EVEfflffft LEDftERpHTT,Ar-rcT,PmA. SATURDAY, MARCH 18,1916. j I GOVERNOR HEARS FRIENDLY SONS CHEER PENROSE I r Brumbaugh Not Received With Enthusiasm at Banquet i NOTED MEN ATTEND Striking Speechmaking When Erin's Sons Dine Although not present himself, mention of Senator Penrose's name brines' forth ovation of six minutes, which perplexed Governor Brum baugh. Governor Brumbaugh's address brings forth only m'agrc npplause and enthusiasm, although toast is "To Pennsylvania." Senator James A. Reed, of Mis souri, warns sons of Erin prepared ness is price of peace. "The time for prattling old women to preach pence at any price has passed," he said, "and our watchword from now' on must be instead freedom at nny price, and all Americans must be ready to meet the inevitable is sue." Patriotic sentiments voiced by Governor Dunne, of Illinois. "Let us leave to our children a heritage far more valuable than power or wealth the heritage of patriotism and love for the greatest and grandest nation on earth. Such is the heritage descended to us from our forefathers in both peace and war-" ... Banquet ends with toast to the President, which Toostmastcr Ityan says has not been proposed since 1814. "In the words of that toast," Mr. Ityan says,-" 'In this hour of. danger we know no party rnd we drinlt to the President of the United States.' " 24 HOURS FftOM ATLANTIC SITY Suffrngist Leader Has Difficult Trip From Shore Hero to Boost Conference A lonff, Rrnj- rnndster, driven by Mrs. A. II. Hopkins, of Morrlstown. V. J., State chairman of the Confireslon-il Union, reached the lieatlnunrtoni of tho Rqu.il Franchise Society. 9th stioet abovo Chest nut, today, after a tlllllcult trip from At lantic City Almost 21 hours were re quired for the trip because of tho heavy roads Mrs Hopkins, who Is a sister of Mrs. Charles Oclrlchi. of Nev York. Is In Phil adelphia to Interest local suffragists In tho meeting of the Second Congressional Hlstrlct conference, to be held at Atlantic City next Tuesday. With her In tho au tomobile as Miss Agnes V. Campbell, of Short Hills. N .1 , district organizer for the ConRiosslotial fnlon. Two yellow, white and blue flags, of the Congresi'onal fnlon. fluttered from each side of the sent, and across the back a canvas banner bore tho slogan of tho union. "We demand nn amendment to Constitution enfranchising women." the PLANS TO "WIPE OUT STAIN OF BLOCKLEY" Director Krusen Says Plans Arc Progressing Bybcrry Farms the First Step One of the chief topics of discussion among politicians today and tho SiiO mem bers nnd guests who attended the 115th annual dinner of tho Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. In tho llellevuc-Stratford. last night, was tho slx-mlnute ovation for Senator Penrose, whllo (Invcrnor Drum baugh's speech was greeted with small enthusiasm. Tho namo of William How ard Taft ulso wns greeted with prolonged cheers Senator Penrose was detained In Pitts burgh, yet It remained for the mention of the Senator's name attached to a telegram of congratulation read by Michael .1. Ryan, tho toastmaster, to furnish the dramatic momont of the dinner. As Mr. Ilyan refolded tho little yellow Up and added "Yours, Doles Penrose." tho effect was almost electrical. Diners leaped to their feet, cheered and cheered, and tho ovation grew to such nn extent that tho toastmaster tried In vain to stop the outburst Governor Brumbaugh was present at the ovation tended the absentee, nnd while the executive smiled nt first, as tho applause expanded in olume, his faco later assumed an expression of evident perplexity Tho contrast between tho greetings to Senator Penrose nnd tho Gov ernor v.as notable, tn th latter case, the handclapplug was brief. noti:d men present. Clergymen, Catholic and Protestant, but Irish withal, were among tho guests In goodly number, as were Irish patriarchs, who In the days when they were gossoons had enjoyed the sacred soil of the little green isle across the sea. Representatives of kindred organiza tions, too, weio conspicuous nmong tho guests They included Abel rtottoms, president of St. George's Society ; Caleb J. Milne, Jr. piesldent of St. Andrew's So ciety, and .1 Covering Jones, president of the Welsh Society Others nt the guests' tabic were Theodore F. Jenkins. r tiring preMdont, Michael J. P.ynu, tonstmanler and new president; Senator .lames A. Heed, of Missouri; Governor Edward F. Dunne, of Illinois; Goernor Ilrumbaugh, Archblnhop Prendergast, Thomas D Fergu. on. Judge Chailes 1. Urown, W. T. Wheeler, tho Rev. Joseph J. Hamilgan, Uarr H Hepburn, James L. Hughes. E. Vs. Greeuwalt Thomas A. Fnhy, John M. Reynolds Hugh McCaffrey. vMaJor John Weaer. the Director of Wharves, Docks and Ferric, George S Webster; cx-CongresHinaii Michael Doiiohne, Jiutlce Emnrv A Walling, Lieutenant Governor Mcl'lain. General Thomas J. Stewart, the Rev Pr William II Roberts, the Rev. Dr. J Gray llolton. William Gorman, dm-Ifl-eumun William S. Vnre. John M. Campbell the J5ev Dr Paul S. Howe. Dr. U Wei, iter Fox. Edward J Kelly, ex-Con-sressmari J Washington hogue, the Rev. Thomas W Davis and Warden Robert J. McKenty CHEERS FOR PENROSE. It lemalneil for an unconventional Creeling to un absentee to furnish the dramutu.- moment of the dinner. .Michael J. Ryan, the toastmaster. unconsciously furnished the motive forco for the exulta tion He unwound a Uttlo ynlloTw messjge from Stnutor Penrose, unavoidably de tained In Pittsburgh. Tlia-Senator told ot his aiinojance at being forced to miss the dinner, and paid an eloquent tribute to the society and its hospitality. As the toastmaster read "Yours. Holes Penrose, the effect was electrical The diners leaped to their feet, whllo tlwy houted and 'cheered disorganized!)-. The ovation crew in volume ns it expanded In length, and the toastmaster tried in vain to quell tho outburst. I NEW HAMPSHIRE GIItLS VISIT 1NDKPENDEXCE HALL Delegation Stops Here on Tour to Washington Ninety girls and boys, graduates of the Keena High School, Keene, N. H , ar rived in Philadelphia over the Pennsyl vania Railroad today from New York on their way to Washington. D. C. - The party, which Includes a few friends of the graduates. Is in charge of C. It. Dresser, head master of the Keene High ' School, and two matrons, Mrs. I M. Willard and Mrs. Louis A. Piper. Yester day was devoted to a general tour of New York city. While In Philadelphia the visitors will tlsit Independence Hall and the United States Mint. They wilt leave this after noon for Washington. The girls are to remain In that city until Thursday morn Inr at 9 o'clock, when they leave for home. Keene High School seniors each year Uke a trip at their own expense. .VIRGINIA OUTLAW KILLED Jack Allen, of Hillsville Gang, Shot in Fight ROANOKE. Va . March 18 Jack Allen. member of the family of Aliens who shot up the courtroom at Hillsville. Va.. sev eral years sgo. is dead, and Will McGraw U being sought today as his slayer. The young brother of Sldna and Floyd Allen met McGraw at the home of Mrs. Blrt Martin, seven miles from Mount Airy. N ' last night The shooting of Allen occurred there, and McGraw disappeared tauaedutely afterward. 24 HOURS FROM THE SHORE -? , . -o ,rr? ' I Plans for "wiping out tlu stain of Work ! lo" nio progressing rapidly under the I supervision of Dlirctor Kiucn, of the ! I pnrtuipnt of Health and fliVrltles, who c ! tlmates his needs fur this purpose nt $V S0O.00O. Tim $.1,000,001) Item for the Phil adelphia Genciul Hospital In the proposed fSO.SOO.OOO loan bill will be Used exclu sively nt Hj berry Farm", ns the first step in tho four years' worl; mapped out to In crease the comfort anil health ot the city's poor nml unfoitiiiinlp Few person', outsid" tho members of Councils' Finance I'onmiltlee. nrc familiar with the fact Unit not one cent of the planned loan will be utillod nt tho big institution at Itlth and Pino Ml cots, anil that the $1,000,000 available for HlocUley ImpunemenU Is not likely to bo touched foi more than two ycius to come. These facts ate explained bj the removal scheme mapped out by Dliertor Krusen In dWcussliig his plans for the next four years. In connection with Rloclilcy, Director Kiuscii today said- "Tho $2,000,000 III the loan for the Gen eial Hospital will be spent nt llyberry In the construction of homes for the feeble-minded patients and tho tubercular patients. The tnoni-y will not complete the buildings, ns $4,000,000 would be needed for the purpose It will put them In such shape, however, that we can movo tubercular and fccblc-mlmlcd patients ns well as Insane to tho country. Onco the family nt Illocldey. which numbers be tween 6000 nnd 7000 persons, is reduced to tills extent, It will leave us only tho side to euro for at tflth and Pine streets. Tll'.so can be moved Into orto wing, nnd then work can be stalled on n new Hinck ley. I hopo tojinve the work nt llyberry far enough completed to nviko this ic movnl possible In two years. Wo have Jl.ODO.flOO that can be useil only nt lilock ley, nnd that villi start tho work of re building. If our plans nnd hopes work out. Councils, by that time, will be asked to Unci tho money necessary to tho build ing of the new nincklcv, and this can probably bo dono in tho last two years of tho prcent administration. "Our plans havo been carefully gone over, nnd somo new home must tlrst be found for tho patients before any tearing dqwii Is dono nt the 34th nnd Pine streets Institution. I also hope by that time to get money enough to complcto llyberry so that a home In the country will bo assured to tho patients most in need of outdoor life. If present plans arc carried out nnd Councils finds it possible to pro vide the needed money, Philadelphia at tho close of this administration will havo just leason to bu proud of tho housing and rare of Its unfortunates. Councils have been as liberal as possible at this time, and vvc can go ahead Just as soon ns the loan legislation Is completed." HAS ANYBODY SEEN "ROWDY"? Reward for Boy's Dog Nnmeil for Slip-Horn Artist "I want S"U to put 111 the Evkni.vo I.kkokh that Rowdy ran away from me," said l.awrnnce Hutler, 10 jcars old. of 1434 Tusker street, "nnd If nnv ono sees him, please send him home. Rowdy nnd I w-ei taking it wall: down uiound 15th and Moore yesterday afternoon, when a big bulldog came up and bra led him lie stalled to run out Moore street nnd that is the IiiM I have seen of mv dog" Rowdy is n black and white wire-haired foxterrler and was wearing a black le.ithei c-il.li' l.aw'ance and several of litis f i lends spent this moinlng hunting fur the iiinaw.iv. and engeily nsked every ' one they met if they had been Rowdy. . "I Know he didn't mean to run away," said UuMiince. tearfully, "lie Just got scared I do hopo some one sees him and brings liim home again." The boy's father has offered it reward for the return of the dog. DECISION IX BREWERS' CONTEMPT CASE POSTPONED Ruling in Proceeding Against Lem beck Held Up Probably Until May PITTSBURGH. March IS The con tempt chargo ugainst Oustav W. Lembeck, nf Jeisev City, treasurer of the United States Urewers' Association, will not liVj disposed or unup me may term oi court in Pittsburgh, Federal Judge W. H. S. Thomson Indicated today. I.embeck was presented or contempt with three others, two acquitted and one taking an appeal to the Circuit Court yes terday, for failure to produce books and records of the United States Urewers' As sociation In tho Government probe of brewery contributions to political campaigns. Prizes Awarded in County Fair UI.OOMSBURO, Pa, March 18 Scott township has been awarded tho prize for the best general display in the Columbia County School Fair. Dr. J. George Ilecht, secretary of the State Board of Educa tion, declared the exhibits typified the community development Idea better than any others he had ever seen. Chester Morgan, a Montour township boy, won first place on four varieties of apples. Hemlock township had the best exhibit of corn. Leg" Comfort Va uriruoe Aeln. Is Ulcr. Itvuk Ankle, 8olUn Icca. make tlfo mUrabltft There U a raeasag ot Joy for ou In the Corliss Laced Stocking A scientific support and lev treat ment that glvea Immediate com tott and sure help. No elasttc to bind adjust to every condition without rubber. I -a under as i tsfly as a towel. Keeps shape wears for months. Made to your measure. 91.75 each, or two for same let;. 33.00. Call and be measured fre. or write for self nioasurement blank No. It). We- also make abdominal belts (rni elastic) to order- h.vm fltrt o dUy O to -I Sat Pccoa.CorlUs Limb Specialty Co 13 1-13-13. Filbert HU I'hIU, l'u. buite 430. UtlX phone, Walnut m. 2 iCj I MassaujUm.w. . .u.. InmnpcmnfAnnif m. SPRING TWO DAYS OFF JITNEYS MUST HAVE STATE CERTIFICATES Temperature of 10 Degrees i P u b 1 i c Service Commission Rules Nickcl-a-Iiide Autos Common Carriers Here Some Parts of State Show 32 Below Lowest Temperatures Recorded on March 18 Vnlley Forge 2 Mrrion n Hryn Mnwr , . fi Chestnut Hill 8 Orcxrl Hill !) Lnnsdowno 10 Philadelphia It) McKinloy 20 Ilrndforri ....,.,,. 'J ft Brookvillc n...i.lo Below. P.O. NEW YORK UtfE BLOCKED FIVE HOURS Derailment of Car at. Me-, tuchen 'Holds Up Traffic A temperature of ten doKiecB thh morn iw Ut lowest of nny March 18 on rccotd and the coldest mark kIiicc February 15, t-n nnti(f nnother setback III its advance nniv fn more dnyi remain of winter nnd vi-t winter continues to relRii supreme. Mr- nnd mor ccitiiln doe It appear that sprliiR will bp dcl,i.ved this Jmr. Tho 1 cold weather nt till") period it not un precedented but It Is rntlicr unuiu.il While no iitlinr Maicii IS can bnnst of lly a dcclilon made public by the Pub lic Service Commlslon. In Harrlsburtr to day, firms, corporations or Individuals operntltiir nutomobllcs or other vehicles in "jitney" service must obtain certificates I hf public convenience from tho commls- i 8,on' 1 Commissioner John Monnnhan, of Philadelphia, who vviote the opinion, my Jitneys nro "common carriers beyond dis pute " As n result of this opinion, which cov ers three complaints brmiRbt iiRnlnst Jit -nev operators In l,ackftwaniia County, thousands of JltnejB thioUKhout the State must oblnln certlllcales If they wish to L'ontlnuo tn tho business. Mr Mona plinn n.ijn in the course of the opinion "Any one who holds lilmsclt out to tho 1 uh:u ns ready to undertake for hire or tewiild the transportation of Roods from place to place, nnd so Invites the custom of Hi public. Is In the estimation of tho law i. common carrier. "We have, therefore, come to the con elusion thnt the respondent Is u public hcrvlce company nnd Is entitled to nil tho rlfihts nnd liable to nil the duties Imposed by the public t-oivleo coinp.tny laws Tin respondent bclnp a nubile service com pany nnv not lawfully begin business without the 'npp oval of thu Commission ' " The main lino of the Pennsylvania Itnllrond between this city and New York wns blocked for ncnrly five hours and . portion of tho 'signal system of the line was crippled early t6day by the derail ment of n car of a blc Adams Express Company train, about 1000 feet west ot the station nt Metuchen, K. J. A broken car wheel -was the catie ot tho accident, nnd when the Adams Ex press car left tho rails It crashed against a slRnal bridge, causing tho structure to collapse. Alt nf the tracks were blocked by the debris, nnd the signal system was immediately put out of commission. Twenty-six passenger trains, 10 east bound and 10 westbound, were held up. In tho number were several Important through tmlns to western points. It la estimated that several thousand passen cers were marooned In trains bphlnd the hnrrii vde. Wrecking crows were on the spot early nnd worked fast to clear the tracks and lift the blockade. The tracks were finally cleared nbout 2 30 o'clock this morning sui'li n low mark as 10 degrees, later days m .vinr, n nave registered colder vventher, ! Cnnuli-it Athletic Chili Incorporated notably the third week In March. 18S, Vnm tl" ' . . . V . ncorPori"co U'llnn .tlirliif ,. ,.M,l ..ll" SI-.-I. ! I ! P.I.I.Mll' AllllUtll' Clllll of t Hill bowed .1 minimum temperature of fi d'e-! ,,el!' f '"'"V' "' ' l.r",",1"' K'"" ""lll glees It was during this period that Mrs. A. II. Hopkins, Nw Jersey clutirmnn of the Women's Con- Krcssionnl Union, drove this car into town todny after heavy travel- inp; from Atlantic City. She wns accompanied hy Miss Ariics Campbell, district organizer. CITY HAS RIGHT TO CUT THROUGH "CHINESE WALL" OF KIRKBRIDE'S Court Rules Right of Eminent Domain Permits Munici pality to Carry Out Program and That Plaintiffs May Sue for Damages Case May Be Appealed The city has the light to plcrco tho "Chinese Wall" of West Philadelphia with thoroughfares. Tills opinion wn. handed down today by President Judge Martin, ot the Court of Common Plets No. G, In dismissing a suit by tho contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital to enjoin the city from opening 41th street through the.giouitds of Kiik brlde's. tho plaintiffs' insane department, which sprawls over acres of ground In u highly developed section. The costs of tho proceedings were put on the plaintiffs, who, It is understood, will appeal to tho Supreme Court The right of eminent domain may bo exercKed bv the city. Judge Martin said, without nnv violation of the State or Federal Constitutions Hond has been tiled hj the city to secure the plaintiffs LASTOF 7 ACCUSED IN LUMBER SWINDLE HELD for the damage resulting fiom the open ing of the street "It Is Incident to the rovercignty of evory Cov eminent that It may take pil vate propel ty for public use." tho opinion continued, quoting a derision of Judge P.ixhon In tlie Supremo Court In u simi lar case. "Of the necessity and expedi ency of Ilils taking the (loveimneut must Judge, nml the only limitations to which this power is subject nio that the taking must lie for public us.e. nnd with tho con comitant obligation to make just compen sation for tho pioperty taken." The right of tho plaintiffs to suo for damages i exulting from the opening of tho street was stated In the opinion Tho plaintiffs contended that the mi3 city or dinance, providing for tho opening of llth street, was Illegal in view of the act ot I S.I I. b which the hospital was given the right by the State to maintain Its giounds Intact G. H. Ashley Surrenders Him self to Federal Authorities The last of the seven men accused of being Implicated in the JBOO.OOn lumber swindle anil sought by Federal Inspectors suriendered himself to Postal lii'.pector Frank Wilbur Smith in the Federal Build ing today. He IwCeorge Herbert Ashley, of 1525 .Mount Veinon stieet. u salesman, said to be employed by Mlngus & Futter. lumber dealers in tl.e Frnnl.Ilit lluililliiR Seven nun wcto indicted bv the Fed eral (Irand Jury They have been hum moned to appear before Judge Dickinson In the United Stntes Hlstrlct Court next .Monday morning, at 10 o'clock, to enter pleas. An eighth person Indicted Is said to be an olllce boy in one of tho concerns, and doubt was expressed bv potal In spectois as to whether ho would even bo apprehended. According'to tho indictment. Ashley was mentioned ns nn olllcer of the Imperial and tho Phoenix Lumber Companies, with ollUes on different occasions In the Fm plie. tho Hutchinson and the Cioer Uuildlngs. ' Ho also Is said tn have signed several of the notes used In connection with the scheme. Auhley. in surrendering himself, told Inspector Smith that he had luard he was being sought, nnd wanted to do the right thing. Ho was paroled In the custody of his counsel. J. Washington l.ogue. tleoree II. Dalryniple, who came from ! New Vorlt yehterday, and who atcoiding to Inspectors was one of the ring-leaders. Is still In Moyameiislng prison, .Mr Smith said, having been unable to obtain the JH500 bail which was lUed In New Yoilt, where ho was arrested "YOU MURDERED ME," WOMAN SUICIDE WROTE "I Loved You Better Thnn Any Other Woman Will," Says Letter NI1W YOniC, March IS. A romance thnt began three years ago with a flirta tion closed Thursday when Miss Addlo Itlcliardson, of 21C Cumberland street, Itrooklyn, realizing that tho man was going to leave her, wioto a letter accus ing him of destroying her life, and then committed suicide with poison. Frank Il.ixtor. tho man of whom she wroto "I loved you better thnn any other woman will over love you," had Just re turned to the house. Ignorant of what Bho had done, to pack his clothes, when her body was found. Miss nichardson, nG, wns a fitter In tho department storo of Frederick Loeser & Co, nrooklyn. Her landlady, Mrs. F. If. James, said: "Miss Utchardhim was ono of the most beautiful women I havo ever seen " Haxter, 38. who occupied a room adjoining that nf the vrnmnn who loved hlin. Is n aalesmnn for IS. i iter, Kelly & Faust, dry goods Importers, nt 29 Kast 19th street, Manhattan. Mocwe's Gold Deposited in Hank UEltUN. Maich IS One iiiilliuif marks ($250,000) In gold, brought back to tier many by the Moewe. has been deposited In the Ileichsbank ponding decision by a prize court as, to Its disposition The gold U in 16 cases, 11 of bullion and 2 of dust 4& ; swefc..- ?'r7"" Special Dcmoiv titration, Mon. Tnes. and -Weil nf the . Elliot Woodworker now ts'lns Bhon ut uur Iwxati In lite llUll'M SaveM 2Src of woodworking coils ELLIOT WOODWORKER. Ltd. iiiiLitsi; in. mi. SI 03 Mooilnuril Vie.. Ilrtrolt. Midi. Cer. ullritt & ltiltlnirit. Toronto. Ont. (rUl THE PHILADELPHIA ART GALLERIES S. E. Cor. 15th and Chestnut Sts. )tr.i:i II. VV.M.31KU. Mxr. Late M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneer! NOW ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW ChlDDendale. Ilepptewhlte Sheraton. Lacquer and Old Colonial Furniture LOUIS MV tlILT AK CIIAIKS IN AL'lll.'ShO.V T.U'L'SIHV OBJECTS OF ART And many other appointments of art lit tic character from the estate of RICHARD L. WILLING. Deceased LATB OF 2010 DB LA.VCEV FI.ACFJ. rilllDEU'HfA ity order of Mr J Kent Willlns. Executor also DIAMONDS and JEWELRY (To be sold for accountof whom It may concern) and the Furnishings, Gallery of Paintings r-HOJl tub home op MRS. L. READ ut:;viu:viii'HNT IJlVfl THl.lVn By order of llr T Wlllilnnon. to be aold ut L'NItKSTHICTEU I'l'iiMi' MAI.B Rjxrinnincr rTlllQ Martli If 1 T?.11...:.. TV...... "&.'".e rT . ' " i'uuuwiii ijaya id UBUTUltll liVl II ,1 I KK.VUII.N VJ AT : Catalogues mulled upon reiuet. .-:S, m The Great Interchangeable-Type Typewriter One MULTIPLEX HAM MOND TYPEWRITER writes over 50 Languages in all styles of Type (all instantly inter' changeable). Two styles of Type always in the machines "Just Turn the Knob" and change instantly from one to the other. Hammond Typewriter Company Foot East 69th St.. New York. 208 South llth St., I'hila. Business Show, Booths 4 and 5 nio ersiwinip rrcorn ror .vlnroli is vviih lY'RlBtcrcil fiillll tlili morning thnt reo mil wns 11 iIpkicod other sections of the State reported rt'conl-lirenltlnir cold vv cither. At 0 o'clock this mornlnir It was 23 ileiirees lieluvv zero nt Tlrnilforcl. Pa . and In the ! surroiindliiR country It wnn ni low ai .12 ileRreea below, with three to four feet of mow In tho woods Oilier low marks weio nt McKlnlcy. 20 decrees helow, and Ilrookvllle, Jefferson County, IS ilcKrecs helow. 'DELAYED, HUT NOT DEFEATED' Bnlky Auto Compels Guests nt A. O. H. Bnnquet to Wait for "Ents" A linltty nutomohllo nearly broke up. and certainly Intern pteil. tho banquet of I'lvislou 21. Ancient Order nf Hibernians. In Mnennerchor Hall. "0th nnd Market Ftreet", last nlslit More than 100 mom lieis and nucsts had ir.ithcred nwnltlnR the hour t-el for the feast The hour came, but tho "eats" not. nnd Thomas II. Downey, president nf the division, an nounced thnt there hnd been nn accident to the catcrcr'H automobile. "Wo will bo delayed, but not defeated." ho said, "and our nppetltes will be all tho stroiiRcr when the victuals arrive." They were. Tho "eats" nrrlvcil about 10 o'clock. Subsistence until then wns found In speeches nnd oyster cocktails, which wcro not Included in the fractious auto mobllo'n carKo. and iilTonl n oituiiltlet foi trcrentlnn for Indoor sport utid pastime," wns In , rorporaled under th" New Jorev Inw , today In Camden The trustet-i nf Hie cluli ate .liiine Stovvnrt. 12JS Itaddnn . nveuue; W'llll.iin Stndtler, 12.' I ltiiddou avenue; OeorRe llllvrr.soii, in?n lluddon nveuue. I."vl llolii. .105 South Rth I street. Camden, nnd Walter Ilcove, "if I Clay avenue, t amden i H. E A T ING I HOT WATER VAPOR STEASI M. J..MARGUUES & CO. 125 So. 5th 1'IIILADELPHIA Iloth riione J. E. Caldvs?ell & Co. qoz Chestnut Street because of their facilities for securing choicest gems from the source are enabled to offer their patrons excep tional advantages in the selection of Pearls, Pearl Necklaces, Diamonds and Precious Stone Jewelry SmSmhl0'1' Royal Matter Model 10 fill'e 6l-:W Price $100 III Royal Typewriter completes tie modern business reaiiraftibi The Royal is the finishing touch to that office efficiency which the aggressive business organization must have it was invented and designed and is built to meet the typewriter needs of the business world today. The Royal means economy because it ends excessive repairs it is built for long life and for the finest work. You buy it with the confident knowledge that it will not have to be "traded-out" after two or three years. The user of but one Royal enjoys the same advantage as the organization which requires a hundred or more. i Compare the Work 5J Compare the work done on the Royal compare its appearance ; note the perfect presswork, the exact even lines, the sureness of results which tells of mechanical precision. This precise harmony of all moving parts, the swift and sure mechanical response, this perfect presswork all these enable the typist to do more work, to do it better and to do it with much less effort. Compare the work. Get the facts. Telephone or write us now. Let the Royal prove itself to you and for you. A demonstration does not place you under the slightest obliga tion. Royal Typewriter Company, lnca 904 Walnut St. Phila.,Pa. Phones: Keystone Main 3071 Bell Walnut 1223 Brancht and Agcnrfei thm World Outr You Can Accept the Judgment of These Big Concerns They Got the FACTS They Got the ROYAL Hale & Kilburn Company I)rerl & Company J. W. Faxson Company Allen It. Cressmnn's Sons Tracy I'arry Company West Klectric Hair Curler Company Henry W, Hronn & Company The Evening Bulletin Manufacturers' Casualty Ins. Company Bureau of Compulsory Education Ponna. Soc'y Protect Child'n from Cruelty IMiila. School Christian Workers Chichester Chemical Company Land Title & Trust Company I'hila. Company Guaranteeing mortgages Simpson, Brown & Williams American Baptist Pub. Society I'hila. Saving Fund Society Sla. Board of Education eriran Hadiator Company He Motor Car Company !, Dun & Company National City Bank Anaconda Copper Company New York Railways Company American Smelting & Refining Company American Tobacco Company P. Lorillard & Company New York Edison Company United Electric Light & Power Company Germania Life Insurance Company Colgate & Company New York Insurance Company Police Department of New York United States Steel Products Company The Dictaphone Company Carnegie Steel Company American Bridge Company Westinghouse Electric Mfg. Company Gillette Safety Razor Company Chicago & Alton R. R. ' Pittsburgh Railways Company U, S. Post office Department U. S. War Department The B. P. Goodrich Company Cadillac Motor Car Company Pere Marquette Railroad Michigan Central Railroad Pullman Company . sasjfasas&Mdi.A