TPW 3JWWtWJ JIWpri 18 EVENING UEDGEE-PHirADEEPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1916. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT TfANOS AND fLATER-PIANOa IIEPrE'B UPTOWN STORES COIL BTH AND THOMPSON ST9. ?s cmckKRiNo upright piano. upward vincent. sai n. ith. ELECTMC FLAYER PIANO. BS-noto. slightly lr dj will sacrifice 2120 Ledger Branch .Officer 20th and Berk. 39 riANOLA. note. Including 25 piece manic fM North (I2d at OLD GOLD GA81T PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS stones, gold, sliver, platinum. Inlaw teeth. Phlla. Bmel ting Rof. Co.. lit S. ltlh lit. OLTJ aOLD,,allver, platinum, plated ware, old style Jewelry, teeth plate bought lor cash. Est. 1111, L L. Clark, refiner. 107 Bansom. CASH PAID VOn diamond. old fold, silver, platinum, false teMh. nellahl Refining Company. N E corner flth and Walnut en, ROOFINQ AND IRON AWNINGS LET t'8 ESTIMATE to coat your roof and guarantee it m ypnrs AMERICAN ROOI 3FINO CO.. HISS Ridge are. STORAGE PENN STORAOH AND VAN CO. lilt MARKET ST. ATLAS 8TORAOB WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Baring 732 for estimate. Market 37th. McCANN'fl STOHAOE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th st Moving, packing, shipping! auto vans. Both phones. Let us estimate. WEST PHILA. WKST PHILA. WbSTPHILA. MONARCH STOItAOB CO. Auto packing ami shipping. 110 LANCASTER AVE. BTOHAOE Moving by auto vans, packing. i.ijvin Ulioa. 2048 Hldge ave. Phone Poplar 0024, WM. nADFOIlD btoraoi: for household noons in SEPARATE IIOO.M, PAUKINO. HlllPPINII TO Al.1i PAIIT8, VAN. WAGON, AUTO FOn AIOVINO B310 N. WATER ST.. OLNEY. .NEVER C1.Q3BU Phono WYOM1NQ 2.'in.1 J. CONTINENTAIi STORAOH WAREHOUSE SOTII ST. AHOVI3 CHESTNUT PACKINO, MOVING. BHIPP1NO Bugs, Carpets, cleaned, scoured stored. ell. Locust 108 0 Phones Key., ltace 41 . FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 181M81U MARKET ST. ITREPROOr. Mothproof, Concrete Warhon. N. Phlla. Stnr. Co.. 2033 1,-hUh. Tlo. 72S0. WANTED ANTIQUn FURNITURE, false feathr bought. 733 j, urnKPn jewciry. Koin. envr. unmonai i walnut, walnut 7Q2I1. Est, lain. BROKEN .lEWEI.ltV.falso teeth, pistols, coins. Coin books, with prices I pay.malled.1Ro. J.ll . Uosa (rople'a atom). 2Hrt S. 11th. Wal. d48H, CAST-OFF CLOTIIINO On account of the hlr demand we have had had for cast-off clothing wo are compelled to Pay the very best posslblo prices for thse foods In order to replenish our stock, i He ore selling your clothes It will pay u to get our prices. We call nnvwhero at any time. Call, wrlto or phono Poplar C342. COOPER 1010 (llrnrcl nve. , CAST-OFF CLOTHINO WANTED BELIOSOHN. the KINO of all dealer, pays much mora than all othern for lndlea' and men'a eummer and winter dtsenrded clothing, hats, shoes, furs, etc.: ladles atreet dresses and evening gowns; also men'a overcoats, suits nnd evening clothes; tn fnlrness to yourself, get OUR prices first! wrlto or tele phone. Market 2090. Uuyere: call, city or suburbs, day or night. HELIasOIIN. the, Klnr. corner 8th nnd Spring Garden. II lOIIEST. prices paid for diamonds, old gold, ellver. platinum, falso tei-th; also pawn tickets; diamonds appraised. 1300 Filbert St.. 2d floor front. Wnlnilt 7171 Est. HI vra CAST-OFF CLOTHING Highest prices paid for ladles' nnd men's clothing, hats, shos, etc.; phone Pop, aw 1. Illacker, 1231) Poplar. CAST-OFF clothing bought: best prices paid ? "goods; wrlto or phono Walnut 0863. HCHULT7., 241 N. tlth St. CAST-OFF clothing, shoes nnd hats bought' send postal. Hneidman. 1)22 Poplar st. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, nntlques; entire or part houses bought for cosh, no matter how large. J. Rernsteln, 1331 Itidso ave. FURNITURE bought rash: parlor, entire h'se. pfflco furn., stock stores; will pay to consult before selling. Ennls. 212 H. Hth. Wal. 1B3H MERCURY nOUOIIT. D. Chambly. gold and silver buyer nnd refiner. 711) Sanson-,. Rell ph. OLD OOLD Cash paid for old gold, silver, antique clocks: will call. Hell phone. 1-ocus: 1218. ROPERS. 27 8. 17th St. WE PAT highest prices for rags, newspapers and magazines, all kinds of Junk wanted, our wagons call anywhere. Write or phone 3S42 Ilaverford ave . branch at 37 8. Sflth st. ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH ST.. 1320 Nicely furnished rooms. running water; "single. 12 up: double, r up, CJinSTNUT. 2007 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. CHESTNUT. 4421 Two unfurnished rooms mm iair oatn orono noor CHESTNUT. 18in, and Spru. 1402 Room. with hathilngle and en suite. DIAMOND W.. 1.110 Well-furnlshed 3d-stnr7 loom anl sitting rocm. all conveniences: i-en-tlemen preferred. Phono Diamond 3JlIrW. LOCUST BT.. 1303 I-nrgo 3d-ty. front room, aoublo or single, conv., run. water: phone; hath; select apartment houee. gent' men. prf. MT. VERNON. 1831 2d sty front furn . bust- . ness women only; private family; phono. OXFORD HT.. Hill Iirtto room, adjolnlns ni, umuriiiaiirii 8PRUCE. .133 7 Rooms, single or en suite; prl. patns; prof, ornces; steam heat, electricity. 8UMMER. 2023 Nicely furnished rooms; horn . comforts, steam hcat:phone. WALNUT. llllSO (llettlnu) Attractive 2rt story rocms. suite, private bath, unlimited hot water; steam hent, moilerala rales. WALNUT ST.. near 3(lth Comfortably fur- filahed front rooms, steam heat, electric l. near P 315. Ledger Office. WKSTVIEW & Oermanlown ao 2 rooms on Jd floor, suitable for nfflro or light hskpg. light and heat. fiWIJ Otn. nve. (Itn 4S33 10TII. 8.. 302 Opp. Clinton"," ottrac. rooms! slngje beds: new. fur. & dec. FIJier4202 W. 12TH. N.. 201(1 Housekeeping. 3 cheerful rooms, well heateil private bath, gas range, china and linen. Phono Diamond 3s:il. J2TH ST.. N., 11113 Two second front rooms. communicating; newly furnlshe,, for light hoiikeejlngjrunngvater. W. 13T1I, N.. (112 2 rms . hath", heat and" light; 123 per mo. TAt'l-ANB. I)l)Q Wa Inut St. ?SHA J" .1-8 Heautlfully furnished rooms. CaU Sunday oreveilngs. 20TH. 8.. 123 Neatly furnished rooms; meals i optional: restaurant. Phons Ixcuat 328!. 4BTH. 8.. 110(1 Deslrable.sunny rooms; elec , trlclty; private bath. Woodland 2374 W. UTH. S., 7ps-Furnlshwl, unfurnlsheil; gen. tlemen: ref. home, refs Wooilland K183M. 60TIf""N.. ,207 Cherfully furnished rooms !?..houifk'eIUnr,! electric, linen; near Ijphono Belmont 40B3, f"OR. 2 ROOMS and bath: furnished or unfur- iiuneu-, resnonauie; npposiie I'arli women ,rcierrrti. rnanfl jieimonc .UTa FURNISHED front room with usa of bath; business women preferred; reference ex changed. Phono Tioga S37D. OWNKH will rent bachelcr apt.. 3 rooms. Ith, fireplace. 2022 Spruce st. Locust 10(13 J. NURSE, sraduato. having quiet home, would taka patients. M 048. Ledger Central. Suburban BIIARPNACK ST.. W.. 148 Comfortably furC ntshed. wall-healed room. 4 windows, suit able for light housekeplng or board; ui of nlc reading room and piano. Otn. 4833 J. OVEIIBROOK (878 Wyniiewood road) Can aocommixlato gentlemen, largo front rm., 13 MILLIE AND HER i BrjOlE.' THIS 6CTTING M TO THE SVfFRMZ PARADE AND nnvflnt in i ' - BOOMS WANTED ELDERLY MAN wants nicely furn. room In prlrata American family near Logan Square; permanent If suited, please state terma and full particular. A 133, ledger Office. BOARDING BROAD, 8., I COO Two sunny rooms, eourle. or two irentlemeni ec table. Dick. 22S7 J. SPRUCE. 1029 Furnished or unfurnished rooms, prlv. hatha, electric light, hot-water heat, excellent service, phone: table hoard. SPRUCE. 1012 (Hnlmchurst) Beautifully fur. rooms, private Imth with I rmaru; ianirc. SrntrcE, 1224-2(1 (llrlsmonde) Furn. rooms. . single, en suite! private; haths; table board. SPRUCE. 12S0 Attractive rooms, slnitle or en sultej private bath; gentlemen preferred. SPRUCE ST.. ).1.1 4th story with board! table board. front room. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location! special sclenttfla cart! nervous, elderly; every comfort! nurses. Booklet. Dr. Randal. City line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS THE PARKSIDE 40T1I AND mitAnn Avn OPP08ITE FAIRMOUNT PARK. Pomp lines nf rnra. convenient to all sec. tlons nf the city, all largo outside rooms. Culslno particularly attractive. rnur, iiaiiiiu 21. WALNUT AND 11TII STS. (B. W. Cor,), mod ern suite, exceptionally attractive: nign ceil In . nhtindnntlv is. abundantly uanieri on tnree sines suitable for housekeeping, If desired: 175, liable ror Housekeeping, iraesirea Janitor on premises BARBER. HARTMAN CO.. 1701 Chestnut st. 10S S 11T1I ST. Ilachelor apartments: excep tionally desirable 2d and 4th floor suites; 3 largo rooms and bath, every mod Imprnv'mt; Janitor on premises, steam heat Included. IAIUIMII.HAItT.MANA CO , 1201 Chestnut. Bl'MINU OARDEN. I01O. Excellent apis. In 8 different houses! some furn.. kltchett. THE KENNINOTON PINE IIEI.OW IIROAD Attraetlvo suite of unfurnished rooms, hav Ing 2 rooms, with private hath, ens and electric llaht, lmnrneil vapor heating sys tern, elevator aerleo: strictly nreproof bull. line; rent J40 and jno. refprenco neces sary. YARROW A VAN PELT 17TII AND r-HKBTNI'T HTS FURNISHED or unfurn : nil conveniences, central. ! rooms and bath, 17th and Walnut. Iocustl soil. ATTRACTIVE, large living hath; all nutald": unfurn. room, bedroom. 111)1 Oxford st. TO HU1ILET, apartment! 8 rooms and bath. . Call or Thone, Apartment B2, The Oivlatons, N. W. COR. 17TII AND HANSOM STS. Desirable apartment. 1 room and bath. Apply Jos. I), wlnchell, on premises. West Philadelphia NETHERLANDS. 4322 Chestnut t. Apart ment 412: large corn-r npnrtmnt; alt rooms on 44l)i ot. to suhlet; will sell furniture. 30 CHANCELLOR APARTMENTS .32 Chnncellor, 04th to sstn tbeiow wainuti; airiue, a rooms, H. 64th. bath, porch. Office. 211 Ardmore, Pa. THE ATHENS I and 2 room suites, bath, kllch'ette.r fur, or unfur. Ph. Ardmore 1324. (.tensltle. Pa. WAVER LY APARTMENTS 8 rooms; rent 123, J30 nnd 133 per month! old shade, ei RENNINOER A RENNINOER OLENSIDB. PA HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS IB12 NORTH 1BTH ST. Modern housekeeping acnrtmenls; reduced rentals: Just renovated throughout. Apply to Janitor, on premises, or LEWIS A. TAU LANC, S. W. cor. Hth and Walnut eta. N. E. COR. 17TH A WALNUT STB. The newest and most distinctive apartment house In Philadelphia: desirable 10-room housekeeping suites, with southern, eastern and ncatern exposures. Apply on Premises. DIAMOND. II 343 Handsomely furn. corner apt . 3 rms., private bath; moderate rental. nrfUITEENTH. N , 1718 Thoroughly modern tint, i! largo rms : ronsiant hea t: reduced. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Ton ran look at on? after another until yon find one. or You can bo nround to the different asrenclea until In dOBpalr you tnko one. or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It Is quite, true that nearly every deslrabli Apartment In Phlludelphlr. la Ilntdl with and may lw rented through w Call upon uh in our new offln: thy ar- really qulto altractlvo, ou will Iw clven thn mom courteous nnd efllclent acrvtco ob tain. .)Ie. An automobllo In wnltlntr tn tnko you to tho list of apirtmentft you deHlenate, nnd If by any rhanc 3ou am not perfectly aulted, our entire organization will be plard at your disposal to procure for you exactly your lifHrt'H dnlre. Think nf all the trouble you will h& aer! and how triad ou will be, to know you havo found the one apartment In Phila delphia which most nearly approached our exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce S071. Race 3023. THE WARWICK 1906-01-10 Hansom st. A modern 7-story fireproof building, contain ing rultes of apartments having 4 to 0 rooms with all convenient es for housekeep. Ing. The entire water supply In this build ing Is filtered. Thero are 3 or 3 desirable vacancies; one suite, on the &th floor, con taining 6 rooms, at !G5 per month, and one on the 3d Moor, at 150 pr month. Thero Is a caterer In the building who will serve ineala when wanted, either In the public din ing room or In the apartments. WHITESIDE i McLANAHAN N. W. cor. 15th and Pine stS; THE BNOLEWOOD. 32U H. 11TH ST Ideal luntral housekeeping apartments, suites 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath. ADnly janitor. on premises, or wwiii A. tauuwi K. liuu wnlnut at. NORFOLK APARTMENTS Desirable -4 and 5 room apartments near Park. Janitor service, reasonable rentals. 1IECHTEL. 3-.'3i' Itldge ave POPI.AH APARTMENTS. 11118-20 Poplar St. 2, 3 and 1 room suites, furn. or unfurn.; hot-water heat: private baths; hot water. tolt modern, furn. or unrurn. apartments. Northwest Phlla. and Tioga, see us first. KCIIOEI'PY & CO.. 1517 Montgomery ave. HOUSEKEEPING apts.. all parts of city: rents 12.1 to 170 per month, call, phone or write for information. Samuel stern, 1201 Chestnut. SMALL SI'ITE. furnished, housekeeping, $51 room and kitchenette. J3.5U. Hul N. 16th. WEST PHILADELPHIA THE RUTLAND APTS.. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST HT.. 54'Wl TO 65TH ST. l-rooms-and-bath apartments, with all thi latest conveniences i mu to itz.ou per xnontn. ROIIERT PITTS, AI1ENT lien pnone itelmonl 4f39 5443 Locust St. DREXEL APARTMENTS OVKIl'IROOK STATION One housekeeping suite. 8 rocms and bath. 113.34 per month; public dining room. Pnone Overbrook 6518 THE ('HILTON First and 3d-l1oor apartments, from 110 tn 135. MRS. R. Mcl.AIN, 3.'18 Paring st. THE REIDLYN B rooms and hath; half block from 130 ftiin u siaiion. Jas. N. Mitchell. 40th snd Market sts. HILL CRR3T ' B. E. COR. 34TH AND RACE STS. Attractive apts.; shower baths; reasonable. MILLIONS R(DF IN ' IM HAN6ED IF PUTTING' ANYM orc of HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS (nnrd!rOTnrr recdls ff Column wkst riiii.AnEi.rniA ESSEX, 34th and Chestnut, Monterey. 43d and Chester! llelmont. 31th and Spring (lit. den. Inquire Janitor orj'resse.808 llaje Bldg BUCKINOHAM APTS. WOs 7 rooms. 2 baths, porch. Ph.Prrs.3(IOI. A. II. Reld.4418 Walnut. APARTMENT H0TEL3 ALDINE HOTEL TOM?0 The beat rooms and suites, with the best table, in Phila. Day, Week, Month, Season, Year THE LINCOLN LOCUST BEIX3W 13TII STREET Transient and Permanent Quests Table the Pest THE DELMAR-MORRI3 OERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. HTATION, PENNA. AILROAI): 20 MINUTES FROM DHOAD BT, TERMINAL. ATTRAf.-TIVKLT FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SPITES AND HOUSEKEEP I.VO APARTMENT8. HOTEL COLONIAL fSSRF", Newly decorated and refurnished through out, comfortably furnished parlor, bedroom and bath by the dav. week or month, at rea eonable rates, eep Ice end cuisine unexcelled. W.M P. KENNF.Y Mannger. . THE CLINTON TnNT,iPnl$..?w SOo ROOMS. EVERY CONVENIENCE. Furnished or unfurnished, either by jnee or translentlv, suites of one to four rooms, with bath. THE COVINOTON CHESTNUT AND 37TH STS. II. F. ENOLB. MANAOER Aleoth Englslde, Itench Haven, N, J, CHOICE TWO-ROOM SUITES FOR RENT THE GLADSTONE "T,HITRIBET'aNB FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED AHSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE EDfJF.TON 2'1 nn'l Parkslde J.I1U UIJVJLiiUIN, nc.sinele rooms nnd suites. Private baths Ileautlfut loca- tlon Dining service THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT OUEST8 J6TH AND CHESTNUT THE DASIIWOOD 180H-18IO Chestnut street. Ronms with hath, single and In suites. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY !00(1 MT. VERNON Ilenutltul modern resi lience, 12 rooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors throughout; hot-water heat; excel, condttloni cost owner 112,000 two ears ago; will sacri fice for I8,"U(), as owner must leave cltyi must be s-cn to bo appreciated. Open for In spection day or evening, or phono Spruce 401 for fuil particulars , . 7TII ST. AHOVn CU.MnERLAND 8 flTORT. H ItOOMH. HATH AND HHED LAROE LOT riltST-CLAHS CONDITION l'RICi; JSOOO ONLY Ki0 CAHII Ualanco can be arranged on mortgages. LEWIS ft CO.. 1'.'27 tHHAHU AVE. 230 N. KITH 2.-. feot front tworth J12.000). Price only $8'i7r,. IAItHHALL II. SMITH, i Kill Chestnut. , MOft LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-story brownstone dwell ing; especially fitted for professional orflces; low price and rosy terms fnr quick sale. 1013 N. CAMAC ST 3-storv h'rlrk dwelling. fl rooms, hath nnd outkltchen: all con- enlences. CHARLES W. .MILLER. 401-407 ..Commonwealth Iiulldlng. 2110 N. 20TH ST. 0 rooms, nil concnlencs; lot 1(1 by SO; assessed 13000; will sacrlllco to settle estate. MYI3I8 tc IIARTII. nidge ave. and 10th. 1031 N IlllOAH ST. 3 story, all brownstone front: lot 22x1.10 ft. to rear street; prlco mo,ierar. CHAS. I, nitOWN ft CO . 217 8. Ilroad at. SPH1NO HARDEN. above 20th-IT. rooms, side )ard. 2-x1.ti; below aHtiessment: pleitsant resld"nie; opfii outlool: In rear: splendid for club or upiirtmeni.82!) N. 21lh 223fl N. PARK AVE. Ileuutlful 3-story porch front dwelling. Id rooms ami bath, all mod ern conveniences CIIAH. W. MILLER, 401 407 Commonwealth Illilg. 250 AND 2.VJ NORTH BTH ST. Two 4-story houses: lot 3IW.I0 feet to Ri-eHO St. I.. A WHITE. 13H7 W. Tioga nt. H. W. COR. HlTH AND CHERRY STH. Lot 21x1113. JAMES I) WINCHHLL. N. W. corner 17th mid Hansom ets 2031 N. 3 1ST 2-story porch-front dwelling, excellent condition: make offer; terms to suit. TAULANE. HDD Walnut st. 1730 S. IIROAD ST. 3-sto"ry. porch: garage In rear: make offer, terms to suit. TAU LANE. Olio Walnut at. 1042 N lhTII ST. llrownstone. 12 rooms, laundry, modern plumbing, good order, Seo WMlOLENN. ir.17 Columbia ae. 1721 N. 18TH. 12 rooms: lot 17x100; price l073..MarshalMI. Smith. 1011 Chestnut. "TRIDENT" WATER METER New properties can go on water meter ratrs at onco If Installed before being occupied. Ask vour plumber or PHILADELPHIA METER COMPANY. 942 Ileal Estato Trust Iiulldlng. BEAUTIFUL side-yard home nt bargain figure! I) rooms, never occupied. 032 Chew St.. Ta bor: hot-water heat, I bedrooms, electrlo light, p-irquctry Mooring: wide street; largo lot; terms arranged. You tan't duplicate this for near tho prlco asked: two trolleys! block from station. AIIi:RNKTIIY. 133 S. 12th. 2721 N. Sth. FOt'll IiriLDINO LOTS. South Phlla.. $.100 each: nho one ut $1,100; good factory site. West Phlla.. near P. It. It. depot: 3 stores nnd dwellings, lentrnl; all above nro clear, but 7 per cent, can remain at li 4-10 per cent. Enterprise Brokerage and Realty Co., 1(1311 Land Tltlo Iiulldlng. n PRICE $3,100 1342 Marlborough st., ."1 story. 10 rooms, all conveniences: lot lNxloO. THOS. F. McTEAR IHO N. 2d st. EXCELLENT BUSINESS LOCATION 1231 COLUMBIA AVENUE. Large sture, 0 rooms nnd bath. CHAS. W. MILLER ol.:in.T.P,m.on- t s n III CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sala or send us your requirements. YARROW & VAN PELT N. E. cor 17tn and Chestnut sts. Phono 3186 Spruce or 2C79 Race. rent; MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Building Association and Trust Funds. TAUI.ANE. 0(10 Walnut st HOMES, northwest; send for my complete list before purchasing In this section! easy terma. JAMES P. WINCHELL. 2010 N. 20th. MUST BE SOLD S W cor. 17th and Colum bia ao , 13-room dwelling. 2 baths, a good location for business und apartments. F. L. CARRE, owner, 1720 N. 2lth st. IF YOU ARE I.OOKINO for a house lnveif ment or a business property see SI. J.LALLYJt41 N10th St. 11800 2433 Sejbert street. 2 story. (1 rooms, all conveniences, excellent condition. D. A. M . 1830 RliUae REMARKAULE I1AROAIN. 1U000 Large cor ner properly. 12 rooms: 1.1th Ward: room for garage. Marshall 11. Smlth,lUU Chestnut. INVESTMENTS Send "for my special list of desirable Investment properties In northwest section. James D.WlncheL 20 10 sf S0Jh. OOOD Investment, small prutiertles. 4 rooms nei.l V.01 Vt n II ... a -- a .a ..i .. ..", wit" rwnieM ii h inonin; price 11100 Cameron JEstat 28 11 Kens, ay. 10TII. I3TII. 14TH AND 15TII WARD BUY ERS, SELLERS OR RENTERS SEE FHinnRICH - CO.. U1 N. 12TH ST. PRICE 11700, CLEAR Only 1250 cash71.'333 asier. n rooms ,no-water nat. 3IAUBUAI.I, llMJIlill. DIAMOND ST. residence, near 10th; 12 rooms! prlco $5500; Immediate possession. JJi-JULfey.LjH4J!0Ulst. INVEST 1225 that can show 21 1-3 per centTor $425 at 22 1-3 per cent.) small property; up keep nominal. KIRK. 1537 Catharine. (Copyright. 1018.) I'll JTAND MiLLieiN0N'eN,e eo ? i ui TUU.iUHGinino JttEAL ESTATE TOR SALE Continued Jrem Preceding Column Hntldlng Lots, ractory Sites, Etc. FACTORY SITES SPRING GARDEN STREET FROM Fifth to Broad Street ARPHALTED STREET, 120 FEET WIDE. OOOD LHIIIT. CENTRAL IXKV.TtON, NEAR HOMES OF KMFLoriSS. CONVENIENT TO RAILROAD FREIOHT STATION. APPLY THOS. E. DUNN 133 South Fifth St. TRACT OF 16 ACRES Right at Serane Station, on Tenna. R. R., 0 miles from City Hall, with 1000 ft. R. R. front: Ideal location for any manufacturing business requiring good shipping facilities; will dltlde to suit nnd mako attractive price. Chester Osborne chestnut bt. Lumber Yard with Railroad Siding for sale, near North Philadelphia Stltton, Frederick H. Warner 680 Land Tltlo Building. OERMANTOWN AVE. Itcy St., 100x100 ft. 20 lots. Ventngo and Wnrnock ats. 14 lits. Rising Sun ac. nnd 10th st, 3 acres, Upsal nnd 8prngu ste.i R. R. front. T A U'lriTP ("ft? l- TIa-. SITES, RAILROAD, for sale. Pennsylvania nnd Rending: S2000 per acre and up, accord ing to location. Inquire for terms, DIETER1CII, 737 Walnut. FINE LOCATION NORTHEAST. FOR OPER ATION of 30 houses, aiHances secured for responsible hullder. PEMHERTON ES TATUS, Harrison Ilulldlng CHOICE HUILDINO IXJTS and large tracts ground In all parts city, nlso over 200 mfg, sites MMvln. ltenl Estate Trust Hldg. LAIU1E AND S.MALI. KITES, somo It. II. aTiEUNETHT. 2721 N. Bth. 1.13 a. 12lh. IJIIOAI) .MT . COH. NEDItO A Vi:..' 40x08 .liiff.h Oreenspnn & Hon, 018 Drexel Uldg. TALL3 OP SCHUYLKILL GROUND Large nnd Small Tract for DWELLINO OR MANUPACTURINO purposes In best sections, EXCELLENT RAILROAD PACILITIE3 Irlces on Application. Eat. JOHN DOBSON, 800 Chestnut st. DLOCK OF GROUND with three fronts, nsth and Florence nve j will divide. PKMDEIN TON ESTATES. Il'nrrlson Hull. Ing. Factories N. 13. COR. 2D AND DIAMOND BT8. Well located site nnd buildings, adapted tor fac tories, garages, etc.! lot 00x100 to Palethorp st. LEWIS A. TAULANE, 8. W. cor. 0th and Walnut sts. LAROE MANUFACTURINO PLANT. 400 feet frontage on Delaware lllvor: Pcnna. n. n. elding: offlco bhlg.. laboratory, covered ship ping platform, etc.; water supply from river nnd artesian wells: hollers, engines, eery thing complete. TAULANE. nop Walnut st. Hiislness Properties nnd Stores MARKET ST. PROPERTIES at sacrifice. 40x lid through to rear street: Just west of 17th M and ripe for Immrdlato Improvement. .Must be sold within 30 dns. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut nnd 13th. WEST PHILADELPHIA 8010 CHESTNUT ST. Two-story side-yard house, porch front; lot 10.(1 by 111.0; electrlo lights, parquetry flooring, metal weather stripped throughout. Apply to owner on premises. Telephone Preston 3110. 40 N. 38TII ST. 3-story dwelling. S rooms and bath, 20x12." to buck street; cheap to close on estate, o, C. SU1DEL & CO., Inc., 4th nnd Cnllowhlll. ST. nilRNARD. 03 1 S. .1 story, side yard. 12 rooms: nssessed $1300: price $1,100: mako offer. CONTINENTAL-EQL'ITAIILE TRUST CO.. 21 South 12th SL 45TH ST.. 21.1 H. -3-story 12-room dwelling: assessed $(1000: any reasonable offer eonsld- ered. .CONTINENTAL-EQI'ITAHLE TRUST CO.. 21 South 12th St. 40TH ST.. (137 S. 3 story, side yard. 12 rooms: assessed nt $.1100; bargain at $.1,100. CONTINENTAL-EQUlTAilLE TRUST CO.. 21 South 12th St. WALTON AVE , 4838 3 story, side yard! as sessed $ IROo. pric9 $5000. Continental Equltnble Trust I'o . 21 H. 12th St. MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE AN ESTATE Cosy 7-room house on main street; parch and all other modern conveniences; convenient to surface cars and elevated; 4202 Powclton ave. Phono owner, J. A. MUNRO, Woodland 001. ATTRACTIVE TWIN RESIDENCE To settle an estate wo nre sacrificing a 3 slory, 18-foot s-tiildotuchcd house: 12 rooms; 2 baths, electric lights; southern exposure; lot 21x110, located on 0110 of the best streets in the 10th street section. WM. II. W. OUICIC & URO.. INC. 8 South 40th street. BUY ON THE BOULEVARD 60TII ST. ABOVE LANSDOWNE AVE. The very best construction. UNEOUALHD AT $4001) Up to data In every particular. Including hardwood Moors throughout. JAS. C. ENBURO, BUILDER. . CORNER RESIDENCE. 1.1800 -,?.TT,S...S-. T'!1" I .a delightful 3-story TOWNHKND residence, light nnd sunny; con- .. 4IMW tains 11 rooms of good size; BALTIMORE convenient to several car lines; AVE. room for guruge. Tho prlco Is . Just as attractive. THREE - STORY HOUSES. TWO - STORY HOUSES. SIDE-YARD HOUSES, many stvlfs nnd prices in our nice neighborhood PEMHERTON ESTATES. N. W. cor. B8th A Willows uvenu. Convenl.A. to trulnu and trolleys, near Park and Hdliicvard, schools, churches. BEST OPPORTUNITY me Corner property. 210 8 S2d st., for sale; good opportunity for tlrst-class bakery or suit any bus.; can mako excel, display on 2 sis. This property Is Increasing In valua vary rapidly. Apply 211) S. 52d st. 110 0110 OR LESS Assessed 110.000. mortgage !75uu. value tin.OOil, Wulnut st west of 42d st., assumed for debt, rlrcumstances will not permit our giving particulars over tho phon; Taylor Son, 2t nnd 20 S. 40thst. 13100 8 rooms, hot-water heat, gas and elec trlo light, P'irquetry floors, shower bath, gas kitchens und all other modern cppolntments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. BUILDER BSth and Hadfleld sts. WHELAN'S HOMES euTII AND PASCHALL AVE. Apply 1011 CHESTNUT ST. SEND FOR LIST SALE OR RENT JOS. M. BAKER 52d and Baltimore ave. INVESTMENT Four houses and lot. rental ISO per month, assessed 11000, price 15000. 1.A.FITK.US7 Lnncaster ave. SEND for large list West Philadelphia houses, south of Market, all sizes, all prices. T. H. MaglnnUs Son. flOuu llaltlmors avs. WEST I'lllLADKI.l'llIA IIOVICl" W. i:PWIN BLAIR. 207 B. 60TII. PROPERTY for sale, rent or exchango, WISTER. 801 South (Kith st felores mid Dwellings B800 WHITBY AVE., CORNER B8TH ST.; easy terms, splendid property; active, busy neighborhood. FEMUERTON ESTATES. 1438 8. B8th St. ' 158.10 CATHARINE AND ALI1EN: easy terms; steam heat: elec. Ilght;parq. flooring; porch. Kershaw Crowl. 5215 Chestnut. fQtf.MOWTY. IWANTT0 5H0UJ j . I vunrt i rinvu tuw ti"i-iuin , ini.y-i. i J .','. ir-r- t-ii. . I I CFIT CrtOOndfl im REAL ESTATE TOR SALE ConHnufp; from FrtceHnojMpmn OERMANTOWN 42(1 Vf. 8TAFFORD ST. , Exceptionally desirable resilience. In best con dltlon: 4mlnutes' walk from fihellen Ave. Station, P. n. R.; reception halt, 11 rooms, Id closets, bath. Apply to owner, on prem ..lacs, or at 328 Chestnut tRoom 309. . OERMANTOWN 1(12.'. Pulaski a-e... 3-story, rorch-front. semlrtetached dwelling. rooms. 2 bather modern; phone CIAS. vr. MILLER, 401-407 Commonwealth iiulldlng. GET BACK TO NATURE Live close to the open country., where your children can grow up among fields ann low ers, and yet where you can also have all tne comforts and conveniences of the city. Jiy houses on MEDARY AVENUE are Just the plarn for this Ideal, combination. 7 rooms, large porches, electric light, m".'' ern heat and only 12000. with llttlo cash required. Sample house No. 1910. OPEN FOR INSPECTION Trolley via Chelten ave. and Ogontz ave.. walk 1 block south. Glyndon Priestman nTtnff!n Ave.. SPECIAL HAROA1N D'slrable residence on Mnnneim St., yueen i.ane sccnm, -,,. " town, .1 stories, 11 rooms. 2 baths; front ana side yard; all conveniences; will sell for less than assessment to Immediate purchaser! llnnn !. nnl.. Mni.l.ul' nAlffhhnrhOOfl im proving! splendid locality' for. growing .chll dren. IXINOUOTTOM. Att'y, 21 S. 12th st. WANT TO HUT A HOME? Most nttroctlvo modern 10-room house. 110 E. WALNUT LANE. Just compl'led: mod erate price: llttlo cash required. Phone Oer mantown 4.i05. RARE HAROAIN tcatea1n the centre of iiermanrown. just on irmanioii ,f. four dwellings; large lots; price .lo-jo fnr all. cheap nt lUOilu Marsh; Marshall It. Smith, Kill Chestnut. he low cost Owner will sacrldce 3-story, side-yard resi dence; electric lights, condition up to date. It. It. -Lister fc Bon. BH12 Oermantown ave IF TOU ARE LOOKING FOn n home In Oer mantown, Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult me. A. It. Meehan 747 Oermantown ave. IIESIIIENCE SITES Oround In best section of Oermantown and Chestnut Hill. U. B. LISTER ti HON. B612 Oermantown ave. CHOICE HOMES, Tulphoelien st esst of Oer mnntown nve. J. II. CHADWICK k CO.. rnrmanlnwti nv. WE CAN nsslst you to find that house you are looking for. Oermantown Trust Co., Chelten and Oermantown aves. Cheslnut 11111 Tn Whltemarsh Valley: convenient Jo Chest nut 1III1 and near Whltemarsh .Hunt and Oolf Clubs. Unusually large farmhouse; l,nM fn. HO h-a.4 nf BtAtf' nM Stinrfe! WIS- sahlekon Creek flows through property; mod erate prl to cles estot. ,., HERKNESS tc STETSON Land Tltlo Iiulldlng. STONE COLONIAL HOUSE 14 rooms, .1 baths: combination stable and garager- acres; best section: high elevatloni old shade: house designed by Mantle Field ing. Price, ias onn. HERKNESS & STETSON Land Title nulldlng. Tioga WB HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOA OR LOO AN ... KENNEDY A RAMIIO. 3740 OERMANTOWN T.ocan STORES. DWELT.INC.g AND APARTMENTS For Sole or Rent In Rest Sections of f,ogan. WSI. D'. CIIAMHEUS, 4033 N. Broad st. 4001 N. BROAD 8T. Three-story porch-front modern dwelling, northeast corner Ilroad nnd Courtland. perfect condition: 14 rooms: ga rage: privileges; 110.C00. North Philadelphia Trust Co. LOO AN REAL ESTATE 8ALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith. Ilroad st.. oppo. Logan Station. Oak Lnne OAK LANE'S I1EST LOCATED HOME; 70th nve. and City line: Colonial detached home with every convenience: a real homo; better than new: sold to close nil estate. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Branch Office. Oak Lane. NEW CORNER property; every modern Im provement; hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. Price. 17G00. WM. 1IARR. 8th and Oak lane. York Road SACRIFICE to close account Two side-yard housca, easy terms. Brown. (1100 York rd. SUBURBAN MODEL FARM IN THE HUNTINODON VALLEY Stone farmhouse, remodeled: all convs.. In cluding hot-water ht., olec. light. Springfield water; 1.1 good-alzed rms.. 2 haths, stable nnd gnrnga: 10 ncres. old shade, apple or chard, other fruit trees, berry garden! htgh elev.i.. command's flno view of val. : nr. stn., H hr. to city: sold to close estate: prlco 120, (lliO. Herkness & Stetson. Land Title Illdg. CORNER STRATFORD and West Melrose, modern detached homo In best section; handy to York road and Oak Lane Station; look for our sign. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Branch Office. Oak Lane. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE, over looking Mill Creek Valley, eight miles from Broad St. Station. Brand new Bungalow type; 1(1 rooms, 4 baths; tenement house, barn nnd garage: $17,000. W. T. HARRIS. Nnrberth. Pa. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED In Oak Lane, then you will want to see this real horns which we are offering to close an estato at 115,000; nothing letter. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Branch Office. Oak Lane. ' NEW SUBURBAN DWELLINGS on tho Reading and Pennsylvania Main Lino; $10,000 to $3.1,000. Particulars hy mall. MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO., 230 Land Tltlo Building. 1IIOH-CI.A8H HOME at Elklns Park, 14 rooms. 3 baths, offered at reduced price: lot 113x200; right nt station and handy to York road trolley; tt,11(ni If gold now, J. T. JACKSON. Oak Lane. FRANKFORD (near new Fkd. High School! 12-room duelling, all convs., front and side porches, double lot. shrubbery; amnio room tor garage. ,ppiy tu,.! enn St., t ka. EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. 27 building lots, tiesc residential section In Lansdale. Includ ing 2 large bldgs.; 13800. A. II. Tyson. Latis. dale. Pa. CHOICE BUILDING blTES and acreage, ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. Lanshorne. Pa. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Any price, All locations. Sale or rent. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO.. Morris. Uldg. SUBURBAN HOMES FOR BALE OR RENT WENDELL & MA8SEY Real Estate Trust Bldg. LAROE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES or rent, on ine .Main I-lni WM. II WILSON CO, or rent, on the Main Line or Reading R. R. ainrris iiuuuing. Ml-f.l'r"i- irnntn-'DTiL-a r,......u ....... ..-.- List orders now. LEWIS T. BROOKE tc own, mi pomn i-enn eg ruunuKU isis. BUILDING SITES near Devon. 1500 and $1000 per acre. W. T. Harris, Narberth. Pa. Rulldlng Lots BUILDERS' OPPORTUNITY! Ill lots, B0 rt. front, well located, close to Kecane Station, 0 miles from Ilroad st., Phllu-; thero Is a good demand for detached homes worth IS000 to 16000; splendid chanca for responsible builder; will make terms at- ,I,IIIS. Chester Osborne 1B24 CHESTNUT BT. NORWOOD AND MOORE-3 lots. BOX 1 B0, at bargain prices to close an estate. O, W. Oabell. Jr.. executor. 514 Walnut at. SUBURBAN Ambler. Pa. FARMS, country places and suburban homes on the Leading's Bethlehem and Doylestown branches. H. J. Dager. Inc.. Ambler. Pa. NOTORIETY, LIKE BILLS, i I LiUat iia iic ai, 7 I l ! UImTv' ikibi ieo BEATj estate fob bale Continued rtm.rrecrdlnialwi sunumiAN Hals. Pa, A TUnOAIN Irge house and stable: lot I0n 350 flne shade nnd lawn! house Is enulpped with gas, electric, hot-water heat. 3 baths: stable has man's room; will hold 8 autos; full particulars from. ... LOWER JIEHION IlEAt.TT CO. LAND TITLE BU1LDINO Hroomall, Pev. NEW nUNOAI)W: open., fireplace, hot-air heat, 8 rooms nnd bath! lot B0gl7R; can get more ground! flne for chickens, garden; I2S00. Ardmore. J. ELMER WATT8. Llanerch. . Cynwyd, ra. FARSI of 40 acres, with stone house, barn and spring house: high, rolling ground with .good building sites: owner anxious to sell and will make price rlsht. . . LOWER ilERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE HUILDINO FINE STONE and stucco house, with 2-ear garage. 10 rooms, 2 baths, large storeroom: all modern appointments: lot .120 feet front; excellent condition. For particulars call LOWER .MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE HUILDINO BARGAIN AT CYNWYD HO.nOO, reduced from 112,000: a detached stone and plnster Colonial house: 10 rooms and 2 bathrooms; 0 minutes from station; large lot. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 201 HALA AVE.. CYNWYD. PA. Kildyslone. 1'n. HUILDINO LOTS, excellent loc.: handy TO nALDWIN'St convs.i prices right to quick buyers. N. II. Hartletson. Clifton llts,. Pa. Elklns Park. Pn. ELIZABETHAN nESIDENCD ELKINS PARK Lot 70x132 111. 500. . Now building most approved style Eliza bethan residence. Will alter plans to suit. RHOADS & PAUL U S. 6th st. and Elklns Pnrk Olenslde, Pa, RAnOAIN Frame detached house. 10 rooms and bath; all modern conveniences; lot 40g 17(1 feet: old shadol three minutes to sta tion! price 14800; call today. RENNINOER RENNINOER. Olenslde, Pa. Jenklnlown. Pn. BUILDERS' OPPORTUNITIES DESIRAnLU ncreage for operations In sections whore there nre demands for upto-date houses, MAURICE J. HOOVERj?;, Lsr, ATTRACTIVE. 0 rooms and bath: gas and electrlo light, hot-water heating! model kitchen: 3 minutes from trolley; A minutes from train; reasonable. Apply S. R. Vnndcr heck. 37 Maple ave.. Lansdowne, Pa. ARTISTIC, beautiful new""home. 10 rooms! terms reasonable. Oardlner. 10th k Wharton. Iiulldlng Lots LOT. n mln. to train and trolleyi de slrable. TAULANE. 000 Walnut st. Media, Fa, COLONIAL HOUSE 18 ROOMS 3 TIAT1IS Steam heat: 3 open fireplaces: porches: large lot: old simile: nenr short line; photo. r. V. PETERS ft SON. 008 CHESTNUT ST. South Ardmore, Pn. VERY ATTRACTIVE detached frame house. 0 rooms nnd bath: near West Chester pike and trolley: lot 50x17ft; fine for chickens and garden; price $2800; easy terms. WAL fl. DAVIS. South Ardmore. Pa. Trooper, Pa, AN ESTABLISHED suburban community: five cent fare to Norrlstown; artesian water; central school; postofflce. store; 100-foot lot. 1300 upward: send for leaflet. BROWN & CLOUD NORRIBTOWN. PA. Westtown. Pa. 40 ACRES, with attractive cut-stone modsrn dwelling. 14 rooms. 2 baths, modern con veniences: hot-water heat: ,4-room tenant house; Icehouse; complete chicken plant; fins shade; running stream: fruits of all kinds! nonresident owner orders Immediate sals, YOCUM & POWERS CO.. 20 S. 15th at. Willow Prove, ra. rOUR ROOMS AND SUMMER KITCHEN, 5i ACRES, FRUIT TREES. ETC.. SAM SON HILL, 14500. a. C. 8EIDEL CO.. INC.. 4T1I AND CALLOWHILL. MAIN LINE. PA.. R. R. mimmnAW imMPis country Dlaces and building sites tn suit all re. pnuli rements; Main i-uic. ii. u. imniKii, Wayne, l'a. Merlon MODERATE-PRICED HOUSE of stone and stucco: ready for spring occupancy: 12 rooms. 2 baths, sleeping porch: lot 07HX180: modern equipment nnd plan throughout. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE HUILDINO WOODLEY LANK. 0 minutes' walk from sta tion; htgh elevation: modern English stone, brick and plaster; slats roof; 7 bedrooms. 3 baths (2 with built-in tubs, shower over); hot-water heat: electrlo light; will build garage; large lot, SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING. Narberth BIO RAROAIN Brand new detached houses: .-u-utto ,m, ulu anaue. an conveniences: 14200; others 1330O-13000 upwards, HAH RI8. real estate, Narberth. Pa. COItNEn LOT. Montfomory ave., BOO by 110H. wjtn lu-room atono und fram houa; cheap for quick turn. WALTER IJ. BMlTlh 0003 Drcxct road. Wynne, rood LOT AT BARGAIN 80x200 feet; In best location and only 7 min utes' walk from station; all Improvements. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING. SPECIAL BARGAIN 5a-mggps Stone dwelling, stable, with man's dwelling, old shade, fruit; easy terms; photo. . C. V. PETERS - BON. 008 Chestnut Bt. Ardmore STONB HOUSE on north side R. n.. 12 rooms, 3 baths; sleeping porch: hardwood floors, tiled kitchen: 2 open fireplaces; handsomely fin ished throughout; lot 70x20!). LOWER MERION REALTY CO, LAND TITLE HUILDINO DESIRABLE RESIDENCE Sear station; 5 twd rooms, 1 bath: hot water eat; raallght; lot 70x150. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDINO. - COMES UNSOLICITED .t)Sri I -ropciippPAF dao-tv' UAr -BEAr ESTATE Foil SAtE Cohflniicd from .. . i0,mit tA'N LINE, PA., r. R. n. Ilnverfoni ...r. in,. SELL AS WHOLE OR DlvlrS .n?ubge7;rwiirae,,5,ren,,""rfeeria roMrroundlUpr.cS'WXS SJSS? STONB AND BTtJCCO Hotrnp ,, baths e ectrlo llrht i.Ii8F' room. pered and palntidi iot'ilS?too'M "? - liUWKIl .MERION REALTT n . Land Tltlo Dulldlni. C0' o.MAi.K COUNTRY PLArn ( baths. Sd-floor porch: gar? IJm, j 4H acres; e.ectrlo itAt, mulfVrW LOWER MERION REALTT CO Land Title Building! ' Stone Cnlnninl Pn,l,l '" . ?.8.0 .!. electric light. .1 A.. ouet n;; ,'. ,a".: ,cnervatorr1 "iK for four cars: three rms' a'nTljtf 3 second floor: one. ncrej high I,55ti?1 ""M beautiful shade. This prooerfj ?ni J"Il onco. can ha purchase I for aiiifr. ! """d t4 one-half of original .lor " lutl or tluin' HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST 111)11 TnTv EXECUTORS WtLL BELL AT t,,, CORNER PROPERTY, lRoovt 52.Al5! f',?t3 a?5 B8T,hVu;?1 pRjffl lDOIEAja NEW JERSEY 2 ACRES EXCELLENT nntr. vaW-ti'piio-n-i;, Wultemrf 0 trains each way dallt from AlArket st. .. w- !.."' '"ineiH electrics) only- 1 hour from Atlaniin ?." cheap to quICK, cash bijyer 6037 Vine st..' Phlla'delohf.l"p. Colllngswooil. N. J. ,..,1.1 jiy,,iii. ann ana e ectrlO! all -K Haddonfleld. N. J. vnnpnv ,t-ot,.JT" " 11 rooms! Ilvjnc room, 10x30, with flrmliMi 1 hnrdBOojl finish nil over; garaw: beioafS-l awn. we I shaded: nenr r-n ci.,i? ..irir,"" 1 PF.TER8 ft SON. 008 Chestnut t Phli."'' S.1J.-Vn 1Tit vntlli ntininn" J?.!?.".?. l3.Vf I1.0.1"!"' ??.- COW.. iiwrV.nn "Sn'w'"nnft"l!.,".,i . " "?, - --.... . .,v... m.j I'WIlim Fl., fSIlS Haddon Helihls, N. J. "''f.'SAT. Jf9,T5.A-JD.IIOM3 W1LLET L1PPINCOTT. KM Tjiurel Springs, N. J. LAUREL 8PniNOS. N. J. To clow an tttuil'M beautiful rosldence. 10 rooms and bH: it.Sl ings; near train and trolley. """""la 401-407 Commonwealth Building. Maple Shade. N. J. vjiah. v. ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phils, trill "S and trolley; wrlto for pamphlet. lnu,J HARLOW CO.. Maple Shade. N. J. , Norlhflelil. N. J. WELL-LOCATED tract on fast shore llr.L.3 Lewis A. Taulane. HOP Walnut st. Illverton. N. J. S511 fin IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. V"- I.W PRICE FOR QUICK SAIV 0-room nouse. nearly now; ail convrmenetir mi uiiii.u mittui tiiiu irun; nenr mmion. PETERS tc SON. BOH CHESTNUT. P1I1IJL ' BEASHORB COTTAGE nt Cape May or Ocean City, encM ' to your satisfaction; attractive plini Kt-. mltted free by the rellablo builder. OTIS U. : Auvvr.aru. ticean tjliy. n. J. Allnntlo City. N. J. FOR SALE Very attractive cottage, compete. ? ly rumianea. ac veninor. Aiiantio utr. " N. J., near ocean: 8 rooms and bath, 3 Urn -1 porcnes; at a uargain to a quicg parcaiHr. Apply to F. A. Buschman, 201 Las- Bllr.. or O. F. Lautenberger. BOO Title Uldg, Bal- timore. .mo. VENTNOR Beautiful 12-room cottars; ill modern conveniences; fully furnlshedilMrv gain for quick sate; particulars. C1IARLE8 W. MILLEIl. 401-4QT commonwealtn nuiminr. . CHOICE ATLANTIC CITY LOT. 3!l80. Ynt-l. nor Iiouievaru, cor. Windsor ave., neiinDorsr hood Improved: school opposite; splendid 14-b callty. It. J. IIYRON. Atty.. 218. 12tlnt-i Capo May. N. J. COTTAOE, 7 rooms: fully furnished: octu front; will sell nr exchange for small nomef. Taulane. 000 Walnut st. Wlldwood. N. J. SUMMER and winter cottage for sals fuuf B furnished. In best residential section; eta tsl purchased on easy terms; modern in ,r7, respect. JAMES D. WINCHBLL. .W.' l-niiaoeipnis, APARTMENTS nnd rottages for rent, J j g-f i iievtrT iiltK ttwtA T17h fftn ''1 o. n. univwinuibi imii t.ti ...... VVh FLORIDA HENS EGOS MONEY JM This Is the combination you get wbsairrsfH eurchase ono of our Co-operative Poultry sura '.n !.- n.. nt Mnnra llnv.n I.1 nrlril. i-SB WU OIVB YOU FREE 1 1UUU DlUL.-l.w.ii ,II11U W.WMV1M, CHICKENS TWO BROOD SOW PI03 Membership In the Moore Haven Co-operative Association. Write, phono or call for our free boo ti, HUTAN tc 1IENKEL. 413 CommonvTMltSJ Trust uuiioina. j.iii unu .ii",,,u -.-. Philadelphia. Pa. Bell phone. Walnut 8IM. tiKWHVT.VANIA FARMS DELAWARE CO. POULTRY - FRUIT FAlULJ B4 acres, 1 mile from sta., on stone rnu.i 14-room house: water heat. 5 fireplaces, ettl. "PP.1"?. "". fyXA"'.i ,A.r.uii ' oou irun ili-pcs, nuu .f :-"vr,Tr v' located. Ca II see photos and catalogue. C. I. PETERS SON. (108 Chestnut st . FOR 8ALE OR RENT or "change for ' lgl pan property. j.i" .V"'. . nJtrriH catur and Comly road, south of too Wgi Publlo Bchoo . 85th Ward. PblladstoWV , "i niTiiiltiY Jih and Baniom ats. . tt . ..-. . TTTj ....!! nt I IHO UA11UA1N A real iarm m J7-5J. -7,s dltlon; north of Devon; 03 acres; MW v5 acre, "'waiTirAnri,a. 0-ner. Narberin. rwns. B5 ACRES. 8m!lesto station: nerthero t-j "ryUILlVll6MPHm.',Werch.t.r,j. 0O FARMS In Htaies; caiiusu.. Farm Agency, 218 Stephen Olrard . MONTGOMERY CO. farms for Lownes. Hotel. Bklppach. Pa. ,t 42 ACRES Frame dwelling. ' "Kftl barn, planty of, fruit and "$ 1 to train and trolley; good spring and H""" J8U Walnut St., Philadelphia. "Don't forger ins numw. ....... ,L-,,,n.,,Kr anifAftu IMAIV CY iw.l,..-," ---7. 55 acres. 112,000: Colonial Jarmnou... "jjjb Sto.1 Crum Creelc flows through prowngi woods! high elevation; convenient $ country hunted over by Radnor na a HERKNESS- STETSON. Land Tttl. B TO SOME PEOPLE nOK-ATTHP POSTER. levon - n 'H n i r I k I i ss KvVbijheimjntii bKccnwuvy IHt KAPCK f f IS ALL ROT A Ztw tHtW q An . if E,- . t ; ONZOfSDffRm STRONCest 3? SUPPORTS frw,- 7 iiA hi ks '"firn y MvirpV:Lr - i f3 WW iMT -f, " l Sh I WE --ife ft1 - n.m rw fam flalf Bt54ja til m irg A i ' ' ") i i l-pt !'.; ' III tW S3K i mtSmmimmmmammmmmmm'mmmmmatmmmmm