Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 24, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    i.Hn.11 j ' viti ym"mft
,e Farmington Sewing Society Will Meet Today at the
Jiome 01 ivira. xi.mii riariweil strong.
Various Other Matters
-WEItY year tlio Fnrmlnslon Sowing
?.v -i.i... rrnws lnrccr nnd more in-
Wing and It Is wonderful how much
wrw ..-..-j ... utan Jmav women.
' .... .i, nm work nnd bow
tht destitute children of French
'-' ;,nncrg of war. Tlio empa is uiu ....
prisons .,- membors. Today
W Alin Hnrtwcll Strohrr, of 2036 Do
fcey street, pu the hostess. After
to, I sewing and ft bit of romIp. luncheon
fjl jetved. ri innfff la r-luitr.
Miss iwrouicu """""
w - ;.. nrMi.' Miss Mnry rtussoll
Z. secretary, and Miss Eleanor Ar-
Suit, treasurer, tho ouic. ......u.D . .-
Pw".' k..i-. V Sop m Mrs. Louts
firMrV. AV.il.nm Woodward
Amett, Mrs, Klwnrrt Wynno Moorc'
A ........ . B.t-,,n. Mm. William
TJifrt. Annui i.- """ -
ItJL. K Fuller, Mrs. Frederick Brown,
IvL Francis M. DrooUo. Mrs. Henry n.
inompson. of Greenville. Del.; Mrs. Jo
.Lb Bancroft, of WllmltiRtnn. Dol.i Mrs.
Z.h Chanmnn. Mrs. Nicholas Dlddlo,
Mrs. J Kcarslcy Mitchell, 3d, Mrs. Wnl-
.. T- FoUlkC. Airs, .iiiniua .11. ai.v... 1.
ltrt. Richard Willi Molrs, Mrs. David
UB" - - -..., ..-. It-., tin.,.
Undsoy, Jr.. 01 viiiiiiiiKi."i "" -el
jjexter "Wan-lner, Mrs. William E.
firman. Mrs. Forrest G. Pearson, Mrs.
Uufus Shaplcy, Miss Deborah A. Glover,
'jtlss Lucia A. Warden, Mlsrf Atlco Par
a'u Mls3 Grace Cooke Clarkson, Miss
v.therlno E. Register, Miss Henrietta
CD. Ely, Miss Edith II. Bally, Miss
IlHeanor S. Gamble, Miss miznuetn uaio
flfvwi.iinvr. Miss Loulso Wood nnd Miss
KOIive Wilson.
The dancing class for little girls nnd
W ln Chestnut Hill gave n bnl masque
last week at the Philadelphia Cricket
dub. and It proved to be such a suc
cess that Miss Lockwood decided to re
peat it this afternoon. All sorts of eve
ning costumes will ho worn, two
Tommy Atkins, ti real gipsy, aged u
years; a Dutch girl with red satin skirt,
black Jacket and pointed cap, will bo
tlny Betty Colahan; little Eleanor Hous
ton went last week as an old-rnsriloiiocl
rid There will bo Red Cross nurses
and Martha and Georgo Washlngtons in
'all their stately grandeur. Two tiny
fairies were well taken care of last week
by their nurse, who, caring nothing for
the artistic, slipped sweaters on back
ward as tho wings wero sorely In tho
wiy, and tho effect can bo Imagined.
Altogether every one had a wonderful
fptlme and tho kiddlts can hardly wait
for this afternoon.
. One of the classes In preparedness,
Vhlch Mrs. Carl Williams chaperoncs
at her homo nt School Houso lane nnd
Greene- street, Germantown, meets this
.afternoon between 5 and C o'clock. Dr.
Wilfred Fetterman teaches this class.
l It really Is wonderful 'how deadly
terested all our women aro In this
Jnt , aid and preparedness work. I
Tvas highly amused ono dny last week,
When a friend of mine, who was suffer
ing from a gathering of some sort, nnd
whose head was bandaged up to tho
nines, told mo that a well-meaning nnd
Und-lntentloned girl had come to seo
her, and had told her, "Well, my dear.
I can bandage your head for you. If
Vu want me to." My friend shuddered;
but then tho klnd-Intentloned ono con-
.Untied, "Wo do It nil tho time at homo
bow, Just for practice."
' Imagine tho sonsatlons of visitors to
this household to 11 ml tho family nt
various intervals sitting around nil
bandaged up.
Tea, it's nil very well now, but It
would not bo such fun. If under those
bandages wero dreadful wounds nnd
torn flesh and shrnpncMmbedded skin.
May we only cct as far as practice, if
It can be, with honor, for wo cannot
Jranf our fathers and brothers nnd hus
bands and lovers to undergo what those
poor men In Europe are suffering.
C.Mr. and Sirs. Edwin H. Filler, of tho
.Terraces, Hoaemont, will give a small
theatre nartv tomorrow nicht. later tak
ing their cuests to the Runner Club at the
K Mrs. Warren Powers Laird, of Green
Gate, will jrlvo a theatre party at the
Matk and Wlir iwrfortnance Saturday
(afternoon, April 29, In honor of Mlsa Mary
uioDon wiisou and Miss Ksmer jean
Bochman, two of this season's debutantes,
to be followed by tea at the Bellevue
Blratford. Mr. and Mm. nhnrlea C Harrison will
f close, their town house, 10X8 Locust street,
)n April 16 and move to Happy Creek
tFarm, their homo In St. Davids.
Mrs. Edwnt-d f Tl. Wlofnhsr. nf 1831
lFlnut street, has left for Washington.
Ihro she will spend a portion of the
jLnttn season. She will make several
iljOther visit Yinfnrtk fAliirnlnir in hr tinmA
it Easter.
Mrs. AlAxnnrif Tlrlntnn PnTA will IpnvA
jpjor Untlo City today, where she will
LKake a short stay at the Marlborough
Mr, and Mrs. Archibald Barklla have
returned to Inver House. Wayne, after
JPendlnsr two weeha at Whtta Sulnhur
Bprlngs, Va.
Mr. and Mm rYinrfia 13 ffnTII. At
Brentwood, Wayne, who have been epend
fcta six weeks In the South, will arrive
5Mm on Sunday.
Mr. ftnil XTa rtAAva T IK ITavrlantl vhfl
tw been spending the winter at 200J
!lO Lanpv TiinA win hipn in Pnnlar
Qrove, their home 'in Wayne, April 6.
MF nt.fi ir T.3...n-l T VfAnM. n, Iflltt
Lancey place, who have been spending
"w'nter months at Santa Barbara, Cal.,
. will return In tha lv unrlnir. After
l-JRWdlna- a few days hero they will go
fw r Harbor, where, thav will occupy
LS? ,r eottage, Crosswaya, for the summer.
n, --o Mcura, wi.u una vwn d4..-
w Uje winter on Mrs. Struthers Burt's
tifTf."' at Jackson s Hole, Wyo.. has
&K thf an has Joined her brother,
r. Bryant Mears. on his rancli, which is
v jackson'a Hole, Wyo. Mlsa wears
fSFUl remain In Ihn Woit Hiirlnsr iha sunt.
lfr months and will not come East until
State in huj faji.
Il&l T. Milan IIhhU a Cnmmlt aVAnllfl.
Rj'j'hitown, lms Mrs.' William Sylvester,
JfV' Norfolk a as her guest for several
f 4MYU ,ki. . .,,. ... ...... nHJ Kl-a
Kv ,'lr returned yesterday from. New
I -" woere tney spent a. couple or aays.
R?L ?r ir a wuma vtbr. wu a.
i frinwUH Flshtr aad Mr CiaxwMM W.
&- Vl -, tmJ( tpqjiis tfc Utit4 wW m4 mtHtyiut
three months at tho Windermere, have left
or tho counliy. where they will occupy
their home. Briar Hill, Ambler.
Miss Christine Stockton, of 23d and Pine
Streets, relllrnrrl In Imvn H'.I.,..J... t
llaxcrford, where sho has been spending
several days as tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs.
CSoorgo Lnrle, 3d, nt their homo on Rail
road nvenue.
Mrs. Richard R. Norton, of Ardmore.
has recalled the Invitations for her dinner
lonlRht hocauso of Illness In the family.
Colonel George Montgomery. In com
mand of the Krnnkford Arsenal, has been
host nt sovcrnl detlghtful dances this
w nter nt his home. One of theso dances,
which proved particularly enjoyable, took
plnco n few dnys hbo. and among the
guests were Miss Julia Lavlno, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Kldrcdge Pcnnock, Miss Isabel
Alidenrled Gratr, Miss Helen Rogers. Mr.
v, I Ham Rogers. Miss Dorothy Wilson, Mr
and Mrs. George IJ. Kvans, Cnptnln stccse.
U. S. A., nnd Mrs. Slccsc.
A concert nnd danco will he given oil
Thursday evening. April 13. nt tho N'ow
Century Drnwlng Rooms. 121 South 12th
street, for the henelU of tho Garrcttson
Hospital. The soloists will bo Miss Kll2a
heth Hood t.attn, Mr. Daniel Donovan.
Mr. Clifford Vnughan and Dr. I.eo Bcrnd.
Mr. Albert AV. Shollor, of the St. James,
has Rone to the I.aurer Houio at Lake
wood for the golfing.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hull, of Wlssa
hlckoti, nre ainonff tho recent arrivals at
Tho bavllla, Havana, Cuba. Dr. and Mr,'.
Hall spent somo tlmo nt Palm Beach and
Miami beforo going to Havana.
-Along the Main Line
OVERBROOK A card parly for the
benent of St. Leonard's Alumnno will bo
given Snturday. April 1. at tho homo of
Mrs. Thomas Rifane, 1922 North 63d
NAUUKUTII A delightful entcrtnln
ment will bo given tonight at the Arcade
Theatre, when the Junior members of tho
King's Daughters of Narberth wllj give a
minstrel show and sketch for tho benefit
of tho Holiday House, situntcd In tho
woods back of Wynncwond avenue, where
poor mothers nnd their children aro given
outings of two weeks. Tho show will
Include, somo very novel features and
promises to bo n great success, as tho
young pcoplo taking part are known for
their clover amateur acting. Tho cast
of tlio mtnstrol pcrformnnco nnd skotch
Includes Miss Mary McCnrtcr, Mls3 Ruth
Prcscott, Miss Caroline Justice, Miss Mil
dred Harris, Miss Helen Wilson, Miss
Mazle Simpson, Miss Adah Durbln, Miss
Achsah Wentz, Miss Maud Wlpt, Miss
Llnda,Jacoby, Miss Florence Jncoby, Miss
Edith Humphreys, Miss Hilda Smedley,
Miss Augusta Wlthrow, Miss Catherine
Irwin and Miss Elizabeth Harris.
Mrs. V. Hunter McDowell will enter
tain at brldgo Wednesday afternoon in
honor of Miss Benjamin, of Pittsburgh,
who Is her guest.
ROSEMONT Mrs. G. Brlnton Lucas,
of Rosemont, Is spending a few days In
New York.
Mrs. Robert W. Daniel, of Rosemont.
Is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Harold
Van Sant, of Ashland, Ky., for a week.
Mrs. Daniel and Mrs. Ashlnnd will go to
Now York on Monday for n short visit.
VILLANOVA Miss Mary F. Packard
and Miss Elizabeth W. Packard, daughters
of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Packard, of
Tho Meadows. Vlllanova. aro spending a
fortnlght with Mr. nnd Jlrs. Charles M.
Lea and Miss Katherlno Lea at mo aan
To Club, South Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy Hill, of
Villatiovn, are entertaining Mls3 Kath
erlno Barbon, of Baltimore, for two weeks.
WAYNF: Dr. and Mrs. S. Hamill
Home will gle n danco this evening In
honor of their daughter. Miss Carolyn
Reed, who has returned from Smith Col
lego for the holidays. Threo of Miss
Reed's classmates. Miss Mary Holmes,
Miss Elizabeth Thornton nnd Miss Llewcl
lyna Rchbun, aro visiting her for the dance,
and the other guests will Include, Miss
Eleanor H. Verner, Miss Maud Morrison
Wiggins, Miss Lucilo Elliott Morris. Miss
Jeannette Schaeffer, Miss Esther Mulford,
Miss Marlon Mulford, Miss Helen Betts,
Miss Kathryno Muller, Miss Sarah Alcorn,
Miss Josepblno Tomllnson, Miss Mildred
Jones, Miss Josephine Obdyke, Mr. Ken
dall Mulford, Mr. William Mitchell, Mr.
David Hopkins, Mr. Herbert Adams, Mr.
Sayres Schultz. Mr. Arthur Myer and Mr.
William McAllister.
Along the Reading
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry MacDonald, of
Glenslde, are receiving congratulations on
tho birth of a daughter. Mrs. MacDonald
will be remembered as Miss Mabel Neville
Lea, of Elklns Park,
A bread, cake and pure food sale will
be given by the Ladles' Aid Society In the
Oak Lane Methodist Episcopal Church to
morrow. The stile will begin at 4 o'clock.
Mrs. Charles W. Welsh, of City line and
Mountain avenue. Melrose Park, and her
daughter, Mrs. William Steele, 3d, of
Lenox road, Jenklntown, will entertain at
luncheon and bridge next Wednesday aft
ernoon In honor of Miss Margaret Gage,
of the Aldlne, formerly of Oak Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. William Berry, of Wagner
avenue, Logan, aro receiving congratula
tions on the birth of a daughter, who will
be named Mary Elizabeth Berry. Mrs.
Berry will be remembered as Miss Mary
Elizabeth ShelHeld, of Germantown.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kline, of Old
York road, Oak Lane, will be at home to
their friends on Sunday afternoon, from
3 until 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. Kline has Just
returned from Canada, where she spent
part of the winter.
Mrs. John Tatnall and Mrs. William
Fisher will give a tea tomorrow after
noon at Mrs. Tatnall's home, 8716 North
8th street, Oak Lane, to meet Mrs. Warren
Swinburne, of Boston, Mass. There will
be about 65 guests and the house will be
attractively decorated with spring flowers
and ferns. Mrs. Swinburne formerly lived
In Philadelphia,, but has been spending
the last six years with her sister In Cali
fornia and her brother, who lives In Bos
ton. '
Mrs. Francis Butler Reeves, of Abbots
ford avenue, will chaperons her daughter,
Miss Josephine Reeves, and her two
guests to Princeton over Sunday. The
party will return today from a short trip
to New York-
Mrs. John C. Knx, of !J West Hortter
Btreet, gave a children's party yesterday
afternoon in honor of her small son, Wil
liam Knox.
Miss Judith Marr, of West Tulpehocken
Btreet, has as her guest Miss Winifred
Repp, of Kansas City, Mo-
The various classes in French taught
by Ma4am Jooss Andreonl will ariya
French afternoon of rnusio and drama at
the homo of Mrs. Oswald J. de Rouase, 81$
wst Hortter street. n Wednesday after
npoa MJ 3. The proceeds will be ivo,
m last year, to the, French rellaf worfr.
i7, Tumi da Koussa will b Mea in
ami at her irwiny clah ihuu, ajut
i:.r.s?s' j it&mmtmmmmmmMmmmmmi&x?
This class meets every Tlursdny mornlnj' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Du Barry, !ltl, nt 2101 Spruce street. Kandinp; from left
to riffht nro Mrs. Percy C. Madeira, .Ir., Miss Nnncy Colcmnii, Mrs. Clement Hooves Wninwrirjht, Miss Mnry Dcnckln, Miss Sarah Penrose,
Miss Hannah WriRht, Miss Harriet Geyelin, Miss Katherinc Howie and Mrs. Josoph N. Du Barry, !ld.
iMrs. Richard M. Shoemaker, .Ir, of
State road, Cynwyd, will entertain ln
formally nt cards this afternoon In liutior
of Miss Catharine Vinton, of Lafayette,
Ind . who Is tho truest of Mrs. J. G. Dun
can, Jr., of Llaudrillo road.
West Philadelphia
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Miller Hnnna, of
4G12 Sansom street, will entertain nt
bridge this eenlng In honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Jny Wlnflold Davis, of New York.
Their guests will include Lieutenant C. II.
Bullock, If. S. N., nnd Mrs. Bullock, Lieu
tenant Raymond K. McClung, U. S. N..
nnd Mrs. McClung, Mr. nnd Mrs. Horace
Beck, Mr. nnd Mrs. Pnul Elsesser, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hlrnm Gibson nnd Mr. nnd Mrs.
C. B. Hanna.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Flnkbelner, of 4810
Baltimore avenue, entertained tho follow
ing friends nt supper, cards and dancing
on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Noll, Mr. nnd Mrs. Judge, Dr.
nnd Mrs. Charles Brlckcr, Mr. and
Mrs. Llscomb, Mr. nnd Mrs. Loan
MarBh, Mrs. Brandcbcry, Mr. and Mrs.
Gasklll, Mrs. Mlnnlo Hcrtel, Mr. and Mrs.
William Jungkurth. Mrs. A. Spcnce, Miss
Mnlze Nellie, Miss Marguerite Nellie, Mr.
William Taylor, Mr. August Bolly, Mr.
Thomas Dormer and Mr. Edward Hether
Ington. Mr. Snmucl Frank, of 2015 South 60th
street, has gone to New York, where he
will nttend a banquet. After leaving there
he will take a trip through tho New Eng
land States. Ho Is expected to return
homo the latter part of April.
The one hundred nnd sixty-third annual
meeting and dinner of tho Ovorseers of the
Poor of Roxborough township was hold
yesterday nt the home, Shawmont avenue.
cast of Rldgo nvenuo. air. William urn
sted, the president, presided nnd nddrcsses
were mado by Dr. B. R. Pcltz, Dr. Chris
tian A. Frame. Mr. Harry Markley, Mr.
Nathan Levering Jones. Mr. James Wo
bensmlth, Mr. R. Roberts Shronk, Mr. Rob
ert Keeley, Mr. Joseph Sumner, Mr. Thom
as Macktcer, Mr. Georgo Dorwart. Mr.
Harry Anderson, Mr. William F. Dixon,
Mr. Daniel Busslngcr, Mr. Charles C. Cox
and Mr. Brookley.
Camden and Vicinity
Mrs. George F. Archer, of 6th and Lin
den streets, Is entertaining Mrs. George
A. Vroon, of Washington.
Mrs. Richard A. Brice, of 323 Cooper
street. Is entertaining ner daughter, Mrs.
C. F. Noycs, of Brooklyn. N. Y.
Miss Mazle Laird, of Summit, N. J., Is
spending this week with Mr. and Mrs.
John Christie, of Franklin street.
Schmidt Quartet's Novel Numbers
The Schmidt Quartet, one of the newer,
but nono the less efficient groups of cham
ber music players which have come Into
local existence In the, course of the last
year or two, gavo a recital of decided
musical Interest and executive value last
night. The Little -Theatre, which en
vironed players and hearers with the
intimate atmosphere of the closet, which
shut all else without, left only the under
standing soul and tho inciting muslo to
effect csthetlo reactivity.
This muslo was unusual, and. by virtue
of the novel quality, the program devi
ated In contour and character from any
string quartet'B program heard these sev
eral seasons. It was not that the pieces
were new, for there was not a single
nbsolute novelty on the list, though somo
were less familiar to our ears than to
others ; It was the collocation that served
to eliminate the conventional, this and
the fact that the Schmidt Quartet totally
forgot It was n string quartet, except ln
the two movements played from Debussy's
'G minor (Opus 10), With the co-operation
of Marcel Tabuteau, first oboist of
the Philadelphia Orchestra, and Joseph
W. Clark, pianist, the Schmidts gave
Mozart's F major quartet for oboe, violin,
violoncello and viola, and Dvorak's quintet
In A major for piano, two violins, viola
and 'cello.
Mr. Tabuteau added the facility of the
virtuoso to the broideries of woodwind
which Mozart has braided Into his Opus
30. His part In the proceedings afforded
a very novel substitution for the first
violin, the desk of whom he took. His
grace of execution and community of
musical interest with the others was
again and again disclosed. In tho Dvorak
quintet the strings asserted their har
mony, Messrs. Emll F. Schmidt, first vlo
lln; Louis Angeloty, second violin; William
A. Schmidt, cellist, and Emll Hah), viola,
gave convincing taste of their quality as
ensemble players of firm fabric and gen
uine Insight into meanings ln this num
ber. The cellist and pianist, Joseph W.
Clarke, also gave a great deal of pleasure
ln Grieg's Sonata for their Instruments.
W. R. M.
School Pupils to Debate
A free-for-all debate will take place to
night when more than 100 pupils of the
eighth grade will argue at the Samuel B.
Iluey Schol, 5 2d and Pine streets, on the
question as to whether "the products of
the mines are more useful than those of
the forest." '
What's Doing Tonight
Anniversary celebration. Inasmuch Mlulon.
1011 Locuet street.
Lecture on "Contmunion jscnoois." ojr ur.
I-ouU Nuebaura. Hebrew Literary Society. 310
Caihirlna tret: 8 o'clock. . ...
r-cture on "Toe American Banire. ay
Tm Weicott Beck, yhotosraphlo Society ct
Fblladelplua, Orpbeua Clubroem. Baker Build
lecture by Dr. Jeue H. Holme on "Ar
Tou Oppoeed to IncreAahur Our Army and
Kavvt" Tba LUhthome. Keaslnaton. 8 o'clock.
Ik. UnhlUll.
beiitb i lecture, will b flven lu.thj Mott,
Marshal! ua icnoi laiuuu, i n .
tiWW'loi work o tuplle. Evening Tradtl
School. 11th and Wood atreets.
Campaign to raUa 150.000 (or negro school
at CnrUtlanburr. Meeting: Home, litn below
M" .i .... .... .......
ilHWtU'eUUe (.4 WAVtyMW .
!.. )
TampI. oro4,a ana uerK sireeie, juayor sawn
ta acaaki 8 o'clock VreA.
JKite la Suauet & Ku.y Benool. IU aad
Pin rtrwii. by loo puj)U of Svtt crail ei tS
ajSSrfj $ ftecav
Young Men's Hebrew Political Association Will Hold
Musicale and Dance for the Benefit of the
War Sufferers Other Affairs
THE Voting Men's Hebrew Polltlcnl As
sociation, an organization consisting of
more than 100 members, professional nnd
business men of tho city, will glvo'n char
ity ball tonight nt Lu Lu Temple, Broad
and Spring Garden streets. Klnborato
lAhninHAHri 1jeA .jam 4 ffA tl tnfl
i vii iitueia iiutu wuvu Jimuv i'j
committee. The hall will bo beautlfull.P
decorated nnd a special orchestra will
play for the dnnclng. Through tho efforts
of Mr. Morris Gorln, chalrmnn of tho
organization, nnd Mr. Samuel P. Schntz,
chairman of tho Ball Commlttoe, many
men prominent In city politics will bo
present. Tho entlro proceeds will go to
the war sufferers' fund. Tho commltteo
In charge Includes Mr. Samuel R. Scbatz,
chairman; Mr. Georgo Cohan, socrotnry;
Dr. Samuel Goldberg, treasurer; Dr. Harry
Borman. Dr. J. S. Greenspan nnd Dr.
David Frank.
The Reception Commltteo Includes Mr.
Aaron Howltz. chairman; Dr. Charles
Kelman. Mr. Isldor Goald. Dr. Davo Carg
man, Mr. Julius Frank, Mr. Norman
Winkler, Mr. Georgo Frcedman, Mr. Harry
Coopcrman, Mr. Robert Jncobson, Mr. Wil
liam Schwartz, Mr. Ellas Schwartz, Mr.
J. Stybol, Mr. Harry Weinsteln. Mr. Paul
Rosen. Mr. J. Segal, Miss Esther Levy,
Miss Roso Frank, Miss Molllo Hart man,
Miss Edith Berman. Miss Esther Mendte
sohn, Miss Esther Goald, Miss Roso Lln
denbaum, Miss B. Kntz, Miss Minerva
ICatz and Miss Esther Gnssel.
Master Adam Frank, son of Dr. Adolph
Frank, will glvo a violin recital beforo tho
opening of the ball.
A BIRTHDAY party was given by Mr.
and Mrs. Medoff last night In honor
of the 16th birthday of their daughter.
Miss Molllo Medoff.
The guests wero Miss Anna Feldstlen,
Miss Anna Meyers, Mr. Joseph Kramer,
Mr. George Cooper. Mr. C. Voynow. Mr.
C. Wlngrade. Mr. M. M. Wilson, Miss Rose
Wilson, Mr. 8. Caplan, Mr. A. R. Abrams,
Miss Sophia Tucker. Mr. Harry A. SI
mons, Mr. Benjamin Dash, Miss Dora Nom
Irs, Mr. B. Forman, Mr. Joseph Antinoph,
Mr, Benjamin E. Antinoph. Miss Beatrice
Antinoph, Mrs. P. G. Wadman. Mr. David
Medoff, Mr. Louis Stedoff, Mrs. Max Medoff.
The betrothal of Miss Rosalie Segal and
Mr. Louis Friedman took place last night
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Segal,
638 Reed street. The home was beauti
fully decorated for the occasion. Sllss
Ray Charlotte Gomborow sang. Among
the guests were Mr. and Mrs, Jacob
Segal: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Segal, of At
lantic City; Miss Sylvia Segal, of At
lantlo City; Mr. nnd Mrs. Maxwell Saf
fren, Mr, and Mrs. II. Segal, Miss Rosalie
Segal Miss Elinor Segal, Miss Rose Segal,
Mr. Sydney Greenberg. Mlsa Roy Char
lotte Gomborow, Mr. Meyer IC Segal,
Miss Beatrice Saffron, From Pottstown
Mr. Louis Friedman. Mrs. Friedman, Mi
Friedman, Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Mr. and
Mrs. Affrime, Mr. and Mrs. B. Allen and
Mr, J, SultanofT.
Miss Constance Goldman, of 260 South
54th street, was given a party in honor
of her birthday last Sunday, The guests
Included Miss Rosalie Payes. Miss llattle
Cohn, Miss Rebecca Harris and Miss
Esther Harris, Miss Mary Sherman, Miss
Mildred OUter and Miss Kitty Olster,
Miss Clara Orman, Miss Reba Llchten
steln. Miss Viola Llchteusteln, Mr. Ra
phael Greenstein, Mr. Daniel Greensteln,
Mr. and Mrs. Payes, Mr. and Mrs. Green
steln, Doctor and Mrs. Glruburg. The
guests were received by Miss Eva Sher
man and Miss Pauline Goldman.
A St Patrick's party was given by the
Orphans' Girls Club last week at the home
of Miss Kitty BransBeld. SOU North 35th
street. The evening was spent In dancing
and singing. The decorations were la
green and the favors were green flags.
Those present were Miss Maria Ma
gulre. Miss Anna. FJynn. Mlsa Mary Car
ton, Miss Nora Lourey UUf Ella Hopkins,
Miss Mary Hopkins. Miss Mary Keardon.
Miss Eleanor Byrne, Miss Helen Madden
and Mlsa Kitty Brunsfleld.
A shaawock party, was given last week
y MUs Anas. Gross t her home, MM
Wef Cambria, street, lbs derations
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wero potted ferns nnd green carnations.
The guests Included Miss Anna Gross,
Miss Agnes Stceb. Miss Frcdorlca Gcster
mnn, Miss Elizabeth Whitfield. Miss Min
nie Hartkc. Miss Eleanor Wcstmont, Miss
Gladys Earl. Dr. Harry Lcavltt, Mr.
Charles Ebcnbnch, Mr. Charles Brlnkmnn,
Mr. Franklin Frosh, Mr. Raymond Hoist,
Mr. Wnltcr Hllsbos and Dr. Wayne Cort
loy. Soprano selections wero rendered by
Mlsi Anna Gross, nsslstcd by Mr. Chnrlcn
Kbenbach. violin, nnd Miss Eleanor West
mont nt tho harp.
THE Brotherhood Social will give a club
party for members only tomorrow
night. Mr. Louis Shapiro, president of
tho organization, has arranged a very
good program for tho evening. The fea
ture of tho evening will bo nn exhibition
danco by Mr. Charles Segon nnd M'ss Bcs
slo Taylor. Miss Sarah Shapiro and Mr.
11. B. Katz will sing all the latest songs.
A comedy skit, entitled "Hlg Numbers,"
will bo presented by Mr. K. IJ. Katz and
Mr. Samuol Walds. Mr. Louis Dorfman
nnd Mr. Gallop will play tho violin, as
sisted by Mr. Maurlco Horwltz at the
piano. .
Mlsa Nona Mae Thomas entertained tho
Sigma Mou Club on Tuesday evening at
her home, 1320 Christian street. Those
present were Miss Martha E. Sillers, Miss
Anna Corrlgan, Miss Kathryn O'Brien,
Miss Margaret Whnlcn, Miss Margaret
Corrlgan, Miss Margaret Barnes, Miss
Elizabeth Thomas, Miss Frances A. Sillers,
Mr. Al Sweenoy. Mr. Georgo O'Brien, Mr.
Joseph Kllgarrlff, Mr. Thomas Campbell,
Mr. Daniel Ryan. Mr. John McCU9ker, Mr.
Frank Burns. Mr. Charles Brawley and
Mr. Joseph Bell. The ituests wero en
tortalned by Mr. McCusker at tho piano
and several vocal selections by Miss
O'Brien nnd Mr. Bell.
The Auxiliary of tho Ohov Zedek Syna
gogue he)d a masked party In honor of
the Feast of Purlm on Sunday at tho
homo of Miss Molllo Schloln, 527 North 2d
street, Mr. and Mrs. H. Schleln acting as
hosts. Tho rooms wero beautifully dec
orated and the costumes wero elaborate.
During tho tlmo of the masked period
muslo was furnished by an orchestra com
posed of string Instruments. Those present
were Mr. Hnrry Kaltz, Mr. Frank Lock,
Mr. Georgo Hofkln, Mr. Mnurlco Rubin,
Mr. Ralph Sherman, Mr. Albert Lashner,
Mr. Benjamin Goldberg, Mr. Joseph Levitt,
Mr. Joseph B. Kessler, Mr. Frank Press
man, Mr. Herman E. Jacoby, Mr. Harry J.
Becker, Ma David Sauber, Mr. A. Hart,
Mr. S. A. Weaver, Miss Sarah B. Kaltz,
Miss Ida H. Rubin, Miss Esther Soble,
Miss Roso Weinman, Miss Besslo Korff,
Miss Gertrude Glass, Miss Sarah Seinfeld,
MIbs Mary Goldberg, Miss Dena Gessel,
Miss Ruth Barad, Miss Elizabeth Soble,
Miss Lena Smith, Miss Cecil Sobel and
Miss Mollle Schleln.
Pianist nnd Contralto Appear Under
Auspices of Matinee Musical
rinra Clemens Gabrllowltsch and Osslp
Gabrllovvitsch gave n joint rccltnl last
night In the Bellevue-Strntford under the
nusplces of the Matineo Musical Club,
which won the gratitude of an audience
that crowded the ballroom, for present
ing such sterling artists in a program of
such mark.
Mark Twain's talented daughter had the
high advantage of a virtuoso accompanist
In her husband. It Is seldom that an nrtlst
of his rank makes the concession of play
ing second to a vocalist. That Is exactly
what Mr. Gabrllowltsch did, played sec
ond. He asserted no primacy of the piano,
and thus proved his thorough musician
ship through ability to sink personality
Into a comradeship of unity with the song.
Mrs. Gabrllowltsch has a volco of excel
lent quality, ery velvety and truly con
tralto In the lower notes and sweet and
full In the upper register.
Mrs. Gabrllowltsch was particularly ef
fective ln Beethoven's "Die Ehro Gotets"
and two Strauss numbers, of which the
"Cradle Song" was touching In Its elm.
pliclty of character. Her husband's "Ich
stand gelehnet nit den Mast" proved de
lightful. Mr. Gabrilowitsch had to repeat some
of his numbers and add encores to others.
There was sheer joyaunce of tone and
tripping of tone In McDowell's "Witches
Dance," one of the pieces repeated. The
Twelve Preludes of Chopin were deliv
ered wth such variety of mood, such tem
peramental poise, and such interpretative
insight as to bring a reward In the de
mand for an encore, which was the same
composer's Gavotte. Mastery of all the
Intricacies of technique was disclosed for
mally In Moszkowskl's concert study, "The
Waves." Romance was Inherent In the
G major Sonata of Schumann and quite
the modern touch of harmony In two orig
inal numbers, a "Melodle ln E minor" and
a "Caprice Burlesque." W Ri M.
' Professor Neville Resigns
Clilldren and teachers of the Shars
wood School, 2d and Wolf streets, heard
with regret tday of the resignation of
Professor Edward Neville, prlnclfil of
the school, and one of the most widely!
known teachers in this city. The res
ignation will take effect bn April L prq
fessor Neville has served as a teacher in
Philadelphia, schools for more, than to
years. He will devote the remainder of
his life to botany, his hobby. His home
Is at 2015 Green street
In far the Secletr pate will .he
ed and. pripUd In the Etenlpt
r, but all such notlcee rauet be writ-
II. such nolle
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.Trned In full. Iftith full aadrfl-a. andwkis
an a, ana ftldA or In,
INM'Ible itttpiuwe number jnuet be slteo.
lb wiiu nut nixr. na
, taIt.IUna UItthl mUal WUt frit.
Ke&nd aVil UCb tMmlWn.lkaHtla MtfiW
cirfr KdHGrEwaof Uteu w Cw
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A very pretty wedding wns solemnized
nt noon yestcrdny nt tho Rlttonhouso
when Miss Rosalia D. Llpschutz, daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Llpschutz, of
20.15 North 33d street, becaino tho brldo
of Dr. .loieph H. Marcus.
Tho Rev. Dr. Marvin Nathan, of tho
Both Israel Temple, olllclntcd nt tho cere
mony, which was followed by a breakfast.
The bilde'n father gavo her In marriage.
She wan nttlrcd In a whlto lingerie frock
of hnnd-cmbroldcrcd hntlstc with a lint of
orchid mallno and a crown of tho em
broidered batlsto. A bridal Bible was car
ried. Thero Were no attendants and nftor
tho breakfast Doctor Marcus and his brldo
left on nn extended Journey. Upon tholr
return they will live nt 2035 North 33d
Tho mnrrlago of Miss Ellen N. Smith,
daughter of Mrs. Charlotte Smith, of Har
risburg, Pa., to Mr. Rehfuss Dlttman, of
Tioga, took placo Wednesday nt noon ln
tho Tcmplo Presbyterian Church, Frank
lin and Thompson streets.
Tho Latent Viennese Operetta
Maude Adams ,n "T,IC SIV
Special Mat. Tucs., March 28 "PETEH PAN"
FORREST Last.2 Weeks
Evenings at 8:15. Matinee Tomorrow
Popular Wed. Matinee, C0o to $1.50
T VPTP Tonleht 8.1G Last B Times
Li X XVJ. Last Regular Mat. Tomorrow
By Henry Blossom and Victor Herbert
A Musical Triumph Extraordinary!
Tlio N. V. Winter Garden Extravaganza Hit
10c 1214 JIAB.KET 20o
10 A. M. to 11:16 P, M.
Today ft Tomorrow Only
In Sensational, FasclnatlnE Love Drama
Sequel to Elinor Glyn'a Famous Story
StlflTllPV llilBa.m. to il:is prnT
A . J Z CHESTNUT Below 10th
A YPs CI 1 3 10 A. M. to 11 MB P. M.
-rt-ICdUlct H.B.WARNER
ACADEMY Seats at Heppa's, 1110 Chestnut,
Philadelphia Tomor. &
doioihcs, -inanaeus
Rich and Hana Klndler
Amorirnn Glrard below 8th. Market 201.
.TUIICI ll.UU Arvno Stock In "Charley's Aunt"
lluti. Tuce.. Ttiura.. Sat.
Knickerbocker Mt'VTue,- Tn"""
The Spendthrift
jj Our New Idea i
ffl to popularize exclusive hats has already won N ..:'.
ft us the approval of hundreds of new cus- U .
g " Ooer 200 SmarlNew J
I and Original Hat Styles '
.-, ra So unusually smart are these $8.50 Won. y " "-"-"-
S M der Hats, and the values so much in ad- R '. t-
m vance of anything yet attempted at the U -, ':', ..
- M price, that we have built jan enlarged railli- R y
B I nery salon in which to "display our large H .j...
Witt)) Mawson & DeMany IM9
S Opposite B. F, Keith's ' (3 Iflsjjs
Two Clever Sketches Given Last
Night In Engineers'
University of Pennsylvania co-ed9 can
do much moro llinn prcpiro tholr lessons
and mnko fudRe.
They can write, staire nnd present plays.
This -was proven last night nt tho Informal
Polo Mole, tho annual co-od affair at the
Vnlverclty. It wns held at tho Engineers'
building, and was attended by 300 Troman
Btudcnts, members of tho last year's grad
uating class and a fow Invited iruosts, Th
affair wns held under tho auspices of tho
UndrrRrnduates' Association. Tw6 Mays,
both dealing with college llfo at the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, wero presented.
Tho first play. In which Mlsa Miriam Mc
CouaRhy nnd MIsh tlhoda Duhtn starred,
wnn written and staged by thrco of tho co
edst Miss Helen Denney, Miss Violet Ab
bott and Miss Helen Wilson. It was called
"Uno Sorleo In Sergeant Hall" nnd gavo
Bomo "Insldo" Information concerning cor
tain faculty love nffalrs.
Tho second play, n musical comedy,
wns written by Miss Higrld Nelson, pre!'
dent of tho Undergraduates' Association.
Tho writing of tho play gavo the under
graduates a now nnglo on their "heroine's
versatility." Tho play was entitled
"Wasn't It Strango?" Miss Lillian Halt
nnd Miss Kntherlno Dougherty took lead
ing parts. Miss Mary Gallagher was
chairman of tho committee on arrange
ments, which Included Miss Kntherlno
Dougherty, Miss Lillian Hall, Miss Bea
trlco Baldwin nnd Miss Dorothy Learning.
a filfflnl. Mar. 27,29,30,31. Apr. I
.MlXR?IK.0,5i,B MATINEE 2.18.
. MON.. "I.'Oleeau du Feu." "Carnaval."
"Schohernsade." WED.. "Cleoratre' "L
Spectre, do In Roue," "Sninlt d Nult.'' "Car
naval." THUR.. '-Lea Sylphlde-." "Petouoh
H' .. .Srnehernzade." Fill., "L'Oleeau de
-u. "Thamar." "IAprce-Mldl d'un Faune."
aP,r'P.e.? U.?T 8AT. tAT.. "Clcopatre." "Le
Sylphtdes." "La Trlnceaa Enehantee." "Solell
d Nult." SAT.. "Thnmar." "Fetronchka.''
"Lo Spectre do la Rose." "Prince Iror."
Scenery and Costumes bv I.UON BAKST
Scats, 1109 Chestnut St. Wal. 4424, Raos OT.
Hardman Piano Used.
Sarah Paddcn In "Tho Little Shepherd of
Banaln Row": Huntlnc & Frances; Charlotte
Parry & Co. Other Stars.
VJrtlilWY Matineo Tomorrow at 2:13
Orlclnal New York Cast and Production.
Best Seats Jl at Popular Wed. Matinees
Ar?plrVnTonl&"ht fi!,s sharp
r"VS. .. . - neeulur Mat. Tomor.
"The Jolllest Sort ot Musical Comedy: a Smart
Entertainment In Every Particular"' Declares
the Philadelphia Record About
Globe eatre ir.
A. M. to 11 P, it. 10c. lBo, 25e
Comlnsr Next Week James J. Corbett.
Tonight 8:15 Tomor. Mat. 2:30
BOc, TSa & $1 at Heppe's Amp. at Acad.. IBa
Tuaet8Tf3oepr.yS8' Die Meistersinger
SQnes. Gadsltl. Mattlleld. MM. Urlus, Well.
Gorltz, Relss, Wltherspoon. Schlecel, Leoa
hardt. Cond.. Mr. Bodanzky.
Scats. 1100 Chestnut St. Wal. 24; Rc 6Tw
"VXrolvm-f- rop- Mat, Tue. Thurm.
VV attlUL 5c. 00c. Reir. Mat. Sat.
Evgs. 2So to U. no higher
"The Girl He Couldn't Buy"
VIOJL WXVXA. Today and Tomorrow i
Mary Miles Minter
In "Lovely Mary"
Added Anthentlo French War Scenes;