Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 21, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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    , -i -jfijtn - ..w '
Continued from Tat One
wwi packed with moro thtin 100 persons
nd many wore were at tho doors.
The complete list of appointments will
probably hot bo given out until tomorrow,
oi" late this afternoon at tho very earliest,
Bishop Berry said shortly after 10
o'clock this morning, when ho turned
OTer the chair to Bishop Ncetv.
"Ito power on earth, under tho earth
or above the earth will hurry us In com
ptetlng tho work of nnpolntmonls, ho
declared, "Wo will 'stick nt If all day
today and tomorrow, If necessary, and wo
want to remain untroubled, unless some
case of flagrant Injustice or other matter
of especial Importance comes up. which
nhould be brought to our attention. Wo
would have adjourned today If It had not
been for the great mass of work which
laced us."
Not more than half tho pastors named
en tho ofllelat tcntatlvo list for probable
change will bo transferred, If tho appoint
ments follow tradition.
Names on this list which are attracting
the most widespread attention In his city
are the lie v. O. B. Ujiriis. of Calvary
Church? the Itev. P.. W. Hart, of the
Columbia Avenuo Church ; tho Ilov. Glad
stone Holm, of the Church of the Advo
cate, Germantown; tho Rev. J. D. t.
llanna, for many years pastor of the
Twenty-ninth Street Church ; tho llcv. I.
A. l'arscls. of the Twelfth Street Church ;
the Rev. C. W. Blckley, of the Memorial
Church, and the llev. William I'owlck,
of tho St. Andrew Church.
Other pastors In tho city named ai pos
sibilities for transfer are the Hov. J. P.
Cox, of tho Dcvereaux Memorlul Churcli;
tho llev. M. V. Stewart, of Mt. Carmel
Church; the Itev. Alfred Iteebner, of the
llldge Avenuo Churcli, Itoxborough; the
llev. V. W. 55. Barrett, of the Sanctuary
Church. Itoxborough; tho llev. George
Oaul, of the Tioga Church; the llev. J. Q.
Wilson, of tho Union Church; the llev. S.
C. Carter, of tho Kpworth Church; the
Rev. C. L. Gaul, of tho S. I) Cooper Me
morial Church; the llev. L. P. Karholscn.
of tho Saycrs' Memorial Church; the Itev.
W. a. Jones, of tho Graco Church; the
llev. G H. Lorah, of the Green Street
Church; the Rev. S. O. Kosdot. of tho Nor
wegian and Danlwh Mission, and the Ilov.
A. II. Leo. of tho Trinity Church.
Tho moro important changes contem
plated among tho out-of-town pastors aro
those 6f tho llcv. It A. Mellwnln. of the
Oak Street Church. Norrlstown ; the Hey.
W. II. Llndemuth. of tho l'ottsvllle
Church; tho Rev. Samuel McWilllama. of
tho Trinity Church, Chester; tho Rev.
Bertram Shay, of the Ridley Park
Church; tho Rev. 13. U. Baker, of the
Broad Street and Salunga, Lancaster ; the
Itev. Allan Judd. of tho Paoll Church ; tho
Rev. F. A. Manlove, of tho Parkesburgh
Church; tho Ilov. A. II. Gerbcrlch, of tho
Pomeroy Church; tho Rev. G. B. Brod
hcad, of tho Bristol Church; tho Rev. D.
S. Sherry, of the Church of tho Covenant,
and tho Rov. Frank Iterson, of tho Grace
Church, both of Reading; tho Rov. W. O.
Tyson, of tho Delaware Water Gap
Church, and tho Rov. J. C. Wood, of tho
Mauch Chunk Church.
Other out-of-town pastors, whoso names
nro on tho list from which changes will
bo made, aro the Rovs. A. C. James,
Ambler ; Cdgar Black, Bcthayres ; Charles
Truax. Bethel Circuit; B. M. Posten. Co
darvlllo and Tomplo ; C. F. Sclflheld, Chal
font; A. M. Vivien, Cheltenham; W. R.
KImmel, Cornwells; W. C. Esbcnshaile,
Doylestown and Cozons' Memorial; James
Cunningham, Hamburg; H. B. Balrd,
Hulmevlllo and Bonsalem; R. J. Garbor.
Mahanoy City; J. It. Danks, Mnhanoy
Plane ; H. II. Prouse. Montgomery Siiuare ;
C. H. Egeo, New Philadelphia and Middle
port. J. I Guernsey. Port Carbon ; J. Brand
reth, Prospectvllla ; K. W. Burke, Wind
sor Street, Reading; E. B. Harshbarger,
Rlchboro and Pcnn's Park; A. G. Grnhum,
Trevoso; B. A. Wclker, Tullytown and
Emlllo; W. E. Smith, William Ponn;
Georgo Hamilton, Analomlnk ; A. M.
Kuder, Belfast and Wind Gap; A. U
Shalkop, Catnsauqua; W. A. Hearn, Glen
don and West Enston; W. II. Asprll, East
Bangor; G. W. Shires, East Mauch
Chunk; II G. Rowland, Lahaska; R. J.
McBcth. Lansford: G. It G. Rowland,
Lumbervillo : R. O. McRae, Mountain
Horn; II. T. Zelders. Portland; II. N.
Weston, Haubsvllle; W. II. Hershey, Sum
mt! Hill; W. E. Harkness, Tannorsvlllo;
A. B. Goudle, Tobyhanna ; John Williams,
Welsh Mission ; Clarence R. Berry, Bethel.
F. A. Tyson, Cressona ; W. I.. Stock.
Evansburg; A. I. Collom, Halifax: Percy
Boughey, Hummelstown ; R. D. Louden,
Manada and Paxton; W. II. Rldington,
MIddletown and Riverside; 12. B. Dixon,
Pine Grove; II. B. Slider, Trcmont and
Donaldson; G. A. Kerr, Wlconlsco; VI". S.
Hauaman. East Lansdowno; J. E. Galla
gher, Elam and Bethlehem; Harry Truax,
Fremont; L. R. Janney, Friendship; J. R.
Tompkins, Olen Mills nnd Stony Bank;
W. P. Compton, Gradyvillo; W. A. Lewis,
Landenberg and Flint Hill; W. J I. Mlch
ener, Lima; W. L. Cann, Marshalton.
T. S. Mlnker, New London and Kemblc.s
vllle; R. N. Kelser. Norwood; T. R.
Crooks, Quarryvllle ; E. W. Serl, Swarth
more; B, S. Stull, Trainer; John Stringer,
Media; John Ellcry, Upland; 11 F. Car
son, West Grove; C. E. Boraston, Atglen
and Mount Pleasant; Russell Kern, Bain
bridge and Falmouth ; G. E. Archer, Blrd-ln-IIand
and Soudersburg; L. P. Zook,
Boehms; William May, Charistlana and
Gap; W. II. Reeves, Churchtown and
Morgantown; W F. Humphrey, Coven
tryvllle; E. H. Wallace, Cynwyd; E. J.
ilartr.ian, Georgetown; II. C. deckle,
GUdywyno; C. J. Ax. Glenmoor; A. W.
Kaufman, Goodwill and Ebenezer; W. K.
Macneal, Hopewell and Hibernla.
a. TV. Tovey, Leola and New Holland;
T. N, Hyde. Malvern; H. II. Pnticher.
Marietta: J. L. Neff, Mllleravlllo and
Martlcvllle; C. B. Johnston, Mount Joy:
Shorter by Miles and Minutes r
Alexander Gibson, Mount Ncbo? Alex
ander Maconaghy, St. Paul's ana
Harmony: A. C. F. Ottey. Salem: S. R.
Dout. Snrlngueld : L. A. Dyer, Thorndalo ;
S. W. Drumm. Washington Borough. In
addition tho uoycrtown unurcn mm mo (
Berryshurg Church arc to bo supplied, the ,
latter from Wisconisco.
Before yielding tho chair to Bishop
Ncely, Bishop Berry asked for a church
to Volunteer for tho next annual session
of tho conference arid upon receiving no
response ho placed tho matter In tho hands
of the conference Kntortnlnment Com
mittee nnd the new district superintend
ents. Tho pl.ico of the next session will
be decided by them
The retiring district superintendents aro
tho Rev. Dr. E 13. Burrls, the Rov. Dr.
13. C. Orlilllhs, the Rov. Dr. Blckley nnd
tho Ilov. Dr. Parkin.
Tim fnllnwlnc reanolntmcnts wcro of
ficially announced:
East Montgomery
Eighth St. Mission.,
Fifth Street Temple
Hnncock Street
Nineteenth Street...
Park Avenuo
St. George's
St. John's
Spring Garden St..
S. K. McConncll
T. W. MeKcnty
11. F. Miller
It. K. Holtzlnger
H O. Cnrmlchnel
Henry Hess
D. A. Hlnklo
Robert Bagnell
J. S. Hughes
A. D. Gelst
Linn Bowman
11. C. Wells
Frackvllto J- V. Klngsloy
Ollberton J. K. Stetlcr
Glrnrdvlllo Ell Plckersglll
Olensldo R- M. Thompson
1 latboro TV. S. Dawson ,
Jarrcttown A. II. Peterson
Jnnklntown J. P. Shook
Langliomo J. 3. Bingham
Lnnsdnlo C. T. Isenberger
Morrlsvillo and
Fnllslngton ....H. 11. Iloftninn
New Hopo HA. Sawyer
Newtown J. U. Laird
North TVnlcs TV. L. Amthor
Pottstown, First
Church TV. L. Gray
Searles Memorial. . 13. J. Bond
Quakertown Clyde Holston
Holy Cross Memor
ial J. II. Hackenbcrg
Italian Mission. . ..It. A. Mautone
People's Church.. .J. D. Hockmau
St Peter's E. TV. llushton
St. Clnlr G E. Klclnhenn
Shenandoah Charles Roads
Tnm.in.ua J. H. Barnes
Willow Grove O. G. Dllworth
Yardley ..C. TV. Kito
Bishop Foss Church.. H. N. Munson, supply
Brldesburg F. II. Tees
Bustleton T. E. Redding
Cookmnn 13. F. Hann
Cumberland Streot..A. E. Crowell
Hast Allegheny Ave. A. A. Arthur
i;den H. M. Howolla
Fox Chase J. H. Royer
Frankford, Central. .John Watchorn
Frankford Avo ..TV. E. P. Haas
, Orthodox Street .J. T. Swindells
Gethsemana E. D. Decker
Ilolmesburg G. B. Burnwood
Lawndale C. II. Arpe
Norris Square D. L. McCartney
Oak Lane Ernest Bawden
Oak Lane Park .... Frank Scott
Port Richmond TV. II. Smith
Providence TV. B. Smith
Saint James' E. F Randolph
With hardwood floors your rooms
not only LOOK more attractive, but
can also be used for dancing at a
moment's notice. They provide the
perfect combination for appearance,
cleanliness and pleasure and at moder
ate cost can be installed by
3034 West York St.
S elieve Me
You run no risk when we do your
painting. Our workmen arc all pro
tected under the Workmen's Compen
sation Act.
Painting and Decorating
Oct Our Estimate J-'irst
Both Phones 28 S. 16th St
3JS&, floors ;af
Seventh Street , ....ft. R Johnson
Sllo&m .liii.iiiiitJ, C. retro
Simpson Memorial . .TV. A. Ferguson
Summerfleld ....... F. A. Gacks
Tacony iti.....,t, Cornelius Hudson
Wesley ... David Lord
Allentown, Calvary. .Geo. L. SchafCcr, Jr.
Linden Street , . . . J. T. Satchel!
Bangor J. J. Hunt
Bethlehem J. II. T Gray
Chapmans TV. S. Fox
Chorry Valley A. S. Morris
Easton. First ChurchW. II. Ford
Memorial J, E. McVeigh
Second Church ...W. J. Downing
East Stroudsburg. ..Q. W. Sheets
Lehlghton nnd Parry-
vlllo C. E. Itadcllffe
Mount Pocono F. W. Outbub
Ncsquehonlng R. II. Comly
Pen Argyl .........TV. P. Elllngsworth
Richmond A. M. Slrayhorn
Slatlngton nnd Slate-
dale J. 0. Everett, supply
South Bethlehem ...Benjamin. LaPlsh
Stroudsburg .Amos Johnson
GEORGE W IZI3R. Superintendent
A J Kynett Memorial H P Boughey
Chestnut Hill C TV Green
Enst Park W H Michaels
Falls of Schuylkill... A P Hodgson
Germantown Chel-
ten Avenue J B Mackay
First Church C TV Burns
Mount Airy WW TVcstwood
Saint Stephen's . . .Wnyno Ch.innoll
Manayunk Eben
ezer A. S. Walls
Mount 3!lon R Hcthcrlngton
Itoxborough Cen
tral S. M. Vernon
Emmanuel John Priest
Twentieth Street... .A. L. Cooper
West York Street. ..H. E. Hand
TVIssahlckon Frank M. Gray
Blrdsboro and Mon-
ncacy J. M. Shelly
Conshohockcn T. A. Armour
Cornwall William E. Myers
Coxestown Alfred Harris
Dauphin F. J. S. Morrow
Lebanon, Centenary. W. E. Ycnger
Graco II. S. Dando
Llewellyn J, L. Hunt
Lylccns I. T. Edwards
Millershurg TV. C. Slteath
Mlnersvllle J. E. Grnulcy
Norlstown, First
Church A. S. Dlngeo
Haws Avenuo ,...T. II. Evans
Phoenlxvlllo C. I'. Futchcr
Royersford C. S. Mervlno
Schuylkill Haven... TV. G. Humphrey
Spring City Arthur Oalces
Stcelton TV. C. Sanderson
am A
Mill i
Tower City ....... ..C. B. Felton
TVIllam8(0wn ....... B. A. Barnes
Abigail Varo Me
morial ..T. TV. Davis
Arch Street V. E. Rorer
Eighteenth Street. ..Samuel Johnson
Mount Hcrmon P. C. Thomas
Olivet E. F. Hoftman
Pitman R. I- Allot
Saint Luke's Wllllnm Bamford
Saint Paul's Salvntoro Musso
Thirteenth Street... .8. .TV. Purvis
Street C. J. Benjamin
Avondalo and Chat
ham H. G. Main
Chester Madison
Street W. II. Shaffer
Providence Ave
nuo F. J. Andrus
South Chester A. F. Taylor
Clifton J. TV. Perklnplno
Cochranvltle Edwin Wlntorbourno
Crozlervlllo C. M. Haddaway
Darby A. A. Thompson
Eddystono 11. F. Hnmor
Fulton B. A. Scull
Lansdowno N . B. Masters
Ltnnerch nnd Beth-
csda C. It. Shirk
Marcus Hook II. R. McDndo
Media ......11. S. Noon
Morton T. S. Seltr.
Mount Hope.. TV. J. Lindsay
Oxford E. P. Bryan
Trospcct Park C. M. Simpson
Sharon Hill TV. H. Shaw
Slloam (Delaware
County) J. S. Tomllnson
West Chester Jay Dlckcrson
Asbury O. S. DulTlold
Centenary G. W. Babcock
Christ Church II. R. Johnson
Ebenezer F. B. Lynch
Fletchor 11. II. Crawford
Forty-third Street ...I. TV. Tindall
Mary A. Simpson ..C 13. Adamson
Saint Matthew's Richard RadcllfTo
Springfield Avenuo .G. P. Beck
Wharton Street Me
morial E. W. Stlllmnn. I
nnd Samuel McAd
ams, assistant
Woodland Avenuo ..Ravi! Smith
Ardmoro ...William Downey
Borwyn A. TV. Qulmby
Oryn Mawr Radnor.S. TV. Smith
Saint Luke's J. G. Smith
Chnrlestown A. C. F. Ottey
Coatcsvlllo T. TV. McKlnney
Columbia Cookman.W. S. Nichols
First Church J. C. Blcrl
Jm 1
rO CELEBRATE its eighty years of journalistic
artivifv fhf Pnhlin T Fror&r xxnU r.r&sfnt in mn-
nection with its regular daily edition on Saturday
in which distinguished men in public life, editors, publishers and writers
of note, will give their impressions of the Public Ledger past and
present. The Supplement will also contain an interesting review of
the Ledger's history, the part it has played in our great national
crises and an outline of its present day activities.
JVEN free with Saturday's Anniversary Number, the Supple
ment will be of unique interest to Pennsylvanians and to
every one interested
Ihe demand for this
exceptionally heavy.
Downlngtown ......J. P. Hartman
Grovo . ...M...t...W. H. Zwclzlg
Honeybrook ........TV. F. Ewlng
First Church .....E. A. Bawden
Lnncaster Avo. ...TV. T. Dunklo
Saint Paul's .....J. L. Gcscmer
Narberth .......... C. G, Koppel
Safe Harbor ....... Thomas Roberts
Strasburg ....... ..J. E. Deacon
Wayno II. E. Walhey
TV. Q Bennett, superintendent. Anthra
cite Mission.
C. M. Boswell, corresponding secretary,
Board of Homo Missions and Church Ex
tension; member of Wharton Street Me
morial, Philadelphia, Quarterly Confer
ence. A. G. Kynett, recording nnd field secre
tary. Board of Homo Missions and Church
Extension; member of Calvary, Phlladcl
pliiav Quarterly Conference
J. D. Mnrtln, corresponding secretary of
tho Methodist Episcopal Hospital ; member
of Saint Luke's, Philadelphia, Quarterly
T. T. Mutchler, corresponding secro
tary of Philadelphia Sabbath Association;
member of Enst Park, Philadelphia,
Quarterly Confercnco.
Thomas Klrkpatrlck, moral Instructor
In House of Correction; member of Re
hoboth, Frankford, Philadelphia, Quarter
ly Conference.
Joseph Welch, moral Instructor In East
ern Penitentiary; member of Park Ave
nue, Philadelphia, Quarterly Conference.
F. C Elsclen, professor In Garrett Bib
lical Institute; momber of St. Georgo's.
Philadelphia. Qunrtcrly Confercnco.
B. M. Nelll, corresponding secretary of
Pennsylvania Seaman's Friend Society;
member of Spring Garden Street, Phila
delphia, Quarterly Conference.
G. TV. MneLnughlln, secretary emeritus
of Pennsylvania Seaman's Friend Society;
member of St Andrew, Philadelphia,
Quarterly Conference.
S. TV. Gehrett, corresponding socretnry
of Home for tho Aged; member of Mount
Airy, Philadelphia. Quarterly Conference
J. II. Smith, conference evnngellst, mem
for Your
Lowest Rates in This Citu
Strictlu Confidential
Burnlar-proof Protection
Itnb. 1803.
Clomom! Brokers and Money Lender
Vnrtatcmca uiomonoj, ie jor tan
Saturday, March 25th
in the progress of
Anniversary Number promises to be
Urder your copy
Saturday, March 25th
1836 1916
ber of 13th Street, Philadelphia, Quarterly
S. B. Golf, Jr., conference evangelist,
member of S, D. Cooper Memorial, Phil
adelphia, Quarterly Conference.
T. II. Dodd, missionary In Arlzpna,
II. N. Shenton, field secretary. Confer
ence Social Servlco Commission.
J. M. Bennetts, organization secretary
of tho Anti-Saloon League; member of
7th Street Quarterly Conference.
G. J. Bums, confercnco evangelist, mem
ber of 29th Street Quarterly Conference.
Mrs. J. L. Hicks, of This City, Seeks
Sharo of Father's Estato
Announcement that she would suo to
recover a half of tho $73,000 estate of
a brother, Henry Remky, who died two
years ngo In Mount Hopo Sanatorium,
outside Baltimore, was mado today by
Mrs. John L. Hicks, 1914 North 24th
btreet, who said RerAkky had been In
duced to trnnsfer all his property to a
sister, Mrs. A. M. Mutter, 1020 East Pratt
street, Baltimore.
Mis. Hicks Is trying to nnd n friend of
her brother's named Hopkins, who, sho
nays, can provo her brother's mind was
unsound when ho transferred tho prop
erty to Mrs. Mutter.
Remky, Mrs. Mutter and Mrs. Hlckn
are tho children of Bernard Rcmltky, a
wealthy wholcsalo grocer nnd liquor
dealer of Baltimore, who died n year ngo.
Ho left n largo estate.
4 o'CL
N" X-y , IS NJSCV"?'
American journalism.
Viss'-v$.!8-8' X
ijtj. v XfL
1 11
Wife Hurls Lighted Lamp at HJ
irno oaia one vyaa Cold
A lighted lamp hurled at her ,.. 1 m
head, the police say, wasM SI
Stuart's reply to his accusation ivfF!!
loved him 1.0 longer. Edward fi &1
husband, upbraided his wife at Mu? 'HI
629 North Franklin street, durinLf M
wiui several inenoa late last nlth i.l'i
lamp struck Stuart In the h5 i.1!
ami scattered Blazing oil over i !n
tho surrounding furniture. tl
Mrs. Stuart and the guests .- . m
tho room, shouting for heln .m'"i9
nis clothing on fire, fell to tho fin ."1
Ing Dctcctlvo McCarthy, of ih r&fcl
Buttonwonil Mreola ..!. n? " iMl
noise, nnd, running Into the' houn . 1
rugs over Stuart nnd heM ,. .17 ""Si
Ing furniture. Stuart Is in a bVi.
dltlon at tho Roosevelt "hosXTI
wife was arrested. v L Hal
Repairing Buzzes
Wo renair and inninii
thing electrical. TcknhZF
Gas or Electric Ligh?.
Motors. Repairs receive 0Z
prompt service. Our expert tC
trtcmns are ever ready. JV0F
manship unexcelled.
Bay your tltclrtcat fupW
from an electrical houtt.
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ock 1 ea
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Dancing 4 P. M. to Closing
;, 1 1 tr