gj-f- & h EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916. ., 16 FACTS AND FICTION IN THE NEW BOOKS ITALIAN VOLUMES MOVIE NEWS HEtP WANTED JTEM'AfcK Continued rnt Preetdliio Cdtuirfil UNITED STATES MUST RESPECT JAPANESE "MONROE DOCTRINE" i fn This Way War Which Would , 'ge Unfortunate for Both j Countries Can Be Avoided, ' Says Dr. Abbott OTHER N E W VOLUMES i ftit between me uimeu mines uiiu Jtpatt would be suicidal for tlie Mlkntlo'a country and utterly foolish for this nation, this l ne opinion of Dr. Jntnes Francis Abbott, of Washington University, St Louis, and fr n "uml)Cr ot years nil Instructor In the Imperial Japanese Naval Acdemy. as expressed In his new book, "Jipanesa Mxpanslon nnd American Poli cies" (The Macmillan Company, New Vork). But, while admitting Its futility tna Improbability, ho warns us that It 5 Is not Impossible so lone as foolish preju dices and hatred fostered by Unfounded ' mistrust continue. Doctor Abbott ndopts the difficult policy not of denying the validity of the iriumtnts of those who fear Japan's In tentions, but of piling up a greater array of facts to prove that the considerations recommending closl friendship hotween the two countries far outweighs those which are advanced by the "scare nonjers." The chief arguments It, the author's at collection of data are two one polit ical, the other economic. , Jruian wishes the' equivalent of a Monroe Doctrine for the East. This Is all It asks. If the United Slates supports Japan In this, war will be nractlcally Impossible, And Japan can he expected to guarantee the "open door" for the United States In China. On the eco nomic side, "the Intcrosts of America, Japan and CliltiA are so diverse, nnd at the same time so Interrelated, that If the three nations can work In harmony, each will profit vastly more than If each attempts 10 shape Its future Independently of, or In conflict with the others." There 13 a com munity of Interests between America nnd Japan that Is threatened, not by each other, but by the Kuropean powers. Doctor Abbott points out why Japan does not want tho Philippine Islands, and why we must respect the similarity bo tween her political position nnd that of the United States. Tie omphnslzcs that wo cannot hope for a better feeling between these two nations until this country aban dons the policy Inaugurated by Philander C, Knox when he was Secretnry of Stnlo In Taft's Cabinet. Another and rather different point of view Is contained In Carl Crow's "Japan i and America." (Robert Mclirlde & Co., ' New York.) Mr. Crow shows us Japan as through the eyes of a permanent resident, , untrammelcd by the delusions that the 5 country has tried to create. The book is i an eye-opener In more ways than one way j Instead of the Japan which we know nB ' having risen In 30 years from n feudal ' state and a less than mediaeval standard jl of morals to a stage of equality with the a other civilized nations, we see her In a I far less rosy light. & Possessed of less wealth than any of j the great nations, sho has risen to fame I j through a system of emperor worship and "5 a more or less patient submission to ul- most unbelievable social and industrial if conditions. For the sake ot appearing L(' 'great among nations she has Sacrificed in- , dependence of thought to absolutism, nnd n soundness of social structure to grca armaments. Her International policies, moreover, are as shaky as her internnl conditions. Mr. Crow makes plain In a very convincing way by the use of Illustrations which only a newspaper correspondent could pro duce the utter perfidy of Japanese states men. Iiroken piomlses, agreements that were never meant to be kept, and repeated denials of an intention to expand in the face of such acts as the seizure of Tslng lao, are typical of the double-dealing which ft i.3 wiutuvierizeu ner uuuuum. .ur. .ruw -i believes that film hns llnRPrlinulnllslv innrie. use of the friendly attitude of the United SfQtPI nnrl nni flint amp ctvnnttalnn i ml . her part points toward a clash with our country, war with tho I'nited States has M become her chief aim, i. Mr. Crow has shown rather conclusively that although Japan's menace Is a real one, still (he danger to us, as a nation, is lessened by her disastrous internal conditions. R TKanrlAHn T")n.B. mm1 L fM . I. w.IM.A.al g antUUUltJ XVUUQUVC.b 111 HI3 IflUllUcalUl IWI1 KPii AS fl nlmrrlrl n tVian flian In lite tun nlfasin ft' tton as a litterrateur. Is disclosed In "A m' Booklover'a Holidays in the Open" h?, ' (Charles Scrlbner's Sons. Xow York). The book Is rather quaintly named. In his preface, the doughty Colonel JJV- ,Mts forth a good principle: "The Joy of living Is his who has the heart to de- imand it." Youth and strength, ho holds. are requisites for the man who would adventure Into the waste nlaces of the j earth j still he himself proves that men mo nave arrived at maturity, In years at least, need not forego the yearnings of youth for grand emprise. I Jim papers, several ot which ave never "tore been printed, and others of hlch have been considerably augmented since periodical publication, take the 1 ader to the Orand Canyon of Arizona, Chill, Pata gonia, Braill, tho Navajo Desert and other places. A cougar hunt, a Hopl In dian religious ceremonial, adventures with horses, lions and elephami. bot .s for the Pig firama hlintei- lh.,o am ihtk fAr.ranc. ML ing subjects that are treated In the new- .wwoovuH UUUK, illO Biyio la inure fraDhlc than philosophical, but Mr Itoos6 fh does not' nes"ftte to restate one or Wnet- of the eternal verities when oc casion prompts. Here, as otherwhere, he l an Individual blend of St. Paul and St. Vitus, Action predominates over gospel, however. In this book. An alert and keen observer of tire course vi numan events through a long lifetime. Jman Abbott lias written a volume of Reminiscences" (Houghton Mifflin Com pany), which is of exceptional interest and value, since his youth he has seen many changes In customs, manners, attitudes to ward political, Industrial and religious Questions, and he has himself taken an ih nar' aa clergyman. Journalist and tttUen. in public affairs and In discussion of problems of social Import, The Impress mi ha.8 made ul'" hs time is not blight, tls book of recollections 1? much more fan an autobldgiuphy It Is a record of aoelal progress in the last half century auf wore. It Is rich In anecdotes of the author's contemporaries, but rich also In portrayal of contemporary history as raanlfested both In thought arid action, ih 1 rlc'ier still In Its humanly sympa thetic ana courageous spirit, wth respect 1" t0 tlle author's Inner experience un roldea In its uages and to his attitude wtvurd that democracy for which he has be highest hopes, and expctatlons. Amnnfl- (I.A IiaaIki unnn n l.n rtlltll lel,e,l jy Nicholas h. Drown (formerly Brown Urothers) is "Two Deaths In the Bronx," y Doiuld Evans, the futurist poet. Mr- ' f'tkUM u HI hn rmemhere,! as the author : t "nifccordo" and ''Sonnets Prom the Puti 'agunlan' thA flrar fnhtrkr inllllllfl nub- Ued In America. l.ast winter, In order 'tlcntlflcally to study colors, which he be- . "eves are one of the most Important fac ers tn poetry .he Associated himself for ju with. Lady "Duff Cordon, the la- "jous ijjndon dressmaker, whose cbro- ij.ic sense is reinsrkable. Mr Uvans re- fttiumjid to FhtladeiJhia. tuid ts H-u hw home at ihe Nasi. IW Spruce fcii. JAMES LANE ALLEN whose now book, "A Cathedral SiiiKcr," has just been published by tho Century Company. ANCORA UN VOLUME DELL'EDITORE HOEPLI Un Manuale dej Commerciante Che Puo' Essere Molto Utile Agli Importatori Un libro die puo' lntorcsare tuoltl Italian! Imnorfatorl I quail hnnno re lazlonl dl nffnrl con rase comuicrchtll Itnllane e' II Mnnuale det Commercln del Prof. Rag.' Dompe. l.anuon (quntt.. ) edizlono 101G ill qucsto clllcaclsslmo mezzo dl cultura per tuttl coloro die st avvlnno alia carrler.i commcrclnlc, sempre rlccr catlsslmo dngll tiominl d'nffarl c da umel pubbllcl e prlvntl. e' nggiornata lino nlle ultimo leggl rocate d.tlla gucrra, e con tlene numeroslsslma materia nuoa (qui ftccenneremo solo 11 tllolo d'csemplo alia: Concorrcnza sleale, Dcnunzln delln Ditto, Avvlamento, Vendita a rate. Krcdlta' e Succession!, Implcgatl c Personate, As segno bancnrlo, Materia ferrovlnrln, Com merclo maritlmu cd Asslcurazioul, nuove tasse cd imposte, uuovlssime forme dt contablllta' e reglstrazlone, ccc.) cho sara' d'immedlnta utlllta' al rngloulcri. nl pro curator! ed anche ngll avvocatl. Sono ben 400 gli argomentl trattntl. corrcdatl da oltro 200 moduli, quudrl, eserclzl prntlcl, tavolo c prontuarl. II Manuale dl oltre 800 pnglne costn, rllegato, Lire 5,50, o M puo' nverlo dall'lCdltoro Clrlco IIocpll. illlann. contro Invto dcll'lmporto plu' le spese postall. P. Ansco. Nortistown 11 Messico con flict a nord con git Stnti Unlti ed a sud con la Itepubblica del Guatemala e con l'Honduras Inglcse, che e' coloula inglese. Ad ovest le sue costc cono bngnnte dal l'Occano Paclflco e ad est dall'Atlantlco. Ercole, Cltta'. La coriJa traduzlono itallana dl "1 should wony" uon saprem mo darla, essemlo quc, frase un ldlo tlsmo inglese. Si piotrebbe ttadurre con molte frasl conslmlll itallaue, come "M' Imporla assai '." ecc. 11 libro cho studl ate vi Insegnu la correttn pronuncla della parola "situation." cioe' la pronuncla In glese. Qticlla che sentltc e' pionuncla corrottn. Noudlmeno la prima "t" e' pio uunclata con un suono caratterlstico che, come tnntl altrl suoul nella lingua In glese, uon si apprende che sentendolo. P. Sanzuro, Norrlstown, Pa. II valore attuate del pezzo d'oro da un dollaro e' dl J1.C0 11 fL'.BO, becondo lo stato dl con serazlone della moncta- In nitre parole se essa e' constrvata bene vale $2.50. FABM.GABDEN and the HOME Garden Shears Comfortable handles: blades of good steel, leverage la such that little pressure Is re quired; warranted dependable, rtcr. 33c liettor do your pruning right Postage away, before there Is any L cents danger of the aap starting up. extra Oilier Primers ,,. 40c to St, Bu Pruning Knives 0c lo 11.23 Long-Handle Iree I'runrrs 30c up Galvanized Poultry Wire Per Per In Mesh Itoll Mean. Koll 12 2-ln S1.25 t-ln. S2.B0 18 2-tII. 1,75 lln. 3.00 24 2-ln 2.40 1-ln, 4.7S 3u 2-ln, 2.XI) 1-ln. 1.7S St) 2-ln. 8.4U 1-ln 7,00 42 2-ln. 3. HO 1-ln. . 00 48 2-ln. 4,40 1-ln. 0.00 i;ii 2 In S.4D 1-ln. 11.2,1 72 2-ln. O.S0 1-ln. 13.S0 l.'iO running ft, per roll. Per aq. ft 2-ln Mesh, cut pieces 2r 1-ln Mesh, cut pieces . .3f Vln Galvanized Staples for fastening netting. llle lb Above prices subject to market changes, Write for Catalog or Harden ItequUltes Shannon 818 IIIKSTM'T. I'llll-V The Quiele Road to Poulbry Profits fiBt kby ehlcka to ItjlnrhaBi. or eoek aibU rcftdy tor pta c nuivl Ut ic4 1 tboii it j on f4 KEYSTONE Tru proper tlADced n POULTRY Hon for every FOODS tg. Compounded It siperts froi BstjCklat," pure, wbolMomo la kUK. ' IMtSMS Ur.1' "SrtUk- ssS Ktedieats, la rlsbt pro pcrtlona. No guewwork. rarstss. JIOOU FBEE-4T(i7tblnz for poultry, pigeons, lua fsrdso. At your dealers, or TAYLOR dROS. 41 Market St., Camden, N 0ET IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF jC hustler, handy yltbr tools, tin .auks him self Independent by" kundlra- a product tae.vll idvertistiiE Not e. luxury, but a necessity to ill nrooerty owners, whether farmer or town 5iin rUsTse profits. No Investment necessary. STRAWBERRIES Lu ,5S teoru fty w " r t sv - suuuitt vTruiAKtat "so yp frs AVVOSII.NO. EIm 20c Wjj c.k. II .B ItV 'Li r vH vS3 LOCAL THEATRE DOG IS LITERARY HERO "Bum" Immortalized in Wege- farth's New Rook- -Other Volumes Patrons of the Walnut Stieet Theatre lnt searon nnd all those who frequent ' Nixon's (Jrnnd thli enr know "num." Wnnil'ilnir UirciiiRli the lobby, noting Into the auditorium for a moment, but prin cipally lounging outside or Inside Manager Wegefni tli's omoe, he has been a fnmillnr nnd welcome "lRht. A good many more Phlladelphlnus lme rend about "Hum." His master, who Is something of a poet as well ns thentrlcal despot. Immortalized him quite a while bad. In a set of verses adopted by the Stnto Sorlet) for Preven tion of Cruelty to Animals, of which the following lines are the opening: lie's a little doit, with it stubbv tall, and a moth-eaten com of tuns His Ir-jrs are short, of the wobbly sort I doubt If thev eer run: Ho howls at nldht. whits In broad daMlght he MlPtl lib a lilMimln' fA . Ami he lihes the feed of th the feed of the cultrf breed: lie's mosi irrrsuiar nor. And now "Hum" Is a met .try lieio His , life, from the wild night of stotm when he I adopted Mr. Wcgefnrtli to the present dnj. Is gaily set forth In "The True ' Ktorj of 'Hum' " I.Sully and Klelnteich. New York) It Includes the record of two 1 historic occasions when "Hum" Invaded 1 the stage of the Walnut nnd brought down tho houe. I "The Hunted Woman ' Inuhlc-dnv. t Page ft Co . N'cw York) Is a now novel by Jnmes Oliver Curwood. of "Kazan" fame. It Is a story of tin American au thor and a beautiful Kngllsh woman, who comes to tho great Northwest to icek her lmsbnnd The Amerlcnn, John Aldotis, Is a man who would ruther light Injustice than eat Ho saves the Roman from tho clutches of the suave Culver Itann and tho brutal Hilt Quade, partners In crime, nnd wins her hnnd under the mot pe culiar circumstances It is a well-written story. The author's descriptions of the Northwest combined with n good plot mnkc "The Hunted Woman" nn Interest ing, cen fascinating, volume. A new book by tho author of "The Duchess of Wrexe" and "The Wooden Horse" always creates :t stir In the literary world. Hugh Wnlpole certainly stands high In tho ranks of British novelists, but It would icqulre more than his latest vol ume, "The Golden Scarecrow" (tieorge H. Dor.tn Company, New York), to prove his right to figure In such company. The book Is merely n group of pictures, depicting tho lives of a few children. There Is little. If any, connection, nnd even the epilogue, which might be expected to bring the threads of the story Into some sort of order, fnlls to contribute much to the rend er's enlightenment. The author's style Is always delightful, nnd his delicate and natural portraitures of child life are charming, but thnt is about the best and the most that can be said ot tho book I "The Oakleyitcs" (George R Dot an Co New York) Is a book that lias many things to commend it. First nnd best of all, it Is written by K. V. Benson, author ot "Dodo" and member of n famous literary family: second, Jt is decidedly In tin author's best style; third, It Is truly original In Its character portrayal. If not In Its plot. The Idea of choosing a woman almost of middle nge ns one's heroine may not be entirely new, but It is dllllcult to conceive of an author taking such a chance who could achieve more of a suc cess than Mr. Benson has attained. While there Is abundant humor In the volume nnd the lives of the strait-laced people of 0 quaint and cotnentlou-lovlng town are depicted In a delightfully whimsical way. It Is the pathos that Is to be found in the romance of the blg-souled heroine that makes tho novel a notable one. "The Oakleyltes" Is not merely a book worth reading; It is one that is worth keeping and occasionally te-readlug DREERS Orchid -flowered Sweet Peas A wonderful typo with Immense wavy petals, borne three and four flowers to the stem. Dreer's "Incomparable" collection of twelve packets of the ery finest kinds, $1.00. Orclild-flowered mixed, all colors. 10 cts. per pl;t. ; SO cts. per oz. ; SO cts, per 3,i -lb. ; $2.00 per lb. Dreer's Peerless Mixture. Made up from the finest large flowering or grandlflora sorts. S cts. per plct.: 10 cts. per oz. ; 30 cts. per ii-lb. ; $1.00 per; lb, Plant them Just as soon as frost leaves the ground. Dreer's Garden Book for 1916 contains easy cultural directions writ' ten by experts about practically every dependable flower or vegetable grown. Fret at the stare, or by mall upon requeit DREER SEEDS, PLANTS, BULBS 7 U.I 6 CHESTNUT ST. jiSuJgfATH' HIGHEST QUALITY Is Not Caustic Cannot Burn IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE The best and most economical form of Lime to use. Full Information ss to the most econora. leal way to purchase. E. J. LA VINO & CO. 471 Bullitt Bldg. Philadelphia PLANT MY 8.YEAU ASPARAGUS ROOTS and eat your asparagus this May and Juno. If jou plant a 2-j ear asparssus root It will require 3 tears before taking jour crop. Write to day for my Novel Pamphlet. WAHttEN BiilNN rho Original Root Hpeciallst IVoodbury, N. i. WM. H. BARRETT 4734 Duflield Street FRANK rORD Landicape Gardening Bpraylar, trltnmln. sA prualt trtu fti ePec4sit7- StU 'Pton. Fnskisrd 2M1W B Iff ' Ita If '-liA if . 'ii ' MELLOW MELODRAMA I IS "A WIFE'S SACRIFICE" All the Old-Time Thrills Worked Again in Newest Fox Film By tho Photoplay Editor "A WIPE'S SAl'IttFtCE" A Pox film In nco parts written nnd directed by J. (Jordan IM- ivnrus. tteieaaeit Motmai Count d- llrinuet . . . I ountrss do lirbtuet... Pauline do llrlquet . . Madnm de la Murohe Pnlltn Clorienne IVjipo Elliot Drake I'.obert llurel Marte MaKiiettl .... . .Itobert It Mantell . . .tJencMetr iiiinn Claire Whitney , . . . Uiulao lUnl ..Henry I.eont tlenevlexe Hamper . . . .Stuart llidmei .... Walter Miller Walter MrCulloucli Jane !.eo It is only within recent years. In fnrt. one might say only since tho rise of the great popularity of llio photoplay, that the olil-tlmp melodrama tins lost lis tremrndoui appeal to a certain claH if theatre-goers. The reason Is that one goti nil !. Ui ttl ... -.....! .!. 1.. .1... t.11 iiilt ,111 uir, uiivrt; luuim kiivit, in inu . movies Melodrama la essentially n molr phiclc lndn, nhd "A Wife's Sacrifice." the new I Fo lllm. Is n rnglng. tearing, wild, vlllnln- stlll-putsued-her tpe of tnelodrnmu Moir- J rer it hns that master of ovpr-nrtlng Itobert Mnntell. nnd hl rqunlly gifted 1 wife. IScncMcAr Hntiipcr, "mcindrninntlng" to tliclr hearts' content. The result Is a perfectly magnificent piece of work of thlH rather uninspiring tjpe nf flint tino sees strings nf Vlnse-tipV if our hern our heroine, the irlnux and inittiv ll Inlns, poitrnylng the usual einntlnns rnn nected with tlielt types Tlie. Impnit an Intlmncv with the plnjers. iitiitc iinnstinl , In a plctun with so nuicli action In it We need not discuss tho story. Take , any melodrama with 11 pair of crooks, 0110 mnl one female, one nlmvpil vlf, one unjust husband, one hero and one heroine1, shake thoroughly and direct well, 11 ml ou linxe "A Wife's .Sacrifice " Mnntell. gloomy nnd morose of tool ! tnlk- nround for the reels n the unjut husband t'nforttmntoly for the stnr. the 1 work ot tho whole enst, which Includes bc , sldei tjpiievlevp Hamper, finite Whitney, j Louise Ttlnl. .Stuart Holmes and Wnlter Miller, Is so fnr above that of the featured player, that he Is rather lnl sight of The picture Is really very exciting, and, for a play of that type quite consistent Mabel Noimnurl. familiarly known to YFI LOW THE GREAT INTLRNATIONAL SECRET SERVICE ROMANCE By OEORQE GIBBS lnrjpniu elPti written ami sn lutfrctliieT thnt vrn uauM not advice nuyont to bdln It who htn a train tn catch." -.V. V. rimr. At nil i.nnt4toro. IllutrnteO. St. 2." ut O APPU&TON C CO., NEW .YOCtK. I OK AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OK CELEBRITIES APPLY BUYING OR SELLING TO WALTER It. BENJAMIN 523 am am:., saw uuu cixv STAIRS Interior Alterations Get Estimate! Frank C. Snedaker & Co. 9th and Tioga Streets Burpee's Five gr iSt wow Fordhook Vegetables Pni-Oe we will mail one packet each 7UrSC0f th followine Famous Fordhook Vegetables: UunrEE'3 GOLDEN DANTAM Swbet C jbn, the earliest and best first early; lit:nPEE'3 Clack-IIcd Bau, llEET. deeply colored llcsli and line sweet flavor: HuRPKK's EABLtrsr Wavaheap Letti'Ce, the earliest butterhead Mt'iety, Chalk's Early Jewei, Tomato, rsrliest first class tomato in the family garden: BunrEE-lMPRovED llusit Lima il ban, pods are enormous and well filled wflh delicious beans. 23c bujs all the above. Fie cci lections for $I,00,rooiled to different ad dresses If ordered, Aa A Compliment to the Ladies we in. elude with each collection a regular l--cent packet of our Fordhook Favorite Asters. Burpee's Annual for 1916 TVs Fecllila Asslcscurr EJi'loa el tic LisJug Asuricie. assil Cs1s,i knisur sas bstter lata etsrlcfsrs. Il is soils j lies. Write fer 11 tedsy ssj kuuu auslisa taU tsVlksllsa. W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. Burpee Buildings Philadelphia iniiiiTiTTiiMlllliiiiiiimriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii HUDSON Asphalt Shingles Kui faced with red or green crushed slute, no paint or italn required. er inui nuin nrlth a cermanent. artistic, eathertlght roof Will not rot. warp, crack, break or fade Fire .eslstlnc Save maintenance expense AMU tl)H fctllJS'ULI.M. AIOS NO. Bl iOSOH AhttXy mCSCKV Iloom Itf.-, ' 3-t it church St.. New Vork nAllDKNEIta AMI 1-AHMEUS Cow Manure, Horse Manure, Pulverized Sheep Manure Ground Limestone. CHARLES A. GREEN 1311 Clroxd Ats., I'blU., Pa. SPHAGNUM MOSS Five-barrel bales. It; ten bales. H.0 Craousr aloss Canwaar. UajctU. N. J, POTATOES UlUs. Cs-rman. Cobbler Norther Olant Hsbron, Oreen lit Rosa. Ohio, six weeks 83 kinds. V.W. Ford, FUher'e. N. V. line Sweet Fetal Seed All kinds of Small fruit ft vest, plants, Cl Privet. Cstalorue free. Michael N, Uorso.lJoi IS3, Tlntlatsd. N.J. SV 111 CO, m inoMoti-plrtui palrons throughout "he i-lvlllzcd world a 'Keystone Mnbel." will continue as one of the players producing pictures for thn Triangle Film Corporation. MI'S Normitiul nllled her signature on I Friday to n ronltar' with the New York Motion Picture corpointlnti. one ot the cor- 1 itrnte factors of the Triangle I-'llm Cor poration Por tho pi event Miss Noimnlid will continue ns n member nf the Keystone Company In Port I.ee. N. J. At the time nf signing her coutincl, she I said "I nm dlFMuotl Kl.itt tlint this formality hns been ni-cnmpllhril t do not think that l could really he ver happy If 1 were I not engaged In the Key stoning pastime Of course, you know the mitklng of Kc stones is nn art In Itself and 1 think Hint It rapidly becomes 11 habit At nny tnle. It is a phase of motion picture life tlint grows upon one bemuse of Hip fertility of lesoiirrp dl.-plapl b the Kpvslotip or ganization When vim hrgln work lit the inoriiing it Is rather dllllcult to detormlno wliothei 01, p li expected to dltc off nil SO-foot cliff Into the Pacific, to ride 11 run Have you been to Canada lately ? Do I you realize that we i i are living next door , to a great nation actively at war? That from Toronto alone over forty thousand men ; have enlisted? You! would be interested in ! what these men of our ! own flesh and blood1 have accomplished. One a" Canada's most distin-1 guihed citizens, now a i !meiber of the British' House of Commons, has '.written the story of the ; Canadian troops in Bel gium. It is reviewed as one of the really great i books dealing with the war. You should read it. ' By MAXAITKEN.M.P. Price Tifty cents At all booksellers OBORUG II. D0KAN COMPANY, Publlslieri a. 1 ift rnK following theatres oht.iln tlielr OAIUBIA in FLAIRERS fjfBSiar-JCs WtH jOUJIIXW Ing Company, ihlrh Is a sunranlen of mirlj hhowlngs of the finest pro ductions. All pictures retlenrd before exlilb lion. Ask for the theatre la Jour locality obtulnlns picture tUroueli the hT.l.M.EV ItooUlne Companr- ALHAMBRA E Si Miirrl A. roMunl.-jA' Ut - , UK ,.' r.tram t i'iciurn Blanche Sweet in "The Blacklist" ARCADIA CHHSTNl T lUXOW H'.TH H. B. WARNER in I'lIK HAIHKIIS" IDOI I ri MO AND THOMPSON' ArULLVj MATINHK DAILY Paumciuni Pieseutv I'llNS-nXi'i: c-ul.LIHIt "TONGUES OF MEN" BLUEBIRD 20'J NOIITH DHOAD ST Itluelih'l Prcsehls Hobart Bosworth in "The Yaqui" ! BELMONT XMONT p T& ?Wp .UB n..".-,. njiMV- ,12D ,novi: SIAHKHT l'odjv un,l Tomorrow I limit AND CEDAR '''mnS ' I I KDAIl AE VI-sV-i.IX 1HLATRL , i w m.l.m'p T1ip flolden Chance' I j, .in iii lne ooiuwi .uani-c I Puiainnuiu Production j ! FAIRMOUNT S0T" !$&no we I Metro ritm o PieNents the Kinotlonnl Aclreii I Madame Petrova '" 1 maukui FRANKFORD -1T11 PitANIvFOrtD AVENUE MARY PICKFORD in "THE FOl'NDLINti" 56TH ST. Theatre yT,.ii UU HH Spruce C I lo 11 PtiiiLinsi Small!' an4 inla eur in Hup ihe (Jet i I'm Ilrew 52d St. Mats :-:i .so i:gs ii:iu to ii 10. Wm. Farnum In ' KIUHTIVU 1II.OOD ' VIItST 'EST PHIL-VDELPHIA SHOWINO GERMANTOWN 850..onE- i I'.utAsiotNT pi.-Tt-nu i Mary Pickford POOP. LITTLE , PEPPINA" . "I nDC 50TH 4 MARKET 2:15-7-0 ULUon $15 000 KIMHALL OUQAN MARGUERITE SNOW in THE fPSTAUT" r-ID APn AVENIE THEATRE LlKAKl- Tru AND UIItAHD AVENUE George Beban '" T1"kvrAE"N audellle tsurpiise .Night JZ s." Mtlsss-n BROAD ST , ERIE Great INoruiern oehmantn aves. PAULA SHAY in A FOOLS PARADISE" , IMS THEATRE 31"?Sneoton I Robert Warwick - l Tomorron- 111 LI.ETS IlltOWN EVES" IMPERIAL Theatre ,?& Triangle Pla Doroihy Ulsh la Hetty of Craystone Roscoe ArbucVU lu "The Bright Lights" JEFFERSON 2aTH AB.REg.sUPH,N Sarah Bernhardt in 'Jeanne Dorc plu bird I'hooplay LAFAYETTE " KEN3I-0n ave. Holbrook Blinn ,n IabTn" Tomorrow !eraldin "rrar lo TemptatUo" !l'VVV!M'll"l''''''l'''U??MMM''''l''''"nlltlltllMl"1JUIJLLIM away aeroplane or merely assault the Keystone police "I nm ery glad thnt t nm going to continue In the full consciousness thnt my life will not become n dull-gray existence, without any high spots In It" Miss Normnnd will In nil likelihood be seen with Hocoe (Fntty) Arbuckle In a new comedy the latter Is preparing for In the Port 1,ee studio Viola Dana, stnr of "The Poor Little Hlch Olil." lint signed with Metro. LOST AND FOUND Tor Other ttnml Found Aits flee PgeJ Dfill Mt for terrier, white body, blarfe heaj. Iipinvn nnnl nl.r n.ti-h e,e. nnwer. In "Mar. , Hew. nan N P. Houlerard Ph. Wyo.1074 W. l'i.V-OHl nhaped plitlnuir pin set with fhe i: diamonds. In itdnltv Hrnad nnd Walnut. Wednesday nlRlit. March 2J. Reward If re l turned tn cashier llellevue-strntfnrd i UlS'U l.net. the latter part of January, dia" mond and sapphire rlnir Reward If re t'imed to 2.110 North Park ave IttNTI. diamond, durlnir neek nf Pehruary "7. In tlclnltj- of 21t and Ml. Vernnn sts . two 12) rltia. nne rr.italna ihrcn dlnmohda j nounled In sold the other ttirnuotae aur I rounded with diamond.' Liberal reward and I no nun. linn, naked If returned to J. n. I rnldMcll . Co.jno2 chestnut at. ATCII I,s!. Rold filled, rtentleinftii's watch open fare, with Inl'tnls K c. !!.. between Sulmnv nt c'-estnut st ferries to trnad St. Station, nolnu from Hrnad ft Station In a tnxlenh to 1033 spruce. Iteward If returned to It C Harris, luol Frnncln at., Cam 1 den N J I V A ri It Lost, nhnut inn uceka ako, amalt natch nnd chain Howard It returned to '.'3IH W.rth Tark ne. PERSONALS Tltiiuy HHNSUN. formerly nf 1,113 Mount nphraim ae . c'amden. N J . Is wanted by a former emplover fur n aunimer position In Mnlne Add Mme. Jnhn. tnos Christian st Mi'K family lo take tmhy Klrl. need 0 months" I uil surrender M n.",1 I.edser Central. FOUND BY THE POLICE t'OlWP -7 hunches or keis, 1 nutomotille latnn I pair evemasses In case, t ladv'a dress .1 nulnmnhlle cranks. I ulllnmnhll lire 1 straw hair contalnlnflr wearlnB apparel. 1 receipt bonk, 1 ladvn auto elt, 2 pneket tio tk. ,-ontnlnInir money. I pocketkntfo, 4 anmll ruas. 1 packace of bulbs. 1 sweater 3 alild chains. 1 fur neckpiece, t ladl's hand Kiir I Rent's overcoat. I (trip rontnlnlnir n-earimr anpirel. 1 box nf chicory. I parlor lamp, t sller watch 1 rnll of tapestry. 1 rent s sick coat, 1 slrau buff 7 automobile rnhea. lad muff. 1 medicine ense, 1 sent's kth coat a nuautltv nf Penna. auto tags for mill Apnlv io Walter lillbert chief Clerk. Huron u nf Police. Iloom 21.1, City Hall. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WI.HTKHN I NION THI.HHRAl'II ro Justin ienneh. i:icctrli Controller &. Mfg. Co, n It Sharpe. I.leut. t;o 1. Pnrmtt. It. M llrndv. Crown lllectrlc Hot Pack Co.. If V ItlKler. II M Paddock. H M Ullbert. John l!rne Mri I,. H. l.esscl. Dr. Kerr lloto Tupper Watson Williams Co.. I. W. Thomp son l o. Ilev lt.llph Mantnne. Colonial Pack ing Ci . Phillip Knril, i:. Deltch .lames Wig nnll .1 H. Harper Pred H llond. Pnnnle Cunningham. i:mest Cummlngs, Miss Mnr anri't l.rimb M Poldman. itoht Hudson. I'ranl. Iler-mm PO.STAI. THI.ntlltAPH CO. Will. Jt. Pow nall A N. IJann HELP WANTED FEMALE Help Wniitrd AiIk Urrrlied Tun I.llte for ' t'lnslllriitlnn Will be l'ound nn I'nte 3 I'HA.MIIEHMAin AND WA1THESS Hxperl emeil white girl for prluitc fanilU . sub- urbs Meet emplmor llnnni 21).,. llllf Chi.st mil st . rrlday, at 12 o'clock. i I'HH.DNTHSi:. exiwrlenied In ,-are of In- ( runt mid iiHslit with older child: suburbs, i rfferenie reriulred. .Iteet empliner Iloom 2ll.", dnS Chestnut st . Prldiiy, at 12 o'clock. ; iHJOK iliile. pent and efficient not over 3C ! for Hltburb. three adults, other help, good ' uages M-et iMnploer Monday. 10 h m. i Itniim 20.",. mil Cluslnut. , riiOK i haniberiuahl nnd waitress, for Merlon: cxpeil'iKcd and reference Appl 3301 llarlng i si before 1J ti'Lloik I'OtIN DuwiiHtalrs work and cooking, tiermali preferre,!, refcr,in.o required 1213 West l.ehlgh ttie. PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESCNTATIO Sodim Grwmw picture through the M'ANI.KV Iloek- LEADER FOHTT-KIHST AND I. VNf'ASTI'.It AVKNUE MADAME PETROVA in Till; SOCI. MAItKHT' LIBERTY Itn-r Kiini i'or I1P.OAD AND COI.L'MIHA Mei i-i, Kiini Corporation Presents Marguerite Snow In "A CUICXKH I.V COTTON Logrn Auditorium "KShia,. rn iilr Pint Orrlu Jnhnsnn In "D'Artas uan " Spe, lal return engagement, Sd. Chap lin In 'The Sublnnrlue PIlateH" LOCUST r,2D and i.ocrsT Mats l:.to and a-.M. me Kvg" ll-SII. 8. Iltno. 18c VAI.I.I 111 THK TI'ItMOIL" Tiita nnd Tnmnrrnw Market St. Theatre 3" r ""''InH'-V'oy.VlNrLA' h"ee -.irtAIT" Keiy Wednesday flRPHFI IM OCnMANTOWN AND KJIXmCiKJlVl CIIELTKN AVES Trianei piaya Wl s ar n .... lmg. v illier in Wife nnd Auto Trouble" flPIFfMT l!SD WOODLAND AVE. Jl I H.li 1 r).,y jmt , s. KB . 0:30 to 11 llstro Picture l.ii.uel It.irrMiiure and Irene Howler In A VKI.LOW STIILAK" DAI Af C 1SH MAnivKT STItnLT tr AVl-V.t, ln A j( tn 11:15 P M JEANNE IVER in ONK DAY" PARK" IUDGK AVE 4 DAUPHIN ST. ri..rw MATINEE 2:15 r,iia,noiii( I'u-rure- The Pnnular Ihotopla Star DLANVIIK BWKET In " I THE RAOAMUrFlN" !princess lQVllCT SPECIAL SURPRISE DAY See ' The Olrl and the Oame" Every Thursdai RIALTO am&8&ig st MARGUERITE CLARK in HELEN'S OP THE NORTH" DPPPIMT 131 MARKET STREET "-VJl-",H HUH AX rOtOE ORGAN ROBERT WARWICK in THE SUPREME SACRIFICE IITIV MARKET STREET ' KJ a 1 BELOW 7TII STREET LOU TELLEGEN in THE UNKNOWN" SHERWOOD5,IS LTIMORE ELSIE JANIS in BETTY JN SEARCH OF A THRILL' savoy ys" Bluebird Features Presents .Violet Merserau in "The Flirt" TIQQ J7TH ft VENANQO STS. Theodore RoberU ,n Pudda'head Wilson'" Paramount Production VirTlTRIA MARKET ST. 1 w 1 J ll ABOVE NINTH Mary Milea Mlnter In "Loe Man'" Keystone Comedy. "The VUlace Blacksmith" Authentic Frenra war punures uaca on in arin lines ' tfumawhsre In France." STANLEY MARKET ABOVE 18TII HAZEL DAWN in "The Saleslady" CONTINVOl 61 II IS A U 11 IS P. M. o I i. I er,oTii whaveiis wanted ' Apply John' & jambs Donso, ikc lllanket Mills, Scott's lane, Tails of Schuylkill. UltEflflMAttKtl offers unusual" tlrst wal.t trimmer. Ahltr. lptiortuultr to MSI Walnut. DrtnssMAKRIt wants girls tn learnt also llrl. to run errands. Abler. 1612 Walnut, tJltllSHMAUnn wants first-class skirt tlnlth- ers. nlsn Improvers, Abler. HI32 Walnut. cienrmn preferred. H 103. ledger Otnce, . 0,e'is wanted to operate machines and psck cans. American Can Co,. Ueach and KS l"CI Hid. HOSIKItv -Knitters and tnppera. also lrn ersj paid while learning. 1;I2I) N. Lnrent. ''OKMAIH-Capable, whit. Protestahlj jnod cnpkjroriimaJI apt, A 823. Id, Off. IIOt-SEtyonK -Wanted, reliable Enrllah or irisn i-rotestant: private ramllvi in assist with (leaning nnd In the kitchen! bst ref' ?$er.?. reo'ilrcd. nn laundry work; ware 14, I! SVM. l.e,iKer Office. . Htll-HnWonK (Reneral) Permanent position for nent nnd lapnhle white glrli 2 children Irt in, in, yj emnii nun: 1. nll.. f.nm rhllat- I'jintj. - 1ii-ri'K?r evince. . ltorsnvvtmi;- White lrl: 3 In family, fhona erinantnnnR44(l IIOfsntVOllK IK (pteneral) - Kxperlenced with children , an Narherth 014 W. I.AI'NI)lti:H.t U-nnl.,1 r..M.n MJItCHH-- laundress fnr country tdare. nea r Wllminir- ion. I, a week Address Mrs O.. nreen. 1 Mle. tjel. .MAIDS (2) to do work In family of fouri 111V urhs. V Ml. t.eda-er Office. MOTHKIfM Hni.rnit. ProlesHant: eipefUneel 'J'h-e.hjldreni reference. H WIT, tied. Off. .STHNOClltAI'HHIt. experienced. . J'iSt- "rcrnd nnd Wnllace st.. Metropolitan second floor. 'rEt.HPHO.VB OPKHATOnfi WANTKI) rtrlght young women between 17 and 22 years old, tn take up telephone operating) n experience necessary; salary raid mine learning, nieaa&nc u-nrir permanent position. Annlv In person. Hell Telephone Co , 4n( Market st.. between and n p m. WAITttEHS wanled In private family: perlenced. English nr Irish Protestant elrl: r'J . rpfrrencp required; no laundry work. II S24. Ledger Ofnce. WANTED Competent caretaker and compan Inn for elderly lady. B Uil. ledger Central. Yotr.NO lady, atsiut 2,". with huslnesg expsrl "' to assist yth general nfflco workl mut be bright and Intelligent, nulck and accurst at figures and understand fractions: atatt fullj aa to experience, age and salary en pected: no replica considered unless theie de- tails are given. I.nrk llox 41, 1'hlla. VUI'NU voman to tako charge of bedrooms, wait on table and general work: r.o cooklnr; situation tn Houth: atalo reference, art and wages E 4N, ledger Centra , General WOMEN WANTED AS GOVERNMENT CLEnKS: 170 month! Philadelphia tam1n. tlons coming: sample .questions free. Frank lln Institute Dept. 7IB N.. Hocheater. N, T. HELP WANTED MALE HOOIxkUEPim young man. 18-20 years, hlah school uraduate. In ofnce of wholesale houss iin assistant bookkeeper, muat have good ref erences Address, stating salary desired. A :l2H.lrfdger Offlrcj HtiV llrlght boy for general work nnd to run errands, HI years old. Apply by Utter only, llalloy. Hunks & Piddle Co., 1221 Hansom st . 4 th floor. IIOV. til jcars or over, wanted In ofnce of large manufacturing concern: one living in northeast section preferred. Address P 623. Ledger Office HOY WHnted, 13 to 17 years old for llgnt work in manufacturing concern Second floor, 04 IIOV. salary tu atari 10: good chance for ad Mincement Hnuthwark Foundry and 11a china Co . 430 Washington ne. HOTS wanted to run tube machines. Apply, . tn 12 a tn. tndav. Pennsvlmnlu lei1 Metallic- Tubing Co . 72d and Powers lane, C1DI ,, " , (Kltltir ijiiiiii wiisT I'liii.AnKi.riiiA GRAND D and MARKET STS. MAT. DAILY. : P, It, 3l "The Primitive Strain" OVERBROOK ,!3D "SKv. Venture Jatle Gall Itl "RUPERT OF HENTZAU" ' flARDFN 53a 4 LA.NSDOWNB AVE. r.iuciv SIAT - nva 0;3ft ALMA HANLON in "WILD OATS" EUREKA 0TH & JtAnKET Pnthe Cold llnnster Play Tlin PHKCIOfS PACKET" ItAI.PH KLI.I.ARD and LOIS MErtEDITll BROADWAY SSD ani orbenwat UftUHUWVI Adults 10c: Children Be. House Peters and Ethel Clayton in "THE GREAT DIVIDE" i NOIITH Broad Street Casino BROtil,,e Evenings 7:15 end 0 L rMIUlltVAl In 'SOLD TO SATAN" what HAPPENED TO PECIQV." Parts. COMEDIES CENTI IR Y cn,B AVE MAIISHALL V-Aill i UI I MATINEE DAILT LITTLE MAUY KV.VHHINB," Featurlpj BABY MARIE OSBORN The Youngest Leading Lad' bOUTH Dl A7A IJROAD AND PORTER IT X-. a. A 8TKEET( Harold Lockwood & Mae Allitou in "LIFE'S BLIND ALLEY" NORTHWEST 9nni1linnt1n THEATRE I7TH ft ousquenanna susquehanna avb rriaiule-Kay lies BESSIE BARRISCALB ft Bit PCS Mi-RAE In "The Oreen Swamp." S parts Triangle. Key , MACK 8 WAIN ftPOLLt MOHAN In "Ue Will Conquer." 5 parts. NORTHEAST STRAND ,!TU AND GIRAKU v- Pearl White and Sheldon Lewis In "The Iron Claw," Second Episode -HAZARD OF HELEN" Series KENhl.Ntl.ON I IJ M R O FRNT ST. AND J U 1V1 D U OIRAHD AVENU "ORAFT." Episode No 15. In S Farta PATEHSON OF THE NEWS." In a Psrta MANNA." In S Parts ' 'AIN'T HE GRAND Weekly Programs APPEAR ITVERT MONDAT JN Motion Picture Chart B!!&3bs" 11 'VM TCOIBM Nsy l I is jTMnBDi ,-?.