-- .f yar'3tej -$je:n3 16 BTEN1NG LEBGER-PHI1AD3LPHIA TUESDAY, MABOH 21, 101G. 5 & U U LOST AND TOUND IKir Tlllier Lnl nnd TttxmA MJSte Tnitejl IstArTrOND Lost, enmtns; from, Wayno ;o West Philadelphia, station or near, a diamond frfcm rlnr. Libera) toward If returned to U. IC, B. Howell, 8 ncorBthftnd Walnut. LOST Small leather shopping bag on Mar. 0. SoMalnlnr keys, money A tickets? between Ut and Cambria nnd 17th A llenwqod aye.: , Under mar keep money. P B20Lder Olt. PIN tot, Friday noon, March 18, trolley rout 21, between 8prln(t ave.. OgontJ. and North Phlln. Station, pin set with diamonds and emerald, "it K. S." on buck. Re ward, If returned to Miss Stone, Ogont7. , School. Ogont. . MUFF lost, on Mirch 19 sealskin muff, trimmed with beaver, walking from loth nnd Chestnut or. In Wnnamakor'a; reward .. Phone Market 1477 J. . DOG Lost, tot terrier, whlto body, black head. brown spot over each eye. anwern to "Mac. . new. P80 N. E. Rouleyard Ph. Wyo.1.074 W. EARRING Lost. Saturday afternoon, black diamond earring, 12 diamond.: reword. Ap ply to Rellevue-Blratford Hotel cashier. PERSONALS THIS CLASSIFICATION Is for such announce ments as are of a purely personal character such as children for adoption, appeals for those in distress, for locitlon of lost rela tives, payment and nonpayment of debts, etc. Tour needs when listed hero are not confused with adtertlsemonta of a commercial nature, 8ee "Business Personals" for Important tradeannouncements. Tim ICO AND COAL BUSINESS heretofore conducted by n. C. Barndt has been pur chased March 8, 1010, by Thompson & Wat son, nnd will bo continued by them nt ltth and Olenwood ave.. and E. C. llrandt has no further Interest In It. WILL not ho responsible for any debts unless contracted for bv ward J. Fitzgerald. mypcit personally. Ed- 2521 A St., Phlla. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. Stet son Shoo Co., Dr. and Mrs. J. Langford. Pennn. Adjusiment Bureau. Harry H. Nob or Richard Redwing, Hamilton Salvage Co.. Geo. II. Hinted. Ellen Breeth. enro of Mrs. N. A. Tarlcy. Arbuckle Sugar Rellnlnc Co., Geo. Andrews, David Currier, Jr., Rabbi st. SI, Nnxure. J. P. Voorheea, John 8. Oates, W. Dement A Son, Mrs. C. F. Patrick, iilss Jeanette Watltlns. Harry P. Brown, Samuel Werner. Jos. Cavonaush, Wm, Oreso, Cella Cutler, SI, Baruch. Howard D. Carson, Mrs. Geo. F. McNulty, Henry JtcCauley Rug Fao tory, Sirs, Albert M. Williams, Abbie Ulch- ardson, O, L. Yetter. POSTAL, TELEGRAPH CO. Ed Oliver, Miss Edna Clrlgg. JIlis Yetta Trubln, Roy Spltzer. Jiranels Iallozrl. Mr. Alfred Dorner, Alvln P. Lloyd, Colonial Lumber Co., H. K. Stev ens. Kelly Rhodes, J. B. Pratt. FOUND BY THE POLICE FOUND 7 bunches . of keys, 1 automobllo lamp, 1 pair eyeglasses In case, 1 lady's dress. 8 automobllo cranks, 1 nutomoblle tiro. 1 straw bag containing wearing oppnrcl. 1 receipt hook. 1 lady's nuto veil. 2 pocket books containing nionoy, 1 pocktknlfe. 4 small rurs. 1 pnokago of bulbs, 1 sweater, 3 skid chains, 1 fur neckpiece, 1 lady's hand bag. 1 cent's pvereo.it. 1 grip contntnlng woarlng npparel. 1 box of chicory. 1 parlor lamp. 1 sllicr watch. 1 roll of tapestry, 1 gent's sack coat, 1 straw bog. 7 automobllo robes. 1 lady's muff, 1 medicine case. 1 gent's frav coat, a quantity of Penna. auto togs for 916. Apply to Walter Gilbert. Chief Clerk, Bureau of Pollco, Room 218. City Hall. HELP WANTED FEMALE Help Wonted Ails Received Too I,nte for Classification Will ho Found on Face 2 BOOKKEEPER and stenographer: state age. . past orperlcnco and salary. A 303. Led. Off. CHAMBERMAID Experienced, white. 1823 . N 17th st. CHAMUERWORK and sewing: French or Scotch pref.: for city; ref. H 7111, Led. Off. CLOTH WEAVERS WANTED Apply JOHN AND JAMES DOBSON. INC. Blanket Mills. Scott's lane, FnU of Schuylkill. COOK, young whlto woman, family 1: 'West Phlla.: assist wash. Meet employer Room 205. COS Cheatmit St., Wed.. 11 o'clock. COOK, chambormaia and wnitress and assist with children; 2 enmp., trustworthy Prot. girls; suburbs. H 813, Ledger Office. COOK, willing to assist with washing and Ironing. Call before 11. 2122 Spring Garden. COOK and chambermaid and waitress: four In fnmlly. Phono Oermantown 1873 W. COOK, white, do cnoklnr and upstairs work: houseman kept. Phone Morion 406. COOKING and downstairs work, colored, for suburbs; must have reference. Meet em ployer at Ledger Central, 11 o'clock Wed COOKING nnd downstairs work; wages $7; ref req. Apply until 12. 4260 Park-ldo ave. DRESSMAKER wants expor. wnlst finisher, Bi.-evg iionii ana improvers, iiui p,. lTtn St. DRES3JLVKER wants experienced wnlst fin- jancr.lJiu j-ocunt til. DRESSMAKER wanted: steady work. 810 Co lumhla ave OIRLS to trim threads. Radd. 13211-34 Vine. Haney, Kutner HOSIERY Knitters and toppers: also learn- ers; paid while le.trnlny. 1820 N. Lawrence. HOUSE1IA1D nnd waitress wanted, expert- encea. coioreu. wnn rer. ubh ,ano . HOUSEWORK Experienced maid; two in family: Radnor; wncos Jil; pood references: . o,ypuinii prm. x-iionu m. itnj. u-nnflii, HOUSEWORK, exp. woman for euburbs; good cook, t-none onnrnn jtiu ui j. MAN and wife, white. Protestants, cook, but ler nnd houscmnn, reference required. Meet employer. Room 205. 608 Chestnut at.. weqncway, Jl o ClOOK. NURSE, experienced, wanted to take entire charge of Infant In country: references re quired. J 886. Ledger Central URSE Young French or German girl: good wages. Phone Chestnut 1 nil 1768 W. SALESLADY wanted in cloak nnd suit ri.natt. ment. Apply M. Silverman Sons. N. W. cor. 6th and South sta. SHOPPER In dressmaking establishment. Ad- igr. . ,vBinui. STENOGRAPHER Exp. 1 used to cor. tran scribing rapid dictation. Ans, In own hand wrltlnc. giving sal. er. J 740. Ledger Cent STENOGRAPHER, one with experlenae. want ed by wholesale house. P 017. Ledger Off. TELEPHONE! OPSHlATOna WANTED Bright yourur women between 17. and 22 years eld, to take up telephone operating; no experience necessary; salary paid while learning: pleasant work: permanent position, Apply In person. Bell Telephone Co., 406 Market St.. bstwaen 8:80 a. m. and 0 p. m. vrANTBD to take care of sick lady: refer noes. 130, Ledger Branch, loth and Moore threats. WLNDBRS Experienced sketn winders on knit ting yarns. Call Highland Shaker Sweater Co.. loth and Stato ats.. Camden. N. J. COLORED OIRL. experienced, neat, for cham bermaid and waitress; best ref. required. y., wjiui. u mt mur ti, oat o. mn oj. COJ1PETENT woman for cooking and down- lairs; aiso cnam-emiaia-waurei.. J 642, Ledger Central. COMPETENT white woman for plain cooking and laundry work. Call 7014 Crittenden at.. Mt. Airy. , General WOMEN WANTED AS GOVERNMENT CLERKS: (70 month; Philadelphia, examina tions coming; sample questions frea. Frank. lln Institute Dept. 715 N.. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE BOY In office and to run errands. S. I Allen A Co., Bth and Olenwood ave. BOYS WANTED. 16 or oter. to work tn wnll paper factory. Apply Becker, Smith & Paxe. Water and Snyder ave. BOYS wanted to feed ruling machines. Itleaert. 66 North 4th ac. ' MILLIE AND HER i . 7JU lSrlr&fllfu) 70Hi WCt7lF TURN Up MV - - j A AND I OOIN't IMAGIMG ANY L I f OH! MONTY, TO SHOW YOU THAT Vxje'S I ' ' "" f X01tI0trf,,NG 5 I coat collar and pull -! .Jc . tofthe boys at the ecus fuFFRA6etTes are NoTUNCRATfu-for I ie) b,"at cEt C(smM 1 f f'u k" 4 m ipfsjxir? --Q J I EWbtJ "" u firt? III ,Q " k A iii'MLE I Fit (4)J'$7 J4 JI ill Ml&WA - HK'y vJfSk j fmmVFml HELP WANTEDMALE Continue- from Preceding Column HOT for office- work; must be more than 10 years. Apply Mr, Ilalelgh, Room 407. COS Chestnut st. ROTS Two bos-fi to help Id shipping room: chanco of ndvarcementi hrlng ref. Van Dusen A Stokes Co.. rear 1123 Chestnut st. CARINETMVKER and nnlsher wanted, nil Hansom st. Apply CARPENTERS nnd carpenters" helpers wanted. Apply J. S, THORN CO., -Olh and Alle- gncny aye. CHAIR FllAMERS wanted, nth st. Apply 244 South CHAUFFEUR Experienced and careful driver for trucks; married man preferred. Sneda ker A Co , nth and Tioga. CLERK for genernl office work: knowledge of iKMikkeepInc required: out of city; $15: high school . graduate preferred. J 763, Ledger Central. CLOTH -WEAVERS WANTED Apply JOHN AND JAMES DOBSON. INC. Blanket Mills, Scott's lane. Falls of Schuylkill. DRA1TSMAN. structural: 2.good detallers and 1 rhecer at once. .T (1 "1 1. ledger Central . DRIVERS wonted for drop-bottom wngons. Apply 1204 U. Montgomery ave DRlVilRS AND LABORERS wanted. 3428 Ludlow st. Apply DRUGS We want men with ability, aggressiveness and ambition, coupled with modern business nrug store experience: mere, is p. wrem urimi tunltv for tlm right men. Write, giving your qualifications, na you see them, nnd three good references, M 818. Ledger Office. ERRAND BOY. 10 yenrs or over, wanted: ono living In South Phlla. or West Fhtla.pre f erred, salary to start $8 per week Apply OUT UcnCKia UllllUing. Ilin ana .garnet p, UARDENElt for egetnbIosi single man who can opernto automobile: . state age, experi ence nnd referenco. Address Henry J. Divis, Lnnsdowne LABORERS wanted Apply Pier 42, North Delaware ae,, below Laurel be. LEAD BURNERS, first-class men. wanted at once: big Job: prevailing rate of wages paid. ji Hiu, Ledger onice, MACHINISTS wnnted at once: first-class laths, horlrontnl boring, mill nnd chucking lathe hands. American Engineering Company, Ara ml nco nvo. and Cumberland St., Phlla. MACHINIST, first class, wanted , ono accus tomed to p'iper box machines preferred. Aa rtress 11. V., P O Box 330O. MACHINISTS rirst-eta'ss, all-around machin ists wanted. Apply 7 to 8 a. m.. Fayette R. Plumb, Inc , Tuckor nnd James ats.. Frank ford. MAN AND Wirn, German preferred, speak ing English: no lnundry; family 3 adults. Box 107, Rlverton, N. J. MECHANIC wanted, who Is familiar with In stallation nnd repairs to locks, on furniture and filing cabinets. Apply Oil Sansom st; OFFICE BOY wanted, over 16 years of age! experienced In letter llltng If possible. BROWN A. BAILEY CO., N W. cor. Frank lin nnd Willow. . SALESMAN for high-class, well-paying propo sition. Call Bacon. 228 S. Broid st., or pnone spruce ruu SALESMAN, high class, experienced, by large company to solicit Industrial plants: stato experience. P 605. Ledger Officii. SALESMEN High-grade Btock salesmen for exceptional proposition: straight commission. .l,M,..a T Til T arttrtim fftntml SECOND MAN wnnted rieasa call North western General Hospital. 2010 N. 22d. STENOGRAPHER nnd clerk. In oftlce large Phlla. manufacturing corporation; must be nccurato nnd of neat appearance: to receive consideration stato In confidence full cxper,, age salary des'd Address P O Box 5801. TOOLMAKERS. J3.24 to J 1.48 per day of 8 hours, machinists. J8 to SI. nsslstant ma chinist. 2 to (3.21: machine operators (male). IS to $2 24. based on experience and capacity; Cleveland automatic screwmakers. 13 70: skilled laborers. J1.81, for outsldo construction work, building roads, etc i mill wright. (3, ablo to do all carpenter work which Is necessary In m'llw Uhtlnc nnd fa miliar with the different makes of chnln drUes and their adjustments, citizens; higher compensation when on plecowork: lr, days' leave after one year's service; 7 holidays and Saturday afternoons during the summer months, all with full pay. Apply Frankford Arsennl. Tncony and Bridge sts , Brides- burg,Pn. TOOLMAKERS First-class toolmakers. experi enced on Jigs nnd fixtures. Apply 7 to 8 a. m.. pnycuo :c. riumo, ino., .uciter iinu James sts.. Frankford. TILXCERS Mechanical and mechanical detall ers 1expJatateivaBesI688Ledgerj Off. WANTED High-class machinists, both latho und floor hands, on machine tools: best w.if:es and splendid chanco to ndvanco to higher position. Apply C. V. Roberts, suc cessor to Ulobe Machlno and Foundry Com pany, Church and Tackawanna sts., Frank- ford WEAVERS wanted; and Tioga sts. 20 cents an hour, nth WOOD TURNER wanted. Apply A. II. Beld Co.. 6uth and Haverford nve. Belmont 343, YOUNO MAN. high school graduate, somo retail store expert' "ico preferred, willing to study and learn good business; splendid op portunity offered lean-cut, ambitious party; state qualifications, references; salary to atart $10 M 354. Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN, 17. for Oermantown real es tate ofNca. both Inside and outsldo work; milary according to ability, must furnish ref erence. Apply 11 a. m. only. 5721 Oer mantown ne YOUNO MAN wanted for all-night clerical position, acthe grocery business: salary to start $7 per neek; stato age. Address P. O. itox inu. YOUNO MAN. 16 to IS. with knowledge of timekeeping and office work: glvo. referenco and salary to start. M 336, Ledger Cen tral. YOUNO MAN as record and statistical clerk; in answering state expe-lenco; good oppor- tunity to rignt party. 1- mm. .tiucr mm-. YOUNO MAN wanted to handle mailing gal lei's; one with some experience preferred. pit. ?oyer uitue. YOUNO MEN. 20 to 25, good typist and soma stenography, but not essential: unemployed: prefer those taking night commercial courses or recent business college graduate. See Mr. Hnaffner. ieuger central. YOUNO MEN for order department In small tool and machinery supply house: state age and experience; 18 a weelt. J 643, Ledger Central. YOUNO MEN (2) wanted for bootblack shop; steady Jab and good wages, with tips. Call B. E. cor. 12th and Chestnut sts. General SPECIAL AUTOMOBILE Instruction given, day and night, by expert mechanics at the oldest and original Auto School. Repairing In all Us branches. Tim ing, wiring and 60 road lessons at a very small cost. 011 NORTH BROAD ST. F. PETZ BOOKKEEPERS, CLERKS and STENOQ RAPHEKS wanted. Other positions open for HIOH-ORADE MEN. BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 1301 LAND TITLE BUILDING SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT bookkeeper; young ladyi typist: eprL, moderate salary. J 4. Ledger Cent. BILL CLERIC. Underwood; knowl. bookkeep'c and stenography: exp. J 632. Ledger jCent. BOOKKEEPER. D. C. joung lady, exp'd.ca- Sable and compet't. can take complete chge., ealres Ist-class pos'n. $16. J 242. 'Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER and cost clerk. 3 years' print tng exp., seeks pos. owing to consolidation or present nrm. t-none aiaraet tuts. BOOKKEEPER, first class, D. B.. with 10 years' exprlenca; capable of tailing entire cha rge. II 656. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, exper'd . office- manager with knowledge of stenography. 11 057. Led Cent, BOOKKEEPER (asat.), clerk, filing.' general detail, 5 years' exp. J 640. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEI'ER, stenographer, good writer; will, worker: depen.. $8. J 318, Led. Cent, MILLIONS SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB Continued from Preceding Column bookkeeper Experienced, wholesale an! retail capable. J 716. Ledger Central, CLERK, knowledge bookkeeping, high school Kr.f."" food penman, desires perm, pos.s JJJllJn!jjnddependable1l7a7 Sprucejst. CLERK Young lady; Rood penman:5 years' eperlenco. J 744, Ledger Central COMPANION to eldnrlylady or assist care In- vaua; cxp.j ref.H812, Ledger Office. COOK, chambermaid and waitress Two com petent white maids with positions- together: emal family: no laundry: Main Lino pre- irrrq it mn. imager urnce Coprc nnd chambermaid and waitress. Enpr. rL?II6therismalifam, H.B1J,. l,ed. Off, COOKING and downstairs work: experienced colored girl: ref. H 81(1. Ledger Office. DATS WORK wanted M- rellnhle olored woman : reference. 21144 soutn St. WAV'S WORK wanted at 102B South 17th St. none uicKinson B071 AI. OIRL wants position as chambermaid or wait rjss; Rood references: Haverford or Brwn Mawr rreferred, Phone Ilryn Mawr 843 J between 10 and 4, GOVERNESS English woman wishes tutor ing or visiting governess; Cambridge certifi cate: teaches French, German, music: best American and European credentials 20 Led- R-er unncn. n.m ocrmantown ae, OOVKRNE8S or companion Southern young Isdv desires nnsltlon: best of refs. furnished. Add. L. A. M Box 474. Birmingham. Ala. HOUSEKEEPER- Managing hotel or opart- menti expcrlenceil; excellent buver nnd nnan. rreneni nuver ana nr 1'hone Belmont 12n), rir. iei reierence, HOUSEKEEPER, cook, colored woman, gentle man's home; city, country. 1015 N. Clarion. LAL'NDHEBS. .colored, drat class: homo: by 'lojen: reliable. 1009 Christian Dickinson LAUNDRESS, first class, ,wl'sh7s'"largo family "n. oq '". rarK terrace. Aramore. pa. NURSE and Swodlsh masseuse desires posi tion, slek or nervous cases: doctor's refer- enoe M Iss Lof. 380 1 North Grata st. ,. NURSE Undergraduate, mental and paralytlo cases specially, wishes permanent case II 8B7. Ledger Central NURSE, companion, seamstress, experienced. for patient, beat ref. B147 Wayne ae . Otn. NURSE, exp , German, take entire charge of ...small children. 8810 North Front st. SEAMSJTRESS wants engts Wed.&Thurs. from . i 10 u: i.uu ann carrare. A a-', i.eager o. SECRETARY or special assistant Experi enced business woman, good correspondent, knowledge nfflco routine, oxecutlie ability: some outside soliciting experience, desires tnHn", a i.ii, imager unics. 8ECRLTART Social or commercial (stenog rapher); high school graduato) thoroughly "l",ririicr linn cnpanie. II int. Linger uen. STENOGRAPHER, high school graduate, with secretarial training. 1 years' exp., good Judg ment, desires position with opportunity for . Muvunrpmuru it tut, uencer central STENOGRAPHER, expert. 9 years' exper.. ex cellent on secretarial work, possess exeeutlva ,.u,,,,y, ,i corr p t. .-. u. unx nfioo, I'niin. STENOOHAPHER. high school graduate, with 3 Jeirs' nrled experience; capable corre spondent: let-class refs J 144, Led. Cent. 8TENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly exp., compt.. cnpablo taking charge, desires . perm, pos.wlth rel concern 1! 845, Led Cent BTENOORAPHER, 4 years' exp. along orchl- teciurai worn: rapia J otn. Ledger centrni. BTENOORAPHER, first class: 8 years' con trading and nrohltec exp. J 633, Led, Cent. STENOGRAPHER Dlctaphono operator; ex- perlenced. capable. J 686, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER Young lady: thoroughly . exp., desires position. J 630, Led Central, STENOGRAPHER, refined: 6 yeara' exp.: com petent and rellibl- J 840. Ledger Central. GERMAN wishes day's work: take fine laun . dry home. 1634 N. 27th. WOMAN, colored, cooking, downstairs work: good reference. 2228 Oarrett st. WOMAN wants washing and Ironing or clenn- Ing by the day. 817 June st. YOUNG LADY desires position aa stenog rapher or office assistant. 0, Ledger Branch, 27th nnd Oxford. YOUNO WOMAN, assist housework, care In valld or elderly lady. H 813. Ledger Office. FIRST-CLASS Vienna cook and chambermaid wants situation A 807. Ledger Ofnce. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ASST. clre. bus. mgr.. 20 years newspaper 8000 wisnra kooo. connection; .1- yra. exp. thoroughly nrnctlcal: classified builder, exec. moor. and Init. ability; able correspondent: Btato salnry to start and oppor, for advancement. a PKunwjii 0, i.euger uenirai BOOKKEEl'ER-ACCOUNTANT. exp.. good col lection correspondent, at present employed, des. pos. os ofllco mgr. or osst. with ktow. firm or corporation .1 140. Ledger Centrnl. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, employed at pres ent, but desires to chango to firm whero abil ity and rloso attention to business will bo recognized. J 753, ledger Centrnl BOOKKEEPER High school graduate, 7 its business exp., ilea, connection with reliable concern; $20 week. A 220, ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER Young nun, 23, wants post tlon ns nsslstant bookkeeper or clerlcnl work: moderate salary. J 742. Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced, will open, close and writ up books, day or oo nlng, moderate terms, II 135, Led. Office. BOOKKEEPER, office mgr.. 8 yrs.' exp.. with largo Eastern corporations, wishes similar connection. J 644. Ledger Central. BUTLER. German. 27 years, wnnts position: best rcferenro, 1 1 863, Ledger Office, CHAUFFEUR, white, machinist. 12 jeara' experience; expert driver: best reference for politeness, honesty, sobriety nnd upkeep of car. A 228, ledger Ofllce. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, married, wishes prl vato position; 11 cars' experience hlgh-crntlo cars; best refs.. will he disengaged April 1; can sell nights. Chauffeur. 2047 Pembcrton. CHAUFFEUR, single. mldtllc-ngeiL thorough mechanic, especially well acquainted with Puckar dand Pierce enrs; no nbiectlon to Packard and Pierce cars; no objection to CHAUFFEUR, mechanic. English, married. 0 yrs.' exp.. desires lst-class position: per sonnlly recom'd. P. O. Box 560. Ardmore. CHAUFFEUR or coachman desires position, country or city. 20 years' experience: best reference. A 210. ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, single. 8 years' reference, wishes position with private family, town or country. J 255. ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR wishes position; good driver: can do own repairs, with good reference. GEO. HAILS. Herwyn. Pa. CHAUFFEUR. Ilrst-class colored man. 25. single: all-around houseman: ref. 712 S.lOth. CHAUFFEUR, single; wants to make change April 1: 10 yrs ' exp.; ref. J 41. Led, Cent. OARDENER, married, wishes pos.: lifetime exp.; thor. understands greenhouses and out side work; good ref. Address Gardener. 10 8 Warner ae.. Bryn Mawr. Pa. GARDENER, married. -life experience In green house and outside gardening, desires position: best references. P. O. Box 66. 'Vyncote. Pa. GARDENER, slnglo. on flowers and vegetables, lawn, gen, man, lst-class ret. 2227 Spring tiaraen at. GARDENER, married, understands vegetables, flowers, lawn. E. J.. 133 W. Huntingdon. MAN (40).Serblan,naturallzed Amertcan.wanta position as Interpreter, watchman, detective, officer; can drive autocars; speaks fluently English. French. Italian, Oerman; all Slav onic languages, strictly sober. Industrious nnd willing; ref. and bond. J 332. Led. Cent. MAN AND WIFE, colored, from South: wife experienced cook and man a butler and all around man. does not drink or smoke: ref erence. 1706 Catharine at Phone Dlckln son 6233 W. MAN. soung. 0 years' experience In bookkeep ing and general office work, wishes similar connection offering better future. J 611, I.edyer Central. MAN AND WIFE wish positions; man. first class houseman: wife, first-class cook: best references. A 263, Ledger Office. MAN AND WIFE, white, butler and maid; ex. perienceq ana reterence. ti ut, rq. urr. RtA?J. nunir. yrs.' bus. exp: best ref.; outside or Insldo. j nio, iuncr central. MAN AND WIFE, reliable; good cook, butler. Phone Locust 8381. 1007 Fltzwater St. OFFICE manager, auditor, cashier or book keeper wants position thoroughly reliable, capable and strictly temperate; married, 82 years of age: eight years with present em- riloyers; working knowledge typewriters, add ng machines and private branch telephone exchange; any locality. J 83h. Led. Cen. PHARMACIST, registered, rjeslres position with Eharmaclst In smaller Pa. city. A 207. lger Office ' UEOISTERED PHARMACIST (Pennsylvania Experienced as clerk and manager; ref. erences, it, L. Q Gen. Del., Scranton. pa, . ! COopyrlvht. 101C) J J SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ConftniiM from Preceding Column SALESMAN, aire 27 rears: building trades for 10 years: 4 years traveling; Penna. and New Jersey, complete knowledge of neneral sales work from stenographic first, then semi executive .experience under high-class ex- Jcuttves: full of pen and ambitious, salary 2000 yearly. J B48. Ledger Central. . 8ALES.MAN High-grade mschnnlcAt specialty, with present flrm O years, seeks connection with responsible firm. H 753,Ledgr CenL SALESMAN nnd collector, SO, "wishes position" commission basis or salary. J 14B, Lod.Cent. SALESMAN, 27, 7" years' exp.. deslres-to eon- neetjvUhjrnto:Jtref. J 653, Ledger. Cent. SECRETARY Refined young ma"n. Freneh.'.IO yenrs old, Paris college graduate, wishes po sition as prlvato social secretary. 1782 Park ave. Thone Diamond .884 W. BTENOGRAPIIER-SECRETARY, 10 years' ex perience In financial nnd railroad work! high est ref.: mod, sala ry. J 868, ld. Cent. STENOGRAPHER, exp., 88, wishes position as prlxalo secretary. A 133. Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER, 28, wants position: good JyP,"iL',J.lOB,'.I?KCntral: STEWARD wants position: club and hotel ex perlence; best reference. A jMJLcdgerOff. YOUNO .MAN. 10 sears old, well educated, one jear'n experience office work, bookkeeping, list references, wishes position, Address IV. A . 223 S. 3d st. . YOUNO MAN. 10, desires positions outside preferred. Address 007. B. 40th st. . MAN AND WIFE, colored, from South: wlfo known as ono of beat cooks: 8 years' refer ence from last place: man. butler nnd all around man: does not drink or smoke: ref- erence iiMWiass, A 11T, Ledger Office, A MARRIED MAN, 25. aggressive, capable, thorough general business experience, cred its, correspondence, accounting, executive Jllljlclre chenge. J 257,, Led. Cent. TECHNICAL GRADUATE, with special knowl edge of boiler design nnd construction, rte- sircT cnancc. a am, imager OITIee. MAN AND WIFE, colored, want place: wife flrst-class cook: cooking 17 years: man, but ler Bnd all-around man: best reference: city or country, a hu, Leaner Office. MARRIED rOIIPl.R. tin enllnenn Am -Aftl. tlon as rnretakers of clubhouse, lodgo, etc, I best references. A 226, Ledger Office, JAPANESE wishes position as butler or valet: reference, Kensmor. 1084 Vine st, EMPLOYMENT AQENOIEB MRS. KANE. 311 S 10th Want situations Bwodlsh cooks, wages $00. take full charge: Scotch and Irish Protestant cookn, chamber maids, laundresses, butler-i housemen, va lets, maids, nurses; want white couples, cook, chnmbermntd and waitress for one house, German nnd French chlldnursesj white laundress by the day, housework girls; references required Phone Spruce 3401. NICHOLLS, 1020 Balnbrldga St., has comp. English. French. Swiss. Italian. Gorman, Irish butlers, housemen nnd tooks: excellent Swedish and Irish chambermaids and wait resses; English. French, German Infant) nnd .hlldnurses: Indies' maids, etc. Wanted, add. nelp, all capacities. Phono Locust 2130. Vf$!U Fill Your S i Vacant Storage Room People are constantly moving into smaller houses or apartments. Some of their goods must be stored they haven't room for them. Have you vacant storage space? A Make it pay! The Ledger ' will help you. It is the i' morning newspaper of 65,000 better-than-aver- fj age Philadelphia families. 'p Phone, write, or call v) Ledger Office, Walnut or I Main 3000. mmsjKHss-srf MRS. HARVEY, 1010 Rlttenhouse sq., has Inrge orders to fill lBt of April; barkeeper, Narragansctt; country, nenshoro: nil appll cantB must come well recommended CHAMBERM'DS. chlldnurses. tnvlt. girls, h'se keepers; settled woman wants hwk. without cooking. Wnnted. all kinds lst-class help. Miss Iloso Dougherty. 1313 W, Glrard nvc. MIKS MARY t7 MCCARTHY. 2107 ChrlstlaTi (Loc. 1303), supplies & wants lst-class Prot., Cath. malo and femalo help; all nationalities. MRS JIINZLAFF, 1030 Christian. Dickinson 515 Cooks, butlers, chnmh'ds, parlor md's, kitchen m'ds. Fr.. Qer goy'fleshtund'ses. WANTED Prot. waitress, prlv. fam.:"clty In winter; other help, Prots. j good wages; ref. required. Baker. 15.13 Cherry. MADAME ASHE, 1333 Christian st Ilellablo help supplied and wanted all nationalities. AUTOMOBILES For Sale CADILLAC, 1013, touring car, overhauled and repainted: full equipment; price $750. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad at. CHALMERS 1018 BIO SIX, excellent condi tion: coat $2430; great bargain. L 840, Ledger Central. COLE USED CARS REBUILT L. S. BOWERS COMPANY. 247 N. Broad st, COLE Distributers. DETROITER, 1015 3 passenger touring; ex cellent condition; new fnll tires fronfand rear; one extra tire; $423, P 618 Ledger Office. FRANKLINS. ALL MODELS L. PAXSON. 8130 CHESTNUT 8T. FORD touring, sold for crmr.es and repairs: Oelssel all-round-year tops, call day or even lng. Storage Company. 21st and Cambria. HUDSON'S Rebuilt and guaranteed; phaeton and roadsters, electrlo lights and starters. OOMERY.BCHWARTZ. 253 North Broad St. KBIT Tour., nearly new. cheap. Storage Com pany. 2033 Lehigh. Tioga 7250 LOZIER 1015 light 0. repainted and generally overhauled: two extra tires and rims; will sellJor $030. L 338, Ledger jCentral, MERCER LIMOUSINE. 1015 model, fully equipped, generator, self starter and lights. Modern stylish Halbrook body. This car la completely overhauled mechanically and Is now In the paint shop of Wolflngton's Son, 18 North 20th street, where It can be in spected, or full Information may be had by addreslnc M., 1801 Faclfla ave., Atlantic City. OAKLAND, 1018. fl cylinder. 8 passenger: make offer. L 553, Ledger Central. RAUCH-LANOE Electric, cheap: good reason for selling; car lllco new: demonstration. J 835. Ledger Central. PAIGE. 1U1B. 0-46. first-class condition: driven 4600 miles, will sell reasonable, J 812, L.eqger uentrat. FIERCE-ARROW. 6 cyl. deml-llmouslne. $000: KRIT DELIVERY Truck. $323, L. O'NEAL. 210 North Broad at. WHITE 6-60. with both Berllne and touring body, beautifully upholstered; equipment ex cellent; a high-grade car, suitable for either private use or excluslva work, will positively sell this car at a surprisingly low figure. M. u. JAUFfctau.. ocuat ou. IBIS DOUOE ROADSTER Perfect condition; looka like new: $050. HUPMUVILE CO., 332 N. Broad st. Automobiles Continued from Preceding Column, For Bale 1019 CHALMERS rnsdster. Big i lf'n than 2300 miles. Phone Baring 890. ... . COMMERCIAL .. Auto Iruch bodies built to order:, Ford bodies In stock. FISHER'S. 41)47 Fnlrmount ave. SEND FOR FnBM BULLETIN OORSONAtiTO P.-pirANnir 233 N. BROAD Wnnted SEE US FIRST ORIGINAL PHILA. AUTO PARTS CO. We buy any mako of automobile. In any condition: get our prices before you sell them elsewhere. DICKINSON 1800. RACE 146. 1141 South Broad. AUTOS JVontcd for parte. " Parts Co. B23 N.. Philadelphia Auto 13th. Park 1418. AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES TO HIRE (open day and nlaht), brand-new rs-pass. touring car, with robes, $1,25 hr.: also brand-new 7-pnss. limousine, U.flO hr.l weddings, funerals. Poplar 1617. 1713 Glrard. FELTON OARAGE 68D. HELTON AND OIRARD AVE. P71QNE BELSIONT 1161. FOR HIRE THREE AND FIVE TON TRUCKS, BY THE HOUR, DAY OR WEEK. PARK 407. AUTO REPAIRING .. . AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS The best equipped shop in W. Phlla. We straighten frames and axles, maks parts, harden and erintii rebuild, overhaul and re pair all makes prices falrf agency for Masters varoureiore. rresion -mi.)! west iuu. HIQU1NB BROS.. 4212 Chestnut. SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES See BILLY, nt his new location. 810 NORTH BROAD ST. CYLINDERS REBORED, new pistons and rings furnished, weldings nnd brazing. II. 11. ji, it Phlla. unaerwooa : to., luza Hamilton be. STARTING, lighting nnd Ignition expert: nny mech. or elec. apeclaltv for autos attached or repair. Beatty. 1130 W. Ontnrlo. Tioga 7231, WELDINO nnd brazing, cylinders rehored, new pistons and rings furnished. HERCULES WELDING AND .MACHINE CO., 223 North 16th st Phlla AUTO SUPPLIES SLIGHTLY USED, 4.LL 8IZD8 A"OUIl OWN PRICES . . 813-23 N. 13th st. Park 1418. TIRES -BEARINGS- New Departure Service Hta, The Gwllllam Co, 1814 Arch st. Thones Walnut 8407. Race 30B3 TO BUILD OR REPAIR ANY CAR PHILA. AUTO PARTS CO. 823 N. 18th st. Park 1418. PARTS AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4noo miles. Compare prices. GRIMM'S. 230 N. Broad St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MANUFACTURING CHEMIST re quires $20,000 capital; only prlnct Cals need answer: In writing stato uslness experlenco and glvo refer ence. P 610, Ledger Office. SALESMANAGER. capable of handling high-grade men on newly patented specialty nrttclo to bo sold to business houses, office for which was recently opened. Will requlrn $000 to flnnnco agency. J 740, Ledger Central. WOULD YOU INVEST $25,000 In n well-eBtab-llshed business that would pay you a salary of $2500 per year, actUo or Inactive, and guarantee you better than 6 on your In vestment? Thli will stand the strictest In voatlsntlnn. A 213 Ledger Office. HOW WOULD YOU like to llvo In Los An geles, the lieauty spot of the world? If you havo somo money and would like to crette an Income that would keep you comfortably In California, kindly state particulars. All communications confidential. Address J 340. Ledger Central. , $5000 WILL buy liberal Interest in ratent safety deUce, proven practical by actual use. Need money to enable procedure requested by Government to enforce law. which means de mand for 3 million. Details only at Inter lew. A 301. Ledger Office,- WANTED Aetlvo pnrtner to Invest $1000 to acqulrn oqual hnlf Interest In established, growing mall order business now showing monthly profit of most $200; with Increased facility can be doubled In Bhort tlmo. J 135, Ledger Centrnl. A RARE OPPORTUNITY for one or two ener getic, enterprising business men to take an nrtlve nart In a huBlneHA'cBtah. 40 vears: capital not leas thnn $15,000. For full par ticulars nddreuR I' 03.1, ledger Office. YOUNO ATTORNEY, with own office, can give eervlces and considerable time: Insurance, real estnto or collections, making searnhes for Hens, etc : any work requiring services of attorney. J 140. Ledger Office TO GENTLEMAN OR LADY with $3000 tn In vest I will pay $23 weekly interest, without services; loan will be doubly secured: ex ceptional opportunity to secure Independent Income J 75Q. ledger Centrnl. EXCEPTIONAL opportunlty--$500 Investment secures Interest nnd liberal weekly compen sation In A 1 400-seat movlne picture tnca- tre: prev.oxp.notjcces. J 448. Led. Cent. PARTIES looking for Investments with quick nnd rich returns, communicato with 'me; clean and safe, no pntents nor wildcats. AddresH A 2116. ledger Office. $31,000 WILL BUY quarter Interest In an $800,000 seashore property; Investigate: a party who can take an uctlo Interest. L 217, Ledger Office. $3 A MONTH secures Interest lr vowing or-.-hard, will he producing befori. i-dd for. HARRY DARLINGTON, 1420 Qitnut Bt APARTMENT house for sale, central location: filled with permanent tennnts. ; R. W. OLHAUSEN. 1305 Arch St. ROOMINO HOUSE, receipts "$200. rent $83: selling for $1200; located 306 S. 10th: opp. Clinton: reason, death. Walnut 6044; WILL pay $1000 to net $3000 to push patent Just allowed: fortune to mechanic, capitalist. ntervlow. J 230, Ledger Central. PICTURE THEATRE $1250; crowded nightly; modern, good bus. loc.: worth double; good selling reason; investigate. J 34ti. Led, cent. WANTED $6000 to $8000 nt 6, to Invest In an old-established business; flrst-class se curlty. P 034. 1-cdger Office. MULTIQRAPHING business for sale; beat S3 "'Pi"en c" i. clientele, at nop, Ksa. uent $3000 OR $10,060 required In a profitable husl ness, capital secured. J 657. LedgerCent. BOOKKEEPING and audltlngdono fight by us; results. H 852, Ledger Central. CIGAR STORE, $1806, sales $200 weekly; otners iouu up. uau nut uaupnin. HOTEL. Ocean City, for sale; near'beach; good following. P 220, Ledger Office. CAN you Invest $10 per montn? Investigate. apt. ager central. Wanted AGGRESSIVE YOUNO MAN, with proven executive and sales ability, com manding $3000 (secured), take acttvs Interest reliable corporation, manufacturers. Jobbers, exclusive articles, enormous demand U. S. and Canada: safe, sound, reliable; Investi gate; Interview hy appointment, trlflers, brokers not recognized. J 240, Ledger Cent. BUSINESS 7ERS0NAL3 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH, 403 Keith Theatre Bldff. Miss Hop pa. halrdres'r, facial-massage, man leur'g. form. Mint Arcade, with Alias Smith. FULL DRESS SUITS Cutaways. Tuxedos and Sack Suits To hire and made to order. NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR. 1121 Walnut St. Bell phone. Walnut 2618. ' niAHmvn.q itmrmrT. Bank reference. Appraisement. 1 p. a. 1IARRY W. SMITH. 7lf SANSOM I STREET MONTY'S BATTING FOUR THOUSAND IN THE SUFFRAGE LE&GVm dARPEl' CLEANING1 . CONTINENT A I. CARPET CLEANING HOUSE SOTH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT.... Bell Phone. Locust ICO. . WERT PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WnQT TtIM.A 9r vr?.Tt TAnn. WEST PHILA. m0-7l LANdASTER AVE.. 1IOYKR CO.. REAL CARPET BEATINO. 8309 N. 12th No tumblers used. Phono Tioga 8200 DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY HIGHEST PRICES paid for diamonds. Jewelry and pawn tickets for diamonds. Apply 2:3 to 4:10 p. m., Wm. Flick, Room S5J, Burd Illdg., comer 9th nnd Chestnut ats. DRESSMAKING AND JMtlLLINERY DRESSMAKING taughtfrom, any patterni morning nnd afternoon sessions; send for circular. Columbian Dressmaking School, 1780 Columbia me. POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING DAILY AND EVENING SESSIONS 1485 OIRARD AVE. POPLAR 6374, DRESSMMvER, French, desires engagements: terms reasonable: advanced style, high-class work.remodel. 1108 Walnut st. Th. Wal.6138 the Mcdowell dressmaking school Short, practical. Inexpensive courses. 307 Denckia Hldg., 11th and Market sts. FOR SALE ALBEMARLE PIPPIN APPLE8 Albemarle Pippin Apples AVo want every lover of np ples to try a sample barrel of our World Famous No. 1 Albemarle Pippins. We msk the price lower than thoy havo over been sold before, namely, $3.30 per barrel, freight pre paid. Order on business letter head or send reference, PEAKS OF OTTER ORCHARD CO.. Box 341, Lynchburg, Vn. BEDS, bureaus, chiffoniers, trlplc-plats dress ing tables, buffets, dining-room tables, rugs, all sizes: pianos: also large lot of. parlor suites nnd other furniture FEINSTBIN STOHAOE CO., B. K. cor. Oih nnd Spring .Garden sts. Open evenings. Frco delivery. BILLIARD. POOL, combination, second-hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing: supplies. Lafe Keafer, American manufac turer, 320 Glrard avo. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES .Also Downng alleys; easy payments. utiunt WICK-IIALKE-COLLENDER CO. 1002 Aroh. Vlff T ttt- -.-.-l-i, tiJt letil.a KMnnlvlns uiuuiAitUi iiuvncii 4iiuriii tnuiu4 i-ijiii, inn supplies. Clerk-Herd Mfg. Co.. 2421 N. Front CASH REOISTERS bought sbld. leased, ex changed, repaired, replatcd: supplies: new nnd factory rebuilt. Now total adders as low as S80. Call nnd seo our 1910 models. Registers sold nnd leased by us on easy piyments nnd fully guaranteed, The Na tional Cosh Register Company. 7au nest- nut St.. Philadelphia, Tn. CHAIRS AND TABLES LOWEST RATES JtJRl RE CHAIR EXCHANGE- 3. C. COR. OTH AND VLNH BT3. DESKS, mine cabinets, safes, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of evory de scription; used, hut In fino condition, and ery rhenp; free delivery anywhr". ItUGHES. 11TII AND BUTTONWOOD. DESKS, largo assortment; nlso household fur niture. Dullng Centrnl Second-hand Furnl turn i Company. n01-000-14 Callowhlll at. DRUG FIXTURES, showcases, marblo basa waiting counter, 8-ft. soda fountain bar, ele gant condition; will sacrifice. GOBS, 15th nnd Master. TOR SALE Delicious oxtracteJ honey, direct from beekoeper. $1.85 per gal (12 lbs.): $1 pot v5 gal. 1 delivered by parcels post: satis faction minrantced or money refunded. L. K. Hostetter. n F. P. No. n, Lancaster, Pa. REFRIGERATORS, sample! annual salo: solid oak, seamless poreelnln lined, cut cork Insu latlon, Mkt 006. M lller. 80 N 2d Main 1731. SAFES Fireproof: closlnrr out sllBhtly used: nil Klzesjfc makes: big bargains. 210 N. Fourth. SHOW CASES, wall cases, shelving, fine floor cases for salo cheap. 210 Market Bt. STORE FIXTURES' OFFICE PARTITIONS Weiss Manufacturing Co. 450 N, 12th st. Phones Pop. 1600; Rnco 1636. V1CTROLA records March list Just received. nELLAK 1120 Chestnut. CONTENTS elcgnnt home. Including $300 Cir cassian bedroom suite for $05: $280 Wllllam Mnry dlnlnc suite, S0; nlnver-plano, also upright. Residence. 1028 N. Bronil. TWO VERY LARGE VOLUMES of Shnkes penre's works, cost $30; will sell for $5. 2.111 N. 10th st. HEATING MAItlN-KELSEY HEALTH 1ICAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot-water. Pure fresh air with normtl moisture. MA1JIN KELSEY 6 N 18th St.. Phlla. INSTRUCTION CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH New flve-tveeks' dally courao starting. Phil adelphia, on Wed. March 22. nt 11:30 a. m.. Maxwell fr Ilcrl-t Bidg.. 1530 Wnlnut; Merlon Crlcker Club, Haverford. Mon., 20, nt 0:30. Opening class free. Baron Charles do Geer. AUTHORSItlP. JOURNALISM, English les sonB after 1! p. m. Writer. 010 Sprucp st. Jluslcnl ALYCE WATSON Voice, Piano. Circular sent. 1014 CHESTNUT, 1601 GREEN, LAUNDRIES IDEAL HAND LAUNDRY 432 West Pcnn at.. Gtn. : special prices for family waBh: all phone calls promptly at tended to. rtione Oermantown 4330. MACHINERY AND TOOLS WHY WASTE TIME AND MONEY trying "Just as good" for lining mnchlno bearings? We are prepared to demonstrate the desira bility of YOC.'O.M ANTI-FRICTION METAL. IRON and BRASS FOUNDRY. 145 North Second. JAMES YOCOM ft SON. .POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, air compressors, TRANK T.OOMEY. Inc.. 127 N. 3d B St. COMPLETE POWER PLANT, designed and erected: new and used power plant ma chinery In stock. Power Equipment Co., engineers. 1218 Chestnut at. . BUY YOUR LEATHER RELTINO DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER CHAP.LES riOND COMPANY. 520 Arch St. DYNAMOS, motors and mnchlnery bought, sold and rented, armatures repaired. Main 01. Market 3005. Yearsley Co.. 224 N. 8d st. SLAB MILLER. 24 ln.x24 In. xU ft.. IngerBOll; good condition; immediate delivery. L. F. SEYFERT'H SONS. 437 N. 3d at. 100-LB. STANDARD automatlo drop press; 20 drop presses, different Blzea. NUTTALL. 1748 N. 8th. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS AND PLAYER-PIANOS HEFPK'B UPTOWN 8TORES COR. tTH AND THOMPSON STB. $83 CHICKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO. HOWARD VINCENT. 83 8 N6TIL MUST SELL fine standard mahog. upright, cheap; leaving city. 2549 N. Barnett. OLD QOLD CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PRECIOUS stones, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Smelting & Ref. Co.. HI B. ltlh st. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old. style Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1 i 70. J. L. Clark, refiner; 807 8ansom. CASH PAID FOR diamonds, old cold, silver, platinum, false teeth. Reliable Refining Company. N K. corner 0th and Walnut sts ROOFING- AND IRON AWNINGS LET US ESTIMATE to coat your roof and guarantee It 10 years. AMERICAN ROOFING CO . 1B3S Ridge ave STORAGE ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Baring 732 for estimate. Market 87th. McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th st. -Moving, packing, shipping; auto vans. t.om imonca. n us estimate. STORAOK Stovlnr by auto vans, packing, shipping. .LliVlTf BROS.. 2048 Rldga avS Phone Poplar 6021. MILLER, NORTH BROAD 8TORAOB CO," iiiwau, jmuyo t-cmmi Ava. FIREPROOF, Mothproof. Concrete 'Warehouse. n. rnua, cstor. tjo.( zvoo ienign. Tlo, 7250, STORAQE ContlXvrA f . " -Vr i iTOfflr, ; ilAUFflfin IgppKqiJs 1T3R JiHiVrMn . VAN. wlK 310 N. WATER HT ! M8D. Phone wrnra 6uAiXNEBfBfrnSJMa. v-.-.p.W!.in?," TOWAi Packing. Moving fSP- l m-ov1!" &Bn . tolw.:?.iTnlt.. ffiss "",,".eLgTphjny n,rw J?PV.'. 8. -- D. "WBHTaBiSS " 04 rtfcl - ArviiLiur; 1,-mmii . .?.br8&n-l?w..ry. WJ'tanC mrMW?m.$, -S3imgs &'t.,.t? oeraisi .. J pa? ih iv"'. .. iiSV n VelL?K '. trfeS?'! : - . - - r --at. nnii m r tTOOftft I foro BtMl get our iwieS;"" ""'. II ll HiJ tme. Call. -,"- SSfWfffl ,.co?m V '""!iara are. tmimmim mn'i ..""" "".otntrs f. ,.v :B5j.iftaM m'l&UPtiUMim suburbs, day or nliht BS iSf- i JiriRth Snd b&T0a,v! CAST-OFF CWTlTlNVn.TSi21 or ian eR' nnd men. ..i.it. " Weal 7rrm2P2-!- ! """"", doming boutht! t, i5 for men's goo.li; wriie L .1 (Hoa 6863. SCHULTC. B41M oVJ?1 li r CAST-OF1 rffi l,J,olmrjzrfzr, Furnituri-:. nl '..' "T'lUL XI or pa ru houss bought for 'ef JS'"'! hgw lao. J.nernSt" in,i8n n jS.I FURNITURE birtrhtS3 oinco turn., stock stores' wi 1 V.i'F"! heforo selllmr. Knnls" f yjjjtJ lOLD. silver, plat num. H,.Irr7?-iJ aD-HANb.one-hnrse lawn m mmnd onc-hnrso lawn mowr. ..-H tlon. make, price. wA'ggSf.' 13 WATCHES AND CIQCkTII EXPERTS on Swiss and Amer!n -.UT! pairing: French. aranrtf.K..c!..,f,!!JS "JLa.n"hn: Cnnn. T. Hotrcrn. 117 s l its ZVa iTt V a1 rt'ilS ROOMS FOR BEN- RpOMB. PERMANENT OR TMNual .'nmrpoVTntnTffi55 utt. ir ir i mm iii ' 'i.-'"-'.-' " n. sty. front, fk - ""J '""""' mi y. rrirate ramllr: l r-bath'runPuVnlshe'd'.'-"" " SPRUCE. 1337 Rooms, single or tn wtr"; -- .-" .....v. t, jfiain iigai, yitr. aiis:V4lr -ut3 cicely furnished rccT W.VUT,- ""..PrrCorntorui lUht near "L." P 313. Ledr Of&T? "V,J.'V.i:' .l7:.s.ma" .L-nfishrt ,w s ei.iit-iim.1-, ittc umii. 16TIL N., 1401 Two rooms, farnljtoi.1 v"t oiuisiw iuuiihi iurn.t i.ou up, 1I1T1I. 8 , 126- Call Sunday or ovenlngs. .Sa 45TH. 8.. 210 Apartment, one er tvor hath nrilntn nir. Pr.lnn RA1. . SB 40TH, S., 1106 Desirable, sunny re-mi-, h( viit-in't yiivmo uq.il. ..owning 231t 1 40TH tlemcn: ref. a., i" urntsnec unfurnuud. il nomo rets, woeqund IW BOTH S., 1135 Nicely furnlnhea rociaa floor: all mod conen. WoodUai 11 60TH, N., 207 Cherfully furnlahri for housekeeping; gas. electric, linen; "L": nhono Belmont 4011S. 6WNER will rent" bachelor apt.. 2 room. VS fireplace, 2022 Spruce st. Locnit 1W RENT. heat, light free: lliht dutlti; cauplo. 1401 N. 10th St. Suburban ti 8HARPNACK ST.. W.. 148 CooforUW faj ninneq, weii-neatea room, winaowi, i nhlo for light housekeeping er beinljn nlco reading room and piano. Otx-tM ROOMS WANTED ELDETIT.Y XfAN want., nleetv fnra. rceaU private American family nar Letu Bn permanent it suited, please state tirraisj full particulars, A 133. Lediir OfOnr f B0ARDIN- SPRUCE, 1020 Furnished cr..tnftrla . rooms, prlv. baths, electrlo lumt. " I heat, excellent service, phonas uble tout SPRUCE. 1012 (Holmehurt-BuUf!J rooms, private pain. w;tn nosra. imi lOTJf. S.. 318 Largo and small rMaru nnani or tne be'ter Kino. BOTH N.. 121 Communicating front nss good board, party ' appreciating hoist sM Snb urban OERMANTOWN. East Washlarton law. 4 Biauon irninea nuroe win v .. vn or elderly patients In her ewn JoWiH grounds: rates reasonable. Jtfltwi- BANITARrtTMS BEAUTIFUL location: special K"?s n... i.ri.,r av.rv eemlorl I Booklet.' Dr, Randal. City lint. Clitit j APARTMENTS WA.V,S.A.JESJSa-ttWf,?,ig Irgs; abundantly lighted on urea r suTtablo lor housekeep ng. If ?- Janitor on premises. "--. -. : CO.. I-Ul uneatnut a. 105 8. 1 11-11 : ST.-Bacne.or Wf-a tionany aesiraoio u . -n-L.-d largo rooms and nam: evtr; "r rxui Janitor on Premlaes: stesm bMt im l'""","l UAHTMAm - -.. .. : HPHINO GARDEN. 1010. BxcaUant tjjs 8 different houses t some turn., ai" '. . -.-.-.-r-n-r-I 40X11 J 'I'hm 'AKl.sllJ o;dii -.. p.p?3i?B. JAMvJS?atpt5f5ii fiSSi A'r" ,h" eltVrall lirif ooUUa , Cuisine Particularly attractl... FURNISHED or unfurn.: 2 "J all conveniences; central. 11" vn 1.nt.timt iftaa. i . ATTRACTIVE, large living 5SloU bath: alb outsider n-- 14ul rjj TO SUBLET, apartment; : 3 rtorai r-Aii nr rhone. Apartmant 03jf- Wtet rnldcIphl- NETHERLANDS. 4323 Cheamat it , $30 CHANCELLOR APABTSUafRrt Chancellor. 64th to oot? 'v ""o m airllte, 6 rooms, bath, torca. -: ij B. B4th. Ardmore. V- THE ATHENS 1 and J OJmJSnW kltch'otu.. fur, or unfur. Pa. Ai"J WANl-iriS? m I