Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 24, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    -rwfw 9 ip
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"- VW'iiV
Reported Carranza De
serter Still at Chihuahua.
Says American Agent
Oenoral Lull Hcrrern Cnirnnza,s (tim
mancler In the Stale of Clillui.iluiii li.i not
dccertptl tlitt flrit i hlef to lend Ills men
under Villa, nccm cling to .1 teleRrnin tn
the State Department loda fiom Vnlted
States Consul Mnrlon Letcher at rhlhu.i
hua Cltj
Consul Lclihei Btnled that General Iter
rera was now at I'hlhtiftliun CIH. tli.it ho
has not left thrie with his men nf re
rorted and that he and his Riirrlmiti were
lojat to tho Constltntlonrttlst rntio
The Conpul s mp9.J5i nsuiltiB the de
partment that Herrera wni Injnl v.a the
first word recelxid from Chihuahua fit
In mbre than 48 hnuri . in fact, since tho
desertion nf tho 1 airuiii.i general tlrst
nai reported
The Stale and Win Department tnado
repeated elTorts cslerdaj to Bet in com
munication with him hut all ulteinpts
failed Grine four had been felt foi III"
BSfctV In view of the reports mat lier
tcra had desert oil
v ComlnK direct from Hip prone of Mer
leian reported defection and signed In
the I nlted State Consul. AdnilnlitinMnti
officials were Inclined to tnKp tho denial
nt Its face alue In spite of the nmn
rumors to Hip roiilrarj fiom the liurilcr
fpon hearing of the Letcher mpm.iRc
Wnr Peparlnlent offklaH plilnh showed
tcllef Thej finnltly udnilltcfl thev had.
tip to this time fc.ired the Mlln.ll re
port concerning Herrera might he true
I Officials regarded tile previous Herrera
reports as offeilng posslhllltv of gnue
l compllc-itlons In the Villa hunt since
the undoubtedly have Ik en telegraphed
liaclt into Meilio Suih stoiles, olllclalrt
pointed out cen If afterward proved un
true tend to have .1 had effect on tho
Inflammable Meluin mind opeclalh in
the rural districts through which Amer
ican troops must pass
The War Department Intel lodiii le- I
telved the fotloivlng message finin f!en
1T.1I runstoii conilrinlng the l.etiher dis
patch "General Ilcriera In a telegram to Gen
eral Gnvlr.i (hi. UC7) strong! denies all
lepotts that he has gone mil to Vllln
Ootieral Gulleirez. Com rnor of Chi
huahua in a letter to Geucial G.ivlra.
nlso Mrongli denies that lleneia has
gone over to Vllln
( nnlinuril from I'aee Imp
wa out and that his i.iptui
ns mo
mentarllv epicted
Those familiar with Ilia s taitlcs and
his hatred for Americans liellevo he will
never be taken alive and that his entile
command maj be wiped out In the predict
ed fight
Garcia -iltl Villa might ti to et.ipc
b .1 surprise uttm k during the night
Bertnni reported that In the piellmln.u
engagement the illlstas ic'.reatxl to El
Oso after losing sp(.ral killed ami about
100 horses captuied.
The courier who brought reports of
the conflict also confirmed reports th it
Gencial Pershing and Genenl Ueitanl
communtlet of C'arr.iuz.i Held forces, wcie
co-operating Cull . and tint the nirungp
nientH for the attack on Villa 1ml been
made at a conference between the two
leaders at Namlqulpi vestcrdav aftci
noon Tins confeiencc hesiiil was whollv In
al The two tlust-eoveied command- 1
shook hands is thev met and dls- I
cussed the proposed movements In the
shade of an adobe hut When thev parted
according to the cornier Pershing re
turned to his Held he.idiiuaiteis
The announcement that Villa has been
forced to stand nt liaj at la LHo was
received bv the mllp'iiv authoiltles at
Kort Bliss Geneiai Bell's headquarter"
ns an Indication that the bandit leader's
plan to escape had .it lu.itt been thwarted
for the time being The rond that runs
south of Chovas forms a junction at that
town with two other roads, one running
southeast the other southwest If he
were able to leaili I'hovas Villa could
divide his forces theie and confuse his !
Sift the pVobabimv 't.iaV i would Z
to divide their forces also Villa's de- 1
light is to weaken his enc. "!.s n this
fashion and then make a sudden attacl.
I Although Villa In person was leported
at CI Oso rancli it was dilllciilt to be-
1 lleve that the fox of the hlerra Mndre
I Mountains' had allowed himself to be
trapped so easil Other rumors had Villa
ut other points Jose Garcia I'lores
' leached i:i Paso with the story that Villa
himself had stoppetl a tialn at Mocte-
zuma half wa between Chihuahua and
Juarez, antl had searched the tialn for
I know V1U.1 well and 1 saw him saitl
I Florea He told everv one that Luis
I Herrera had Joined him to flglit the com-
, moil f-nemy and that Colonel C.ino ulso
would fight under his command '
llfforts will be made today h Andieas
Garcia, Mexican Consul, to effect the re
lease from the i:i Paso Jail of Melcher
Jlerrera, brother of the general leported
leading the mutiny ugalnst Carranza in
Despite series of denials from ofllcial
Mexican sources reports persisted that
General Herrera had quit chlliu.ihua with
2000 troops to take the field against the
common encni), and In Mexico 'the com
mon enemy ' is the United .states
Major Sample, commander at 1 ulum
bus, stated ho had absolutel no informa
tion of any engagement between Per
shing h troops and Villa The arinj s
wireless Is now In good working ordei
Sample said but earlv today he had re
ceived no information
Hi: l 'tis n:r ni ut n-n - -"iTbI
Children's Footwear With
the New Smart Toppings
These are the beautiful new designs that keep the young
folks in step with mother's fashions. And thev look ex.
tremely well. The Button Gaiterboot makes a neat Sunday
Cl f U Itttl. i- D.t r"l ...rL vtl. -
Jltwe iui iiic i-jinc wiic, aiciil v-uil Willi wnilC
Calf or Gray Kid top.
The Dress Shoe for the Young Miss, Patent
or Dull Calf,
Kid top. Bronze Kid
with the Metallic Brown
top. All-White or Blue
Kid. Priced $2,50 to
$4, according to size.
, nrrtrl
H ril
HHi MIOK WTtlltti
Majority of Mexicans
Are of Mixed Races
The population of Mexico is di
vided as follows:
Per (Vnl
Whites 15
Mixed 1
Indians 30
Hlncks 1
Illiteracy has been vnriously
estimated as 1 mining ftom 75 to
95 per cent.
N M Mnuli 24 Scout
I I' Vl,.rl,. .,.,.. ,.f tho nn.riinp.l nf It..
American column let.uned lo t olumbus
todav w Ith the decimation that the pursuit
.. i-, ...,.,i... .-in ...,i,,,i,i,. .. ..i.i ...mi
.ijnIl."..V.nu.P",.,',iV...-llU, t0rml
litttc succesifullv In a brief time
The bandit ihlef nt cm ding to .Marlowe
Is hemmed In bv 1'ie gient 1 anion of
American and rnrrtiira troops and, even
though he maj retire to Ihe hills of the
Guerrero district, he winuot long evade
the tightening net
'The water supplies ronstitutp Hip big
gest factor in the campaign said Mar
lowe The iitn nre standing up In won
derful shape under hatdshlps Unit are
terrllic to nnv nnp unused to Ihe climate
and the ind The first dav I saw 1 11 -fntilrvnipii
uulkfhi? ituni with llintl feet
bllstprod ami swollen but wit'i their ces '
bright nnd their heads high in spite of
the agon
! It was bad enough foi the oavalrv nnd
thev deerve nil the praise in the world
Hut It was wotso for the IlifnnlrvMtieii and
the Aiiieriinii people havr reason to lie
proud of tne spirit Ihev dlsplivcd
The in of the soldiers along the flout
for iiew'spapetH and othei reading miller
Is being duplicated nt the base camp nf
the American Foldlers The eensorIilp
has been so strict In so rut as the move
tueiit of troops and the actual pi egress
of the expedition In Mexico Is concerned
that few of Ihe olllcers and none of the
men Ivere know even the minoi details
Dallv as cast and west trains pass
tluougli Columbus men gather along Ihe
track and beg or bus newspapers, current
or old
Among th" troops hcie nt pieenl me
men from cities and towns In evcrj sec
tion When a paper from some Hooper's
homo town dilfts in. that troopei will pav
an exorbitant price foi It Copies of
Chkngo pipers and those fiom New York
nnd other llaslern cities sell commonly
foi ns high as 20 cents pel copv
One soldlei from Bangor Me hen id
11 troop of nnother lompativ had icicivcd
a copv of a pnpn from home Aftei .1
dicker he obtained It for i!0 cents and a
pair of armv shoes It was Ihe llrst news
ho had received fiom his home town Hi
tine" weeks
t:i. I'Asci Mai ill J I
Garcia I'lores a t-panish merchant of
the Clt of Chllrnhua who ni rived here
last dglit ald Ui.it Villa had held up a
tialn on which he was tiav cling, at Moc
tezunui, S"i miles northeast fiom Naml
qulpa, where tin Carr.1117.1 authorities
have Insisted the bandit thief was
located Ploies is well known in 121 Paso
"We wir- neaiing Moiterunia oil Wed
nesday afternoon said .M I'loics 'when
we encountered a huge force of men
mounted and on foot According to mv
best istlmute there, must have been 1300
"When we leaclietl the station we weie
amazed to seo Pancho Villa himself entei
the train We bad supposed he was manv
miles tn the west llo walked through
everj can lage. declaiing that he was
searching foi Aineiiians and that n
would kill nnv he found 'I am not fight
ing Mexicans, he nuuounted 'exeent tho
1'irst Chief and those tialtors with hhn
who have turned Mexico ovel to the
,"f,r,',',,ln1 .. . . ...
") l"a stopped to eh.it will:
1 some fuentls
of his who were on the train lie told
them that C.er.eral Herrera had joined him
tluee dais since with 2000 men, fullv
equipped and armed who Ind followed
him from Chihuahua Citv 11m fluall left
the train without molesting any one. but he
took fomo supplies which he said lie
needed badly
Mi t'lores said tho wires between Chi
huahua nud Tot 1 eon weie ut tluee davs
ago and that the people throughout the
country ho traversed knew little of what
was going on
Ameiican Sailor Also Desc.ibes Death
of Submarine Crew
A Jonah is Thomas Johnson an Ameii
can sailor British seafaring men will tell
Johnson who said his home is at Hock
tale Tex related his experiences as a
'magnet' for German submailncs at the
Maritime llxchnnge todav He was 011
two ships attacked bv undersea boats, ho
said The first was the Baron Lrskine,
bound from New Orleans to Caidlff, tor
pedoed last July off tho British Isles The
view wbh picked up aftr being adrift
in boats sl hours Johnson then shipped
on the Xlcoslan He told of the killing
of the crew of tho German submaiine
l'-38 on the decks of his ship bv a boaid
Ing party from a British warship v hicli
s.i ill. the I -boat and puisued the cieu
which took refuge on the Xicosiau
Spring Suits
To Measure
TaiJors to PartScoallar Men
Cor. 13th & Sansom
Suits g.'S lo SV(I
with Gray
Mfcurs tor ail th fO U
todav "" Booklet L lar ot
. ' and -aireu!riil Wan
Shoe and Hosiery
1204.06-08 Market St.
COLI'MM'S V M March 24
Lieutenant Hdgar G Gorrell, the army
aviator who with his aeroplane was lost
frnri n flnnnrlrnn nf nlirlit neronlnnes tlllt
left here Sundav foi Cnsim Grandcs,
mis uecn icwnii. lie iiuu pjieui 11 iiuui-. i
alone on the sand-swept plains In Mexico
10 miles north of Ascension, which Is 3B
miles from the border unaware that a
companv of Amerlcnn Infantrv was less
than IS miles south guarding the line
of communication He had been without
food for 21 hour" 1
Lieutenant Gortell had to dei end Sun '
I dnv for lack of gasoline Ilo had three
(days' rations with him the uuintltv oai
tiled hv eaih of the aviators Sundav
I night Mond-iv nnd Tuesil ij he waited
I alone Hut the hoped-for searching party
did not nrilve Neither did ttliv .Mexicans
r HP WHS 111 II UtWIUll nMmil-f WIIIML-
,n0" v? ,,,m' ' "l"0' L"?1' rJ h. riio. I
" "H'T'f.11 ' Z .1., ,1 .1 w
cxhnusteil left lis neropliiio foi the llrst
! time and walked due east in the direction '
he knew Ihe road connecting tlenernl Per
shlng's column nnd the bise of operations ,
nt Columbus must be Up found the roid I
nflcr walking alwiit eight nillp' Hut still
no lumi'iii being was In sight ,
l.louutntit (loirell wrotp a note telling I
of his predicament tacked It to a post I
then tcturucd to his aeroplane When 1
Meutiianl I I. Pirklnsoii of Ihe 20th 1
Infnntr.v was tinvellng north nlotir tin
roid In Charge of a train of empty motor- I
trucks enrlv vesierdiv lip found the
bit of pnpei hnll was at once ordeied
and n tescue part hurt led lo Lieutenant
The found him asleep under Ills ma
chine He had wiffcred sllghtlv from cs
poHiiro to the sun Ills aeroplane was
intact snve the gasoline lank, which had
tanked causlns; the total loss of his fuel
Alioaid the trucks whlih resetted him
were 'everal lnirels of gasoline and
Willi Ihe tid of some tools obtained fiom
the truckmen Lieutenant Gorrell Koldered
his tank and io--e In a flight which ho
piedlctetl would end in Casns Gi amies in
an hour He left the earth with 11 wave
of the hand as he shouted "I II get there
this time bovs '"
A WTOMO Mulch .'I
Consul Letilicis teport to the .State tie
partincut aflhiuing General Luis 1 lei -'rer.i
s lowiltv in first Chief Cmrnnri
relieved the tension among both mllltnrv
olllccts and civilians on the Ameiican side
of the bonier todav but there will be no
relaxation in the picc.iutlons being taken
to pi event attacks on hoi del towns
t threatened points 011 the Texas Vow
Mexico and Atlronu fiontler home guards
are being organized 1 hpse men are fullv
equipped and annctl The three States
are preparing theli militia foi active seiv
Ite In case of an attack In foico bv
Mexicans the mllltla would have to be
tailed upon owing to the fat t that to in
crease the size of the expedition In .Mex
ico General I'unston has been compellid
lo withdraw m in v of the boidei patiol
Major General I'unston has as vet le
eelved no confirmation of tho Mexican
report that Villa was defeated at .Santa
Gertrlidis 1am.l1 vesteida and, Inter sur
rounded at Kl Oso Onlv an 0lllci.1l re
port from Pershing to this effect will bo
ci edited
General I'unston howevei believes that
rumors of wldospiead levolts among the
Carratizlstas in northern .Mexico me
greativ exnggei.ittd Commeiclnl dis
patches from Tun con nnd Clilhunluin citv
me coming through without dllllcultj, nnd
this would hnrtll be the iae. General
I'linstou believes, If lebels luitl captuitd
theso two cities
LI. PfcO March Jl The 6tli and 16th
lleglments of Infantrv have telufoiced
General I'eishing at Casas Gr.indes the
field base of operations against Vllln
Heretofoie thev have been guarding the
lino of communication south of Columbus
Othei regiments will he moved In to guard
this line
The shift of Infanti regiments was
made on account of the need of the Hoops
to guard the supplv line for the mounted
troops which have moved south toward
Xamlqltlpa In pursuit of Villa The 21th
lufantij will be moved ovei the border,
with the exception of one battalion, which
will bo held foi patiol of tho Intel national
boundary and will pitrol the supply line
fiom the border to Casas (.'ramies
Detachments will be stationed at
Palomas, Guzman Ascenclon and at manv
places between those towns 'Ihe J Ith is
the strongest legiinent in the aimv
numerically and tho onlv one recruited to
win stiength witli eonqi inles iiumbeiing
1G0 men
The Gth and lGth IteglmentH will be
bioken up Into detachments stationed
south of Casas Grandest
.Mexico May Tax U. S. Stores
HI. PASO Tex .Match 24 v. report
that tho Mexican Government might place
a tlut on all niinv provisions curled
across the boitlei prevaihd todaj Mexi
can Consul Garcia declared no official ac
tion hail vet been taken hut did not denv
that it might be The Mexican railroads
have not vet been given over for the
transportation of troops or munitions
..B? MW-...
t'luito lii Itnrrls St Hnlns
United States Consul at Chihua
lnin, Mexico, where Gen. Luis
Hetiern was tepottcd to have re
volted against Carranza. Consul
Lctchei, silent for two days, to
day wited denial of the revolt,
rem for his safety had been
moused in Washington.
'sAN ANTONIO Tex, Mnrch 24 Two
wlieless messages from General I'ei
shing posHlblv toiitalnlng iinportant news
of operations fiom the field, received bj
General Kunston todnj, were so badly
garbled tint I'miston announced wireless
tommiinicntlaii is to be abandoned ns soon
us n rnnipin) of engineers can patch up
the fdutk) laiul wlro between Columbus
antl Cus is Giaudes
It was stated at headquarters that an
Insulated wire between Casus Grandcs
and Cohnbtis Is expected to be In work
ing 01 del shortly
In tho meantime Compinv I of tho
Inilid Stales .Signal Corps, oideicd fiom
111 Paso to Columbus totl-ij. will take
chnigc of thp luitimunlcatloii problem nnd
attempt tn put the wireless uppiratus In
better order
'Ihe onlv Intelligible message lecolved
from Casns Grundes nt II o clock todav
stated that high winds there were foiclng
the ui ropluncs to lemaln In camp
tional Gu.uil will not be called upon to
aid the Mexican punitive expedition, at
the ptesent time, at least This was made
)il. tin toda bv Secretarj of War Baker
as lip left the White House executive
olllces after the Cabinet meeting Secre
taiv Baker was asked pointblank if the
militia would be tailed out
'Not .1 thince" lie cuitlv leplletl
All of the Cabinet niiinbcis made It
cleat that no steps wpip being taken to
e ill out the National Guaid 01 call for
vtiluuteeis In connection with the Mixlutu
WASHINGTON Maich 21 A battalion
of the 21st Infantrv, lotated at Vancouver
Barracks neai Portlind, Ore was to
ilaj ordt red to pi meed to VA t'ontio, Cal ,
In lompllance with a n quest fiom Gen
eral Bell
LI Ceutio lies In the Impeilal Valley,
about 10 miles I10111 the International
bouudai v n li ligation project centres
theie but its source Is within Mexico The
le.ison foi the 1 (.quest was not lovealcd,
hut It was assumed tluit perhaps danger
to the irrigation svstem was feaied
Now is the time to have hardwood
floors laid to make your new decora
tions entirely complete. The cost is
moderate far less than you would
expect to pay for the added beauty
and convenience hardwood floors
3034 West York St. 'is'1' .
$m. HARDWOOD -1ffl
Opens Tomorrow
to April 2
Convention Hall
Broad and Allegheny Avenue
Admission, 50 Cents
Funston Details Stronger
Guards for Possible Uprising.
Mystery in Concentration
of Troops on Border
Continued conflicting reports today
from the Mexican border were gravely
concerning officials wlio find their efforts
to get nccurnte knowledge of the exact
situation unnccountnblv Interfered with
The War Department sajs It Is unnble
to learn Just how strong tho disaffection
nmong tho Cirranm forces In northern
Chihuahua nctually Is whllo the State
Dcpartmet t ngents have as vet made 110
report No word has come from the Tnni
plco oil region nnd not only nt the State
Department, but nt the Drltlsh Embassy
Is concern felt The battleship Kcntuekv
will reach Tamplco today and from tin 11
wireless communication will be main
tnlned with Ke West
Although officials were much Interested
over reports from tho border that Villa
was surrounded nnd had been nttneked b
Americans and Carrnn?lstas. Secretary
Ilaker raid on reaching his ofllce that ho
had no confirmation of Ihe report fiom
General I'unston
Whllo In no wav questioning the good
faith of General Carrnnrn arm ofllccrs
today nre studying tho apparent massing
of his forces nt strategic points only a
short march from tho border There Is
no wn of ascertaining here whether thoso
dispositions have been nuthorlzcd directly
by the "First Chief or whether the vvero
ordered by his War Secretarj General
Obregon, formerly nrmy commander In
At least at half a dozen points not more
thnn live 01 six hours from the border,
however, stiong bodies of Cnrranzlsta
troops nre being held, nnd It Is ndmtttcd
thnt they could cause much trouble should
it break between tho United States and the
de facto government In Mexico come
It Is understood thnt General Kunston
quietly is gntherlng data of the dlsposl
tlons nf theso troops, their commanders
nnd equipment Meanwhile the border
putrols on this side have been so adjusted
as ilo be In readiness for any possible
ctnergeuc) In addition the Pershing ex
pcdltlou has been so strengthened that It
can maintain Its positions for a reasonable
length of time
Tho I'nlted States Coast Guaid Is qulct
1 getting Into trim for posslhlo action
should n blockade of the Mexican coast bo
ordered The coast guard fleet was of
great service during the Spanlsh-Amcil-enn
war, and would duplicate that success
If called on now'
Why men who want
something better
A discriminating man
one who cares about the
perfection of the little
things in life hits upon
R e s i n o 1 Shavinp Stick.
Then, in his quiet way, he
tells about it to such of his
cronies as he knows will
also appreciate an unusual
ly fine thine
That is how tho sale of
Resinol Shaving Stick has
grown simply because men
want a shaving stick which
gives a lich lather, without
heavy perfume, but contain
ing a soothing medication
like Resinol to keep the
skin soft, refreshed and
ftee from shaving rashes.
All good druggists sell
Resinol Shaving Stick Tor
trial size free, write to
Dept 8-M. Heslnol, Balti
more, Md
kw uwii m ii h ii n un 11 n inn 'wni ihjiiib m
5 Extra Special ,
For Saturday Only
vQHHI Hi smkwmm r
lte n.etufe; Aery ma.ssve, luxuriously upholstered; elegantly finished.
Ihe Table: Generously proportioned, stoutly constructed; has magazine and book shelf.
rrue rn . !rtaco Pfker,:, Designed with one thought; durability, beauty, comfort. , .
The Hall Clock 68 inches high, 18 inches wide, with brass hands, numerals and pendulum ball.
The Lamp: Beautiful art metal lamp, with elegant opalescent shade.
Packard Auto
Truck Dslivtry
WASHINGTON. March 24, With a
Mexican nrmy of 3000 cnvalry nnd 40
pieces of nrtlllery camped within 10
blocks of the centre of Douglas, Arl ,
nnd with American forces ordered not to
prcparo for nctlve defense for fear of
offending Mpxlcnns, the Arizona city Is In
grave danger ot Imminent attack, accord
ing to a telegram rccelvetT today by Sen
ator Aahurst from D A. Illchnrds, a
DouglnR nttornej
"Do nil ou can for us before It Is too
lnte, ' s'vld the telegram
Senator Ashursf was undetermined this
morning whethci to present the telegram
to the Senate or to the Wnr Department
In both quarters, he declared, IiIb pleas
for aid had been received rather lightly
The telegram read
Mexican general has 40 pieces of
artillery and 3000 cavalry stationed
In blocks trom centre if Douglns
Seven thousand cnvalry stationed six
miles south of Douglas We have
onlv 1800 Infnntry, 300 cavalry nnd
4 pieces of nrtlllcrv Our troops sta
tioned two miles east of Douglas Am
lellably Informed It would require one
hour for our troops to reach Doug
las. In case of night attnelt Our
nrmy forbidden by Administration
from making any nctlve defense prep-
An llltt rtntill1ieil Tnllorlnr Bhnn In n
New mill Convenient Iiorntlon
High Grade Garments
at Moderate Prices
Come here with con
fidencc you will be $4
fitted pcrtcctiy in s,tyic,
workmanship and price.
Our long experience
insures vottr satistac- ami up
tion. Suits to order
x. :,i
SSjsm1 xleKj
'Bl llllll III uiw
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JJIuiil I ' 1 1 I HfiUi7i 11 i IK III mSm
This instrument so perfectly re-creates tho human voice
thnt it is not possible to tell voice nnd instrument apart! In
beautiful finish, the instrument complote is $250.
Have it in YOUR OWN HOME for a trial AT OUR
EXPENSE. Wo deliver it upon receipt of coupon below.
YOU PAY NOTHING until satisfied. Then make SMALL
Other Style Edison
Diamond Disc Phonographs, from OU Up
l'lanot and Plajrr l'lanoa on our IJbcral Paymrnt VUn.
1705 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
STOHV & CUUtK, 1703 Chratnut Street. I'lilladelphla.
Deliver to my home the Kdlion Fhonocraph ehovin here t TOUR
eipenee If Instrument la satisfactory Bill make monthly payment of I
in u m a i n m m i mm am in uu in
U-Piece Mission Library
" Suits :
I fM IWi,9 I I
- K I 1. T III 'II ' 1I19JLM. , TBI ItH - 1M
713714 Market Street
orations far fcftr MexIn. 77-I
misconstrue Mich prenarat . T".i
leans have Intrenched S M1
States side and have bSSS i,tr"fl
tanglements We have 7 .,r 'Ml
ment Mexican troopTcouM lmM
peat Coium.ius massneroW'L'tl
on much larger scale aJ V0"1
Mexico with smaujm h4
statements enh be xerlflM J ""
army officers here. Ilen u,b,y, -can
before It is i ii.!1" u' ron L
t don't even expect lo nukn.it t. if
gram to the Senate" sail fi" '?' '$
"It won't .lo o,. "S"1 ntor Aehllfll
before the War Departmen eTu.br"' K
tired going down there ftn;,fi'h'r' irf
more troops for the Arizona bo?dfi?
onlv look nt me nt tho War 1,,
.?tv.?2i ZTi- .""" -a i,JI
sent out from DoYs W
sent out from Douglas that 2 Job xl ' "fi
troops have been seen "cen llM,MH
neighborhood of Agua PrU .L.,n H
border from Dougla, Humors .Til thl
feet thnt a tnriro l,.i.. " m.. ,0 lh ttA
bound northward had bee'n tW
an American soldier had d?ubi8!" fil
prehension " """ fr
Speaking of Quality 1
hern's a llehtwelsht ftprln, ,M
Summer Bock that's prot tha n .
all competitors Manufacture Bilk
sntl-Sllk that fits without a wiinkU
and atasa die-faat no matter how
many trips to tho waahlub Tht onlj
durable thin aocka made uiick
Navi, White, Tan, Orten, Orlr ,0i
35e A TAIIl
3 TAIIIS FOB 11.00
Phone Walnut 100'. J0 Ctniln.i nil
is the Officinl Inboratorv model )
&iteumw ';
I To':,"''tj 1 y
. .
EDISON PHONOGRAPH. With this injtru-'
ment you need not change needles th' tons 1
reproduction is made by a genuine diamond
iiihumiiijb iiwii w in in mm mrt
As Illustrated!
Op Satvtto
-4 II