Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 23, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    r,&F'S?&-V Jf? I"- ..
WW fJTI(iril(ytj J jk!UiriNif
iin hi) wrecked the Vt Mill,
A '"" nJh Vtrel pMnt lnelurtf.1 In
,tqin"; ?:; of V late John Xlont
h tat" 'i!2,t hr hi nephew. Monte
biikT '"-he nlBht before, .Monte, while
l-rit";. I hotel with his lawyer, Cralir
VPI : Mi mill w doomed. The
3. !.". .iMn woman was with the
ur,hmVlter. belleied to lm her
"?" .namMher man. Monte had pre
?, SJhmeltter from shootlnir the lat-
T.t irM-hmeltter from snootm mo iai
tiJtwHJSiL ,hJi day a portmanteau ron-
V-. ". Verntlc cro had been aloien
"ilfchmeSte' In tho Market atrcet
wtrwr ..1.1 Summer, lhs super
?SinV of thSp nt. and United Htntea
& rlM m'n Bre wojklnir over the
'"Tfi f lie. explofilon on tho site of tho
!,l5ta!ll Suspicion centers upon Kot
"""J. .nilneer, while the queer actions
VRIrJtfVe, the executive mra. ""
I Uiilion! interest
t ' CHAPTER Vir (CoiitlmiEil).
J ... j . ....., 1.1b i.rrlln.
Alf 8uMMEKa ocski iuii"h e
ll.trlal. letter baskets nnd order
rtU. under the, brilliant Blare of tin elec
ta Ifrht lay n ordinary dry battery of
Wnd carbon cells, with a small colt for
.ireJing- up the current. The battery
ST. r. .i-n silently larger than one
Irfi ittacnea to i.ii...x..o . .......
t, the back of a phonograph. Crumpled
- en the desk was a sheet of thick
M.n oarer, the outside of which waa
irt-imeared and moist from recent burl
ti a tbe Eblt.
m fact, the battery, wrappeu in mc
'ava. I""1 iaat been a"e oul of lll
Vmun'd In the yard outside, being the
lurolnuJ of the two sets of copper wire
ilH tuperlntendent earlier hi tho day had
itomd leading away from the separate
.ir. of the doublo explosion.
': x iliousand yards or more of begrimed
Insulated copper wire In two strands was
'tolled in loo3e windings on tho floor.
Bth lets of wire connected with the tint
Terr coll.
; 'TVeU," said Agent K who proved to
hm rooro than an amateur knovUcdgo
!(f electricity, "it Is clear enough the ex
'plojlons of the dynamite charges under
lit west mill were made from this bat
"ttrr." H, took up tho dry cells and examined
Ijtlea mosf carefully. Ho grunted with
KBsnlfest Satisfaction at a discovery.
f' 1 pledge you gentlemen to absolute
, lecTKyr 0 continueu, "dui tins wnoie
natter has an International aspect."
S ."What makes you think to?" nsked An-
P inn, reserving his own private opinion.
"Remember tho uncxploded bombs
tnni two weeks ago In the hold of a
I map steamer about to sail from New
Orleans with a cargo of sugar? Xo?
JftH these dry cells arc of the same slzo
fui eeneral pattern."
Aient W. bristled and nodded approval.
He remarked to Summers:
"Queer wo found no clock attachment
to this battery."
The superintendent explained that he
hid well spaded the ground along the
tlrick wall near tho spot where two Sets
of wires connected with the battery. No
time-clock was uncovered.
PSummers added: "What puzzles mo
Dost Is this odd strand of wlro that pro
jected above tho ground directly ovor
jlte dry battery."
IpAnd he held up for closer Inspection a
A Little Talk About Two Dollars
JVrritttn at the nuccestloii ot our AdiUory Hoard:
Illnxenstrln and Harry llosentierE.)
Dear Children This is written at the suggestion of one of our members
who wants two dollars very much, and we have advised him to CHANGE
HIS MIND and make two dollars WANT HIM. Wc shall ndvise you from
jtime to time how our member earned his
Your editor asked this member WHY he wanted two dollars instead of
. one dollar, five dollars or a million dollars, and he said that "two dollars
iw&s about right." From this we may learn not to ask for more than what
ps JUST ABOUT RIGHT. We may also learn that it is sometimes a good
pln to know how much we WANT.
There is a creat deal of difference
iWhen we want a thintr. it shows that
NEED a thing; wo imply a LACK of something. We should never allow
ourselves to think that we LACK anything. For instance, if we know that
Ithere is five cents waitinjr for us at the bank, it will do no good to sit and
Iworry about it, for unless we go after
cents will stay in the bank forever.
Think of the birds of the nlr, the fishes of the sea and the wiggly worms
ria the ground. They are all provided
left to little boys and girls, to big men and strong women to sit down and
jworry by the hour about money, sickness, sorrow and something worse.
Our member is worrying about the
iftat when he stops thinking about those two dollars and worrying where
ty are coming from, they will jump into his pocket before he knows it.
Many cases of headache, indigestion
little money, taken at the right time and carefully deposited in the right
!tce. We seldom see a man starving when he has money in his pocket. A
WW with two dollars in his pocket who lias had nothing to eat for two days
U cot half so hungry as the man who has nothing in his pocket. Think it over.
Wanita and Kawasha
With awe.struek flnrars Kawasha
JPsned the little chamois bag. Out rolled
j"? tparlfllng diamonds ! For a moment
J" two Wern uneprhlpss with astonish-
JJit. Then Kawasha gathered up the
Fjsure In his sturdy brown hand.
,"Come, Wanita," he cred, "our one
Kr.it now must be to save our white
"" Kawasha had forgotten all about
Swollen ankle.
89, making sure that there was no more
Mre concealed In the wall, tha little
Uanj smothered the cave Are and
JJcl thtlr way out Into the moonlit
r Q3lcklv IhAV Hi.lt. tn )i panrus and
son Kawasha was wielding the paddle
Wt would bring them back to the Island
W to the white man, whom they had
F? to love, dearly.
rw the meantime all on the island was
tUU, Thfl Indlnnvui-ra aal.an nnd thft
ftlte matl wait fitorrn, rolatfi.llv nnrl (ULfllV
gJ! on to the river. The ropea that
KJ ake another attempt to escape, leat
a9 Indiana in .....!.... Wl. !... Irt .llc-
the children. He had grown very
Iul Of these litl Krnvun.fnnpit neonle.
R whits man had been very much alone
I ttte world and Wanita and Kawagba
K found a warm place In hie lonely
ETQUS hi. mit.A1 ...& o.iilj.iilu .& li.ant
jMyat crackling sound. Me turned his
Kg and Htarted f There were two email
,'e he waa alil t,i nniicct his scattered
" S law nlj. ,uau uhl.iurlnip' In Ilia
iT1 k hav& fmtnrl tha mun ftnrl Vf6 faVA
jtrtasure, Kun, when. I cut th rope. '
Wsxt second tfte ropa ewappfd and I
Copyrleht. Idle. The
foot of plain copper wire having at one
end a small square plate.
"I have It solved," roared Agent K.
excitedly. Ho Jumped to his feet and
reached for the detached strand of wire.
As he Unfolded himself he lowered his
voice. He continued:
"See, this Is actually the receiving arf
tenna or air wire of an underground wire
less station. It must have started the
dry battery going, causing the explosions,
and got knocked off the celU tvhen we un
earthed the apparatus."
Ho danced nrouna the desk overjoyed
with his deductions, and plnced the air
wire erect above the coll and dry cells.
Ho went on enthusiastically:
"Imagine coming through space from
somewhere electric waves set In motion
by a sending station. These waves strike
against this receiving air wire nnd set
up In It faint vibrations. The vlbrntlons
aro magnified by a pin anchored at the
centre of the receiving diaphragm, piv
oted about a quarter of nn Inch from Us
anchorage, nnd extended, as you sec, for
two Inches, where It was fastened In
close proximity to the broken ends of a
"Go slow, Hill you have lost mo al
ready" Interrupted tho other sccret-scrv-Ico
agent. Andrews, Summers and
Monte watched K., ejes dilated with In
tel est.
"I am telling you the effect of the
wireless vibrations above ground upon
two broken ends of wire attached to the
battery." repeated K.
"Ono end of this wire, as you sec, leads
to the carbon terminal of tho dry cell, and
tho other to tho primary post of tho coll.
The other termlnnl of tho coll ,
connects with the zinc terminal of the
battery. It's as clear as daylight." I
hrf -J F ifeS5
yr,L-LJ- w Lxx - -
Jis- Z
JUild Mrltnr, Thomas I,. Jones, Manuel
two dollars and what he does to get
between WANTING and NEEDING.
we have a DESIRE and when we
it or MAKE an effort to get it, the
for and they do not worry, but it is
two dollars. He should remember
and minor ills have been cured by
Children's Edtlor, Evening Ledger.
EvENiNa Lbdoer:
I wish to become a member of your
Rainbow Club. Please Bend me a beau
tiful Rainbow Button free. I agree
Name ,,..,.....,.,..
Address . ,,,,....... t
Age ,.,. ...i
School I attend
,, .., ....
over the leafy ground swiftly Btole the
thrbe. Their feet fairly flew over the
earth, but, alas I they were not quick
enough for Great Chief Red Feather,
With a start he awqke and In a flash
he was up and after his captive.
Once more the wild war cry sounded
through the night air and once more six
red braves dashed In the wake of John
Marshall. In and out through the trees
darted the band, the white man and the
children about 20 feet In the lead of their
treacherous pursuers.
'Children." cried the vhlte man In
a low voice, "run for the canoe." And
with that he made a dash for the llttlo
boat that was playing such an Important
part In the lives of these people. In
one last spurt he reached It In a second
he had shoved It Into the water. A min
ute later the fleet-footed, little Indians had
jumped nimbly Into It harboring hollow.
Away went the canoe, skimming over the
moonlit river like a bird resting ever
ea lightly In his travels.
Into theHvator splashed the Red Chief
snd his braves. Hope "nk very low In
Uw heart ot the white man.
Ho be ConUatted.)
runtto htvor.n Companr.
"Try once again; 1 am beginning to
get it," grumbled V.
"For the last time, then," said the
younger Investigator In a good-natured
tune. "The vllif-nHi-ina ?.,.,. i ... i.A
wireless waves closul iim nnniiM ..
tho two wires, ond permitted the electric i good Ideas Inst night nt the fashion show
current to flow from tho battery Into which the Walnut .Street Business Asso
the coll. This Increased the voltage and ' elation gale in the ballroom of tho Uclle
sccured n secondary current nf xiimrtmt ! vun-Strntfnrrl.
power to trnvel to the ends of leading
wires nnd explode the dynamite charges
under tho west mill,
He li tight," (.hipped In Summers.
Thnt accounts for the few seconds of
Interval between tho explosions, repre
senting tho difference In tlmo for tho
energy to get from the battery to the de
tonating caps. Tho distance to the steel
works Is greater than tho Tstnnce to tho
blast furnace from the battery."
It was precisely 9 o'clock, nnu n full
September moon was struggling to enter
tho superintendent's ofllce nhon tho flvo
men had agreed upon "wireless flashes"
from somewhere ns the direct Impetus
of tho disaster.
Summers usked the lawyer for tho
rough drawing of the destroyed west milt
he had mndo earlier in the day. Hn said
It might be of use to the Government
men, nnd spreading It out upon his desk,
took a black cboni ruler and diew two
Btralghl lines. Indicating tho complete
route of the underground leading wires
to their sourro In the battery.
"There," he concluded, "I guess that
Is about right."
"Not quite," remarked Monte, drawing
his chair close to tho desk. He had been
roiiKcd from the moment Agent K. sug
gested wlrcles1.
"Suppose I run a curved lino from here
to here," he snld, as ho Indicated tho point
iu i,i;.v, ui; nii'iii nn uv iiiiuuiii:ii inu nuillL
whero the battery was found and tho
hoist engine house.
He did. The others watched him wrlg-
to t,,e ,,ne'
Ho felt ho was malting n
,, i'. ., wi,' i, i,.i ,,...
lshcd, the plan of the works, remodeled
by tho events of tho day, looked as fol-
y5r wll (&:coA'ST&tcrZ)
if-4A. -u
Tpy I nPfL,---.
Our Postoffice Box
Well, If It Isn't Althca and Thelma Bag
hurst conic nil tho way from Telford. Pa.,
to meet their llttlo Rainbow brothers and
sisters! They don't need much Introduc
tion, wo are suro, for certainly nil o" our
every-nlsht readers are familiar with the
names of these little sisters, which havo
been signed to so many stories, drawings
and letters. Your editor just cannot say
how glad he Is to meet these little folks
who have become such very good friends
of his through Uncle Sam's mailbox !
Harry Collopy send the wish from Ger
mantown that our club may grow very
much larger. (We met Harry last Sat
urday, and feel sure that he Is going to
help us carry out his wish.) A young
man named Terzl writes a letter from At
lantic City, but fails to send an address.
Will ho please send It?
A myBterlous member signing "Itself
a "member In advance" sends a drawing
of "A Princess Going to Breakfast." The
picture would be published If It had been
drawn on white paper.
Out-of-town mall Is pouring In! Your
editor would like to spread out for you
at length the lovely little letters that come
from the Rainbows who do not live ln
Philadelphia, but lack of space prevents.
So for this time we must content our
selves with reading the names of these
little "outside Rays ' of our Rainbow, who
are reflecting the light and the beauty of
It Into the lives of their little comrades.
These little folks are as follows: Evelyi
Miller. "Wind Gap, Pa.; David Behrmah,
Woodbine. N. J. ; Cella Samueison. Col
lingdale, Pa. ; Herbert Kessel, Douglass
vllle. Pa. ; Heleu Smith Boothwyn. Pa. ;
Eldred Lynch, Oalltzen, Pa.; Joseph
Waters. Darby, Pa. ; Louis and Ada Gorn
berg and Lewis Dranos, of Chester, Pa. ;
Anard Llttmen, Champion Apartments, At
lantlo City, N. J. ; Ethel Henderson, Nor
wood, Pa. ; Juliet Robertson, Mapleshade,
N. J. ; Anna Sherk, Allentown, Pa ; Robert
Sullivan. I .ansdowne. Pa. ; Thelbert Sharp
ly, Barrlngton, N( J.
Lottie. Gladys and Mary Wright, of
Carey street, Baltimore, Md ; Earl Davis,
Lawndale. pa ; Joseph Martlnelll. Mlno
tola, N. J.; Mary Welkel, Pcrkasle, Pa.;
Fred Floundeis, Rldgely, Md i Walter and
William Clement. Pasadena. Apartments,
Atlantic City ; Wilson McAdams, Cynwyd ;
John Rltter, Halnesport, N. J., and Nun
jlo Qrucclo, of Vlneland, N- J.
Things to Know and Do
1. What Is It that you can keep and
yet give to some one else? (Sent In by
Eleanor Koons, TVynnewood. )
3. Draw a picture of a dog.
3. How many stars In the American
It yeu want tq earn meay mtter
school and on Saturdays, write t
Vajmet Smith.
is? a. &J mC BsaisilBs9LHl i
Fifty Models Appeal Before
Audience of Promi
nent Folk
Pliolnirrftpli. Itln.lrilllnK this storr will be
found nn the h.uk pn?c.
Philadelphia folk who buy their clothes
in wninnt oiroi-f nimtiit imt Rome mlsrhty
! It was an occas'-jn ' superlatives. The
i city's most Imnortr.t otltlc.il folk woro
th-re; also the clt.'M wealthiest, the
proudest socially, too. nnd as for the ex
hibition Itself tho president of the Fifth
Avonuo lluslncss Men's Association of
New York said Philadelphia had .It nil
over his homo town when It came to stag
ing fashion shows
All the outfits thnt the GO models wore,
and they Included garments for nil seasons
nnd dress occasions from the atrect suit
to tho evening gown, were products of tho
Wnlnut stiect shops The models were ns
pretty us the things they wore, and sharcti
with their clothes the npplauso which the I
audience gave generally. '
Mr. and Mrs Stotesbury wcro delighted. I
nnd tho Mayor nnd Mrs. Smith, too. felt J
that thoy gave the guests n treat. All of ,
tho Mayor's Cabinet wns In ills box, nnd ,
after the fashions had all been shown
Plrcctor Patesmnn heenmn the modal for
all eyes to follow His dancing was said ,
by those who kliow. to be simply superb.
The fashions were ithowii n groups of
stvlns. N'enrlv nil of the first half vl tho
evening was taken up with tho showing
of street clothes, snorts ttultH and such,
Tho evening gowns followed, but It Kfcincd
ns If the street display attracted more In
terest than nny other putt
13. J llerlct. president nf tho Wal
nut Street nuHincsa Association, opened
tho show at !) o'clock, speaking of tho
alms nnd holies of that organization. Tlob
crt Greer Cooke, luesldent of the Fifth
I. . . ;.. ... .
I Avcnuo IlUHinesH Men Assoclat ion. up oko
too, nnd complimented Mr.
Dorlet and
tho body which he leads.
Atuiulth Hack in Harness
LONDON. March 23. Premier Asqiiltti.
who had been 111, presided nt u meeting
of the llrltlsh War Council todny.
TO GET $20,000 A DAY
Teams Hope to Raise $150,000
for Hospital in
"Twenty thousand dollars n day."
This Is tho nlogaii of the campaigners
for SlSO.onu to transform former Mayor
Reyburn's residence, nt 10th and Spring
Garden streets. Into an Osteopathic Hos
pital. To raise this amount. $0,000 a day
for the remaining days of thn campaign Is
needed. Tho total registered by the "ther
mometer" at tho heudquartcrrf on tho roof
of the Hotel Adelphia, Is MD.399.
The usual noon luncheon will bo held
today In tho headquarters when teams
will report und shoit talks will ho made
by prominent pel sons Interested In tho
So far 150 women LUinpaigners have
raised about 510, U00. The women osteo
pathic doctors have been more successful
than any of tho other divisions.
Miss Natalie Sellers Barnes Chosen
Honorary Captain at Bryn Mawr
Miss Natalie Sellers Barnes was chosen
honorary captain of tho Main Line com
pany of the Drexcl-Illddie Volunteer Mili
tary Corps In Its organization at the Bryn
Mawr public school last night. She will
wear a tailor-mado un:"orm at drills.
Funeral of Former Chaplain of Phila
delphia Hospital
The funeral service of the Rev. Dr.
Thomas Cressley Pearson, formerly chap
lain of the Philadelphia Hosipltal and a
prominent Methodist Episcopal minister of
this city, was held ut 11 o'clock today ln
the undertaking oflice of O. II. Balr, 1830
Chestnut street. Interment was made In
St. Luke's Cemetery. Bustleton. Doctor
Pearson had his summer home at Woodlea,
In Bustleton, and In this city at 4239 Bal
tlmoro avenue.
Doctor Pearson was pastor of many
churches in this city. He died In his TOth
year, after an Illness of Ave months. He
Is survived by a widow, a son, John S.
Pearson, and a daughter, Mrs. Samuel
Outellus. His brother, Dr. John S. Pear
son, 16th and Christian streets, also sur
vives him, as well as a sister, Mrs. George
A. Barton.
Funeral of O. R. McIIenry
The funeral of Oliver R. McIIenry. who
died yesterday at his home. -1938 Cedar
avenue, will be held tomorrow from the
residence. Mr. McIIenry for the last three
years had been with the Gulf Refining
Company; for 21 years before that he
was employed by tha Pratt Food Com
pany. Ho was a member of UnUerslty
Lodge. No. 610. F. and A. M ; Palestine
R. A. C No. 240; St, Alban Commandery,
No. 47. K. T ; Philadelphia Consistory. F
P. R. S. A delegation from Lu Lu Temple
will attend the funeral.
Doctor Early to Be Buried Tomorrow
Funeral services for Dr. Thomas B
Early, a member of the Jefferson Hospital
staff, who died on Tuesday from bronchial
pneumonia, will be held tomorrow morn
ing at Wa home, 611 Lincoln drive. Mr
Early was born In this city 49 yearn ago.
and was graduated from the Medlco
Chlrurglcal College. A widow and three
brothers survive htm.
J. A. Hodge
J Asplnwnll Hodge, a lawyer of New
York City, died suddenly yesterday at tho
Presbyterian Hospital, that city, follow
ing nn operation. Mr. Hodgo was a mem
ber of tho law firm of Murray & Hodgo,
S Nassau Btreet. He was horn In Phila
delphia In 1861, the son of tho Itcv. J.
Asplnwall Hodgo and Charlotte Morbo
Commander T. C. I'enton Dies
Theodore C. Kenton, retired commander j
of the United Stntes Nnvy, died last night I
In the N'nval Hospital, Gr.ty's Kerry road. I
He hail been In active seivloo 2fl jenrn '
when ho retired. June 30. 1900, with tho
rank of commander.
He was born In thl Stale In ISM. nnd
nan appointed to the Naval Academy In
lit STON't'OMIMAN. In Plttabumli. Tit.,
Mnrrh 21, nt Cnlvary llplsropal I'hupel.
d-iutthtrr of Mr. nnd Mrs Mnrtln Mnhnn, nf
Klni.irrn. t'ountv U'llwny. Ireland who de-
nartcd from this lite on March IS. tnifl
Inti-rtnent lotik jilnci In Holy Kepulchro I
(Vmetery. l'hll.id. fi'hl.i. p.i. It I. p ,
SCIIM'Dlllll.. In lolii! iivtnory of our !
lnwil c'lUKhtcr and shier. PAUMNI! '
S('HVi:ili:i. (nee Wlsihiu) who deptrted I
from us this dnv one ear nun
These Notices Arc Printed in the
Evening Ledger Free of Cmrse.
Al'ni.KK. On Mnrrh TJ. 101(1. AN.S'A P.,
! 1'nd. wife of Henry Apeler. nnd daughter
of the late llermnn nnd Mnrle Sutter, nt hr
late residence, ;i.",37 N Hroul st. Hue nollco
of tho funeral will be Riven
HAMHIIN. tin .March 22. lull) nt the rest
denco nt his son. the Itev Hrmst Il.iwde-l,
nRcd 7J sears Itelatlves nnd friend, nlso
memliers of the Philadelphia Annual Con
ference of the Methodist Hplscopnl Church
anil members of former chames. are Invited
to nttend the funernl services, nn Saturday
afternoon, at 2 o't lock precisely, ut the Oak
Lime Methodist Hplsiop.il Churth. York road
and 71st nvenue Interment private. Please
omit Mowers
llLAt MIINT t her residence 2110 N. 18th
st.. on .March 2tst. inlil. MAItY K . vvlfo
of John H. Ilonumont (nee Lapplu), In her
r3d jenr Itolntlves nml friends arc I i
vltcd to attend the funeral services on ft1
day ufternnn ut 2 o'cloi k. nt tho uuver
H llalr llulldlnir. 1211 Chestnut st. In
terment private.
Ili:i:iti:it On Mnrrh 21. ALI.f.N rilliniKIl.
In his Mlth je.ir Itelatlves and friend, nlso
Sons of Pt OeorRo LoiIrc, No 17, are In
vited to attend tho funernl services, on Fri
day, nt 2 p. m.. from his Into residence. 4202
I'echln street, tloxboroush Interment pri
vate, friend may call Thursday evening,
7 to n o'clock
IIKIUIKS. On March 21. 1010. HIINKY
lti:i:oi:S. husband of l'aullne Homes (neo
StokltiRer), iiRed 112 senrs Helatlve und
friend nlo members of llermanti Lodce.
No. 12."i. K. nnd A. M.. nnd nil other societies
of which he was n member, are invited to
attend the funeral, on l'rldsy. nt 2 p. m.
precisely, from hi late reslddice. lonn Hrlo
avo. Interment nt Mt. Vi rnon Cemetery.
IlLVflt. In Norrlstown. Pa., on March 21,
10111. HfSAN I. widow of Jacob C lleser.
In Iho 87th ear of her iirc. Itelatlves nnd
friend are Invited to attend funeral, from
her son-ln-hivv's residence. l It. Daub. ir,l7
Arch st.. Norrlstown. on frldiy. ut 2 p. in.
Intcrmnt private
IHLLlNd. On March 21. 1610. JOHN JACOD
IIILLl.Ncl. uped I.S jenrs Itelntlves nnd
friends, also lvnni IleneileHl Aso . No 1,
nro luvltrd to attend tho funeral, nn frlday.
nt 2 p. lu . from hi late residence. S13
10th nve.. Moore. Pa. Interment ut Mt.
Xlon Cemetery friends may view remains
on Thursday nfter 7 p in
HI.ANKAItN. Suddenly, on Mirch 21. 1010,
WILLIAM II , husband nf Jennie A. Illnn
I.arn. Itelatlves nnd friends, nlso cinploses
of Alexander llros . arc Invited to nttend
tho funernl services, on frldiy. nt 2 p. in.
precisely, nt the residence of his aon-ln-Iavv.
Oliver S. Pimm. 12HI S Milton st., nenr
,2d nnd SprlnRlleld nve. Interment prlvntc.
Hcmrfln enn lo seen on Thursday ovonlnR.
JANK CAHL1N. late of SIS S 20tll St. Duo
notlco of tho funeral will be Riven, from the
residence of her sister. Mrs John IZ. Manlcy,
14'.T S. .'i3d lit.
CHANSTON. On Third Month 21st. 1018,
J. IIAHNAiU). son of Joseph M. und Ultza
beth II. Cranston, nRed 27 ears. Itei.itlven
nnd friends nro Invited to nttend the funeral,
on blxth-day. 21th. at 1 p. in., from his
Into residence. UT IJala uvc Ilalw. i'a. In
terment prlvntc.
COMI.Y. On 3d Month 22d. nt his home.
Syracuse. N. Y . UIXHtGi: N. CO.MI.Y. Itela
tlves Hnd friend nro Invited to attend tho
funernl. from tho parlors of Oliver H. llnlr,
1820 Chestnut St.. Phllidelphla, on Seventh
day, 2."th, at 1 p. m Interment private, at
COX. On March 22, 1010, nt her late resi
dence. 2II.'7 N 12th St.. MltS. HLIZA A.,
widow of Iteuben Cox. Duo nollco of tho
funeral will lie Riven.
COYI.H. On .March 21. 1010. MICHAUL.
husband of Cutharlno Covlo (neo M'cthern).
Itelntlves and friends, also the llnlv Namo
Society, nro invited to attend tin funeral,
nn frlday, nt M u in . from hi Into resi
dence, 321 Murkct nt . Gloucester City. N J.
Solemn IllRh Iteitulem Mas nt St. Mary's
Church, ut 0 a. m. Interment at St. Mary's
DHVI.IN. On March 21. 10111. MAIIT C wife
of John Devlin and dnURhttr nf the late
James and Alary DoncR.in, Itelatlves nnd
friends, nlso St l.'dmird's I! V. 11 Sodal
ity, nre Invited to attend funeral, on frlday,
nt 8 30 a m . from her lato residence. 2."3 i
N 3th st. Solemn Ilequlem Mas at St
fdwnrd's Church, nt 10 n. m. Interment at
New Cathedral Cemetery.
DOM'NINti. On March 23. 101(1. nt hor resi
dence. 212 south .villi st. ui:iii:cca J.
vvlfo of tho lute Uotiert J. Dovvntnir. need 72
e,crs. Further notice of thn funeral will be
WIITVe-On Murcll 20. 1010. ANNIH wlfo
of Michael Duffy nnd daughter of Patrick
and tho late Hllen KenttnR. late of Parish of
Cuhlr, County of Tlpperary, Ireland Itela
tlves nnd friends nre Invited to nttend tho
funeral, on Saturdav, nt 7:30 n m . from
her Inte residence. 775 N. Croslcey st. (2Jd
nnd Ilrovvn sts ). Solemn Itenulem Mass nt
tVrinIenntnat' nocras'cem'LterJ' "' "' '""
mviiiWH i i .Mi. ot wnd iPirTitti
i-.. husband c.f iimiiy, si liunhour iteia-
funeral serVicvJ: onrsanurdaJ SiSfSSon. 'Si
Hob.rtcli't "i.-.sth ffi vinJl'StS" ) "intofrnJfit
at fernvvood Cemetery, friends may Mevt
remain rriuay uvcninR.
, mm p.TOiPi-
is late nrtdiet Dun.
nda nlso ht. I'at-
IIIIM.HYY On March 111.
DUNL12VT. husband of tha
levy. Itelntlves and friends
rick's Holy. Name und. T A. II. SpclelUs. und
tho Friendly Sons or Mt. Patrick, nre in.
vlled to attend funeral. Friday, at sJO u
m.. from his late residence, 13 Lombani
st. Solemn HlBh Mass or Requiem at bt
Patrick's Church at lu a. in Interment
Cathedral Cemetery.
UKI.i:YJ-On March 21. lull), DR. THOM4.3
11. HARI.I3Y. husband of Luuru J. K.irley.
aced 4'J cara. Relatives mid friends nrd
Invited to attend tho funeral services. 011
Friday, at 11 u. in precisely, ut his lato
residence. 011 Lincoln Drive Interment pri
vate. Automobile funeral.
UDM'AIIUS. On March 20. 1010. UDWARD
V., husband of Alice Udvvurls. aged 3d
tiold and bllver Hand an.i
Machine nmhroiitery
Special designs by our designer t
ult the styl "f vour carment.
Hemstltchlus. sctlluplns. Inltlallns
hitttonhnltnR Hntfe Accordion and
Mtlrt Plaltlns Special prices t
1 essmaKers
1007 lllucrt M.
Sup6rior location wilh an I
nnnriclrlielal iMctAS nr nin-K I
nnH IvintYivvnlK A rfleortnizod !
i standard of excellence I
las set a rvety aim;
Mnricairiurv. x-mvpearv ithix
Jvw 3d. ?. M. SCUEIBLBY
Ss? a
I has set a rvety sltinaaTa
relatives and friends, also Kenslne-
nn TT.M..4 V. o Y, r e
era' Union I'Oral. teo flort. and employra of
the Hanrork Knittlnjt Mills, are Invited to
u iiosirrv worK-
menu iiinerni ri'rvires. on rnnsy, ni -a
n In . nt his 1M TtittlAfnrti- 517 v. fVirn.
wall at Intermentnt Nnrthwond fetnetery.
Triends may ra
n lira
iirsdir evening.
i:NIKISS. Suddenly, on .Mnrcli 20. Ifllil, tit
10 p. m . aVoithtB, denrly Iwlnvrd husband
of lmil- Bndrlns, In hl Rid yenr. Ilela
tlvrn nnd friend. nlo Indnntry l.odR. No
mi, P. nnd A M.i Culinary nenenclil Aso
rlntlnn: director of thn Stratford Hulldln
nnil Ixvin Annclfttlon. nnd employes of th
lllttenhome Club, nre tnl(eil to nttrnd tho
funornl arrxleon, on Krmiy. March 2t, nt 3
P in . nt his Into renldfnco UlS't Woodlnnd
nxo Hcmnlns may bo lewed Thursday
roitll. On Mirrh 2n, Kiln, MAIIT. widow ot
.Mlfhncl fnrd Hclntlve nnd friends nro
Invited to nttond the fnnrnl from tlio Iter
late residence. Mill Cnthorlno at . on rrldtv.
nt 8..10 n m. Illnh Mnai of ltenulem nt St.
Pranrla d Sales Church, nt 10 n. m. In
tornipnt nrlinto.
nti:r.t,AM). On March St. 11I(I. HKM:N
A., widow of John A. "I'rwlnnd. Itcln
tUoa nnd friend are Invited to nltend tho
funeral Rprleea, on I'rldny evrtnlntf nt 7
o'eloek nt her late realdence, ftOOJ Cllrnrd
ntenue. Interment nt lludaon. N. V.
(KllUtl.l'.V. At her realdenre 728 South loth
at., on .March 2". Inlil. MAItOAltl'.T. daugh
ter of the lite Jntneq and Mnry flourloy.
Itelatltrn and friends nre Intlted to nttend
tho funernl aervlte on Saturday, nt 2 p m ,
nt tho Oilier H Hair Itulldlnn 1"20 I'hent
mit street Interment prlntc nt Mt Mnrlah
i emeler Hemnlns may bo viewed I'rldny.
from 7 to lo p m
ll!tll'IT.MSi:im. On March 22. lnln. ANNA
M . wife nf frank ' (Irlltenberc nnd dauah
lr of the nte IMwnrd O, nnd Mary C.
Miller ltelntlves nnd friend nro Invited to
nltend tho funeral services nn Saturd-iy
arternoon, nt .1 o'clock, nt her late re(.
deuce, ,-,1127 Oermantown nvenue. Inter
mriit prhnte.
IIAAN. On Mirch 22, loin, OTTO C. HAAS.
son of Constance II. nnd Ihn Into t,rnnk .T
linns, nnd 4." enrs Itelntlves nnd friend
tiro Invited to nttend the ftineril services
un frlday itffernoon. nt 2 o'clock, from tho
residence .loot West Susquehanna nvenue
Interment prlvute nt West l.nurel Hill Ccme
lrv IIAOP.N. On Mnrrh 20. 11)10. rtlJIinCCA Ml
VAN", dntishlcr of the late Henry nnd Susan
Hntrcn ItPlatltca nnd friends nro Invited to
nttend the funeral service, nt tier Into real
dence ll47 N. 7th st.. on frlday, nt 2 p in,
Interment prlvntc. nt West Lnurel Hill
IIAIT. On March 22. 1010. ItOIlGUT .lA.MIJB.
husbind nf Mary A Halt, nged flj enrs.
Ilelntlven nnd friend nte Invited to attend
the funeral services, on Hnturd.iy, March 2.".
nt - p m . nt Ids Into residence, Hcthlehem
pike nnd Krdcnhclm tt. Interment at Hill
sld Cemetery.
II.M.I.AIIA.N. On March 20. Hill!. MAIIT.
wltlov of Jnmen Hnllnhnn. Itolntlven ami
f-lend. nlo Altar tind llosirj Societies of
Church of Our I.ady of the liosnrv nro In
vited to nltend funeral, Frldiy, nt 8.30 n. m.,
frtjtn her Into resld-ncc. 1112 N I.dnewood
st . West Phlladelphln. Solemn lletiulem
Alan nt Church of Our Lndy of tlio Itosarv
pt 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross
HAMS. At rbnnon. Ta.. nn March 21). HMO.
lIKtillcir: W. HAWS Itelatlves and friend
nre Invited to nttend the funernl. on frlday.
nt 2 p m.. from his lata residence, IHch
st , the HelRhts, Lebanon, Pa. Interment
Mt. Lebanon Cemetery, Lebanon. Pa.
I.IVn.HV. At LntiKhorne. fa , Third Month.
2lHt.. llnWl.N I. lAVl'.ZKY, Jr.. son of Hd
win I und lierthi Llve-v, In hi :.1d ear.
Itelatlves nnd friend, tilso etnplovcs of tho
PrnnkMn N'ntlnnal Ilnnk. Philadelphia, tiro
invited to nttend Ihe funeral, on Seventh
tuy. Third Month Kith, nt 2 n. m.. from
Mlddletnwn friend' .Meetlmr House, l.unc
horne. I ",i , without further notice. Inter
ment private Cnrrliees will meet trnln nt
Lnnnhorne Sintlon that leaves Heading Ter
minal nt 12 3." p m.
JIAI.OV. On llnrch 21. 11110. KATIIIIYN
KLIZAHf.TH. daiiKhter of William P. nnd
Dorothea i: Mnlny. In her 32d ear. Itela
tlves nnd friend aro Invited to nttend tho
funeral, on I-'rlda. at 3 p. in , from her
late residence. 7.". n Coulter st.. Oermnn
town. Services In Ht. Luke's Church, nt
P. m Interment nt Northvvood Cemetery.
Itninnliis mny bo viewed on Thursday from
8 to 10 p. m.
MclII.KOV. On March 21. 1010. MAIIT A.,
vvldnvv of Jams MeHlrov Holatlve nnd
friend .are Invited to nttend tho rnnernl
service, on frlday. nt 11 n. m.. nt her lata
reldenco. 72 Wcstvlevv live.. Gormnntovvn.
Interment prlvalo at Mt. Vernon Cemetery.
MrCKATH. Suddenly, on Mnrrh 21. 11)10,
JOHN S . husband of Hnnnnh McCimth (neo
Hnrtzke) nnd son of Hob rt nnd Hllen
McOrnlh (neo Jamjsen), In his 37th cur
Itel.itlvis and friend, also memliera nf
Stum men's I'cllousblp. .Men's friendly
I'ulon of John Chambers Church and em
ployes of f. a. I nro Invited to attend tho
funernl. on Saturday, nt 1 p. in., from his
l.ito risldeme, 111101 Wilder st Services nt
John Chambers Memerlal Presbyterian
Church, nt 2 p. m Interment nt Jit. Mn
rlnh Cemetery. friends may mil frlday
from H to 10 pvtn.
MrllllNIIY. On March 22, 1010. Ol.VIN
RITCHIi: McHHNHV. nped 4 jenrs Iteln
tlves and friends nIo University LodRe. No.
(110, f. und A M. . l'alestlno It. A. C. No
2 lit, St. Alban Commandery. No. 17. K. T
Philadelphia Consistory. P. P. n. S . 32d
deuree. anil the members of Shrine Lulu
Tcmnlo nre Invited to nttend tho funeral, on
Friday nfternoon. Mnrch 21, nt 'J o'clock,
from hi late residence. 4030 Cedar avenue.
West Philadelphia.
.MrKIli:. On March 21. 1010. ISAUHLLA.
widow of Oeoruo MclCoo. Itelatlves nnd
friend nre invited to nttend tho fun-ral.
on Hatuidiiy. nt h 31) n. m.. from her Into
residence. 2.",2 N. front St. Solemn Ho
ouleiu Mas nt the Church of the Vlsltii.
t Ion. nt 10 a. m. Interment nt St. Dominic's I
i emeicry.
Mfl.LICAN. On March 51. 1010. DANIEL.
son of Sarah nnd tho late John .Mulllcun.
Itelatlves nnd friends, nlso St. Patrick's Al
llanco of America, nro Invited to nttend the
funeral, on .Monday, at S 30 a. m., from his I
&Ss& nnniMcnu je.
l;t:fcV?At AH Om Stores ;:;$tf
in w jf
tWhere Quality .Coirats;!
khow Pnc'tFrevaJK
M ur chief aim of this GKEAT
".v. intrnflurinrr mir mi into evefv
ft not vct triert them that wc have
Mi tastes and that our prices are more advantageous than they can R
X obtain elsewhere. Pleasant memories will remain with those who W
' (livj nave taKCn aavaniaEe oi mis
I M nave a Greater knowledge of Tea Quality and Tea values, and they .mm.
V will have learned the way to greater satisfaction and savinft, which W
' OIKi -nme n nil wlin huv their Tea and other eroceries at THE WW
. lY- --. r,,-, Ilrurnn vhatitv
fiit ajiiz.a (iiior.n ;jnii.i. i
m : .. n
Zc Lapital Blend
15c H-lb. pkg., special price, 12c
m. Without exception the very best Tea that can be bought for
kDS 29c the pound, and at this special price. 23c the pound, is a great bar
0(h gain. You can have your favorite kind, Black, Mixed or Assam.
.ftCPf,(le 0f Tai ".eclair EC
OUKillanieyied itk- 4Db
$h 30c Vi lb. Tin 23c
m 15c J4 lb. Tin 12c
' Mi Rich, full bodied and fragrant.
KUj iiriftt. flifif reil untScfvnncT ''nlrl
W country" flavor a great favor
ite with people who love a
strong, rich, flavory tea.
60c Gold Seal Tea Sg- 45c lb.
jfk 30c ''j-lb pltS-i special price, 23c
"Gold Seal" is an ideal blcna ot tne higher grade Teas, of fine,
4a1i,..A flitini nr.,4 refreclilncr frmTratir- 'Pen nf ClnA Q9l ntill...
costs from 80c to S1.00 the pound in stores outside the Oualitv W
AN Chain. Order your favorite kind,
There are many other attractive values this week at every
R, & C. Store, whether it be located at
21st and Market Streets
Downtown, Uptqwn, Germantown. Kensington, West Philadelphia;
berth, Ardmore, Bryn Mawr, Lansdownc, E. Lansdowne. Llancrch. Cvfi
Robinson & Crawford
Grocery Stores for Particular People
lute residence, 231 W Jefferson st ttlirrf
Requiem Mass nt Rt ;.Hch.i,Ii nt in
n m. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme
tery nlnr. On March 20. 10HI GLMElt J. 11IBP,
husband of itary N Illef (neo Pntton). .In
his 4nth yenr Itelatlves nnd friends. IJ
WnWa Trllw. No IBS. I..O.. n. it,, of
t.A.II. rA.!i. fr . t .nA V . . t.
Iivtllll ,,VI(IM UK'KTi iU. ll'O. . V. .'. . .
of Merlin, nnd Wilton Lodto. No. 70, of
Tnnsboro, nro.lnvllel to attend th funeral
services, nt his late- residence, on, Nsvt
freedom road. Berlin. N J... on Friday,
March 21. at 2 p. m Automobiles will meet
12as train from Phlladelphln. Interment
in Herlln cemetery. Automoblls funeral
Sf'OTT. On Mnrch 21. 1010, JOHN, husband
nf Hllznheth Seott (neo Fiemlns), nnd son of
tho late Henry nnd Anne Jnno Rcott Rela
tives nnd friends, nlso memhers of Court
fnlrmnunt. No. 41, I of A . Mlnonk Trlbs.
No. 431, I. O It M , employes of Bsstern
Statn Penltentlnry nnd all other onfanlM
Hon of which ho wnn a mcmlier, .re Invitsd
to nttend the funernl. on Saturday March
23. nt 2 p m precisely from his late rsl
dence. 2310 Aspen st Interment t Mt.
Morlnh Cemetery. Itemalns msy b viewed
on Friday evenlnir,
SHVlLI.i:. On Mnrch 21 1010. JAMns.LEfl.
son nf (leora-o 1.. nnd Kntls C Bevlllo, In
his 8th ear. Itelatlves nnd friends nro In
vlted to nttend the funeral services, nt hbJ
parent' residence, 758 N. 24th st . on Fri
day, t 2 p m. precisely. Interment pri
vate, nt Northvvood Cemetery. Remains may
lip viewed Thursday from 7 to 0 p m
SIIIHt.HS. In Strafford, Pa , on Mnrch 22.
1010 JAMHS i:.. beloved husband nf Hsulnh
(Downey) Shields. Itelatlves nnd friends are
Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Saturday)
March 23, nt 8.30 n. m., from his late resi
dence Lancaster plko nnd Sujjnrtown road.
Hlqh Mass nt Ht. Cathnrlne's Church,
Wayne, Pa., nt 111 b. m. Interment at
Westminster Cemetery.
SHl'lrZ. On Mnrch 20, 1010, MAIUA
llUWIiN. widow of Albert Shultr Iteln
tlves nnd friends ore Invited to nttend th
funernl services, on Friday, nt 2 i m.. t
her Into residence. 20.10 Oodfrey st , Ger
mnntnvvn Interment prlvnte. Itemalns ma
hn viewed Thursday ovcnlne.
SMIMMP.It. On Mnrch 21. 1010, KLLA
1 1 1 : 1 ; L) . formerly of Norrlstown, Pa . daugh
ter of tho Into Dr Henry P. nnd Cntherlwi
Slemnier. Helatlve and friends are In
vited lo nttend the funeral services, on Sal
urdiy, nt 2 p. m. precisely, nt her lato resi
dence, 1710 Oxford st Interment private,
nt Itlversldo Cemetery. Norrlstown. Pa.
.Sl.l.S'OLl; PP. At Conshohocken. on. Mnrch
21. 101(1, JOHN W.. husbnnd of Ida J, Sllmr
hurf (nee Coleman), nsed (10 years, Rela
tives nnd friends, nlso lllblo Class Calvary
P. K Church, Conshohocken IxidRe. No. 1H3,
L O. O M. : cmplnves of Schuylkill Ilellet
Asso. of Alan Wood Iron nnd Steel Co., nre
Invited to services, on Friday, nt .2 p. m.,
at residence, 427 SnrlnR Mill ave. Interment
private, at Cold Point Itemalns may K
viewed Thursday evenlnff.
HTAI.IIY, On March 21. 1010. CATHAniNO
FRY K. vvlfo of Daniel Staley, nt her Inte
residence. 223 Pusey ave . Colllnardnle, Ph.
Itelatlves nnd friends nro Invited to attend
tho services, on frldiy. at 2.3(1 P. in... nt
St. Peter's Lutheran Churrh. Darren Hill,
Pa. Interment nt Darren Hill Cemetery.
STI:YJ:n'.H. On Mnrch 22. 1010. Hlvvood L..
son of tho Into David nnd Kllzabcth Lukens
Stevens. Funeral services on Saturday
mornlnir, at 11 o'clock, nt his Into residence,
(1303 Main st.. tlermniitown. Interment
STOOP. On March 20. 10IO, nt tho residence,
of her daURhter, -Mrs I:. (J. Parker. 232
Delaware nve. Detroit, -Mich.. MRS. SAL
1.1 K C, wlfo of H. II. Stoop, formerly if
Philadelphia. Pa.
TAflOAItT On March 21st. 1016. DAVID
TAtKIAIlT, urciI 73 years. Relatives and
friends nro Invited to nttend the funoral
services, on Friday mornlnff nt 10 o clock at
his late residence, 225S N. OeorRo's lnne,
M'ynnelleld Interment nt Lucock Ceme
tery. Lancaster County, Pa. Wllltes-liarr
papers pleaso copy.
WHAM). On March 20. 1010. at his late
residence. 1317 N. Ilroad st.. WILLIAM
M'EAND. husband of tho Into Mary P.
Wound, In his 74th year. Relatives and
friends, also members nf the 13. D. Raker
l'ost. No. 8. l. A. It. s M'ashlnRton Camp,
No. -77. P. O. S. of A., Hancock Com
mandery. No 3. P. O. S. of A.: Veteran
Association, nnd tho P. O. of A. Hnnry Clay
Counsel. No. 7, Jr. O. U. A. M.: Camp No.
31, P. O. S of A., nnd the members of tho
P O. S. of A. In ncneral. nre Invited to
intend tho funernl nervlrcs. Saturdny. at 1
P. m. precisely. Itemalns may bo viewed
Friday cvenlnc funeral nnd Interment prl
vnte. ut Northvvood Cemetery. Auto funeral.
MHIOHT. At llrldseton. N J., on March 21,
l'llil. CAHOLINH J. widow of Henry
Wrlcht. iirciI fill yenrs Relatives and friends
nre Invited to nttend the funeral, from the.
reeiutli'" u ,n"i e'.ii, .,",,, ";?. I, -. -
on Saturday, nt 12:30 p. m.
Inti rment nt Tnls-rnncle. N J
irieiwis Rro
Invited to view tho remains nt th J;om?
uf her son-in-law, Ivvi Pool, nl N. IVarJ
st . llrldscton. N. J., on Thursday from 1
to u p
Since 1837
Jewelry Vatclt Clock
We havo the experience nnd vv
l, m- the skilled nrtlsnns to do tour
- t, idlni properly and promptly.
C. R. Smith & Son
Market St. at 18lh
na a urrroiJ r
W,-.,t V
TEA SALE is for the purpose of
home, ot convincing' those who have
the Quality of Tea to suit their Wl
uanai liiv. otxuvj. nicy will
rniiMTO J I nw TiDTniro
.wutu tiiu v ""-"
i m ii
i ea w Zoc lb.
8c -4-lb. pltg., special price, 6c
c W
lb w
20c Vi lb. Package ISc
10c !4 lb. Package 8c
Far superior in quality and
flavor to the average 40c Tea.
We have it in Black. Mixed
and a very fragrant full bodied
Old Country Assam.
15c J4-Ib. pkg., special price, 12c
Black, Mixed or Assam. ttffo
isrsm ."tj'AV
SGSf EGGS Car.cn 28c
If you have been paying 35c or 40c a
dozen elsewhere for eggs, we ask you to try
GOLD SEAL, as we guarantee them the
freshest, largest and best eggs to be had at
any price.
Fresh Eggs, doz. 24c
Every one guaranteed fresh.
Throughout the Gty and Suburbs