Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 24, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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    sgK' - - T ! Jfe 4 S (( "
'Sinister Forces' at Work io
Stir Country to Real War on
. Mexico Charged by
Wilson Leader
WASHINGTON, March 2. Charges
tiiat "sinister forces" nro scoklnir to In-
flame Americana find Mexicans Into war
were hurled by Senator Stone, Adminis
tration, spokesman In the Senate, today,
following the reading of telegrams Into
the Record telling of dangerous conditions
along the Texas and Arizona borders
''Every man with sense enough to come
In out of the wet," said (stone, "known
the situation In Mexico Is critical that
an effort Is being made by numerdus sin
ister Influences In and outside of Mexico
to cxclto nnd Inflame Mexicans, to tell
them the United States contemplates an
aggression against their whole Govern
ment and people. '
"The President has sought to Impress
Mexicans with his friendliness and" the.
Senate has Indorsed tflls stand. But thero
ore Influences at work, ntid we know It.
working to create a situation the end of
which ho could not know.
"Will Senators make prosentt, critical
conditions worse?"
Stone and Uorah clashed when Borah
and Sheppard, of Texni. had telegrams
read from Douglas (Art.) citizens asking
for help In fear of n new Mexican niBs
sacre and Invasion there.
A stormy debate followed the rending
of tho telegrams and the Introduction by
Senator Lewis of a resolution proposing
that any person who furnishes Villa aid
bo declared a traitor
Lewis' resolution declared r "It Is known
that funds and supplies nri being fur
nished Villa from foreign countries and
from sources In tho United States.
"Those who aro furnishing Buch sup
piles, either of money of provisions, are
enemies of the United States," the resolu
tion read,
Lewis did not ask to have the resolution
considered Immediately, and It was read,
laid on the table and reserved for future
Referring to the telegram presented by
Borah, Stone said-
"It would have been better If all such
comment should lime been delivered to
the War Department. I confess myself
unable to understand any Senator's de
slro at this crucial point to present such
matters and thereby give them official
dignity." " ' 7
"I have no npologl&s to make," Inter
jected Borah.
Stone retorted that Borah might have
acted "with greater propriety."
'When a man becomes obsessed with
the Idea that he Is running for President."
continued Stone Ironically, "ho ought to
act uninfluenced by one delusion in ex
ploiting another delusion.
"Of course a Senator may do as ho
pleases. He may offer anything he wish
as; Just what public good irt accomplished
surpasses Intelligent Understanding."
Replying .to Stone's criticism of his
resolution to calk -for 50.000 volunteers,
, Senator Sherman asked for Stone's own
. h opinion,
"I get my information from the- Presi
dent and others upon whom we must rely,"
Stone retorted; . "If needed they would not
hesitate to"" Inform the Congress."
"My offer was to tender frledly help
to tho Administration if it Is needed,"
aid Sherman.
The War Today
Russian troops nre using liquid
fire nnd gas bombs in n great at
tack to dislodge the Germans along
the Dvina front.
London newspapers say Premier
AsqUith's foes are endeavoring to
precipitate a Cabinet crisis over
the enlistment of married men.
French artillery kept ttp a heavy
bombardment of German positions
in the woods south of Malancourt
last night. On the west bank of
tho Meuse nn intermittent bom
bardment occurred around Dounu
mont and Dnmloup. In tho Wocvre
region the artillery fire was most
violent nenr Moulainvillc nnd
Some Papers Say Crisis Cannot
Be Averted Over Enlistment
of Married Men
LONDON, March 24 Kor tho second
time since tho beginning of tho war
political enbmles of Premier Asiiulth nre
trying to overthrow tho Cabinet. Taking
ndvantago of the critical situation brought
about by the movoment to compel the en
listment of married men, tho polltlrnl foes
of tho Premier nro making attacks against
All tho newspnprrs today commented at
length upon tho political outlook, some of
them going so far ns to predict that a
crlslH cannot be averted.
Lord Derby nnd David Lloyd-George,
Minister of Munitions, nre nmong tho fore
most leaders of the movement to extend
eonsrrlptlon to married men, but tho
scheme has been consistently opposed by
tho Premier.
Tho Morning Post openly demands tho
resignation of the Premier. If Mr. ABqulth
refuses to roulgn, says tho Morning Post,
he should bo forced out of olllco for tho
nntlonnt good.
TIip Times hIfo dellcred a severe at
tack agulnst tho Prlmo Minister.
Charles O. Drown
Charles O. Brown. ex-Mayor of Hnddon
fleld, died at his home, 200 Chestnut
street, last Wednesday night from gas
tritis. Mr. Brown, who was 03 years old.
wns a staunch Republican and was the
second Mayor of tho borough. Ho also
wns the first Jury Commissioner under
tho Chancellor Jury act. serving with
Mayor Nowrey. Ho- was a member of the
Hnddondeld Presbyterian church ; Trlmbld
Lodge, of Masons ; Slloam Chapter, It.
A. M. ; Vanhood Council, and Cyrcno
Commandery, Knights Templar. Ho is
survived by a widow and a daughter.
These Notice Are Printed in the
Evening Ledger Free of Charge.
llAnj.fSOTON. Ori Third Month S2d. ANMB
,. J.. i5RnHt- rt Ann N11es unci th lMe
Jnred Darllnitton. Itrtatlre and friends nre
nvrltS" to attend the funeral, on Seventh-day.
Third .Month 38th. at It o'clock, at Trov
Idenco Friends' Jlectlng House. Media, Pa.
Interment private.
DOWNIMI. On March 23. tfllO, nrWECOA
J., widow, of ltobert J. Downing, need 72
year. nriatlves nnd trlends are Invited to
nttond iho funeral aerlcea. on Saturday, nt
2:30 p. m.i at ber late, residence,. 212 South
l4tn at Interment private.
II WrY1. On krh 20. 1016. ANNIfi, wlf
of Michael Duffy nnd daughter of Patrick
and the late r,lln Kontlne. late of Parish ot
Cahtr, County of Tliperary, Ireland Ilela
tires and friends aro tnMtd to attend ths
funeral, on Haturday, nt J:30 a. m., from
her lata retnnre. IIS tf, Crosttey at. (23d
and Brown Ms.). Solemn neiulem Slsss at
Ht. Francis Xnvler'a Church, nt B n. m. In
terment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
DVMIOUR. On March 21, 1010. WILLIAM
C. husband of i:mlly M Dunhour. Hela-
uvea nnn inenas are invited to attend ths
funeral aervtcea, on Saturday afternoon, nt
2 o'clock, at his Into reRlrlence. 200 North
Ilobirt at. (08th and Vine sis ) Intermnt
nt Fernivood Cemetery. Friends may view
remains Friday evening
rRERLAM). On March 21. Milt, ItRLTiN
., -wiuoiv oi jonn a j-rceiana lieia
thea nnd friends nre Invited to nttend tho
funeral nerUocs. on Friday evening; at 7
o'clock nt her Into residence, 0062 Olrard
avenue. Interment at Hudson, N. T,
OoritLKV, At her residence. 72R South 18th
St.. on March 20, 1U10. MARGAHRT, dauirh.
ter of tho intp James and Mary clourley.
Helrttlves nnd friends are Invited to nttend
tha funeral serMcfs nn Saturday, at 2 p. m..
at tha Oliver II Hair Mull. line. 1820 Chest
nut street. Interment nrlvite nt Alt. Morlah
Cemetery. Kemalns may lie Mewed l'rlday.
from 7 to 10 p m
(UtAllAM. On Mirch 24. 1010, MltS. HAttAU
I'AN.N'I.Vfl tlllAHAM, nt her, residence 104
.S 22d Ft. Notlcn of funeral later
flRHTRNDKItn, On March 22. ltllrt. ANNA
M.. wife of I'rnnk C. Orlffenherc nncl daugh
ter, of tho, late Edward O, nnd Mary P.
Miller. Helatlvea and friends ara Invited to
nttend tho funernl services on Saturday
afternoon, nt S o'clook, at her lato resl
denre r,027 Germantovrn avenue. Inter
ment private.
HAUL On March 22, 1M0, HOHUItT JAMEH.
husbind of Jtnry A. JInls, aged 02 ytnrj.
Jlol-itlies and frlendi nro Invited to nttend
the funeral senlces, on Saturday, March 23,
- At 2 p m : at his late residence. Ilethlehem
iu.ip. i neetnuc Mill, interment nt Hlinido
I1011TON. On March 23. 1D10. STEPHEN V
(Samuel) hush.iml of Margaret Jn.no llorlon
(ne,, Maon). aaerl 71 eara Itelatlvea anc
frlnnds are Inxlted to attend tho funeral
scrMcps, on Sundiy nfternomi. nt 3 o'clock
ot his latn resltrnco. 2130 S. 10th st In
tirment at Arlington Cemetery. ltemalns
ma ho viewed Hnturdny nicnlnp
Ki;i, I.Kit. On Stnrch 22. H10 MATHIMJA
KEIjI.UU. wife of Ferdinand Keller, of 1M7
Olrard nve, Senlces and Interment strictly
private, nt tho cumenlenro of tho family.
KI.I'.NK. on March 22 into. sni'llTA W .
widow of John O Klenk die Scliuppert). Ilel
ntlii'S nnd fflendi. "No I.najes' Aid Sooletv
of tho l-hllndeitiilit Quartet Club, nro Invited
to nttend funeral sen Ires, on Saturdty, at
1 o'clock, nt the residence of her son-in-law.
Mr IIelej. N, W 'cor Mth at. una l.ehlah
nve Remains may ho viewed on Friday,
from 7 to ii r m Interment private, nt sit.
Vernon Cemetery.
I.AWU'. VI flryn Mnwr. Mnrrh 22. HMO
VV.TV.n J LAWLESS In bts r.!lth vear. Itnl.
ntlfs nnd friends are Invited to nltpnd
funeral, from his lato rcshlpncn. nerwMi,
ln . nn Saturday, nt 8 n'tjock. Mass nt Ht
Monica's Chunh. nt a 30 a. m . Herwjn,
Pa Intocment St. Monica's Cemetery, Dales
ford. 1M. v
MjjrKLV. On March 22. 181(1. JAMES, son oi
..nn.b ni.u ,,,o tnw wu,,i. .qntn II, Ul
and friends are Invited to nttend the funera
iiainnrobe. bounty, .iinyo, Ireland, Relative:
una inenas arc invited to attend me lunerai,
on Saturday, nt 8 30 n. m.. from tho real-
.,,, rinuinmy, i a ., it. ill., i ram inn resr
denco of Edward Oemnsey. 1430 H. H7th st,
Solemn Mass of Itenulem, at St. Francis d
Hales" Church, nt 10 o'clock. -Interment nt
ioiy uross t-emetery.
MAttMN. At WllmlnRton. Del., on March 22,
1010. HOHEIIT MAItLIN. aired .00 years,
nelnllves and friends, also (J K. warren
Post, No. IB, II A. it. 5 survivors of Com
pany l, 102d Pennaylvanlo Volunteers, nnd
08th Iteglment, Pennsylvnnlt Volunteers, nre
Invited to attend the funeral services, nt his
lata residence, not Elm St.. Wllmlntrtnn nn
Saturday, nt 2 p. m. Interment nt Klyervlew
SlrflR VTH, Suddenly, on March 21, 1010,
JOHN S.. husband of Hannah McOrath (nea
Harlkc) and son, of ltobert nnd Ellen
McOrath (nee Jnmlsen), In his 8Tth year,
llelatlten and friends, also members of
Stonemen'a Fellowship, Men's Friendly
Union of John Chambers , Church nnd em
ployes of V O I. nro Invited to nttend tho
funeral, nn Saturday, nt 1 p. m., from Ids
lato residence, 2K0I Wilder St. Services Rt
John Chambers Memorm Preshyterlan
Church, nt 2 p. m Interment nt Jit, Mo
rlah Cemetery friends may call Friday
from 8 to 10 p m.
MfKr.r;. On March 21. 1010, 1SAHELLA,
widow of OeorBe. JlcKeo Itelntlves nnd
rriends nro invited to attend tho funernl,
on .Saturday, nt 8 30 n m from her lato
residence, an.r.1 N. 1 ront st Solemn Ile
oulem Mass at tho Church of tho Visita
tion, nt 10 n. m Interment nt St. Domtnlo's
McKNHIIIT. On March 23. 1010, JENNtE,
laughter of David nnd Theresa C. Mc
lCnlicht. Itolntltes and friends nro Invited
to nttend the funeral services, on Monday.
nt 2 p m . nt her parents' residence. 2042
McKenn st Interment nt Mt Morlah Ceme
tery, l'rlends mny call Sunday. 8 to 10 p m.
MOM,. At Chicago. Ill , on March 23. 1010.
CATHAHINE. widow of Chrlsllnn Mnll
In her 117th jenr Relatives nnd friends nro
Invited to ntteml tho funeral services nn
Sunday, nt 3:13 p. m prcclsoly, at the Fifth
Mornvlon Church (lermantnwn ue nhovo
Dauphin st. Interment private, at Green
wood (K. of P Cemetery. Auto funernl,
Ml'I.MOAN. On March 21, 1010, DANIEL,
son of Snrnh and tho lato John Mulligan.
Relatives and frlerds. nlso St. Patrick's Al
liance or America, nro Invited to nttend tho
funeral, nn Monday, at 8:30 n. m., from his
late residence. 23t W. Jefferson st. High
Requiem Mass at St Michael's at II)
n m Interment nt New Cnthedrat Ccmo
ItEr.. March 22, HANNAH J., widow of
jonn . Ilees. aged 01 enrs Friends nre
Invited to view (ho remains on Friday evs
nlim. Mnrrh 2 1, from S to 10 o'clock, nt her
late residence. i,-,ih Harrison st , Frnnkford.
Services and Interment Saturday, at the con
tonlence of tho fnmlly
SCOTT. On Mnrch 21. 1010, JOHN, husband
of Elizabeth Scott (neo Fleming), nnd son of
tho Inte H, nrv nnd Anno Jftnn Scott Rein
tles nnd friends nlso members of Court
1'nlrmount, No. 41 I', nf A., Mlnonk Tribe.
No 151, I o It. M. employes of Enstern
State Penitentiary and nil other organiza
tions of which he was a member, nro Invited
to attend tho funernl, on Hnturdny, March
2o at 2 p. m. precisely from his late real.
neuen. l'.hii Aspen st. interment at sit
Uth St. Interment brivnte Monday rooming
. at West Laurel HIM Cemetery.
BTKVKNS. On Match 22, 1010, Elwood' L..
son of tho late David and Elizabeth Lukens
Stevens. Funeral services . on Saturday
morning, at 11 o'clock, nt his lato residence,
0305 Main st Oermantown. Intermtnt
STOUTF.NnUKOIf. Suddenly, nt Newark:, N.
J., on March 23. 1010. FRANK LINCOLN
BTOlITENnunaiL In his 02d year. Notlca
of funernl later.
8VNNAMON. On March 22, 1018. MENDER
SON SVNNAMON, Duo notice ot the funeral
will b given.
TIILLV. March 22. HOSE V., widow of PAT
RICK F, TUI,LY. Relatives nnd friends nre
- . ,, mm a
Turning to the Republicans Stone fiald:
"If you wish to encourage the Adminis
tration to have war with Mexico, have
the, courage to say so like men do It
.openly "and boldly If that Is what you
want; don't do It surreptitiously."
"Is helping protect the forces already
In Mexico provocative of war?" asked
Stone declared Sherman's resolution was
Introduced for the purpose of waging war
on "others than Villa."
Sherman hotly denied this and pointed
to the terms of his resolution.
"Oh, I didn't expect the Senator In ex
press terms to admit such a motive," said
Senator Clapp criticised Stone for being
"too prone to assign political motives" to
the Republicans. He declared all Sena
tors were acting patriotically, Including
Stone replied that certain Senators
wera constantly precipitating Mexican de
bate upon some pretext or other.
"Isn't the Senator precipitating the de
bate himself?" asked Senator Oliver. "I
have, my own opinion about that," he
"Keep it." Stone replied, and demands
for "regulaV order" closed the debate, at
least temporarily.
One-of Beneficiaries of Estate of John
' G Watmough
Mrs. Matilda Keller, 67 years, old. died
on Wednesday at her home, 1517 Qlrard
avenue. About two years ago she and
her Jusband, Ferdinand Keller, a dealer
In antiques, were bequeathed ths bulk of
ths 11,000,000 estate of John a. Wat
mough. whosa wlfu was a daughter of
the founder of Drexel & Co, "Watmough's
relatives contested the bequest with sen
sational litigation, but lost their buIL
Mrs. Keller was born In Stuttgart, Ger
many, and was married In that country.
Boon after the marriage she and her hus
band, came to Philadelphia, where tha lat
ter opened an establishment as a dealer in
antiques. Mr. Watmough became ac
quainted with the couple and at his death
left them most of his estate, including a
bequest of 1100,000 to a French maid,
Zelle Faguet, employed at his home.
Mrs. Keller, who was a member of the
Lutheran Church of the Holy Communion,
Chestnut street near 21st, gave a share
of her fortune. In later years, to several
charities. She U survived by her hus
band, one son, Ferdinand Keller, Jr., and
two daughters, Mrs, M. Q. Ettlnger and
Mrs, A- B-Matthews.
I"1' I
JUenatde Laraanxsllo. 120a Federal st., and
. JUtoU DI Marco. 1128 B. Ttn U
'Sf"'04 Ilarrlaeton. CMiaso, and1 Maude
Wlafny, Chicago.
Koturt B. Tim&au, Avondale, Fa., and Mary
, C. McMlcha.1. Oxford. Pa. "
Alfred L, Dmbr. 8811 Haverford are., and
Bvelyn M. CaldwslI 1821 S. 18h t.
Qaorga Hslcbart. 333$ N. Wsrnock st, and
Kaony M. L, Kock, bus n. 11th at.
Kkhsrd Ksr. SIM W. CIsarBsld at, and
JSUxaUtb B. Keller. 3128 W Clearttslj st.
(3n,ilufv, WtlUr. mt N. 6th st.. and Eltia-
-ieEnShiKai!osS3tt.a!ffi?. S . An
&l8nad&k'&uo " " "
APKI.I'.R. On March ?2. 1010, ANNA F,
beloved v.lfo of Henrv Apeler and daughter
of tho late Hermann and Marie Sutter
Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to nttend
tho funeral, on Monday, nt 8:30 u m from
her late residence, 3.137 N llroad st Solemn
High Mass of Kequlem nt St. Iloneventuro
Church at 10 a. m Interment ut Holy Sepul
chre Cemetery Auto funeral
HA HID. THOMAS D HA HID. of Vlllanovai
Pa- on Slarch 23. 1010. Ilequlem Eucharist
nt Church of Good Shepherd, Itosemont, Sat
urday, nt lit o'clock noon.
BAWDEN. On Mnrch 22. 1010. at thn real,
tlenco of hla ion.- the Rev. Krneat Iiawden,
Oak Lane, tho TIKV. JOSIAH 11AWDEN;
ngert J2 years. Relatives nnd frlenda, alao
1 members of thw PhlladelphU Annual Con
ference of the Methodist episcopal Church
and members of former charges, are Invited
to attend the funeral services, on Snturdav
afternoon, nt 2 o'clock precisely, at tho Oak
I.ane Methodist Kplscopal Church, York road
and 7lst avenue. Interment prlvato. Please
omit flowers.
IILAINK. Suddenly, of cerebro spinal menfn
el'l". .on Jlarch'23, 101U. CLAItlJNCIJ IIN.
i-'.' Ul-AINB. son of V. A. and Hannah
I. lllalne. In his 18th jear. nt his parents'
reitdence, 4220 Lancaster ave. I'uncral and
Interment prlvato. ,
CLARK. On March 23. 1010, TANNIE I,,
widow of Thomas M. Clark. Due notlcr will
tw Blven ot funernl. nt the residence of her
son. Cdn-ln Clark, 12B1 N 13th st.
COMLY. On 3d Month 22,1. at his home.
?.y.r.ll.?H3e' -N; ,Y "KontiB nkwuold
tOMI.l RelatUes and frlendi are Invited
I? attend the funeral, from tho parlos of
OI Uer II. Hair. 1820 Chestnut street, Phila
delphia, on Seventh-day. 25th. ut 1 n m
Interment private, at Ilj berry Friends' Iiurj
Inir Ground.
COX. On March 22. 101 n Mra HLIZA A .
widow of Reuben Cox. Relatives and friends
nre Invited to attend her funeral Berles on
J!,0iV,!',a.t2 n m, at her late resldcnc.
i .!-'" " Interment private at White
marsh. Pa
I.AVTON.. Suddenly, on March 22. lolfl. Sirs
.MAIIOAIUST LAVTON, Hired llf vearn. Rel
ntle nnd friends, also Lady WnHhlnitton
Camp, No. 2. lire Invited to nttend funeral
Kervltes oh l'rlday. at 8 p m . at the resi
dence of i her son-in-law J M. Gudlcnecht,
1235 H Susouchhna nv Interment at tho
lonvenloneo tit the fnmlly. '
LIINAHAN1. Up Jfhrch 2.1. 1M0, THO.MAS
V. pon of the- lalo Jamei nnd Marnnret Lena
han. ftelHtlves and friends aro 'Invited to
nttend the. funeral, on Monday nt 7. .10 a m .
from his late resfdenre, 1841 N. LelthRow st.
Solemn Hequtem Mass nt St. Michael s
Church ut li a m Interment ut New
Cathedral Cemetery Auto funernl. I
I.lVi:Zi:Y. At Ltnuhorne. Pa Third Month.
2lBt . HDWIN I LIVEZEY, Jr.. son of lid
sln 1. and Hertha Llvczoy, In his 23d enr.
Relatives nnd friends, nlso employes of the
l'rnnklln National Hank, Philadelphia, are
Invited to attend tho funernl, on Seventh
Day, Third Month 2.1th. nt 2 p ,m., from
Mlddletown l'rlends' Meeting House. Lang
horn. Pa , without further notice. Inter
ment private Carriages will meet train at
Ianhorne Station that leaves Heading Ter
minal nt 12 3.1 p. m
I.OVKTT At Tullitonn Pa . on Mnrch 22
101)1, HKNIIY I., husband of the late HUza
V l.ovett (ne,i Mjernl. nged 111 enra Rela
tives and friends are invited to nttend the
funeral services, on Sundny. at 7.30 p m ,
at the resldencu of his brother-in-law. Will
iam 11 Leigh. Tullytown. Pa Alo serv
ices on Monday, at 2 p m . nt the Oliver
II Hair Iluildlng, IB20 Chestnut st , Phila
delphia Interment at Fernv.ood Cemetery
Morlah Cemetery Remains may be viewed
on I'rlilnv menlngr. .,
Mlini.llS In Strafford, Pit., on Mnrch 22.
iniu JAMKS K beloved luislmnd of Ileulah
(Iiovinev) Shields. Relntlvea nnd friends nre
united to nttend tho fuheral. on Saturday,
March 25. nt S.30 n. in., from his lato rcs.
dance LanraHtcr pike nnd Sugnrtown road
ji.igii .uns ut Ht. Catharine a Church,
Wavne Pa., nt 10 a. m. Interment at
Westminster Cmelory.
M:!:.5!,,;"' 0n Mnrch 21. 1010. ELLA
HI. 1. 1), formerly nf Norristown. Pii , daugh.
ter nf the lato Dr Henry K. nn,l Catherine
Slemmer. Relatives hnd friends nre In
vited to attend the funernl services, on Sat
urday. nt 2 p m. precisely, nt her Into resi
dence. 1710 Oxford st. Interment private,
nt Riverside Cehietery, Norrlstown. Pa.
SMITH. On 'March 22, 1010, JULIA W, wife
of the lato Conrad Smith, Relatives nnd
frlendi of the, fnmlly nre Invited to attend
lh funernl service", on Sunday evening, nt
tl:30 o'clock, nt her lato residence. 27-itJ N.
Electric Installation
re-wirinff or netv wiring of
all kinds Interior tele
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Buy your electrical luppliei
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Just Above Arch. Open Evenings
Local Merchants
Wo will manufneturo to order,
guaranteeing perfect workmanship,
MOTION PICTUHU. adapted to
your purtlcular lino of business,
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advertising In nearby theatres,
window displays, entertalnmonts,
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Duplicate copies at a consider
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gestions furnished upon request
free of charge. Ini estimate the
possibilities of our service.
11 N. 13th St.. Phila., Pa.
Bell Phone. Walnut 3916
r JdB'Bil It
Invited td attend funeral, on Saturday, at
8:30 a. m., from her Jate residence. 4054
Iiffleld St., Frankfort. Solemn Renulfm
Mass at St, Joachim's Church at 10 o'clock.
Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery,
WSX.T.Tt. On March 23. 101(1. JOHN t..
WAXLER. In his 87th year. Relatives and
friends are Invited to attend ths funeral
services, on Monday, nt 2-30 P.,m., at his
brother's residence, -William Hall Wanler,
4624 t'rankford nve,, Frankford. Interment
prltate, at North Cedar Hill Cemetery,
WKAND. On March 20. 1010, at his late
residence, 1317 N. Drnad St.. WILLIAM
WHAN 1). husband ot the lato Mary P.
Wennd. In his 74th year. Relative and
friends, also members ot the IS. V. tinker
"EATII8 "t?J
rnnndery. No. 8. P. o h ijalc!,l
Association, Rhd tho P n -1 A- Vttiall
nttend the funwai erVleeV' pW 'Wted'S
, vate, at Northwood "SAJ1 'T"6 rrCl
WRIOIIT. At tlrimreton m ?' Aut8 tnaerlll
loin. CAltoLlNU i ' "' ?r n MarehiiJ
interment at Wu?fi,,tmT&
Stylish Easter Wear
High Quality Goods That Wilt
Please You on Credit at
Lowest Cash Prices
Our new spring and Easter fashions in
Ladies', Misses and Children's wear.
Tailored suits, nobby top coats, dresses,
beautiful waists, separate skirts.
Gorgeous spring Millinery, Parasols, Hos
iery, Gloves, Lingerie, Dry Goods, etc. All
up-to-top-notch and marked at lowest cash prices.
Much lower than elsewhere. Easy payments of
$1.00 weekly.
Be sure to call and see for yourself our
grand display.
Men's and Youths' Clothing
The new Spring Clothes are here. Beautiful models from famotis style makers,'
handsome fabrics from the great woolen mills styles and shapes such a3 the highest
priced tailors are showing. They're all here ready to see and wear. d fj , rnpi
dFresh Suits T I & IO V&d
MmMm 1
See This Splendid Showing. Entirely New an
$1.00 PER WEEK
WOMEN'S COLT PUMPS $3, $3.50 & $4
MEN'S RUSSET CALF, LACED $4, $4.50 & $5.00
Furniture : Floor Coverings : Curtains
llt)Iti:i'll .SHALOM (Seel: IVlif,.
Serums 1'rM.tj, N p. m, suutheast corner
,,i,a4 iiiiu .ll, ..'(lllill nm
"The Child of the Street." by VHAItI.ES
.... ,, ,,. . w.-k.
All welcome.
Three-piece Bed Room Suites, of oak, mahogany,
bird's-eye maple, satin and American walnut.
$25, $35 to $125
Library and Parlor Suites, three and five pieces
upholstered in Verona Panne Silk Plush. Imitatio l
and genuine leather.
$17, $20, $25 up to $125
INLAID LINOLEUM, per yard 90c, $1.00
VELVET CARPET, yard $1.35
9x12 BRUSSELS RUG $12.00
9x12 AXM1NSTER RUG $18.50
9x12 RAG RUG $9.50
CHINA MATTING, per roll $8.00, $10.00
JAPANESE MATTING, per roll $10.00, $12.00
40 yards to the roll. Fresh new goods. '
LACE CURTAINS, per pair 75c, $1.00, $1.50
SUMMER CURTAINS, per pair. ..75c, $1.00, $2.00
The Steinway Pianola
mSW Refrigerators Go-Carts telliK I
HH Finished in Gold- Reed Pullman llt jfc I
I MiwBimWSBl wbk, narawooa vjo-carc. L-arge teC KlsqaSgiB f I 1
IBsHRtHflL case, galvanized lin- roomy body, fSSm If II
I jBsIllfiluKiiaB! e Wli two 8elvc3, strong running jHMffijPr ft j
iil;'"iii3-i Value $14.00 $25.00 OSBiWKPi T 'i
iikuoiiu-s NimcEs B1IMW.: SBf-TSW I
kHsBiKiEi'iH - usKPjr (ujluiUU fasaaagai"sVSrHgr?
TsffiliB -7!KWi) WttkI
-'"""" """" sssisismm n aa .
mmmtimmm heppe iiiw wwwiiiiiiWSM
1 I
H m tpy8B1iMr5Tr:avff5sMM s
siHBSWprJJtriffiPJ Bli
m&&mW&t 1 11
ml&Wm3Be m mm
The Weber Pianola II
, . 1
'."-".,' r I
or. krlniMr la Shorthand and Uookketnins
vTlll lit tr"4 April. 4, Dr stulenu adailtud
, seoasi is jioo me emu ear.
Broai B&ii IicrU Hit.. Vhilaaetphla.
a.wiM4 wi-mt yuitr. mmt.
The Wheelock Pianola
the most fully developed
instrument of its type
m When self-playing pianos first became a probability, the sole ambition
ot inventors was to produce an instrument to render automatically every
power of human fingers and every interpretation of master musicians.
. The PIANOLA became the first successful player to accomplish these
J2als Patent aftei Patent was procured by the Aeolian Company. -Today
312 patents protect the PIANOLA. '
On the PIANOLA you can render in, the most amazingly simple
fashion exact reproductions of the best human playing. Through the
Metrostyle and Themodist you can simply produce every accent, every
shading and every bit of melody.
' More amazing still you can purchase a genuine PIANOLA at prices
much less than that asked for imitations.
The Aeolian Family
of the player-piano world b on sale at Heppe's and includes
Steinway Pianola (grand) $2100 Wheelock Pianola , . ,v,Vt , ,$750
Weber Pianola (errand') 1800 Stroud Pianola . .. n
Stdnway Pianola 1150 Francesca-Heppe Player-Pianos. . ! I , '450
wcucr .rianoia , , 1000 Aeolian Player-Pianos 395
Settlement may be in cash, or charge account or our rental-payment plan all rent applies to purchase. , "
"j Write for large illustrate J catalogue,
L J nbriLi Cfe DOjM 6th and Thompson Streets
The Stroud Pianola
- - WL; SkgfMm
Bm.Bm.M&af w
"fearaM as .