EVENItfift LKayflEtt PHILADELPHIA, 'THURSDAY. MAR Oil 23, 1016 GERMANS PUSH LINES FORWARD WEST OF MEUSE Capture Height West of Haucourt Take 440 ..French Prisoners r FREBfCJK GAIN IN WOEVRE BEIIMN', March 23. Continuing their drive npalnst tho PArls-Verdun Hallway vest ot Verdun, tho Oermans have nmda further progress west or Haucourt. the German War ofllco announced today. Four hundred and forty prisoners were taken. The Germans captured Point rt'Appul, In tho western part of tho Avon court wooi?.. Tho tojjl'of the official report follows: Tho German ucss at the Avon- cotitt fortat Vrtorthwest; of Verdun). has been made complete by tho occu- patlpn , nf tho French positions at Point' n'Appul, On 'tho mountain ridge ffmt of Haucourt. tTou hundred and forty prisoners wer taken. OtHarvrlso ttid general sltuntlon on the west front In unchanged, "" l'AIUS. March 23. A furious -alt-jSlght bombardment was cnrrlW' orf'hy'tho Gcrrnans cast of the Jlotvo Itlvcrfstio French. War Oftlco nn nnuntwd today. ! West .of the river the artillery duel lackenea In violence. Th? uerleral situation Is unchanged. Tho- $a.L of tho official coinmunlquo follows; ,vii West, of tho Mcuso the tiombard mentf'ilackeried during tho night. The onomy did not renew his attacks agalnslspV01'1 Mamolon, nnd Hau court, ijt vlich wo hold tho redoubt. EaHt'lof fl-nTMcuM tho bombardment ba-iuUfU(ga.jvltJuvIoH'Uce1 at, many pothts ' oW 'mt f t ohtf In tlm -Woevro region no Impor tant ovent has been reported with the exopptlmuoC an , -Intermittent cannon- West ocrt'oht-a.-'MoUPson a surprise attack, directed against tho enemy's trench la tho region of Fey-on-Hayc, enabledUs to take some prisoners. Tho nlght was quiet on tho rest ot tho ft$nt. Attempts of tho German to outilank tho French northwest of Verdun to the west Jt tho Mcusa have been checked, it was' taieu touay oy irencn military crtlc Marcel Hutln, a well-known authority on' mffltary matters, says: "Tljjs attempt to envelop the left wing of the. French army nt Verdun Is not be ing i conducted with sulllclent troops to cause lis nny alarm." Parts Is expecting an extension of tho battle front and It would cause no sur prise to military men to sco a continuous ng.iBBment from Vauquols In the Ar Konreto Kparges In the Woevro district. At the same time, the Germans would prrbaFly attack elsewhere In order to di vert, to French from sending large num bers of reinforcements to tho Verdun front. It id declared that tho withdrawal ot the French from Haucourt, which was captured by tho Germans yesterday, strengthens instead of weakens tho French lines northwest ot Verdun, be cause a salient had been formed there whlch.was in danger of being cut off. TSdiwithdrawal in no way lightens the Jaslcj of tho Crown Prince, but only in 'Oreases the dlfllcultles, The Echo de Pari3 states that the cap ture of Haucourt Knoll cost the Germans losses out of proportion to tho strategic valuoVpf tho position. However, It can be unfa that tho Teutons are not wasting BOldjecf with such Iavlshness as marked the early stages of the battla at Verdun. ItHE WEATHER - Official Forecast 'WASHINGTON', D. C, March 23. For-castern Pennsylvania and Xew Jer sey Ealr tonight; Friday fair and warm erf moderate northwest winds becoming variable, Tr)fJtorm that was central In the mid dle Ohio Valley yesterday morning has niovpdp northeastward at a phenomenal rate! mid Is passing off tho coast at Xova Scotia this morning. It caused high vlndCand light precipitation throughout the- northeastern portion of tho country, and !has been followed by a cold urea that overfefireada all districts from the Missis sippi .Valley to the Atlantic coast. A large and energetic disturbance Is central near, gait Lake City this morning and covers the Western half ot the country. tl?S. Weather Rureau Bulletin Oblacvatlooa taken at 8 a. m. eastern time, to Low 8 last Ilaln Vrw Eli Atlaj B,I?in'-tm'aU- wKd hy-Weather 31 is lit LM 12 51 53 in 41 H OS an N Atlanta Cltr M 1.03 Li ear Clear IllmiiRk N. D. i. C'louily Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Know I'.CIUy Clear Cloudy I'lear Clouily Snow Cloudy I'.Cldy Clear Clear Clear P.Cldy Clear flear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear . Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Snow Clear Cloudy Cloudy P.CIdy Clear Rain Cloudy P.CIdy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear P.CIdy HostoniwAiass. nufralo,- n. t, Charleston . , . CMviM 111. . Cincinnati, O. C'levelaod. O, A .46 .50 .40 .111 .16 Ji .34 .10 .34 w" N- V K V s .w ri .W N NR 8V KB H w N K Y NE NW NK Ji K SU 20 it 1H 42 11 na 21 40 2S 32 IHtrolc lllch. CalvaatBn. Tex, r. Pa Harfbburr. s iiaiiDria. in. i llattaras, N. C. 4-' llallfiuu N. s, . L's HeX&nattMont, 12 Huron., a. D 20 22 .04 4 .. 34 .. 0 .. Indlaliapolla ... id Jaamwnvuie. 14 KnflxlMlla. , Teon, 3d ck ... 41! tUUq B 1jO Juureiea ... BO lulaxrlTle. Kr. 30 48 iS 44 12 32 60 n. S2 48 311 24 M 0 20 34 O 2H 16 48 66 44 40 18 BS 28 tl 12 .02 Montxomcry . . 46 llontJsal. Can, lrt NaahVltb 84 Nw jOrleana... 62 Kaw York cltr. it Norfolk Va.... 31 Oklahoma City. SO Omaha:! Neb,,, 32 PhlUdeXbhla ,, i8 I'tuMolx, Arl... B6 PttUburch, Pa. SO Ponlamt. Me.. 24 Portland. Ore., 3t Quit. .Can... tl tit iWa. Mo.. 28 St Paul. Minn, lit Kalt Lake City, M San Antonio .. 60 Ban Francisco, 411 antii5, 40 St- BleCMarle, O Kcrantoo. Pa,. 22 Tampa.- Fla... 68 WHanlucton ... SO Wlnpljxfr. Can. 0 12 lY 30 .64 .20 .21 .48 16 vav NW NW kh v SB HB H K NU" HE HW aw w IV K HI ,14 ,18 .SO .14 We could easily take care of the busiest rush with extra men but tailors of the quality we demand are lim ited in number and we find that untried men seldom maintain the Hughes & Muller standard. Gentlemen who order Spring Clothes now are certain of prompt delivery without disappointments. g Master g Waiters tJSince J48 The War Today The Germans nra Again bom barding the French "positions north of Verdun, cast of tho Meuse River. West of the river, since their capture of Haucourt Hill, the Germans have not attempted to make any attacks. Russians h,ave dented tho Ger man line at .several places along von Hindcnburg's front of 150 miles', Petrograd announces. IL GOVERNO ITALIANO DICHIARA SOLIDARIETA' PIENA CON GLI ALLEATI Attacchi Austriaci Su Tutta la Fronte da Val Giudicaria alia Conca di Plezzo Respinti dagli Italian! L'OFFENSIVA DEI RUSSI terl nella Camera del Drputntl II notto segretarlo dl Stato per rII Affnrl Ustcrl, rlspondcndo ad una Interroga?.lon circa gll imprgnl nssuntl dall'Italla verso gll Alleatl, dlohlarava che l'ltnlla nveva ntle rlto plenamenle nl Pntto dl Londra Impi'g nandoal a non concludcre separntnmento la pace, cd ncvn Inoltro nderlto nltret tnnto plcnnmcnto a tuttl quegll nltrl nc cordl conclusl nnterlormentc tra le l'o tenzo della Trlpllce Intesn, non esclua. la promesta dl non lasclnrc le nrml so prima non fosro restitulta la plena o cnmplctn Indlpendonza nl llclglo Qucslo dlchlaraztonl ulilclall furouo noonlto da npplausl tin tutta la Camera, pcrcho" pro vano cho l'ltnlla non fa soltnnto l.i sua guerra. do' che sarebbe rldlcolo ponsare, ma fa la grando guerra dl tutta l'Kurnpa contro chl vorrclibe rldurla nl vnssallag glo con la forza dollo nrml. Icrl sera II Mlnlstcro dclla titicrra pub bt lea vu It seguento rnppurto del coniaiid nnto Intcrlnale dcllo forzo ltallam circa l.i situazlone alia fronte Itnlo-austrlnca- "Itepartl ill fanterla nemif.a tentnrono parccchl attacchi dl Horprrca contro le llnee Itnllanc alio sbocco della Valletta dl Hlbor, nella Val dl Daonc, In Vnllo dl Gresta (nolle vlclnanze di Mori), nella vallo del Illo Cameras, n nortl-ost dl Piazza (In Val Terragnolo) o sullo alturo cho clrcondauo la conca dl Plezzo. Gll attacchi del ncmico furono rcsplntl da pur tutto. "Sullo allure til Santa Maria, nella zona dl Tohnlno, nella pteroui tiotlo 11 nemlco lento' di opcrarc un nttacco che pcro' fu mandnto a vuoto tlnl pronto ed clllcaco Intervento della nostra artlgllerla Plu1 tardl nltrl tcntattvl dl avnnzaro per sca Kllonl furono puro facllmento resplntl dalle nostro truppe. "I duclll dl nrtlgllerla contlnuarono nella giornata dl Icrl su tuttn la fronte. sobbene fossero in certo modo ostacolatl dal cattlvo tempo." Intanto. mentro In Francin, nel settoro ill Verdun, i tcdescht si ostinano ancora ad attaccaro hi formldabllo poslzlono frnncese, guadagnando plccoll vantaggl locall a prczzo dl sacrlllcll cnorml, le forzo russo attaccano vlolentemente le llneo tedesche ed nustrlacho sulla fronto ori ental. L'attacco russo si e' svlluppato In una vera o propria offenslva contro lo lineo teutonlche della zona dl Dvinsk, cho sono state sfondate K" noto cho II maresclallo von Hlndcnburg batte' per scl mesl contro Dvinsk senza mnl rlusclre n prcndcrla nl russl cho ora sono suU'offenslva o battono i tedeschl nonostanto I furiosi contrattac chi dl qucstl ultlml. Ma un' altra notlzla dl grande Impor tanza e' cho gll austriaci hanno ovacuato In. cltta' dl Czcrnovitz, capitate della Bu covina. I russl avevano In questl glorni sfondato lo llneo austrlache sul Dniester o la sltuazlanb delle forze che occupuvnno Czernovitz era dlvenuta perlcolosa. Ora glunge notlzla a Homa cho la cltta' a' stata evacuata dagli austilacl mentro 1 turchl hanno ovacuato nell'AsIa Mlnore la cltta' dl Erztgan. A Berlino si parla degll attacchi russl come della "grando offenslva russa" cho va sempro plu' esten dondosl o dlvcncndo sempre plu' vlolenta ed Incalzante. Questo lo ammetto lo stesso comunlcato olllclale tedesco. La probablle caduta dl Czcrnovitz nelle manl del russl nTa' un valoro straordl narlo, glaccho' portera" Immedlatamente la Rumania contro l'Austrla. Telegramml tla Petrograd dlcono cho nelle sfero gov ernatlve russo si o' plcnamente siidlsfattl clell'uttegglamcnto della Rumnnla verso gll alleatl o della sltuaztonu generale nella Penisola Iialcanlca. Dallo ultimo notlzle si rlleva che I russl attaccano plu' vlolentemente lo llneo tedescho a sud di Riga e quelle aus trlache sul Dniester, e si sa che alcune unlta' tedescho che erano stato trasferito dalla Polonla alia Francla sono state rln vlate In fretta alia fronte orlentale. I russl hanno ora a Ioro dlsposizlone tro mlllonl dl uomlnl bene nrmatl cd nppog glatl da circa 10,000 cannonl dl ogift callbro, alcunl del quail furono dalla Russia comperatl dal governo glapponeso nell'Inverno. I crltlcl mllltarl russl pro dlcono che per la fine del prosslmo meso dl lugllo 1 russl saranno dl nuovo sul Car pazll e davantl a Vanavla. Lo forze russo che attaccano lo llnee tenute da von Hlndenburg sono sotto gll ordlnl del generale Kuropatkin. LA RUMANIA UN GUERRA NEL PROSSIMO APRILE? Esercito e Finanze Pronti, e l'Opinione Pubblica Entusi- astica. per l'lntervento Telegramml da Roma dlcono che dlvlene ogni glorno plu' evldente che la Rumania si gettera" nella guerra a flancq degll alleatl e che nel prosslmo aprlle II re Ferdlnando dlchlarera' la guerra. La Ru mania ha contlnuato a prepararsl per qualcha tempo, ed ora la situazlone finan zlarla del paese e' slcura, una grande quantlta' dl vlverl a' stata accumulata, 1'eserclto e' quasi tutto mobtlltato a le rlserva dl munlzlonl sono abbondantl. I dlspaccl cha glungono da Bucareat dlcono che l'opiniona pubblica rumena e' plena dl entuslasma per la guerra, e che la Ru mania Invece 'dl attaccare la Bulgaria, dlrlgera' le sue annate contro l'Austrla Ungherla, Se sara' cosl' e' probablle cha t bulgarl tenteranno dl Invadere la Ru mania attraversando 11 Danublo. La Bul garia ha concentrate grand! forza verso 11 suo confine settentrlonale. mmmwm -yi WJjjf fk ja$ 'DON'T END U-BOAT WAR, THE PEOPLE BACK VON T1RP1TZ' Four German Newspapers Print Manifesto Urging Ruthless Policy MANY PETITIONS SIGNED UEULIN', March 2.1 An "overwhelm ing majority" of tho German people nro on tho slilo of Admiral von Tlrpltz In favoring n rulhlesi prosecution of tho submarine war, according to n manifesto which four leading newspapers tho Agrarlnn Tngr-szeltung, tho Nntlonnl Liberal Taegllcho Ilundschnul tho Kreuz zpttung and tho Post publish on their front pnges, calling for debato on tho res olutions inquiring Into tho conduct of tho v. nr. Stlmultnneously with this publication It Is has become known that petitions ap pealing to tho tiovernmrnt to glo tho widest latitude to tho Mibmarlno cam paign nnd to press It energetically nro being circulated everywhere among the people. On tho other linntl, the Social Demo cratic members of tho Uelchstng have shown that they will stand with tho Kadi call and the Centrists In supporting tho Clinncelior. Theso parties together rotistl tute n majority of the Reichstag, nnd pres ent Indication's nro thnt they will prevent discussion of tho resolutions In open ses sion. Tho Clinncelior will address the Holelistng within n week, but It Is not ronslilered probable that ho will allude to tho submarine question. TIti: MANIKKSTO. The manifesto published In the news pnpers follows: "In view of tho treatment which the resolutions now before tho Kelchstng re garding vnr against commerce havo ex perienced owing to olllclally Inspired ut terances c feel ourselves compelled In harmony with a great number of leading Gorman newspapers to tnnko tho following declaration: "Tho political events of tho last few days h.ivo evoked In the Gorman peoplo apprehension of Important events. Grand Admiral von Tlrpltz Is looked on by our nation not only ns a man whose energy nnd creative forco brought to glorious real Ir.ttlon tho words of our Kmpcror that a strong fleet was nn urgent necessity for us, but at tho same time as tho German statesman who first and most clearly rec ognized Hngland's purpose to destroy her peaceful German rival nnd who was de termined to meet this purposo with nil forco nnd by ruthless employment ot nil means nt our disposal. POPL'LAIl MAJORITY CLAIMED. "Tho overwhelming majority of our peoplo feel themselves therein nt one with the creator and organizer of our navy. Although the people reposo unshaknblo trust In the supreme cnminandem appre hensions aro widespread that the retire ment ot the grand admiral Is connected with his attitude on this question , and statements of newspapers whoso connec tion with Governmental circles is known havo confirmed this Interpretation. "It Is our conviction that It is the urgent demand of the hour thnt ground for these apprehensions be fully removed. The resolutions before the Reichstag offer a suitable occasion for this. Thercforo we welcomo thee resolutions and reject, ns constitutionally ungrounded, tho criticism prematurely meted out In respect to them by olllclally Inspired organs. Wo voice the Inmost feelings nnd dearest wishes ot wide circles of tho German peoplo when wo give expression to the hope that the leaders of the Emplro will glvo these resolutions tho consideration which will do justlco to their patriotic spirit and promise tho ful filment of their patriotic nltUH. "Wo bellevo that In theso days of earn est endeavor it is our duty to tho nation and fatherland, Imperiously demnnded of us by the national conscience, to speak of those things openly." Theso papers nro all Conservative or military organs, tho Liberal Tageblatt pro tests indignantly against this "nntl-govern-mental campaign" to obtain signatures to petitions and otherwise to create a tre mendous demonstration In favor of Inten sified submarine warfare. Tho Tageblatt asserts waiters In restaurants and cafes go from table to table In nn effort to ob tain signatures. POLICE TO GUARD SQUARES Cops Will Be Detailed to Safeguard City Property, Women and Children Beginning Saturday, April 1, tho police lieutenants will detail policemen for duty In each public square, whero such details havo been made heretofore during the summer months. The policemen so detailed will do re serve duty the samo ns others. They will bo required to pay particular attention to tho safety of women nnd children, see that objectionable characters are kept away and prevent the destruction of flowers, plants, trees and other city prop erty In tho squares II FLO i c " j r i vWOle i -4 t r rrs vwBFmji'' "Do Not Expect Too Much of Airships," Says Zeppelin ROTTERDAM, March 28 Count Zeppelin, spenking in the Prussian House of Deputies, warn ed tho German people not to ex pect too much of his airships. "The Zeppelins nrc not as near perfect as I might -wish," said the aged inventor. "They should have greater carrying power and should bo nblo to reach still higher alti tudes. Wc aro now testing now types of motors by which we hope to make a nearer approach to per fection. In the meantime, a cer tain percentage of losses must be reckoned with." The Deputies gave Count Zep pelin n great ovation. SLAVS EXTEND DENT IN 200-MILE FRONT Contlnueil from Pane One zlany, whero our aviators had served enemy concentrations. ob- SILENCE GERMAN BATTERIES After silencing the II ro of the enemy's batteries In tho Mlschkelo region (south of Lnko Drtsvlaty, about 25 miles south of Dvinsk), our troops captured a lino of trenches In tho Mentzlany-Tlrct-Sekly sector. Enemy attempts to tnko tho offensive south of Tverotch (6 miles nouth of Vlilzi) were repulsed by our fire In tho region of Villetn nnd Mojet fcn, north of the town of Postavy (south of Tveretch), desperato Infan try lighting 1h proceeding. The enemy here launched violent counter-attack. against our troops, who had nt var ious points dislodged tho enemy from his trenches nnd had captured some of his machlno guns. In the Tchornlty-Lotwn section, north of Lnko Mladztol (It miles south of Postavy and four miles north of Lake Nnrocz), tho enemy attacked against tho northern German flank in tho neighborhood ot Frlcdrlchstadt. Tho effect of these two attacks, If successfully executed, will bo to squccso tho Germans from tholr ex tended position before Dvinsk and conert tho present arc Into a straight lino from Frlcdrlchstadt to Svlentsy any. VIENNA, March 23. Russian artillery Is bombarding the Teuton position.1! along tho entire northeast front. It is announced by the Austrian War Olllcc. It is said that Russian Infantry attacks were re pulsed. Following Is the text of tho olllclal report: "Russian artillery Is active on the whole of the northeast front. On the Strypa River and In tho sector of Kormln In fantry detachments which nttucked our positions were thrown back. At one place In Gallcla, ono Russian battalion lost throo officers and 1G0 soldiers In dead and 100 In prisoners:. Our casualties were few." RUSSIAN ATTACKS GAIN IX VIOLENCE, BKKLatV ADMITS "Continue to Advance and Show Ut most Aggressiveness" BERLIN, March 2.1. The Russians continue to advance In the eastern theatre. In tho region ot Jakobstadt (north of Dvinsk) tho Russians have renewed their nttacks with greater vlolenco than ever nnd nlso In front of Ducna (Dvinsk) be tween tho Lakes of Narocz and Wizsnlcw. Tho olllclal statement says: Tho Russians yesterday showed tho utmost nggrcsslveness and there was great activity throughout tho eve ning nnd night. They advanced with strong forces against tho Gorman po sitions nt tho Jnkobstadt bridgehead and on both sides of tho Mltau-Jakob stadt Railway. Four attacks were launched against tho German positions north of Widsy. On tho front northwest of Postavy tho number of prisoners taken by us has reached II officers and 889 men. In tho sector of Postavy It Is be lieved that the Russians do not Intend to make any more general attacks because of tho overwhelming losses . they have suffered. Between tha Lakes of Narocz and Wlzsnlow the enemy ndvanced several times with renewed force. Tho Russians mndo great sacrifices of human llfo nnd spent much am munition In these attacks and in other attacks of local character elsewhere. Tha German defense remained un shaken and tho Russians were unable to gain nny advantage at any point. "Dorm" Rentals at U. of P. Raised William O. Miller, bursar cf tho Uni versity of Pennsylvania, has announced that rents In all the dormitories are to be raised $10 per individual for a year. Notices to this effect have been posted on various bulletin boards on the University campgs. The bulletins do not say when tho advance In rental will take place. Ther aro 1000 students In the "dorms," and the raise In rents will add, therefore, $10,000 an.tually to University funds. NAL WER SHOW March 25 to April 2 Convention Hall Broad and Allegheny Avenue Admission, 50 Cents PAYMENT OF MILITIA CONTESTED IN HOUSE Way Is Cleared for Final Vote on the Hay Army Bill WASHINGTON, March 23. The wny was cleared for tho final vote In the House today on tha Hay army reorganiz ation bill, first of the Armlnlstrntlon pre paredness measures. Confident that tho Hay bill would be sent to the Senate nt once, Administration leaders made plans for beginning consideration of It In the upper chamber next Monday. A proposal to create a Federal volun teer forco of 261,000 men, In effect the samo ns the continental army, was over whelmingly voted down by the House. Today's contest In the House centred about two features of the bill. Ono was the provision for the payment of officers nnd enlisted men of the National Gunrd by the Federal Government. For this Rep-resentatlx-o Gardner, of Massachusetts, proposed ns n substitute tho volunteer army plan drawn by Senator Chamber lain nnd Indorsed by tho General Staff ot tho army. Under the Gardner provision tho War Department would bo given full authority to ralso a forco of volunteers which, with the regular nrmy, would form the first line of the nation's land defense Ti aUiIa on tho ml Mil nnv eontlnn mwl nn 11m Gardner volunteer "nrmy plan was limited when the House met. The other oontcsted point In the bill was the proposal for the Government to co-operato with prlvnte Interests ln the establishment of n hydro-electrlu plant which would make use of the nitrogen In tho air. Advocates and opponents of government ownership found In this pro vision material for a sharp fight. Philndelphians Order Cottages Unlit OCEAN C1TV, March 2.1. Contracts have been awarded this week for several fine cottages nnd bungalows. WJIIIam Barth, of Cynwyd. will erect a bungalow cottage costing JBEOO; H. Walter Uer rot, of Gcrmantown, a two-lint house j Mussey & Edwards, a bungalow costing 3300; Joseph M. Rowland, ot Philadel phia, u cottage costing 5500, i.ud Mrs. Kathcrlne D. Whlteley, a cottngo costing $5500. Police Court Chronicles Whon John RogernB awakens every morning the clock tells him that he's half an hour late. It docBn't mntter how early ho goes to bed. The hands seem to race around and get to C o'clock a. in. when Rogcras has barely gone to sleep. At least It seems that way. This morn ing It was the samo as usual. Rogoras awoke to find that he was already Into for work. He swallowed a cup of coffee on his way to the door and nto a fried egg at tho samo time. His dinner, nlready packed Hi a big can, was thrust under his nrm by the boarding mistress. Ho dashed out of his home on St. Bernard street and tried to board a Lancaster avenue car. He missed It by many feet, and then went In a nearby saloon to wait for another car. He noticed that tho hands on tho clock In the saloon continued to go around even while he wnlted. This mado Rogeras mad and he took a drink. Then another and then some. As he left the saloon a car was approaching. Rogcras managed to board It, but ho collided with several passengers nnd becmed to want trouble. The conductor obliged him by putting him off. Another car was directly behind. The Italian walked toward the front door, but tho motormnn shut the door In his face. To express his contempt Rogeras flung his dinner kettle through the window and as a result two fried eggs, u few cold pota toes and some frankfurters were sprinkled among tho passengers. On realizing that he had thrown his dinner away tho Italian ran after the car and demnnded his dinner back. The motorman opened tho door and let him on. Then he stopped the car before the police station at 39th street and Lancaster avenue. Policeman Brady was summoned. Ho took Rogeras before Magistrate Stevenson. Rogeras fussed and fumed, but ho lost his voice when the Judge said 30 days. "We Are Working Ninth and Locust for Your St Interest" Lowest Rates in This City Strictly Confidential Bur.alar-proof Protection FIDELITY LOAN CO. Etab. 18GS. Diamond Brokers and iloneu Lendirt Unredeemed Diamond, etc, for talt 1836 PEACE RUMORS BUZZ AS PRESDENT DENIES Washington Continues to Dis cuss Possibility of U. S. En tering European Parley wAisttt-cnTnv. March 23. -Although President Wllion has denied published as sertions thnt Germany had Intimated that It desired the United States to net as a mediator In the conflict In Europe, ru mors of the possibility of peace negotia tions persist in Washington. White House denials do not dispose of the fact thnt Ambassador Gerard was called Into conference by Chancellor von Uothmnnn-Holtwcg last Friday, when. It Is said, peace was discussed. Tho German peace terme, It Is believed, nre: First. Germany to withdraw to her own frontiers In Europe nnd re turn to Belgium tho war taxes col lected there. Second. The restoration of the Polish kingdom ns a buffer State between Russia and Germany. Third. Russia to abandon all claims to Influcnco in the Balkans, In return for territorial concessions in Persia. ' Fourth. Germany's colonics to he returned, with tho nddltlon of terri tory In Southwest Africa. Tho Allies, It Is said, nre not Inclined to haggle over details. They seek only OI1U uujuti, uiiu n'n i"J iu umuu Pace lho moment that Is attained No Order too Small Hg Van Sewer Store We are Called on daily to Furnish City, Country and Seashore Homes, Hotels, Apartments and Institutions from the Choice Assortments of our Immense Stock. If you Intend to Refurnish this Spring, or merely Renovate, adding a Wanted Article here and there, use the Convenient and Help ful Fan Sciver Service. See our Beautiful Display of Colonial and Period Furniture, fcliiSiSwi THESE SOLID MAHOGANY COLONIAL POST BEDS ARE unusual values. The turninns of nosts and crossrails are wrticit- larly well-executed; the height very suitable type for the over only, 3 ft. 3 in. Call, 'Phone or Write for Estimate on Van Sciver Awnings Business foresight enables us to furnish Awnings of John Boyle's Guaranteed Awning Stripes, made with last year's dyes at last year's prices. Place orders now and get better goods, better 'prices and prompt delivery when ready. Slip Covers Made-to-order by skilled .......... ....w ., ........... ..,. "P riolsterers in our own workrooms. Cretonnes, domestic and import ed, and other new fabrics. Window Shades Made-to-order hand-painted Oil Opaque and Cambric Shades; Hartshorne spring rollers; size dp to 6 ft. by 36 in. Made and hung complete, 85c each. New Lace Curtains Marquisette, Scrim, Madras and Novelty Sash Curtains suitable for Summer furnishing, 75c per pair and up. Sunfast Portieres, $4.25 $5.75 per pr. y m& (Restaurant.) VmiBtWetm.: Anniversary Number On Saturday THE Public Ledger will be eighty years young on Saturday, the 25th. The occasion has produced many interesting letters from persons of note and several unique articles from writers who command atte-iti.-n To celebrate the day these contributions ha . n made into a FREE SUPPLEMENT which will be issued u . J. the regular daily edition of the Public Ledger on Saturday. The review of the Ledger's eventful and vigorous history, the 'recollections" of members of the Ledger staff, the intimate view of men famous in American journalism these are a few of the Supplement's features, well worthy of preservation. SATURDAY'S PUBLICsi LEDGER Two Cents RUMANIA MAY JOIN ENTENTE IN APRld Great Stores Collected ftnJ ' Army Mobllized-Nnti "1 Enthusiastic for Wnr ROME. March 2.1 t i. ... . . ,fc ln uecorninr tn n and more apparent that Rumania winT! ner lot with the Allies, and prtdwil are freely made that King Ferdinand! openly eRpouse the cause of th , , Powers In April. En,"lf For some time Rumania ha, bM wt f condition of the Government ', ' great stores of grain have been ,n... . nave been mil..... the army Is mobilised nnd there Is a b, accumulation of arms nnd ammunition Press dlBpatches from Bucharest that public opinion Is enthul,t0 , wnr. These advices indicate that rT mnnla, Instead of nltacklng Btjinrl will strike against Auitro-IIun fl that comes to pass tho Bulgarian, i..! i ably will attempt to Invad "nS-X 1 territory, as a big Bulgarian force i, 4 ported by Germans, has been ralh, II on the Rumanian frontier ""Med -S The Russian offensUo and the f,u of the Germnns to take Verdun have u strong Influence upon the Itumanlan a eminent. "' ; None too Large for i of posts lower than the regular; a of the Colonial. One width $19 Each Refrigerators ' The Van Sciver guaranteed' kind stand the test. Leonard Cleanable one-piece porcelain provision chamber easy to clean as a china dish; the Reliable Eddy, and other well-known makes. (7.85 up. Oriental Rugs Cleaned and Repaired bv native Armen - , . -: ,"-"'" rcsiuicu iu u.t. original lustre and beauty. Special low prices on work done now. Rug Specials ROYAL WILTON $48 9x12 ft.. $36.50 $45 8.3x10.6 ft., $34.50 Seamless Wilton Velvet $35 9x12 ft., $24.50 $32 8.3x10.6 ft., $21.50 Use Van Sciver Polish to Brighten Your Furniture. If vnnr dealer dries not have it. eno. to i 25c in stamps and receive large lean (1 pt.), postpaid. Market St. Ferry, Camden. N. J. 1916 1 1 S iKS? VL-y h WttrlcFti iti&A(a&BS& V VSyp5rfrtHi HUGHES C& MULLER TAILORS 1527 WALNUT t? u if TAILORS 1527 WALNUT "ST. f