Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 28, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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- v r KwyijB---;
v -MMTT-pwHS,ptjtf"-finF' 5fe rWMK -
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IJNBUUi vviin VV1L.JU1E MJiJiiliAJN ;
FSailor Admits He
Broke Right Hand m
Battle With Fat Per
sonHe Also Loses
JACK CAHUOIjU who Ravo up his Job
nn the high 8cas anil mado poor old
V Uncla Sam Bhlft for himself when lio quit
.the rollicking Ufa to pick up some soft
himoney as a boxer, proved that ho was
1 Just ns Rood as .tesa
Wlllard at tho oiym
liln A. A. last niKht
Tho former sentinel
of tho briny deep
fought like a cham
pion In his bout with
Wllllo Mcehtin, and
mado his appearance
In every round with
out missing- a sluglo
one. Ito wan right
there before U9 for
18 mlnutoa nnd
treated his fal op
ponent with Bllent
scorn. Ho forgot his
animosity when tho
final bell clanged,
limvpvor. nnd cravelv
K-lhook hands with Mr. Mechnn. with whom
' ha hart been starrniR. ir. waun wa
highly pleased with himself.
' Says He Hrokc Unnd
, It was then that tho Abio seaman puiicu
a. Wlllard and entered tho cUsi owned
' . . .l.l.tfl.l 1... tt.n T.'nHbnn t, w1 T
ana cpiijimi'im "j ,,.
innm. Tannine over the rones, ho ad-
Pressed tho nowrpapcr men bb follows:
"I ain't mnKin' no nam, out nones- i
"" busted m' rlto ban' In th' fifth round.
ml to uso m' lef all th' time. Too bad
fj;.I busted m' linn' er IM a stopped that fat
stiff sure LooKlt nr nanv nnu no c-
tended a mauler encased In a boxing
r clove. Close examination proved that Mr.
I- Carroll might havo broken his hand. Then
-again he might not outside of tho fact
that wo umni seonc nnni, urean or any
thing, Mr. Carrolt was right.
I But Sailor Jack was not forced to re-"Bftt-f
tn nvmisoM nftor tho b.ittlo ho nut un
'ngalnst Adlpqso Willie. Tho rotlreiltnr
avn tho fat nerson from Frisco tho hard-
Bll est fight ho has had since tho V. P. has
B. been among us, and desorvc3 all of tho
Kl bouquets showered upon him. And Mr.
K . Carroll always wears his honors becom-
Willie Hits (he Floor
.There was a noticeable Improvement In
K Carroll's boxing Inst night. He lost tho
EI battle, but that mado no difference. He
R 'foucht well Just tho same, taking lots of
fct'plinlshment and handing Willie many sln-
Kl. mrn rrrMnrs. Tn tlin fifth rolinil lin rauffllt
A Xlitnh'in nn fhr, Initf with n. Rtrnlp'hf rlf?hr.
and WIUo stopped tho floor coming up as
he was going down. Ho bounced to his
feet In an Instant, but was groggy for a
few seconds.
Rj Then Willie's vision elenred, nnd ho
Hi could seo nothing but Carroll's Jaw. That
si Jaw stopped six hard wallops, but they
P failed to make tho Sailor forget ho had
Ep scored a knockdown. Ho weathered tho
If' typhoon, nnd smiled confidently when ho
walked to his corner, whore Bobby Guin
ness welcomed him with open amis.
It was In Carroll's corner that tho real
f1( battje was fought, llobby appoars to bo
t the, Sailor's new manager, Sor ho did
most of the advising, and convinced his
k man, that he would mnlse nicotian quit.
W, Mr. Qulnncss cither lost or mislaid his
W"j t'AlAA In ,t.A tkl.rl .n....4 tr 1. A .-.., Ill
,u,w ,,, LUU LJ1I1U lUUilll) 1UI IIU WUIU
barely make himself heard when tho
crowd was shouting and his man was on
the other side of tho ring. His nsslstiuts,
v?ho had charge of tho fans, water bucket
and stool, also fought gamely.
At the end of the third round Carroll
was listing heavily to port and seemed
ready to bo wrecked on a left Jab. Ho
WA fell Into n chair and then the real work
wk began Guinness, wearing tho conven-
1 tlonal vest and .exposed shirt sleeves,
, Jammed the boxer In tho chair and held
him Irmly, despite his squlrmlngs. An
fussisiani uegan slapping mo sailor wun
astonishing force, while another frnn-
, "tuny Happen me inns. '.vmen uiruw uenso
mi, clouds of resin dust Into tho fighter's face.
Some Inside Stuff
"Iloiv duy y' feel?" asked tho second
with tho bucket of water as ho doused
Jack with tho chilling flood.
"Puh-puh-pretty good," gasped Jack,
enivenng violently.
ain't chu?" Inquired
solicitously ns ho
sponge In Carroll's
'Yau'ra all rlirht.
Manager Guinness
Jammed a veteran
"Blahhh!" spluttered Carroll
mat ne was reel tug great
"Ver goln' good," cpntlnued Bobby,
'on'y you wannah use yer lef more."
"Yer wlnnln' easy," said the second
waving the fans, "on'y vuh wanna keep
ewlngin'. Uso yer rite more "
"No, yuh wanna Jab htm." remarked the
second with the water bucket. "He's a.
awful sucker fer a straight lef. Anybody
kin see that Keep Jabbln' "
"Never let Mm. git set," warned duln-
from thf
vt- 3 J!SS V73 ?r
by all dealers
Dxyuk Rnni
Evening Ledger Decisions
of Ring Bouts Last Night
tl-YM,i','V"rIU,.I'...f,If An1 " defeated
S'.,Mm .MjrPhr. tUllle Sleelinn won from
?5"2ri',"tf .' nffnl' Johnny Muithrer beat
I rank - linker. Trnnkle t'lnrke nutlioieri
I rankle Mrrnttr. Jlmmr Mct'nbe sliniled
I roiMj (inoflinitn.
vNln'. J.ftK Tommr Ibirke defeated
v " '1 leoy. Snllnr McKee drew with
J,niinK rnlien, lildle Nucent outnnlnted
Inrmer SiilllTnn. .Ilmmy llnrke utopperi An
ilrn Andermn. MeeUeo llnrton nnd t.linr
ley Smllli drew, Mllllo I.nnctanl nntpotnled
TelT 1T'mD'e TMr Jacobs beat loune
TAMAqfA Yonne Jnek O'nrlen ilefent
eil Joe Heirrrnnn, Johnny Tnbb tnnde Aounir
NImRin quit In itie nrst, Vonn O'Donnell
bent onnu lllrli.
Ni:V lir.DldUO, Jtn. t'hnrley ln
ert knocked out frank llnuney In the eec
ond, I.ONIHI.V llnrrr lleeve defeated l)lfk
Smllli, Jlinmr Ullils knocked nut Hid Smith
In the third.
I'lTTSI'IKI.IV tackle Clarke outclassed
I rankle otter.
. JIKMl'lllsti(k Gilbert won from
Jack Ilcrrick,
ncss. "Watch Mm all th' time. Yer beat
In' Jilm easy, but don't let Mm git set."
a tin tno spongo which had sen many
battles once moro was Jammed down tho
fighter's throat. "Yer goln" good an' yuh'll
make Mm quit suro In th' nex' round."
The bell ended tho chorus nnd Carroll
wns nlloued to get up from his chair and
tnko further punishment In tho ring.
It was tho samo In tho other Intermis
sions, nnd Jack profited by the advice.
Median Wins Easily
Hut advice counted for naught when ho
began to swap punches. Willie hlf him
with everything ho had; but Carroll stood
tho gaff and never faltered. Ho was
troubled with Median's back-hand wal
lops and the haul lefts to the body: hut
ho tried to uso his right, left and every
thing else ho was advised to use. Some
times ho )vns successful, but most of the
time he was not.
Wllllo pulled something now when ho
Introduced hlr spinning smash, which
took well on the sailor's face. Tho fat
boy would stand with hl3 back toward his
opponent, then whirl on his heel, bringing
tho left or right list violently ngalnst tho
opponent's Jaw. Tho spectators wcro
highly pleased, but Carroll sent In a mi
nority report,
Wllllo won tho bout by a city block, but
would have won by two city blocks If
Carroll had failed to scoro the knockdown
In tho fifth.
McAndrcws Heats Murphy
No boxing show Is complcto without a
wlndup, and they had one at tho Olympla
last night, tho same ns on other Monday
nights. Jimmy Murphy and Hddle McAn
drows were tho star performers nnd they
performed well. The bout lnsted tho full
six stanzas, and at tho end McAndrcws
emerged the winner by a shade.
It was n fast contest, with both boys
endeavoring to stage a "comeback." Mur
phy did excellent work nt long range, was
willing to mix it nt all times, but he could
not copo with tho terrific Infighting of Mc
Androws. Kddlo played for the body most
of tho tlmo and indicted somo sevcro pun
ishment. In tho fifth he feinted for the
body, and wtjen Jimmy's guard dropped
ho whipped a hard right to tho Jaw. It
shook Murphy considerably, but ho fell
Into a clinch and quickly recovered.
Murphy fought hard in tho earlier part
of the sixth round, but Kddlo camo back
strong at tho end nnd was entitled to tho
Battle Between First Base
men Feature of Mack
Dodger Series
JACKSONVILLE. Fin.. March 23. A
duel between tho two greatest first base
men In baseball Is tho real fenturo of tho
post scries between tho Athletics nnd
Urooklyn. Tho teams play their third
game of the series, nnd first here, today.
Fans throughout tho two major leaguo cir
cuits almost unanimously agrco that
"Stuffy" Mclnnls Js the star of tho Ameri
can League, whllo "Jnko" Daubcrt, of tho
Dodgers, Is easily tho best Initial Backer
In Toner's circuit
Thcso two Wonderful first Backers tried
to outdo each other during the two-game
scries over In Dajtona. and In our humblo
Judgment Mclnnls had nil tho best of It.
dosplte tho fact that Dauberl'a batting
averngo was a few points bettor. Molnnhi
fncod veteran nnd well-conditioned hurters,
who are looked upon as stars, whllo tho
Urooklyn captain batted against recruits.
"Stuffy" also had two terrific drives which
looked like certain extra base hits pulled
down on him In tho outfield.
In tho field there wns nothing to It but
aiclnnls, although "Stuffy" made one
error nnd Daubert had a. clenn slato.
Daubcrt handled 18 chances In tho field
without a mlsplay, whllo Mctnnls had 24
with one etror. Included In Mclnnls'
chances wcro four nsslst3 to nono for
Threo of thcso nsslsts were mado on
hard drives, two cut down base runners
nt third and ono at the plate. In handling
thrown balls tho Mackman also had an
edgo though this possibly was duo to tho
erratic throwing of tho youthful Infloldcrs
nt tho Athletics. Daubert handled every
thing cleanly and mado several brilliant
pick-ups, but Mclnnls' grand one-hnnded
stabs of balls thrown Into tho runner nnd
two pick-ups while lining at full longth,
moro than atoned for his wild hcavo yes
terday which gavo tho Dodgers threo runs.
It was Interesting to watch these won
derful first basemen. Neither Is nt tho
top of his game yet. Daubcrt has tho ad
vantage in this respect as he has been
working twd weeks longer than Mclnnls.
Moran's Men Expect to Win Seven
Straight Today
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., March 28.
With six of the Chicago scalps safoly
tucked away tho Phillies this morning
wcro contemplating a clean sweep over
Joe Tinker's club when tho teams play
their final fray of the southern series here
thM afternoon. Manager Pat Moran had
not decided this morning who his pitching
selection would be this afternoon. It Is
probable, however, that ho will work
Alexander. McQulUen and Eppa lllxey In
part of the contest. 1
In an attempt to stem the onriishlng tldo
that carried tho Cubs down to five straight
defeats at tho hands of the whirling Phils,
Director Tinker substituted his reserves
In yesterday's game at Tampa, but the
result was tho samo. The National League
tltleholders obtained tho unpopular do
clston by a margin of 8 to 7.
Trade Mark v " ,rr """l
March 18, 1010. 0
A Pair of
(Mother of Pearl)
Cuff Links
. Free!
Just to seo if you know
who sells exclusively tho
famous "55" Pull-proof
Slidezy Scarf, we offer a
pair of cuff links to the man
or woman who presents this
advertisement at any of our
stores on or before Satur-
day, April 1st.
W,c carry a '
heavy stocfe: of
Five Dollar
The ojd process bark-tanned plump Russia Calfskin
and the black leather par excellence Wax Calfskin,
made over our up-to-the-minute last, give you the
maximum of style, comfort and wear for five dollars.
ClafUn, MT Chestint
Willing to Meet Frank Moron In
20-round Bout
CHICAGO, March 28. If Frank Moran
wants a 20-round scrap with Jess Wlllard
ho can get it providing the promoters will
put up sufficient coin. Tho champion made
this announcement today.
"I'm not going to retire," Bald Wlllard.
"After my circus engagement of 40 weeks
fit take on Uie scrappers."
TUttlln Levtntky and Jack Dillon will cntr
Into ring combat for the 'stwnth tlm whn
thty clash ftt the Broadway Sportlnc Club,
Urooklyn. tonight. Their Aral meeting was In
Philadelphia, about four j-rnr no. In nhlch
bout Dillon won, but ever alnco Ixsvlnnkr
alnays outpointed the Hooilcr.
Tho llRht heavywelaht championship of En,
land went with Harry, neeve's victory over
tuck Smith In Txinrton last nlnht. Th latter
held tha title, hut as Reeve was awarded the
decision on points at the end of 20 rounds
ha became the champion
flobby Iteynolda wilt make his first appear
ance out of town alnco ho left Philadelphia,
two weeks ago, when he fmleavora to box
Johnny Kill's cur In, n 10-rouml actio at
Vounnatown, O tonlnht. Neirotlntlona are on
for a match between Iteynolda, nnrt Cal to
laner at Cleveland, where llobby Is making
hl home.
After appearing In alx bouts In ftvo weeks.
Frank! White decided that h was worthy f
a well-earned rest, thus his trip to Atlantlf
City, Tha Italian. favorite plans to rmm
at tha alioro nil wpk and then return home tar
training resumption In preparation tor tha tax,
of the 120-poundera.
Mlko O'Dowd, tha St. Pant welterweltM,
mado good In New Tork Saturday night, whin
ho knocked out the tough Terry lIltchelL ot
Brooklyn, In seven rounds.
Herman, tho titrt Orleant, bantAMJ
weight, will make hla nrt .start In New Tork
es pjftunxt
nA-tt HAturdav ntftht. when b aoi
t..,jl. Il.anrff fn. Ill wMtn.la Nf Unnj
llermnn meets Eddie O'Keafe at tha Olympla,
gJJ yfiw
It did not take much arguing or preaching to convince you of the difference
in gasolines you felt it in the first clean, sharp explosion, in the snappy
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Not one man in forty would risk getting a mongrel gasoline by asking
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The problem of right motor oil is as important,
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Your car, with the right motor oil, will show
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Listen: In actual test, cars show as much as
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You have practical freedom from carbon,
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Friction is what makes your car depreciate so
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The Atlantic Refining Company is the oldest
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The result of our investigations is a group of
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Polarine is the famous all-year-round oil that
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Ask your garageman which.
Read up on this subject. We have published a handsome and comprehensive
book about lubrication. It is free. Ask your garage for it. If they cannot
supply you, drop us a postal and the book will be sent to you without charge.
Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of
Lubricating Oils in the world
PETEYA Little Bit of -That Goes a Long Way, Eh, Pete?
r- CUeffo no AouTrfe
MAVe To do ts, That uittib
Lqve. scewtr VrrH hr-'&Rown,
Miwure i-
. Kpvyi
i !r II iijII AfrM 1 1 i lik lill i c..voY r- -Z2z2X
TN ow bca. M wf YmvJ'A' ,h WF li ?Wjt. f TTZ T i Mveom v-vg8i2JfBi'
Sn Ufroxyn..-! igr VYWfifM'. S -......, A MWi',l.' V&A. f HEN HEV f Vouch a SS5BS
w lzx3; Att m r shau i - WUs. m .- ?u" that Asv"Jrr7m
'rfhv:.. KuTZJkuJm pi.Thc vHoie .- 91- OH -AAir- m, Wl V 's UouaulJSSZZZ U 3K
iTrfmi 7 -77-. r-rft w,vl?i50 SHOW- I -ret U Ik HUE AAM & ' jT v U . rt W
- -i'MiY f w HClt WIV-"." -VAllfl S I !Lje-' c-, H fl P,..-..,, v II - II. rr . i-0V Jt ZSS. aW
i -vg m ffWl v7fe ftyly ijm jafl