Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 23, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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J- 7 . .. .... , . .
f, tt-P TXTTT T
Challenger Does JNot
burgh el is in jrtuit:i;u vunuiwun ior joig
Battle and He Surprises Experts
i NHW yuinv, nun tu '.
' - .hi-. ,rvnll.l lis thO (latO Of
lAmf battle with Wlllard approaches?
W, i bit of It. Why, I'm looking forward
' . . .. -r,-M, ?R with antlclnatlon
v5f ear. About 11 o'clock that
trf ot le evening there will ho
n. new
champion of the
world." And Frank
Moran wiped oft tho
heads of perspiration
that rolled down his
ruggcit fuco after a
strenuous work-out at
Dal. Hawkins road
houso yesterday.
"You'vo got tho
wrong Idea," con
tinued Frank as ho
prepared to Jump
under tho Bhower,
"This Isn't ft football
lJ ..ivnmtx, camo that I'm train-
Lfcr r know how you collego fellows
j lA'aet a couplo of days beforo a big
S tnii'J chow tho ear off any ono
Staked cross-eyed at you. Then about
hour beforo mo wmmi ,io wn,
Jt Rlrii anything In tho world for a
Kro'ropftnlonablo earthquake which
Sii tear up tho football flold no that tho
'mm would bo called off. You woron't
53j of what would happon to you, but
a7eftrcd tho result and tho colors of
pe dW old collego would bo dragged
tWacnt lir Ring
V-iitXt all right In high-brow athletics,
fci tm turn blir men meet In a 24-foot
Sf irA battlo for 30 minutes beforo a
St-audience that pays about $180,000
.ferUw privilege. Its a different proposl
ikar Ton dpn't caro whethor school keeps
lam. TUo only thing that you roallzo Is
IV V.. - .. t.l U..1,. - 1.. ..,...
tMtuero 13 a grunt uib iiuiiv ui uuuiumiy
iMr yoti and you are too busy watch-
bhjmito think of nnythlng clso.
I "trrous? Say, I'd bo tho most dlsap
tetntod man In tho world If I did not got
idsaneoat Wlllard next Saturday night.
I Jo not fear tno ngni. xnnrs oniy an ln
tUai Ja nly young llfo. Tho only thing
Ha afraid pf 13 that tho treasuror will get
llSrt olaeaso "and drop dead boforo I get
ar lliare of tho purse. I'm going to get
IJ,?50 for appearing at tho darden, and
lterftho money. Jly llttlo fuss with Wll-
ilud'li merely a means to tho end. ,
k "Do you rcallzo that Wlllard nnd my
Klf, two men who nevor graduated from
FtoIIiM. will draw more money than 22
iteuntd athletes performing on tho grld-
TlrcnT Do you know that wo will have
jMfe'moncy In tho box oillco than there Is
,'lt a world's series baseball gamo? Last
'fill, whpn thn TTnlvflrnltv nf PIMnlmrirli
jfliyei Washington nnd Jcfforson moro
tiin 10.C00 persons saw tho gamo. What
tteretho gato rccolpts? Wero thify $180,
ilOO? You can bot your llfo they weren't.
jKow you can comparo higher education
to brat strength nnd cunning from a box
j"fl standpoint.
pUycd Against Pitt
'"While I am talking about football ard
feoneges. I want to correct ft statement
tendlted to mo In nnn nf thn mnprn T
fni quoted as saying that I was 'hired
,10 play football' with tho Untvorslty of
iPMsburch In 1908.' That is not so. Tho
ln(iHflLttfA4 aiHlniiH 1 -Mna - - - a. n a.
,niiiaoi iiiiauuui'iniuuu mo. ji uiat
IllmotUwas playing football with n pro
'ealonal team In Pittsburgh nd was
Uiea fo como out nnd prnctl against
ilhe college players. I can seo how tho
inporter mado hla mistake, but I hold no
lurd feelings against him. I3ut I havo
Buy friends connected with tho Unlver
Ws of Pittsburgh, and I don't want tho
Win colleges to get tho wrong Impression
&."I entered tho tinlvftrsltv n.q n. rfippI.t!
toitM, but soon discovered that I could
,tlte more money In tho ring. Slnco that
ffljl have been educating myself."
&Jhfai was tho result of nn Interview with
IfTanCiS Alovslui Mnrnn. whn rtoplnron
attthout the slightest traco of egotism, that
w win win tlie world's championship next
SUuraay night Instead of unloading a
aole flock of questions on tho contender
W pugilistic honors, wo wero forced to
KIM for thft lntfrvlnw Vnrnti .11,1 tvinut
pttlM, questioning and then supplied tho
' : Frank held nothing up his sleevo whpn
m put on this unusual monologue. Ho
UobUrdenMl liimunir uiiA.,,illn i.iu ....
(feelings, proed that ho has tho most ut
JMt confldenco In himself uml confessed
ml he was In tho boxing gamo for all
iaa money mero is In It. Ho did not
"Ml en tho beautle-j of tho "manly nrt."
inSuOl ha vlnfaal i. ..! a . t
imQ ,, Which must be traversed before a
tauii l8 etven eve" II ""!o fame. Ho
iaiep annp-irn ninht nrrx ir.t.. .ni.,. n
tr V lcatlnS and then limps to tho hox-
j w coneci about $10 for his wqrk.
Willm-il IID r I. ci i
r-. una II can. OJIUI
rThen you ahk mn If I nm ,rvm.
a Moran snorted contemptuoulsly. "I
hik -V1?.. "c"'.us"fB3. .al"1 .fe,lr
thr w l,,u "iter i nail neen uox-
Kt .? .year I feel as If I could knock
tm.J ""'l right now If ho appeared be
?!' ,,e-s blfc"' hul not Invulnerablo.
if v a weak BTnt anA x Hha "nl It-"
Micpqndcnco goes for anything, Sloran
4carry put his threat Saturday. Ho
Si it xw"1 wln Bna every nctl011
kiui. .iT ""'Tuay wnen no appeared
toLr belect audience In Mr. Hawk-
Biff.' """"'um, no nm not act llko a
iliSS. e m"e nbout to bo Iea'1 to tho
Si5rw Ins'ed, ho went through his
ffi 5 ?tUMts llke a wealthy business
UJ, e when he Punched the bag and
atvT m.ore apparent when ho boxed
5tjj . ".Hi cavii ui ins fjpurriii(t
Jim ffnrhaii .l r r.-i ..
fgi W wear the monicker of Kid McCoy
if' "" "wieo uie wlso ones In the ring,
hPETEYPetey Gets
' '
? s -. ii : " '
. ., ,vwc uavcuT Gone THo TVit WMue -t Wow '" To JcTN
iv?' WCLE Pelev TwAT WWCRe I Ira w e, UM" PeTeN .vou.
I vi?v' Ths MEro - Dicovep- jra.Twe. Vm Me Tm,s cur To Come: iu is .
lVH-Uan, AUoirrTo STEAL TV "PAPewAV -y )S TUe PAliT H "Au .'
TD-m u;Am'n,
Fear Wlllard -Pitts
Willard Is Spaniard?
Say His Name Is Villar
Jess Wlllard, Heavyweight cham
pion, is n Spnniard nnd hU real
name is Jose Villar, according to
tho ZIr Zap, n weekly magazine
published in Santiago, Cuba. Tho
Zig Zag says: "The Spanish and
Cuban dailies biing n sensational
piece of news to the Latin boxing
enthusiasts. According to the
dailies referred to, Jess Willard,
the champion boxer of the world,
is a Spnniard, and his true name i3
Joso Villar. Tho Villar family
came originally from Taffalla, in
Navara, Spain. From data col
lected in this city nnd Judging
from photographs of tho champion
that have been published thero
should remain no doubt of the au
thenticity of the news. This
statement means a revindication
of the Latin race ns sportsmen and
rovives tho disputed question of
tho prowess of tho Anglo-Saxon."
closely watched Moran during tho work
out Uoth wero Impressed and confessed It
"You nro In wonderful condition," said
Corliett "You nro In better ehapo than
Wlllard and wilt glvo him n good battlo.
You will hurt tho big boy If you over
land that right"
Surprise for Willard
McCoy was Just as enthusiastic "I ad
mit Hint you havo surprised mo," ho said.
"You nro ready to enter tho ring nt this
mtnuto and I know that Jess Wlllard will
got tho surprise of his llfo. You havo n
vicious right punch and I don't think tho
champion will like It If It lands."
Moran Is ready for tho fray. Ho fin
ished his strenuous training yesterday
and from now on ho will tnko only light
work-outs. Today ho will punch the bag,
skip tho ropo and do somo shadow box
ing, nnd perhaps ho will box ono round
with Frank Kendall, tho tallest of his
sparring partners. Mornn's chief work
now Is to keep from going stale.
In his work-out yesterday Frank ex
posed his lino of attack to be used on
Willard. Ho took on Hill McKlnnon, Hart
ley Madden and Frank Kendall In turn,
and spent most of his tlmo raining blows
to their bodies. Occasionally ho would
whip his right to tho Jaw, but this blow
was very rare. Ho will depend on body
punches to win from tho champion.
It has been said that Moran'.s left hand
Is virtually useless. This Is not no. Ho
lias a good left hook, and when It lands
somebody drops to tho lloor. Whllo lm
wns boxing Kendall yesterday, ho landed
n loft hook to tho Jaw, and tho big spar
ring partnor flew across the room, land
ing In Kid McCoy's lap. Ho needed tho
Kid's nsslstnnco to nrlso to his feet.
Onco In a whllp Moran would stick out
this loft nrm llko n weather vnno to hold
his opponent off, but each tlmo ho did this,
his right arm would shoot out, and the
poor sparring partner was ready to quit.
Ancient Training Quarters
Dal. Hawkins' roadhouse Is a training
camp of tho olden days, according to Jack
MoAullffo and other old-timers. It Is llttlo
moro than a shed, one story high nnd
fitted up for boxing only. Thero Is a.
ring In ono corner of tho room, but this
Is not used. Thero nro too many spec
tators present, nnd nil of tho training Is
done In tho mlddlo of tho floor, while tho
audience, seated on campstools nnd stand
ing up, forms tho frame for the picture.
It was cold very cold In the gymnas
ium when Mornn appeared. Ills spindle
legs wero bare, but ho wore a heavy
woolen undershirt while he punched tho
bag. Ho took this oft after about flvo min
utes of work and his clear skin fairly
glowed with a healthy pink color ns his
training progressed. At tho end Frank
was not even breathing hard and ran to
hl3 dressing room like a schoolboy ut
Moran Is In perfect physical condition
for the big battle. It requires but ono look
to seo that. Ho alw has confldenco In
hlmseir, and this, too, Is apparent. He
Is fast on his feet, c.in punch hard with
either hand and goes at his work with
n determination to get everything pos.
slblo out of It.
Will ho win the big fight next Saturday?
Moran says he will. Perhaps Frank Is
Deyo Barred From Amateurs
NIW YOttK. Mnrrli i3. William ' Dejo.
otherwlso "lllir mil," Princeton's otar pltehor,
him been banished from nmiteur ranks tiy
licun McClenahan. Doio. tho Dean says. Ied
llko a kliia at u suimiifr liutet and didn't do
amllilni; to pay hlu bills, but pitch fur tho
huiel team.
Evening Ledger Decisions
of Ring Bouts Last Night
fl VKTY Johnny llrown brat IChl
flromt. Iouiik lIlisKliin kuockt-d out Andy
llrtllii In tho llr.t, Youmr Tulle quit u
Johnny Murpli,
NI'.IV VOIIK (Jim t'lirUtlo defeated
Oeoree Ahe, I'nUy llrunnlicuii and lleu
ny .Mi Coy drew.
MIUTH IlKrilT.KIIEW Eddie ICvtoIre
drew llli II. II. I.nmsliljii. II" iv llutun
Klui'eil I'runkln Nell). Jliuiny .McCulx, de
feated Frank llrUtull, hid Jones knocked
out uiiinc WINou.
NKIV I.OMMIN. Conn, Joe Azercdo
rixlly neat Ulllle Jonej,
DKriiniT. Mlrli. Ilrjun Downey brat
Ktil haiiun, ulio buirrrrd u broken urm
and ua forced to unit In the elsbtb.
a Big Hand in This Scene but Look Where He
1 ' '" " " ' - - - . - ' ' .. . . i i . ,.;. .. .! J A .,31.
Mn.MlUrd 'Juriai$)
nv.v,y lapqrs ,toi-
". nijjii,
President of Local Associa
tion Works With Stu
dents Once a Week
THERE seems to bo no end to tho pos
sibilities of development among the
schools of tho city as regards tennis this
season. Tho wholo school system Is co
operating to bring about real progress
from our Junior development plan.
Tho latest school to benefit by the op
portunity of getting excellent coaching is
West Thlladelphla High School. This In
stitution was fortunate enough to get Paul
W. Gibbons, president of tho Philadelphia
and District Lawn Tennis Association, as
coach. Gibbons most generously offered
his services, which naturally met with
tho greatest approval at tho school, and
onco a week he meets tho aspiring candi
dates for this year's team, Instructing
them In tho rudiments and elements of
tho game.
Last Monday thero was a turnout of
50 boys to hear Qlbbons, which shows
tho enthusiasm which Is aroused by tho
gamo and tho man who Is coaching the
Gibbons, nt times, takes othor men out
with him to talk with the hoys. Next
week Pdrcy Osborne, of Cynwyd Club, one
of the best tennis players In tho city, will
address them.
West Philadelphia High Is arranging
to put up a volley board In tho gymna
sium If thb Is done It will glvo tho
school tho samo progressive policy now
used at Frankford High nnd Germantown
Academy, whero Indoor practlco Is held
regularly overy week.
"What Inference can bo drawn from
these signs of Interest In tho schools?
First. That tennis Is becoming the Im
portant sport that It should bo In school
Second. That tho co-operation of the
schools with Dr, 13. D. Dewhurst, Gibbons
and TJldcn In tholr plan to develop the
juniors assures tho success nf tho plan
so far as getting a lino on tho available
material goes. Results, after that, de
pend largely on tho Individual boy.
Third. The generosity of such busy
men aB Gibbons, Osborno and others In
giving their tlmo Is meeting n most grati
fying response In tho great interest
aroused among tha boys and the large
turnouts for tennis at all tho schools this
year. It Is estimated that In all the
schools whero any of tho men Interested
In this plan havo taken hold, the num
ber of candidates this year la twice as
many as ever before.
Gibbons Is going to speak at Frankford
High on Wednesday of next week. It Is
this co-operation between tho men who
are coaching rival bchools vhlch will
help spread Interest In tho game. Good
sportsmanship and good feeling with good
natured rivalry will ralso Interest. Self.
Ish desire to win, no matter at what detri
ment to tho game, will never get either
you or the game anything.
Let all tho schools join, not only In
pulling together for progress In league
matters, but In mutually trying to meet
the needs of the other schools In post
poned matches, chnngu of grounds and
other little technicalities over which many
disputes between schools arise,
AcJrlSi x--2!7 iSSi "" R'cctrd refuses fa, I
f3H JSflS5S. s i-ii, Wsm tickets to byeechinp ffiWi
3 Bk Mr. Uiilllr4.Tlilctf fclfS 0-
J-afc a brisk wftlk (n 0MlW' M?
UJllart! and
rf "tRe charting vwdrld in special anc(
Artistic ftful""a
r BM W
Champion Has Much Advantage Apparently,
but Stranger Things Have Happened Rice
Gives Some Good Pointers on Big Battle
AS TIII3 momentous hour approaches
A wherein Frank Moran la to hurl his
wares at tho chin nnd body of Jess Wll
lard, and vlco versa. It Is hardt to figure,
via tho dopo, whero Pittsburgh Frank has
anything but tho frailest sort ot an out
sldo chanco to finish first.
You can figure up and down, back and
forth, going nnd coming, hither and
thither, nnd all tho other ways thero arc,
without discovering a Moran probability
In tho way of victory. He Jias a chance,
of course, but tho shot looks longer day
by day ns the dopo unravels.
Moran certainly equals Wlllard In cour
age and Intelligence No ono can tnko
this way from him. Tho blond battler
Is not only game, but he can use his head
as well as his fists.
But, for that matter, Wlllard has also
proved his gameness; and tho Knnsan is
no boob.
So Moran picks up only a small advan
tage hero to put against WIIlard'3 great
margin In nil physical ways.
When you aro going against an oppo
nent who is bigger than you are, stronger
than you arc, and heavier than you are,
faster than you are and they don't let
you wear a gun tho finish Is fairly
Psychology and Such
If "Wlllard Is leading so far in all physi
cal ways, what of tho psychology of this
Hero again tho Kansan has the advan
tage. Moran loves to fight nnd Wlllard
doesn't. That should Indicate something
In favor of Moran. Dut whero Moran has
been working nt top speed to get in best
possible condition. Wlllard has been work
ing along easily, although always toward
a definlto goal.
And where Moran has tossed his entire
soul Into this meeting Willard has treated
tho entlro affair without any great seri
ousness. For Moran this fight has meant n
chanco to be heavyweight champion to
gather In a good half million by a vic
tory. For Wlllard tho same contest has ap
parently meant nothing but a 10-round
boxing match, over which an Inordinate
and foolish fuss has been raised.
Briefly, Saturday night's affair lias been
of vastly moro Importanco to Moran than
It has been to Wlllard, to Judge their feel
ings In tho matter.
Hero Is still another matter In Wlllard'a
far: Moran has been ready to fight
llenry'n Cigar ( o.. I'lillmleliihla
National A. C. National A. C.
l'li: HK.VI. HI.I.IM1 lll.Mi:sl
ritANuii: Hum: . auk kaiivkiih'
Qnppl'iK Wlllard-Morun bout "III bo un-
OIH.L1UI. oumej i Uetai ,, rnrIUe.
Gets It
bromttverit oeptremen
for at lcnst 10 days. Ho was as ready
10 days ago as ho Is now.
Ills job hns been to hold this condition
for 10 days rather than to advnnco.
WHInrd, meanwhile, has been coming
along at a slower clip, hut ut a pneo
which will le.ivo him fit and ready at the
appointed hour.
Thero Is a chanco that Moran may go
i,t:ile. Thero Is no chanco that Wlllard
Tho only thing that we can seo against
Wlllard Is that entirely too many things
seem to bo In his favor.
When a summer sky gets too blue you
can look for an early storm When a
thing looks to bo too much of a cinch you
can bo on tho lookout for a painful upset
Tho things that can't possibly happen
aro tho ones that generally do
No ono can say Just how overconfident
Wlllard wjll bo that night But If It
looks ns easy as he says It looks and one
of those right-hand explosions from
Moran lands on a vulni'inblo spot the
champion will bo In n very bad way.
psjchologlcally as well as physically
There Is nothing so disconcerting as the
sudden nnd annoying knowledge that you
havo J. II. Tartar on your hands whero
you thought you had Henry W. Cinch.
It Is hard to find a chanco for Moran
to win even nn outsldo chance.
Kvery odd Is against him If he had a
margin In skill to offset Wlllard'a bulk
or an edge In speed to offset Wlllard'a
strength: If ho had an ndvattage any ono
definite way, a far better case could bo
mado out in his favor.
PAVUK DOOSrtoujaciurera
8 to 78 II. P. 1 TO 0 CYL3.
Naval Architects and Engineers
Lafayette nidg., Chestnut & 5th Sts.
Both Phones Cable Bomo
I)" .' Wf " jiI
Ssl IBLiftSSa
MU ftlftrKflf
The PAN'e-RS )
V are Mine!
p $ NL
Mf. Jeems
tfvut in farmer- day
there vyere real
Tca.tcr Villcvrd
enoagca irv
healthful artd
manly fi(3ortJ
Busy Italian Battler Mccta Rugged
Opponent Tonight
Frank White, of Southwark, will get
back Into tho wind-up class tonight. Ho
Is pitted against Joo O'Nell In tho wind
up nt tho Broadway Club. Slnco his ro
turn to tho ring nftor an eight-month lay
off. Whlto has been tho busiest of local
boxers. After knocking out Jimmy Gan
non on Washington's Birthday, Frankls
boxed Larry Hanson, Franklo Fleming
and Abo Kabakoff, and tonight's tilt will
mnko tho fifth fray In a month.
Four other well-balanced bouts, with
Al Nelson and Georgo Blackburn in tho
semi, aro scheduled.
owing to their light weight and
mechanical simplicity have estab
lished a record for operating economy
and high fuel mileage that is unique.
Six $1550 Eight $1850
Fiat Motor Company
of Pennsylvania
1827 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
ATJouT To Hi7 MIM,
accom Puce, et, smith, who
nTHg- vn-uiAMs Rescue
Five Teams Entered in
Championship in New
York Tomorrow
Representatives of the five colleges mak
Ing up the Intercollegiate Swimming
League will meet In competition In New
York on Friday to decide tho intercolle
giate Individual championships. From tha
competition displayed by tho teams In
tho dual mcots of tho last threo tndnths
thp events will bo closely contested from
start to finish.
By his wonderful performance through
out tho season "Hal" Vollmer, of Columbia
University. Is conceded lb outclass the
other nquatlo stars In tho CO, 100 and 220
yard events. Vollmer with but two except
tlons won all threo events In tho eight
dual meets In which ho competed, Ho has
boon closely pressed nt times and no doubt
ho will havo trouble In capturing nit three
events In the coming Intercollegiate. It
Is somewhat different to swim In ft dual'
meet and In a meet whero tho, best of, five
colleges will be ready for tha startor,a,gun.
If Vollmer should bo able to coma .out b
victor In tho threo races he wlfFbe ac'f
claimed a wonder ; but It la doubtful with '
such men as Captain James N. Shryock,
Slmonton and "Watts, of tho University' of
Pennsylvania i Schalact, Dean and Howe,
of Yale; Do Lacey, Burchcnal and Gclby
of Princeton, nn-' Bosworth, of CoUeg
City ot New York. Vlrtunlly every. ope.iOf
these men havo done 20 seconds for tho
CO yards, and tho record Is almost certain
to go.
Tho University of Pennsylvahfa's ,
chances of winning tho meet aro fovbr-.
able. In Ixthmann they have id, plunger
who made an unofficial record In, tho, dual
meet with Pittsburgh University of ii
feet. With but ono oxecptton, the.. dual
meet with Yale University, Ihmn,nn ,haa;
won out In tho plunge for distance. tt,iB.
comes up to his regular standard3 W
should have no trouble In winning.' There
will bo a good fight for second place be
tween Levy nnd Roy, of Columbia: Adams
and Bright, of Yalo; Norrls, of Princeton,
nnd Jones, of Collego City of New York.
Levy and Adams havo traveled 69 feat
6 Inches In dual meets, while tho other
plungers havo done GS feet
Tho Bed and Blue Bhould start off with'
a second In the BO yards by Shyrpck pr
Slmonton following In tho waTte Bf Voll"
mer. Conceding Penn 9 and Columbia? 15
points, Yale and Princeton will bo Im.tho
rear by tho tlmo tho plungo takes, place.
If Lehmann enn como through It will,
remain with Levy nnd Boy, of Cdlumbl,
to clinch tho tltlo by either finishing
second or third.
Tho entries for Penn wero announced
yesterday by Coach George Klstlen"
Coons, Boat and I3vans will handle tha
fancy dive, Captain Shyrock tho century-,.
Shyrock nnd Russell tho 220, Lehman and
Solly tho plunge.
"M 'if
1 iAM-nOI
- 'JJ ir. .
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