BVHyigg-EEDG'Eft-PTTrTiA-nliiTifilJfTf BA'ifmtA"'y. MATiflT? IS. i.JHiT pHILLIJES SCHEDULED TO MEET CUBS PRIZE RING EXCERPTS OTHER SPORTS NEWS t r'r " 'gyys --- -, I; TWO PENN PLAYERS MAKE ALL-INTERCOLLEGIATE FIVE JIcNichdl and Martin Are Chosen by Ralph Morgan; High Scores Made By RALPH MORGAN If rnHE Intercolleglato Basketball League E Xtams lm1 ftnother thrllll"B race ln P l... t rMiiiAr Prlnneton or Pennsylvania. Uio-io. " led the league all season, and tho flnat reckoning found the teams tied for first eljce each having won eight games nnd f ' . t'w0, Third placo was shared by Yalo and Cornell, each with five games won Lid five lost, while Dartmouth, with threo Clctorlea and seven defeats, and Columbia, with only one victory In ten starts, brought op the rear. On the whole, the play, If anything, was bom brilliant this year than over before, and while there were not so many games decided by one, two or threo points as In .w.ik. when moro than half tho schedule vu decided by a margin of five points or i... novertheloos the play was exceeding ly closo and threo teams had a chanco for the title or to tie until the last ton days of the season, whon Dartmouth ellmlnntod Cornell by the unexpected victory ovor Coach Sharpe's team at Ithaca. The 1B1G season was notable for tho number of extra-period gamoB It produced --three In all and for the fact thnt Penn sylvania playod them all a total of 20 minutes over tho regular 400 mlnutos of the full league schedule. And Pennsyl vanla won them nil a tribute to tho JtamenoBS of tho olght fast players of tho Hed and Bluo team. The soconu year oi uouruuiu uouuuiug it Pennsylvania was productive of ono of the most remarkablo teams tho writer has I tier seen. Four of tho live men that made I up the regular five only seven men played for Pennsylvania In tho league jchedulo wero slighter, by many pounds, f and shorter, by sevoral Inches, than their opponents. Jourdot himself, nn iiggrosslvo player, with nn unconquornblo spirit, had the complete confidence of his players, as had also Captain Kddlo McNIchol, ono 1 of the brlghcst stars of the league season. Jourdet was ably nsslstcd In coaching by i Sugarman, of tho chnmplon Oreystock team of tho Eastern (professional) League. Sugarman Is a student In tho ' dental department at Pennsylvania and, while oldor than tho players, ncertheles4 understood them and worked well with Jourdet FINAL HTANDINO. Won. Lost. V. ( Pennsylvania 8 1! .Soil Prlnwton H ? .soil come fl r, .nun Yili r. .RIM) Dartmouth !l 7 .300 Columbia 1 0 .100 Player. Team. Games. . in . 10 .. in . 10 Points. Til O. FI.O. 128 31 (111 US 111 Ull lin m mi 71) 23 30 Klnnty. Tnlo MpN'lehol. 1'ennu. icno tas. Princeton. .. lirown. uarncu. ICnotaln) ElMon, Dartmouth. n. uunmuiun.. n in.. nn fi2 ill . 44 42 41 38 .111 34 .11! 32 JO 30 2S 211 2ll 23 20 IS 18 IS 14 14 1" 12 12 10 K H 8 7 II II 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 311 24 futterby, Cornell 1( Williams, Oartm'th. Ill MeTliuo. Princeton (Captain) welner, Yalo Dwier. Columbia... (Captain) Shelton. Cornoll. . . Martin, I'enna... . Calder, Columbia. . Lunden. Cornell.... Jones. Penna wlllamson. l'ennu. . Ftrree, Prlnco. . . . Mallon. Yale . 21 10 10 17 II 111 111 1.1 in 14 111 13 7 11 111 0 0 1 7 7 0 II II r a 4 4 1 3 3 Iljrjhard. Columbia in steenrod. Dartmouth It Aihmead, Cornell ... 15 Davles. Prlnco .... 7 Taft, Yale 10 Rtctor. Dartmouth. . 0 (captain) Martin. Dartmouth.. 0 Leonard, Cornoll ... : Rau. Dartmouth ... II JtfTord, Penna Ill Olien. Yalo 7 Pelletler, Dartmouth H Kornsand, Columbia 7 Wllbor, Columbia . . II Paulaon, Prlncu B Auitln. Cornell i! Llttautr, Columbia., a Robert!, Columbia.., 0 Foster. 1'rlnco 7 Ilealy, Columbia ... (I Wegener. Columbia. II Brush. Yalo 4 QUck. Prlnco H Rahlll. Prince in Ortner, Cornell .... J Eilcellne. Dartmouth 4 IlirdwIcK. Ponnu.... Alshton, Dartmouth. 4 Biker. Yalo 4 Oreenwald, Cornell.. 2 Laird, Columbia. . . 1 Latour, Columbia ... 1 iivii,, i cuiin. ... i Steele. Dartmouth.. 1 Fuller, Cornell 1 Allen. Cornoll 1 Oarneld, Yale 0 Horton, Yalo 0 Cuneo. Princeton.... 3 Conway, Yale 3 Lonnouy, i'enna. uiara, xalo 2 SRoth. Cornell 'award, Cornell ... 1 tack. Cornell 1 lutterworth. Prlnco. 1 YALE WINS TANK TITLE Penn Aids Ell to Cop Vollmcr Beaton by Dean W. . a . s . 5 . 4 . U PC. .7.10 .714 .112.1 .5110 ,000 Ta!e -Princeton ... MMumDia . . . Pennsylvania C, C. N. Y. Princeton ... Pennsylvania Yale Columbia . , , C C. N. Y. , .iit,. WATIin POI.O. 8 g 2 0 1.000 .023 .IIJ3 .2.10 .000 NEW HAVEN'. Conn., March 18. Yale won the Intercollegiate team swimming championship hero last night by defeating Columbia, 39 to H. The feature was Yale's victory In the 00-foot relay race. Dean, of the Blue, de feating Vollmer, the Columbia star, In tho final lap. Yale earned the title through Princeton's defeat last night in Philadel phia by Penn. Duluth Wants National Iegatta NEV YORK, Starch 18. At tho annual mettlnr o( tho National Association of Amu. Hi ran. which will bo held tonlfht. tho SlttftS B.'SC9 or holding tha national regatta 9t 1018 will be decided. A strong effort will ti r?, ?,,0..!aye ,h' annual event awarded la Duluth. Minn., this year, so that tha races nay be rowed ovor the St. lAUlt Day course. PETEYIt Seems Like Petey Is tn Be the Wardrobe Mistress vaiwat ILU HAVCTo 6Er 30lkl6 "lb A MBVW AVTeHOOr I VNEA IM THE. (SovM FO! THaT J NEUV ei-ATiORATe, I ri?5T ACT MA-BEt-" "IWE 6CEWE IS UMD IM A NEUV ) All'Intercollcglaic League Teams of 1916 Tint Team, PH. Fl .0. oo Ilimn. I'rlntelon. forward 110 2.1 i.iHrun, i-rnn, lorwarii... an MfTlittie, 1'rlnrfton. centre u McNIchol, lnn, Knnnl... 118 Hlielton, Cornell, marcl . an Total sis Second Team. Williamson, I'enn, forward 30 Ilroun, Cornell, font aril 7 Nntlerbr. Cornell, centre, flj Klnner, Vnle, aunnl 1JH Mnllon, Yale, guard . 2H 17 in to 0 SO 0 00 148 IS 23 .10 31 14 0 30 en o "os Total 321 113 AVERAGES SHOW CAMDEN HOLDS BULK OF HONORS Greystock, Eastern League Leader, Fails to Land In dividual Laurels Tho Eastern Uaskcthnll League eoason came to nn olTlclnl ending lant night, when Oroystock, leaders from tho very first Knme of tho Benson, slipped tho rollers under Do Ncrl, 32 to IS, and kept tho Southunrk five In tho second division. A victory for Do Ncrl would have tied them with Camden for third place. Although Oreystock Is the chnmplon, and rightfully so, Camden lends In every thing clso In the lenguc. .Tackle Adnms, tho silver-halted lender of tho skcetors, tops tho goal throwers ln points scored with 6G9, 11 points mora than wero scored by Andy Scars, of Hcndlng. Adnms nnd Scars, by reason of their foul-goat throw lug ability, aro In n class by theniHclrci In point scoring, for tho next nearest competitor Is Keclraii, of Jasper. Sedran Is 1B0 points In the rear. Only once havo tho figures made by AdnniH been topped in tho lengue. Kummcr did the trick In 1913-14, when the Jasper leader scored 097 times. Hoy Steele, of Camden, lends In tho number of nsslsts credited, with 77, threo less than ho made last year, when ho nlso led tho lengue. i Jimmy Drown, of Camden, lends the lenguo In goat throwing from tho field with 132, ono goal less than Jimmy Knnc, of Trenton, scored last yenr. Ilrown missed one gamo this senson and Kane also missed playing ln ono gnme last year. Ilrown is tho only plnycr ln tho lenguo who scored over 100 field goals. In other years three, and sometimes a half dozon, plnyors havo registered a century. Tho following figures show Just what every player and the teams have dona In a scoring way throughout the season: Field Poul Player. Club. flumes, itls. Bis. A8t.Ptn Atlami Cnmden 40 75 Kill mt rtilO Honra. RenUlns 40 70 R1H ill (158 Hcdran. Jnsrior 3 r,4 401 III) M2 Wllnon. Orevstock ... 31 no 3tm 28 4mi Dark. Do Nerl 3S h.1 28il 3.1 4.1H Kogarty. Oreystock... 211 33 322 2.1 3HK Ilrown. Cnmden 311 132 2 ill 2HiI Hfckman, Do Nerl... 31 MM 77 111 2.11 Newman, D Nerl ... 40 U.I 17 30 207 Dolln. Camden 40 nil u 23 I)J HnuBh, Trenton 20 37 103 2.1 177 CrosR. Ororstock nn SI u 1.1 HIS Krankcl. Trenton ill rtli 37 21) in.1 I,. Suaarman. Orey. . 37 7r. 4 40 1.11 O'Donnell. HeudlnK... 31) n II r.l ISO HteWe. Cnmden 30 71 II 77 142 (lrlmatnd. Do .NVrl... 311 114 II 411 12K Krledmiin, Jimper 37 D4 1 3IP Kill Lawrence. OrpHtock. 311 47 0 24 (U llORRlo, Heading 33 47 O 21 114 Morris. Heading III 44 II 2S .Ms Delghnn. Camden ... 37 44 0 211 hN Hchmcolk, Jnspsr ... HI 20 47 II 87 HargraveH, Trenton.. 8 12 B2 4 "it Vox. Jamier 40 37 II 10 74 Haitgerty. Heading... 3.1 3H II IN 72 Frost. Trenton 82 34 0 12 IIS McWIlllnma. U'Block. 211 3ft II 211 Kullor. Jasrcr Ill 211 II H Cli'tslnger, Trontnn. . . 38 28 0 22 Klncaldo, Do Norl . . . 3 2H (I 20 Cavanaugh. Jaaprr .. 40 2.1 0 1H Ki-enan, Trenton .... 1.1 17 I 17 Illlson, IIh NltI ID 17 0 .1 Harlow. Trenton .... 7 17 0 2 Mcarcgor, Jasper ... HI 13 n il Kerr. HeHdlng 13 l.'l 0 In Cashmun. Jusper ... 12 it II .1 Hckkm. Heading .... 12 HI 0 111 Kcrat, Camden 11 u 1 i, Ire. Jasper 2 2 12 1 Clinton, Trenton . . . U H n 1 Johnson, Jasper .... 1 3 8 o Ilerruu. (Irr) stock ..10 7 II 3 lloffinun. Trenton . . Ill a 0 1 Znhn, Trenton I 8 4 1 Vun Osten, Do Nerl. 2 3 3 0 Hlmendlnger. Trenton l 4 n 2 I.loyd. Trenton 2 il 0 o Normun. Heading . . r 3 II 1 Cone. Jasper 2 3 0 a 11. Hugarmun. I) Nerl 2 2 II il Ilnnev, Camden 10 1 n 1 Vutt. Trenton .... I 1 n 0 I.ongslret, Trenton.. 1 1 II 1 i: Neumun. Trenton. 1 il (I i Kllpatrlck. Do Nerl.. 1 O u n Dun!eaev. Ore) stock 1 n 0 0 lladlre, Trenton 1 n 0 Ilarger. Trenton 1 II II 1 (lelg, Trenton 1 O 2 Henry. Trenton 1 O 0 0 TEAM-HCORINQ AVnilAOES. Field Foul Games. kIm. kIh, Asats.Pts, Camden . Da Nerl. Oreystock Heading . Jasper . . Tronton . 411 4'JII r,2i 222 137.1 177 1147 13ll 113)1 till 11 III 180 1171) 40 383 381 3.111 4711 2S4 .118 1U.I 4111 2311 441 117 Ul)4 FJNAI, STANDlNO OP TUB CUV US W. I.. P.C. W. I.. P C. Oresstock 27 18 .1175 Do Nerl.. 20 20 .500 HMdlng. . 23 17 .575 Jasper... 17 23 .423 Camden.. 21 IV .523 Trenton.. 12 28 .30U Simpson Sets Hurdle Record KAK9AH CITY, Mo.. March 18. Missouri won over Kansas City In tha unnuul duul truck m??t henHast nljiht The srora was 45 to 40 A world's record was made by .Simpson, of Missouri, officials of the meet declared, when He won tha 50-ard low hurdles hi .1 4-5 sec onds lowering tho former record uf a sec onds! tied by him last year. I'enn on Navy Lacrosse Schedule ANNAPOLIS. Md., March 18. Tha Naval Academy has arranged tho following schedule for tho lacrosse team. All contests will b o?Irad at T Annapolla: March SO. llulllmora CUv Collega; April 0. Cornell; April 13. Inl Verslty of Ponnly vanla; April 11). Johns Hop, Una- April 22. Ifarvard. and April 20. Hwurtli inors I aeorge Flndleyson of Toronto, will again coach the aquad. Z. CAW CSX v " ' " IN OH -.Nv AUJM6 VJITh KY ' WANJEUT m The TUlCD So MOST I f "RLUC PSBW FOC A A TVuvjfc THAIS FVT , ACT ViCAK. I Ano i SOREtV HU3T f" . TUe Fir st ACT. -BUT J I To VmeaU FoRTke ), . V ARtOIVJOr- A HAVE" A VOeJOCViPOtC ) CZ (?) 'IulhwkTotjuv second act -but Costume ewewiwg &oww .fSn. 'y S0HETHIKI6 fOR. I THE SOR.T OP COWW "S. TWATS AWoTMEC ) -rr.f. ..,. ..- ' i - IT The secowo J He-EDvow'TtosT ) Triiwc u. ZS 'HE last act- -y r Mors Tau SevewTv-) J - ? Have To ) -. i ---- I TUikiu. v TWO PENN MEN QUALIFY IN COUEGE 31AT TOURNEY Cornell nnd Trinceton Aro Fnvoritcs In Finnl Douts Todny PRtNCfiTON. N. J, March 18. Only two University of Pennsylvania represen tatives qualified In the preliminary bouts of tho Intercolleglato wrestling tourney, which began yesterday In the Princeton gymnasium. Theso men were Mike Dorl ins, In tho unlimited class, nnd Cnptnln Mltllgan, UB-pouml class. Tho Inability of moro men to work their way Into tho final mntches this afternoon precludes nil chanco of tho Hed and Uluo winning tho title. Pcnn's big Creek threv Snyder. Cor nell's Hercules, In 29 seconds, anil Is scheduled to meet Jewett, of Princeton, In tho finals of tho unlimited class. A hard strugglo resulted In the mntrh between McKenzle, Cornell, and Klrkhuff, Lehigh, tho former winning on a decision ntter two extra threc-nilnute periods Big Indoor Track Gnmcs Nt:V YOllK, March 18 Tho annual Am, nteur Athletic ITnlon , senior Indoor ilmmplnn ship meet will bo held hero tonight, with tho inoxl renresenlnllip entry In recent years Yalo. Harvard. Dartmouth. Ilrown. Lehigh Lafayette. .Mnsamhutetts Tech. HoU Cross Columbia nnd Iniljimur hne lifted the titines of Ihelr leading tarslty nthleles "BETSY" WILL BE TRUE TO MORAN IN WILLARD GO Contender Confident Right Hand Will Bring Down Big Champion NrjW YORK, March 18. Frank Mornn Is counting on his superb physlcnl condi tion nnd "little lletsy" to carry him through to n knockout victory over Jess Wlllnrd on tho night of tho 2Gth. "I'm sure I'll win," declared the sorrel topped Pittsburgh gladiator, ns ho fin ished his morning workout. "If I don't I won't havo any nllbl to offer. I'm In shape to fight right now and fight BO rounds If necessnry." Moran certainly looks fit. There's a ruddy glow on his face, his wind Is al most perfect. "You've got nn nwftil Job ahead of you lo beat Wlliard," some ono remarked. ' You re spotting him CO pounds In weight, 6 Inches In height nnd 6 Inches In reach." "I know It and I'm confident Just the same," answered Moran. "No matter how big n man Is he's going to fall If he's hit hard enough. And I'm going to hit Wlliard don't worry.' 'Little lletsy' here," and Moran doubled his right hnnil nnd waved tho huge, clenched first, "enn bring down tho biggest ones, Jess Wlliard Included." Although Moran figures on his right handed wallop to finish the entertainment on tho 28th, he hns been developing a left handed crusher secretly nnd Its n real punch In tho past Moran used his left for blocking purposes nlmost exclusively. Hut now, under tho tutclngo of Willie Lewis, his trnlner, be has converted the left into u "bacon producer." "tn my other lights I never had to ex tend myself." Bald Moran. " 'Llttlo lletsy' was all I needed Hut this fight Is differ ent. I'm up against the biggest champion In the history of pugilism, nnd bo I havo left no stone unturned to bring myself to perfection 1 am going to assume tho aggressive and carry the light to Wlliard." Tinker In Another Auto Spill TAMPA Kin . March IS Joseph Tinker, manager of the Chicago Nationals, was pain fully injured hero yesterday when his autumn bile elruck n post He was pitched niralnst the windshield and gashed about the head and fare, n glass fragment rutting his eeitl Physicians ndled quiet fearing passible In Jury to the eehall OTHEIt SPOUTS ON PAGE IS I)It. HART WINS AT TENNIS IN MATCH AV1T1I LONOACUE, 20 Finnl Piny in First Round of Gloss B Singles Dr. C. I). Hart defeated John Longacro, 2 sets to 0, In the last match of tho first round for tho Class II court tennis singles championship at tho Hncnuet Club this morning. Tho match was played on even terms, nnd. although Longncro failed to win a set, he forced Doctor Hart to ex tend himself to tho limit. Longncre startrd poorly In the first match, nnd was handicapped by n four gnmo loss nt tho Jump. Tho next four wero equally dlvldod, then Doctor Hart gained a 7-to-2 gnmo ndvantnge. Al though Longncro got tho next two, Doctor Itnrl Dually won, 8 to I, Tho second set was much better con tested, and both men ptnyed n higher quality of tennis At one tltuo longncro led 4 games to 2, but ho was Unable to hold the udvantngo. Then ln the 14th game Longncro unfortunately served a double fault, which put nn end to tho match, S-C Summaries: I' Hart 8 8 J lingaere ... 4 0 y uncut petcvTn yx " ' Tx hamc Noo Thought, of ' M Akm sucgestious Jf 1 TUlWK. T I To improve out. I vwqouo,'B TETTeK, ) To- H;CoLARE I H? 'F TJER V chauitv r y Jo Ham e Tme Vholc; J 1 .j iViiM6 ivj one y a;ct av4d owe yzum MACK REGULARS DUE IN CAMP ON MONDAY Last of Athletics Clan Abolr4 Stenmer Lenape Bound for Jacksonville Tho regular members of tho 191 Ath letic team aro looking- over the rail rrf tho steamer Lenape today, on their cruise down tho Atlantic Const to Jacksonville, The Lenapo Is duo to touch at JaoVson vilto somo time Monday, and net Boon nn Davis leads his charges down the Ertng plank tho entire family of Athletics will l)o together again, united In ono com m n cause for ono common purpose, namely: to get Into Just as good a con tlltlon ns It Is possible under the Florida Btin for tho long trek which starts April 12. Alt the aspiring athletes, headed by Uoss Davis, hopped the 9 o'clock Penn lnnla flyer nt North Philadelphia yes terday morning for Now York, where they met K turfy Mclnnls nnd then boarded the ronstwlso steamer Lenape, which cast off its lines nt 1 p. m. By C. A. VOIGHT Jf ASWIoWABte VIOTEC J