J-VENIKG LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 26. 1016. t3o W I yOLAlMED TELEGRAMS I7r.ol tNION Tnt-EanArit CO -Ollvs If?-0'. t I? Longacre. t .vnnaier, . nn-fr,iS5 Y v mo. wm ii white. fl Jntui Morgan, amul Rossi, Sarah lr SJM.1.1 Pae-kln r.?. hm If rlhnaei, f.. riirtl. J, Hi XVIllIsm CO. ISTAI TEUdnAPII yo iy I, AN Dann, 'J0"' J' D" , m t 1'SCe.lllM - .. v -- -. M 7nwn. Hick. Dr.. U Pw TTttlYP WANTED FEMAIiE k.i. Wanted Ail" Ke-celretl Too I,l for ClflfV"1""" , F rnrnTTwo girl, colored, sister; or frl-nds, & ' . other ; nm. Jfiiii, iot W. Chestnut ave , Chestnut Hill Js-or White, neat unit efficient, not over 83, rsubuVb three adults, other he p. good n"m -03, a8 Chestnut. CLOTH WEAVERS WANTED Apply JOHN AND JAMES DORSON, INC. Blanket Mill. Scott' lane. Fall cf Schuylkill rmrSBStAKKR offers unusual, opportunity to "llrrtwilit trimmer. Abler, toaii Walnut "nnERSXIAKER wants wnlst, klrt and I sleeve "??'rr. i.ii Ml Chestnut at.. I'd floor. nanus ..'.' -.-- - TiRBSSMAKEn w-ants.slrl to learn, nlso girl la run errand Abler. 1012 Walnut nnnSMAKER want flrst-clas skirt .flnlsh PRESSvia ",., Al.ler 1032 XVntnut en, rcep ...'." - nirvRRAL HOUSEWOniC Two In family. Olo?rman preferred II 101. Ledger Office HOSIERY Experienced mender; find exnm ii.fi i learner taken Wnllace-Wllaon iloifcry Co 4.13,1 Orchard at Frankfort t-netir.RY Olrl wanted to learn rutting, H,.awVfie learning Wallace-Wilson. 1333 b'chard at Frank ford mnjffiUAlO - Capable "hltr Protestant. . , ,.-- - i vfinn coon nu "'" '. - -- ' HOl'.sT.lX'OnK General; permanent position i-mlly small town. IS mllea from Phlladcl rhla 11 --'. Ledger Office. TtftiimiWOflK Southern wntniin wanta eol-"?K1"!i--:l Imnaeunrlc elrl. nrefer with Sauehter nhout HI to inro for baby, l'hono Overbrook niOT W ' itOUSBlVOHK Itellnlilc white Troteslant rood cook, two In fnmllj no wnahlnct refer Jncn. II 11" t.ed,'er Otflce. nOUSEU'OniC Olrl for Imuaeuork, ono who Vint" Rood home. Apply S.IOfl R. 2(llh (01- rard r.ntatei nnUSEWOnlC OenernI experienced with thll "dren Cull Narbcrth mt W. HOUSEU OWv Onod woman Ken hwk : Rood itl ; must hne Eood reft, Ardmore 1311 W udt ok iii:i'1m:mknt a.vd sales ADII.ITV, PUOir 30 TO 4B TKAItS OP AOE, TO SELIj LOTS IN MOD ERN I-EJIKTEIIV. ATTIIACTIVE SAi.Anr to capaum: woman STATE KXrCniENCE, MArY DE 8IHED AND lllU'ERENCES J 15.1 I.EDOEH CUNTUAIi LADY'S MAID, experienced; Rood embroiderer. 1822 Spruce at minSE, Cermnn: caro of two children; place In country. E .141, Ledger Central NDJISEIIY MAID Experienced white I'rotea tant. for l-oir-old baby; reference required Addrtsa P O. llox ml, Havcrford, Pa rhone Ardmore 402 W. PAPEH I10XEH, covering- machine Klrla, exp bendera up, turners In and learnera wanted Arply Henry Schmidt & Hroa . 3J1 New t SALESLADY wanted, with experience, capable wi (uvciuiK iiiBi-vi.ifis iriiun anu linn eom liri "ffdlework material and wools. Addrcaa 11 110. Ledser Office. SALESWOMEN flimtrl Ttrthtm hmilra alrnarlnnnA.I anlaa. women In Women'a suits. Women's dreaaes. Apply Employment Ilureau, Fourth floor. SECRETARY WANTED Refined worrun wanted aa doctor's pri vate secretary nnd to naalat In offlcn, uourbs. reference required P Oil, LEDOER OrFICE TE.N'OartAPIIEnOne with experience want ea by wholesale house. Addreaa P lit "J. Lodter Offlci- T?xp.i!,9.N''' .OPERATORS ANTI.D Ilrluht jounre women between 17 and 22 jeara old. to i take up telephone operntlni;: no experience neiesaary. nnlary paid while learnlnE pleasant work, permanent position, Appl) In person Hell Telephono Co . 4i)(l Market st , ltien 1 30 a m and & p m WANTED Competent eretaker nnd rnmpiti lon for elderly lad 13 14(1, l,edr 'cntr.il WANTED nillt.S IN TIN CAN FArTOHY AT MALVERN PA. tiOOl) WAOES VOU.N'O lad, nbout 21. with hualnens exiwrl jnce to iiBilat with Etnernl offlre work mmt oe tirUht and Intelligent, null I: nnd accurate at mrurrs nnd uuderMund rnit'ons state lull)- nn to experience nee ami sulurj ex pfrteii no reollra runsidend unless theso de talla ara gen Uel llox 41. Phlla TiM0 o""!n to take charite of btdronnis wait nn table and icenernl work, no cnoMiiu situation In bouth. state reference, uco and watts E 4a, Ledger Central 111.' I North t'roaliej at . ' x. j ... Phlla .March 20. Itltil ly dear MUs Dean ' -i.i "' '?."i think nu for the rr nlie n.i. Ulon which ou obtained fo- in- m Will ."". Walton. Insurance. UU-20 Walnut II m dellirhted with It i?i f .wor.lt' . ,to. me. Is er Intereailr.sr. ynlch Is ! think, one of the main factors fO'L'uccesa In the business world rhankln you affuln for your kindness and promptness In obtulnlns this position for me 1 Us to remain, Gratefully aurs , KLI.A P TUOIIV - , Ocnerul Wm,&i.o a'tedl as nOVERNMENT S1'I!',K8. JT0 month. Philadelphia examlna Ii. i c?,mlns sample nustlnns free 1'nnU. . "a Institute 'Dept 71.1 N Rochester. N. Y HELP WANTED MALE 9T 'or offl'O work, must be more than , ini?,' Apply Mr Kalslgh, Room 40T. ' 808 Chestnut, 9J.. ,0 y" or over, wanted In office of lV!S manufacturing concern; one llvlnjr In northaait section preferred Address 1 U.'S. Ledger Office. EOT. salary to start fS; sood chance for ad vancement. . Southwark Foundry and Ma. ln Co., 4S0 Washington ate. EOT. brUht. to run errands and learn whole sia hat builnesaiiJJwnrk c(( id. Off. 'BOY. bright, intelligent, wanted "for "offlci, CMHC for advanctnuuit. A 3J3, Led. Off "OtS WANTED, 16 or over, to work In wall per factory; apply at once. Becker, Smith 1 - -w. iiacr elm aiijwvr qA5p, DE3IONER and colorlst Wanted, yr. Wilton n;nufacturer. competent man to iiae.charge. Addresa "ilanufacturer," Uox p. Union League.. Philadelphia. CHAUFFEUR, for private family; must hae operlencs and city reference. II 03tt. Led r Central CHENILLE WEAVERS, male, experienced, wanted, also experienced chenille loom oxer Address Employers' Association, Na- vmm fana uiag-. Auuurn, n. x CLERK about HI; high school graduate, floe ,, 'opening for bright young- man; salary ill, fc with advancement. A 33.', ledger Office CLOTJI WEAVERS WANTED Apply JOHN k JAM13 DOBSON. INC. blanket Mills Scott's Uae. falls of Schuylkill &,' D5YoERa .ANP LABORERS vanted " Apply '' fl- Ludlow at R'WNO BOY 1 rears or over wanted, ehe lUina Jn Bouth or l't PbUadelphia pre f ltJt4 Slry to start 19 a wk P WW F Ledaer Ofilce MACHINIK'TS llh hnnrfH wuntad. AbOlV A tl Held ,i duih and Haverforil aiv t r c i II at jaw WiMmiuaUI a between t i.:. jih jtssn x. vt.ti Help wantedmaib - Conflatirtrom rrrcrtine Cofumn "hor'lVoMaT l5JinJi:d J.,onc,,4 fnl c'" i hand Am.tL.l' "U" .Rn'' .hucklnu lathe 5MMA..1!r.lc,l,j Bntlneer nr Companj. AramihKoaverind Cumberland at , Phlla Mil!;,sl ' allttlnir Blared paperi Rood .ateadyjpos l haa HeCk I'o . nni) i Kestnut at InnaVrVi'iT".05' ""Jfl .with eomo exT In paper cutting AcJwMtloJtJJljnorlM Oorrtn,nAlnyounit m!n. wanted to feed i'SSILrr.M,.nn.w,h knowledge of make rendy preferred. Moot, I-edircr Office iIS5 Jt3,nJ"i.wUnicomr.",, ,ln,,, "' under ilt rttn'iikinJJ '""''.V ",lBt or eommlaslnn' E i-? '"I Information nnd rererence Re. Iffn Wrr.nASonlJr' c" ,W llllnm II lllahdj, .i"ii iirooownv New York NY 8TmiS'i)CillAr.'ililf. wnn'cl"irThVYera nfneT mnfi "trrleneed. permanent position . sinol. fi3i.v Wnts0 n" M"ry e,l"ctt,1 ,VAi'T.nf2ri1,"""."?r!!'r capable or rfrawtn fidStSfflc.""? ,u"ln,f Art,1"" "M" I iTIin hlyh-elasa machinist both lathe ?.1'LJ,oor i hl"Vl" ..?" mtchlne toolsi beat wncea nnd splendid rlnnce to ndnme to Ji5lrr .r'0,A,,,0.n .A pnl v r v Robert', am- ?r.U! t"2'"' Machine and Foundrv fom Pnnv. Church nnd Taekiwnnnn ta . Frnnk- AifT.,:o. ,. Snleamnn for hlrh erode line pnlnta In rieomln, bv nn old established mnniifirt'irer. state nae and experleme In first letter .11 S2S Ledger Office A?fiTnn..,mrr'n.nn,t's I" H" "n flttil. fn mlllir with lathe and other Iron-work's ma chlncry.irnod wages Ai Hires. Malvern. l'i WANTED Single mm for uenernl work on entintrx place AppK Saturday or Mondn. 4fll tlermantnwn ove YOt'NO JIAN. bright wanted 111 to Is seirs or nee public school Rraduale who Is anx ious to learn nutomnblle business, must write nnod hands, salary 110 per week, best of references required E 31.', Ledger 'cn trnl YOIINO .MAN with mrrhinleal nnd rlerknl niilllt), accustomed to faelorv hours ns loule .lerk, good oppnrtunltv for advance, ment to mm with ability nnd push, l,1 to "Jnjrt I5JJ.1LoilctprJ'entral YtllT.vo"" MAN. familiar" with double'Wry iMiokkeeplmt and general office work, refer- erice required, Inqulro J, Bl I LedgcrCent YOUNO MAN 111 or 17. Sccustomcd 4o working-nround printing presseB, SO week. E 10. , Ledger Cenjril OUNO MAN to assist handling pnper In slock il'5L '"hnrles JlerkCn , llO'i Chestnut at. YOUNO min tn oper. machine rutt k roll paper Into sh-ets Charles Heck Co HOT Chestnut flenernl SPECIAL A C TOMOII1 L E Instruction ElNcn diy and night, by expert mechanics at the oldest nnd original Autu School Repairing In all It branches Tim ing, wiring and Oil road lessons at a ery amall cost. 1111 NORTH X1IIOAD ST. F PETZ SITUATIONS WAN TED PEMALE FRENCH-SWISS, gentlcwnmnn, exp.rlemd companion governess, wishes position with roflned famllv one or two children nliovo 7. excellent linguist vera.itlle nrrompllshments. country preferred silary 800r references and credentials. I ml Ledger Central OIRLS. Oermnns. spenk English, would Tike to get upstnlm work 170 N nth nt third floor. OOVERNESS or companion Hotithern vnung Indy desires position best of ref furnished Address LA M , llox 471 Birmingham Ala OOVERNESS Kef edu'd woman dee pos nswlst needlew'k hknc nura'g A 310 Led Off MOMAN nf pducn tlmf ft refine exp rellnble wants work eenlnc nelghliorhnnd 00th A ainrket pref Add M Mil. 1-ilTer Office YOUNO WOMAN with I veirs' bniiKlns exp desires stenographic position where high grade work la appreciated M (1"7. Ix-d Cent YOUNO OIRL wishes noltlon nt chlldnurao or chnmbnrwork. clt or coiintrv . i ompetent Apply I)."..' 8 Pn-.on 8t West Philadelphia SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ASST bua mgr 2d veara newspaper SOOO lire wlshca good lonncctlon, 1." yrs ' ixp thoroughly pmctlcil, clnssined builder, exec nnd Inlt nbllltj . able correspondent state eahiri to start and uppor for advancement Add Has .1 743 I.cd'-ci (fiitrnl IIOOKIvlfEPER .inil stenographer. 12 jenrii with present cmploMr waul position with rellnbio n.rtv T 717 ledger Centrnl BOOKKEEPER 21 fle jcars' exp good ref erent es. wishes nlmllar connection In or out of city 11 14l.IailgerCinlrnl BOOKKEEPER 3l, "thoroughlj tompeteiit. HI enra' practical experience, references 12 fH Led-rer Central CltAl'l rrUJt rolorf-1 Southern man, dialres position private famllv drive nil rara. mod eriite tim E 21H. Ledger Central ClfAUfKr-iUlt white single, experienced, de slrea nrlvato liosltlun. beat references 1317 V Venanjn at I HAt'l'l-El It i'M white married, wishes una will obllg ref E .111! i.od Cent COI.LEIli: tlltADUATE, under 30. Edinomlca traveled abroad 3 ear' experience In oiv of largeet American bualniss huusis, assist ant to officer, resigned to take temporary iharge of business In which Onanclnllv Inter ested, desire position In Philadelphia. E 31 ldgi Centrnl CON'STRl'CTION suiwrlntendent or Inspector, general building und relufomd concrete, de sire position; experienced reliable C 11, I,. d,er Ofne FARM .MANAOER and thurough hnrsenian Is eklmc n poaltlon thoroughly undeiittiiuds the care of stallions brood mare show horses eti utpahle and rellcble married highest credentials Add A 3011. laid. Off FINANCIAL EXECUTIVE of rniporntlnri ce ntres change, thorough knowledge banU I ig. credli and colli rtlnna B 2.11 Led Cen c, RDhNER hlnglo man gnnlenlng general work on private place, can drive Ford J Ml. la-iUer Central OAHDENEIt single, enrirun car good'ref e.tnee 12S Sprlnir nvo Ardmore Pi MN. SIS wants position of trust, aclllng abil ity, outside prefernd. traveling speclil mla alons salarv coiidarv ronsfib ration to i ooI connection whe-io resulta are nppric Inted, U'st refe-enies oh to tiltllltv and rllaraiter Ail drejis itl Urn iw h LedijerlVnyneniid Chelic-n. MAN. 00 on tits pollre forco for over 2" ean wlshea connection its watchman E 32 Jadcir Central JIAN married to take ehitrgi, of farm tiniler staidy ciirecifrTttle A jt2S Ledger llftlie OFFICE MN bookkeeper nge 21 .1 sears experlen-e. also exp, rlenceii tenther refined; well c.'ttcated capable mannrlng smtll of flrp p-manent connectlgn K 210 Led Cent SAI.E.SMAN with road expeTlence. soung, am bitious energetic can produce results E 1i' LtdgejCentral bl'UVIJYOIl cxi-rt mapper, II rs ' exp . seeks employment anywhere C 12 la-deer Offlci VO'.'.Mi MAN nrgrcsslvc 21 well edurated, good address, J years' business experlepc e desires connection wMore nbllltv rind con silentlous Bervlcrs will tie recognized and ap preciated E 140. Ledser Central YOCNO HVN wishes position In book store. w llllii r to leirn J U17 Irf-cUer Centrtl itn'NO MN 2-' lost nnd"time rlerk exiierl- cnee wishes iisiyinRiri0 Jdser Central. JAPINESE ep rellablo, wishes to talvO ehjme of Ii.icheliir'a place C 7. la-d Off JaT'VNLSE vvlshes posltlo'i as butler or valet, reference Kensmor. 1H34 Vine si EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES mTss mry t McCarthy. 2107 christian llxic, 1313) supp'les i. wants lst-class l'rot , Cath. male and female "p; all nationalities. AUTOMOBILES Pir "ale CADILIAC, 1013. touring car overhauled and reinlnted. full equipment; price I73U. AUTO SALES COftPORA'l ION. 142 N. Broad st. CHALMERS 1013 BIO SIX. excellent condj. lion; cost 12430. great bargain. L Bid. .eager cencrai COLE USED CARS REBUILT U B BOWERS COMPANY, 217 N Broad ' v com; Distributers st " FRANKLINS. ALL MODELS F l PAJCbOtf.JyjIl CHESTNUT ST IIUDSONS Rebullt'itnoT guiiranteed. phaeton and roadsters electric lights and starters. QOMERY-SCHWARTZ. 253 North Broad st, Hl'PJIOBILE We have a few good used used Hupmoblles most of them with electric lights and starter. Hl'PMOBII.E 332 N Broad jlroad and Tioga rnziER 1013. light 0. repainted and gonerallv B4o,l'Wg.nLr,an.,'.I!:, 0ASn wJH!ffi(teWr,"!rj OVERIJIND. IU14 fi otss model 7. Al con dltlon. all lata Imp's worth looking over, can bi bought cheap. Overbrook Heights Oarage. 13211 NSUtb Belmont 2800. l'CfifE-1U13. 8 HI. first class condition, driven 400n illes. will sell re-csonabls J 842, Ledger .Centraj . ilEItCK-XltROW it cyl Deml-llmousln IJOO KRIT DEI.1VKU ITUCK . . V L "vwilAL 210 North Broad st a:i RAUStlfft LANO rlectrio car seating 4 peo LlaT brougham body for winter, open Vlc- res. flrst-class cond . owner will demoar straU A 3J0. Idgtr OfHc, 1013 PACKARD model B-48. B-cyllnder T-pas-i.naer touring car, has ba used 7 months. mlttaj-s 40U good as. paw, caa b seen at ??" "ft WiSrjL0WMr Deoe"1' tatta sale C 3, Ledgi voit SAJ.B 1U14 CatUUau,,sar. tt-passener Tu.i to good running conoceioo sub wfcjch tost 30 when new. J prlMi W)Q, maAiaoL It over and ride la same oXoStOE W EMDEN WlUimspor, covers Cvnie V AUTOMOBILES "or Sale . tonllanrt rem Prrcrdlnp Column PARTS gOHMgf BEND Can I'gEK IIULLBTIN . OOIISON AUTO DYciIASnEa281 U imOAD Nt:.Xy..i2!Pi r""lout model IPlft. electric starter. jUto new port aaraBe ntn 2142 Wanted ' SEE US FIRST nntiiiN.M, PHILA. AUTO PARTS CO. rnnH?n!,'J.IS' 5!?.' mnK' nf sutomoblle In nny rhlm'Li";. E" owr prlc''" '''fore nu se I them eisew here DICKINSON 1801 RACE HO I 1141 South Broad. I OLD CARS "ANTED FOR PAR If T 3141 -4 1-1.1 .MAlUvET iVT.!:1!:"'.'" mN car" rxchamte for I7im Hi .., iIC- "cll-rented small corner prnpertj . . Uojleileraowner. Ilram liltt N 2iltl! HinilEST PRIC1N pnl.i tor oil worn-nut ih.i broken auto 20J.1 nrthnri i-i.,i mil xi WANTED Old inrs for Junk best prices rail enjwnere i lona wh, .10111 N Fnlrhl Al'TOS Jj'tnud forpirta. Plilladelphla Trtrta Co. .'1 .s nih Park ""i"'" iiona ;n h. aim .v i-nirhlll st Auto 1118 AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES FELrtlN (1ARAIIF Fireproof ..... .'Js.Ciy. "t . " stornge pai p CIIAUFFF.FRS CHAUFFEURS Before making a change Inspect our service nip I1IRUU) AVENUE V.D I'ELTOS'. STREET Phone. Belmont ttnl TO. II IRE Pierce Arrow Parkards Ford l.lm Curs Special slinppliiT rain, t 30 per hour Ford town cvrs Autos for Wedding snd Funerals PACKARD HEIUH'K COMPAM nil locust sr Rate 21.1 Spruee IS.1 TO HIRE (open dt nnd night) brand-new 3 pasa touring car with robes. 11 21 hr . also brand new- 7-pnas limousine. 11 30 hr : wfddlni,s funerals Poplar 1017 1713 Olrnrd "PO-HIHH three and llve-lnn truck bv hour day. week, reas Telephone Tioga 2700 AUTO REPAIRING 7 SPEED05IETER TROUBLES 7 Bee HILLY st his new location. SIOJS'ORTIIJIROAD ST. oTl.lNHEP.S JlEIIORED ne" pistons nnd rings furnished, welding nnd brazing H. B. Underwood A Co 1025 Hamll'nn St.. Phlln AUTO SUPPLIES Alio TOPS SLIP COv EltS DL.ST IIOOIS We have samples of the highest grado niii terlal maniifnitiired for autoinoblln top end e.it covering. Workmanship guaranteed I PHOL.STERY WORK Commercial bodies for Ford tars In stoel. und made tn order Sedan tops for Ulnton. Packard Cadlll ie. Ilulck. National or im other make car made lo order. ' Ford touring nnd runabout bodies HIUH-URADE PAINTING LOWRY TOP AND BODY COMPAN1 S11-H10 North Taney ate. Between 20th nnd 27th sts north of Brown. Bell Poplar 017 . Ivevslnne. It.ue J I III SAVE MONEY ON OAS .lockers (las Siver will etvo you from 21 to 00 per cent nn vour gasoline bill, will tloir your motor of carlion nnd keep It clean, will make your car run better and give you gnaj llne more annp. uso t ounce to 3 gallon gnsollne wrlto for ehemlst's rcrtlMiate about effect on motor. II pei pint Pn Dick. 13.11. JOCKEItS EXTRACTINO CO Factory Olf bo Mil Dickinson st SLIP t OVERS TOPS RE COVERED RE-UPIIOLS1ERI.no AND REPAIKIMI 40111 hi AUTO 1()P i O IOIH AND CHANCELLOR STS SHORTLY USEDLL Sl.ES TIRES YOUR OWN PRICES H23-21 N 13th st Park I41S. -BEARINOS New- Departure Service Stn. The flwllllam Co 1314 Arch st. Phones Walnut 3IU7. Race 3002 TO IK'ILD OR REPAIR ANY ''Alt PI1II.V AUTO P HITS CO SL3 N 13th st Park 1418 PARTS AUTO TIRES PULLM1N TIRES Guaranteed 4ini'i miles Compare prices ORIMM'3 230 N. Broad st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I ONTRACTOR lluvlng established business reifulres an active part ner with I70HII to IHVioii, this In vestment will help to till enutraets on hand and puvr way for en larglng business M 312, Ledcer c central PATFlNT's 1''ntl ollt "ow u thHt id e.nj.uiviui , nH(Pnt ti.io it may menu much to you Don't delay because of lauk of money, wo have it plan that will help you to pay the fees No trouble to answer q" s tloni by mall, phone or personal Interview FOSTER & WEBSTER Sul,L '" loll Chestnut st Bell Phone Wulnut 13111. WILL you Katisfy yourself by i rsunal Irlil that this buslnesn pay over IMHio net casli prollts yenrly ancl thnt you can run It with out Interfering with your present buslniss t If di sired Splendid trade and nelghlairhood pn sent hlp who have run tin business In moat profitable wnv, wrint to st iv Owner retlilng lscatise qf age price H0ini cash Property fo sale or rent v. Ill la-tl off STORAOE nnd van btaluesK, long iHt.tbllshed central lor ulon worth Investigating LEWIS A TAULANE. 1)00 Walnut st lOUNO MAN vvnrited with business nhlllty and capital enough to start manufacturing small useful nrtltle on automatic machine, notalm: like it on murket. retail price, 10c . large profit, fortuno for the right man c.nn have full charge, handle nil money FRANK A CHALMERS Ally 1003 Morris llldg , Phlla APARTMENT HOUSE Professional centre (Chertnut at ) 20 rooms filled with physicians and roomers com Pletely fur receipts liimm. price S4000. II nu Invest for widow 12000 cleur over exps ref. ruiilldeiitl.il M H44 ledger Cential lOlt S-U.i: Olt RENl' 111 tl.OINO InxIOII with engine boiler and shafting, good for any manufacturing purposes, also equipped tor a cannery low rent for a party mean lug business Apply or communl-ate with Jfjalp Son. llatheld, Pa INCORPORATE YOUR BUSINESS Secrue freedom from liability, charters ob tained all Mates, efficient nlgh-class serv Ice corporation experts, reasonable cost Thu Register Co, Room 2 I. 'ON Arch st Phone Wajnut 233U SAFE INIE.STJIENf Wunied. party who will Invest money in 1 iilldlng oeratlon. houses ure tn excellent contllilon. rented with good yearly tenants, principals only MJII7 Ledger Central VALUAIU.B8LATB properly of 22 acrea for aalo or exchange, considered one of the best pieces of undeveloped sltte property In tho Stato of Penna For further particulars, address V E Jl Box4.1ll. I.ancaator, I'a AltARb OPPORTUNllY fur one or two ener getic, enterprising business men to take an active part In a business estab 40 years capital not less than tlS.oon For full par ticulars address 1 ItTIH la-dger Office 133.1100 WILL BUY 'i interest In a seashore property valued at over Ikiiu.iioO. Ihe big gest (legitimate) opportunity ever offered. 4300 feet ocean front, houses and hotels es tabllshed L 317. l-edger Central TO OBNTLBMAN OR LADV"wlth 13000 to In. vest -I veill pay 1-3 weekly Interest, without services, loan vvllt be doubly secured, ex ceptional opportunity to secure Independent lOCpmv J NU. iwcf v ,m FINANCIAL MAN or bond salesman to handle three 130 000 0 per cent bond issues on Philadelphia coal yard properties Interest guarantee. J aid. Ledgr Central. TO PURCHASE a Isooo corner lot, can be paid for In 10 yearly Instalmenta of 1500 each clear deed in event of death, nu taxes, investigate A 318. Ledger Office DRESSMAKER who desires a very- good bust ness and Is ambitious unusual opportunity UVVSItS fcnterpeie ruHriuv ui j.ruu oo man lanu Title Bid 13 A MONTH secures Interest In rrowlng or chard will be producing before paid for. fMRRYJARLINgTONiJ4.;0 Chestnut st. APARTMENT houseTfor sale, mitral location ailed with permaneni tenants Vw 6jJAUSEN J303trch st WILL SELL fully equipped laundry, doing over 1700 weekly; five teams, good reason for selllng.A-52iL-l'1e?-P'rtc" - PICTURE THEATRE JI230. crow led nightly, modern, good bus loc. . worth double, good selling reason; Investigate. J 34P. Led. Cent, WANTED SttOOO to IS00O at 6ft, to Invest "in an old established business. Oral-class se cuilty P tl Ledger Office , MULTIORAPHINO business for sale, excellent clientele, good business J B38. Ledger Cent. "VcfuTjtllP c.Wu1jM! HOTEL, Pitman. N J Established, furn.. 3d rooms sale or rent Apply 1317 N loth FULLY equipped mavblue shop for sale or jjjjtj J C Johnson. ?27 N l3tn s HOTEL, Ocean, City, for" sal, near beach. good following P S2 JUdgerOatc Ctrl you Invest HO per Bismol LuvealUaU. U 334- Lrsdger Csotral. BUSINESS 0P20BTUNITIES Continued from rrrerdlno Cofumit . FOn TEN DOLLARS, sou can purchase one ahare of stork of hlith-grado drtia- companj It would be to our advantage to bur more na It will pay handsome dhldends Owners of one share of stock can purchase for fin per cent lees than nt nny other store druas proprietary medicines, sundries rirara nnd hate, prescriptions compounded For full Informillon cnll write or phone lO OPEI1ATIVR IMtLCI CO .114 Slutual Life Itulldlnn WB . WANT, A S M.KmMaX .FOIl l'llll,li;i,l'IIIA. IJiM-i Mnviaii AN AttrOMOllll.t: A MAN 11) ", I1UII.D, CI' THAHi: nf MM OWN! ALIO It) FOLLOW Mill TIIN1TY FOR A LIVE .MAN OF AIIILlrV AND OOOD ADDIIIW ALt'EMIl Mill CO PENNMVI. VAN I A SAl.EI IlltANlll. Idlll'll MT VERNON SI W.WAVS PIIKPARED lo purchase MACHINERY EQUIPMENT IIAXIS YOf an Idle plant for sale rile us before deciding lo ell public Iv we tiniv B-tva you lime, trouble ahd money IV I. II1RTWEL1. ,lr'"'"r. Building. Phlla A SPLCNDII) OPPORTUNITY TO .trMN IN OOl.NO INCOHI'ORATEIl ENTERI'IIIMII KIVU ItlUCSAND DOLL MIS REUL'IRKD. FOR UIIIC1I AN INTEREST WILL III! IIIVEN WHICH SHOLI.l) ULTIMA rf'.I.Y EARN .111 PER I'hS'T AND CPWXUDS PER ANNUM ON THE INVESTMENT IV ADHITlnV 1(1 (IOOD SM.ARY FOR CX PAIII.E MORKEII EXPEHII.VCEI) IV COHPOH XTE lll'SINESS AND XCCOl'VTS DESIIilMt ACTIX II REPRKSI'S'TATIOS 1'1'ltSONAI, IMFIIVIEVX (INLY REFER EM'ES hl.QUIltr.l) ( III LEDOER 111' I'll I. AN OLD nnd well elnbllshed mnntifsctiirlng Plant desires capital to expand a fnstly going business which I one of Ihe bent known manufacturers In their linn In Hit pert of the country, one that beam the best reputation Am one seeking an Inicst ment eitinot ntfnrd to overlook Ibis op portiitnty It will lienr the strictest kind of Investigation P illn Public Ledger. MANt PACT! RIN'O HEXHST re quires 20 0011 capital onlv print I- I'sls need answer In writing stale luslnesa experience nnd rlve refer ence, P 01 II. Ledger Office JMiuii tn Inreat with serv lira In going estab lished business Havo experience nnd exeru tlve Hb.llty. Invest, secured .1 ICiO, Led. Cpii. XX anted AN'l.NVlTrhoff'lH PRlfPAHlTD to offer flnilll i int support for nn Invrntloii which Is of wldn in., fulness for which there Is n pros pect of l-tri-. dein end nnd of such nl" that It inn be handled by parcel post Send com plete description. XI r.l'i Ledger Ccnlrsl $.100 (100 Havo client will invest up to inn (mo in golni! mivntifacturlng eoticern on tcgltlmnte project i only proposition that will unrnuit Investigation will bi conslderrd. M Hid Ledger Central. i XX'ANT to get III touch with nuiomolille tire manufntturer fioni vvhnnt I nu purchase second wholesale M 031, Ledger Central. BUSINESS Pi-BSONALS FULL DRESS SUITS " Cutsways luxedo and Sack Suits To hire and m tdo to order. NEUUAUEK THE TAILOR 1121 Walnut St Fell phone. Wnlnut 2618. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by c-lectrolv sin. the onlv perm t vvav EyebruwB nrchcil XIISS SMITH 102 Keith Theatre Bldg Miss Iloppe halrdrca'r. facial mus'gc-. man leur k form .Mint Arcade .with Miss Smith PHYSICIANS BOOKS kept loose leaf system: would be p'enseil to communicate with you VS1 ledser Office DIAMONDS BOUGHT Rink reference Aprrntsement. 1 p e HAPRY XV SMITH 717 SANSOM STREET CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE . 20TH ST ABOX'E CHESTNUT Bell Phone. Locust IQfio XVFSI PHIIjA MO.VARlll HTORXHL CO XVL'ST PHILA. 3e PER YARD XVEST PHILA 3S70 72 LANCASTER AVE K I. X S TON F carpet cleaning Clenned alisnlule- H J letelt. II I II N N'lea Kl Phono Tlorn IMS. MOVER CO BE XT, CARPET "TlEATlN'O .l.-.Oli N 12th No tumblcra used Phone Tioga 3200 DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY HIi.HEST PRICES paid for diamonds. Jewelry ard paen ticket for diamonds. Apply i 39 tn 4-30 p m . XVm Click. Room IS'.' Burd Bldg . co'-ner 11th and chestnut st. DRESSMAKING AND MILL.NERY DRESSMm:im; taught from nny pattern" morning nnd afteriiiot. sessions send for i Ire uhcr Columbian Dresamakln,? School. 17.IH Columbia nve "" PurTER hCHOOI. oT-'""t)ltESSXIAKINO DAILX AND EVENING SESSIONS 1133 OIR.XRD AVE POPLAR 374. DRESSMXKEIt Crench desires engagements, terms reasonable aelvancrd style high-class work remodel I IDS XX'alnut st Ph XX'al UI3U hie Mcdowell dressmaking school Short, practft tl Inexpensive courses , 307 Done Ma IIIcIk 11th nnel Market stW FOR SALE ANTIQUE Colonlcl Mahogany sideboard for sale, m.c-ntlttom plcee In splendid tonelltlein. private ptrty only prieu J lull Call at 4on S 13th st Phllaelejphht BILLIARD POOL combination secotvlchnnd. bought, sold rented exchanged; repairing, suppliea laife Kcafer. American manufuc turer. 3JD Olrarcl ave Bli.l.lAltD AND PtlCKEI' TABLES vi", bowling alleys, easy payments, nRUNS XVKIJIAI.KE-cpLLn.NIiim Co inn-Arch iJll.LLXltD pocket 2el herd tables icmi ctritit," supplies Clark-Heid Mfg Cn 2471 N Front CASH REOISTERS bought sold leased, ex changed repaired replated, supplies, new and factory rebuilt New tntnl adders ns low aa 130. Call nnd see our lOld models Register sold and leased by us on easy payment anel fully guaranteed The Na. tlon-il Cash Register Company, 730 Chest nut St., Philadelphia, Pa CHAIRS AND TABLES TO I.OXVEST RATES HIRE CHAIR EXCHANGE S V COB 0TII AND VINE STS. COMPUTING SCALE almost new cost 1100 rash, will sell for 130 A 3.4, Ledser Office, DBMCS riling cabinets, safes telephone booira and office furniture und fixtures of every de scrlptlon. used but in fine condition and Vtty cheap, free delivery anywhere HUOHES 11TII AND BUTTONXVOOD HAS ENGINES. Ill" P. .1 motors l-lll Ii" P.AC and D i lo of machinist a tools .'.in S 3Jd st HONEY Delicious extracted honey, direct from beekeeper 11 s.1 per gallon (12 lbs). II per "i gal delivered by parcels post. satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded I. K Hnaltetter It II 3 Lancaster Pa UocM-.f MILLIARD TABLES J, slightly used, una 3xlD, threo 4 4x0 can be bought nt a reasonable figure ns they must be sold WILLIAM C BENKERT. 1100 Arch at REFRIGERATORS sample, annual sals, solid oak, seamless porcelain llneel rut cork Insula tion Market null Miller 3d N 2d Main 17.11 ROLL-TOP DESKS Typewriter bookkeeper desks, filing cab tele booths Illes safes household fur Dulliur Central 2d-lland Furniture Co , 001- !ill(MII4 Callow-hill Phone Filbert 4III SAFES Fireproof, closing out slightly used; all blzcs makes big bargains 210 N. Fourth. SHtKESPHAHB'H "Trial for Deer 8tealln." many figures splendid oil painting, by Gil bert Stuart Newton Royal Academy. Hell phone. Poplar 3120 X'lCTROLA" records March list Just received BBLLAK 1129 Chestnut 1000 Feet of Office Partitions"' " AT VERY LOXf PRICES Painted Glazed Erected AT YOUR PLACE Weiss Manufacturing Co, 450 N 12th st Phones Pop 1090. Race. 133d ABOUT 50 TO B0 CARLOADS USED llUII.n. INO LUMBER FOR IMMEDIATB SALH. REASONABLE PRICE INQUIRE PAUL HASSACK. SUPT, CURTIS BAY CIIBM ICAI. CO. JNC CURTIS BAY BALTI MORE. MD. HEATINO MAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is beti and cheaper than steam or hot-watsr. Pur fresh air with normal nte.stur. I4AKIN KELSEY IN ltlh st. Phlla INSTRUCTION Conversational French Only NEW CLASS NOXV.FORMINq Dally at 11.30 a m 1330 Walnut st. Phlla. "'vreV'"1 Baron Charles de Geer GENTLEMAN wishes to take piano Usaoha at reasonable rates from lady or entlttoan. A 334. Ladger Office FOREIGNER, Herman vt tabes to take English laso froln lady or gentle-man. of Germai descent preferred 0 . Letter Olflcs. MACHINERY AND TOOLS IF YOU XVAVT TO SECURE the full economy from control of machine It will pay you to atudy Into (he cosi reducing possibilities of YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH pulley a. .nnd FRICTION CUT-OFF couplings . SHAFT INO and MACHINE XXORKS. H.I North Second IAXIES YOCOM A SON. FOR SALE Inn K V A 220 volt , two-phase) lilted alternator exciter and switchboard, perfect condition For particulars apply 113 Halo Bldg Power-plant equipment. Dynamos motor, boilers steam and Oil en gine pumps air compressor FRANK TOOMKY Inc 127 N. 3d st BOND'S BARIIITT METALS Imperial X Irtor Rnval Mrnltor lncent Omelet! for Every Purpose CHARLES BOND CO XI PA NX 320 Artll si COMPLETE POXVCR PLANT, designed nnd erected new nnd used power, plant ma chinery tn stock Power Equipment Co ..engineers 12IR r heslntit M rotl.FRS HI mid loo 11 P "Erie" economic. Il'i-ll. 1 "Penns " 11 R T I I" SEYFERT'S SON'S 4 IT N 3d St DYNXMOS motors and machinery bought sold and rented, nrmnturrs repaired Msln 91 Mirkct .Klfll X'earsley Co . 221 N 3d st t. 2. .1 4 SPINDLE sensitive Drill-Presses. 20 21 'to lne"i Drill Pressrn in Inch II tell it Drills Nullall 1711 North 3lh MUSICAL INSTRUMENT- PIANOS AND PLAYER-PIANOS iiEPPivs uprovxN stores COR C.TH AND THOMPSON STS 8i CHtclcI'Rl.N'O UPIUOIIT PIANO HOWARD XIVCENT MS N. flTIL OLD GOLD FALSE 1EETH Let us buv your nl.l gold silver or platinum and give vnti denlers prices United lilntli anil Reflnlllg Co 41 s nth st opposite Poalofflce ' Seecplngn Rellncd for Hie Trade " cSIt PAID I Oil DIAMONDS. PlthCIOUS . sto'ie gold sliver, platinum raise teetn I Phlla Smelilngi Ref Co, 188 S ltlh at 1I.D HOLD slher. Platinum plated ware old etvle Jewelry teeth plate bought for cash Est l70. I L. Clark refiner 80Jansom ' CVSII PMlv I op. diamonds old gold silver platinum false tpeth Rellshle Refining I Company V E cnrnr Olli nnd XX'alnnt sts I ROOriNG AND IRON AWNINGS l.lir Us ESTIMATE to ceit your roof nnd Fllarentrp II 10 vear AX1ER1CAN ROOFINO I'O 13T. Ridge ave STORAGE GUARANTEE STORAOE COMPANY Phlla Im ESTABLISHED 1S7J Packing .Xlovlng Shipping Storing M.I. XXORK DONE BY AUTO VANS Moving any tllstaur storing aeparate loom Let us estimate XVork guaranteed 13I7-1J1 Jlliqu'N sr Thone Poplar 2104 CONTINENTAL STORAOE WARFItrUSE "fiTII ST ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING SHIPPt.NO Rugs. Carpeta cleaned, eentircd atnred BiJJ Locust 10SO Phons Key. Rnce IMO riDEUTY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 18I1-1SI0 MARKET ST. PENN STORAOE AND X'AN CO S13D MARKET ST ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Rlornge, moving parking shipping carpet cle-tnlng Ph Baring 712 for rtln-tte Market & 37lh. McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE 17IH N 11th st. Moving packing shipping, niitu vans Both phnnea la-i us estimate, bTORAGE -Moving hv nttto vans packlnt shipping LEVIN BROS.. 2018 Hlcjgo nve Phono Poplar 0021. FlltEt'ROOF Mothproof Concrete XX'srehnuse. N Phlla Stor. Co . 2011 Lehlth Tlo 72:0 TYPEWRITERS --ND SUPPLIES RENT MONARCH or SMITH-PRE MIElt nnd receive mntiufae A ttirers' gu irnutee. visible mod els. 3 u month; ?7 .10 for I REMINGTON month Rental payment ap. ' piles on pure biuee. IthMLNG'ION TYPEXXRITER COMPANY 1111 S. Illh st Philadelphia Telephones Bell XX'alnut 7."o. Key atone Main 2001. WANTED ANTIQUE thlnH furniture oil glass, hronr.es, pictures einl roldery Oriental gnoels old Hllver Sheffield pewter anel Chinese curios TrySU.SSEI. XVIII alLll.ll Pine XXI 202.' ANTIQUE I'URNITURE false teeth feather bcelM broken jewelrv goM. sliver elinmon Is lionghl 7.11 XYnlnut. XX'alnut 70-'l(. Est. lSllll. BROKEN JEWELRY false teee.1, pistols, coins Coin looks with prices I pny mailed 13c. .1 B Boss OVoplo s Store) .'bit S 11th Will 14SII CAST-OFF CLOTHINO On account of tl.e big de mated wo have had hid for cast off clothing wn nre compellcel to piy the very best possible prices for these goods In order to tepleplsh our Block Be fore selling your clothp It will piy you to get our prlics XXe call anvwhero at ans time Call write or phono Poplar (1312 COOPER 1011) Glrnrcljive CAST OFF CLOTHING XX'ANTED SELtOhOHN the KINO of nil clcller pays muplt more than all others for 1 idles' nnd meu'H euminer anel winter discarded clothing hat, shoes, furs, etc ; Indies' atreet dresses and evening gowns, also men's overcoats, suits nnd evening c lotttea; In fairness to yourself get OUR prices first, write or tele phone Market 209" Buyers, call, city or suburb, day or night. SELlOhOHN the King corner fith nnd Spring Garden. CAST OFF CLOTHING Illctheat prices paid for ladles' tinei men's rlnthlng hnta, shoes etc phono Pop 3e0l Blacker I'-'d') Poplar C'AST-Ori' clothing bought best prices paid for men' gnoels write or phone XX'alnut I1HII1 SCI1ULT 241 N iljh st FURNITURE pianos carpets, antiques, entire or part house bought for eaah, no mattet how largo. J Bernstein 1334 Ridge ave FURNITURE bought rash parlor, entire, h'se nftlto tutn stocK stores, win pay co consult before selling Emits, 212 S Kth ;n vv YbI 1330 31ERCURY BOUGHT D. Chnmbley. gold nnd silver buyer and refiner. 710 Sansom. Bell ph OLD GOLD- Cash paid for old cold. sllier antique cIocum. will call 1210 ROGERS 27 S Hell nhone. Ileus 17th st HIGHEST prices paid for dltmond old gold silver plntlnum fnlso teeth, nlso pawn ticket diamonds appraised s.nti Filbert si -M floor front XX'alnut 7471 Est HI yrs ROOMS FORJtENT ARCH ST , 1520 Nicely furnished rooms. rtinnlngvvater single 12 upduuble. 11 up. CHESTNUT .'003 Attractive rooms single and en suite prlv baths, run g water, ref. CHESTNUT 2007 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, PERMANENT OH TRANSIENT. CHESTNI T, 1811. and Spruco U02 Rooms with bath, single and en suite DIAMOND XV Hill) XVell-furnlshcd .'id stor -toon anl sitting roctu, all conveniences, r-en-tlemen preferred Phuue Diamond 3210 XX' ERIE AX'E (between I7lb and 16th) Deslr ablo front room, uso of balh. bus. woman. private family ref rhone Tioga 3370 (1REBN. 2021 Nliely furnished front rooms single or en suite, private baths tontlnuoue hot water. boardoptlonal Poplar 0811 W MT VERNON 1831 2d sty front furn , busl ness vvomet: only, private family, phone. OXFORD ST 1401 Large room adjoining bath, unfurr'shed . tlpRUCE. 133T 'Rooms single or en suite, prl baths.prof oXIiceSjsteani heat, electricity bUMMER, 2023 Nicely lurntshed rooms, home. conifcirt8 steam heat, phone XVE-TrVlEXV A Oermantown uve 2 rooms on 2d floor suitable for offlco or light hskng light and heat ealoJ Otn ava Otn 4b1J 10TII. S , 302 Opp Clinton, attrac. rooms, single beds, new fur & dec, Filbert 42VJ XV 12TH PT N 11)13 -1 wo second from rooms communlc-ttlng; newly furnished, for light housekeeplng. runnlngvvuter Dlam ISOel XV 13T1I. N 22.10 Desirable furn 2d ft sin or communicating Phone Dla 2454 XX' 20TH, 8., 123 Neatly furnished rooms, meals optional, restaurant Phone Locust Ji2StJj 2IT1I N , 800 Two large furnished sunny rooms, reasonable Phone Poplar ell)17'J 4-TIT. 8 , 124 Rooms with board. Ilif for two. good table, phone 49T1I. 8 , 1106 Desirable, aunny rooms; elt trlcltyi tirivats bath. XVoodland 2314 XV. 49T1I. S., 708 Furnlsheet, unfurnished, geni tlemenf ref. home refs XVoodland lllfl-1 M C2 N. 13TII 2 rm bath"heat and llghta; 23 per montn. jauaaap. uw 0 aintn sci ROOMS In apartment, kitchen, dining room, pantry, bedroom and bath room, only 120. HACKET1J33S- 12th St. 1 OR 2 ROOMS and bath furnished or unfur nished, reasonable: opposite Park, women preferred. Phone Belmont 2078 NURSE graduato having quiet boine. would take patfanta M U48 Ledger Central , NICELY furnished double and single) rooms. II 73 up; board optional 1424 Catharine st. OWNER Mill rent bachelor apt , 2 rooms, bath, fireplace 2022 Spruce. Loc 1683 J. Koburban BHARPNACK ST., W 148 Comfortably fur. nlshed. well-neatsd room, t windows, suit able for light housekeeping or board: use of nice reading room and piano. Otn. 4S32 J MT AIRY Cheerful furn rmsT: chotc-o loca renntu. cracq. eroi.. cqys e-o. c it lual J OVERUROOK 87S IX'ynuwood road) Can agcommodate gentlemen large front rm . 15 rooms wau:j OtNTLEMAN wants cosy room with strictly prlvats family P 1128. ledger Offlco. BOARDING BROAD, 8 . IfiOO TwA gunny room, couple) or two rentlemen txc table Dick 2287 J CHESTNUT ST 4013 Single and double room, good Jahl, nearL DfAMOND ST"! 2828 Hoarding, eood ..able oardeornforts-jif home Diamond 8041 JEFFERSON ST 1327 Oood board private fm , lor 2 ladjes orjtrnta, employed reas HPIU't'n, 102R-3O Third and fourth flbor sin rooms, choice table board SPRUCE 1 0211 Furnished or . unfurnished rooms, prlv htths. electric light, hot water heat, excellent service jihonei tnblejjpad SPRUCE. 1012 (Holmehtirst) neautlfullr fur. rooms private bath with board; table bosrd SPRUCE 1224-211 (RrlsmondeV Furn rooms, JngJe. en sujte private balh. tablo tioard, SPRUCE 1220 Atlrnctlve rooms, single or en suite prBalebalh; gentlemen preferred SPRUCE ST with board 1(111 4th story table bosrd front room I0TH N finan Room nnd hot rd, refined fnntlly. reasonable Phone Tioga 4 2I XV 41S-T'. S. 101 J second story rooms, with lies! table bosrd Mis Hanley, late of Chest nut st and the Newport . lubtirl.an GERMANTOXX'N 11 XV XX'nlnttt line 1 2d sty communlcnllng front rm , single or en suite excellent table ronv to train and trolley reasonable gentlemen pref Gin HIM M Arilmiire, Pn, ATTRAI TIX E ROOMS private balh If desired Orel clap table near train and trolley I XXest Athens nve Vrdtnore Pic COUNTRY BOARDERS WANTED HOARDERS XXANTElT Private fcltlllty nf two (2) will rem suite nf two (J) communicating room anil bath southwest! rn exposure no other boarder best refer, nee required and given '-s mile oillslele Dceylestown Pa easy access to train nnel (rnllev innelern houre atenm neat boiirel linliidncl Address Box 111 Doylesieiwn Pn SANITARIUMS lib A I lll'll, location; special scientific care. nervous, elderly, every comfort nurses Booklet Dr nnninl Cltv line rnslnm Hill APARTMENTS XX'AI.Nl T AND 11TII STS (S XX'. Cor.) mocjT crn suite, exceptionally attractive, high cell li gs abundtntly llahted on three sides etntnble fo- housekeeplnii, If desired Set Ji.nltnr nn prmtlsea BARBEtt. HARl'MAN CO. 1501 Chestnut t 101 S "in II ST. Bachelor npertment. excep tionally desirable -M nnd 4th door aullrs 2 Inrge rooms nnd bath, every mod Improv'mt Janitor 011 premise, atenm heat Included BARBER HAltrMAN H CO. l.'Ol Chestnut N XV COR 17117 AND SANSOXI STS Desirable apartment 1 room and hath Ap ply las l XX inchell. on prcmjse SPRING GARDEN. 1910 excellent apts in H different houses, sopie furn.. kltchentttrs 200.1 N 22D !-r il room nnel hath JJt up Apply 011 premises, or phono XVnlnut 7Jsn THE KENNINGTON Pino lielow Urn eel Xlirnctlie suite nf unfurnished rooms hav ing 2 rooms, with private h-eth. gna nnd electric light. Improves! vapor heating sys tem elevator services strictly fireproof build ing renl $40 nnel $30, reference necessary YABROW f, VAN PELT KTH AND CHESTNUT STS THE PARKSIDE (,?T,!dAavV OPPOSITE FAIRXIOUN1 PARK Four lines of curs, convenient to nil sections of the city nil large oulalde rooms cuisine particularly attractive PHONE BARING J!2I THE NEWPORT S'ir ATTRACTIX'E large living room, bedroom, bith. all outside, tinturn 1401 Oxford st, XXEST PHILADELPHIA XX X'NNEFIELD APARTMENTS .Kith and l.tinsdnwne nve Ihe nicest ap irttnent In West Philadelphia for the price. I.tn Apply to Jnnltor or John 11 Oler. 37th unci Master SUBURBAN ATTRACTIX'E (1 largo rooms, most desirably located open (.rate 1 XV Scattergoo.1 l.-tnstlowne Pa Ardmore, m. THE THEN8 1 nnd 2" room suite, bativ kltch'ette . fur or unfur Ph. Ardmore 1321 (ilenslde, Pn. XX'AVERI.V APARTMENTS 3 rooms, rent S23 J ID and S.11 per month; old tehaili! RENNINOER REN'NINOER. GI.ENSIDE PA. APARTMENTS WANTED I'ltrnUlteil OENTI.EMAN und wife desire small modern furnished apartment or house out of town until nteout Sept I Adelres Room No 321 Hotel XValton. Philadelphia HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Vou tan look at one after another until jou ilml ono. or Vou tan eo nround to the different uiten cJen until In ileupftlr jou take one, or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It Is qullo true that nearly every desirable apjirtment tn Philadelphia la listed with and may be rented through us. Cull uiioti us in our new offices; they are really quite attractive, you will bo given the most courteous und efnclent service ob talnable An automobile Is waiting to take you to the list or upanments you uesignaie und ir by any chance you are not perfectly suited pur entire organization will bo placeel at your disposal to procure for you exactly your heart'a denlre. Think of all ths trouble you will have saved unci how glad you will be to know you have found the ono upartment In Phlla delphla which most nearly approached your exact ideal. OPEN ON SUNDAY. 10 A SI. TO 4 P. 31. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 XX'ALNUT ST. Spruce 307L Race 3023 1512 NORTH I.1T1I hT Mjclern h msekefplng apartments, reduced rentals. Just renovuted throughout Applv to Janitor on premises, or LEXX'IS A. TAU LANE. S XV. cor. nth and XXalnut sis N E COR. 17TII I. XVALNUT STS The newest anel most distinctive, apartment house In Philadelphia! deslrablu 10-room housekeeping aultes. with southern, eastern and western extiosures Apply 011 Premises. ElOHTEENTlI. N . 1718 Thoroughly modern flat II large rms . constant heat, reduced. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS ALL FARTS OP THE CITY RENTS 21 TO 173 PER MONTH CALL. PHONE OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION. SAMUEL STERN 1201 CHESTNUT bntBET THE ENOLEXVOODTdiii S. "llTlT STIdeTl eentrul housekeeping apartments, suites 9 rooms, kitchenette und ba(h Apply Janltoi, on premises, or LEWIS A TAU1.ANB. 000 Walnut st. NORFOLK APARTMENTS Desirable 4 and 5-roora apartments near Park. Janitor service, reasonable rentals, JIECIITEL3J32 Ridge aye POPLAR APARTMENTS. l"tiT8-20 Poplar St. 2. J and 4 room suites, furn. or unturn ; hot. water heat, private, baths, hot water FOR modern, furn. or unfurn. apartments. Northwest Phlla and Tlosa. see us first. BCHOEPPY - CO . 1817 Montgomery ave. XXEaT PIIILADKLPUIA J4TH AND CHESTNUT (The Essex) Flvs rooms, bath, pantry ard receptloi hall, elee vator day and night service. Colonial flnlsli, white china glowa paint, mahogany doors, hardwood floors, combination wall safes; laundry, vacuum cleaner; roof garden watchman all night, 137,30 to 900 month 48D AND CIIE31ER AVE (Tie Monterey Very dealrablv situated. ODDOBlte Clark Park 4 and 8 rooms and bath, hardwood floors. laundry; roof garden, etc., 130 to 844 per moncn, an neseraoie new nouoe-eapiiTg apts, Apply Janitor, cr CRESSE M llaU Bldg 43D AND CHESTER (30Q Monterey Apts I Only 833 mo.; 4 rooms, uath anel large ra ceptton hall; hardwood floors. Inq. Janitor. THE RUTLAND APTS. JUST COXlPLL-l'JiD LOCUST ST. 51111 TO l&Til ST. t-rooms and bath apartmints, with all ths latest conveniences 140 to f 42 S0jpr month. liNTr IU11IV-KT PITTa. AOK Bell thor.e liaunont 4413. 841J Lceust st. DRE-CEL ATPARTXJV-NTa uvcnmei LROOK STCTIOJI One housekeeping suite. 8 rocms mncl bath. 111.14 per month public dining room Poon uverbrook till THE CHILTON First and 3d floor tpajtnunU, from 110 to $33 MRS. B. McLAlN. 8218 Baring at THE REIDLTTN 130 & rooms and bath, halt block from 4Cth "Is station Jaa N Mitchell. 4Cth and Marktt sts. ONLY 883 month, 200 Essex Apartments, 34th and Chestnut, nice corner apartmemt. 3 rms. and bath and private hall; will pacer and decorate to suit tenant. JnqulrJinHor. 30l3f,cfS:.,, oJnuAr.,,?r?i rms Bath, open vg Janitor on premises Beunont 1432 J HILL CREST S E COR I4T1I AND RACK faT3 Attractive ajJts. tav,. r baths rwwuUc BUCKINGHAM APT8. ISO 1 rooms 8 baths porch. I -.Prc-s.aeJOI. A H R!ft?Tl? "ivalnut. HOUSEl-EKMNft ATS. WAWTRlf SIX nOOIS ahd bath tieAr conter -f city, ph If suburban, near station not o-ret ISO. B 148iLedger Tentral i APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL TOgg The beat rooms and Bultes, with the beat table, in Phila. ' Day. Week, Month, Season,, Yer THE LINCOLN LOCUST BELOXV 18TH STRtiET Transient and Permanent Quest Table the Best HOTEL COLONIAL IMJSWi? Newly decorated and refurnished tbrciuerti. out. comfortably furnished parlor, bedroonf am! bith by the day, week or month, at rev sonable rate; service and culslno unexcelletl. T XVM P. KENNEY Manager THE CLINTON va"&ignr SM BOOMS, EVERY CONVENIKNCB. Furnished or unrurnlshedi either by lease or transiently; suite of one) to four room, with bath . .- TUB COVINOT INOTON D a7TH MANAC CHESTNUT AN STS. 11 r i;-nui,ij. OEIl Also the Engleslde. Beach Haven, Jfe.jji CHOICE TW'fJ-ROOXt SUITES FOIl ItENT mm ...- .v ve.ns.-wi ,,str iiaKtTsttfi 1 Ttibi viLcALiaiU-Nt- '"sTRBBTa eric ri FURNISHED OR UNFURNI8H AHMOIitlTILY Klillil'liccjr THE EDGET0N, nr,ns?ngP-m. I 11111I suites Private hatha Beautiful Joca ' Hon Dlnjng. erv Ice , ! " THE TnACV ...,- I PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT OUESTt 38TH AND CHESTNUT THE DASHXX'OOD . In9.i-tin Chestnut street Room wltli bnlh slncln and In ttlles REAL ESTATJ FOR SALE CITY fit? N IIITH centrnl, 10 room. 217 N loth cor bulne3 property; chai KI2N Parrlsh II rooma lot to rear atreet. 7.17 i-orlnthttn nve 11 rooms. 18x122, lost 112.' CnPow hill. 1.1 rooms 17x132 :'0.'4 McClelland. 3 roontsi rent 132. JI117 Sp Garden, semidetached est. 1301 Green double front. 30x100, .'iios Wallace, aide ynrdi 11 rooms; below nssrsaineni , ..-, hma I'm, Fttlrinoimt nve , 10 roqniis, IsaOoi 11000 21HII Sp ' Oarelen II rooms. - batlii low nrlre XX'ORRELL. .133 N 17th Phones. XVALNUT ST CORNER Hlxll'J (.1 atreela). , Attractive terms; possession can be arranged. , . J. A PATTERSON. 130 8. lBth 2.12.'-24 XX'. DAUPHIN ST.. 38x120 ft., with .'113 Fletcher st. on rear, 18x120 f c.1 assessed nt tnonil, monthly rentnl $111. . . , . N. XV Blele Sedgley nve., n. c. of rietchjr at . 7.1 ft 1 In and on east line north ft 34 hi . Irregulnr asaeaaed. 12.100. THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO., Broad nnd Chestnut sts. I82U XV VENANGO ST cor. Oratat lot lot 130 ft , 3 story brick dwelling, 10 rooms 2 baths Inclosed launelrv with tubs, hot-water heat gas nnd electric light: JSonp. Ths Lund Title nnd Trust Company, Trust D- , jurtment Brond and Chestnut. 1721 N. 18TH 12 rooms. 14075 213.1 Muster hot-water heati IIiOO ,. 23IHI N Sydenham asu'il J2.1O0; price 82150). UI17 Falrmount 11 batns cheap. 1 duo Melon H room, ee big bargain. MARSHALL II SMITH loll Chestnut at 1712 MOUNT VERNON ST Brownstono-front residence. 12 rooms 2 baths and shower: hardwood finish In perfect repair. Maurice J. Hoover yru!,tEii5.! " 13011 LOCUST ST. , . Handsome, modern 4-story brownstons dwell ing: especially fitted for professional offices; low prhe nnd e-iay terma for quick sale. 10.11 N. BROAD ST 3 story, all hrownstona front, lot 22x110 ft to renr street! price Cli'xB L. IIIIOXX'N & CO 217 S. Broad at. 1H20N 12TII ST 11 rooms, flrst-claea con dition many Improvemnta made by owner; ecci llent heimp , . . WM 0OLENN. 1317 Columbia ave 230 AND 212 NORTH 1TII ST. Two 4-Story house-s, lot ."tlls'lll feci to Reese St. L eX XX IIITE 1307 W Tioga st. 7IH1 XV YORK .ST I story brick dwelling all Improvements price reKHonatilj; easy terms. INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO.. 11)10 N. Front sj.. 132.1 MONTGOMERY AVE. HI rms , Xirovvri Btone tteiod or.lc-r, mod plum , tan Im bought che tp XX'm G (llcnn 1317 Columbia ave. 2011 N31ST Twn.story. porch-front dwelling, excellent cnndltlnn moke, offer, terms to null TAUI AN'E. 1)0(1 XX'nJnutBt 21 12 CARPENTCR, -n rooms bath range and heater, toilet rent J23. price clear, 13100. FARBE,L 110 S 2uth 11112 N ISTlT ST Ttrnwnstone. 12 rooma. laundry modern plumbing good order See WM O0I.ENN 1117 Columbia live, 1730 S BItOAD ST .l-stnry. txjrcri; garage iln rear, makn nffer terma to ault. TAULANB. 000 XX'alnut st S XX'" COR 10TH AND CHERRY STS. lait 24xl0J 1AMES D WINCHELL, N W. cor 17th nn I Sanaont ata ,1421 N. 21IST ST -3 stor 11-room dwelllnai price reasunab'e eauy terms. Industrial Trust Co. 11)10 N Front st. YORK RD 4011 Po-ch front. 7 rooma. bath, etc- . mealern In every particular. O. C. 8eU eel A Co . Inc . Ith and Cullowhlll. FILBERT ST M)9 1Ss7I C XV GAIIELL. Jr 314 XX'alnut sL 711 S ST1I ST Store and dwelling: all mod ern tonvs. K. lllasl. 13JII Ellsworth at, FILBERT ST. D.-J Iiiiu.il toepmmerc- at C. XV OAUEI.I. Jr . 3t I XX alnut. GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. Philadelphia.. 3H1. 318 and 320 Chestnut st REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DXVELL1NOS 1418-20 N. Tront si I and rear, ground I rent. 820. I 112 Kalso st. illiol Mt, Vernon at. Iin4il-4H Frankforcl ave. 1123 Marlborough St. IH21-2II Ontario at, lasoil Powelton ave -itm l-rescon se. 77"l-23 (Ardlelgh) Nor- n.111 N. Randolph st viood ave 1.1100 to 3312 Sanaot anaom 30 Buckingham place 21S1 Hharawoocj st. IVVesc llllice.l 1231 Brown st 1230 N. Broad st 2II4II N. Caman at 4S.'l) Cedar ave 2117 XV Cumberland st l.lS'i XV Dauphin st 2121-2.1 XX" Dauphin at 117-10-21 Duval st 37111 Foust st 4827 Oermantown ave. zian Mtewart si 51 E. Summit st (Chestnut HUD. 1403 XX', Thompson sL 210 to 208 XX'ensley el 831 XVynnewood rd. 8 XV. cor. Van Pelt aU York sts. 2037 N, Van Pelt at 420 Vino st. 127 Christian at. mTrr.niNfi lots "720 N 2d st . 18x100140 acres, 80tl St. Tr feet I mlnaL BUSINESS PROPERTIES AND BTORK3 :i Hank at. I 312 Vine at. 1"S7 1 rown st 2317-10 Olrard ave, I.3T "roWTpout!a AND inX'H,LJNOS 438 I'ODIar Bl. I oiiv. oee e 321 XV. Somerset St. I0B2 N, ca mac (. oor, 030 N. Bin St. ; CHESTER, PA. 232-34-3S E. 23d it. MARCH 8PEC1AI.S 1220 N. 18th st 10200 !032 Rldea ave 14500 ail re ein sc KJH M. 20th St 43IHI 4000 3100 8300 2800 2000 ia.10 8000 3000 1712 S lHth mt 4-iOU 22SB Thompson at 3800 1248 N loth St. isui re -.run st, aaou .'.'13 Ogden st 28BO 1733 Oltnwood ava 2200 720 N Uber at 180H, 1413 N, 3d st 1800 803 N Uber it 3000 173.1 Thompson at 230) 2025 Poplar at 1U1U lam se , , ,1 tl ta mt n vn &H ...UB .w 1S40 Nevvkirlc st R22 N. 18th st. 032 Master st u, a ai 1830 IUDOE AVE MONEY FOR MORTGAGE-" Building Association and Trust Fu-ids. TAUI-XNE. 1)00 Walnut st w HOMES and Investments, northweat; atnrj for lay complete use eeuee iiurtuaeeua u yuw section; easy terms JAMES D 1.VINCHELL., 2840 N 28th ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT II0U3B SITE Good location! reasonaDi prtcai 101 iinitzou, HARRY O C. WILLIAMS. 322 Walnut HOUSES FOR INX'ESTMENT New- houses mat snow a. return oi 'i. rvvf. i-crv ejr.. i-. on the amount Invested P EMBERTON ESTATES. Harrison Building. OXVNER WILL sacrlflc 1733 H 21t at.s gooa condition, renceu s.a, assesseo saisv value 14000. sell for 13700. mlt offer Bram 301 B N 2ttth . ' EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Ona of lb very eesi nouaea on uiaeuouu i, wic e Broad st!. will sacrlflce. TAULANE. pelt) XValnut sJL , IF YOU ARE LOOICINO fejr a, bouis tnvtbt ment or a business property sea M. J. LAI.LY, 2141 N I.th It CENTRAL CORNER aiyartnieent house gJ,W Jr A PATTERSON 130 South 15th st DIAMOND ST residence, near lOtbi 13 f uo-sMrj tK '"iirraitVr . -wTiriw, at. INVH-ST 1-23 that can r-iow 2113 per cent, w OOOD Investment small praptl. aW tpaece, see ewu..i.e! prloa IlltVO Cameron Estate 10TII. 13TH K.IX9 C. FRlEDItlCH- Ml Mt CO. Ml N lST-Tlf " Icje-1935K .CAJTACST. ,.,. SMS N 8th st 21(0 N Hlh at 20 111 N llth st 2I1SN 18th st 34111 N lHth st 41 S Iflth st 42 S 111th al IRliH S -.'lull st 2237 N 21st St. I--