Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 24, 1916, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Will Throw Influence to Gov
ernor and Against Penrose
in Fight for Conven
tion Delegates
The Infliiettce or the ProRresRlve pnrtv
will bef throw n to Governor HmmlinuRli In
his flRht to wrest the leniterehlp of the
Republican pnrty In Pennsjlvanla trom
United Slates Senntor Dolci Penrose
The Oocrnor wai Indirectly Indorsed
by the leaders of the WanhlnRton partv
at their conference held In HarrMiurR
sterda afternoon and last night The
Indorsement was n the form of a call to
former Progressives who have leturncd
to the nepuhllciin part to support dele
Bates who will he opposed to Penrosn
The Indorsement of the "lovcinm cimi
only after r hitter flBht however Tli
Fllnn-Vnn VnlkenfourR faction .ittmpti
to have the 80 WnililnRt.iii party leadois
who nttended the conference adopt teso- ,
lutlons Indorsing the (invernors (IrIiI I
openly Clifford Plnchot who Is a warm
personal friend of Colonel JIoofpvpU, huc-
fessfullj fought this attempt hut was
HhnhlA tn lilnnL t ti a Irwl tenit wlnpaAmnnt
unable to block the Indirect Indorsement
The Washington pnrtv leaders went on
record as favoring a reunion with the
Republican party at the Chicago conven-
ilnn l.lo.t Ilia I. HIltillilnHH HnlHlimtii
n" ' i'. .,'". '.. "'"".',1.;:, ,.V,:
da e acce , WMe J, them
A slate of Washington pnitj candidates I
for Stnte olTlces wns drafted at a confer- '
tlam held after the regular meeting WIN
llm Fllnn presided ovei the slating con
ference Thc ticket, as decided upon will
United States Sonator Mnhlon H
Meyers, Cambria Count one of the
noosevelt delegites to the Republican nnd
Progressive National Conventions In 1912
He Is general manager of thc Smokeless
Coal Company, of Johnstown
Auditor General Isaac II Brown, of
Eric, formei Secretary of Internal Af
fairs. State Tieasurer, J Verncr Clark, of
Washington County, former member of
the Legislature
Congressmen-nt-Large, Ilobert " Hull
York: Fred Brencktnnu, of Carbon Coun
ty: S Jarvls Adams. Jr, of Allegheny
County, nnd Arthur c; Graham, of Phil
adelphia. William Hllnn, of Pittsburgh, Is to be
re-elected as Progressive National Com
mitteeman from Pcnnsylvanli
GlfCord Plnchot. Roosevelt's close friend,
was a stnnch opponent of an) thing seem
ing to favor the Governor Those who
stood with him denounced the alliance of
the Governor with the Vnrcs and also the
Uovcrnor's participation In what wns
called a "deal" to follow up the uppolnt
ment of Thomas II Smith to the Public
Service Commission by his nomination for
Mayor of Philadelphia The Fllnn leader
ship fighting that of Plnchot and of others,
such as T Henry Walnut, of Philadelphia,
by a change In the wording of an original
net of resolution, succeeded In having tho
conference call tor
"Progressives In Pennsylvania who are
enrolled as Republicans to support for
delegates to tho National Republican Con
vention men, who will not bo subjei t to
those baneful Influences which split tho
Republican pnrty asunder In 1912 "
It was admitted on all sides, following
the conferences, that there was only one
practical meaning to that language, name
ly, that Progressives in thu Republican
party should vote fur Urumb.iugh dele
gates to the Republican National Conven
tion, rilnn nnd the Vares had won Tl.e
alliance between the Governor and tho
Fllnn-Van ValkcnburK leadciship was
In fact, upon the adjournment of the
conference, a representative of the Gov
ernor's campaign committee called upon
William Fllnn, and later Issued uu Infor
mal statement directing attention to the
Indirect Indorsement of Governor Brum
baugh Thc full effect of Fllnn's parliamentary
victory over a seeming majority was ob
tained when, following u denunciation of
the Governor In tho conference, the rank
and file broke out with cheers At the
same time, It was pointed out. Penrose
received a similar reception
The resolutions embody thc Roosevelt
Idea of four ears ago Tho hope was
expressed that the Republican and Pro
gressive National Conventions would
agree on the same presidential candidate,
and It was set forth that Progressives
Were Just as ready as ever to respond to
the call of the Colonel It was also re
solved that the Washington partj would
have a complete btate ticket of Its own
Estate Left in Trust to Widow Other
Wills Probated
An estate valued at $49,700 Is left In
trust to his widow by Charles L Hr.mii
who died recently at 991 North 7th street.
In his will, admitted to probate today
Upon the death of Mrs Braun, JJO0O of
the principal Is to revert to the German
P. E. Home for tho Aged und $1000 each
to the Kanltarlum Association, Society foi
the Preentlon of Cruelty to Animals and
the Society to Protec Children from
Of the remainder of the estate, one half
Is left to nephews and nieces the isbue of
a deceased sister, and the other half In
equal shares, goes to the German Society
of Philadelphia and the German Hospltul.
enner wins prooateu today were thoje
of Edward H Parry, which. In private be
quests, disposes of an estate valued at J65 .
000; Henry H. Rlttenhouse, 2023 Noith
Carlisle street. $18,500, Albert It U.
Keyser, 1939 North Park avenue, $5000:
Mary Holxachuh, 1519 Thompson street
M209, and Frank W Piatt, White Haven,
Pa J30D0,,
The nionaIty of the estate of Emma
IC Lad era has been appraUed at 199,6.9
47. and the personalty left by William O
Lacs and Lawrence J Schmitt is appraised
at $8610 81 and $5025 21 respectively
Wrenches ' It From Father's Grasp
When He Attacks
His Wife
A sixteen-year-old girl wrenched a
razor from lier father's hands after he
bad knocked her mother and brother un
conscious, threatening to "clean up" the
Early this morning Edward Whitehouse.
4t years old, came to his home, 2117
North 29th street, from his lodge In a
bad humor. He had been drinking, according-
to his wife, and started a quarrel
Whltehouae, selling his razor chaked the
woman. Hatry. av 20-year-old son. inter
waned, and sought to quiet the elder man,
ttt wa'gUu a'blQw that, knocked him
down. The father then struck the wife.
Knocking her unconscious.
The daughter, Ljucy. awakened by
screams, rushed io wHere her mother lay
ynd throwing her arms tightly about her
father- knocked ilia. FAxor row hia grasp, f eral Studies will be held tomorrow at the
taiMt llftli hid It The sojj. Harry by tfcat Hotel AdelpbU. Profeasqr John f Rolfs
u tld l-ecjversd, and atamed hi of the L niverwtj of Pennuylvania will
t wr with tt stool knockijjy jiim dow I preside There will be addresses by Jr
W ma)flU& was- hsld under JMO bail tulhu-by F femlth of Johns Hopkins and
uw SWM, iTOt John J Barton, of Bryu Mawr.
' WMmf JmT ifTfw!
HAirriN m vi nku.i.k. kti:kn
UncIc 0f juvenile Com t JutlRC Goti
I r
i Many ConKiutulutlons ami Plovvets
Huge linskets and wipiiIIh of (lowers
almost burled the Imppv smiles of Mattln
, XlacVellle unU. of .Illdg- Itavmond Mac
'"'f "" 'H C ,l01".
when the fnimer n rnngi ululated bj
spores of friends on Ills blrthdav annl-
vctsnrv He Is 85 vcirs vouiib" toduv
Mr Mm Vellle wis a drumniet lun under
"enerm vv iniioiii m-i.u in tne -iei. an
War He was Imdlj wounded at Vera
Cruz but this did not deter him venrs
later from enlisting In the civil War as
a private in the lnnth Pennsvlvnnia In
fantrv He wns ngnln wounded this tliuu
in the face
"The onlv thing I regret said the
old warrior todij Is tli.it I nni too old
to go back to Mexico with the hnvs theio
now. Those Melcans aie a tough set
nnd the trouble wont end with the cap-
lliri. 1f Villi V' h i.l Iwittor tir.,nit-f f,ir
' tumble in a Imrrv
Philadolphian Appears Before
U. S. Grand Jury Bates
Excused Temporarily
niin: P.i. Mnrcli 2I Nell Homier of
Philadelphia, president of the National
Hetntl Liquor Healers Association nnd.
next to .1 P Mulvlhlll of Pittsburgh,
le uler of the State liquor forces the man
most sought bv the Government In Its
probe of the alleged brewery -politics part
nership went before the Ped.r.il Grand
Jury here this forenoon the first witness
called by t nltid States Attornev H Lowry
H.mner tarried an armful of subpoeiue.I
books and records, but ho was excused
tempor.irllv from testlfvlng while the
Grand Jury returned to the caho of J V.
Thompson, the I'nlontown banker accused
of violating the national banking laws
Dr C J Hex.imcr of Philadelphia,
pitsldcnt nf the National German-Amerl-i.in
Alliance. Ill K T Phmlng of Phila
delphia, secrct.uy of the 12 astern Penn
sylvania Wholesale Liquor Honk is Asmi-
lation and frank J Keelan of Pitts
burgh, are on hand waiting to go before
the Grand Jury
Cop Sees Him Write Postal and
Arrests Two Lads
His anxiety to send .1 pirting word to
his mother caui-ed the capture of William
Smith. 13-year-old runaway, of this city,
and his companion, Joseph fox, 11 years
old In I'amden, l.tht night, by Spcclnl
Policeman Archibald
The boys were looking for adventure
and bought a tic kot for Silem, N .1 Hut
hmlth. who lives at G.'ui, Master street,
could not resist the temptation to m ml a
postal to his piothei While he wiote
the message. Fox stood neat by ncivously,
watching the . lock
Archibald looked over the shoulder of
the Smith boy .mil lead thet.o wolds,
Dear Mother Sorry to give you ho
much trouble Im going away, don't
worrv Your son William .smith" The
boy had barely llnlshed wilting when
Archibald placed hlni and his lompanlnn.
who lived at S155 Haverford avenue, un
der arrest Iloth hoys were claimed last
night by their pirents and went home in
School Superintendent at Southern
reception will be given Or John P
iarbei. superintendent of s. hools, nnd
John C hristopher district superintendent
of the M School District, tonight at the !
southern lllgli .scrool llrn.nl and Jack
son htreets, by the teacheis and princi
pals of the Jd District
t tho Hamilton School, 57th and
Spruce streets, a lecture will bo deliv
ered tonight on health nnd modern sani
tation Lectures will also be delivered
at the Benson School 27th and Wharton
streets, where lr Joseph flay will talk
on the "Care of Lyes Lars Nose and
Throat ' The same lecturo will be de
livered in the Mott School Huntingdon
and Sepviva streets by Dr Gilbert J
Palen. At the Marshall School, Sellers,
and Franklin streets Dr L. T Ashcratt
will deliver a lecture on "Exercise,
Recreation and Rest," while Dr Samuel
Leopold will deliver the same lecture at
the Nichols School, 16th and Wharton
Longshoremen Suy They Were
Brought Here to Break Strike
Twenty -eight negro longshoremen vis
ited the Federal Building today and com
plained that they had been brought to
this city from Jacksonville. 1-la under
false pretence The men arrived here
yesterday 011 the steamship Cretan, of
the Merchants and Miners' Transportation
Company According to the longshoremen
they vvere hired by the Merchants and
Miners' Transportation Company to work
on the company's piers In this city. They
alleged that when they arrived here thev
were asked to take the places of striklpg,
The local ottkM of the Merchants and
Miners' Transportatlou Company today
Issued a dental of the charges. Accord
ing to the steamship company there was
no strike pending at the time the men
were hired No action was taken by the
Federal officials of the complaint
Liberal Studies Society to Meet
The third annual meeting of the Phila
delphia society ror tne fromotlon of Lib
Continued ?rom ?a One i
Dli color Tnjlor This is .he line that
would enable all the lerldents of the cltv
to reach all pirts of r.ilrmmitit Park for I
a fi-cenl fare and vhen In operation
would prevent the paiklnp of street cars'
in MravUicrrv Mansion (Ireen street en-
trance niitl at the Itldne a v.-nue entrance
ni ine vv inic con drive in addition to
enai.nnB tnoso IIUiik In lemote sections
,XZ C. . "?,' "If J-'V '""K""1""
pajRround e-islly available to the masses
nnd prevent the dlsRinceful irowdlns of
enrs on the slow.RoInK surface lines
Propert) owners along the route of the
poseci "rKwn line Have been ran
uoiiiii m, rase the tax late as to mnh
then properties ..n productive wheie held
for investment md fndeslrahie when no
piled as home'-
t- , , , ' . ,
Ive ,oi, ,leimled upon et Phil-
ad. Iphln a week ago I iPt 'J tic'dnv nnd
mnpnlgned against the building of the
w.wu ,o louge onjei ions 10 the miiiiiniR ,c nrc l)lf,(1pe. thc bulldlflg of the counts
','L,e ..I'" '"". HketX , "' t0 '"""I0" Ilenrv ivenue bridge and told that until t lliled stfll0, Jll(lRe Charles I' Orr.
, i JhJ n, JniShJir.Inii' n."i ,h" lm,ucl " comnleted n lrana,t llne who. with United Stales Judge W H S
Vveibiri r.CL?,i , ? ?. i ' "?, ".." , -"" "" "I" '" considered Thomas received the presentment to the
L,U'l'nI,,1;,,Tl'l,eV,Pi S that while the Major asks the peo- Lurprlse of thc crowded courtroom d
bee , L i in Vn Lf, . i.Ji i i?.,2 r !' alt announcement of Mr Twin- Unced the presentment from the bench
leen appealed lo to defeat the building of mR , ,,nn In detail, the ctinpalRn against .... ' utopne. r; I,vrv
.riim Tun. ni . n . i,V lii J7, fl,"nt1 M",e nni ',,,'1),' "'" r ,nkC" ,l
u lzz SH h ?; ;S . lx
J? J JMl'W at Cltv ,,a todav that
to oppose any attempt to round up those
menioersoi lounrils tnvote in favororun
oroinnnco to resroie ine originil Tnylol ,Pu This would make the publication
plan, so iiinended as to In. hide for the In. r tht. r(.,)ort f die commission slmultn
inedlate building of the Pnrkwnv.Rnv I Ilf,s wltl, ,h(, publication of Director
borough line nnd the Woodland avenue- Twining n modified report on the entire
1,,irl "'""I transit project
'Arguments used In West Plillndelphi i Director Twining wiminoncd the mem
were chiefly that thev would burden them- bers of the commission to his office this
solves with a gient tax inle for venrs
to come for a public Improvement which
would draw people aivav from the lerrl- i slate what had taken place at the confer- Hon, which wcro not covered In the pre
torv west of the rlvei nnd that the tnx- cine howevti I vlous presentment"
pavers In West Philadelphia would be As a lestilt of I'ltv Solicitor Connelly s j
pivlngfoi the development of pinpcitv In opinion suggesting Hint an amicable agree- m.,nInn, - . .-, TTrn
evtuv section of the cltv except theli own men! between the cltv nnd the Keystone ' If I IJ( l' MA I K HI I
It was also pointed out that there was I Sint. 'oiistrui tlon Company be made for UUlll 1U11 & LllrlkU 1111
no leal need lot transit facilities siuli as a inodin. itloii of the present contract the .,-,, t
weie advocated bv formei Director T.ivloi i kev of the sltuili.in Is plnced In the hands i DV fj A V I7YPl IjVJllllV
as the present surfnie lines were run nt l of Seinior M.-Mihol t'nless thc Senator III UrtO LjlVl LilOllll
great speed extent In tin centi.il nirts will icne to the terms of the agreement
of the cltv nnd able to make Just us good
Joseph T. Richards, Forty
Years With the Pennsyl
vania Railroad, Con
demns Curtailed Pro
gram for Rapid Transit
Points to Difficulties Sur
mounted in Building
Hudson River Tunnels as
Proof of Practicability of
the Taylor Project
loseph T Illcli.u K who recently 12
tired nftei 10 years' continuous service ns
tonsultlng engliieci of maintenance of way
for the Pennsylvania Itaiirond, In the
course of an Interview published tndiv.
made a stinging criticism of tho proposed
Twining changes
Mr Itlch.irds was the cngincei In the
building of tho Pennsvlvnnia Ilitili oacl tun
nels under the Hudson River, and was con
suiting engineer for tho construction of
tho tubes under tho Waldorf-Astorl 1, In
New York, an englnterlng woik maiiv
times more ditllcult than the proposed
operation under City Hall
Sixteen years ago he prepared the plain,
for thc Market street subway and elevated
In this city, and engineering monuments
to his skill are In nctivo use today In
nearlv every big city of the- Last He
stated emphatically that it Is perfectly
feasible to 1 tin .1 subway undei City Hall,
as provided by former Diicctoi T.ivlor
'The agitation that Is being shown now
at the plan nf running the 11 road street
subway lines under City Hall Is not wui
rnnted " said Mr Richards The Penn
sylvanla Railroad, in driving its tunnels
under Now York city, contended with
greater obstacles than anv whl.li confront
Philadelphia In Um subway under City
Hall The Waldorf-Astoria on JJd stieet
ns an example, had to be nude 1 mined
Hugo structures were underpinned, and
vet there wasnt even the Inkling of
"Let the conti actors here shore up
City Hull properly, as they hnvo done
l uiitliiuril from fuse One
consider the action of members of Finance
Committee of Councils yesterday afternoun
In attacking the loan a political move
"Yet, I do ' ho snapped "Theie Is
nothing but politics In it It's the same
old crowd the same old ciowd trying
to fool the people In the same old way 1
consider it an open attack on the Admin
Istratlnii and mean to fight It tu the
finish "
The Mayor pauted for bienth and he
threw back his shoulders and thrust out
his under Up militant l
'Any one ' he continued In the same
cold, even tone "who attacks the loan foi
political purposes attacks my administra
tion, nnd they have got to fight" The
.Mayor brought out the word "light" with
an emphasis whhh left uu doubt as to
his feelings
I am not afiald to gn befoie the peo
ple," continued the Mayor, 'and those
attacking the loan will have to tight ine
1 don t care how strong you make this
statement The opposition is purely politi
cal, and they have now come out Into the
1 have not decided to take the floor
at the meeting of the Finance Committee,
next Monday night 1 may be there, but
cannot say definitely ,t this time Hut I
want to say this, they cant play politics
with me and do it without n tight
The opposition to the loan is easily
understood nou
Immediately following his declaration of
war on the McNichol Penrose forces, the
Mayor entered his office
The action of the Mayor In coming out
into the onen now ends the nreilmlnary
skirmishing between the Vare and Penrose J
McNichol forces, and places the struggle
between the two factions on a real war
Heretofore Mayor fcnilth has denied
knowledge of any intention of the Pen-rose-McNichol
Councilman to retard or
defeat the loan bill Politicians this aft
ernoon was united in the opinion that
the Mayor'u declaration of war 'Is a sig
nal for a line-up of the forces of the
opposing factions for a ktruggle which is
With honors resting In the Penrose
McNichol camp, the whole fight over the
$86,8Q0.0QQ loan, its carrying charges and
the necessary Increase In the city tax on
realty will be renewed In the Finance
Committee of Councils on Monday, when
the question of including deficiency bills
totaling ?I6,100 In the loan and the de
bate over the amount of tax increase will
be continued.
So far. the delaying tactics of tbe Pen
rose, follower in the committee have been
successful also their plan to give the
people some Idea, of the tax burden they
win assume in the event of the success
qlvioloan. WhetSer or oI ilayor SitDtn
will iak$ the floor on Monday in defsnt I
oi tne wan u not ocen ueiertnmuu, put 4
tlme as an elevated train not handicapped
with surface traffic or restricted )y Ico
or snow In the winter" time luch as ties
up surface cars now
Yinw Aii.ii.inrs mnde determined bread-
alld.butter nirliti In the Mill, 20tli, 2
3d. i
,,.. . .... Wnritll nnd In various othci
, , ,, of!c(.holc!eri off.red to as-
sure the residents that If they would (ret
,,nrk of Ulp n,imin,tratlon's transit plan
d , , ,, m(.r ,hp loan blll the ,..
ministration would pass ordinances au-
,rl7llir local Improvements This Is
Ilotn,)v , hl Uie 21st Ward, where Ihe
,)e ,,.ntI1R f0r Major Smith Let the
Min,')r ,Ifrlnrl ,mself now '"
' lUreelor Twining will await the report
, of the celnt commission appointed bv
,,,,, M(uor , ,lm,j ,ll0 tvpc of construe-
tlon i,,,., Mltpti f. t,c rtiond street sub
..... ,.or. micr n nll, It Is undi
., ,0ininlssnii rohnbh would not
Iotp ,, investigation ntn earlv ne-ct
morning- nnd for nearly thiee hours the I
I five men discussed Uu plans None would
, the work will be held up indefinitely
Twining Plan Worth
30 Cents; Tailor's $10 for 1
Under Twining plan rapid tian
sit system worth 30 cents.
Under Taylor plan every dollar
spent will bring 10 in return.
Twining plan is not complete
and would be disastrous to devel
opment of city.
Taylor plnn takes care of every
section of city nnd in years will
more thnn repny expense.
If we expect Government to
make our Navy Yard finest in
country we should meet Govern
ment at least halfway and give
those nt League Island decent
transit facilities.
with buildings In New York nnd Chicago,
and no dllllculty will be encountered
'ThoTayloi plan besides providing for
a great passenger station under City
Hall, should also take Into consideration
an exchange on the North nnd South
Broad street subway lines and the fast
and West Market street lines That
would bo tho Ideal transit situation
Tho Twining plnn is not complete and
would be disastrous to thc development
of tho city The Tavloi plan takes care
of the entire city and in venrs will more
than repiy the grcnt trouble and expense
As in other cities, Philadelphia compre
hensively should take In every section of
tho cltv In Its transit plans
"I'nilor the Twining plan I would char
acterize the rapid transit system ns worth
.10 cents, whereas under the Taylor plan
every dollar spent will bring ten In return
A unique consideration enters into the
shortening of the subway on South Broad
street Philadelphia desires to make
League Island the greatest Governmental
naval centie In the country It wants
Government nld for this project. Yet It
refuses rapid transit between tho Navy
Yard and the central sections of the city.
'Ihe officials at the Island feel badly
this lack of Intel est'on the part of Phila
delphia "If we expect the Government to make
our navy yard the finest In the country we
should nt least meet the Government half
way by giving thoso nt League Island de
cent transit facilities"
Vurci members of the committee, hope for
support from him
An entirely new feature of opposition
has been injected Into the Mluntlon by tl
.'.' West Philadelphia Councllmcn, wlio
nave como forward with a threat to do
Meat the loan unless improvements west nf
the Schuylkill River are Included In the
Itims of the loan These demands total
more than S.', 000.000 and are considered
modest In view- of the allowance made to
booth Philadelphia thiough Vare inlluence.
The predicted defeat of the plan to pro
Aide for Hie salaries of D00 extra police
men In the loan Is looked upon as a vie
lory by the Pcnrose-McNichol forces, who
havn taken the stand that no new Jobs
are to be createu ami no new salary In
creases allowed at a time when the city
Is placed in the position of borrowing
money foi such articles as soap and
tow els
TO celebrate its eighty years
of journalistic activity, the
Public Ledger will present
A Special Supplement
in connection with its regular
edition tomorrow.
In this supplement distin
guished men in public life,
editors, publishers and writers
of note will give their impres
sions of the Public Ledger past
and present. It will also con
tain an interesting review of
the Ledger's history.
Order your copy today
llhl.P WANTfcO 1-K.MVI.K
DlN'DKHV QlfU.S wanted also learners. itedy
work The Liberty Ulndlna and Mailing
Company. 1Q1- Chancellor t
aiuwl wbiti slrl wanted, no wathlns. bit
wages reference required Cull befgre I'i.
l8USprlnneJd w s West Phlla,
PAPER BOXES, coverlns machine girls, exp
benders up turners tnn nil learners wanted
.Apply Henry Schmidt Pros 3'.' I New it
Ilbl.l" WANTED 31ALK
ACCOUNTANT, familiar with public worlc
No others need apply. M BM. Ledger Cent.
Dobeon. lac . 80V 811 Chestnut st
navins ep- . ejiv4u..i,njf cesius mills
I WANTED1 to rear thoroughly modern holes.
"R nJirty aaburbs, at least to rooms iS
tarnished. M at Ledger Central
uilicr Clmt an en Tassa 13, i. aad U
in:iiit ilk iiir-11 vt iiu imcukc: iii.iiii&ii v.n v .
That Accusation and One of Ab
straction Included Among 30
Counts in New Presentment
litlin Pa Slarch 2 IntiodiiclnR tor
the first tlma ctnlfezilcment and nbslrnctlon
a new presentment against f V Thomp
son, head of the defunct First National
Hank of. Unlnntow n, was returned bj the
IVdernlTUnnd Tury here at 12-45 o'clock
todaj The jurors were directed lo brliiR
In an Indictment It will contain iv
Jtirj, s course
"t doubt the valldlt of this present
meiit. said Tudge Orr. after Clerk Wllhur
Harris took the presentment from the
hnnds of Oeorgo l Dawson, of I'nlon
town foreman of the (tiand .fur
Judge On added "It Is slmllai to a
... . ,. ... .... , .-,-..... ft.....
IMCKcnuneni inauc ov ine uisi ctit.nu .iuij.
which nt the time was authorized to pre-
I sc"1 tt l"11 'N'w l,e snmc ' "
W'wsn "hi
bub, SriiCo!":
tinlitii a4i(iti nf flilu inn M or hnfnrp thf fiinilll
The court will penult tho Oinnd Jury
to bring In a bill (the Indictment) le
servlng, however, tho right to sny whether
or not the Indictments brought In shall
stand ns a truo blll against the defendant "
Humes wns on his feet In an instant
The now presentment, he said 'eov-
crs matters of embezzlement nnd nbstrai
Fixing Up Home for Bride
More Dangerous Than
War, He Says
Life on n fnltid States warship and In
rebel-ravaged McnIco Is far softer than
repnlrlng a house tull of accumulated gas,
said Lewis Pndulo. a gunner's mate on
the battleship Kcaisargo today
Padulo was hurled to the floor and
tho front wall of n house at 1309 Kast
Aloyamonslng avenue was blown Into tho
street last night soon after the gunners
mute went Into tho building to do some
painting and to make other repairs
Padulo escaped without a scratch, but ho
had a bigger scare, than ho ever had In
tho service of fnclo Sam
Padulo was mnrrled recently and hnd
rented the houe for himself and his
bride, now living at 1316 Cast Moyamen
sing avenue Armed with n brush nnd a
candle, he had completed the repairs when
suddenly thcro was a. loud detonation and
part of the house front wns In tho street
"A whole Mexican war Is a pipe com
pared to this," murmured Pndulo, as he
was picked up. He saw fighting nt Vein
Wife Leaves, He Tries Suicide
John H Mates. 26 yearn old, 6631 Had
dington street. Is in n serious condition nt
tho West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hos
pital after swallowing poison nt his home
early today Mates Is said to have told
the hospital authorities that he attempted
suicide becauao ho was despondent after
his wife left him last night, taking their
only child. Ho may recover.
ssssi &?w&'-- d?sr vis-
tsBBsBi Vj? Z&3jr LlJ
i ontlmiett from Tnite rtne
! and Wnlte would not be removed from
his npartment todaj Ills Potmitlnti is
good, the district nllorney said but ho is
still weak from the opiate he took Wed
nosdav night Hwann conferred lnda with
Miss Catherine Peck who oxpresi-cd great
surprise at ie use lo which the dentist
had put the $10,000 she gave him
f)r Wnlte has not vet retained an it
torne though It Is understood that John
II .Stnnchfletd formerly attorney for
Harry K Thaw, may represent Mm
The druggist who sold Walte the arsenic
w lit nppenr' before the Grand 3ttrv this nft
orhoon Oveitures were made to the District
Attornev s olllco for the surrcndei of 'a
beautiful young worn in who has become
Involved In tho case through her friend
ship with Wnlte
Thc woman, who Is described as being
24 years old and possessing cxtnitmllnntv
beauty, lived nt the Hotel Plaza as "Mrs
Walters "
H was not until early this mottling that
Wnlte learned he was undei arrest. Walle
mndc no answer when told of the charge
ng.ilnst him. but persistently asked for his
Raymond C. Schlndler hend of the de
tective agency which Investigated the Peck
. ... ,.. a ,... ..i- ,..itiM tt..lt
i mnv, iuju luuu. ui iiuiuiik .ntv
j . u,,r ieRtcntlon nrovci that Wnlte's
expenses were verv high" said the Se
lective "He bought a handsome touring
cai and his np.titmcnts rent for $200 a
month His stnv at the Pla?a Hotel with
a woman cost him $J50 for room rent
alone and what he spent nt restaurants
and In gifts for his companion must liavo
been very high
"Wnlte nnd tho woman registered ns
!)r A W. Walters and wire The 'Mrs
Walters' Is said to bo an nctrcss and wo
have had her under surveillance as well
as Walte Hlnce Walte got bok from
Grand Haplds he has been a good boy
On Sunday he went to chinch twice Uc
fore tint time he frequented the JJiond
way cafes with young women of the
I chorus girl type Whether he was a drug
I user or not we do not know "
11 hai been learned that the young
woman ri lend of Walte left the Plaza
suddenly on Salutday. after receiving n
lel phone message fioin Walte to "get
out nt once ' It wns evidently then Hint
Walte learned that ho and his compmlon
lincl been shadowed by detectives On
Wednesdnv the girl returned to the hotel
nnd removed hei belongings from Hie
Asset ts He Was "Too Good" to Have
Poisoned Her Parents
GUANO RAPIDS Mich "vliucli '-M
"Arthur would never have done anything
like that He was too glad and too good
nnd too true He loved mother nnd father
as I loved them "
This wns the hysterical statement today
of Mrs Arthur Warren Wnlte. wife of
thc doctor who Is being held hi New York
In connection with tho deith of John 11
Peck his father-In Inw. and Mrs Peek,
both of whom died under mysterious cli
cumstances In Wnlte's Riverside Drive
apartments in New York Mrs Wnlte,
the daughter of the Pecks, wns still se
riously III today, the result of the shock
Hint came with the sudden death of her
parents and tho subsequent Investigation
which resulted In her husband being taken
into custody by tho New York District
Attorney's office
Miss Cozela Corbltt a 111 and Rapids
girl, who is an art student in New York,
told Investigators today that while In
New York recently she met Doctor Wnlte.
According to her stntement, tho dentist
said to her "I'll soon be spending the
Peck millions "
Doctoi Wnlte's father nnd mother, who
own a small truck garden Just outside of
Grand Rapids, nre planning to go to Now
York tomoirow to cheer their sou
; Untouched by any hands but
yours after leaving the Arrow
Collar laundry at Troy where they
( are washed in filtered boiling
water with pure hospital soap.
Pure White
Sweet Smelling
Soft and Pure
germ-proof packages at your dealers
Four Qualities
"D" 25c each '"C" 3 for 25c
"R" 10c "A" 2 for 25c
CO., Inc., Makers of ARROW COLLARS and SHIRTS
Admiral Urges Elimination of '
Interference in Practical
Naval Problems
.ASHt.VUTOX March 24-ti,.,, . A
on of the Sccrelnry of the .., V 1
llcl Jnlents. was the s,,eeXl aJ I
Admiral Bradley f Iske to the T IouseT, ,' i
Committee today The admiral aI A
whose uppearance Representative luiu" "
of Illinois, nnd flmirmnr Padg"'1: 3
fotlRil for weeks, tl.o i..""?c" & ft-
""egcMlon of 1
pla1!!0"1""5 "tnrtI''1 H,Plon"nl"Mwllhni?
He proposed the establishment of
mancnt chief of operations who v.iUM
have authority ovei the prepimtll ,
the entire navy for war and IK-Jr
not be overruled by H,e hecretat y 0t ?sf
isavy wunoui authority of Congress ifij
il vve nave a tsecretnry who comes In M
oeorv tVviii- Iran .,.. i.. .. "" "1 "i
-....., .... ,,.... ...,m .iiiuiHeK ine cntlrA
strategy of the navy we will never i
anywhere Admiral Piskc saj ,
should have n law that would make it
Impossible foi the Sccrclarv to chan
conditions and the policies of the navr
without nppcnrlng before Congress .!
securing consent
"It would tnkc five venrs lo nut our'
navy on mi effective basis Flske tali
"This opinion has been indorsed by (very
naval olllcei t have talked to Our navr
will ncvei be ns effective as thoe of other
countries until the system Is changed
Since 1707 there has been an lncrealn
renllratloii of the Importance of a con
Untied strategy It Is easy enough to
have n big navy but not o eay to have
u good one "
llrlttcn said he feared a Secretary could
come in und nullify all of the effective
things done by his predecessors
"I have no fear that any Secretary Mho J
may be appointed w III do any such thing," Jj
c nairman i -augcii reiorieu
"It bus been done llrlttcn replied
Started by Explosion of Chemicali,
Easily Extinguished by Experi
, menting Students
The tuilval of lire uppainlus on the
campus of the fulverslty of Pennsyhat 'S
n la nt noon toitay, in response lo a lira
alarm from the Hnirlson Chemical lab- N
nriilntv. liroUlcht out thrones of fdurlpntr id
piofcssors nnd other persons from nearby '"fi
buildings to the college building W
The lire started as it result of an ej- a
plosion of chemicals while n student was 8
making an experiment four students l
who weie In the laboiatory when thc fire 'a
started easllv extinguished It by means 'fl
of a lire extinguisher 1
Cjnvvjd Chili Honors Its President
The House und Grounds Committee of 4!
the Cynwyd Club gavo a dinner last
night to tho piesldent of the club, W B,
Kraft whoso term expires nt thc close
of the month 13 M Spanglcr chairman, i
presented the president on bclnlf of the y
committee, with a loving cup Those
present Included C N Heard, R. W, jol
., i r tf r, ..,-- Tit . n-.-t..- l"
c imiuuc'is. c o v.tiic.. iwi.en i-airiCK.
ur n. i. iioiiiuerg. ur i ceuouuiller
and A D Hoddy The board of governors
at the annual meeting, March 14, also
piescnted Mr. Kraft with a loving cup. XI
He-Id for Killintr "Necktie Jlmmv" i
Gluseppo Oallace. 19 years old HI East s
Meihnnlc street, Germantown, was held '3
without ball to await tho action of tp Jj!'
Grand Jury by Coroner Knight today.,
on tho charge of having shot nnd killed ,J
Loicnzo Di Stefnno. 4G years old.jjf., j
Pi Ice street, Germantown. The killing' of ,noj
1. 1 mujun.i. n.ni wan Known un .cckui
Jimmy," occurred on the afternoon ot "
-March IV
llH if
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