Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 18, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 15

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Rmateur Organization, Famous for Its Productions,
Will liOia uiuu lNignu uii vv euneauuy uniy .serious
Affairs to Interest Society fn Coming Week
n piftvs nnd Players will give an-
' n,.f of Its Interesting club-night
IUformances on Wednesday evening at
- i.... Tkontro. when "Tho Bravest
,t" " . ...- ttr.1,1 n .Tnvtin hrlr.n tilnv
Inir in i"H "" ---
' , ...ill ho nresentcd bv a-cast
m we iv "" ... ' ... . ,,
L. ..Atne Mr. Vinion riumicj! .m.
BSwhb Kngnn. Mr. William
iLhes Mearns, Miss Roso Green, Miss
rmma Feglcy Mourns, Miss Fannie
nT nnd Mrs. Williams Olbbons
Waree Mr- Krccdley will be remembered
JJ hlj splendid work In "Dolly Reform
.1 Herself." presented In tho Dellovuo-
Stratford earlier this winter. A curtain
nUr, "The Maker of Dreams," by OIL
kHanlDown, Wljl OQ inicnircieu u ...i.
... i Dnlint-
Miss Margaret II.
J. Jiowaru .-.
ivonr and Mr Pre
nnn jii i'iww .. -
u i7I.ni nv vniintF it rnniii
U Vou may recall, was one of tlio'caiit
which P1 tno very '"-" """"-
'Snnvlca mst spruiK in. " ... ... .--which
resulted In the Interesting, but
fait altogether unexpected, announce-li-i
nf the engagement of Miss Hrln-
K, to Slgnor Ccsnre Sturanl, her sol-
Jsant husunnu in mu mum...
L.. rnlnv day recently (there have
fbltn several) I was possessed with the
leotlon of going to a matinee as It was
'then about 2 o'clock, and as the "snow
tinted to sco was a biff hit I was
Compelled to take my t.laco In line bo
Store the box-ofllce nnd wait my turn.
jl attention was rtiawn to iwo iiitio
ciatter-boxes several places In front of
'na In tho Hue, and. upon craning my
jietk, I discovered uii-m i ucuu
dntes of tho present season. When
Hitle Miss (shall I bay Mary?) reached
(, ticket stand sho peeped In nnd asked
fiN tWo seats In the orchestra, and upon
their being fortiicoming. sue niuiuij
tald. nonchalantly: "Charge, them.
FA- m Mrs. " Naturally, tuc
man at tho box protested and said that
f. wasn't done," but tno swoci young
filling merely looked bored nnd naked
Sfor tho manager. When sho found her
blandishments wcro 01 no avail one aim
Tier companion were turning awny dls
wnsolately. but a fairy godmother ap
peared In the pc-son of n nice, motherly,
looking soul, who Insisted thnt they
borrow the necessary cash from her and
return it latei Addics.sni were ex-
changed and tickets purchased and tho
two dlsappe.-v "i witiun uio huikimicu in
terior' of tho pl.-ivhouse.
'Another llttlo debutnnte- I Happen to i
( I
llnow, and finite a comely one, too, was
In. a shop last week making a purchase,
M.d nndlng sho did not possess monoy
lafllclent for her Immellate r.ecda ten
dered a cheque I heard htr say, "Oh,
it's quite all right, I assure you; Just re
P fer to Mrs. Soand-So" (mentioning tho
nima of a woman whose redlt would
i be good at any shop), and supposed they
f.vrerc In doubt over the amount of said
cheque, when, to my astonishment and
vast amusement, I found that It was
i; for the huge sum of $l.!iO!
The last meeting of Mrs. Thomas U
Blrd, Jr's Dancing Class will bo given
next Wednesday at tho Merlon Cricket
Club, when thero will bo a cotillon and
favors for the young guests. Among
uu mera&ors nro miss Liyuia a,
Kiss Frances Dcavcr, Miss KIcanor
Glbbs. Miss Acnes Sims, Miss Frances
fWllson, Miss Uetty Clothier. Miss Mary
Clothier, Master Morrm uioinicr, jr.;
Master William Alexander LloUer. Mas-
tter Clayton French Banks, Jr. ; Mnster
Mlrlson Glbbs. Master William Hirst
and Master Anthony Hirst.
'itra ni.nl.tmln Olv.lo Wells. Ilf Mont-
rl romprv ni-AmiA rtrvn Mnwr. u-lll irivu 11
ImAlt ln thl nftnrnnnn fnr her Vnlini?
Kdaushtcr, Miss Betty Wells.
L. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay II. Warburton
nd Miss M,ary Brown Warburton, who
hare been spending some time at the
Breakers. Palm Beach, left last night to
Kttturn to this city.
The last meet of the season of the
tRaanor Hunt Club took place this morn-
Mrs. Josenh L. Woolston. of Chestnut
Hill, will glvo a children's narts- this
afternoon for her daughters. Miss Allza
woolston and Miss Nancy Woolston.
Mr. and Mrs, John R. Valentine will
turn homo frpm their hunting trip In
aryland tomorrow or Monday.
Mr. and Mru Alpvnmloi- Brawn, who
tye been spending three weeks at Palm
Beach and Aiken, are. expected homo next
Mrs. Benlamln r?havs hnit rAtltrnptt front
Atlantic City.
iDr. and Mm .Tnhn rVinba lllrut wilt ..n.
''rtaln Informally at dinner this evening
t their home. 1823 Pine street, In honor
Ct Mr and Mln ITonrv T in l'lllinm.
.Of Mlnnennntlct whr. will et.an.1 tht uAAlr.
M as their guests. There will be 12
Mrs. George Mason Chichester, of 820
B"rnoon after & o'clock.
' Mm. Wall.. T-l -nt j rt
i . Imtn.w"1 bo ut nomo Informally from
iU; home, 1832 Spruce street. No cards
f" been sent out.
t(?f "enry p. Page, of 315 South 16th
Lreet. Will rei-AlVA nl h.p t.f.rv,a thla nttaw.
Boon after 4 o'clock. No cards have been
.Will, out.
Mrs. Char1n Tnlfl ulit i... l.,,...
B? J?1 her Chelsea Cottage, 32 South
. ""eigh avenue, ofer the iweek-end. A
lfi..p?rtr wUI be 'ven this evening,
llUUQWCa DV n flBnnai.HonnA n I, m-nu-
I toO r ft, llTB. Kllltt! lAft thA nalTAiniA.
l!llrd S?d motored to Atlantic City to
Lmln until after Easter.
Jln i Jrancls D, Farnum and her niece,
SmTT ?4lad8 Brooke-Chain, of Fir Ter
SSSTk . rrUtown hav Bne to Virginia
Kiif .. f0 "veral weeks, stopping on their
tr.i'-OId Point Comfort, whera I.leiiten.
iitoS? i I Ha'ne". U. a N.. will trlve a.
Vffmr In honor ofMUs Chain.
IftirtxTlJV,on iCresswell. of Edgewater
Kit, .J- who ,s "Pending the -winter
ifmi ..Rt the RIttenhouse, has returned
UQ Atlantic Oltv uhr. .ha .r,n. anmm
lUaza. -"- ..M.w wmv ,., ru
EWends of Mrs. Johns Hopkins; of 1713
IJwijat street, will be glad to learn that
lth,V1".Jtunxe to her home from the
6Ttrity HosnltJLl. vh.r aha wK tot
nrai weeks, and Is recuperating rap-
K; iIx- Frank Rich Wallace, of
i-r-"4MeJa, Masa.. wha ha.va heen s-Dndlntr
Vtt---)! ! vtmut igf;
this week In Philadelphia, have returned
to their home. .Mrs. Wallace will be re
membered as Miss Anna S. Taylor, of
Germantown, before her marriage last
Along the Main Line
MKmo.V Mr. nnd Mrs. Eldrldge It.
Johnson, of the Chimneys, who lmvo been
spending the winter In Pasadena, Cnl.,
will leave there April 1. and will spend
a month traveling through the West be
fore returning early In May.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Mr.Mennmln. nf
Old Lancaster road and Highland avenue,
will leave the latter part of this month for
a Southern trip.
Mrs. Christian Keblger, of Highland
avenue, aild her sister, Mrs. tlorfmau. loft
tills week for a stay of several weeks In
AUmiOItK-Mr. and Mrs. Caspar W.
Morris and their rhlldren have returned
fiom n visit to tho shore.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Jlecvcs Hunting
and their children, of Ou-thc-ltlll, nro
spending romc time in town with Mr.
Hunting's parents.
WVNNIJWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Chester Williams, of Carondelel. who re
turned Wednesday from Atlantic City,
will return to the shore caily in April.
liriYN MAWIl Mr. and Mrs. Walter
f. Jnnney, of llaxerford rond, havo gono
to Whlto Sulphur Springs to spend three
Mrs. John Harvey flordon rntertnltifd
tho Iladnor branrli of Queen Mary's Nee
dlework Ouild at luncheon yesterday nt
her home, in ltryn Mnwr. Among those
present were .Miss Julia Wood, Mrs. T.
Truxton Hare, Mrs. Kent Willing, Mrs.
Murdoch Kendrlcl:. Mrs. K. Ocas Slnkler,
Mrs. Nathan ltiiywnrd, Mrs. .Harry C.
1'ottcr. Mrs. AV. W. Montgomery, Jr., and
Mrs. C. K. Undcrhlll.
Mrs. Prank 1. Croft, of Montgomery
nvcuue. will glvo a card party this after
noon. ST. DAVIDS .Mrs. Julius A. Sauer,
lfo of Naval Oun'tnictor Julius A. Saner.
U. S. N, of Washltigton, and her llttlo
daughter, are visiting Mrs. Sailer's sister-In-I.iw.
Mrs. Sheldon Catlln. of St. Davids.
Mrs. Cllffoid .Smith, of St. Davids, has
gone to New York, where she will stay
for two weeks
DKVON Kriends of Mrs. T. Mellon
n-igers. of D-v in, will regret to learn that
she Is ronllncd to t'.'e houso by illiics"
Jtr. and Mrs. Charles T. Drown nro
occupying thnlr new home, 31 in Indian
Queen lane, Queen I.ane Mnnnr.
Miss Kmlllo Fricke, of 134 West Upsal
MIL't'l) 13 J)UII111I1K flUMIdl LTU 1U IIIU
Traym0re. Atlantic City.
Mrs. C. B. Grace, of Mnnhelm street,
will give a luncheon on Thursday, March
30, at her home. a
Mr. Joseph Custer, of Chicago, III., Is
tho guest of Mr.' and Mrs. William S.
I.loyd, of 233 Harvey street.
Thero will bo a dinner dance, at X
Germantown Cricket Club next Wednes
day evening, March 22. A party dining
together before tho dance will Include Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Houston, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Burton Mnstln. Mr. and Mrs. Horaco
Combes, Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Perkins,
Mr. nnd Mrs. I.oo Nelson Wood and Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert P. Fischer.
North Philadelphia
Photo by Unity Studio, New York
Mrs. Itlchard Stahl will entertain a
number of tho younger set tonight at
dinner following a matine theatre party
fqr her daughter. Miss Lorraine Sherwood
Stahl. '
Mrs. William H. Voltz entertained at
luncheon and cards yesterday afternoon
at her home, 2022 North 16th street.
Mrs. I,athrop Smith entertained at cards
yesterday afternoon at her home onNorth
17th street. The guests Included Mrs.
Charlotte Tyson. Mrs. Clark Kendrlck,
Mra Newton Smith. Miss Seima Strauss,
Mrs. Russell Wilson, Mra Hlllyard
Smith, Mrs. J. Durbln Acker, Miss
Isabel Hall, Miss Helen D'Qssone, Miss
Grace D'Ossone, Mrs. II. Rex Stackbouse,
Mrs. George Thompson and Mrs. Lee
Mr. Charles W. Shelmlre, of German
town and Lehigh avenues, 3 visiting the
Miss Adelaide B. Klein, who has been
spending a short time at her home,, 1921
West Glrard avenue, has returned to
Wellesley College.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirshner and Mr. and
Mrs. A. Goldberg, of 19th and Stiles
streets, have left to spend the week at
tha shore,
Mr, and Mrs. Conrad Gross, of ,2037
North 19th street, announce the marriage
of their daughter, Miss Hannah Muriel
Gross, to Mr. Lawrence Lyman Shatter,
of Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Shaller will
be at home after April 25 at 4615 North
Maxvine street
'' Chestnut Hill
Mr. John K. Strublng, Jr., has returned,
from Episcopal High School. Alexandria,
Ya., and will spend a fortnight with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Strublng,
of HarUvell avenue and St Martin's" lane.
i lfe ? &
The marriage of Miss Almee Rrncsta
Drinker, dnughter of Dr, Henry S.
Drinker, president of Lehigh University,
nnd Mrs. Drinker, to Mr William C. Hill
lltt took place In the Packer Memorial
Church, South Bethlehem, nt I2-.10 o'clock
Tbt ceremony was performed by the Itt.
Ilcv. Hthclbert Talb.it, Bishop of the Dpls
copal Dloceso nf Bethlehem.
The hrlde. who was Riven In marriage
by her father, was gowned In white. Her
only attendant was her sister, itot Cath"
orino S. Drinker. n maid of honor, and
Mr. Bullitt's brother, Mr tirvlllc II Bul
litt, acted ns best man
Tho ushers lurliided Mr Philip S.
Piatt, of New Yoilt: Ml- S. Men III Cle
ment nnd Mr. Karle T Williams, of Buf
falo; Mr. Watson K Itlalr. of Chicago;
Mr. John C. Bullitt, 3d, Mr. James D.
Drinker and Mr. Philip hrlnkor. A break
fast at the university campus nt I oVIock
fohowed the ceremony.
In addition to the me nbers of tb" Im
mediate families of the bride and bride
groom the guests Included Mr. and Mrs
Arthur t'.mlcn NVwbnld. Jt,, Mr and Mrs
Percy C Madeira. Jr.. Miss M. l-hilalie
Wlllcox. Mb-s Adeline 1,. V. Pepper. Mr
and Mrs Francis I (low en Dr. d II
Perry Pepper, Mr and Mr' "ienrgr Put
nam, of Boston, the latter of whom was
Miss Katharine Hart-: Mi and Mm
George Mnttln. of New York. Mr ienrg,
Blddle, Mr. Julian Blddle, Mr. Ilowland
TlMins, Jr., Mr. Allen Kvans. Jr.. Mr. and
Mrs. C. Itartmau Kuhn, Mr. Charles Wal
ler, of Wllkes-Uarro : Mr. anil Mrs Bul
litt and Mr. Srott Bullitt, of Ketiluekv
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bullitt will spend their
honeymoon abroad
Along the Reading
Tho student government of the Beeeh
wooil School nt Jenklntown gave a St. Pat
rick's day pnrtv and dance last evening
nt the school The committee In charge
Included Miss Then Daub, Miss Helen
Hcrr and Mlrs Madeline Whltten. Most
of the girls nttended the dance In fancy
costumes appropriate to the occasion, nnd
tho ballroom was aitlstlcally decorated
with greens.
A concert will bo given this evening at
S o'clock by the members of the tie I.au
cey Glee Club nt the Beechwood School.
(in Monday evening a miinleale will bo
held nt the school, to which every one Is
Invited, nnd on Tuesday evening a Btudent
recital will bo given nt S o'clock, when
there will be vocal, piano and organ solos
by the students.
Mrs. William I. Burns nnd Mrs. James
B Marshall wre tho hostesses at tho
luncheon given yesterday at Mrs. Mar
shall's home at Noble, for tho members
of the Nohle Civic Club Among thoso
attending wcro Mrs. C. L. Comfort,
Mrs William F. Vcrkcs. Mrs. Thomas
A. Ilnllahan. Miss Keltscli. Mrs II. C.
La Hue. Mrs. George Hauicl, Mrs. Wal
ter I). Eastburn. Mrs John II. Shields,
Mrs. Howard I'ngard. Mrs. John A.
Harder. Mrs. Herbert Fetter. Mrs. Silas
Shocn. Mrs. Treat Bosworth. Mrs. How
ard Beck. Mrs. Andrew Grllllth, Mrs. N.
A. Krlps. Mrs. II. Allen Krlps. Mrs.
Jnmes It. Marshall, Mrs Levis Hart
man. M-.s Wllllnm J. Burns Mrs O.
Blsmaick Klesewetter, Mrs. Charles Dan
nenhnuser, Mrs Clara . Stoopes. Mrs.
Frederick Schinltt, Mrs. Frank Chostor
mnn. Miss Ilowland, Miss Virginia Ilow
land, Mrs Jacob lloehm, Mrs. Jona
than J. Jones, Mrs. William A Craven,
Mrs Lewis Brenlnger, Mrs. Kntlmtine
I'liddach, Mrs. Thomas IC. Ober, Jr . Mrs.
Randolph Miller and Mrs. W. It. Mat
thews. Guests of tho ctub at tho lunch-
I eon wore Mrs. Everett, of Glcnslde; Mrs.
William Batcman, of Glenlock, N. J., and
Miss He IT, of Mclroso Park.
Miss Bculah Albertson Pres.Mu.iu, of
Logan, formerly of Ambler, was the guest
if honor at a linen shower given Thurs
day ovenlng by Mrs. Walter ICiiehn, of
1301 Knox street, Germantown. Miss
rressnian's marrlago to Mr. Curtis Dear
dorff, of Gettysburg, will take plnco on
Easter Monday. t
On Monday evening tho daiu-Ing class
of the Whltcmarsh Valley Country Club
will glvo unothor of Its series of Informal
dances. The class Is directed by Miss
Constanco B. Taylor, and the members In
clude Mr. nnd Mrs. William Marshall,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Hurlburt, Mr.
nnd Mrs. William Hurlburt, Jtr. and Mrs.
Gcorgo Mecgan, Mr. and Mrs Ilobert
Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Chase, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Thomas Laughton, Mr. and Mrs.
James Aull. Mr. and Mrs. W. Perry, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Butterworth and Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Stewart.
Camden 'and Vicinity
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Oraffen and their
son linve returned to their New- York
homo after visiting Mrs. Mary Graffen, 0th
ami Cooper streets.
Miss Lucy Dean Wilson Is coaching tho
High School Junior play, "Lore's I-ibor
Lost." The principal part will bo taken
by Miss Margaret Holllnshead.
Mrff. Charles M. Hogan, of 210 Cooper
street, Is visiting relatives at Forest
Hills, L. I.
Miss Nancy Collin has returned to her
homo at Ashland after an Illness In tho
Cards are out announcing the marrlago
of Miss Helen It. Sharp to Mr. Clinton
Sharp Davis on Saturday afternoon,
March 11, in Christ Church. Woodbury.
Mr. Fay Corey, of Chehtertown, Md.,
spent the week-end with his cousin, Mr.
J. F. Stratton.
Dr. Howard Speakman. brother of tho
late Mr. William 11 Speakman. of Euclid
street. Is visiting relatives In this city.
This is Mr. Spcakman's llret visit In this
country since leaving for Paris 25 years
At the annual election of the Com
munity Welfare Association Mrs. Leices
ter K. Dals was elected president; Miss
Anna N. Lukens. vice president; the
Rev. James J. Bingham, executive becre
tary; Miss Eunice -Welsh, recording sec- .
tary, and Mr. J. Dawson Paul, treasurer ,
Sir. Little, secretary of Organized Chari
ties of Philadelphia, maue an aauress.
Mr. Charles J. "atthews and Sir. Silas
Tomllnson will shortly sail for Porto Rico, i
Sirs. S. Le Roy Ridge is visiting her
sister. Sirs. Richard Slathtr Marshall, at
Newport, Pa.
Mis3 Ray Jacobson, shown in tha centre, is cbairm n rd M'ss Lillian
Frances Tail, at the right, active members of the c mm c re arranging
held tomorrow evening for the benefit of the Down Town
I m&
Miss Spcrinp; is tho attractive tlaufrhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan
Sporinp, of Cynwyd
West Philadelphia
Tho Liberty Bell Chapter, Daughters of
tho Revolution, held Its annual meeting
yo:,tcrday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at tho
home of Mrs. Constantino Pope, HID South
ISth street, at which olllcem were elected
for the ensuing year nnd delegates ap
pointed to the national convention, to bo
held In New York In May.
Mrs. Florence Garnet, of tho Covington,
37th nnd Chestnut streets, gavo n St. Pat
rick's Day party esterd.iy afternoon. Tho
guests included Mrs. Brum Archibald, Mrs.
Charles Iierger. Mrs Edwin Balllnger,
Mrs. Howard Curtln, Mrs. Charles Dough
erty, Mrs. Harry Uivlsel, Mrs. L. Kanaga,
Mrs. John C. Larimer, Mrs. Mary Me
Cauley, Mrs. Harold McCalla, Mrs. Will
iam Nelson, Mrs. Howard Newliu, Mrs.
Thomas Plerpolnt. Miss Jane Parker. Mrs
Frederick Boelmnn, Miss Jessie Sehanz,
Mrs. David Smith, Mrs. Edwaid Sterne.
Mrs. Howard Sclinley and Mrs. Waechter.
Mrs. William James Pardon, of C205
Washington avenue, Is entei tabling Mrs.
Lauren II. Gardner, of St. Cathiiiluu's,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Raymond Ycager
nro being congratulated upon tho birth
of n son, Robert Wllllnm Ycager. Mrs.
Ycager will bo remembered ns Misa Anna
MncBerty. of West Philadelphia.
Mr. and Sirs. Thomas W. Smltheman, of
201 South C5th street, announce tho en.
gagement of their daughter, Miss Isabel
Smltheman, to Mr. Roy Blanchnrcl De
lany. Tho semimonthly meeting of tho Sixteen
Club was held at tho homo of Miss Mabyl
Peterson. 1112 North 50th street. Tho.so
present woro Miss Ann Cleeland, Miss
Allco Chllds, Miss Mary Hall. Miss Ruth
Halght. Miss Constanco Hubbard. Miss
Catherine Ley, Miss Edith Lnmbort, Miss
Grace Mills. Miss Emma Kolb, Miss Mado
lino Town, Miss Florence Starr and Miss
Margaret Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Renear and their
son, Elmer Renenr, of Atlantic City, who
havo been tho guest of Mrs. Reikar's par
ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Gardner, of
6110 Callowhlll street, have returned
homo, accompanied by Mrs Henears
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. ami Mrs.
Edward Gardner, Jr.. nnd their daughter,
of .B8H Webster street.
Sir. and Mra. William Dougherty, of Q70
North Sickles street, aro receiving con
gratulations on tho birth of a son. Robert
Dr. Louis II. Sliitschlcr, of 2030 West
Tioga street, bead siiigeon of the Epis
copal Hospital, accompanied by Mis.
Mutsehler, Is spending a short time In
f 'mEMFaegsrfflm?
ute HI
gfe v- 5&
Photn by Photo-Crafter.
At tho miscellaneous shower which Miss
Sarah C. Pedrlck, of Penarth road, will
ghe this afternoon In honor of Miss Dor
othy A. Fleck, of Bala, whoso engagement
to Mr. Enrry C. Taylor, Jr., of Baltimore,
was announced this winter, tho guests will
Include Jllss Dorothy Morris, Miss Marian
Plckford, SIlss Dorothy Sleckc, Miss Ur
fula Seeherger, SIIhs Mnrgarct Williams,
Miss Dorothy Nclms, Miss Elizabeth Grls
com, Miss Mario Mees, Miss SInrlo Slartln,
Jllss Myrtlo Johnston, SIlss Margaret Ker
shaw, Miss Jeano Hammer, SIlss Elsto
Getger, SI13S Slario McClntchey, SIlss Flor
ence Kline, SIlss Naomi Kaufman, SIlss
Edith Ilnrrls. SIlss Graco Rudolph, SIlss
Mildred Livingston. SIlss Slartha Bowman
anil SIlss Helen Plckford Pedrlck.
Sir. nnd Sirs. Chnrlca N. Beard, of
Llandrlllo rond, Cynwyd, havo left for a
trip to Haana, Cuba.
Sirs. .1. O. Duncan, Jr., of Llandrlllo
road. Cynwyd, gnvo a tea yesterday after
noon from .1 until G o'clock In honor of
her gueht, SIlss Katharlno L. Vinton, of
Lafayette, Iiul. Thoso assisting Sirs. Dun
can and SIlss Vinton In receiving wcro
Sirs. William Simpson, Sirs. Richard SI.
Shoemaker, Jr., Sirs. S. Harold Croft, Sirs.
Wllmer SI. Wood, Sirs. William P. Fries.
Sirs. Leonldas Beck, Sirs. Lloyd Sngcn
ilorph. Sirs. George II. Powell, Sirs. Alfred
Oliver, Sirs. Vinton Stahl. SIra. II. II.
SU-Laughlln, SIlss Jane I. SIngce and SIlss
Elizabeth Lodge SIngee.
WILMINGTON. Slarch 18. A St. Pat
rick party will bo given tonight at tho
Young Women's Christian Association. All
members of the association aro Invited.
A committee of arrangements consists of
Sirs. J. M Humes. SIlss Mildred Kershaw,
SIlss Mary Coxe, SIlss Douglass, SIlss
Cdna Klndoll, SIlss SInbel Groves, SIlss
Gertrude Caspcrson and Jllss Ada Bell.
Sir. nnd Sirs. J. T. Stontgomery and
Sir. and Sirs. J. P. Jordo have returned
from a Southern trip which included Jack
sonville, St. Augustine and Palm Beach,
Fla., and Havana nnd other towns In
SIlss Alice Conner has Issued Invitations
for a tea on tho afternoon of Saturday,
Slarch 25, from 3 until I o'clock, In honor
of SIlss Edna Louisa Smith, who will be
married to Sir. Joshua Christy Conner
In April.
Invitations will be Issued shortly for the
marriage of SIlss SInry Elsie Yarnall,
dnughter of Sir. nnd Sirs. James W. Yar
nall. of SIS Jnekson treet, to Sir. C, Wil
lis Opltz, of Chicago. III. The wedding
will take place April 8, at the homo of the
hrldo'a parents and the Friends' ceremony
will bo used. ,
SIlss Louise Ndwlnnd entcrtnlned at tea
Wednesday afternoon In honor of Sirs. W.
It. Moody, of East Northfleld, Slass., who
has been visiting SIlss Bertha Harlan this
week. SIlss Harlan and Sirs. Moody went
to Philadelphia today to be guests at the
Nor'hflcld luncheon at tha Adelphla.
Sir. and Sirs. James L. Eashy, of Tor
resdalo road, gave a dinner of 10 covers,
followed by bridge, last evening. The
guests were Sir. and Sirs. Louis Martin.
Mr. and Sirs. Kenneth R. Lewis. Sir und
Mrs. George R. Potts, Sir. and Sirs. Wil
liam Graham and Mr. and Sirs. Walter
Zaitr, at the left, and Miss
the concert and dance to ba
Hebrew Nursery.
18, 1916.
Well-known Artists Will Contribute Interesting Num
bers at Lyceum Institute Meeting Terpsichoreans
Dance Takes Place Tonight
THE next meeting of the Lyceum In.
stltuto promises to be one of the
most Important and most Interesting of
the seneon. It will lako place at 8: IB
o'clock on Thursday evening, March 23,
In the Kcncseth Isrncl nlumnl build
ing. The program will consist of n mu
slcale, nt which tho nrtlsts will bo Mr.
and Mrs. Russell King Sillier, Mr. Jones,
Mr. Franklin Wood and Sir. Nicholas
Douty. Tho committee In charge con
sists of SIlss Fnnnlo Goldsmith, Sir.
Morton Netler, Sir. Stanley Oppenhclmer
and Miss Cnrrlo Adler, chairman.
The program Is as follows;
1. Quirtet. "My Love Is Like Bed.
lied lime" Garrett
2 Suloi (ni "Absence1 Hyde
Ibl "Adieu, Xotro Tftlte Tnhle,"
(e) "Ibnin to lh Sun" Utorses
. Mrp. Jones.
.1 Polos (nl "Morten" Strauss
(bi "Serine Sons." from "Die .
'n Ikeu re' Warns r
Mr. Nicholas Douty
1 Ju,irlet. "A Soup of Ileal" Davles
r .Solos (ul Din NeiiRlerlge" S-hubert
lb) "What iho Chimney Sanir."
. Mrs. Itusaell Klnc Miller.
0. Duet "Hunting tfonif." from "Klne
Arthur" Dullard
. . .Mr. Doutv nnd -Mr. Wood.
T Solos in) "Tlie UHrlt Plower."
(b) "The N'lght Has a Thousand
. Uj c" Wm, Sillier
Mr. I'r.inklln, Wood,
S. Trio. "Che Mo l'renaT Donizetti
The TerpsUhorenns will give tho fifth
of a series of six dances In tho Gold Room
of tho Hotel Adelphla this evening. Tho
cnminlttce in charge Is composed of Mr.
K. J Illrnbrauer, president; Sir J. P. Mc
Cullough. treasurer: Sir. G. II. Knauor,
assistant treasurer; Mr F. Henderson, sec
rotary; Sir. It. Klnsoy Kerr nnd Sir. C. E.
Wolllnper The pntronesscs nro Sirs. II
Blrnbrauer, .Mrs J. H. Brooks, Sirs. A.
Henderson, SIlss p. Henderson, Sirs. A. H.
Jones, Sirs. J F. Kerr, Sirs. G. II. Knaucr,
Sirs W. It. Loughery, Sirs. SI. H. SIcCul
lough. Sirs F. J. Schlalch and Sirs. C. E.
Wolfl tiger.
Sir. nnd Sirs. John Gilbert Fry nnd SIlss
Aleta Christine Fry will entertain nt cards
t their home, on North 22d street, this
evening The guests will Include Sir. nnd
Sirs. Herman Dolgcndesch, Mr. nnd Sirs,
Paul Delgendesch, SIlss Slabel Rclor. SIlss
Lillian Holer, SIlss Emily Zothc, Sir. Will
iam Wcnlgcr, Sir. Harry Schocnbut. Sir.
Otto F. Ego and Sir. Slerlo Jowell, of
A RECEPTION was held this week nt
tho homo of SIlss Dorothy Lapin,
1431 South Gth street. In honor of Dr.
D. S. Cohen. SIlss Edna Fcshay gavo sev
eral vocal selections, nccompanlcd by Prof.
Frank Rubins, pianist. Tho tablo was
decorated with spiing flowers. Among
thoso present wcro SIlss Sarah Bock, SIlss
Edna Fcshay, SIlss Julian Rosenblum,
SIlss Blanche Cohen, Dr. nnd Sirs. II. A.
Gross, of Atlantic City; Jllss Annetta
Bock, Miss Jennie Cohen, SIlss Dorothy
Lnpln, Sir. nnd Sirs. S. R. Wax. Sir. nnd
Sirs. II. Bear, Sir. and Sirs, Kelscrman,
Sir. nnd Sirs. Lapin, Sir. Thomas Buck,
Sir. Louis Yesnor. Sir. John Cowan. Sir.
Isrncl Goblnsky, Dr, Solomon Polak nnd
Sir. Harry Gross.
Sir. nnd Sirs. William J. SIcSIullen en
tertained tho younger set at an emerald
party ut their home, 2110 South Alden
street, last evening in honor of their
daughter, SIlss SI. Edna SIcSIullen. Among
those present wero SIlss SInry Agnes
Slundy, SIlss Helen SI. Smytho, SIlss Helen
Gallagher. SIlss Sarah K. Gorman. SIlss
Elfredn C. Rablger. SIlss Elva SI. Bauer,
Miss Slario Storgan, SIlss Ella Browning,
Jane Dougherty, SIlss SIcrcedes Aubrey,
SIlss Ella Farroll. SIlss Gladys Hickman,
Miss Margaret Hickman, SIlss Ethel Good
win, Sliss Slaud Whalen, SIlss Slario Par
rel 1, Sir. Norman Jnmes, of Penchbottom,
Sid. ; Sir. Nicholas Castctluccl, of South
Bothlchcm; Sir. Hubert SIcCormnck, Sir.
Arthur Walker, of Dcland. Fla., Sir. II
Asbcnfclter, Sir. Charles Cunlus, Sir. Rob
ert Van Pntton, of Portland, Ore. ; Mr.
Jnmes Stevenson, Sir. William J. SIcSIul
len, Jr.. Sir. John Llttk, Sir. Charles Lit
tle. Sir. Anthoty SIcElwce, Sir. Danlol
Lettley, Sir. Harold Traitor, Sir. James
Couglan nnd Sir. James SIcCay. The
decorations were appropriate to the occa
sion. Sir. and Sirs. Sellg Jnffee, of 816 Snyder
avenue, cnlurtnlned a number of their
friends this week In honor of their Infant
son, Slordccal Jaffeo. Among those pres
ent wcro Rabbi Joseph Grossman, Sir.
and SIra. Solomon nose, Sir. nnd Sirs.
Jacob Rosenblum, Sir. and' Sirs. Jncob SI.
Sallt. Sir. and Sirs. Samuel Sallt, Sir. and
Sirs. Louis Jnffee. Sir. and Sirs. Silverman,
Sir. II. Klein, of Camden; Sir. II. Shul
man. Sir. A. Scharff. Sir. Slorrls Salit, Sir.
Slorrls Slagill, Sir. Samuel Lovln, Sir. Ber
nard Glass, Sir. Leon Herman Roso, Sir.
and Sirs. A. SI. nose. Dr. nnd Sirs. Simon
Shabam,' Dr. Samuel Gross, Sir. Philip
Rosenblum, Sir. David Abrams. of Tren
ton; Sir. Goodman A. Rose, Mrs. Pcssa
Jaffee, Sir. Ell Rose. Sir. Abraham St.
Rosenblum. SIlss Reba Rose, Sir. Israel
Shulman, Sir. William Llpschltz. Slaster
Abraham Jaffeo and Slaster Isadoro Jaf
fee. A CONCERT and dance will be held
under tho auspices of the newly or
ganized auxiliary to the Downtown He
brow Nursery at tho New Auditorium
Hall, 7th street and Snyder avenue, tomor
row evening. Tho proceeds will bo de
oted to tho Institution maintained by the
Downtown Hebrew Day Nursery at 362
Snyder avenue. Prominently Identified
with tho activities of the auxiliary aro
SIlss Ray Jacobson, chairman ; SIlss
Frances Taiz, SIlss Lillian Zeltz, SIlss Ray
Askons, SIlss Roso Hornstelii, SIlss E.
Glnsburg, SIlss Fay Toran, Sllsa R. Gozln
gcr and Sliss Edith Rosenfeld.
SIlss Slargaret Jeannette Slasterson, of
108 North 53d street, entertained Thurs
day evening ut a St. Patrick's party. The
guests Included Sir. and Sirs. Harry A.
Brutsche, Sir. and Sirs. Warrent S, Bos
sert. Sir. Robert Callaghan, Jr., Sir. and
Sirs. Lionel T. Fry, Sir. Frank O. Foltz.
Sir. and Sirs. Eugene S. Frazlttr, Sliss
Helen II Futclu-r, Mrs. Slargaret Johns
ton, Sir. George It, Keesberry, Sir. Joseph
C. Keesberry, Sirs. L. O'Danlel, SIlss Mar
garet O'D.nilel, Sir. and Sirs. Frederick
Schaeffer, Sir. Sibley and Sir. and Mrs.
G. S. Tregellas.
Sliss Helen Chatham, of 5818 Catharine
street, entertained the Phi Delta Psl Soro
rity at her homo Wednesday afternoon.
The members of the sorority are Miss
Naomi Ackley, Sirs. Norman Chambers,
Miss Helen Chatham, SIlss Erma Clower,
Sliss Sllldred Conrey, SIlss Elsa Gross,
SIlss Slargaret Gilmore, SIlss Genevieve
Long, Sliss I'leanoro Long, SIlss Slabel
Luccarenle, SIlss Slargaret Phillips, Miss
Jennie Slagee, Sliss Ruth Mylln, SIlss
Helen StoiUley, SIlss Estelle wood and
Miss Slariou Williams.
A novelty dance will be given by the
Ladles' Auxiliary ut Standard Lodge, at
Students Chapter. Park and Susquehanna
avenues, this evening.
A LEAP year party was given at the
home of Miss Etta Lleder on Sunday
evening. The euests were SIlss Marlon
Teper. Mlsa Rose Shervin, SIlss?Fay Ros
enberg, Miss Sarah bamulvlta, Miss Eliza
bent Samulvlts, the Misse Badner. Miss
Suza Block, Sllsa Elizabeth Lleder. Mlsa
Btta Lleder. Mr. Nathan Neufeid, Mr. L.
Danzig, Mr. Paul Novick. Mr. L .Gold, Mr
Harry Black, Mr. SI- Sillier, Mr. Goldstein,
Mr. Emanuel Lleder, Mr Blum, Mr A.
Berman and Mr. M. Wiener.
A birthday surprise party was given in
honor of Miss Eleanor Klopper last eye
clng at the home of her aunt. Mrs. Leon
ard. StlUo, 7010 Tulip street. Among the
guests were SIlss Ida Stunning, Miss May
Walker, SIlss Harriet Fisher, Miss Louisa.
Stycrson, SIlss Frances Schneider, Mis
SInry Freedman, Miss Josephine Goll, Miss
Paulino Kline, SIlss June Fields, Miss1
Julia Bailey, SIlss Sydney Williams, Miss
Eltznbeth Shea, SIlss Nora Lavelle, Miss
Ethel Allen, Sllsa Gertrude Munich, Miss
Hernlce Vernon, SIlss Alice Herbert, Miss
Lcona Senator, SIlss Sarah Russell, Miss
Catherlno Fisher, Sliss Stary Orllnd, Btr.
Harry Lawrence, Mr. Frank Grossmlth,
Sir. Panels Bennett, Sir. Gcorgo Bnrnetti
Sir. Frank Odell. Sir. Slartln SIcGlbney,
Str. Charles Nigel. Sir. Frank Judets, Mn
George Bnrrle, Sir. Harry Sylvia. Sir.
Horaco Tlghe. Sir. Ralph Jason, Mf.
Gcorgo Station, Sir. John Morgan, Sir.
Jnmes Monroe, Mr. Joseph Watson, Btr
Joseph Wade, Sir. John Duffy, Btr. Walter
Duffy. Str. Jnmes Watson, Mr. Horace
William, Str. Bernard Hausman, Str. Sanv
uel Hausman nnd Sir. and Mrs. Frank
A St. Patrick's Day surprise party was
given by Sirs. W. II. Buxton at her home,
1205 North Staple avenue, last evening, In
honor of her Bister, Sllsa A. Pearl Riddle,
of Valley Forge. Those present Included
tho hostess' father, tho Rev. J. W, Riddle,
Sir. and Sirs. Roland Elliott, Btr. and Mrs.
Frank Logan, SIIbs Florence Griffiths,
Sliss Alice Grimths, Btlss Stay Kunkle,
Stlss Clara Hartman, Sir. and Mrs, J.
W. Riddle, Jr., Blaster Kenneth Riddle,
Btnstor Slalcolm Riddle and Master Rob
ert Riddle.
Tho Boy Scouts will hold a very at
tractive red, whlto and blue bazaar In the
Twentieth Century Club this afternoon and
ovenlng. Tho moving pictures will b
In chargo of tho Scoutmaster, Mr. John
J. H. Phlllpps and Sir. Harrison Matslnger.
Tho cake table will bo In charge of Mrs.
Henry Bnrker; tha candy In charge of
Sirs. Charles E. Wilcox ; fancy articles. In
chnrgo of Sirs. William Wlllor. Tha flsh
pond will be In chargo of the stag patrol
nnd Sirs. William Edwards will hav
charge of the London museum.
Tho mombers of tho Boy Scouts are:
Stag Patrol Mr. Edward Willis, Sir. Loula
Gallnghor, Str. Richard Jones, Sir. John
Ingram, Sir. Robert Alexander, Btr. Gllroy
Damon, Sir. Amcry 1 laughton, Mr. Egel
Putton, Str. Henry Barker, Sir. Joseph
Crowford, Sir. Reed Davis, Str. SIcredlth
Slallcck, Str. Owen Rhoades, Mr. Carl
Stuth and Sir. Earlo Johnson. Silver Fox
Patrol Sir. Leonard Wilcox. Sir. Edward
Wilcox, Str. Ernest StcKenna, Mr. Joseph
Vanzandt, Str. Donald Curttss, Mr. Will
iam Welgan, Sir. Fitch Btott and Sir.
George Nltsky. In the Black Bear Patrol
aro Sir. William Edwards, Sir. James
Adams, Sir. Irving Osgood, Sir. Temple
Butler, Sir. Causman Butler, Sir. Gordan
Chalmers and Sir. Ellison Chalmers.
Delaware County
Under the direction of SIlss Helen
Sutherland Fenn, tho pupils of the Ridley"
Park High School will present tho Feast
of Chlncso Lanterns on Slarch 21 In the
high school.
Sir. nnd Sirs. William Kelly, of Clifton
Heights, entertained a box party last eve
ning In honor of their son-in-law nnd
daughter. Sir. and Sirs. William Llborson.
Tho other guc&ts were Sir. and Blra.
Michael StcGowan nnd Sir. and Sirs. Jo
seph Llndscy.
The 45th nnnual banquet of SInnnlung
Trlbo, No. 118. Improved Order of Red
Sten, will bo hold In tho Masonic Halt
on the, evening of Saturday, Slarch 25.
Slany now features will bo added to tho
event this year and a largo attendance;
of the members Is nssurcd.
Sir. nnd Sir's. William Spink, of dl3
Lyceum avenue, nnd Sir. nnd Sirs. Samuel
P. Kenworthy, of 394 Green lane, who
havo been spending tho last few weeks
at Palm Beach, Fla., have returned home.
Str. David Eden, of 4373 Stain street.
Slanayunk. will leave on Starch '2ET for
Chicago, III.
Sirs. Charles H. Grant, of 1419 Somer
set street, entertained at a St. Patrick's'
Day luncheon yesterday. Tho house was
prettily decorated In green and goldj
nnd suitable favors were given to tho
guests, who Included Sirs. Henry Russell,
Sirs. Herbert Stiles. Mrs. William Starts,
Sirs. William Hunt. Sirs. Stary Wilson,
Sirs. Elizabeth Groff. Sirs. Samuel Wright
and SIlss Stay Reld.
Northeast Philadelphia
Dr. and Sirs. E. J. Dougherty gave a
card party and supper last evening at
their home, 2132 East Cumberland street
Their guests were Dr. and Mrs. McNeil.
Sir. and Sirs. Wilson, Sir, and Mrs. Shaffer
and Doctor and Sirs. Bonsall.
Sirs. S. Abel, of 1209 North 10th street,
and Sirs. S. Flshleder are visiting- in
Bridgeport, Conn., as the guests of Mrs.
B. Altman.
Btr. and Sirs. L. BIcGarvey, of 2216 East
Cumberland street, will entertain this eve
ning, when their guests will be Mr. and
Sirs. Harvey Roth, Sir. and Mrs. R. Mao
Blurtrle, Sir. nnd Sirs. Fisher, Miss Bell
Smith, Str. Leonard BIcGarvey and Mr.
Leonard Smith.
South Philadelphia
Btr. and Mrs. Robert Crist, of 2619
South Rosewood street, are being con
gratulated upon the birth of a son on
February 28. Sirs. Crist will be remena.
bered as Bliss Alma Waltraan.
Sir. and Sirs. Joseph F, SIcDermott, of
South Broad street, are visiting friends
In Baltimore and Washington this week.
Sir. John O'Connor, of 2034 South Hi
street, will entertain a number of his
friends tomorrow evening at his home.
Sir. and Mrs. Arthur Goldberg, of 1631
South 10th street, will entertain a number
of guests at their home this evening.
The Rev. Victor II. Lukens, of tha
Greenwich Street Church, has gone to Hot
Springs, Va.. for a Bhort visit.
Mr. and Sirs. B. Blargolln, of 338 South
3d street, announce the engagement of
their daughter, SIlss Esther Margolin, to
Sir. Leon Kaufman, of this city.
What's Doing Tonight
Yale Alumnt dinner. Itlti-Carlton; T o'clock.
Dramatic lecture, by Laurence Houieman,
Taylor Hall. Uryn lliwrt 8 o'clock.
Prcparrdneu abow, Wrurbt avenue and 9th
street. Camden.
Terpalcborean dance, Adelphla; 8:30 o'clock.
Lecture on "Iron." by Tnoma 8. KowJ
land. Nortbe&at HUb School, 8th street a&4
Lehlsh avenue ; 8 o'clock.
Cornell Untveralty Club dinner. Hotel Adel
phla; T o'clock.
Builneaa appliance abow, lt Regiment Arm,-
Philadelphia Orcheatra concert. Academy ot
Sluelc. 8 o'clock. ....
Lecture, "Aspect of Modern Astronomy,"
by Pror. John Ja. ilUler. Wacner InaUtuU;
8 o'clock
Plans Trades AaaoeUtlea dbuur. JBaUfeVue-
gtratftiroV Hotel. T o'clock.
Alfred Koyes, Enailali poet, . speaks at
Swurthmore CoUeze at the annual neetlcs of
the Pbl Beta Kappa Fraternity: 8 o'clock.-
otlce for the Society pace nul be
.'accepted, and., printed la -4ie Keeiuji
Ledger, bet all. ueh tuUc mud be ):flt,
ten on OJ;e ald f tha .tper, lu'ufjs)
aUneu til full, ytlth fud adareaa. ana iiMp
potable telephone number inut be tire a, ,
I bend all Kueh ceuuxiunifalUMia JH 'Ag.
clety Editor," Evenlas Lcjjer. 0i C'b
iiui atreet.
Unlaw . these reuolrtnwuts an eaiTUl
ut. a that TwIdcatUoEiajr fee, rmlfcaV.
the notice wUI not publkbci.