Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 25, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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crntia n. k. ctmtis, rwatDKifT.
Charles II l.udInton,Vlce President : Jehn C Martin,
ecretary and Treasurer! Fblllp B. Collins, John B.
Williams. Directors.
editorial BOAno
. . Craps II. K. Ccina, Chairman.
T. If. WttALEY., 4...,, ...... .........Mttor
JOHrffC. MARTIN ....... Qfnoral Business Manager
Published dally t Pcstic Leeon Bulldlne;,
Independence. Square, Philadelphia.
I.tortrt Crmut. ........ Broad nnd Chestnut Street
ATUKTtO C.Tt.....4ari...I'rM-ttikm Bulldlne
Nate TosE .....i........ ...ZOa Metropolitan Tower
psTao!T.....,.im...,,i,.......820 Ford Bulldlne
,'1t. JLoru..... i. ....... 400 Ofobe-Beinocrnt Building-
Cutoiao.........!.. ........ ..1202 Tribune Building
Wtintsdro't Bruno...., ............niitEi Bulldln
scrr Youk ncnriu. ........ .....The Ttnti Building
BkslIi Hcsbau..... ............. GO Frledrlchstrasse
Indon Braiuu.tt. ..Marconi House. Strand
rim Bsbud.. ...it. 311 Ilue Louis la Grand
sunscnirnoN terms
nycarrler, six rents per week. By mall, postpaid
outside, of Philadelphia, except -where foreign postage
Is" required, one month, twenty-fire cents; one year,
three dollars. All mall subscriptions payable in
tfottcB Subscribers wishing address changed must
glv old at well as new address.
BEtt, sooo walnut
ty Atdreia oil rcmmunlcattona to J?t-eiibi
littger, Independence Square, Philadelphia.
, airrnn at tub rnn.iDn.Fnii. rosTorncn it sbcomd-
ron rnnntiAiiT wab im.iis
rmLADtxrntA, Saturday. MAncn , im.
Immodest words admit of no defense,
Forwent of decencif to want of sense.
Earl of Roscommon.
Tho reason, for tho high prlco of pork may,
I bo found In tho pressing: demand for It In
Tho report that HoiTcra had Joined Car- 1
xanza was only ono of tho many reports com
ing out of Mexico that aro not so.
Ono might think tho submarines were In
tho class of proy and not of predaclousness,
the way Undo Sam's BUbmerslbles meet mis
fortune. Of courso Joseph T. Richards saya that tho
so-called Twining bobtailcd transit plan Is not
worth 30 cents. That is tho view of every
compotent railroad engineer.
Yuan Shlh-kal might remind the insurgents
who are demanding his resignation that it Is
ns truo in China as in America that few
Presidents dlo and nono resign.
. Another ministerial crisis Instead of Eng
land's million in Franco for tho "rush," post
poned last year, seems likely to be Britain's
contribution to the spring campaign.
Though a young man's fancy turns to
thoughts of lovo in tho spring, tlicro's no
reason why a dozen of then from Philadelphia
should tako out their marriage licenses at
Elkton. Cupid has a first aid at City Hall.
It didn't take a plebisclto of "Wellesloy
College girls to let a lot of us know that a
Philadelphia girl was ono of tho prettiest four
on. the campus. And tho dispatch was evi
dently defective In omitting to say that tho
other threo wero of tho same charming na
tivity. A picture of a mother and her child won
tho suffrages of mechanics and millhands at
flic Academy, of tho FJno Arts. Tho same pic
ture received, a regular prize, and, -what may
be more Important, a buyer. Tho plain people
may not know what they like, but they know
Tho Jemima Johnson Chapter of the D. A.
JL, of Paris, Kentucky, has written Senator
OHIo James, asking him to Indorse all of tho
blll3 In tho Senate relating to preparedness
and protection of tho United States. The
surest way to have unpreparedness la to In
I dorse all of the bills before Congress.
And now tho Mexicans are planning to col
lect a duty on tho army stores sent across
the border for General Pershing's command.
They must havo read of the plan of tho Amer
ican strategist who said that it would be easy
to prevent an Invasion of tho United States by
levying a prohibitive duty on arms and ammu
nition brought hero by a foreign foe.
Tho Governor's friends aro now boasting
! that ho has tho support of William Pllnn, and
they are proud 6f tho resolutions passed at
tho Harrlsburg conference calling on all Pro
gressives who aro enrolled as Republicans to
,voto against "those baneful influences which
Bpllt tho Republican party asunder in 1912."
I And harmony la still anchored far away in
tho oBlng.
It Is not yot known whether Lieutenant
Sir Ernest Shackleton accomplished tho vari
ous objects of his South Polar expedition,
but for tho lay reader the safe return is in
Itself a proof of success. Stefansson was also
lost to communication for a long time, and
his safety, now ascertained, was a presage
of Lieutenant Shackleton's good fortune. Un
like other expeditions, this or Shackleton was
directed not bo much toward the finding of a
definite point as to the exploration of lands
whoso very existence was still a matter of
conjecture. If $he mad struggle for territory
continues In Europe, such expeditions may.
presently bo followed by colonial settlements
and commercial travelers,,
The plot against the Taylor plan which tho
AU Philadelphia Rapid Transit League has un
covered is based on tho assumption that it is
isasy to fool the people. Hut no one need ba
, deceived against his will. No intellicent real.
went of a district In need of better transpor
tation facilities can be fooled into signing a
petition against a modern transit system by
tit promise of eomo petty local improve- I
ments. The subway and elevated lines pro
posed q the Taylpr plans will benefit the dis
tricts they serve so much more than they can
be benefited by any other expenditure of publlo
money that tho thinking men who are ap
proached by the agents of the plotters will
refuse to consent to trade a great benefit for a
tnali one. just as they would refuse to give
tlieJr good money for a gold briok. Further,
the new transit lines will Improve the sale and
itentaj value of every piece of property In the
districts through which they run. They will
increase the trade of the neighborhood stores
py increasing the population or by attracting
families with more money to spend than those
jiow living there have at their command. The
old houses out of repair will be torn down and
replaced by modern structures, and prosperity
will tako the place of stagnation. Tho argu
luenta used In West Philadelphia are as falla
cious, as those employed on ,the men living
hm( at the Schuylkill The West phlladel
jpwmuai know that the purpose of the lm-laptfj-
system, save the iSJAftJlne, is
wfwrtft w t pofMlayou alrSjlivIng
east i the Schuylkill and for tho now popunv
tlon that la coming hero at the rata of 80,000
or 40,000 a year No one is planning to take
population from ono part of tlio city and put
It In another part. There la no need of sec
tional Jealousy when a great publlo Improvq
ment for tho benefit of the wholo cltyjs proposed.
The rnl-ndsr tells us spring Is here,
though the weather falls to corroborate the
nlmnnnr. lint nfllrmntlon Is given In the
mU ilnlly laden with seedsmen's cntnlognes,
In tho Journalistic gardener's ndvlce to other
nmntenrs, In tho National Flower Show
which for ns opens today, Nature, too, adds
Its messngA to the Jo) tut tidings,
NEXT week, maybe, the vernal breeres will
sweep tho land In their buccaneering way.
Tho frost is duo to leave the ground. Already
green young things shoot out of tho fecund
sod. Underground, at least. It li tho time of
quickening. And tho heart of man rejoices
at tho manifold voices of spring.
Let lis Jlbo at tho nlmnnncs In these last
days of Mnrch, which aro tho forerunner of
sni;lng, most glndsomo In tho cyclo of tho
seasons. "Ood matlo tho country and man
matlo tho town," and both join In tribute to
spring, ono with Ills floweri and birds nnd
trees, the other with his exhibit-; of how well
ho has mado use of tho Intelligence and Indus
try vouchsafed him exhibits which reach
their finest achievement In tho National
Flower Show, which should tako every Phlla
delphlan to Convention Hall. Another pur
pose should anlmato him tho chance to "per
form good works." Tho Tea Garden, a feature
of tho flower show, hns the worthy objects In
view of adding to tho endowment of the School
of Horticulture for Women, tit Ambler, and
supporting tho lino charity of tho Children's
Country Week Association. Graduates of tho
school aro spreading tho mlislon of sorvlco
In termi of bottor gardens throughout tho
rlty and State. Tho Country Week Associa
tion brings a glimpse of tho beauties of nature
and a breath of pure air to tho children of tho
congested districts.
Let tho mood of spilng, then, pcrvndc your
heart. Night Is darkest Just before daybreak,
with its gradual vision of light and loveliness.
So, too, today spring is merely potential. Wo
aro In the transitional period beforo the
glorious dawn of llfo and lovo, burgeoning and
melody. It is tho ovo of the feast, full of
presago and hint. Eyes aro wistful and hearts
longing for tliu full manifestation. Yet com
pensations there aro for tho thoughtful mind,
that communes in a catholic way and with
lovlngness with Nature in its various forms.
Watch tho tree3 with their swelling buds. In
town and suburb they can bo scon, on tho
vergo of bursting Into leafage. Tho robins nro
songful theso mornings. They know bettor
than scientific instruments how closo wo
hover to tho break o' spring. And
"tho daffodils
That come before the swallow dares nnd tako
Tho winds of Mnrch with beauty,"
aro In bud, hardy firstlings of tho shrubbery
border, In Delaware County, nnd maybo In
some parts of Philadelphia County for aught
wo know. Lilies of tho valley are pushing
their spears out of tho sod In favored locali
ties. Out In the woodlands tho hcpatlca is
urging Its leaves out of tho winter's covering
of withered foliage, and its flowers shortly will
peep out of their furred calyxes If they
haven't already peered at tho sky out Secane
way. Tho bloodioot, too, is nearly ready to
rejoice tho nature lover with Its whlto flower,
symbol of spring's purity. And tho searcher
in quest of the spring In n foitnight, a week,
a day maybe, somewhere, will hae the lush
loveliness of tho ethereal arbutus revealed by
Its evanescent fragrance.
Tho birds, too! The robin bids us "cheer
up, cheer up, be cheery." The bluebird,
harbinger of tho season, will soon herald ita
fulness. Already early arrivals havo been
minstrels of tho day, with their clarion bong.
To tho lovers of birds and flowers, of trees
and running brooks, tho browns and grays of
this tldo are possessed of a different aspect,
for ho "sees good in everything." He goes
questing for tho spring and ho finds much to
marvel at. Let us, too, all go questing, not
In books or newspapers, but In tho editorials
penned by Nature, in tho pages of Nature's
volumo. Even now, delicious secrets, for him
who knows, are concealed in out-of-the-way
nooks and crannies.
Well it is with the man who yields ready
responsiveness to the season, for in ills pos
session is sturdy health, a sound heart, a sane
mind. Rosy-fingered Aurora beckons him to
a day replete with cheerful labor; the sun fails
in the west amid a glow and glory of irides
cent hues, after a day well spent: tho spirit
of night, star-Inwrought, broods over his
peaceful dreams, hopeful of the morrow. For
he has accomplished greatly, whatever his
capacity or however humble his station, who
attains simple content with life as it is, when
interest and Joy animate tho common daily
round of work, and when the day's moll and
toll are governed by sweet reason and calm
philosophy whatever it may bd called. It Is
that. Spring of all seasons is the one that
inspires most happily and delights most.
Thrlco blessed ho who can achieve an
Imaginative participation in the beauties and
glories of tho season.
TJOUSEWrV'ES of Philadelphia, and Indl-
X rectly tho wage earners, will get some
thing like five million dollars moro value for
their money as the result of the systematlo
campaign which the municipal Bureau of
Weights and Measures is instituting. Super
visor John Vlrdln pledges himself to make
the Investigation thorough. This is well.
Nothing Jhat comes In cans, packages or hot
ties should be taken for granted. No meas
uring vessels for commodities, wet or dry,
should go uninspected. No pair of scales'
should remain untested. Honest manufactur
era will welcome investigation; others need
it. Tho law requires the contents to bo labeled
on all carriers. But there ar9 discrepancies, as
the buyer knows.
It is bad enough to have to pay current high
prices for necessaries of life; but it Is scan
dalous and inexcusable that the buyer should
bo methodically cheated. When Dr. Jesse
Burks was director of the Bureau of Munic
ipal Research his probing disclosed that one
big factor in the high cost of living waa due
to unreliable weights and measures. Coal that
was sold for 18.50 a ton coat the purchaser
$7 88 a ton, because the load was not up to
specification. Tests of ltjo scales showed that
only 0 per cent, tipped within 3 per cent, of
the truth. Out of every ten five-cent loaves of
bread, eight were shy of the legal pound.
Shameless and systematlo robbing of the
buyer muj.t cease. A shady short-change fllnv
Hammer would get ehort shrift Jf caught
Why should the respectable short-welght film
flammer be immune? It's the part of the
Weights anft Measures Bureau to detect all
disorepanciefi and to follow culpability with,
swift prosecution.
Tom Daly's Column
Whenever it's a Saturday and all mv loorfc
is through
I like to walk on Chestnut street an' see
what netcs is neto.
An' Itcre toe are, right off the batl before I
leave my desk
I'm looktn' out the tdnder here at somethin'
The I'ltMlo Ledger has her rooms across the
Tho dear old lady's all fussed up she's eight
years today.
She looks real pert an lively and not (oo tn-
duly vain,
1'or, geel see all the pages ihat are holdln'
up her train I
Land sakril It seems t me this week, no
matter where you go,
Yon can't run Into anything but Justshow,
showt showl,l showttl
There's picture, apple, fashion showsian' now.
the best of all,
The Flower Show that's worth the trip up
to Convention Hall.
Watsons, Pcnnocks, Thcrktldsens an'
other floral guys
be on hand this afternoon to kinder
put you wise
About the different blossoms an' present you
to the samo.
(Nol none of 'cm will bite you, ma'am; these
Jloiccrs all arc tame J
By all meant, go an' take It In; 'twill elevate
your mind
An' hcuit an' soul to atioll among Vie flowers
there you'll find;
Out as for me the fever's on I 1 think tho
golfing ilch'll
Be takln' me for eighteen holes utth Uncle
Joseph Mitchell
For sometimes on a Sattuday when all my
lLork Is through
I don't stick 'round on Chestnut street to
see what news is newt
SOME timo ngo some ono asked us, "Why
do folks pay any attention to tho 1m
aglstlc work of Miss Amy Lowoll?" We
didn't know any reason, but yesterday wo
discovered what may bo three. Wo clip from
a report of ono of her recitals In Chicago:
MIbs Lowell Is a sister of Dr. Abbott
Lawrcnco Lowoll, president of Harard
University; a distant relative of the Amer
ican poet, James Russell Lowell, and one
of the wealthiest women of Boston.
Musical Triolets
(Most of them knock-turns)
To Thaddeus Jllch
I hold rooted objection,
I've an 'orrlble itch
To Thaddeus Rich
To do violence an' sich
It's his eyeglass connection.
To Thaddeus Rich
I hold rooted objection.
We're strong for musical criticism when
It's constructive, llko tho abovo. But wait!
Our Uplift Series
A Roman Stratagem.
IN Tlin ear A. D. 375 nn overwhelming force
of rugged Saxons had succeeded In penning a
detachment of the Roman Second Legion (Leglo
II. Adlutrlx), commanded by one Dlodorus. In
tho fort of Urancaster The Itomuns lacked
entn-nching tools, cigarettes and motorcyles, and
the outlook was fjrlm. As nlirht fell niniinriia
, was approached by ono Glauco, his aonlor trum-
Tipfnr. ,,WM Pnn enll nin.. i i ....
squnrpheads aro gonna eat us nllvo In the morn
ing unless j ou beat it tonight " "Tho Second
Legion dies, but never retreats," answered the
Intrepid commander, proudly. "Aw, that stuff's
all right for tho reporters," argued Glauco.
"But they ain't any here; besides, the first game
of tho World's Scries comes off in three weeks
In tho Collsaum" Dlodorus showed eomo In
terest. "What do you suggest?" he Inquired.
"Well, you tee I can't bo home, because they's
a warrant out for me for non-support. I don't
mind being captured. I'll stay and blow the
calls, and you get the boys together and slide."
And so was It done. Tho Saxons, hearing
throughout tho night the trumpet blasts that
customarily marked the four night watches,
thought the Legion stilt In the fort, but a des
perate charge in the morning showed they had
been outguessed by the Romans.
lletectlon. Heads of gold beat hearts of oak.
Sad to State
A "pome" is Kate I
' At any rate,
She seems to be i
Averse to me.
Gottlieb Mitten.
The careless sneezer Is the great grip
spreader? Mount Pleasant (Pa ) Journal.
Sneezers certainly are snoozers!
Kute Kid
Little 4-year-ald Ida B. was telling her nurse
how much she loved certain members of tho
"I love my mother first of all; then I love
my grandfather; then I love my Uncle Frank;
then I lovo my nurslo."
At this juncture the nurse asked: "Why.
Ida dear, where does your father coma In?"
"Oh," answered Ida, "he comes In the front
door every evening." j, jr. g.
Will Some Reader Please Answer?
Who Invented "curiously enough"? What
does It mean? Quaero.
L. C. a. offers an Ingenious alibi for his two
syllabled "I-on-e." We felt almost tbat we should
apologize, and we're sorry w cn't print hu aid
or it.
My Thyllls knows how best to choose
Gowns, gloves and such regalia, whose
Soft harmonies and apt design
Express herself in every line
Engagingly from bat to shoes.
And how a like allure to fuse
With witching Chopin's elfin muse.
Or artful Heine's songs divine,
My Phyllis knows.
Her brow my errant fancy woos:
To keep her smiles the world I'd Urae.
And how her laughing eyes outshine
The rarest gems in shop or mine:
And with what grace my love endues
My Phyllis' nose,
M. E. H.
The First Week in April
A TIRED New Yorker Joined the University
circle, became a citizen and occupied a
modest house in West Philadelphia, The change
suited him. Desiring to pay a slightly veiled
compliment to the long-headed forethought of
hla neighbors, he remarked to an auburn
haired native? "You know, to New York
they eay Philadelphia is slow. This week
has convinced me that they aro right, (Slight
flush on lady's face.) People a) about my
home are Just putting lr last winter's coal."
Instant retort: "No. They are putting- In
their pext winter's coal. It's Philadelphia
"Year said the former New Yorkerv
ryp jus?,
ml, MlWITM.IMir"',' " rj.M3iimmiwi wn.rjH.i-.nuifw: B-ieri".ii.'....iic V .17 .11 I' '11' r I". ClM J .!(!? JjU'H.P JYb' M .K.-..1I f! Jfltf fY1. .2 V IIJ.m'4 :ll-dlt.ttljnil .fdMVI
Socialist Nominee 'a Fighting Jour
nalist and Now a Busy Cam
paigner A Candidate With
But a Single Thought
WHETHER wo should speak of Allan L.
Benson as a presidential possibility de
pends In short, It depends. Leastwise, he's
tho first man in this campaign of grace, 1010,
to be actually confirmed in his title ns a party"
candidate for tho highest
f '?'8K- A office In tho land. Benson
tiiu juuiuuuai, ui'uuiues X3CI1"
sou tho campaigner, tho
official leader of Socialists
In tho strenuous campaign
which they will undoubtedly
make this summer and fall
In tho field or national pol
itics, nnd In this campaign
will figure already figures
thn nrnhnrnfltiAua (.an.
1Qy-0 Vnn nnln1 tlinf 1M,'. T --
ALLAN BENSON dorii Socialist Representa
tive from Now York, was ono of tho two
Congressmen who voted against tho Hay
measure Thursday night. Ho declared that
the "Imperialist elements of capitalism are bo
hind tho preparedness movement." "I con
sider a big army," ho further said, "to be a
menace to tho welfare of the working people of
tho United States and an obstacle In tho way
of International pence." But tho peace plan
resolution adopted by many Socialist "locals"
throughout tho country Is tho most Interesting
expression of tho party's attitude toward the
war problem.
It was written by Benson and was first
adopted by the Philadelphia "local." By a
referendum, now In progress, It will becomo
Incorporated In tho Socialist platform. It de
mands that tho Constitution bo so amended
thnt wnr shall not bo made without previous
reference of tho question to the people, women
Included, and without tholr approval. The reso
lution Is too long to reprint hore, but Benson's
comment on his own proposal Is explanatory.
"Wo either want war or do not want It," he
says. "Tho presumption Is that wo do not.
The presumption Is that the nverago man
would rather stay at home with his family
than go out and kill or bo killed. The wholo
peace movement Is predicated on the Idea that
tho world Is tired of war. If It be true
that tho people do not want war, tho fact that
wo now havo tho biggest war of all palpably
Indicates that It was started by a minority.
So it strikes me that If wo take tho war-making
power away from the minority and give it to
the people war will be pnded.
Responsibility and Choice
"We all know that the Czar has power to
declare war for many millions of subjects.
But we fall to realize that In our own country
the same power rests with a tiny minority of
135 men. I refer to a. majority of a quorum
of both houses of Congress and tho President.
They have no physical responsibility for war.
The rest of our 100,000,000 have the physical
responsibility with no right either to declare
war or peace. My idea Is: Let every one vote
as to whether he or she wants an aggressive
war, but balance the vote with responsibility.
"Every time the people have asked for a
larger share in government they have been
told the request was absurd.' In the constitu
tional convention nobody believed at first that
the people ought to vote for President, Madl
son said'the wise and tho good could attend to
that. And now we are even talking about pref
erential primaries to nominate our President.
We are still being tod, however, that wo are
too stupid to vote for Justices of the Supreme
Court of the United States. Every extension
of the franchise has been fought at first. This
is one of them."
On Benson has fallen the mantle of Deba as
party leader, It is the flret timo Jn 16 years
that Debs has not been tho nominee. He said
(t was only Just that the nomination should
go to some one else and withheld his own
name. Charles Edward Russell was eliminated
from the list of possibilities by his preparedness
address in Philadelphia. Benson's distinction
lies not only in his career as a writer and his
selection as presidential candidate, but also
in the manner of his selection, He is the first
presidential candidate in the history of the
country to be nominated by direct vote of the
rank and file of hU party. Final returns la
the primary gave Benson. 17,000 votes out of
33,000. His majority seta a record for close
contests in the Socialist party.
Allan Louis Benson was born at Plalnwell,
Mich., November 9, 1871- His father in early
life was a factory worker, Liter a country mil
ler, Allan's mother died when he was an in
fant, and he lived with bis grandfather's fam
ily on a farm until he was J2 years old. Be
attended the district school, and Anally got a
job working pa a farm at f 8 a month. When
he was 1$ hla father's mill burned and he waa
coraccllcd to forego his aaabltion, to so to eofe
-ftr. fssywrfi ft. Lnj
lego and becomo a lawyer. Ho wont to work
in a chair factory at $3 60 a week. A llttlo
later ho managed to get In a year of high
school by serving as Janitor of tho school
building and attending classes nt tho samo
timo. Then ho passed a teachers' examination
nnd was hired to show the young Idea how to
shoot In a country school much overridden by
a gang of big, husky fellows, who had found it
fun to thrash his predecessors. They didn't
thrash Benson. Ho turned tho school out of
doors on tho first overt net of rebellion, using
his fists to that end and ho lost his Job.
Newspaper work attracted him, and after somo
oxperlenco ns a reporter ho becamo managing
editor of tho Detroit Times, nnd flvo years
later managing editor of tho Washington
Times. About ten years ago ho began devot
ing his timo wholly to writing artlcl6s and
books on political and economic subjects nnd
to lecturfng throughout tho country. Ho sup
ports himself and family by theso occupations.
Hailed With Enthusiasm
Benson's mind nnd llfo nro brimful of So
cialism. Ho Is on flro with his belief in tho
gospel ho preaches. A man of poworful per
sonality, ho Impresses his individuality strong
ly on his hearers and readers; but all o( him
self is subordinated to tho ono thing Social
Ism. There Is llttlo of tho poetic in this cru
sader; he Is mostly austere. His determination
nnd fearlessness carry him sometimes to al
most brutal pugnacity of utterance; but there
Is a thoughtfulness and scholarllness In hl3
mental make-up that endow him with charm
or Is it his frankness nnd sincerity that win him
so largo a measure of porsonal loyalty? A
friend says of him: "His tall, vigorous, clean
cut 'figure, surmounted by that splendid head,
gives mo an Impression of something In his
ancestry that Is French. Ho has, for instance,
that dark and liquid oyo which swims and
flashes In tho countenance of tho Langucdo
clan gentlemen who in tho 17th century quit
ted their chateaux to fight for God."
He's not French at all, but American born
of American ancestry. Ho was married in
1899 to Miss Mary Hugh, of Toledo. They havo
four children and live in Yonkers, N. Y.
To the Editor of Evening Ledger:
Sir Is this not an opportune moment for Mr.
Brynn to renew his congratulations to Mr. Wil
son on the "success" of his "Mexican policy"?
Philadelphia. March 23. D. H. B.
An eagle perched upon n prickly pear cactus
strangling a Berpent that Is the national seal
of Mexico. It commemorates a historic Inci
dent of hundreds of years ngo. When the
Nahuatl Aztecs came Into Mexico, trying to win
a home from the tribes already settled in the
region, they received a sign from their gods.
This sign was an eagle perched upon a prickly
pear cactus strangling a serpent. At that point
their wanderings stopped. They established
themselves on the marshy Islets of Lake Tex
coco, confident that they would finally subdue
their enemies and rule the land. And so It
came to pass.
The Azetcs, whom the Spaniards found In
the central valley of Mexico', had been pre
ceded by at least two other races In that region.
The history of the Toltecs Is being traced out
little by little oy the archeologlsts. They
erected vast cities, the ruins of which may be
seen today near the present City of Mexico.
To them the name "Builders" has been given
They were overthrown Jn the 12th century and
driven south. The ruins of their new cities are
Interesting relics of other times In Yucatan,
Honduras and Guatemala. .
Their conquerors in Mexico were the Chi
chlmacas, who first appeared In the region about
the olcanos Popocatepetl and Ixtacclhuatl.
Their legends carry their history back nearly
2000 years before the Christian era. They were
displaced by the Aztecs, who. presumably, began
their migration In the cliff-dweller region of
modern Arizona and New Mexico. From their
Islands In the lake of Texcoco, which they con
nected with the mainland by great causeways,
they extended their power, by conquest, treaty
and Intermarriage, until finally they dominated
most of the country comprised within the pres
ent limits of Mexico.
In the 15th century Montezuma (wrathy chief)
combined the war and priestly functions In his
chieftainship. His successor, the second Monte
zuma, was seized by Cortez, the Spanish con
queror of Mexico, bis younger brother .and his
nephew leading the Aztecs against the Invad
ing armies of Spain. The conflict that followed
is wonderfully described in that story of romance
and adventure and empire, "The Conquest of
Mexico." by Prescott, Centuries passed. There
were rebellions against the Spanish power, all
of them unsuccessful until early in the 18th
a mleJh'nk.gemufl a fln8 'hlntf enables
a man to write an exciting poem or paint a
picture, but in its true seiwethat of origTnait?
In thought and action though no one says it
ihtnv tahi,ne toJb8 adm,"d. nearly all at heart
think they can do very well without It Mill
1 111 1
J dwelt among the untrodden ways
Beside the springe of Dove,
A maid whom there were none to praise
And very few to love: '
A ??K$y a mossy stone
Half hidden from the eyel
Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky,
Bh4i,vlunka,Iwn n W could know
When Lucy ceased to be;
,J5iU ,n her rve 1. oh,
ri(W" nv- V ' j--'i ,"- -- fls,
What Do You Know?
Queries of general Interest will be flniitff31
... ....o . ,.".,,. jw, tjucaiiuiis, inc oiniccri
o wiwcn every wcii-inormcd person jftouU
Know, are asked daily.
1. Whnt office did Uoctor llrmhbauth holt iH
u. v .mv ucuuiio uu.cruur.
2. Who wrote "Thnnntousls"?
3. How mnny American cities have a vtnSfl
tlon of 1,000,000 or more. J-fji
When wns tho buttlo of OettTsbure toiiUt
re foojklt
t Un!r.Utf
fd to tin
anil l..1
is juciimoncl, vn., east or west of
ihen was renns)lvnnla admitted
Which Is Inrcer, the Netherlands and fc
colonics or Mexico? tg
au. t.wcB .11,3 aiiiiruuu iiiiivukci 01 ine unucci
NtntcN compnre nlth that of other tott-l
About how old Is Edison?
Whnt Htntn did Daniel Webster reprensl I
Answers to Yesterday's Quiz
1. Elbert II. Onry Is chnlrmun and Jamti
It. Furrcll Is president of the United Btiltjj
Hteel Uorporntlon.
2. The German Chancellor Is responsible to ttol
Kaiser alone.
3. The estimated population of Auajnsta, fJs.,iij
00,000, an lncrense of 22,000 since Hit,
4. Yes.
S, The LuBltnnla wuh sunk on May 7, 1915.'
a. whnrton Ilarker.
7. A sister of Henry Ward needier and Its
author of "uncle Tom's Cabin."
s. John drier Illbben.
.0.. Lincoln una one of the leading lawyer, oil
10. James Whltcomb Itllcy.
Name for Boys' Club
Cdflor of "What ,Do You Know" Would nn
kindly faor us by helping us to select a Mjstf
for a social club for boys, their ages ranjlatj
from 15 to 17 years? Kindly put several namlftj
so that we could choose the best one.
S. R. and C. B.(
Tho name would depend to some extent on th
nurnoses of tho organization The followlAll
general names are suggested: The Lincoln Club,!
tho Ready Boys, tho Jolly Rangers, Sons; t
Penn, the Campflre Crowd
Another Classic Anagram
Editor of "What Do You Know" The queryfl
and reply respecting anagrams In the EvesiMJ
pie of that form of transformation which I b&vfB
known for many years. r.
At the trial of Jesus Ho was asked by PlUtS
"What is truth?" This, nut into LStln. read
"Quid est verltas7" From the letters of this p
formed the Latin sentence, "Est vlr qui adest
which in English gives us, "It is ine Man ww.
Is before you."
Many words In our language may be cnanBel
In like manner to form other words containing i
the same letters. Your readers who like tilt
on,.t nt mnntnl .vamli. r.nv llA 1nl0t0flted m tlH .'
following selection from some of those whleM 1
have put into the form or rhyme, in wnica
letter of the six In cacn missing wore is rcy
sented by a dash:
As I passed by a fair
A hiss fell sharply on my ear; '
Startled. I saw a there,
With others to rouse my fear;
But there I did not see,
And on my way went quietly.
LambertvIIle, N. J;
"Forest" Quotation
Editor of "What Do You Kttoio," Will 71
please tell me who said. "I have a hearty lots J
forests." and If there is-any more to mq h-y
Hon? I have an Impression tnai "'""U'eKeB.
Possibly some reader can furnish th Jw
quotation ana me auwiuro num.
Cnlwvn Is a Boroueli
Editor of "What Do You Know" Tour J
as to Darby and Colwyn Is partially hw"l
Colwyn has a borough government, the J "J
Darby, consisting of Chief Burgess and PWJ
body Council, ana u oniy pari 01 -""" 'iVSi
as postal faculties are concenieu.
Marearet Samrster's Poem
Editor of "What Do You Kn"'' "W '1S
poem asked tor oy "M. u. "j 'iai
I- it.,-ia (in.., rtwm " -ss
aangsier, ana is eauweu wm-w...- ,
If I had known In the morning
How wearily all the day
The words unkind
Would trouble my mind
I said when you went away,
I had been more careful, darling.
Nor given you needless pain;
But we vex "our own"
With look and tone
We might never take back again.
For though In Jhe quiet evening
You may give me the kiss of pecr
Yet it might be
That never for me
The pain of the heart should ceaw.
How many go forth in the morning
That never come home at plgbtl
And hearts have broken
For harsh words spoken
That (sorrow can never set right.
We have careful thoughts for the &ng
And smiles for tne aomeiinw -
But oft for "our own"
The hitter tone. .
Thoujh we love "our owa" the U
Ah. UP with the curve iaipatlenu
Aht hrow with the look of scorn'
Twere a sad fete
Were the night too late
MV uuuv u -. w. ..... . i 1'n.a
Edward WarMU has also1 sent in UW r"jKjj
produce irew pwmory.