Emmrmmm- i--rtw.i-.i -ncjgs 1 g OF TENNIS MRS SUITABLE PROGRESSIVES ngei4 Set Was Decidedly ,,'nst Declaring Bundy d McLoughlin 'Pros' boon to the game t WILLIAM T. TILDEN, 2D F.kev didn't do It' -l course nere ttlWf 0l 17..- tf e V 1. T A In XU the question of the amateur wot? -i fntirlce McLoiiEhlln and W i f Bundy. tt wna claimed that tho 'IK" ii,- enortlllC COods StOfO Of f'1" . .j. them nrofeaslonaln ftf o W.r. ..-,.,! meetlnc. when every ono e1 i HiAAllntf when pvprv 1 iad terrible scrap over the fiues P-a. rtniarvntlve element, who wen " ' . - ..-rilde norma over the riues- , the nnmteilr rule nnd wished to "iMSe men ileclarcd professlotialR, .n. nut tho altitude of tho rep- Eiitlrw, found that the support of KSt-mm and Bundy was so strong iliW decided not to raise the ttiea ia to turn It over to the Kxecutlye ' .a . . nnnulttoMtllnti II till nrtlnn. 5t ih committee met last night and titol the consideration but not the . Tor this year, at least, no action men. nnd tho cllelblllty of these Elilnttt Tho committee will merely K-.it miendnients to next yearns mect WZfto be acted on then. Tt la a vlc- f tot the progressive, jumiBtr uilmiiuiu ;.. i.nnk world tt,tlp()Int t I'hllndelphla tennis iiTtD 0n tniS JJUlllC n ec iniiuimum; in- Cto the tendency of the times toward ,fg -ma, mo men in v.nec ww iiiik'ii- v.iii Kg eM ichool, conservative to tho limit Ejrfliigtho amateur question, nre all in Enort of debarring Mclaughlin nnd Ejy Mr. Albert h. Hosklns Is h rigid faTtf I" l" SCII-lcwe. eveeue ul ,cn eiuiii- it nit, as Is Or K. U. Dewhurst nnd tt prominent men of the tennis world Pilltdelphla who represent the older f this nuestlon. HmVounKer men aro nil in support of IfcWujhlln and Bundy This attitude is urtif shown. Since in lliu i.csc lew vvccica un talked to many of our younger Kjtrer on this point and every one wltli Ctetceptlon took tho liberal standpoint. !W3 raises an Interesting question, to?!? because the younger clement all the same way it uoesn c necessarily that they uro right. Not at all. r may be wrong:, but tho point It i make forcibly aim pointedly la tn.it kf oDirdon In tennis. Just as In nil K6r brunches of activity, determines j, and that a liberal ruling on this eattur question must be, nnd In fact n. taken by the V. K N. I,. T A. i vr are wrong, wo will learn by sad epnrlence, and the old rule will return power. It we arc rigut, nnu i nciiovu i n a fairer, more lust and enual Mutce wilt be given to all our players. IB will be a pleasure to know that with mis action, or rather hick of action, by EtiExecutlvc Committee a large Cnll ftrala representation In our Kastcrn tour- aienta ,1s assured. It was known that hint prominent players, among them JIc laiiMuv Bundy Johnston, Mary Browne, 6(n. Bundy, Florence Sutton nnd Miss Tlintma Were merely waiting for the result of this meeting before making plans Wcome hast, provided no action was sura asalnst tho California stars. Now neirlU apiln have the pleasure of vlevv 'ei, the wonderful tennis nnd equally JMderful good sportsmanship of the Cali fornia stars. - GASOLINE TO KEEP GOING UP WHILE THE WAR LASTS Trade Commission Finds Advance Not Due to Discrimination WlftHIVHTOV Affiol. IB nnnm-au rtly 'will receive an olllcliil i eport from Federal Trade Commission that Ameri uiconsumers of gaHolIno must expect ttlaued advances in tho prlcen of that rjiact at least ilurliiB the continuance of HKuropean war iTlie commission's Inquiry Is being Mi to conclusion nnd will show. It was arned today that the hluli jirieo now &g paid by K.isollno consumers Is not sJo discriminatory prnetlres. hut may Ijttributed entirely to tho uuprocpdonted siMrid of warriiiir nations for this 'piod- TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES ,K'L.."? ' nl iBlind mid. feir'Si TrmtXUti 8t "n" J""nfU yHl'r J'rJ'on i:il7 H M.irkoe si . nnd K2i.Rit0'lm"le' Connhohoeken. I'.l . and Hinrhe Hammer NnrrUtnnn. I'.l. So. i ,i".lh,'j; -"t1 k STih st.. and KlUii. ftrLAi.bUurter ;W1 I.udlow t. E, iUir,nem'in -" s -'I st. and nilZH- a f 'lerolnK -l-it Wlnton st. SS.TuVni.&sL't""" "' una IU2,e Sl""B- ErE-ei,ri?'iii'rar-;r,ltord' nml is,i,n R vS' i!,hm ...r.'i-i. -N- .Marshal st.. und vi.3-."00" -"-7 N 7th st. mfiS,"ftiUit-1 i.w"" u'"' AJ lSSolS2,'!.lfS Uork- ani1 Tlnu II. gfyu!i1iuU'0.r.nawa,, BU an" g.Vssa!?-ii4vJGay.r "' n,iJ the weather Official Forecast tofj . . "'"'iiiuiu.i, Jiarcn la. S,v e",ef" Pennsylvania and New Xl7 ,y cloU(ly nnd not sq cold XV Bnd. Sun1ay moderate shifting becoming southeast. JM area of high barometer that was $ller "1W .Michigan yesterday ffloyed southeastward and Is central r4pea.ke iiay thla morning. It lh. un!.? fuhc- drop In temperature at Middle and North Atlantic States, ireh ew 8,atl0n i report the lowest rSUfnniperature on record. The tern B rJi "9 rlse" "Ply n tho upper region and continue to rise slowly fihiif i1 ,centl valleys and tlSj cot Rait, f r wea"r Is reported from wn of tho country this morning, g large percentage of clear skies. (Jj. S, Weather Bureau Bulletin gjrv.tloM takeout hum. Kastern lime. Sinn 8 ,aa! Jlan Veloc- W. Ca a-?;.n h'""- Wind. liy. Weather tatlc rafi i' 1'. V , . Clear apt n a is js fe.s v i VUle, in li T?,fclArk 3.1 58 NW 13 N NW IS K SW . . HB .. NE 12 till 13 SI-3 .. SB .. a lo nw .. NR 12 NW It flW .. NW 14 SB 13 aw . . rriejir Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy I'.Cldy Cloudy P.CIdy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear P.CIdy Clear Cloudy Cldudy Clar .01 K Clear K 11 Clear KT Clae SB .. 8W NW 18 NK 12 SW NW 211 N 10 Cloudy Clear Clear llatn Cloudy Clear Clear 5 !. TTn p.?. i'j nTk- '.-" "- n riv.' - 5B .VI ft a a si 34 St 34 St 30 Clear JHEftU 12 f NW Clear Clear I'.CIdy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy cluudy PCU CUbtr CUar Char ar 0 NW 13 SK 12 W N W 3 8K N 33 MR NB SH' "e tt o $&& it Sol' M at teL 81 si fr. m ii vs : i"ra. 3 ii., E 0 " M jI .T NW VB ' N NW 13 l:. ' i i eru " r CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER n-,!".1? STrtB TTPE (or like this) one time ..m .,,,,,,, iru nr lln Tlirra itmo one week. ..,.." 124o bl SJ Six times one week loe fr line Situations Wanted, three tlm'S one week. 10 rents pur aitato line per Insertion. Place your order for three or more times .and it will be in serted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. nSntrnnr.,5.wf,.lm rate for Erni-o t.nnosa ISati. lini Jm.E" Pomb,ned l m, tents per and si!;,iil!.uh.,n'i "eeptlon of Help Wanted line sltuatlon Wanted, which la l.'i cents per FOIt TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) ?.tcr!7 l""P'tled In all rlnMincatlnna e. KSini'et? .'"", ."""atlons Wanted. I,,t and of AnovA-F" A0ATB 1'1NB TO ANT There Is n drug store near your home thnt will accept Ledger want nds at office rates. LOST AND FOUND I'or other l.n.t nn,l round AiN See I'nir 1 Dmto.vr) mN(IS-To-.,t. ,l.irlnc week of TelT. twn ioVrLn.'tv "f ",!,t nd Mt. Vernon sti . i"" iji rlnR: one contain :t iii.itnnml mounted In platinum, the other turmiol.e rrSi1.?! Tl"f 'll?.m".".rtf- I.n!era iBwnrd Cheytnm M. ,0 ' '" l Mw" Co" " Di'.iL"MJMt,i ShTherd 1ob. -lw with "smtiJ tn m2?J,l,lC,Jir?llT,,.l"r lo nll.",Uh", "ensed l fit Si' . '""I"- ''ommiinlrnte mm more 7n'l ' A,'lln10r", Telephone Ard- r)(,'' 'nl!, I'erldnaenn iloff," MarTh-ti,-llijii Todd," '."JR hMlr ?ll.h ?'" breast n,.ni Toddy. Mb reward. r..1IS Ue nhard t rul WwcUmMfii-Wor Woodland IMM'.'-M ,'mT,ir7in'!r?',,;,v'. " mn,r" ro111". nr ' marked, white hretisi, feet nnd now iteunrd lf rxturned t.MII'JT Hheruond rd , Oierhrook" 1,A.I., 'V'f V'."T.- 'hmnond bar pip I'rld ty nUht ?.!. if? V;AlKln".. t.lheril reward If re- tjirneiltt Mrs. .1 lleerwnld. t2n SpruiT st. SlAt.SI4tN .MUI'F .it "llluei.ir.l." Ilroad and husquehanna; lib rew. rtiurn 21.11 N. tRth. PEHSONALS THIH "CLASSIFICATION I, fr au. Ii niinomiee". menti in are of a pureh perennil ehnracter such ni ehlldren for adoption, nppeali for t wee In ilMireR, for location of Inxt rela tlvea, pivmenf and nnnpnment of dehta. ete o'jr neda when llcte.1 here nrn not ronfuwd with adyertleemenm of a commercial nature. See lluvlneaq l'crsitmiiy ' for Imimrtant trarle nnnntinrementn UNCLAIMED TELEOKAMS WKSTiniN ITNION TKMhTltAI'lfVll Mrs" I hhnlecky. Ituhber Insulator Corp . Vln I'lnrenrn .Merldith. Mr (1c., .lohnelon. Plain Tenfold: Clarence linker. W .1 r'M.ill"v; .Mra. ,. .1. CimnltiRham. Mle II. leu Alex ander. JIra W. II Dunn Mn Urn bow ..C".. HZ! . ' Converae Herbert Onkel lOHTAl. Ti:hl;(lltAI'It CO Thw llnlilm, uni M. Kennedy. Mr. nnd Mra Arthur SelUmnn, .Mia. Clarke, n ! Cllft FOUND BY THE POLICE HJL'ND 7 rnineliea of ln-sn. 1 mitoniobile lamp. I pair ryrnlnan's In case. 1 ladv's drew. .1 automobile iranlc 1 autnmoblln tire, 1 straw linn cunUilnliiif uearluir nppnrcl, I rerelnt liook. t l.idv's autn (ell. J pocltel liooki mntalnliiB nuini., I iKirkollmlfo, 4 small riiBi, 1 pnck.tae of bulbs. 1 sweater. 3 skid chains. 1 fur neckpiece, I ladVs hand bag. 1 cent's oer(il. 1 Krlp contiilllltic -earln npnarel, 1 Imi nf lilenrv. 1 nirlor lamp. 1 slhcr uatch. 1 roll r tapitry. 1 K'-nts s.ick i oat. 1 striw Imr 7 nulnmoblle robes. 1 l.idv's murf. 1 mi'dlcluc ase. 1 Rent's t-rn en it. i. iiu.intltv of ivnnu auto taRs for 1010. Apply to Walter (311b. rt. Chief Clerk. Hur-uu tit I'ollec. Hnom JIO. City Hall. HELP WANTED FEMALE Help Wanted Ad. Unrolled Trni I.:ile for rinislflriitlun Will be I'mind unj'iiire i CI.KHK for p.irnll and Renepal offlie work In mill nfllie on outskirts of Wet l'hllailel phl.i: state iiRe. cNpeilence. sal.ir desired. I' .":I0. LedRer Ofllce ci.oth wi:avi:iis wanti:d Apply JOHN AND JAMKS DOIISON. INC. Blanket Mills, .Scott's lane, III Hi of Hclmylklll. COOIC nnt aeneral housework: prefer with daughter about Id. help with baby: refer nmn. Call at II' n'clorl:. mil Franklin llullillng. COOK, white, (Irst class on pies, cakes nod pastry, to work In restaurant: must hno references. .I.Tt. le'daer Ofllee. lTltnsSMAKHKS I.'xpert ilreiii trimmers, only those from the most fushlonnbla es. talillshmenta desired, Iouk seasnns; ntxu vacancies for neat outur Klrli ai aopren tlees. Apply before, b :io a. in., French IireKsun.ikimr Whop, tldrd llnnr. Market St.. .STItAWHUIDOU & CI.OTHIIHt. IHti:SHMAKi:it wants llnlshers on wahls. competent In eery wav. one used to lino work. Cunntms haiii, Hio:i Walnut. oi:.N'i:n.vi. iioi'skwouk"" onti.s. also COOKS CHAMIir.ltMAII). WAITUKSHIIS. CHII.DNCItHKS. MOTIIKUN' Hlll.l'IirtS. 1ITC. Alti: IN CONSTANT IICJIANII. I'O SITIONS AR1J OI'KN IN CITY AND SITU- runs fuii iioTii wiirru and coi.uiti;i IIIII.P YOU CAN HIIACIl TIIIISi: ll PLOYHitS TIlItOI'OH U'.DOr.lt WANT ADS. WltlTi: Oil CAM. ON Till: HOl'SK HOI.D ItnolhTIlV 1IUUKAU: Ml.-S, Hiy.JU CAN 1IKI.I YOU TO A HOOD POSITION SUITK.S JIB. WASIUNHTON IIIMI.IJINO, IIOS ClinsTNCTST. lllll!. for downstairs work Apply N. K. ior. York road. alley ruau. yjaiv ....- Ollll.. lolored. wishes day's work, tlty or suburbs. 2IIS2 Feminist. oTiTT.S over HI lo learn lovurlnc wood heels. 7th flnor. air. N 12th.- ; llolISIIWOltlv ' Settled woman: no heavy Vnrli. ref. reiiulred. Call 1130 S. 33d st. HOt'snwbllK Vnunc I'rot.; elderly iiiuplo, Booj home. kikkI wu's, city. 1IJ20. r.ed Off. .SIIAMSTIIIISS. I'nit . "lapablo; Iluhl Uutba: best refereme. 13311 Walnut at. STKNOrjIlAI'HEK Sluat be college, or blsh sdmol craduaie, with experience Iti edi torial work preferred, for a publlshlnB house; capable of linndllns lilnh-uraila correspond ence' 2.1 to 83 ears of line, bee "Miss Dean," Ledger Central. Ilroad and Chest nut sts. Tni.KPHO.VI3 O P k n A T o n s WANTKU llrltfht jouiib women between 17 and 33 years old. to tako ui telephone operating-, no experleneo necessary, salary paid whllo learnlnis: pleasunt work, permanent position Apply t person, nell Telephono Co.. lOtt Market St.. between 8:30 a. in, and S p. m. WOMAN for general housework, cooklnt: com! Kline l'hon Colllmtswood tn or call 01U Grant ' West Collln-swood. N. J WOMEN to run "machinery In twine mill. John T lUlley Co.. Water . Jnd Taskerata. Vot'NO' OIRI. to usslst wftb Keneraj, house- work In family of two, and small child. family " ashdMig.outi.il Jg& .? 5t'-- ATTBNTION'!' STENOaRAI'llKItS IlOOKKtJKPKltS. Cl.EIlKS Aro you seeklns a position or do you de slro to better your position? itlsht ader ilslna and iwrsonal service are two of the leudlne factors. Uolh can be found at Lcdzer Central A large number of joumj lidles havo found these of ureal benellt. 'Miss Dean" will help, you write an at tractive advertisement, list your qualifica tions and elve ou her personal attention and aid Hundreds of ounit Udlta who havo had tils service will testify to the satisfac tory results obtained This Is free to iiditer advertisers. Have a talk with "Miss Dean" at once her advice Is free. Broad and Chestnut sts. - " ' Philadelphia. March 15, luTe. ' near Miss Pn. ldBr Centrals Jusl a Une to thank vou for the position vou sot for me at the lUsal Shoe Factory, iStti and I Brown its.. Phltadelpbla. It Is certainly Una la overy way. If only there were more slrls who knew about the way you can help them obtain oosltloBS. I have told every one I met about vnur method, and there were lota of people SK, kMvV nothln about It. Thankfully; " ' General WOJIBN WANTED t A8 OOVKUNMENf CLERKS: 110 month; Philadelphia examlca. tions ooralus. aampla questions free. FrunW tln Institute T Dept-. 713 N.. Kochester. N T. HELP WANTED MALE i llOY far olc work, must be more than iS yars Apply Mr. naleUjh, Rooca 40T iai ctisstnut st. gT.4,'' refer. HELP "WANTED MALE t'dJiftnnei front PrrertH-no Column TiOV wanted In oftlee. we ores J 4 per week . Aniwer own wrlttnr A tin, fidte? Office HOY wanted to.feed Job prem, eharire for ad vancement Ware llrothcre fompany. loin HOT. T(l,7nr lnvratiee office: Rood nnnor". timtyi etate ferencj. and ewlen??.""'? ftny A 123, I. pr Onion necw M 8lg. ledger Oftlee. r rf.intK wantkh qt-At.iftKn r-. POUT SIIUHM.Vd (-I.KIIIC Vve lll-T nXPKIUt:JrF.tJ NRl:l) API'l.V i' nan. i.i:ou:it oKrii'K. -,1''. C1.F.HICAI, WOHK HlKh or bulnM ho"a trrnduate. IT to in j ears old for nrli on snlei record, svatem nnd eneral clerleat work: Protectant onv brlna letters iif Sf erenee fall Frtdav ewn nB at 7 o'eloek 7l.- l.nfnjette Ilulldihe. l ' CIflcl' CLOTH WIJAVKHS AVAS'TIIb 'Apply joh.n jami& tioiMDif, t.ve. lilankel Stills. ScotPs tah. Fallc of Schuylkill. rcJ;vt"'!A,Ah'' "iwrlenrr.il. slnale, while, fef !o,i?;Jlosernnivt JM0?9 Hrvn Mawr (ml CnOK Wauled, n colored man to cook occa. slnnil v over Sijiir.lay nhd Sunday nt a bunealow Alli7.t.e.lirer Ofllce. nilAFOIITSMAN on Jlaus nnd tlMure nnd nulomallc mnchlnen state nite, esperienco iindsnlarv Adrlresi 1' ."os l,eder oftlee lHtiVIIltS wantrifior drop-bottom wauonO Apply 1304 n. Mrtntaomery avo ... . "imnis" " ve want men with nbllltv, niritresivene and nmhltlnn couple,! ith modern buslnea dru store eitTertence There In a areat opportunity for the rlohl men. Write, niv Incr your nunlinc.ulons as vnu Hie tbem nnd three (rood references. M Sin, I.eder Oftlee. HHIIAND riOV wanted In printing- office Applv Ware Pros. Co . Inio Arch si. ilorsriMAN. white must have Kood refer- ence Call. .1 p in SJSJH llltlenhouse e, JOI1 IMinssiLxN "familiar wllli'lmff-tono nnd color wnrk. P r.07. Ledger Ofnce I.IIAO IlimNIJlls; first i lass men wante.l at once, blc,' Job, prevailing rale of waires paid M SHI. Ledger nfflis MACHINIST, all iirnund mechnnte. wnnted In repair crew Paper Mill, llrblae and Thomp son sts., Hrldesburg. MACHINISTS wnnled at nine, first-class ln.tti? horizontal boring, mill and chucklm; Inthn hands American IlrirlneerlnK Company, Aramlnao ave and Cumtierland si . Phila MAN nxperlrnced In rdwaro or mill siipplv business: hustler to work In store. Apply .V. Commerce st. , MAN ANirwiFlTto do entire eork of family 2 ndulls. I minutes from Itaverford Stntlon. Pa Write. itUltur reference, to lime 32.1. llaverfiird. l'.i OFFICi: liny wonted must li over HI vears old AppIv 12111-11 Harrison llulhllnit OFFICII FI'lt.VITrili: SAl.IJS.MANl rriTlit have cTperlenee. state salary desired and experience bud J 13. r.eilyerCenlral. ItlJ.W. rJSTATfJ Youiib mnn or'bov llrlniTln Oermantown In real esta.ite nflltv: state aire nnd salary H ll."d, le-der Central SIiniJT MIJT.M. WOllKIIIt wnnled. must be expert at repairing automobile radiator, only tlrst-class men desired; new and mod ern pl.n-e to work: chances for advance ment, stnle my expected. Rive references. Ovro Metal Works. IPS Scott St.. Norfolk. Vo SlIIPPINU Ct.lillK A larce maliilf.ieturlnc concern wants a reliable, wideawake in in to take ch.irce of Its a rehouso nnd ship ping, must have had experience; tlrst-class references required P 3J.".. J.edcer Of 111 e SoMCITnHK wanted for cnuntrv work lllieral commission, ref. reoulrcd. 2ilf :1. :M st. KTUNiHlltAPIIKH Hu'v.." you In view fur future Ijettcr tlilnicR than pnundins a type writer'' I.arce iiincm offers pesltlon lo bright, amhitlous, jouncr man of nbllltv and experience in nfllie work; clean, successful iirevmns recoro ansoiuri'iy essentl.n; Kive nice, stenoirr.iphlc speed, ofllee exp.rleni e. cmn plete employment record, hltrhest salarv earned, ete M sill, le-dser Oftlee. STUNOOUAPIinit Ynunu man. experienced reliable anil nrcurnte. wanted Itv the Hale Ac Kllliurn Co, I tit h nnd lluntlnc.-il.in. Applv tnd.ij. 3 p m Ask for Mr (Hlbert STIlNOilItAI'HlIIJ Yciun"mnn. rapid accu rate, state atie mid experience. Large com- lnercbll bouse J 30, LulTer Olflce TAII.OIt wnutcd bov or slnrrle mnn. all-around tailor, 'rood wiiccs-and steady wnrlc. wanted Immediately Nathan Kutz. IIS Delaware st.. New Cnstle. Del. 'niOLMAKIJltsTTa 21 to Jl. IS per dav of S hours, mnchinlsts. j:t to $1. assistant ma chinist. 13 to 13 21: machine operalprs (mile), $3 to $3 34. based on experience nnd rnpic'ltv: Cleveland aulomatte screw-ma hers, t.'l.TH: skilled laborers. tl.Sf. for outside construcllun work. bulldliiK roads, etc . mill wrlirht. SII able to do all cnnienter work whli h la necessary In rnlllwrbihtlne; and fa miliar with tin. different makes of chain drives and their adjustments, citizens: hluher compensation when on pletework: 13 dajs' leave after one sear's service. 7 holldavs and Saturday afternoons during tho summer months, all with full pnv. Apply Fnukford Arsenal. Tiuouy and llrldite sts , Ilrhlcshurc. Fa. WANTIJD A capable, experienced fnreniail for our senernl foundry, a man fnmlllur with arecn sind. dry sand and loam work Is re nulred. AVe have a deslrnble otHMilm; for the rlvllt man. Address Standard Cast Iron U'llejind Foundry Ok. Urlstol. P.i WANTIJD. compete lit bookkeeper, m.lb. or fa mule, for All uitle Cti insurance offlco: one with knowledge of st nosruidiy nnd type wrltlHK pref. : state exp , refs . salary ex pected. ui:e .uul full lurtlculars, must he 1.11 urate at rutin Apply M SII, L-sI Orf WANTIJD IJxperlen.ed cuse and bair makers, also trunk milkers, steady work: soisl pay. Addremi at once. Henry I.lMy Ac Co.. Ito i hester. N Y. ' WANTIJD--IJrrand boy: ihnneo for ailvame meni, Williams. Drown tt Uarle, 017 Sam.om WAIHIIIOFSUMAN Wimted. 3 tneto do trucking and assist In shlppliit;: alvn refer ijices in reply.P 313. Ledger Office YOl'NO MAN to learn photographic business: one with amateur experience nml llvlnfr In northern section preferred. P 337. Ledger OI Bee. YOL'Nl! MAN wanted tu!iatidlo 'nulling gal leys; one with soma experience preferred M HI I, LeilgerOflko. YoTxtrMRN wanted, is to 3:1 years, for clerl cnl poidtions: prefer those with experience on payroll and cost worki slate education, ex perience nnd salary desired. Address Kj W.." Piistiirtlie llox III III. AMIUTION. ability, backbone, deteimlnatlon. Inlelllgenie. lutlcnce, push; for a joung man with oflka experleneo we have a posi tion where promotion will be In exact ratio with the display of these tiunlitles; In our application give age, experience and previ ous employ nitftit. M M. Ledger Ofljco. , Oeiiernl "SI'IJCIAI. A V T O M OH I I. II itidtruitlou given, dav and night, by expert mechanics at tho oldest and original Auto School. Jtepulring In all its branches, Tim lug. wiring and fin road lessons at a very biuall co.t. till NOHTIf rillOAD ST. F. PUT. IJ-KI'lJIHUNCUD PUICIJ CLIJItK- WANTUD OTIIIJlt POSITIONS OPIIN nUSINKSS SFItvrCF COMPANY 1301 LAND TITl.IJ IILDO SITUATIONS WANPED FEMALE HOOKIvlJICPHR. tliur cxt desires nrst-class pos, taking torn ch'ge Ph. Ilelmunt 37SO lt CllfLD.S'l'RSIjr graduate, infant or older chlldT 1'honn Wayne Hill It. COOIC .FlratT-Tlass French cook, good refs . wants situation where kltLhunmaid Is kept. C. H. C.. HUH Christian at OIRL. colirired wishes djy'B work cleaning. c Ijy or suburbs 2032 Fernon st. HOlTSUKUUPUIt working! " Prnt., for two adults, btnali wash, ref If 730. ledger OtT HOUSHWORK Good cook, capabfe. Prute-atant woman: small falu . rsf II 723. fa!. Off. NURSR, untlertcnt'l . mem il and paralvtio cases specialty, wishes perm. case. l H37. IsUer Central NCHSIJ. companion wishes pivsltlon. hospital trained; highest ref I'hona Gerrnant'n 4303. TUTORINO-Oer.. Fr . Uii . mil. backward pupils Mademoiselle. Bill Welghtman llldg WHKItfeJ can I get in touch with a first-class stenographer, bookkeeper or clerk? ' This question has been asked by business men oulte frequently through tho Commer cial Department at Ledscr Central Is tha answer. "Miss Dean" Is able, to render un valuable assistance) In loi-stlng just thu rUht kind of help, without publicity, undue an noanc. waste) of time and ensrgy. Tell her our requirements at once she has listed tho ((uallticutlons of youns ladles seeklns poslllons. This service will hejnelit you rer sonally it is free to I.KDOUK advertisers. Telephono Walnut or Main 3000, "Miss Dean." at ence. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ASSISTANT executive, experienced, with Al credential, seeks position In rslUblo con- cern. Hnanelal reaiMflslblllty Ii U31 ld Ccto. BOOlvKKKPEn. credit" nun. oung man thoS iigjhly sxperlencsd capable of taking full charge of ofllce. at present emplomd la abovu capacity, by Urn manufacturlcw inairn. desires to shinge J 4J. Ledeec Central. BOOKKKEPEK. U years' xp.. .wishes position which offers opportunity for ttw future; now eunsliyed.il IMS. Ledgsr CentraL 1J30KKKBIER Man dssires position. 11 043 Ledacr Central. , CIIAUFFECB-MKCHANIC. 10- years' expert true on foreign nnd American cars, best rsf erence. speaks Freneh-Ojirman. want change. April It M47. L?Jr Central. COLLIXJE URADUATE. 23. wlih yours busl ness experience, desires position with oppor tuntty for advancetneat J 141. I.ir Cent OAltDJENBB.nuirrled.wiihM pos.; Ilfelliaeexp.; thor. iiaderstands.lfreenhousM uud out side work; good ref. Address Uardewer. 10 a. Warner ave..Hryn Mvwr. Pa. MAN AND WIFE will take entire coarg of poultry plant. unusuaUy successful In rai Iob poultry show or utUMty. yar. cf experl ini,; arlv oitsUa la dtU. Ur w nt poikUrn Ap- I I "o cbllJrau. refer tiBe.v M vfl i-diS' -'IUve SITUATItJN3 "VvtANIED MAIiE PoTiUsitof JJFxrm I'recrdlna CoKmit MAN AND WIKIJ, colon d want position, wife s cook man as butler rhanlTeur or gen jeral houseman. 1013 lislnbrldge PniNf nn Practlcnl man. 20 years' expert. ence In all departments, wsnls osltlon with rood future: fnmlllar with Inylnfe out flno work, estllnntlng. deslRning. cngrnvlngi over S years with present concern. A !W. Inl.Of-. SALES or advertising rnnnectlnn deslrtsl by youn man, 2(1 3 years' New Yoik experi ence. 11 n...l, ledger Central 8AT.IJ.1.MAN' niRh-grnde mcchnnlcnl i-peclnlf wltli present tlrm 11 v-enrs. seeks connection with responsible ilrm. II 733. Ledger Cent. SAI.IJSMAN, (Tirnblo of selllnir nnythltiB of merit wishes lo represent mfr. or Jobls-r In Atlantic Cltv. ljest ref A 24. Ledger Office. YOUNtl MAN of abllltv nnd experience wants to connect with vtutntr mnnnfncturlng con- cern I" 310. Ledger Office ToL'Nct MAN deslns clerical position in nnnti rlil Institution with opportunity for ndvnnce- nient. 20, Led llrnni h Oft.. 441IS (lln nv. YOFNli it,N. 2f well educated, neat appear ance, desires twsltlon. outside preferred. It p."ii. Ij"der central Yol'Nll MAhltllJt) MAN of exeeutlvo nbllify. excellent In Wnll work, desires position where honesty. Integrity and chnrnrler count, nave had experience In textile tnanu faeturlng And nccountlng work. A 124. Led- . ,ger Oftlee. UVHNINO WOtlK WANTIJD Will the chestnut st corporation that ndverttsed last week offering evening work communicate with A 128. ledKer ofllce? COLtmUDm.ni and wlfe"ant plnies. vslfe) one of tbrt 1-.pt looks on hot breads, pies, cakes nnd soups, man butler, experienced on salads, be creams; cltv or countrv; ref 1?ii Catharine st Phone Dick. HJ.1.1. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Miss MA ItV T Mei'.MiTHV. 2107 Christian (Loc 1.11131. aupplbs vvnnts lst-clnss Prut.. Colli mile and female help, all nationalities. 3 flltST CLASS v MTIHISSIJS wanted for Main Line, good wages; permanent places. .Mrs Kane 311 S Hull st AUTOMOBILES I'or sale CADILLAC, una touring car overhauled nnd repainted, full equipment, price J7.1II AUTO HAljlJHcnitl'liriATION 14 3 N. Hfoild St. COLIJ lfil I llli? Six Touring. " I. S. ItOWIJns COMPANY, 217 N. Itrnnd st. I'OLII Distributors. I'OItD TortllNH CAlt and Overland si. Ford driven 372s miles, prbe S.1.0, Overland driven 1 12s miles i,nth curs well eiinhmcd: owner will roll either car See nt Whltliy ,'larise. or phoi e Wotdland lulu FHANKL1NS M.I. MODIJI.S F L. PAXSON .1:tn rlltlSTNCT ST. ilFliSONS Itehullt and gimnntccd." ph.ietoii and roadsters, electric lUhts ntid stnrters. (lOMEItY-SCIIWAInV.. 2.1.1 North Ilroad st. LIMOlfsfNUS Suitable for funeral work or hiring of nuv kind al all prices, touring cars at a big sac rifice, as w. need Hie space these enrs occupy. LOCO.MOHII.II CO OF A.MIJIIICA 2311 Market st. locust 130 It. A JUNKS. Mgr Uxehange Car Dept. PAIOU. 1MB. II-111 tlrst-class condition: driven liiOll miles, will sell reasonable 1. 110, ienlaer Central. PACKAltD 1-ij.l. 7-parsenger Touring, t.130. Stevens-Durvea l.lmouslni- jr.lMI. L. O N1JAL. 2111 N Ilroad St. WINTON I WILL HUM. my lale model Wln ton Six: vou mut see this car to nppreclatn It: If vou are looking for an honest car and nn honest deal, look It over. F. P. IIOI. I.INSIIUAI). Ulklns Park. l'.i. Tr'VTV.n'V I'AItT TO liril.D (lit ItlJPAIIt A CAlt. si'liniiuit. 3.ll-t,1 MAUKIJT. COMMIJIICIAL Auln truck boilles bum to order: Ford bodies In stock. FISIIIJIl'tt. tit IT Falrmollnl ave. SIJND Foil l'ill',1! Itt'l.LIJTlN OF I'HIJII C.MIS , nOItJCON AI'TO IJXCHANllU. 23S N. HIIOAD , Hunted "see us first " OIltlllNAI. PIIILA. AUTO PARTS CO. Vi tmy nny m.ikn nf nulnmohlle. In nny rmitlltloii, pti mir prices lhfon son soil thi'in i'lHivhtri mriciNHON im:i h.(m; i tti. 1141 South Broad. OAltAOIJ wanted within lo sou ires of City Hall, must have spaco for 40 cars, will pay $100 rent per month. In answering stnto iotation. price and conveniences, Address A lllll. Ledger Olflce. Olfl Alirnn 3o wanted al once, any mnkn wm -rxiiLua nr ,-oti.IUIon Doughertv. is 1.1 N ltllll. Diamond 33J2. OLD AI'TOS WANTIJD FOP, PAP.TS PIIILA. AUTO PAIlTS CO. S2.i-23,N 13th at. Park HIS. AUTO LIVERY AND GAHAGES , FULTON OAltAOIJ Fireproof 13.000 rtq. ft, storago space. CIIAlFFIJI'ltS CHAl-FFF.l'HS llefore making a chance insped our service. 'CHI (HIIAltD AVUNFIJ AND FULTON HTItRUT Phone. Ilelmont 11(11. TO HlltlJ (open day and llluhtl, brand-new-3-pass touring car. with rnltea, II 33 hr. , also brand-new 7-p.iss Ilnmtisiiie. 1.3o hr. ; weddings, funerals poplar 1017. 1715 Olrard. Foil HIHIJ TIIP.KIJ AND FIVIJ TON TltCCUS. IIY T1IIJ IllifP.. DAY Oil WIJI1K. I'AItK 107 AUTO REPAIRING AUTOMOIIII.U ItlJPAHtS Tho best equipped shop In W. Phll.l. Wo straighten frames and axba. make parts, harden and grind, rebuild, overturn! and re pair all makes, prices fair ugenev for Master Carbliretora Preston ill.1.1. West 103. HIUtllNS IlltOS . 1312 Chestnut. ?" " .SPIJIJDOMHTnit TnOUHLUS T See HILLY nt Ills new looitlon. Gin NORTH HI:OAD ST "vLiNDIJIts ItrjIIOHUD. new pistons and rings furnished, weldings and brazing. If. n. Underwood S. Co . 1025 Hamilton st . Phll.l. AUTO SUPPLIES SLIP I OVIJItS TOPS HI! COVUIIIJD ItU-l'I'llOLSTKIHNll AND RUPAIItlNO 4liril ST Al'TO TOP CO I0TH AND CIIANCIJLI.OK STS. TiAP'Pc-Douffhty. 1845 N. 19th 1 Al 1 a IlIAJIONIl 3322 TO Ill'II.D OR ItUPAlll ANY CAR. PARTS PIIILA AUTO PARTS CO . S23 N 1.1th sti Park HIS -HliAIUNOS- New Departure Service Sta The Owllliam Co. II11 1 Arch st Phones Walnut .Hll7.Itace 311113 SLIOHTLV" USUI) ALL SIZllS. TIR1JS YOI'H OWN PIIICUH S23-3.1 N 13th st ParklllS. i AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIIUJS Guaranteed Hum mi'es Compare prices. URIMM'S, 33'l N llro.td st. DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD PISH FOR SALE -Irish terrier puppies male, pri vate home, splendid specimens. ilelmont SMil J J OOLDFISlf from 30c dozen, red snails, tad poles. Indian paradise. $3 a pair, fantalls, aquariums, etc 12s s 32d st . DOOS Strong healthv puppies. 0 weeks. $5 bargain I2S s 52d st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IH'SINKSS MAN with $2000 to buy half interest In largo theatre (not moving picture). M 433, Lecbier Central " "safe INVIJSTMHNT Wanted party who will Invest money tn building operation; houses are In exiellent ,-undltlon. rented with good jearl) tenants, principals only M 438. ledger Central IIAKUUY. confectionery and li- in am par lors In central part of ch-. lil-lo Jc-fTerson st , corner properly, Moser's old .t.iud. m.Ml erit Improvements, tine cninlltlon. for nrst-c-lasa trade W J SMYTH. 132l Chestnut St. LADY vv anted as correspondent .tud to assist nurse patients for a physician oris having small capital to Invest would be glvvn shara of prollts Postofflcs) llox 3. Philadelphia. SUCCESSFUL SALESMAN lluslness man. lilghtesi reputation, exceptional salesman, wide acquaint . desires to repre sent manufacturing house In New Orleans ., wt.l ul.alnlle au I nr.l n.rt If 7SS I.a.l l..,,. Hl'blNI'JaS PlAi- ES a specialty eiuick sale of good proposition without publicity, no ad vance charged Enterprise Brokerage and ReaHv Co.uJV30 Land Title llldfi liOOD WATcmiAKKK with $2iioo can oc itulro lialf Interest In attractive jewelry store. Enterprise Hrokerage and Healty Co 103(1 laind Title lUdg. $33,000 WILL Ill'Y quarter Tntsresf In an $800,000 seashore property, investigate, a party who can take an active Interest I. 217. Ijedier Office. 1IUSINKSS nun. exuirienrecl and capablo. will invest $10.00(1 with services, in astabllshsd business . stats ilnej. If 33S. laslgsr Contral. $31 A MONTH seKurs Interest In growing or chard; wilt be producing before paid for. HARRY DAKLI.VGTQN7 ll.'O Chestnut St. Al'AK t'MKNT house far sale, central locutUwl. tilled with permanent tenants II. W. OUIAUSBN 1 JUS a rcb st PICri'KB, TIIEATHB. $1330. worth $3004., osaumui. nvooera spien bus. lac a . goon iwu- Inrfrea Crded nightly lUrrlat.30l N Ilroad WANTED A partner with $10,000 to tlB.noo to invest In an, established automobll cou- cern- J S8. Ltdgijr CsntraL ROOMINO HOUSE, receipts $300. reut 183. selling (or $1200; located 30I S. 10th; obp. Clinton: reason, dsath. Walaut 6941. FULLY ihiuIup.1 nuishUe sicop for sales t. rtnt. J- C Johnsan. 331 N. 13th tj HOTEL. Ocean City, fsr sals naar beach, good fvdjfiwhjB Pi)jd,j4M. CAN. ou Invest $10 Mr month' 1 Mi 1 Ab. Iu.l,.l Investigate. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES t'ereliiincrf tmm prccrtttiw Celnmit Sin.000 WANTKD iJurnpenn nnd Asiatic expnrtlng nnd Importing house', with ex elusive; mum nnd selling ron traets of the tiroxclest chnrieter: Investor to tie the vleo president of the company and cout.1 lie sc tlvsty engngeil In the business; Particulars nt personal Interview onlj with principals. M 313, Ledger Central. ., I'ATIJNTS Write for "How lo Obtain a Talent. " list nf patent buyers nnd Inventions wantedi SI. (inn. -nno In p'ires nrreroil for Inventions. iSend for sketch for free opinion as to patentability Our four bonks sent frc" Patents adver tised free. We.nsslst Inventors In sell their Inventions. Address Department A. Victor J IJvms Co., Patent AtOs.. miln offices, Washington. IJ. C. Phlln. ofTico, 1120 Chest nut st. Hell phone. Spruce 03.TI SITMMIJIt CAMP for sale In N. II. lake region. nrrommoiHto 73; full every senson for 10 years! SIihhI: Unusual r.hinco to secure a line pnylmr hualness for less than half cost. 11 437, liedger Central. STOUAOIS nnd van business lone established) central lortttlsn, wnrth investigating LtJWls A. TAt'I-VNl!. uott Wntmil si. NttrJTJKtt I'INT A .rrnnil (tnttiB printing tilnnt for sale In Pnilii.: well equipped for tattr nnd small vvorkowtler gn. in out nf town. Jl .132. Ledger Oentrnl. . tltilteflne and fleltratrssen slnre for sple nn nccntint of mir lafgi) nutstde Duslrfess. Ws want tq dls jKtsp ttf one jif thennest. plarei In.finuilj phlladBlnrila: principals onlr. AictJlfi n, 1S..3 a. 171 h st. IWTAIlMHIIUD tirndtnlile tintl ness now Incorporating desires services secretary, Issikkeeper. In vestment irnulfpil; references ex crtanged. 1' 60.1. Is'ilger Ofllcn. KMAT.t. HOSIKItV PLANT for sola to settle estate, with power. Apply Oen. liutterworth. Wiinht ritilldlns. Ilroad nnd Hunt ingdon sis. WANTIJD Securities salesman nr high class promoter with from $30011 to $.111011 for best tnantifat turlng proposition In America; of national scope, no rnnitietlllnii. demand for Product universal and unlimited: principal only who havo or can command necessary cash and can net Iminodlitely need answer. Address A loll. Ledger Ofllce. ACTIVU P.VItTNIJIt WANTIJD Man tn Invest $70011 to $111111)11 In a paving, established cotur.ict '.S business M 313, Led. Central INVIJST.MIJNT OPPOllTL'.N'lTY We own valuable Florid 1 linds (tltln per fect!, but need more capital to develop them. Will nioepL subscriptions nf $3oo upwards on e.isv payment plan. You will lie on tho ground Door, no risk Will stand slrlck in vestigation P 301. LlIIKHJlt OFFICII WANTIJD IJxperlenoed .voting man. who can furnish best of references, to take charge real estate department on salary or tommls slons who can Invest $lMiu, wbtih will earn nice dividends, this means permtneniy and promotion for right party t all 3 to ,1 p. m., lo.l Finance lilda , S Penn Suuire Ask for th'' irull-iger real estate department. COIHtlJSl'ONDIJNl'lJ Is Invited with retail salespeople In any line, except Ibiiiiir. whoso record wilt Is-iir Invcsllgav n. who aro ambitious to otKti store tindt r own manage ment, but lad, c.ipltnt. Integrity (Inc.- ). Drcxcl IbilMlng. A CI.OSUD corporation needing additional cap Hut and sales feree to properly handle pres ent d. maud In terrltor.v parti illy worked orfers llonit of (I per cent, preferred capital stock and directorate to party with ability to produie, city or outside terrltorj. H Hill. Ledger Central. $.1000 TO $10,000 TO INVIJST with services in a promising manufacture nf Hpei laities, which have a readv market and cnu bo made profitable with additional capital and business experience Address, with particu lars. cnnndeptbilLv 711 Ledger Central. INCllHPllUATIi Ylll'lt lll'Sl.NIJSH Secure freedom from liahtlltv , charters ob tained all Stat.s. eflli lent, hbchtliss serv ile, i orp.irnllnn exti. rts. reasonable cost. The III elster Co. Itooin 3. t'JUS Arch st. i'hoiiu Walnut 23.10 PAPIJIMMiX F.XPIJItT vvouliMIko to hoar of a concern Interested In manufiii luring their own p.iter btixcs. II OIL Ledger Central. BUSINESS PERSONALS HFPUltFI.rOl'S HAIlt removed by idcctroljsls. the e.nly term.inent wav Uvehrows art lied MISS SMITH 103 Keith Tile lire Illdg Mis lioptie, halrdres'r. faclal-tnass ige, man- li ur"i;.forni. .Mint An.ule with .Miss Smltli. FULL D1UJS3 SUITS Cutaways. Tuxedos nit.l Sack Stilts To hire and mule to order. NUUIlACUIt. TIUJTAILolt. 1121 Walnut St. Hell phone. W limit 3H1S. DIAMONDS IIOFOIIT Tlink reference. Atipralsement. 1 p. c HAIinV IV SMITH. 717 SNSO.M STftURT CARPET CLEANING C O N T I N II N T A I. CAHPUT CMJANINH lUU'SU "OTH ST. AHOVK CIIIJSTNl'T TleU Phone. Locust 10GO WIJST PIIILA WIJST PHILV WIJST PIIILA MONARCH STott villi CO. 1c PIJH YARD. 3S70 73 I.AVCASTUR AVU. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 1IIGHLST PRICES paid for diamonds. Jewelry and pawn tkkets fur diamonds. Apply 2:30 to 4 30 p m . Win Flick. 11. mm 35.'. IlurJ llldg eo-ner 9th anil Chestnut sts DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY POTTUlt SCHOOL OF DltlJSSMAKINa DAILY AND 1JV IJNINIl SESSIONS 1133 (HIIAltD AVE POPLAR (1371. DRESriM VKUlt. I'reinh. d, sires . ngiieenieius. terms reiisnnabl. advanietl stvle, hlgli-e lass w.irk.renimlel 1 Ins Walnut st Ph Wal UI.1S the McDowell drijssmakino school Short, practical, loexpenslvo courses 3il7 Denckla llldg.. 11th and Market sts UCMSI'ITCIIIS'le ."m; Jd iileatliu.hu'toni cnv. IM lulu 3U S lhlll st 133 S t'ltb Ph Lot Kill FOR EXCHANGE COMHINATloN POOL and billiard table. In cluding halls c ues, rut ks etc , In good or der. iost $300 , will exchange for second hand Ford or run.ilsiut with box leody. WM STEWART 3SUII N th. FOR SALE ALI11J.MA11LE PIPPIN APPLES Albemarle Plpi In AppIes--vVe want ev-r lover of ap ples lo try a sample barrel nf our World Famous No. 1 Allientnrlc pippins We mike the price lower than they have oyer been sold before, namely, $3 3o jw-r barrel, freight pre paid order on business letter head or send reference PEAKS OF OlTlIlt ORCHARD CO. Hnx 3II I.Mi. hburg, Vn ANTIQUES fur dlsHisal. bheflield plate, sil ver, calveil Ivory plaques. Chlmiendale fur niture beaiks. prints, china J ill. la-d. Cent. til I.LI All!) POOL combination, secondhand", bought said, rented, exchaiued: repulrlng: supplies. I.afe Kearer. American munufuc lurer. 320 (llrard ave. llll.l.l Villi AND IIJl'MJT TAUl.ES - im heiwllng alles, easy p-iyments RRUN3-WlCH-IIALEE-COLLUNDKR CO. 10H2 Arch MILLIARD nncknt :d-hr.d tables repairing iUlljlles jClark-Held Mfg Co..5121N IVyvt, CASH llUmSTIJIlS bought sold, leased, ex changed repaired replated. supplies, new and factory rebuilt New total adders as low as $30. Call and see our 1UH1 models. Registers sold and leased by us on easy payments and fully guaranteed The Na tional Cash Register Company. 730 Chest- nutst . Philadelphia. Pa DESKS SAFES Itnlltop desks l)pewrtter bookkeeper desks, filing cab tele iicoths tiles household fur Dulliw Central 2.1 Hand Furniture Co uiil-110(1-011 Calluvvhlll Phone Filbert 1108 DESKS, fliing cabinets safes telephone booths and ofllce furniture and fixtures of every ds scrlptien. used, but in tins condition and verv cfijean. free ctsllvery anywhere IIUOHES. 11T11 AND HUTTONWOOD. FURNITURE, dining table 13 chairs buffet, deak. locker, sofa all mission 3-plec oak laeelroom st. ice box almost new. kitchen table., chairs, most sell this week Wtllctpc. 3407 S Cleveland a vs. IIKFKIOKH V.TOKS sample annual sals' solW oak. seamless uorctala lined cut cosfc loau latlun. Mkt 090 Miller Sd N 2d Main 1731 SAFES Fin-proof rlusiour out slightly ujwd J U sistsc m k.-s Ida hergalos 31fi N Ifaurth STORE FIXTURES OFFICE PARTITIONS Weiss Manufacturing Co. 450 N t,3lh st Pnanaa Pm imp. Ita.ce 1331). VICTitriLA recorils March list lust received. HBLLAK 1138 riaiitnut. FOR a ALE DeltcUtua wtracuj hooey, dlrsct tram beekeeper $1 tstt Mr gal (13 leWs.): It 3r W caL . delivered by nargwls Bast: satls ficettoo ' guaranteed or iwwy retunded. L. K. iTutetUr n F D. No. 3. Lancster. Pa. COUPLETS, dlahig nwua suit aud baby cax rlaae: uwiisnt ccndltloo. 137 S. 60th. Pbooe UcSugnt 4uG5. HEATING MAKIVKnLBIJY imAl.TK HEAT, IS kettef nd eheapor than steam or hot-wster. Pjire fresh sir with normal moisture. MAKIN KELEY N lth st , PHtln INSTRUCTION t , CONVEUHATlONAti FftKNCH 1( New n-.e-vveeks' c'atly courso starting, Phil- mlFlphli on Wed March 23. nt 1 1 -so m , Jllaiwell lierlet llldg IMn Walnut, Merlon Crleker Club. Hiverford Mon . 30, nt 0:30. Opening class free Haron Charles de lleer. LADY visits pupils to give piano, vocal and elocution lessons, nrttstlc results from well tried methods; terms moderate. M 414. Led ger Central. MACHINERY AND TOOLS YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH pullevs nrn np-to-the-mlnule erflcienl, iniwcr saving and linmrd reilurlnir In highest degree SHAFT l.Vfl and MAC1IINIJ WORKS. 113 North 3d. (AMES YOCOM .t(yJ' POWER-PLANT 'EQUIPMENT Dv names, motors, lmtlers. steam and oil en glnes, pumps, nlr compressors. FRANK TOOMIJY. Ine , 137 N. 3d .it, . COMPLETE POWIJtt PLANT, designed nnd erected, new nnd used power plant ma chinery In stork. Power Equipment Lo.. engineers. 131s Chestnut st. 1JLIJCTUIC MOTORS Power trnnsmtsieion emilpment nnd supplies I'HARLES Ito.ND COMPANY. 33(1 Arch SI. ttYNAMOt motors and machine rv bought, sold nnd rented, armatures repaired Mtln 91. Market 3011.1 Yeirsley Co. 331 N. 3d st. MOntlAN ;inllln Inichlne 1. 3, .1. 4 splmlle: senslllvo drills. 30. 31, 3S, 30 Inch drill presses NFTTAt.L. t . IS N. .1th st. ItlWRII UtJI'lPMUNT - Engines. laillef;. pumps, motors, generators, etc I. h SL FIJRT'fl SONS 137 N 3d st MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS' PIANOS AND PLAYIJIt-PtANOS nlJPPIJ'H UPTOWN STORES COR m AND THOMPSON STS. , JS.1 CIIICKIJIIINII rlMtldllT PIANO HOWAIU) VINCENT S31 N flTII. OLD GOLD CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS stne.es trnl.1 sllenr. tdntlnnm. Phlla. Smelling Ref Co, 12t S OLD not.IJ. silver, plalliium. plated wnre. old styte Jewelry, teeth plates bought .for cash. It JS70. .1. L. Clark refiner. iO"Sansom CASH PAID roll diamonds old gold silver. Platinum. raise tee tit. Reliable Refining Compnnv. N. E comer nth and Walnut sts. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATUNTS MANWI1I.L STEVENSON Evenings. 2007 (HEARD AVE. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS $1 CAN OF OUR CEMENT will repair 30 lenks In nny roof Write for circular. AMER ICAN ROOFINO CO 1333 llldco ave. STORAGE WM RADFORD STO11A0II FOIt IIOl'SEHOl.D HOODS IN SEPARATE ROOM. 1'ACKINIl. S11IPP1NO TO ALL PARTS VAN. W.MION. AUTO FOIt MOVl.Nd .1310 N WATER ST.. OI.NEY 2IJVUJljCLOSIJD Phono WVOMINtl 3.103 .1. CONTINENTAL STORAtll! WAIIEIIOUSn !0TH ST. AIIOVE CHIJSTNUT PACKINO. JIOVINO SIIIPPINO Rugs. Carpets, cleined. scoured stored. Hell Locust 10(10 Phones Key.. Rnce410 FIDELITY FIltUPIlOOF WAREHOUSES 1S11-1S11) MARKET ST. PENN RTOnAfir. AND VAN CO. 213C MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAOIJ WAREHOUSE Storage. moving, packing. Hhlpplng. carfiet clentng. PliullTrlng 733 for estimate Market it 37tli. MeCANN'S STORAOIJ HOUSE. IMS ltth st. Moving, packing, shipping; auto vnns. lloth phones. I't lis es'lmale. STORAOIJ Moving by nuto vans, packing. Hhlpptrtr. Levin llrothers. 2(1 IS Ridge ave. Phone Poplar 0021. FIREPROOF. Mothproof Concrete, Warehouse. N. Phll.l. Slor. Co . 30.13 Lehigh. Till. 72.10. WANTED ANTIfJl'IJ FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds bredcen Jewelry, gold, silver, diamonds bought 73.1 Wtllntlt. wnlliut 7JI2II UstlUbll. AUTiiS. scrnti Iron, metals, rubber, all kinds of mai hlnerv nnd seiond-hand ptives bought. Highest prhes paid. IllutnburB & Nlehol- sou 1010 Itldgo ave. Phone ltncu 1111. hlH IKI..S .11. WEI. RY. false teeth pistols coinsT Coin books. with prices 1 pay, mallei, i,V J. 11, iiosm u-enpie s Mloreii.it n. mn. vyat listl CAST-OFF CLOTHINGe On necount of the, big demand we havo had for rnst-on clothing, we nre compelled to pav the very l-est prices for these goods in order tu replenish our stock, llefore selling your clothes It will pay ou to get our prices. Wo call anwhere at any time. Wrlti, call or phono Poplar (1313. COOPER. Kilo OIltARD AVE. CAST-OFF CI.OTHINO Highest rrlces paid for ladies nnd men'a clothing, lints, shoes. ttc.t phone Pop. Ilelil. Illaiker. 13.111 Poplar. CAST OFF clothing bought! best prices paid ior men s goods, write or phone vvalnui llsin. SCHl'l.TZ. 311 N. llth St. I'LOTIIINil M. n's cluth.s lK.ilgtlt liest prlres n-ild Tel 'ajlll nr nns lliill-lllo:t Snnsom FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antbtues; etltlrf or part houses tiought for cash, no mattei how large. J. llernsteln, 13.11 UI1U0 ave. FUIINITURIJ bought, cash. Imr . entire house. otlice furn.. stoi k stores: will pay to consult beforisejnnc Ennls. 313 S. Hill. Wnl 1310 MEHCClCi- IUIUOHT D Chairifilev. gold and silver leaver end retlnee. 71(1 Siinsnm Ilell ph WE PAY highest prices for rags, newspapers and magazines all kinds of Junk wanted ,ur wagons call anywhere Write or plume 3113 Iluverforel ave . Iir.eni h at 37 S r.llth st HinillJST prices paid for diamonds, old gold, sliver. plHtlnuui. false teeth: also pawn tick ets. Diamonds Hnpralsed Him Flllwrt St.. 2d floor front. Walnut 7171. PAY .'Ic for rags. 3"c for newspapers, "one for mauaxlnes. all kinds Junk wanted: call any where 3SI3 Havrrfurd ave., 37 S. .'.nth. HinilEST lirlces Mld tor gcntl'm-ll's clothlnir I'rlediniili Urns 111 I South st Ph Dick 01.1.1 illillil'ST cash prlns paid ror oldmetal rags ete T. lephnne 1'iseoh P- oiler 3131 Rlilgo av 3D-HAND one-horse lawn mower; stale condl Hon, make, price Wm Stewart. ssiiirN OtlL WATCHES AND CLOCKS ENPEIITS nn Swiss and American watch re pairing French, grandfather and quarter hour strike and antioue clocks. 30 yrs ' exp. Chas T Rogers 37 S 17th and 71.1 S. .1.1th. Watih Insp for II 0 It II Locust 1310. ROOMS FOR RENT IHtOAD. H . 110 Desirable furnished rooms. all ceaivenlem es hot-water heat. CHESTNUT !72S Dvslrahlo room, with and without bath, steam heat, electricity CHESTNUT. SOOT WELL-FURNISHED UOOMS PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. DIAMOND. 3s3S Nicely furn room, southern exposure, board optJ.on.eJ I'Ja I1U J011 LOCUST ST . 1303 Large 3d-sty front room, double or single, conv . run water, phone bath: selei t apartment house: eenCnieu pref. MONMOUTH. "E . 103il-Hnardln, married cuuule. gentlemen, private family, cosv rnon, with southern exposure Kensington 3S37J MT. VERNON. 1S31 3d-story front, "fum.! business women only: private fum.; phone. OXFORD ST. 1401 Large room adjoining imth, unfurntshe. bPRC'E 1(1211 Second floor front, private blh, largo ,sulte. southern eximsure WALNUT ST near 50th Comfortably fur nished front rooms, steam heat, electric light, near "L. P .11.1. Ledger Oftlco 13TH N.. 012 2 rniB . bath, heat and light": $25 per mo TAULANE, 1)00 Walnut St. KITH S.. Qil lleautlfully furnished rootusT Call Sunday or evenings iOTlTei 1'OWELTON AVE. IS. E. cor ) Sc. ond and 3dstory front. Ph. Raring 7733 W. 43TH S . 210 Apartment, ono or two rooms! bath adjoining Preston 0035. 40TII, S. , 1108 Desirable "sunny rooms, eleo trlclty; private bath. Voodland 2S74 tllTII. B.. 63b Nicely furnished front room, all conveniences, suitable for one or two. 13D. N 131 Comfortable warm room for geaitlem. n all conl en lances, 'nhooe r.CTH S. 1135 Nliely furnished "rooms. 2d floor, all mod. couven Wcadlanilloua. BOTH. N.. 307- Cheerfully furnlsbd rooms far housekeeping; gas. electric, linen; near "I.": vbpn Detmont lOdft. TVVSe 'HTkuis. wide hail and bathfnewly fln- labect. iwrth and south exposure; nsonabl. Itvoue Barliu 7S0 W.. or write M 410. Lyla-r Central PUItNISIIKD front' pooxu with use of bath" queecnsiis auassi nreierrfa, reiereoce ex- cBww itoa oeio. OWNER will tejut baclwUr K . 2 rooms. UiiC wreyfcee. -esj epruca sc ijacumi iwgi 4. tMihurlun OWNER will" rent 3d story at residence (3 raws and bath, furalahed or unluralslMdX TIH not rocua tgty If desired, reference required Phang Oermaotown 11 8(1. BOOMS WANTED WANTED One or twu rooms with bath ajr use of .bath by a young buslnowa hub. bum be nkely furnished und i a ftrsi class -Ik wlthla 13 or 30 toluute at City Had. Elve full paitkuuUrt. state reuUl uul when same may he swu. L 133. taalicr OJfW WiNrlii-rXuuil awrrlad inwak want 3 Urs unturnHhed rooms Uh private blb no hwceeiUii AdOrae M SIT. IaxIvj Oil SOAHDIlfv. BFmjrK. 103- Fumlshesl or . onfomtsHe rooms, prlv. Baths, eleetrjo light hotJWatrr heat. exciMlehf service tihotie table heard, SPRll-nf, tftIS firolirmhnrst) neMillfall forT rooms, private bath with btvarcL tablegrc!. SPIIttcn 1220-.Attractl-s rooms, !nl or rn suite, private bath gentlemen preferred. srrtrcu, J22I-2B fflrtsmonde) mm. l-iwmi, single en eulto prlvsto hatha: table board. srrtitcu 13.10 Large thTrd-"story front room WALNUT, 4031 Private family, secnntj-rloor rooms; excellent table, hot-water heatt eleo- trloMghL COTIf. N.. 121 Communicating front rooms, gond eieardrtartr appreciating home com, 'Al1n,!P!iN ? CALIFOIINIA AVE., S , 27 Iteflned and t trnctlvo ftcenmmodnllons; leenten season. SANITARIUMS BIJAI'TIFUIe locntlon! rpeclal eelentlflo enret nervous, elderly! every eomfnrtt nurses. rtooklet. Dr Hnndal, Cltv line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS WALNUT AND 1ITH STS (S. W, Cor.), mod ern sulle etceptlonally altrnctlvet high cell Ices, abundantly lighted on three aides) suitable for housekeeping. If desired: till. Ji.nltor on premises. HAUllEn, IIAIlTMAtl t: CO . 1201 Chestnut st , Td.1 S IITIf ST llnrhclor npnrtments; exeep tlnnallv desirable 2d and 4th floor suites; 3 large rooms and bath, every mod Improv'mlJ Janitor on premises steam heat included, t li VHUKtl. HAIITMAN CO 1201 Chestnut. N. W COR 17TII AND HANSOM STH. DesirHhle apartiiient 1 room nnd bnth Applv .las Ii Wlni hell, on iiremlses SPRINO (IARDIJN. 1010. Excellent apis. In different houoes; some furn.. kitchenettes. THE KENNINflTON PINE IIIJLOW I1ROAD Attrnetlve suite nf unfurnished rooms, hav ing '- rooms, with prlvnte bath, gas and electric light Improved vapor heating sys tem, elevator service, strictly fireproof building, tent $10 nnd $30. reference neces sary YARROW A- VAN PELT I7TH AND CHESTNUT STS. , THE PARKSIDE 40TH AND lltltAttn AVTJ. OPPOSITE FAIIt.MOFNT I'AItK. Four lines of enrs convenient to nil sec tions of the edtv. all large outside rooms. Cuisine partli u! irlv nttraittve. PHONE I1ARINO 321. FURNISHED or unfitni 2 rooms nntfbathi nil cnitverileni es, einitral. 17th and Walnut. I ocustlMIO XttiiacTIVII. Targe living room beilroomT bath oil e.utelde uiifurn I tot Oxford st, 'lo SI'III.ET. ui"r Miieiit . .1 rooms and bath. Call or l lump. Apnrtinenl .12 The tlladstcme. Writ Philadelphia OFFUIt n hrge vnrlety ot apartments at vnrleil prices nnd to meet almost any re. nulrements Call or send for list Automobile service to inspect iipnrtlnents if desired, NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 Walnut St. Spruce .1071 Race .103.1. ""$.111 CHANCELLOR APARTMENTS" $32 , Chnneelbr. r.ith lo ri.lth below Wnlnutlf nlrllle, ,1 rooms, bath, porch Office, 3U S 31th. APMlTMENTS. iillraitlve 2 rooms and baths private f.ilnllv. West Phlla O 1137, Led. Cent. Ardinore, r. fill! ATHENS 1 nml 3 room suites, hath, kitchvttc . fur or utiftii Ph Ardmoro 1331. , tilensldr, I'll. . " WA VI JULY APARTMENTS .1 rooms, rent $33. $30 nnd $3.1 per month! old simile' RENNINHER & RENNINOEIl . OI.1JNSIDIJ. PA Atlantic Cltv. N. .!. ATTRACTIt ELY furnished ft-room apartment In Chetsea for rent, short or long season. Apartment No I. .mot Atlantic live. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO THOSE WHO REQUIRE an absolutely cen tral apnrtment ami nt the same time Insist on pe-rfei t furnishings and environment, X would reennime nil 33.1 S Ilroad St. Inspection will convince jou that bora you will find every ndvnntage of the most ex pensive lintel plus a degree of homelike com. fort so much to lie desired These be.iuttfully furnished apartments will make a particular nppenl to those who have iieeti living In clubs, central hotels ana apartment houses and who deslro something Just .1 little different inspection and reservations through NOR5IAN S SHERWOOD. 1 til Walnut St. or on premises at THE LITTLE HOTEL 32.1 S Rrond st LADY WILL '"HUNT 3 charming rooms and hath, suite. Clinton st : central, artistically furnished southern exposure, open fires; ex clusive. 1! 3.10. l.odger Central. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTB 1.113 NORTH lfeTH ST. Moelern housekeeidng apartments: reduced rentals: Just renovated throughout. Apply to Jnnttor. on premises, or LEWIS A- TAU LANE. S. W. cor. llth und Walnut sts. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING ' AN APARTMENT Vnu ran look nt ono after another until ou find fn". or You can r around to th different afienctea until In despair u take cine, or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It Is oulte true that nearly nverv desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with and ma be rent..,! through us Call upon ui In our new offices, t hoy are reallv emlto attractive, ou will bo Blreia the most courteous and efficient service) t t.clnabli' Au automobile Is waiting to take you trt the list of apartments you designate, and If by unv e-liiinrt. jou are not perfectly suited, our entire nrgaul.ution will lie placed at your disposal to procure for jou exactly your heart's desire. ... Think of all the trouble vou will have saved nnd how glad sou will he to know ou have found the one apartment In Phila delphia which most nearly upproached your exact Ideal. . OPEN ON SUNDAY. IO A. M TO 4 P. M. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD till WALNUT ST., , . Si.ruio.Tl7l. llace 303.1- 1IOUSEICEEP1NO APARTMENTS ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. HUNTS 3.1 TO 173 PER MONTH CALL. PllllNE OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION. SAMUEL STERN 1301 CHESTNUT STREET THE ENOI.EWOOD. 330 S IIT1I ST Ideal central housekeeping apartments; suites S rooms, l.lti henette and bath. Apply Janitor, on premises or LEWIS A. TAULANE, 000 Walnut st. IIOHSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS. WEST PHILADELPHIA OR OERMANTOWN HKE EDWARD HUTCHINSON, Jr.. 133S. 13th or 117 S 48th. NOR FO I.K A FAIVTM ENTS Desirable 1 and .1 room upurtments near Park, janitor service, reasonable rentals. UECHTEL. 3333 Ridge ave THE liAHI.ES. 4000 to 4(133 Old York road; 3-storj. ll-room housekeeping apartments! rent JIO. transit facilities uneaualed. llecht, J31S Chestnut st.Janttur on premises. FOR modern, furn. or unfurn. apartments. Northwest Phlla and Tioga, see us first. BCHOEl'I'Y CO 1617 Montgomery ave- I'OPLMl APARTMENTS. l(!Hi-3(T Poplar St. 3 3 und 4 rcaim suites, furn. or unfurn hot-water heat:prlyatebaths. hot water. OROUND-FLOOR apartment, 7" rooms "and Juth 3:H3 llaiulltcua st Janitor 011 prem. WIJMT 1'1IIIDEI.PIIIA dlTIl AND CHESTNUT The Bsex Five roums. Itath, iMiitry and reception halt! ele vator day and night service. Colonial llnlsh vvlilte china ulo.es iialut mahogany duors, herdwocsl floors combination wall safes, laundry, vacuum cleaner, roof garden watchman all nUht. 137 50 to tlio month 1311 AND CHESTER AVE (The Monterey Very desirably s'luated opposite? Clark Park 4 and a rooms ulul bath, hardwood tloors. Iaundr . roof gunien. etc , S3o to 144 per mouth, ult de-slruble new housekeeping apt. Apply Janitor, or CUESSE. 3U8 llale. J(litic 135 AND 137 S, 56TH ST. I'lioUu tiousekeeplnc MiHtrtrueuts. it roorat uiul Kith, tri.'luvKw (tsurcheii, recently put tn tlrst-tUfts conJltlon CHAS. W. SIILLER 401-407 COMMONWEALTH HUILD1NO. 3til AND 341U ANGORA TBIIRACB Twu modern 3-rooia side-yard apart S33 mvuts, UvUig hill, electric lights, prt TO vale porches, high-class Janitor Berv t35 ice. fie ure to examine today. Apply at &40I Angora lerraoe or WM II. W. WCJCV IV A. U1V- INC. a 40TII ST 431 AND CHESTER (300 MaaUrey Apts.l Ijcxly t33 mo . 4 room, bath and larve re -eplloa hall, hardwood flours tact Jrtalt" TUB ItUlLAND APTS. JUST COMF1. tTlED LOCUST ST. StTH TO J STH 3T. e-roaans-aud-bath apalmus. with all the latest owventeocee tie to 111 69 per month. Bell iiim- Beluvat 443J UiT Lrcwst st. DR1SNEL APAWTMENTS TlVBHBnOOK STATION One houaekeeptng suite, tl socn-i ana bath. tIS 31 per Qjimtb.' publls dlBlns room, Pnone T1IK CIIH.TON First and Sd-tioor spartneUs. frwa no tu 133 MBS D- Wcl-VIN 3318 llarloz St. UY 106 inuoHh. 30U Essex Aparmwou, 31th Liweuavci. nice corner sparcmea a rBH. hu ana privac- nan wiu paper sou io auut cetucut inquire jamtxtr. HILL CREST B K, CO liTH AND RACE STS. .tttrarttVM pl stasis. t ttne: retuklI eUSm CeHKeTrfvM wmfivf hs-th"; 5tJ J -3 N iJlUHKLi, i4 o4 ISJirJtsl, W t.