Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 28, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    WPpqpBgWy wmnm,"' """
Rdstoni Per il Colpo di Grazia
HST . -i-.,..-,U Qfrnitm
gli impen tainu ....
Per Prendersi al
Quni d'Orsay
; i ROMA, 28 Murzo.
rt,..-.,.-l cluntl nut ea .'arlgl dlcono
IP'S maUlna I rapprcs.ntnntl polltli
mifiiirl delta, nnzlonl nlleate lianno
itS a dlSrawlono net donslRllo .11
lt. f. Fedum nueitn mattlna ha
tuoro not salohe dell'Orologlo, lo
ftC n liitil'nnnl fa si rluntva II
jso dl farlKl cho dove, a regolare
iwnnlstlonc orientate uopu m m"
ftff J , ,Iovcn far sentlro per la prima
it,M nl conspn ilclle I'otrnzo la voce
R"la wplnuito nll-unlta' cd nll'lndt
Jfimftnia ncllo parole dl quel Brandlsslmo
IIS , ill Uomlnl dl Htnto cho ebl)C norao
fijf-iilo 1Mio ill Oaour. Allora le truppa
JrS trani imiena rltornato dalla Riiorra
K, Crhra dor- nvovano combnttuto
iLuo la" Uir&IB eppme Caiour acva
Knnto ronn ilflarl sublto 1e slmpntlo e
Kmo-rIo del npproicntantl dcllo Criir.
ItvalU si Ea clclli- dlreusilonl autcil nelle
Jfeul3 (II ierl c pun" d.ual olio nulla ill
Santo niHone nel conslKllo ill Riierra ill
EtLi d omnia nsr moltl antil ilopo la
m, ssr's.ss:,
fomiKiiu ... ----- . . :,,
f molt dleclno ill nnni. lorno per hucum
K.. r ria nrlin.i dl nucsta sera II
Srrchlo dl trro attorno nKll Inipcrl cen-
trill ram coiniilctiitnciite rhtuso.
HI Temp, ocrupandosl del conslgllo dl
raerra, diet
B"OII allcatl Kinno pcrfottnmente die
firmonla tr.i le opern-lonl Bit tutto lo
JhiDtl e II lrc7Zo della vlttoria. o perclo
iono dlsiwtl a r.uc inulualmcntc bacri-
r"Qundo II conslgHo sospendera" lo sue
itdute questa sera I plu' Itnponentl o po
j,.i nrpnaratlvl dl cuerra cho si slntio
Bl aiutl ncl inonilo saranno complctl.
jJTuttt lo r.ostro rlsorso saranno In Bluoco.
;il mlellori condltlonl, la nno del roBiio
aventoso che si e" abbattuto sulla clvilta"
r Den venii nieai
'La Ocrmnnla sa del suo perlcolo
'i)ffnsla contro Verdun e' statu 11 suo
forao Dlu' noderoso per allontanare la
confltta. Falllto questo sforzo, csi.a devo
ora attendere II castlso "
liJT posallillo cho la conforenza mllltarc.
nolltlca cd cconomlca si protragca per
tutta la settlmana o quasi, ma quest'oRgl.
il dice, saranno preso lo dcclslonl plu'
ft Tatflffrnmml fin. Pnrlffl dlconn cha tuttl
f flornall contlnuano ad occuparsl delta
eonferenza degll alleatl one na iuoro ua
t,ri mattlna net Kran salono Imnero del
Mkno del Mlnlstero desll Affarl Usterl,
ft tuttl rlconoscono cho mal un conslRllo
H tanta Importanza tnternazlonato si o
rlunlto nella capitate franccso od In
tmalslasl altra cltta.' -
, SI sapeva cho nclla Rtornata dl lerl 1 1
Brebbe dlscussa la sltuazlono mllltarc, o
oueato e' tutto quanto dl dcllnlto si puo'
tin circa la sedutn. cd o' nos!lhl!c cho
ibblano pnrlato 1 Ronorall Joftre. Douglas-
Hal?, Cadorna, Kitchener e Roquea. I
rappcscntanti aesu aiieaii non uscirono ,
nemraeno per la colazlone. cho fu servita .
-. ..... .,. it...,.. c. i. '
farte della sedula pomcrldlana fu assorbi-
ta dalla dlficusslono dl nrobleml cconomli.1.
pLasclando Lomlra It ecnoralo Cadorna :
'tramma" I
y "Ho potuto apprczzare I Rrandl o
meravlglloal sforzl cho J'InghlUerra sta
!facendo per la causa decll allcatl I.a ,
fffostra forma fiducla nella -vlttoria e" unclia I
7U.I. ' 1
fiiuiA. i
Una olta. alcunl mcsl fa. Masslmlllano
f Harden. II famonn plnrnallHtn. tnileeco oho .
,provoco' lo scandalo delta Tavola Itoton- i
'd, dlsso cho eo gll allcatl avovano l'lstes-I
M organlzzazlono accentratrlco militate I
sl economlca degll Imperl contrail la (lor- i
.mania o t'Austria sarebbero Bt-ito battule i
Ida tempo. Ora c' appunto questo cho 11 I
tran conslglto dl guorra degll allcatl sta
facendo, e st dlco cho I'accordo pleno ed '
latero e" stato gla' ragglunto tra lo setto
Iiazlonl rflnnritBnntnfft nl ,-r.nQl,-lln i
v Sta correggendo gll crroi 1 del pass.ito
It sta. nreparando 11 colno dl irrazla ner la
ICermanla, giacche' devo premiere dcclslonl
E Naturalmontc ognl discusslouo In senu
uconslglio rlmana nssotutainento segrcta,
mal rannrosentnuti del covornl :,ono II' a
Parlgl per ratlflcaro lo dcclslonl del cap!
muiiari senza pzrdlta cl t-'mpo.
ssun eomunlcato ulflclale o' stato pub'
Wtcatolerl sera dal Stlnlstero della Ouen.1 !
lltHlano Bulla situazlone alia fronte Italo- j
unaca in eomunlcato austrlaco an- i
auncia che g'l Itallaul hanno perduto una
Mstllono .1 nr.I-,1 ,lnll nlll.,.1 .11 TMrl-nrr
(na e' bne attcudeio la notUla dal co-
Eindanto italtunu prima dl aecettarlu I
wme vera
It Sulla fronte occldantale le Iruppo Inglesl
.banno uttULCnto In lhif.A tn.lnschn n mill .
Hi Ynres nil lumm ,.nriniitnn ,iim iinf
fjl trlncca nemlcho nella quail gll Ingles! '
Hvnnn ,.,....nn.n .......n..j ,uninuinni I
.-"' ...u,uv..,L IIUHICIU.d .IMf.lUltl
Wcoiirlmi iirj ,n im.iAui sinmifi iinm. ,
Jkarijando vlolsntemento lo poslzlonl ane-
te tedejche
proparandosi forso ad
K Sulla fronto oitenlala gll avvenlmontl
n v,anno davvero a favoro decll Imneri
Contrail 1 rm.sl rnnllntMiin In Inrn V fu
tenia offenslva nel sottore dl Dvlnak rlcac
clando t tcdaschl sainpra plu' Iudletio, mb
Wis nella zona del lago di Xnrcoz un
Sorpo d'armaca ;us3o che attaccava I
Ijedeschl fossa stato lesplnto.
ouuzie ua auuis auliiu uicouo cno tutu
I Sforzl del teileschl n iIal-II nlistrlnel" Tier
Hurra lAblsjlnia ad attaccare 1'Cgitto
S 13 r..lnnln 1-.t.... .. lll.l nnu
i. -.U,lrt .IlllVil 1WI1U 2U11IVI.
Uael, padre dell'lmperatore Us Jasu. si
rechera' tra brevn In Ro-itto dovo Sara'
Wjo del sultano, e qulndl ad Alessan-
-" per mvitare 11 patrlarca copio a
recaral ad Addis Ababa a consacrara 1 lm-
PtratOre. OunNln vlultn ..r.lllnlrf.1 flnrhfl
Ba rlconosclmento ufflclalo del nuovo
"Kune In Egitto da parte dell'Abissinia.
Rev. Howe Says John Alden Courted
Priscilla for Himself
"Priscllla'a Punctured Bomance" Is not
a tltlA nf n tiAUj nlintAnlnw lull it liM
9A eueirestf.d ns tha nnnmnrfata title
J' i Eongfellow'a poem, 'The Courtship of
" Biaijaisn."
K'ThUl rornnntl hnhl.ln Vtnmt Inst ntcht a.t
.tt annual entertainment and banquet of
tB Ppnnsvllnnla Bnlatu nt XlavHrtUftP
14scendants, held at the Rltz-Carjton. The
Jfuy courtship of John Alden was
-WMied bv tha ltov Tniil Wturtvnnt Ttotve.
.. . ....,...,-. .-.... . -.
i-w ot the society, who la a direct de
n-ant or. the principals in this Atner-
-----sic uoctor Howe says jonn ai
eourted Priscilla In behalf of hlm-
exrllislvnlv nn.1 IVia rAflnllhlnhlA
jits btandUh, chaser of Indians, and
?Sed backward Invpr iilrpndv was mar.
fi and had his own troubles.
ficior Howe U a direct descendant of
S two children who form the "real
ig-uice '"
Dies After Losine His Foot
(MSUNSqROVB. Pa , March 2?. Jonas
L& sillier Inta niitaf rt, -- r tha hnr.
Sh of Seiiiiigrovc died, esterday al- '
g- uuraemat ly arter the amputation ot ,
L&t Trennii. u.f nl wis R4 v.ani .
I-UJ-i . ---...-- ,.-- y - - I
ik;js ic.vei a vvtdovr ana aauemer
Lecture on Aerial Warfare
C-nn Ha.'' Kjo, a weULnown lecturer
-icn- joj ug( Wli e-un tonlsnt at
If o a Halt Jualntr and Walnut
-, -- m mhi -fvmmmw.
Second bomb in a week to be found hidden in lumber pile at VolncV G.
Bcnnct Company's plant, Cnmdcn, N.J. The bomb is made as follows:
One-gallon paint can in which is set a base of cement about two
inches thick. A half-gallon can filled with black powder is placed
in centre of can, from which leads a seven-inch brass tube containing
n fuse. The bomb is then covered with cement and only a portion of
fuse protrudes. The police believe the explosive was merely hidden
to be used for another purpose.
ROWANn? and vatm
- --.-- . v-. .-.-i,-. , -,-..,,
Father of Ten Traces His Fore
bears Back to William the
Conqueror's Chieftains
riioloarapti illiistrntlnK this story on back iuieo.
Ten children of William T. Houghton,
2016 N'orth 23th sticct, liavo tho most
romantic lino of ancestry In tho whole
city, It Is said On ono side the family
tree runs all tho wav hnck to tho day of
Hercrus Ilogiiton. who sailed tho tem
pestuous seas at tho tilde of William the
Conqueror, and right lustily swung his
good battleae at the heads of armor
plated Saxoni In the battle of Hastings,
In the 12th century Tho mother of tho
children Is a descendant of two signers
of tho Declaration of Independence, Abra
ham Clark and Stephen Hopkins Anccs
tois on both sides hobnobbed with Icings,
led many royal troops to battle and ro
cclved many lojal honois
Mr Houghton Is manage.' of a local tea
company. His forebears hnc been
men-of-wnr since the days of Hervcius
Hoghton Abljah Houghton, whose great
grandfather van one of tho first Pilgrims
to stttlo In this cout.try, was a "Minute
Man" In tho Revolution. His wife, Mary
Siwycr, Ih said to hao tho original
"Mary" of tho famous lines, ".Mary's
Little Lamb" Captain Renj.uuln Hough
ton was wounded at Hunker Hill Colo
" '," Vi V, "7 ,T "s'll ,1 , o
nel Abljah Oils Houghton was captain of
' ' , ' " . ,
"" "- ;" ;- " , ,
"f ho tzmUy uas Waller tliollotoer, who
n.iq m.ifln clilnf htitlpi tit nil Ireland bv
Jvlns: Henry Mi. (
The io children of William I. Housh-
ton don't think much uhout tliclr lllus-
"That's ancient hl.itoij'," they say. "'V'
h.io our ran hlntoi to nnko "
The nams of the children are Clara,
"C want; William A., 21 years f Ida 22
year-i; Lilly, 20 ear.s; Viola, 18 joarv
k,..l , P .......... i.li... 1, It i.oai...
. - iiiiuv, it, jirivici, viL.iun . , jun i,
Ruth, 12 yours; Kr.ink, 10 years, and
Kdlth CI.. I .ve.us Mr. Houghton be
aides being a member of uia-iy. historical
roctetles, was a charter member of the
Yonah Tribe, Xo. H, of the Heil Men
. .
A Berlino Si AITaccia la Possi-
bilita' Che il Sultano Con-
cluda la Pace Separata
Toloraniml da nis'eii(.im dicono che
un notlsslmo pubti'Iclsta tedesco, Oeroge
Hernlinrd, scrivendo sulla Vosslsche Zet
tung. dlco cho c' possihilo clio la Turchia
domandl oonOuda la paco separata-
inemu u.igu liniien rautuu in h,uhu
all'offenslva russa nell'Asta Mlnore ed alia
UeSSUIia Drob.lbtlita' lit ICslStCIO aH'.lVatl-
zata delle armato dsllo czar Lo scrlttoro
dlco pero' cho nucha con la defezlone
neiia lurcnia &u iuii'i inuirtii "
sarebbcra affato messl m una conmziono
dl SV'ailtnCKlO
A l'lirlirl 1 ramircsentantl degll allcatl
hanno rlprero questa mattlna la sedute del
i-raii cnnslf?lln dl triirra. o si asnetta cho
.. - - . - "- ..,-.- ,. '- - - - -
Haronno iiiese subtto dcclslonl Impor-
tarttlsslme per l'azlono mllltaro contro gll
Imparl cenlrall su tutte le front! .SI dlco
cho l'ncordo tra gll allcatl e' perfetto cosl"
da far rltenere cha el si nvvlclua alia Una
di questa spaventosa incrra.
Will of Harriet Wurta Devises 501) to
That Object
A bequest of $500 to tho Hoard of Mln
Ibterlal Relief of th Presbyterian Church
Is Included In the Mill of Harriet Wurts,
311 South 13th street, which was ad
mitted to probate today The major por
tion of the estate, which Is valued at 35.
000. goes to William A. Wurts. a nephew
of the testntri., and to JIatllda Wurts.
a niece.
Other wills probated were those of Paul
II. Rosenthal. 1109 South -list street,
vhlch disposes In private bequests of an
estate valued at S-0,300; James M. Stew
art. 2B36 North S3d stieet. J17.G00: Frank
Corbln. Oklahoma City, $11,000; William
S Price. 5542 West Thompson street,
$6150; Mary II Bush. 23 West Oraver's
lane. $5500. and Matthew Sheehan, .815
Chatham street, $1800
Letters of administration were granted
In tho estates of nobert P. Adam. 756
Taylor street, and William Mclntyre. 1131
South -d street, which are valued at
$.550 and $-100, respectively. The per
tonal effect- of the .stato of Annie II.
Bacon have been apprals-d at $50,6.8.51
Jane Rothwell. $39,761 81; IvlUabeth V It
Brodhead, $)8,S71.62; Mary Ferris. $17.
J3L3., and Jlau.lco U Benton. $U,00--63.
100 Jliners Entombed, Four Killed
BLXJEFIELD. W, Va.. March 28 One
hundred miners were .entombed today by
a 'mine explosion at West Vivian, W, Va.
Four men were killed and nine seriously
Repairing Motors
"l . ..' nurrrra or drill I
Bells and install everiithxwj
electrical. Telephones, Gas or
Electric Lxghtmn or Motors.
Revairs receive our prompt
service. Our expert electricians
are ever readu- 1 Vo r kjnans h ip
Buy ti- clfc-f ju?p
m on tltctrical --
Central Electric & Lqcjs Co,
Manchester Engineer a n d
Fenay Bridge Left Philadel
phia This Month
LONDON'. .March 23.
Oermnn submarines liavo taken throe
moro victims, two of tho fated osbo1
Inning sailed fiom Philadelphia for Ilrlt-
isn ports.
The Ililtlsh steamship Manchester Kn-
glneor. from Philadelphia on Jlarih II'
for Manchestei, his been torpedoed and.
sunk, according to Information receled I
by Lloyds. Tho members of tho trow j
wero taken aboard a tug
Tho Central News says that tho Man-1
Chester engineer was torpedoed vcster -
uuy uy ii uennun suumarinc it was nrst
supposed that thi vessel was not badly
damaged, but sho foundered while nuking1
for port in tow
Tho Ilrltlsh steamship T'enay Ilrldgo,
which vva.s unarmed, was torpedoed with
out warning, according to an Admhnlty
statement Issued last night. Tho Fcnaj
Ilildgo was on a voyage from Philadelphia
for Hull. The sinking was announced yes-
Tho British Btiamshlp Kmprcss of Mid
land has been sunk A dispatch from
the Hook of Holland states that tho crew
of 23 men was landid there today. The
vessel dlrplaccd 2221 tons and was built
lu 1U07
Tho crew of tho Kmpress of MMI mil.
which Is helloved to have been torpedoed
was picked up by tho Harwich steamship
According to tho maritime, register tho
Linpross of Midland sailed from Now
York on January G fur Cardiff Xo re
ports ns to Its movements have sines
been received
m.wt -i n c i- r T T I.
"n uoiruHii iou r,very uny,
Says Rev. F. A. Dowers
"Battle, of life aro won by tapping tho
fount of all str.nRth. Qod, who If jou
villi, fan refresh you every day," said tho
Rev K A. Dowers, of All Saints' Church, (
alio spoke today at the noonday Lenten
!inlcp at Old St John's Lutheran
Church, Unco street below fitli stieet.
Doctor Boiver.i preached fiom tho text.
hat wait upon tho Lord shall le-
new their strength; they shall mount up
with viiuBs as do tho eagles; they shall
run, and not bo ueary, they shall walk
pud not faint "
"Tho Brent unities nf RupApe Hew into
coulllct on v. Ini.'.i at the start of tho war
Rach has teethed tho strength or the other
and they r.o loncer fl, but thej- run
Tlma villi raws and then will coma tho su
premo test Will thoy be able to ivalk
and not faint.' Tho war In I.urope will
be settled under tho third clauso of my
"Tho battla is not to the swift, but to
tho stioiiR. Tho nation that can maintain
its strength to the last for tho supremo
test will conquer. So Is the battle of life
Your youiur man launches out Into that
life llylnt: tho wines of tho eagle Ho
is ent,'cr to assault the possibilities ot
his l)UHiiK-s and to dlff out tho npportuul
tlos of life In a great revival such as
ovaife-ltst- havo been holdinK In 'glory
barns' all over the country, wo behold
thousands of men rising: up In tho fresh
ness of their conversion nnd 'llylng up a.s
on tho wlnin of tho eagle" Then the
young man or tho convert meet up with
tho cold facts of life They no .longer lly
Aft-r tho first blush of their e-ccllement
thoy hnvo coino down to earth, but per
bans they Mill run. It was easy for
vmith in tlv. nnseibte for manhood to run.
but will ago be ablo to walk and not J
;roiv faint?" Here Is the mlraelo of
fiod's Impartation of strength Let him
who would, In the evening of his life, be
not 'faint." renew his strength da) by j
day In communion with nod
Bill to Halt Gasoline Exports
WASHINGTON, March 2S A resolu
tion prohibiting the exportation of gaso
line and all petroleum products has been
introduced In the House by Itepicscntutlie
Shallenberuer. of N'ebrashu
Game in ansS Mear
Victor Eecorti
by the freat Marimba Band.
Our record stoci: of over K,000 Vic
tor Itecoids assures you of getting the
records ou want every time
Vi'doi" Factory Distributors
lOlO Chestnut St.
I 1 i--- - mmmmmm
Say Medical Graduates Receive
Splendid Training at City
Appointments to Hinckley, another namo
for the Philadelphia ilencrnl Hoipltnl, arc
cnperlv aotiRht and the opportunities there
are nst, sold mcmliers of the Interne
Rtaff nf Hie lioiltnl tndn, who Worouily
tcnntcd the recent statement of t" ,t A!
llnldv. ureildent nf the Htnto Hnnrd of
I Medlc.il lltanilncrs, that men roulil he
I hired for sexen dollars n week to do the
work dono by Internes nt Hlocklej. and
that It uas an unfit place for n Jouiir
I man lo tenm to be a doctor
The tuimliM nml variety of cn'clroated
at Itlockley ntimially cxcpciIs that of ati
other lioxpit il In this country. nirordhiR
iii .natation Vol- V,,,fmuVel"career: Is
tmdei the RUldnnee of men who are iccos-
nlsed loaders In the xarlous liranchr-i of
the ini'dlcul piofesslnn, men of Interna
tlonal re lUtatlon. It as said, and ninny
of them e--tosdonts of lllnckloi
.. ...-. !... .. i.- ..-. ....A .. . -...
The Internes rlalm that the statement of
Honor ti.ildy. that "tho llmo li belllR
wasted when thoy mlRlit lie receiving ndc
qiinlc trnlutiiR In a modernly cqulptied hos
pital," Is entirely unfoumlul nd RrosHly
lllorkley, It was cild, offers nil eveep-1
I tlnti.il course for the . medical graduate, and
I the present tosldcnt tnrpi comprlrcs rep-
io!om.itHH of the foii'inost ni'rtl al cob
I Iorcs of the country, many of them honor
men lu their classcu. It was s.tld that
appointment!! wero eagerly sou.tht.
Police Court Chronicles
It s foolish to arRiio with a bull.
Furthermore. It'n a waste of time, ns
moot bulls don't appreciate Kngllsh. de
spite tho fact that John Hull Is an Hng
llrhniau It was such a bull that lames Walker
nut In Chestnut Hill Kvldontly It heard
that sprltiR h.ul aLtually nrrlvod and ennio
out to taUc u squint nt tho -weather.
The bull looked at tho rolling brown
hilts with a pessimistic leer and cast a
wiatb'ul eje al the alley
It was about
' 'urn In and make
report on tho
i we.Hlier to IIh brother kino when It spied
i"-i umiikuii.i ii-iice
I Walker was Just as much ut homo on
" ume ns he was anywhere else Ho
uotli'til tho unfriendly gleam In tho hull's:
oos and told the animal what he thought
of It
Tho binren bull bellow rd boisterously
Tl en it kicked up a cloud of dirt as a sign
! "f coining hostilities Hut Wnlker, who
had been fortlllid with consldcinhlu revo
lutionary liquid, shook his fist nt the
.inlin.ll to show hn utter contempt. Tho
bull leaned back nt an angle of fiO degrees
Its nostrils distended Then It leaped for
ward Walkei tried to make a quick
dnqi from Uh fence, but a nail which
clung tu his trousers causid a slight do
lo Tho bull landed squarely with its fore-
lie-"1 ml Walker went through tho nlr at
rapid rate The fenco prevented tho
-mlm.il from using Its bonis
Before Walker reached the earth ho
struck something else It was a cop Ho
proved to be mounted Policeman O'Brien,
who was unmounted temporarily because
ho came over to see why Walker was
arguing ultli tho bull
Jle took WalKcr to the Gcrmantoivn
police station, chiefly because ho was In
i vvohbl) nnd uncertain condition When !
lie faced Magistrate I'cnnock tho prisoner)
t-nld ho via.i opposed to cons, bulls, goats,
sheep and other animals generally for tho
union that they "uu no earthly use"
"I haven't hid a pltco of beef or meat '
In sl, months," ho declared, "and 1 m llv-i
in' yet which shows that tho animals ain't
no use, nohow."
Asked what ho did for a living. Walker
lepllcd, "I'm tiuo to me name; I'm a
"Well, walk," said tho Judge.
Injured Workman Dies
Israel Travel, !0 years old, of 116 Pearl
street, Camden, died toda In Cooper Hos
pital from Injuries sustained jesterdny
when ho was caught in somo Miaftlng
machliier at the Mathls Yacht Building
Compan, at the foot of Point street lu
Camden, viheie ho worked
residents of Philadcl '
Astor during the past
Single Room, without Lb
32.oo to fyoa
Double J3.oo to .oc
S'ngle Koomi, with b.th,
, 3.00 to f6.oo
Double -ll-oo to "17.00
Parlor, Bedroom and bith,
iio.oo to fn-oo
At DroadHay, 44th to 41th Street
the center of New Yorlc J socul snd
bu-incsj activinei. In close proiiraity to
all railway terminill.
X Mod electro!) pera know how to ' j
maKo piatei equal lo ine itoyai
t .taudard, but their trade will ; ;
nol tiupport them in any con-
ttant effort to spccialue on '.
quality work. They must have ' -
.....I.. . - i .: t.. .i.i. .ii.
.ic-uj ici-ai- lucio tu iuii ui- . .
xection before they c.ti afford to J
drop a buyer who liLea half. ;
portions and short deliveries. , ',
I - Itather than associate with -uch '
, y. conuiuonj, ixuer join iuo
Itov.l erouD of cu-loiner and '
2 .illnuj vmi v..r t- ti 1, l.'in.tlH
in company that i, eleclrotyp
Ically (peaking, it social equal.
i V7i
Paris Believes Germans Used
Last Great Effort in
Drive on "Verdun
PARIS Mmch 28 The fate of lMrope
for tinnv dermic. If not centuries, will
lie settled before adjournment tonlRht of
the Allies' preal ar conference
, Tho sessions were resumed todav al the
1 l''orclKn Olllre in tho room nlled ttic
I "Hall of the Clock " In tho same .salon
I was lield the lilstorlo Congress of Paris.
1 In lSuC, follnwhiK tho 'rlinean Win
Tho Allied chiefs nt tolny's sltllnR were
I to complete the poollnR of their military,
economic nml polltlcil resources Ucforo
nlRht falls tho rlnp about tho central Um
pires will ho tlRhtly closed The details of
I tho plan wnrktd out hero may not bo
nuule known until ,en,s after the war has
lllrannlltiaiv precautions In prevent
any news of the deliberations from leakltiR
' out ate being taken The flint Bcaslnn of
i tho economic conference was hold this
afternoon. '
It Is cpeclcd that Ihc council of war
and the economic and political confer
ences will last the greater ptrt of tho
The fact that .lap in and Portugal wero
o-illed In at ttie last moment, and both
, , nvrrnMl ir(,w Ill(ictcs that
thi" delegates are looking far Into the
future In their deliberations
It Is licllcvrd that the question of
flmticlng Portugal Is being considered
"Tho Allies," said tho Temps, "aro fully
aw. ire that harmony of operations on all
fionti Is the price of lctory They aro
willing to make mutual s.ici litres
' When tho conference adjourns tonight
the world's mightiest prepiintlons for war
will be complete All our icsourccs will
be In piny Tho Allies will be able to
harten, under the best conditions, the end
of tho nlghtmnro that has been weighing
down cllllzatlun for 20 mouths
' flermany Is nware of her danger The
Veiilun drlo was her mightiest attempt
to itaMi off defiat Fulling nt Verdun she
must now awiill chastisement."
ili:ilLL4 March 28 Tentative terms
of peace arc being discussed for tho llrst
time by the Allies nt the war conference
now In session In Paris, according to In
formation from .Swiss sources todaj
til splto of olllclallv Inspired articles
appealing in the Kngllsh and Krcnch
newspapers, the Allies aro seriously con
sidering means of bringing tho war to an
early end. lterlln expects no peace hints
i from Allied sources until tho Allies make
tliclr expected nttempt to break the tier-
man front In the west Tho Anglo-French
offensive will bo launched late In April,
or May, It Is believed here, and will be
followed by certain dife.it and the begin
ning of Informal negotiations for pence
Discoid Is again uported between the
French and Urltlsh War Olllces because
of tho failure of Kngland to send tho
promised contingent for the spring offen
sive. 900 Iitislncss Women Meet
Xlno hundred members of tho Iluslness
Women's Christian League, an organiza
tion that gievv out of "Ullly" Sunday's
work among business women when ho
hold his revivals here met in Scottish Kite
Hall last night to welcoino now members
gained during their recent finance cam-
' l,!"K mr incir nca.uiu.irierH, no uiraru
street Tho guests of honor at tho affair
wero Miss Florence R Klnno. Miss Fran
ces Miller and Mrs William Asher
No restaurant in Philadelphia
has ever served fine foods under
such pleasant, home-like sur
roundings so quickly and at such
reasonable prices as
Hanscom's New
California Cafeteria
929 Market St.
second rr.ooii)
Tli- fine dlHpbiy of foods
Ih crrtulnly uu appetizer
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1 ""'Wmli. -rfi seSinaJl
Apparently Delighted That She Looks Like Mother and
Happy Over Her Distinguished
"Father snjs I can talk can give an
Iriten lew."
Such were tho nstonlshlng things which
the wondrous blue ejes of Haby Klcanor
Asson Karc. second ihlld of .Mr and
Mrs Francis II. Sayre, third grandchild
of President Woodrow Wilson said this
morning ns she looked up from her tiny
white bed al the Jefferson Hospital In
Hoom CIO.
llnby had nexer been permitted to bo
quoted before D.id had cen refused to
nllow Nurse lloyer to give out tho color
of the tiny mite's eyes Hut father re
lented this morning and told nurse that
she could tell about baby hence tho pos
sibility of this
llaby Store Is a peculiarly happy mite.
Khe does not seem to lomprehcnd all the
excitement about her, hut how could sho
be expected lo? She Is only a few dasi
Her ejes, which speak volumes, nro
soft blue And thoy ore filnged by lashes,
real lashes, cen If she Is so Mung And
she has hair, soft straight hair, but un
usual! luxuriant It Is not dark, and It
Is not light Ono could not call her a
limnetic, nor et a blonde
Speaking of her looks, llaby is especially
delighted that she looks like Mother
Young ns she Is, sho seems to realize that
It Is an honor to resemble Mother, who
was Miss Jessie Wilson before her niar
ilage, and that sho Is the granddaughter
of tho President of the United States
When Mrs Kare takes the new bnhy
In her arms nml lovingly pitjn, "I think
she resembles mc " little Klcanor snug
gles up Just a llttio closer, opens thoe
The best health insur
ance is sound teeth. See
your dentist twice a year
and use "S. S. White"
Tooth Paste twice daily.
That's the policy for you.
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gfcS:g:m:jra "Since 1SU the S(nl"'airf'VjTgCSSB rafev
In Spring, perhaps more so than a
any other time, young men pay
great attention to the style and fit of
their new clothes.
Our Young Mcrr's Department offers unusual
opportunity tliis Spring to secure clothes made
by the most skilful of tailors at moderate prices.
You will be interested in examining the newest
weaves and textures, which may be secured for
as little as $50.
g Master
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- 3 Since
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"The car of a thousand speeds "
With the unlimited radius of
the gasoline car but no clutch or
With the ease of operation of
the electric but with no heavy
With the flexibility of steam
but with no fire or leaky boilers to
contend with.
The car that every motorist has
display and
in Phila-
only at ou
Carl H. Page
250 North Broad St. Spruce 5138
fYu York Ntiu Haven Brooklyn Ntwari
Also Distributors of Mitchell Cars.
lovely blue eyes a little more and ssema to
say. "I nm glad If 1 look like mother, I
think she Is a pretty lady."
Little Miss Klcanor docs not know there
Is n busy world about her. She has IiortI
vnguo things about n wonderful Grand
father, who lives In a place called Wash
Inglons She has heard a man, whom peo
ple refer to as Dr. Kdward V. Davis, and
another man they call Father and the lady
they call her Mother talking of this Oratld
father In some vague way sho seems to
know that It is because she Is hero that an
air of mstery and secrecy must be ob
rerved, ntid people nro refused admittance
to tho Havre suite. (!3S and !40 lit Jeffer
son Hospital
To tho now baby, there nro Just six per
sons in the wortd Sho haH seen hut that
number. They are her parents, Nurs
Uo.vet, Doctor Davis, her great aunt, Mrs,
A M Howe, sister of President Wilson,
and her second cousin, Mrs Cochran.
Of tho llttio brother nt home, Francis
"Woodrow Sare. sho knows nothing, cx
icpt that ho Is In Massachusetts, and that
tho mention of his name brings laughter
and remarks about a "nose out ofJolnt."
Lock Up Postmaster; Hob Safe
HALTIMonn. March 28. Two masked
.veggmen today broke Into tho postofrico
at Plkcsvllle. a suburb of Baltimore,
locked up the uostmastcr and his family,
dynamited tho safo nnd escaped with
about $200 and J100 worth of stamps. The
oxploslon shook many houses In the neigh
borhood. !So tubes. Powder
uour druroM'a or
on receipt of jn-icc.
iMiiimiiiiiiiDimmiiiiii ' idii'to " mwiaiiiii'iiiiijifrrnl
Motors I
Co., Inc. I
Pl b mj lijinaiic- and Terror O-
vslS Ko. Thirteentfa SU
-J ld M . r '?. ttl A t