuring In these Classen have transformed tho eastern end of Conven tion Hall Into a literal wilderness of ex quisite carnations nnd have filled the liulltllng with n frngraneo which only these flowern can cteat". Tho Ladles' lloclety of American Flor ists Is also awarding prizes today to ex hibitors showing the best dinner table decorations This competition Is open to retail florists only. Although the carnation feature of the day Is an exceptional one, the crowds which are visiting Convention Hnll have lost none of their interest In the other ex hibits. Tho entries of W. Atlco Burpee 4 Co , of A N. Plerson, Inc., of Thomas Median S. Sons. Henry A Drcer, Inc. the Century Flower Shop and a host of others cause favorable comment among the vis itors nt the show After having awarded a gold medal to Henry A. Dreer. Inc.. for sestcrdny's roo I exhibit, tho Judges of the competition made public n rt.atenient commending tho prbo winner ns lonows: Never beforo at any Flower Show In tho United States has such a result been achieved. The patlenco nnd In terest requlrod to accomplish this re sult Is worthy of our slnccrest appre ciation. Tho exhibit ns arranged deserves tho approval of the most artistic and will sure'y bo n factor In making tho Philadelphia Show a success .M--r . t,t.i nTM.ntr t-.r.Kr. i The Henry F. Miclicll Company has staged an attractive Dutch sceno which mlds a continuous throng of ndmlrers. vgainst a painted background showing a windmill, the blades of which actu ally tevolve. there In a quaint formal garden with beds of hyacinths inter woven with numerous gravel paths. Parts of the plot are nodded and aiound tho border nro growing plants of various varieties. Tho vvbolo Is surioundcd with a quaint green fenco and Inside, seated on a bench, are a boy" and girl each In lutch costume. Among other notublo exhibits are those if the Conrad nnd Jones Company, A. C. .volnnek. John Schecpcrs R. Co, Adolph Muller, tho I'lotex Gardens, William Henry Maule, H. H. Farr, Alpliano Humus, Rupert Klcnle, tho Porjzees Flower Company, the National Decora tive Company. Frank Pontes, Thomas Hopper Bros, and Frank M. Ross. A lecture on "Flowei Arrangement and Color Combination," to be delivered by Max Settling, of New York, at 3-30 o'clock this afternoon. Is looked forward to by many of tho flower lovers attending the exhibition today as ono of tho most at tractive features. Tonight Robert Pyle, of West Orovi', Pa, will deliver an ad dress on "Roses " Tho Tea Garden, which has proved ono of the most attiuctlvo features of the Flower Show to persons ptominent In social circles nf thU city, Is to be con ducted this afternoon by tho "Wceders," an organization of which Mra. Andrew Wright Crawford Is chalrmnn. Tonight the Tea Garden will be under tho man agement of the New Century Club, with Mra .William B Campbell supervising. Tho proceeds of the Tea Garden are to be devoted to charity. OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS. More than 1000 out-of-town flower en thusiasts are expected at the Flower Show today Among tho delegations listed to view tho display Is the Womnn'a Garden Club 'of Baltimore, comprising 375 mem bers, which arrived Bhortly beforo noon. A special train arriving at Broad Street Station at 12:02 o'clock brought a delega tion of nearly 600 ttoilsts ft.m No rn city. City Statistician Cattell made the uddress of welcome at the station una tne party took luncheon at the stalou resau rant before leaving for the Bhow The Garden Club of Norwood, Pa., will also send a delegation of 200 to Convention Hall today. Welcome to We cordially invite Lovers of Roses, the Queen of Flowers, to visit our booth at tho Show. It has been designed especially to please, and afford a place of rest for those of our friends who love to reyel In the delicate beauty and won derful fragrance of these, "The Best Roses for America" Make your sprina a election from samples of dormant rose plants and enjoy our beautiful display of superb causa In full bloom. Grown under our personal supervision. With your first rose order for ii ot more we in clude a copy of "How to GrowRs." Library Edition. Lists nearly 5C0 vari eties; 113 pages; 1C In natural colors. If you dont get to the Show be sure to write us, anyway. We will gladly help you make your rose selection. TWIONARD tw&JoaaiCo. Utbt. VfU .M-toUia Yliatur rrs v i re. JCcue Sa-rtalltlt. Backiil tv so year experience IN MEMOntAM tIAI.rot'R, In loMnu n memi rnnco of ALEX ANDKIt tlALIOL'U who itrpnrted thin Ufa March 2S, 11)03 Thy memory ever cherished i&zat)$ MM. I Theie Noticei Are Printed in the I Evening Ledger Free of Charge. , r((llli:. on March 2rt. tfiin nt flu in .rAVti:H At'i'Ocu: Sr ioi of the lite tl'V Wllll-im -Vtrnoe npnl "1 nr tlintliTS nml frlcrils nm Imltnl to attend tho runerni wrvlrr on Thurwliiy. nt -J p m nt the rr!H1(-iiii of hl oin, Albert Arrooo 18111 Heed nt Interment nt lMen Cemetery lt.MS. On Mnre'i 21. 1010. HKIlTnUDn A , wife nf tlenrne Ailims nnd dniiKhtrr of Mnrv ind the late I.imes Whnlen. Helatlies nnd friends nre milted to nttenn tne luncrni, on Tluirsdij. nt s in n m, from lirr lute i residence 1(10", Pouth tilth nl Polemn tleiittlem t tun fit f'hllri'h nr the Mont Illented Knenment it It) a m Interment nt Holy Crrns Cemetery AI.M-.N On Mnrrh 2T tnin, LOTTtH II. v.lfe of William 11 Allen Uelntlven nnd friends nre I vMteil to attend the tuneful nervteen. on Thurndaj. nt 2.10 p. in. nt her lute renldenn- 4HH I'enn nt . 1'rnnk ford. Interment private Trenton (N. J ' papers nlenio tnpv AMltl.LK. On Mnreh 20 inlrt. MAIIIA A., wife nf John I" Ambler nnd rlnuxhter of tho lite Henry nnd Mnry Khull funeral nervlres nt her Intt) renld-nre nil South llronil nt , I.indnte pi on Thursday, nt 2 n. in In terment privnte AltMHiHO.Mi. on Mnreh 2d. 1010 ANNA .VI widow of Ahrnm Armstrong (nee Jerfer lel) In her fl-M enr itelltlven nnd friends nre Inilted to attend the funeral services, on i ThurmMs. nt 2 p nt . nt her lnte residence, j litis iirmvn nt interment privnte, ni i-ern-wood tVmeter In nutomobllen !li:UTKtl" on Mnrrh JT, lotn. WILLIAM 0 , html mil of Hnrnh llertron llelntlves nnd frti uiIh nre InUtcd to attend the funernl nervlem. on Thurmlm nt 2 p in precisely, nt bin lute resldenre. Snjt Cnthnrlnn nt In terment nt Mt Mot lull Cemeterj. Autnuiolilln servlee Itetnnlnn may be viewed nt tho hnune on VVetlnendi lietween 7 and Ii m ili;. On Mnreh 27. 1111(1. JAM: Ii. widow of Alfnd V Hew nireil 78 yenrs ilelalliea nhd friends lire Invited to ntteml tho funernl. on Thurndiis, at J p m from the renldente nf her dumhter, Mrs Caroline llrown drill rnmis'mui nve Itnxlioroimh Interment nt I..'verlnstn-i Cetneterv Itemnlnn mty ba viewed VV.dnendiv, nfter 7 p. m CAN ON. On March 211. I10 IIHWAIID T. huinnd of llmtni V Cnnon (nee llnw-ern) Itcl.itlws ntlil frli niN. also llellnnce IniRe. No. U. A o V VV , nre Invited to ntteml the fumr.il norvlces on Thurndij. nt 2 n in nt lila late resldenre. I72II Mouth Kith nt Hcrnntns mny Iii viewed on Wednesday nrer 7 t, m Interment private. ('Willi UN. On March 20 mill. JOHN CAM ItlHtN aired .",2 carn Relatives anil friends are Imlttd to attend the funernl services nn Witlnrnilav at 130 p m . nt tho resi dence, nf his sun. 11 Cnmburu. 2301 North tanlthgnw nt Interment nt Itosa Hill Cein"- terj Amhlrr. I'll CAIIMXN. At Own n Orove, N J., on March 21,. mill WILLIAM II . son of tile lnte .lames nnd Itebecca I Cnrninn, nired 78 enrs Itelithen nnd friends are invited to attend tho funeral, on VVVdncsdi. at 2 fin , from his In tt residence ICH. On Mnreh Jl mill. THOMAS, son of John II and Itriilitet Cnrr. nucd 2 1 jean Helatlves and frtemls. also llrnncli r," O M. 11 A . and IIolv Name Society nnd Ills nnin. elates nf St lohij'n Hluh Hehool MnnnyunU, nro Invited to uttond the funernl. on Wnlnes tl.iy nt s lo a in from the residence of tils P'irrutn. 2HU ItttxhnrnUKh avc ItnxbnroitKh. Holemn Iteiiulem Mass at Kt John the llap tlst Church at lo a in Interment nt Mt John's (Ynieten CAKItOI.L, On .Mnreh 20. 1111(1, KLIZAtllVril M . widow nf Patrick Carroll ItelatlvtH and friends nre Invited to attend funeral Wcdnin d ly. nt H .to a m. from rtsldence of her d.lUBhti r. Vlrn Mary ltnyle, 2121 rl Carlisle nt llUh Masn of itinulcm at St Monica n Church, nt in n m Inttrim-nt Hol Cross (elnrter fit VM'ANT. On March 2.1 1010 nnNJA .M1N VV .CHAI.r.VNT, huslnnil of Mary H. Chnlfant 11, lattven and friends, also tdnhn Tribe No 7.1 Improved Order nf Ited Men are Invltid to attend the funernl serv ices on VVedni sd iv, at J P in . at his Into resld-nre. Ii.int North Wlfllngton nt Iln mnliin in i be viewed on Tuesd ly. from K to lo ii m Interment private, ut Mount Ver non Ci uietery. rilAIllro.N on March 21 linn. ANNA, wlfo uf Altiiui P I'hnrlton Helatlves and friends nre Invited to ntt.nd the funeral on rrbbtv nt M :to a m . from her lite residence. 3illn Aspen Nt Went Philadelphia lllnh HequU-m Mans at Mt Acitlia'n rhurch. at 1U n. in Interment ut llnlv Cross t'emeterv C'LAICU. On Mnreh 21 llltll. THOMAS W.. huslMtid nf Mir CI irk Uetnthefl nnd frlniiils are invltnl to at end the funernl on Wednesday, at s .lo a nt from Mteelman's Chapel .10.11 ICi nsltmton ate HlKh Miss at Church uf the Ascension ut In n. m. Inter ment ut Holy Si pub lire Cnuetery. CI.AKH. On .Vlanh Jll ltllll MAItaAItHT J CLAItfC Iteljtlven and frleiuls are Invltitl to ntteml tho fumral Hervleen on Wedrien- liy. nt It u m . at her lute resilience, 1U2t W. (llrnril ave Interment private, ut Went 1 tin-el inn onwrery CI.LUHNT. On March 27. nt llnitdonfleld N. J iliW'NMKNll son of I itu 'Intvnsellil und Ann lit mem imed US scarH Helatlves and friends of family nr r.spcttfutb Invltctl to ntlend funeral nervb e ai I npltst Temple, Hliddonneltl. N J , Widnesdnl. 2 10 p m t'l (ISK. On Mnreh 2(1. 1H10 KUZAHUTil C. duutthtcr of Mariraret nnd Into Henry M. Clone Helatlves and friends nro Invited to nttiml the funtrnl services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. in . at tho residence of her mother. ."di i Ilnverfurtl ave. Interment private. t'OI.I.ILlt. On Jlanh 2U. mill. LLIZAIHTTH COI.I.lHIt. llRid .'! Ji'lirn Helatlles unit friciuN alsu imploves of Polwill llro tt Co s UurllnrT nnd MenJlns Department nre Jnvlted in attend lum-rul Htrvuen. on Wd nisd.ii. at 1 p m nharp. at rtsldine nf her brutllLr-ltl-law. HiiltMiiu Anderton, :I2,1J N Hantoik nt Interment private, l.reenmnunt Ctineti ry lleni.ilns m ly b viewed TueHda, after 7 p. in CIINMH.LV Un llan.li 20, mio. JHSSH I unhand of the lite Mnrc.llft L Connolly Kelntlve and frlenos also all societies of width ht w-uH a member, nro Invited to at tend fumral uirvlt-en at his late residence .Ml William nt . Camden, on Wednesd ty. at 12-30 p m Interment private. Cedir Hill Cemetery friends may view rem tins Tues ' '--mi 7 t i n n m CONVKI.L. Suddenly, on March 20 1010. ANNIH M . wlfi nf Mlchiel A. Connell Hft.itlira and friends are Invited to attend tho fumral. on 'Ihurnday. at 8 30 n. m. from her lito ristileiice. Ill", North loth st. ttok-mn Rich Uttiulem Mass nt Mt Mulachy' Church at 10 u in Interment at New Cutho drul Cmeter COVI.i:. Kuildt-nli. en JIarch 20.1III1I JAMKR 1 HANCItl mm nf willUm J and Mnry V Colti (nee Jlcfnrthy) nseil 7 J corn 11 months in dus Due iiutlcu of funeral vvltl le uiveii. from parents' resldenct.-. 2' tu North CIKUVN. On March 28. 1010. PATRICK c'Ultl'.AN ItelutlvcH and friends nr In vited to titteml tho funeral, on Tliurndny, nt H u m . from resldcnco of hln son. 'Ihnnwn Curran, 1-H- Mouth 27th st Itequlem Mass at Mt Anthouj's Church. t 3D a. m Inter ment ut Holy Cross Cemetery D.vll.lA. on .MarLii .'ii. Hi hi I'HTCIt J . son if tho lite James and Cathnrlnu D.illey (nee Monawhan Duo nutk of funeral w-lll tm nlen. from his late residence, 427 West Dla ntttil nt DAVIs. At Clementon N J , on March 27. llllil. It. ANNA, wife ot James W Davis Hired !! eirs. Helatlves and friends, also Duwey Uidje. No 3 United Americans, and nil other societies of which sho wun u mem ber tiro Invited lo attend tho funerul serv ices, on Ihurnday. at 2 p m ut her late residence. Camden N J interment at Hnr pltth Cemetery Itemnlns may be viewed on Widnesday evening DtllILt:. At Cetlar llrook. N J . on March 2U. 1UK1. H.VUAIl A . wife of Joshua Duble. Rose-Land Evergreen Bittersweet srEcnusra .v i ii i rai-i i ii . naray i mux, uiuca, I Roses, Iris, Evergreen and Shrubbexy Asfc or Our Pries LUt ADOLF MULLER Norristown, Pa. DE KALB NURSERIES & p a box on Sjfa. v H HliBL??a a( ; ' 7,-jiiT A." j9 H li lb- Ll2SrfCtSSnK 1I SV T ftyfcJHrv..fT A WEST GROVE WSSJW "JMmM ft vlffi Bi oi Pa. W WLsSZFft J&yJW . ffe i i.lliM?5.YRfl saalijaaHL VMt I f I e-evoVT X-' va iTr'Tratt BK.iaws .aat fts&'aa- i a I Cj riArjre w t-iurr7-L-s3t-. im-ir iiiTMM'ViIalal I i 'SliSjUWriJaL riBATnn need 00, yeflrn Helatlves nnd friends are Invited to ntteml the funeral nervlren, on Wednesday, r.t 2 p in nt her lnte resld-nce Cedir llrook. N J Interment nt Wllllimn to-vn Methodist liplscoprvl Cemetery Train lenves Chestnut nt ferrv nt 1 p, m Re mnlns mny 1 vlcwrtl Tuesday evening KI IINtir.lt. On Mnreh 2T 1010, AHRAHAM, husband of Jennie Tirflncrer. nred 01 jenrn Helatlves nnd friends nrn Invited to attend tho funeral services on Wednesday, nt 2 p In precisely, nt his son's residence, Herbert llfflnser. 018 North 10th t. interment nt Mount Mlnnl Cemetery. IHCIIIlqtt.V. On Mnreh 20, 1010 A LIU-HIT A JlltlltloltN lo his snth venr. Relnltven nnd Trlends. also members of Chosen Friends 1idce No loo, I o O r . Veternnn' Assn. nnd Iteidlns 11 wy Relief Assn . nro Invited to nttend funernl on Thursday, nt 2 p m. from his lnte residence. 20S1 Kant Somerset nt Interment privnte, nt Orconwood (K of c I t'emelerv rAIIItlH.IA. On Mnreh 20. Inlrt. ANNA M.. dan thter of J imcs J nnd llrlduet rnrrellv. nrted s jeirn t rnnnthn and 8 diss Cunernl, to which relatives nnd friends nre Invited on Wednesday, nt 7 10 n m , from her pnr enln' residence ml in s llickn et Mnns of Requiem at hurt h of St Monica nt U n m Interment IIolv Cross Cemetery. liSlll.rt, On March 20, 1010. ANNIH C. wife of Peter A 1'lslier. Relntlven nnd friends nre Invited to nttend funernl nrv lei . Wednesd.u-, p m , nt her Into resi lience, .ISO.' Wnltnn nve Interment privnte Remnlns mas be viewed Tuesday, from 8 to 0 p m rT.tiHKIL Suddcnlc. on Mnrrh 20. 1010. CIlRISTtAN K . son of the lite John and Re. hoccn tinner, nired 4R venrs Relntlven nnd friends nre Invited to nttend funernl nervlces on Wednesday nl 8 p m , nt the residence nf his brotlier-ln Inw. A L Stark, 1301 w Russell st Interment Thursdnv nt Hlnndon Iterks Countc, Pn , on nrrlval of 10 in n m train rrnm Rendlns Terminal rol.t.Y.MtD. On March 2.1. Inlrt. JOHN, bus bnnd of lite Mnrj Knllvard Relatlven nnd friends nlso lie l,n Maile Council. No Win It nf C St Patrick's 1 C 11 V . No. BI2. nnd emplojes of West Phlln Storehouse, P It R , nre Invited to ntlend funeral, nn Tliurndny nt 8 30 n. m, from renldnieo nf his snn-lnlnv. Thmnns Mctlnrev IM) N Cnlon nve. Lnnndowne, Delawarn Counts. Pa Wall Minn nt St Phllnnienn's Church nt 10 n m Interment IIolv Cross Ccmctcry I ItltHlllIfiSS. SuddenK on March 2S. 1010. PIIVLI.IH lieloved nnd onlv d.iuuhter nf .Mr. nnd Mrs H I' I'rledrlrlcs I'unernl snd Interment strictly private Kindly omit Mow ers HALLOW AY. On March 27, 1010 MART, vlfo of ileorae J (lilloway Cuneral. to which relatives and friends nre Invited, on Thursd nt U n m , from her lite resi dence 1110 4 3d nt Mnss of Reuulem nt church of the Sacred llenrt nt 1U-3U a m Interment nt IIolv Cross Cemeterv flILI.r.HI'li:. On March 21 into CATIIAR 1NH iliucht"- -t lat, Jonn nnd Sarnh (lilies, pie Relntlves nnd Trlends, nlso Altnr nnd Itnniry Societies lire Invited to nttend fu neral, on Wednesday, nt 7 in n m from her late residence, 800 N 21th nt Solemn Mnss of Hctiulem at Mt Croncls Church nt n a. in Interment New Cathedral Ceme tery. fillllllAN. On Mnreh 2.1 1110 SUSAN it (nee Mereels). wife of Wllllnm C Oormnn Relntlven and friends nro Invited lo nttend funernl. on Wednead.is. nt 8 10 n m . from her Into residence. 7111 Corlnthtnn nve Solemn Requiem M ins nt Ht Crnncls Xnvler'n Church nt 10 n m. Interment Holy Cross Ccmetcrs OKAHML On Mnrcn 21 1010 Mm SARAH CANNINC1 tlHAllA.M Relatives nnd friends nro Jnvlted to attend the funeral services on Tuesday at 2 p m nt her late residence 101 Mouth 22d nt Interment nrlvate flKOMH'.lttl. On Mnreh 27. 1010 MICIIAni. L.. husband of Rnchel Leopold Oronberi:, In his 7lth car Helatlves and friends nlsn riothlc- Lodite. Xo Rill, P nnd A M aro Invited to attend tho runernl services, on Wednesday, nt 10 30 n m preclselj, nt hln lnte residence. 2214 North 20th st Interment nt Mount Mlnal Cemetery. HAMI.IN. On Mnreh 27. 1010 at Rldlry I'.irk Pn . AltltlKTTA K . (nee Powelson). wlfo of Colonel OeorKe r llnmtin runernl nt 24 Sellers nve Ridley Park, nt 8 p in Wetlncsdas Interment at Mcotcii Plains, N J . 1 p. m , Thursday 1IANMIN. On tho mornlnu of March 2.1 ItilO, ANDItHVV A., son of Lawrence nnd Catherine Jlamtnn Relatives and friends nro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thurs day. at s 30 n m fiom the residenco of his parents, mil N 37th st . West I'hlla hoi cmn Requiem Mnss In Mt, Acath i'u Church at 10 n in precisely. Interment In Holy Cross Cemetcr I'AIll.l'.Y. At Atlantic Cltj. N J , on Mnreh jil. HUH CRANCHS. wife nf Joseph L Par ky, need 2S jenrs Hel.i Ives and friends nre Invited to attend funeral, on Tliursd is at 8 lo n in . from her late residence Ins N lVnnsslvanla live Mali Miss nt- Ht Nicholas' Church ot Ii 3d u m Interment Pleas uitvllle Ccmcterv via special train HARRIS. On March 23 llllil. CHRISTINA, wltltiw of Thomas Harris Relatives and friends, nlso Tinea No. 1 llenetlclal Models aro invited to nttend funeral. Wednesday, at A V m . from her Into residence, 03U W Hchlllcr st. Interment Greenmount Ceme tery. Remnlns may bo viewed Tuesday, after R p. m. ILVKTMANN. On Mnreh 23. 1010. MARY V w-lfo nf Ountav Hnrtmnnn. Jr Relntlves nnd frlnnds arc Invited to attend tho funernl nn Thursday, nt 8 a. m , from bgr father's resident c-, Martin Moloney, 217 Dickinson st Solemn Mass of Requiem at tho Sacred Heart Church nt 0J10 a m interment at Holy Cross Ccmetcrs ILYTTilN. On Mnreh 27. 1010, DR LOUIS HA1TON. In his 82d sear funeral serv ices on Thursd is afternoon March 00. at 2 o'clock, at tho residence nf his snn-lu-law-. Wllllnm II M. Hurrell. 427 Market street. Camden. Is' J Interment private nt Ilur lelch Cemeters. friends may call on Wed nesday ovcnlng II HA I.I). Suddenly, nt Myrncuse N Y on Third month 2flth, 1010 LOUISA TAYLOR IIL'ALD. wife of J Wilson Heald. lined tl'l Sears Relntlven nnd friends aro Invited to nttend funeral scrvltes. on fifth day. 30th Inst., nt 11 a m at falrhlll friends' Meeting House Clermnntowu nve ami Cum bria st., Philadelphia Interment private. IMiKMLOn March 27. 1010. KOIITHIT D IXtSHAM. iiKed .12 seam funeral nervlces and Interment private at New London. Pa JIIM. Suddenly, on March 20. mill KATII 11 VN I b. love-il wife of lMnln M Junes (nro Hobs), aeetl 2.1 sears Relatives um! friends are Invited to ntteml funeral services nn Thursd.is at 2 p m , nt risldLtue of her father John Huss 3.M 1,1m st . Camden. N J Interment private at Hversxecn Cemo tt rs Remains mas bo viewed Wednesday tivenlnff JUNKS On Mirch 20 1010.HDWARD CARL. son of William and Mnry Jones and grand son of Mnrunrct und tho Into IMwurd Me Lnuffhlln, iikcm 2 sears (I months Relatives and friends are Invited to attend ttio fu neral services, on Wednesdas. at 1 p m precisely, at residence of tils grandmother ISIU Pike, st Interment private, at Ivy Hill Cemetery KKKNAN. On Mnreh 20 1010. JOHN J . husband of Mars J Kcenan and son of James and Margaret Kee-nan, unttve. of liar rlstown. Counts Mllso Ireland Relatives nnd friends also Holy Name Society of Church of our Lady of Victory and llrother- Today Is "Carnation" Day at the V National Flower Show CONVENTION HALL Broad Street and Allegheny Avenue Thousands upon thousands of the most beautiful carna tions, orchids, roses, gardenias arranged in beautiful bowers, gardens and other attractive settings a Fairyland that ia truly fascinating. By all means str r" nruTirs hood nf T u t rrmnircrl, nre InHSi to nttend the funeral mi Tnurediy. , at 83ft n. m . from hln lnte residence fiftw wdn nt . Went CllladelpMn Hslemn .fieqalem Mnss nt Oar Lady of Victory jt iu t w. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery KKLLY. Oa Mnreh 21 1010 ANNA H daushter of tho late John nnd Mnry Kelly. Relntlves nnd frlendn nro Invited to attend the funeral, nn Wednesday nt 8.J0 a, m., from her brother's residence, 3J08 Cednf at. Solimn Requiem Sfass nt tho Chureh of the Nativity nt 11) n, m Interment at llolr Cross Cemetery K1H.LY. on Mnreh 2.1. mlO RANNAIt T., wlfo nf Timothy J Kelly nnd daushter et the late John nnd Mary Reed Relatives and friends, nlso Lenirao of tho Sacred Heart. Altnr Society rind Pride of Plilladelrihl Circle. No 8, Lady foresters el America, nro Invited to nttend the funeral, on , Wednesday, nt R'lil n. m from, the residence nf her husband 1730 Pouth lltli nt Solemn Requiem Mnss nt tho Church of the Annunciation. Interment nt Holy Crass Cemetery. KF.I.LY Orr March 20 1010, .ROUBRT son of the lite, Oconre nnd Miry Jane Kelly (ne Lnvvson). Relatives nnd frlendn, nlsa Cou Olive Ilrnnrh. No. 201, r of A . nncf em ploses nf Valentino II Smith Co.. Inc., nre Invited to nttend the funernl, on Thurs day, nt 8 30 n. m , from his Into residence, 2210 North Palethnrp st. Solemn lilxh Mass nt Visitation church nt In a. m Interment KHoly Sepulchre Cemetery KlliH'TZ. On Mnreh 20. 1010. MtOtAF.L. husbnnd nf Mary ICreuts tneo ltnshl) nnd.son of tho lnte Atbert nnd Anna Krevitr, nprrd no venrs Relntlven nnd friends, nlso men of St Crnncls' Iteneflclnl Association. nre Invited to attend furferal services, on Thursdnv nl s on n m.. from liln lain resi lience. rl7 W MrRquehnnnn nve Solemn Requiem .Msss nt Ht Itonlfnclus" Church, nt in n m Interment nt Mont Holy Redeemer Cemeters 1.AIT. On Mnreh 2(1 1010 1IRIDOBT widow of Chnrles Lnut (nee O'lfeefe). Rela. tlven nnd friends nre Invited to attend tn funernl, on Thurndaj-, nt 8:30 n m , frorrl her son's resilience, Georite Iiutz, 2043 Hepvlrn nt lllKh Mnns nf Requiem at Bf. Ann's Church nt lo a. in. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. LA Mill-Mi'. On Mnreh 23, 1010, KMMA widow of Oeorgo Lawrence nnd dauahter of the I1I0 John nnd Klb-n Olenn. Relatlvei; nnd friends nro Invited to nttend the funernl services nn Thursday, nt 2 p. m, ,nt her lnte residence, l'ii.m n 2tth st. Interment privnte Mt Vernon Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Wcdnrsilnv, from 7 to 0 p. m Lf.eill.HU. On Mnreh 20. into,. WILSON Ollt PP son of Oenrgo nnd tho Into Annie techier. In his 2th venr. Itetitlves nnd friends of fnmlly nro Invited to nttend tho funeral nenlces nn Wednesday, at 1 .30 p. in nt residence nf his nunt. Mrs Cathn rlne Pns-nter ln.12 N Sth st. Remnlns mny lie viewed Tuestlas'. from 7 to i p m In termrnl nt Greenwood (K of P.) Cemetery, private Mi JII'NMIN. On Mirch 20, 1010, DAVID II hus'nnd (if Ida f. 1 Munyon, n-red 44 Senrs. Relntlven nnd frlendn. nlso employes nf Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, Rnndwny Department. Division, No. 8, are Invited to attend the funernl on Wednesday, nt 8:10 a m from his lnte residence, 1821 Crocker nt Onk Lane. Pa. Solemn Hlh Requiem Mns nt the Church of the Holy Anreln Oak Lnne, nt 10 a. in. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Ccmetcrs', Concluded on Pace 14 MIPS SEEDS ONCE GROWN, ALWAYS CROWN Maulc's First Early Cnbbagc .Earlier than Wakefield ; hard as a stone; flat heads, with few leaves; can be planted close, and is a sure header. For full description sec page 30 of aeiEe'sSeeeSBook Ht 1916 Beats all we have issued. 1 76 pages about IVjaule's Vegetable, Farm and Flower Seeds, Plants and Bulbs, Descriptions truth ful, cultural notes helpful, illustrations accurate. Write today we mail this book FREE WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc. 2018 Arch Street Philadelphia, Pa. come to tnis gorgeous show a show that surpasses all other flower shows ever held in this or any other country. Go into the gallery, too, and see the vast sea of flowers from this vantage point. Tomorrow (Wednesday) Is "Sweet Pea" Day Imagine millions of colored butterflies an the wing and you have a airly good idea qf "Sweet Pea" Day at a flower show. You will see wonderful new sweet peas that are shown for tha first time. Every eoticeivabU color. jf"i4. rv Siaal -f OPEN ALL WEEK From 10 A. M. to 10 P, H, Admission.. 50 cents Music Illustrated Lectures 'm50itriitBB&Um3mMiitBmmaHmZexiiMj , ! f M v r - ,,-pr -- .-,- ", ii ..T ,m ..nn-,,- .t i ii r '- ajHa