Wii$mmmm)mmii "" .1"--l --n.-' i-&nvir jfi' - -tfV;ee''"'' EVENING LEDGfiR-PHTTM-DTCT.PHIA. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 191G. f) tflANOY WYNNE tfALKS OF VARIOUS LBNTJUJN DUJLJNUB Many Flourishing Sewing and Preparedness Glasses ! -r T., C!tnfn1 TTw Fill vine ft,' O C1 iiavc e unai icu uy-ui "t, j. mo oeuaun ou- ci'ety Is Busily Sewing and Knitting . a . T amIam nlnncina 0 tf3 of tHO largest ..iC.. ,.....,.. meets every nuruuy iuui..... .. . iff .Tnnntih N. DuBarry. 5 it 211 Spruco street. You know ifl nmr-k nnd Betty have gone out to Sufomlft for tlio winter, whero Sarah wrf ne ahead of them, and bo Joo and '.piia are. occupying " .."" it,lr absence, i uih.i " " wk9 a houao out on the Mnlno Line i.f.r In the Bprtng. Tho class In sewing French Relief. Somo nmong tho mem Ln mo Eleanor Hopkins, who seems L. t,a been made for charltablo work; I ktr Ister, Letltla MeKIm, Nancy Cole- M4 Mrs. Albert Smith. - nother Thursday L-enton Bowing .1... meets nt the home of Mrs. O. O. Uf.aA Large, nt 2308 Do Lnnccy place. KTln members of this class Include Mrs. ifliomas Qi Ashton, Mrs. Alfred n. Allen. IvIr Charles E. Brlnloy, Mrs. WllllRm Kjt Donner, Mrs. Stacoy B. Lloyd, Miss rw.rv K. Gibson, .Mrs. Isaac II. Davis, Mrs. Henry S. Jcanes, Miss Agnes C. Kennedy, sirs, neruun x. mm, .nu. John M. Donlson, Mrs. Isaac W. Rob irts, Mrs. George W. Kendrlck, 3d, Mrs. Henry Miller Watts, Mrs. Daniel B Went2, Mrs. Gustavus A. uook, Mrs. Herbert W. Warden, Mrs. J. Uldgway 'Rellly. Mrs. uouert tseweii ana Airs. Charles L. Borle, Jr. It's' nil very lovely, you know, to bo vBrrled, nnd thoro Is great talk about IiOW mucn u wuiimii b'" "i win... " does marry. Onco In n while, however, Itbe pendulum of my sympathy swings rather wide toward the side of tho hits tnd. who really gives up a good deal, JM, you know. A man who In his bach- dor days used always 10 go aouui wun his family every year Just about this time was asked tho other day, "Why didn't ou leave for Florida, this week?" He feelingly replied, "I've got a wlfo ind baby to 'ook after now." Then ho Klookod rather happy, however, nnd i e- ft, narked, "But they're worth It." And tr . . . .. .... -m . ..I 1.. Y,t k m never uiourui ui itoviiib uiuin. j.13 too bad somo of the wives who rush off tt tho first breath of warm weather to tie seashore or mountains and stay all lummer don't think tho nunc way. They seem to think nothing of leaving their husbands, whllo they, poor men, go to the club, except over Sunday, when. If tho family Is within reach, they tnko 11 few hours nt the shoie. usually arriving Just In tlmo for a swim on Saturday, and leaving Sunday nights so n3 to reach town In time for tho olllce on Monday. Is It any wonder that Satan often finds work for Idle hands to do? Mrs. Scott's Supper Club will have two more meetings and the last ono will be held on April 1, when Miss Grnce neld, or New iorK. will iiance. nut yesterday I heard Mrs. Scott nnd tho management havo lecldod to give a, 'dance on tho Saturday night In Raster B week, April 23, to which tho members of Bboth Berles aro to be invited. I under Retand theio Is to bo no extra suhscrlp K tfon for this affair except In tho matter of tho club members' guests. Of courso the" Meyer Davis orchestra will play m and there will bo 'ipcclal features during lr the evening. That night, you know, will K see the last Mask and Wig performance. and so It will bo delightful for n great m many hosts and hostesses to transport B their pa-tlP3 from the theatre to tho Bellovue-Stratford. Thoro will bo a peat number of weddings on that Sat urday also, so I would not bo surprised U somo of tho bridal parties drifted to the Supper Club, which is certainly ono f the best nffalrs going this year. K( Sho is very protty nnd very much in earnest and muchly, oh! very muchly, in love, and tho wedding will tuko place tout of town Bomovliore. either In Into jjMay or early June. Hut she did look so r away when I mot her on Chestnut street this week! I said to her. "Come I town, my dear, corao back to earth; ho Isn't so absolutely perfect, you know. Some day you might find a flaw I" And We looked at me In her funny little .direct way and said, "Oh! do you know Jhat I've been doing? I'm calculating how much I'll havo to pay for my dining room rug," NANCY WYNNE. Personals ''Mr. and Airs Trthn TTAnt Tu.tM will olvn I "ce on SMurday evening -at Bldd- KUiPn. thfrir linn, A It UnArtn lit l.nnnf . t 'b 16th birthday of their daughter, Miss Florence P. Kane. Among the guests Im ... e M,ss A"lta Evans. Miss Ellen jMcsiicnael. Miss Nuncy Barclay, M(ss fPau na tlnll nnu it- .. u..i.. riss Sarah Harrison. Miss Augusta Har-t-TOon, Mies Mary Goodman. Miss Ruth L Packard. Miss Edith Hutchinson, Miss &1&1I1A Rtltllvnn rla T7tnnn ..Iffl.!. tSr" Theodore Bowman, Mr. Edward IJ""' Jr., air. John Thomson, Mr. Harry ..mod, Mr. Horatio Gates Lloyd. Jr., Mr. 1, ....fcui, V.1AC, jr., Jr. 4oviioiii r-"r Donnell Kennedy, Mr. Edward Sy- (-."" rage, jr.. Mr. Arthur Paul, air. Kf Dahlgren and Mr. Joseph Dahlgren, tv r"nceion; Mr. Frank Hall Kane and rj jonn Kent Kane, Jr. MISS Anna Xfau 11TnIII.Mi. rfnnnhter Ijf Mrs. Taylor Walthour. of UH Da Iiancey place, wiij entertain at luncheon tB.wdnesday, April 6, in honor of Miss ISh rt Rrown Downlnir. daughter of Mr. liT .' "W" Downing, whose marriage to r. John C. Chaffe. of New Orleans, will irra Place on April 39. The guest3 will !? Jae members of the bridal party. In- e.uiS juisa Maa D- Patterson, Miss l-llaop .T u o nn.. r M iTnnrf ISJ,Ma. Miss Katherlne Z. Ogden, Miss y'?Jth SInnlckson, of Salem, N. J.. g Miss Hope Malcolm, of New York. ' UUs Elizabeth du Puy Scott, debutante wr oi Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchison CQtt is ttnAnHInn i traaj- In Maitf Vnrlr WhtiTfk hA I.. itti s . 1- ...t.nl. H polngr painted by Mr. IlamUton Kin?. L SIfS. .Tnhn OmaVa Tllvai ..111 waaaIoa I n nnUy this afternoon at her home, 1523 roe street No cards have been sent out. .Olf. anrl Xfm TV InrrllDh Tn1tnn nf IP. N. C, will return to town April I. IMH Vnal.H If ,........ 41 Unnn. iU avenue. Chestnut Hill, has none to SW Yorl; tor a. week. gf- M Dorothy S. WMson- returned Irora 1JN SUUIAL WORLD Wilson College yesterday to spend the spring vacation nt Hrookslde farm. Mr. nnl Mrs. Dlllwnrtb P. Illbberd, of Washington. I), c, nro tho guests of Miss Mary T. Hlbbord, of Pabll. Along the Main Line AIlDJtOHH Tho last mooting of Mrs. Burrows Sloan's Dinclng Class was held yesterday at tho Morion Cricket Club. There was a cotillon, with favors for the members. Mrs. Horatio antes Lloyd's class will also close with a cotillon at the Merlon Cricket Club. BltYN MAWIt Dr. nnd Mrs. Benja min Clark elite, of Bryn Mawr, gavo n dinner of eight covers last evening, fol lowed by auction, The Mieits wero Mr. nnd Mrs Kenneth Hushton, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Tenbrook Nichols nnd Mr. and Mrs. Mclvln Snyder. WAYNE Tho Snturdiy Club of Wayno celebrated Its 30th birthday anniversary on Tuesday with a "vogue-up-to-dato luncheon." Tho clubroom was trans formed Into a voguo millinery shop, with White strlned walls nnd nrnnn-n Irons standing around. Tho tables, seating 12 guests each, were In tho form of hugo black nnd whlto Btrlned hat boxes with a large bow nf tnllo fnn inn ttrhm im luncheon was served the lids of tho boxes wore lifted, disclosing tho covers set Under neath. In the cntre of the room was tho table seating t'10 12 ov-presMents nnd :11I cors of tho club, with a tall tulip tree, rcnchlng to tho celling, growing up the ccntro. The stngo was transformed Into n Ilusslnn palance. with blnck and whlto columns nnd orange tiees. Much credit Is duo to .Mrs. A. von Bernuth. Mrs W. B. Itlley, Mrs Bnlph W Emerson. Mrs Charles O Tatnall and Miss Flnley. of tho Decorating Committee. Mrs jrarshall II. Smith, chairman of the Hospitality Com mittee .inarmed tho luncheon. The aides, who wore bind: nnd whlto costumes. In cluded Mls Ormo, Miss Alice von Bernilth. Miss Nndlno Prow, Mis Tlngley. Miss Mary Aman, Miss Kllznbotli l'hllllppo. Mini Mndclelno I.eavengood, Miss Haze Wcnt worth. Mini Mildred Jones Miss Josephine Ohdyke. Mi's nertlia Bl.irlc. MNs Adam-. Miss Dorothv Leonard. Miss Kdlth Watt. Miss Cimpboil nnd JtWi Thorntnti After tho luncheon Mlsi Gladys Liwtnn gave n Russian folk dance. Mrs. Ralph Emerson nHo gave a snlo dince. the night ingale Mrs. Ilutnliert Powell. Mrs Prank Bodlno, Miss Olndjs !,.tvton. Mls3 jrnry Amnn. Miss Dorotlioa Tlnglov ami Miss Nndine l'rew formed a sextet which also l 'i 1 a Itusslan folk dance After the dancing 10 members of tho cluli gavo a minstrel thow. The mem bers tn Icing part were Mrs. A. ,1. 11. Peter M111. Mrs Henry Hoover, Miss Wood. Mrs. J. Arthur Stimdoii. Mrs. L. ,T. Palmer, Mrs. Humbert Powell. Mrs. Charles G Tatnall, Jlrs. F. P. Itlstlne and Jtrs John M I toga 11 Miss Carolyn need, who Is a student at Smith's College, will return h'.mo tomor row to spend tho Easter holidays with her liaroi.H. Dr. und Mrs. S. Hamlll Home, of Pembroke and Louolta avenues, Wayne. Sho will be aecompanlel by Miss Mary Holmes and Miss Elizabeth Thornton, of Massachusetts, who will spend the holi days with her. Doctor and Mrs Homo will gls-e a d.mco tomorrow night and n luncheon on Monday In honor of their guests. West Philadelphia Friends of Mias Edith Godfrey, of Ham Hi .11 Court, 3'Jtu and Chestnut streets, will be glad to leain that she is recuperating after her recent illness Mr. and Mis. D. II. McPoyle, of West Philadelphia, nro receiving congratula tions upon tho birth of a son on Sunday. Tho semimonthly meeting of tho Six teen Club was held at the homo of JllbS Florence Starr, CO 47 Chancellor street. South Philadelphia MISS JULIAN WESTLE Mr. and Sirs. Peter Westlo. of 324 Catharine Btreet, announced the engage ment of their daughter Miss Julian Wcs tle, to Mr. Maurice Gast, of 1508 East Passyunk avenue, at a reception on Mon day night. Many selections were rendered by a quartet composed of Miss Julian Westle, Miss Mollle Gast. Mr Maurice Gast. Mr Vathan Kauffmiii. and Mr Michael Dutkln at the piano. Among tho guests were Miss Sophie Dutkln, Miss Julian Rose, Miss Sophie Ludwlg, Miss Sarah OaBt. Mr ar.d Mrs. Barnet Cohen. Mr. and Mrs Samuel Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wels, Mr. and Sirs. II. Dut kln, Mr. and Sirs. Samust Oast, Sir. and Sirs. Isaac Cohen, BIr. and Mrs. Jack Rose, Sir. and Sirs. Ludwlg. Sir, and Mrs. Tobias Gatt, Sirs. A. Quatle and Sir. Jo seph Ludwlg, No datn has been set for the wedding. FIRST GRADE TEACHERS UNITE Only Organization of Kind in Country Formed Last Night Several hundred public school teachers from the first grade assembled at the Wldener Library, Broad- street and Girard avenue last night nnd formed an organi zation. It is the purpose of tho organi zation to add Its activities to those of tho Teachers' Association of tho city. The organization Is Important If for no other reason than that it Is the first of Its kind to be formed in this country. Thera are many organizations of teachers in more advanced grades, hut none In cities of the first class aiuong-the first grade teachers. Rew J. W. Cochran to Wed onirarement of the Itev. Dr. Jo seph" Wilson Cochran, secretary of the u-l.twrorian Board of Hducatton here and Sir Dorotifca Ii. Potter, of Tap- nan. N Y . daughter of the Rev Henry rW, n bW announce The wa- ( dUU will take place Ja several weeka, I feS!58St MRS. JOSEPH N. DU BARRY, 3D Mrs. Du Barry is ono of tins city's most attractive matrons. An in teresting Lenten class meets nt her homo every Thursday morning' to sew for the French Relief Fund. Mrs. Du Barry will bo remem bered as Miss Ella Brock before her marriage last November. Germantown Mrs Charles Bllzard and Miss Nathalie, Bllzard. of GH5 Morris street, will give a danco nt their home on Friday, March 31. In honor of Mr Hclnold M. Parker, of Hnrtford, Conn , who will bo their guest for scvernt days. The guests will Include MIps Jean Spccse, Miss Allda Buchlcr, Miss Annctta MacGrat'i, Miss Mai tin Henderson, M'sq S.irnh Cooke. Mini Loulso Foidyce. Jtht Graeo Fer guson. Mlsi r.llzabeth Tuttle. Mls Pauline Welver Mlis t'llznlicth Welvcr. Miss Rosemary Suite, Ms Ellso Emerlck. Miss Margaret Blckley. Ml?s Alice Tatnall, Miss uciroiny I'aine, .Miss .Minerva iicauiey, Mr. William TlnnhW. Mr. Horace Uarba. I Mr. William Beard, Mr. Donald Caw- throp. Mr. Lawrence C.ihall. Mr. Joseph Wilson. Mr. John Phelps. Mr. Richard Taussig, Mr. Mortimer West. Mr. Geoigo Stevenson, Jr.. Mr. Lewis Cutler. Mr. John Hill. Mr. Albert Lawson, Mr Ashbrldgo Sharpless and Mr. Conrad Clothier. Mr nnd Mrs William Rhonda Mere dith announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Loulso Meredith Crawford. to Mr. (Walter Clarkson Neely. also of Cermantown. Mrs. Henry Erdmnn, of tho Dolmnr Morrls Is spending several weeks In Flor Ida and on her return will occupy the new home which she nnd Mr. Erdman have taken In Mount Airy. Mrs. Erdman was Mips Florence Relnaman, of Pitts burgh, Pa before her marriage last spring. Mrs. Warner G. Earnshaw, of East Johnson street, has returned from a shop ping trip to New York A elnss In flrst aid which meets at the home of Jtrs Carl Williams School Houso lano nnd Croon rtrect, on Monday morn ings. Includes 'among Its members Mrs. Walter M. I.a Rue. Mrs. Eugene Ander son, Mrs Spnrta Fritz. Mrs Dorothy Groves. Mrr T awrence It Mellor Mrs W. Lincoln, Miss Sidney Belvlllo, Miss Holen Harper. Miss Margaret M. La Rue, Miss Alice Dlllenbeck. Miss Genevieve Glllen beck, Miss Lorraine IIHIsley. Miss Eliza beth Kolb. Miss Evelyn Roberts. Miss Loulso Roberts Misa Pearl Alman, Miss Mnriou Datcsman, Miss Marlon Mont gomery, Miss Jonathan Jcnks and Mrs. William Klngsley. Bala-Cynwyd The Upsllon Chapter of Slgm.i Lambda Nu Fraternity was entertained at tho homo of Mr Daniel Snyder, of Bala, last evening. This chapjor will give an at tractive Easter danco In the north garden of the Bcllevue-Str.itford on Saturday evening, April 29. Tho dances given by this chapter havo always been a great success, and It Is expjeted that this danco will bo oven more brilliant and attrac tive. All arrangements havo been com pleted and provided lor by tho following committee' Mr. Russell McCormlek. Mr. Robert Burton nnd Mr. Daniel Snyder. Tho nnnual smoker of tho chapter will bo held during tho latter part of April, this smoker providing for the entertain ment of the members of tho different high schools throughout tho city. Among those present at the home of Mr. Snyder were Mr. Russell Ames. Sir. Henry Stiorlen, Mr. Robert Rlddell, Mr. John Powers, Mr. Mil ton Brown. Mi. Robert Burton, Mr. Ma rian Allen, Mr. Robert Weaver, Mr. Albert Gross, M- Donald Knight, Mr. Harry Mesjlan and Mr. Stewart Brenlzer. Delaware County Mrs. David Colvv of Drxel Hill, will entertain on Saturday evening, when her guests will be Sir. and Mrs. Joseph Slayers. Sir. and Sirs W J Lavls Sir and Mrs. Benjamin StcLoughlln, Sir. nnd Sirs. George Allen, Sllss SInry Slaris and Sir. Frank Ltttlo Wilmington WILSIINGTON. Starch 23. Delaware College nnd Friends' School have both selected "Twelfth Night" as their recog nition of the tercentenary of Shakes peare's birth. "Twelfth Wight" will be given at Friends' School In the gymna sium on Saturday evening to pre cede the unnual spring vacation next week. The Delaware College presenta tion of tho play will be given Aprl) 28 nnd 29 In tho Opera House at Newark. It will be given under the direction of the English department, of which Dr. J. O. Sypherd is head. Balkan War Nurse to Wed The engagement of Silas Gabriella Bid die Hopklnson, of Wllllamsport. Pa., a Balkan war nurse four years ago. and Joy Howard Patterson, an attorney of this city, has been announced. Miss Hopkln son Is the daughter of Sir. and Sirs. William F. Hopklnson and a grand daughter of the late Oliver Hopklnson, whose home, 1424 Spruce street, was for many years a social and musical centre. Sir. Patterson Is a son of the Rev. Dr. Isaac M. Patterson, a retired Presbyterian clergyman of Trenton. Elopers Spend Honeymoon at Shore The honeymoon of Eugene Bannvart, of 1504 Erie avenue, and his bride of a day, who was Bliss Page Carter, of Virginia, Is being spent In Atlantic City. They eloped and were married in Washington, by the Itev- C- Everest Granger yesterday. The bride, well known In Baltimore and Richmond society, la a member of the Carter family of Shirley, Va,. while the bridegroom traces his lineage to the French Bourbons. Later they will go to AahevUle. N. C. Baby Show at Old Christ Church A baby show was held today la the neighborhood house at Old Christ Church. under the direction of the Rev JPrancU II Watherill Miss Jeanette Child Misa Cftthwlne Nwbold. Mta Caroline WtU uatnaon and Misa Euxabeth fclltoott Along the Reading Miss Edith Laudell, of Webster nvcnuo Wyneoto. entertained at an Informal dance at her homo last evening In honor of her sister, MI11 Helen Landed, who has been spending tho laot few months at Wood mee, L. I., having returned to her I homo the first of this week. Among thoso present were Miss Dorothv Morrell. Miss Kntherlno Morrell, Mlsi Hannah Wilson. Miss Margaret Mayo, Miss Kntherlno Cakeler. Miss Jean Endlcmnnn, Mr. Jean Fowloy. Mr Ciinrlcs Wcymanii, Mr. Will iam Keese. air. Pntton Mr. Chlseum. Mr. Marcoy, Mr. Woodward and Mr. Ray En ucimann. The young men of tho Old York Road Country Club will give their annua! play tomorrow evening and Saturday evening. nt tho clubhouse. The play is entitled "Safety Second." and promises to bo ono of the best that has over been given. L Miss Mary Llppineott nnd Miss Caro line Llpplncott. of Chelten Hills, have Jillss Fiances Blatchford. of Chicago, as their guest for several days. Miss Blatchford unu ncr niomer aro spending the winter at Lakehurst, N. J., where they have taken a house. Miss Dorothy Bench, of Elklns Park, has Issued Invitations for an afternoon bridge at her homo on Wednesday, March 29. Ill honor of Miss Eleanor Bertcl Long, of Elklns Park, whose marrlago to Miss Beach'H brother. Mr. Charles A. Beach, Jr.. will tako placo In St. Paul's Church, Ogontz, on April 20. Tioga Sir. Jonas Stcelmnn is making a tour through the South and AVcst. In Califor nia ho will visit his brother and sister-in-lnw. Sir. and Sirs. Joseph Steclman. formerly of Tioga. Sirs. Gabriel Charles Knccht with her daughter, Sirs. Ralph Pyle Miller, and son, nro spending tho Lenten season at Atlantic City. Lansdowne Sirs. Harold Osden. of Pennock Ter race, will cntcitaln the members of her luncheon and bridge club at her homo to morrow nfternoon. Members of tho club nro Sirs. Bayard Dlckerson. Sirs. E. II. Plummer, Jr. ; Sirs. Robert D. Taylor, Mrs. Norrls Scott, Sirs. Frank E. Sagcn dorph, Sirs. Brooko Evans. Sirs. Vernon Philips, Sirs. J. J. Iveenan, Jr. ; Sirs. Harry L. Henry, Sirs. Ralph Hays and Sllss Loulso V.inzandt. Roxborough Tho American Bridge Company Club has Issued invitations tor Its annual Bpring reception and danco oruWednesday. March 25, nt tho club house, Woodvale, Wlssa hlckon, which will bo attractively decor ated with palms, stnilax and a profusion of spring tlowcrs Tho guests will be re ceived by Sirs. Raymond S. Pago, Sirs. W. V. Frame, Sirs. James Hope. Sirs. Charles Holt, Sirs. Sladlson Smith, Sirs. Clair Fclton, Sirs. Jnmcs SlacDonald, Sirs. E II. Lord. Sirs. Harry Carty and Sirs. William C. Levering The csmmlttco In charge of tha entertainment Includes Sir Raymond S. Page, Mr. W. P Schofield. Sir. Thomas It Slarkle. srr. John C. Field and Sir. George Dietrich Tho club has about 250 members, emnloyea of tho Bridge Company, and nn outside member ship limited to 50. Sir O G. H Slulford Is chairman of the board of managers, which Is composed of employes appointed by tho heads of the various departments. They are Sir. I. A. St. John, vice chair man: Sir. E. II Lord, treasurer; Sir W V. Frame, Sir. James Hope, Sir Charles Parsons. Sir. Sladlson Smith, Sir Charles Holt. Sir. James SlacDonald, Sir R ,s Pngo and Sir. Clair Felton Sir William C. Levering Is superintendent and Sirs. Harry Carty, secretary. The club origi nated in 1900 iib the Pencoyd Club, but In 1913 It was reorganized under the di rection of tho plant and became the American Bridge Company Club. Wood vale, formerly the old Camao homestead, has been greatly enlarged. Th-eo athletic entertainments are Lelng g'v during the month, ono yesterday, ono on Saturday, and the final next Thursday The latter will be a basketball game between teams of young women. What's Doing Tonight Grace Ilaptltt Trmpln relebratea VSth annl Vtmary buituet, Broad an4 !!erk treet. United lluslneas Mtn'i Aaaoclatlon mt, Bingham Hotel ClabrllowlUch recital. Iktlevue-Btratford Ho tel; 8:13 o'clock. Matinee Musical Club concert, Bellevue-Strat-ford Hotel; 8 o'clock. Lecture. "Ilccent Deielopraent in electrical Apparatus." by Prof, Harold Pender. I'ranklln Institute; 8 o'clock. Dritlsh Society of tha Unlveralty of Penn (ylvanU dinner, Adelphia Hotel; 7 o'clock. Life un4erwrtteri' dinner, Adelphia Hotel; 0:30 o'clock. I Tweuty-flriU annual tea party and 'reunion of the Welsh people ot S'hlladelpbla. Scottish Rite Hall, llroad und Race streets; 6 o'clock. School concert. West Philadelphia l.sa School. 4Stn and Walnut etrisiu, a o'clock. Celebration of the second anniversary of tbe dedication of the Manufacturers' Club, broad and Walnut streets, dinner; 6 Jo o'clock. bllth annual Charity Ball of tbe Jewish Consumptive Institute, Mercantile Italic Uroad and Maater streets; 8 o'clock. Lecture on "Itousaeau. the Revolutionary Ideal." by Pr. J. Duncan Spaeth, under ism auspice of the University BUeaslon Society, Central Y. M. C. A.. 1121 Arch street; 8 o'clock. T utnn, An Th. Tttn,1r Tllnmnn.1 THva . by Frank J. Mlllmaa. under tbe auspices of the University Kxtensloa Society, Germantown Y. M. C. A.. BSiS Germantowa avenue; 8 o'clock. Cedar Avenue Improvement Association. Ce dar avenue and 47th atreet. 8 o'clock. l-"ree Flliy-secoud Street and Lancaster Aenu jTu.. h o'clock. Free leveiayuw ouvieiy i, uwiawu suu iKffirk FeT Rodeph "shall &23 ? o'clock. cgSSg KSB $&MVSt"El jXckSoo Ttreets, vwmw. a Weddinga 1 1 ALCOLM-S AUnWALT. An Interesting wedding will tnko place tonight In the Oaston Presbyterian Church, 11th street and Lehigh nvenue, when Miss Helen Saurwalt, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Llnford E. Slater, of 1911 North Camno street, will becomo the bride of Mr. Held Welch Malcolm, chief elec trician of tho United Slates Navy. The ceremony will bo performed at 8 o'clock hb ,xth nnmml bal, of tho Jewsh by the pnstor, tho Rev. Walter B. Green- I ,, , ... . , , . , ,, , , Way. Mr. Slater will give his step-daugh- -L Consumptlv Institute, to be held to tcr In marriage. Sho will bo attired In a I "'ghl nt Mercantile Hall, Is expected to gown of bridal satin with trimmings of surpass thoia previously given. The, Imll chiffon and chnntllly laco. and n veil of w"I be elaborately decorated with lilies of tullo caught with orange blossoms, A the valley, palms, roses and other flornl shower of orchids, roses and lilies of tho reminders of spring. Vnrlegatcd colored vnllcv will bo carried. Miss Snrnh Marie "KM" will twlnklo among tho follago nnd Lowry, tho maid of honor, will wear a decorations, nnd tho entire scene upon cn pale sellow satin frock draped with tullo terlng will present an aspect Indicative of nnd will carry a shower of tea roses, tho season. Dr. Max Stallcr, chairman Miss Geneva Joyce Thomas nnd Miss of the danco committee, with the co-opera-Ethel Loulso Malcolm will bo brides- Hon of tho board of directors and tho maldi. Their frocks nro of taffeta, one LndleV Auxiliary, has (spent much tlmo In pink, tho other blue, and ench will ' toward making this Imll a banner affair, carry pink sweet pens Master Stnnley An added feature will be tho string band MeC'ormnck will be ring bearer. His suit ' " tho grillroom and n cabaret entertaining Is of black velvet with laco collar and llloso at Bupper. currs. 1 The Ladles' Auxiliary, recently formed Mr. Chnrles Smith Robinson will act ' through tho efforts of Mrs Max Stnller. ns best man, and tho Ushers will Include together with the wives of tho board of Mr. Havmond S. Miner. Mr. Harrv Wei- directors, to nld In tho good work or the den, Mr Robert W. Lowry and Mr." Albert Institute, succeeded In railing $1000 by Coughanour. Following tho ceremony a I various means. This, ns well as tho sou reception will bo held nt the homo of I 'dr book of J8000 and tho proceeds of the bride's parents. Sir. and Mrs. Mai- , the dance, will bo utilized for tho maln colm will spend their honeymoon In the ! tennnce of patients at various sjiiajr; SOUtll. and w hn nt icimo nftr Mnv If. at tho Virginia Apartments, Washing ton, u, c LLOYD ACKER. Tho wedding of MI11 Edna M. Acker to Mr William E. Lloyd. Jr., took placo on Tuesday ' nt 110011 nt tho homo of the , " "" "".." . '' "!'" cy street. Tho ceremony was performed 1. "... , .,""." "?".': ," .'...""VT" followed for the Immediate families. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd will llvo at Martin's Creek. Pa. DUDSIAN SIYERS. Tho mnrrlngo of Sllss Edith Cook Slyors, daughter of Mr. nnd Sirs. John T. Jlyers, of Stoylan, to Sir. Leonard Henry Dudmnn, of London, Eng., took place on Saturday nt tho homo of tho bride. Upon their return from their wed ding trip Sir. nnd Sirs. Dudmnn will llvo on Brighton road, Llancrch. ESREY COPI'LE. Announcement Is mado of tho mnrrlago of Sllss Lillian Copplc, of Walllngford, to Sir. D. Reese Esrcy, Jr., of Chcstor. on Starch 11 nt tho homo of tho brldo's parents. Sir. and Sirs. Esrcy will mako their homo In Chester on their return from Virginia. REESE TAYLOR Sir. and Sirs. James Taylor, of Jamison, Bucks County. Pa., nnnounco tho mnrrlago of their daughter, Sllss Elslo Taylpr, to Sir. Albert Reese, of Tacony, on Saturday, Starch -I. Mr. and Sirs. Recso will llvo at 3703 Friendship street. Kensington Sir. and Sirs. William Q. Gelso, of Bal timore, aro visiting their daughter. Sirs. Charles Spangler, of 3107 Custer street, for a short time. Mr. nnd Sirs. Herbert Hamilton, of 2850 Kensington avenue, will spend tho week end nt Atlantic City. Sir. and Sirs. D. O. Klloy, of 2040 East Orleans street, nro sojourning at Atlantic City. Tho Quaker City Chapter, Order of tho Eastern Star, will give Its annual banquet at Sloscbach'a Casino, 13th street and Gi rard avenue, this evening. Mrs. E. J. Davis, of 2020 Frankford avenue, Is worthy matron of tho chapter. Frankford Sirs. Martha Jane Wolf, of C318 Darrah street, will plvo a cake, pie. bread and candy salo at 5413 Frankford avenue for tho lienellt of tho Undenominational Blblo Class Mission. North Philadelphia f". .. .h. Si2naKSHE2t231 MISS ELSIE SUSNER Tho Senior Auxiliary to the Jewish Sheltering Home Is making preparations for a spectacular bazaar and dance to be given at Apollo Hall, on Thursday even ing, Slarch 30. It y"i be a leap year and matrimonial dancd and a novel feature will bo the booths and tents beautifully dec orated. Souvenirs will be distributed throughout the -evening. Sllss Elsie Susner has been active In working for the dance. Plans have been completed for a four day celebration, beginning tonight, by the members of the Grace Baptist Church, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the entrance Into tho Temple, Broad and Berks streets. The speakers at the various meltings will be Governor Brum baugh, Mayor Smith, the Bev. Pr. Court land Slyers. Br. A, J. Rowland, the Bev. Dr. George K. Rees. the Bev. Dr. David Spencer, Dr, Huesell II. Conwell and the Hey. A. E. Harris. Mr, Archibald W. Thomson and his slater, SUss fBabel W. Thomson, have gone from Miami, FJa., to Cuba. On their re turn they will spend some tlrae at Palm Beach and Old Point Comfort. The Ushers' Association of the Cook man Methodist Episcopal Church. Lehigh avenue and 11th street, will give' a re ception and mualcale tonight In celebration of the 19th unnlversary of its organiza tion. Notices for tbe Society pace "ill be accepted and prlptcu Li the Kveolng ten on one side of the ijaurr. must be suned In full, with fuu addrers, and when pessibls telephone number tnust be given. i.eofcr. dui uii sven uvuee must ne vrru- possible telephone uumoer must he a Send aU such ceniaiuulcatlons t is te so COS Cb.l- clcty Editer." evening Ledge nut tflrAt. Unless . thefe reauljremtnto are carried out, w that verUkutloo ipar k possible, the notice will not be publl.Ued. illliilfi mmm'i "I iililiJI I :SLA tt jij mMiJaas-. z v kj mr jl 3r m ' j?i CABARET WILL BE MATURE OF CHARITY BALL TONIGHT Affair at Mercantile Hall for Benefit of Jewish Con sumptive Institute Will Be Brilliant Many Other Entertainments i " " "r me uuiiu.uk u. . ..Uo,...-. for tubercular patients. Tho ball commlttco Includes Dr. Max Stallcr, chairman! Dr. Joseph A. Lang bord and Mr William Kamens, vice-chairmen: Mr. Charles II. Cramer, treasurer; Dr. Joseph M. Fruchter, secretary; Mr j Max jurnmoir, ur a. u. wm, Mr. Cnnrpa IT. Cramer, Mr. Samuel F. Cra- , mcr, Mr. M. Eskln, Mr. I. Fllesner, ur, ! iToseph pruehter, Mr. H. Oolgcr. Mr. " Celbsteln. Mr. Benjamin iiorrman, r. It. Huroek. Mr. William Kamens. Dr. Joseph A. Lnngbord, Sir S. Lnckcrman, Sir. Charles Llpschutz, Sir. J. Llpsky. Mr. P. Sillier. Sir. St. I. Kubtn, Mr. H. II. Schwartz. Sir Samuot Solot. Dr. Slax Staller, Sir. I. L. Stern. Str. William Stern. Mr. 11 Tunkcl and Sir. A. Woltzonfcld. Tho olllcers and board of directors of tho Institution aro Sir. A. Weltzenfeld. president; Mr. Charles Llpschutz. honor ary president! Mr. P. Sillier, vice-president; Dr. J. A. Langbord, second vice president; Sir. S. V. Kramer, treasurer; Sir. 1. L. Stern, secretary; Sir. SI. Abra molt. Sir. Nathan W. AlbuB, Mr. Samuel Bernstein, Sir. B. Blchcfsky. Sir. J. Blu monthal nnd Sir. S. L. Cohn, Str Harris J. Cohn, Sir. Clmilcs E. Cramer. Sir. Samuel r. Cramer, Mr. S. Korff. Sir. S. Lackram. Dr. J. A. Langbord. Sir. A. Leltcrman. Sir, William Lewis, Sir. Charles Llpschutz. Sir. J. Llpsky, Sir. P. Sllllor, Sir. II. Blcklln, Sir. Slax Eskln, Sir. Harry Golges, Sir. II. Golbsteln. Sir. Nathan Oclgcr, Sir, Benjamin Hoffman, Sir. Hyman Hurock, S'r. William Kamens, Sir. Storrls Klnns, Sir. SI. L. Bubln. Sir. D. 'Savenlck. Sir. Harry Shapiro, Sir. Samuel Schwartz, Sir. Samuel Solot. Dr. Slax Staller. Sir. William Stern, Sir. B. Tunkcl, Sir. A. Weltzenfeld and Dr. J. K. Fruchter. Tho Ladles' Auxiliary Includes Sirs. SI. Staller. Sirs. C. Llpschutz, Sirs. P. Sillier. Sirs. M. Eskln, Sirs. N. Gelger, Sirs. I. Kamens, Sirs. II. Chessln, Sirs. II. E. Fin man, Sirs. B. A. Knurtman, Sirs. A. Welt zenfeld, Sirs. Bubln, Sirs. M. Wcndkoe. Sllss II. Kamens. Mrs. J. J. Frankel, Sirs. Abraham. Sirs. William KamenB, Sirs. Baum, Sirs. F. Epstein, Sirs. SI. Jacobs. Sirs. B, Horn, Sirs. B. O. Tumin, Sirs. P. Horowitz, Sirs. Lnndes, Sirs. B. Pechner, Sirs. It. nichlln. Sirs. Felerzall, Sirs. SI. It. Itosepberg, Sirs. A. Segal. Sirs. B. lluche,- Sirs. Borman, Sirs. J. Bass, Sirs. Broftman, Sirs. C. N. Kaplan. Sirs. A. Greenbcrg. Sirs. H. Horowitz, Sirs. Klsh ner, Sirs. Swartz, Sirs. Moskowltz. Sirs. Sonlmsky, Sirs. Sacks, Sirs. Joseph Wein man and Sirs. SI. Llpschutz. mum Mnrv Snenccr. ot 1019 Venango street, entertained at her homo on Sat urday evening. Her guests mciuaea uisi Kum j jjecm-um, .4.33 --. w,......., Sllss Starlo Dorney. Sllss Roba Atsberg, Sllss Sophia Spencer, Sllss Esther E. Spencer, Sllss Kathryn Spencer, the Sllsses Jackson, of Wilmington. Del.; Mr. J. Sidney Owens. Sir, John J. Springer. Sir. John NIebaus, Sir. J. Charles Spen cer, Sir. L. Rol Field, Sir. Glendon Southall. Sir. Abbot Llbson. Sir. Charles Jester and Sir. Franklin Ewnrt, ot Wil mington. Del. MISS JEAN BAnON nnd Sllss Rao Baron entertained the Unique Club at their home, 600 South 6th street, on Slonday evening. Sllss Sarah Baron gavo several vocal selections, accompanied by Sllss Jean Baron nt tho piano. Sllss Ger trude Silver also helped to entertain. Sllss Henrietta Flresteln. Sir. B. H. Sobelman, Sir. Harry Scldcnberg. Sllss Rose Stagll, Bliss Tllllo Cohen nnd several others wero entertained by tho club. Sir. nnd Sirs. Samuel Klrkel, of 921 North Hth street, announced tho be trothal of their daughter, Miss Bella Klrkel. to Sir. Joseph I. Baker, ot Leb nnon. Pa., on Sunday. Ferns, sweet peas and roses wero used to decorate the re ception rooms und dining room. Sllss Klrkel was one of the organizers of tho "Slontefeorlans" and the organizer of the Friends of tho Lebanon Hospital, of Philadelphia. Slany out-of-town guests wero present. Among thoso present were Sir. nnd Sirs. Baker. Sr., Sir. and Sirs. David Baker, of Steelton: Sir. and Sirs. Rosenberg, of Harrlsburg: Sir. and Sirs. Rosenberg, of Lebanon; Doctor and Sirs. Chalken, Sir nnd Sirs. SI. Bernstein. Sirs. Benjamin Racuslu, Sir. and Sirs. A. Schmidt, Sir. nnd Sirs. J. P. Goldberg. AMUSEMENTS TVPTP Tonight 8:15-Last Times. LYK1L Laa, Regular Mat Saturday "THE ONLY GIRL" Rv Jlenry Rlossom and Victor Herbert A Musical Triumph Extraordinary! Next Week Seats Today The N. V. Winter Oarden Extraraganza Hit "A WORLD OF PLEASURE" Myriads ot Mammoth Marvels, Mirth, Merry 7 Maids and Magic SIuslc. A Joy-Infusing Cast ut stars, lncludlngi CLIPTON CRAWFORD CONROY and LB MA1HB COLLINS and HART ROSU3 QUINN and a World-Iieatlng Chorus ot 183. A 11rvV.i rpPULAR 1 MAT. TODAY iVQeiPIU TONIGHT B:15 SHARP "The JoTllest Sort ot Musical Comedy; a Smart Entertainment In Every Particular" Declares the Philadelphia Record About "NOBODY HOME" "It Has Originality and Marnetiira: Is Rrlght. Lively and Tuneful." Inquirer. Proclaimed a Hit by Everybody Tha Grand Built for Stats is NOW Out Makt Your Jteservatoaa NOW I TUES. AITERNOON, Mar. 28 SEATS NOW YVETTB OUILUERT In SONO RECITAL T-. 1 10c 1214 MARKRT ;Oo Pi CJ PP ,0 A- iu !l P- X CiCv-VS Today, Tomorrow t Sat. JEANNE iver In Sensational. Fascinating Love Drama "ONE DAY" Sequel to Elinor Glyn'e, Famous fitory 'THREE WEEKS'' VIGTORM iXSSES'v&SS, In 'HIS PICTURE IN TUE PAPEBS" Added "Stranice Case ol Mary Page." TOMORROW "LOVELY MARY,T -l 1 MARKET ABOVE I0TH OldllltJ HAEL DAWN In "TUB SALEaLADr" T CHESTNUT Below lu AViflnia WAJitoiiasPiu -".ILctUld II. B. WARNER jn "THE RAIDERS' Knickerbocker uu- Tu.. Thunu. St i iUucKeiDocKer Tte Spendthrift i Mr. and Mrs. Morris Beltchelk, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Chalken, Mr. and Mrs. M. LaBhman, Miss Hannah Baker, of Steel ton; Miss Itcba RrcusIii, Miss Anna Dor ten, Miss Eva Llpman. Miss Ithae Bern stein, Miss Bertha Klrkcl, Mr. Paul Rosen berg, of Hnrrlsburg; Mr. Kphrolm Baker, of Stcclton; Dr. William Lashmart, Mr. M. Chester, Mr. M. Racustn. Mr. H. Chal ken, Mr. M. Hornvltz. Mr. M. Chalken nnd Mr. Charles Klrkcl. , Miss Anna Jncobson. of 4027 Market street, was the guest of honor at a house' party given by Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Bnyuk, of Norma, N, J. Among tho other guests were Mr. Edward Bayuk, Dr. and Mrs. D. Rappaport, Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Jacob' Bon, Mr. nnd Mrs. Leon Itoseman and Mr. and Mrs. W. Levin. A surprise party was given to Miss Ida Kosher and Miss Mary Kosher by their parcnti In honor of their 14th birthday annhorsnry Among the guests were Miss Esther Sllantger, Miss Dora Sllantger, Mis'? Tllllo Cohen, Miss Hannah dross man. Miss Anna Illrshman. Miss Anna Mnrgolls, Miss Ycttn Brown, Mr. Ernest Vclll, Mr. Mendal Rosiman. Mr. Henry Teltlebnum, Mr. Leonard Elumcnthat. Mr iBadore Stalberg. Mr. Edwin Stalberg nnd Mr. Benjamin Brown. Master Ernest Velll rendered n few selections on tho piano. M' B. AND SIRS. G. AIKEN'S, of HMO South Clarion street, entertained In honor of their 26th wedding anniversary on Saturday ovcnlng. The guests wero Sllss Emily Alkens, Sir. Samuel Wilson, Jr., Sir. nnd Sirs. S. Wilson, Sir, and Sirs. E. Wilson, Sir. nnd Mrs. Paul Freno, Sir. Josoph Frono, Sllss SI. Duffy. Sir. and Sirs. 13. Frono, Str, and Sirs. Charles Freno, Sir. and Sirs. E. Elslnger, Sir. and Sirs. Paul Brown, Sir. nnd Sirs. Joseph Hughes. Sir. nnd StrB. F. Woerle, Sir. R. Welsback, Sllss Elizabeth Alkens, Sir. and Sirs II. Alkens. Stlss Nelllo Alkons, Sllss Edith Alkens. Sir, nnd Sirs. II. J. Broome, Sir. and Mrs. J. Kennedy. Sirs. S. P. Pat terson, Sir. nnd Sirs. A. Billings, Sir. nnd Sirs. J, Henncrberry, Sir. nnd Sirs. Thatcher, Sir. and Sirs. C. Gallagher, Sir. nnd Mrs. C. Hubcr. Sllss Emma Woerle and Sir. nnd Sirs. Gelglcr. . Tho music was furnished by Sllss Emma Woerle. Sllss Emily Alkens, Sllss Slay Billings nnd Sllss Stndollne .Billings. American beauty roses formed lha deco rations. Sir. and Sirs. William Sledoff, of 3874 Cambrldgo street, gavo n birthday party In honor of their daughter. Miss SIolUO Sledoff, on tho 10th anniversary of her birth. Among thoso present were Sllss Mollle Sledorf, Sirs. Slax Sledoff. Sir Louis Slcdoil, Sir. David Mcdoft, Slastcr Abraham Sledoff, Sirs. P. J. Waxman, of Hammonton. N. J. ; Sir Joseph AntonolT, Sir. Benjamin Antonoff, Sllss Beatrlco An tonolT, Sllss Paulino Kramer, Sllss Rose Wilson, Sllss Anna SIcyers, Sllss Anna Fclsteiti, Stlss Dorothy Nemlrow, Sllss Sophia Tucker, Sllss Esther Rlckman, Mr, SI. Kurtz, Sir. Eugene Wlngrade. Sir, Bernard Forman. Sir. J. Sokoloff. Sir. C. Abrahams, Sir. Georgo Cooper, Sir. Joseph Kramor, Sir. E. DaBh, Sir, S. Simons. Sir. Sr Caplan and Sir. Constan tino Vcrnow. Sir. and Sirs. Rothsteln gave a Purlm party in honor of their friends nt their home, 1415 North Redfleld street, last Sunday evening. Among thoso present wero Sir. nnd Sirs. Taberoff, Sir. Ned Goodman. Sir. and Strs. Flnkelstetn, Sir. and Sirs. Rclbler, Stlss Sllnorva Rolblor, Sir. John Rothsteln and Sir. Morris Roth steln. AMUSEMENTS SlETllOPiLlTV OP-.-UV HOUSE t SUBS. Mar. 27,29,30,31. Apr. 1 HVENING 8:15. MATINEE S.1B. THE ART SENSATION OP EUROPE SICUOE da DAlaillLErP-S BALLET RUSSE BRILLIANT REPERTORY OF BALLETS AND MIMED HCENCS SION.. "L'Olseau du Feu." "Carnaval." "Scheherazade." WED.. "Cleopatra." "Le Spectre de la Rose." "Bolell do Nult." "Car naval." T1IUH.. "Les Hylnhldes." "Petoucb ka," "Schehcraeade " rill.. "L'Olseau de Keu," "Thumar." "L'Apres.Mldi d'un I'aune." "Prince Iiror." SAT. MAT . "CIeopo.tr," "Les Sylphides." "La Princess Enchantee." "Bolell do Nult." SAT . "Thamnr " "Petrouehka." "I.e Spectre de la Rose " "Prince Iiror." Scenery ami Costumes liy LEON IIAKST Seatn. 1100 Chestnut St. Wal. 4434. Race OT Ilnrdman Piano Used. fi-nviMrVlr " Next Week. Egs. at 8.18 VJd.illl.lv Matinees Wed. Bat. at 2J18 COHAN & HARRIS Present THE FUNNIEST PLAY IN THE WORLD IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Orlclnitl New York Caat and Production. Best Seats ft at Popular Wed. Matinees B. P. KEITH'S THEATRE CHESTNUT AND TWELTOI STREETS DIO DOUnLE FEATURE! HILL ADELE ROWLAND "THE AMERICAN CUILBERT" KARL JORN TITO METROPOLITAN TENOR Sarah Padden In "The Little Shepherd of Ilargaln Row": Iluntlnz & Frances; Charlotte I'arry & Co Other Stars. El'DUCl Lns 3 EvgS. "..j"?""' I "" U"" ,...,. Viennese onef,,U,,lay The Latest Viennese. Operetta PRINCESS TRA-LA-LA Special Mat, Today s l'J, lfedda Gablerw"hfci never. IN AID OP THE ULUB CROSS PU.SD NEXT WEEK 8BAT8 TODAY Maude Adams ,n "B Sl3Sr?R- Special Mat. Tuea., March 28 "PETER PAN" FORREST Evenings at 8; 13. Last 2 Weeks Mais. Wed and Bat. ZIEGFELD FOLLIES Popular Wed Matinee, BOo td ?l,S0 ACADEMY OP MUSIC ELMENDOEF Tomor. Ever. 8:15 Sat, Mat, 3:30 SICILY southern ITALY Extra rMapA S0.afcfiigr 80c. T6Q It II at Heppe's Amp at Aud . 8. Globe Theatre "tSgg&ftt, VJ1UUC VlJDeV.K-ContuoSsU A. M. to 11 P M. IOc. lie, S3,. THE TIMELY WAR COMEDY "A NIGHT in the TRENCHES' "ED FORD'S Dancing REVUE" Comlns Next Week James J Corbett. METROPOLITAN OPKHA IIOLBH LAST PBKPOitMAKCB THIS SEASON METROPOLITAN OPERA COSU'i.NXS t aVTViy28- Die MolBtQialnger Mmea. OacUkl. MatUeld. MM. Urlua. Well Gorlu, Relse. Wltherspoon. &.-hlgel, too harilt. Cond.. Mr. Bodanaky Seata. HTO Cheatnut St WaL tji. JUce T WALNUT "S? ,MAT-DAY gB.. e. """ " w Evenlnss 25t to U. na hiiti-r "The Girl He Couldn't Buy" Nt Wk PISKK O'HARA Is "KILKBNNr' A-mp'r-fnan Olrerd Ulow Bio. Merest MtV aeYican 1s3s&gg&t