I EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAECH 21, 1910. ? ATTHEADELPHI lot Lnwrence Grossmith and m Trnvti'a Itfitati TCvnn ero' """ Tilings uut .- itnME A mulenl comedy. Roolt hy !. AdrtPM Theatre. naynM lrle.i ;, ehnrlea Judols PW.hm . . . . Maude Odell ""nflnwn .' Mlunon McOlbeny Vllt Brlnton corallo Illylha lliwi Tony Miner. tii ninftrA &W JPR' dan??" ! ! '. ! '. '. ! ". ! ! '. ATlVon M.rtlatn 'f'oMe. of Irrlton. Enrland. "TrMM loppie. "inwrfnco Hrommllh E Crtrt I.vl- IHH, 'J j,v1 '.'.'' Quentln .tort ' crntrat Park wen. Aiiernoon 01 mo mt day. i, .a n Hie mutlc hni fltn'U to bo Jlvhe It wasn't "unfurl." Mnybe. If . chorus liact had the precise nml excel uLt enunciation of NlGel Mnrrle it inlfiht W Bounded like "uncurl." But. nny. 2W If It was. then "Nobody Home" cer- i.inlr has. TliniB m "" m inui nui U nij , . .. musc na or ,)re. JJXwn, takes the curse off. GH, musical comedy which came to Kit i.inhi Inst nlfiht Is nn Amorlcaiilzo.il Wston of "Mr I'opplc, of Ipplctoti." He Sin the Allied authors of UtiBlntul nnd Africa, there Isn't much loit or Wkatevtr plot Providence may have sot Eds for It. nrlefty, Mr. Popple's brother jTln lve with a your. New' York Klrl nil Is afraid her parents will discover JSt he knows a Winter Onrdon sliiRer ; r Popple himself braves tho submarines Carder to borrow tho singer's flat, nnd KaMn at the end that his brother nns iuAlt more than a noniiinir hqh miiumn-u 'lth tho Winter unrucin:i iv.iun. " i. v.. ririild tn mnrry. i. hi between tho unfurllngs of this plot, feerome Korn-"nnd others," tho New York programs said supply tho music Ch the "BO" In It It Is nlmost entirely rf the obviously tuneful and infirm tinier. J It Is thereforo catchy nml pood fun. ' i. r.il tho nroductlon Is "Intlmntc. K In general tho production fnt Produced at tho Prlt iFlrit produced rlncess Theatre. IVnr fork, where but 29U auditors may uoMM, In. It dispenses with uuantlty In tm matter of chorus ami Goes in lor -i w Its humor Is mainly qule', thoi dtke that of "The Only Girl." It Is .-..'..' pimriis and cocB In for qnnl W" .. ,j,,i,. ,.l,. thnnnh. not hdlnnous to tho Plot. Dancers Quentln !S arid Helen Clarke are vest pocket bMIoos, nnd their steps court prcclMon nUier than abandon. In New ork "Vobody Home" throw In n fashion dls tiir between acts and an exceptionally txi cast Here the fashion display ed a very pretty display, too Is con faed to the staKC. whllo the cast has par tlilly evaporated. SAilco Dovey and Adclo llowland nro one-or. rnther. Adolo Howlnnd Is In itke right city but In tho wrons theatre Oils week. Tom O raves, the I nBllsh comedian, Is also departed nnd ho has taken his character with him. Tho result items to bo a slight lack of the daintiness ad finish which the two ladles mleht havo implied. Miss Kowland's successor. Koe Barnelt, works with real enthusiasm, n trifle more determination than Is htdyliko ltd altogether too much persistency. Tho rest of tho cast, with one notable excep tion, fit In capably. ' Tho exception needs n little 'explana tion. iNO UDKUSIl 1I1UF1C.II conicu- in i-fiiii jilete without three comedians n short Mcentrlc, a la. Craves; n lone eccentric, a laPerclval Knight, and a Urosamlth. Tho man who will bo undoubtedly described tfcewhero today as "of that Ilk" Is Law rence, and ho Is very nmuslne In a unlet. Bird-working way. Ills "silly ass" la a food deal more IntrrntlatinR than any previ ous apeclmen I havo seen. Tho Rcntly lum twlng walk, tho earnest, RropInK intelll ience of the wrinkled forehead, the hnrd paihcd voice, all call for consistent work ud thought. They account for many amuilng scenes. WTtie aim of tho producers of "N'obody f Home 'was evidently to Introiluco novelty. TMe are qulto a few neat turns of an old sort. The ilrst net ends abruptly md simply: tho last curtain leaves the principals outside with the audlonco. The Mttlngs are tasteful nnd refreshing Mr. Judels "makes" one sow; by wnudcrlnR In lth a most fasclnatlnB bit of whlstllnB. Thers Is a really novel comic ditty on JBed, Wonderful Hed." And not to push th list of novelties to extremes, the authors havo discovered n curious and hitherto unheard of specimen, a "Winter Oarden prima donna." and tho chorus men not only havo to work conversationally luring all the principals' songs, hut re joice in the not Inappropriate part of Splendor Colgate. Roger Gullet, Kdward rinaud, Itlkcr Ilceeman, DaBKett Hams jell, Itexall Liggett and Illchard Iludnot. K. M. iiin uiKli J1IS LUUiiUiVa UU1" (The Walnut's New Melodrama De velops Comie Angles Unless the author rnu'HtH nvprnltrhf tTh Girl He Couldn't Duy." tho theatre twra will nnd it a case of "tho seats they wuUn't buy" for tho melodrama nt tho Walnut last evening' proved to bo comedy ji18 ,he meana ot keeiilnff a Ienten irwn the time tho "razor-selllnfi" "Kiln" wit the room next to Kitty und Hopo, the Syo unprotected working- girls. In a teno. wit house on 10th avemu, until tho cur uin descended upon tho "happy endlne." Al for the Mtnrv WaII I,j n,,.l.n a. I- ,nn intended that It should bo taken In f oous vein, for It concerns the efforts S-J Jhlevlnsx partner to "buy" Hope, the wprottctlon of a crook by Hope, and the Sj i ' " "elective to recover "tho Sr1onU"'" In aU ot ,hese efforts "Flip" siren th landlady fltH into the play, add- hT.7 J,." not "nl'ko that of "Coddles" "A Pair of Sixes." e.rtUl.d be hara t0 Im-iBlne taking; the SjS 0t the nt'or seriously nnd the "4iwc were not lone In realizing that s?" wnola thing- was a comedy and. as P&. ""foughly enjoyed the work. Eitni street nai.um.n anrt i.A , 1,... Utt is it i. '-"'-"'. ma ittiiuuu IrSLtn,. "d,l. B was Kitty. Hope's cftk.i . rr "' olner cnaracters those i"1 8tectlye. crook and schemlns part 5r capably acted. mMH I responsible for the enactment of rtonVJ t8 roles 8re Harriet Bheldon, j Joyce. Ida Kills. Howard Fay. wy ftosson. U, D. Vorkey. James Marr. j tawards and Sam Black. ICHARtEY'S, AUNT" REVIVED gerer Farce Comedy Performed Sue issfuiy at American Theatre trikTV "i ,ne ucorge 4L American Theatr n; , s oxford men wish to enter- 1 WO VnilntF lnl& - ... . .. - Unt . ""' ur uinncr ana me Sivi,?! "? '. he young men Is to act MSuTJ . " At ,h8 last moment she Is irVW lo COmA. anH a f.lAR.l ...1 , ... Hest in .--. . ivi.ii, wuu io in- Ftjuu .5 amateu- theatricals. Is forced Win .V . 0l l ny aunt, "from "ITihni.iiJ- I w" VUIUO limn, mo E 7r.a n man' laughable situations fetZr411?1 u or course, every fcl. ;Lns QUt s " should. There is ififfi t0 th Interest. fm2Lni,Ceoli Iurta as Charley IwrltviT... r v"ura' " part or EKifJ"1?' waa "Pably handled by ' .,u:ii .,. Lnk.n.... ... ... Loi TVfr"'."r,B """. w" ' .' and I.Iarla Varrii vraa J4 .r-.""'- reroajmw i l oTraTMSM NOBODY SateTi Au,nt" th c,ev" "rce tetlmyra.!!don Thomas, was revived StTtk. b? th8 George Arvlne Players. J tml !va& zaeavar soym: wmw OOHN W7&N KNaeaseoCMX ADELE ROWLAND IS BIG HIT AT KEITH'S Karl Jorn,. Well-Known Tenor, Also Scores on Bill of All-Round Merit It's not what you do, hut It's the way you do It. Aileln llriwland has a way about her. She Is different. She Is ord inal. Kvery pour is n little playlet In It self. She makes no attempt to concent the words from the audience like many slnRors. That's why rho made a very emphatic Impression at Keith's Inst night. Sho k;iib songs true tn life, each having a reason, nnd justly deserved the applause which followed. Have Stamper was her accotnpnnlst and nlded preatly In brliiRliiR out tho "punches" with which Miss Kowland's sotiRs were lilted. Karl .Torn. I the International operatic favorite, won the lovers of Rood music with classical nnd popular selections. Ho saiiR with Ricat casn of manner, as If Ringing; were really a pleasure, and tho Renernl result was highly gratifying. Many encores rewarded him. The violin selections of Itae Klennor Hall were a treat tn tho ear. Shu reallr.es that tho people generally do not want tho complicated numbers, and offered a pro gram which won most cordl.il npproval. There aro many bright lines In the sketch "The J.lttlo Shepherd of Ilargnln Itow," presented by Sarah I'adden and company. There Is n good moral In tho story. JIlss. I'uddcii was supported by a capable company and the act was well received. Charlotte Tarry in "Into the Light" repeated her former success. Hnrry I.estcr Mason presented "the N'ow Jani tor" all by himself. Ho discussed eu genics, the war and other topics abreast of tho times and won no end of laughs. Ills act wim overflowing with wit nnd Is a decided novelty. Other nets Included Hunting and Frances In a sprlngllku comedy, "i.ovo Dlossoma." which was neat nnd witty ; tho Toe Do Kos company In Oirllllng, juggling stunts, nnd Adonis In "Tho Act licau tiful." Tate's "Fishins" Nixon Grand Thero was nn abundance of Inughs In Harry Tates' well-know comedy, "Fish ing." which was tho henilllner last evening at tho Nixon rirand. The sketch won con siderable applause. A singing and talking act by l.nuia Hurrls and Charles Cart mell was well received. I.ordys' dogs mnde n hit with the youngsters. Other uets which were well received Included Ilrltt Wood, comedian, who had funny stories and experiences to relate, Oraco McOowan and Herbert Cordon, Baldwin, Baxter anil Carter, comedians. "In the Trenches" (Jlobe Patriotism, comedy nnd music Is pro portionately blended In tho show at tho Globe. "A N'lght in the Trenches." show ing tho Insldu details of n soldier's life. Is tho feature. It is well btnged and pre sented by a callable cast. Ford's "Danc ing Kevue" nlso proved to bo an act of exceptional merit. Other acts on tho bill include tho Four Haley Ollrls, Fenlmore, Cooper Towno nnd company. Tllton. comedian; Bcltrah and Bcltrah. In tho "Musical Ualry": Woods' Animal Actors. Sullivan and I'asqulllna and Jack George. Tho pictures are timely and Interest ing. Cabaret at Cross Keys 'The Sidewalk Cabaret." it tabloid full of fun and music, delighted a big audience nt tho Cross Keys. Tills net goes with n dash anil surprises follow each other In iulck succession. The show generally Is one of tho best of the season und Includes Fred Ilelden. Bernard and Shaw. Solomon. Hilly Itogers, Barney and lllt-hanl and Falls and Falls. Many good pictures precede tho show. Opera at Colonial Thero Is plenty of variety nn the bill at the Colonial. The He I'aee Opera Com pany, in selections of tho old masters, carry the musical honors, nnd their act is presented In an nrtlatlc manner. Mlddleton and Spellmaler. In "A Texas Wooing." won a good- bhare of applause with their Interesting comedy offering. Among others who pleased wero Wlllard. "A Day at the Seashore," a clever tabloid; Luhte and Sterling. I'aull nnd Boyle. Lew Fitzglbbon, Three Alexanders, Tackard nnd l'lerce. Waltz Dream at Njxon An ntmosphero of romance permeates "Tho Wnltz PreairU.' the headline attrac tion at the N'lxon. There ure any num ber of good songs In tills catchy offering and the costumes are fully abreast of the times. Pretty girls. Incidentally, also help in the hat making, flood acts were amo offered by the Gallcrlnl Four, Jones and Byl ester, Aurora of the Lights, Brown and McCormlck and Jpe Rowland. "SPENUTHIUFT" PLEASES Current Attraction at Knickerbocker Conveys Good Lesson Wives and dJughters who are inclined to be extravagant may learn an oppor- n.nn lesson froinMhe current attraction at the Knickerbocker, which is Porter Umeraou Browne's "(Spendthrift," a stir ring dramatUatlon of a tale of a butter liy wife and an Industrious husband. The play, which tells of the misfor tune and distress that come as the re sult of a wlftf's extravagance and thought leesness Is a powerful one. and when interpreted an It was last night by the West Philadelphia Stock Cmopany It pro vided a highly Interesting entertainment. John Warner, the new leading man as the plodding husband, was, very clever and bhowed the result of careful study. Emily Smiley as the wife who later repents was also seen at her bent. Anna Doherty as the slter and Earl Western as Monty were both good. Ted Brackett was ef fectlve as Suffern Thome, although he appeared but once. Carrie Thatcher aa the aunt was very effective. Gas Company to Incorporate Application will be made at HarrUbum Mnmtav for the Incorporation of the iTWv Southern Qa Company, the --" ---; " hirh will be to suddIv raa rmm'steVT'NorthWpton and Bout AT THE THEATRES LAST iMvesvar aeasswrt wtzsv OF ANDREAS DIPPEL Impresario Fancies M u s i c Necessary for Comic Opera I'HtKCESa THA-LA-LA. 0ercttn. Music by l.co Ascher. llonttn imd lyrlcn by Jullui llrnrnrnrr nml Alfr.nl ilruenwnld. lincllnh BituptRttnn by Mnlthow Wno.hvnnl. Mnn.tup-m-nt Amlrins nipnol. HronU Hlreet Theatre. Pi lni;t Jliirle t'liyllts lMrtlnxton Mkl Htnililciilivrc, u tnualcl.ui. Orome II. Hulihvln Womlnlk Ucndel, County Clerk. .Allan llnnuuy SJolly Uendcl, his ilauulitrr Ummy N'lrkl.in.i Hans Htrammol Aliseln I.liptcll nr William ltho,l3 Jfally. . . .-. YoIan,l:i PrrHlinru ;.tni,ilil H.iuertralnii M. Williams Nnvtr riuiulcr, proprlolor nf tho (Inlilen tix. Ilrnst Hubert Countess Knlcseh, lady In wnlllnc. Allre (Inlllanl Plrenln, Junior waiter 1-ali ile I'Inm iTlt. waiter I. Lclemter Then 1-Vrne HnlllM .Martha I.y.ll.i staiTonl Jossl. illnny dinrer Kuy Kendall Conrnil KlliiBor Hilly lllunl.-s I'rana Werner Cltrf llerm-r Albert tlolmer Jack Arnul.l Louat Ilaillnl. niHSlr of ceremonlfs. 1.1-ircmer I'nrser llaptldte, niajnriloinii. . rrlnerSH rri-seontla. . . I'rlnrenn iKabcll.i I'rlnco Victor I'rlaeo IbiKrne Mb-fll ShIsh (Junrd . . .Hiiymond Allan una ur.'rrn . . . .Mad(Itno Carmln Marlon Ollffurd JVplta Leon .Vlrslnla Itlelinrilmn Sidney l'aul Aet 1 flomlnlk Wendtl's homf. Art II The Burden of the Silver I.lon Inn. Aet III (Irand reception ball ot tho Princess palace. The comic iiperu spotlight bloomed again nt tho Broad Street Theatre last night after a lapse which was estimated at from three to nlno years. Beneath Its glow many strange things nourished, but none were more odd than tho delusions of Andreas lllppol, Impresario. Mr. IJippul had a long and honorable connection with grand opera and possibly from the promluenco which voices take In that sphere ho has brought tho Idea that good singing voices aro a necessity in operetta. IIo had a hundred examples of successful ventures to refute ills theory, but lie persists In choosing a personnel that can sing. Sometimes he worl:s in luck and acquires a personable young woman llko Kinmy Nlcklnss or a grncloua young woman like I'hyllls Partington or an In gratiating and affable young man llko Geoigft Baldwin. Hven in his choruses Mr Dlppel carries his principles nnd even there fio can sometimes doublo nnd get beauty as well as voices. Daintily dressed young people, singing on the key, nro an uncommon sight this sldo of Poplar street. Add them to tho btars Just mentioned, to Angela I.lppich (or AVIlllnm Bhodes) nnd tho sturdy workers for comic nnd other effects and you havo Mr. Dippers idea of a musical comedy cast. Unfortunately the obsession for music has carried tho producer too far. The work of Leo Ascher In "Prinems Tra-La-La" Is Interesting. It has melodies which nro pleasing, but not over-catchy. and the orchestration is notably deft, h neat as that In "Tho Peasant Girl" of Nedbal. more than that of "Sari." Alas! that It lacks the raclness and tho sheer delight In melodious case of Hie latter, for a successor It was certainly Intended to hi. It is nothing of tho sort, because it lacks character. Literally there is noth ing In "I'rlncess Tra-La-La" except tho music. We do not profess to understand tho German and Hungarian racial genius, but if the product of their writers of librettos Is fairly represented hero then tho Smith brothers havo the inventiveness of all the peoplo mentioned by W. H. Gil bert In the receipt for u Heavy Dragoon plus the .abilities of W. S. Gilbert lilmtelf. The "If" part Is in doubt, nnd tho con clusion Is wrong. But It Is not half so wrong us the book and the humors of "Princess Tra-La-La." Plot? It has two, neither consequent. Tho fortunes of mi inn-keeper we could tolerate. The Inisfortunes of a princess, disguise, love with commoner, projected marriage, ceremonial, "nay. this mockery shall go no further" pah! Something frankly artificial, yes, provided there Is whimsicality or human credibility In It. Something realistic, yes, provided there aro artificial beauties. But this time worn and ancient and disreputable work is really beyond all toleration, not only bo cause it is artificial and graceless, but because It is dull. Incidentally the hu morous situations are exactly as numer ous as the plots, and are no; so well handled, If Mr. Dlppel, or nny other Impresario, will take the trouble to look about him, to employ a vestige of intelligence, aa Mr. Dillingham employs It, for example, thero is still a chance for him. A sublime In telligence will remove all the Mory. A lesser one will improve what there Is. Should there be any doubts In this matter the aforesaid Impresarios are cordially invited to commqulcate with this office, where everything from detail of dancing to a complete plot Is ready. They may not make money. But then, neither may the "Princess Tra-La-La." G. V. S. Music's Charm for All Joseph Stransliy, conductor of the .New York Philharmonic Orchestra, remarked recently that there s now no reason why the youths of the nation should grow up without the influence of good music. A generation ago It would have been difficult to bring up all young persons, in the atmosphere of music. Now this Is made possible by the advent of the grafonola. The grafonola made It possible for every home to have Its own orches tra, vaudeville program and vocal and Instrumental galaxy of artiste. The April list of Coloumbia records Includes xylo phone and hU olos by Howard Kopp, with band and orchestra accompaniments. Al Jotson slugs his new "Yaska Hoola Ml&key D00U" and the Taylor trip fut alshe: "PrUf NtUH Py." NIGHT xxte. yoev, irr& LOST ANYTHING? SEE "FOUND BY COPS" ADS New Department in the Eve ning and Public Ledger to Aid in Recovery i'iicmi iiv Tin: rm.it'i: FOUND 7 bunrbes of beys. 1 automobile lamp. 1 pilr eyedim-n-ii in roup. 1 lolv's dres-i. a automobile eranks. t nutnmoblle lire, 1 straw baff enntalnlnir wearlntf apparel, 1 receipt book, 1 ladv'H auto veil. " pockct hnnki containing money. 1 pockftknlfe, 4 nniall rug, l paeknuo nf bulliB. 1 mveHter, ,'l n!ilil rb.ilnH, 1 fur neclitdei e. 1 ladv'H linudbair, t Kent's overrent, t Krlp containing wearlnir apparel. I box of ehleory. 1 parlor lamp, I nllier watch. 1 roll of tapestry. 1 Kent's sack coat. 1 Mrau- bair. 7 automobile roben. I lady's murf. 1 niedlelno ease. 1 Kent'a Bray coat, a uuantlty of IVnnn. auto lacs for HUB. Apply to Waller (lllbert. Chief Clerk, llureaii of Police, room Ilia, City Hall, Many valuable nitlclc.s arc lost every day by persons In nil sections of tho city, especially by those who travel In automo. biles. Taking It for granted that goods lost In such a mailer are beyond recov ery, the losers In many cases make no at tempt to llnd them. A largo number of the things lost In this way aro found by tho pollen or by proprietors of public places and turned In to Walter Gilbert, chief clerk of the Bureau of Police, whose olllce Is In Boom 2111 City Hall, lie has moro than two M'oro of articles, ranging from n woman's automobile veil to a parlor lamp, awaiting owners. For the purpose of giving persons who have lost personal property In the street nr public places an opportunity to lenrn of Its recovery tho Pi'iu.ir i.Ktinmi and KvK.s'i.s'n LniHircu havo started a depart ment headed "Found by tho Police." nnd by reading It dally those In quest of nny lost article may llnd that It Is awaiting them at ttio Bureau of Police. S2d.000 IN FLOWEU PHIZES 8000 Individual Exhibits to Be Seen at Bifj Show Here A summing up of entries shows that about 8000 individual exhibits will bo shown at the fourth National Flower Show, which will bo held In Convention Hall from next Saturday until April -. Kvery kind of plant . id (lower known In this country will bo shown, as well as many from other lands. Tho commlttoo In charge for the flrst time Is absolutely sure tho Philadelphia show will prove better than cither of the previous ones in New York. 'htt-ngo or Boston. It Is tho members' belief tho success Is duo largely to the announce ment that $25,000, nlmost double tho amount offered In Now York, will be dis tributed to winners In the various classes: TODAY'S MAKRIAOE LICENSES Leonard i' Hlaala. 51 W. Pomona el., and Mabel Hlovensi. il'j.'tl (Jermantovvn ae. Fred Alferd. IMIzalwih. N. J., and Jouephlnu M. Sllbert. 2.VU S Warnuek at. (Jeorice l.VfV. 4PJ10 Haltliiutro ate., and Mnr- f:aret MrOrory. 2.11 U N. Colorado nt. Ilium ):. I.loyd. Jr.. llaiiKor. I'.i.. und IMna M. Acker. Uermanioun. Iaalo Itudolph. 2U44 H. Marshall at., anil Jen nie timelovllz. 2111 1 ,S. Mamhnll nt. RehfuHH llltlman. 210K Ontario at., and Bllen M. Mmlth. Harrlahllrir Pa. Kuk-enlo i'rlstlplno, 7.1". H IMrlen st. lonetta l.lal. 742 Catharine st. W llbim Tlnney. 311 S. 2.1th St.. a una An- nd Jennie Oenlece. Sit H. LT.lh it. Meyer Dcmp, 7K1 Mountain St.. and llertha llernatelti. 4.'17 Dickinson at. Joseph L'uhen. "tin H. Hutchinson st., and Au- irust'i l.lshnoir, UIH Mclve.in at. filbert Wallace. '.'LUll Kimball at.. and Ethel Duncan. L'L-iii Kimball at. Jako Uold. ('heater. Pa., und I .en a Illumen- thal. 2IU Catharine at. Cbarlea H. Hlckela. 2L'57 LolltiEow at., and Ullzabcth Feclcer. 401! Dauphin at. Jarb Gordon. H7." N. Marahalt at., and Jennie Handler. 1)02 N. 7th at. Francis P. McCarthy. 37.13 Wlndaor terrace, and FranccH A. Oowd. ttfl2 ttwaln at. John M. Klley. 40" Htllea at., und Malvlna M. Uaudlln. 4800 Htllea st. Paatiu'ile Puiruno. 11117 Lntona at., and Maria Dl ilella. 11107 Wharton st. Huah Burkina. Wayne, Pa., and KUen Mc- (linlev. llaterforrl. Pit. Louia Olien 3111 Poplar at und Itoae Tankln. jn.'rt ?i. fll si. Joaiph II Mareua, nittenhnme Hotel, und Mosul!" i'. i.ipacnuiz. .uja ?,-, hah at. fleorxo IMelmun. 423U N. l'lth at., and Mary Katzenateln, l'ensauUen. N'. J. winter itEsoirrs ATLANTIC CITY, Nj. J, TiANrtcarv. Superior location witn an unobstructed view of beach and boardwfllK A recognized standard of excellence CaMdt.eoa KALTxsj.Bvzsr. ATLANTIC CITTT a8 8 et a ie W ttan ot semcccomfortAt LVR0EST FBtErSOOr RESCJIT HOTU, W Ihl WW1 :;&"'"" tursgaonaf THE LEADING RESOHT HOTEtOf THE WORLD VMV. I III' I ATLANTIC CITV.N. Jf JOSUH WHITE K3QN3 COMPANY MVAUTimom;. i:. STRATH HAVEN INN jfift.Sjy jus 4. c. u. acusiBusr. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES cnun PHYSICAL TRAINING M rUasee and boura to ault. 3 (. ijrinuAMiuizi. iiBnuaiu eourtm. A. awUnmiojc poo) iZxm ftet a, JUte lrt nt your purs. KcroU new. Area at bvsu tor OQQWl t A STRAYER'S ? B BtuuM hhk, f m-i&r CaaeteuV Stmt. zf)sF3$1!l$' H&TlfF flRfifflQ MEs 1 MARTHA HAS A MOST UNHAPPY TIME Poor Norma Talmadgc Goes Through Severe Ordeal in "Martha's Vindication" Iy tho Photoplay Editor "MAItTItA'S VINDICATION." A Trlnitl Fine Arid (Urn In llo parts. Hutierilsed lu- H. V. Orlftltli. Martha. Norma Tlmndg Heena Owen Itnlph lwls ...Tully .Mamhall .. . .t'lmrles West .Josephine llrnwell William lllnekley t'rancln farpentrr George Stone . .Allre Knowland Albert tee Dorothea Deacon Hunt Sell llawkln.i William Hurloii.,., Jennie Harkln. . .. John Kranels (leorule The Frump Dorothea's nurse... hit ntisonnil. IMwIn Hurley The Minister llrorge 1'earce iioiei LitrK l'orter Mlroni! When one starts to produce Mima which deal with tho moral weakticsaea of man kind, ho Is apt to hnvo n run-in with tho Hoard of Censors. Tho coimcim do not ap prove of Illegitimate children. Neither do wc, but when this delicate tiucstloii Im ho discreetly treated, ns It Is In "Mnrthn'n Vindication," It Is hoped that the censors will forget their disapproval. In this delightful Kine Alts picture, Martha's best frlond, Dorothea, loes not wisely but too well. To help her. Martha tnkes her oft to the country for n long visit, nnd whoti tho baby arrives takes the child to her old nurse. White taking the Infant to Its future home shn Is seen with tho baby by nn old scoundrel, Kail Hawkins, whoso wlfo keeps n "bnby fnrm." Arriving nt his home, this some what tinpleasnnt gentleman llnds a now baby boy who wns left that afternoon, and decides It was the otic he had seen In Martha's arms. Years pass and Dorothea has married a deacon of tho church and Is a happy wife nnd mother. Mnrtha gets evidence against tho baby farm nnd It Is raided by the police. Mnrtha adopts tho child that Sell Hawkins thinks Is hers, He, seeking revenge, goes to the min ister of the church nnd accuses Martha. Tho minister calls a committee, consisting of the deacon nnd his wife Dorothea, and they call on Martha to present tho charges. Martha, bound by her promise to Dorothea never to roveal her secret, rofuses to answer their questions. Doro thea has not KUtllclcnt courngo to confess. Martha Is summoned to public trial at tho church. Here. In a terribly exciting and harrow ing scene, the trutli comes out nnd Mnr tha Is vindicated. It is a climax ot tre mendous power. A cast of exceptional ability lias been plnccd In this picture. Norma Talmadgc, more beautiful and far more artistic than formerly, plays Martha with a sympa thetic appeal distinctly charming. She Is a remarkable screen actress, tier mar vclously expressive face tells moro thnn alt tho subtitles of tho picture. Secna Owen us Dorothea plays this rather nasty role with 11 simplicity that robs It of Its offensive selfishness. Slio Is charming tn look nt and is always in the spirit ot her part. Tully Marshall as the old scoundrel, who, with his wife, keeps tho baby farm, gives another of those wonderful char acter studies of his. Ills grasp of subtle comedy Is not exceeded by any actor nn tho screen, while tho ntmnsphcrc of evil ho creates docs much to put the big "punch" In tills picture. Ho shares with CfflH inuimiiiiiiiiiiiiii THK fotloiYlns thentrra obtain their pictures through the STANLKY Hook. Ine Company, which la u giiariuiteo of early shonliiia of the llnett pro ductions. All picture reviewed before exhibition. Ak for (he theatre In jour locality obtulnlnc pictures through tha STANLHY Hooking Company. AI tl AMDD A 12'h. Morris i Pnssyunk .Uo. AlHAMBRA -v- t. Marguerite Clark ln the drifts" ARCADIA CHESTNUT TJKLOVV 10TH LILLIAN GISH in "DAPHNI3 AND THIS P1P.ATU" A DO! I C 520 AND THOMPSON ArULLU MATiNUB daily Paramount Presents MAHV PICKKOIID In "A GIRL OF YESTERDAY" BLUEBIRD S2m N0,lT" DnoAD ST' Paramount Presents Geraldinc Farrar in 'Temptation' nri nfTVlT 'sn adovc market BELMUlN i Mats. 1 ::w A 3:30. JOc. i:vB. 11:30, , 0:30. 15o. Haicl Dawn In "My Lady Incog." Tomorrow: William Farnum In "The Sign of the Cross.' OOTH AND nnDAIi AVI' CEDAR PAKAUOVSr TIHLVTP.K Fannie Ward in "THE CHEAT" - 11 V HEQUKST FAIRMOUNT iBT" Aii?AHD avr Paramount Film Corp Presents Marguerite Clark in 'Mice & Men' FRANKFORD T1" FIlANKFOnO AVENUE Mary Pickford ,The FoundHngi 56TH ST. Theatre 'tgg uj x m. Rel gpruce. Em. 7 to U A U1,I In "MADAME Anna Meld ua. presidente" eni Ci BM 4 Mats. 2-3:30 10o- DZd Ot, Sanaom E(s. 11:30 to 11 lie KeS" Nance O'Neill -rJWh- VlHST WEST PHILADELPUIA BHOWINO QERMANTOWN 8108 OEIIMAN- TOWN AVE. Paramount Picture John Harrimura In "Nairly Kln." Added Atraftlon "The Strange Caae of Mary Pae.' 7th Episode. ri nnp both market s:is.7-a. (jUJiilli $15,000 KIMUALL OltUAN WALLACE REID in "TUB OOLDBN CHANCE" ir ADn AVENUE THEATRE tilKAKU 7TH AND aillARD AVENUE Charles Cherry in "Passers By" AMATEUK 8TAQK CONTEST 7 a. Mllm BROAD BT., ERIE Great Northern oerwant-n aves. CHARLES CHERRY in PASSERS BY" IRIS THEATRE ""ifgg"0 Constance CoUier ,0 ""W Tomorrow "TUP FLYINO TORPEDO" IMPERIAL Theatre $& Blanche Sweet & Owen Moore in "THE ESCAPE" JEFFERSON "TH A8?i?EaUIu,N CHARLES RICHMAN in "HERO Oi" BLUMAKINE D-8" V U 8. E. LAFAYETTE 14 & AVa. 1 "AS IN A rutty uoraon IQU LOOKIN'D nr,isa- Tomorrow "BELL S ilXNQSS" I ittyyt'itiiiTatTOT'iiitiittiiiiiitieititryyfsiirw,tjij Norma Talmadgc the acting honors of this excellently acted picture. Tho whole film Is one of exceptional merit. The Stanley opens the week with "The Lost nrldcgroom," with John Bnrrymore. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday "The Saleslady," with Hazel Dawn, will be the feature. The Arcadia begins the week with "Daphno nnd the Pirate," with I.llllan (llsh. On Thursday, Friday nnd Satur day "The Haiders." with H. fl. Warner, will bo screened. The Palace offering the parly half of the week Is "Diplomacy," with Mnrle Doro. On Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday, "One Day." from Minor Olynn'n book, will bo tho attraction. The Victoria opens the week with "Hul lets nnd nrown 13yes," with Bessie Harris cale. On Wednesday nnd Thursday "Ills Picture In the Paper," with Doilglns Fair lamb, will be screened, white for Friday nnd Saturday "Lovely Mary," with Mary Miles Mlntcr, will bo featured. Police Court Chronicles It's rather depressing, to say the least, when n man awakens to discover that he has mislaid his chauffeur. It Is still more unfortunate when the man himself finds something wrong with his steering genr ns tho result of too much fuel for the engine. This wns tho case with Frank Dale. Ho was zigzagging up 10th street In somewhat pretzel fashion when police mail Kutz'er discovered him. An Dale was trying to avoid the sidewalk n trol ley car and one or two nutos missed him by nearly half nn Inch. To prevent a possible trip to the hos pital or Morgue the bluecoat decided to let Dale rest In the police station. Hut beforo tho bluecoat got within talking dis tance Frank encountered a small boy with a home-made wheelbarrow. It Is possible that Frank's eyes were In mag nifying condition. No one knows. At any rate ho evidently mistook tho Juvenile vehlclo for hlu nuto, for he dropped In It and told the boy to tnko him to a down town liotoi. Tho youngster enjoyed tho Joke, and In order that his passenger would have something to pass tho time away gave him 11 stick of candy to cat. The ride ended when 0110 of the wheels came oft tho barrow. Dale expressed his regret, nnd to check the boy's tears hnnded him 11 dollar to get the barrow repaired. The cop tlnnlly caught up with Dale anil brought liltn to the police stu tlon to keep him from squandering all his money. And he had quite a roll. On meeting Magistrate Watson, tho prisoner wns extremely polite. "I told my chauffeur to tnko mc out," he snld. "so that I could escape from my wife. She hns been fussing about with a rolling pin the last two days and It's annoying, to say the least. Kver have your wife hit you with a rolling pin?" The Judge admitted that ho never had such an Interesting experience. Am there wan no definite charge against Dale lie was permitted to pursue his chauffeur after he had sobered. Ilccoption Given for Morion Teacher Prominent men nnd women of Merlon el A-ded the Merlon Country Day School last night for n reception given by tho Woman's Committee of the Merlon Civic Association for Miss Oertrude Hnrtman, who Is In charge of the school, and who spoko on "Preparedness and lCducntlon." PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO 8ot&m Gmpom F FAHPR I'onTV-FinsT and t-trtUtrv LANCASTER AVENUE SUSSE HAYAKAW in "Till: TVPHOON" I RFRTY BrtoAD and IjIDLK 1 I COLUMMIA TltrANOLB PLATS llousn Peters In "The Wlnseti Mol" Fred Mare In "Crooked to the Knu" Logr.n Auditorium "JgSl, THIANOLK PLAYS WILKItHD LUCAS In "ACQUITTED" CHAHLE.S MLTltUAY In "Ills Hereafter" I HfT TCT" BSD AND LOCUST LUCUOl Mats. 1:.1(1 anil .1:30, 10c. KlK. 11:30. H. 11:311. IBe. IIII. I, II' IH'HICK In "PEOflY." Tomorrow Holkrook llltnn In "The Unpardonablo Hln." Market St. Theatre 333 "S, Hleetrle Pictures Present PAULA BIIAV In "A FOOL'H PAIIADI3K" rieo "OltAtT" Every Wcilneaday ORPHEUM 0E,,s"cTK?iEB. THIANOl.E PLAYS LILLIAN (HSU In "Dauhno ami the Pirate" CHAHLES MUItltAY III "THE JUDOE" OPIPTMT 2D A WOODLAND AVE. UKICIN 1 nally Mat.. S. Evg.. 0:30 to 11. ULUEHIRD FEATURE LOUISE LOVELY tn "THE OKIP OP JBAI-OUHY" PAI AfiV 12H MARKET STREET rtL.tEt 10 A. M. to U Jl5 P. M. MARIE DORO in "DIPLOMACY" PARK" RIDQE AVE. & DAUPHIN ST. rlrv MATINEE 2:13. A SCREEN SENSATION OF 1010 MARY PICKFORD In "POOR LITTLE PEPPINA" 7 Acta. Admlaalon IBe. PRINCESS 1018 MARKET STREET "THE HUMAN CAULDRON" llalley'a Sketch nook ot London See "The. Olrl and tho Claim" every Thuraday PI AT TO OERMANTOWN AVE. IlLa 1U AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. LOUISE LOVELY in THE GRIP OP JEALOUSY" RPPPNT 193 MARKET STREET 1E'JI-'1' UVitAX VOICE GROAN JUAN DE LA CRUZ in "THE FLIRT" RIlR V MARKET J3TREET - D BELOW 7TH STREET CHARLES RICHMAN in "THE HERO OF SUBMARINE D-2" SHERWOOD&h, EDMUND BREESE in "THE LURE OF HEART'S DESIRE" SAVOY 1211 MARKET STREET ELECTRIC PICTURES Preaant MAUDE FBALY to "THE IMMORTAL FLAME" TJOGA m" VENANGO 8TS. PAULINE FREDERICK in THE SPIDER" AirTriPI A WARKET ST. T k m. uuin ABOVE NINTH Baal Harrlaval In "Bullala A Brown Eyaa" Cha, Murray In "Tha Judxt ' om Btrsoa Ca4 of Mary Pact" every WA unit TburT STANLEY . f"!"1, ABOVB 10TH C.ONTH LKJUS 1 """ ijniuili m 11.1s 1. 11. 1 I "THE LOST IA r M- I BBIDEOROOM Theatrical Baedeker PLATS. AtTKLPlirA 'Nobody Home," .with LnwreriM Oronamlth, Zo Harnett, itaude dd(l, Cornll uroxamiin, xoe iiarneit, iiauae uau, coratia lllylhj nd Charles Judels. A moalral comedy by rteuhena and Haiton. wilt1 muala ny jcrome jvern, inj aiory lens ot fl men woodaman's tlrat visit to New York. nrtOAD "Prlnreaa Tra-La-La." with PhTlIJa t'artlnston. Ororire HaMwIn nnd Emmy Nleie las. A ylenncce operetta by Lw Aschtr, produced by Andrea Dlppel, who also lava ua "The Lilac Domino," OAttntCK "It Pays to . Advertlae. ' with Loulae Drew. Grant Mitchell and nen John son, a farce by Cohan nnd Harris, In whlrh n aon. cant ndrlft by hl father, hits on his pet Idea of publicity to make money. FOlirtRST "Zleirfeld Folll of IMS," WttH lna Clare, Hert William nnd Will Weat. Here we rind the scenery by Joseph Urban and the unal sort of Zfecteld show by th usual people. LTillC "The Only fJIrl." s. musical comedy by Victor Herbert and Henry Blossom, founded on n light play of a. low season) ago, "Our WIveB." PHOTOPLAYS. STANLBY Tuesday anil Wednesday, "Ttia 1,01 iirioesrooin, wun jonn iiaTTymore. ore. FrU ith a eomeny nrama 01 soeieiy. 'imirsaay, iri- ilav anil Ralnrrtav. "ThA Rnl nilp." "Tho Saleslady,' Hazel Dawn. AnCADIA-Tuesday nnd Wednesday. "Daptina ana 1110 I'iraies. ' wun L.uuan Mian, Thura. day. Friday nnd Saturday. The Haiders," wun 11. 11. ivnrner. PA LACK Tuesday and Wednesday. "Dlploi mney," with Marie Doro. Thursday. Friday and Saturday. "One Day." sequel to "Thre Weeks." by Kllnor Olyn. VUTOHtA Tuesday, "Ilullets nnd Tlrown fires," with llrsil Ilarrlaeale. Wednesday and Thursday, "Ills Picture In the Papr.'' with Douslas Fairbanks. Friday and Hat urder. "l-ovely Mary." with Marr Stiles Mlnter. VAUJJBVILLE. KBITH'S tfari John, tenor. Adeln rtowlanij. "The Utile Shepherd of Ilargnln How"! Hiintlnc nnd Frances In "t.ove Blossoms 'I Charlotte Parry and company In "Into thi l.litht": H. !. Mason, monoloslat; Joa Dekos Company; Itae Uleanor Hall, violinists "Th Act lieautlful." COI.ONLM- Wlllard; the De Paco Opera Com. pnny; Mlddleton nnd HpeiimalT In "A Texas Woolns": "A Day at the Seashore"! Lohsa ami nioriinit: rnun ami uoyne; i,ew ruz Rlbbon. xylophone; The Thrco Alex; Packard nnd Pierre. NIXON "The Waltz Dream" 1 the Oallerlni Four; Jones and Hyhester; "Aurora of the Llhta"i Ilroivn and McCormack; Joa Row land. Ul.OHU "A Nlht In the Trenches"i Ford'a DanrltiB Ilevun; The Four Haley clrli, music! Fenlmore, Cooper. Towne nnd company) Tllton. comedian; lleltrah nnd lleltrnh. mu sic: Jack !eors;e. monolovlstt Wood's animal netors: Sulllvnn itml Pasauallnl, comedians) Vniilleld, children's dances. CIIOSM Kljys First hnlf'nf week! Fred Ilelden In "The Sidewalk Cabaret" 1 Ilernnrd nnd Shaw In "Tho Mnnulto Trust"! Solo mon: Hilly lingers, musician 1 Harney and Clcardo, danelnm Falls nnd Falls. , Second half ot the week- "Tho (loir Olrls"! Alice Hanson, comedienne: 8u Hlgitlns nnd com pany In "Politics". Fnrroll-Taylor Trio, music: Moore nnd White, sinning and dan elns. Duffln Hodeey Troupe. QHAND "Fishing"! Charles Cnrtmell and Laura Harris, n HlnuliiK and tnllilnp actl lnrdv'H doasi Ilrltt Wood, comedian! Oraca MarOowan nnd Herbert Gordons llaldwln Ilaxten nnd Carter, comedians, AT POPULAR PRICKS. WALNUT "Tho Olrl He Couldn't Huy," A drama In four acts by Summer Nichols, tell I nit n story of n younc slrl. raised In luxury, suddenly thrown on her own resources throuah the loss nf her father's fortune. Pl'.oi'Lirs "llrlnulnn t'p Father." A alas adaption of the popular cartoon series, with musical trlmmlnts. STOCK. KNICKBlUIOCKKIl "Tho Spendthrift." For. ter Kmerson llrowne, Tho Knickerbocker Plnycrn, with Kmlly t.umley und John Warren. In this society drama. A.MKUICAN "Charlie s Aunt": The Arvtn Plnyora. with MImh Itettn Itoblnson nna lleorce Arvlne In tho lendtns roles In this amualne comedy. HUIILKSaUK. DPMONT'B Dumonf Minstrels, in satires on matters of current Interest. Seek $50,000 for Industrial School A campaign to rnlso $50,000 for the Chrlstlansburg Industrial Institute, nt Chrlstlansburg, Va., Is being conducted by the Friends' Krecdman'a Association In commemoration of Its 60th' anniversary, A total of J 10,000 has been raised. It was announced at a, meeting at tho Meeting House, lUth street below Mnrket, last night. Anothor meeting wilt bo hold tonight. WEST PHILADELPHIA HRAND S2D nnl MARKET STS. CYRIL SCOTT in Bo. "The Lords of High Decision" OVERBROOK MD 4 "Save. RED FEATHER DAY J. WARREN -KERRIGAN in "THE POOL OF FLAME." 0 Acta GARDEN &ATBwiwaAVoa CARTER DE HAVEN in "THE WRONG DOOR" EUREKA 0TH SIAnIET 8T8. Trlanclo PUva OltRlN JOHNSON In "THK PRICE OF POWER" ARIU CKLB in "HE DID AND HE DIDN'T" BROADWAY BSD ar"1 CHEENWAY "MERELY MARY ANN" "Broken Coin" Last Chapter NORTH Broad Street Casino lp0 EVENINGS 7:15 AND 0 ' Bryant Washburn in "Despoiler" SHLItl NEWS Com.dl. CENTURY EIUB AVE- MARSHALL lM IUHI MATINEE DAILT KITTY GORDON in "As in a Looking Glass," 5 Acta- faOUT!! P I A 7 A BROAD AND PORTER IT i rt. . STREETS Adele Blood & Edwin Stevens in "The Devil's Toy," in 5 Acts NOHTIMVK.ST Susquehanna TSSaW VITAaKI.HL-E Au"S wnT -nd "My Lady's Slipper," 5 Parts .SOUTHEAST STRAND 18TU AND a,,lAnD AVE- Henry II. Walthall and Edna Mayo in "Tha Straoio Caae of Mary Page." Third Eplaoda, HAM ANnIIjjCOMED? P'0,, K E.N MS lit (I.N UIMRn FRONT ST. AND J U 1V1 O U OIRARD AVENUE "The Lord of High Decision" "A Mortgage On His Daughter' Weekly Programs APPEAR EVERT MONDAY IN Motion Picture Chart 1 flVv-bwtfys- l -V 7tMM SffD f5 UB. sjpjDWn. j - . - 1 " ih,ti.ltfrffaarik&iJ L ,TMJ fcr"