nig.mtmuijJi,ijiyiBHp;ijalHpjt,-V'i' EVENING LEBGEB-PHTLADBLrHTA, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1016, 0 1 DIVORCE LAW REFORM SOUGHT BY CITY COURT ; Annual Report Urge's Need of Uomoaung ueteuuve Made Evidence ! ASKS FOR MORE ROOM Divorce lent'lnUon, to combnt detective manufactured evldenco ntid to cstnlillh ii Vision of Jurisdiction on the bads ot til" alimony Involved, In mmrcted In tho an nual report of tho Municipal Court for the war 1918, made nubile today The report reviews tho Brent number of domestic relations casei considered elurlnp; Uie rear and announce"? that It Is proposed shortly to Invito a comtnlttco of repre sentative socialists and economists to mnUd a atudy of the tabulated details of these tas and present to tho rourt and to the public their conclusions nnd recommenda tions. In round numbers. 3B00 couples have brousht their mnrllnl troubles before the court. Exhaustive data wero tnken on each of these nnd, In addition, nearly 100 cases of unmnrrlcd mothers were taken up. These data, which can be studied for ntodlfylm? social service methods, shaplni? ItgalVprocedure and for tho guidance of legislation, will bo submitted to tho com mltteo Relatlvo to the Immediate leRMatlve needs In regard to dlorco questions, tho report says: "One of tho leBlilatlvo needi tj matte the Domestic notations Court moro nearly Ideal Is concurrent Jurisdiction In divorce Thero might well bo a division of Juris diction In dlvorco on the bnsls of tho nil mony Involved A study of the Btatlitlci of tho domestic relations division shows that comparatively fow families whoso weekly revenue exceeds $25 nro Involved In desertion and nonsupport cases. Tho reason, perhaps, Is that wives and hus bands with larger means Bcolt a solution of their marital difficulties In dlvorco pro ceedings. "Divorce Is disastrous, especially to tho poor. Tho policy and tho machinery of tho domestic relations division of tho court make for tho reconciliation of estranged husbands and wives Were It posslblo to utilize tho probation arm of tho court In dlvorco proceedliiBS thero would be a decrcaso In detcctlvo-manufnctured ovl denco In such cases, nnd doubtless tho dlvorco ovll would bo minimized nmong a class of pcoplo who suffer most from tho consequences. Tho report contains tho following sum mary of tho olumo of business transacted and tho growth slnco It was organized two years ago: iiih toir. Civil sulta n .-,xi'J Criminal inilts .'.Ill 4.MM Juienlle c.iscb. old, now nml recurrent 14,381 10,00, Domcitlc relations cases. new 0.120 4 28T Ulidtmeanants caea (0 months) .. 810 Totals ... L'S.'JJO 3".37fl "In this connection It Is worthy of noto that this Increasing voluinu of business has been disposed of with promptness nnd thoroughness Xlncty-thrco per cent of tho now cases wcro brought to n conclu sion, and out of tho total of 14,107 civil cases for tho two years, only 134 nppeals were taken to tho higher courts, in which there wcro only two rovcrs.Us. Decisions wero reversed In 55 of theso cases." THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON. Jlnrch 20. For carfern Pennsylvania" Increasing cloudiness and warmer tonight, with prob ably rain or snow In north ami west por tions; Tuesday, rain or snow and warm er; moderate varlablo winds becoming southeast An area of high barometer Is central over Maryland nnd southern Pennsylvania this morning and overspreads virtually alt districts cast of the Mississippi Itiver. Fair and cold weather prevails under Its In fluence A dlsturbnnco of moderate ener gy overlies tho northern plains States and Is attended by generally cloudy weather nnd mild temperatures, while pre cipitation Is beginning at boino places Iti the Mississippi Valley and tho western edge of tho lake region Light rains havo been general in the Pacific States. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at 8 a. m . Kastern time Low 8 last Rain Veloc- Elation. a rn n't fall Wind, liy Wnilher Atlanta. On -lit 44 .. r. u clear Atlantic City. 'J4 i!J . . N II Clear iusmarck. N D 38 ail ,04 NVV Cloudy lioaton Mans JO 18 .. Nv HI i l, Buffalo. NY. 10 4 .02 HVV' I J I' Cldy fnarleiton B.C. 48 4il ,, NK HI Clouii Lhlcuso 31 30 ,, MI! II Cloud Cincinnati. O... "J8 till ,. SE .. I Cldj Cleveland. O... 18 1U .. Hi: 10 1 Cldy Denver, Col... B0 48 .. bVV .. I'.cidy Detroit. Jllrh . H4 SO , . S . , l Cldy Galveston. Tex, tltl ml ., SB .. itcidy Harrlsburi. Pa "JO 20 ..NVV . Clear llatteras, N.C. 38 30 . . N 28 Clear Helena. Mont.. 4J 4J .. bV .. I cldy Huron. 8, D... 30 34 ,. Hi: ,. Cloudy Indianapolis . ..H-! an . HK 12 Cloudy JackionvlUa ...00 B8 .. NIV 10 Cloudy XnoxvUI. Ten. 30 3 4 ,. Nil 10 Clear Little Ilock.Ar 48 4H . , K .. Cloudy Ixs Antelea . tlO 00 .01 Ml 12 llaln Urotavllle. Ky . 34 34 . . R 14 Cloudy Montiomery ... SI B4 .. NTS .. Cloudy Montreal. Man 4 .. NVV 18 Cliar Nashville. Tenn 38 SO . . H I' Cldy New Orleans 00 58 . HVV Cloudy Now fork .. .22 20 .02 NV 10 Clear Norfolk. Va. 3J SO .. N 10 Cleur Oklahoma .... SO 60 ., 8 10 Clear Omaha Neb. . 4J 40 .. H ,. Clear Philadelphia 24 2.' .. NVV . Clear Pnoenlx. Aria 88 58 .. K Cloudy Pittsburgh 18 18 .. NVV . Cloudy Portland. Me 14 10 ., NW l Clear Portland. Ore 3J 52 .63 HE Italn Quebec, Can a o .. w 14 Clear M. Loula, Mo 38 38 .. 8B 18 Italn HI. Paul. Minn 38 8J 8 10 Cloudy Halt Lake. Utah 88 58 . . 8 12 P Cld Han Antonio IIO 60 . NE Clear Han Pranctsco 54 54 .02 Nil 12 Ilalu ganta Fe. N M 40 40 . Nil P Cld Ha. Ste. Maria 0 0 . , NK Cloud) Bcranton Pa, 18 14 .04 W . Clear Tampa. Fla, 00 80 . V" Clear Washington 24 2J .. 8W . Clear Winnipeg-. Can. SO 28 .. Calm Cloudy WINTER BESOHTS ATLANTIC CITY. K. J. CV-sV&Jsl TLANTtCCirt. Superior location with an. "'"fiHi uiiiiiu v ion ui j tuidboardwqlK A recognized rf M?sTVrMssVt I I standard ot pxeellence JWi ATlANTIO CITV a' has a at a iou) xtan of aemce.cornfbrtjG I wt FntEFEooritiMitT hotil wijaswis uraa. THE LEADING RESOHT MQIEL Of THE WORLD fllatlboroujfi'Bcnlieiin ATLANTIC CITY.N. J. vua.t:ruiii aiauanfUlflilT- JOSUH WHfTE SO"" COMPANY I OMfj -MlxgAIPlI f, """wlBMrr Jt" pri. baths, run. water, 1 1 , .- .?i.v'- Jrr, v-fclrr Ruhr. - " -m. Mf M tt.VW Wi W-4t -"" SWAKTIUIOBK, FA. STRATH HAVEN INN sSJSSt JUS Ii. r. II. SCUEIBLXX. SCHOOLS AND CQLLE0E3 STRAYFRIC xn Beat Bualnea School t IMPORTED GOWNS SHOWN AT BT1UWBMDGB & CLOTHIER Mnny Interesting Styles From France at Opening "America has gone Into hnlf-monrnlng for tho sorrows of Paris," one might say nfter looking nt tho Imported gowns nt tho Stravvbrldgo ft Clothier opening For never has a season featured so many Rlndes of violet, potunli, mauvo, orchid and Just plain lavender I Models from all Urn famous Parisian houses nrc attractively displayed on a tlowcr-tiden platform, with a canopy of trnlllng ferns, nnd canaries In nrt-nouveau cages, Trimming on tho best styles seems to be confined to a touch of heading, motalllc lace ribbon or ctoth, and flowers, fruits nnd draperies Applique taffeta ribbons nro seen on many of tho skirts, but tho most notable things of all are tho collars You might call them draped, but from the front they suggost nothing clso but a napkin tucked Inelegantly In nt tho throat. They hang In four points, straight from tho chin, like a square pleco of goods with a hole cut In It for tho head A wonderful nfternoon frock from Lan ln Is mado of petunia silk net. Tho un derskirt Is mado of very fine silver cloth, nccordlon plaited Tho bodice Is extreme ly decollcto nt tho front, nnd, with true French Inconsistency, shown a high back ot sheer net. topped nt tho neck with nn tipstnndlng ruff A cnmlsolo of Oriental embroidery Is seen about thren Inches nbove the waist Tho skirt Is made very full, with three rows nf tnffeta apptlquo ribbon In self tones Tho net sleeves nro fitted to the elbow, with a flowing pointed cuff A garland of purplo grapes with vel vet leaves gives tho only noto of color Tho effect la exquisite Tho vogue for one-toned gowns Is new. Ono wei very few. If any, violent color contrasts. A touch of brilliant color Is used with the many vvhlto frocks shown, but the general run of colors nro slnglo tones of Chartreuse green, beige, mustnrd, gold, raspberry, turquoise blue, Husslan green and fow very few corals In tho suit department tho dlrectolro modes prevail A llulloz model ot cross barred taffetas has a regular dlrectolro coat, buttoned over In the front nnd cut off sharply, onlv to fnll In ripples to the knees A .loffro blue coitnult for tho jeuno fillo showed frllllngs of tho suit ma terial as a distinguishing chniacterlstlc. Tho kiddles' styles mark tho passing ot tho "party", dress for youngsters, In favor of tho practical frock of handkerchief linen, lawn or organdie Irish laco Is no tlccablo as a trimming on theso frocks I.lnci nro plain, full skirts, box or side plaited, and Jumper effects prevail. In tho blouso department tho whlto blouso Is effectively supplemented with creations In chiffon, organdlo nnd geor gette. Including every color nnd color combination that ono can Imagine. Government Seeks Firemen nnd Oilers Thero Is a shortage of flremen nnd oil ers In tho engineers' department of tho Government dredgeboats In nnd about Philadelphia A call for applicants has been Issued by tho local Civil Sorvlco office. Tho positions piy from ?10 to $4! a month, including boarding nnd lodging. Applications should bo made at lloom 40J In tho Federal Hulldlng. Police Court Chronicles If women liavo pet dogs, John Martin believes that men havo tho right to bavo pet fish even If thc eau ono about without nny wnter nrotind it John bought tho fish when It was nllvo In a flsh mai kct. Ho took a tight grip on It, Intend ing to fry It for dinner. Mnrtln islted several thirst establish ments, nnd everywhere, ho went tho fish was greatly admired Hut ho found It hard to manage eventually, nnd nt tho suggestion ot a bartender tied a ropo around tho fish's neck. Feeling that tho ropo would mako tho pet's escape Impossi ble, aiartln then decided to let tho run along at tho end of tho ropo on tho ground. Ho doesn't remember how far or how long ho walked Ho finally sat down to rest on nn nsh box near 23d and Berks street, with tho faithful fish still by his side. Ho was In tho midst of a deep slumber when Policeman McNameo spied him, his attention being attracted In John's direc tion by a fcorles of powerful snores. Tho cop was htnrtled when he s,aw Mar tin's strange pet lying Idly on tho end of the ropo near tho sleeper. McNameo shook Martin vigorously, but ho may as well have tried to move tho Hook of Gibraltar With tho assistance ot another top who happened along John was lliiall aroused and asked for an explanation When Mnrtln opened his ees Anally his flrst thought wna of the Hsh. "It's asleep," ho declared, "and where I go my pet goes, too." The policeman agreed, and allowed John to walk to a patrol box dangling tho fish after him along the sidewalk. When the wagon arrived John fell asleep again He was taken to tho 20th and Berks streets t-tation, but for the best of reasons the pet was deserted. John was still asleep when ho was ar raigned before Magistrate Watsorn He dcclured that ho didn't know how he reached the bpot where ho was found, and was chiefly Interested In the whereabouts of his pet fish In order that ho might get on Its trail he was discharged )C n IL. I BnceaBrtaqMH'viilh ' j'ir,iii'.mifa CLUPECO HANDKERCHIEFS after having been washed and ironed, are very carefully inspected none but perfect ones are put up in the germ-proof packages for delivery to you. The cleanest factory, the cleanest operators, the cleanest methods, naturally mean the cleanest handkerchiefs. Four QualitU 10c each, 3 for 25c 2 for 25c and 25c each , g IJjJoattliUrowClUrraxrtoryatTrxiy1K.V.,byCXUETT.I'EABODyCO.,lac. OPENING AT M. WENGER'S Gowns on Artistic Lines Arc Shown nt Shop Amidst a. profusion ot flowers, and with 3S gowns on tho most artistic lines to chooso from, M Wengcr, 1221 Walnut street, formally held tho flrst day ot his three-day spring opening nt his shop today. Ho has a new model called "Tho Wenger Special," designed by experts to meet tho need of the corpulent woman for a suit which will "reduce her to lntf her size " This model Is of black, with a line pin lino check It Is cut under tho arms, over the hips nnd back In nn Ingenious manner, so that It Is possible to reduce tho sire ot tho woman to nn almost Incredulous de gree. Women who hitherto could not wear suits will now bo able to wear them nnd "look right In them," according to Mr Wenger Ho also Inn an exclusive silk wrap model which alms to till the need ot tho sinnrt woman In the mountains or nt the seashore This modal being shown nt his opening Is of bhrk satin, trimmed with silver nnd lined with a chiffon, which blends with tho trimming and the wrap Itself. On tho first floor of the same shop Is tho Shertnk exclusive millinery depart ment, over which Mrs Wenger hns super vision Her good tnsto In choosing won drous head creations Is strikingly demon strated Hho hns models of tho newest nnd most becoming lines On" model, which hns tho brim nnd a high back trim nl In ono pleco nnd nit made of feathers. Is especially attractive It Is done In black, with only tho lines anil unusual handling of the feathers to mako It ono ot the mo.U distinctive models sliou n A number of Georgette models nro nlso being Bhown In this shop WALSH STOKE DISPLAY Largo and Varied Stock of Goods at Second Street Establishment Six floors of furniture nnd ilothlng furniture for every room In tho homo nnd clothing for every member ot the family are on display this week nt the spring opening of tho Phil J Walsh store, 34 .South 2d street The opening begin this morning Tho Walsh store, which Is a part ot tho Phil J Walsh estate, caters to "tho home" nnd gives credit nt cash basis The slogan of tho storo Is: "Credit at Lowest Cash Trices " Tho store his recently celebrated Its fioth anniversary, nnd It has been serving tho peoplo of Philadelphia under the samo slogan for manv jenrs Tho threo upper floors nro filled with furniture, Including even thing from a go-cart or a baby crib to tho most modern tpo of refrigerator, completo library set and bedroom suite Silver, for the table, clocks, linoleum, enrpets and matting nro all found on the threo upper floors Tho three lower floors contain shoes nnd clothing for men and boys nnd wear ing npparol of all descriptions for women nnd girls. Ono of tho fenturcs of tho Walsh mil linery department Is that hats coino Into being right before tho ocs of tho pur chasers. Tho trimmers nt tho Walsh storo occupy positions "right out In front," whero they can recelvo orders directly from women who want new millinery. Whllo tho women watch, tho hats nro created In tho basement ot tho Walsh store nro tho stoves and kitchen iqulpmcnt "Most Btores which glvo credit," said tho manager w hen .showing an enthusiastic customer through tho storo today, "chargo extra prices when they glvo credit. Wo never do Tho prlco Is not Incieabcd by tho fact that wo accommodato In 'giving time.' " Purim Entertainment Downtown A Purlm entertainment was glvon by tho Council of .Towlsh Clubs yesterday to 2000 South Philadelphia children nt AI hambra Theatre, 12th nnd Morris streets Thirty-two clubs wero represented Tho program consisted of a dnnco by Hattlo and Hilda Blleden, a recitation by Elmer Jnspan, nn essay by Rebecca Shlckman, and olln solo by X Satlnsky A moving plUuro show concluded tho ontcrtnlne ment, after which refreshments wero served. 4 Caraf Genuine Mtt& Why ahould wo chareo 120 (or them when we can aell them (or leas than JIUf Any jeweler who could buy diamonds In the roucn In large enoueh quantities and cut them mm eel(. as wo do, could maUa you aa good an oRer !( ha was iiatisncd to set alone on a very small pront W are th only diamond ruttera In ths Htato selllnc to the public direct Tell us what size diamond you want and ' nlll show you hundreds at price that will amaze you Write (or our 170 paio cataloc BBtri"'.; TAOUtn .VOlirW .r"i HcOB-RnUK'V nrSJNuTSrsi;;' i aur nm jif-,.z Mirw.-'a JjOo iy. 1" viiu -! 3-imip arrr nangamH - iA IP AVry0"!"" u)v1lv-j IfBBB&SSS SEPARATE BLOUSE RETURNS TO MILADY'S WARDROBE Its Restoration Signalized by Exten sive Showing at Lit's Tho return ot the separate Mouse ni a distinctive and Indispensable article of the American woman's wardrobe Is testified to l.y tho fact tint Llt's havo devoted the nrst day of their week's opening exeluslve ly to blouses anfl tho separato nhlrta to bo worn with them One chic blouse of tlesh-colored OeorK ctle crepe struck the Vremet nolo with Us pleated collar hanRlno; Gracefully In a military cape effect A black nnd vvhlto check circular skirt, pocketed, of course, provided the "pep" A blnck Neapolitan chnpenu, large and picturesque, completed the costume Another sinnrt model designed for sports occasions h id a becoming touch of blue on the culTa nnd collar A single pearl button furnished the fastening With this jj3 Over 50s 000 Proud Owners of jX KM Whenever you ask a Cunningham owner what Piano he has, he invariably answers, with a tone of contentment, that "I have a Cunningham." No amount of money can buy a better made Piano or a Piano that will give more satisfaction than a Cunningham the result of over a quarter of a century's Piano building. Then again, Cunningham owners are intelligent, shrewd busi ness people, who have realized the real saving they can make 'by purchasing from the manufacturer direct, without lessening the value of the instrument. There are three things to remember when purchasing a Cun ningham Piano: First The price is 25 to 30 lower than any dealer can sell you. This differ ence in price is caused by the in-between profits (which add no value) you save when purchasing from a manufacturer direct. Second That you are not buying a Piano that has been bought for the purpose of making special sales. We have never had to run aCunningham Piano sale (except in the case of discontinued lines and shopworn instruments) to sell our instruments; the value is there, and no subterfuge is necessary to sell them. Third The reputation of the maker is such that a Cunningham owner, should he have trouble, will always find the maker ready to stand back of his product. When purchasing from dealers it is often hard to find who the maker was. 11th Factory, 50th and Parkside Ave. WeBr.Luds 52d and Chestnut Sts. NBrLPhhaad4'2835 Germantown Avenue Open ETtalan OUT-OF-TOWN STORES Scranton, Reading, Pottsvilla, Johnstown, Shampkln, Girardville, Williamiport, Lock Haven ft wlde-wnle corduroy skirt, severely plain and of Joffre blue was worn. That this Is lo bo a loud" season even a blind man would Instinctively prophesy. The majority of the blouses simply scream at one; but strange as It may seem, even the conservative woman la "falling for them " A tjplcal model of this kind Is of chnr trctiso green nnd white georgette The ground work of the blouse Is white The green binds broid unmlstakablo ones, outline the neih the nrms and tho clos ing A striking Incongruity noticed Is that the strictly tailored blouse bears a fem inine frill to belle Its masculinity OAKINfl STYLES REVEALED AT (IMHKL'K FASHION SHOW Wonderful Evening Gowns and New Hathing Suits Attract To be trulv fashionable n woman must have elbows ns well ns ankles, this season The Imported dresses show It for thero nto Trench models galoro to back up tho nmngftam rianos IT PAYS TO THINK I AN O CO. ,- and CHESTNUT STREETS , ,iIUu..,iihi llllinillu.lMlimninmm.nmu.nnnun,,,,,,,,,,,,, SIHi statement with their tricky sleeves ef. laco, lightly tacked together above the elbow and allowing that portion ot one's anatomy to peep out Plenty of other surprises are In stern for the woman who nttends tho fashion show at (Umbel's There Is the fan dress, for Instance The gown Is for eve ning wear, and features pink fallla taf feta, caught up In pannier draperies by n rose at tho hips Tho front panel looks like an apron of lace, ribbed with strips of sequins, but It Isn't It wouldn't rcnlly como from Tnrls If It vvns what It looks' like When the fair wearer spreads out tho tunic there appears not nn apron nt nil, but a wondrous cascade ot laco sim ulating n fan And there nrc at least four feet of It lint this Isn't all Tho best Is et to come For thero nro tho Dentivllle bith Ing -mlts from Marie Thero comblno striking shades of Joffro blue and rose pink, with nn extremely wide skirt on one side nnd a Bttange arrangement of three tiered pnntles on tho other This collec tion nf pnntles extends to the calf nf the leg, and ns though this wero not mifllclent lo attract attention Her la outlined with a Wnlls-nf-Troy effect In blue Another model has a cape which falls s8rjr -.- X X y . & ? SXP vf VI modestly to tho edits of the brthcr'a skirt, not xrlth any eerlouT loss of matcllnl. nowever A bathing cap is nltnctuju to the cape. Most of the bathing costumed "began late and ended early," a Jt were. A navy irahnrdlne trotteur from aquln, shows a monk's cape. In Uho regulation Capuchin shape, stiffened with horsehair to mako It stand up. A catawba- georgetta afternoon frock from Prerrtet has for Its keynote, net sleeves which extend tho foil length of the arm, tcr'mlnnttng In rtHger less gloves on the hand The Spanish Influence Is very notlcenbls on dinner gowns, especially ono mildel of wonderful Spatnsh laco and gold ctoth. The blnck lace veils n yoke of gold cloth on tho Bklrt, nnd Is finished with stream ers. Tho bodlco Is decollete, with full ness accentuating tho bust line. A mili tary buckle nf rhlnestones marks tho girdle. Iouis (XVI) Selso models nro -very popular, too. There nrc a number of Jeuno fille fash ions from Jenny A sports suit of Itn ported pastel roso gabnrdlne with 'vvhlto trimmings Is Rmnrt nnd comblno simplicity ot lino with tho latest trend Iri sports styles Another In velour checks featured a full Jacket and very short skirt ajg