PHfl(35Bvw"ti'j ?$ fp wsri - -r- . -frti'twws EVENING IiBDRER PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916. f iMONTE C SYNOPSIS f. 1in.lnn has wrecked the Wt Milt, AB.J,0,5J, the steel Plant tnelurtfl In hortitihVrltf W W nephew. Monte OSSL 'e,,nlfhtybefor?.,We. while t5T" f 111. kla lnHirn Ppnlo wJ2.rin hid biln warned by the Countess AnI7h.I,",L mill wan doomed... The iiP.iffi" Austrian woman was with the rSiKn KK. .8KSJS ai TO r,eVUerthtrdayapoHmanteaucon W V 51" .Wiifia cross had been stolen ffiTHoibmefiter In tho Market street fee. Andrew., .Summers, tha surer- cross ha.i oeen t feitnfcnl ; "., , m?n are workln, over the PT!fna.!5rih. stoloslon on. tho site of tho "llamilir Suspicion centers upon itoer folntd rain, o" " tna ,,,,,. nctlons ihitnYt, the executive manaser. arouse iiaitwnal interest. CIIArTEB Vir Continued IwAHO, snorieu j us. nu .u....-. frl "By Jupltcrl You lmvo made ft Ifen-rtrlke, Mr. Taller," crackled W. In high P pjod humor. "Now we nro getting some- wlenv ' tommers only gasped: "Jim Koernor? I tin hardly believe It." TJ, Inslsteu juonio, unu wmiuui '. ado ho related ins visu ro mo tKoemer cottage and told of his talk -with '. ,j ihi. ,1o nrl assistant engineer! fl.. infessIon of the amateur IMWUun . - -' - wireless W.iiilon Kocrner had rigged up on his soma and tho hoist engine house. jg "Would a man, oven n misguided, do-W- .ij ,vinn nt nff nn exnloaton which fcjDeaieu ,...., --- K..111 of mnnv fellow workmen, but ltoeW protested Summers. "No mat- ttf how strong tho tie of sentlmont to n. MOie, It docs not look reasonable that n Join only a fow months married would :'., Mmnelf Into eternity." '" 'Bound logic, Summers," assented An drew. w Arent W. unwound hla nngular legs ud replied: "This Is not tho first explosion that has (ccarred slnco the European war bogan. 'suppose- now that tho master mind that falEned tho demollshmont of tho west mill also planned tho destruction of the poor tool. Koernor's death may have bcn Intended to shut off pursuit. Doubt less he was given fnlso Information ns (othe slzo of tho dynamite charges used, ind wholly deceived as to their oxploslvo (Sect E'l see, gentlemen, wo understand each guicr, n ivhwuucu, itiuviitb luuuru uiu door. "Koernor was only a pawn In tho rime, and ho did his part blindly. Tliero I'll much work ahead, for we aro fighting i cruel, Inhuman, resourceful nnd hidden fcttlllsence. In spite of nil wo know, we m ifttl nmnTitfnlw tn In dnV K "BUI. he remarked to his associate, "I ruess you naa Dciier stay on here. The Isjrtng of these wires must bo run down, at you might frisk through Koernor's effects at his house. Don't expect much !thert; his orders wero probably verbnl. I ht " big lead ovor In Philadelphia tho chief thinks a lot of It." "Corae with us In tho motor," offered jflbnte. "When do you start?" FARMER SMITH'S A Little More About Spring Dearest Children I want so much to have vou ALL interested in MOTHER NATURE, becauso her workincr and her "babies" arc bo won derful. This is the time of tho year when everything STARTS. It is just IDte the time of day when you jump out of bed. The little raindrop falls from the sky with other raindrops and sodu tho little brook has a new sons as it rushes nlnnr- in inln irrndf hlnp TMntVint Opnnn At thin tlmo rf vpnr Vin gMng is always rushing;, rushing. It is we water asleep under the ice. You must learn to COMPARE. The trees, also, wake up nnd the Mp starts runninc nnd snnn thn lrnves WUt hustling, bustling Bummer. Sjfi- TTnJn...lL XI 1 XI ih V.,MW,tllV uiiuHiiauu mu grounu me seeus 'tretching their nrms. as it were, and ibove tho ground. 9 Do you lovo music? Listen to tho Jhe water sings a different song as it runs along the gutters. The wonderful lindows along tho streets aro "sprouting" with those wondrous gowns mother nd eister are forever talking about in the spring. If you cannot sec any wrds from your window, perhaps you can see them in the shop window, here they decorate the hats of women and children especially tho hats of Somen. Some of these women nro interested in charity, foreettintr that Key are taking a bird's life to adorn E uc jet us remember tho spring time, for it is the TIME OF YOUTH. Shrew up your window and welcome Father Sun! Wo aro going to be ITE ARE the good friends of MOTHER NATURE! FAR3IEII SMITH'S DUCK BOOK m Is a Rubber Tiro a Duck? ITIother, what Is that funny looking 'WT8 With Ih. uannn ...l.nula n,lr !?' I. -.-.. ,..H l,UW,l ((..b.U U..U.,, ., Vfta Dottle Duckling one day when she SI On Tier wnv tn th Tllf- TJnnH EITbat Is an auto, my dear," said her Who 'ought to'?" asked Dottle. ?nat Is an nntnmnhllA mv Harllnar.' SUSf1 her fond mother. rWht does that mean?" persisted Dot- 'Duckllns. Atlta Tnoana anmAleilna UIsa T f nnd "J means to 'run around. " run," said Dottle. 'Thfell bia -tunc. ..!. A - 1n ilma it SkT asked aeain; "When you want ff. wn around, why don't you say jcauM it is much shorter to say OOTl'" 1-.V1IA(4 tio cfAAit MAlriAr "guv ' ' " fM'Rce again, and' then Dottle said; Ma, mother, what are those funny wheels gTy are for the auto to run around ry are made of rubber," JlfPM and what Is rubber?" asked Dot- iTlUbber la -nratAi nrnn -- " ftPM lust Ilka my back! Say, mother. rubber tire a Duck, too?" queried irt " '"m ulj i net luvtugi. mT dear child, you will Boon turn Into L2aeattnn mL .... .. .ui... knH tj, " ,mmm. u . rUUIMt WHH ri i-ooJti mother, the gell-running "oa is running away wiui a ;t was too much for Mrs. Duck, and raa until ulio reached the Big Pond wem took a long dive and UU- VUI BOYS AND OIItLH. x ?- If tfla wnn -. nnna fj. ' ad oa Satuidajr writ t RIJPEN XVIlITtEN ESPECIALLY ARNOLD Copyright, 1910. The "In a Jllty. The car Is Inside the yard, all readytf' "All right." nssentcd K., as he lit a cigar. "Come on. No time to wasto. The damned hounds! We'll bajr them yet." CHAPTER VIII Emory In tho Qcarllox ECB a bolt or Bapphlrc, with tho Irre pressible Lara at tho wheel and three passengers Inside, the blue llmouBlie shot out of tho gate of tho Montgomery Iron Works, soon whizzed through tho quiet streets of Downlngtotvn, and following tho east bank of Brandywine Creok, took tho West Chester routo for Philadelphia. "Some curious points In the case, If I may express myself," remarked tho hawk faced secret-service man, as tho car pitched wildly along. "Your concern had no war contracts, yet Itvaa mined and marked for destruction. 'Then your Mr. Dlrdscyo thinks It a good thing to make a chango of policy, do a little business with brokers from Europe. Presto! They blow you up. Strangol Horrible!", Andrews commented: "Tho human mo tives behind tho foreign-directed destruc tion of any American plant Invito careful study. If It Is altogether proper from a European viewpoint to smash business In a noutral country as a military necessity, tho same reasoning would ultimately Justify Identical methods In peaco times for economic reasons." Tho detective Inside of Agent W. roused up, for ho sharply replied: "Thcro you go, putting these matters back In tho State Department. Wo aro faced with the cold-blooded murder of 10 workers at Crlspen. Others aro dying. Wrongdoers get arrested and tried by juries for the consequences of their spe cific acts. Wo aro proparlng a caso for a public prosecutor. Lot tho soft senti mentalists who bob up with excuses for murder bo run out of tho country. If wo don't nip these explosions In tho bud they will spread. Nothlns stimulates crlmo liko success." "Why not bo practical?" ho snorted, adding, "Crickcy! I'm hungry." "Here, too," choiused AndrewB and Monte, admiring tho agent, who when dealing with theory novcr lost sight of facts. So tho bluo limousine slowed up In West Chester, and set them all down at i tho Green Trco Inn, then picked them up a'alii In a very short tlmo nnd swung oft Into tho darkness, bearing diagonally right with the trolley at tho Fivo Corners. Wrinkles luid gathered on W.'s high forehead. Ho must havo been thinking aloud, for ho suddenly announced from tho rear seat: "I shouldn't wonder If Hochmclstci' had a hand in It." Monte, beside him, started. Hochmels fcrl A pause ensued. Again Monto's mind distinctly filmed on odious outline, that of tho guttural-toned man he had divested of a revolver on tho hotel roof. Hoch- not the lullaby song of winter when Did you ever think of that? little leaves begin to shoot and tho will Tin out nnd wo shall iret rendv 1 I ..J .... tu X ure uwuki'iuuk unu yuwiuiiK una soon wo shall seo tho tender blades song of spring I Even in the big city themselves. FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor, Evening Ledger. Things to Know and Do The dog has knoakec. down baby's blocks. Can you arrange them eo that they spell what baby wants them to spell? One Is A. Two Is B, eta TUB BLVUZBR BOAT, Baby's boat's th silver moon Sailing in th sky. Balling o'er tht tea of tUep, While tht clot, da go )y. Baby1 fizhlng fr a dream, Fiahlng near I and far, Bit line a tllvel- moonbeam U, lilt bait a s liter tar ffall, baby, fal',1 I Out won than tea. Or.l-j don't forgrh to a VfcH ogam lovme. A T A L E OF PHILADELPHIA FOU TUB EVENINO LEDQEn BT GARRY COLM Pmtm Lkmib Company, melsterl Queerly enough, that sonorous sounding name seemed a pertinently proper envelopo for the bulky package he had crumpledi For a tlmo he racked his brain In vatnj then suddenly he rcmemberod that the pale man ho had saved from tho big man's wrath called tho baldheaded foreigner "Baron." Ho recollected the evident anxiety of the two men to got away after their quarrel, without giving their names. "Is Hochmelster a nobleman?" ventured Monte, almost timidly. "Ho may be for aught I know," re piled Agent W. "We suspect he goes by many names. One of his poses Is as a doctor of philology." J After a short silence, punctuated by some unpleasant bumps tn tho road, Monte asked: "Pardon my persistent curiosity, but can you dcscrlbo tho man7" "I am not sure. There Is something In tho name that suggests a man I mot rather wo mot. for Andrews was with mo only last night." "Hum-m-ml I guess It will bo all right," shrilled tho Government otnclnl. "Suppose you seo If this caps your man." Ho handed Monte a narrow strip of pa por, covered with tho purplo tracks of n department typowrltcr, single-spaced. In tho fllckcry pale light of tho tiny electrlo bulb over their heads In the roof of the car Monto read: I)r. Hnjro Hochmelster Secret dtnlnmntlc nent headquarters Jtoom 10, nxchnnBO IlullcllliK. Philadelphia ( bendy urny eyes Inclined to bo wnlcryt lialdhoniled with one-Inch Schlatter cut oer tho right oyet full red lips, well hidden by n matted brown beard j weight about 200 pounds, corpulency pronounced) Hpeaks English thickly, Orrmun, Trench, Ilusslnn, SpiltiUh nnd Turkish fluently. Cold beads of perspiration stood out on Monto's forehead. Ho was stampeded with amazement. Hochmelster was tho unknown foreigner. Monte clicked his heels together In anger at his own stupid ity in not reading tho messago on the card from the Countess Zeda tho Instant he got It. Had he dono so thero would havo been amplo tlmo to follow the Inter national trio. "Great Hcavons! Andrews will you look at this," and ho shoved Hochmelstcr'B description upon tho lawyer. AH day Andrews had spared him any reference to tho warning from tho stunning Countess. Monte forced a smile ns he turned again to Agent W. Ho said: "I may as well fess up. I am . Montgomery Crlspen, nephew of the late John Montgomery. It la simply hell to go nround tagged 'millionaire.' You hnvo my secret." "My boy, your Identity Is safo enough with me," blandly nnswercd tho Federal Investigator, eyes twinkling. "I had you down for young Orlspon the moment I clapped sight on you." CONTINUED TOMOnitOW. RAINBOW CLUB Our Postofllcc Box Elizabeth Mott, North 2d street. Is going to work as hard as ever, sho can on the Pln-Monoy Squad. Just you wait and hear about her bunk account In a very few weeks from now! A Germantown Rain bow nearly forgot us; his name Is Ralph Waters, and he Uvea on Wlster street, and tho reason ho didn't forget us Is be cause wo'ro getting so Important that one can't live nnd not know tho Rainbows. Thank you for tho drawing. Germantown Ite that almost forgot! Here's a little Rainbow that wa know will always re member, because he's only eight years old, and eight-year-olds, you know, make the very best friends In tho world. Oh, his name Is Harry Andander, and hU homo Is on South SBth street. Eltrht-vear-olda make good artists, too. Your editor learned this when he looked at a certain little bluo crayon drawing signed Marlon Daly, Rosewood street Let ma quote part of a letter which camo to us the other day: "I certainly enjoy our 'corner' every night, tho stories are very Interesting, I read them to my mother every night after dinner and so sho and I share our pleasant time to gether." Ralph Hobson Is responsible for these words and we thank him for his hearty compliment which makea us feel liko trying harder and harder to please the Rainbows. Ethel Hammes, Rox borough, can bake pies. To prove It she drew a picture of herself a)l dressed up In a gingham apron and handling a great big rolling pin for' all the world like a regular grown-up cook. Little 9-year-old Gladys Atkinson, Lansdale, has a daddy who thought so much of her when she was sick he took care of her every minute of the time. Harry Morsey, South 30th street, hasn't written to us for a long time and we're getting very lonesome, In- aeea, we are lonesome lor every little girl and boy who does not remember to write to your editor at least onoa every two weeks I Allentown, Pa., has; sent Its first mem ber, Helen Kohp, North, ;d street. We hope that this Is only the beginning of a large Allentown representation. Beverly, N. J., sends little Edna Stevens to SDeak for It on Rainbow mattera Laura Bor neman, a wee 7-year-old, wants the Rain bow to jdted Its brightness In Schwenks ville, Pa,, Jha town In which she lives. Aren't you proud, all my Rainbows, when you begin to see that everywhere every body Is beckoning to you and this won derful club that you, the children of kind ness, have built your very own selves? Jennie Berecca, FHzwater street, presi dent of the "FlUwater Street Rainbows," sends In a splendid report of her happy circle. Jennie Is the first member to form a, library in connection with a branch circle. Her little Rainbows have rules about the care of books while in their keeping, At the meetings, which are held every week, the girls sing, play games and bava all sorts of fun. Sometimes (wa have to whisper this, boys,) we almost wish wa were a gtrlt Mary Josephine Coyle, South 20 th street, has promised to faithfully answer the questions of "Things to Know and Do," Our friend of long standing, Marlon Coyle, Jefferson street, has fol lowed these questions faithfully through the entire week. PARMER; SMITH, EVTNINa Ledosr; 1 wish to become a member of your Rainbow Club. Pleas, send ma a beau tiful Rainbow Button free. I agree to DP A LITTLE KINDNESS EACH AND EVERY DAY .SPREAD A LITTLB SUNSHINE ALL ALONG THE WAT- Name ,.....,......,....., , Address - tt Aa .,..,.,..,i.i,,,ii,,,v SebMl I attand ,...,..,, ,..,,.,,,,,. mCilOTUL CHERUB i orirJm'C-l . Vitk pictures 5"tra.n3e -end ( ch-ring" 3ome.time.s I think the. wiy they punt Ii just t. Form oF MINISTERS ARE NURSES, NICHOLSON DECLARES "Stop Being Babies and Mak ing Nurseries of Churches." Evangelist Warns Christians "So mftnv Christians arc bnbles nnd have to be bottlo-fcd that tho minister has to bo a nurBo Initend of n lender," de clared Evangelist William I. Nicholson, while preaching today in the Nicholson Hcmmlnger tabernacle, In Darby. "Tho church la n nursery Instead of nn armory." he continued. "What a sarcasm It Is. thorofore, whon we sing 'liko n mighty army." What army? Many church members aro caBlly offended. They sulk If they aro not plcnscd Wo should bo men Instead of bnbloi." Mr. Nicholson was preaching on "Per fection" nnd ho not only pointed out the wny Christians Bhould live to bo true to tho Biblical teachings of perfection, but assailed them for their shortcomings. Thoso who have professed conversion, but by their actions prove their Imperfections, were tho victims of his assaults. Ho called all Christians frauds who fall to pay their honest debts, who allow thlr tomper to control them, who llvo Jealous lives or hold grudges against their neighbors. Tho attendanco was tho largest of any of tho afternoon meeting-), excepting those which wero held on Saturdays, when many school children wero present. And tho men nnd women npplauded and laughed when Mr. Nicholson told Home of his humorous stories nnd gave vent to his disgust for "sham Christians" In his en tertaining Irish word pictures. Several hundred members of tho Stmic mon fellowship attended tho services laBt night, and thero wero many trnll-hlttcrs. It was n "men only" meeting, nnd Mr. Nicholson talked straight from tho shoul der. Tonight there will bo a Bcrvlco for "women only," and It Is expected that thero will bo such a largo attendanco that tho capacity of tho big "glory barn" will bo taxed. Miss Josephine Colt has been making tho arrangements. A luncheon and conforenco will bo given tonight pro vlous to tho service, In tho Odd Fellows' Hall, by Jcsso W. Roberts. Mr. Nichol son will spoak, as well as other members of his party. GOOD SHOES ALLAHA IMAKER TO WEARERI Spring Chicken Boot $5.00 and $6.50 Quito tho proper little boot to wear with your spring frock. A high boot, of course, and fits to perfection. Made in. White Glaco Kid, Pearl Gray Kid, White Snow Buck, Bronze, Java Brown, Cham pagne, Royal Jet and White top combinations. 919-21 Market Street 40JU-30 LANCASTEIl AVE. aeoj-oa okhmantown ave. 60TII & CIIKSTMJT STS, 3740-48 GERMANTOWN AVK. Branch Stores Open Evtrv Kvtnlng, Msrket St. Store Open Katunlar Kveolnr Chic HATS At Reduced Prices Owing to the backward sea son wa are offering all our is o f moaeia at $4.00 & $5.00 Parisian Millinery Shop U. D. BKLDNEU 247 S. 11th St. 3 Doors Below . locust swearing : r ASK FOR and GUT HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL HALTED MILK Ckwj. btitsle ct MQV (dm HYPHENATED CHRISTIAN LENTEN SERMON TOPIC Dr. Jeflferya Attacks Insincer ity of Many Church goers "Hyphenated Christianity" was the sub ject of a vigorous attack by Dr. W. II. Jefferys today In n Lenten nddrcsi nt St. Petcr's Church, 3d and Tlno streets. Declaring "there Is no hyphenated Christ," Doctor Jefferys defined "hyphen ated Christianity" as follows: "It Is built upon tho shifting sands of hyphenated faith, hyphenated alleglanco, hyphenated service. It Is the old aU tempt to dres tho soul up ns a lackey to servo nntldotes to tho appetites to servo Qod nnd mammon, with as small a meosuro of tho former and as largo a mensuro of the latter as the blurt will stand for. "Tho lukewarm Christian Is a spiritual ostrich, a foolish virgin, a hyphenated thing, who hns not eyes to seo tho glory that standi right In his or hcr path, who Is ready to hngglo and bargain while tho ono priceless possession Is slipping out of his grasp forever." Doctor Jefferys said church choirs that glgglo through Holy Communion, and church-goers who gnmblc and drink on the quiet while professing to bo Chris tians wero "Hyphenated Christians." "Thero Is a conception of a Christ that follows men. not that men follow! This Christ Is mnnufnctuied for the conveniences of thoso who accept Its teachings, It they happen to ngrco with them. Othcrwlso they tono them down to nult their par ticular brand of fnlth, the convcnlenco of tliolr wny of living, ocn tho elasticity of their morals. "Wo pretend to lovo adventure and true sport, and talk nhout 'playing tho gamo. Tho most splendid adventure In tho history of nil creation Is tho athenturo of God's lovo for tho world In tho gift to us of our Christ." "THE GODS OF MANY" They Aro Pleasure, Money, Fame and Honor, Says Preacher "Tho godj of many today nro not tho Idols of the heathen world, but pleasure, money, fame and honor." This was tho assertion of tho Ilev. Arthur T. Michler, pnstor of tho Incarnation Lutheran Church, In a Lenten sermon today at Old STYLE 642 PRICE $22.50 Jfasfjton at t)t Pellebueetrattab otei ofcnp nnb QTomorroUi Showing the most marvelous creations from America's foremost designers absolutely 'the most wonderful ensemble of well-known houses ever gotten together for a Fashion Show. The following are the exhibitors: LUCILE HICKSON FRANCES CLYNE FA1BISY WEINGARTEN & JENKS WORTZMAN MADAME HAMMER MARY ANDERSON WARNER FERLE HELLER and MAISON MAURICE PHILIP VERNON, style expert, late of BEER, and PAQU1N, of PARIS, will give a short intimate talk on the new styles. Three performances daily 1 1 A. M 3 P. M. and 8:45 P. M. Admission, $1.00. Tickets Natv on Sale at the J3elUvuC'Slraiford Hotel and All Ryan's Ticket Agencies SO EKTIRELY T ABB UJUIK H. A Beautiful Skin and wm mmm I m Sits u faa Cuji pnunni M THE REQALLQTTE iwroiH HOUSEHOLD PHYSICS- THE GAS STOVE Does Your Gas Stove Blacken Your Pota? Does It Make a Loud Noise in Burning? By VIRGINIA E. KIFT ALTHOUGH you may never have at . tempted It. to regulata the now of i,as which enters the burner of jour Rtovo Is a very simple matter. If your pots are blackened when used on the gns stove, It Is because tho burner receives nn Insuf ficient supply of air, or because It Is clogged with dirt, causing tho flume to have yellow tips, Gas contains "free" seen . noetic ) aver to evKxe CM WW (tf carbon which requires a certain amount of air for complete combustion. When your gns burner docs not get a sufficient amount of air this carbon Is deposited as soot on your pots. Perhaps you have noticed nt tbe base of your burner a regulating device similar to that shown In tho diagram. This con sists of a slotted l late (b) nt the end of the gas duct (u). Through these slots the air Is admitted to tho burner. If for any St John's Lutheran Church, Hnco street below 6th. "Jlany of us," ho said, "aro bent upon plensure for its own sako and will get It whenover and wherever we can. It comes between us nnd God. "Money for Its own sake Is ruining many todny. Many of us like tho plau dits of the world, and nro working with might and main to secure them. It Is not tho spirit of scrvico well done that rules us." feiraramrarararamrarararilrarra j ij ej ai ia lu ii ij ia ij at isj iJ a ts. ua J a i t. ui uj uu cj 15 Fine White Diamonds In Platinum Princess Ring $75.00 Fine line Prlnosss Sxs' nines up 400.nO Est. ii T fa I THOMPSON g3EJ5iara 35 J4 So. 8th St. ojasEElel Tyrol A ool In a Knitted Fabric Ladies ana Misses Suits 18.50, 22.50, 24.50 Street, Town, Traveling and Sport Suits Black Suits for Mourning Al; so Top and Polo Coats Spring and Summer Models ana Colors Mann & Dilks 11C2 CHESTNUT STREET DIFFERENT U. . r AT, Or. Healthy Complexion Spell Kias J? f)0ft! ETERNAL YOUTH KOLaPLEXOKrUEtflE ii uniurptucj for allaying I rritationt of the Skin.Chtppcd Hands. Arms and Fact, Chafing and Itching, and being strictly antijtptic, deantes end purines the ibn, ktepa it in a toft and healthy condition, arording protection againit Autumn vindj and Winter colds- Fin rsai Csiuuum in CuiuHTtcn Mr to coauui P0UGH3UI W IMSOIOIU UtlCUSIil. UUIBUUttl Insist on the) gonulno SCOMPUEXO KSUSMS with "Regollotte" trodo mark tm tsmi e text ea fttain tf ta- CO., f-Uiiua swi.J reason these slots are tic' opened wide enough there Is not enough air admltte nnd a yellow name which blackens Jrdur pots-results. IJy loosening screw (a) anal turning plate (b) these clots should b opened until tho relto tlpJ just dls nppear. However, If the hole in th burners are clogged -with dirt, the burners should be lifted out and boiled In soda, until they are clean. Thus your pots will no longer become black when used o the gns stove. If your burner "blowt" or "roars" It is due to the fact that there la t."" much air mixed with tho gas. This Is prevented by loosening screw (a) nnd turning plate b) until tho slots (d) are closed suinclenily to stop tho noise, A well-regult led burner should not have yellow tips nor should It burn noisily and It Is n slmplj matter to find a happy med ium between these two conditions. Copyright 1B10 by Vlrclnl E. Kltt. s uevoltdlolht HEALTH.COMFORTBJEAUTY isf WQMEN Trade in the" Self-Help" Nemo Wondcrlift Corset flourishes like a green bay tree. In less than a year, tbe number of delighted wear-' crs has run into hundreds of thousands. As a hygienic adjunct, the Nemo Wonaerlift Bandlct has been endorsed, we believe, by every phy sician who has seen it. No corsets ever had finer fashion-lines. This diagram roughly shows the position and ac tion of die Bandlct after adjustment: The adjustment, by the inside lacing, LIFTS VP asBg&ingabdomea; restores the internal organs to proper place; gives firm and com fortable support; prevents, re lieves and often oures many of the painful and dangerous diiorderi of womankind. This "Setf-Help" Corset en ables every woman to HELP HERSELF to health and gooi looks. It is an effective aid in many cases that medicine can not reach, as any doctor will tell yoa. Models for all figure. That are moat In demand) 554 WNDERLifT WONDERUFT 554 short full figures 655 taller full figures j5 One model, No. 998, it for vfery large women with heavy, hanging abdomen the only ready made corset for women of that type. Large sizea only 30 to 44. A greet value at $10.00. Another, No. 557, is for alia women with conatM abdomen; novel supporting pads. Nothing like it-55.00. A PREDICTION In dae timef nearly all womm who wear corsets ib'iH wear m Nema Wonderlift. NEMO 5ELF.REDUCINQ $3.00, $4, $5, up to $10 NEMO MUJTARY.BELT For the Slcnder..$3.00 BE A WISE WOMAN! Wear the RIGHT Nemo! GOOD STORES rVERYWIRE IVUIt tba IaUrsttiooi NEMO EXPOSITION Oath Rautifu Gsxden Plw. AUtnUc City, ff. J, Km Hntttk-FuViMt Itt&il, B 7k POTATO CUTTERS Potatoes form on of th prin cipal articles of d'et. and there, are various Inexpensive cutters that can bo uued n vie preparation, and it will burprlia you ho a esy it Is to firepoj-a the different, kinds, with beka cutters. ' Potato oopt fow making sata. to blU f.53 2'Otato cutter for miklnr "nllii and "Jullenua" potatsaa fa il .yoi. MaitUrt lor nutUaf th- JfranklinMilJer INCC3WAT0 lG9t5jChetitiitS S-VVUZ CfLW'N s-r3 VTW-