EVftttltta LEBaBB-HILADElLPHrA', ftIOHDAY AlABOH 20 1910. gm , l..r i i GERMANS OPEN NEW OFFENSIVE WEST OF MEUSE French Repulse Infantry Attack at Pepper Heights North of Verdun SAY FOES LACK SPIRIT PARTS, Starch. 20. German troopj aro nren.trlng for an other great assault on tho west bank of the Mcuse IUver, where It ! believed the conflict that wilt Anally determlno tho fnto of Verdun will bo fought. The ofllclnt communique Issued at tho War Orrtco thli nttemoon says that tho Kaiser's force opened a bombardment In this region last night On the east bank Of tho Meuso. French troops completoly checked nn attack on "Pepper Heights." The text of tho official communique follows; West of tho Mcuse tho enemy has directed a very violent bombardment In the region south of Mclancourt. On tho east bank, after nn artillery preparation, tho Germans launched n Bmall attack against our positions at Coto DPolro (Pepper Hill) which was completely checked. Thcro was an Intermittent bombardment of tlio region of Vatix. In the Woevre region tho night wai calm, except for a rather sharp can nonado In Cpnrges, No Important development Is re ported on tho front in grtneral Tho assault showed tho samo lack of spirit displayed by the Germans In recent fighting1 around Verdun, Paris reported. Salandra era, statn la pretesa Inetroerlenza o debolezza dl certi mlnlatrl che si voleva fossero sostut da dementi plu' glovant ed energlcl e dt Idee plu' moderno. Sye clntmente nttaccnto era stato It tnlnlstro deU'Agrlcoltura, on, Cavasola, ma cgll ebbo un vera successo quando pronunclo' tin nbllo dlscorso in cul confuto' tutte le accuse, cosl' che moltl deputatl cho pare vano contro dl lul si dectsoro a votare la flducla net mlnlstero. MAHCONI MINISTRO? Ierl 1'Agenzla Telegraflca Nazlonnle nffermavn cho II govcrno sta organlzzando un mlnlstero dell'AvIazlone, alia testa del qualo Kara.' messo II senatoro augllclmo Marconi, l'llhntro sclenzlato che ora e' ufllclnle deU'cserclto ncU'nrma del Gcnlo, Nella glornata dl eabato un sottomarlno austrlaco rluscl' nd nftondaro un caccln torpedlntere francese nell'Adrlatlco, II Itenaudtn. Tho ufTlclatl o 44 marlnal dell'equlpngglo pcrlrono, compresl II comandaute In prima e quello In secomla, mentro due ufflclall a 34 marlnal furono salvatl. CADORNA APPLAUDITO DA LA FOLLA A PARIGI CONTIMJA L'OFFENSIVA DEGLI ITALIANI CONTRO MONTE SAN MICHELE II Genomic Joflfro Riceve alia Stazione il Generalissimo Italiano "SLACKER" ADMITS HE'D IET A BOMB KILL HIS MOTHER Tells Military Tribunal He Would Not Fire Anti Aircraft Gun Successi di Cadorna sul ' Fella. Gli Austriaci Penetrano in Alcune Trincee Avanzate Davanti a Tolmino LA FIDUCIA A SALANDRA 4 nOMA, 20 Marzo IjO forze Italiano operniitl Bulla fronto dell'Xsonzo nttaccano vlolentemento lo poslzlonl nustriache da Tolmino a Po berdo'. L'azlono della artlgllerlo e' spe clalmento vlolent.i. Nella scorsa settl mana l'pffenslva Itallana nol medio Isonzo, speclalmento nol settoro del Monto San Mlchclc, o' stata Inlnterrotta. Gil nustrlacl tengono ancora una dello quattro clme del montc, ma gll Italian! cercano dl ngglraro la poslzlono dalla parto dl Roschlnl. Nbndlmeno gll nus trlacl sono ancora protettl dnllc loro bnt terlo della clma del rpdgora o dello nitre alture a nord-est dl San Mlchcle. Intanto la quarta clma del San Mlchelo ' nssopgettnta ad un vlolento hoinbnrda mento da parto dello nrtlgllerlo ltallnno che cercano dl spazzare tutto lo sperono Eettentrlonalo del Carso Ierl sera II Mlnlstero della Gucrra pub fcllcavn II segucnte rapporto del eenornlo Cadorna sulla sltuaztono alia fronto ltalo tuistrlaca! "Lungo la fronts del Trenttno o ncH'nlta vnllo dell'Adlgo si ebbero vnncrdl' Inter mittent! nzlonl dj nrtlgtlerta. II -nemlco bombardo' le nostro poslzlonl dl Monte Collo cho I nostro pero' tenncro salda mente. "Nella vallo del Fella I nostrl alplnl sklatorl fecero lncurslonl contro le-posl-zlonl austrlache nl dl la' dot torrente Audela e contro Loopoldsklrchen. Nella notte uno del nostrl repartl. nppdgglato dall'artlgllerla, preso nl nemlco la posl zlono dl Gelbewand, a nord-est del Jof Clma) del Montnslo, cacclandono II nemlco o prcndendogll alcunl prlglonerl. Tllnforzl invlatl In frctta dal nemlco lungo la val Snlsera furono tenuti a dlstanza dalla nostra artlgllerla "Well glornata dl sabato vl fu un'ln tensa azlone da parto deU'artlglleria nemlca nella zona dl Tolmino, cho fu se culta da violent! attacchl contro lo nostra Ilnee della colllna dl Santa Marin. Dopo un vlolento combattlmento durante 11 qualo nol prendemmo nl nemlco due uf ftclall o 29 soldatl. facendoll prlglonlcrl, II nemlco rluscl' a penetrare In alcuno della noatre trincee plu' avanzate. Sul resto della fronte contlnuano 1 duelll di artlgllerla. "Aeroplanl nemlcl hanno bombardato dl nuovo la Punta Sdobba, ma senza rlusclre a causarvl dannl." Notlzle dall'Albanla dlcono che gll nustrlacl hanno contlnuato la loro marcla verso 11 aud e sono ora glut! davanti alia bat di Valona. Lo notlzla e' data In nlla bala dl Valona. I, notizl e' data In un d)8pacclo da Atene alia Exchange Tele graph Company dl Lohdra II telegramma dice che git nustrlacl non hnnno pero' Ihlziato 1'attacco del campo trlncerato dl Valona. LA FIDUCIA A SAfcANDHA. Kella seduta dl Ierl alia Camera del Deputatl Ton. Salandra aveva chlesto che la Camera votasse su dl un ordtne del rlorno presentato dall'on. Morpurgo esprl ments flducla nell'opera del Mlnlstero. nella sua politic economlca o flnanzlarla, speclalmente per quanto rlguarda la pro texlone della vita agrloola, tndustrlale e commerclalo del paese, Iordlne del glorno fu riresentato In segulto ad una discussions vivaclsslma dello qulstlonl economlche inerentl alia guerra, a moltl el attendovano che la Camera avrebbe reso necessarla la rlcostruzlone del gablnetto. Inveca nulla dl tutto clo'. Quando il presi dents Marcora mlse at voti l'ordlne del glorno dl flducla net gablnetto Salandra, 394 deputatl votarono In favore a appena (1 votarono contro. Una. della arm! principal! con cul gll oppoaltori avevano combattuto 11 Mlnlstero A Telegram for You? Perhaps there is a tele gram for you at one of the telegraph offices that has not been delivered. Look In the second column of the Want Ad section of today's Ledger and see if your name is there. Get the habit of reading this list dajly, thus making sure that you get all the tele grams intended for you. Near "Lost and Found" column you will also find a sily list of articles "Found by tke Police." "' Oggl II penrrale Cadorna o' glunto a Partgl, rlcovuto nlla stazlono dal general issimo francesc Joffre o dallo nutorlta", Qundo Joffro o Cadornn sono ufcltl dalla stazlono la folia II ha accompagnatl lino alia sedo del Mlnlstero della Guerra, ap plaudendo nd'Italla, o nol ftneora fine nl I'nlbcrgo dovo Cadorna e' nllogglato. A Pnrlgt o' grando rnttesa per It grando conslgllo dl guerra cho sara" tcnu to nella capltalo francese In questa scttl innna o nol rfunto I'ltnlla sara' rappre scntntn, oltro cho da Cadorna. anchc dall'on. Salandra o dall'on. Sonnlno. Al ronslgllo parterlpernnno la l-'rnnc-la, l'tn ghlltcrra, la Russia, l'ltalla, II Itclglo a la Serbia. In csso sara' dlscuso II pi ano dl una grando offonslva gencralo su tutto lo front! contro la coallzlone tcu tonlca. II conslgllo sara' preslcduto da Tlrland. VI nsRl3tcranno II prlmo minlstro Ingleso Asqulth, sir Kdwnrd Grey o Lloyd George. La llussla sara' rnppresentata dal genpralo Glllnsky o dalfamb.tsclatoro Iswolsky. ALLIED AIR FLEET RAIDS BASE AT ZEEBRUGGE Continued from I'mc One ono child was Injured, in Deal two llttlo girls, sisters, v.o were on their way to Sunday school, were Hilled by shrapnel from tho samo bomb, though several rods separated them. A bomb fell on n motorcar nt Itam'gate, killing tho chaurtcur ntid three children In a group hound for Sunday school, Xlno others wero Injured. PARTS, March 20. In a great ncrlnl Imttlo over Muclhauscn, In upper Alsace. 33 French planes engaged il German air squadron. Tho French lost four machines and their foes three. In another nlr raid on Metz, Chateau Sallns nnd Dlouze, French aviators brought down two moro enemy aircraft. Thero wero no Infantry engagements In tho Verdun region nnd a considerable de creaso In tho activity of tho big guns. Tho raid which led to tno battle was directed ngatnst Muolhausen (Mulhouse) and Hnbshclm, on the edge of tho Hart AVald, Just to the cast of Muelhausen. Altogether 72 shells were dropped on tho Muclhauion freight station and the avia tion camp at Habshelm. The German squadron rose to drlvo off tho invading French anU gave battlo at once. Ono of the most dramatic Inci dents of the engagement ia a. duel be tween a French nnd a German machine, which resulted In each of the two ma chine being riddled by the bullets of tho ."bther's machine gun. Doth were com pelled to descend. Three other French .aeroplanes were so terlously damaged that they wero forced to land In German territory. Another raid of smaller proportions was made by tho French about tho same tlmo on- Metz, Chatcau-Sallns, to the southeast of Metz, and Dleuze, east of Chateau Sallns. Tho targets In this raid, in which five doublo motored aeroplanes took part, were tho balloon station at Metz, tho am munition depots near Chatcau-Sallns and tho ncrodromo at Dleuze. Twenty large shells were dropped on the station at Metz und 10 moro wero divided between tho other two objectives. A German aeroplane reconnoitring In the Verdun region wai brought down by n French machine near Montzevllle, the German machine landing within the French lines. This w.is announced in the afternoon communique. Last night's official communique tells of the bringing down of another German ma chine by Adjutant Xavarre. making the seventh machine brought down by that aviator. . PACIFISTS SHOW FEAR By ELLEN ADAIR Written Speelilly for tho i:rsiNO Lstxizn. LONDON, March 1 I have Just at tended nn Interesting session nt n mili tary scrvlco act tribunal, which sits to hear excuses on tho part of slnglo men who do not wish to Join tho army. In ench big district thero Is n tribunal, but tho proceedings nro mora or less the samo at each Mcmbors of tho tribunal, consisting chiefly of buslnes or public men, sit round a long tnble, with tho chairman In tho centre. Close by sits the clerk with n typewritten list of tho exemption applications, which he calls out In turn. At nnother table sits tho military repre sentative, generally a gentleman of Spar tan calibre, who makes short work of tho "shy" young man unwilling to tako his turn In the trendies. When tho applicant's namo Is called out, nn usher leads In tho bashful and blushing youth. The Ilrst man In wai an anemic-looking person, whoso case was n "consennco" one. No, nothing would Induce him to flght. "If a man hits you on tho no3e," said the chairman with some heat, "would you hit him back?" "N'o," said tho lackadaisical ono plnln tiioly, "I would do nothing at all." "Would you turn him tho other choek?" ""cs, I would." "Would you undertako duty which would bo saving life?" "N'd, I would not do any work which would cnablo a man to do what I am not prepared to do myself." Tho military representative stirred an grily In his chair, then Interrupted: "Sup posing you taw a submarine about to sink a Lusltnul.i, and you had the opportunity to destroy tho submarine, whqt would you do allow tho Lusltanla to bo sunk or do- stroy the submarine?" WOULD LUT SHIP SINK. "If you mean at tho risk of destroying tho crew of the submarine, I say It would bo n very end case, but the pacifist view Is that tho Lusltanla would be allowed to bo sunk," was the answer. Tho Chairman: "Supposo your sister was being murdered by tho enemy, what would you do?" Tho Anemic Young Man. wearily: "I should endeavor to pcrsuado tho enemy, nnd bring myself before him to receive his blows, but I could not go tho longth of killing him.'' Tho Chairman, assuming nn attitude of horror: "Not even to prevent your sis ter being murdered?" "NO!" The Chairman: "Then I think you'ro hopeless!" To the furious Indignation of tho Anernlu Young Man, tho tribunal recom mended him for noncombatant scrvlco. He protested loudly, but the next caso was called up and no ono listened to his la mentations. A llttlo hairdresser, 26 years old, said that his business was In tho Soho dis trict of London, and that ho was tho only Hngllsh-born -barber in the neighbor hood. If ho went to war, his foreign competitors would tako all his business and he would havo nothing left. Ho de clared that ho gavo his parents 55 and $6 n week, had a sister 10 years old,, also a brother. "In tho nntlonnl Interests this man aught to go," said the military representa tive, sternly. BARBEn GETS A CHANCC. Then the chairman spoko: "Ono does not like utterly to destroy tho man's pos sessions," ho said In kindly tones. "Wo will postpono his caso for a month, bo as to give him tlmo to mako arrange ments for the proper carrying on of tho business. He can, If he likes, then apply to U3 again for a further postponement " The military representative looked peevish. "I hope this man will go," he observed, ns the little hairdresser skipped blithely from tho room. Tho next case was a clerk with a con science eo tender that It would not even allow him to give a drink of water to a wounded soldier or help In nny way "so that the man might bo mended to kill nn other Individual." Ills sentiments seemed hardly In accord with tho dictates of hu manity, although with a pious air he re marked: "If God permitted tho war, He did so for a wlso reason, but Ho has not told mo to take part In It." Tho military representative, however, soon mended tho omission. GERMANY DENIES U-BOAT ATTACK SANK TUBANTIA No Mines Laid Off North Hinder Sands, Where Liner Was Lost DUTCH TALK OF WAR AMSTERDAM, March 20. Holland has sent a strong note lo Berlin rela tive to the sinking of the Tubnntln, says the Nicuw Van, Den Tag. An immediate reply Is requested. Some Dutch papers express the fear that Holland and Germany arc near war. THIl HAGUE, March 20. Tho German Ambassador to Holland has Informed tho Dutch Foreign Office that nn Investigation by tho German Ministry of Marino has showed that hero wero no German subma rines In tho vicinity of tho Dutch liner Tubnntla when she was sunk off North Hinder Sands, last Thursday morning. The German Ambassador also said that no German mines had been laid there. LONDON, March 20. Tho Dally Chronicle's Amsterdam correspondent cables that It Is Impossible to cxngger nto tho nnger nnd nnxlcty all over Hol land over I ho news of a second disaster to Dutch Bhlpplng In the North Sea, Tho correspondent Bays: "It Is Impossible to cxnggcrato the anger and nnxloty all over Holland over tho news of tho second disaster of recent tlmo to Dutch shipping In tho North Sea. "The outlook Is now most serious. In Amsterdam all tho streets and cafes nro thronged. On nil sides ono hears the expression of exasperation and of opinion that the time to net has arrived. "Holland has BUddcnly changed from It nation Indirectly affected by the war to ono prepared and determined If necessary to take a very different rolo. A sudden seriousness has seized tho people. "Your correspondent Is reliably In formed that threo very large submarines, each carrying 120 men, were completed at Antwerp last week, being prepared for Immediate scrvlco on tho Belgtnn coast." Tim HAGtin. March 20. Tho Nether lands press, discussing the sinking of tho liner Tubantla, refers to tho possibilities of war between Germany nnd Holland. Tho Amsterdnm Handclsblad, after dis cussing tho uselessness of such a conflict nnd considering tho many tics between tho two countries, ndds: "Nevertheless, nothing would be moro damaging to our Independence and na tional existence than tho conviction gain ing ground that wo aro unprepared to shed our blood for tho defense of our rights and Independence. If tho attack was mado ngalnst tho orders of the German Ad miralty, we expect tho submarine com mander will get what a pirate deserves." Tho Nleuwo Ilottcrdamscho Courant says : "If the German navy seeks a conflict with us. It should say bo. Tho German Government Is using tho surest means of hurting our national feelings." Tho Vaderland asks It tho tlmo has not coma for America, Holland, Argentine, Brazil, Chill, Sweden, Norway and Den mark to tako comblnod action, Engineer Do Groot, of tho Tubantla, now makes tho statement that an hour nnd a half after leaving the ship ho saw a submarine of foreign build. MILLION DEAD, SERBIA'S TOLL OF WAR WOES Sword, Starvation and Dis ease Take One-Fifth of Nation's People OTHERS IN DIRE WANT By HENRY WOOD HOME, March 20. Serbia has lost near ly 1,000,000 of her 6,000,000 people through death by the nword, by starvation, or In tho recent typhus epidemic, th Prince Itcgent Alexander today declared, Tho remaining 4,000,000 face starvation. It Is to savo them from the greatost calamity In history that Prlnco Alexander, tho Prime MlnUtcr Pnchltch and tho Foreign Stlnlster Jovnnovltch havo begun a tour of Allied capitals. They hope to get military action In tho Balkans that will Insuro tho restoration of their native country. "Americans can only form nn Idea of tho conditions In Serbia by Imagining the situation In Belgium, had not America undertaken to feed the civilian popula tion," said tho Prlnco ltegent. "Hvcn this plcturo Is Inadequate, because Serbia was not nearly tho productive, prosperous country that Belgium was before tho war. BIG TOLL OF MOUTALtTY. "Terrible ns have been the losses In our army, they havo been vastly less than our civil losses. During the first two Austrian Invasions of 1911, vlrtunlly tho entire clvlllnn population In the devastated dis tricts was cither massacred or cnrrlcd off Into captivity In Austria. "Then came the typhus epidemic, carry ing off more thn 100,0)0. Hardly had this been overcome when tho Germans Invaded laBt October. Hundreds of thousands moro cither fell before tho Invaders or fled to other countries, hoping to escape death. Our population hns been diminished by nt least ono-nfth, a greater perccntngo than has been Buffered by any other nation in volved In tho war." Trlnco Alexander realizes, ho said, that only by keeping Intact Serbia's fighting forces could he hope to redeem his country from Its enemies. For this reason every thing olso was abandoned during tho dis astrous retreat through Albania. PIUNCn STANDS BY FOIICCS. Tho aged King Peter, suffering intense ly from tho hardships of tho retreat through tho mountains, left his armed forces In command of his son. Prince Alexander refused to lenvo the Albanian const until tho last Serbian soldier had boen transported to Corfu, or elsewhere, for reorganization. Ho has himself Just recovered from the sufferings ho shared with his men In tho Albanian retreat. "With tho Serbian nrmy which retreat ed bofore the combined German, Austrian and Bulgarlnn forces vastly superior In number and equipment to their own, thero retreated thousands upon thousands of women, children and old men," said Prlnco Alexander "Hememberlng tho atrocities committed by tho Austro-Hungarlans dur ing tho Invnslons of August, September and November, tho'so women nnd children nnd old men fled under the most tcrrlblo conditions Imaginable, despite repeated or ders and recommendations of tho Serbian Government that they remain. "Unfortunately, it hns since developed that these poor people wero only too right. Wo of tho Serbian Government wero only too wrong. For Information reaching us from Serbia, Montenegro and Albania gives the most sombre plcturo of tho gen eral situation. DISEASE AND HUNGER "Enemy armies, wo havo lenrned, havo tnken from the Serbian population every fifMit-'ifl The World's Greatest Violinists We've all their Victor Records. These ulman lour tavontes are typical of many 74163 Humoreaqua PENJNSS. 74341 Thnii Meditation 74384 J Largo (by Handel) 74197 J C.prico Vennoii " We have the largest stock of Records in PhiJa delphia. Como and hear them tomorrow. ET" U$Em) ) PHON06RAafe ! khcisi.kh 12 in. $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 17 South Ninth St OPPOSITE rOBTOl'PIOB f.Jtti :.v.i'- ''t'VvVs d-i f. "CiiJ . 3K3-S7:. U-i S. 41 53S -3 K' m ?3p.i'--:.j mxfc m csf? ?! l:'M. -f-S -.. h ' ivi&iri . 1 fj.- r-m c, rm . .IJ.W n(v im m m m XMl&fi iflte tt wm$mmmmwK Mm l iV.JJ M XJA ST.--'& I- i" & !.'.- j:iHiaKS- ." mumnm- The Chicago, Milwaukee l St. Paul Railway announces that the All-Steel Transcontinental trains "The Olympian" and "The Columbian' between Chicago, Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma are now operated elec trically between Three Forks and Deer lodge, Montana. The stretch of 115 miles now under electrical operation, is the first unit of the electrified district of this rail way, extending from Harlowton, Montanq, to Avery, Idaho, a distance of 440 miles, across the Grtiat Con tinental Divide. Sind or call for booklet lvln eoaoltts and Interotln Information. G. J. LINCOLN, General Agent 81$ Chwtnut St, V.V.KirSS-.rf;.HiiiJ1Il.MCvUif,!r4s: Philadelphia, Pa. C'lV--.it.tJjl.l.w'itiV;ti.-iUA.i,.; MOT W Vi means of existence. There are whole dis trict where the entire population Is dylnr ot hunger nnd, dlnease. ' "Thoso Serbian rafugeea who fled across the Albanian Alps Buffered untold tortures during; their wanderings. The greater part would eurely havo died but for the holp extended by your noble Americans. Thanks to this energetic assistance thou sands ot little children, with their parents, were saved, for mo It Is truly n pleasure to be able to say this publicly. In the ter rible disaster which has befallen the Serbian people, and amidst the general horrors of war everywhere. It Is no small consolation to see the noble American peoplo undertaking- n work of humanity with self-nbnegatlon, admirable ns well as Incontestable. "But, despite alt the Serbian people have suffered, those hero with me, to the Inst man, have unshaken confidence In tho ultimate victory for liberty and Justice, which, without fall, serves to aggrandize and ennoble every people, especially the people of the Serbian race." GERMAN CMTIC SUSPECTS BRITONS SANK TUBANTIA Stirring of 111 Feeling Against Ger many Given ns Object BEIltilNi March 20. Count Iteventlow, famous Oerman naval critic, In nn artl clo - In the Deutsche Tageaeltung, saya there Is ground for tho suspicion that a Drltlsh submarine sank the Dutch liner Tubantla last Thursday, Ho added that thoro have been similar occasions when tho probability existed that British sub marines destroyed neutral ships and then spread reports that German boats had been responsible. The object of England, Count Itevent low Bays, Is to breed 111 feeling between noutral countries and Germany. RUSSIANS LOSE 60-MILE ATTACH isMiuiN mm War Office Saya 9270 D J at Narocz FIGHT WEST OP dvin! LONDON, March 20 Nine u,- II rtusslans wero left lying on mtTSx of the battleneld nfi.- . ' HcUW offensive ngalnst the Oerrnah, Dvlnsk, according to a Berlin 7.r nr announcement yesterday. " The attacks were launched In .. .. . Ilstrlct west of the Dvlna. fn, hLU Ightlng was around Lakes DrliruW'V dl fltrhll tawy nnd Naroc It was at Naroca that SJ7J hit-. 1 slans were counted afir ih. .7,?j recoiled. "hl The Russians have mads rrcil i arntlons for their drive, neatir fe detail of which was reporua $ Oerman staff by scouting u nnd 7nnMln. Th n wPIBn enfthllf1 tn nnnr-ant-n .. il. .. tyft Bravely the Czar's soldier, m. if to the attack time and aga b2 VKiaau u ll UiUlier liTt, l I- - m BONW1T TELLER. &,CO. Sfie SpecfalfyShopOnginalion6 CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET MSB ettetoe Correct Women's Tailleur Suits and Costumes de Soie Special Emphasis Is Given to a Very Large Collection of Simple Tailleur Suits at 25.00 35.00 39.50 These suits take form in smart plain tailored mod els, ieatunng mannisn types, Godet flares, belted modes and long line blouse effects. Devel oped in serge, gabardine, Poiret twill, .Bradley, Callot and velours, checks. They possess the style individualism, the finesse and ele gancies of tailoring associated with the Bonwit Teller standard. Costumes Elegantes 55.00 95.00 up to 250.00 Breton basque, Pelerine, Mandarin, Blouse, Red ingote and Bouffant types each developed with in dividual graces evidenced by bizarre amulet but tons, chic belts, tooled leather garniture, broderie d'argent, collar, cuff and skirt treatment. Modes that take form in fine cloth textures, faill.e silk, taf- feta chiffon and libellule, brochc and brocaded silks, tussore, Giraldi and Britannia silks. NevQ Gown Fashions Simple but with the simplicity achieved only by the genius of art and artistry are the corsages df the.new gowns. The skirts show a detail of treat ment. Altogether different in movement and sil houette are these gown modes many Spanish themes of the Goya period are 'introduced 1830 quaintness is traced in others the curious historic mingling of the Louis Seize regime and China is given expression. Georgette Crepes and Taffetas 32.50 39.00 49.50 Day Time Coats Bolivia of n soft, silky texture in un usual colorings and styles. Huge checks in pastel tones and hand loomed Homespuns serges ana gaDaraines, Satin Apres-Midi Coats Sumptuous, lusterful satins in a striklne silhouette with collars and footbands of marabou. . 4t? A Wlfsp:"x Manon" Evening Wraps Quaint, simple, ingenious, these "Manon" wraps of taffeta, with the typical cjuiltcd and fluted edgesand sleeveless- Millinery Originations Of classic simplicity and unique kptt- tlons of all the well-known Parisian modistes I Our new Spring model are , becomingly attractive. Prices 10.00,, 4 25.00 up to 75,00 8mmzmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I 11 lili! li.ln IIUTTf --- -" -.-.-,v.,;.-.i-Tg . --- - - ' . ;m:a .-. -i . kHaUrjfl m