CTKWflT" "l,iB'F'? u EVENING LEDaEE-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1&16. v. -at. FINANCIAL NEWS New York Stock Sates BBARS CONTROLLED THE MARKET; WESTERN SELLING WAS RESUMED nd of War Talk Absent, With Little Attention Paid to Cables Thinness of Speculative Situation Made Declines Easy High Points in Today's Financial News Chesapeake and Ohio stockholders, on April 22, will vote on an issue d $iO,VOO,000 5 per cent. 30-year convertible bonds, Proceeds to be used to retire $3.1,000,000 5 per cent. 5-year notes on June 1. Iron and steel prices continue to climb. Another new low for German marks. Extra dividend of S per cent declared by Scovill Manufacturing Company, in addition to regular dividend of 2 per cent. Application to be made for Haling of stock of Ohio Cities Gas Company on New York Exchange. Earnings on $50,000,000 common stock of American Smelting and lie fining Company 14.1 per cent in year ended December .11, against 6.03 per cent, in previous pear. Dividend of $1 declared on common stock of Central Leather. Utidcrstood that company will pay quarterly hereafter. More favorable railroad earnings. High. Low. Clows 140)5 140X UWi !).$ Wi OH 20H IflM lWf 31 29? 30 79 7s! 78!f 72W 71 71 03 01 ! 02,'f 701J OS! i mi now ik;h lion . , lt ClftM. Adams E.tprw ..,142 Atom J tlonl M gjj Ahlcs Hold Minn.... 20! Allli-Chalmrrj Mfc. ... 30X Allis-Chal Mr pf 78 Am Beet Sugar 7Hj Am Can ot)4 Am Car & Kdy fjojf Ahi Cat & Tdy pf . ... 1 10 Am Coal Product? jmij 1C3JJ UXiH lCWS Am Cotton Oil ft', r&H 63 5 Am Hide & t. pf .gf jnij 40H 49) Am Unseed 22!i 22J 21'( 22 Am I.lnsml pf .2!f 4:i( 42H 42JI Am Locomotive 7.(' 7"Jf 74!i 7o!( Am Locomotive pf. ...103!S 11X1?, 103 103!i Am Malt Corpn 8 Sl 4 SH 8,'S Am Smelt & lief 101'i Will 101f lOl'i Am Smr-lt A Itcf pf. ..H2.'i 112U 112!f W2.H UH .)JH J2H .)2H 51 5IU r,3!4 .-).1!5 HOJi 110-H liO'i 1I0J4 Am Smelt nf A. Am Steel Foundries. Aru Sugar Iter. Amsus.tr Itefpf UoH UMi IlfiJS UoH Am Tel A Tel Am Woolen Am Woolen pf. .. Am Writing 1' pf. Am Zlnr 1, A Sm. Anaconda Cop M. A wets HeallMtlon Urn Top A 8 V. avjh imt i2t)ii lwj mh on 17 80 IK o2 whs 18 M1H hO'i 0!f ol tiOH 17!5 81JS MH OH fii.'t 17'i 80' 4 OH Halt A Ohio. Halt A OI1I0 pf ll.1topll.11 Ml line... Hethlchem htecl Ilruns T A 11 It sec. Huff Itoeh A 1' 1 turns Urns NKW VOHK, Mnrch 21. Market movements were again In foenr rontrol tlirntiKhout the tiny, and, although strength was shown at the start, when some covering of nlmrtH caused substantial galnx. It was not long before the uptown boar plungers regained their courage and resumed their operations on n scale larger than was noted yesterday. There was also a resumption of Western liquidation on n largo scale, with some houses with Western wires supplying stocks all around the I1"."? SurwrUr ,, tal Petroleum r00m' l-al IVIrnloimi nf iuuuy, iiuivcvit, mere was nn nosence 01 cnu-oi-war UUK, aim Utile audi tion was paid to the tone of the rabies from the other side. The bear Interests attached more Importance to, what they called the disclosure of thinness In the speculative situation, which made declines easy to effect, nnd proceeded with their work of offering stocks at concessions nnd reaching stop-loss orders without interruption from the Interests which had been committed to the bull aide- and which are looked to for support whenever sharp declines occurred. There was more tnlk of foreign selling, although International stocks did Hot shov the same weakness its other Issues, tn Investment circles the question was asked about what the situation will be when the wur ends, and conjecture as to the situation then In prospect hud it good deal to do with the restricted demand for many stocks. It may take some time for this feeling to wear itself out. Tho representutlvo of one of the largest foreign houses said Wull street is peculiar. Three weeks ago It turned to tho bear side because of fears that this country would become Involved in the war; now It Is selling stocks becnuse It believes peace is In progress. "To my mind, tho termination of hostilities would mean a cessation of foreign selling and bo a bull argument on the standard stocks," he said. Amu 10.1' H):tir in:m Atrh Tnn .1-V V nf nun irmlf nun? mm 1 llald Loco Wits ...lOfl'S HUH 10Oj 10(1'$ ALLY FINANCIERS WILL CONFER ON JOINT POLICIES Representatives of Entente Powers Arriving in Paris for Session Sales in Philadelphia . With. Low, .2 Am (Id ISO 120 .in nm uitiiwnys. aa. as Net Clone, time. 120 32. TAX LEGISLATION SLOW inn linld Jooo limH KM54 InciH rln riref Sun t e 12 Chesapeake and Ohio tn Issue 40,000,000 Uonds NEW YOUK, March 21. A special meting of stockholders of tlie Hhesa- i pealto and Ohio Ilnilwuy Company will be called for April 22 next to uuthorlzo an issue or J40.000.000 f, per cent. 30-yoar convertible bonds. The proceeds from this issue are to be utilized In retiring the $33,000,000 five-year 6 per cent, notea of tho railway company on June 1 next. An underwriting syndicate, headed by Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and the National City Company, lias been formed to underwrite the issue. The bonds nro to bo convertible Into stock of tho company from Juno 1, 1916, to April 1, 1920, at $7f.; from April 1, 1920. to April 1. 1923, ht $8C; from April 1, 1923. to April 1, 1920, at $90, and from April I, 1926, to April 1, 1936, at $100. The bands will be offered to stockholders for pro rata subscription at 07&. Tho Issue Is to be limited to $40.1SO,000. It Will be secured by $45,920,000 Chesapeake and Ohio Hallway first lien and Improvement mortgage 5 p?r cent, bonds. Canadian Pacific Central Leather, Chandler Motor flies A Ohio Chile (ojper Chlno topper Chicago lt West.... I Chi (it West pf Chi Mil A SI 1' Chi A Northwestern. Chi It I A Par Clu-tt Pea A Co. . . . Col Kuel A Iron Continental Can i Consolidated (las.... , Corn Products Itcf.., Corn Prod Itef pf. .. Crurlhle Steel , Cruel!- Steel pf Cuban-Am Sucar Detroit Kdlson rts. .. Detroit t'nlted Itys. . Distil See Corpn ' Dome Mines I Krlc I Erin 1st pf (en Chemical General Kleclric. 83'f . 70,'i . 2),' .520 . II) S3 23'f 03 10ft 54' 03'f 01 aax oM H MH IHH 127 17'i 73 I4 83) i 130 21,', Wi . 8!)' 80 70'i oi'f i'f 21 o2'-i loo' lot: O0)j 01 nm 22,'i 51! 14 0. 8S' 7(1 H 2H 505 S1U 87! J 23 52' 5 o. 03! s 0.3'i ST uiH :mii 127J4 12 I7' 73! i 40 KHi 137 22;.' )HH 02?; lO'C 73!; 41!i 83 8.sn 70'( 2H 512 !' 01'; 8'; hHJS 23 r,m 100 55); III 03'; 22! i 51 11 38,", 01)i 127 io; 73'; i.v; 83 I3(i'v 130!a 2i;s OS 87; l as; i .m .ill's n.v; lio'i n.v; 22.) 2-'l 217 218 l! . 87' i 47!,' iiV.i 37.'; 52'i 337'f 331 IC8 10-) IJi 8S is1; 21'( 37 52! ; 4 8S 18 24); 37'; 52' ; (ioodrlrh 11 K 73!; Prices of Iron and Steel Continue to Move Up PITTSBURGH. .March 21. All iron and steel products continue their ensational march upward. Talk Is heard of pig Iron selling at $30 a ton. So far as can bo learned, there have been no cancellations growing out of "end-of- the-war" talk. Users ure offered billots at $45 and sheet l,rU . ui - i,i.. 1. Some pig iron tonnage has been snl.l fnr. n, nP. i,ir , .103) . 20) 1 20 . 50'; (KHj . 70 70 .1001; lit) . IV 17)i . 11?; 1 . do1; . 47)j . 40!; . H'.i; tnent after July next year delivery, tonnage has been sold for. the llrst half of BREAK IN WHEAT ON PROFIT-TAKING New York Bond Sales I Market Strong for a Time on Adverse Crop News Outlook for Exports Poor CHICAGO, March 21. Wheat moved, lrrceularly today. Adverse crop news turned weak market into a strong one, but In the last few minutes thero was a sharp break In prices on profit-taking. The Initial heaviness was due to sell ing caused by an easier tone at Liver pool, a bis Increase in stocks In Kurope, a cheaper ocean freight rato and 0. smaller . demand for room on vessels at tho sea board, The subsequent rise was due to ; purchasing of a strong character by longs, whch stampeded early short sellers into covering. The news with regard to winter wheat was not all in favor of the bulls, some au thorities stating that conditions were Im proving In places. II. W. Snow, however. said that there was ample evidence that the crop would start with a poor promise, and that the abandoned area would be larger than In any year since 1912, when the soft wheat crop was largely a fall- - ure. He called attention to the fact, nevertheless, that taking the winter wheat belt as a whole It was too early to make definite figures of either acieage Ions or F condition. The outlook for fresh export demand I was poor, although In the last day or so S-about 1.500,000 bushels have been dis poned of to foreigners, wiui the Dutch Government credited at the best buyer. The weather map showed unsettled condl- tions in the Southwest, with a possibility : of general rains. May ended at $1.08, after having .'touched S1.10U. against 51.09 at the closa yesterday, July finished at $1.07?i. rafter having sold at $l.09'.i. against $1 08 H, yesterday's last price, and Sep- tember ended at SI.O6V3. after having sold as high as $1.07. compared with $1.0SH at the close yesterday. leading futures ranged as follow. Tes'day's Wheat Open, lllsh. Ixitv Closa. close. MU 1,0! 1.1UII I.OXStl.lMHlM.OU, LlUtr ..... t.0Tl l.Oufi 1.07 tl.MTUM.OSH t,Set- l.uaii, 1.07 i.uar i.uort i.uo lsm ipaw oeiiveryj fim . . ItlBh. -'!!! )mvr ABr "3 1 ''-" mill ,mt fut till ,-,h i)T- !!!!'! Am"r Slm1 ii .IMS) Amir Tel ill In 111', 'J!'"! A""r ''' "t i'i..n7t 4.IIUII Am.T Writ Pap .Vs. 72S irfiuo Armour c. 1"4h.... up; l.iOCIO AU-c.lHon sen 4l WIS ''" Allan .:, i.m. Ui Is hsS .-.cillll imit & )l.lo (.... iiT; JLMIIIII IJ.ilt ft Ohio cv l',4 UUK UIMMI Halt i (J Ss......:Vliiit: ilMM) llotn HU-el rlil r,s. . . .1111? (Mill llroolt H T .",H l'.MS.lIll SIIOO lliH-ch I'r Ji uiI 1II1MI Cut O.iH b HI .la 11U1I .r'!".'" l!l'nt l-athiT 1st .-s.liu'i 10(1011 (Vnt I'.lf ut .... no',: r.iiiin Chill i-umier 7s 131 Mm c.'hrs & unlu cv 4hs fttU " Chi 4 Alton 3Hs.. 4 JlHMt 1'hl (Jt Wat IsT... 7:iU .1(1(1(1 funs Lius cv (is....fji' 510(1(1 CHI fl & Q joint Is. liVi 1 0110 cni 11 & ij lion ... :iu .-.(Hid cm ii & u K,.n i.. naS 8000 Chi 11 fc q 111 ,. ssS ..iiiKi Chl M & st V k-,-n 4a iw I(i(l(l C SI a St p M 41-H u.t I 1(100 Chl M A Hf n .... -.5 iiitsT Iaiw, Closn. l(IL"i lOJfe UTi 01 z4 110 111 '4 107 i i'iTiS !ll n, nil UIHa nn l(l.-,i mis (III 1 101 , III)', 1:11 7 44 II!) l H.l M.l4 11,11. .ia; .177. 110 in; 107 s4 "-!' 11 Pi oi IU', OH ll'l1.-: 1111 101 ; nil ni.i'i !; u: nn3. 1"i!i 131 t.l 11 IIHli 1111;, s.11 11 J 4 ;i .. $! 20) 1 .. fit I ' 50H 7K)j . . 7H)j . .250?j . . 120'j . . lh!) ..125 .. 70 .. 0S)1 .. 02 .. 17 107); .. :io; .. -IH .. Kl'a - 4H . 70 l: 17); 17! 17'; 74; 7.1H 20'a OO'-i 75H sm hi 70',' 2.VI l.'Dl 1S7 II7 1117". .11100 C M i St I" cv 4'?H.ll)il(j lllllVi 1110 . J1""'!'; Mi.Stl'Wl'.jH.linjJ 103 1(13 1..JNIO Cu lun Am S (Is 102 loiVj 104 lim'i Ml .17 IDl'i P h.VA .is hip, icp-5 lis so 73 U 103II .1SH 19(1 73 Il'.l. tlT HI 711 ?r; 1111 7.T, 113 UlllU ! May MaH' . Hvpt Osts Mar . . ir ilk 78 UK 43 751i 77 43H 1 73 li 7U 41 1I3J? 1 hi? 7IJV 7rt 1711 fniM, 7UU 434 ldilii IJ.-1 t uud 4a HUH. loo'.; ,i .n int. ,,- ,,h . , mi Juno l)..n A- 111., Ur rM r.s 17 .Kioo Detroit (las .Is JoH 7.100(1 Dis Heiur Corii .-,. . 74 loooo Krle sen 4s 7.1i .100(1 Krle conv Is Scr A. 71 .10011 Krle prior 4s x.Hj MM, It M.n l.-l.w. ,l. -. ,.. (IT "" -.'. " " ...I', 7J 10110 do lia k;Vj loon Clriat Nor 1st ,'... . 11:1 4iii)(l lluil .M In ,1s... nou L'ooi) Hud 4 ji rfd .Is.. 73'J 10(i(l Indiana ml Ss In3! noon Imvii Cent 4s SSVj luiiil Ins Con i-r (Is 11)19.. Inn lOoi) Inter Met 14s 73'i 3.100)1 Inter li T ref .la .. 1111',, M700II Int JI Jlnr et 4Hs . !)7i' llMiwi Int Parwr (is si moo Int & Cit M .1) 711 4(11(00 Jap New (I 8 4Js. 77U looo Jan Itii us loon do 4s no liKii) k C Vt 8-.M 4a . 7.H4 .10110 K C-So Par 1st ... 113 1'inio lwirka 811 .is 11.14 11.1V4 asu 2KOIKI ljjck Stl ,1s tlir.tr .. D.Hi ii.i nr.tj 300(1 I ,ai-1 (las rfd .Is . . . lnj KlIH lntl '.'1 1 I. Sh del, 4a 1II2S .. 1I.H1 IS ll.-.lj .10011 1I1. 111.11 ..iii 1111! i,.ii2 aniiii I-h Val 14s t)iJ iii 112 (J IIiiiii 1 l A i n -.u ,..,,? .....,T ...T.t MlllHl I, re -30(111 Mo K 31100 Mo K & Kaston 1st. S3H S34 S3 4 .'"" ..miiii .-,t-r .is , .. . ill 111 11 70IKI N Y C A H 34.... H2 hl"l ; inuxt, un -ins 114 k lli 101 i 73 7.1 8A 71 S.1 II) 1111 3(1 73 tl maw .it1. 3 1110 7:1 v. on 4 07U S4 71) 77 U h.1 1111 7.14 i;i & JI T Sh 1112' liw'I li)-j4 N'aah 4s l)4i 044 DPI Kin re T 1st 4s.. 7.-UI 73'! 73'i lv Kr l--.ialnn 1 ut k'll fi'i LI l.U Ih.loo N V Cent Us. . . 4!t IIIIIII. lli-",i UCl. 11.5.1 n.77 3far uir - nibs Man . July Porlc liar . Julie . . ma, taskcu. 12.0a JS.37 25.BO TJH 11.011 lt.M 12.1S 12.33 23.07 22.73 II. SO 11.72 12.07 22.00 S2.75 44Vi 43 U 11, .12 tU-40 1J.75 til.' B5 12.10 M2.00 12.32 '12.22 22.03 22. bU t22.85 t:.'2.82 RAILROAD EARNINGS Olt.VND THUM: BYSTBil. luitl. Increase. ifkeoad week Jklarcb. f F-riiOi juiy i.. 1100,3113 2,ui7.uua K-.'7,giw toi.eoji ?.5ST,5I l3,!Mi tU57.S42 37.003.233 SOUTHERN ItAIMVAY. I H,..i-,-,nJ week March .. . II. 344. "S3 tins nan jfonj Jnlr 1 4S.231.451. s.aia.sw CHJCA0O QREAT WKSTBRN. . ' t-:.sttTjna week March. . . tSOiJ.C.12 JS7.S84 JtpiU JUl 4 lU.ill.SUS BSJ.i'Ji fCmClUNAri NEW OKI.BANS AND TEXAS rAvirii; j: ti.-cijaJ wrelc llarch ra inn JIOJJU.K ANU OHIO. i-oii week Haieh . Ililll.221! 115.330 rpBi Jttljf H.O3.4(ia 3l,a Al.AUAMA. aRBAT SOUT11BRN. , wud week March 108.BIII Jl':570 LmJulj 1... 3.7&0.140 S42.I7S JI1&UIAL4 A2X HVwIllMbllllUI. & eeK jiarcn.. iwoia 7,4iii Jail- J.374.22 OI.T03 Armcur Not in Shoe Business WKW YORIC Morvh 21 -J. Offden Ar- ituf, 5irejasJJt at Annour & Co., today jltd - rutin rumor comuctinar the name tr hi Miipy with thft. araiulsltlon of a km BRUfcttt8 oanoeni. Th Mate- la 4iid that iieiltwr Armour & Cv the Lcatbtr company, nor. in fact. j( hOj iiiflUai-U vatiiva,nic or s.sao- taa slisotwt itartt u any toMf$ujMs; eitt or busiij. 1,-m i.;ey a 03( ui cuiiimereu an . m ...ij el nub chaimUr. 3,1. hit hO 1112 II1J4 "" imU 1)3 i'llllll . Y city loiio N Y N JI i JI 4s 4()(l dq 111311 looo do llooil N Y liwy adj .Is... 100(1 N Y Tel iten 44b.. Iimmi N Y W l" & II 44s .101)0 Silt b West Ulv -Is. SSOOil Nor l'ac prior 4s. .'.Dun Nor Iau iren 3a.. .limn Ore Short I. rcf 4a. l)3'.i looo Ore Short I. 1st lij.WH 3ihi Ore Short I.lna S..l07 IHHMt Pacllte Tel Ss lull"; 300(1 Tenna tin ct 4 4 a.. 102 flood do en I4 10.14 30IMI do 4 4 1021 retr.IiilVi 2IHI Pen t Bast 1st 4.. 1174 200O Phlla Co cv .la IU22 02 3000 Iub Serv N J Ss... UUH 111)0(1 Heading sen la 04 ft 4000 Hep ir & H jsa !) limn Ilia Ur & V clt 4a.. 734 30011 nock Islatul 4s hSH 3000 Rock Island rfd 4s. il(l r.0OH Ht laiuls Hwn 1st 4s 7 Mi 21)00 docnli ... I2 llood South l'ac cv 4s... SU iiooo do cv ret t p 3. .1044 ROOO South Pac rfd 4a.. 1104 U,(mki south Jlwy sen 21)01) do eon Ss . . . 4000 Tenn Cil Tn dlv Kmmi do. Ulrni div 1st.. 101 iihhi i e.ias i,u us .... 2000 Third Ave adj Ss. luoo Toklu Us ........ lOOi) Trl-Clty Ss ...... 311(11) I H Rubber Ga . . 32IHU U B ateel Ss sf. 300(1 Union Pan 1st ,4s. r.o(li ds rfd 4s 24000 Un Hwvs S Y 4s. 30W Va Car Cheia 0..I02H -tuiH. v a jiwy os ........ vii looo Va Ruy re t'ow .Is. HO 1000 Wabash 1st Sa 101 10011 do 2d Sa BS luoo west Kite sa SOOQ West B & 1 IIIH) Waat Hhora 1CMHJ West Union 44a ... S3 .114)1 113? UIli (1414 80 HI) 102 01 llsXi TK l)ll 1)3 ' 11(14 113 U 10M 107 l'i.'!. hi) f(J 1112 lll'i IISJS 1HK t)l) ti-'lH 1104 03 'i 108 107 1004 1004 )U- !() 10.14 Kit 'J 174 U2 1104 04 H 03 7.1 M4 BOH g sas 1034 10J-H l 71 92 lii)U in; no 754 S3 4 (iitH 7Si di ns 5. (ioodrloh II F Dl 110 (iraiiby Con.ol m Orrcnf-Cananra I8'i ! Great Northern pf 122 , (I N cfi for on- prop.. .1.514 (iUBKi'iihclm Kxpln.... 20Ji Ilomlakc Minim; lM.'i 132 junior Lent Int AKrlculliiral Ir.t Au'rlculttiral pf. ., lot Ilarv Corpn Int llarv N J Int foil Cor v t c sh 1 Int l'ap"r Int Paper pf , I Insp Con Cop ! Int Nickel v t cfi... ! Int M M r of dp Int M M pf c of tip.. Jewel Tea Kan City .Southern.., K C Ft S & M pf. . . Kelly Kprlns Tiro.... Keniieroit Copjwr Lack Meel Co 1-ehluh Valley Llgcctt & Mjers LiUBctt & Myers pf. . Loilllanl I' Co 1-oul-, & Nash , Mackay Cos Maekay Cos pf Maxwell Motors Max Motors 2d pf. . Mat Iran Petroleum.. Miami Copivr Mo Kan Texas... Alo Kan & Tex pf. . Mo l'ac tr rN Montana Power , Nat Hlscult Nat Cloak & S pf. . . Nat Knam & S Co. ., Nat LeaJ Co Nev Coa Cop New York Air Drake N Y N II & II N Y C & 11 It N Y 0 & West Norfolk A: Wi-itvra. . . Ontario Sliver Mln... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania It it..., Philadelphia Co Pitts Coal Co N J.., Pltt-.bursh Steel pf. . Pressed S Car Co Pullman Co Quicksilver Quicksilver pf Ity Steel Sp Co Kay Con Cop Iteadlns Republic Iron Jc S... Hepulille 1 & S pf... Itock Island lioclc Island pf St I.OUU i H F St L & S F 1st pf... fat I. 4. S F2d pf... Seaboard Air Line. .. Seaboard A L pf Sears ltoe & Co .... Shat Ariz Cop Sloss-Shef S & I South Porto It Sujf. . bouthern Pacific Southern ity Southern Ity pf Standard Mllllnz Standard MIIU112 btudebaker Co... Tenn Copper leiai Co mil); 1117 icias uo rwiits is Texas Pacific 7,' ThlrJ Aveuuj fiO; Union Hag & Paper... M, United Clear Stores. . . 05, United Cljar Mfrs m United Cisar Mfrs of. .108 Union Pacific ian; 131 U h Ind Alcohol 1.0-1 15s Vi 88 17!4' 2tJi XiV. ;xh Tiou won l(i.S io 7H 73' i 115.4 UoH Oil 0) I74 17i 121' i 121,4 i:i'i -in j 21 21 1112 1.'12 1U14 101,4 1014 M llfi. 00 IS'i 122 I.V,' 1 .'0 m 70 11(1 174 114 IDU 17",' 10'i ir,-i 7;i4 7;iJi 0 III 50 7(1 110 17 114 10 1714' -104 104 72!.' 7.MH 20 004 7-14 flO'f 7S4 Tbit 2.V1 1214 1S7 1244 1244 1214 704 704 79,'i Oh 08 OS 044 024 fi:)4 474 4(lf 47)i 111,4 107,4 1034 ...1 :J04 30'. 44 44' W, 104 44 44 70,4 70 12.-1.4 125 .IUSJJ IIPJiJ K)!,; 204 2.5 U 25): 07 074 07 . 154 154 15? 113 1454 111 004 004 CO Dy YVES GUYOT Kx-XIInlster of Public Works. IMItor JVAecnce Eeonomlque et J'lnanclere. Spcclar rable to Evenlna Ledger I'AltIS, Atnrch 21. There Is to bo a Brand conferenco of the Allied Govern ments In I'nrls, nnd representatives of the rower nro now nrrlvlnic. The meet Inp Is reR.irded ns ot great Importnnco ns having to do with matters requiring Joint action. In a discussion In the Chamber of Dep uties of credits for the second quarter of I 1G n .Socialist deputy demanded of the Minister of Finances that a real effort he made liy the Oovernincnt to forco the rich to p.iy their share of the national expenses. M. lllbot replied that Franco In resolved to miy all her debts, hut he showed the illfllcultv of cetthiK new taxca voted nnd gave as an example the Gov ernment's plan five months u-zo to tax alcohol, hut had not yet been nblo to get It out of committee. The Government had succeeded In getting consent to nn In come tax, but it was no use trying to hldo that returns from that siurce would bo very smnll. JI. Hlbot slated with satisfaction that the price of the loan was well sustained In France abovo tho Issue price, while on the London Stock Ex change It Is at nearly Ove francs pre mium. The first duty of tho Government and Parliament Is to repair damages dono by tho enemy In tho provinces they havo occupied and abandoned. Fifteen months ago Parliament voted .100,000,000 franc3 for that purpose, hut up to the prcsont only f, 000,000 has been distributed. This Is very reassuring for the futuro of tho Jobs of those who are handling the funds, but outside; of the bureaucracy It docs not hold out much hope to thoso In need. Tho ltusslan Minister of Finances has 1 announced that in 1914 tho budget from nlcohol provided for a revenue of $478, 000,000, while In 1910 It provided only $20,000,000. He declared that nfter peace there will be no modifications. According to news from Rumania, Ger many has concluded long-term contracts for petrol at the top price, and Is sending to Rumania all Its tank cars. on ,to m nn nnrr k In f'.i.-l ilt..l 1 Con Tr N .1.. 30 'Klec StoMee. .10 lien Asp nfd. X4 Ins Co N A too Key Tel Co.. lBfl.1 Iike Hup Cor z.i i.en n.iv 27 Mh Vnl . 10 Ih V Tr tM 473 IVnnn fill . . . 10.1 Phlla Cr 10 do etim rref .1,14 i-niia )'j)cc 232 PUT .1.1(1 do tr etfn 10 do t r ext L'o Hsu Cons . 17 Itfl.lliiff 1)7.1 Ten llelmont.4 .1-1(1 .111 Ton Allnlmt... (14 loo Tenn Corner.. .13 S MS Union 'I rue. . . 13 Ji mi u nun imp... iv.'"l 4 -un vol 1004 1(134 1091 ni 70 (12 '.I 14 Ji 10H ill 70 14 17U 424 43 S 7?i Id i 111 II) .SS la "". 112 ti J 144 104 711 78 44 42 '4 IB" 714 1M in ln. finh r.r.N J' f)l ". mH Sh ni inn 7(1 71) 41 fi7 43 27 k .1 . UflrtH tr H Hteel iimi utnn ', : Conner. . SI .. ...:.. ..! --- -.,. t,o xv esc i-.ic. . . . nn 30 Wesltn Coal.. (Ii'i ,10 Cramp A Sons mi loo York lln-y 11 'K.x dividend. ix. Ill 1". S.. J4 ... Ml 4 (l'i-irt O'i '' 431 ... . 43;'l 4iir 12 1 S 224 NIJi HM' a. 117 4 fill 11 HI &- 117 i so II -M -ii Total wiles, 1)311 liiirr. rnmpiirril "llli 13.- hOII sluires jrxlrnliiyi tlnm fnr this wrtU, U.I.- 0.11) sharesi mtme Pfrlnil Int erk, 4(5,770 Hhnres. TRADING WAS ON A SMALL SCALE1 ON THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE Favorable Earnings of Rapid Transit Comnanv n;e1 wu,,w:u uuuaiu rtiiu ouBtiueiictmia uonimon at the Highest Point of the Year. HONIS. ItlBh. law, jnioo Am (I A 1: a 9.1 4 03 J 21100 B & I' Tr 4s.. SI i SIW 11)00 Hi 111 (Ins ft. 1 1131 1(1.14 . IIIIIII liar Kler lls.lDJ 102 t nooo Key T. 1st rn. tis'i lisi llllllll) I, Vnl Kit) Is 11:1 ' 03 B.liion . 1I0 IHs ,.103 in.1 . ni.,. Net Closi1. t'hatiRC. 113 ..... 111.14 ii 102. '4 OMji '. 113 J N .,.,. I,.. ,. . I, .. n- ,...,,. , ,, i-.iiii, in.iii,) looo t'AMVU r,s rcllOVi .100 I'hlln Klec 4s XI looo iln r,s lo.l'i ,10011 i w. ftii 1 r u unit .10111) 1 tf n cl Ren Is. Ilia 11100 Wolsliurtl .Is. . !IM f ltirrfase. l,-rrrnse. tin 1.1 St ln.1 4 im'i lilt M Inn m.iS llo'i si lo.l'i mi U 01 ;s l)Md i:-ii ToOil sales, SOO.'OO, rnnumrril 11 III) S'O.'tIO XfMrrilnyt thus fur (III Merit, lirnoii 1:1st nerk, K7ii,.io, .114(1,1001 nnme Local Bid and Asked CURB ISSUES MOVED IN NARROW RANGE Market Became Irregular After Steady Opening Hesitation by Traders N'KW YOUIC. Mnrch 21. After a Ben rally steady opening with advances from 1 to over 2 points above tho previous Olli i closing In the leading Issues, the market fluff & Sus t r. do iirf .1 O llrlll llaldu-in Cambria SIpgI Klfr Htorapro . , . Ocncrul Asphalt ilo prof Kcystnno Tel . ilo t n ilu prof I.altn Sup Corp. l..-hlKh Nuv LclilKli Vnlloy . 1'hlKli 'al T... ilo prcf 1 t-iii!y,vtuiii . ,,',-11 1'hllnii'lphlu Eire 1!7'A I'hlln Co 414 no 11 per cent prcr.. :im in H iii.r icnt prer. I'hlla It T ......... tin t c KiMidlnc Ton lie! Ton .Mln Un Trac IT O I tf H Steel York Itwy no prer Today Itl.J. Asked. 41 M . .111.14 . . Ml'4 . . I12 . . nun . . 711 .. ll'4 .. 14'4 . . HI). . . 10't .. 7.14 .. 7.S i . . :2i . . 13 4 -.(!?, Wm Crnmn t Kx ilivlilend c . . 43'4 I!) II) Kll I '4 (! I3H H!)3 Klf io; 3I!4 7!) 4: mi 4 43 4 llld'i HI '4 HJ 4 tl 144 711 Klji 7)lU 71) 22 37'4 ;18 3D 44 II) '4 lliS Mljd & SIS 11 37 02 Yesterday Illil. Asked. II. 11!. fiHti r,W 4.1 4 1 1(I74 10H M ai;i 112 37 i1j4 144 ll!) 12 J 7NJ4 112 434 el 42 3S, 13 'i 111 10 s.m 4 u 1 43 J4 11 37 SO 0.1(4 37(4 72 'a IS ir, 70 lo'i j.i I Hi r.74 274 43 .111 43i ll)4 1R " , 'id 41 H4(4 11(4 3H 2 Financial Briefs Trading on the Philadelphia Stock Ex chnnge today was on a very small scale. Very little Interest xvns shown in any Issues, particularly tho local ones, nnd consequently thero Was a general absence of orders. Tho Street seemed inclined to stick to the watchful waiting attitude that lias been In forco for some time, nnd no one appeared anxious to do anything lltitll thorn q c.a ,lAn,,ltA ilnvlntinlf.nlT Instead of being favorably affected by the good report of enrnltigs for tho month of February nnd for the eight months end ing with February 29, Philadelphia Itapld Transit stock sold off ?4 before noon. The company's trust certificates did not sell during tho morning session. The unns sented stock was not active. The Street generally attributed the lack of interest nnd the fractional weakness of tho stock to the fact that the favorable earnings were generally discounted, us It hntl been forecast that tlicy would bo good. In the afternoon the trust certificates sold nt lft, tinchnngcd. Persons In closo touch with tho com pany's affairs say that the earnings for March are comparing very well with the same month of Inst year. Usually there lias been n deficit reported In February, KOKEIGN EXCHANGE NU3W VOHK, March 21. At the open lug of business In tho foreign exchange market today, relclismnrks were quoted at 71 7-16, the new low mark made late yesterday. There were reports or trans actions as low as 71?j, but this' could not be confirmed In tho llrst hour. Vienna was sympathetically easier, while sterling was firmer, with cables quoted at 4.77(0 4.77 1-16, the highest In over a month. Demand ?ns also quoted at the recent best, 4,76 5-16J4.76?4. Francs wcro rather heavy at B.9314 for cables and B.D4U for checks. Guilders displayed firmness nt 42 for cables nnd 42 7-16 for checks. Scandinavian exchange, also was firm, touching 29 and 28.90. Llro were steady nt 6.6954 for cables nnd 6.7014 for checks. Other quotations were: 19. 11 19. 13 for pesetas, vand 31.3i for rubles; Swiss, 5.2214 for cables and 6.22-74 for checks. In mldafternoon relchsmarks declined to another low record of 71 and 71 7-16. The last quotation wns the low record established lato yesterday. Otherwise tho market was unchanged nt 4.76 for de mand sterling nnd 4.774.77 1-1G for cables. French exchange wns unaltered at 5.93 for cables and 5.94 for checks. btlt. Mllfl t-Aal. 41. ...... $68,6.15. ns ;:;'...:.:" 8urlu ti five years for ,h. nZn? TW ' for the eloht m:;.., .., " .T" M.T1 follows: '" "10 "mtj ,n,n..,,,r..Wt...8gMKI1 mir.;: 1 Ms 777 m-:;: iM-viim itimx inf. 4 i''2,-'"i 141 m ...,o 111,11-,. n?i iii'VS ' 7(1.1,310 '-nis.l 1014. Ill 1 3. 1.771). (Hi!) 1. 77,1.1.1S iiw. KB .BfflJ 11)12.. 1.723.40S las'rlm, Hurplus. tDedelt. nv mr inn . . Change was United Stale? s52 local market" when " ,e ' ds,?nc?, 'n. tf shares nro Inactive. Tho . "Ji"'"? ,0lfi a gootl-slned fraction In svr;.,lrvanw,l the better tone , W.ViWl On tho sale of lo shares Tnirri $ Susquehanna common "W? " U THIS IS the highest lirlnn . "".,.J0 stock has sold this year. Friends 7r company toda,y talked of n dividend the common stock i .1.. "Avuie In the futon u. .ij ..... .;.''" near in ju.?:"1 'Tr " v i!"" .. b. sa rof ti.. ru" -.".' "aa "Q8cu on i,i presenrMinr'S " Car"",RS 5? STEADY TONE In"c0TT0xT I'IVKIUMIULjiooUBUYBr Wall Street Sold on Smnll Scalo-No 'Relief From Drouth NEW yoniC, March 21.-A 6teady ton, is displayed at tho opening of tho Co? n Kxchango this morning, and ptkL. owed advances of 1 to B not-.. M first sale In May on the call wa cor- DANK CLEARINGS flank clearings today compared with respondltiB day lust two yearn: 1111(1. 1111.1. 11114. Phlla. ...J.17.143,3.10 J23.P.14. 47.1 J2.1.II2K.14.-, New York.tlld.233,73.1 302,4.11,2S7 32t,4.11.!)10 Iloston ... 40,11111, fi.1l) 2.11!I3,1()2 2l.2r,S,37(l CIiIcuro ... 011,481,032 til, 313,780 54,600,42.1 74' .I'lrj 7!)'i 78! i 231 121!!i is; ns 1U)S n. 701 123 MISW 23tj .7H lo'.j 114 fid UUJi 103H 10 tU KI3' 'H ..122 .. H .. 23M .. 6lUi .. 42 . . 2S .. UOli .. MH ..102 . 1 . r,n .. mt .. 'sm .. svt .. S2 H VSi 7.'' 2tt'i 57 12 2S OS 34 102 1 S 10),' 23J. Mi'i am 28!i 122 7H 2,'i; SOU 12 23)$ !)(i :ii4 102 4 5 lou ;m o3t' ma H 4 .. .Hi .. su .. AH .. 10U .. .13)1 ..170 .. ;i7ii .. .w 193 'JtyX 21)J ran 80 pi... t,: iira.'f loyjnwii SH SJi H lll!i no)4 57 1!)0 DO 21J,' 00 7Jj 2s!i 122 "Si 20 50; i '2 23)4 OS 31 102 I 3 40 S..V, S5!j 5H!i WM H H 3H 3M 1W Kl.'i iiU'i Hid. ABked. H H SH ay, Hi 10) 30'-i 173!i 173;i 173Ji iiii 38.'j HWi 57 10U lls'i 21)4 5M 9J H7h 57 100 Oil aiH 50,'i OJ 87); 113H HUi lluJi HHS . 53Ji .,2. 31 l7.'-i 7H 02.'i Oh li.1 105M 100 17J4 17)5 7H (11 Mi m 024 JfJH l()j HWj l.i-i'i 13;; 15.1H 164l4 024' 84 M (S2j u & ma Alcohol pi.... ioo 101 101 mi USUI.'' 23 23 22Ji 23H U 8 C I & F Pf . . . . 51 51 53i3 53V, Lniti'd Krult H5H U6U lllh 145 v n lu-'any & imp..., '1H4 -li?j -if 47 uniteu uys iny co 13)4 13 llli lt Inv C'C pi.... 3d 20 U S Hubber SlJi 6.1 U S Ilubber 1st pf....li(, 110 U S .Steel Corpn HI), 3Jf v a oteci i.orpn pr 1I0M 117 15 20 Utah Copper 81H uian tcuritiej ltili 101 104H ll-h UOti -.. ,,- i,,t-k UII7. 4s.. 714 71W 71 102 jj 102i I02 . lst.lnl; 10I4. inn! t 101 1014 73 4IM IH.Il I H3I h3! 10.1 7KJ 78 ! 78 '.! 111.) Hid 42 43 "7S 'i) doh 4 98 V? mi',; jh5 nK .?. IIMJ, 97 S 8015 42 102 i US '4 S0 li Va-Caro Cbem Wabash , Wabash pf A Wabash pf li Wells Fareo Kip West K & M Western Maryland . . West Maryland pf. .. West Union 'fel .... Willis Overland VSIUysOpfsr f p Wool or th CW Woolworlh V V pf, . 15H I4H . .VUi 27 127 . tit) . 20f H 82.VJ lSJi 4o)i 15 45 2. 15 20 52 32 110 110 M Mil nou na bO'i 81U 18U 18J liii -15i 14f 15 i'AH 44i 271i 27U 127 127M: 127U 07 051i 05.S 20H 20 20H 10 -10 40 DOli S'Jli WM 231i 2Xj 228 220' 103H 103 lUi 105 121J4 121i 12IH 121 124- 124i 12Ui 124i ! for outside securities developed an Ir- rcKUlar price movement, although Iluctu ntlons after Initial dealings were within a narrow range. At times, hesitation was Hhnwn tn tho dealings, especially on tho part of traders who suffered to a con siderable extent In the sharp break yes terday. Aetna Explosive, nfter nn Improvement of nbout i, lost the gain, but subsequent ly milled slightly. American Writing Taper was stronger nt an advance of ?i. Mldvnle Kleel was active nt the start and after a gain of 1 '3 lost tho rractlon. Cuba Cane Sugar continued active and after opening up nearly .1 points eased oft more than n point. Drlggs-Seabury moved within a range of n point; Submarine Boat, after a small advance, declined. Tobacco Products opened down , later rallying. Motor stocks were generally steady. Chevrolet at one time showed an advance of nearly 2 points. White Motors moved within narrow limits. In the lower-priced issues Zinc Concentrating was tho more active, although some of the low-priced oil shares developed fair activity. Copper stocks were slightly irregular on small dealings. Qonds were moderate ly active, Chesapeake and Ohio conver tible r,s wcro Introduced for the first time and moved at a range of of a point. Krle 4a, after a small advnnce, eased off. INDUSTIHALS. Ilalto Tube Aetna Explosives Am-llrltlsn .Mfir Atl (lulf & W I S B do preferred AJax Rubber Itie w I Canadian Cur & rdy (.'an Car A- Fdy pfd Chevrolet Motor Car Cuban Cane Huir Curtlsa Aeroplann I-Mmuml A Jones lirUirs-Seahury Kmerson I'hano Ilasuell & llarker Cur Ilendee MfK , Inter Mer Murine ...., Inter Mer Marino pfd , Kathodlon llronza pref Manhattan Transit Maxim Munition Ml, hale Steel Otis Klevator Otto Klsenlohr w I do prrf Peerless Motor 1'oole i:ok und Mach Ht Joseph Iead .,.,...,, H 8 KrtK w I Htandard Motors Submarine Iloat v t c ctfs , Trlancle Film v t ctfs ,, United I'rollt Hharlnt ,...,,,,, V S l.U-ht i Heat U -S Light ti Heat pfd White Motors w I World Film STANDAItD OIL SUUSIDIAIUE3. Pralrla Pipe 233 Illinois 1X3 Ohio Oil ,.. 235 K o of California 253 H O of ??ew Jersey , . . .524 3 O of New York 210 OTHER Oil, Harnett Oil Cosden Oil , . Chalmers Oil Houston OH MIdn-est Kenning napuipa, MINING STOCKS. Atlanta , ',,. 15 Cerro de Pasco 37 .113 . 22'4 . 20 . 80 . 47 . 70 . 11.1 . S3 .1111 . Hi u . 47 . 42 .131) . 12 . 42 . 25 . 17 . 70 . 21 I'-i . (HI . 7U . (12 . 50 . UUW :.i5g 'X : 'h . sou : k . 1U 1 22 311 31 4!) 70 H 70 01) :m 0.1 Vi 52 44 141 12'.4 43 28 IN 75 2.8 (ii 1715 ll.l 55 1'",. 28 128 17 124 40 4i hi 230 18.1 238 257 527 214 STOCKS. 12V4 2(V5 ll 17 ' m JJU US 104 1)8 02 Tolul .airs. I3.510.OOO. si3.irco.uuu 3eiruajri tnus fur t'J.UO.OO'): same period List Meek 3s . ..,.IU25i lOiti 102 M cv5:.I322 132 J32 4 va mpared wllh fur this Heek. I,956,(K)0. Money In London LONDON. March 2,. Close: Money. 4 Ifc. Discount rat?, short bills, 5$,; three months' bills, 5H. BAB SILyEB sM.'mlthTt9, WM qwtM - li, Now Yvrtc i"t silver was sua ted at STK Quoted ex dividend. o,?! f1"'' "".lO0, sbarrs. roiupured ulth rJi'lJ0!'.u"u,e!' sfla tuus far (His week, i.'oio.-ifio .b"' """e t"'l0d ut w,k: 5I0NEV IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, March 21 Although the tone ot time money market la said to be slightly firmer, rates liave not risen quot ably above the lie-urea established last week, which showed the first advance in fixed date funds In some months. Sup plies of money are In very large volume, but the prospect of heavy foreign and domestic applications for corporate capi tal disposes bankers to act with caution In makiiur commitments for ions- nriH I lutes ore 3H9J Per cent, for $0 days. u uorainsu iiure. money is quoted lor 90 Ilutte 1! I 7. v I ctfs liutte & N Y First National Copper...... Uoldtield Merk-er lli-cla Mlnini; Howe Sound , Jim ttutler ...;.,..,.. Jumbo Kxtenslon. .... ,,..., MuKina Copper .nciuniey-iJurruun Mines of America ,, Nlplsslns Mines Co ,.. Han Toy , ,,.,. West End Consolidated Kenetlck Zinc ............. I10NDS. Erie 4s , illdvule Ss Cerro lis Chesapeake & Ohio 5 w 1,.. K ill in . 1314 87 V 12 1U 68 13H 17 3S H 3 an HI si4' 13 "i in." uH9 Tho New York S'ubtrcasury gained $701,000 from the banks on Monday, mak ing cash net gain since Friday of $2, 212,000. The American Smelting and Refining Company report for the year ended De cember 31 earnings of $14,472,012, against $10,667,822 in 1914. Total income In creased ?fi,420,201 during the year. Bal ance for the year was $7,051,161, equiva lent to 14.1 per cent, on $50,000,000 com mon stock, after charging off $1,616, GG5 for depreciation. This compares with COS per cent, earned on the same stock the previous year, when $1,510,350 was charged off. Interest on dally balances formerly al lowed on deposits of $100 nnd more will hereafter be paid only on accounts of $200 nnd more, according to nn announce ment made today by tho Commonwealth Title Insurance and Trust Company. The limit has been raised because the cost of carrying nccount3 under $200 did not war rant the paying of interest, according to James V, Klllson, tieasurer. The National Bank of Cuba lias sent $800,000 In new Cuban gold to Havana. Tho annual meeting of the stockholders of the Hercules Powder Company was held In Wilmington. Del., today, at which tha ontlre directorate was re-elected. The board comprises R. II. Durham, T. W. Bacchus, J. T. Skelly, C. D. Prlckett and G. II. Markcll, nil of Wilmington, and F. AV. Stark, of Huzleton, Pa. At tho annual meeting in New Bruns wick, N. J., today of the stockholders of the United States Rubber Company, Etlgnr B. Davis, a director and vice nrcsident of the Central Rubber Company, and who is at the viead of the rubber plantation of tno United States Rubber Company in Sumatra, wns elected a director. The 17 directors whose terms of office expired were re-elected. Colonel Colt presided, and the annual report was unanimously adopted. The directors will meet in New York Thursday morning for organization, when It Is expected that the present offi cers will be re-elected. Wheat In the United States east of the Rockies decreased 2,776,000 bushels, west of the Rockies decreased 536,000 bushels, Canadian wheat decreased 466,000 bush els. United States and Canada decreased 3,778,000 bushels, Europe and afloat In creased 6,400,000 bushels, American and European Increased 2,622,000 bushels, corn American Increased 1,191,000 bushels, oats American Increased 336,000 bushels. G. II. Stephenson will discontinue busi ness under the firm name of O, II. StephenBon & Co., but will continue the address ut 220 South Broad street Although the announcement given out after the meeting of the directors of the Central Leather Company was that "a dividend" of $1 had been declared on the common stock, It is learned that here after quarterly disbursements at that rata will be made on the junior Issue. Heretofore annual payments were made on the common stock and on December 30 last the distribution was $1. On February 1, 1915, a dividend of $3 per share was paid and in 1914 the Initial disbursement was made and was $2 per share. Directors of the Anaconda Copper Com pany do not meet until Tuesday, March 28, for dividend action. Inspiration 'direc tors meet Thursday of this week, RATES FOR MONEY ,. , Call. New York 2 Philadelphia 3H4 iloston 3 Chlenco 3',-i4 ..Jr-'."n."ncJ'9lBlr,'"":ri thr80 to six Philadelphia, 314 W4 per cent. Time. 2)4 W3 3i4W4 4 44 4 4)4 months, NEW YORK. COFFEE MARKET 'NEW YOUK, March 21. Tho coffeo market was quiet at tho opening this morning, and llrst prices were ono point higher to two points lower, with sales ot oniy ouu nags on the opening call Today's ,, , openlnc. March April May 7.92 Jane 7,n.17.U7 July 8.02 August Heptember October November December 8.1808.25 January February Males 1000 bags. Yesterday's ciose. 7.84M7.8I! 7.811 l7.nl 7.P3W7.11.1 7.P74K7.IIS n.oncs.ni K.lllSlR.OI! 8.0!) CflS.ll 8.1M8.iri H.17W8.11) 8.21 98.2.1 8.2.1 it 8.27 8.20(J)8.3I a decline of 2 nf,w -' """. mand forced this option up to 12.07c tJ!" orpool was a good buyer or vw,,..V:. tho active months. ""' " Thero was sotno sclllm? nn TZ hy WB," 8troet S b"t MIL1 of tho supply enmo from lntcreSt, , Southern connections and wngTll.'J to bo Droflt-taklng. believed i.Afl.7" the ca" un '"creased supply c-m. into the market at the higher uLu. tabllshed. nnd as a resul It there wen " actions of 3 to 5 points .undeS. Persistent buying of May contracts hr . prominent Broadway house attracted ! good deal of attention and probab? helped to check selling on tho more fAvoraWe view of weather conditions. Trader, seemed to bo puzzled over the concentrated buying of thp near months. Some thougM it represented covering of the short end of Mnyjuly straddle, while others thought it might mean a deslro to secure contro of the local stocks. Prices rallied several points from tho low level, win, nr.. Lrff couple of points over Inst night's Trios n Igurcs early 11 tho noon hour, while later months still showed losses of 3 to 6 polntx The receipts of cotton at the porta for tho day were estimated at 20,000 bales ; b ishni :,?.."." h?'S! -n.s ? 1914. " '"" """ 21,614 bales In Mn rcll -May July October . . . ODecember. January . . Spot Yest. close. .11.11.1 .12.0.1 .12.22 .12.34 12.4!) .12. .1.1 .12.03 Open. 11.11.1 12.02 12.21 12.3.1 12.no 12.57 IIlBh. 11.0.1 12.07 12.2.1 12.3.1 12. .13 12..17 I.OW. Close. ll.tl'l 11.00 11.1)3 12.10 12 18 12.33 12.3S 11.07 12.10 12.18 1!.33 1S.SD 12.(10 Liverpool Cotton I.IVERPOOU March 21. Spot cotton today was quiet and unchanged on the basis of 7.82d. for middling upland. The sales aggregated 5000 bales, lncludlnr 4000 bales American. Tho Imports were 36,000 bales, all American. The market for futures closed barely steady at a net decline of 21-iCM points. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Manall Kuirar Company, quarterly of 14 per cent, on preferred, payable April 1 to morn 01 rccora iiiarcn 1. Nlnlsslnir Sllnes. a dividend of r, per1 cent., payable April 20 to stock of record March 31. Dunuesne Merit Company, regular quarterly of 1 per cent., payable May 1 to stock of record April 1. Central Leather Company, a dividend of (1 a share on common, payable May 1 to holders of record April 10. New England Telephone and Telegraph Com pany, regular quarterly of 1.7S, payable iiuiuii ui iu niuun ui recoru inarcn . Cranby Consolidated Company, regular quar terly of tl.SO per share, payable May 1 to stock of record April 14. Draper Company quarterly dividends of $5 a sharo on common and 2 per cent, on pre ferred, payable April 1 to holders of record March 20. American Telegraph nnd Telephone Com pany, regular quarterly of 2 per cent., pay able April 15 to stock of record March 31, Westmoreland Coal Company, regular semi annual 3Vj per .cent., payable Aprlil to stock of record March 21. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS KW TOUIC. March 21. Hl'TTKR Market n I grades sell Iniv well. Tono firm. Receipts. II. -Ml packages; extra creamery, 31e.: hljber scoring, 3SV430c.i Ktatn dairy. 3737 ftc.l Imltntlnn rrp.imnry, 2iij 27e- "" """' F0as7Mai!j",t. iu.l"t?r . Hecelpts, 34.1JJ cases; extra firsts. 22(S22Wc. . firsts. 2lUlt r.l.c.: white eggs, 20c. i brown errs. HO mixed color, 2l'.4224c: refrigerator 24c. best, .not quoted. IU.4UOU.7U jwu.iu; pigs. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS rilK'Af.O March 21. IICM1K ltsclnl,, 1.1 Ooo head, market Cc. higher. Mixed and JUutch- tTS, 1U..UVH, IU: jflKMJ WllVjr, rough heavy, 4aUi.33; light. 19.03 17.SUtV8.75: bulk. lU.SIIttB.SO. CATTLE ltecelpta. -4000 held; market steady. Ileeves. J7&D.U0; cows and hlrrs. J3.83Me.dll: stockers and feeders. I88.23: Texans. I7&8.75; calves. IU.7.1U1U.73. ailUKP Receipts. 12.000 bead: market stendy. Native and Western, I5.10OSI; Iambs J8.8WOIl.tK). GOVERNMENT BONDS 2s registered 1930 coupon 1930 it registered ltflS 3 coupon 11)18 , . s registered 1923 .. . , . - -. - . - : Tr 1 4s cauntm 1B23 ana a months, tha tradinir na. 4. nA- I Panama f. mt iuMm t " " ' t- . 16111, per Puna-m. :am 1113s Istered 11 cou reu: Did. . uui .1022 .4 09 10C la .103 Askfd. 103 K 102 g HOME STATE INVESTMENTS No, 6 We Offer and Recommend for very conservative investment the First Mortgage Bonds of a large Pennsylvania Public Util ity Company. Junior bonds outstanding to the amount of 1 1-3 times this issue 8how great margin of safety. Interest is earned over 4 times. This in vestment will yield about 4,55, Tax Free in Pennsylvania, Details on application, eANKeas Estisluuid 180 if,t..r. 4V. roo, mrtw, Boo sd cutsisii sis.. Pruus. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAII STOCKS. Bid. . Asked. Jim Ilutler , 85 .87 MarNamara OH .07 Midway 17 , .11) Mlzpah Kxtenslon 18 ' ,20 Montana 23 .28 Northern fitar 14 .10 Tonopah Ilelmont 4U 44. Tonopah. Kxtenslon , 4S -li,, Tonopah Mining (1 ou Itescue Eulft 28 .20 West End 0'J ,71 GOLDFIRLD STOCKS. Atlanta , ID .18 lllue Dull 02 ,04 llooth ;,. ,33 ,34 Bulldog ,,,, ,02 .03 COD 03 .04 Comb Frac , 07 .08 Ulamondtleld Ii I) 02 03 Daisy 04 .mi Florence , 40 4" Ooldfield Consolidated 87 83 Ooldfield Merger ', ,n 'fo Jumbo Kxtenslon 81 03 Kewanaa ,u .iB Oro 04 .05 Silver rick o io? MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Artec 01 .03 Klmberly 01 03 Nevada Hill 17 m Arizona Un 40 '50 Nevada Wonder 1.83 1 70 Kenefick Buys Milan Zinc NEW YORK, March 21 The Kenefick Zinc Corporation announces that It has purchased the entire capitat stock of the Milan Zinc and Lead Corporation, of Jon lln, Mo, A Comparison of Preferred Stocks With Bonds will show that it is sometimes possible to purchase preferred stocks (yielding from six to seven per cent.) which are so well safeguarded and pro tected by earnings that they can be considered almost as safe as mortgage obligations. For the purpose of presenting to investors the very attrac tive' features of preferred stocks of this character we have prepared a special letter giving concrete examples. Send for this letter, No. 352 William P.Bonbright&Co..Inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Manager 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New York Doston Dttrelt London Farls William P. Honbrlght 4: Co. Bonbrlght 4 Co. ELKINS, MORRIS BANKERS & CO. Land Title Building Philadelphia. Luzerne County Gat & Electric Co. 1st Ref. & Imp. 5s, 1948 Tax Exempt in Pennsylvania Yield 5.15 Guaranteed Income Bond $500.00 a Year for 20 Years To any named Beneficiary, GUARANTEES $10,000 total pay ment regardless of length ot time the beneficiary Uvea after your death. At Age of 30 Cost $86.92 a Year (Oroni Annual Cost), Bates at other aces upon avvllcstlas. Address Illinois Life Insurance Company MARK B. LOCKYER, Mansgor Stock Extbunze Uuildlutr. ? - PiBfefToay or accountants Igftljfed l-ublU AauaUBt FOR CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT Tax Free Hailroad Ilond Excellent hrcurity Lurse foluklns fund V PRICE TO YIELD 4.35 Circular furnished upon r.-cuest rV.El.LOR & PETRY Members N. Y. 6 rnlla. Btock ExtlMte 3S8 t'OMMEBCIAli TBUST BUILDUiO Cumulative Preferred EatablUbed tweotr jctr Real E.UU Value Sl.SW.OOO.lW Earunwa nearly flvo tlms dUldtoa rea"1 acnts. Clrrular on rewt. Elwell, Naulty & Company Stork Bxliat5 BUS-. 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