EVENING LEDGER PHIUADEEPHIA-, WEDNESDAY, MABOH 22. 191C I K REIGHSTAG MAY SUPPRESS TILT OVER U-BOATS Holhveg and Von Tirpitz Factions Will Drop De bate, It Is Hinted CHANCELLOR IN LEAD Resolutions Against Agreement on Undersea War Probably Will Be Postponed DEItLiIN. March 22. Open debate In the Reichstag over tho Government's sub marine policies and relations with Amer ica may bo suppressed by agreement of the Von Ttrpltss and Hethmann-Hollwog fac tions. It was hinted today. A special commltteo of tho Reichstag met this nfternoon to consider the resolu- I tlons directing tho Chancellor to enter lnjo no ngreoment with foreign powers t restricting tho use of U-boats. It was re ported that the resolutions may bo Indef initely postponed. Canvass of the nclchstng Is said to havo convinced the Von Tlrpltz clement Hint Ilethmann-Holtweg has a safe majority and that a fight would be useless. RIVAL ELEMENTS. Tho movement which has found expres sion In the resolutions Ib composed of two elements. First, there Is tho largo body of poputar opinion which, honestly Inter ested In tho submarine weapon, desires that It may havo nn opportunity to tils- jjiuy iia eiutiuui:' uniuiuipercu uy poimcai restrictions. This clement generally Is unaw&rs of tho political motives which play a part In tho movement. Second, there nro thoso who are now and long havo bcon desirous of having nn other Chancellor one who would permit discussion of peace terms, tho projects of the annexationists nnd tho sharpening of the submarine, campaign regardless of po litical dangers. This element would renounce tho Idea of Prussian frnnchlso reform after tho war and administer a check to the Socialists. Some of this faction havo Admiral von Tlrpltz In mind as tho proper Chancellor. CHANCELLOR, STUO.VO, FIUENDS SAY Tho Chancellor, his friends say, has proved much stronger than his opponents expected, both at headquarters, where ho won In tho test of strength, and among tho people, where ho has widespread sup port, particularly of tho great body of lower middle classes. The so-called Pan-Germnns nnd cxtrcmo annexationists are, of course, opposing him. Regarding the Immediate, occasion of the conflict, advocates of unrestricted uso of his submarines argued that by proc lamation of a determination of Intention to sink merchant ships bound for Eng land It would bo possible, to forco Great Britain to mako pcaco overtures within two months. This argument found a cer tain amount of support at headquarters until It was checked by tho counter-argument that the effect probably would bo to lengthen Instead of shorten tho war, owing to the effect on neutrals. "PENROSE SPEECH NOT AUTHORIZED" Continued from Face One boast tho present prices 200 a ton until the Government plant begins operation. Was ha authorized by tho Bethlehem to make that statement? "Ho was not. That report may have resulted from my statement that I would recommend tho authorization of our plant immediately upon the passage of this bill." ' Sir. Grace surprised tho commltteo by offering to operate the Bethlehem armor plant and sell the product to the Govern ment "at a price to be fixed by the Federal Trace Commission." "If the commission," he said, "decided that they furnish armor (' at less than 395 a ton, the price quoted, t they would do it. If wo had Invested tho money wo havo put Into our armor plate plant In 4 per cent, bonds we would havo made more money." Mr. Grace declared that the private plants of the country could produce armor more rapidly than tho Government could use It "Don't worry about equipment for war," he Bald. "What you need is men. Wo 1 can produce more artillery equipment than the United States can man. We can ' duplicate the whole ordnance equipment of the country In a month." OLIVER DENIES REED CHARGE IN" ARMOR PLATE BILL DEBATE Senator Says Steel Stock Ownership Did Not Influence His Stand WASHINGTON'. March 22. Senator Oliver, of Pennsylvania, today skated close -to the edge of tho "short and ugly" in a brief sketch replying to Senator Beed'n Insinuations yesterday that Oli ver's ownership of (500,000 worth of steel stock may have influenced him in oppos ing the Government armor plate plant. . "The Senator either made an enormous mistake In calculation or deliberately stated something which was not true," said Oliver, rising to a question of per sonal privilege. Oliver said he owned 1000 shares of steel preferred, but that Its market value was $117,000, not $500,000. "I call attention to tho Senator's mis. statement and failure to take advantage of an opportunity to correct It," said Oliver, Ilia personal Interests, he said, had never been considered In his legislative conduct. Bulgars Have 519 British Prisoners LONDON, March 22. There "are 519 British prisoners In the hands of the Bul garians, Under War Secretary II, J. Ten rtant announced in Commons today. Seven of them are officers. The "Guess" Bouquet THAT is what folks used to send when they sent flowers; (they ust guessed what was right. We know and we will gladly advise. You pay no more. y &g ftf? fyse 2ZI South Broad Street in th middle of thm block FAVOR MACE TRACK DILL . . ,,. Maryland House Committee Will Re port Substitute Mcasuro ANNAPOLfS. Md., March 22. The Frlck bill hag been selected by n, majority of tho House Judiciary Committee as n sub stitute for the Mall bill, which alms to wipe out betting nt raco tracks entirely. The State's share under tho Frlck bill would be $1000 a day from tracks during racing, nnd ns there arb usually about 100 days of racing In each year, tho State would get $100,000. This would more than make up the loss of Income from the salo of tho Northern Central annuity, which tho Board of Public Works proposes to negotiate. ANC0RA UN ATTACC0 TEDESC0 SU VERDUN La Nuova OiTensiva Ha Dato Solo Un Vantaggio Insignifl- cante e Gravi Perdite lerl, dopo aver cnnqulstato con bombe plene ill llquldo Inflnmmnblte un bosco nolle vicinanzo ui aininncourt, a noru ovest ill Verdun ed o died mlglla dalla clttadella, I tedeschl contlnuarono nella nolle a bnmbnrdaro le posUlonl frnncesl ma non rlnnovarono alcun attneco dl fan terla. Scmbra cho In qucstn ultimo at tacco I tedeschl nbblano sublto perdite lanto gravl da non poter rlprendero l'nttaeco nlmeno per qualcho tempo. Sulla fronto Itallana gll nustrlncl con tlnuann nil nttaccaro lo llncc Itallanc. Essl crano rlusclll a penetraro In nlcuni de menti dl trlncco avanzate italln.no nella conca ill I'lezzo, ma no furono sublto cacclatt via da un vlolento contrattacco dcllo forzo Itallano. Altrl nttncchl nustrl ncl sono statt rcsplntl nella zona dt Ro ve reto. I russl Intanto nttnecano gll nustro terieschl su tro puntl della fronto dl bnt tnglln. In Russia cd In Bucovina ed hanno battuto 1c forzo dl von Illndenburg. N. J. LEGISLATOItS FROLIC No Work to Do, So House Members . Just Havo Fun TRENTON, N. J., March 22 Having no Bcrlotis business to occupy their atten tion upon the roonmonlng last night, mem bers of tho Legislature devoted tho first hours of tho session to a frolic. Tho ap propriation bills wcro not agreed upon by tho. Joint committee until late, nnd It was nearly midnight beforo they wero ready for Introduction. Tho House resolved Itself Into a. com mltteo of tho wholo nnd turned over tho management of tho frolic to tho legisla tive correspondents. William K. Dev creyx, of Asbury Tark, was chosen Speaker pro tern , and led tho funmaklng throughout the evening, Tho Houso was darkened while the "Star-Spangled Banner" was played, and when tho lights wcro turned on tho en tire chamber was draped with flags. Chairman Devcreux mado tho members sing "Brighten tho Corner" and other melodies. During the evening a chest of silver was presented to Speaker Pilgrim, on behalf of tliu House. N. Y. SUFFRAGISTS GAIN POINT Senate Committee to Report Bill Pro viding Referendum ALBANY. N. Y.. March 22. Tho Sen ato Judiciary commltteo lato yesterday voted to report favorably the Whltney Brercton bill, designed to provide for nn other referendum on woman suffrage In 1917. Tho voto was 11 to 1. Majority Leader Brown was the only committee man recorded In the negative. Suffrago leaders were Informed that the bill will appear on tho general orders calendar of tho Senate on Thursday. Tho measure has passed the Assembly. In order to provldo for tho referendum. It must bo passed by tho Legislature next year. Call Trolley Station "Nuisance" NORRISTOWN. Pa.. March 22. Be cause It Is "a resort for disorderly per sons nnd a nuisance to us nnd to our property." Mr. and Mrs. John W. Adams havo brought action to have removed from In front of their property at the Intersec tion of Ridge turnpike nnd Evansburg road, In Lower Providence township, a frame building used as a trolley waiting station. The action Is directed ngalnst tho Evansburg Improvement Society. Two Score Years of Telephony FORTY years ago, Alexander Graham Bell spoke over the feeble instrument he had invented, to Thomas A. Wat son only two telephones in the world . and a hundred feet of wire. Recently the same men spolce to each other from the Atlanticto thePacific over the Transcontinental Line more than fifteen million telephones in the world and nine million in the Bell System. Twenty-one million miles of telephone wire connect every state in the union, and the wireless telephone has extended speech across our ocean boundaries. A chorus of twenty-eight million Ameri cans is brought into perfect unison daily by the Bell System, that unifier of the nation and harmonizer of distant peoples, which bridges distances, outraces time and makes a whole nation one community. vSf "The ZEPPELINS' TWO-MILE BOMB "HOOK" TO "FISH" FOR BRITISH WARSHIPS By WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD PARIS, March 22. Equipped with a new, horribly destructive de vice, n great fleet of Zeppelins will accomparty tho German fleet when it dashes out to meet the British, according to stories told by the Swig's boat men on Lake Constance. They obtained their Information, they say, from residents of Pricd riclishaven, on the lake, where the great Zeppelin works is situated. Fur thermore, they have watched the German slty cruisers experiment with the new missile, designed to blow England's great dreadnoughts into atoms. Suspended from tho gondoln of tho Zeppelin is a wire more than two miles long. At the end of tho wire dangles a cluster of bombs, filled with high explosives. Each Zeppelin accompanying the grand fleet will be fitted out to "fish'' for enemy warships. Scouting ahenil of tho fleet at n great height, the Zeppelin, the boatmen say, will drop its explosive bait to the water1, drng it at a high rate of speed in the direction of tho approaching Britishers, When the bomb cluster strikes the side of an enemy warship tho Zeppelin commander, two miles nbovo the wnter, will touch an electric button, setting off the charge. The bomb-dragging feat has been practiced several times in the last fortnight on Lake Constance, according to reports reaching Luzerne, by n new Zeppelin that apparently attained n speed of 100 miles nn hour. German military representatives in Switzerland made haste to deny tho rumor that the Germans were planning to drop poison gas bombs on French and English cities. ITALIANS DRIVE FOES FROM NEWLY WON LINE Austriaiis Capture Advanced Trenches in Plezzo Basin, but Lose Them Again ROME. March 22 Admission that the Auslrlnns succeeded In cnpturlng first line trenches In the Plezzo basin, north of Tolmlno, was made In tho official Italian report Issued Inst night. Homo asserts, however, that the Austrlans wero driven from their nowlv won positions by n violent countcr-attnet:. Tho text of the official report follows: Along tho front from Rovcrto to tho Gorlzla heights tho enemy per sists in making attacks, with great waste of ammunition nnd small In fantry ndvnnccs ngalnst our ad vanced line. Yesterday ho was every where repulsed. Especially Intense artillery duels took placo In tho Sugana Valley nnd on the upper Cordevolc. Along tho Carnla frontier, on the upper Isonzo and on tho heights of Gorlzla our artillery effectively replied to the enemy's fire, damaging his lines. Successful Infantry engagements took placo southeast of Rovereto, near Korquella. There has been further fierce fighting around the railway In tho Plezzo basin, where the enemy, after an Intense artillery bombard, ment, succeeded in occupying some of our advanced trenches, ' but from which ho was Immediately ejected by a violent counter-attack. On tho Carso yesterday tho situa tion was comparatively calm. KEPHAItT IX THE FIELD FOR STATE TREASURER Senato Clerk Announces Candidacy for Republican Nomination Harmon M. Kcphnrt, of Conncllsvlllo, Kayetto County, today formally announcad his candidacy for tho Republican nomina tion for Stato Treasurer, itepnarn, v,na Is a political lieutenant of Republican State Chairman Crow, has been assured of tho support of both factions of tho Or ganization, according to his friends. Kephart, who Is Chief Clerk 0f the State Senate, made his announcement after a careful canvass of the Stato. J. Lee Plum mer, Blair County chairman, has also announced his candidacy for the office. Kephart announced his candidacy through tho following letter: "To the Republican voters of Pennsyl vania: Having definitely concluded to become a candidate for the Republican nomination for tho office of Stato Treas urer. I now make the fact known by this public announcement. If nominated and elected I pledge the people of tho Stato an administration characterized by effi ciency and strict Integrity. My candi dacy, too, Is submitted in tho belief that Fayette County, having loyally and with out State recognition, supported the Re publican party for upward of 30 years. Is entitled to consideration at this time. I therefore solicit the support of all Re publicans, pledging them In return my appreciation." , Bell System" BULGARIANS PREPARE TO FIGHT RUMANIA Mines Sent to Town on the Dan ube and Newspapers Assume Hostile Attitude MILAN, March 22. The Recolo has re ceived a dispatch fiom Bucharest which says that tho Bulgarians nro steadily making preparations for war with Ru mania. Bulgarian boats carrying mines havo nrrhcil nt Olurgevo, a Rumanian town on tho P.inubo, which Is tho port of entry for supplies for Bucharest. It Is thought that the Bulgarians will lay tho mines In tho Danube. The dispatch says that tho Bulgarian press Is becoming more threatening In Its altitude toward tho neighboring coun try overy day. ITALIANS QUIT EPIRUS AT REQUEST OF GREEKS Retire After Receiving Notico of 24 Hours PARIS. March 22. Premier Skouloudls snld III the Greek Chamber of Deputies that Itnllan troops had left CJreek terri tory In Eplrus when 'derel to do sj by thj Greek commander, tho Athens corre spondent of tho Hnvas Agency nsscrti. The Premier Is quoted ns making the fol lowing statement In tho Chamber. "Italian troops advanced Into Greek territory and occupied Faghea, In Eplrus. Tho Greek commnnder notified tho Ital ian commander that he could not permit Italian troops to remain In Faghea. Tho Italian ofllcer requested 21 hours in which to nsk Instructions. At the end of that period tho Italians retired." State Jewelers to Meet nt Lancaster LANCASTER. Pa.. March 22. At a conferenco held hero by the local Jewelers and manufacturers with representatives of the Pennsylvania State Jewelers' Asso ciation, including President Ferguson, of Philadelphia, It was decided to hold tho next annual convention of tho association In Lancaster on May 17, IS nnd 19. The convention will bring several hundred Jewelers together. JGURES confirm what we have repeatedly told you: That Goodyear users far users of any other brand of tires. Out of 353,859 tires counted in 71 principal cities, 75,631 were Goodyear. This shows a Goodyear preference of 21 per cent with close to 200 tire brands for buyers to choose from. What else can it mean except that Goodyear users have found as you will find that Goodyear Tires cost less because they go farther, and last longer, and give less trouble ? GOODfEAR T I RES Easy lo gel from GooJycarStrtlcc Station Dealen Eveqahert dQtfJKrrs. M ATTACCHIAUSTRL4CI LUNG0 LA FR0NTE DA R0VERET0AG0R1ZLA Element! tli Trincee Avanzate Conquistate da Nemico nella Conca di Plezzo e Ripresso dagli Italian! VALONA E' BOMBARDATA ROMA, 22 Marzo. II MlnlBlero della OUerra pubbllcava lerl sera II segUcnto comunlcato In base al rapporto del cotnnndante Interlnale delle forza Itallane operant! sulla fronts Itato-aUstrlaca! "Lungo la fronto da Rovereto alio nt turo dl Gorlzla II nemico perslstc net fare attacchl spendendo grandl quantlta' dl munlhlonl ed adoperando foKe dl fanterla cha fanno piccolo avanzate verso la nostra fronte. Nella glornata dl lerl II nemico fu resplnto da per tutto. "Spcclalmento Intenso It duello delle nrtlgllerle e' stato nella Val Sugana e netl'alta valle del Cordovolc. Lungo la fronte della Carnla, nell'alta vnlle dell'I sonzo e suite nlturo dl Gorlzla la nostra nrtlgllcrla Hsposo eftlcacemento nl fuoco dcllo batterle nemlche danncgglnndo te Unco austrlache. "Combattlmentl dl fanterla favorevoll n. nol ebbcro luogo a sud -ct dl Rover eto, nolle vlclnanze dl Forquclln, SI sono nvutl nncora violent! combattlmentl at torno alia ferrovla nella conca dl Plezzo, dovo II nemico, dopo un Intcnso bomlmrd nmento, rluscl' nd occupara alcuno dcllo nostro trlncea avanzate, dalle quail pero' fu sublto dopo rlcacclato con un vlolento contrattacco da parto delle nostra forzo. "Sill Cnrso vl e' stata lei I una rclatlva tranqullllta'." tJh comunlcato ufflclale nustrlaco dlco cho avlatorl austrlacl hnnno hombardato dl nottetempo le casermo cd II porto dl Valona nonontanto It vlolento 'fuoco dello artlgllerlo Itallano c rltornarono qulndl senza incident! alia loro base. SI apprende che le forzo Itallane cho avevnno oecupato la locallta' Faghea, nel 1'Eplro sottentrlonale. hanno dovuto ritl rarsl. II comandante grcco avvcrtl' II comandanto Itallano cho egll non poteva permcttero nlle forze Itallano dl rlmancro a Faghea, o l'umclale Itallano chleso 21 oro dl tempo per domandaro Istruzionl. Dopo dl cho si rltlro' con lo suo forzo In terrltorlo albanese. La notlzla fu data dal presldcnto del Conslgllo grcco, Sku ludls, nella Camera, In rlsposta ad una analoga Interrogazlone. Un telegramma da Bucarcst al Se colo dl Mllano dlco cho I bulgarl fanno grandl preparatlvl mllltarl nulla fron tlera rumena. A Glurgcvo hanno trn sportato una grando quantlta' dl mine per somlnarle ncl Danublo. La stampa bul gara assumo un tono sempro plu' nlnac closo verso la Rumania. LA BATTAGLIA DI VERDUN. Un altro vlolentlsslmo nttacco I tedeschl hanno fatto contro lo poslzlonl francesl a nord-ovest dl Verdun, o sono rlutcltl a guadagnaro nncora del terrcno nella reglono ill Malancourt, cacclando con bombo Inccndlarle rlplcne di llquldo In flammabllo 1 frnncesl che dlfendevano un bosco. Malancourt e' pcro a died mlglla da Verdun, o la poslzlono di Lo Mort Homme e' tuttora nello manl del francesl. I critic! mllltarl francesl dlcono che questo successo tedesco o' dl minors Im- fportanza o non credeno cho I tedeschl rlnnovernnno, almcno per qualcho tempo, I loro attacchl contro Verdun SI rltleno gcneralmente cho II falllmcnto dell'offen slva tedesca contro Verdun costltulsco per II kaiser un dlsastro cho si puo' para- outnumber the 1 Goodyear No-Hook Tire are fortified agtinit t Rim-cutting Br our No-Rim-Cut feature. Blow-outj Bjr our On Air Cure. Loose Tteadi By our Rubber Rivet. Insecurity By oar Multl pit Braided Piano Wir Bate. Puncture and Skidding Br our Double-Thick ll-Wuthu Tread. The War Today Violent artillery duels occurred last night on the front northwest of Verdun, the French War Office announced this afternoon. Tho bombardment was especially heavy in tho region of Malancourt and on Hnucourt Hill. On the east bank of the Mouse cannonading continued on tho sec tor between Vnux village and Damloup. No infantry attacks oc curred. Dispatches from Amstcrdnm re port that 200 persons, mostly Ger man sailors and soldiers, were killed when 05 Allied planes raided Zcebruggc last Mondny. gonaro solo a quello della Mama. Nelle quattro settlmano dl battaglta nltorno n Verdun I tedeschl hanno perduto tra ucclsl o ferltl circa 200,000 Uomlnl del mlgllorl cho avevnno, trunpo cho non possono essa ro rlmplazzate sublto. L'OFFENSIVA RUSSA. B mentro I tedeschl logorano lo toro forze mlgllorl davantl a Verdun, I russl prendono l'offenslva non solo In Gnllzla o nella Bucovina e contlnuano la loro marcla nell'AsIa Mlnore o verso la Meso potamia, ma nttaccano vlolentcmonto lo llnae dl rcslstcnza tcdescho sulla Dvln.i, che sono tenuto dal mnrcsclallo von Illn denburg, battono 1 tedeschl o conqulstnno un sallcnte cho mlnnccla lo llncc tcuesche. La battaglta si rlaccendo dunque nncho Bulla fronto russa per l'lnlzlntlva del rusl die bI propongono dl impcdlro cho nuovo truppo slano tolto dalla fronto orlentnlo per essero Invlate contro Verdun I te deschl stcssl nmmcttono cho csst sono statl costrcttl nd abbanuonare un sallcnto a sud del Ingo Narocz, nelle vicinanzo dl Vllna, Nolla Bucovlnn lo forzo russo ml nacclano ora serlamcnto Czernovltz. Plans Church in Memory of Son At tho conclusion of a dinner which ho gave to tho ciders and trustees of the Ninth rresbyterlan Church, Craig N. Llg gct, of 1036 Walnut street, last night an nounced his Intention of building a new church In memory of hM dead son, John D. Taggart Llggct. Plans for tho building already havo been drawn by an nrchltoct and wero presented during tho evening. When completed tho structuro will cost $60,000. l X MjkXX --B. IV "t 'iVdfKCL -s. -"O-S m :54m tS? IfLouiseHomer Likes It why shouldn't you? Thfs talented daughter of Penn-j sylvania, born in Pittsburgh and educated in Philai:' delphia, has taken her place in grand opera as one of the foremost operatic contraltos of the world. She says: enjoy very much using the Lester Piano. I find it the most satisfactory instrument Like Homer, the Lester Piano is a Philadelphia product. During the past quarter century it has taken front rank among the leading pianos of Amer ica. More than 65,000 of them are in daily use in the best homes throughout the country. The world's greatest artists use it because they like it. X Y Lester Grand Upright and Player -Pianos are distinguished among music lovers everywhere for' their full, mellow tones; easy, quickly responsive, action; artistic design; superb finish and superior craftsmanship. And yet, being sold direct, it is as easy to own a Lester as one of the many inferior makes. Let us show you how conveniently YOU can have one at once. 4 F. A, NOnTH CO.. 1308 Chettnut St., Philadelphia Gentle men: Pleasa send me Illustrated booklet and full description of your Lester Grand Piano 0 Lester Upright Piano n Lester Player Piano 0 i Also details of easy-payment plan without Interest or extras. rieate Mark With X. (Stylo You aro latrreited In. Name . Address F.A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut St. BRANCH west rnruL oamdkn 101 South Sd StMlt (10 U(04dnr 1 KENSINGTON TIIKNTON Jilt Jtn.U)tou At- &( BUU Str WlLKES-pABUE. 170 "OurJapanell proDiem," sayi Lincoln Stefi fens, "is all a hidl misunderstand-! "as vy auior-i mans, by the Japs, and by American generally." He tells why and points J wayoutin"CalifnrJ nia and the JapaJ nese" in this -urooi t " "cca.S, other's SIIBHATtONAlffMKlX' ' State Candidates Fllr. P...... Three candidates for tho L,t, nnnounced today that they will 'flu Z? Inatlon papers. They oro jLJ,wi AVnlkcr, 46th Ward; Samuel P.tu',,, 22d -Ward, and Thomas C emintg. lS Ward, Walker Is a lieutenant of YuJ?. Mackey and will have tho support rf . McCllntock from tho 21st leglslTti?." rlr. IT, lain,, nn,1 r1-.-. .' "! 01., tlin npnuhllnnn nml Mr--i.'i .?. ""'"I hnmlntittntin In tlin IRtl. ,1l-.i.. .. Pnfi cnt legislators, William T Weir and 5?w V. Cummins, It Is bcllovcd. will tt Porter Preaches Preparcdnesi g Cloorgo D. Porter, former Director n Public Safety, spoko on "Preparedn.S! last nignt Beforo tho Men's Association IS the Presbyterian Church, at LlanercK Th. address was enthusiastically aDDlamh? lowed tho address. sglEilii E, Lednr 1-22-li. STORES HEADINO IS Nertb f" S,M' NOBKISTOWK Jll WtMn6tr.J guftb iUla Stwt XKr?rr "VqP CiMlfl