t uniip"ll,W'!"l ' " ij mn.ww."" i" ' BVESISG LEDGER-PniLADELPHlA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, T916- 91 MEASLES STOP SCANDAL MRS. LOU TELLEGEN IN "MARIA ROSA" WEATHER MOCKS SONG OF EARLY SPRING POET FOR BERTHA KALICH Work on New Fox Film Ceased nil in wswwjimBHiniiiiiiyiii.uiuiMtswwwwwpw . S'SIIBISml II ilMWIM ISIIII iSMSWSSMHg .Will CtTT JAWS, Xty yATftJB H 9 I i When tinnuruii uvC. " Contagious Disease ' By the Photoplay Editor ........ that dreait dlseaos of child- i a tins caused much trouble) and toss in tho William Biuuiua .. ... xDl ' T( and have necessitated the rctaklnc (much of tho plcturo play "Scandal," In htch Mme. Bertha Kallch appears as the star. . this picture Mme. Bertha Kallch has iJi children, a son and a daughter. Two utoted younc juveniles, Kittens Reich 1,1 and Walter Ferguson, wcro cast for fk.fl carta. After considerable .progress i.4 been mado with tho plcturo Kittens tiAichert appeared nt tho studio ono morn Kokinff like bottl f "strawberry jam had exploded," bIio explained. "Measles," declared n doctor who was Immediately called In. "Take her home Md put hor to bed." That eliminated Kittens from the play na Jacfjuellno Morhango was substituted. Because of tho enforced retirement fcf Kit tens all that had been taken of the pic ture had to bo retaken. Everything was going nlong finely un til Walter Kerguson proudly announced that he was "wot so than Kittens." This a tn fin trim nncl his nllment was oulckly diagnosed as measles. This again topped tho plcturo and everything li at standstill until Walter gets better. Tho . .. .r lm will tin nlitn tn reRtimn nrt- Ing on Tuesday and "Scandal" will go on. Directors havo been requested In future In engaging child nctor-s and actresses for WHHam Fox, to try to get children who hue had measles whooping cough, scar let fever and other nllmcnts of Infancy. William H. Smith, president of the Famous Players' Hxchange. states that "Maria Itosa," Geraldlno Fnrrar's third photoplay, wilt bo released about tho mid dle of May. Tho Lasky Company claims that this Is by far tho best of the thrco, the other two being "Carmen" and "Tho Temptation " With Miss Farrar will bo Wallace Bold. Some weeki ago Sir Iterbert Tree com pleted his work In tho film production of "Macbeth." and nttended with other mem bers of tho company the llrst prlvato ex hibition at tho Los Angeles studios. He was cnjoylm? the plcturo Immensely until there was Hashed on tho screen an "In Mrt," written by nit unregoncrato dliec tor, which read, "Mac lsltn his wlfo sur reptitiously." Sir Herbert fainted. Wives wcro scarco In tho French colony I of Louisiana some 300 years ago which itate of affairs led to tho startling ad. enturcs of Daphne La Tour, enacted by Lillian Glsh, In tho Trlanglo-FIno Arts play, "Daphno nnd tho I'lrntc," nt tho Arcadia Wednesday. To give her settlers all the comforts of home, Franco used to send over a shipload of good-looking girls several tlmea a year to bo disposed of at auction to tho colonists. Such is the lot of Daphne. Wallace Held, tho Lasky-Paramount star, who sprained his wrist In hurling Raymond Hntton to tho floor in tho light icenes of "Tho Golden Chnnce," Is onco again able to grab tho steering wheel of hli six-cylinder submarine. This feature will bo at tho Falrmount on Thursday. The 66th Street Theatre will srjow "Nearly a King" on 'Wednesday and Thursday. Jack Barrymore, who la seen In It, says that ho never realized before that tho holiday season was one during tthlch people worked off nnclent grudges. But he has learned a lot during tho last few days. Ho figured In n dual sccno In "Nearly a King," In which ho suc ceeded In making a very deep Impres sion on his adversary with tho point of his sword. Then tho Famous Players star was told that tho sceno would have (to be retaken. Thereupon the ndversary polished off tho grudge and returned tho Impression with grent fixity of purposo and a very sharp-pointed wenpon. Barry more says that such things take nit the real old-fashioned spirit out of tho holiday eason. Following her marvelous performance In the dual title role of the adaptation of The Trlnco nnd tho Pauper," the first of the Inimitable Mark Tnaln's Tories to be transferred to tho screen as a featuro. Marguerite Clark appears ns the star In the Famous Players Film Company's pre sentation of tho popular theatrical succesi, "Mlco and Men," which will be nt the Bherwood on Wednesday and Thursday, The trial and conviction of a man who Iwcrlflces himself for the woman he lovei Is one of tho many episodes In "The Un pardonable Sin," tho anew World Film feature In which Ilolbrook Bllnn will ap pear as star nt tho Liberty on Thursday. If The feature at the Susquehanna on Sat- uruay will be (icorge Hehah In the new World Film production, "The Pawn of late " The storv of this nlt-turn was writ. K ten by Mr Bebau. who will bo remembered t nis vim characterization In "An Allen The featuro on the program of the Plaza on Saturday v. Ill be the first screen ap pearance of Kitty Gordon, the noted stage beauty, In a new World Film picture en titled "As In a Looking Glass." PARCEL POST NOTICE FORD S!',r Auto owners residing In Pennsyl- -... rt- requesiea m sena name ana aa reu ttna number of iar tn our eastern SJK? ani r"-eh valuablu Information of a JJl'S co-operative proposition In connection with car jou own American Ford Owners' Ass'n ... 'J'ennjliinla lleiidquurlrrs) 018 Prod Itldir.. Iieslt Q. a. l'lilla. 11.80 11EAUT1FUL HUGS AM. SIZES. IQTZ ft8 CO.t U31 AHtU HfllEET PRINTING (,',''" worl(' ood stock, at followlm iSSS Ju'ne Cards .,,, l.M uSS. Jtat, Heads .,,.,,..., 1.60 1000 Bill Heads ,..,,,,,.,.,...., 1.80 J00O Note Heads l.ZS Mark copy plainly when ordering. , Keystone Process Company north Third St. Camden. N. J, h DEAF lUltPEIt ELECTRIC ORIPHOtfE Call .J!'."1 enable ou to hear perfectly. gjw Av N Y. SOi Washington St.. Hoston. MANLY'd "SUPERTOR" Baking Vanilla Compound ictus. ?,T dlscrlmlnatlm: trade. Wbyr B ihstlrfL.105i not bak9 ,,ut and l known iat llSo11 "R11 "'. oesa an S-oi. bottle for i.1"1" "' l.t5. Sample site. tic. Tavors. aud ladles Kequlsltee. oona WoodlanJ 4201 R. ii. Adaresa DIVINITY ST., VhlUdelphU. V. Thrtje Typewriter Ribbons, $1.00 J " ' mactnne, ny sidiU color, rlbboo " 'WflB US VIX JOirMI. eytoie Process Corrjpany '. b4 St. Caiadea. X. i. ft "rWlllt Mf fijKi jflB slaaalPV JHKf sf'b YK. A scene from Gcraldino Fnrrar's third picture, which will he released tho middle of May by the Lasky Company on tho Paramount Program nnd shown at tho Stanley. MOVIE PRODUCERS WIN CONTEST WITH CENSOR Film Thrown on Screen Court for Judges' Decision in .Another score linn bean mnrkod up for the "movie" producers ln their battle with tho Pennsylvania Stato Bonrd of Censors. A movliiB-plcturo adaptation of Tolstoi's "KrcuUer .Sonata," rejected by tho cen sors, rv.ts paicd nq not objcctlonablo by Judges Darrntt nnd Wcssol nfter tho JtO, 000 film waH thrown upon a screen ln Court of Common Picas No. 2 yesterdny. Tho viewing of tho flvc-reot plcturo nnd tho nrRiiment that follow ed lasted well until twilight. Thero was no accompaniment of music, but the nrsutnciit was punctuated by em phatic tilts between I.otiH J. Urcltlnuer, chief censor, nnd Congressman John It K. Scott, counsel for the Fox Company, pro ducers of tho firm. Mr. Breltlnger attacked the genuineness of tho film, Inti mated that tho Congressman was "Imagin ing tho truth" nnd dared up when the opposing counsel hinted that a new cen sorship board was to bo nppointcd. Mr. Brcltlngcr declined to commit himself ns to whether or not ho considered tho plc turo shown objectionable. Ho maintained that tho "mole" men had "switched" pictures and that tho ono viewed was not the same rejected by tho board. That appeals had been taken to tho Supremo Court In tho cases of "Tho Fool's novenge." "Tho Serpent" and "Tho Iron Claw," which wcro passed by tho court over tho boaid's objection, Mr. Breltlnger announced. Theatrical Baedeker IMAYS ADKI.P1UA "Nobody Home." with Lawrence OroKsmlth. A muilcal comedy from tho AncIo-AmiTlcnn Allies. Good music, fair "book," excellent comedy from Oroaamltn. brtOAD "I'rlnccm Trn-I.i-t.a," with rhyllli Partington ami Ummy Nlcklnsa. A lentigo operetta by I.po Anchor, produced by An dreas Dlpnet. Not too mirthful. GAltniC'K "It Taya to Adertis." with I.oulso Drew, Orant Stltchcll and Den John son. A noel fnrro with much fun In It. FOnilUST "ZlPKfeld Follies of int.'.." with ln.i Clnra. Hcrt Williams and Will West. Hero wo llnd tho scenery by Joseph Urban nnil tho usuil sort of Zlrefeld show by the usunl people. LYIIIC "Tho Only Girl." a muslcll romedjr by Victor Herbert and Henry niossom. founded on a lluht play of a few Bcasons aeo, 4,Our Wive,." ntOTOPLAYS. STANLEY Wednesday, "Tho Lost Hrlde groom," with John Harrymore. A comoly iirnmii of society. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "Tho Saleslady,'1 with Hazel Dawn. AHCADIA Wednesday, "Daphne and the United 3 1 i a n Pirates." with Lillian dish. Thursday. Trt day nnd Palurday, 'The Haiders." with 11. II. Warner. PAt.ACK wertnesrtiv, "Dlplomiry." with Marie Doro Thurs.inv, Prldiy nnd Satur day. "Ono I)n." sequel to llireo Weeks," by i;ilnor OI n. VICTOtllA Wednes.lnv nnd Thursday. "Ills I'letiire In the Paper." with Dnugla Pair banks, Prldiv nnd Snliinli), "Loely Mary," with Mary Miles Mlntcr. VAUDnVILt.F.. KIIITH'S AdcM Itou'Iand. slnRlni; romeilienne; Karl Jorn. Matropnlltnn tenor, Harnli I'nil clen. In "Tim l.lttlo .Shepherd of llnrcaln How"; Hunting nud Prances, Charlotte Parry nnd tompiny, In "Into the Ltcht" : Harry Lester Mason. Joe pekos nnd com pany, ltao lllennor Hall. Adonis. COlXI.NTAt, Wlllnrd: tlio Do Pnco Oprn Com. pnn ; Mlddleton nnd Speilmaler In "A Texas WooInK". "A Iav nt the Seashore": Lnhse nnd SterltnR, P.iull nnd Iloyne. Lew Fltz Kihhons, xlophono: Tho Three Alex; Packard and Pierce. NIXON "Tho Wnltz Dream"! the rjallertnl Pour: Jones and SIester. "Aurora of the Llnhts"; llronn nnd McCormack: Joe Row land. GLOIIH "A NlRht tn tha Trenches"! Tord's Dancing Ueue; Tho Pour Haley nirls. music: l'enlmore. Cooper, Towno nnd company! 'Illton. comedian; Iteltrnh nnd ileltrnh, mu sic, Jack deorEO. mouoloKlst; Wood's nnlmal netors; Sullltan nnd I'asnuallul, comedians; Vautlold. children's d.incen. CHOIH KIJVS rirst half of week: Fred Helden In "The Sidewalk Cabaret"; riernard nnd Shaw In "Tho Mosdulto Trust"; Solo mon; Hilly Itosers. muslclm; Harnev and J'lenrdo. tlinclng; Palls und Palls. Second half of the wee( iho (inlf Girls": Alice Hanson, toiii'-dlenno: Suo HIRlns nnd com pany In "Polities": l'nrrell-Tnylnr Trio. muHlc: Jtoore nnd White, nlnglns and dan cins. Duffln Hedeey Troupe. GIIAND "PIslilnB": Charles Cnrtmell and I.aurn Harris, n sliiRlnc nnd tnlklug net: Lordv s doffs; Tlrltt Worn!, comedian; Oracs MncUowan nnd Herbert Gordon: llaldwln. Haxten nnd Carter, tomedlans. AT POPULAR PHICK3. WALNUT "The Girl He Couldn't Huv " A ilrnma In four nets by Hummer Nichols tell Inc a story of a young Blrl. rnlsed In luxury, suddenly thrown on her own resources through tho loss of her father's fortune Pi:OIM:'S "llrlnglns I'p Father." A stage adaption of the popular cartoon series, with musical trlmmln.'s. STOCIC. KNICKrnnoCKnn "Tho Spendthrift." Tor tor Dmerson Drowne. The Knickerbocker Pl.nyers, with Dmllv Lumley and John unrren, tn this society drams. AMKHICAN ."Charlie s Aunt": The ArUne Platera, with .Miss Itettn Itoblnson nnd ueorco ArWnc in the leadlnc roles in this amusine comedy. num.nstjUE. DP.MONT'S Dumonffl Minstrels, In satires on matters of current Interest, STATE BACKS FILM CENSORS Attorney General Will Fight Decision of Philadelphia Court IIAP.niSBUnO, March 22. Attorney General Brown hns decided to fight tho appeal from tho decision of a Philadel phia Common Pleas Court for tho Stato Board of Censors. A supersedeas will bo taken out to prevent the flvo films which tho censors originally prohibited from be ing bhown in tho Stato fiom being used in motion plcturo theatres. S At Last We disc6vered the long - sought - 'Balanced' tires. like balanced are the most efficient. The 'Chain' Tread, like all United States Tires, is a 'balanced' tire It gets its great tread efficiency from its 50-50 'balance' of resiliency and toughness; for too much toughness would destroy resiliency, or too much resiliency would sacrifice toughness. It gets Its rreat fabric carcass efficiency from the 50-50 'balance' of fabric layers and rubber union that makes tread separation impossible. It gets Its wonderful efficiency as a tire from the 50-50 'balance' between its 'balanced' tread .and its 'balanced'fabric carcass. Both tread and carcass give equal wear neither is stronger nor weaker than the other It is 'balance that has given the United States Tirea their wonderful efficiency 'balance only accounts for their astounding sales increases. Buy 'balanced' tires United SfafeisTIr Company Nobby4 Chin' Uo RoymlGmtt fPUia' 'INDIVIDUALIZED TIRES? York Road Bard's Sweet Num bers Silenced by Patter of Rain Rpiingl Spring! Th Robin's herd Tha purple craekltr's wing Flashes In the light. Though thick tipott the earth The snow lies soft and white. Then know the blossoms very soon Will fill the air te7 street perfume. Thero Is no doubt nbout tt now Spring Is here. Tho mall man, puffing and grunting wllli tho bones of winter, stumbled Into the office today and brought thn nhoo spring poem, which In Itself nnd because It s.ij.3 that tho robin lias come, proct absolutely that spring Is here. "I deny It," ho Bald, putting on hla mittens as ho left. The poem was written b'y IT I.ovell, of B.107 North 13th street. In his letter he said: Philadelphia, Ta., March 21. 1916 Prlco EOc, To the Editor: Would he glad to havo you uso tho abovo if nxallahle. Tho robins came to our part of the town (Old York road) Inst week, In tho grounds of tho Garrett homestead. The rohlni had a miserable time, of It this morning. Ono sat on a clammy brick wall and looked up nt the murkv sky Another shivered under tho dripping branches of a sickly Bwcctshrub Still another mado a few palsied efforts to dig n worm out of tho frozen sod, and then gavo up In despair. A big redbreast moro encrgctlo than tho others, wiggled Ills wings In a feeblo attempt to restore his circulation. Poor, deluded birds! To mako matters worse Jor them and tho spring poets, tho rain gavo no Indica tion that It would stop In fact, tho ue.it hor man Bald that tho bad weather would grow worse, with cold winds to night. CONCERT FOR HOSPITAL Orpheus Quartet Givc3 "In n Porsian Garden" As a "donation" for tho Oncologic Hos pital, 3.1d street nnd Powclton nvenu tho Orpheus Quartet contributed Its celo brated costumo concert, based on I.l?a Lehman's setting of selected rubalyat from Omar Khajyam. Tho patronesses mado nn extensive and fushlonahlo list, and tho ballroom of tho Bcllevuc-Stratford held an audlenco tho slzo of which Indl catcd excellent receipts for tho beneficiary Tho Orpheus Quartet consists of such well-known singers ns lMna Itarwood Baughcr, sopiano; Mahcllo Addison, con traltn; Nicholas Douty, tenor, and Donald Bedding, baritone Its picturesque por tion of tho entertainment was preceded by an Instrumental program which en listed tho services of Dorothy Johnstono Bnseler. harpist Jacob Garber, violinist, and Kllli Clark Hanlmann, pianist, who also acted as accompanist to tho mini tot. playing tho melodious and sometimes nt mospherlc score of SImo. Lehmann adroitly nnd expressively. Splendid cxnmplo of part singing, which did not obscuro tho Individual voices, and yet did not fall In the Integrity proper to an ensemble, was given ln the quntraln: "Come, flit your cup, and In the lap of Spring Your winter garments of repentanco fling; Tho bird of time has but a little way To flutter nnd tho bird Is on the wing. Very beautifully done, too, were the settings of: "A book of verseB underneath tho bough," and "Whether nt Nalbharpur or Babylon." Mrs. Baselcr played alone, nnd ns sho alono can play it, the lovely "Spring" lyric of Gounod and also gave Thome's bnllado with much delicacy. With Mr. Garber sho sang Krelsler's "Llcbesfreud" nnd a Sandby Danish song. His solo numbera wcro tho WllhelmJ settings of Shubert's "Avo Maria" nnd Nachez's "Danso Tziganes," which ho did very well. 51) 'Balanced Tires and are now producing for 'balanced' tirea. men, y m i I THE WHITE COMPANY, Cleveland I I'luladclphia 216-220 North Broad Street J IB Hj fl rffffi fflamki So&m Gmpomu TltK follorvlnt theatres obtain their pictures through tho "ITANI.EV nook. Int Company, whlih Is u suiirnnlm of early hhowlnm of the finest pro ductions. All pictures reviewed before i eihlbltlon. Ask for the theatre In ,our locality obtalnlnc pictures throuia th. bT.NLi:v llooklnc Company. IE A1UAMDD A '2lh' Morris A TnssunU M. ALHAMBRA MVy .. ... . Marguerite Clark '" Tim Siung; ARCADIA CHESTNUT liHLOW luTH LILLIAN GISH in "DAPHNR AND TIIK PIUA'inS" APOLLO 2D AN'D THOMPSON MATINEE DAILY Metro Picture. Corporation Presents MAIIT MH.E3 MINTUR and '1IIOMAS J. I'AIUtJBAN In "DIMPLES" BLUEBIRD "O0 N0UTU D,,0AD ST- Illueblpl Presents I.OIS WKnnn and PIIII.MPri SMAI.T.KV In HOP. THE DEVH. S IIIIEW ' nrsi RrrMVTnr 52D auc ROVE MARKET nH,l,lVll 1 Mais l:.t0 & 3-.10. 10c KMts. 0:30, 8. 0:30, ISc. Frohman Production WM FA11NUM In "Tha SlBn of tha Cross " Today and Tomorrow 60TII AND CEDAR AVE CEDAR rARAHOVXT THEATRE MARY PICKFORD in "KANCHON THE CRICKET" FAIRMOUNT m"&daTO MILDRED OREGORT and CYRIL SCOTT In "LORDS OF HIGH DECISION" CD A KWrTtT TH FRANKFORD AVENUE BILL1E BURKE in "P E (1 G Y " 56TH ST. Theatre D! Bel, Spruce. Etgi T to II John Barrymore ,n "NEABATI KING" 52d St. EM A Mats. 2-3:80 lOo Sansom Km 6:30 to 11 15a Wm. Tox Tresents NANCE O'NEILL In "The Witch." First West Philadelphia Shnwlnc. Tomorrow Win Farnum In "Fuutlnir Ulood" GERMANTOWN PARAMOUNT PI 050S OERMAN. TOWN AVE PARAMOUNT J'Jl'Tl KK Mary Pickford "& PEPP,KA.. fl rsTJP BOTH MARKET 2:IB-7.0. VaLiUOCi J 15.000 KIMUALL ORGAN VIRGINIA PEARSON in "THE HUNTED WOMAN" r"ID ADn AVENUE THEATRE kimAtAU 7XJI AND IIRARD AVENUE MARY PICKFORD in "THE FOUNDLING" p.-.t NnrtliArn BROAD ST. ERIE & lareat iNormern oermantn aves. FR1TZI BRUNETTE in. "UNTO THOSE WHO SIN" IRIS THEATRE 8"8?vESGTO-v John Emerson la ,rrra pW TOMORROW "THE. FOUNPLINO" IMPERIAL Theatre ufs?. EDITH STOREY in "TUB CHRISTIAN" JEFFERSON 28TH ar,e?a3othin MARGUERITE SNOW in "A CORNER IN COTTON METRO LAFAYETTE 23U " AVH, TrUDIePUya Wra. JIart la MHsll'a Illne." Also Keystoee. Comedy Veatur. TOMORROW "THB QUESTlOf?' KsSssw? iTiiipsiiir4jiiiiifiiiiiiigirnt'sirrs:sTi t 41 OWNERS OPERATE 1751 WHITE TRUCKS And their choice is based on experience No White Truck has ever worn out in commercial service. Its life is indeterminate. It pays to expend a higher purchase price for a White Truck, which not only costs less for fuel and repairs, but also outlives two or three trucks of cheaper make. PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIQ I FA DPP KortTY-rmsT and l-l-.r.UE.I LANCASTER AVENUE JOHN BARRYMORE in "NEMII.V A KING" LIBERTY broadac15.umdia red rETiinn rnATtutE HERMERT KEI.C1 V and EFTIB BUANNON In "THE sI'JUNX" LoSnn Auditorium BSa,0VA CHARLES RICHMAN in "THE IIEHO Ob' SUBMARINE D-2" T Apl TCT" R5t AND LOCUST LUCUjl Mats l:.tn and .1:30, 10e Ebh. 11:30, 8, 0:30, 13c. Hotbrook llllnn In Th" Unpardonable Sin ' TODAV and TOMORROW i Mnrfr St. ThpntrP 33a JIA'"U .-WW M- ..-,-- J..k World Film Corp Presents Marcuerlte r.esll In "THE QUESTION "QUA FT." IJth Episode, "Tho Patent Medlclna Danier ORPHEUM aa8USf.?E& BILLIE BURKE in "I BOGY riDlPTMT" 02O & WOODLAND AVE. UrUIlW 1 Dany jut . 2. Er.. 6:30 to 11. METRO PICTURE Grace Elliston in "Black Fear" DAI ACV 12 U MARKET STREET rVxUflkVEj jo A. M tn 11:15 P. M MARIE DORO in JP "DIPLOMACY " D A DV RIDGE AVE & DAUPHIN ST. rAlVlS. MATINEE 2:15 THE MOST TOPULAR ACTRESS Jane Grey in Man and Hi3 Angel PRINCESS 1018 MARKET STREET "HAM THE DIVER" See "The Qlrl and tha Game ' etery Thursday DTAITTi QEHMANTOWV AVE KlVlwll-' AT TLLPEHOCKEN ST. CHARLOTTE WALKER in "OUT OF DARKNESS" DPPUMT 1M MARKET STREET KlitjIUN i HVX.i.V VOICE OROAN1 MARY MILES MINTER in "LOVELY MARY" Rlinv MARKET STREET UD I BELOW ITU HTKEET ROBERT WARWICK in THE SUPREME SACRIFICE" SHERWOOD b1t,baalmore MARGUERITE CLARK in "MICE AND MEN" SAVOY 1211 MARKET STREET wnnt.n FILM CORP. Presents Chaa, Cherry in "Passers By" r Q Q A 1'TU VENANOO BTi Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Darns In 'MAN AND HIS SOUL" VICTORIA MARKET ET ABOVE NINTH nouilas Fairbanks la "His PI. ture la th. Paper." "The Strause. Case ol ! alary Pe." Na V "Tb Auuig Ee ' STANLEY MA"111 ABOVE 18TH oiviuai j0im Barrymore in CQNTINIOUS I JV . " ., l is v: u. w I The Lost Bridegroom Mm 1 imil rTMi " M n i ywmm SWM1 west riHLAnEr.nirA flRANn BID nd MARKET STS. VJlxrtJ,-' MAT DAILY. B P. M., "THE CRIME OF CIRCUMSTANCE" Be. OVERBROOK C3D HAgAVB. DOUHLK TRIANGLE BILL ijoitoTiir aisir in "HETTY OF GRKYSTONE" "THE BRIGHT LIOHTS." Comedy 1 t CI ARHFIM B3cl LANSDOWND AVE. U.MIXiyCiM MAT.. 2. EVG.. 0:30. VIOLET HORNER in "THE MARBLE HEART" EUREKA 0TI1 UAnKE,r sts. WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS RALPH KELLARD in "HER MOTHER'S SECRET BROADWAY B2D ni1 OREEMVAY ULJLS yyl Adults 10c; Children So. "The Nation's Peril" MIRTH Broad Street Casino BRO1,0w EVENINOS 7 15 AND 0 Naomi ChilrlrM ln "THB MASf T).f7,m,.V , PeS E USED TO BE OPHELIA." Lubln. Comedies CENTURY EniEMAATfN5ESDl,TALI' EDWIN STEVENS in "The Man Inside," 5 Acts SOUTH PI A 7 A BltOAD AND PORTER 1 Llrti' STREETS CYRIL SCOTT in "Lords of High Decision," 5 acta NORTHWEST StisniinTinnnn THEATRE 17TH A usquenanna susquehanna ave. Trlancle-Flne Arts ORRIN JOHNSON In "THE PRICE OF I'OWER." 6 Parts Trlanste Kes stone llosioa Arburkle ml Mabel Nornian.l In "He Did anil Ha Didn't" a Parts NORTHEAST STRAND ,2T" AND GIRARD AVE CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "CAMILLE," 6 acta. Othexa KENtilNUlON HIMRO FRONT 8T. AND d U 1H U GIRARD AVENUE "The Soul of Broadway," 5 parts "The Mayor'a Decision," 3 parts Weekly Programs APPEAR EVERT MONDAY IN Motion Picture Chart ii 1 i 41 r. mrrrk