EVENING- LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. MABOH 24 191G. 17 -0 lt;KEEplNO-APTS' WANTED z'.a .,t hath near center of city, or. Irfnnn?tMnt.on. not ever ISO. H (j leW -c""",t "apabtmbnxbotels rtriTTPT CHHSTNtlT AND HO 1 &Li nineteenth 'aldinb !.,- vnnWS Jltlfl HllitGS. with the best table, in Philn. ; M Week, Month, Season, Year !BCOLONIAL VJfe,T Ill" j,,riil and refurnished thrnuah W'&rnrtsblr "furnished parlor, bedroom WViSVh hv the dnv, week or month, nt rea- ;nrf Mth w mo . d c,n( unexcelled. lMf.'V.: KBNNBY. Manager. '"the COVINGTON mimTNUT AND 37TH HT3. . aiE?nNal?B. MANAOBK GLADSTONE "th.and rND '" mNISKD on UNFUftNISHED Ssolutdly FIKBrnOOF TI!B TRACT .AMPNT OR TIlANSinMT. OUE3T3 rlMIANEN lf u D CHESTNUT ' THE DASHWOOp r Sh'telli. single nnd In suite. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY iBOIt LOCUST ST. , , ., ..nmf modern 4-story urownstone nwon RSmEM fitted for professional offices: gffpriS n'i easy Jerms for quick sale. trTTw oTIf ST 0 room, nil conveniences: II ?0Jim) assessed 13000: will sacrifice. 1 lot T W "0. """' SVttle Jttt nidBP nve. nnd 10thL ' " nn. II ... Ill ........... SaSir. modern plumblnit, Bond order. Heo inf. O. tlLllNN. lTiK Columbia ave, '' 2 ItAItOAINS Uth at.. 2lnn nnd 22011 bloclm; 3-story jwdllM". m flno order; modern baths, etc. Wlj.""rATTERB0N. 1.10 S. 1.1th st, . ItONEY FOR MORTGAGES - B"dlyAATlrlt'On'?0annm,;!'tStBtFUn'1S' ontHEI FOR INVESTMENT New nouses H?sthow a return of TWELVE PER CENT. i. the amount Invested. I'E.MHERTON IS- TATES. Ilajrlsonjiuiimmr. SBAl. ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT 1801 Chestnut st. "TRIDENT" WATER METER Fhlln, Meter Co., , Ileal Estate llldg. rrXTRAL PROPERTIES for sale or rent. CB"11 YARROW & VAN I'EET N. B. eoJJ than.l. Chestnut; 0O0D Investment." small properties. 4 rooms inJ bath, all convs. : rented 111 n month! price 11100. Cameron Estate. 2H11 Kens, av. Jiooo 1222 N 1IIT1I ST., storo nnd dwelling; 1 story, I' rooms, conveniences, d .,vl , lun.t i,in ,,. L ,V. .11.. ICI'I ,tl..l' .., lOTir. 13TH 14TII AND 16TH WARD HUY- m. sr.i.Li:nfl on renters see FRlEDmCH & CO., 801 N, 12TH ST. Building Lots, Fnrlory Sllrs. etc. CHOICE nUII.DINO LOTS nnd large tracts round In all parts city: also over 200 mfar. flits Melvln, HSHi-10 Renl Estate Trust llldg. Mores nnd Dwellings 1(110 S. 2D ST 3 story storo nnd duelling, largo lot! side, en trance: sell cheap. W.M. I.. CRAVEN'S SQXS, 1540 N 7th st WEST PHILADELPHIA Kl S. 50TH ST 2-story, H rooms, thoroughly modern, convenient to Angorn car line or nation, nlso elevnteel; sell completely fur nished or unfurnished; terms to suit pur chaser. Clarence J. Onllagher, llll) S. lillth st. ILEVE.V 2-STORY TORCH FRONT HOUSES with steam hctit: In good repair. ALL RUNTED AT Sift PER MONTH Can be bought cheup to clo.e an account. THUS SHAI.I.CROSS. Jr. 8 South -loth street. TEMHBRTON ESTATES The high quality of our houses Is so well , known that they me universally regarded r aa "Standards of Exccllento In Modern House, llulldlng." 5STH AND WILLOWS AVE. '.ilioa 8 rooms, hot-water hent, gas nnd dec- trio light pirquetty floors, shower hath, gas Itehens und ull other modern itppnlntments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. HUILDEU Bbth Mid llaollcld sts. . I HAVE 'A 2-STORY, "ll-RO(fIIOUSE. with raraee privileges. In lino shape, for J22ni: s aquares from ,"2d St. "I.." See MATTHIAS about It. run N ,12d st. lielmont 710. WHELAN'S HOMES 6TH AND PASrilALL AVE. Apply 11111 I'HESTNUT MT. SEND FOR LIST SALE Oil RENT JOS. SI. IIAKER . B2d ami Mnltlmnro ave. BEND for largo list West Philadelphia houses, south of Market, all sizes, nil prices. . T. II. Maglnnl?s & Son. nouuUultlmore nys. KtOO UNEQUALBD HOMES. BOthst. nbove Lausdowne ao. : every known convenience. . JAMES C. EN11URO. Ilulldor. WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES W. KI1WINI11.AIU.207 S. BOTH. NICTI tivo-story hnusn." West Philadelphia ,!? eash required J.'iOO. J lUII. Led, fent. HAVE AN Ideal site for an automobile sales. . room. A A Logan, :i:ion Chestnut st . Mores nnd Duellings IMSIt CATIIAniN'i: AND ALDEN: easy terms: steam heat. elec. light: parn flooring: inuw Be l row i. ?Tjit unestnui. (HJK.MANTOWN SEDGWICK IS THE IIIIHIKHT PART OF HERMAN- i I WSJAL DWELLINtJS, 12 ROOJIS. 2 I'lABi1.'"! "lARAtiE. LOCATION EXCK1' f iJ'ONAI.LY FINE. HOMES VALUED FROM I 'JJO.UOU TO :i,1,llll OPPOSITE: IT WILL t PAY YOU TO INqUlKK A1IOUT THESE A. S. TOURISON 70U IIOYKIl ST.. (1ERMANTOWN OFFICE ON L'l'H'L PREMISES ,, . WANT TO MUY A HOME? ijoit attractive modem 10-room house. 110 E. WALNUT LANi:. Just completed: mod erate prlie, little cash required. Phone Oer- - mantown 4SS 11.100 HEI.OW COST " uwner will H.icrlfUn r.-story side-yard real- if'S? e'eetrlc lights; condition up to date. n It. Llst.M-A Son, 0fll2jOermantown ave. If YOU ARE LOOIC1NO FOR n home In Uer nuntown. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult - Plt- A- n. Meehan. ri747 Oermantown ave. "JIUENCB SITES Oround In beat section i.o&W.ntown and Chestnut Hill. 11. D. . jiLn ae huh, BSis uermantown ave, CH01CB HOMES, Tulpohocken St. east of Oer J"town ave J. H. CHADWICK & CO., -gP OermjiiitnwninA , &,i!VN assist you to And that house you are inJ1?,1 for Oermantown Trust Co.. Chelten ana Oermantown aves. hll',lrl Oermantown RiT'TinivTriT vPSST.'. COLONIAL D1VELL1NO (NEW). kp888MS; 3 MATHS: ONE SQUARE FROM SfiWIWICK STATION. CONVENIENT TO T?K5E,S.SC'"001'H AND ALL CHURCHES: li i!.9uaK CANNOT RE DUPLICATED Pim-rT,!l; PRICK. J13.-100. SEND FOR 10TO AND FULlJ PARTICULARS. , A. S. TOURISON MM..'PYBn 8T-. OERMANTOWN OFF1CK pN nE PUKMISES Tioga WE HAVE THE HOUSE TOO WANT rVMu.r.U4 TIOOA OR LOOAN KENNEDY a RAMHO. 8749 OERMANTOWN Locaut '-B-"S.8IchW.trchtnt k l-rtt.V.i -".". iiurvutfttav curlier jhiu " r rvSf.J?'!'1. Perfect condition: 14 rooms: ga- Truat c ' lu'ou"'. "n fniiaaeipnia o..J'00AN REAL ESTATE If. wBSuligNT.AN'1 BXCHANaB t-J1- Smith. Brand t.. oppo- Logan Station. "SAL asaTATE,1 mortgages and conveyancing. WM. D, 4131 Nc CHAMBERS orth Broad st. Oadf Ina !'bSv.9,or?ek Property every modern 1m. Price. Itboo noors, nrepiacs. eio. fa- UARR. 8th and Oak lane. 8UHCRHAN SEDGWICK AtS.PETAchED STONB RESIDENCE. SEfMpTlVEENaLISH DESION WITH ID. TILE ROOK: SHRUHUERY AND JVOiF'.JHBROUNDlNOS: THIS DWBIA. APPtA,B 3 ROOMS, 3 1IATI1S, AND WILL MX liVii3S..TI,B FAMILY BEQUlRINa trf.oBfcfiR00M8i WITHIN A FEW MIN- Sfonwa" TRAIN. TROLLEY. GOOD I WHIT-??"nI,8rH00' AND CHURCHES. t DKrTftSS CAM. AT OUR OFFICE FOR ""(" H FORMATION. ,ni A. S. TOURISON SSli-BOYER ST.. GERMANTOVN. . EDQBWOOD PARK n tna heart of the famous ti...,ciJbi'teN 1ULL3 Uf"' Healthy. Picturesque ' t&;Siltrusw water; oab. Etc. Eliuf It 100x200 and Larger. ' olwmi!,'1' SuUoa or Vork Koad trolley ' f jttrUcuU1108 TO clTi" HALL I- jJiABiSSisil, Sale Aent as- 1191 a Pnoaa Oak Lajie 17T W KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Conlliiierf from Prcerdliiu roInm stntniiAN 3 MINUTES from filth at.: hollow time, white S'I'f.fJ? sT"! "'I1 r.00J!; p,,,c'trl0 llaht hot water heat, linrdwnod floors: open fireplace: Lhl hfl-VV'1'.. Enrden nnd shrubbery: old it2 m nnd fruit trees, lot T.lxlSI feet. Prlro 7,(I0. Phone I.lanerch .1(11 M COUNTRY GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE, over ?lSciniiofrfr, Valley, eight miles from Jjl?.1int- Stntlon. Hrand new Ilungalow J.-' JL". room. 4 baths: tenement house. wax, iunMIKI'i ll,tlUU WT JjARRSNarberth, Pa.. vine bi'iipfiiiii, ,. ...... ,,",i.,T IV i'iii,vi,i l' I.I.I, liU em ,lml,n''.',lB'5.nn'1, 'fnnsylvnnK Ms In Line: 5i?i - V,lJ0ifAl;'".".lV. t'artlculnrs hy mall. Ri'ini In "OLMAN & CO., 2M I.nhd Title CHOICE I1U1LD1NO &tTE3 find nrrtflffe. ATtTHUR 1. TOWNSDNb. Lnnghorne, Pa. SimURRVN REAL ESTATE A HV tVPlAA Alt IaiIa. Pl.t. -VIIAISLKSA: HOOD , CO., Morris, Hide. suuurban, nmins rort salet on rent neai estate Trust mag, LAROri LIST OP.sriU'RtlAN HOMES, sate "ri-r-nt. on the Main Lino or Rending R. R. . WM, It. WILSON & CO.. Morris llulldlng. CITY AND StTlltmttAN REAL ESTATE ' 202 S. IRth St. SUnttRHAN. nnsiDENCES for sal or rent; attractive locations, prices right Maurice J. Hoover. RaJ'ji!rrustJlldg. IIUNCIALOWS: the better kind, attractive, sub stantlnl: nil ennvs. ; prices reasonable. North Olenlde Land Co., offlccntrdjleStlon DREXIIL HILL. HY1VOOD and other suburbs near itnth st , new detneh'd homes. $.1.100 up ilIiEU!ILP!nNJ5J24t.it IN LANSDALE 2 good dwellings. I green- houses, chicken house, 1 acre ground: nil for 13.1H0A.JI. TYSON.Lnnsdale, Pn SELECT PROPERTIES Countty senls.farms Llt orders now. LEWIS T. IlllonKTI t SOlJ4SnuthPennsiJ)NJED ?, ATTRACTIVE new bungalows: all convs; de. slrablo location: beautiful outlook. North fllenslile Land Co of llcont A nlsley Ptntlon Uttft.niNa SITES near Devon, 1.100 and 11000 per acre. W. T. Harris. Narberth, Pn. SrilUIlHAN properties from 1.1000 up. Get our 111. lll.V-. iilMM .viarKci SI. Ambler, Tn. FARMS, country places nnd suburban homes on the Rendlng'a Hethlch"m and Doylestown branches II. J. Pager. Inc.. Ambler Pa. nrnoin.ll, In. NEW 11UNOALOW; open fireplace, hot-nlr heat. 0 rooms nnd hath: lot .10x175: can get more ground; lino for chickens, garden: 12H00. Ardmore, ,1. ELMER WATTS. Llancrch. Dnrliy. r. 120 S. BTH ST. Ten rooms, lot 20x170: prlco 1.130O. Alhrecht's. 2411 West Lehigh nvo. VERY DESfUAHLE. 8-rm . brick. "sldenrdT semlsuhurhnn home: 21x100. all conv : open st'wny: chicken house. Swope ti Sons. Darby. Elklns Park. 1'b. HUILT-TO-ORDER HUNC.ALOWS HANDSOME ORIGINAL DESIGNS Lots 60x150 1550O nnd higher. We will submit plans to follow your Ideas of a home. RHOADS & PAUL 13.1 S. Gill st . nnd Elklns Tarlc. Olcnaldc, Pn. HOUSES AND LOTS, cverv description. HENNlNdER RENN1NC1ER Rroad'and Walnut sts. Trooper. Pn. AN ESTABLISHED suburban community: five cent fare tn Norrlstown: artesian water! central school; postofflce. store; 100-foot lot. 1300 upward, send for leaflet. BROWN & CLOUD NORR1STOWN. PA. Wrsttmvn. To. 40 ACRES, with attractive cut-stono modern dwelling. II rooms, 2 baths, modern con veniences: hot-water heat. 1-room tenant houso; Icehouse; complete chicken plant: fine shudc; running stream; fruits of all kinds: nonresident owner orders Immediate sale. YOCM Ji POWERS CO.. 2(IJj.J3th sL MAIN I.I N lI . Jlt. SIII1URHAN HOMES, country places and building sites to suit nil requirements: Main Line. II. C. HUNTER. Wayne. Pa Narberth I1IO HAROAIN TIrand new detached houses: 1-3-acro lot. old shade, all conveniences; 142UO; others 13.100-1.1000 upwards. HAH- RS,renlcstate, Narberth, Pn. CORNEHLOT. Momgomery ave., BOO by 110H. with 10-room stone and framo house: cheap for quick turn. WALTER D. SMITH. Uuu3 Drexel road. Huverforil WB HAVE un attractive list of very desirable large or small houses; convenient to station nnd club: let us know our requirements; ulso several houses for rent. WARNOCK & B.MLEN Commercial Trust llulldlng NEW JERSEY 2 ACRES -EXCELLENT SOIL OLD SHADE: GAS AND RUNNING WATER; TELEPHONE: very high ground! .10 trulns ciilIi way dally: only 37 minutes from Market st. ferry by Atlantic City electrics: only 1 hour from Atlantic Cltyi cheap to quick cash buyer. Address FRANK P. McMENAMIN Bti.'17 Vina st.. Philadelphia. Pa. HANDSOME suburban residences. Edgewnter Park. Hcverly und llurllngton. Several coun try places and poultry plants. ALBERT DRESSER. llurllngton. Haddon Heights, N. J, LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HEIGHTS. N. J. WII.LET L1PPINCOTT. Maple Shade. N. J. ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phlla. train and trolley: wrlto for pamphlet. HARLOW 4 CO.. Maple Shade. N. J. WoodlMine. N. J. NEW BUNGALOW, hot-water heat, laundry, garage, gas utu! electric, 1200 cash, balance as rent: also 7-rootn brick house, all modern; no cash required, 118 per month ns rent: will credit llou ier vcar on purchase; why not live In the suburbs whero ou have all city convenlemes, only 20 minutes out; trolley to iloor; open Sunday, houses to rent. 11.1 up. It A ROCKHII.L i. CO., Wood Lynne I Camden). SEASHORE COTTAGE at Cape May or Ocean City, erected to our satisfaction; attractive plans sub mitted free by the reliable builder. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. Wildnond Crett. N. J. FINE LOT, 30x1011. with all Improvements, cheap. ' J 1)45, Ledger Central. fails 50 DISCOUNT 100x100. ocean front. 12500. lOOxloii, lake front, IISOO. bOxtOO. close to ocean, 11200. Sold to mak an adjustment W. C. R- 1473 N- B3d St. FLORIDA HENS EGOS MONEY This Is the combination you get when sou Eurchaao one of our Co-operative Poultry and !gg Farms at Mooro Haven. Florida. " WE OIVK YOU FREE 1000 S1NOLE-COMIJ WHITE LEGHORN OH ICrvtaNS TWO HROOD SOW PIGS Membership in the Moore Haven Co-operative Association. Write, phone or call for our free booklets, RUTANIPialHBNKEL, 413 Commonwealth Trust Building. 12th and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Bell phone. Walnut 3186 3I..KYLNI Utttertoii. Mil. FOR SALE, cheap, a IB-room cottage, fur nished; well patronized by summer guests. t la if-nd Ttllprtnn. Mil. imm. j.fcfc-. , - - PENNSYLVANIA FARMS MO BARGAIN A real farm In excellent con. iltloni north of Devon! JI3 acres; IJ00 p.r acre; will divide. W T. HARRIS. Owner. Narberth. Penna. 35 ACRES. H mile to station Main Line P. n. It. Price 17500. j. I). THOMPSON, West Chester. Pa. BOO FARMS in 4 Mates; catalogue. Jack' Farm Agency, 215 Stephen Girard Bldg., 21 S. 12th St.. pnilaaeipnia. MONTGOMERY C I" fr l Lownes. Hotel. Sklppach. Pa. NEW JERSEY FARMS POULTRY FARM Fully equipped. Including chickens, automo bile and all accessories; capacity .2300 hens; Hall mammoth incubator una brooder sis teni: direct shipping facilities -to New York, Phlla. and Atlantic City; ail modern con. veulences In dwelling; beautiful surround ings: plenty shade, and everything on good, sound, profitable basis. M B34. Ledger Office. REAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT BUT A HOME -Monhtly payment. Ill to IIJ: Marcnants union low yw.. n-i. v-psmm CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for aal or rent. Lowe? Merlon, Realty , Company. Merchants Union Trust Co.. Tlt-Tli Chestnut Iand Title Huiiaing. a-piiaMu)o. a-a. ClXJf CENTHAL PROPEBTIK8 For sale and rent JAMES D- WIMCKEU M SMuam its. BEAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT Conflnned (to nTrccrMno Column lt, lry, nermanlnwn NLW SALE AND RENT LIST READY rnictt'5m.,!UDAlr?. o"1'1 Chestnut Hill. TELHAM TRUST CO.. 8740 Oermantown are HunuuiAN ''9Il. W'P on RBNT Mv surban residence: E, lot-, new houe, old shade, etc. J. J. JlINDl,nndone nnln-Cjnwyd, Pn. LARGE LIST HOUSES, sale or rent, at Jf'TO SAMUKI. c JVONEIL .Ir'rcomr clilj'rustjtulldlng. 16th nnd Market sts nil Commer MAIN LINE. p.. R. rt. m'(?J. MNE OF MAIN LINE HOUSES tVtWSS. I.".ll?.or..renl, nt all prices. lmsT MML-J.L1N West End Trust llldg. PINNSMAMA J'AUMS , PROPERTY NEAR TREVOSE. containing nbout 1 acres of giotind, with an nbundnnce or fruit of different kinds, apples pears peaches, plums, grapes, lots of them, straw berries blackberries, with lots of shrubberv nnd old shade, the Improvements are a good lo-room house and a good barn nnd wagon noiise. combined would make a anrnge. in quire on the premises J W. TOML1NSON. Crestvvood. Trevose, Pa. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANOE 11300 EQUITY In IBOflO dwelling: will ex ehange lor Stone Harbor lots or bungalows J "13, ledger Central REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Handing, about 7.1x10" feet, to bo used ns offlco nnd warehouse for express business: In neighborhood of nth nnd Vina Us.: ono ronneeted with Btnhle, If possible. , Apply Lawrence nnd Vine sts. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED Prompt monthlv returns nnd efficient results jjunrontecd KrniJ. Miller. 3012 N.ll sL QREAT demand for dwellings, rent 12.1 to 1.10. J. EDWARD I.UT7. . 210 N 17th st. . RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort gages nnd fire Insurance placed quickly. See Knno for prompt results. 2B2R Tasker at. WANT city, suburban and farm properties. 11. II. McCOLLUM. Broker. 1314 Walnut st. ''Don't Forget the Number." QUICK SALE for nny real estnto at reason, nble price, rent collected; mortgage loans. ARTHUR I103WELL. 23.1 N 13th St. YOUR WEST PHILA. HOUSE rented or sold quickly, funds for mortgages, ARTHUR J. LEUl'OLD. 42lSouthrd; 17000 TO INVEST In small houses. L 132, Ledger Office. Snhurban WANTED SUBURBAN PROPERTY. 1 sleep ing rooms and bath 2d floor, with 1 tn .1 ncres ground, convenient to train or trolley: nt (llennlden or Sharon Hill: state lowest price. ItVAN. BH08 Market st., Phlla REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 1030 N. 12TH ST Fine property, newly reno vated, 1,1 large, sunny rooms, large front, side and rear lawn, MYERS fc HARTH llldg" av.-. nnd 10th. 2125 W. DAUPHIN. 8 ROOMS. 122 Guaranteo Trust and Safe Deposit Co. 3111-318-320 Chestnut st CAYUGA ST., 8. E. cor. 1.1th 8 rooms and bath; excellent condition: on attractive homol mod, rental, Norrls A. Scott. 121.1 Filbert. 832.1 KENSINGTON AVE. Fine storo nnd dwelling. 8 rooms. Inth nnd heater: 125. Apply 3321 Kensington nve 2123 W. DAUPHIN. 8 ROOMS, 120 OUARANTEE TRUST . SAFE DEP. CO. 31IS-31S-32II CHESTNUT ST fo.l.l" LOCUST ST. New house. 12 rooms and 3 bathrooms EIX1.RI CROSSL ltHWalnUtst. IF YOU ARE LOOKING" for an nttrartlve homo be It dwelling or npirtinent. call, phono or write to this office. Every deslrnblo property Is listed with or may bo rented through us, and our automobiles nro at jour service to help ou to obtain Just what sou dislre with th least possible trouble. NORMAN S SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut St. Sprueo 3071. Race 3H2.1. bl'ORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. Sen our list In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX & CO. S. E. cor nth and Callow-hill. SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. i'rond nnd Chestnut sis FINE deep corwr storo. 1221 Columbia ave.; 10-room dwelling. Apply for particulars. Owner, JI233 N Park ave. STORE and dwelling, suitable for automobile business M0 N. Broad st Owner. FINE 3-STORY HOUSE,' 13.18 Oxford St., ricxT to Broad. Inquire on premises. Business Properties nnd .Mores ARCH ST.. 707-1) Storo and basement; largo window: good space fur manufaUurer'H agent display. LEA ESTATES. 7IW H.insulll st I.AItrlE STORE 2002 TIOOA STREET Willi or without dwelling portion: right nt Tioga Station: unexcelled location for gro cery, provisions or any retail store. MYERS & HARTH. Bulge ave. and 10th. Stores nnd Dwellings III DUE AVE.. 2038 Good order: 8 rooms and store; 130 per month. COWARD COMPANY. 20th and Jefferson. RENTAL LISTS r, S. 43d st 120 1023 Ingersoll St. ..Ill 3022 Belgrado Ii 2221 Orlanna 10 30.12 Helen 1.1 320 Indiana 1.1 721 S. Mole 18 1031 N. Camac... 2j iSilS Lelthgow II 3210 Emerald 30il Cumbria 12 2010 Catharlno .... 8 J J1r"Aj;1,:Ii'.;j ,j WILLIAMS nyj Wnlnut st. I'licUirles. WnrenujesMfgl'loo; MANUFACTURING FLOORS AND LABOR INSURANCE , Tho Lnrkln sanitary, dayllghted. fire proof floors means satisfactory holp conditions. Reasonable rentals, large elevators, cheap power, freo watch man service, man "-r. nIIII,niNO 22d. Arch and Cuthbert sts "Send for DeBcrlptlvn Circular " MANUFACTURING floor, 3 fronts, superior light. r il. 100 sq. ft . elovator. heal, R. It. sld lne low rate of Ins ; sub-postofllce In bldg ; CON V. TO FREIGHT i. TELEGRAPH Ul'rt Located 11 blocks south of Market St. Apply C. J. MB no & Sons. 11th J. Washington uve. FACTORY FLOORS and warerooms, large and small: centrally located. HARRYJT. SAUNDERS. 31 S. 18th St. " " 4TH ST. N., 119-25 Manufactudng floors, steam heat and power. Apply Penna Co.. 617 Chestnut st. HAVE PARTY who will erect building, cen tral or other location, for satisfactory tenant. " DIETERICH, 737 Walnut at. BROAD AND WALLACE IMetropolltan Build- inB) Rooms, 8000 to 40.000: cheap: power. Alj?tHOeA- F-Lasher. 147N.10th. 7500 SQ FT 3-aty brick; larsn janl Just 7 renovated: 'will after J , ALAN M1DDLE- TON, IWIII-11 Wldener Bldg . Phlla COflNER BUILDING,, for" light manufaciurlng purposes: about 3000 eq. ft.; WO a month. 8. E. eor. 10th and Tioga. OFFICES. lltSlNESS ROOMS. ETC. DREXEL BLDG. OFFICES, annual rentals Single rms.. 1120. 1150. 1200. 1225. 1300, 1450 Suites. 2rs. 1141. 1150, 117.1.1200.1225.1230 Suites 3rs 1160. 1273, 1 100. 1150. 1U0O. 1730 Corner suites. I to 8 rooms. 1030 to 11U30. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS. 5UO Drexel llulldlng. " HEED BUILd1.N0 1211-17 Filbert st. Centrally located, all conveniences; rents attractively low, service conveniences. FINE light offices with southern and western exposure, every fu.iKimii a iiu ur, icui. J. A PATfEBbON. 130 S. 15th St. LARGE, exceptionally well lighted. 3-room Boiia xmn iuir Jf IllUl.tl verv dealrablia: a few single rooms. 120 llulldlng, HUh and per month up Ferry Chestnut sts "CENTRAL OFFICES. STUDIOS AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES. J. C. FULLER. 10 ST 1TH S.T. PLAZA HUILDING. 1503-OT-09 ARC1I ST. Offices at reasonable rental. Location, light and convenience unsurpassed. OFFICES for rent, suite of rooms adapted to Insurance CO.. smaller offices. FORREST BUILDING. 110 S. 4th St. Room 425. WESLEY BLDG.. 17T1I AND ARCH STS. Mod. offices. Apply B. Yeakel. 1703 Arch at. I'rofesalunal llfilces PROFESSIONAL OFFICES, partly furnished, electrio lights, well heated, southern ex posure, well lighted; suitable for physician: offices so occupied for many years: available June 1. P 801. Ledger Office. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING. 1131-13 Chestnut st. A few suites for physicians or dentists. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and 13th. Desk ltoom DESK and fur. space. 023 Land Title Bldg.. IB month: deslrabla. Call, phone 4308 Spruce. WEST PHILADELPHIA PENTRIDGB TERRACE WB HAVE TWO OF THESE BEAUTIFUL HOUSES FOR RENT; central doorways, sleeping porches, baik stalrwass: large laundries; near Park and trolley: call at once. GEORGE F. GIBSON. JR.. 8810 Pentrldge Terrace. !U1H CHESTER AVENUE Large store and dwelling; residential neigh borhood: moderate rental. Apply VIUJAM C. DENKERT 1600 Arch st- WB ARE OFFERING for rent the largest and best selection nouses In West Philadelphia. W. H. W. QUICK & ttRO.. 8 South. 40th. at. INC. "HERMAN BROS.. (MIS MARKET" Houses, apartment, atores. Neat 60TH BT "W STATION For renl or gala. REAL ESTATE EORJRENT JTojWlmird from Prrcfdlno Column MUST PHILADELPHIA ntvT4 a.Li., i.... 4inrv r-rtrncr rtwoll' mini I t-HnuilitiilTr i Irtl nil iiTiui ;- - - - . Ing; IS rooms. 2 baths; suitable for apart ments. aioz Mnntua ave. Key. "" " .JTurner. 1501 Chestnut St. llnSI.V rooms, steam heat: hardwood finish 117 Six rooms nnd bath: others t 1 In 110. EH.AIflI,HY. iisth ml Sprlngjlield nve $18 Will MONTH . ,,, 57.10 vine st 7 rooms id lanndrv. JOHN I'.BASFOItl). 53111 Hivirford nve 13011.H s. r,2D . 3-sly.. 11 rooms, good con dition. Seldle . Nunnn. 58lh and Christian OERMANTOWN 130 DWELLINGS. It ROOMS Send for List Continental-Equitable Trust Co.. 21 S 12th Tlogn FOR RENT. TIOOA Co?.y 2-story S-rm. porch dwelling: nil conveniences: elegant neighbor hood: 21,11 W. 1'nclfls St.. near 22d and Erie ave. John J Turner. 120 lCnes tnut st. , SUIlt'HIlAN 117 TO 1200 MONTH SEE .LIST Suburbnn homes; nil sizes ami loeatlniis c. I' PETERS i- SON. 60S CIIKHTNl l m. Elklns I'nrk, Pn, NEW COLONtAt. DWELLING. 12. rooms. hnths hlnli nln.-.illiti rlA.li 111 Station. Al CORMtcK .VcCOllMlCK. 1011 Chestnut st nnd Elklns Park MAIN LINE. PA.. It. It. MODERN HOUSES, 1.10 In $200 per month. various stations. Send for special list. Har- bertcinnhpm.2ni linlley llulldlng. MODERN HOMES Furnished nnd unfurnish ed. All prices. II. C. Hunter. Wayne. r. Nnrherlh BUAND-NEW HOUSES, all conveniences. 110, 122. 12.1. $.10 upwards. HARRIS. Real Ei- lave, .aroerin. i-a. Wynnenood FOR RENT 311 Manor nmd. 1-t rooms. baths, large lot, old shade, 15., WALTER B. SMITH. W linen noil NEW .ll'.ltsl'.V Wooilbune, N ,1. lt.1 00. $10.00. $20 1)0 FINE HOMES, nil city ennvenlenres. inrge gardens, only 21) min utes from ferr. trolley to door: vvliv live in rlty when rents are so rcnennnMe In suburbs liaise sour own vegetables Koep chickens It A. ROCKHILL It. CO . Wood Lynne, Camden, N J. FOR RENT FURNISHED CIl'Y 18-UOOM HOUSE. 22a West Lognn Square. WORRELL. 55.1 North 17lh St. MA1NE Houtliwest Harbor. Me. TO LET Two furnished cottages. 8 rooms and bath, fireplace, sleeping porch: highest elevation! good vlow of harbor. ALICE M. CLARK Augusta, Me. MORTGAGES $1.1.000 WANTED, secured by 2d mortgage. Equity amounts to $10.01)0. Only prim Ipnls. No brokers need answer. M U.12. Ledger Central. FUNDSFOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPUING GARDEN. ARTHIIH BOSWELL. 233 N 13TII ST . has funds for first nnd building association mortgages. Prompt attention. Moderate cost. ICO TO LOAN- ON HEAL ESTATE socur to By: Immediate1 Bettlement; payable as 12000 desired. EDW. M. MOLL 133 S. 12TH ST. MORTGAGE .MONEY Sums In Stilt Firsts nnd Seconds C. SEIDEI. & CO . INC. 4th nnd Ciillnwhlll sts. WEST PIIILADA. TAYLOR & SON Funds for 1st nnd 2d MortgTges 21 and 20 t'OUTII 40T1I ST. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS JOHN G. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS 11. REDNER 727 Walnut st. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES LARUE AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS , WILJtpOD. 612 WNORRIH ST TltllKT 1'IINDS for first mortgages: n. A. funds for first nnd second mortgages, vvnttesiiio & -vici.ana. ban. 1.1th and Flno sts. MORTGAGES SECUREli" BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMBAUGH & PARKER, INC. 1131 WALNUT ST J. It. MASSEY t: SON. 13T1I AND GREEN STS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES. IIUILDINC. ASSOCIATION FUNDS PRIVATKTfuNDS for 1st city morfgnges, any amount; building association money for split nnd 2d mortgages, mortgages for sale. Don neliy &. Suens. Lehigh and Gerninnt o wn ay es. WflTCRTCTiT. FUNDS FOR FIRST AND V-XVVUXJ1J ),;( OND MORTGAaES 656 N. I7TH ST. HAVE $6000 TO INVEST IN EITHER I OH 2 FIRST MORTGAGES APPLY M 132. I.BDC.ER OFriCE MONEY for first and second mortgages."" Onli-lr nnswer. Low rates. William jnmca Keogh. 565 Drexel nulldlng. BUILDINO ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE ROnERT J NASH. 1001 CHESTNUT RT DEEDS DRAWN 11. MORTGAGES. II 50 WALLACE lilt Lincoln llulldlng. noth phones. itiivr.rfnr actnt cltv or suburban mortgages first or second confidential sirvleo and prompt results E .in, la-ugi-r lenirni ""MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ' T A REDDING & SON 709 WALNUl. .1205 SPRUCE ST ""FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MOItTOAaES MORTOAOES FOR SALE THEO. K. N1CKLES 2611 Oermantown ave. " LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Rensnnabl. charges JOHN A HARRY. 507 LAND TITLE HI.DO EMERGENCY FUNDS placed at once: any sum. Inimedlatn unswer. lowest rales F X. DBI.ANY, J112J.lncoln. Broad ami ronu hi SlONEY FOR MORTGAGES 11000 TO $100,000 JACpn A FRITZ. lKil Land TPIa B1dg ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D -MOIITOAGE3 Quick answer. MAURICE H.MATS1NGE Rl Est Tr Bld "FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAai;3 ANY AMOUNT rOTTB & THOMSON 2521 Frinkfnrd ave. "IRUHT ri'NDS FORFHtST MORTGAUU HERKNESS t STETSON LAND TITLE nril.DI.NU I IIAVlf FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES. WM. BARB. Mh and Oak lane. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Cnarges LEWIS & CO 1227 VGjrard ave ADVANCES TO HUII.HERS A SPECIALTY 4UA HAZLETT 4 MOSS 618 WALNUl T. READY FUNDS for good first mortgages: bring us sour application. CHAS. L. BROWN & CO.. 217 S, Broad vt MONEY FOR WELL SECURED MORTOAOES JAMBS O FRANCIS. 705 WALNUT ST LOANS Large or small sums on real estate. Judgment notes or mortgages loAns on unset tled estates Dempsey & Co., 27 S. llith MONEY for first and second mortgages build ing ass'n and Instalment mortgages. Willis Winchester Company, 1001 Chestnut st. FUNDS for first and aecond mortgages. .any amount: quick answers .CHAS W MIL J.ER. 401-407 Commonwealth Bldg. OWNEHS If your morlgage has been called I will takn ft up. also Jd mortgage money CHESTER D. IlOTTNI-.ll Il-'Q Chestnut st 5 PER CENT MONEY" for select loans funds lor nrsis. seconua ur Biuii ciiy inurisnK ABERNETHY. 133 S 12th. 2721 N 5th MONEY for flrat and aecond mortgages any amount. imuuuiK ttssijviauuiis aimiaiu GOOD3TEIN, 415 Fab-mount ave WANTED, 1st mtge. 42500 on new $3000 property at seashore. J 1)44. Ledger CentraL FIRST mortgage & Ill.lg Asso funds, any amount. Jas. F Smyth. 2133 Kensington av MONEY TO LOAN A NEW COMPANY LICENSED AND BONDED Ready Money for Housekeepers We loan from $18 to 1204 on surprisingly Your monthly payment on 130 Is only 13 Your monthly payment on 172 Is only tl With Interest at 3. Your monthly payment on 1132 Is only 111 Your monthly payment on 1204 U only $17 With Interest at 2. 1 See us. write or phone Walnut 4383. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 South Broad Street SECOND FLOOR. Next to Forrest Theatre. Open 8 a. m. to d p. m. Salurdass to 0 p. m. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, ETC. 125 AND UP 2S 175 'J ' ., ,...1V454 1500 " " IS RIEDEIV3 128 MARKET ST, RIDQE AVE. AND OXFORD ST. 22D AND SOUTH ST3; $100,000 TO LOAN AT 1 per cent . "l W por cent and 2 per cent , liberal advances tnadj on diamonds watches. Jew. Iry and all goods of value. Walter' Loan Oaice. S. E. oar. lltn and Arch Us. Bonded to the city. MONEY LOANED lu heir of unsettled estates. imeresis ueugni- ar a- auaiui. i-3a .Steps aea uuard ilia.-., 21 u. i:ui tc lifefc SCRAPPLE beds ' ' V Jii All ObliRini? I'ricnd THE PADDED CELL I IL ' r" J. T?4P I ATFfiT I i STEMClJ.6ft HATBAMfc I Men Ii ml t'linii" niiiiiiiil Hiiinr time fC- ""w I anil I'll tukp you through my tnio I -. Si I Toiu-ii i'iiiv limit trnnlili' inirself, I - 2r j 1 boss, sorno dark nlRht I'll go through 1 J ? : J JSFl.?g$ ASH I tic My houso vvns liurglnrliod last tllKllt. .She ts that ho? llnvcn't you any policemen whoro you live? lie Yes, hut I don't supped tliem. ftH'jOSrOrlTlrlE.K LIKeToBEPDeTO(L WHtll I nrvvurv i .,v. APPOIrtTMeNTTol6ai4 MEET Tri WIFE n-"' ftj "tioitiK to the iiicctiiig oE tho I'euuu Society tiiiught? "I don't ltuovv. AnjthliiB particular doing?" "I should say bo. Annual election of officers. Tlioy say there'll be a hot fight on." t vi UnEMICrYTOEBEEN 4Elfp,0nE I fCREtVTCO&H! S0HED.IN6i OViJ-V-l-V ICHf-NCEOMV MINO HIT BY M tm OR 'booth "u BE WR0NC-I'LL- UBoOT GoiNtToTOVOtH To OKVJ A 51REET ChR. iiTH ' eM-L TH' HOOSt fttiD SEEt, p. i THOUGHT VOO WOULD J t -QgJ&S ' ' i"S UMDER5TArD WEtjlWOrl a- Work for the Cops A BurniBtr Truth The Pinch-IIitter j AND THE WOKST IS YET TO COME WiffiX I &mHB9w Emsmr fsrm n mn m m w t&?' .MMm, 'I i ii i' i &- y ii v-i- " "' ? 41? p 1 " . ".i '' I 1 DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? i OH.VJtLL.'&BE'S JUST LIKETHE REST OF THE WOMEN IFTrttlV SY ..iOTHEV MEAM ftTlME. TER Foot;. o&Loe-vc Ilanild Mobt thiiiBs that are bouBht bo to tho buyer. Claude Ves. nil except coal, that Goes to tho cellar. CO jc. K is .v, ' . y r-yrf - " S V". a If Ts-.T& . S S. . J l WONfjEf" WHP.TS rtEEPlNt HER ANVWft Y 'UE BEEN WftlTING OVER HM.F rN HOUR (SOW PhoUblta. "I'd like awfully to know whether she will marry ma or not." "Why don't you ask herT" "By Jove ! that's a trood Idea. What a head you have, old man." Hard Luck I "Holy crab, friend William. What makes your hair so red?" Oh, I had scarlet fever. And it settled on my head. Pena State Froth. ABE MARTIN si&rfm ww" DWsJ It's th' good loaer thit flixally ksta out Folka tlut alas 4t thcr v.-uj'k neve? have any vocal atilitiA 4 & I ' ' ' m V' yJ -M?-- BrttfL rZkkJJ ' Sr'Xf'sBssa -AJRsW j." .itsjjjab -j - r T . -Jezm w-M-rmm'tr- - - TTT'irilrfritSrff- mtlItgmMgggg