EVENING LEBGER-PHlLADELPniA. TUESDAY, MARCII 21. 1010. 17 i lioUSEKEEPiya- APABTMENTB u 11 cor i7Tlt & WAT.NUT STS. tr The newest nnd mojt distinctive apartment K, -iGSm in Philadelphia! desirable 10-room most distinctive apartment Irtnhliir desirable 10-room KJiiwkfeirtnir suites, with southern, eastern ml wcsurn exposures . Applr on FremlsM. ! THERE ARE SEVERAL An apartment Too ran look at one After another until Toncnn" Strand to tho different eirenclcs until In despair you take one, or You Can Gall, Phone or Write to This Office tt Is aulte true that nearly every desirable rartment in Philadelphia Is Hated with and m' he rented through n. iMII upon in In our new office?! they ar r-Jlly quite nttractlio: sou will he Riven lh! most courteous and efficient service ob- ABUlpmoblle la waltlne to take you to the list of npartmenta you designate, and If K air chance you'nro not perfectly suited, Sir entire organization will bo placed at your : j"noal t0 rfcuro 'or Vu ectlr your hThVnk,oilra'tl tho trouble you will have lived and how Klad you will bo to Jcnow ten nato found the ono npartment In Phlla Selphla which most nearly approached your eisct ldeal NORMAN S. SHERWOOD Mil WALNUT ST. Iruc! Kni Ha3023 m ton mode rnh turn, or u P'Wrthvrest .Phlla. and Tli He gffjnnppr A CO.. 1617 turn, or unturn. apartments. oita, see us nrsi. Montgomery ve. . HOl'BCKfllU'INCl apts.. nil parts of city: rents - KJ to T( per month: call, phone or write for irfermntlonV Pnmue Htern. ll'OI Chestnut. 'oflOtrND-FI.OOIt apartment. T rooms and bnlh. 3.112 Hamilton at. , Janitor on prem. WIST PIIII-ADEU'IIIA (ill AND 1.11(1 ANOORA TRItttACR T-o modem n-rnom. slde-yard apart !Si ments. Ilvlns hall, electrlo llshts, prl Til valo porches, hlBh-class Janitor serj 133 lee He euro to examine today. Apply 1 at fillll Anaorn terrace or wji. h w muick & 11110., inc. 8 S 40TI1 ST. his nOTI.AND APTS., JUST COMPLETED l.rooma-and-hath apartmsnts, with all the UiMt cotuenlenees. J40 to J42.60 nor month. . '" IIOHEHT PITTS. AtlKNT t mil phono llclment. 4433. B443 Lrcust st. " THE NETHEIILANDS, ... SBVnllAl. DESIItAlll.E VACANCIES 4311. 4 ITH AND CHESTNUT STS. "".Vnlf'&ONTir Ayn0'ur,,n,, M,h- CIIAULI... H lulll,i. sucn st. Till! LAI1CIIMONT, 1100-OS B. 4STH ST. One of the hnndsoment 2d floor apartments In mila. , 6 large rooms (all outside); recep tion hall and bath, wltU prlvato porch. Arl'J.Y TO JANITOll ON PI1PEMISE3 DItEXEL APAIITMENTS OVUHIIHOCIK STATION One housekeeplne suite, 0 rocms and bath. I! J. SI per month; public dining room. Phone Overbrook C628 n , THE CHILTON First and Sd-flnor npartmenta, from (ill) to ill.-i. MHS 11 M-I.AIN. .121 S llarlng at. rr-itt? nnlnr.vw '"litl r rooms nnd bath: half block from 4firn 1, niaiinii. Jus N .Mltrhclh 10th and Market sts. HIM. CHEST H. E. COrt 34T1I AND HACE ST3. Atirwctti e ants , shower baths: reasonable. ESSEX 3llh and Chestnut; .Monterey, 43d Sncl nrsier, lieillioui, .11111 uiiu nnrniK .itir dfn. Inquire Jnnltor or Crease. 30S Halo llldg. 'BUCKLS'HILVM APTS InO; 7 rooms. 2 baths. porcn rn I'ren.. iuui. jv.ji. jbeiu.itin iuhiu. HOUSEKEEPING- APTS. WANTED l'urnlsliril WANTED Furnished housekeeping apart- ' . . ..!".. .. .7- . ' " I... ments lor 0 nionins; . ueuronms; wuutini; au; iiut.viico 10 liro.iu hi. station or west niiiu, Station. M 010, ledger Control. APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL CS,TS',TNTV1?D The best rooms and suites, with the best table, in Phila. -Day, Week, Month, Season, Year THE LINCOLN LOCUST DELOW 13TII STREET Transient and Permanent Guests Tablo the Dest THE DELMAn-MOniUB OEHMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION. TENNA. RAII.IIOAD. 20 MINUTES FROM BROAD BT, TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN. FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSKEP. INO APARTMENTS. HOTEL COLONIAL SPRUCE AT ELEVENTH Newly decorated nnd refurnished through out; comfortably furnished parlor, bedroom and bath by tho day week or month, nt rea sonable rntes ticriJcn nnd cuisine unexcelled. WM I. KENNEY. Manager. THE COVINGTON CHESTNUT AND 37TH STS. R F EW1LE. MANAOEP. Also the Engleslde. Hench Haven, N. J. ..ClIOICK TWO-nOOM SUITES FOR RENT THE GLADSTONE VtIVr,f:et3ND FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF .. THE TRACY PEItMANENT OR TRANSIENT OUE3T3 SSTH AND CHESTNUT . THE DASHWOOD ISO'i-lslo Chestnut street. Rooms with bath, slnglo nnd In suites. BEAL ESTATE POB SALE CITY 1500 LOCUST ST. Hanaanme, modern 4-story brnwnstone dwell tax. especially lltted for professional offices: law price and easy terms for quick sale. H10 N 20TH ST 0 rooms, nil conveniences; wi in oy no. assessed J30UO; will sacrlHco l?.."5,,le estate MJfEits tc 1IARTH, Rldgo avo. and 10th. K. N ,17TH ST Hrownstone, 8 rooms, mod " tfjlumblng. shed kitchen; imly J3000. Wm, fia.Q.'tPik 317 Columbia ave. , MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Building Association nnd Trust Funds, - TAlli.AMw uoo Walnut st. "rilJDENT" WATER METER ..Phlla. Meter Co. 4 J Iteal Estate llldg. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sale or rent. , IA1IUUW Sl VAN I'Elr N. E. cor I7ih and Chestnut, bASK US AIIOUT SEVERAL ATTRACTIVH . , 1 mrai t'orners ror sale J, A, PATTERSON. 181) 8. 15th St. PITY AND SUBURBAN JIEAL ESTATE MEARS t- BROWN 20.' S. 16th st, 0JOD Investment, small properties. 4 rooms ..... uo.il,, un convs. ; rented ii a inoniiii ir'"- ""u- Cameron rstaie. zati itens. av. lljfB 13TH, 14TII AND IBTH WARD BUY- . - -..umi n at uu.. eui tN. iui or. Ml5 1T33 SEYBERT ST.; 2 story. S (rooms; RIdse uve. Hulldlng Ils. ractorr Sites, tic. FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL OROUND Larse and Small Tracts for DWELLING OR MANUFACTURING -,. purposes In best sections. EXCELLENT RAIUtOAD FACILITIES , - . IV Ull AIUIIVtlliUII ' Est, JOHN DOBSON, 809 Chestnut st. sINE IJC'ATION NOiiTHKAST. K-nrt opeti. ATION of 30 bouses; udvances secured for J?;E?nlble builder. PEMUERTON E3 JATES. Harrison Building. l-SHSB BUILDINQ LOTS and large tracts ..vuuu ui j. pans city; also over 2uu mrg. -"" Me I u in 1515.J0 Real Estate Trust Bldg. tCKp-?i' OROUND with three fronts, B8ta Thv Va-.V. , will aiviue. x'CLU.il-. JiN estates. Ifarrlson Building. WEST Pll IL.1D EXl'II IA" El'll V trtn?l,,?om hot-water heat, gas and elec- f i?SS?. and alt other modern appointments. eil. CKAWFORD. JR., BUILDER -hj.. UW J1I-UUC1U 919. t ronl. ffi "H?.,?.. atjrir,,room wrch- ,11'jnft.' ,..." mi nw.H utuitttujr nr au.u lut JiVJSi vroDerty .assess4 at $3500, main Str.y' L 'J""" neiantwrnoou. Thos. A. tte -SSLSon. 6205 ijpruce st- !. A. 8-STORY, B-ROOM HOUSE, with J& Privileges, In Llef.fron 8-'if St. Loat it. 31a k .2, Una HhlDe. for $2200: L. bee iiAi-iUiAO d St. Belmont 710. tt,W."J.ELAN,8 HOMES 8TH. AND PASCIlALL AVE. Apply inn ciiKaTNirr bt" SBND TOR LIST SALE OR RENT JOS f mvpn 2d finil tlallln.pa sua SSi.'"r. "fW t West Phtiadelphla houses, T ir ii Jujl"'tt all sixes, all prices. ii " '"'"""'" dc nan. 1.UUU lu iiriq in. 91 CNEQUALED HOMES, 'ilth st. bov '2WJW ave , every known omvenlencs. -r- ri0- - fi(utjq.u uuiwer , ,ySW, PHILADi:LVillAHOMBS J!l?pWIN BLAIR 207 8 BOTH Stores and swellljigs J30 , ATllltoTVl.1 i4n -rrCfcr. a P ,m&i'&bm&Si&2 KEATj estate for sale Continued from Precedlno Column vnsT iiiii..iti:i.riii,v fllOS JEFFIinsON ST. A 2-story semldetaelv ed rorch-front dwellinp: Dutch hall, library, i-nomii--iii lauiiuui iiiH'ivairr nai, Ras electricity: front .nnd back stairs: h. am ouee miinr na RMn In u nnnrunlni . sonable. Thos. A. lSeddlntt it 801 . cspruce st. ice, rea 1. 6S03 B00() HAZEL A H. .1-story semidetached porch-front dwelling: sell for the price of a &W2 h0us6' THOS. A. RUDDl.Nl) & BON. . , ri.'oa fipruce. Wl o.vs avenue. Convenient to trains nnd trolleys, near Park and lloulevard, schools, rnurencs. OKRMANTOWN AWV Cnah rMUlrd' Thon'o'Sej. pest locations, $ 10.000 to. $35.1)00! unusual values; particulars, by ma I. Alauran. Do!' . man k do.. 23 l.aftd Title I iulfdlnir IP TOU AtlE. LOOKING Tort n heme In Iter mantown. Jit. Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult me. A. n. Meehan, 6747 Qermantown aye. ItnsmnNCn SITES Ground In best section ?'.cI'.rJPnlnwn and Chestnut Hill. llT 11 .L!3TKlt A HON. 6613 Oermantown avi CHOICE HOMES, Tulpehocken st. east of Oer n),W.,0n Bve J- H. CIIADWICK (t CO.. Qermantown ave. WE CAN assist you to find thnt houso you are looking for. Oermantown Trust Co,, Chelten and Hermantown aves. Tiers, WE HAVE THE HOUSE TOU WANT ......J.T'OOA Olt LOO AN KENNEDY A ItAMIJO. 3740 OBIIMANTOWN l.OKan -lOOI N. IirtOAp ST. Threo-story porch-front modern dwelllnp, northeast corner llroad nnd tourtlnnd; perfect conditio ; 14 rooms: ita rnire, prlvlleBcs; 110,000. North Philadelphia 1 rust Co. LOOAN UBAL ESTATE .r ,.SAJ'K:. HENTAND EXCHANOE ,HI. M. Smith. Hroad st.. orpo. Lonan Station. rtLAL ESTATE, mortitaees end conveyanclnr, WM. D. CHAMI1EI13 , 4933 North Hroad at. Oak Lnne NEW COHNEIt property; every modern Im provement; hardwood floors, flreplaco. etc. Price, J7000. WM. UAItn. Stli and Oak lane. SUnUKIIAN COUNTPtlY OENTLEMAN'S ESTATE, over looklmr Mill Creek Valley, clht miles from !!!l?;v'l., Station. Ilrand new llununlow tj-po; In rooms. 4 baths; tenement house, barn nndjjnrace; 17,ono. yvjf. HAttntS. Narberth, Pa. rrtANKKOIID (near new Fltd. Ulch School) U-roo:n ilwelllnB. all corns., front nnd side porches, douhle lot. shrubbery; nmple room fi!!lffJj2w;jly23jinnst..Iikd; CHOICE HUILDINO blTES AnTUI'U 1'. TOWNSl1?fr): I.angherne. Pa. sununnAN heal estate r?',,H'l -. All locations. Sale or rent. - CI I All I.ES J. HOOD & CO.. Morris. IMdic. SUIIUItllAN HOMES roil SALE OK 11ENT WENDELL ft MASSEY Ileal Estate Trust nlds. LAIIOE LIST OF SUDUnttAN HOMES. tnl S.r..In!t n the Main Line or Heading n. H. WM. It WILSON & CO., Morris Hulldlng. IN LANSDALK B good dwellings. 4 green- boysea, chicken hnus. 1-ncre uround, nil for J5JionA.jr.TYSONjLansd.ile. r.i. SEI.ECT PltOI'EIlTIES rountiV" seats "farms. List orders now. LEWIS T llltnOKC) SON. 1414 South Tenn sqroUNDEp 1S7S. DHEXEL HILL. I1YWOOD and other suburbs near fliith st . new detach'd homes. jnriOO up. fllESTER OSHOIINE. 1T.2I Chestnut Bt. Sl'lHTItllAN nEHIDENCES for sale or rent: attractive locations; prices right. Maurlco J. Hoover. Real Estate Trust Hldg. HUILDINO SITES near Dvon. JK0O nnd 11000 per acre. W. T. Harris. Narberth. Pa. SURUIIIIAN Ambler. I'. FARMS, rountry places nnd suburban homs on the Heading's llethlehem and Doylestown branches. II. J. Dnger. Inc.. Ambler Pa. Brooninll. I . NEW I1UNOALOW; open nreplnre. hot-air heat. 0 rooms nnd bath: lot 50x175; can get more ground; line for chickens, gnrden; J2S00. Ardmore. J. ELMER WATTS. Llanerch. Durbr. ra. ONLY IS00; on lot 25x150; trolley 2 squares; nlco section; 5-room brick dwell ; water, "gas, Insldo toilet. SWOPE t- SONS, Darby. Elkllis 1'nrl;. Pn. nUILDINO LOTS AT T1EAUTIFUL ELKINS PARK 50x15(1 (10x15(1 00x170 70x15(1 or larger lota to suit your plans, llungnlow sites. $800 and upward. HIIOAD3 & PAUL 133 S. nth st.. and Elklns r.irk NEW COLONIAL dwelling. 12 rooms. 2 baths; high elevation: close to station; prlco 110,500 Mccormick & mccoii.mick, 1011 chestnut st.. and Elklns Park. Glensldc. 1'a. HOUSES AND LOTS, everv dsrrtntlon. RENNINOER t- ItENNlNOER Hroad and Walnut sta South Ardmore, Pa. VERY ATTRACTIVE detached frame house. (I rooms and hnth; near West Chester pike and trolley; lot 50x171): line for chickens and garden; price $2K00: easy terms. WM. 8. DAVIS. South Ardmore. Pa. Trooper. Pa. AN ESTABLISHED suburban community: five, cent fare to Norrlstown: artesian water; central school; postofflce. store; 100-foot lot. S30U upward, send for leaflet. BROWN & CLOUD NORRISTOWN. PA. Westtown, 1'a. 40 ACRES, with attractive cut-stone modern dwelling, 14 rooms. " baths, modern con veniences; hot-water hent: 1-room tenant hotrse; Icehouse; complete chicken plant: Una shade: running stream; fruits of all kinds; nonresident owner orders immediate sale. YOCU.M it POWERS CO. 20 H. 13th at. MAIN LINE. PA.. It. It. SUBURBAN HOMES, country plares and building sites to suit nil requirements; Mala Line. II. C. HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. Narberth HIO IJAROAIN Hrand new detached houses; 1-3-acre lot. old shade, all conveniences! 14200: others $3.VO-$5000 upwards. HAK HIS. real estate. Narberth. Pa. CORNER LOT, Montgomery ave., 500 by UOfe. with 10-room stone and frame house: cheap for quick turn. WALTER U, SMITH. 00M Drexel road. IfaierforJ 8-ACRE BUILDING SITE HIGH GROUND WOODS NEAR MERION OOLF CLUn WARNOCK & EMLEN COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDO. Ht. Pat Id's EXECUTORS WILL SELL AT BARGAIN CORNER PROPERTY, 14-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AND STABLE: LAROC LAWNS, FHUIt" AND 8HRUUBERY. OR WILL LBASW TO PROSPECTIVE BUYER. J 453, LEDGER CENTRAL. NEW JERSEY HANDSOME suburban residences. Edgewater Park. Beverly and Burlington. Several coun try places and poultry plants. ALBERT DRESSER. Burlington. Haddon Heights. N. J. UPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HEIGHTS. N. J, W1LLET ILIPPINCOTT. Maple Shads. N. J. ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phils, train and trolley: writs for pamphlet. BAllLOW - CO.. Maple Shade. N. J. SEASHORE COTTAGE at Cape May or Ocean City, erected to your satisfaction: attractive plans sub mitted free by too reliable builder. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. FLORIDA HENS EGOS MONEY This 1 the combination you get when you Eurcbaaa oaa of our Co-operatlyji Poultry and e Farms at Moore Haven. Florida. " WB GIVE YOU FREE I00( 8INQl'B-gf'cKwNIs,Ti" LEGHORN TWO BROOD SOW PIGS Membership In the Moore Haven Co-operative Association. Write, pbona or call for our free booklets, RUTANXD-tHENKEL. 413 Commonwealth Trust Building. 12th and Chestnut sts.. Philadelphia. Pa. Bell phone. Walnut 3108. t-KNNSY-VANIA FARMS big BARGAIN A real farm In excellent, con. oltloa; north ot Devon; 3 acres: UWt vt acre; will divide. W T HARRIS. Owner. Narberth. Penna. FARMS roirNTltv HEATS TK1 C. P. PETERS - BON. 608 CHESTNUT BT. B5 ACRES. 3 mlls to station ; northern Chej- " J g THOMPSON. West ChssUr. Pa. BOO FARMS.-In ' sjtates, c-tatofue.. Jack. Farm Aguacy. 215 Stepsen Olrard lildr.. Si 8. 12th st., PhCudelphla. MONTaOMEBY CO. fa for ajUs, sll LO-.VM-, Hcttl, !-, Fa. REAL ESTATE SALE Oil RENT 1UJT A IIO.MI: tnhll K. . ... . . ..a' N. Thlla. and OermaVowi. Iijoo M0I70T Jdenants rrdonTru,tnl;7 71S-JI? Che"nut or rent" livVn0A!? ""wrtles for asli citv ckntuai, rnnrnrtTtns J&S&sJULtgfi- HnWm sis. 311. Airy, (lermanlonn "H-SjBi ANf nntJT L,ST HRADT urn iia?t TtioAl nd .Chestnut Hill. , rilUIAM T1IU9T CO.. 8710 Qermantown aV lAOn I.TRT llnUSRS, sale or rent a all . cial Trust Hulldinettij,ji iinrket Ms main' Msn. pa. n. n. "rUhe'r'1 P.1J,A,N UNR HOUSES jiiASt i?tAiHf or.v,r,r.V nt Bl1 Prices. - '""ST & MejlUljJM w.t nnd Trust Hid. .PENNSYLVANIA PAKIIS P,n?X.!ln4TTreJi?An fljrA-tisn." contalnlns S Vi,.ii nI'j,1I "found, with an abundance K.....1... .. '""rreni enls are II rood house, combined would make a V "fiRe- I"V ;..,iu"":,.i"v:', iu.muinhon, reatwood. rrevose, Pa. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE iihiirhiiii dViTini VHVlh, X ncr9 n' ron. 3-story PhfiJ&T-.0"1111.!1"?.- convenient to station rhJ,nI'l'lf'''-' Heading Itwy.: Jto.000. L 128, I,edKor Office. BEAL ESTATE WANTED WATn.t,.'!,lll',lriK-.nout "xlOO feet, to be !.. i' n" n1fn''0 ,npl warehouse for express business: In neighborhood of r,th and Vino sts.i one eonnecteil with stable, It possible. ..Till V I.n,.,.M.M. ... 4,, . --.-j -.....-inp ,111,1 P PIH. OltEAT demand for dwellings, rent 12,1 to 150. J. EDWAflO LUTf. -Ill N 17 til St. RENTS AND INTEItEST COLLECTED " Prompt monthly returns nnd efnelent results Btiniriteed. IVnVkMlller3012 N. II st. UENTH AND INTEItEST COLLECTED, morS caga and lire Insurnnco placed quickly. See ?.nii- nir prompt results, j.ia'i Tasker st. ill . 1 I,I: 'or nnK r,,,,l estate at reason- ....l..1.. t.r.'.'.1.. 'onccffi moriange AIlTIlUlt llOSWELL, 23.1 N 13th st, .,..,.-,, 1 i,t, rniii rnupriwfi; mnriff.iirn nfln. WANT elty suburban nnd farm properties. xi. 11. aicvuuijUji. nroker. 1.111 Walnut st. Don't Forget tho Number " lOL'fl WEST PIIILA. HOUSE renteil or sold ?'UtWsA;. J"ni1" 'of mortgages. AHTHUtl J. .Lr'I'OID isjoiiIi C2.1. WANTED TO nENT Hungft'low. with option yf purchnselng, within He faro of Camden. H O Koenlg, l4(i s. Rlst st J7J00 TO INVEST In small houses L 132. Ledger Ofllco. BEAL ESTATE 7JB BENT CITY in.lil N 12TH ST. Flno property, newly reno ated. El large, sunny rooms, large front, . sldo nnd rear lawn SJYEltSllAllTH Illgge ne. nnd lOlh. 1218 N. HUTCHINSON ST. .1 story. 10 rooms, elegnnt ordr; side allev; cotnen lo.i'vs. '2U: keya 1202. WM. L. CRAVEN'S ' 2ii"3""w. daupi Fin. s ffoo.Msri22 Ouarnntee Trust nnd Safe, Deposit Co. 3HI-31K20ChestnutHt. CAYI'OA Sl. "s. E. or.IBth s rooms nnd nam: excellent condition; an attrnottve home; mod. rntalNorrls A. Scott. J'Jjn Fllbort. LOCUST ST.. 170(1. 1055. 2020. 2n'l2 23l)lT Spruce st , 1701 201S. 2120 HISS. SUM. -X'DOAR O OROSS. 1411 Walnut street. 3323 KENSINOTON AVE. Fine store nnd dwelling. H rooms, bath nnd heater; J23. Ard!!y32IKcnsngton! 40.1 RinilTEK ST.. Wlssniilckon. 7 rooms. porcn. nrst-cinss condition, s.'il. , ALI1I!ECIIT'S 2II4W. Lehigh n. , 2123" W DAUPHIN, S RnOMS20 GUARANTEE TRUST SAFE DEPOSIT CO. nill-.1IH-.12n CHESTNUT ST IF YOU ARE LOOKINO for nV nttfactlie home bo It dwelling or apartment, call, phone or wrlt to this ofllre. Every deslrablo property Is listed with or may be rented through us, nnd our automobiles are at your eervleo to help ou to obtain Just what you desire with tb lenst nosslhle tronblrt. NORMAN S SHERWOOD. 1 til Walnut st. Spruce .1071 linen 3')25 STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. Seo our list In tho Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX &' CO. S. E ror flth and Callowhlll PARK FRONT RESIDENCE. No. 1.111 N. 33d St.. below Oxford, 1 1 rooms, two bnths, mod ern porch front largo rear garden PE.M HERTON ESTATE'S. Ifnrrlson Hulldlng. SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Hroad and Chestnut sta. STORE and dwelling, sultnhte for automobile business Hill N. Hroad st. Owner. FINE 3-STORY HOUSE. I.13R Oxford Bt.. next to Hrond. InqiHro on premises. Hnunn.N Haln-Cynwrd. rn. KEXTAI. LISTS C. .T. MILNE & SON. Itth ft Washington nv. .1 S. 43d st J20'll)23 Ingersoll st $11 .10J2 Itelgrado u 2221 Orlnnna In 3n-,2 Helet Ml .1211 Indiana 1.1 721 H. Mole IK'W.1.1 N. Camnc 2.1 21UK Lelthgow 11 1.12 Id Emerald 8(l I'ambrli 121201(1 Catharlno .... 8 0 Myrtle 11, ALFRED II. WILLIAMS .122 Walnut st. Huslness Properties and Stores LARGE STORE 2002 TIOGA STREET With or without dwelling portion; right at Tlogi Station; unexcelled Incnilon for gro cery, provisions or unv retail store. MYERS UARTH. Ridge ave. and 10th. Factories. Warehouses. Mfg. Floors MANUFACTURING FLOORS AND LAtlOTl INSURANCE The Larkln sanitary, dayllghted. fire proof floors means satisfactory help conditions. Reasonable rentals. Inrgo elevators, cheap power, free watch man service. LARKIN THHLDINO I 22d. Arch and Cuthbert sts.' Send for Descriptive Circular." MANUFACTURING floor. .1 fronts, superior, light. 11,100 sq. ft., elevator, heat. It R. aid ing, low rate of Ins.: autt-pnatnfMce In bldg ; (UNV. TO FREIOHT TELEGRAPH OFil. located 11 blocks south of Market st Apply O. J. MILNE & Son. 11th A Washington ave. 131(1 OIRAnD AVE. 2 large doors, good llgnt, sun any ukul inuuuiaciuriiig uusiueas; r.nt 140 ner month. a p. cqWard co.. 20th and Jefferson sts. 837 MARKET ST.. 8D FLOOR Heat, elevator service. Suitable light mfg. MODERATE RENTAL. 2x2U4 FEET. Est. JOHN DOHSON. 800 Chestnut SL ONE STORY, 5xltfa largo lot, P. It. R. sid ing. 3 street fronts. J. Alan Mlddleton. Fac tory specialist and Engineer, 000-11 Wldener mag., rnim 4TH ST.. N.. 119,25 Manufacturing floors steam heat and ppwer. Apply l'cnna Co., 517 Chestnutst; FACTORY FLOORS and warerooms, large and small; centrally located. HARRY T. SAUNDERS, 31J3. 18th aL; HAVE PARTY-who will erect building, cen tral or other location, for satisfactory tenant. DIETERICH. 737 Walnut st. BROAD AND WALLACE (Metropolitan Build IngV Rooms. 8000 to 40,000. cheap; power. Apply to Qeo. V. Lasher. 147 N. 10th. CORNER BUILDING for light manufacturing WT: lOseB ; ELUOUl UVV" DU. At. t f.w t uiuum. ror. luin ana Aiuga. OrilCES, 1ICS1NES8 ROOMS. ETC. DREXEL BLDO. OFFICES, annual rentals Single rms.. $120. $150, $200, $25. $300, $480 Suites. 2rs. $144 $150 $173 $200. 122.1 1250 Sutes 3rs. $160. $27S. $100, $410. $B0O. $750 Corner suites. 4 to 8 rooms. $030 to $1050. ELLIS D. WJLLIAMS. 800 Drexel Building. HEED BUILDING 1211-if riiueri st. Centrally located: all conveniences, rents attractively low; service conveniences. FINE light offices with southern and western exposure; every convenience and low rent. J. -V- " m,,uy. ..... w. .,.,. .. PLAZA BUILDING, 1503-07-03 AllCH ST. nff(pa at reasonable rental. Location, light and convenience unsurpassed. OFFICES for rent; suite of rooms adapted to Insurance co.. smaller ofllces. FORREST BUILDING. 11 a- 4" st. itoom 425. ni-VTUAI, OFFICES. STUDIOS OFFICES. AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES. J. C. FULLER. 10 a. ItTH ST. WALNUT ST.. 430 (Penn Building) Large offices, low rents, for Insurance brokers and agenis. i.cy,-; "ivujii.'v ui.nn. irrii and arch sts. Mod. ofllces. Apply E- Yeakel. 1705 Arch st. Vrufrstlonal Office PROFESSIONAL OFFICES, partly furnished! electrlo lights, well haated, southern ex. posure. well lighted, suitable for phs(clan: of rices so ocoupled for many years; available June 1. owl. ucuiici mwp. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING. 1131-3$ Chestnut st. A few suites for phslclans or dentlsta, J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and nth. WEST PHILADELPHIA 5113 CHESTER AVENUE Large store and e'welUng. residential neigh borhood, moderate rental. Apply 001 u ' WILLIAM. C. BENKERT 1500 Arch Street. 6000 HAZEL AVE. Three-story semidetached !, porch-front dwelling, will rent for 140 for month and hiatal electricity for a good ten- - anc; noiuie uiwtt .m ,miim.ui HERMAN BROS., B010 MARKET Houses, apartments, stores. Near BOTH BT, "L" SfATlON For rent or sale. 125.00 1554 N 05TH, ST -Two-story 9-room porch-front dwetllng, newly papered through out fine condition, keys, at corner store. $10 SIX rooms, steam heat, hardwood finish. "lTsix rooms 4 bath, others X4 to $49. -JLJS-lASSi'SX- SStii and Scrlnafteld ave. $3J) 1131 S. D2D. , 3-aty . 11 rootm." good coa (UUso. Stiilt & Nuaja. S8ts &1 ChrUtiia. HEAL ESTATE 1TOB BENT Cojillaiicd rom Prrcrrtfnf7C'tftimrt Ji:rtM,NTnv4N . 7S 12 rooms. 3 baths, hot-water heat, hard f wood noors. paragre: squares irom ocuic wick station on Oermantown nve. 8. O, Tourison. 7014 uorer st; . , J3o mvni.LiNas" 1 1 nOOMS ConUnenUI;Equltaho Trust .CovLS 12th. 160 Semidetached, 1J rooms, 2 baths: earasj hardwood floors: electricity: close to P. A It. nd trolley. A, S. Tourison. 7014 Poyer at. stmumiAN ItOSE VALLnr 10 mlntilea' walk from Xtoy Ian Station; convenient to both Thlla. and Chester: attractive home: has hot-water heit and eiery other mod, ronv. : 8 rooms: rent ISO per me. Whiteside A Mel.anahan, ir.th A Pine I OX CHASE Houses with ronv.. near train A trol., from lid to !2S per mo. An. Harry apebel3JLIlobblns nv., nock'itc. Bd. Vox Ch. Hals, Pa. n-STOItV 10-rtOO.M porch dwelllne, all con venlenres: rent S.1.1 per month; ins Data ave . J.J.TUnNnn, 12UlChcstnut at. !IA1N LINE. PA. II. TL MODERN HOUSE8, 130 to 1200 .per month, various stations. Send for sperlnl. list. liar pert & Clnahorn. 204 Hslley Hulldlnn-. MODERN 1tOMEHternl.t,l nnd l.nf.lrnlsh. f A" Prices. H...C. Hunter. Wayne. Pa. Narberth nrtAND-NEW HOUSES, all conrenlenees. 111). 22. 23. $30 upwards. HAltniS. Ileal Es tate. Narberth. Pa. Wrnnetrood IOrt . nENT 30 Manor road. 14 rooi baths, larae lot. old shade, jn.1 WAl.TBtt II. SMITH, Wynnewnod. MAINE Drr's l.l.init. ale. SEVEN-HOOM furnished cottage. Orr's Island. Maine. 112ft season 11)1(1 Apply llev. Gilbert I'ember. 241 High Bt., Oermantown. POB BENT PUBNISHED CITY 18-ltOOM HOUSE, 22(1 West Logan Square . WOIIUEI.L, Dill) North 17th at, MAINE Southwest Harbor, lie. TO LET Two furnlshxl cottages. 8 rooms and bath, fireplace, sleeping porch: highest clovatlon; good Mew of harbor. ALICE M. CLARK Augusta, Me. M0BTGAOES $122,000 PHILADELPHIA FIRST MOrtTOAnES innmi FIRST .MORTOAOES bearing C'4 per rent, interest, pnaue senunnnuauy, for a term of 5 eara, for sale at par, free of ex penses, PEMBERTON ESTATES Harrison Hulldlng, IBth and Market sts. Wanted Money for Wiklwood Mortgages on a bnsls of mat; H per cent, interest. N. r,2d e. no per cent, or W. C. It. 1 17 FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN ARTHUR llOSWELL. 23.1 N 13TII ST . has funds for tlrst and building association mortgages. I'rompl attention, aioucruiu cost. ISO TO I.OAN ON IlEAI. ESTATE secur. to Ity; Imtuedlato settlement; puyuble us avvv aesireu. EDW. M. MOLL 133 S. 12TH ST. MORTOAOE MONEY Sums to Suit Firsts and Seionds. O. C, SEIDEL CO . INC. Ith and Cnllowhlll sts WEST PIIILADA. TAYLOR & SON Funds for 1st nnd 2d Murtgttgcs 24 una .11 SOUTH 40TII ST FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS JOHN O. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNER 727 Walnut st. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES LARGE AND SMALL SUMS fJUICK ANSWERS W. II. HOOD. B12 W NORTHS ST. TRUST) FUNDS , for first mortgages;1 H. A. funds for flrst nm: Reenna mortgages, nitcsme a .iici.nna han. 15th and Pine sts. MORTGAGES SECURED I1UILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY HRUMHAUOH PARKER. INC. 1431 WALNUT ST. ,T II. MASSEY SON. 13TH AND GREEN STS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES. HUILDINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS. PRIVATE FUNDS for 1st city mortgages; any amount: tmiitiing association money ror split inn 211 mortgages; mortgnges ror sale. Don nelly & Suess. Lehigh nnd (lermnnlown aves. WORRRTJi funds tor first and 11 wiiibuuij .qnrnvn -urmnAnu-ci BBS N. 17TH 8; LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges. LEWIS & CO.. 1227 W. Olrard ale. HAVE $5000 TO INVERT IN EITHER I Oil 2 FIRST MORTGAGES APPLY M 133. LEDGER OFFICE MONEY for first and second mortgages. Onlek nnswer. Low rates. William James Kengh. RC5 Drexel nulldlng. HUILDINO ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE i,"i ij.i ROHERT ,T. NASH 1001 CHESTNUT ST. ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY IIAZI.I.TT JH1H 618 WALNUT BT. DEEDS DRAWN. $1: MORTGAQE3, $1.50 WAI.I1ALU 1115 Lincoln Hiilld'ng Roth phones MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D -MORTGAGES J T. A REDDING ft SON 700 WALNUT ST 5205 SPRUCE ST. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES MORTGAGES FOR SALE ' THEO. 13. NICKLES, 25H Oermantown ave. JIONEY FOR MORTGAGES $1000 TO S100 000 JACOB A. VRITZ. 11C6 Land Title Hide. ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick answer. MAURICE II. MATBINOEK RI.Est.Tr.Bldir. FUNDS FORJST AND jDMORTaAQE3 POTTS I. THOMSON, 2iil Frankford ave. TRU3T TIINDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOE HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUII.DINO I HAVE FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES. WM BARR. 8th and Oak lane. OWNERS If your mortgage has been called. I will take It up: alsn 2d mortgage money. CHESTER P. HOTTNFH. 1420 Chestnut st. "LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES lirasonaiii ciiurnri. JOHN A. BARRY. 607 LAND TITLE RLDO ANY SUM. ANY AMOUNT Placed nt Once. Lowest Rates P. X DBLANY. llli Lincoln Bldg. MONEY FOR WELIRECURED JAMES O. FRANCIH, 705 WALNUT ST. 5 PER CENT MONEY for select loans; funds for flrstB senopde or split city mortgages. AHERNETHY. 133 H. 12th. 2724 N. Bth. READY FUNDS for good first mortgages; bring us your application. CHAS.L. BROWN - CO.. 217 B. Broad st. LOANS Large or small sums on real estate, judgment notes or mortgages, loans on unset- tied estates. Dempsey Co.. 27 S. 18th. MONEY for first and second mortgages, any amount: hulldlng associations a specialty. GOODSTE1N. 418 Falrrnount a.ve. MONEY for flrst and second mortgages: build. Ins ass'n and Instalment mortgages. Willis- Winchester Company, looi cnestnut st FUNDS for first and second mortgages, any amount: quick answers. CHAS, W. MIL- IiER. 401-407 Commonwealth Bldg. STRAIGHT mortgages and building assocAtlnn funds In any amount: quick settlements. B. V. O'Hanlan. Kensington ave. & Cumberl'd. FIRST mortgage & llldg. Asso. funds, any - - .. t d-..U iJIt L'.ns nlan n ., amUMlHi !-. v. niiift.it, ..,.' ' Wanted WANTED $12,000 ot In flat; security: only mortgage on oianiy uriviutu. i prom able, semlpublle property; suburbs (Delaware LO.IJ assessea stl uuu; no atome; fiu cuiuniis- slon. A .205. Ledger Office MONEY TO LOAN A NEW COMPANY LICENSED AND BONDED Ready Money for Housekeepers We loan from $14 to $201 on surprisingly easy terms. Your monthly payment on IJ Is jonly 13 Your monthly payment on $72 U only It) With Uterest at 3t. Your monthly payment on 1132 I only $11 Your monthly paryinent on $204 U only $17 With Interest at 2-3. Sea us. write or phone Walnut 4363. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 South Broad Street SECOND FLOOR. Next to Forrest Theatre. Open 8 al m. to B p. m. Saturdays taiip. m. TOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. ETC, . RIEDER'U i;s Market st. UIDQS. AV& AND OXFORD ST. 22Q AND SOUTH 8T3. iit3v.v r4rin a i..i.. e nu,tiLi .,.. r;:r.rr"!mr. "".I'rKzzv? 'v.mri WWIWWWHSU. . . MT. AUU11U1. l-9 a,......nw .... ,vrt . w. . 1 : - ' ' """" J ' ; ;n.---) k SCRAPPLE. . . . . Sure! That's It THE PADDED CELL1 M I DUSTlMfrOFF I N'oozy I womler why Iho llrst S I " womnn was cnlletl 10vo? . ' y Hr-npppk 1'roh.lbly to slctilfy Hint S n. v. . Atlnm hntl his day. nnd It wits all 2A I I over tvlicti Blio nrrlved. -$wrjS5tetv ' " I " AB.rit.ln """ j "j' V I A m r'Nra-yv .nS.sV. )T If I i -wsriwW- tw?. r JJkJi .) Jfei-. S First voter Tliat woman's boss or fWv. I tho ward all rlRlit. She's a rce'lar 1 f terror, nln't alio? I .Second voter I wanted $2 for my - - . vote and sho wouldn't Blnimo nior'n IS" "S. S "N. s" . S . $1,051 jf Nyr XX X . xiii'. uai.1 jsauusk rail THIS IS THAT IT'S LEAP YEAK Puttlnjc Him Wise i) His-? - wi.r,. JlilB MWM bashful in? fou Cftne.! mf PfM xftv THIS vVAY BE wprp ! rt K - ij' M W" i -k Sum Ail jSrSMoSk M v --2x im. iMFim mimWim - j HfS" - f J " iw I I LV 33 fl (Z-riUri-J rr- MI say' oI1 cllnP' 1m ,n shooltlnB fT7 IfSj f U 1 1 IvJOC -jr-c luck. I want money badly, nnd yy, B fayi) w Voj 05T haven't tho least Idea whero I can fJ2jyyra uxnutez' K" ". 'Well, I'm glad to hear that I i ium i ,, thouinit perhaps you had an Idea you TWHY DEftB.Y0U LOOK X 111 LIGHTS OUT W could Vborrow rrom mo." jaWEET EHOUGH TO rClSS WMMmMJmWmiWM I ? i , . VmSmSfSSSI& ' Too Attractive 1 WAY WBfwK ffik at iiuiiucu KSBGaEBR 44PbH A- J. .X PriW I Tn I r-.- gaSKr tffflWfl V?5l ' .- AV59 L. '--"-'r-. aa?Kr d&m rixl ' ..:' mMhl (''$ -y l s-w k tMmwk . ::"-:.?5.vV&" fcaAMbJAiWwSfctiWfeTO&y.i wife Are you pleased with our t-l. new maid? .... Husband Very much. ! nil ot Cusiness Keep Both Hands on the Wheel I "wife 1 thought so. rva dls- K.,J,. charBod her. YMd"'- $W; 1 srvr ItfWmmim Enough Is PleRty rrM -! l'enn Stale Froth. T "Why Is klsslne like an urtju- flfi w Child Glmmo change for a quar- ireut?" tor, please, and be quick about It, "Dunno. Why?" jHB V 'causa I've ifot to buy somethlnir at "Decauso ono can practice It, but It U i&A k another storo before It closes ! nltvays takes two for the real thing." j'JMm - . ----- -r3- z. ---.-. -. ;- --- -, WTOyr5 J? M AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME S' 5 vA x.. ) J "a-l" "Pussy cat, pussy catl whsre havj l ' n you bcen 'I T U Kindly explain the condition you're - i 1 k U ln!"' 1 1 fi I . "I've fought some relations of Fldo. 1 1 i'l , But I'm through for the day I'm a If 6 ff -aor-anl c31- not a hsr' Hs$Bl Vti ABE MAIiTlN mM j3 W i k m & f! v yrl .B o Jl wj in ikxs. ' I nww m . el .,-r 8L i mw: 1. ii miM eJWkxtf 0fK 'S1 --?J "&JI 5tei.x rX V I ifl I i " -Sfe-J3 , v fsf fgHramrva-t-ob , , , , r ftf I i i KPI3tfwi? 'Wllr Whtrver thW a focUI jthrW youll allu tear. "tot tfwTBa 9 JteH a Uwil'a hta wtfr Iprfcii M wl-t5 ia aet M fwA J I