mvEarpm KEfr&ER-FmEAfrErpHi, batttbbay, MARCH 25, SQIO. sr: ffi V P FINANCIAL NEWS STOCK MARKET IN WALL STREET WAS ENTIRELY IN TRADERS' HANDS Absence of Outside Interest Marked Nevada Consoli dated Strong Belief That Buying Was for Utah Copper or Its Principal Holders New York Stock Sales High Points in Today's Financial Netvs Average loans of New York Clearing House banks decreased $i, 10i,000 in week and actual fell $0,558,000. Reserves declined $3,101,000 in average and actual dropped $7,162,110. Bank clearings for week in ereased i9.7 per cent, as compared with the same tveck of the previous iear. Dow Chemical declared two special dividends of 20 per cent. each. Gross earnings of 30 railroads for the second week n March increased $2,033,951. NEW TOUIC March 25. There was a typical dull traders' market on tho Stock ExchniiRo today. Bomo of tho traders mado efforts to ndvnnco a few ntocks at the opening, und as tho rcsutt gains woro tnnde In Reading-, Mexican Petroloum nnd a few other issues, but tho tone generally was heavy. Tho absenco of outside Interest was moro marked thnn on any preceding day, nnd fluctuations woro deter mined wholly by the shifting of positions by tho trading element on tho floor. This element floundered around from ono side to tho other, with thoso who bought quickly unloading their purchases when they found no outside following. Novada Consolidated was exceptionally strong, with buying again coming from tho samo sources which were effcctlvo In causing yesterday's advance, and tho belief becamo stronger that this buying was In tho Interest of Utah Copper or its principal holders. Tho action of Anaconda continued to causo a good deal of comment, although It was generally understood that a lower prico Is naturally to bo oxpooted in view of tho statements that no Increased or extra dividend will bo declared on Tuesday. This stock Is now selling four points above Utah Copper, althougli tho latter Is on a larger dividend basis. Ono of tho most dlsheartonlng features to thoso committed to tho bull side Is tho manner in which tho public refrains from buying war-order stocks oven at substantial concessions. C. B. MacDonnld, ono of the largest room traders, who Is regarded as a good Judge of tho market, said that It Is now marking tlmo while absorbing constant offerings of foreign-owned securities. These sales aro In progress every da'y not only on tho floor of the Exchange, but over bond dealers counters. Corn Products was sold by somo of tho pool members, who have becomo tired of waiting for an ad-anco. In tho last half hour of trading tho announce ment from Washington that tho Stato Department was advised that four Amer icans wcro on tho steamor Sussex, torpedoed In tho English Channel, again created norvousness over the submarlno question. Selling orders came from numerous sources, nnd tho declines of two points or moro In tho final dealings -nore wnoiiy quo io meso statements. Net Utah. Low. Last, change. Aluka Gold Mines. . . . 20J4 20 2CM it Alaska 3 Gold M..,.,. nj$ njf OM Allls-Chalmcrs Mfj..., 30 29,' 30 H Am At Chemical..,,.. G8H OS1 08H Ui Am Iteet Sugar 71J4 71 71 -1 Am Can.... .. no. mh nif !f Am Can rf i.,.,111H 111MI H1H Am Car & Kdy.. ...... 09 GSJt" 09 M Am Ilklo & Leather.... 10K Wi 10!i . Am Hide tc h pf 53 r2 fi2 Am leo Securities 28H 28K 28 M H Amr.lnseed 2.VA 23)i 2W H Am Mnjccd pf . 45H 44)4 41.4 Am Jxx-omollv 7rH 74'f 7o Am Smelt & net 10IM lOOJf 101 H Am Smelt & lief pf H2,' 11215 11231 4- K Am Smelt pf A n.t 11.1 0.1 ',( Am Steel Foundries.... 62! C2'f f2,'f H Am Fuear Hef no!i HUH 110H Am Tel & Tel 1S0H 130K I.IOU M Am Tobacco pf new... 10014 100M 100H Am Woolen 62 fiUS filH M Am woolen pr nojj 09 no 7i Am Wrltlne l' pf 20'f IStt 19H 1M Am Zinc I, A Sm 8S!f 87 873 It Anaconda Cop M SOJj mi Soft M Associated Oil 08 OS OS Atrh Top A H F 103U 10.1 lCWf Hald loco Works 10,-H 10.1IJ lot H Halt A Ohio SSJJ KSJ, 8S!i" Halt A phln pf 75Ji 70VJ 70S J Itatopllas Mining- 2'i 2!J 2)8 H Hrookljrn Rap Tr 8T)i KM 88H Hroan Shoo fl.-, fij r,,r, U( Ilutle ft Superior OUf tlO DO 1 nuttcrlck Co 2fl4 29) 29H M Cal 1'etroleum 23 22! i 224 Canacllin Pacific in? KIT'S 107' H Central Leather G3 .'IK IM - fi Ches A Ohio fit, mi 03' H Chlraco (It West 13 13 13 )j ChlU'0 Ot West pf... 38 37 l7H 'I Chi Mil A St P tll!f 015 0U - H CM Mil A St 1 pf 128'f 12S5f 12-Jf H Chi A XorthA-etcrn...l27H 127H 1273( H 18 17)S 17l .. 21f 21 21 H ci ran r3'f - H 40 43JS 45H - M 21f 20H 20H fi 004 004 00)5 - M am sou mit -w LONDON PLEASED OVER U. S. POLICY TOWARD MEXICO English Investors Anxious to Have Turbulent Re public Pacified Sales in Philadelphia tilth, taw. Nt Close. ehango 10 Am nwj-..., 83H 334 MJ4 yu no pror.. uu? vvr vXif tin :.1.T HllfT A BUS t O 42 4IH H 'A 14 niJ4 ioti w WAR COST $70,000,000,000 Payment on Back Dividends Made by Splitdorf Electric NEW YORK. March 25. Tho Splitdorf Electric Company hns declared n dlvidond of 7 per cent., which represents dlvidonds In nrrears. This leaves 19 per cent, in back dividends remaining to bo paid off. It Is expected that tho remaining back dividends will bo paid off within tho next four months. Dow Chemical Specinl 20 Cash Dividends CLEVELAND. March 25. Tho Dow Chemical Company hns declared a special cash dividend of 20 per cent, on tho $1,500,000 outstanding common stock pay abio April 15 to stockholders of record April C, and a special cash dividend of 20 per cent., payablo May 20 to stockholders of record May 5 WHEAT SOLD OFF IN CHICAGO MARKET Liquidation Due to Good Rains in Southwestern Belt and Pressure at Liverpool WEATJIEB CONDITIONS. WASHINGTON. Starch 2S. Advices re flTd Bt th Weather Iltireau thl morn Inir Indicated the follonlne weather con ditions Canadian Northwest .... clear SW.W5 1 Prwip. tlddle West preclp. Houthwrat ........clear Upper Mississippi val.. clear Xower Mississippi Vol... clear Ohio Valler clear Temprrntnres. linen. J.ow. Tho follatrlnr nrr!nltfitfnn 01 at JiTnnsTMIes .ri ported: innrr ami IllirntikM., CUt and.Omnhai .00 nt iiulutlu vras l'arkersbare and MUwaukcc BXoorchcadt tl'a. Uikei .18 nt Wlnnl a 10 .Ifl as fit 10 Indies) at 0-1 at Itapld un as 24 32 Bl 10 OS 74 Ot (In .10 Bt Qn'Apnellei .in at Drt nipeci ..u .40 at DaTenporti .08 at Diibnnue; .74 at nt n Slolnest .22 at .Madlsoni ,24 at Iilsmarclii Sprlntfleld, Mo., and 1.10 at Kansas Cltr. CHICAGO, March 25.-A small sell Ins movement was sufficient to weaken the wheat market this morning. It was duo to good rains over the southwest ern wheat belt and pressure in the mar ket at Liverpool. It was estimated that tho United Kingdom would tret 7,500,000 bushels of the shipments from exportins countries for the week. Tho freight sit uation showed, less tension. The weather in Argentina was fine and the movement there larger. Stocks at ports were heavy and congestion was reported. The technical position of tho market hero was believed to have been weakened by tho covering movement of yesterday and buyers were timid. There was not much Ifeaturejto the dealings. The receipts at 'Minneapolis and Duluth today were 375 cars, against 123 cars last 'jrear; at Winnipeg 901 cars, compared with 37 cars; at Chicago 175 cars, against 92 cars. May here opened at H.08 to J1.08U, gainst Jl.OSi at the close yesterday; July started at J1.06& to J1.06H, com pared with 1.06 at the end yesterday. September opened at $1.05 to J 1.05;, eompared with J1.05H. yesterday's last price. After the opening. May rallied to 1.0SH. July, to tl.OSH and September Jo $l,05tf, but again receded. ,Com was easier, but business was small. The receipts here today were 132 .cars; The market at Liverpool was dull and nominal. . Oats were slow and a little easier. The Receipts here today were 118 cars. Laadlnr futures ranged as follows: Yes-day's Open. HlKh. Low. Noon. Closa. r "rTaeat far 1.0Si 1.09M 1.074 1.08Htl.0S July .... 1.08U 1.07., 1.0SJ4 1.06KU.0dt Bcptomtwr 1.04',. 1.03 H I. (MS 1.0SU 1.03 Cora (naw deltvervW- Max 72",i 72 Ji New York Bond Sales IllKh. I,ow . . u.-i?a u . . iu.i ..NHIJi ..ioi: . . ui .. 7 4 is . . It.l . . IUK H4 . S0i CIoso. U.,' U3, liu; ions; Chi H 1 & l'ac Chile Copper... cmno copiwr Col Fuel S iron.. Corn Products Hot, Corn I'toiI Uef pf. Crurlhlo Steel Crudhle SIpcI pf . . IMrolt Kdlson Distill fee Corpn., Doisu' Mines l.leo Morace Hat.., KrlK Vile rlzhts Krlc ut rf , Fed Mln & Mn.... Oen Chemical Gen Chemical pf. .. General Motors.... Goodrich II T Goodrich II F pf... Granny Con-sol Grccne-Cananca Great Northern pf. ., G N cfs for ore prop, ,m lli llfiH - H ...1.11 ... -18 ... 2JU ... C2J5 ... as ... H ... o3H ... 27 ...330 ...18." ... 73! ...115 ... S9 ... 4QH ...122 :Uii 13.'J 173 i 2.- KM 3758 H 53M lllll'l lu'a m lnst 71 :i 01 inu Ml 4 mi in lo: lUII't 102 b HI liisU 74 's i::i 114 1M'. 1111 112 . Urn s inn- ill no, 10.1 1?00 AnBlo-Fr 8s in Al5sla Gold cv (is 3000 do ret f pd . niioi) Am Aerr B...... 11000 Arcentlne Bs...... 30U00 Amcr Tel cvt 4 Us yooo Amer Writ V 5s". 1000 Ann Arbor 4s. . ." 4000 Atchison cen 4s... 1000 Atchison adj 4s... "" Aicn Trans 8 I., 4s. Uli 0000 Halt & Oh Bs Kii (1000 Halt & Ohio 4s. nii 1000 Halt & Oh rv 4Hs 0(11, 888 LfcJ.i!'WWWS ,r.. r."",".'.1"!!. it. ". .). ult J iuuu lirooK L 2000 Cal ni 999.0 Cent leather lstSs!lii: ,i" rac 314s snu, 12000 do 1st 4s.... no ;ig00 Chill cSpwr ii ". 131"! 1000 Ches & Ohio 4Ws Ii"I 10000 CM & Nwn atfa.f 2 1innn nS! V. Q Joint 4 ! 0H?i JOOO Chi n & Q s-en 4s nlC 4000 CM II &Q ree 4" 'sI 7000 CM II it Q IllVis ir,'l f!P0 CM Mil t"S p Se"4s &?, .'POO Chi .Mil & S p dlv 4 Ill's. Iv.vx S6! !& if -v bh.iihi?: imp: iiiri: JOOO Chinese rets Bs 7&0U 7r,K Tnit .OOU CMo ltwys Bs ns i. iisi. riki; 2000 CMo & 13 II 4ai:;; ":lil n. "-ill Tnnn r;.." o""."" '."' "''"' ?5s. 1018. l"tl. llll-i 1(11 U.K.'..,!t Bs.l02i 1(121. llll. a 4 Kl Bs.... OU?, US III! Hi: kii 4 no 131 sip; 112 , ol.'s os u:ii liss US'. 112 ill licit 102 mi4 mi l:u U2 a N2 HS, n:i US'. K, SspUmber Oata ar julr September iam 73S 43 S9H 71 K 73. 73 H 42 K 4Hl P 43 f42 3DU 72 i 73?, & ..,,10.80 41. ?a EepUmbsr 11. US KJO . 13.00 .112.20 July . . Pork- llax ..,.22.85 Julr .ti.S2.76 Bid. 1 Asked. 10.B2 11.47 11.77 "11.72 11.03 11.02 12.07 11.07 12.27 '12.15 22.85 22.78 22.87 S2.75 SMALL SALES OF COTTON IN FEATURELESS MARKET .firjees HeW Fair Jy Well. With Gain of One p Two Points NpyT YORK, March 25. Business on the Cotton Exchange at the opening this morning was limited to small lots, with po particular feature to either the buying or selling One or two operators were con sistent purchasers, with the selling coming trom scattered quarters, tub early tone -was about steady, with prices 3 to S points lower, in sympathy -with a drop In Liver pool. After th call the market held fairly Well with, price a point or two over the tirst quotations, HainfaU was reported on this morning's map In. parts of Oklahoma and northern Texas, but there was no twciltaUon elsewhere in the Southwest Ciottdy conditions prevailed generally over .tta) belt Temperatures were about Wrnli . jXsmppointlng cables were received from XJvarpoal. prices being I to )U points lt'tr, whereas they were due to come juat that much higher. Some interests aUribtttwl tliu losses to the rains reported fen 1-esaa. Open. UrSX ". aec CoF 3s ;O00 Krle prior 4s e.",V4 1000 oranby Kta oi .. ... I(i7 7YXX W. fa 1'ow Bs. ...101 v-vv iiuu ct nan riu aa 1000 Hock Vul 4s 7 1000 u steel deb 4 4s 2000 ill c Cairo B Si.' iiooo Indiana meel Bs . 1000 Interb Met 4Hs.. 31000 Interb It T ref Bs 8000 Int Her Mar ct ... 4ooo int Act Bs ...,,., 31000 Jan new G s 4Ua 3000 do O S 44s . .7 8000 do 4Ha ... . i"" Kan C ty So 1st 3s. OKH ?828 ,K-an c!ty. Ter ' JPJJJJ Kana & Mich 2d 4a. HUH 1000 Laclede das 1st BS..102 2000 Lortllard Bs ..... .loi r2J Lk Hh deb 4s 1331. U4?i 1000 Lie MT (la 102 i 0000 Louis ?4 Nash 4s.; HI 2 1000 Mich Cent D 4s .... 80 U aooo m st p s s M 4s .. im: 4000 Mo Kan & T 1st 4s" 7.1 ?J lo.l ' 1113 ' 73 yt 8!l . I'll . 02 .101 . 00 (, . 17 . 7R . 77'4 . i0. H.) 3000 ilo 2d 4s 7.T 7BH hilH S.lh 107 101 73 't M) I) Hi 02 lll.'l 73 llliJ II 7 7H 7HTi (JS S5 (10 U MS 08 H 102 101 04 U 1024 04 4 SOU lUU 73 V, 414 Vli ss 107 llll 73'i 80 H l U 02 10.1 73 i 117 7M 77 son 83 C.H4 bli OSH 102 lul., 102 4 04 81 U U31. 7114 41 GuEcenhelm Kxtiln 21 Int Aurlcultural io)i Int Acrlcultural pr 5714 Int HurvN J un Int Ilarv Corpn 70 Insp Con Cop .17J Int Con Cor v t c sh. . i"jf Int Paper 2i Int lipct pr 50)j Int M M r of dp 17)f Int M AI pf c of dp... 72 Int Nickel v t ch JO'f Jpnel Tra Co Inr 77!j Jewel Tea Co Inc Df. ..Ill) Kelly SprineM Tiro Co 71'f Kcnnecott Copper f0f Lack Ktrol Co 78 Rubber Tire CO Lehigh Valley 78 I-orllUnl Co. 330 115 170 72? I 115 S'J 40J 122 4-1 21 19,'j S03S 110 70 17J 17Jf 12 4 1)' WH 70i 40H 133 - J 471f H 25 H 02)4 - H 37f - H H 53)1 - H 27 10 H 33 -fi 330 115 183 73 115 69 JOH 122 . 13 h 21 19H .. filijj - fi 110 70 -1 47H - H mt H 12 4DH - .' 17)i H 7035 -13 i 4fiU H a 77 2 109M 110 1 7l'i 74'4' - H mi 50!f 77.' 77'f !i m 50 H 77 77H - H By FKANCIS W. HIRST Editor The Economist, London. Special Cable to Evcnlno Ledger LONDON", Starch 2G. A renewed rise In silver nnd tho strength of rubber nnd copper shnres havo been tho chief flnnn clnl features of tho week. Tour Mexican policy pleases Investors here, who nnttirnlly Ions for pacification of that country. On tho other hnnd, bank Inir Interests hero nro nervous about nny thliiK which might weaken Now York. Confllctlnr war nnd peace reports con tlnuo. The Lolccstershlro election was n do feat for the Dnlly Mall and conscription. Tho Wnr Study Society, of Copenhagen, has Just published a careful survey of tho finances of each belligerent country and contiguous neutrals llko Sweden nnd Ilollnnd. It contains 62 quarto pages, nnd deals mainly with public loans nnd other means adopted for tho covering of war ox penses. Its wrltors calculato thnt If tho war lasts two years, until August 1, tho French debt will grow from 1,300,000,000 to 2.900.000,000 ; of tho Germans from 250.000.000 to 2,460,000.000; tho Rus sian from 020,000,000 to 3,000,000.000, Austria-Hungary from 760,000 to 1,800, 000,000, nnd the British from 700,000.000 to 2,900,000.000. Thus the British, French and Ilusslan debts are practically equal, but tho fjprman debt Is tho largest. If Stato debts nro added. Tho totnl debts of nil 10 belligerents 'exceed 14,000,000,000. Tho present British revonuo without further taxation will cover the now debt charge, with a handsomo margin for pon slons. Tho problem for other debts Is be coming moro Iptrnctable, with revenues less than beforo tho war and with higher tariffs, which are designed for protection rather than for revenue. Tomorrow I accompany Lord Bryco 10 Langport, Somerset, whero ho will un veil a tnomorlnl tnblot to Wnlter Bagchot, who was born thoro. Bagehot Is tho favorite author in Lombard street, and still takes tho first placo among financial economists. Ho Invented tho Treasury bills, of which 180,000,000 are now out standing. n.i 107 do nref 4.1 nieo Btor.... 10 Krle 37 200 do rights... loo cen Asphalt. 37 , 10 Kenne Con..,, B04 32.1 l.s Hup Corp. lot .300 I-ohhth VnT ,, 79 U 1200 Nevada Cons, 17 2 North Central, R9 I 1IMI FWTl K WC31.1.J2 23." rennn ,.,,,.. B7 20 I'a Salt Mfir,,l01 40 r 811 rrci.. 08 auu ipn 1.0 cum pr 44 88. (II! 87 37 141 I'hlla nice, 10 rnun it i..., 4.1 dntrctfs... 301 Phlla Tract... 4(1.1 Iteadlnir 202.1 Ton llelmont.i 100 Ton Mlnlnr. . . 47 Union Trnc. .. 48 U (las Imp.... 400 U 8 Steel ... lid w N Y A Pa m 77 nt 434 00 H4K 11 in 89. . 03.. ...J. rt 1 J7 Ji. tl I flu tJ 184 1SH ,fl 12u "lii 77 77H M 8?M 8 4k EXPANSION IN GENERAL BXJSINinS THROUGHOUT COUNTRY CONTINUES Shown by Increases in Bank Clearings and Hgrw n ml ,,,1 4? Q4-l Tnl4- T,,.l-.J- -n. yJ UeJi umiiu xux uicci x luUuD-iu4uinea I'Tom Uomeat Consumers Enough to Absorb Capacity of Plants 6 Warw Ir & st 10K 43tt no ios 1-1 . . , . 43A 4- H . Total soles. 8107 shares, compared with 3373 sharps last Saturday) this week, 0I,B2 sliurrsi last week, 81,100 aliares. UONDS Net ..... Blah, Low. Close, chs-e. JI100 Ar Oas A U Bs 0SJ4 OJ'i 03JS fi 3OO0 Hal Lo 1st Bs.10.lH lOSU 1034 ..... BOO Phlla nieo Bs.104 101 101 1 6000 Hoa.rtr Ben 4s 011 n4t l4i ..... 200 SunllSI. IstSs.tOO! 1001 loo. 14 3000 Stand (las 0s.l00 100s 110i 300(1 tin Hy Inv Bs. 71 71., 71., ..... 3000 AVelabaeh 08. 0SH S8J4 1)84 i 4000 Tork Ily 1st Bs 03H 05 03M flncreoso. Decreaso. - Total sales, A22,800, compared with J31.100 last Pntiirilajri this neek, 8377,0001 last ueek, M2fl,-!00. Business throughout the country con tinues to expand. This Is shown very conclusively In two ways by tho large Increases In hank clearings from week to week and tho heavy demand for steel products and constantly advancing prices, with predictions being freely made that prices will go even higher. This week all cities contributed to the Increase in clearings, tho gross amount being 49.7 per cent, nbovs the same period of tho pre vious year. Sneaking of tho steel trade today, ono of tho best authorities on tho Industry In this country said thnt, while It Is true that the demand for Europe Is large, tho Inquiries from consumers In the United States are sufficient nt present to absorb the cnpaclty of the plants. "There are few outside Hi 1 J ctes of the trade who hJ T.,l Ion of the enormous demand for 2? fblq Mlmln. n .-. ""'""a IOr SteM l nevertheless 'true' that" tS'W" A "I the various consumers In ?"M.I at present are on a loro-a Z r"Ts to take care of ?he prSductlv, ".,! of tho mills, men it ta 7S3,JSM.fl Yv, 11 any, piantH can take hiiain...ula, delivery at any tlmo durln iu ,' Hi bo seen just what this mean."1 " toS Operations on the Phlladir,i,i. M the short session today. Tono'pah iHU l4 stock continued to be tho SaAS"wM trndlng In it was not on as lar . ' m as In tho session yesterday M?fi.a nnln.j -- .. i. ,T' nn1 th Brl. -"" " mo closing of last nlgK' PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Local Bid and Asked Dntdwln lot uo prcx , Hurt & Sua t e do rref Prill JO ...... Cam Stel i:ioc Htorase ... Qen Asp ....... do nref ....... ICev I'd do t 0 do prrf Lnko Hup Corp. ... Ihlnh Nav LehlKh Valley.... Lehigh Volloy Tr. . do prcf. ...,,,,, Pennsylvania Phlla ICIcctrlo .... I'hlla Co 110 n per cent. pief. 31 do 0 por rent. prof. 41 Phlla ltopld Transit. 18"! do t e 1841 Iteadlnif SOH jonopan iieimont.. Tonopah Jllnlne ... Union Tinctlon ... United Oaa Improv r S Steel "... York Hallway do pref , Wm Cramp t a.... Ex dlMdcnd. Today Testerday I. Asked. Illd, ABKCrt. Kil'i 104; 103H (in 1: Km it" 42 424 41 42 on (5 no nstj r.nH 4.1 . , 42 43 80J4 811 80'4 Hlji (111 (12 !i (IIs. (12 i aitji 37 l0 37 ? 71 j 7L'i 71 J4 72K 14'i llji 14 14ji 14'4 14. 14i 14K 110 70. mi 70., in ton loji io; 7r, 7.-.i 70 it 70., 77'4 7S 78. "7S; l!2j4 23 22'i 23 411 i 44 41(4 41. , M B7 B7., 67 Ji 274 l!7fl 27 J4 27 Ji 4' 4'J( 41 4. 42U llll 38 811 44Vi 41 , 44M 111 18i 10 111 , 18H 111, M 87(1 B74 , tttf ('" nj! 7" . 48$ 44 434 44 . hcJJ no 8H no . 845 81V4 81J4 8iS , lo4 11 io4 11 , S044 37 30'I 87 . 80 HI 80 82 S'q, II B4(D irllled CLEARINGS UP 49.7 PER CENT. CURB PRICES MOVED IN NARROW LIMITS Interest Centred in Low-Priced Issues Cuban Cane Sugar Still Active "8 70) TOM SB LocsMVIH ills 1st pf AlacKay Cos Maxwell Motors. .. Ala .Motors 1st pf Max Motors 2d pf. Mexican I'etrolcum Miami Copper Mo Kan Te.t pf. Missouri Pacific Montana Power Nat Cloak &. Suit. . Nat Lead Co Nev Con Cop N V C & H It ... Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific 11-1 Ontario Silver Mln.... mi Pennsylvania It It salt Philadelphia Co 42 nits coal Co N J.... 28 ...187H 1S7W l&TJa M '8 70H f(9 ST,H 10SM 100M .in;,- 3or 105-i 114 77J.' 73!f cm 17i 10,'i I5i 77'5 '2Ji Gfii-4 .10o' 10.V-," van 1 1223. 121 121,'i - U 8 7!)'s G0K .- H ST.) i - i oo 1 107) i - ,' 305.' - V im h 4J4 - Ji 77 - 3S 73U Uj 00W - !S 17 H Pitts Coal N J pf 101 1M COW 12U 27M 111 0 BOW 12H 28 103M 103H 51 3i 23i 10 SO'J mix H V -fi H J-S ........ .- i-i ,i-. -VW UO GS ., ,,,, sou r.ois co 8000 Mont Power 5s .... otn, nil 'I no 4 7000 do 4'4s (Mi mil u7i w ou nu7 nil tb a" ?.Y Cent.Os 114H 4 tj H4 10000 do 4Hs 1000 ....103 10214 103 800O N V Oas It A 1' -io . tss44 h(H (!: iVAtf fJJlJy BdJSs.... OHi (111 iuJ nf& T.TI1fSn .... 081. 0SI UHt s5ji2iiorr W1 . M4 u: 3i 8000 Poco Coll 8 UO Oil 00 JSSS I'onna 4s 1U48.... ','. OUH oi 00i ?SSS Ben ct 4M---.ioj ioj 102 0000 do sen en 4V4o...l03H 103H lOS'l ,2 ?w J s..... ooff o3" 'uui! ffi! 5j:r?.K::;::: B 83ij 4000 do elt n.i 8000 Rock Island rfd 4s.. (1714 2000 do3s lo'1 1000 Stl,4aP fd ct ata 4s. 63 30OO San A & Ar P 1st 4s Hltt 34000 South I'ao cv 4s. .. 88 001 4s.. 70 Sa..l02 Hl l9 K id Ta AX M 117)1 87 U iS i&1J 63 63 U4H Ul)4 88 Hl'jl 1044 1UI tiOli IIOU 70W 70 102 101'H 03 03 11(1 lid 82 82 ft IOS 'I 105 Vj. Pressed S Car Co 51 Quicksilver 3W Hay Con Copper 21 ity Steel Sp Co 40 Iteaillns 8S Itopubllc Iron & S.... auj Hock Island 'J Hoclc Island pf J fat LouU Si S F 3 St L & S F 2d Pi 35 Seaboard A L pf 35H sears koo s Co 1,0 Shat Ariz Cop 301 Southern Taclfle 99)f South Porto It Sue pf..H3W H3W 113H )5 Southern Ky 21 21 "1 Southern Hy pf..." 59W COW 50W Vi Standard Mllllne 07 07 1)7 -j- Standard Milling pf.... SOW SOW bOW 1 11 IW HOW I-tim -2W 111W lllJj HIW -Hi M 3W 3.W 170 Jd3 HS)i 1 3W 23 10 8CW -1 51 - W H- H H .. 3 3W - H 35 W - fi 170 W 3JW -1M OSJj - w fatudebaker Co... Studebaker Co pf. ... Tenn Copper Tejas Co Teias Co rlBbts Tcias Pacific Third Avenue Union Has & Paper. . Union lias &P pf-.. United Clear Stores . United CIsar Mfrs... Union Pacific ., U S Ind Alcohol United Fruit United Ilys Inv Co. . U S Itealty &Imp... U S Itubber U B Steel Corpn U SS II &M Co.... U S S II & M Co of . utaii copper 81W .J.i!l .10H . 17H . 7W . 02 . 8W . 31 . 9W . 02W .134 190 17W 7W 02 8W 31 OW 02 5215 - W 100 02 8i - U 31 OW - H v.n -rj, XCW" YOItlf, Mnrch 2B. Interest in tho market for outside securities was lnrgrely centred In the low-priced Issues. While the (renernl tone was firm, prlco lluctiintlons for the most part were within narrow limits. American Wrltlnir Tapers continued nctlvo at a small fractional gain. Okla homa Producing and IteflnliiB developed Increased activity, and moved up to a new liluh mark at an advance of . Iynn Phonograph was Ie3 activo but steady. MIdvalo Steel was comparatively quiet within a narrow ranee. Cuba Cano Sugar ruled stronu and fairly activo. Tobacco Products was quiet and steady. Submarlno Boat was virtually neglected. Copper shares were stronger, especially Magma, which rose nearly a point. Tho silver stocks ruled firm but less nctlvo. Oil shares wero comparatively quiet, but firm In spots. Bonds wero quiet and about unchanged. INDU8TIUAI.3, Gnin3 Shown in AH Cities for tho Last Week Substantial gains In bank clearings are reported for tho week closed yesterday. Tho total for tho period was ? -1,305,545,041, against $2,935,938,883 for tho correspond ing week Inst year, a gain of 49.7 per cent. Philadelphia stands third In the list of cities, with $171,423,341, or an Increase of 52,G per cent, over tho samo week In 1915. mm. 1011s. p. c. Now York.J2.2l2.S00.847 1, 874, 071, (17(1 03.2 Va-Caro Chem Nalajh Wabash pf A Wabash pf B West K & M , Western Marvland. West Maryland pf 47W west union lei oow muys uvenana-... Willys O pf s r f p WooUotta F W. 133W 131 154W 152W 153W -1W 141 IH 141 14W I1W 14W - H 44 W 41W 44 W it 52H Z2 B2W H 80W 84W 84W - J 08H C7J5 OS Ji 02 SUf 52 81 81 -Ji 40 40 Ji 15.W 15W Ji 45 45Ji 28 28W W 05W 05J Ji 31 32W 2Jf 47 47 -1 SOW B9K U 230 230 230 1 -nwj uwi 10-lJi 40 lSJi 45JJ 28W COW 32W 121JJ 121W 121W S Seel Bs sf....l04i 104 104H on o Tts 4s. . . 058 05 05'J Ion Pao 1st 4s .. 07 07 07 0000 Va Car Chm 1st oi'. 09 Sm :? S" Com B " 402 g 1031 102 W 72 72J Yts. cloaa. R& 12.04 'KKw 1 H 07 12. te m Hlsh. 12.02 1S lxs 12-3 Lost. Closa. 11 U 11.80 12.02 11 t)I lXOl III! iOOOO do cv rrt f r. It.",nii? Muuuu uu Jtl IS. . 8000 South Ilwy Kan .uuu noma itwy con iiHjii bcioio val 1st 113 duii Ten CI ret f pd Da. 110 8000 Third Av n 4s . . . . 82K 2000 Teias Co 6s los i? 3300 Tokln E. . 'SX' A.)n u o.. '.'''- IT 1000 llnlnn 11000 Uolon 1001) ITnlnn 8.?S .Vn'oo Pa" rfd 4s.',' no; lni h BOH aim., tr. azr.. r' " --... ?.. 4000 wab 7. t ist'i;:::: 1000 West Eleo Ss . '"tloS 0000 west ia ist 4s;:;. r 1000 West Sh res 4s ."J 00 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. March 2S Th ,..,.. for foreign exchange In tho first hour of business was dull and rates moved lrregu larly. French exchange was steadier, wlillo an easier tendency developed In sterling, relchsmarks and Scandinavian kropen. Business was very moderate. It was reported that some sales had been made of francs as low as S 98 u f- ,. week, but today's quotations as stated were better at 5.9 for cables and 5.98 for checks. Sterling was quoted at 1.76 5-18 for demand and 4.76 16-16 for checks. Relchamarka shaded to 7Hj 7I S-ifl Other quotations were: Italian lire" 6.J9t for cables; checks, 6.70 U; Vienna! 12.40jpl2.4S; Swiss, cables. 5.31, and Checks, 5.23; Stockholm. 28-70 2S 75 pesetas, 19.1119.13; sullders, 424 42H; rubles, 31 !. nw Total sales. 261,300 shares, compared with 322.000 shares last Kat.irdayi this k, 3,80.. 000 shares) last teek. l.UOO.UOO shares' nid. Amorlcnn Zlno nref w 1 7n'T Aetna Explosives 234 Amer-Ilrlt Mfc -, Atl Oult & W I S 8 30'.4 do prcf .... 4.H Amer Marconi t'a AJax ltubber Ino w 1 Cli Canadian Car & Fdy (. do pref h Chevrolet Motor Car Uri Cuban Cano 8ugnr (Id Curtlss Aeroplano 47 DrlKBS-Healjury 140 Hmerson Phono 13H Haskell H llarker Car .-. 44 llendeo Mfff 25 Inter Mer Marine KIU do pfd 70 Kathodlon Ilronzo pref 20 Lynn Plionoaraph 74 Manhattan Transit H-b Maxim Munition 3i Mldvaln Steel : Otis Klovator 02 Otlo llaenlohr M do pref U'.l'i Peerless Motor 2d Poole Engineering & Machinery. .11.1 H S KrcBto w I 12 Htand Motors H Hubmarlno noat v t c ctfs 40 Triangle Film v t ctfs 3i United Pront Sharing m u s i.iKht it Heat :iu do pfd 4 ' White Motors w l 49 World Film 1 HTANDAUD OIL BUHSIDIATtlES. Asked. :io :i24 Bl)., 3S 70 70 OS Kill nan 02 142 1374 434 2S 1714 7.3 "' II 'i CSK 511 101 27 12.1 12H 401? II BO . Itt lloston 1IIII.OOII..103 114.740,702 -.47.8 Phlla 171.423,341 112,324,532 --32.0 H.'lltlmoro. 20,700.320 --12.H Chlcano.... 300.719.300 23d,203.OKO --27.3 Kt. Louis... 77.344. SSO 67,001,700 --33.4 New Orleans 22,000.000 18,097.212 4-21.0 Seven cities 0 daya... 13,014,133,835 JI. 010, 180.400 B5.3 Other cities Sdays... 095,800,742 008,010.23730.7 Tot. all cities 3 days.. .18,710.053.577 12,440.133,037 B1.5 All mica 1 day.... 085,402.304 480,803,240 4-40.8 Total all cities for week ...14,390,545,011 32,035,938,883 4-40.7 Increase. Financial Briefs Prairie Plpo Illinois , Ohio Oil , Htandanl Oil of California. . , standard Oil of New Jersey. Standard Oil of New York. . , 12 ;;tv.i ..231 "'5 "522 ..210 OTHGn OIL STOCKS. International Oil , Harnett Oil Cosden Oil Chalmers Oil Houston Oil Midwest Iteltnlmr. MINING STOCKS. Sapulpa Atlanta Cerro do Pasco Ilutto C & V. v t ctfs Hutte & N V First National Copper .... OoldOeld Merger 4 eu - 13 1 1 37 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, Slarch 25. The coffee market opened steady, with first prices unchanged, to an advance of 4 points, with sales of 2500 bags on the opening call. Today" Todays Yesterday's opening, close, close. March... 8.11g8.13 8 02R8.03 AMii..,,,,.. .... a, id May 8.1508.20 8.19 June,.,,,,,, .... 8.22 July...,,,.,. 8.21 8.2U August 18.30 8.28 Bep'smber, . , B.3U 8 82 October. November.., December. .. January , . , r eoruary. . tOItered. Total sales, 8.35 8.83 8.42 8.4311 18.47 8.47J .... S.OK 12,700 bags. 17 K.n.-,Kfi7 8.20 8.UA8.18 8.24 8.10Q8.18 8.27 8.2108:23 8.30 8.23(18.27 8.33 8.29OB.80 8. 3tl 8.82 H 8.34 8.40 8. an ran an 8.45 8.39&8.41 8.4 8.43A8.45 8.03 8.4708.49 BAR SILVER iiiIi!.Bt S,,!-te-x88? WM "te4 .t 2-M Comiaarclal, dar silver in. Nsw Tork was .W Quoted at 0t eents. tt eeol. " DIVIDENDS DECLARED The Steel- Company of Canada, Limited, a dividend ot B!i per cent, on the prefen-ecT be. In a regular-aividend of 1'per cent. "or tS quarter ending March. 81, and 3H per cent balauco In full of all back dividends: rna "": dend Is payabls May 1 to mock of record Oklahoma Oil Company, regular quarterly IH per cenU oa preferred, payable April B to stock of record Atrtl 1. " Virgin! Railway and Power Company, semi annual of, 1 H per cent, on common stock, sar able AprU 20 aa registered April 3. ' r Liverpool Cotton LIVEBPOOLi March 25. Spot cotton was dull today at a decline of 4 points on the basis of 7 69d. for mid upland. The sales were 3009 bales, including 2000 bales American. The Imports were 80QQ bales, all American, Tha market for futures closed quiet at a net decline of J0 point llecla Mining Howe pound ..,,.,. Jim Butler Jumbo Intension . . Marntia Copper . . . . McKlnley-Oarragh , Mines of America , , Nlplsslng Mines Co Ban Toy St Joseph Lead , . West End Con Ken Zinc BONDS. Cerro da Pasco 8s Ches & Ohio Bs . MIdvalo Bs 714- I8 4 3-10 5 54 0.1 7(1 18(4 47 . 17 . 10H . 81 . 13H .110 . 1)8 U . D8H 235 170 233 2511 B2(l 212 13 21 3 18 07 1.1'i 1.1 88V4 0 3H 0 1" i9 7S 07 78 18H BO 3 7?i 18 7 17' 82 13H 118. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAit STOCKS. Hid. Jim Hutler ,01 ..f. MarNamara -1. Jr-t ; ikiizpan ;xiension ,. Montana ....... .';.,,.. Northern Star ..,,....,..,,. Tonopah ftlmont .,,... Tonopah Extension .,,....,,. Tonopah Mining ,.,.,....... Rescue Eula ,,,.......,.,,, West End .,.,.,..., Atlanta ,...,r. .t..t .13 Dlue Bull ..,,..,.,,..,...,.. .02 llooth .,.,,.,, m, ,,,. .33 Ilulldog ...f,,.,f.f,f,.,. .01 1J. LI. V. .......... Combination Fraction Od ,20 .21 .80 .17 i 4" 8H 2(1 81 .07 .01 ntamonddald B Daisy ,,,..,,,. .04 Florence ................ .4j Roldfleld Consolidated .,,,.,.. .78 Goldoeld Merger 11 Jumbo Extension .., ..,,..,. . .73 Kewanaa ..,,.,.,,.. .12 Oro cm Band Ken 04 Silver Flo 08 MISCELLANEOUS. Falrv Altso , '.01 Klmberly,.. 01 Nevada llill J8 Arizona. Un -S3 Nevada Woaw 1.83 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOp. March 25. IlOasRecelpU. 8000. Market 8c. Jbignar WUed and butchers. J94se 11.03. good beavy. J.e3iS.83; roujrb Kavyl"20.f BO; Lteot. IS-SOfilo. ik,"W 8.80: buut l '8?80-. ,. . J&ffi&fstei.FSk. asssi rim Asked, .fill .08 ,33 'lK 4 13-18 B ,83 .14 .04 .33 :8. .08 .03 .03 .44 .80 .12 .27 .14 .03 .00 .07 .03 .03 .20 -4l 1.90 Gross cnrnlngB of 3G railroads for tho second week in March wero $11,941,678, an Increaso of $2,033,951 over the samo period last year. Tho Baldwin Locomotlvo "Works lias taken orders for six engines from tho Norfolk and Western, 25 from tho Groat Northern, ono from tho Arlca-La Paz Hallway, In Chill, and one from the Ash land Coal and Iron Company. Tho Great Northern Hallway Is In tho mnrkct for 30,000,000 feet of lumber. The contract will total over $360,000. A talo now rather commonplace Is told by this week's reports. The pre-eminent characteristic is unprecedented activity In all of tho larger lines, distributing as well as manufacturing, with, however, a rift or two In tho steady, easy onflow bolng furnished by Inclement weather retarding retail trado In the East by growing con cern over high prices and by the less pleasant nspect of Mexican affairs, says Brndstreet's. ' Banks lost to New York Subtreasury, yesterday, $927,000. Commercial failures this week in the United States were 380, against 327 last Week, 377 the preceding week and 603 the corresponding week last year. Failures in Canada number 38, against 40 last week, 41 the preceding week and 52 last year. Plana for reorganization of th RfiAf- llold Coal and Iron Company havo been arranged and announcement of terms Is expected shortly. It Is proposed to obtain about $1,000,000 new capital by the Issu ing of new securltjs to present stock and bond holders. The money Is to be used for erecting new by-product coke ovens. The Ileorganlaztlon Committee Is headed by James Gayley, president of the company. Local Banks' Deposits Large The statement of the 30 national banks of Philadelphia, furnished In response to the last call of the Comptroller of the Cur rency, under date of March 7. shows an agregate of surplus and undivided profits of $45,253,805, according to a table com piled by the Commercial List and Prlco-J Current, Compared with, the returns made under the call of March 4, 1915, the item shows a gain of $720,622. The aggregate deposits of the 30 banks on March 7 were $441,454,907, fis compared with $333,511,. 344 a year ago, an increase of $107,943,. 653. The March 7 statements of the Phil ndelphla banks show earnings for the year ending with that period of $3,267,222, on an aggregate stock capital of $21,050,000. The total dividends paid was $2,516,600. GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. 1 87.090 bush. The mar ket ruled steady under moderate offerings and a rnir uemnna. uuoiationsi v;ar 101s, in ex port elevator No. 2 red, spot and March, No. 2 Southern red, tl.13iiPl.10: BteRmer No. 2 red, $1. 12ltrl.ini No. 3 red, il.l2( rejected A. i.091 1.12'.4; re jected U, 11.0801.11. CORN Receipts, 15,572 bush. Offerings wero modernto and tho market ruled steady, with trade fair, quotations: Car lots for local trade, ns to location No. 2 yellow. 7O0TOV4c. 1 steamer yellow. 77JJ78c.: No. 3 yellow. 740 7r,c,t No. 4 yellow, 71073c! cob, per 70 ibs., 77B78e. OATS Reoelpts, 10.204 bush. Demand was fair and tho marxot ruled steady under mod erate onenngs. quotations: no. s.wnito, ou'4 OSlc: stnndard.. white, 48',4 04nUc. s No, :i wrote, 4T4W4Bc.: No... 4 white, 45 in 'tc! sample l oats, 43ttW43Mc: pur! unto. Ki uutsu, OIU'IU -JCi . FLOUR Recelpta. 1483 bbls. nnd 831.147 Ibs. In sacks, Traos was slow and vnlues woro largely nominal. Quotations per 100 lbs. In wood) Winter clear, 50B.23i do., straight, in.230B.nO do., patent. 13.000(1.83: Kansas, clear, cotton sacks. 84. 7004.90: do., straight, cotton sacks. 13.2005.40: do., patent, cotton sacks, 5.40S!)G.C0: Mprlnir, flrat clear. JB.1B0 5.40: do., straight, C.4()0B.(I3 do., patent, 15.7000: do., favorite brands, 10,1500.1)5: city mills, choice nnd fancy patent. 10.150 0.0.1: city mills, regular grades Winter, clear, 1500.251. do., straight, J5.2B0B.BOi do., patent, JB.OO0B.BS. IITU FLOUR sold slowly at former ratas. Wo quoto at 1503.50 per bbl., ns to quality. PROVISIONS . The markot ruled firm but there was Utile trading. Quotations follow: City beef. In sets, smoked nnd nlr-drled. 24025c: Western beef. In sets, smoked, 24 025c. ; city beef, knuckles nnd tendors. smoked and ulr-drled 20027c; Western beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked, 20027c: beef hams, 128030; pork, family. 23.00024; hams. 8. P. cured, loose lUW4i17o. : do., Bklnned, loose, lOl,4 017c; do., do., smoked. 18018c.i other hams, smoked, city cured, os to brand and average, 17V418c: hams, smoked. Western cured, 17V4W180.: do., boiled, boneless, 30c: pl-;nlc shoulders, S. P. cured, loose. 12 Vic. ; do., smoked, 13013Uc: bellies.. In pickle, nccord Inc to nvcrago, loose, 14V4 01&C. ; breakfast bncon, as to brand and average, city cured, 1718c,i do.. Western cured, 17018c: lard. Western, relmed, tierces, 12V4c; do., do., tubs, 12Hc.i do., pure city, kettle rendered. In tierces, 12J4c: do., do., do.. In tubs. 12Hc DRIlSHllD The market ruled nrm. with de mand absorbing tho limited offerings of deslr nblo stock. Quotations wcro ns follows: Fresh klllcd, dry-packed fowls, 12 to box, dry-packed, fancy, selected, 21c: weighing 4M03 lbs. nplece. 204c.l weighing- 4 lbs. nplece, 20!4c: weighing II V4 Ibs. apleco. 10c, ; weighing 3 Ibs. apleco. 17018c: fowls, in bbls., dry picked, fancy, weighing- 4H05 lbs. apleco, 20c; weighing 4 ibs. nplece. 20c: smaller sizes. 10019c: old roosters, dry-picked. 15c; chickens Jersey, fancy broilers, 24 020c: other nearby fancy broilers. 22W24n.i Western brollera, weighing 1V4 02 lbs. nplece. 22024c: Northern Illinois chick ens, fancy yellow, weighing 4 Ibs. and over. In boxes, 21(3S2o.; exceptional lota higher; Northern Illinois, fancy, weighing: 211(9311 lbs.. In boxes. IRMlllc; Northern Illinois, fancy, weighing 2 14 (S3 '.4 lbs.. In bbls.. 17 18c: other Western, weighing 4 lbs. and over. In boxes, 18G910C.I other Western, weighing 2H83!4 lbs., In boxes. 1017c: other West ern, weighing 214 (S3 V4 lbs.. In bbls., lS10c; Inferior, 14c: Capons, per lb. Weighing 810 lbs. apiece. 27 (3 28c: smaller sizes, 23 (3 20c: turkeys, fancy young hens and toms, 31c; do., fair to choice. 2530c: old toms. 25c; spring ducks, nearby, 18020c.; do.. Western, rancy, 17318ci do., do., fair in .i .. I Be, 1 geese, , lo20.i I squabs. tJPH' l9j: White, wo ghlng li(.!i2 its tJ jJr flwra i Is: L.wfeo,hKwviJ HWiSo.' Q"K' -w3 -" ifi'il' uut'iNEU SUGARS Tho market was quiet but firm, in , F5,'Ja.nno a-rnnulatcd, 0.00 Tel tS.5"ty 707.10c.: eonfectlonets' A, 0.8000 IXTHl grades, 0.1500.850. "uwii.n K( DAIRY PRODUCTS ni.iHi', unermns wero li.v, . .. market ruled firm, but there was iiiTt?. tt & Ing, Quotations! New York. V! .'" I-J ima. r,sina . - . . . rrpam it fancy. ream," oi'VV" .'". anin. 111 ai!3 "fo do.para,,s,km.r. V,JBS t -I .. mutter Tho market niu.V .;.-J . rm 'J;?, .r.clp.i,uL.l?trndey'a.u',1a' 5 . ,n. iiuici, uuoiaiionii u:" merv. fAnrv .i..n iresn. apiia-packed, creamery, fancy iSr 40c I extrn. SSc.s nln nr.,. .. . 4 '?"!. seconds, tli03.-ir.i nenrby prints, "fancy iftiI avoraao extra. anf4nn.i iitJKsy .l it onds, 84033C.J special fancy brand. 'iriSSl 41047c " " Jobbing at EOOS Tha market ruled steady under mot I erato orforlngs and a fair demand. KlkStavJI an tho auotntlons: In freo cases, nearby .S-,' M 20c por dozen: nearby firsts. (i,43 vtitUMiM ard case: nearby current rai,. . .'?a"'B case: Western extra firsts, 10.45 per Cain-If' i. firsts. 10.80 per case: Southern! SS VS" 1 13.85 00.00. ns to Quality: fricys,2a 1 eggs wero Jobbing nt 27020c, P?r do'Si 9 FRESH FRUITS 1 Trada was quiet, but prices generally mti S steady under moderate offerings. Quotation. M v.PEl?a.EIr D1' vvinesnp, 35(4: UnUiin .avwa.jcat urcenmg. 12.2503: I K 'Tl! TlATl Iltttrla , ,RAn 7... 1 portal n . n .1 . .-I1 V Id- t hi, lu'o.-., iieii Lavis. 11.7rtGr2.nn. av. ..-,..,.. , Krtfiin m. -.- - A ir'"L.r , ni iriic, A.t,; no. i, JI.2301.ifl ., vppies, in DuiK, Per 100 lbs,, r,Oe.01.6O: to '1 Western, per box, 11.2302. Oranges. riorE l per crate. 12.5004. Tangerines, Vlorldk. wr tl .Iran tROAAJ. (Imm?.,,!, M:l-iVT T .,. crate. 11.5003. Lemons, per box. ilox 1 Pineapples, per crate Porto Rico, 12.60610: Fl?tlVi.-S?&3iao- Cranberries, Jersey, wr ---... , v .. ., T-.-rf, ,-v. b.u.E, A.,uu.a. BettUw, S807! do. etrawberrles, Florida, per quart - atora, 30046c; open crates, 20 B 80c. VEGETABLES Cholco stock was ganerally firm, but demirJ was only moderate, quotations) White toui.'d 4 nan nan Kiinli lias navls-n n ( .. nVati JI ubd a uuuias 1 viiuojiiiMiin, A. iiJUJ 1 H3( do., do.. NewYork, 11.1301.18: do.7 00. Western, $1.1301.20: dp., do., Jersey, per bui Ket. NO. 1 Jtose, (lots 70c; do., do., outer -il AS'.' rto.." iJiniMJ'"ul,Mu."vS,ui.-tlTSR,SS-i ; do.. No. 2. JIIM7. Sweet potatoes. J.-. H per basket. No. 1, 45850c: do., do.. No. 5. 2330c.l do., do.. Jersey, Delaware and Man. land) per hamper. No. 1, 7.', No. 2. 5000c: do., do.. Virginia, per m.. ll.Q0Ml.7IJ. Onions, per 100-lb. bag. Nb. 1. .! .-ii.ii; uo., r.o. , ioc.(('i.o: i;oioraao. fancy, $2.7503. Cabbage. Danish, per too. HOW1B: do., Florida, per hamper. l1.25i do., tiouth Carolina, per crate, L.eiery. fioriaa, per crate. si.TOdj'K.zo. npia- nch. Norfolk, tier hhl.. 1(2.30: do.. Tnn per hamper, Jl. 50(52. kale. Norfolk, wr lull., eiWAu. uuuuuo, r lunua, ixr DSIKBC, 2(.f2.75: do.. South Carolina, per ibasktt. II per naiKct, si . .ft ifLW. Tt2: do.. North Carolina, rip jinn. Ilnrliin. nr hnnlc Ida. per basket. S30. I'eppers, Florida, per carrier. fl.DOS. aczpiant. Florida, pcf .: crate s-ct-.ou. romaioes, j? lonaa, per a: rier. fancy 1. 23(1.75: do., choice. 75c 01 Asparncurt, Houth Carolina, per bunch, 23( 4UO. maket. I23. Peai.JloM Mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, 7&c.vll.4i NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Average Loans Fell $4,104,000 and Actunl $9,558,000 NEW YORK, March 2C Tho state ment of condition ot tho members of tho Clearing House Association Bhowed a falling; off In average loans of $4,104, 000 and actual $9,558,000 during: last week. Average reserves declined $3,201, 500 and the actual decreased $7,132,110. Tlmo deposits In the actual and average Increased, Average: Loans, decreaso Demand deposits, decrease . Tlmo deposits, Increaso .... He8erv6s. decrease Actual: Loans, decrease Demand deposits, decrease . Tlmo deposits. Increase .... Itesen rs. decreaso 14,104.000 11, 758,11011 1,023,000 3.201,5(10 lO.BBS.OOO 20.821,000 4.047,000 7,132,110 Time. 2au UUft4 Sitt RATES FOR MONEY Call. New York 1 ?i f 2 l'hlladelnhla flliS-t lloston 3 . Chicago a IS 04 4 commercial paper, inree ro six momns, Philadelphia, SVttii per cent. Payment an Anglo Loan Called NEW YOniC, March 25. The Anglo French Commission has made another call of 30 per cent, for the final deposit In depositary banks, payable April 5. The amount Involved In this call Is approxi mately .$16,000,000, leaving a balance of $16,000,000 yet to be called from the de positary banks. This money Is to be deposited with the National City Bank on April, 15 and la one-half of the final deposit of $32,000,000, made with the depositary banks, on December 14, 1916. It Is ex pected' that there will be but one more call of $16,000,000, which will absorb all the proceeds derived from the Anglo-French $500,000,000 bond sale, and which has been on deposit at the depositary banks located .throughout the United States. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK, March 25. BUTTER Mrkd'j supply exceeds demand. Prices lower and o - settled. Receipts. B102 packages. Extra ertto-l cry. 8BH38Kc.; hlxher scoring, Btato dairy, 35Uc; Imitation creamery, 278 27 He. EOOS Market firm on high grades. Re ceipts. 14,008 rases, Estra firsts, 21K 9 22c: firsts. 2121Wc; Trhlto eggs. 23W21c.: brown cess. 22V4-Sc, : mixed colors, 21V22& BANK CLEARINGS Banks clearings today compared trlth con,a .ponding day U.tfltwo yea m j Phlla .....J33.772.138 121,033,40(1 J22.J07.2M V. New York.408.010.210 281.842.78J WJ.KJ.yi 9 lloston ...31,018,031 23.003.311 25,S9.W1 XOST AND rOTJND For Other Koat and Found Ads Bee' Part 1 EARRING Lost. neari ana aiamona W ai In vicinity St. James1 CWreB. m Tine. Jtarch B. In -vicinity 8t. James- t-jwra Walnut and 22d sts.; contains pearl moojtM In gold claw settinir. wun ,BmJ""SS,i" "it M XOP. UDwaru ii oiuiugu ... u . L-'O., una Chestnut st. PIN Oval Bhaped p atliium pin. ".? (3) diamonds, in vicinity llroad and Walnat. Wednesday night. Jtarch 22. Reward It rf turned to.caanier eiiBYup"oit.u". M.An J. .1 J,..lni. ur-tr tt CAhmStf 37. (2) rings: one contains thr flUm SSaSSff wPthlamonda- L.ra J SSift no Questions asked it returned la A J Caldwell & Co.. lion unestnui si. ... .n.r..w t A- nlt.nlla entlem&n's KIU "tV"lthTnitIaI.' R. C. II., tetweKi J O..I,.u.. at- Phairnllt nt. frrl(fl tO IirO(l OW ' Station, going from llroad St. Bfttlon taJ4 tailcab to 1033 Spruce. Reward It "'"! ( ,. p n Hmlt. 1001 FranclJ st, Canr-S den, N. J. PERSONALS THIB CLASSIFICATION s for such ngg:.' msnts as are ot a purely P!ntirJllste -auch as children tor "doptloa. ppe" ' thosa In distress, for location i of '"f "S tlves. paymsnt and nonpa j ment ot deMvBj ; your needs Arhen listed hers ""'."SSirfcu iltb advertisements of a "IJiLlX ' Bei "Duslness Personals- for impartial trade announcements. , . NICE family to' take baby girl, ILK5V Ml surrender. U 633, Ledger Centrsl. j EMPLOYERS OF LABOR Long experience and careTul study of the present law enable mi to offer you eDIclent HEUV1CU In Compensation Insurance. a re aulred by the new statutss. Mr enlees are at your 8KKVI0K. H0 clutrga for advice. Consult wltb HARRIS J. LATTA Pennsylvania Dldg. T $100-6-Bonds Charles J. Bender & Co. INVESTMENT BONDS Members Philadelphia. Stock Exchaoxs NORTH AMERICAN BUJG- t DlKKCTOag Or ACCOCKTANTK i CHtlAil VuUU un HffiM 9 JiTf-WFimuti &fflkm. Pittsburgh Coal Company (of New Jersey) Plan of Readjustment To tho Holder, of tho Preferred Stock and Common S,tock of ft Pittsburgh Coal Company (of New Jeriey) t Assents to the proposed Plan of Readjustment have aIrefBf received from the holders of substantially more than a majority each class of stock. Stockholders are reminded that all assents snonm be received not "later than March 31, 1916. The benefits of the plan to both preferred stockholders and com mon stockholders are so apparent that the Committee hopes w practically unanimous consent. Assentlnr stockholders assume no personal liability tor any ep and are free to deal with their stock In orery respect If "J",. "ff L. n assented. After the Plan Is declared effective and thelrstock la ""UV b, cash dividends will he promptly paid to them as declared and thty " ,t entirely free to dispose of er otherwise deal with their certificates of ap As the Committee deems it of importance to be aaviseu y na l(ic v,uiuiiiiinv ui-yuu .k w. .bV,nlrIer alS views ot tne stocknoiaers as, soon as possiuic, wc slk"-""," ." ..-.i.a . -j : i,.:- n.c.nti .rnmniv nr tn rommuntcate IUC views to the Committee. The Committee requested to send in their assents promptly, or to communicate m viemi tie rnmmitiM. The? f!nmmittee is actuated solely or u" desire to do that which is for the best interests of the sjockho d and pf the company, and invites the co-operatton of all stockfioiaM Copies 'of the .Plan, information as to the advantages thereof, nd forms for assents to be signed by stockholders may be obtainea w any member of the Committee or from the Secretary or As""" Secretary of the Committee. Stockholder are requested to filo their written asienU wW the Committee no later than March 31it, 1916, J. D. LYON A. W. MELLON GEORGE T. OLIVER J. B. FINLEY. HENRY R. REA JOHN I. BISHOP A. J. MILLER , HARRY BRONNER ,- Readjuitraout oih Address all communications to P. J. IjeMOTNB. ' Secretary of the Committee. Henry W. Oliver Bullalsc. Pittsburgh. y or te EOWABD a BAILLT. Assistant Secretary. ?t Broad Street. Netr'york City. N, T.