Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 21, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    jqiywiinmnuK lUMUmiitUKff
Von Heydobrand, Conserv
ative, Hailed as "New
Hope of Democracy"
Issue Becomes Acute, Says
Tageblatt Editor Over Fu
ture of Sea Campaign
BEnUM, Mnrch 21. Hcrr von Hcyde
brAml, Conservative leader In llic Kclcli
sing, la described ns "tho new Iiope of
the democracy" by Theodor Wolff In tho
weekly review In tho Tnseblntt. of which
he la the editor In chief
Ilerr Wolff, commenting on the Conser
vatives' Bupport In tho nclchataB of tho
resolution regarding tho conduct of the
war nays:
"Many of havo nlways been con
vinced that tho political iirocrcss of
Germany Is only to bo expected through
the Conservnth'es. Tho members of tho
- other parties, with honorable exceptions,
are with difficulty brought to act, and
aro often tired before bedtime.
"When tho storm-tried Conservatives
desire to protect their Interests or carry
their purpose through they throw every
thing that hinders them nslde. If they
can only realize their desires In the Itclch
utag they will heatedly as they will re
ject this Imputation secure for Parlia
ment the role which It should have.
"The Kreuz Zcltung has declared frank
ly that tho motions which tho conserv
atives and 30 National Liberals arc to
support In tho Helchstag aro Intended to
express tho feeling that the Government
docs not possess longer "that confidence
which In Itself Is certnlnly most desira
ble"! In other words, that tho motions
shall cither Impel Doctor von IJcthmann
Hollweg to change his opinion or shall
make his position ns Imperial Chancellor
Imposslblo for htm.
"Is not that always provllng, natur
ally, that tho Conservatives do not
nbandon their plan a resoluto transi
tion to tho decried parliamentary sys
tem which makes the existence of tho
Government depend upon tho confidence
of tho people's representatives? Hut In
tho lands ruled by parliaments no motions
touching tho alms and problems of tho
conduct of tho war havo thus far been
brought beforo tho parliaments.
"In England members of tho lower
house havo criticized tho expeditions to
Oalllpoll and Salonlca without offering
resolutions, and In Italy such criticism for
tho most part has been suppressed; In
France, sanltnry arrangements, aviation
conditions and such-like have been dis
cussed: that Is to say, only questions of
organization, Tho Interpellation of Abel
Ferry calling upon tho ministry to make
effective Its constitutional right of direct
Injr nlK mobilized forces) was rejected by
Premier Brland ns an invasion of the pre
rogatives of tho army leaders, although
thla Interpellation, too, affected only con
ditions behind tho front.
"Our Conservatives and 30' National
Liberals, In their fiery demand for now
parliamentary rights, stormed much fur
ther past the barriers that 'liavo been set
tip elsowhere. Thoy not only demand In
public session explanations of closely allied
political and military motives, to which
the Government Is paying heed, but" also
prescrlbo In sharply formulated resolu
tions tho guiding lines of strategy. This
forward development Is moving somewhat
rapidly, and we must havo time to accus
tom ourselves to a method which has
fallen rathfr Into desuetude since tho
French convention.
"Herr von Heydebrand remains, never
theless, the new hope of tho democracy."
Say British Military Bases Wero Ef
fectively Shelled
BERLIN, March 21. All the aeroplanes
that took part In the raid over the south
east coast of England returned safely to
their base, according to an official state
ment Issued today by the German Ad
miralty. Military establishments at Dover, Dcil
and ltamsgnto were shelled with goqd ef
fect. It wiii stated.
The text of tho official statement fol
lows: "On Sunday afternoon n squadron of
nnxnl aeroplanes bombarded military es
tablishments at Dover, Deal and Hams-
gate In spite of vigorous firing from
land batteries, the airmen scored numerous
direct hits With good effect. All the necp
planes returned safely."
Tho British Admiralty reported that one
of the four raiding German machines had
been shot down Into the North Sea.
Head of British Board Out
lines Plans for Com
mercial Supremacy
Nation, Enraged Over Loss of
Ships, "Ready to Take a
Very Different Role"
Teutons' Threat of Teutonic
Customs Union Will Be Met
by Similar Measures '
Historian and Clergyman Take
Issue With Professor's
What does Wlssahlckon mean?
r Tho question has stirred historians nnd
scholars for a week, because the Rev.
John Melghan, pastor of Hebron Church
and member of the faculty of Dropsle Col
Jege. claimed that ho had discovered the
word to mean "sour grapes."
Ho made this announcement at the
weekly conference of Baptist ministers,
held In the First Baptist Church, 17th and
Hansom streets. Whereupon several other
clergymen expounded the theory that
"whisky" figured In the philological his
tory of the word.
Ernest Bpofford, assistant librarian of
the Historical Society of Pennsylvania,
declares that Doctor Melghan Is "all
wrong;" He could find no basis for the
"sour grapes" theory, and, as a matter of
fact, believes that there never uas such a
fruit along the banks of the picturesque
He contends, furthermore, that the creek
was named before any white man met an
Indian and that the Indians had never
heard of whisky before they heard of white
men. He reasons In consequence that the
stream was not named In honor of the
much-discussed liquid. And even when the
Indians did hear of whisky nnd began to
drink it and like It, they didn't call Is
'whlslcy," but ''fire water" or some such
equally descriptive title, ha points out.
Mr, Spofford maintains that Wlssa
hlckon means "catfish stream." He quotes
as his authority John Heckwelder, an
authoMty on Indian geographic nomen
clature. The name Is a corruption, he
says, of "Wisameckham.' He also cites
Stephen G. Boyd who. In his work "Indian
Local Names," gives the same interpre
tation. The Itev. Dr. David Spencer, who served
in churches along the banks of the stream,
for many yearB, upholds Mr. Spofford's
views. Meanwhile Doctor Melghan ad
heres an firmly as ever to his original
LONDON. March 21 All dispatches
received from Holland within tho last 24
hours emphasize the nerlousness of tho
situation resulting from tho sinking of
the Dutch liners Tubantla nnd I'alembnng
nnd tho extent to which tho Dutch people
uro aroused.
"Holland hns suddenly changed from a
nntlon Indirectly affected by the wnr to
olio prepared nnd determined, If necessary,
to tnko n very different role," says a dis
patch to tho Chronicle from Amsterdam.
"A sudden seriousness has seized the
"Tho Dutch people nro aroused to such
n pitch of resentment that no official Ger
man explanation or disavowal will com
mand ii hearing," says n Dally Telegraph
dispatch from Itotterdnm.
Dispatches point out that, whereas tho
Oerman denial of responsibility for tho
loss of the Tubantla wan based on tho
dcclaratlo'n that the Tubantla was sunk
inside the 30-mlte safety zono laid down
In tho original "war-zone" decree of a
year ago, as a matter of fact, the Tubantla
was at the very outer vergo of this zone,
if not n little outside.
In fact. It was off Noord Hinder Light
ship that the American steamship Cushlng
was attacked by n (Irrm.in aeroplane, and
probably as many steamships hao been
torpedoed near that point as at any other
In tho North Sea.
Thomas Kinsey Sails on 1101th
Trip Across Atlantic Faces
New Dangers
Bets of all kinds are being laid in tho
Mnrltimo KNchnnge on tho farewell voyage
of Purser Thomas Kinsey, who sailed on
tho good ship St. Taul for tho 1101st
time ncross the Atlantic. In tho 1,000,000
miles he has traveled on the bosom of the
briny deep during 6:i years of service, he
has been through somo wild action, but
has never met with 'any desperate danger.
If the St. Taul finds Its way past the
submarines that wander In .the depths, or
the springtime Icebergs on a jag, or If
he's not swallowed In the Jagged Jaws of
a whale rolling In starved misery, Purser
Kinsey will settlo down and end his days
on land at Southampton, where he has his
homo An "old salt" tradition of tho sea
Is that disaster always lies In wait for
"farewell oyjgOH." and bets In the Kx
change are that tho trip will be a rough
Kinsey's experiences date back virtu
ally to the tlmo of Columbus or there
about. His first trip was on tho City of
Manchester In 1853. The ship sailed be
tween Liverpool and Philadelphia. The
ship would look like a tugboat beside a
modern passenger ship. Ho went on troop
ships to India during the mutiny there
In 1857 and mado a trip to Abyssinia
during tho war there. In 1807 ho re
turned to the passenger service between
here nnd Liverpool and ever since has
been in the employ of the Inman and
American Lines.
Ho was a paymaster during the Span
ish war on the St. Louis, a United States
auxiliary cruiser. The St. Louis had
many exciting experiences. Purser Kin
sey lias paced the deck of almost every
kind of sea-going vessel without disas
ter. Now that he has fully decided to
nut In at a safe harbor on shore, he's
scudding across as fast as he can, trying
to slip past the traditional maw of Davy
Jones, ever on tho watch for "last-trlp-ners."
LC-NrJON. Mnrch 21.
Germany will never ngaln "rnlso her
helmet" In a world engaged In peaceful
pursuits, President Waller Runclmnn. of
the Hoard of Trade, declared In an Inter
view gUen today, officially outlining for
tho first time tho Alllps' commercial plans
nfter the wnr.
"Ilngland does not conlcmplato a throt
tling that will leave tho (lerman people
crushed," ho said.
"Hut peaceful preparations ns a means
to a military end will never ngaln bo
tolerated by Hnglnnd, Frnnco, Russia and
Italy," Ilunclmnu asserted. "Nor can wo
submit to most favored nations, clauses
In commercial treaties being utilized to
tho detriment of nny one of the nlllcd
countries. Wo object to Germany using
her resources nnd commercial relations)
with us for purposes of nggresslon n3 she
did In preparation for this wnr."
tlunclmnn's statement Is of the hlghst
Importance In view of the forthcoming
allied commerce conference in Paris.
which ho will attend. American traders
and manufacturers, he Indicated, mURt
prepare for a rigid, though friendly, tlrit
lull commercial competition In neutral
markets after tho war.
"Germany hns announced that at tho
conclusion of this war she will attempt
to establish a customs union of tho con
trnl Powers on aggressive lines," ho said.
"This can only mean that sho Intends to
follow up tho picscnt conlllct with nn
economic wnr.
'If this Is the deliberate object, we and
our Allies will Know how to meet nn ng
gresslvo wnr of Hint nature Just as wo
havo met hostile action for tho last 20
months. But wo will bo better prcpnrcd
for this threatened economic war. We
aro much obliged to Germany for wnrn
Ing us beforehand.
"The economic war which she threatens
would bo a permanent barrier to tho
peaceful development of Kurope. I havo
myself used language hostile In character
In regnrd to Germany's trade. I did so
believing that crushing the enemies' trade
was nn essential step to victory In tills
war. IJvcry belligerent at nil times dur
ing the progress of the war has attempted
to destroy tho enemy's trade as a meas
ure of war."
The War Today
Gorman troops have mndc fur
ther gains in their new offensive
movement on the west bank of tho
Mouse, tho French Wnr Office ad
mitted this afternoon.
In n renewal of the heavy ns
8ault3 against the Abnncourt-Mal-nncourt
line Inst night, tho Teu
tons occupied the southeastern
part of tho Malaneourt Wood, also
known ns Avaucourt Wood.
The British Admiralty reports
tho defeat of three German tor
pedoboat destrovcrs in n running
fight on the North Sen off tho
Belgian coast. Berlin assorts the
British destroyers fled.
Austro-Hungarlan troops, after
n defense of six months, evacuated
Uscieczko, on tho Dniester River,
north of Czornowitz.
Capture of French positions 10
miles northwest of Verdun, north
east of Avocourt, was' nnnounced
by the Berlin Wnr Office this af
ternoon. The Germans look 2053
prisoners nnd much booty, it was
Tho Germans nlso announced
the repulse of strong Russian nt
tacks south of Riga, west of Ja
cobstadt and northwest of Post
awy. The Russians suffered heavy
Berlin admitted that the Ger
mans wero forced to withdraw
from a salient south of Nnrocz
Lake to avoid the encircling firo of
Russian artillery.
Una Volta Arrestati i Progress!
del Nemico, gli Italian! Ri-
piegano per 500 Metri
a Tolmlno
Leaders of Allied Nations Plan
Concerted Action to End
European Conflict
PAULS, Mnrch 21. A greater entente,
bringing not only France, L'ngland nnd
Russia, but tho smaller of their Allies
Into complete nccord, will result from
tho conference to be held here Into this
week or cntly next.
Military nnd political leaders of the
Allies were assembling here today In nd
vanco of the meeting. THoy plan to or
ganize for conceited action both In a
military and political way to shorten the
$150,000 CAMPAIGN
Committees Work Hard in Race
to Raise Fund for
Such a union has long been demanded
by leading statesmen of nil the allied
countries. Slnco Arlstldo Brland became
Prime Minister of I-'ianco bo has worked
ceaselessly toward this end nnd Is now
called the "artisan of the greater entente."
Brland will preside over the deliberations.
Prlnco Regent Alexander and Premier
Pnchltch, of Serbia, are due to arrive In
Pails today. General Cndmn.i, Italian
eommander-ln-chnef. Is already In Paris
and will be Joined shortly by General
Porro. second In command. Knglnud will
bo rcpiescnted by Sir Douglas llnlg. Pre
mier AmiuIHi and others, premier Brland,
v,t;iii-iii uuiuu iiiiu uiiu or two i' rencu
Cabinet members will represent Frnnrn.
General Gilllnsky will be Russia's repre
sentative, nnu I'remicr Uo Ilioriiievtllo
and General Wiclcmaiis wljl represent
General Cndorna visited the French
trout today. Tho Serbian prlnco regent
received nn enthusiastic icccptlon when
he arrived at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Tho campaign to raise $150,000 to con
vert tho lato Major Reyburn's lesldence,
at 19th and Spring Gnrtltn streets, Into
a modern, fully equipped Osteopathic
Hospital was continued today by the 350
Tho large thermometer at the head
quarters on tho Adelphln roof showed
that J21.1GG.80 has been raised yesterday.
The campaigners were enthusiastic today
over tho good beginning nnd put more
"pep" Into their efforts.
Tho regular luncheon will be held In
the roof garden today nt noon. Speakers
will stir the committees to stronger ef
forts nnd tell of tho advantages of hav
ing such an Institution as that proposed
In this city.
George II. Earle, Jr., Is general chair
man and treasurer.
It Is expected that tho needed funds
will be raised long before the time limit
set for tho campaign March 28. The
women co-operating in tho campaign aro
doing valuable work. Sixteen teams of
Ave members each have been formed
and they are rivaling the men In ef
ficiency The entire osteopathic profes
sion In tho city Is back of the campaign.
Detectives in Duel With Crooks at
COth Street and B. and O.
A chase nfter a gang of wire thieves,
during which shots were exchanged be
tween railroad detectives and the fugi
tives, failed to result In their capture
early today, though one of them was
wounded. Wire-stripped telegraph poles
and bloodstains at the 60th street cross
ing of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
mark the scene of the robbery.
Captain Strang, head of the railroad
force, and several assistants spied three
thieves this morning, after waiting for
them for several nights. Two were cut
ting the telegraph wires, whllo one kept
guard, Tho "spotter." according to the de- ,
tectlves, gave the alarm, and the three took i
to their neeis, nrmg at ine aetectivea as
they scaled an embankment.
Would-be Suicide Indignant When In
formed of the Law
Ernest Deist discovered today that the
law forbids a. man to take his own life,
lju matUk haw worthless or Insignificant
ont thinks It Is. To emphasize this legal
principle. Magistrate Price held hlrn In
1500 ball for court, at the Ridge avenue
Kid JUdvale station today.
"Ita nobody's business If I want to kill
,yself," Deist protested. Deist, who Is H
yars old, and lives with bis wife Flor
ence, aged 22 years, at 3007 Baijey street,
waa loud in his condemnation of such a
0a March 14 his wife found him, un
jnaclous in his, bedroom,, iblia ' the gas
was Cully turned on. Yesterday he was
discharged from tho Worcau's Homeo
pathic Hospital, ordy to face the law
Mrs. Deist asserted that her husband,
witl whom jjoa had been married for half
a- ysar, jwrnisttd ia quarreling with her
Dill to Keep Racing Clean
BALTIMORE. March 21. A strop plea for
continuation ct clean racing In Man land baa
been made to a subcommittee of the Ftnancs
Committee at Annapolis by representatives of
the Maryland Jockey Club. It would guar
antee Urge annual revenues to the Mate and
Srovlnces that all racing- associations In the
tate shall pay Into the Statu Treasury all net
revenues from racing- meets over the amount
o( a per cent, on the capital stock or the
respective associations.
llow much better it is to have
, , your customers observe that you ', I
; ', are, buying the best electrotypes '
jvk toil Kb, mail 11 IB ID 1PI l.
them learn that you are practic- 3
: ; ing the ancient art of buying 1
: ; low ami selling high. Talking I J
, quamy 10 me customer and
; "Jow price" (0 tila supl,iy man
is not consistent from anv
t angle except the selfish interest
point of view. Your purchas
ing policy should dovetail with
your desire to deal only with
those who buy of you on a
quality basis.
IHMKllttlJliM 9 1 SrKf a
Only Three Men Seek Place as Chief
of Elevator Inspection
Hero Is a caso of the Job looking for
tho man. The city wants some ono to
tnko tho post of chief of the Uurcnu of
Elevator Inspection, at a salary of J3B0O
a year, but applicants seem to bo scarce.
Tho facts of the matter aro these. An
examination for tho post was hdiedulcd
for March 2. but was postponed because
only two applicants applied. The law re
quires there be at least four. A new date
was set and In the meanwhile a third
man picked up sutllclent courugo to ap
ply this week. Now the olllcials aro hop
ing for a fourth, aieamvhllo Itobert A.
Pitts holds the provisional appointment.
noMA, 21 Jtnrzo, 1916.
II Stlnlslcro dclla Guerra pubbllcnva
llerl sera II segucnte rapporto del comman
ilnnte In sott'ordlno tlelle fone Itnllnno
opcrnntl In torrltorlo nustrlaco:
"Lungo l'lntera fronto til battnglla
l'nltlvlta' dcll'nrtlgllcrla o' Btata In numen
to nolta glornnta dl lerl (domonlca), o par
tlcolnrmcnto Intensa o' statn nella Val
Sugann o nol Kettoro del medio Isonzo.
In nmbedue nuesto zono si e' notnto
Pnrrlvo dl rlnforzl al ncmlco, non solo dl
uominl, ma nncho dl cannon!.
"II nrmlco ha cscgulto nttacchl dl poca
Importation rontro le notro poslzlonl dl
Monte Collo, nella Val Sugann, nella
(rlornata del IS corrente, ma questl at
tncchl soiio stntl tuttl rcsplntl dalle nos
tro forze.
"JCcI scttoro del Medio Isnnzn nol nbbl
nmo riconqulstato parte riello trlnceo cho
il nemico era riusclto nrt occuparo suna
cnllln.a dl S'anta Maria, tlavnntl a Tolmlno,
cd ahblnmc) tcspinto uuuW uttncrl.l del
ncmlco fattl contro lo nostro poslzlonl a
sud dl Clghlgno o verso la locallta' Selo.
"Aveiuio cosl' nrrestato I progressl del
nemico, nol cl rltlrnmmo per clica BOO
metri da ntcune nostro pnslzinnl nvnnzato
per oMtnro dl esscro presl dl lufllatn da
nuove bnttcrle ncmlche. Iopcrazlono fu
csegulta ordlnntnmento o con calma o
senzn nlcuna preislone.
"II ncmlco ccrco' nncho dl ntlaccaro le
nostro poslzlonl sul Knhotlno, ma fu lm
medlatamcnto resplnto.
"Sul Carso tutto e' stnto trnnqillllo."
SI npprendo cho It qunrtlcro generate
nustrlaco e' stnto trasferito da I.ublana
(Uillmeh) dnvo si trovava dnll'lnizlo
delta guerra con I'ltnlla, n Marburg, una
rlttn" cho o' a 70 inlglla nil est dl Lubl
nun. IV posslbllp oho cpiestn trnsferl
mentn sin douto nl fntlo cho gll avlatorl
Itnllanl bombnrdaioiiii frequeWcinento
Luhlntin In qucstl ultlml tempi.
l.u stnmpa roimina esprlmc vUa sodls-
fuzlono per la manlera nffettuosn, con cul
la popolazloiie dl r.irlgl ha accnlto II
generalo Pndonui rhl, come si sa, giunsc
ieri nella capltalo frauces-e per partcclp.iro
ul gramlo eonslgllo dl gucira dcgll
nllcntl. II prlnclpo Alesiandro dl Serbia,
cho o' stato ii Itoma ed ha confcrlto con
lo nutorltn' qui ed e' stnto ospltc dl sua
zla In reglna ICIcnn, glungcrn' a 1'arlgt
oggl insleme con II piesldento del Con
slgllo serhn, Pnslc.
la mtiiciA n rKPino.
Tclegrnmml da Atcno dlconn die II go
verno green ha emanalo tin decrcto col
quale si proclnma I'annesslone ilell'lplro
settentrloniilu nl regno dl CSrecln. Como
o' noto, 1'Kplrn scttentilomilo era statu
d.itln Cottfcrcuzn dl l.omltn nssegnato al
nun o stnto albnncse. ed 11 decrcto del
govorno greco ha causato qui horpresa cd
Indlgnnzloiie perche' si conslilera como
mi. i gratulta vlol.izlouo delle decision!
dclla acclslonl della Confercnza ill I.ondrn,
che la Urecia aveva promesso dl rlspet
t.ire, Itccentemento I dcputatl elettl
nell Kplro settentilonale ernno stntl om-
,mesHl nlla Camein greca ed avevano pre-
staii) giuramcntn.
Oermanla ed Austria fnnno ancora sfor
zl per asslcurarsl la ncutrallta della Hu
liiaula, e qucsto infatU c' confermato dal
fatto che II gocrno tedesco ha formal
mente chlcsto al governo rumeno asslcura
zlonl cho la ncutrallta' bar.V conservata
durante tutta la guerra.
11 govorno rumeno ha rlflutnto dl daro
queste nssulcurnzlonl, essentia ben declso
a proteggero I suol Interessl In qualunn.ud
manlera o a non rlnunclaro alio nspira
zlont nazlonall del pacse.
Evl dcritcmento la rlsposta data nlla
Oermanla dal governo rumeno o slnta
eomunlcata nlla Orcein, glaccho re Cos
tantlno ha nffldato a suo frntcllo, It
prlnclpo Crlstoforo, una mlssiono segreta
prcsso I govern! dcgll nlleall.
II principle glunso ft Iloma lerl l'nltro,
ma pnrtl' poco dopo nlla volta dl Parlgl
domlo procedera' per la capltalo Inglcse.
Una bomba che fu fatta csploflcro nella
scorsa nottc, hnrurnlmente da Ignotl mnl
fattorl, davantl nlla casa nbltata da tin
ccrto Qluseppo Clsturcrl, nl numcro 617
Annln street, ha dnnnegglato sel case.
Fortunatamente pero', nonostnnto cho l'es
ploslono fosse vlolentlsslma, non si deve
lamontnro nlcuna dlsgrnzla o ncssuno rl-
mnso fcrlto. II dnnno o' stato la demoll
zlono della scntetta della casa del Cls
turcrl o la roltura del vetrl dello flnestro
delto enso vlclnc, al numcrl 015, 616, 618,
619 o 621 Annln street.
La pollzia della 7ma o Carpenter streets'
el c' messa nlla rlcerca dcgll Ignotl dl
narnltardl, ccrcandoll nella colonla Itatlann,
e sl dice cho la l'autorlta' dl pollzia si
slnno messo In testa dt colplro alia radlce
del malo ed cllmlnnre una volta per sem
pro qucsln vergogna cho dl rcccnto sl o'
rlpetuta troppo frcquontomento.
Alcunl ngentl dl pollzia hnnno ccrcato
di far parlaro II Clsturcrl per vedero bo
r' posslbllo nppuraro chl potel essero
stato II dtnnmltnrdo, ma si ignora so vl
Biano rluscltl. Kgll o la nua fnmlglla
crano In casa quando awenno l'csploslonc.
Meredith NicfcJ
Olson's new
cnaracter is
vagabond who?
speaits ot exclusive
clubs and thieves'-
dens in one breath"
and has a million,
aire's son for a
chauffeur. A nmr
kind of story Is "The-
Madness of May" be. J
ginning in this week'4 a
L'Occupazionc di Trebisonda E'
Immincnte Una Vittoria
Russa nella Bucovina
Lowest Charges
Absolute Security
Assured Your Property
Holmes Protective System
Bank References
?7. lHh St. nn'VrV'uenl rrh
N. W. Cor. 9th & Buttonwood Sts.
Bargains In Uncalled Jewels.
Telcgramml da Tarlgl dlcono cho It gen
eralo Cndorna sl o' recato a lsltnro la
fronto frnnceso n Verdun, nccompagnnto
dal generalo Joffro. Kgll ha nsslstito nil
nlcunl nttacchl operatl dal tcdeschl nella
reglono dl Malaneourt, a circa died mlglla
n nord-ovost, dclla clttadolla dl Verdun.
Dlspaccl gluntl n noma dlcono cho l'oc
cupazlonc dello cltta' turcho dl Trebisonda,
Mosul, Ilagdad o Dlarbeklr da parto dello
forzo russo del Caucaso o delta Mesopo
tamia c' Immlnentc. I.o forzo russo opc
rantl ncll.i Bucovina o nella Gallzla hnnno
nttaccato e conqulstato la testa dl ponto dl
Uzclcczlm cho gli nustrlacl avevano dlfeso
per tre mesl. I,'nnnunclo dl questa vit
toria russ.i o' statu data da Vienna stcssa.
I,a poslzlono conqulstata o' nd una trcntlna
dl miglla a nord-nvest dl Czernowltz. I
russl hauno potuto cosl' nttrnvcrsaro II
Davantl nlla costa bclga sl c' svolta
una battnglla tra quattro cacclatorpcdln
lero Inglesl o trc tcdeschl. Questl si dl
cdero nlla fuga, Insegultl dngll Inglesl o
due rlmasero colpltl ma sl salvarono n
WABIIINOTOM. Mnrch 21.A hint M
tho oclfcrous wolcomo with which Am.,
lean troops wero greeted by the JlormS
colonlstn near Cnsas Grandes as thev K
loped Into tho town with ml,,-. ..,!?
given In a brief dispatch to the War tw
Tho message aio carried tbn nrli -"m:?
hint of how far American troors u4
penetrated tho Mexican waste and UnSJ S
ntlirr linrtlnr tntvna in,!, . i .T A"! '
thcro was disaffection among CarfiSft
soldiers. "
Tlin metetmrrn nqvat
Vo havo found tho naiu-eo f.u.
ly ovcrywhero. Tho Carranza forcW'
alio nro showing every Indicating a.
frlondllncss. Tho Mormons creitM"Ai
our troops ns rescuers. '.
Sccrctnry Baker, who read this portlofr1
givo out tho full text becauso somo of It
related to military movemnt i.iJr
might bo nffected by publicity. Ho ii.
mltted It wns entirely llkelv niiHiiin.tJi
cavalry had entered Mexico at CnlimM."!
slnco tho first column under Colonel ' I
Dodd started out nfter Villa. 'tt
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ver -irsa. iny onm no mrwienea
Sim m ova uwa mmmr. m& said,
lc h ia released, my life wHl be