55piWpMi( CBHWWfT?9fBSiiMJUHI , jimiiji iyKBjSjfH)ty i " i -" "f --- -Sr- i".r, t r """"" APABTMHNTS -.... AND ilTH STS. (a. W Cor,). m o fAWSKit exceptionally, attractive; high cell. S rr nL'k,mdantlr lighted on three, a dm; iW'n! ?? housekeeping, " desired: m. EHMoi on premises. WtiflER. IIARTMAN "JZ 11m ncsiuu ni. TTirH ST, Bachelor apartments: excep. Wl.nr desirable 2d nnd 4th floor suites: 2 K liens!" ":"-j kntht nvrtrv mod. mwnvmt" tfil?.. m premises, steam holt Included, IRBEIl? IlVbTMAN & CO., 1201 ChMtnut. BrToAnDnN. IOIO. Kxcellynt apts. In lilffernit bouses! soms furn ,kltctneyei i. rtrPOSITfJ FAIRMOt'NT PARK lnf lines of enrs: convenient In nil sections J FAtlr 111'.0 u T , a I 1.1a -Artvia rliy. nil inn.'- wui"i" , "1""1 "rTnES lUrHF.t.Ot', APARTMENTS LW" 0033-97 Ludlow t. ' . ..! 1 hath HHil Hfltiafa t !InP f or&ho'd. ' elcctr e ' light. hotlwaW tti cm". sanitary, ntil.'ti 20. Apply jam. 5?nr &( Mnlonev, Wnlnut BOH, MLStJ&S? ' "" . tte.teea. r.AAn bedroom. tBLA(3l butsldo: unfurn. 1401 ' Oxford st.' ffHl Philadelphia tffijfwnr nnnrtment. Phone lis ring HOT It Ardmorc, r. Klv ATHENS 1 nnd 2 room suites, bnth, iKS.ii. fur. or unfur. Ph. Arrtmoro 1824. " "" ' ""' ." APARTMENTS WANTED riirnlnliril iTSrNTt.EMnN ileslrp .1 robms, Imlh; between Sf.?j?hl gothi nelKh, Spruce, H gr.O, led. Cent. tfQltSEKEEPINQ APARTMENTS I r. con. 17TII A WALNUT STS. (it,, newest ond mn.t dlstlnctlvp npirtment aVTn rwisdelphla: deslr.be room SkmneVeep n sun, "" " mn. Ittd "etern exposures. ArriiT on rnEMisES, on PHONn WALNUT 0020. fffn ST., N. i 718 Thornuplily modern, 6 ii TrMgJ!lliifIiJfiiE? """ "nl' ;fcTHERE ARE SEVERAL WAlO UP OPjVjUIVIINV-T AN APARTMENT Hut suppose, Intend or irjmtt nil tneo jllferent wass. jou Just call nt this ofllce th. lericest, mosi niirnciive riw uii f-niiiiiin-u In Ph isdelphla, dooted exclusively to sectir tot lust what they want for particular people. Tll us your requirements. I3very deslr- .,;. ...,imnt in l'hlladelohla Is listed w tn B"L. k. ntntil thrniiffh ua. Our alltomo- f!,.. . nlilmr tn takn yntl to tho list of sL'trep'rtles you deslKnate. nnd with tho least IS Miliible effort you will secure tho one npart- I 'foment In rnnaueipnifi wnin iiiua,. ,iu,j, h S tratchM ns jour exnet Ideal. IS. vrnrnvrAVr G CTJ7?.TJ,VnnTi . Upruce 8871. 1411 WALNUT HT. Kaco 302:,. ron' modern, furn. or unfurn. apartments. Northwest Phlla. and, Tloita. see us first. t tCHOEPPY A CO.. 1S17 Montgomery avs. . ElBOCSEKEEriNO npts.. all parts of city; rents Tiri8 , t7n nor month: call. phono or wrltn for liifnrmatlon, Snmuel Htern, 1201 Chestnut. West Pliltailelplila fcJlNGOnA TEnitACK. r,337 B Sublet, I-Iiitlrtd lease, attractlvo apt.: south nr tinex nnd west eicosure, deep yard. Inquire on premises or Boom 702, 1701 Chestnut. Tel. Spruco 3110. "iIE RUTLAND APTS., JUST roMPLDTED u. 'nRi-SS t tirlr to &6TH ST. jir xa,wuua. u.. w.... .- SJ." I.rooms-and-bath apartments, with all Ihs T Uttit conveniences, J40 to J42.6U per montn. ImV n.ll ,.hnnn llelmont 4413. G443 lccust St. Iiuur.i.i .. j.... pi; . ... r . . Tiir. NirrnnitLANDs SEVERAL Dr.SIItABLR VACANCIES 43IJ. 44TH AND CH13STNUT STS. I rooms and hath. 7 rooms nnd bath. ISO 1CU MONTH AND UP. CHAHI.ES H. IIUClCmY. 34 S. 40th St. DnEXEL APARTMENTS nvnriiumoic STATION t'Piw housekeeplnc suite. 6 rocms and bath. 'jz Itl.JI per month; public dlnlnz room. Pnons QrProoK tioas nre T.AnntlMONT. 1100.02 S. 46TH ST. fcf 0 of tho handsomest 2d floor npartments In t'hua.; b largo rooms inn ouisiaej; recep ; tlon hall and bath, with prlvnte porch. APi'kY TU JA.N11UK UM J-Jlfl-AllSL-.a Tltn CHILTON Flrat and 3dfloor npirtmonts. from (10 tn iM. tins. P. McLAIN. 321fl Pnrlng at. Tiir: nEtnr.TN i'lSO 6 rooms and bnth, 'half block from S 4(!th st "L" station. ft Jas N. aillchell. 4(lth and Market sts. IMO-CHANCL'LLOR A7RLIOHT APATIT'S. ; 04 L'nancenor si. ineiow wainui;. a inrso rms.. bnth: open oves. Janitor on premises. neimom 1 1.',- j. lESSl-ac, 34th nnd Chestnut. Monterey, 43d Krana unester; llelmont. aJtii ann prinir uar FJen. Inquire janitor nr CrCBse. 30s Hnlo Iljd. UUCKINCIHAM AITS. jnn, 7 rooms, 2 baths. porcn. l'n i'ren.u'iu. a.h. iteia.iit wainui. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY limn rncnsT bt. ntndsome, modern 4-story brownstono dwell ilnr; especially fitted for professlonil offices: pilaw DrlrA nnd ennv terinn for aulek sale. liiSI V. LKHiail AVE. 3-stofy substantial ioridc dvel!lnj.'H, 11 rooms, porch rront: cooa Porter: u-nnl nfTer. WILLIAM I.. CIIAVIIN'S pSO.NS. lfilll N 7th St. l!I CAIlPENTint S rooms, b.ith. rnnce nnd rrnMieri toilet rent J-.l, price clear, aiiiu. K KAKUI.LL. 710 S 20th. W-'S MONTDO.MEKY AVE. 10 rnis., brown- tone, Kood order, moil plum.: can i bnusne BitFxneap. m ii ijienti, ir,i7 ciiiumma ave. !'! IAIh r MARCH HPECIALH. Ctlil: Tavlnp S1IIDOI Till I'Olsom .. . lsno.'2no sharuood lS(in.-,03 Ktenart ... 180012331 JIns-er .. . $11)00 KM Insersoll MUN. Opal KID 8tUe I Mil) 1800 17.111 1.123 lira uue !D, A. MINNIC'K. 1S3II RIKOE AVENUE. 17(1011 11.111 ln.nn IM0NEY FOR MORTGAGES Bulldlnir Association and TruBt Kunds. iauIiAWK. mm walnut st. TRIDI:.!1"" WATER MRTER 1' ., Metor Co. 843 . Kstate Uldr. L CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sals or rent, r YATMimV A VAM PR1.T W- N E. rnr. 1 7th and Chestnut. (CENTRAL CORNER apartment house site: i- J. A. PATTERSON, 130 South ISth St. JipOU Investment small properties. 4 rooms BXwDTlftl I 1IU1 f.nmamn t-ann Q11 l.-ana DU JjIUt ISTH. 14TII AND lBTIl'WAIHJ I1UY- gfniEDniCH & CO.. Hill N. 12TII ST. nuIIilliiB It, Factory Sllfg. etc. t CHOICE puiLDINO LOTS and larire tracts rronnd In all Paris city; also over L'OO mfi. 'lies. Melvln. 1515-18 Real Estate Trust Uldg. WEST PIIILADELriHA l", .JEFFERSON ST. A 2-story, somlde. KJS,'", porcn-iront dwelllns: Dutch hall, tf UDrkry. hmiAnitn lannilpv VinLwala Vib t . iRf na electric, front and back stairs; rtottte must be seen to be appreciated; price BIJonable. THOa. A. RRnniMQ & SON. 8203 Spruce st. a8k& yK7iYt1' AVK. A 3 story, seml-de. ISSa dweiiine: .porch front: can be pur Ivtiii.,or SS.Rr!a f 2-story house, 'n- ilWooruce sr.. 00 Walnut st. Siudi??1' A.YB- lot 2110S. 11850: 3-story rbi V .eamence: iivins nan; ass-a louuu; sPCTn-u "J;t luo oesi opportunities onereq, i2gH TOWNSEND. 4003 Ualtlmore ave. is'dVR S0t'D within last six months more rifcp :: '"pwri.es tnan were soia wnniii ttr, ..Previous years. Bl boom on North fhT hif;.1' Anv Thera ' a scramble tortet U Mfore hlh prices are established. in Sf "A-t-riiiAS about It. 51B North B2d t. Tlelmnnt T.tO. VE llrihrrMj tjr. nn . n.-r-?r....-.nnn. . Ii ,rT"'c.W l-MJt,ljAt( IflVLBTCU iXM :;JAJ)lFIEI', AVENUB HOUSE will bring TiJV. " Income return. Annual rental, com.' " ." Pnse of J267; net yearly In. f0" of UB3 on 1300 Imested. . JOHN h VOX 143S S. 08TH ST. If.. . tiouu. UUbT IBUOU frS2t5,0,3f 'J111 bouse, reception parlor. 12 ItlorL tbs, steam beat, excellent condl- WM. H. W. QUICK & BUO.. KJC, o a. uta St. sSUBTTlTRA"W T.lVIT'T.T.TrJnC! Pvffu.i?0"0"?1 .'lO.OOO to IS3.0OO; unusual M.J!jesi particular. h mill llimiAN tllgT- N coM "S9 Land Title Uulldlng. ltltn2,t,Syf..:BuI. .. 2-.to.ry. ..0-room porch. 1I46a -.n. wuico oriaioauy was eoia tor B' Pff'tx assessed at 3500; main "wftoM. neighborhood. ' --H03. A. lirnnr't, bQtj B20s Spruce. Efrio liihVi11' noi-water heat, caa ana eiec Bt?nef5H.S?r,,vft?r' floors, shower bath, rai 'Dlj5iEiTnrA,!.?'hr modem appointment. VHIBL CRA.WFOHD. JR.. BOlLDlilt. tners-T?"? "aJfl"d ga . Bt. rWl elH"1 nuxjeru noua on Olia -- ; J4JIUI IfTUODUHlHUM. V1CT fiJVTi a'tS" fJU AND PASCHALL AVE. VI 1UU CHIJfTNIIT BT. . WEST PHILA. HOMES ,AirB7t5lK5lPn " Prices: all sixes. gTHUR J. LEipnL5, J3J 8. 8M St. Al?fu?ri:K3lUo?. all prices: alt sixes.. U yu uav SALB OH UfceNT eW.li ttaitimory v. iWff jf.Ji!' 9 ?iv.IJfe-. SrSiffW-LiEDTiOilES. tn St. above jiVSv?i' "? known convenleoce. 4AME3 G. !jTimtri Uuilaer. gtgres nna Dwellings ATTr&TT.JT. . wvnk. .... ' cWt, electrlo Ilat, paxquetrr flotirtnt. 4s2a.w Cresri. 0215 ctattt. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE OKItMANTOWN i,flnffi2K-.JL-!SEt, Tier nwnninVT iV u-!;..." ''"cn-irnTu. cor- SSSfeite", fw Privilege.! .MODERN HOUSI jgjtf&SME IK YOU ARK IJlnnmn mm. - . "I -.". ....'..--V-ltiSSBu il UOermantown ave. ?'r!ii.m. STKS Ground lnhn section JSONi66iapermantown nve. cr,0sTu'r;n-T?p"ZArof-oE?: JTO2 Cermantown' .vV","""lu"' uo ' Wfonfcin eV.'""r,y,,u .nnd n house you are nntown Trust Co.. Chelt.n Tlotn JnM, I11?1' ""TO'- m'"' oell, Imrcfllni not tnpwia'h5Sc!j?d..C'"l " once. J01lf 12. ......;. ,,.,o., .. llWn m, WB HAVM Tijn llOUSn TOtI WANT JiKNNEDTYhoVsTiruBlJtANTOWM I.on t.nrlAM tlfAI. foliln-M M t.BAH!.'u1,,'?NT-AND EXCHANGE) M. M. Smith. Uroad St.. oppo. Ixutan Station. RLAL LSTATE. mortsaires and convoyanclnc. 1VM. D. CHAMDERS 433 NjirthUrqad st Oak Lane NEW CORNER property: every modern Im provement; hardwood floors, fireplace, etc WM. IIARR. 8th nnd Oak lane. RtincniiAN . r.Dor.wooD PAnic In the heart of the rnmous , CHELTEN HILLS Hlsh, Healthy, Picturesque ---.F.ln...wind'nf Roadways SPRINOFIELD WATER. OAS. Etc, Restricted. Lots 100x2nu nnd Larger. Elklns Park Stntlon or York Road Trolley nt Ogontx. 10 MILES TO CITY HALL I or particulars npply to C. E. lIABERllffSH. Pales Aacnt ..o Phone Onk Lano 177 W 1308 Seventy-first Ave . Onk Lane. Phlta, 0 MINUTES from fintli st.: hollow time, white stucco house: slnto roof, electric lluht, hot v?,t"T heat: hardwood floorBi open fireplace: chicken ynrds cnrdeti nnd shrubbery, old shjdo and fruit trees, lot 75x115 fcut. Prlca 1 1 700. Phono Llnnerch 301 M. 100 ruSEY AVENUE. COLLINODALE. PA. Desirable twin brick dwelllntr, llvlnc room With ODen Orenlnne. .t ItMlpnnm. Iinth. nil conveniences, Lot 23x100 feet. Easy terms: poflsesslon. Yocum & Pnwprn Cn -n s. iin st j. UV.U111 c irowcis uo. mif) Wooi.rt RV. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE, nver looklnc Mill Creek Valley, eluht miles from Broad St. Stntlon. Brand new Buncnlow UTe; in rooms. I bnths; tenement house, barn nnd cnrnRo: J17.II00. W. T. HARRIS, Narberth. Pa. CHOICE BUILDINO SITES nnd ncrenne. . ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. Lnnchflrne. To. CITT AND SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE MEARS & BROWN 20 J 8. 1BTH ST. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Anv price. All locations Sale or rent. CHARLES J. HOOD A CO.. Morris Hid. SUBURBAN HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT WENDELL MASSEY Renl Estnto Trust Bide. LARGE LIST OK SUBURBAN HOMES: sole. nr rent, on tlio Main Linn or Readlmr 11. 11 WM. 11. WILSON A CO , Morris Bulldlnc SELECT PROPERTIES Cnuntv seats, farms List orders now LEWIS T. BROOKE & SON, 1411 South Penn sq FOUNDED 1S70. BUILDING SITES near Devon. $300 and J1000 per ncre. W. T. Harris, Narberth, Pa SUBURBAN RESIDENCES for sale or rent: nttroctlvo locations; prlcos rlKht. Maurice J. Honer. Renl Estnte Trust Illdt. DREXEI, HILL. IIYWOOU and other suburbs near 00th st , new detneh'd homes, 33500 up, CHESTER OSBORNE. 1.124 Chestnut St. OAK LANE Stone house, 10 rooms, bnth, gas elec . laundrv. nil conv . lot 411x200: near It. It. sta., JB300. Geo. O. llanoy, Ogontz. Pa. 80 ACRES Good nll-purpono farm on hard road; stone hldgs . mile tn stntlon; tBSOO. A. II. TYSON. Lansdnle. Pa. Ambler. Pa. WE HAVE n splendid offering- of large nnd small farms of all kinds, nuttablo Jnr nil purposes, extensive country places, suburban homes, building lots, etc Advlso ns char acter of property you desire, how much you want tn Invest and let us submit ynu special list. II. J. Dager, Inc.. Ambler. Pn. Broomnll. P. NEW BUNGALOW Open fireplace, h -n. heat, (1 r. and b , lot 30x173: can get inorn ground: fine for chickens nnd garden. J2800. Ardmore. J. ELMER WATTS. Llnnerch. Darby. Pa. VERY DESIRABLE. 8-rm . brick, side-yard, semlsuhurban home: 21x100: nil conv open Bt'way. chicken house Swopn it Sons. Darhy. F.lklns l'nrlt. Pa. BUILDINO LOTS AT BEAUTIFUL ELKINS PARK an-, rn OOvl Kit fliWI TH 7)v l!Ml or larger lots to suit your plans. Bungalow sites, JROo nnd upward. RHOADS ft PAUL 131 R. 3th st.. and Elklns Park Olenslile. Pa. HOUSES AND LOTS, every description. RENNINOr.ll ft RENNINOER Broad and Wnlnut sis. Trevose, Pa. r r n v n-n- Trenae. containing nbout 4 n-ii of ground, with an abundance of fruit of different kinds, npples, pears, Aann-a ntnni, prunes. lotH nf them: straw- herrlea.' blackberries, with lots of shrub bery ond old shade, the Improvements ur; a good 10-room house and a good barn and wagon house combined, would make a ga rage Inquire on the premises J. W. Tomllnson. Creitwnod, Trevose. Pa Trooncr. Ta. AN ESTABLISHED suburban community: five. cen fare to Norrlstown: artesian waters central school; postofflce. store; 100-foot lot. $300 upward: send for leaflet. BROWN & CLOUD NonnisTQWN. pa. MAIN LINK. PA.. It. TL SUBURBAN HOMES, country places and liulldlni sites to suit all requirements; Main Line. 1 1 C. HUNTEn. Wayne. Pa. Narberth BIO BAROAIN Brand new detached houses: l.S-acre lot, old Bhade. all conveniences; $4200; others I350O-J5U00 upward. HAR RIS, real estate. Narberth. Pa. CORNER LOT. Montgomery ave.. 000 by 110U. with 18-room stone and frame house; cheap for quick turn? WALTER U. SMIT1L ttOOS Drexel road. NEW JE11SEY HaddonflelJ. N. J. SPLENDID Colonial resldencs. 100 years old. thoroughly modernized. 1 acre ground. 1! min utes to trolley. 8 mln. to train. . Inspection by appolnlrnent. Call Haddonneld 107. Haddon Helibts. N. J. LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND.HQME3 UADDON HEIGHTS. N. J. Wl LLET LIPPINCOTT. Blaple Shade. N. J. ONE-ACRE FAnMS. nearest to Phlla. trala and trolley; write for pamphlet. HAliLOW ft CO.. Maple Shade. N. J. BKA8HORK COTTAaB at Cape May or Ocean City, erected tow sittsfictlon: "J,,,l1Y?.PrtIIa' routed free by the reliable builder. OTIS If. TOWNSEND, Ocean City. N. J. Cape May. N. J. iiltv a seashore home at Cape May Instead of tl .,ii .u n,,t m. few houses at very J wl? pt Owner, V 613, Ledger low Office. Ocean City. N. J. no-AN CITY LOT, lt ave.. adjacent Bdwk; soil00- aacrltlce; term to ult purcha.er. V'n-1c AllUt.r. 1010 Lincoln Bl5j.. Pfalla. MUdweod Crest. N. J. ' Lot 0DI8COUNT 100x100, oeein front, $2300. JJSiinn' lake front. 11500. rKtIGO close to ocean, $1200. 8Bold to Tmike n adjustmet.t. $1200. Itmel.t. w. c. n., 1472 N. B2d t. FLOltlDA ..-.a t. na xtnMR V hi U the comblaatton ou get when you -.Shis one of our Co-operative Poultry J000 -KGSgnTLEOHORN TWO P.ROOD SOW PIGS Meaiberihlp In toe Moofe Haven Co-operative Aioclatlon Writ. pSaM or J1 for our ( bootleU, eJHTianj. lb. and Ch nut .t.. f liMTinslrhls - " ""-" " ' - " JIABYIAND BetterJ,J. FO Sf' ,t.eSbrrtnS Sut-li: . .) bhnrk l-AtftlPH Tlw i&M,,3- EVENING LEDftERPHlLAftELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PENNSYLVANIA rAltilfl. THO PAROAIN A real farm In excellent con. dltlon: north at Devon; 03 acres 1 1200 per acre; will dtvldo. W T. HARRIS. Owner. Narberth. Penna, . PA RMS COUNTRY HEATS C. T. PETERS ft SON, 00S CHESTNUT8T. 11 acres, cTenn, rich fruit and poultrylarni! tsnoo. J. II. THOMPSON, Wct Chester, Pft. BOO FARMS In 4 States; rntnloRtie. Jack's Farm Agency. 213 Stephen Olrnrd Bldir., 21 8. 12th at.. Philadelphia MONTHOMERY CO. farms for Lonnes, Hotel. Sklcpach. Pa, NEW .lEItSKY l-ARMS 30-ACnn, fullr equipped poultry farm: rich soil: lars;e bulldlnss: several thousand chicks: several hundred fruit trees, will tako half artunl value: must sell, ns I have not tho tlmo to glvo it needs; money maker from the stnrt. M 732. Ledger Central. BURLINGTON rt-ncrc country home: city con veniences, lame shade, fruit. Rnrnire, poultry houses; tsooo. Dresser, liurnnnton. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT BUY A HOME Mnnhtly pnyment. 17 to SS0; N, Phlla. and Oermantown: S1800 to 1709. Merchants Union Trust Co.. 716719 Chettnut CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for sals or rent. . Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Title Building. Philadelphia. Pa. CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES Tor snle and rent JAMES D.WINCHELL. 17th ft Sansomsts. Mt. Airy, Oermantown NEW SALE AND RENT LIST IIBADT Pelham. Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.. 6740 Oormsnlown SUBURBAN FOR RALE OR RENT Mv surban residence: lnre lot new house, old shade, etc. J. J. Q1TTLAND. I.ansdowne Ilnln-Cynwyil. Pn. LARGE LIST HOUSES, snle or rent. at all prices SAMUEL C. WAQNER, Jr.. Comrair imi Tru.t Building, ltth and Market sts. MAIN LINE. PA, II. It. BEST LINE OF MAIN LINE HOUSES Either for sale or rent, nt nil prices. HIRST McMULLIN. West End Trust Bldsr. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT TO UFNT Building about 7r,xlnn fl . to bo used ns office nnd warehouso for ex press business. In neighborhood nf Bth and Vino fits., nne connected with stable If pob wimp. Appiy i.nwronce nnn. vino sts WANT city, suburban and farm properties. II. II. McCOLLUM, Broker. 1314 Walnut st. "Don't Forget tho Number." GREAT demand for dwellings rent 120 to B0. J. EDWARD LUTZ 210 N. 17th nt RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort gages nnd firo Insurancn placed quickly. See Knno for prnmpt results. 2328 Tasker st. QUICK HALE for nny renl estate at reason able prlee; rent collected: mortgage loans ARTHUR ROSWELL. 233 N. 13th St. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED Prompt mnnthlv returns nnd efficient results gim-nnteed Frnnk J. Miller. 3012 N II st, WANTED Suburban building site, for reiu den., will not pay more than 11 BOO. Ad dress E 141) Ledger Centrnl. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 2001 N. 4TH ST., R rooms, nil convs S20 22.1.1 Mutter nt., B moms 10 11)41 Reeso St., B rooms 11 1020 Mutter St.. B rooms 13 W. H. HOOD. B12 Norrls st. 212S -W DAUPHIN. 8 ROOMS. $22 Guarantee Trust nnd Safo Denoilt Co. 310.318-321) Chestnut nt, CAYUGA ST.. S. E. cor. 13th 8 rooms and bnth; excellent condition: nn attractive home; mod, rental. Norrl s i . Scott. 1213 Filbert. 13323 KENSINGTON AVE. Finn store and dwelling. 8 rooms, bath nnd heater: $25. appiv ;i.iji Kensington nn. 10.1.1 LOCUST ST.. -New house, 12 rooms and ;i mmrooms EDOAR O CROSS. 1411 Wnlnut st 1210 N 11TH ST 0 ROOMS. ALL CON- VENIENCES. MTERH ft BARTH. RUlgoBVO and 10th St. 2123 W. DAUPHIN. 8 ROOMS $20 GUARANTEE TRUST It. SAFE DEPOSIT CO., 3 1 11-318-320 CI I ESTNUT HT. 40.1 RIOHTER ST.. Wl.snhlcknn, 7 rooms, porch, first-cites condition. $20. ALBRr.CHT'S. 2 111 W. Lehigh nv, 1712 MIFFLIN ST 8 rooms, porch front, all conveniences, rent, $23 Kev nn IP YOU ATZE LOOKING for nn nttrnrllvn home, be It dwelling or npirtment, rail, phono nr write to this offlco Every deslrablo properly Is listed with or may bo rented through us nnd our nutomohlles nre nt your servlco to help ynu to obtnlu Just what you desire with the least possible trouble. NORMAN H. SHERWOOD. 1411 Wnlnut st. Spruen 3071 . R.itn .'11)2.1. hTORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. See our list In the I,cdger Snturday. SAMUEL T. FOX A- CO. S. B. cor. 0th nnd Callow hill. SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut sts NEW BATH. W. CLOSET, new paper; ne paint: 0 rooms 4'11 Berks. $23. W. II. HOOD. .112 W. Norrls st. RENTAL LISTS B S. 43d st 721 S. Moli . 2RHK Leltligow 30il Catubrl t . 0 Msrtlo 2610 Catharlno . . $2011023 Ingtsoll st. . . .. 18,2221 Orliima .... . .. Ill :i'jn Indiana .... . .. 1211031 N. Camac... ... 11,32 Kl Emerald .. 11 ,. 23 K"" IVnlniit st. ALFRED II. WILLIAMS Factories, Ware houses, Mfg. Floor FOR RENT 18 000 SQUARE FEET. GOOD LICIHT ALL SIDES. CONCRETE. MODERN BUILDING; CENTRAL LOCATION: PRICE REASON ABLE: SOUTHWEST CORNER KITH AND CALI.OWHILL. 3D FLOOR. PHONE Sl'RUCU 2007. MANUFACTURING FLOORS AND LABOR INSURANCE The Larkln sanitary, dayllghted. nre proof floors means satisfactory help conditions. Reasonable rentals, large elevators, cheap power, free watch man service ' LARKIN BUILDING 22d. Arch and Cuthbert sts. "Send for Descriptive Circular." MANUFACTURING floor. 3 fronts, superior light. 11,160 sq ft , elevator, heat, R It. sld lng low rate of Ins : sub-pnstofflce In bldg ; !5ibv -ni ITIRIOIIT ft TELEfJItAPII OFS. Located 11 blocks south of Market st. Apply C. J. Milne ft Sons. 11th ft Washington ave. i.-mft Kl.oOIt. largo show windows. 3000 sq. ft : 3d floor. 3000 q. ft., 4th floor, 7300 q ft.: well lighted nnd low rate .... wen ',tu0SIUH jhjiujiuo K. W. Cor. 17th and Vln sts Metropolitan Building $ft j$g Fireproof Rms. 8000 to 40 000 sq ft. Cheap power, au. ,t-.. - ....,.......-. .. .... .. 4TII ST.. N.. 119-25 Manufacturing floors, steam heat and power. Apply Pcnna Co.. 517 Chestnut st. FINE LIGHT FLOOR. 2700 SQ. PP.. BIT RIDOE AV I UNUSUALLY CHEAP AT $80. MYERS ft BARTH. RIDQE AVE, ft lOTII. 7500 SQ. FT, 8-sty brick; large yard Just renovated: will after. J. ALAN. MIDDLE TON 009-11 Wldener B dg . Ph a. PACTORY FLOOR8 and warerooma, large and .ii. ..-tntllv loeated. 1LUIRY T. SAUNDERSBIJ. 18th t. HAVE PARTT who will trect building-. cen tiral or other location, for satisfactory tenant. UH 4b4k4,V(l 1 M "" ! O FP1 CES. !IUSlNr:SS ROOMS. ETC. A FEW desirable offices single or en suite rent very reasonable Sake deposit vaults robert morris trust company huiijhno Ujj-Uv .ni-. v i? - DRCXEL BLDO. OFFICES Annual rental. Single room. $120,$1BO.$200.$225.$300,$450. Su"fe. 2 1 rna.,$144,$150,$173,200.$225.$250. Suite S rms. $18O.$275.$40O. J450.$IM0.$750, Cornef ulte. 4 to 8 room. $650 to $1830. ELLIS P. W I LL1AMS. BBU Dreel Building. HEED BUILDINO IJll-il riioert st Centrally located: all conveniences; rent .itrimiUely low, service convenience. --u nT. OFFICES. STUDIOS AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES. J. C. FULLER. 18 S. IITH ST. PLAZA BUILDINO, 1803-07-09 ARCH ST. ftriftm at reasdjiable rentaL T nation, light and convenience umurpan.d. OFFICE $10 w racctb and up. Some bav .pedal fcplt'-,ER80N a 1BUu OFFICES for rent; suite of room adapted ta lnVurance co.. smaller ofllce FORREST BUILDING. 11 8. th st. Boom 43, WALNUT 8T 430 (Penn Bulldlnglr-Larg agent' LEA ESTATES, TOO Snom. iiteot "V Tll.TMl 1TTH AND ARCH STS. Mod, ofttcea. Apply B. Yeakel. 1703 Arch t. rrofestlonal Ofllce PROFESSIONAL OFF1CE3. partly furnUbed. ". i fl.l.4 sll t i4 anlilharn aa PosureT well lighted suitable for physician, oicce w occupied for m-ny yean. avalUbl. June 1. J 801. Ledier Ofllce PROFESSIONAL BUILDIKO. 1IJI-J1 Cbe.tnut at, A tsv suite for physician or neotUU- j, X jAVAttun wwp.. v.iimttt ma .m. TUNANT in Land Till BuUJlog dv'slre to aaoiec wHztou t?xiA ui teee. fa ve. Ldr Central, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT wnsr riiiLAir.LriiiA , Bl2 CIIE8TER AVENUE Large store nnd dwelling; residential neigh- WIIJ.IAM C, IIENKEH1 iRT 1.100 Arch st. 3001) HAZEL AVE Three-story semidetached porch-front dwelling, nil rnnvcnlenrcs. rent $40 Thos A.Jteililln ft Bon. B203 Spruce. , BOTH ST.. 144.1 N. 2-story, 0 rooms, $24 all convs.: good order: near cars. F. ft TMYLB81BMnsterst HERMAN BROS., HOIO MARKET ..Houses apartments, stores Near BOTH ST. "L" STATION For rent or sale. . BEST PROPOSITIONS . .IN WEST PHILADELPHIA.. WM. It. W. QJItCK ft BBO.. INC. huutu lirrit r , ON 40TH ST riAn lift II ln4jAA nba fl fl-WlnrA ll.rnnm. nntf,Anl rfinlllnfft ell i 1room, pnrehrfront dwelling! nil! conv;. ; fin; condition. THOS. A. REDDING ft SON, B203 Spruce. $2513.14 N B.ITH ST. 2 story. It-room porch. front dwelling, newly papered through ..nut, fine condition: key nt corner store. OF.RMANTOWN $6D-$12S DESinABLE dwlllngs; long leases to good tenants. . Particulars by mnll. MAy. JlAiV. IJOUJIAN ft CO.. 230 . nulldlng. Land Title $30 DWELLINGS, 11 noOMS . . shd for List. Contlnental-Bquitnulo Trust Co.. 21 B. 12tli SIIllttnitAN llaln. Pa. 3-RTORY 10-ROOM porch dwelling, nil con. 1 venlenees: rent $31 per month. 11)5 Bala ave J. J. TURNER, 1201, Chestnut st. Klklns Park, Pa. NEW, COLONIAL DWELLING, 12 rdoms 2 baths: close to stntlon. Mccormick ft Me Cormlck, loll Chestnut st. nnd Elkln s Park. MAIN LINE. PA.. II. R. MODERN HOUSES. $30 to $200 per month. vnrlotiB stations. Send for speclnl list, liar- brt ft Claghorn. 204 Bailey Building, MODERN "HOMES Furnished nnd infurnlh. ed. All prices. H, C, Hunter. Wayne. Pa. Narberth BRAND-NEW HOUSES, nil conveniences. $10, 322, $23. $30 upwards. HARRIS. Real E tate. Narberth, Pn. Wynnewnoil FOR. RENT 30 Manor road. 1 rooms, Knlr-m In- lat nM aliailo 4tf.K WALTER 11. SMITH. Vyriiiowood. MORTGAGES THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING A MORTGAGE Hut thorn In only ono best was. If you do utre t first mortsftRP or u butldlnT ami loan second mortdflffn nurt nluo pfflrlont wprvlcn, quick nnd satisfactory results nnd modcruto charjrea call, riios.: on vniTn to thl- ofllrp sro In a position to r'-nllv scrum rr suits which, after nil. H inoro Important to ou than nil tho promlcs In tho world NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST Bell Phnnn Keystone Phono Spruce 3071 Race 3025 SIB.nno WANTED, secured by 2d mnrtgngc. Equity tunounts to 40. Dili). Only principals. No brokers need nnswer. M 032. Ledger Central. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN. ARTHUR ROSWELL. 231 N 13TII ST . has funds for first nnd building ns.oolttlon mortgages, Trompt attention. Modornto cost. $60 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE secur to lty: Immedlata settlement; payable as $2000 desired. EDW. M. MOLL 133 S. 12TH ST. MORTGAGE INEl. Sums to .. st. Firsts nnd Sconds. O. HEIDEI, ft CO.. INC. 4th nnd Cullonhlll sts. WEST PIIILADA. . TAYLOR & SON sotIriW.V st FinST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS JOHN O. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNER 727 Walnut st; MONEY FOR MORTGAGES LAROE AND SMALL SUMS O.UICK ANSWERS W. H. HOOD. 513 WNORRIS ST MORTOVGES SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMBAUGH ft PARKER, INC. 1431 WAI.NUT ST J. R. MASSEY ft SON 13TII AND GREEN STS riRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUNDS WfiRiTRlT.T. funds for tirst and WUrtlViiiJ-lJ-l sp.rOND MORTGAGES 555 N. 17T1I ST. HAVE $.1000 TO INVERT TN EITHER 1 OR 2 FIRST MORTGAGES Al I Iflillu-' i,r.4vir.iv yri-.v. MONEY for first nnd second mortgages. Quick answer. I.ra- rnten. William James Keogh. 501 Drexel Building. DEEDS DRAWN. .SI: MORTOAOES. $1 1112 Lincoln Bull'dl'ng. Both phones. 0 FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES MnilTflAOES FOR HALE THEO. E. NICKELS. 2.113 Germalltnwn ave. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES siiinn n-n sino.nno JACOB A. FRITZ. 110 I.andTltle Bldg. MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES '" T. A. REDDING ft HON 700 WALNUT ST. 5203 SPRUCE ST. ALL ASIOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES UUKH Illlrtwri. MAURICE H. 5IATSIMIEjnj.Kstlrnlg. TUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES POTTS ft THOMPSON. 2.121 Frnnkford ave. TRUST TUNDS FOR FIRST MORTGAGE HERKNESS ft STETSON U.NU TIlAiEi Jll-11.111. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES K.naAnnhl. PhftKTM JOHN A. BA11RY, 507 LAND TITLE BLDG. 1 HAVE FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND .MORTGAGES. WM. BABR. Mh nnd Oak Inno. BUnING-ASSOCIATION- AND PRIVATE nOBERT J. NAB1I. Wl CHESTNUT ST ADVANCES TOW5'Or.ttHA SPECIALTY Ji.jjl l S .'J BIS WALNUT ST LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges. LEWIS & CO., 1227 West qirard ave. ' ANY SUM. ANY AMOUNT Placed at Onre. Lowest Rates. p. C,DELANYJ112Llncoln Bldg MONC.Y Foil w tiuir nbuutmu MORTOAOES llMEa O. FRANCIS. 703 WALNUT ST. READY FUNDS for good first mortgages bring u your application. nilASL. BROWN ft CO, 217 S Broad st ISIKMI TRUST FUND TO LOAN ON MORT. 'VT.''l'l.'foOD. B13 Norrl. street. LOANS Large or small sums on real estnto. Judgment note or mortgages, loans on unset tled estate. Dempaey ft Co.. 27 8. 16th. MONEY for first and second mortgages uny . .. t ,,..t.. nsaxnln.lnna a uni. 1 I... OOODSTEIN. 415 Falrmount ave ununv fni- irnml city or suburbun mortgage first or aecond. confidential service and prompt results B hi, imager uentrai OWNERS If your mortgage has been called, I will take It up. also id mortgage money CHF.STER D ROTTNER 1480 Chestnut st B PER CENT. MONEY for select loans, funds ror nrsis. eecanua ur eyu- ..,,? muiutun, ABERNETHY. 133 B. 12th. 2724 JN. th. MONEY forvnrst and second mortgage: build lng a'n and Instalment mortgages. Willis- Winchester Company, loui Chestnut st, FUNDS for first and second mortgages any amount: .quick answer. CHAtj. W. MIL LER. 401-4UI Commonwealth BIJg. MONEY for first, second and aplit mortgages; building association funds. Howard B. WU aon ft Co.. 2122 Germantoa-n ave. STRAIOHT mortgage and building association funds In any amount: quick seftlerr. nt. B. V. O'llanlan, Ksnslngtou ave. ft Cumberl'd. MONEY TO LOAN A NEW COMPANY LICENSED AND BONDED Ready Money for Housekeepers We loan from IU to $201 on urprUlngly easy term. Your monthly payment on $36 I only $3 Your monthly payment on $72 U only $6 With Interest at S. Your monthly payment on $133 I only $11 Your monthly payment on $201 I only $17 With Interest at 3. See us. writ, or phone Walnut 4363. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 South Broad Street SECOND FLOOR. Next to Forrest Theatre. Open 8 a. m. to a p. m. Saturdays to 6 p. m YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. ETC, $23 AND UP 2T $75 " " iRs $300 " " f RIBOER-8 X18 MARKET ST. RIDQE AV. AND OXFORD ST -u asu Butrni ra MONEY LOANfD to nslx of tuuMttied estate. Interests baugbt, P. P MARTIN. 721 23 Bw5lwi qif W4 Bide.. 31 8. ISUl to. h SCRAPPLE c Amlnlile Smith J THE I'ADDED CELL Mmmm. X) veu,igot V WMMSmB nQn -v -.a few bucks "Tlicy tell mn Hint Smith In nn aw- VJ7" O" j (. "-T $ i,,, jUHWX fill Rrumlilcr." A. AiSj V i "11 1 rlliv "Ho Is lie's tho klml of fellow v. y)-. rT- 4 Y W 0 who blnmea hla fnco becnuse It needs O- ( JrL 71 I y & f x W$hU M Had (o Hang One YSfw III 7 f LMS&-J ill r) I r- J V ifl Slip I wonder why they hung that - V picture? " "w v " sX lie Pcrlinps they couldn't catch r , V V S C tho artist. "f X V HAfwA.M y D0YS WILL BE BOYS What Did Ho Mean? J HARVEY 6ET UP 1 fl I HARVEV 1 I AW MAW. I'M AW FOL I I S' flOW.'-VOUR. 9 rVeiMtieiTn? SltK-ICPnTTAttE X MUSICTEACttER f DOYoUHEmR. MVPlAHERLCSSOMS -- WILL BE HERE MY . GETP' ' 51 1 f r--. V HlWOTEAKOVBO Cj L L fifflWr jfl&K coHEtiovu! , - J . jgy ss fU !f ' ssssss- tillW f ifrrm(U''-j guL uqg fk-,;-:k Iumpwpv I r n..m, -i 1 ....?, .', .Ik--. U . ...IT WHATSTHE iVpli I - FEVERISH-OlDTtoU NEEOA CtT lle9 VV ' I MATTER ? I S EOTAIWHInC-TtWr ,AuU 4tTrlrlJ V. ' ." ) f , 0ANO0?FFTSnINr,kl I landlady Of course, I expect th X Jr . j- 5fer--' "nl,ar-t.T0U JjffcTf ---t rent punctually every week. fa'-iy fjK $4?ln I K'1''''" -A Now Lodger Just so, madam. My f'.'.'OA Ri rt -J?'U-K.' ZrSSi ru' ,a cltl,cr Punctually or not at fiii'-i, TS 1 fMIMMiS A Pes9im'3t's Donnition (OHIHOWDV DofMISS I , XiA nrfj? - KEV5 IT! AFRAID C Jh'.OiS rWEVWom-RE I ?3 Pm&Sm - ADLETOTAKE W SiW iMVrM-H J mut Lesson to . Lv . fiL iVW WH lFEElMt, WELL 1 mM vUJ.'J 1 fiy J I'M SO SORRY. JifO SS'.( i X " dJJJ sH A riHOPE HE'LL -t, 91 l. V . 7ti(-.'A fl TW 1 -H ..Ni so-6'bvey1 Aft, c- &nW? Jhz v- t Im&L T ( i ' s ft" v&'B'A VI. s V wifflmiT .yC2 ' ... . 1 . OifW W I v "Father,' eald tho umall boy, ,s4I'S3?x kH I il K5Vs U 1 f "what's an optlmlstT" - Lw t III Ev sl tli K. 1 i "An nntlnlt mv nnn In n mnn whn Clever Girl How Sad : . tmmm ssefB f.ri B?'m? ' iSPf PHi cdl Jm yt y T s-' SirT;?,vjg PvJC3 J3K ,('5v-, - nfad. j?.ssp 6b?-5-i r n?ik yTTQ' k-i fk& y(na Convict ca, mo pour urutiier had y 3 - ' " NNr-vx r. is vi no education, neither, and It wuz his f J. 1 -H.iuuu iou Hcum to llKO jucks at- rum, too. . i; '. tentions. Wliy don't yon marry liim? Chaplain How was that? l O-- I . Marie Bccausa 1 ilka hla atten- Convict He forged a name on a AN. I h h tlons. cheel; an' he spelled the name wrong. I H " I if2 AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME 0 V ,l T Y SLAV, I J zAb VBBSBm. ' . - . ' ' . -eVSm V I . Q Kheuby Why call this boat "Hair. WMMm X V , I dreaser"? ISSSwI'Sa V II It b . Freddy Because It skims through S$3fi9J$l v I l tha waves- W' NXViM . I APE MARTIN ffi 3 -'m r. , X --.--.r- j. ciTlrvvQiliiiiffijvA -. . W i" "'. , " ", i , ,!, , i i j ' 28, 1916. V J VA&SfTT Vr...s WfflP &m V N.V1 P1 o ,r -fi I 1 rJ I V tries so hard to bo cheerful that you NT I ftM tilV" ''EBvJ JXy A 8.10 feel sorry to sea him overworklnjr -v i - i w . r uri. nimseii. 15 iX " Prellv HnnH FiIHU MUs Tawney AEple'ii ucl ut ij. la titdtruslday- AUUough. h U rich ' mlwit tJi" doctor m not or'" i. 9fcr tamt rnin. Vemcr i'iafc'i rwi iitlst pal tu jiriM, 'erful "1 mi OR 1' I, 1 'IP Lte. mntm&&&''& J!c ' & 4