-""W "mmmmmm iPH-'SBn !-' uw'ijWt'Hl ? w- -p ir"V - T-O-WOf is- TWK -V" 3TtjW-M-SRttTfS'W a - ir'p? !, THE SPARKLER, BANISHES MR. GLOOM Delicious Maiden and Some KHldden Jrun rauiaie- a World ot Pleasure"- 'Vnnt.n OF PLEASURE Tlook nnd Lyrics i. Hsrold Atterldm. aiusif cr Slirmond 'SaSS?-.Mr.. Shubert. tor.o matrj. t8"k"AV.'jV.V.V.'.V.V.V.V.'.'.,nen9 Chspinw I"1, ..i miiiiMHi . venun rnrnuRn I IWhI ........ " Winona Wllklns Jijwt" '';;., ,. . . Frnnk Conroy IflUVIP . . ...... i .... . Tlan Unatv EltA fjirtv ............ i. . Kmllv Miles Gi'-JChir wlna ....... .ainurico Diamond -l!:':.....T..Hr!r;Sn .r-,f,l i AiTfiMUia UOHn;.tt.i..wiiiiin ,i, .,,,,. r., iSccna 1 . iTopressive rcmpioy. "SiMldn Drive. 4 .TarariMft Ten Room. "Si. nklsv Field. 0 Toy Shop. if Jl-ScenV 1 The Enchanted Hoof Oar- 'In. 2 " ""'" ' " " -..". ... BwO- ft noiffl ftt the end of tlio "credit list" on K.. rroerftm of "A World of Pleasure" tut night, burled beneath the set phrases jn which acknowledgments nro made to jr. furrier, the shocr nnd the calcium Vii) there Hashed on the eye this Rllttcr El. vif. "Snarkla cltects on nowna nnd frls curtains by Croner's Sparklo Em P .. tfr.la And. sr-r-nnil liv Rernnrl. S nalosy between this bit nn" "A sLu of Pleasure" camo to one. WpVar under nil Its machine-cut merriment Kkpwi . .. j. ......... .1.... ...... I. .... tad emnaimeu buiulo mviu u, m mo HrtirUlnment. dlamond-llko brightnesses ai ttonlnn frngments of flro nnd youth tod fun- They enmo In the most unex Jtcted places and In the most familiar Kits, As, for oxampte, Clifton Craw ford' adroit "rewmo" oi ins urunuen Mrs In "The Peasant Girl" : Collins nnd nrt. In their unwlthorablo Sandow bal- unclng act, and, ns a proper climax, n. thirmlns poppet, noslo Qulnn, whose lle9 and artless dimples wero fragrant nd fine enough to palliate much. And there, was quite ft lot to bo palliated. i Thtre was, nmonf? others, tho too- inclent japery of Conroy and Lo Mnlre, who (Imply surpassed ovory former lazl ...i of the staue by comblnlnir tholr Ford Ipeclalty with their even older Insurnnco policy specialty. There was tho self-suf-Jdnf Venlta Fltzhugh, frequently on, nnd toere was Herman Timbers, nsslstcd by Hattle Damn, in a -diversion, wnicn Miniated of the yountr woman playing a ftlilln and dancing simultaneously and of tit young man giving unutternmy poor Imitations. But most pcoplo ltko dlfTlcult ehlevemonts, whether they aro worth do ctor or not. So for nil theso there was Invmri arjDrcclation. The lack of an arresting personality trt other woras, a joison, a I'lancr or a Monroe was felt In tho pleasant but not imaiing work of tho agreeable Dan Halyi the vaudeville trio. Diamond, Jtc- Judion and Chaplow ; the neat-voiced Jfranltlln Batte and tho accommodating ihim Orientalism of Slargaret Edwards, felad In little more than slio woro In tho 1mm. "Hypocrites." fe'Of tho librettist, one need only pay thnt t9 considers entre nous and rendezvous l perfect rhymo. It tnkes C. 31. S. flic UlUn to mato atrablllar nnd sillier. And It takes Ivan Caryll to vamp up old stuff 'prettily. The Winter Garden's composer Us simply mado over tho first Winter Garden score. As that was nothing, tho tewousness of tho current melodies may it guessed. LVScenlcally, tho production had somo r..,. , ,, .. ,,.j . ,, . .Color, usually uauiy aiuuiuu una nppiieu. jive for a silver and black curtain; and tkere were those Ineffable thlngf, "ads," tattered about If tho man who manipu lated the traps and xylophone hadn't been 10 deuced grand, and Miss Qulnn hadn't dropped In now and then, and Mr. Craw ford hadn't told tho talo of tho worm nnd the fish. It would have been a sad occasion. (Bat, as has been Intimated, twilight sleep ijoites may De torgivon ror rapturous Itosio. Messrs. Collins and Hart, and tho Wave Crawford. We thank them, nlmost pshlngly, for being tbero. L. C. 29 Buildings Burn at Lexington, S. C. LEXINGTON, S. C, March 28. Fire early today destroyed 20 bulldlncs in tho business and residenco sections of Lexing ton. The loss was $100,000. Theatrical Baedeker .KtOAD "Tim I.lttls Minister." with Maude Aaams. Tne ramous play or Scotch lira by J. It. Barrie, telllnE or the pranks ot Milady LTRIC"A Wnrlil nf Til.naiiM " with Pllflnn K Crawford anil Conroy and I. Marle. A .likcr uururu snow wnn music oy jvoni - Denr, words by Atterldso and atasrd by .!' y- nonman. ABELPHI "Nobody HomB," with I-awrencn Oroismlth. A musical rompdy trom tho rplo-Amerlcan Allies. Oood music, fair 5TS5?.k'" "cellent comedy from Orosamlth. 01RRICK "It Pais to Adertlso." with f Louisa Drew, Grant Mitchell and lien John-L- A novel farm with much fun In It. lORBEST "Zlegfeld Follies of 101B." with :1ns, Clare, llert Williams and Will West. "r Hera wo find tho scenery by Joseph Urban ,M tho usual sort of Zleefeid show by tho uiaal people. WALNUT "Kilkenny.." with Flske O'Hara. tJHturn epgacement of tho Irish comedian jln a familiar play. niOTOPrTS. WANLET Tuesday and Wednesday. "Au J'SUT. with Paulino Frederick. Thursday, iEf1"? na Saturday. "Tho Sowers," with J-BUncho Sweet. ICTOniA Tuesday. Tho Flying Torpedo." iwltn. John Kmerson, Wednesday and Thurs tay. "Honor's Altar." with Ilesslo Harris. - ,. Friday and Saturday, "Her Great .'"Im." with Mabel Taliaferro. SSAPIA AU week. "Tho Jloral Fabric." pjrlth i-rank Mills. A Triangle-Kay Ilea nim .....,. ui.u . . .. iA9Br-Tu'"Iay "! Wednesday. "To Have liM?.,0-'ll'l." with Mao Murray and Wallace Rtia. iDursnay, Friday and Saturday. "John etanam'a Double," with Tyrone Power, vumwjfiTn Bvi!ifKEr,,'B 'tv1ll Ellis and Irene Bor. oal. Fiances Nordstrora-Wllllam Plnkham k0.. rilfr "all and Ford West. Huby orton and Sammy Lee. Durton Daniels and i T Conrad, Grubar's Animals, Marauer- ' Ui.Frrll, Sablna and Ilronner. Alexander IfciSS'!' '"e annuna pictures LFiPBBrTJamea J. Corbett. tho Fa-Mall Clerks: sS?.i.1,,s8ln? aml company. In "Politics"; (Walton and Golden. Threo Norrls Sisters. !Th i5,an?n' Nea'nd and company. In efeiX..., m " x. LrfinniKan. ino uunin- rnzi.vr ruupe. ma Aiagia nemo. tJeH.KErs."rho Qarden of Mirth." "Mlsa CTttanlcsJivlni IT." frtlnnat Turlr ftairva Unl. kwin faun. entlna Vox, l'hilbrlck and Oeveau. Delia and RHvnzr LiHEMCAN "The Devil." The Arvlna play- tar.. ,i, 4iumaia Play, Willi Jiuin RS: n,on ttn1 Oeorge Arvlna tn tha leadlne It' ICKEIIBOCKER -. "A Fool Ther Was." TIZ? if "wiocir players in t-orier i.mer ift? 5rowni1 P1. lth Emily Smiley as IU Vampire. rw. .jn BURLESQUE. nmnnlli flnat pal CS?WS Dumonfs. Minstrels. In,atlres on cuiters ot current Interest. Interest. i MILLIE AND HER TiHOSTiOFYOU MN ALLOU) YOVR VSR rA-GneftT oeal too MucrtLieeRTv; h Yoa'puT'en ON"pgpgjfAts. y f ISKE O'HARA RETURNS Popular Irish 8Up Seen at Walnut in 'Kilkenny" Once More toefmuS'o??,5' ma, way hav dled frm bo r,o f10rt.Ums!,Ves- There 8erns to knn,, m fa, ln store for th Plar. "Kll nublte' i.1!6..?"01 Fl9le O'Hara, or the SS.I I .thtJ'.kM t0 8Ce thei" uoth. Iist night the Walnut held an Interested audi- a Si T?l hom thero WCTe m than o"f ki 511;d Tn "nd enJoyd the star or Kilkenny when he brought the play to h 2iiy, th. ls 1U,Ie or no,hl"S new hrmmh .1 f th n"foanco. It pleased through the same double vein of romance and comedy ns before. GISHY MsTgISH GETS A BURGLAR The Mother of Lillian and Doro thy Defeats the Cracks ihan's Purpose By the Photoplay Editor The aish family bad a burglary. Here Is the true nnd detailed account of It. Twas a few belli after midnight and I.os Angeles slept. This statement Includes the Glsh family, composed of I.ltllan, Dorothy and their doting mother. There wns nothing doing In the Clish bungalow ex cept a considerable nmount ot sleeping. Knter burglar. It. V. K. or wherever tho roor of tho porch Is In the domicile of tho aishcs. With the catlike tread favored by all burglars who havo had proper train ing, ho entered tho chamber of Mrs. Glsh. The burglar. It Is surmised, thought tho Glsh family hnd either jewels or money. Just why ho thought mother's room would bo the repository for such loot Is not clear, but. anyway, he must have thought thnt or he wouldn't have been there. Being there, he might have clawed through the bureau drawers In search of the treasure. """' " ";i no uiu not. no so, it Is surmised that bo was a married man nnd had hunted for things around the house when his wife was away for tho summer. Anyway, what he did was to Hash a flashlight on tho unsuspecting countenance of Mrs. Glsh. Ths first Hash didn't quite get oor. "My I my !" muttered the mother of two pay envelopes, "these lightning storms certainly do conio up suddenly. Guess 1 11 put down the window." "Nix!" wan the burden of his hiss. "Nix, '"j ' amy ngni wncro you are. "My good mnn," roplied Mis. Glsh, "did you think I had any Intention of arising after I discovered your presonce?" Tho midnight visitor here committed a technical blunder of considerable rouse qilonce. Without rcnlylne to .Mrs GIhIi'h query, he removed his searchlight from ner, to sweep It around the room. " Where's yer dough?" ho growled hoarsely. Mrs. Glsh reached ono nund quickly un dcr her pillow. "In that dresser," sho answered. The burglar Jumped for tho piece of fur nlturo Indicated. Bang! A bullet missed the mnrauder bv n ham four feet nnd plugged a picture of Doro thy In the left dimple. Tho burglar lied Into the hall and lost his way. Downstairs he dashed, with mother in pursuit, brazing away at every Jump. Dorothy and Lillian awoke. "What's that, I wonder, sister dear?" quoth Lillian. "Search me," answered Dorothy. "Sounds llko somebody was making a Keyatone comedy In tho front hall." Tho sisters bravely ventured forth, after donning their most bewitching ki monos, nnd peeped over nnother's shoulder while sho fired her last shot at a burglar disappearing over tho front lawn. Then Lillian telephoned for the police. They came, hut not being of Mack Sennett's force, they wero unnble to do anything except nsic questions nnd clutter up tho front stoop. No blood stains wero discovered, so It ls thought Mrs. Glsh did not hit the burglnr. "Hut I bet sho scared him!" said Dor othy. None of the policemen would take the bet. The Arcadia Is playing "Tho Moral Fabric" all this week. It ls a Triangle-Kay-Bee Inco supervised film. The Stanley opens this week with "Audrey," with Paulino Frederick, u screen adaptation of the famous novel. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday the fea ture will be "Tho Sowers," with Blanche Sweet. The Palace offering the first half of the week Is "To Have and To Hold," with Mae Murray and Wallace Iteld. On Thurs day, Friday and Saturday "John Need ham's Doublo," with Tyrone Power, will be screened. The Victoria opens this week with "The Flying Torpedo," with John Emerson. On Wednesday and Thursday, "Honor's Altar," with Bessie Darrlscale, will be screened, while on Friday and Saturday tho feature will be "Her Great Price," with Mabel Taliaferro, which was favor ably reviewed In yesterday's Uvenikci Ledqeu. "THE DEVIL" FOR LENT Clever Satire Presented by the Arvine Flayers at American "The Devil," by Ferenc jrolnar, which had wide vogue severe! year ago. fur nished tho George Arvine Players an ex cellent vehicle to display their versatile talents last night at tho American The atre. The story concerns tho love of an artist for a former sweetheart, who has married a man of means. Tho husband wishes her to sit for her portrait, but she fears that the flame of love will be rekindled and tries to avoid the meeting. George Arvine interpreted the part of tho Devil, originally played by George Arllss, In a creditable manner. Itlchard La, Salle was seen as Karl Nahler, tho artist, and Ruth Robinson as Olga Hoff man. The cast Included Marie Warren. Gordon Mitchell, Virginia Hennings, I hm.!, shearer and Wlllard Dashlell. ..w... - . ..- MILLIONS jJIVES f-A NO WEAR OUT THE KNEES OF Y0U ) ITELEPHOME CAU FOR I HELClO.OlD BOY. THIS 15 MILLIE. OON'T F01?6en I J TROUSERS WORSHIPPINGTHEM. IT 15 1 YOU, MR.VAN OOOtESJ ( THANK yo(jS B0UT MATCHING THAT RIBBON AN0 6ET TIMe WE riENTOOK A FIRMER 5TAN0J 1 UJIUIAM. J Cm A-PACKA6E OF HAIR RINSAT r aiNMinv i i nr i m ., l v i r . .& a . . -. . ,st EVENlNa LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH "everything a star ought Not to be" Maude Adams, Reviving1 the De licious "Little Minister," Proves Herself Masterly Director THR MTTI.B Ml.VtSTntl A eomedy bv .T. M. Iiarrl. lnnartment Charles Frohman, Hroad Street Theatre. flavin Dlshart ." Dallas Anderson Lord Itlntoul Martin Sands Cantaln Halllwelt Morton Bellen Lady Ilabble, Lord Mntoul's daURhter, Maude Adams r si Ice, Mr maid Bliss Clarene Twnlts. butler J. L. Carhart Thomas Whammoud, chief elder. David Torrenre Bob Dow J. M. MoFarlane Mlcnh Dow Oladys Olllen H neekj Hobnrt, eldrr Wnllace .larkson Andrew Mealmoaker. elder. . U. Peyton Carter Rllva Tosh, elder Fred Tyler Sergeant Davidson Wlllard Uarton Joe Crulknbnnk, atheist C. Ony Nannie Webster Ada Doshell Jean, manse servant Ancela Oicden Act I Ouldam, Wood on a moonllsht ee nlnR In April. Act It 8cen 1 Nannie's rotlo-ire. tfcene 2 The Manse garden. Act III Inner hall at Itlntoul Castle. Act IV The Manse garden. " 'The Little Minister" Is a queer old thing there's no denying It " What n plendld start thnl would have made I Tha kind of thing n critic thinks up over supper when 1 knows Juft the sort of old-fn3hloned pla he Is going 'o see. And after thnt Intlmnte nnd blase start would havo come n short little sophis ticated glnnce down the vistas of early Bnrrle sentlmentnllty: n luting of the "Asides"; a recapitulation of n few of the Impossibly rapid exits nnd entrancos by which tho story gets over the high places; even yes, undoubtedly a short but au- tnorltativo rcllection on Harries bathetic and convenient vlow of that I. W. W. of other days, tho revolting weavers who burned their looms, tho enpual Industrial revolution upon which the playwright reared tho eternal and niRgnlncen'. super structure ot Babble's nnd Gavin's sentl montnl and comic adventure. And. of course, n liberal lot of admissions of how much "quaint humor" nnd "human detail" Bnrrle succeeded In larding Into his play for its savory snhatlon. Also some words , of praise for the "delectable personality" by which Miss Adams raised tho wliule en tertnlnment to a plain where such critical rnrpingH as the foregoing become mon strous. A pretty notion, a quaint review al most ns pretty and ns quaint as Barrio hlmrelf. But, nlas! how Impossible to write. "Tho Little Minister" not only turned out to be perennially delicious In humor, sentiment and Intrigue, but Miss Adams accomp'.'uhed a masterpiece of presentation thnt dwarfs any other angle of attack. Babble may have been "everything a yoman ought not to be" In the eyes of n minister Miss Adams Is everything a "star" and n "personality" ought not to be In tho eyes of n manager. She Is everything that the average manager Is not. She Is a producer, a stage manager, an olectriclnn. She ends by giving us the most perfectly keyed production of senti mental and humorous romanco that It has recn my good fortune to see. To begin with, a enst. Herself at the head, arch, lovely, whimsical, gracious, capricious, In a word that most pieclous of histrionic possessions, a "personality." Not Bllllo Burklan ono-sided attrnctlve nex.s, but rich personal resources molded by art. And tho molding process ln going on steadily from year to year. Improving the finished product. Tho most Important clement to consider In that progress ls, of course, the thing in which sho excels as pioneer stage produc tion, and part of that Is selecting nnd dis ciplining other players as she disciplines herself. Some of her company ate glorious standbys, R. Peyton Cart6r, Fred. Tyler, Morton Selten nnd doubtletu a good many more. Tho rest Dallas Anderson, J. M. McFarlane, Mnrtln Sands, Wallace Jack son, ono "C. Gay," whom we may suspect of "doubling" as Mr. Tyler, Ada Boshell, David Torrence, almost tho entire cast. In fact have been welded Into an en semble that suggests at moments the sim ple perfection of the Irish Players and thnt Is always the perfect vehicle for sen timental and humorous romance. Tho rarest of Miss Adams' extra-mural achievements Is the stage management of tho whole thing, "business," sets and lights. Her deep night skies, the warm direct light of the calciums In the bal conies, her abolition of the stupid old "foots," tho reticence of design In houses and trees, all inako her able to mount that most dllHcult of plays, one which demands exteriors what horrors that ! word has raised up! and exteriors nt night. With tho footlights tempered by I the calcium, she gives us a singularly tine I and dignified Interior, worthy of Its namo I s the hall at Rintoul Castle. ! But don't let's permit Miss Adams to bo- I come too satisfied with herself. She has n ' crlmo to answer for. It Isn't the minor ' misdemeanor or using nmber moonlight because It is warmer und altogether pret tier than blue-green, or keeping It so bright that holding up a little tin lantern to read by is something nkln to that oper ation which some one mistook for "gliding the Illy." Such quibbles would be only our way of showing Miss Adams that wa aro Just as far In front of tho theatrical procession as she Is. Miss Adams' real crlmo of last night wa3 beginning au 8.15 performance at 8:35. it Ih no excuse to reply. "Wasn't It worth it?" K. M. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES PHYSICAL TRAINING For health anil plea sura. Classes at hourB to suit. Three Oymnaslums. Hand ball courts. Swlmmlnc pool slzs 1'SiTS feet, nates fit your pursa. Enroll now. Bend for llooklxt A CENTnAL, Y. M. C. A. 1421 Arch 8t EVENING COURSES for heclnncrg In Shorthand and Hojkkeeplnr will be started April Day students admitted tiovr. School In session tha entire year TKIII'l.K IIN'IVKKMITV Hroart nnd llerks Hts., PhllaaelpliLi. STRAYER'S Th B,t Lluslnsss Bcnooi, jJUUVltftJ 801-807 Chsstnut Strsi. KWIUM1NO LEARN TO SWIM NOW Pefore season's rush bins. Sanitary pool -latest reflltratton system. Wi teach you In 13 lessons. Cost J 10. 00. Soma learn In six Cost ftl.U". CKNTUAl, Y. M. C, A, H;l Arch St. (Copyright, 1916.) ) YQV MANY ARTISTIC ACTS IN SHOW AT KEITH'S Melville Ellis and Irene Eor- doni Head Big Musical Bill Which Pleases Art In the extreme permeates the show at Keith's. It bobs up persistently, giving the performance a tone which Is de cidedly "lyceum csque " One cannot help but wonder should this demand for "class" continue If the word "vaudeville" will not evenlunlly give way to the word "muslcalo" or "concert" Just ns vaudeville succeeded "variety." By way of Illustration. Melville Ellis, who headlines with Miss Irene Uordonl, plays the piano amid nrnnee tinted sllk- llke cycloramlo suroundlns. dotted with pretty medallions Miss Bordonl sings In various gowns. The pair mado n decided hit. due largoly to the efforts of Mr. Ellis. Continuing the artistic Idea, Burton Daniels and Lester Conrad appeared be fore a beautiful dark plush drop ln plnno and violin selections They olfered clns.it cal nnd popular numbers which stirred the hearts of the music lovers, who Bhowored tho somewhat jouthful artists with ap plause Beautiful gray hangings provided the atmosphere for Mile. Vera Snbltm, a re markably gifted dancer, who presented "Fantasies of tho Dance " She was ns slstcd by Cleveland Bronner. Without any blowing of trumpets this nglle couple produced a series of dances which wns ubout tho best seen at Keith's this season. Tho artistic Idea was even carrlod to a "ball bouncing" act. shown by the Alex ander Brotheis. They bounced rubber balls In expert fashion before a rod plush drop nnd by way of emphasizing art woro dress suits. But thoy delUorcd the goods ns fnr as ability was concerned. The regular stage scenery wns used by Prances Nordstrom. William Plnlthnm nnd company In the comedy, "All Wrong." The playlet, by Miss Nordstrom, pictures nil unhappy mnrrlcd couple, whose woes are duo to thu fact that tho husband prefers his books to his wife. Sho reprimands him for his Indlfferonce. nnd In n mo ment of hysteria deplores tho fact that ho la so terribly correct and tiresome. Tho wlfo then fnlls asleep and dreams that her husband Is really a crook, who kills a man who comes to unmnsk him. A pistol shot awakens her from tho dream. Tho dream Is acted In reality by tho husband, and the wlfo Is so Kind that It Is not truo thnt slio loves her husband better than ever. Ruby Norton and Snmtny Leo presented nn net of concentrated quality. It was u' case of merit every minute In the way of songs and dances. They received the kind of upplause which augurs big type In tho billing nt nn early date. New songs In snappy stylo were offered by Marguerite Farrell, who made her llrst Philadelphia appearand'. She and tho nudlcucc beenmo friends quickly nnd It's a snfe bet thai she'll drop around ngv.u. Foster Bnll and Ford West, ln a mllli. ry suit, wero a lilt ns usual. An excellent animal net presented by Captain Gruber nnd Mile. Adellna closed the show. Corbett at Globe James J. Corbett, former heavyweight champion of the world, scurries away SPRING RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. SPRING DAYS IN pAi 'iSs?2WG:'s', are rilled with tho real joy of living. Dalmy air. bright sunshine, salt breezes and a host of healthful at tractions nil unite to make an ideal Springtime. Spend Master at At lantic City nnd take your part In the world-famous Fashion Parade, a sight always to be remembered. ROLLING CHAIR RIDING, GOLF, SAILING, HORSEBACK RIDING, ETC. Tin: i.KAmxn hounks aro ulnuys open and will furnish full Information, rates, etc. Marlliorough-lllenhelm The Nlielburne Hotel Mm ml Hotel I'helnrn Hotel Drnnl Tlir Ilnlmhiirst (inlen Hall .Nenslile Housn lintel M, Charles WIltHhlre Allnntl'- City Is ci-ily one hour's rlili from I'hllailelvlila Krequtut trains ln I'.-mia. It It. from IlroaU Street Hiatlou nr Mnrktt Blrtet Perry or Phlla. & U'-aillnc Itwy . from Chestnut anil s.nih street Terries C--Sv -A SSKprmrr f flTLWTIC CITY, Superior location with an T unobstructed viewoC beoch j and. boardwalk. Arecortnizcd ! standard of ex-cellonce. I L.SiLv22-. .EZHSdLZS 1ab Bet aieW standard vi 0civicctcon..(JnxEeaUiy LARcraT FmOToor saijnouL ihtki hood -r- ..:-Tii"s-.v r rr. . . . j wwi f tj j;. ''" ij; is fs iun.yiix r hv HQ1TeanJff THE LEADING RESORT riOTtLOf THE V.'ORLD fflarlboroHjli'Bteniciiii ATLANTIC CITY.N.a. OWNCnSHIP MANAOCMCNT. .IOS1AH WMITe & 8Qr4a COMPANY HKUrVri-MII.IJj-lN-TllK-PlNKS. X. J. H'HTH TMN Weal Bprlnif rtsorti teautlfui ,',,-, " lakes, walks and drives ln the Pines, favorite week-end and motorist re sort! cuisine superior. 1, U. Sc M. S. UUDDUHS BWABTUMUBE. PA. STRATH HAVEN INN June 3d. V M. SC11EI11LEY. will opsu Saturday. ITjIfrSSMwllM fal93ra 0yrijr$& jH.tWf atuantic cii-- l ITeLEPHOMe CAU FOR MRVANOOOteS with the honors of the bill this week at tho Globe. With a demeanor that looks decidedly unlike thnt of r flstle leader, he told of anecdotes of the ring and of his experiences while living under the shadow of the Marquis nf Queensbcrry rules. He added some reminiscences of the Wlllard Moran bout, at which he wns a ringside spectator Suo Hlgglns nnd company. In a sketch on "Politics," ran second on the bill, fol lowed by tho Fe-Mnll Clerks, who have won applause nt many theatres In this vicinity. Joe Lnnnlgnn drew willing smiles from the crowded Iiouro with his amusing monologue Other nets on tha bill were, the DufTln-Itedcoy Troupe, the Mnglo Kettte, Walton and Golden, Nea land nnd company. In "The Fixer," Alice Hanson and the Three Norrls Sisters. Follies Nixon-Grand What has been often termed vaudeville's most pretentious musical comedy features the bill this week nt tho Nlxon-Grnnd Ten persons, mostly pretty, beautifully gowned girls, compose the act, which Is called the ".Midnight Follies" It scored a big success before tho audlpnce last night Other acts on the bill Include Thurbcr nnd Madison. In "Tit Bits of Vnudovllle" ; lldwln George, comedian i I-'alko and Ni xon, Queenlo Dunedln, the Aerial KddyB nnd moving pictures Tabloid Cross Keys Pretty girls and lively comedians tlguro prominently In "Tho Garden nf Mirth," which headlines the bill at t!ir Cross Keys. The act Is stnged nmld plcturetque sur roundings, and dainty costumes helped to glvo It a general springlike tone Many good songs were Introduced In the course of the proceedings. Other good acts Included Mullally Pin grce and company. Jack George, monolog ise. Valentine Vox. ventriloquist, and Phil brick nnd De Veau. "A FOOL TIIERK WAS" Popular Melodrama Revived by tho Knickerbocker Players A good many movie fans of West Phila delphia must have looked with a reverent Interest toward the Knickerbocker The atre Inst night, for thero In flesh and blood wns once more reealcd the grnnd daddv or should wo sav maternal grand parent? of nil the long line of "vamps" which have crossed tho screen The art of Theda llai-n "band maiden of sin" or whatcer sho may bo called y'Wit MfrH 5Mm INin fnllawlnc tlirntrcs obtain llirlr picture tlirotlcli the STANI.P.Y Hook Inc Cnnunim.wlillh U ll Kii.irantre nf early slioivlne of the llneat nrniliir- tloin. All pictures releneil liefiire locality obtulnliiE pictures inruuuii AT HAMDD A "th, Morris ft Pasayunk A". ALnAftlDKA Mat Dny at a i ng . J u. Vaudeville & I'nramt Pictures Wm. S. Hart in "Hell's Hinges" ARCADIA CHESTNUT ST. drlow lirnt FRANK MILLS in THU MUIIAI. KAllltU'" APOLLO D AND THOMPSON' MATIN'KU DAILY 1'AItAMOtINT riCTUlti: .., Marguerite Clark ,n "??. AND BLUEBIRD "'00 S0RT" im0AD 8T' pakamoi'KT ric'Trni: Fannie Ward ,n 'T,:NNErPSnR.. BELMONT &?. TS'i WE Kvgs (i :nn, H. a ::io. l.,c i.ot' Tr:i,t,KOi:N in Tin: l nknown" Tomor Theo ItoLerts In PuJiJn'heaii Wllfon' COTIl AND PET A R PAitMiov.vr CKDAIt AVH 1-tUAR thcatiu: DUSTIN FARNUM in Tiin cam. of thi: orMncur.ANDS" FAIRMOUNT 2ftT" f,D AVC - PAllAMOl'NT PICTfllE Hazel Dawn in "My Lady Incog" jFRANKFORD 7n n,AX,,tvB MARGUERITE CLARK in "MICH AND MEN"' 56TH ST. Theatre Jti MATINEE J:S0 rtel Pnruce. Rlci. 7 to 11 ClIAnLOTTE WAI.KKIl 1i "THE THAU. OI' TUB IXJNESOMR PINK- CO J Ct .V.'d L Mats 2-3:3(1 Be U Ol Hnm Eu" l no to 11 lOo THEDA BARA in "OOI.D AND THE WOMAN" GERMANTOWN 8.108 OEItMAN TOH'S AVC. PARAMOUNT riCTI'ftK Fl.OItKNCR HOC KWKI.I. ill "He Foil In liie With HIm Wife fl nUC BOTH A MAIlKin S-1S-7-0. Vjl,vJUC $is (Kin Ki.MiiAi.i, ortOAN BLANCHE SWEET in "Tlin lUGAMfFFlN" fIDAOn AVENI'E THEATRE ljIIVrA.Il-' 7TH AND C.lltAnD AVENUE I.. r1--,,. In "MAN AND Jane Urey ms anoei,- ' AMATEUH BTAOB CONTEST r"r. TInee.oa imOAD ST.. ERIK & Ureat iNortnern oermant-n aves VIRGINIA PEARSON in "THE Ht'NTED WOMAN" IRIS THEATRE 3MB I.,LTOV GERALDINE FARRAR in "TEMPTATION" IMPERIAL Theatre wufee GEORGE BEBAN in THE PAWN OF FATE" JEFFERSON -DT,r g L'r,"N "PROHIBITION" Direct from Chestnut St Opera House LAFAYETTE SDH J&WAg"0 EDMUND BREESE in THE I.URB OF HEART'S DESIRE" MONTY BELIEVES IN HELCO.OID DOY.THIS 15 MIUIE. IAB0UT MATCHNS THAT RJ680N AN0 6ETj ME APACr5At& OF HAIR 28, 1D16. this week found Its headwaters In th melodrama of Porter Kmerson Browne, "A Fool There Wns." From then ort, "vampire" after "vampire," not all of such Ingratiating design, havo Hooded the film. But thre are somo who still prefer to take theirs from the slaga. A goodly number attended the Knickerbocker last night and rejoiced In "A Fool Thero Was." Emily Smiley made the "vamp" as ef fective as that part has ever been, while John Warner mndo an excellent husband to prey upon. Tho support of the rest of tho company was all that could bo asked, REAL ESTATE FOR SAtE ML-IIUIUIAN lU.KINH t'AItK. PA. HEUttttsi Jfetrk Msintstf' Colonial Residence, $8950 Course ot Construction lj White stucco green shutters and slate roof. ',! Large lot, 60xli) ; spacious porches and front tcrracr j Central hallway large upstairs sleeping porch, IF Four bedrooms two baths ample closets. II Highly restricted building sites, $800 to $5000. Attractive bungalow sites with extended vlow over Klklni Parle We also rtnnnco and build, according to your plan, RHOADS 6c PAUL j Ik5ark Automobile by Appointment 3 Trolleys, G Cent Fore 72 Trains Daily, 9J4 Cents PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIG SooBm Grmmrm evliililtlnn. Ak for Hie theatre In jour uiu r,i,ti.i;v iiuoKUiff I'mmmny. LEADER KOUTY-rillST AND LANCASTRH AVENUE BILLIE BURKE in "I'lHIOV LIBERTY UrtOAD AND COI.L'MWA ... thiancsu: rr.AYH ortrtIN JOHNSON lii "Thn Price of Power" Keystone Comedy "He ud itmt !! Didn't" Logan Auditorium "5 a. THIANfll.E Ml.!.- Douglass Fairbanks jn Srffl! T fVlf"'! TCTT t-v AND LOCUST LUUO 1 Mats. 1:30 nnd .'1:0, 10c HlK" H 811, 8. 11:30. Hie Clara Klmlmll Vounu In "Yellow Puespnrt" T"inor Itoht Wnrwirk In "Supremo S lerlltre' Market St. Theatre aM MA1K:T Maude Fealy III "THi: IMMORTAL, VI.AMK" SKI: "CHIAFT" KVEIIY WHDNKHHAY ORptlpi in GI3UMANTOWN AND v-'"rrlE',-' CHKI.TI3N AVE3. . TRIANOM-: PLAYS n,-sl llnrrlsenki In "Hullels & Ilrnwn lives" I'lli:i MAC1J In "The VlUnee Vnmplro" ORIPIMT ,i--n WOODLAND AVE "-",, Dnllv Mat 2 ElB.II -IIM'KIHKI) PHOTOPI.AYH J,rD.'ii.s,,BB,n"The Wrong Door" PALACE 2M MAUKHT STHF.KT 10 A M to 11:1.', P. M. MAE MURRAY in TO HAVi; AND TO HOLD" PARK n,DnR AVK A DAl'l'HIN ST. MATINHR I.', AHTHI'ft IIOOIM1S and AI.MA HANt.ON "THE FINAL CURTAIN" in PRINCESS 101R MARKET rtiii:i:t imi WARm-:N-B nnriTiinit" nuiiiND the footlights" "Olrl and the Mmo" everj Thursday. See RIAI TO QEnMANTOWN AVE i"rt-'1V' AT Trl.PKHOOKE.V CHARLES RICHMAN in "Tllll Ilimo OF at'ILMAltlNE D-S" BT REGENT in:n market STREirr Jlllll.iX rnifi; nmi.iv FLORENCE REED in THE WOMAN'S LAW" RUBY MARKET STREET IIELOVV 7TII STnniiT LOUISE LOVELY in "TANUI.ED HEARTS" cucownnn mth and LJilLi" f ijji HALTIMORE MARY PICKFORD in THE FOUNDLING." SAVOY ,SI25CT CHARLES RICHMAN in THE HERO Or rJCRMAItlNi: D-S" T1QQA I7TH t VENANGO 8TS. FANNIE WARD in TENNESSEE'S PARDNEIl" VICT IA MARKET ST. AMOVE NINTH t JOHN EMERSON In :ih". nee the "Struiws very Wed and Thurs. STA RKET AHOVE H1TII c CONT1NLOU8-X ,i,,nc !,,;!ap:J:tor"AU Frederick in AUDREY" KEEPING BUSINESS OON'T FOffGen RINSAT "tub nJP Ssi Van ojmr 'B sMIl- " -WW. 13 REAI. ESTATE SDR BJ5HJ? BUJUlKH H0P9K3 JAMESTOWN, K. J Furnished Cottages for Rent fw 1 Season of 1910 " Also Several Desirable Collages fe Sale C. E. WEEDEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE fitnunnAN ni.KINS PAlltt. TA. tvr.HT piiiLAiini.riiiA GRAND B2D Hna MAItKKT 8TS. -j fku "GUARDING OLD GLORY" Special Military Drama ---ijiifWtYi?" MsmL OVERBROOK MD HASva HUD PKATIIHH ipl C J " FKATinn Viloria ronda in "DRUGGED WATERS" GARDEN 83,t k L-ANSDOWNH AVE. LOUISE LOVELY in "THE GRIP OF JEALOUSY" EUREKA 40TH aict sts M THIANai.i: PLAYS OURIN JOHNSON In "D'AItTAUNAN" . KEYSTONE CO.MUDY rilAm.EH MUltltAY In "FIDO-S FATE" BROADWAY B2D ani1 anccNWAT ,-.x'-'vt, " Adults irir, i rrhiM. r. "Fighting Blood" w,th wInvW0') "THi: HTUANOK CABi: OF MAUY HAOC." First Uplsode 3. NORTH Broad Street Casino nR0AIg,, HVKNINO 7 1.1 AND 0 Marguerite Clayton b,r$!ZSxgS HIH.IO NHWH OTIIBH3 PFNTI IRV E,UE AVE. 4 MAnBIIALTJ VE.i 1UKI MATINEE DAILY HOLBROOK BLINN in "The Unpardonable Sin" fiOUTII P T A7i imoAD and roiTi:n r l t n. sTiinET JANE GREY in "The Man and His Angel" OLYMPIA I1U0AD ,RT'RE,DnIDa,3 Jlornn of the I.tUrst nnd lltut I'liotenlau iii South Pilluileljiftfn -! FEATURES DAILY. H1in Hnlmiq '" "THE GIRL eien noimea AND T11R CAME., NOUTIMVEST SiiKniinrinnns T1IEATRE-17TH ousquenanna subquehanna ave Vitagraph Maurice Costello in 'The Crown Prince's DoubIe,'t.rlf N011TIII1ST STRAND 12T,t AND GIttARD ave. HENRY II. WALTHALL sncl EDNA MAYO InJ "Strango Caso of Mary Page," 4th Episode IlrusrtvvHy Star Feature Co. present "THE HIUH TIDE," 4-act drama 3 KEN8IM1TON 1 1 1 M R O Pno-'T fiT. AND "THE TARGET," in 5 parts "LIZZIE'S WATERY GRAVE' Weekly Programs APPEAR EVEnY MONDAY IN Motion Picture Chart APPOINTMENTS , Y0U FELLOWS UyiLL H AV6 HO EXCUSZ ME, I HAVE A I -ll 81 M JJ m "m m THE 5AMG. TIME- 7 'BUSINESS EfVtA0eMEiNT. ,.- . 7 Zi'AA,eeen0TS r7x- rto T " 1 " 'Ht Ottrvifc. Tint- rr ii lit 4 ' jk n e a is m t.